This is a self deploying container for running a Univention Corporate Server (UCS) with the role of primary, backup, replica directory node or managed node.
This is the container environment with the minimum and/or maximum amount settings. The environment variables can also set and/or unset the univention config registry (ucr) entryes.
For minimum amount setting, you need the container option ( --hostname ${hostname}.${domainname}
) and you get a ucs primary directory node with auto generated root/Administrator password. But, take a look at all the environment options, it will explaine you the features of this project.
--hostname hostname
--domainname domainname
--hostname hostname.domainname
--name hostname.domainname
--env DEBUG=(1|yes|true|YES|TRUE)
This will also set some BASH
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
set -o errtrace
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set the latest version by GitHub default branch DEFAULT(TRUE)
--env LATEST=(1|yes|true|YES|TRUE)
--env RESTART=(1|yes|true|YES|TRUE)
Read more in section container volumes.
--env BACKUPS=(1|yes|true|YES|TRUE)
maximum/special environment variables (egrep -- "^--env" | sed 's/^\-\-env\s//g')
You need a alternative way to ( docker run ... --env key=value ... )
or like to use the docker swarm secrets style?
This works also as read only volume mount and will be used inside the container as environment variable.
STEP 1. echo ${value} > ${key}
or jq --compact-output . ${key}.json > ${key}
STEP 2. docker run ... --volume ${key}:/run/secrets/${key}:ro ...
or all in once
SECRETS docker run ... --volume ${hostname}.secrets.${domainname}:/run/secrets:ro ...
Finaly, you find the secret key
with value
by the container path /run/secrets/${key}
, but it's not inside the environment ( docker exec ... env )
. Pleas note, each key will be transferred into a environment file ( /dev/shm/univention-container-mode.env )
separately. For PLAN B; collect all your environment variables into one file and mount the environment file as read only volume.
cat ${PWD}/environment.env
PLAN B. docker run ... --volume ${PWD}/environment.env:/dev/shm/univention-container-mode.env:ro ...
Set the system role to primary, backup, replica directory node or managed node.
--env role=(master|slave|backup|member)
If the system role isn't a primary directory node, we need to join a master with a vaild accout plus password. The default value for dcuser
is Administrator
--env dcname=DomainControllerName
--env dcuser=DomainControllerUserAccount
--env dcpass=DomainControllerUserPassWord
You have to wait for a primary directory node? Use dcwait
, but be sure that this option will wait forever! ( curl --silent --fail --output /dev/null http://${dcname}/joined
--env dcwait=(1|yes|true|YES|TRUE)
It's also possible to set a master nameserver by using one or more vaild master ip address(es) ( IPv4 and/or IPv6 ).
--env nameserver='first second third'
DEFAULT: echo $(pwgen -1 -${machine_password_complexity:-scn} ${machine_password_length:-64} | tr --delete '\n') > ${FILE}
ONLY USE ONCE AS ROOT: /bin/bash /usr/lib/univention-container-mode/secrets
optionally with join help /bin/bash /usr/lib/univention-container-mode/secrets --join-help
Sets the root/Administrator password for system role master. If not a master, only the container root password will set.
--env rootpw=ADm1nAndRo0tPaSSw0rdFoRsYst3mRoleMaSt3r
Only the container root user will get this ssh public key.
--env sshkey='ssh-rsa key user@${hostname}.${domainname}'
nameserver will overwrite univention config registry ( IPv4 and/or IPv6 )
Default for the system role master is forced as the localhost configuration ( "::1" "" "" ) and with the forwarder defined as ( "" "" "" ) if any given forwarder isn't valid.
--env nameserver='first second third'
dns/forwarder will overwrite univention config registry ( IPv4 and/or IPv6 )
Fallback forwarder defined as ( "" "" "" ) if any given forwarders isn't valid.
--env forwarder='first second third'
--env language=de_DE
--env encoding=UTF-8
--env timezone=Europe/Berlin
Packages that start with univention /^univention-/
will try to be installed via univention app center /^univention-<APP>/
. Removed packages are marked as automaticly installed and the value add-app
instead of install
will perform ( univention-add-app --all <APP> )
or ( univention-app install --noninteractive <APP> )
Example: The package univention-samba4 will be installed via apt ( apt-get install univention-samba4 )
and via app center ( univention-add-app --all samba4 )
too. But if you need an AD-compatible domain controller ( samba4 ), keep it simple and use ( --env install='{"add-app":["samba4"]}' )
maybe with print server ( cups ) ( --env install='{"add-app":["samba4","cups"]}' )
Read more about the app center ( Univention App Center ) and find some useful apps ( Univention App Center Catalog ).
--env install='{"(add-app|install|remove)":["(app|package)","(app|package)",...]}'
import key=value
into the univention config registry form ENV
All lowercase environment variables /^[a-z]/
will overwrite the univention config registry (ucr) entries with key=value
or remove with key=''
, underline keys will converted to forward slash gsub(/\_/, "/")
. ( Excluded keys are: rootpw, sshkey, dcname, dcuser, dcpass, dcwait, language, encoding, timezone, role, license, nameserver, forwarder, domainname, hostname, registry, install, container, certificates, credentials )
--env key=value (ucr set key=value)
--env key='' (ucr unset key)
--env key_sub=value (ucr set key/sub=value)
import key=value
into the univention config registry from JSON
To remove an entry, use {"key":null}
, this will perform ( ucr unset key )
--env registry='{"key":"value"[,"key":"value",...]}'
Import an external root certificate. For that you need a CERTIFICATE(rootCA.crt)
as signkey and the RSA-PRIVATE-PASS-PHRASE(rootCA.pass)
. The algorithm cipher is depend on the univention config registry value ssl/ca/cipher
( univention-config-registry search ssl/ca/cipher
) and will be updated during the installation, this will be automaticly converted from JSON field .root.certificate.(rsa|dsa|ecdsa).encryption.algorithm
. It's also possible to import a host and/or sso ( ucs-sso.${domainname}
) certificate(s). Below you will find a minimum and a maximum JSON string to import. Default, the openssl PEM
format is recommended.
This option will only work for the system role primary directory node ( legacy term: "master" ).
--env certificates='{"root":{"certificate":{"crt":"<string(single line base64)>"},"(rsa|dsa|ecdsa)":{"encryption":{"signkey":"<string(single line base64)>","encrypted":<bool(true)>,"version":<int>,"algorithm":"<string>","password":"<string>","salt":"<string(hex)>"}}}}'
minimum certificate string, for external root certificate with passphrase and signkey ( optionally with unencrypted private key and public key )
# certificates<string JSON({
# "root": {
# "certificate": {
# "crt": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "(rsa|dsa|ecdsa)": {
# "key": {
# "private": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "public": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "encryption": {
# "signkey": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "encrypted": <bool(true)>,
# "version": <int>,
# "algorithm": "<string>",
# "password": "<string>",
# "salt": "<string(hex)>"
# }
# }
# }
# }
# )>
maximum certificate string, for external root certificate with passphrase and optionally host and/or sso certificate
# certificates<string JSON({
# "root": {
# "certificate": {
# "req": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "crt": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "crl": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "(rsa|dsa|ecdsa)": {
# "key": {
# "private": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "public": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "encryption": {
# "signkey": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "encrypted": <bool(true)>,
# "version": <int>,
# "algorithm": "<string>",
# "password": "<string>",
# "salt": "<string(hex)>"
# }
# }
# },
# "host": {
# "fqdn": "${hostname}.${domainname}",
# "certificate": {
# "req": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "crt": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "(rsa|dsa|ecdsa)": {
# "key": {
# "private": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "public": "<string(single line base64)>"
# }
# }
# },
# "sso": {
# "fqdn": "ucs-sso.${domainname}",
# "certificate": {
# "req": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "crt": "<string(single line base64)>"
# },
# "(rsa|dsa|ecdsa)": {
# "key": {
# "private": "<string(single line base64)>",
# "public": "<string(single line base64)>"
# }
# }
# }
# }
# )>
If you would like to test with a self signed root certificate, you can use the following commands to generate them.
echo $(pwgen -1 -${machine_password_complexity:-scn} ${machine_password_length:-64} | tr --delete '\n') > rootCA.pass
second: generate rsa private key with passphrase as signkey ( since OpenSSL 3.0.0 you need the -traditional fallback option )
openssl genrsa -traditional -${ssl_ca_cipher:-aes256} -passout pass:"$(<rootCA.pass)" -out rootCA.key ${ssl_default_bits:-4096} \
|| openssl genrsa -${ssl_ca_cipher:-aes256} -passout pass:"$(<rootCA.pass)" -out rootCA.key ${ssl_default_bits:-4096}
third: generate the root certificate from rsa private sign key with the passphrase ( optionally noninteractiv with additional informations )
openssl req -x509 -new \
-nodes \
-out rootCA.crt \
-key rootCA.key \
-passin pass:"$(<rootCA.pass)" \
-days ${ssl_default_days:-1825} \
-${ssl_default_hashfunction:-sha256} \
-set_serial 00
openssl req -x509 -new \
-batch \
-nodes \
-out rootCA.crt \
-key rootCA.key \
-passin pass:"$(<rootCA.pass)" \
-days ${ssl_default_days:-1825} \
-${ssl_default_hashfunction:-sha256} \
-addext "crlDistributionPoints=URI:http://dc.ucs.example:80/ucsCA.crl" \
-addext "authorityInfoAccess=caIssuers;URI:http://dc.ucs.example:80/ucs-root-ca.crt" \
-subj "/C=US/ST=US/L=US/O=UCS/OU=Univention Corporate Server/CN=Univention Corporate Server Root CA (ID=$(pwgen -1 -scn 9 | tr --delete '\n'))/[email protected]" \
-set_serial 00
openssl x509 -noout -text -in rootCA.crt
finally: generate the option to read in the root certificate into JSON ( optionally directly from your UCS or from UCS container mode )
CERT=rootCA.crt; SIGN=rootCA.key; PASS=rootCA.pass; \
echo --env certificates=\''{"root":{"certificate":{"crt":"'$(openssl x509 -outform PEM -in ${CERT} | awk '{ if( NF==1 ){ printf $0 } }')'"},"rsa":{"encryption":{"signkey":"'$(awk '{ if( NF==1 ){ printf $0 } }' ${SIGN})'","encrypted":'$(awk '/^Proc-Type/{ split($2,TYPE,","); if ( TYPE[2]=="ENCRYPTED" ) { printf "true" } }' ${SIGN})',"version":'$(awk '/^Proc-Type/{ split($2,TYPE,","); printf TYPE[1] }' ${SIGN})',"algorithm":"'$(awk '/^DEK-Info/{ split($2,DEK,","); printf DEK[1] }' ${SIGN})'","password":"'$(tr --delete '\n' < ${PASS})'","salt":"'$(awk '/^DEK-Info/{ split($2,DEK,","); printf DEK[2] }' ${SIGN})'"}}}}'\'
CERT=/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem; SIGN=/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/private/CAkey.pem; PASS=/etc/univention/ssl/password; \
echo --env certificates=\''{"root":{"certificate":{"crt":"'$(openssl x509 -outform PEM -in ${CERT} | awk '{ if( NF==1 ){ printf $0 } }')'"},"rsa":{"encryption":{"signkey":"'$(awk '{ if( NF==1 ){ printf $0 } }' ${SIGN})'","encrypted":'$(awk '/^Proc-Type/{ split($2,TYPE,","); if ( TYPE[2]=="ENCRYPTED" ) { printf "true" } }' ${SIGN})',"version":'$(awk '/^Proc-Type/{ split($2,TYPE,","); printf TYPE[1] }' ${SIGN})',"algorithm":"'$(awk '/^DEK-Info/{ split($2,DEK,","); printf DEK[1] }' ${SIGN})'","password":"'$(tr --delete '\n' < ${PASS})'","salt":"'$(awk '/^DEK-Info/{ split($2,DEK,","); printf DEK[2] }' ${SIGN})'"}}}}'\'
/bin/bash /usr/lib/univention-container-mode/certificates --minimum
license<string ( LDAP OBJECT )> Univention License Models