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Kent Bar

The new Kent bar will be a replacement for the current Kent nav bar. The new version will allow personalisation for staff and students if they are logged in via SSO to allow them to quickly access the services relevant to them.

It is a Exoskeleton.js app app which is a derivative of Backbone, built without jQuery or Underscore.


This product is publicly available under the terms of the MIT license included in this repository. Please refer to the current brand guidelines for use of the existing brand.

Using the Bar

To add the Kent Bar to you webpage simply include the build/deploy/assets/app.js script. This should be loaded asynchronously before you </body tag.

<script src="URL_PATH_TO/build/deploy/assets/app.js" async></script>

Customizing and configuring the bar

To customise the bar you can set a number of options prior to including the script above.

These options should be defined in a javascript object as below:

	window.KENT  = window.KENT || {};
	window.KENT.kentbar = {

Note it is important to check for the existence of the preceding KENT namespace object as other Kent services may have already defined this object for their own purposes.

Config Options

Option Description Default Example(s)
target A string selector for the target dom element for the bar to use as its container. If false (default) then a div will be inserted automatically at the top of <body>. false "#myBar", ""
render Whether the bar should render the contents of the target container. This is designed for advanced use where you which to modify or customize the contents of the bar. By setting to false you are responsible for creating the necessary markup for component menus and buttons etc. true true, false
components An ordered Array of component names for components which you wish the bar to render. Note this value is ignored if render is false. Possible components are: 'student', 'staff', 'departments' and 'alumni'. ["student", "staff" ] ["staff","departmetns"]
custom_link An object containing a title and url value representing custom link that will be added tot he end of the bar. false { title:"TEST", url:""}
styles The stylesheets you wish the bar to load. Stylesheets available are: kentfont - the Kent Font styles and font face declarations; fonts: The ArialLight font face declarations use as the primary font for the bar; base: the Kent Bar's styles. If any of these styles are not loaded by the bar you are responsible for providing a suitable replacement. { kentfont:true, fonts:true, base:true } { kentfont:false, fonts:false, base:true }


Make sure you have Node installed on your system. You also need to have grunt-cli installed globally:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Clone this repo to a local directory and run npm install to install dependencies:

$ git clone [email protected]:unikent/kent-bar.git
$ cd kent-bar
$ npm install

Running the Development Server

Run the development server:

$ grunt server

If you're using localhost, that's it! If you're not using localhost, it'll be virtualhostname:7070

Your app is now running on port 7070. To see it, just open it in your browser:

$ open http://localhost:7070

Grunt will watch your src directory for changes and recompile as needed, triggering a refresh in your browser.


The JS Exoskeleton project is stored in the src/js directory.

SCSS is stored in src/scss.

Static assets like images are located in src/public, the contents of which are copied directly into the root of each build without preprocessing.

Grunt configuration is returned by config/get-config.js, which in turn requires task-specific configuration files stored in the config directory.

Unit tests are included in the test directory (see below).

When Grunt, Browserify and Sass compile the application, the result is stored in a subdirectory of the build directory (which is ignored by git). Builds for the development server are stored in build/dev/, builds for unit testing are in build/test/, and builds for deploying to production or staging are in build/deploy/.

Testing and Linting

Linting is via JSLint and testing using Mocha and Test'em.

  • Run npm install -g phantomjs to install PhantomJS globally.
  • Run npm test to run all tests provided in the test directory using PhantomJS and to JSLint the application code (including all tests and configuration).

Additionally, you may opt to install Testem globally by running npm install -g testem. Doing so makes it easy to run tests against local browsers by running testem in the project directory.


The audience bar calls the services and departments endpoints on api.kent. (N.B. You'll also want to clone the API repo for local development.) These are used to assist with personalisation - showing the most relevant systems to staff and student users. The departments link on the audience bar provides a search so that users can easily go to the faculty/department website that they're looking for.


The Kent Bar will cache the api results it receives in browser localstorage for 24 hours. Api requests will still be cached via nginx and api.kent as normal.