title | sidebarTitle | description | icon |
Configuration reference |
Configuration |
Unicon configuration reference |
gear |
For example, if you set the prefix to `heroicons`, you can render icons from the `heroicons` icon set
using the following syntax:
+ <x-icon name="clock" />
- <x-icon name="heroicons:clock" />
- Blade component: `<x-{name}>`
- Blade directive: `@{name}`
If the request times out, the component won't be rendered.
<ParamField path="request_options" type="map" default="['timeout' => 5]">
This value is a map of http request options to be passed to the underlying Guzzle client
for all requests to the Iconify API.
For example, you can set the `timeout` option to set a custom timeout.
'request_options' => [
'timeout' => 10,
See the Guzzle documentation about the [request options](https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html)
for more information.