diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 991fe914a..f82eb8628 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+* Add new office endpoint
+* Update etools source to match latest etools
+* Add ordering to model Meta for pagination where needed
+* Add disaggregation field to PRP data report
* fixes #18276 - Add `Achievement in reporting period` field to the prp/datareport endpoint
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c3f784036..0cd0cd81b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,35 +1,33 @@
PG_ETOOLS_PARAMS?=-U postgres -p 15432 -h
mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}
- echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Usage:"
+ @echo " make develop build dev environment "
+ @echo " make test run tests "
+ @echo " make lint run lint checks "
+ @echo " make clean remove generated files "
+ @echo " make fullclean clean + remove cache "
+ @echo " make docs generate docs "
+ @echo " make run run app "
@poetry run
poetry run pre-commit install
poetry run pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push.
- $(MAKE) .init-db
- psql -h ${PGHOST} -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS etools_datamart;' -U ${PGUSER}
- psql -h ${PGHOST} -c 'CREATE DATABASE etools_datamart;' -U $PGUSER
- pipenv run py.test -v --create-db
+ poetry run py.test -v --create-db
- pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files
- pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage push
- pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage manual
+ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
+ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage push
+ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage manual
rm -fr ${BUILDDIR} dist *.egg-info .coverage coverage.xml .eggs
@@ -38,22 +36,19 @@ clean:
rm -f db/clean.sql db/etools.dump db/public.sqldump db/tenant.sql
- rm -fr .tox .cache .pytest_cache .venv
+ rm -fr .cache .pytest_cache
$(MAKE) clean
sh src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/dump.sh ${PG_ETOOLS_PARAMS}
-docs: .mkbuilddir
+ .mkbuilddir
mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/docs
sphinx-build -aE docs/ ${BUILDDIR}/docs
ifdef BROWSE
firefox ${BUILDDIR}/docs/index.html
- PYTHONPATH=./src poetry run celery worker -A etools_datamart --loglevel=DEBUG --concurrency=4 --purge --pidfile celery.pid &
- PYTHONPATH=./src poetry run celery beat -A etools_datamart.celery --loglevel=DEBUG --pidfile beat.pid &
-# PYTHONPATH=./src pipenv run gunicorn -b etools_datamart.config.wsgi --pid gunicorn.pid &
- poetry run docker run -d -p 5555:5555 -e CELERY_BROKER_URL=${CELERY_BROKER_URL} --name datamart-flower --rm saxix/flower
+ docker-compose up
diff --git a/db/update_etools_schema.sh b/db/update_etools_schema.sh
index 91810d6d0..5b41a30f7 100755
--- a/db/update_etools_schema.sh
+++ b/db/update_etools_schema.sh
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ set -e
CURDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
PROJECT_DIR="`cd "${CURDIR}/..";pwd`"
-export PGHOST=
-export PGPORT=15432
+export DEBUG=True
+export PGHOST=db-etools
+export PGPORT=5432
export DATABASE_NAME=etools
export DATABASE_USER=postgres
@@ -235,9 +236,10 @@ function obfuscate(){
+ IFS=,
for tenant in $BASE_SCHEMAS; do
cat clean.tpl.sql | sed "s/_SCHEMA_/${tenant}/" > $CURDIR/clean.sql || exit 1
- psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+ psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
-qtAX \
-f $CURDIR/clean.sql || exit 1
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ function reset_password(){
- psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+ psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
-qtAX \
-c "SET search_path=public;UPDATE auth_user SET password='';" || exit 1
@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ function dump_public(){
pg_dump --inserts -O \
-n public \
--format c \
--blobs \
@@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ function dump_tenant(){
for tenant in $BASE_SCHEMAS; do
echo "4.2.1 Dump $tenant"
- pg_dump --inserts -O -d ${DATABASE_NAME} \
+ pg_dump --inserts -O -d ${DATABASE_NAME} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
--exclude-table-data django_migrations \
--exclude-table-data django_comments \
--exclude-table-data django_comment_flags \
@@ -363,10 +366,10 @@ function inspect(){
cd $CURDIR/..
echo "6.1 Inspect 'public' schema"
- ./manage.py inspectschema --database etools > $CURDIR/../src/etools_datamart/apps/etools/models/public_new.py
+ ./manage.py inspectschema --database etools > $MODEL_DIR/public_new.py
echo "6.2 Inspect 'tenant' schema (${BASE_SCHEMA})"
- ./manage.py inspectschema --database etools --schema=${BASE_SCHEMA} > $CURDIR/../src/etools_datamart/apps/etools/models/tenant_new.py
+ ./manage.py inspectschema --database etools --schema=${BASE_SCHEMA} > $MODEL_DIR/tenant_new.py
echo "6.3 Backup old models"
mv $MODEL_DIR/public.py $MODEL_DIR/public_old.py
@@ -375,6 +378,7 @@ function inspect(){
echo "6.4 Enable new models"
mv $MODEL_DIR/public_new.py $MODEL_DIR/public.py
mv $MODEL_DIR/tenant_new.py $MODEL_DIR/tenant.py
echo "6.5 Checking installation"
./manage.py check
@@ -398,7 +402,7 @@ function summary(){
partners_intervention_flat_locations \
- v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+ v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
-qtAX \
@@ -408,21 +412,21 @@ function summary(){
echo "================================================================"
-# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
# -qtAX \
# -c "SET search_path=${BASE_SCHEMA};SELECT COUNT(*) FROM partners_partnerorganization;"`
# echo "number_of_partnerorganization = $v"
-# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
# -qtAX \
# -c "SET search_path=${BASE_SCHEMA};SELECT COUNT(*) FROM partners_intervention;"`
# echo "number_of_intervention = $v"
-# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} \
+# v=`psql -h ${PGHOST} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${DATABASE_USER} \
# -qtAX \
# -c "SET search_path=${BASE_SCHEMA};SELECT COUNT(*) FROM activities_activity;"`
@@ -444,8 +448,6 @@ function clean(){
rm -f tenant_*.sql
rm -f clean.sql
rm -f public.sqldump
@@ -454,7 +456,7 @@ start=$SECONDS
if [[ "$DROP" == "1" ]]; then
- echo "1.x SKIP Dropping ans recreating database (RESTORE)"
+ echo "1.x SKIP Dropping and recreating database (RESTORE)"
if [[ "$OBFUSCATE" == "1" ]]; then
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 71d79b325..4a80ed459 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,83 +1,91 @@
version: '2'
-# proxy:
-# build: ./proxy
-# ports:
-# - 8000:8000
-# depends_on:
-# - datamart
-# - flower
-# base:
-# build:
-# context: .
-# dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.alpine.base
-# args:
-# VERSION: "x.x"
+ proxy:
+ image: traefik:v2.1
+ command: --api.insecure=True --providers.docker
+ ports:
+ - "8083:80"
+ - "8080:8080"
+ container_name: datamart_proxy
+ volumes:
+ - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
-# datamart:
-# build:
-# context: .
-# dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.alpine
-# args:
-# BASE_IMAGE: "2.11-base"
-# environment: &environment
-# AUTOCREATE_USERS: "admin,123"
-# BASE_IMAGE: "compose"
-# CACHE_URL: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-# CACHE_URL_LOCK: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-# CACHE_URL_API: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-# CACHE_URL_TEMPLATE: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-# CELERY_BROKER_URL: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-# CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: "redis://redis:6379/1"
-## CELERY_BROKER_URL: "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq/datamart"
-## CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq/datamart"
-# DATABASE_URL: postgis://postgres:@db:5432/etools_datamart
-# DATABASE_URL_ETOOLS: postgis://postgres:@etools:5432/etools
-# DEBUG: 0
-# SECRET_KEY: kuhfjhgfuytfuytfuygfuytdfuydfuygdfuygdfuytf
-# STATIC_ROOT: /var/datamart/static/
-# STATIC_URL: /dm-static/
-# command: datamart
-# ports:
-# - 9999:8000
-# depends_on:
-# - db
-# - etools
-# - redis
+ datamart:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.dev
+ args:
+ BASE_IMAGE: "2.11-base"
+ container_name: datamart
+ environment:
+ DEBUG: 1
+ DATABASE_URL: postgis://postgres:@db:5432/etools_datamart
+ DATABASE_URL_ETOOLS: postgis://postgres:@db-etools:5432/etools
+ DATABASE_URL_PRP: postgis://postgres:@db-prp:5432/prp
+ AUTOCREATE_USERS: "admin,123"
+ BASE_IMAGE: "compose"
+ CACHE_URL: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ CACHE_URL_LOCK: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ CACHE_URL_API: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ CACHE_URL_TEMPLATE: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ CELERY_BROKER_URL: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: "redis://redis:6379/1"
+ STATIC_ROOT: /code/src/etools_datamart/apps/web/static/
+ GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH: "/usr/lib/libgeos_c.so.1"
+ GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH: "/usr/lib/libgdal.so.26"
+ command: bash -c "python /code/manage.py migrate && python /code/manage.py runserver"
+ volumes:
+ - "$PWD:/code"
+ labels:
+ - "traefik.http.routers.datamart.rule=PathPrefix(`/`)"
+ - traefik.http.routers.datamart.service=datamart
+ - traefik.http.services.datamart.loadBalancer.server.port=8080
+ - traefik.enable=true
+ depends_on:
+ - db
+ - redis
image: mdillon/postgis:9.6
+ container_name: datamart_db
POSTGRES_DB: etools_datamart
- - "$PWD/~build/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
- ports:
- - 25432:5432
+ - "$PWD/build/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
- etools:
+ # Rely on etools and prp database instances running locally
+ db-etools:
image: mdillon/postgis:9.6
- ports:
- - "15432:5432"
+ container_name: datamart_etools
shm_size: '1gb'
+ POSTGRES_DB: etools
- - ${VOLUME_ETOOLS_DATA}:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+ - "$PWD/build/etools:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
+ db-prp:
+ image: mdillon/postgis:9.6
+ shm_size: '1gb'
+ container_name: datamart_prp
+ environment:
+ POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+ volumes:
+ - "$PWD/build/prp:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
image: redis:alpine
+ container_name: datamart_redis
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.alpine.base b/docker/Dockerfile.alpine.base
index d65b2e2bc..3840eb439 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.alpine.base
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.alpine.base
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .run-deps \
# libzmq \
# jpeg \
mailcap \
+ postgresql-client \
# xmlsec \
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.dev b/docker/Dockerfile.dev
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4f579115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.dev
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+FROM unicef/datamart:${BASE_IMAGE}
+Add poetry.lock .
+Add pyproject.toml .
+RUN apk add bash
+RUN mkdir /tmp/static
+ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE etools_datamart.config.settings
+VOLUME "./:/code/"
+WORKDIR /code/
diff --git a/docker/Makefile b/docker/Makefile
index 81d424dd5..677c33142 100644
--- a/docker/Makefile
+++ b/docker/Makefile
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ DATABASE_URL_ETOOLS?=
BASE?=$(shell echo "${TARGET}" | sed "s/\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\(.*\)/\1.\2/g" )
#BASE?=$(shell echo "${TARGET}" | sed "s/\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\(.*\)/\1.\2/g" | echo "`xargs`xx" )
# below vars are used internally
+# BUILD_OPTIONS?=--squash
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index c8dcbee8d..dee9fcaf5 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ description = "Django mixin to easily add urls to any ModelAdmin"
name = "admin-extra-urls"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.1.0"
-six = "*"
+version = "2.2.0"
-dev = ["autopep8", "check-manifest", "flake8", "pep8", "readme", "wheel", "coverage", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest", "pdbpp", "pyquery", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "tox (>=2.3)", "wheel"]
-tests = ["coverage", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest", "pdbpp", "pyquery", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "tox (>=2.3)", "wheel"]
+dev = ["autopep8", "check-manifest", "flake8", "pep8", "readme", "wheel", "coverage", "factory-boy", "django-webtest", "pdbpp", "pyquery", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "tox (>=2.3)"]
+tests = ["coverage", "factory-boy", "django-webtest", "pdbpp", "pyquery", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "tox (>=2.3)", "wheel"]
category = "main"
@@ -47,7 +44,7 @@ description = "Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private key
name = "asn1crypto"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.2.0"
+version = "1.3.0"
category = "dev"
@@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ description = "Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python (Common)"
name = "azure-common"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.1.24"
+version = "1.1.25"
category = "main"
@@ -131,7 +128,7 @@ description = "Screen-scraping library"
name = "beautifulsoup4"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "4.8.1"
+version = "4.8.2"
soupsieve = ">=1.2"
@@ -146,15 +143,15 @@ description = "Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes"
name = "billiard"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = ""
+version = ""
category = "dev"
description = "Version-bump your software with a single command!"
name = "bump2version"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "0.5.11"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "1.0.0"
category = "main"
@@ -162,11 +159,11 @@ description = "Distributed Task Queue."
name = "celery"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*,"
-version = "4.4.0"
+version = "4.4.2"
-billiard = ">=3.6.1,<4.0"
-kombu = ">=4.6.7,<4.7"
+billiard = ">=,<4.0"
+kombu = ">=4.6.8,<4.7"
pytz = ">0.0-dev"
vine = "1.3.0"
@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ s3 = ["boto3 (>=1.9.125)"]
slmq = ["softlayer-messaging (>=1.0.3)"]
solar = ["ephem"]
sqlalchemy = ["sqlalchemy"]
-sqs = ["boto3 (>=1.9.125)", "pycurl"]
+sqs = ["boto3 (>=1.9.125)", "pycurl ("]
tblib = ["tblib (>=1.3.0)", "tblib (>=1.5.0)"]
yaml = ["PyYAML (>=3.10)"]
zookeeper = ["kazoo (>=1.3.1)"]
@@ -218,7 +215,7 @@ description = "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code."
name = "cffi"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.13.2"
+version = "1.14.0"
pycparser = "*"
@@ -228,11 +225,8 @@ category = "dev"
description = "Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages."
name = "cfgv"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "2.0.1"
-six = "*"
+python-versions = ">=3.6.1"
+version = "3.1.0"
category = "main"
@@ -248,9 +242,10 @@ description = "Check MANIFEST.in in a Python source package for completeness"
name = "check-manifest"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "0.40"
+version = "0.41"
+pep517 = "*"
toml = "*"
@@ -262,11 +257,11 @@ description = "Circus is a program that will let you run and watch multiple pro
name = "circus"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.15.0"
+version = "0.16.1"
psutil = "*"
-pyzmq = ">=13.1.0,<17.0"
+pyzmq = ">=17.0"
six = "*"
tornado = ">=3.0,<5.0"
@@ -310,7 +305,7 @@ description = "Code coverage measurement for Python"
name = "coverage"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, <4"
-version = "5.0"
+version = "5.0.4"
toml = ["toml"]
@@ -342,7 +337,7 @@ marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\""
name = "decorator"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*"
-version = "4.4.1"
+version = "4.4.2"
category = "main"
@@ -352,13 +347,21 @@ optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
version = "0.6.0"
+category = "dev"
+description = "Distribution utilities"
+name = "distlib"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+version = "0.3.0"
category = "main"
description = "A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design."
name = "django"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
-version = "2.2.9"
+version = "2.2.11"
pytz = "*"
@@ -374,7 +377,7 @@ description = "Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.Mo
name = "django-adminactions"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.8.0"
+version = "1.8.1"
pytz = "*"
@@ -384,8 +387,8 @@ xlrd = ">=0.9.2"
xlwt = "*"
-dev = ["isort", "pdbpp", "virtualenv", "wheel", "check-manifest", "docutils", "check-manifest", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest (1.9.2)", "flake8", "mock (>=1.0.1)", "modernize", "pillow", "pytest", "pytest-cache", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "readme", "selenium (>=2.42.0)", "setuptools (>=15.0)", "tox"]
-test = ["six", "pytz", "unicodecsv (>=0.9.4)", "xlrd (>=0.9.2)", "xlwt", "check-manifest", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest (1.9.2)", "flake8", "mock (>=1.0.1)", "modernize", "pillow", "pytest", "pytest-cache", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "readme", "selenium (>=2.42.0)", "setuptools (>=15.0)", "tox"]
+dev = ["isort", "pdbpp", "virtualenv", "wheel", "check-manifest", "docutils", "check-manifest", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest", "flake8", "mock (>=1.0.1)", "modernize", "pillow", "pytest", "pytest-cache", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "readme", "selenium (>=2.42.0)", "setuptools (>=15.0)", "tox"]
+test = ["six", "pytz", "unicodecsv (>=0.9.4)", "xlrd (>=0.9.2)", "xlwt", "check-manifest", "django-dynamic-fixture", "django-webtest", "flake8", "mock (>=1.0.1)", "modernize", "pillow", "pytest", "pytest-cache", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "pytest-echo", "pytest-pythonpath", "readme", "selenium (>=2.42.0)", "setuptools (>=15.0)", "tox"]
category = "main"
@@ -405,11 +408,10 @@ description = "A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged ap
name = "django-appconf"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.0.3"
+version = "1.0.4"
django = "*"
-six = "*"
category = "main"
@@ -417,7 +419,11 @@ description = "Reusable, generic mixins for Django"
name = "django-braces"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.13.0"
+version = "1.14.0"
+Django = ">=1.11.0"
+six = "*"
category = "main"
@@ -425,10 +431,12 @@ description = "Database-backed Periodic Tasks."
name = "django-celery-beat"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.5.0"
+version = "2.0.0"
-django-timezone-field = ">=2.0"
+Django = ">=1.11.17"
+celery = "*"
+django-timezone-field = ">=4.0,<5.0"
python-crontab = ">=2.3.4"
@@ -450,7 +458,7 @@ description = "Optimistic lock implementation for Django. Prevents users from do
name = "django-concurrency"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.0"
+version = "2.1.1"
category = "main"
@@ -458,7 +466,7 @@ description = "Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis."
name = "django-constance"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.4.0"
+version = "2.6.0"
database = ["django-picklefield"]
@@ -470,7 +478,7 @@ description = "django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the serv
name = "django-cors-headers"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
-version = "3.2.0"
+version = "3.2.1"
Django = ">=1.11"
@@ -481,15 +489,12 @@ description = "Provides a country field for Django models."
name = "django-countries"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "5.5"
-six = "*"
+version = "6.1.2"
-dev = ["tox", "django", "pytest", "pytest-django", "djangorestframework", "mock"]
+dev = ["tox", "black", "django", "pytest", "pytest-django", "djangorestframework", "graphene-django"]
maintainer = ["transifex-client", "zest.releaser", "django"]
-test = ["pytest", "pytest-django", "pytest-cov", "mock"]
+test = ["pytest", "pytest-django", "pytest-cov", "graphene-django"]
category = "main"
@@ -512,7 +517,7 @@ description = "Best way to have Django DRY forms"
name = "django-crispy-forms"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.8.1"
+version = "1.9.0"
category = "main"
@@ -550,7 +555,7 @@ description = "Extensions for Django"
name = "django-extensions"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.2.5"
+version = "2.2.9"
six = ">=1.2"
@@ -572,7 +577,7 @@ description = "Django app to allow superusers to impersonate other users."
name = "django-impersonate"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.4.1"
+version = "1.5"
category = "main"
@@ -588,7 +593,7 @@ description = "Django JSON Editor"
name = "django-jsoneditor"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.1.4"
+version = "0.1.6"
packaging = "*"
@@ -599,14 +604,15 @@ description = "Detect backward incompatible migrations for your django project"
name = "django-migration-linter"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.4.1"
+version = "2.1.0"
appdirs = "1.4.3"
django = ">=1.11"
+six = "1.14.0"
-test = ["tox (3.14.0)", "mysqlclient (1.4.6)", "psycopg2-binary (2.8.4)", "django-add-default-value (0.3.2)"]
+test = ["tox (3.14.3)", "mysqlclient (1.4.6)", "psycopg2-binary (2.8.4)", "django-add-default-value (0.3.2)"]
category = "main"
@@ -625,7 +631,7 @@ description = "Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with
name = "django-mptt"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
-version = "0.10.0"
+version = "0.11.0"
Django = ">=1.11"
@@ -637,11 +643,11 @@ description = "OAuth2 Provider for Django"
name = "django-oauth-toolkit"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.2.0"
+version = "1.3.2"
-django = ">=2.0"
-oauthlib = ">=2.0.3"
+django = ">=2.1"
+oauthlib = ">=3.0.1"
requests = ">=2.13.0"
@@ -650,7 +656,7 @@ description = "Pickled object field for Django"
name = "django-picklefield"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.0"
+version = "2.1.1"
Django = ">=1.11"
@@ -664,11 +670,11 @@ description = "A Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously, complete wi
name = "django-post-office"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "3.2.1"
+version = "3.3.1"
-django = ">=1.8"
-jsonfield = "*"
+django = ">=2.2"
+jsonfield = ">=3.0"
test = ["tox (>=2.3)"]
@@ -733,7 +739,7 @@ description = "Support for many storage backends in Django"
name = "django-storages"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "1.8"
+version = "1.9.1"
Django = ">=1.11"
@@ -744,7 +750,6 @@ version = ">=1.3.1,<12.0.0"
azure = ["azure-storage-blob (>=1.3.1,<12.0.0)"]
-boto = ["boto (>=2.32.0)"]
boto3 = ["boto3 (>=1.4.4)"]
dropbox = ["dropbox (>=7.2.1)"]
google = ["google-cloud-storage (>=1.15.0)"]
@@ -901,7 +906,7 @@ description = "Extensions for Django REST Framework"
name = "drf-extensions"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.5.0"
+version = "0.6.0"
djangorestframework = ">=3.9.3"
@@ -912,7 +917,7 @@ description = "Django REST Framework renderer for spreadsheet (xlsx) files."
name = "drf-renderer-xlsx"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.3.6"
+version = "0.3.7"
djangorestframework = ">=3.6"
@@ -924,7 +929,7 @@ description = "Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Dja
name = "drf-yasg"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "1.17.0"
+version = "1.17.1"
Django = ">=1.11.7"
@@ -976,12 +981,11 @@ category = "dev"
description = "Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you."
name = "faker"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "3.0.0"
+python-versions = ">=3.4"
+version = "4.0.2"
python-dateutil = ">=2.4"
-six = ">=1.10"
text-unidecode = "1.3"
@@ -1011,8 +1015,8 @@ category = "dev"
description = "Let your Python tests travel through time"
name = "freezegun"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "0.3.12"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "0.3.15"
python-dateutil = ">=1.0,<2.0 || >2.0"
@@ -1042,19 +1046,22 @@ category = "main"
description = "Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python"
name = "humanfriendly"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "4.18"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "8.1"
pyreadline = "*"
category = "main"
-description = "python humanize utilities"
+description = "Python humanize utilities"
name = "humanize"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.5.1"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "2.2.0"
+tests = ["freezegun", "pytest", "pytest-cov"]
category = "dev"
@@ -1062,7 +1069,7 @@ description = "File identification library for Python"
name = "identify"
optional = false
python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,>=2.7"
-version = "1.4.8"
+version = "1.4.13"
license = ["editdistance"]
@@ -1073,7 +1080,7 @@ description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"
name = "idna"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "2.8"
+version = "2.9"
category = "main"
@@ -1082,7 +1089,7 @@ marker = "python_version < \"3.8\""
name = "importlib-metadata"
optional = false
python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,>=2.7"
-version = "1.3.0"
+version = "1.6.0"
zipp = ">=0.5"
@@ -1105,7 +1112,7 @@ description = "IPython-enabled pdb"
name = "ipdb"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7"
-version = "0.12.3"
+version = "0.13.2"
setuptools = "*"
@@ -1121,7 +1128,7 @@ marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\""
name = "ipython"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
-version = "7.10.2"
+version = "7.13.0"
appnope = "*"
@@ -1137,7 +1144,7 @@ setuptools = ">=18.5"
traitlets = ">=4.2"
-all = ["nose (>=0.10.1)", "qtconsole", "pygments", "nbconvert", "Sphinx (>=1.3)", "nbformat", "requests", "testpath", "ipykernel", "notebook", "ipyparallel", "ipywidgets", "numpy (>=1.14)"]
+all = ["numpy (>=1.14)", "testpath", "notebook", "nose (>=0.10.1)", "nbconvert", "requests", "ipywidgets", "qtconsole", "ipyparallel", "Sphinx (>=1.3)", "pygments", "nbformat", "ipykernel"]
doc = ["Sphinx (>=1.3)"]
kernel = ["ipykernel"]
nbconvert = ["nbconvert"]
@@ -1201,12 +1208,13 @@ marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\""
name = "jedi"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "0.15.2"
+version = "0.16.0"
parso = ">=0.5.2"
+qa = ["flake8 (3.7.9)"]
testing = ["colorama (0.4.1)", "docopt", "pytest (>=3.9.0,<5.0.0)"]
@@ -1214,8 +1222,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
name = "jinja2"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.10.3"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "2.11.1"
MarkupSafe = ">=0.23"
@@ -1228,11 +1236,11 @@ category = "main"
description = "A reusable Django field that allows you to store validated JSON in your model."
name = "jsonfield"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.0.2"
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+version = "3.1.0"
-Django = ">=1.8.0"
+Django = ">=2.2"
category = "main"
@@ -1262,7 +1270,7 @@ description = "Messaging library for Python."
name = "kombu"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "4.6.7"
+version = "4.6.8"
amqp = ">=2.5.2,<2.6"
@@ -1292,8 +1300,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Python implementation of Markdown."
name = "markdown"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*"
-version = "3.1.1"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "3.2.1"
setuptools = ">=36"
@@ -1318,13 +1326,13 @@ python-versions = "*"
version = "0.6.1"
-category = "main"
+category = "dev"
description = "More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools"
-marker = "python_version < \"3.8\" or python_version > \"2.7\""
+marker = "python_version > \"2.7\""
name = "more-itertools"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
-version = "8.0.2"
+version = "8.2.0"
category = "dev"
@@ -1333,7 +1341,7 @@ marker = "python_version >= \"3.6\""
name = "multidict"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
-version = "4.7.2"
+version = "4.7.5"
category = "dev"
@@ -1341,7 +1349,7 @@ description = "Node.js virtual environment builder"
name = "nodeenv"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.3.3"
+version = "1.3.5"
category = "main"
@@ -1362,7 +1370,7 @@ description = "A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files"
name = "openpyxl"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6,"
-version = "3.0.2"
+version = "3.0.3"
et_xmlfile = "*"
@@ -1374,7 +1382,7 @@ description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
name = "packaging"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "19.2"
+version = "20.3"
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2"
@@ -1386,12 +1394,31 @@ description = "A Python Parser"
marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\""
name = "parso"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.5.2"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "0.6.2"
testing = ["docopt", "pytest (>=3.0.7)"]
+category = "dev"
+description = "Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks"
+name = "pep517"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+version = "0.8.1"
+toml = "*"
+python = "<3.8"
+version = "*"
+python = "<3.8"
+version = "*"
category = "dev"
description = "Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications."
@@ -1399,7 +1426,7 @@ marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\" and sys_platform != \"win32\""
name = "pexpect"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "4.7.0"
+version = "4.8.0"
ptyprocess = ">=0.5"
@@ -1418,8 +1445,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Python Imaging Library (Fork)"
name = "pillow"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "6.2.1"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "7.0.0"
category = "dev"
@@ -1442,8 +1469,8 @@ category = "dev"
description = "A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks."
name = "pre-commit"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "1.20.0"
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+version = "2.0.1"
"aspy.yaml" = "*"
@@ -1451,7 +1478,6 @@ cfgv = ">=2.0.0"
identify = ">=1.0.0"
nodeenv = ">=0.11.1"
pyyaml = "*"
-six = "*"
toml = "*"
virtualenv = ">=15.2"
@@ -1465,8 +1491,8 @@ description = "Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
marker = "python_version >= \"3.4\""
name = "prompt-toolkit"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.6"
-version = "3.0.2"
+python-versions = ">=3.6.1"
+version = "3.0.5"
wcwidth = "*"
@@ -1477,7 +1503,7 @@ description = "Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python."
name = "psutil"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "5.6.7"
+version = "5.7.0"
enum = ["enum34"]
@@ -1505,7 +1531,7 @@ description = "library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facili
name = "py"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "1.8.0"
+version = "1.8.1"
category = "dev"
@@ -1521,7 +1547,7 @@ description = "C parser in Python"
name = "pycparser"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "2.19"
+version = "2.20"
category = "dev"
@@ -1536,8 +1562,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python."
name = "pygments"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "2.5.2"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "2.6.1"
category = "main"
@@ -1558,7 +1584,7 @@ description = "Python parsing module"
name = "pyparsing"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
-version = "2.4.5"
+version = "2.4.6"
category = "main"
@@ -1583,7 +1609,7 @@ description = "Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures"
name = "pyrsistent"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.15.6"
+version = "0.16.0"
six = "*"
@@ -1594,7 +1620,7 @@ description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
name = "pytest"
optional = false
python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,>=2.7"
-version = "4.6.8"
+version = "4.6.9"
atomicwrites = ">=1.0"
@@ -1663,7 +1689,7 @@ description = "A Django plugin for pytest."
name = "pytest-django"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "3.7.0"
+version = "3.9.0"
pytest = ">=3.6"
@@ -1677,8 +1703,8 @@ category = "dev"
description = "pytest plugin with mechanisms for echoing environment variables, package version and generic attributes"
name = "pytest-echo"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.6.0"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "1.7.1"
pytest = ">=2.2"
@@ -1711,7 +1737,7 @@ description = "Python Crontab API"
name = "python-crontab"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.4.0"
+version = "2.4.1"
python-dateutil = "*"
@@ -1786,8 +1812,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Python bindings for 0MQ"
name = "pyzmq"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "16.0.4"
+python-versions = ">=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*"
+version = "19.0.0"
category = "main"
@@ -1795,7 +1821,7 @@ description = "Python client library for the RapidPro"
name = "rapidpro-python"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.6.1"
+version = "2.7.0"
iso8601 = "*"
@@ -1819,8 +1845,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Python client for Redis key-value store"
name = "redis"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
-version = "3.3.11"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "3.4.1"
hiredis = ["hiredis (>=0.1.3)"]
@@ -1831,7 +1857,7 @@ description = "The Reportlab Toolkit"
name = "reportlab"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "3.5.32"
+version = "3.5.42"
pillow = ">=4.0.0"
@@ -1842,16 +1868,16 @@ description = "Python HTTP for Humans."
name = "requests"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
-version = "2.22.0"
+version = "2.23.0"
certifi = ">=2017.4.17"
-chardet = ">=3.0.2,<3.1.0"
-idna = ">=2.5,<2.9"
+chardet = ">=3.0.2,<4"
+idna = ">=2.5,<3"
urllib3 = ">=1.21.1,<1.25.0 || >1.25.0,<1.25.1 || >1.25.1,<1.26"
-security = ["pyOpenSSL (>=0.14)", "cryptography (>=1.3.4)", "idna (>=2.0.0)"]
+security = ["pyOpenSSL (>=0.14)", "cryptography (>=1.3.4)"]
socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,<1.5.7 || >1.5.7)", "win-inet-pton"]
@@ -1875,11 +1901,11 @@ description = "ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip pres
name = "ruamel.yaml"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.16.5"
+version = "0.16.10"
-python = "<3.8"
+python = "<3.9"
version = ">=0.1.2"
@@ -1889,7 +1915,7 @@ jinja2 = ["ruamel.yaml.jinja2 (>=0.2)"]
category = "main"
description = "C version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml derived from libyaml"
-marker = "platform_python_implementation == \"CPython\" and python_version < \"3.8\""
+marker = "platform_python_implementation == \"CPython\" and python_version < \"3.9\""
name = "ruamel.yaml.clib"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
@@ -1901,7 +1927,7 @@ description = "Python client for Sentry (https://getsentry.com)"
name = "sentry-sdk"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "0.13.5"
+version = "0.14.3"
certifi = "*"
@@ -1926,8 +1952,8 @@ category = "main"
description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
name = "six"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*"
-version = "1.13.0"
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+version = "1.14.0"
category = "main"
@@ -1947,10 +1973,11 @@ description = "Python social authentication made simple."
name = "social-auth-core"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "3.2.0"
+version = "3.3.2"
PyJWT = ">=1.4.0"
+cryptography = ">=1.4"
oauthlib = ">=1.0.3"
requests = ">=2.9.1"
requests-oauthlib = ">=0.6.1"
@@ -1965,20 +1992,20 @@ python = ">=3.0"
version = ">=3.0.10"
-all = ["cryptography (>=2.1.1)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "python3-saml (>=1.2.1)"]
-allpy2 = ["cryptography (>=2.1.1)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "python-openid (>=2.2.5)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "python3-saml (>=1.2.1)"]
-allpy3 = ["cryptography (>=2.1.1)", "defusedxml (>=0.5.0rc1)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "python3-openid (>=3.0.10)", "python3-saml (>=1.2.1)"]
+all = ["python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "cryptography (>=2.1.1)"]
+allpy2 = ["python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "cryptography (>=2.1.1)", "python-openid (>=2.2.5)"]
+allpy3 = ["python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "cryptography (>=2.1.1)", "defusedxml (>=0.5.0rc1)", "python3-openid (>=3.0.10)"]
azuread = ["cryptography (>=2.1.1)"]
-openidconnect = ["pyjwt (>=1.7.1)", "python-jose (>=3.0.0)"]
-saml = ["python-saml (>=2.2.0)", "python3-saml (>=1.2.1)"]
+openidconnect = ["python-jose (>=3.0.0)", "pyjwt (>=1.7.1)"]
+saml = ["python-saml (>=2.2.0)"]
category = "dev"
description = "A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup."
name = "soupsieve"
optional = false
-python-versions = "*"
-version = "1.9.5"
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "2.0"
category = "main"
@@ -1986,7 +2013,7 @@ description = "Non-validating SQL parser"
name = "sqlparse"
optional = false
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-version = "0.3.0"
+version = "0.3.1"
category = "main"
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name = "swagger-spec-validator"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
-version = "2.4.3"
+version = "2.5.0"
jsonschema = "*"
@@ -2031,7 +2058,7 @@ description = "tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
name = "tox"
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description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
name = "urllib3"
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brotli = ["brotlipy (>=0.6.0)"]
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+ {file = "swagger-spec-validator-2.5.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:61f2d2a732b886cf33c2c24886565be9692e5814cacc17fd973e095b72b33e4f"},
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- {file = "WebOb-1.8.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:05aaab7975e0ee8af2026325d656e5ce14a71f1883c52276181821d6d5bf7086"},
+ {file = "WebOb-1.8.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:a3c89a8e9ba0aeb17382836cdb73c516d0ecf6630ec40ec28288f3ed459ce87b"},
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- {file = "WebTest-2.0.33.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:41348efe4323a647a239c31cde84e5e440d726ca4f449859264e538d39037fd0"},
+ {file = "WebTest-2.0.34-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:da9cf14c103ff51a40dee4cac7657840d1317456eb8f0ca81289b5cbff175f4b"},
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{file = "xlrd-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e551fb498759fa3a5384a94ccd4c3c02eb7c00ea424426e212ac0c57be9dfbde"},
@@ -3250,6 +3303,6 @@ yarl = [
{file = "yarl-1.4.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:58cd9c469eced558cd81aa3f484b2924e8897049e06889e8ff2510435b7ef74b"},
zipp = [
- {file = "zipp-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f06903e9f1f43b12d371004b4ac7b06ab39a44adc747266928ae6debfa7b3335"},
- {file = "zipp-0.6.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:3718b1cbcd963c7d4c5511a8240812904164b7f381b647143a89d3b98f9bcd8e"},
+ {file = "zipp-3.1.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:aa36550ff0c0b7ef7fa639055d797116ee891440eac1a56f378e2d3179e0320b"},
+ {file = "zipp-3.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c599e4d75c98f6798c509911d08a22e6c021d074469042177c8c86fb92eefd96"},
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/__init__.py b/src/etools_datamart/__init__.py
index 31289bde7..c3bba0f54 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/__init__.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import warnings
NAME = 'etools-datamart'
-VERSION = __version__ = '2.12'
+VERSION = __version__ = '2.13'
__author__ = ''
# UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.11;
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/__init__.py b/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/__init__.py
index 4f14d6681..9f206c81a 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/__init__.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/__init__.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
from .hact_history import HACTHistoryViewSet
from .intervention import InterventionByLocationViewSet, InterventionViewSet
from .location import LocationViewSet
+from .office import OfficeViewSet
from .partners_agreement import PartnerAgreementViewSet
from .partners_interventionbudget import InterventionBudgetViewSet
from .partners_partner import PartnerViewSet
@@ -26,5 +27,4 @@
from .travel_activity import TravelActivityViewSet
from .trips import TripViewSet
from .user import EtoolsUserViewSet
-from .user_office import OfficeViewSet
from .userstats import UserStatsViewSet
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/user_office.py b/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/office.py
similarity index 88%
rename from src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/user_office.py
rename to src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/office.py
index 1c55fb590..9933f617c 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/user_office.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/api/endpoints/datamart/office.py
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
+from etools_datamart.api.endpoints import common
from etools_datamart.api.endpoints.datamart.serializers import DataMartSerializer
from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data import models
-from .. import common
class OfficeSerializer(DataMartSerializer):
class Meta(DataMartSerializer.Meta):
model = models.Office
- exclude = ('seen',)
class OfficeViewSet(common.DataMartViewSet):
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/api/urls.py b/src/etools_datamart/api/urls.py
index 535f69a81..234f4c230 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/api/urls.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/api/urls.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class ReadOnlyRouter(APIReadOnlyRouter):
router.register(r'datamart/audit/spot-check', endpoints.SpotCheckViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/actionpoints', endpoints.ActionPointViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/locations', endpoints.LocationViewSet)
+router.register(r'datamart/office', endpoints.OfficeViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/fam-indicators', endpoints.FAMIndicatorViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/funds-reservation', endpoints.FundsReservationViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/hact/aggregate', endpoints.HACTAggreagateViewSet)
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ class ReadOnlyRouter(APIReadOnlyRouter):
router.register(r'datamart/reports/indicators', endpoints.IndicatorViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/users', endpoints.EtoolsUserViewSet)
-router.register(r'datamart/user-offices', endpoints.OfficeViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/travels', endpoints.TravelViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/travel-activities', endpoints.TravelActivityViewSet)
router.register(r'datamart/t2f/trips', endpoints.TripViewSet)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/admin.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/admin.py
index ccd9404d9..4480fcea6 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/admin.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/admin.py
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class InterventionBudgetAdmin(DataModelAdmin):
class OfficeAdmin(DataModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('name', 'zonal_chief_email')
+ list_display = ('name', 'country_name', 'area_code')
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0112_auto_20200406_1857.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0112_auto_20200406_1857.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1a130ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0112_auto_20200406_1857.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.2.11 on 2020-04-06 18:57
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('data', '0111_auto_20200221_1925'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='office',
+ name='zonal_chief_email',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='office',
+ name='zonal_chief_source_id',
+ ),
+ migrations.AddIndex(
+ model_name='office',
+ index=models.Index(fields=['source_id', 'schema_name'], name='data_office_source__8f99bd_idx'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0113_auto_20200408_1747.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0113_auto_20200408_1747.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7da44f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/migrations/0113_auto_20200408_1747.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.2.9 on 2020-04-08 17:47
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('data', '0112_auto_20200406_1857'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='actionpoint',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='attachment',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='auditresult',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='engagement',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='etoolsuser',
+ options={'ordering': ('email',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='interventionbudget',
+ options={'ordering': ('-created',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='location',
+ options={'ordering': ('name',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='partner',
+ options={'ordering': ('name',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='spotcheck',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='tpmvisit',
+ options={'ordering': ('id',)},
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveIndex(
+ model_name='attachment',
+ name='data_attach_source__529f94_idx',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveIndex(
+ model_name='auditresult',
+ name='data_auditr_source__b2a237_idx',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveIndex(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='data_engage_source__85fc81_idx',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveIndex(
+ model_name='spotcheck',
+ name='data_spotch_source__df02d3_idx',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveIndex(
+ model_name='tpmvisit',
+ name='data_tpmvis_source__90b361_idx',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/__init__.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/__init__.py
index d84c688eb..84960b711 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/__init__.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/__init__.py
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
from .pmp import PMPIndicators # noqa
from .report_sector import Section # noqa
from .reports_indicator import ReportIndicator # noqa
+from .reports_office import Office # noqa
from .tpm_tmpactivity import TPMActivity # noqa
from .tpm_tmpvisit import TPMVisit # noqa
from .travel import Travel # noqa
from .travel_activity import TravelActivity # noqa
from .trip import ModeOfTravel, Trip # noqa
from .user import EtoolsUser # noqa
-from .user_office import Office # noqa
from .userstats import UserStats # noqa
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/actionpoint.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/actionpoint.py
index e864abbeb..e2b26db0f 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/actionpoint.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/actionpoint.py
@@ -199,6 +199,9 @@ class ActionPoint(LocationMixin, EtoolsDataMartModel):
loader = ActionPointLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("id",)
class Options:
source = ActionPointsActionpoint
depends = (Intervention,)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/attachments_attachment.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/attachments_attachment.py
index c0242be3a..a06aebfe9 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/attachments_attachment.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/attachments_attachment.py
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ class Attachment(EtoolsDataMartModel):
loader = AttachmentLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("id",)
class Options:
depends = (Partner,)
source = AttachmentsAttachmentflat
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_engagement.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_engagement.py
index b4d0c78af..f6cc19d93 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_engagement.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_engagement.py
@@ -293,6 +293,9 @@ class Engagement(EtoolsDataMartModel):
# datamart
loader = EngagementlLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("id",)
class Options:
source = AuditEngagement
sync_deleted_records = lambda a: False
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_result.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_result.py
index 9ffcfa7b7..e36099860 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_result.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_result.py
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ class AuditResult(EtoolsDataMartModel):
loader = AuditResultLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("id",)
class Options:
source = AuditAudit
sync_deleted_records = lambda loader: False
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_spotcheck.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_spotcheck.py
index 6857b4dbb..381855537 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_spotcheck.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/audit_spotcheck.py
@@ -240,6 +240,9 @@ class SpotCheck(EtoolsDataMartModel):
# datamart
loader = SpotCheckLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("id",)
class Options:
source = AuditFinding
sync_deleted_records = lambda a: False
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/intervention.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/intervention.py
index bdbc902d3..c4c715224 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/intervention.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/intervention.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from django.db.models import F
from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data.loader import EtoolsLoader
+from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data.models.reports_office import Office
from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.enrichment.consts import PartnersInterventionConst, TravelType
from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.models import (FundsFundsreservationheader, PartnersAgreementamendment,
PartnersIntervention, PartnersInterventionplannedvisits,
@@ -15,7 +16,6 @@
from .location import Location
from .mixins import add_location_mapping, LocationMixin, NestedLocationLoaderMixin, NestedLocationMixin
from .partner import Partner
-from .user_office import Office
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ def get_planned_programmatic_visits(self, record: PartnersIntervention, values:
return record.planned
def get_attachment_types(self, record: PartnersIntervention, values: dict, **kwargs):
- qs = record.attachments.all()
+ qs = record.PartnersInterventionattachment_intervention.all()
values['number_of_attachments'] = qs.count()
return ", ".join(qs.values_list('type__name', flat=True))
@@ -269,10 +269,9 @@ def get_partner_signatory_name(self, record: PartnersIntervention, values: dict,
def get_offices(self, record: PartnersIntervention, values: dict, **kwargs):
# PartnersInterventionOffices
data = []
- for office in record.offices.select_related('zonal_chief').order_by('id'):
+ for office in record.offices.order_by('id'):
- zonal_chief_email=getattr(office.zonal_chief, 'email', ''),
values['offices_data'] = data
return ", ".join([l['name'] for l in data])
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/location.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/location.py
index 06e6e4605..b64dd77fe 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/location.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/location.py
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class Location(EtoolsDataMartModel):
class Meta:
unique_together = ('schema_name', 'source_id')
+ ordering = ("name",)
class Options:
depends = (GatewayType,)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partner.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partner.py
index 8eeee8fb9..4bc620ece 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partner.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partner.py
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ class Partner(EtoolsDataMartModel):
last_pv_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, db_index=True)
class Meta:
+ ordering = ("name",)
unique_together = (('schema_name', 'name', 'vendor_number'),
('schema_name', 'vendor_number'),)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partners_interventionbudget.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partners_interventionbudget.py
index fc5677fe3..c9daa9767 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partners_interventionbudget.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/partners_interventionbudget.py
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class InterventionBudget(InterventionAbstract, EtoolsDataMartModel):
loader = InterventionBudgetLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ("-created",)
class Options(InterventionAbstract.Options):
model = PartnersInterventionbudget
depends = (Location,)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/pmp.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/pmp.py
index 3f71c6990..eb1a8d9b8 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/pmp.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/pmp.py
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ def process_country(self):
for intervention in PartnersIntervention.objects.filter(agreement__partner=partner):
planned_budget = getattr(intervention,
'partnersintervention_partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id', None)
- fr_currencies = intervention.frs.all().values_list('currency', flat=True).distinct()
+ fr_currencies = intervention.FundsFundsreservationheader_intervention.all().values_list(
+ 'currency',
+ flat=True,
+ ).distinct()
has_assessment = bool(getattr(partner.current_core_value_assessment, 'assessment', False))
values = {'country_name': country.name,
'schema_name': country.schema_name,
@@ -48,9 +51,11 @@ def process_country(self):
'unicef_cash': intervention.planned_budget.unicef_cash if planned_budget else '-',
'in_kind_amount': intervention.planned_budget.in_kind_amount if planned_budget else '-',
'total': intervention.planned_budget.total if planned_budget else '-',
- 'fr_numbers_against_pd_ssfa': ' - '.join([fh.fr_number for fh in intervention.frs.all()]),
+ 'fr_numbers_against_pd_ssfa': ' - '.join(
+ [fh.fr_number for fh in intervention.FundsFundsreservationheader_intervention.all()]
+ ),
'fr_currencies': ', '.join(fr for fr in fr_currencies),
- 'sum_of_all_fr_planned_amount': intervention.frs.aggregate(
+ 'sum_of_all_fr_planned_amount': intervention.FundsFundsreservationheader_intervention.aggregate(
total=Coalesce(Sum('intervention_amt'), 0))[
'total'] if fr_currencies.count() <= 1 else '-',
'core_value_attached': has_assessment,
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/reports_office.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/reports_office.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b853f613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/reports_office.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from django.db import models
+from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data.loader import EtoolsLoader
+from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data.models.base import EtoolsDataMartModel
+from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.models import ReportsOffice
+class OfficeLoader(EtoolsLoader):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return ReportsOffice.objects.all()
+class Office(EtoolsDataMartModel):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=254, null=True, blank=True)
+ loader = OfficeLoader()
+ class Options:
+ source = ReportsOffice
+ # key = lambda loader, record: dict(
+ # schema_name=loader.context['country'].schema_name,
+ # source_id=record.pk,
+ # )
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpactivity.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpactivity.py
index cdb3de6d6..5ac1d5a73 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpactivity.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpactivity.py
@@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ def get_attachments(self, record: TpmTpmactivity, values: dict, **kwargs):
def get_offices(self, record: TpmTpmactivity, values: dict, **kwargs):
locs = []
- for office in record.offices.select_related('zonal_chief').order_by('id'):
+ for office in record.offices.order_by('id'):
- zonal_chief=getattr(office.zonal_chief, 'email', None)
values['offices_data'] = locs
return ", ".join([l['name'] for l in locs])
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpvisit.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpvisit.py
index b7f3d52a8..f819bfd7c 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpvisit.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/tpm_tmpvisit.py
@@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ class TPMVisit(EtoolsDataMartModel):
loader = TPMVisitLoader()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ('id',)
class Options:
# depends = (Intervention,)
truncate = True
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/travel.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/travel.py
index 56fefe270..d608ec8d2 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/travel.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/travel.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
class TravelLoader(EtoolsLoader):
def get_attachments(self, record, values, **kwargs):
return ",\n".join(list(map(lambda x: ":".join(x),
- record.attachments.values_list('type', 'file'))))
+ record.T2FTravelattachment_travel.values_list('type', 'file'))))
class Travel(EtoolsDataMartModel):
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/trip.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/trip.py
index 784532a79..c2b4ea8d8 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/trip.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/trip.py
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def get_locations(self, record: T2FTravel, values: dict, **kwargs):
def get_trip_attachments(self, record, values, **kwargs):
return ",\n".join(list(map(lambda x: ":".join(x),
- record.attachments.values_list('type', 'file'))))
+ record.T2FTravelattachment_travel.values_list('type', 'file'))))
class ModeOfTravel:
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user.py
index 3b13226eb..561bad914 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class EtoolsUser(EtoolsDataMartModel):
oic = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
- pass
+ ordering = ("email",)
loader = EtoolsUserLoader()
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user_office.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user_office.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 167394416..000000000
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/mart/data/models/user_office.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from django.db import models
-from etools_datamart.apps.mart.data.models.base import EtoolsDataMartModel
-from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.models import UsersOffice
-class Office(EtoolsDataMartModel):
- name = models.CharField(max_length=254, blank=True, null=True)
- zonal_chief_email = models.CharField(max_length=254, blank=True, null=True)
- zonal_chief_source_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
- class Meta:
- pass
- class Options:
- source = UsersOffice
- # truncate = True
- # sync_deleted_records = lambda loader: False
- # key = lambda loader, record: dict(schema_name=loader.context['country'].schema_name,
- # source_id=record.id)
- mapping = {'zonal_chief_email': 'zonal_chief.email',
- 'zonal_chief_source_id': 'zonal_chief.id'
- }
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/management/commands/inspectschema.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/management/commands/inspectschema.py
index 0a767304d..a539f8404 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/management/commands/inspectschema.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/management/commands/inspectschema.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def strip_prefix(s):
# connection.mode = SINGLE_TENANT
# state.schemas = [schema, "public"]
connection.schema_name = schema
- from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.enrichment import names
+ # from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.enrichment import names
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor.execute(raw_sql(f"SET search_path={schema}"))
yield "# flake8: noqa F405."
@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ def strip_prefix(s):
# _related_name = f'{table2model(relations[column_name][1]).lower()}_{table_name}_{column_name}'
_related_name = f'{model_name}.{att_name}'
- if _related_name in names:
- _related_name = names[_related_name]
- else:
- _related_name = _related_name.replace('.', '_')
+ # if _related_name in names:
+ # _related_name = names[_related_name]
+ # else:
+ _related_name = _related_name.replace('.', '_')
field_desc += ', models.DO_NOTHING'
field_desc += f", related_name='{_related_name}'"
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/public.sqldump b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/public.sqldump
index f64f106ba..b70c4f6e8 100644
Binary files a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/public.sqldump and b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/public.sqldump differ
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant1.sql b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant1.sql
index 310371b86..713ab2007 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant1.sql
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant1.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 9.6.12
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.5
+-- Dumped from database version 9.6.3
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.7
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint (
high_priority boolean NOT NULL,
travel_activity_id integer,
category_id integer,
- psea_assessment_id integer
+ psea_assessment_id integer,
+ reference_number character varying(100),
+ monitoring_activity_id integer
@@ -210,43 +212,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].actstream_follow.id;
--- Name: attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachment.id;
-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -260,13 +225,13 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat (
file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
agreement_reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
source character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- pd_ssfa integer
+ pd_ssfa integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone
@@ -289,39 +254,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_filetype (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_filetype.id;
-- Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -330,7 +262,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_audit (
engagement_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
audited_expenditure numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
financial_findings numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL
+ audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ audited_expenditure_local numeric(20,2),
+ financial_findings_local numeric(20,2)
@@ -398,7 +332,8 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement (
agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
po_item_id integer,
shared_ip_with character varying(20)[] NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency_of_report character varying(4)
@@ -481,6 +416,66 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections.id;
-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -511,6 +506,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified.id;
-- Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -909,22 +934,25 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].django_mi
--- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ on_track boolean,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -933,36 +961,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- responsible_person character varying(100),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ is_enabled boolean NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq
@@ -971,41 +996,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq
@@ -1014,47 +1026,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
intervention_id integer,
- intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- delegated boolean NOT NULL
+ partner_id integer,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -1063,41 +1059,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item smallint NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- donor character varying(256),
- donor_code character varying(30),
- CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq
@@ -1106,32 +1090,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding.id;
--- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- donor_id integer NOT NULL,
- expiry date,
- description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ information_source character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq
@@ -1140,30 +1122,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist.id;
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ monitor_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ person_responsible_id integer,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_reason text NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ field_office_id integer,
+ report_reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64)
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq
@@ -1172,31 +1177,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs.id;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity.id;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq
@@ -1205,47 +1226,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners (
id integer NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
- location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- remap_table_name character varying(254),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerorganization_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq
@@ -1254,31 +1256,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners.id;
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- admin_level smallint,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq
@@ -1287,45 +1286,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections.id;
--- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- latitude double precision,
- longitude double precision,
- p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- point public.geometry(Point,4326),
- gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
- geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
- level integer NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq
@@ -1334,31 +1316,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate (
id integer NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq
@@ -1367,40 +1350,48 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
- id integer NOT NULL,
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan (
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
+ year smallint NOT NULL,
+ prioritization_criteria text NOT NULL,
+ methodology_notes text NOT NULL,
+ target_visits smallint NOT NULL,
+ modalities text NOT NULL,
+ partner_engagement text NOT NULL,
+ other_aspects text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_target_visits_check CHECK ((target_visits >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_year_check CHECK ((year >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq
@@ -1409,17 +1400,26 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig (
+ id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq
@@ -1428,28 +1428,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq
@@ -1458,53 +1463,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_manager_id integer,
- signed_by_id integer,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
- reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
- special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ issue text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq
@@ -1513,17 +1500,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ use_information_source boolean NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(10) NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq
@@ -1532,33 +1531,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024),
- signed_date date,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ value jsonb,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq
@@ -1567,42 +1562,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option.id;
--- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question (
id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
- expected_budget integer,
- notes character varying(255),
- requested_date date NOT NULL,
- planned_date date,
- completed_date date,
- rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- report character varying(1024),
- current boolean NOT NULL,
- approving_officer_id integer,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- requesting_officer_id integer,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ answer_type character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ choices_size smallint,
+ level character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ text text NOT NULL,
+ is_hact boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_custom boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ category_id integer NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_choices_size_check CHECK ((choices_size >= 0))
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq
@@ -1611,32 +1599,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question.id;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- date date,
- assessment character varying(1024),
- archived boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq
@@ -1645,34 +1629,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq
@@ -1681,27 +1659,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
@@ -1710,82 +1690,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ responsible_person character varying(100),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- number character varying(64),
- title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- submission_date date,
- submission_date_prc date,
- review_date_prc date,
- prc_review_document character varying(1024),
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- population_focus character varying(130),
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
- unicef_signatory_id integer,
- signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
- country_programme_id integer,
- contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
- metadata jsonb,
- in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
- reference_number_year integer,
- activation_letter character varying(1024),
- termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
@@ -1794,28 +1728,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
@@ -1824,28 +1771,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ delegated boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
@@ -1854,28 +1820,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item smallint NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ donor character varying(256),
+ donor_code character varying(30),
+ CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
@@ -1884,28 +1863,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ donor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ expiry date,
+ description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
@@ -1914,34 +1897,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- signed_date date,
- amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
- other_description character varying(512)
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
@@ -1950,32 +1929,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
@@ -1984,38 +1962,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
+ location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ remap_table_name character varying(254),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer,
- total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
@@ -2024,34 +2011,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ admin_level smallint,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
@@ -2060,32 +2044,45 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ latitude double precision,
+ longitude double precision,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
+ geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date NOT NULL,
- end_date date NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
@@ -2094,30 +2091,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comments text,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
+ old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
@@ -2126,92 +2124,59 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- address text,
- email character varying(255),
- phone_number character varying(64),
- vendor_number character varying(30),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- rating character varying(50),
- core_values_assessment_date date,
- cso_type character varying(50),
- vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
- type_of_assessment character varying(50),
- last_assessment_date date,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- city character varying(64),
- country character varying(64),
- postal_code character varying(32),
- shared_with character varying(20)[],
- street_address character varying(500),
- hact_values jsonb,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- reported_cy numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
- basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
- outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
@@ -2220,34 +2185,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
@@ -2256,35 +2215,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(64),
- first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- phone character varying(64),
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_manager_id integer,
+ signed_by_id integer,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
+ special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
@@ -2293,36 +2270,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
@@ -2331,27 +2289,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024),
+ signed_date date,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
@@ -2360,32 +2324,42 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
--- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
+ expected_budget integer,
+ notes character varying(255),
+ requested_date date NOT NULL,
+ planned_date date,
+ completed_date date,
+ rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ report character varying(1024),
+ current boolean NOT NULL,
+ approving_officer_id integer,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ requesting_officer_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
@@ -2394,31 +2368,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
--- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description text,
- answer_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ date date,
+ assessment character varying(1024),
+ archived boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
@@ -2427,63 +2402,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- overall_rating integer,
- assessment_date date,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
@@ -2492,31 +2438,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
@@ -2525,44 +2467,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditor_firm_id integer,
- user_id integer
+ document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64),
+ title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ submission_date date,
+ submission_date_prc date,
+ review_date_prc date,
+ prc_review_document character varying(1024),
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ population_focus character varying(130),
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
+ unicef_signatory_id integer,
+ signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
+ metadata jsonb,
+ in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
+ reference_number_year integer,
+ activation_letter character varying(1024),
+ termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
@@ -2571,17 +2532,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
@@ -2590,31 +2551,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
--- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label text NOT NULL,
- requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
@@ -2623,45 +2581,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- subject text NOT NULL,
- content text NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2670,17 +2611,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
@@ -2689,28 +2641,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2719,31 +2671,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- weight integer NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ signed_date date,
+ amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
+ other_description character varying(512)
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
@@ -2752,59 +2707,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- context_code character varying(50),
- assumptions text,
- total integer,
- indicator_id integer,
- lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
- means_of_verification character varying(255),
- cluster_indicator_id integer,
- cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
- cluster_name character varying(512),
+ attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- response_plan_name character varying(1024),
- section_id integer,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
- baseline jsonb,
- denominator_label character varying(256),
- label text,
- measurement_specifications text,
- numerator_label character varying(256),
- target jsonb NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
@@ -2813,17 +2741,38 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
@@ -2832,28 +2781,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -2862,31 +2817,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- from_date date NOT NULL,
- to_date date NOT NULL,
- invalid boolean NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ start_date date NOT NULL,
+ end_date date NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
@@ -2895,30 +2851,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
@@ -2927,31 +2883,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
@@ -2960,43 +2913,62 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- total integer,
- sector_total integer,
- current integer,
- sector_current integer,
- view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- result_id integer,
- sector_id integer,
- unit_id integer,
- baseline character varying(255),
- ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
- target character varying(255),
- assumptions text,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ address text,
+ email character varying(255),
+ phone_number character varying(64),
+ vendor_number character varying(30),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ rating character varying(50),
+ core_values_assessment_date date,
+ cso_type character varying(50),
+ vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
+ type_of_assessment character varying(50),
+ last_assessment_date date,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ city character varying(64),
+ country character varying(64),
+ postal_code character varying(32),
+ shared_with character varying(20)[],
+ street_address character varying(500),
+ hact_values jsonb,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ reported_cy numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
+ basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
+ outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
@@ -3005,37 +2977,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(3072),
- code character varying(50),
- subdomain character varying(255),
- disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
- unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -3044,31 +3013,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(100),
+ first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ phone character varying(64),
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
@@ -3077,30 +3050,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
- start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
@@ -3109,33 +3088,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
@@ -3144,57 +3117,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
--- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name text NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- sector_id integer,
- gic_code character varying(8),
- gic_name character varying(255),
- humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- sic_code character varying(8),
- sic_name character varying(255),
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- vision_id character varying(10),
- wbs character varying(50),
- activity_focus_code character varying(8),
- activity_focus_name character varying(255),
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- from_date date,
- to_date date,
- ram boolean NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
- humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ comments text,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
@@ -3203,27 +3151,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
--- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description text,
+ answer_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
@@ -3232,68 +3184,44 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ overall_rating integer,
+ assessment_date date,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -3302,27 +3230,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(45) NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
@@ -3331,30 +3249,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
--- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
- date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL,
- user_id integer
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
@@ -3363,69 +3282,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
--- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id text NOT NULL,
- object_id_int integer,
- format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- serialized_data text NOT NULL,
- object_repr text NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- revision_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditor_firm_id integer,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
@@ -3434,28 +3347,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
- airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label text NOT NULL,
+ requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
@@ -3464,96 +3380,64 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- departure_date date NOT NULL,
- arrival_date date NOT NULL,
- overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- dsa_region_id integer,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL,
- _order integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ subject text NOT NULL,
+ content text NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- completed_at timestamp with time zone,
- canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
- submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
- approved_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejection_note text NOT NULL,
- cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
- certification_note text NOT NULL,
- report_note text NOT NULL,
- misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
- status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- additional_note text NOT NULL,
- international_travel boolean,
- ta_required boolean,
- reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
- estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
- is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
- preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
- currency_id integer,
- office_id integer,
- supervisor_id integer,
- traveler_id integer,
- first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
- preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
- section_id integer
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3562,32 +3446,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- date date,
- partner_id integer,
- partnership_id integer,
- primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
- result_id integer
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
@@ -3596,28 +3476,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ weight integer NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
@@ -3626,60 +3509,78 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ context_code character varying(50),
+ assumptions text,
+ total integer,
+ indicator_id integer,
+ lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
+ means_of_verification character varying(255),
+ cluster_indicator_id integer,
+ cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
+ cluster_name character varying(512),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ response_plan_name character varying(1024),
+ section_id integer,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
+ baseline jsonb,
+ denominator_label character varying(256),
+ label text,
+ measurement_specifications text,
+ numerator_label character varying(256),
+ target jsonb NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- file character varying(255),
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
@@ -3688,41 +3589,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
- activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
- additional_information text NOT NULL,
- is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
@@ -3731,28 +3619,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ from_date date NOT NULL,
+ to_date date NOT NULL,
+ invalid boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
@@ -3761,43 +3652,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
id integer NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- reject_comment text NOT NULL,
- approval_comment text NOT NULL,
- visit_information text NOT NULL,
- date_of_assigned date,
- date_of_cancelled date,
- date_of_tpm_accepted date,
- date_of_tpm_rejected date,
- date_of_tpm_reported date,
- date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
- date_of_unicef_approved date,
- tpm_partner_id integer,
- cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
- author_id integer
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
@@ -3806,28 +3684,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
@@ -3836,29 +3717,43 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reject_reason text NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ total integer,
+ sector_total integer,
+ current integer,
+ sector_current integer,
+ view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer,
+ sector_id integer,
+ unit_id integer,
+ baseline character varying(255),
+ ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
+ target character varying(255),
+ assumptions text,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3867,35 +3762,37 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(3072),
+ code character varying(50),
+ subdomain character varying(255),
+ disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
+ unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
+ display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
@@ -3904,33 +3801,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
- file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
@@ -3939,29 +3834,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_office (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq
@@ -3970,31 +3863,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_office.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
+ year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
+ start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
@@ -4003,34 +3895,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
@@ -4039,2160 +3930,3395 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name text NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ sector_id integer,
+ gic_code character varying(8),
+ gic_name character varying(255),
+ humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ sic_code character varying(8),
+ sic_name character varying(255),
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ vision_id character varying(10),
+ wbs character varying(50),
+ activity_focus_code character varying(8),
+ activity_focus_name character varying(255),
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ from_date date,
+ to_date date,
+ ram boolean NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
+ humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
--- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL
--- Name: attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(45) NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
--- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer,
+ profile_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile.id;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
+ date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
--- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id text NOT NULL,
+ object_id_int integer,
+ format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ serialized_data text NOT NULL,
+ object_repr text NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ revision_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
+ airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ departure_date date NOT NULL,
+ arrival_date date NOT NULL,
+ overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ dsa_region_id integer,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL,
+ _order integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: locations_location id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ completed_at timestamp with time zone,
+ canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
+ submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
+ approved_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejection_note text NOT NULL,
+ cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
+ certification_note text NOT NULL,
+ report_note text NOT NULL,
+ misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ additional_note text NOT NULL,
+ international_travel boolean,
+ ta_required boolean,
+ reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
+ estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
+ is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
+ preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
+ currency_id integer,
+ office_id integer,
+ supervisor_id integer,
+ traveler_id integer,
+ first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
+ preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
+ section_id integer
--- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ date date,
+ partner_id integer,
+ partnership_id integer,
+ primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(255),
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
+ activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
+ additional_information text NOT NULL,
+ is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ reject_comment text NOT NULL,
+ approval_comment text NOT NULL,
+ visit_information text NOT NULL,
+ date_of_assigned date,
+ date_of_cancelled date,
+ date_of_tpm_accepted date,
+ date_of_tpm_rejected date,
+ date_of_tpm_reported date,
+ date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
+ date_of_unicef_approved date,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_answer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(1024),
+ hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer,
+ file_type_id integer,
+ uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
+ file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ "group" character varying(64)[],
+ CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (1, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.166603+00', '2018-08-09 17:48:01.775826+00', 'open', 'first action', '2017-09-30', NULL, 13345, 13345, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (2, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.223519+00', '2018-08-09 17:48:01.865002+00', 'open', 'second action', '2017-09-30', NULL, 13345, 13345, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (3, '2017-10-23 21:01:29.344069+00', '2018-08-09 17:48:01.944726+00', 'open', 'TESTING E.MAILS', '2017-12-03', NULL, 14764, 14764, 14764, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 436, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (4, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.269564+00', '2018-08-09 17:48:02.022634+00', 'completed', 'action point from trip 579', '2017-09-30', '2017-09-15 04:00:00.315+00', 13345, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (5, '2017-09-15 19:10:18.261104+00', '2018-08-09 17:48:02.105955+00', 'completed', 'action point from trip 579', '2017-09-30', '2017-09-15 04:00:00.315+00', 13345, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 435, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (6, '2018-10-04 06:14:12.117941+00', '2018-10-04 06:14:12.118681+00', 'open', 'testing', '2018-10-04', NULL, 123, 123, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 11, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (7, '2018-10-04 06:28:44.572713+00', '2018-10-04 06:28:44.57374+00', 'open', 'test nik1', '2018-10-12', NULL, 123, 123, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 5, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: activities_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (1, '2019-04-02', NULL, 67, 228);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (3, '2019-04-02', NULL, 67, 228);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: activities_activity_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity_locations VALUES (1, 1, 3326);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity_locations VALUES (3, 3, 4549);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: actstream_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].actstream_action VALUES (10, '3778', 'created', NULL, '40', NULL, '2017-03-06 03:40:57.509608+00', true, '{"changes":{},"previous":{}}', NULL, 3, 112);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].actstream_action VALUES (17, '948', 'created', NULL, '42', NULL, '2017-03-06 09:07:09.454649+00', true, '{"changes":{},"previous":{}}', NULL, 3, 112);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].actstream_action VALUES (41, '18319', 'created', NULL, '45', NULL, '2017-03-17 01:32:42.572596+00', true, '{"changes":{},"previous":{}}', NULL, 3, 112);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].actstream_action VALUES (47, '45', 'changed', NULL, '4', NULL, '2017-03-17 13:21:20.237034+00', true, '{"changes":{"country_programme":1},"previous":{"country_programme":"None","partner":47,"number":"/Govt Test/201501","id":4,"result_structure":9}}', NULL, 3, 112);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (78, '2018-03-29 09:44:30.798666+00', '2018-05-02 16:44:10.181049+00', '', '', 32, 'partners_assessment_report', 70, 36, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (28, 'Govt test', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/28/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 28, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (33, 'Ministry of eTools', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/33/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 33, 's.png', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (34, 'Ministry of eTools 2', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/34/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 34, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (37, 'Ministry of Wellbodi', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/37/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 37, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (38, 'MYANMAR COUNCIL CHURCHES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201650', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/38/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 38, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (39, 'MYANMAR NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSION', 'Government', '2500220600', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/39/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 39, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (42, 'Partner Organization 2', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/42/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 42, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (43, 'Partners for food', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/43/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 43, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (46, 'QA Govt Test', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/46/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 46, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (47, 'QA Partner Test', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/47/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 47, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (49, 'RELIEF INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201729', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/49/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 49, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (50, 'right to play', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/50/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 50, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (53, 'Shafaq', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/53/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 53, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (54, 'SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD', 'Government', '2500221380', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/54/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 54, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (55, 'SUPREME COURT', 'Government', '2500201710', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/55/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 55, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (58, 'test partner 1', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/58/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 58, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (59, 'THEATRICAL & ARTISAN ASSOCIATION KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP DAW WIN WIN MAW', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223485', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/59/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 59, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (75, 'Campaign to reduce DSA', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/75/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 75, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (77, 'Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/77/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 77, 'Fiche_Visite_Programmatique.docx', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (78, 'right to play', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/78/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 78, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (79, 'Child Protection Society', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/79/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 79, 'Test_PCA.docx', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (80, 'Pro-poor bank', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/80/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 80, 'Travel_Health_Questionnaire.doc', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (83, '', '', '', '', 'Questionnaire', '/api/v2/attachments/file/83/', '', '05 Apr 2019', 83, 'auditor_troubleshoot', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F4%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1, 'ACTIONAID MYANMAR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231372', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 1, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (5, 'ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/5/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 5, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (9, 'Child King Organization', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/9/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 9, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (10, 'Child Protection Society', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/10/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 10, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (11, 'CONSORTIUM DUTCH NGO''S', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223948', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/11/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 11, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (14, 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLANNING (CHEB)', 'Government', '2500201657', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/14/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 14, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (68, 'World Trust', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/68/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 68, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (69, 'World Trust ', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/69/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 69, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (70, 'World Trust Org', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/70/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 70, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (72, 'XXX NGO', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/72/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 72, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (73, 'YANGON CITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE', 'Government', '2500201679', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/73/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 73, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (76, 'For a Better Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/76/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 76, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (84, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/84/', '', '07 Apr 2019', 84, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F2%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (3, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/3/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 3, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (6, 'Awesome Partner Org', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/6/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 6, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (7, 'Campaign to reduce DSA', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/7/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 7, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (15, 'DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR', 'Government', '2500201315', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/15/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 15, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (18, 'DPH (BFHI) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH', 'Government', '2500218429', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/18/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 18, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (19, 'DPH (CMSD) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH', 'Government', '2500201680', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/19/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 19, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (22, 'Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/22/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 22, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (24, 'For a Better Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/24/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 24, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (26, 'French Natcom', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/26/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 26, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (29, 'ICO test Partner', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/29/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 29, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (30, 'IMMIGRATION AND NATIONAL REGRISTRAT DEPARTMENT', 'Government', '2500230681', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/30/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 30, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (31, 'IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT', 'Government', '2500221758', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/31/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 31, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (35, 'Ministry of Eucation', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/35/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 35, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (36, 'Ministry of Pawpaw', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/36/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 36, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (40, 'National Rural Support Programme', 'UN Agency', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/40/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 40, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (41, 'NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN''S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201661', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/41/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 41, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (45, 'PYI GYI KHIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201724', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/45/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 45, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (48, 'QA Production Test', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/48/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 48, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (52, 'Save the Congo', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/52/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 52, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (57, 'Test3', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/57/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 57, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (61, 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229007', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/61/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 61, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (63, 'UK National Committee', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/63/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 63, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (65, 'United pawpaw workers', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/65/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 65, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (67, 'US Fund for UNICEF', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/67/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 67, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (44, 'Pro-poor bank', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/44/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 44, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (51, 'Save the Chicken', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/51/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 51, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (56, 'TERRE DES HOMMES ITALY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201737', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/56/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 56, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (60, 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, CHAUK TOWNSHIP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229609', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/60/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 60, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (64, 'UNAIR', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/64/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 64, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (66, 'UNIVERSITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH', 'Government', '2500230101', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/66/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 66, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (71, 'World Tust', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/71/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 71, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (74, 'United pawpaw workers', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/74/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 74, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and eval[[schema]]e data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent eval[[schema]]ion recommendations?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adeq[[schema]]ely to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and eval[[schema]]ion?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adeq[[schema]]e policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adeq[[schema]]e, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adeq[[schema]]e controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adeq[[schema]]e controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adeq[[schema]]e safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adeq[[schema]]ely covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adeq[[schema]]e physical security?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, eval[[schema]]e if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and eval[[schema]]ion process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adeq[[schema]]e access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (20, 2, '4c. Budgeting system', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (21, 3, '4d. Payments', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (22, 4, '4e. Policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (23, 5, '4f. Cash and bank', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (24, 6, '4g. Other offices or entities', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (25, 7, '4h. Internal audit', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (26, 0, '5a. Safeguards over assets', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (27, 1, '5b. Warehousing and inventory management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (28, 0, '7a. Procurement', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (29, 1, '7b. Contract Management - To be completed only for the IPs managing contracts as part of programme implementation. Otherwise select N/A for risk assessment', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (30, 2, 'Key Internal Controls Weaknesses', 'primary', 'audit_key_weakness', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (31, 0, 'Overall Risk Assessment', 'primary', 'ma_global_assessment', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (32, 0, 'Implementing partner', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (33, 1, 'Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (34, 2, 'Organizational structure and staffing', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (35, 3, 'Accounting policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (36, 4, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (37, 5, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (38, 6, 'Procurement', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialaudit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specificprocedure; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_spotcheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (1, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: django_comment_flags; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: django_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (2, '2', '', '', '', '2017/000007', '2018-08-09 17:48:01.921729+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (3, '3', '', '', '', '2017/000012 TESTING', '2018-08-09 17:48:01.993812+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (5, '5', '', '', '', '2017/000009 jhgjhgjh', '2018-08-09 17:48:02.157922+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, NULL);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: django_migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (734, 'reports', '0018_section_active', '2019-12-15 08:14:09.873528+00');
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (737, 'management', '0005_auto_20190806_1400', '2019-12-15 08:14:10.552799+00');
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+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (1, 'Denmark', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (3, 'Test1', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (2, 'Jason', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (5, 'Fondation Qatar', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (4, 'French Natcom', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (6, 'china', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (7, 'Lusako', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (40, 'UNOCHA', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (41, 'Unknown', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (42, 'UNICEF-THAILAND', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (43, 'Switzerland', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (44, 'Australia', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (45, 'Swiss Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (46, 'The United Kingdom', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (47, 'Global - Child Protection', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (48, 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (49, 'USA (USAID) OFDA', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (50, 'UNICEF (FOR GR ALLOCATIONS ONLY)', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (51, 'SIDA - Sweden', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (52, 'HIV-AIDS AND CHILDREN', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (53, 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (54, 'Japan', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (55, 'United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (56, 'UNOPS - New York', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (57, 'European Commission/EC', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (58, 'Norway', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (59, 'Canada', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (60, 'Netherlands', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (61, 'Consolidated Funds from NatComs', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (62, 'Australian Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (63, 'Global - Education', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (64, 'UNDP - MDTF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (65, 'The GAVI Fund', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (66, 'United Nations Joint Programme', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (67, 'Kuwait', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (68, 'Turkey', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (69, 'Global - HIV and AIDS', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (70, 'United States Fund for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (71, 'YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEVELOPMENT', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (72, 'Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (73, 'USA CDC', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (74, 'USA USAID', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (75, 'European Commission / ECHO', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (76, 'UNAIDS', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (77, 'Germany', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (78, 'USAID/Food for Peace', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (79, 'Japan Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (80, 'Canada/IHA', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (81, 'Korean Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (82, 'Italian National Committee', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (83, 'French Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (84, 'BASIC EDUCATION AND GENDER EQUALITY', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (85, 'EAP/US Dept Bureau of EAP', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (86, 'POLICY ADVOCACY AND PARTNERSHIP', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (87, 'Global - Social Inclusion', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (88, 'United Nations Foundation Inc.', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (89, 'CHILD PROTECTION: PREVENTING/ R', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (90, 'Donor Pooled Fund (mixed donors)', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (8, 'Nicole le Grand', 4, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (12, 'SM130198', 43, '2013-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian contribution for the emergency in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (14, 'SC100567', 45, '2013-06-30', 'Child Survival - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (11, 'SC130858', 42, '2015-06-30', 'Handwashing Communication Initiative - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (16, 'SC160141', 44, '2018-06-30', 'Myanmar: Supportingchildren''s rights and protection programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (15, 'SC120132', 46, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar - Quality Basic Education Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (13, 'SC120335', 44, '2017-03-31', 'Myanmar- Quality basic education program', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (17, 'SC109904', 47, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC CHILD PROTECTION FRM VIOLENCE, EXPLOITATION, ABUSE 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (18, 'SM149910', 48, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic Humanitarian contributions 2014-2016 (Cost recovery EXBD 2013/5)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (19, 'SM140271', 49, '2017-09-30', 'SM140271/USAIDOFDA/MYANMAR/ASSISTANCE TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN MYANMAR', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (21, 'SM160137', 43, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Field activities (Child Protection)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (20, 'SM170240', 49, '2018-05-31', 'Myanmar:Assistance to IDP and Conflict-Affected Communities in Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (23, 'SM120437', 40, '2013-06-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Priority Health Needs of IDP Population in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (24, 'SM120449', 51, '2013-12-31', 'SM120449 Sweden/Humanitarian Appeal 2012 - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (25, 'SC109903', 52, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC HIV/AIDS AND CHILDREN 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (26, 'SC149903', 53, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 3: Water, sanitation, hygiene', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (28, 'SC170016', 55, '2018-03-31', '21st Century Skills- Power in the hands of Young People - Myanmar - Pearson', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (29, 'SC150115', 56, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar/UNOPS/Assistance to Health System Strengthening in Support of 3MDG Fund', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (27, 'SM150137', 54, '2016-03-31', 'Myanmar - EmergencyAssistance to Children in Ethnic Minority Areas', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (30, 'SC130005', 57, '2014-12-31', 'EU Birth Registration WCARO-ESARO-EAPRO (SC130003/4/5)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (31, 'SM140129', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UFE to Myanmar: Addressing Life Saving / Emergency Health Needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (32, 'SM130487', 46, '2017-09-30', 'EMOPS: Increase disaster preparedness capacity & capability within 11 high risk', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (33, 'SC100961', 58, '2011-08-31', 'SC100961 - Norway/Myanmar Improving Access to Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (34, 'SC150171', 59, '2016-03-31', 'PD: Children not soldiers campaing', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (35, 'SC110667', 60, '2016-06-30', 'PD: Peace-building,Education and Advocacy in Conflict-affected Contexts', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (36, 'SC160108', 61, '2018-12-31', 'Better Education and a Better Future for Children-Myanmar-H&M', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (37, 'SC120007', 1, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (38, 'SM130373', 40, '2014-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Water & sanitation emergency response for humanitarian needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (40, 'SM120347', 49, '2014-09-30', 'SM12034/USAID OFDA/MYANMAR/ASSISTANCE TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN MYANMAR', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (41, 'SC130710', 62, '2017-03-31', 'Myanmar Youth Council and Innovation Lab - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (39, 'SC140665', 1, '2017-06-30', 'Myanmar: Quality Basic Education (see SC120007 change due to exchange rate)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (43, 'SM160168', 1, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Partnership Agreement 2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (44, 'SC150110', 44, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Concerningsupport fir the UNICEF program', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (42, 'SM150393', 54, '2016-02-29', 'Myanmar - EmergencyResponse to Internally Displaced Children & Families', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (45, 'SM120322', 40, '2013-02-21', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian Response for IDPs in Rakhine (WASH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (47, 'SM129906', 48, '2015-12-31', 'Thematic Humanitarian Contributions 2012 - 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (48, 'SC080448', 44, '2012-03-31', 'SC080448/AUSAID/MYANMAR/IMPROVING ACCESS TO QUALITY BASIC EDUCATION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (46, 'SC130001', 57, '2017-06-30', 'Myanmar MDEF II Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (49, 'SM100378', 1, '2011-12-31', 'SM100378/Denmark/Myanmar - Humanitarian Partnership Framework Agreement 2010', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (50, 'SM150384', 40, '2016-02-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (51, 'SC149905', 63, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 5: Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (52, 'SC150600', 64, '2017-11-30', 'Myanmar/UNDP/ PBF/IRF-125 Prevent the recruitment and use of children by armed', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (54, 'SM150445', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of conflict-affected', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (55, 'SM150476', 46, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Improvement of Emergency WASH Response in Kachin and Northern Shan ..', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (53, 'SM140116', 54, '2015-03-31', 'SM140116/Myanmar/Japan - Emergency Assistance to Displaced Children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (56, 'SC160101', 65, '2017-06-30', 'PD: Support to 2016Targeted Country Assistance for Tiers 1 & 2', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (57, 'GE120015', 50, '2013-06-03', 'GE120015 - 0600A0/MAM/EPF (2012-2013)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (58, 'SC140563', 45, '2017-06-30', 'Prevention of Recruitment, use, & release of Children from Armed Forces-Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (59, 'SM120014', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian assistance to IDPs in Kachin (Hlth/WSH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (60, 'SC100973', 66, '2013-12-23', 'Myanmar JP CAAC - UNICEF portion (see XI100042)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (62, 'SM140089', 40, '2015-02-28', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Education for conflict affected youth in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (64, 'SM150380', 40, '2016-05-02', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion for flood', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (61, 'SM160250', 67, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Support ofthe Humanitarian Action for children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (65, 'SM140087', 40, '2015-03-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Development of lifesaving WASH facilities', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (63, 'SC130518', 46, '2019-01-31', 'PD: Accelerating Sanitation & Water for All in off-track countries', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (66, 'SM160304', 68, '2017-06-15', 'Myanmar: Support toEmergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (1, 'SC15123', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (67, 'SC149902', 69, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 2: HIV and AIDS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (68, 'SC100412', 58, '2011-12-31', 'SC100412 Norway/Myanmar - Reporting Mechanism/Children in Armed Conflict', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (69, 'SC060958', 60, '2012-06-30', 'SC060958/Netherlands/Myanmar/ Education in Emergencies post-crisis transition', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (70, 'SM120323', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced children in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (71, 'SM120013', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (74, 'SC109902', 71, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEVELOPMENT 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (75, 'SM140017', 68, '2015-02-06', 'Turkey - Myanmar: Emergency (WASH) for Displaced people in Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (76, 'SM130235', 44, '2014-09-30', 'MYANMAR/EMERGENCY WASH TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE IN RAKHINE STATE', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (77, 'SC140866', 72, '2017-11-30', 'Expanding Coverage of HIV/AIDS PMTCT - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (78, 'GS100075', 50, '2012-05-31', 'GS100075/0098/MAM/2010 RR_7% SET ASIDE - EAPRO', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (79, 'SC160017', 65, '2017-01-14', 'Myanmar: Support the implementation of the Pneumococcal vaccine introduction', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (80, 'SC140800', 65, '2016-12-31', 'MYANMAR: Vaccine introduction activities for the Measles-Rubella vaccine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (82, 'SC130610', 73, '2014-09-17', 'EVIDENCE BASED APPROACHES TO WAR RELATED INJURIES & HUMANITARIAN PUBLIC HEALTH', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (83, 'SM130165', 40, '2013-10-31', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing IDP population Life Saving/Emergency Health Needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (84, 'SM150317', 46, '2017-07-31', 'EMOPS: Global Humanitarian Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (85, 'SC130102', 65, '2014-12-31', 'Myanmar: Support Implementation of HSS (Reprogramming)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (86, 'SC160212', 74, '2018-06-30', 'PD Nutrition: Elimination of IDD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (87, 'SC160491', 46, '2017-08-14', 'Myanmar: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Resilience Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (88, 'SC160490', 54, '2017-09-30', 'Myanmar - Project for Enhancing Protection for All Children in Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (89, 'SM150385', 40, '2016-02-13', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing health needs in the flood affected population', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (90, 'SM120325', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Priority health needs of IDP population in Sittwe, Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (92, 'SM130166', 40, '2013-10-31', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (93, 'SC140596', 70, '2017-02-12', 'Innovations programs-Division for Policy & Strategy-NY', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (96, 'SC120899', 76, '2013-11-30', 'SC120899 / UNAIDS /Myanmar / PMTCT Counselling', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (94, 'SM160242', 75, '2017-05-31', 'Myanmar - Children of Peace - MRE - SM160242 - EUR500K', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (95, 'SM160150', 59, '2016-12-31', 'Burma: UNICEF Humanitarian Actrion for children 2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (91, 'SC120716', 1, '2014-10-31', 'Myanmar: Prevention/recruitment/use and release of children in armed forces', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (97, 'SM150139', 43, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Earmarked Contributions to UNICEF 2015-Child Protection', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (98, 'GS120045', 50, '2013-12-31', 'GS120045/0600A0/MAM/2012', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (99, 'SC130763', 64, '2016-04-30', 'SC130763/UNDP/Myanmar/Contributing to Peace Dividend Projects-Mon & Kayin States', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (100, 'SC140025', 77, '2016-06-30', 'Myanmar: (BMZ)Life Skills Curriculum - Learning & Practice Project', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (101, 'SM120436', 40, '2013-06-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (102, 'KM160055', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: Logistics', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (103, 'SM140081', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Integrated approach to address malnutrition', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (105, 'SC120140', 79, '2014-03-31', 'Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (106, 'SC110644', 58, '2013-06-30', 'SC110644 Norway/Myanmar Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (107, 'SC130222', 80, '2014-12-31', 'PD: ADDRESSING GRAVE VIOLATIONS OF CHILDREN''S RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICT', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (104, 'SM120160', 40, '2012-11-02', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian assistance (WASH) to IDPs in Kachin', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (109, 'SC130842', 79, '2016-06-30', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (108, 'SC140670', 81, '2016-06-30', 'Improving Access ofYoung Children to School-based ECD Services-Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (110, 'SM150456', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (111, 'SC130393', 82, '2016-06-30', 'Project against Manutrition - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (112, 'SC170149', 83, '2019-12-31', 'Prevent childhood blindness through Vitamin A supplementation-Myanmar-L''Occitane', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (113, 'SC140732', 79, '2016-12-31', 'Community and School WASH improvement project - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (115, 'SC130837', 79, '2014-12-31', 'Universal Coverage for Immunization - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (114, 'SC160702', 55, '2019-12-23', 'Improving communitybased MNCH and nutrition - DFID Soccer Aid 2016 - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (116, 'SM120324', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Malnutrition treatment/micronutrient deficiency prevention', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (117, 'SM160190', 75, '2017-12-31', 'Strengthning protection & resilience - EUR 1,000,000.00 - SM160190', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (118, 'SM150488', 54, '2017-10-31', 'Myanmar - EmergencyGrant Aid to support education sector affected by flood', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (119, 'SC109901', 84, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC BASIC EDUCATION & GENDER EQUALITY (2010 - 2013)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (120, 'SM150157', 59, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Action for Children 2015', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (121, 'SC150463', 85, '2017-07-31', 'Myanmar: Child Soldier Demobilization in Burma (Myanmar)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (122, 'SM160458', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: Support UNICEF''s Nutrition Program to be Implemented in Burma', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (123, 'SC120253', 66, '2013-05-12', 'AUSAID//MYANMAR/JP MATERNAL NEWBORN AND CHILD HEALTH', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (124, 'SC069902', 71, '2012-12-31', 'SC069902/YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEV 2006 - 2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (125, 'SC140084', 79, '2018-02-15', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (126, 'SC140012', 65, '2015-02-28', 'PD: Business Plan 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (127, 'SM110327', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF UFE: Treatmentof acute malnutrtion of children in Northern Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (128, 'SC140576', 45, '2017-06-30', 'Eliminating Mother to Child Transmission of HIV - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (129, 'SC069903', 52, '2012-12-31', 'SC069903/HIV-AIDS AND CHILDREN 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (130, 'SM140249', 43, '2014-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian contribution 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (132, 'SC110027', 79, '2013-12-31', 'Maintenance of MNT Elimination Status - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (131, 'SC150210', 65, '2016-04-09', 'Myanmar: Inactivated Polio Vaccine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (133, 'SC120672', 72, '2014-12-31', 'Expanding Coverage of HIV-AIDS PMTCT - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (134, 'SC140209', 62, '2014-12-31', 'Minimum Standards for Working Children - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (135, 'SC120683', 62, '2013-12-31', 'Minimum Standards for Working Children - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (136, 'SC140165', 65, '2016-12-31', 'PD: IPV Business Plan 2014-2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (137, 'SC120875', 77, '2014-06-30', 'BMZ: Myanmar: Provision of Education to Ethnic Minorities in Kachin&Kayin States', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (138, 'SM130378', 40, '2014-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Improving access to primary health care services', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (139, 'SC100535', 79, '2013-06-30', 'Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (9, 'SM150457', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Emergency WASH services for IDPs in hard to reach areas', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (73, 'SC120870', 64, '2013-12-31', 'SC120870 / UNDP / PBF - Myanmar/Effective implementation of 1612 Action Plan', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (161, 'SM150446', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of children and women', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (162, 'SC070689', 57, '2011-12-24', 'SC070689 Myanmar Education 2007', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (163, 'SC150016', 65, '2016-03-31', 'PD: GAVI Business Plan, Supply Chain', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (164, 'SM120159', 40, '2012-09-14', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced persons in Katchin State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (165, 'SC120027', 77, '2013-05-31', 'BMZ: Myanmar: Improving Children''s Literacy and Numeracy Skills', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (166, 'GS150011', 50, '2016-04-14', 'GS150011/0600A0/MAM/Child Protection (SP 2014-2017)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (167, 'SC100682', 82, '2013-06-30', 'Malnutrition Project - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (168, 'SC120487', 79, '2015-06-30', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (169, 'SC069904', 89, '2012-12-31', 'SC069904/CHILD PROTECTION: PREVENTING/ RESPONDING TO VIOLENCE, EXPLOITATION-ABUS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (170, 'SC110302', 88, '2012-12-31', 'Grant UNF 11 Measles Phase 12 - Myanmar (Burma)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (171, 'SC120058', 65, '2012-12-31', 'GAVI Business Plan 2011-2012 (Amendment No.1)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (172, 'SC160018', 70, '2017-12-31', 'UNICEF Global PolioEradication Initiative - PD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (173, 'SC170171', 65, '2018-03-27', 'Myanmar:Implementation of the Japanese Encephalitis Routine Immunization', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (174, 'SC140862', 51, '2017-12-31', 'PROGRAMME DIVISION - CHILD PROTECTION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (175, 'SC120106', 90, '2016-06-30', 'WASH - Global - Unilever - 7% Recovery Rate', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (176, 'SC140612', 70, '2016-12-31', 'Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) - Gates Foundation, 8% - PD NYHQ', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (177, 'SC150017', 65, '2016-12-31', 'PD: GAVI IMG BP', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (178, 'SC150647', 79, '2018-10-30', 'Child Friendly Teacher Training- Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (179, 'SM140137', 80, '2014-12-31', 'MYANMAR - UNICEF 2014 HUMANITARIAN', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (180, 'SM120434', 40, '2013-05-15', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Emrg nutrition assistance to conflict affected children/women', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (182, 'SC150074', 70, '2016-12-31', 'UNICEF''s Global Polio Eradication Initiative for 2015-PD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (72, 'SC160559', 70, '2017-09-30', 'Responding to the Measles outbreak-Myanmar-Latter Day Saint Charities', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (81, 'GS140094', 50, '2015-10-16', 'GS140094/0600A0/MAM/Child Protection: Preventing and Responding to Violence, Exp', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (140, 'SM140099', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Protecting children through empowering key stakeholders', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (141, 'SC080533', 44, '2012-03-31', 'SC080533/AUDAID/MYANMAR/STRENGTHENING JUVENILE JUSTICE & CHILD PROTECTION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (142, 'SC069901', 84, '2012-12-31', 'SC069901/BASIC EDUCATION AND GENDER EQUALITY-MTSP 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (143, 'SM130124', 80, '2013-12-31', 'UNICEF''s EMERGENCY NUTRITION PROGRAMMING', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (144, 'SC110569', 54, '2012-10-31', 'SC1100569/MYANMAR/JAPAN - IMPROVING TEACHING AND LEARNING SKILLS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (145, 'SC170152', 65, '2018-06-30', 'PD: GAVI Partners'' Engagement Framework for 2017-2018 Targeted Country Asisstanc', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (147, 'SC141022', 61, '2017-06-30', 'Global Polio/GPEI -PD- Easy Jet', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (146, 'SC109905', 86, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC POLICY ADVOCACY & PARTNERHSIPS FOR CHILDREN''S RIGHTS 2010-2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (148, 'SC160613', 56, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar/UNOPS: Strengthening Support to the Rakhine State Health Department', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (149, 'SC149907', 87, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 7: Social Inclusion', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (150, 'SC090868', 77, '2011-12-31', 'DE 10 BMZ Child Health Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (151, 'SC160406', 46, '2019-01-31', 'PD: Accelerating Sanitation & Water for All in off-track .. (Con''t SC130518)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (152, 'SC120019', 88, '2013-12-31', 'UNF 12 Measles Phase 13', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (153, 'SC069905', 86, '2012-12-31', 'SC069905/POLICY ADVOCACY AND PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN''S RIGHTS 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (154, 'KM160054', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: : Goods InKind', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (155, 'SC130134', 88, '2015-04-30', 'PD: UNF 13 Measles Phase 14', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (156, 'SC120348', 58, '2013-12-31', 'SC120348 Norway/PD-WES/Norway Global Funds for WASH 2010-2012', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (157, 'SC120738', 82, '2015-12-31', 'Prevention and Treatment of Malnutrition - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (158, 'SC120632', 79, '2014-06-30', 'Improving EPI service by strengthening cold chain & logistics - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (159, 'SC100763', 1, '2012-06-30', 'SC100763/Denmark/Myanmar WASH Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (160, 'SC120375', 81, '2015-06-30', 'Malaria Activities - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (181, 'SC110144', 88, '2012-12-31', 'UNF 10 Measles Phase 11 - Myanmar (Burma)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (2, 'Danish fund for chickens', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (3, 'SM160123', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (4, 'Jason', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (5, 'pawpaw fund', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (6, 'Gold Mining Bas Uele SC123456', 4, '2016-12-31', '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (7, 'Educate a Child', 5, '2017-12-31', '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (10, 'Unknown', 41, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (22, 'NON-GRANT (GC)', 50, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (1, '2018-02-15 19:31:46.570589+00', '2018-12-31 04:00:59.534836+00', 2018, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 0}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 0, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 0}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 0], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 0], [\"Met Requirements\", 0]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 0.0], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 0.0], [\"Met Requirements\", 0.0]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Active Partners\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 0}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", null, \"#D8D8D8\", 0], [\"Low\", null, \"#2BB0F2\", 0], [\"Medium\", null, \"#FECC02\", 0], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", null, \"#751010\", 0]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", null, \"#FECC02\", 0], [\"GOV\", null, \"#F05656\", 0]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (2, '2019-01-01 04:01:00.24745+00', '2019-04-08 04:01:51.577094+00', 2019, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 0}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 0, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 0}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 0], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 0], [\"Met Requirements\", 0]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 0.0], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 0.0], [\"Met Requirements\", 0.0]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Active Partners\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 0}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 0}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", null, \"#D8D8D8\", 0], [\"Low\", null, \"#2BB0F2\", 0], [\"Medium\", null, \"#FECC02\", 0], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", null, \"#751010\", 0]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", null, \"#FECC02\", 0], [\"GOV\", null, \"#F05656\", 0]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (1, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.408443+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.420527+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASIAN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CENTER\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 41312.7], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 153);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (2, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.447076+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.459452+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CONSORTIUM DUTCH NGO''S\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1416163.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 178);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (3, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.519311+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.531275+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1878305.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", null], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 118);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (4, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.557014+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.568811+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17212510.32], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 83);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (5, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.594151+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.606796+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLANNING (CHEB)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 72755.13], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 183);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (6, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.633993+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.645907+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1629.33], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 189);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (7, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.672067+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.68404+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPT OF MYANMAR EDUCATION RESEARCH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 10542.25], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 184);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (8, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.710993+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.723939+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DHP-PLANNING (PLANNING SECTION)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 32433.09], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 202);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (9, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.749569+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.761549+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (BFHI) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17029.29], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 158);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (10, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.786095+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.798279+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (CMSD) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 24761.27], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 148);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (11, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.822414+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.834148+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (PLANNING) NAYPYITAW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 5015.88], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 154);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (12, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.859552+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.871696+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1806.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 199);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (13, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.89733+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.909747+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"IMMIGRATION AND NATIONAL REGRISTRAT DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1806.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 149);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (14, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.934678+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.946816+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1264.97], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 161);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (15, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.977645+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.990066+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MYANMAR COUNCIL CHURCHES\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 114090.4], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 126);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (16, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.015714+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.027891+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MYANMAR NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 38576.18], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 180);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (17, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.053618+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.066979+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN''S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 46183.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Significant\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 157);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (18, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.092095+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.104221+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"PYI GYI KHIN\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 180517.51], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 192);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (19, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.129413+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.141879+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 86844.76], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (20, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.167933+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.180046+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SUPREME COURT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 32602.01], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 172);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (21, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.205776+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.217871+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TERRE DES HOMMES ITALY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 72520.97], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 150);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (22, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.243462+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.256529+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL & ARTISAN ASSOCIATION KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP DAW WIN WIN MAW\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 8651.75], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Significant\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 102);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (23, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.282586+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.294525+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, CHAUK TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18711.34], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 197);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (24, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.322674+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.33536+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 19701.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 186);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (25, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.359892+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.372439+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, MAWLAMYAING TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17698.66], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 165);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (26, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.398955+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.410811+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"UNIVERSITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 2790.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 175);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (27, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.437392+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.450375+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"YANGON CITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 11555.9], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 190);
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--- Data for Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype VALUES (5, 'Informal Settlement', NULL, '2019-02-07 15:56:05.68094+00', '2019-02-07 15:56:05.785475+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype VALUES (3, 'Jason', NULL, '2019-02-07 15:56:05.68094+00', '2019-02-07 15:56:05.785475+00');
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--- Data for Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2055, 'Jdita 003', NULL, NULL, '51224-01-003', '0101000020E61000004C37894160ED414090A0F831E6E64040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (145, 'Haouch Qayssar 004', NULL, NULL, '51264-01-004', '0101000020E610000039B4C876BEE741406F1283C0CAE14040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (146, 'Haouch Qayssar 005', NULL, NULL, '51264-01-005', '0101000020E61000002BF697DD93E74140C4B12E6EA3E14040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (147, 'Barr Elias 001', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-001', '0101000020E610000014AE47E17AF44140363CBD5296E14040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (148, 'Barr Elias 002', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-002', '0101000020E6100000492EFF21FDF64140073D9B559FE34040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (149, 'Barr Elias 003', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-003', '0101000020E610000086C954C1A8F44140B6847CD0B3E14040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (150, 'Barr Elias 004', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-004', '0101000020E6100000226C787AA5F44140686FF085C9E44040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (151, 'Barr Elias 005', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-005', '0101000020E6100000C6DCB5847CF8414005A3923A01E54040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (152, 'Barr Elias 006', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-006', '0101000020E6100000C4FEB27BF2F8414030BB270F0BE54040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (153, 'Barr Elias 007', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-007', '0101000020E6100000AA60545227F841402575029A08E34040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (154, 'Barr Elias 008', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-008', '0101000020E6100000643BDF4F8DF74140166A4DF38EE34040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (155, 'Barr Elias 009', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-009', '0101000020E610000063CC5D4BC8F741407A36AB3E57E34040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (156, 'Barr Elias 010', NULL, NULL, '51267-01-010', '0101000020E61000005AF5B9DA8AF54140091B9E5E29E34040', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_answer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_office id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (1, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.166603+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.299088+00', 'open', 'first action', '2017-09-30', NULL, 13345, 13345, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2017/1/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (2, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.223519+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.300625+00', 'open', 'second action', '2017-09-30', NULL, 13345, 13345, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2017/2/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (3, '2017-10-23 21:01:29.344069+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.301817+00', 'open', 'TESTING E.MAILS', '2017-12-03', NULL, 14764, 14764, 14764, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 436, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2017/3/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (4, '2017-09-15 19:08:45.269564+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.302967+00', 'completed', 'action point from trip 579', '2017-09-30', '2017-09-15 04:00:00.315+00', 13345, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 46, NULL, NULL, false, 434, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2017/4/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (5, '2017-09-15 19:10:18.261104+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.304596+00', 'completed', 'action point from trip 579', '2017-09-30', '2017-09-15 04:00:00.315+00', 13345, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 435, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2017/5/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (6, '2018-10-04 06:14:12.117941+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.3063+00', 'open', 'testing', '2018-10-04', NULL, 123, 123, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 11, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2018/6/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (7, '2018-10-04 06:28:44.572713+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.30791+00', 'open', 'test nik1', '2018-10-12', NULL, 123, 123, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 5, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2018/7/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (8, '2019-05-20 12:15:11.783097+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.309548+00', 'open', '4 Recommendations and action points for follow up
+• HLSS should follow up the issue for M&E tools with UNICEF
+• amoxicillin syrups should be provided to the site for medical complication issue
+• HLSS should provide palate for keeping the supplies in all the site
+• HLSS should met with CHD on the issue of the store for keeping the supplies before rain come in akoka
+ provision of sugar water solution at OTP centers for children suspected of being hypoglycemia as per the CMAM protocol
+Ensure appetite test is conducted in all the sites during OTP services provision
+Reorient staff and provide continuous support on the admission and discharge criteria
+Ensure all required information is recorded in the OTP treatment cards On going HLSS', '2019-05-10', NULL, 25789, 23436, 25789, 97, NULL, 67, NULL, 2, 228, 3, NULL, false, 493, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2019/8/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (9, '2019-05-23 12:35:33.502345+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.311224+00', 'open', 'Testing w/ Nik', '2019-05-25', NULL, 14764, 123, 14764, 120, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 229, 5, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2019/9/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (10, '2019-05-30 08:05:15.427158+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.312964+00', 'open', 'test', '2019-05-30', NULL, 2702, 2702, 2702, 18, NULL, 67, NULL, 2, 228, 9, NULL, false, 497, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2019/10/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (11, '2019-06-06 13:33:26.628459+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:33.314604+00', 'open', 'test', '2019-06-27', NULL, 123, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, 4, NULL, false, 498, NULL, NULL, 'UAT/2019/11/APD', NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (13, 'DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING', 'Government', '2500201643', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/13/', '', 13, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (8, 'Chiild Protection Society ', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/8/', '', 8, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (12, 'DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING', 'Government', '2500218425', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/12/', '', 12, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (16, 'DEPT OF MYANMAR EDUCATION RESEARCH', 'Government', '2500233172', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/16/', '', 16, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (17, 'DHP-PLANNING (PLANNING SECTION)', 'Government', '2500220368', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/17/', '', 17, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (21, 'Education au Bandundu', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/21/', '', 21, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (23, 'ETools Master Fund', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/23/', '', 23, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (27, 'GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT', 'Government', '2500230720', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/27/', '', 27, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (28, 'Govt test', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/28/', '', 28, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (33, 'Ministry of eTools', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/33/', '', 33, 's.png', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (34, 'Ministry of eTools 2', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/34/', '', 34, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (37, 'Ministry of Wellbodi', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/37/', '', 37, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (38, 'MYANMAR COUNCIL CHURCHES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201650', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/38/', '', 38, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (39, 'MYANMAR NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSION', 'Government', '2500220600', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/39/', '', 39, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (42, 'Partner Organization 2', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/42/', '', 42, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (43, 'Partners for food', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/43/', '', 43, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (46, 'QA Govt Test', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/46/', '', 46, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (47, 'QA Partner Test', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/47/', '', 47, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (55, 'SUPREME COURT', 'Government', '2500201710', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/55/', '', 55, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (59, 'THEATRICAL & ARTISAN ASSOCIATION KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP DAW WIN WIN MAW', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223485', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/59/', '', 59, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (80, 'Pro-poor bank', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/80/', '', 80, 'Travel_Health_Questionnaire.doc', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (83, '', '', '', '', 'Questionnaire', '/api/v2/attachments/file/83/', '', 83, 'auditor_troubleshoot', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F4%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-04-05 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1, 'ACTIONAID MYANMAR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231372', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1/', '', 1, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (9, 'Child King Organization', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/9/', '', 9, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (10, 'Child Protection Society', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/10/', '', 10, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (11, 'CONSORTIUM DUTCH NGO''S', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223948', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/11/', '', 11, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (14, 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLANNING (CHEB)', 'Government', '2500201657', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/14/', '', 14, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (68, 'World Trust', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/68/', '', 68, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (69, 'World Trust ', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/69/', '', 69, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (72, 'XXX NGO', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/72/', '', 72, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (3, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/3/', '', 3, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (15, 'DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR', 'Government', '2500201315', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/15/', '', 15, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (22, 'Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/22/', '', 22, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (24, 'For a Better Education in DRC', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/24/', '', 24, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (26, 'French Natcom', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/26/', '', 26, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (29, 'ICO test Partner', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/29/', '', 29, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (35, 'Ministry of Eucation', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/35/', '', 35, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (36, 'Ministry of Pawpaw', 'Government', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/36/', '', 36, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (40, 'National Rural Support Programme', 'UN Agency', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/40/', '', 40, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (63, 'UK National Committee', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/63/', '', 63, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (65, 'United pawpaw workers', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/65/', '', 65, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (67, 'US Fund for UNICEF', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/67/', '', 67, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (44, 'Pro-poor bank', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/44/', '', 44, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (51, 'Save the Chicken', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/51/', '', 51, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (56, 'TERRE DES HOMMES ITALY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500201737', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/56/', '', 56, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (60, 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, CHAUK TOWNSHIP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229609', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/60/', '', 60, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (64, 'UNAIR', 'Civil Society Organization', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/64/', '', 64, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (85, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/85/', '', 85, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F2%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 67, '2019-04-07 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (81, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', '', 'Signed Agreement', '/api/v2/attachments/file/81/', 'Jean Mege', 81, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', '/api/v2/agreements/146/', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2019-04-02 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (82, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567', 'Signed PD/SSFA', '/api/v2/attachments/file/82/', 'Jean Mege', 82, 'etoolslogo_4_ZISdM4n.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', '/api/v2/interventions/67/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 67, '2019-04-02 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (90, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567-1', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/90/', '', 90, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F9%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 67, '2019-07-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (87, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/87/', 'Nikola Trncic', 87, 'IRQ_PCA201759_PD2019506_results.docx', 'UAT/PCA2015146', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 67, '2019-05-13 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (88, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', '', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/88/', '', 88, 'Etools_issues.JPG', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Fap%252Fmicro-assessments%252F4%252Foverview', 'Financial Assurance (FAM)', NULL, '2019-05-21 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (89, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567-1', 'PD/SSFA Amendment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/89/', 'Nikola Trncic', 89, 'Screen_Shot_2019-05-29_at_7.49.21_AM.png', 'UAT/PCA2015146', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 67, '2019-05-31 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (91, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567-1', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/91/', '', 91, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F9%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 67, '2019-07-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (4, 'ASIAN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CENTER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500000070', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/4/', '', 4, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (62, 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, MAWLAMYAING TOWNSHIP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229799', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/62/', '', 62, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (66, 'UNIVERSITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH', 'Government', '2500230101', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/66/', '', 66, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (71, 'World Tust', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/71/', '', 71, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (74, 'United pawpaw workers', 'Civil Society Organisation', '', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/74/', '', 74, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (92, '', '', '', '', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/92/', '', 92, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F9%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-07-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (93, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/93/', '', 93, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F9%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-07-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (94, 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221381', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567-1', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/94/', '', 94, 'etoolslogo_4.jpg', 'UAT/PCA2015146', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D2%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F10%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 67, '2019-07-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (96, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/96/', 'Robert Avram', 96, 'Screen_Shot_2019-05-16_at_11.08.29_AM.png', '', '', '', NULL, '2019-10-04 00:00:00+00');
+-- Data for Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (1, '2018-10-17 14:00:48.746338+00', '2018-10-17 14:01:41.50947+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-10-11', 'sc', '2018-10-31', '2018-11-14', 0.00, '2018-10-11', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 228, false, 1, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (2, '2019-04-26 14:54:42.36063+00', '2019-04-26 14:54:42.361287+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-04-26', 'ma', NULL, NULL, 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 229, false, 124, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (4, '2019-05-21 12:57:05.869472+00', '2019-05-21 17:11:33.644632+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-05-21', 'ma', NULL, NULL, 0.00, '2019-05-21', '2019-05-21', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 228, false, 124, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (3, '2019-04-26 14:55:49.721551+00', '2019-05-29 15:50:04.401676+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-04-26', 'ma', NULL, NULL, 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 228, false, 124, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (5, '2019-09-06 16:23:45.016972+00', '2019-09-06 16:31:31.332096+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-04', 'sc', '2019-09-02', '2019-09-04', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 228, false, 1, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (6, '2019-09-19 03:03:06.43054+00', '2019-09-19 03:05:45.852189+00', 'cancelled', '2019-09-02', 'sc', '2019-09-18', '2019-09-19', 20000.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-09-19', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'Incorrect inputs', '', 229, false, 1, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_active_pd; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (1, 4, 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (2, 5, 67);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (1, 3, 171);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (2, 4, 171);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (3, 5, 171);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (1, 1, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (2, 2, 357);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (3, 3, 357);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (4, 4, 449);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (5, 3, 449);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (6, 5, 904);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (7, 5, 905);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (8, 6, 940);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (9, 6, 942);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (10, 6, 971);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_microassessment VALUES (2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_microassessment VALUES (3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_microassessment VALUES (4);
+-- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_risk VALUES (1, 2, '{"comments": "teetet"}', 110, 4);
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adeq[[schema]]e policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adeq[[schema]]e, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adeq[[schema]]e controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adeq[[schema]]e controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adeq[[schema]]e safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adeq[[schema]]ely covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adeq[[schema]]e physical security?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, eval[[schema]]e if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and eval[[schema]]ion process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and eval[[schema]]e data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent eval[[schema]]ion recommendations?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adeq[[schema]]ely to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and eval[[schema]]ion?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adeq[[schema]]e access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (20, 2, '4c. Budgeting system', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (21, 3, '4d. Payments', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (22, 4, '4e. Policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (23, 5, '4f. Cash and bank', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (24, 6, '4g. Other offices or entities', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (25, 7, '4h. Internal audit', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (26, 0, '5a. Safeguards over assets', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (27, 1, '5b. Warehousing and inventory management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (28, 0, '7a. Procurement', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (29, 1, '7b. Contract Management - To be completed only for the IPs managing contracts as part of programme implementation. Otherwise select N/A for risk assessment', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (30, 2, 'Key Internal Controls Weaknesses', 'primary', 'audit_key_weakness', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (31, 0, 'Overall Risk Assessment', 'primary', 'ma_global_assessment', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (32, 0, 'Implementing partner', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (33, 1, 'Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (34, 2, 'Organizational structure and staffing', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (35, 3, 'Accounting policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (36, 4, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (37, 5, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (38, 6, 'Procurement', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+-- Data for Name: audit_specialaudit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: audit_spotcheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (1, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (5, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (6, 0.00, 0.00, '');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (512, 'django_comments', '0001_initial', '2018-05-03 15:11:33.764393+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (5, 'Fondation Qatar', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (42, 'UNICEF-THAILAND', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (44, 'Australia', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (45, 'Swiss Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (46, 'The United Kingdom', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (47, 'Global - Child Protection', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (48, 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (49, 'USA (USAID) OFDA', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (50, 'UNICEF (FOR GR ALLOCATIONS ONLY)', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (51, 'SIDA - Sweden', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (52, 'HIV-AIDS AND CHILDREN', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (53, 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (54, 'Japan', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (55, 'United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (56, 'UNOPS - New York', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (57, 'European Commission/EC', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (58, 'Norway', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (59, 'Canada', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (60, 'Netherlands', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (61, 'Consolidated Funds from NatComs', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (62, 'Australian Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (63, 'Global - Education', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (64, 'UNDP - MDTF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (65, 'The GAVI Fund', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (66, 'United Nations Joint Programme', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (67, 'Kuwait', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (68, 'Turkey', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (69, 'Global - HIV and AIDS', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (70, 'United States Fund for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (71, 'YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEVELOPMENT', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (72, 'Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (73, 'USA CDC', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (74, 'USA USAID', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (75, 'European Commission / ECHO', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (76, 'UNAIDS', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (77, 'Germany', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (78, 'USAID/Food for Peace', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (79, 'Japan Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (80, 'Canada/IHA', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (81, 'Korean Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (82, 'Italian National Committee', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (83, 'French Committee for UNICEF', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (84, 'BASIC EDUCATION AND GENDER EQUALITY', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (85, 'EAP/US Dept Bureau of EAP', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (86, 'POLICY ADVOCACY AND PARTNERSHIP', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (87, 'Global - Social Inclusion', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (88, 'United Nations Foundation Inc.', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (89, 'CHILD PROTECTION: PREVENTING/ R', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (90, 'Donor Pooled Fund (mixed donors)', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.26132+00', '2018-03-15 17:53:58.396604+00');
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (8, 'Nicole le Grand', 4, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (12, 'SM130198', 43, '2013-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian contribution for the emergency in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (14, 'SC100567', 45, '2013-06-30', 'Child Survival - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (11, 'SC130858', 42, '2015-06-30', 'Handwashing Communication Initiative - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (16, 'SC160141', 44, '2018-06-30', 'Myanmar: Supportingchildren''s rights and protection programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (15, 'SC120132', 46, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar - Quality Basic Education Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (13, 'SC120335', 44, '2017-03-31', 'Myanmar- Quality basic education program', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (17, 'SC109904', 47, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC CHILD PROTECTION FRM VIOLENCE, EXPLOITATION, ABUSE 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (18, 'SM149910', 48, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic Humanitarian contributions 2014-2016 (Cost recovery EXBD 2013/5)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (19, 'SM140271', 49, '2017-09-30', 'SM140271/USAIDOFDA/MYANMAR/ASSISTANCE TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN MYANMAR', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (21, 'SM160137', 43, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Field activities (Child Protection)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (20, 'SM170240', 49, '2018-05-31', 'Myanmar:Assistance to IDP and Conflict-Affected Communities in Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (23, 'SM120437', 40, '2013-06-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Priority Health Needs of IDP Population in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (24, 'SM120449', 51, '2013-12-31', 'SM120449 Sweden/Humanitarian Appeal 2012 - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (25, 'SC109903', 52, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC HIV/AIDS AND CHILDREN 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (26, 'SC149903', 53, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 3: Water, sanitation, hygiene', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (28, 'SC170016', 55, '2018-03-31', '21st Century Skills- Power in the hands of Young People - Myanmar - Pearson', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (29, 'SC150115', 56, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar/UNOPS/Assistance to Health System Strengthening in Support of 3MDG Fund', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (27, 'SM150137', 54, '2016-03-31', 'Myanmar - EmergencyAssistance to Children in Ethnic Minority Areas', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (30, 'SC130005', 57, '2014-12-31', 'EU Birth Registration WCARO-ESARO-EAPRO (SC130003/4/5)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (31, 'SM140129', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UFE to Myanmar: Addressing Life Saving / Emergency Health Needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (32, 'SM130487', 46, '2017-09-30', 'EMOPS: Increase disaster preparedness capacity & capability within 11 high risk', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (33, 'SC100961', 58, '2011-08-31', 'SC100961 - Norway/Myanmar Improving Access to Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (34, 'SC150171', 59, '2016-03-31', 'PD: Children not soldiers campaing', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (35, 'SC110667', 60, '2016-06-30', 'PD: Peace-building,Education and Advocacy in Conflict-affected Contexts', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (36, 'SC160108', 61, '2018-12-31', 'Better Education and a Better Future for Children-Myanmar-H&M', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (37, 'SC120007', 1, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (38, 'SM130373', 40, '2014-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Water & sanitation emergency response for humanitarian needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (40, 'SM120347', 49, '2014-09-30', 'SM12034/USAID OFDA/MYANMAR/ASSISTANCE TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN MYANMAR', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (41, 'SC130710', 62, '2017-03-31', 'Myanmar Youth Council and Innovation Lab - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (39, 'SC140665', 1, '2017-06-30', 'Myanmar: Quality Basic Education (see SC120007 change due to exchange rate)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (43, 'SM160168', 1, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Partnership Agreement 2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (44, 'SC150110', 44, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Concerningsupport fir the UNICEF program', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (42, 'SM150393', 54, '2016-02-29', 'Myanmar - EmergencyResponse to Internally Displaced Children & Families', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (45, 'SM120322', 40, '2013-02-21', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian Response for IDPs in Rakhine (WASH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (47, 'SM129906', 48, '2015-12-31', 'Thematic Humanitarian Contributions 2012 - 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (48, 'SC080448', 44, '2012-03-31', 'SC080448/AUSAID/MYANMAR/IMPROVING ACCESS TO QUALITY BASIC EDUCATION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (46, 'SC130001', 57, '2017-06-30', 'Myanmar MDEF II Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (49, 'SM100378', 1, '2011-12-31', 'SM100378/Denmark/Myanmar - Humanitarian Partnership Framework Agreement 2010', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (50, 'SM150384', 40, '2016-02-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (51, 'SC149905', 63, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 5: Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (52, 'SC150600', 64, '2017-11-30', 'Myanmar/UNDP/ PBF/IRF-125 Prevent the recruitment and use of children by armed', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (54, 'SM150445', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of conflict-affected', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (55, 'SM150476', 46, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Improvement of Emergency WASH Response in Kachin and Northern Shan ..', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (53, 'SM140116', 54, '2015-03-31', 'SM140116/Myanmar/Japan - Emergency Assistance to Displaced Children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (56, 'SC160101', 65, '2017-06-30', 'PD: Support to 2016Targeted Country Assistance for Tiers 1 & 2', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (57, 'GE120015', 50, '2013-06-03', 'GE120015 - 0600A0/MAM/EPF (2012-2013)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (58, 'SC140563', 45, '2017-06-30', 'Prevention of Recruitment, use, & release of Children from Armed Forces-Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (59, 'SM120014', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian assistance to IDPs in Kachin (Hlth/WSH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (60, 'SC100973', 66, '2013-12-23', 'Myanmar JP CAAC - UNICEF portion (see XI100042)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (62, 'SM140089', 40, '2015-02-28', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Education for conflict affected youth in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (64, 'SM150380', 40, '2016-05-02', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion for flood', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (61, 'SM160250', 67, '2016-12-31', 'Myanmar: Support ofthe Humanitarian Action for children', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (65, 'SM140087', 40, '2015-03-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Development of lifesaving WASH facilities', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (63, 'SC130518', 46, '2019-01-31', 'PD: Accelerating Sanitation & Water for All in off-track countries', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (66, 'SM160304', 68, '2017-06-15', 'Myanmar: Support toEmergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (1, 'SC15123', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (67, 'SC149902', 69, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 2: HIV and AIDS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (68, 'SC100412', 58, '2011-12-31', 'SC100412 Norway/Myanmar - Reporting Mechanism/Children in Armed Conflict', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (69, 'SC060958', 60, '2012-06-30', 'SC060958/Netherlands/Myanmar/ Education in Emergencies post-crisis transition', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (70, 'SM120323', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced children in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (71, 'SM120013', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced persons in Kachin State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (74, 'SC109902', 71, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEVELOPMENT 2010 - 2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (75, 'SM140017', 68, '2015-02-06', 'Turkey - Myanmar: Emergency (WASH) for Displaced people in Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (76, 'SM130235', 44, '2014-09-30', 'MYANMAR/EMERGENCY WASH TO INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE IN RAKHINE STATE', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (77, 'SC140866', 72, '2017-11-30', 'Expanding Coverage of HIV/AIDS PMTCT - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (78, 'GS100075', 50, '2012-05-31', 'GS100075/0098/MAM/2010 RR_7% SET ASIDE - EAPRO', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (79, 'SC160017', 65, '2017-01-14', 'Myanmar: Support the implementation of the Pneumococcal vaccine introduction', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (80, 'SC140800', 65, '2016-12-31', 'MYANMAR: Vaccine introduction activities for the Measles-Rubella vaccine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (82, 'SC130610', 73, '2014-09-17', 'EVIDENCE BASED APPROACHES TO WAR RELATED INJURIES & HUMANITARIAN PUBLIC HEALTH', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (83, 'SM130165', 40, '2013-10-31', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing IDP population Life Saving/Emergency Health Needs', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (84, 'SM150317', 46, '2017-07-31', 'EMOPS: Global Humanitarian Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (85, 'SC130102', 65, '2014-12-31', 'Myanmar: Support Implementation of HSS (Reprogramming)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (86, 'SC160212', 74, '2018-06-30', 'PD Nutrition: Elimination of IDD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (87, 'SC160491', 46, '2017-08-14', 'Myanmar: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Resilience Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (88, 'SC160490', 54, '2017-09-30', 'Myanmar - Project for Enhancing Protection for All Children in Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (89, 'SM150385', 40, '2016-02-13', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Addressing health needs in the flood affected population', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (90, 'SM120325', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Priority health needs of IDP population in Sittwe, Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (92, 'SM130166', 40, '2013-10-31', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (93, 'SC140596', 70, '2017-02-12', 'Innovations programs-Division for Policy & Strategy-NY', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (96, 'SC120899', 76, '2013-11-30', 'SC120899 / UNAIDS /Myanmar / PMTCT Counselling', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (94, 'SM160242', 75, '2017-05-31', 'Myanmar - Children of Peace - MRE - SM160242 - EUR500K', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (95, 'SM160150', 59, '2016-12-31', 'Burma: UNICEF Humanitarian Actrion for children 2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (91, 'SC120716', 1, '2014-10-31', 'Myanmar: Prevention/recruitment/use and release of children in armed forces', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (97, 'SM150139', 43, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Earmarked Contributions to UNICEF 2015-Child Protection', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (98, 'GS120045', 50, '2013-12-31', 'GS120045/0600A0/MAM/2012', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (99, 'SC130763', 64, '2016-04-30', 'SC130763/UNDP/Myanmar/Contributing to Peace Dividend Projects-Mon & Kayin States', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (100, 'SC140025', 77, '2016-06-30', 'Myanmar: (BMZ)Life Skills Curriculum - Learning & Practice Project', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (101, 'SM120436', 40, '2013-06-03', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian WASH Response for IDPs in Rakhine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (102, 'KM160055', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: Logistics', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (103, 'SM140081', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Integrated approach to address malnutrition', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (105, 'SC120140', 79, '2014-03-31', 'Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (106, 'SC110644', 58, '2013-06-30', 'SC110644 Norway/Myanmar Quality Basic Education', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (107, 'SC130222', 80, '2014-12-31', 'PD: ADDRESSING GRAVE VIOLATIONS OF CHILDREN''S RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICT', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (104, 'SM120160', 40, '2012-11-02', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Humanitarian assistance (WASH) to IDPs in Kachin', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (109, 'SC130842', 79, '2016-06-30', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (108, 'SC140670', 81, '2016-06-30', 'Improving Access ofYoung Children to School-based ECD Services-Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (110, 'SM150456', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (111, 'SC130393', 82, '2016-06-30', 'Project against Manutrition - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (112, 'SC170149', 83, '2019-12-31', 'Prevent childhood blindness through Vitamin A supplementation-Myanmar-L''Occitane', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (113, 'SC140732', 79, '2016-12-31', 'Community and School WASH improvement project - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (115, 'SC130837', 79, '2014-12-31', 'Universal Coverage for Immunization - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (114, 'SC160702', 55, '2019-12-23', 'Improving communitybased MNCH and nutrition - DFID Soccer Aid 2016 - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (116, 'SM120324', 40, '2013-02-22', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Malnutrition treatment/micronutrient deficiency prevention', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (117, 'SM160190', 75, '2017-12-31', 'Strengthning protection & resilience - EUR 1,000,000.00 - SM160190', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (118, 'SM150488', 54, '2017-10-31', 'Myanmar - EmergencyGrant Aid to support education sector affected by flood', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (119, 'SC109901', 84, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC BASIC EDUCATION & GENDER EQUALITY (2010 - 2013)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (120, 'SM150157', 59, '2015-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian Action for Children 2015', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (121, 'SC150463', 85, '2017-07-31', 'Myanmar: Child Soldier Demobilization in Burma (Myanmar)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (122, 'SM160458', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: Support UNICEF''s Nutrition Program to be Implemented in Burma', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (123, 'SC120253', 66, '2013-05-12', 'AUSAID//MYANMAR/JP MATERNAL NEWBORN AND CHILD HEALTH', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (124, 'SC069902', 71, '2012-12-31', 'SC069902/YOUNG CHILD SURVIVAL & DEV 2006 - 2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (125, 'SC140084', 79, '2018-02-15', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (126, 'SC140012', 65, '2015-02-28', 'PD: Business Plan 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (127, 'SM110327', 40, '2012-06-30', 'CERF UFE: Treatmentof acute malnutrtion of children in Northern Rakhine State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (128, 'SC140576', 45, '2017-06-30', 'Eliminating Mother to Child Transmission of HIV - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (129, 'SC069903', 52, '2012-12-31', 'SC069903/HIV-AIDS AND CHILDREN 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (130, 'SM140249', 43, '2014-12-31', 'Myanmar: Humanitarian contribution 2014', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (132, 'SC110027', 79, '2013-12-31', 'Maintenance of MNT Elimination Status - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (131, 'SC150210', 65, '2016-04-09', 'Myanmar: Inactivated Polio Vaccine', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (133, 'SC120672', 72, '2014-12-31', 'Expanding Coverage of HIV-AIDS PMTCT - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (134, 'SC140209', 62, '2014-12-31', 'Minimum Standards for Working Children - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (135, 'SC120683', 62, '2013-12-31', 'Minimum Standards for Working Children - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (136, 'SC140165', 65, '2016-12-31', 'PD: IPV Business Plan 2014-2016', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (137, 'SC120875', 77, '2014-06-30', 'BMZ: Myanmar: Provision of Education to Ethnic Minorities in Kachin&Kayin States', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (138, 'SM130378', 40, '2014-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Improving access to primary health care services', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (139, 'SC100535', 79, '2013-06-30', 'Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (9, 'SM150457', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Emergency WASH services for IDPs in hard to reach areas', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (73, 'SC120870', 64, '2013-12-31', 'SC120870 / UNDP / PBF - Myanmar/Effective implementation of 1612 Action Plan', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (161, 'SM150446', 40, '2016-06-30', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Addressing immediate protection needs of children and women', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (162, 'SC070689', 57, '2011-12-24', 'SC070689 Myanmar Education 2007', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (163, 'SC150016', 65, '2016-03-31', 'PD: GAVI Business Plan, Supply Chain', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (164, 'SM120159', 40, '2012-09-14', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Protection of internally displaced persons in Katchin State', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (165, 'SC120027', 77, '2013-05-31', 'BMZ: Myanmar: Improving Children''s Literacy and Numeracy Skills', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (166, 'GS150011', 50, '2016-04-14', 'GS150011/0600A0/MAM/Child Protection (SP 2014-2017)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (167, 'SC100682', 82, '2013-06-30', 'Malnutrition Project - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (168, 'SC120487', 79, '2015-06-30', 'Improving Primary School Learning Environment - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (169, 'SC069904', 89, '2012-12-31', 'SC069904/CHILD PROTECTION: PREVENTING/ RESPONDING TO VIOLENCE, EXPLOITATION-ABUS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (170, 'SC110302', 88, '2012-12-31', 'Grant UNF 11 Measles Phase 12 - Myanmar (Burma)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (171, 'SC120058', 65, '2012-12-31', 'GAVI Business Plan 2011-2012 (Amendment No.1)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (172, 'SC160018', 70, '2017-12-31', 'UNICEF Global PolioEradication Initiative - PD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (173, 'SC170171', 65, '2018-03-27', 'Myanmar:Implementation of the Japanese Encephalitis Routine Immunization', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (174, 'SC140862', 51, '2017-12-31', 'PROGRAMME DIVISION - CHILD PROTECTION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (175, 'SC120106', 90, '2016-06-30', 'WASH - Global - Unilever - 7% Recovery Rate', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (176, 'SC140612', 70, '2016-12-31', 'Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) - Gates Foundation, 8% - PD NYHQ', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (177, 'SC150017', 65, '2016-12-31', 'PD: GAVI IMG BP', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (178, 'SC150647', 79, '2018-10-30', 'Child Friendly Teacher Training- Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (179, 'SM140137', 80, '2014-12-31', 'MYANMAR - UNICEF 2014 HUMANITARIAN', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (180, 'SM120434', 40, '2013-05-15', 'CERF RR to Myanmar:Emrg nutrition assistance to conflict affected children/women', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (182, 'SC150074', 70, '2016-12-31', 'UNICEF''s Global Polio Eradication Initiative for 2015-PD', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (72, 'SC160559', 70, '2017-09-30', 'Responding to the Measles outbreak-Myanmar-Latter Day Saint Charities', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (81, 'GS140094', 50, '2015-10-16', 'GS140094/0600A0/MAM/Child Protection: Preventing and Responding to Violence, Exp', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (140, 'SM140099', 40, '2014-12-31', 'CERF UF to Myanmar:Protecting children through empowering key stakeholders', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (141, 'SC080533', 44, '2012-03-31', 'SC080533/AUDAID/MYANMAR/STRENGTHENING JUVENILE JUSTICE & CHILD PROTECTION', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (142, 'SC069901', 84, '2012-12-31', 'SC069901/BASIC EDUCATION AND GENDER EQUALITY-MTSP 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (143, 'SM130124', 80, '2013-12-31', 'UNICEF''s EMERGENCY NUTRITION PROGRAMMING', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (144, 'SC110569', 54, '2012-10-31', 'SC1100569/MYANMAR/JAPAN - IMPROVING TEACHING AND LEARNING SKILLS', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (145, 'SC170152', 65, '2018-06-30', 'PD: GAVI Partners'' Engagement Framework for 2017-2018 Targeted Country Asisstanc', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (147, 'SC141022', 61, '2017-06-30', 'Global Polio/GPEI -PD- Easy Jet', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (146, 'SC109905', 86, '2014-12-31', 'THEMATIC POLICY ADVOCACY & PARTNERHSIPS FOR CHILDREN''S RIGHTS 2010-2013', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (148, 'SC160613', 56, '2017-12-31', 'Myanmar/UNOPS: Strengthening Support to the Rakhine State Health Department', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (149, 'SC149907', 87, '2018-12-31', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 7: Social Inclusion', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (150, 'SC090868', 77, '2011-12-31', 'DE 10 BMZ Child Health Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (151, 'SC160406', 46, '2019-01-31', 'PD: Accelerating Sanitation & Water for All in off-track .. (Con''t SC130518)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (152, 'SC120019', 88, '2013-12-31', 'UNF 12 Measles Phase 13', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (153, 'SC069905', 86, '2012-12-31', 'SC069905/POLICY ADVOCACY AND PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN''S RIGHTS 2006-2009', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (154, 'KM160054', 78, '2018-09-26', 'Myanmar: : Goods InKind', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (155, 'SC130134', 88, '2015-04-30', 'PD: UNF 13 Measles Phase 14', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (156, 'SC120348', 58, '2013-12-31', 'SC120348 Norway/PD-WES/Norway Global Funds for WASH 2010-2012', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (157, 'SC120738', 82, '2015-12-31', 'Prevention and Treatment of Malnutrition - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (158, 'SC120632', 79, '2014-06-30', 'Improving EPI service by strengthening cold chain & logistics - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (159, 'SC100763', 1, '2012-06-30', 'SC100763/Denmark/Myanmar WASH Programme', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (160, 'SC120375', 81, '2015-06-30', 'Malaria Activities - Myanmar', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (181, 'SC110144', 88, '2012-12-31', 'UNF 10 Measles Phase 11 - Myanmar (Burma)', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (2, 'Danish fund for chickens', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (3, 'SM160123', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (4, 'Jason', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (5, 'pawpaw fund', 1, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (6, 'Gold Mining Bas Uele SC123456', 4, '2016-12-31', '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (7, 'Educate a Child', 5, '2017-12-31', '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (10, 'Unknown', 41, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (22, 'NON-GRANT (GC)', 50, NULL, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.567042+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:00.687021+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (1, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.408443+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.420527+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASIAN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CENTER\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 41312.7], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 153);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (3, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.519311+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.531275+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1878305.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", null], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 118);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (5, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.594151+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.606796+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLANNING (CHEB)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 72755.13], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 183);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (6, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.633993+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.645907+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1629.33], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 189);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (8, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.710993+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.723939+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DHP-PLANNING (PLANNING SECTION)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 32433.09], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 202);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (9, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.749569+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.761549+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (BFHI) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17029.29], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 158);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (10, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.786095+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.798279+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (CMSD) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 24761.27], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 148);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (11, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.822414+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.834148+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DPH (PLANNING) NAYPYITAW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 5015.88], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 154);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (12, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.859552+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.871696+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1806.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 199);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (13, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.89733+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.909747+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"IMMIGRATION AND NATIONAL REGRISTRAT DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1806.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 149);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (14, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.934678+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.946816+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1264.97], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 161);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (15, '2017-12-30 15:45:42.977645+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:42.990066+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MYANMAR COUNCIL CHURCHES\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 114090.4], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 126);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (16, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.015714+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.027891+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MYANMAR NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 38576.18], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 180);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (17, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.053618+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.066979+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN''S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 46183.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Significant\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 157);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (18, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.092095+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.104221+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"PYI GYI KHIN\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 180517.51], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 192);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (19, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.129413+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.141879+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 86844.76], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (20, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.167933+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.180046+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SUPREME COURT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 32602.01], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 172);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (21, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.205776+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.217871+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TERRE DES HOMMES ITALY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 72520.97], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 150);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (22, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.243462+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.256529+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL & ARTISAN ASSOCIATION KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP DAW WIN WIN MAW\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 8651.75], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Significant\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 102);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (23, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.282586+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.294525+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, CHAUK TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18711.34], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 197);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (24, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.322674+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.33536+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 19701.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 186);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (25, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.359892+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.372439+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, MAWLAMYAING TOWNSHIP\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17698.66], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 165);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (26, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.398955+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.410811+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"UNIVERSITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 2790.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 175);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (27, '2017-12-30 15:45:43.437392+00', '2017-12-30 15:45:43.450375+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"YANGON CITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 11555.9], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 190);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype VALUES (2, 'Governorate', NULL, '2019-02-07 15:56:05.68094+00', '2019-02-07 15:56:05.785475+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype VALUES (3, 'Jason', NULL, '2019-02-07 15:56:05.68094+00', '2019-02-07 15:56:05.785475+00');
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+-- Data for Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (18, 'Tall Aabbas El-Gharbi 049', NULL, NULL, '35211-01-049', '0101000020E610000076711B0DE00942400B98C0ADBB494140', 5, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
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@@ -6697,7 +7823,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (653, 'Tall Aabbas El-Gharbi 04
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (4716, 'Jakarta
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (4716, 'Jakarta
', NULL, NULL, '', NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 2, 6, '2018-03-15 17:54:04.979582+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:05.766858+00', true);
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@@ -10761,5882 +11887,7591 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (4723, 'Uat', NULL, NULL, '[[sc
--- Data for Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_assessment VALUES (25, 'Micro Assessment', '', NULL, '', '2016-03-25', NULL, '2016-03-01', 'high', '', true, NULL, 46, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:09.019114+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:09.356659+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_assessment VALUES (26, 'Micro Assessment', '', NULL, '', '2016-04-01', NULL, '2015-04-01', 'high', '', true, NULL, 48, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:09.019114+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:09.356659+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_assessment VALUES (31, 'Micro Assessment', '', NULL, '', '2016-05-19', NULL, '2015-03-10', 'high', 'assessments/Fiche_Visite_Programmatique.docx', true, NULL, 52, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:09.019114+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:09.356659+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_assessment VALUES (32, 'Micro Assessment', '', NULL, '', '2016-06-13', NULL, '2016-06-08', 'high', '', true, NULL, 55, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:09.019114+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:09.356659+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_assessment VALUES (33, 'Scheduled Audit report', '', NULL, '', '2017-03-31', NULL, '2017-03-27', 'high', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organizations/35/assesments/None/Test_PCA.docx', false, NULL, 35, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:09.019114+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:09.356659+00', true);
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+-- Data for Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (3, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.417097+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.417452+00', '2013-07-10', '', false, 228);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (4, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.420932+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.421383+00', NULL, '', false, 153);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (7, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.432795+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.433304+00', NULL, '', false, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (8, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.436984+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.437426+00', NULL, '', false, 36);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (10, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.446094+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.446648+00', NULL, '', false, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (11, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.450451+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.451172+00', NULL, '', false, 178);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (12, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.455207+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.455687+00', NULL, '', false, 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (13, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.459414+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.459994+00', NULL, '', false, 118);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (14, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.463817+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.464583+00', NULL, '', false, 183);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (15, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.468404+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.469072+00', NULL, '', false, 189);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (16, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.473074+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.473547+00', NULL, '', false, 184);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (17, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.478203+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.479082+00', NULL, '', false, 202);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (18, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.482869+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.483758+00', NULL, '', false, 158);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (20, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.492486+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.4935+00', NULL, '', false, 154);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (21, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.497219+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.497867+00', NULL, '', false, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (22, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.502+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.502517+00', NULL, '', false, 52);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (23, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.507173+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.50782+00', NULL, '', false, 61);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (24, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.512235+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.512851+00', NULL, '', false, 48);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (25, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.517029+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.517591+00', NULL, '', false, 181);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (26, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.521486+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.522142+00', NULL, '', false, 43);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (28, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.530325+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.530914+00', NULL, '', false, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (29, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.535248+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.535826+00', NULL, '', false, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (30, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.539187+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.539869+00', NULL, '', false, 149);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (31, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.543865+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.544406+00', NULL, '', false, 161);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (33, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.554617+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.555307+00', NULL, 'partners/core_values/s.png', false, 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (34, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.559218+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.559789+00', NULL, '', false, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (35, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.564394+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.565063+00', NULL, '', false, 20);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (37, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.573911+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.57445+00', NULL, '', false, 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (38, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.578791+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.579387+00', NULL, '', false, 126);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (39, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.583009+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.583871+00', NULL, '', false, 180);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (40, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.588169+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.588722+00', NULL, '', false, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (41, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.593022+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.593592+00', NULL, '', false, 157);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (42, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.597101+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.597691+00', NULL, '', false, 41);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (43, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.601707+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.602378+00', NULL, '', false, 60);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (45, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.611075+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.611558+00', NULL, '', false, 192);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (46, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.615894+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.616446+00', NULL, '', false, 57);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (47, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.620308+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.620893+00', NULL, '', false, 59);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (48, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.624573+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.62524+00', NULL, '', false, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (49, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.629035+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.629585+00', NULL, '', false, 121);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (50, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.633414+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.634086+00', NULL, '', false, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (51, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.638051+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.638572+00', NULL, '', false, 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (52, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.642127+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.642781+00', NULL, '', false, 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (53, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.6467+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.647334+00', NULL, '', false, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (54, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.651217+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.651819+00', NULL, '', false, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (55, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.655621+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.656293+00', NULL, '', false, 172);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (56, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.659796+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.66047+00', '2013-07-25', '', false, 150);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (57, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.664488+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.665166+00', NULL, '', false, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (58, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.66884+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.669452+00', NULL, '', false, 45);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (59, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.673111+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.673808+00', NULL, '', false, 102);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (60, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.677503+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.678179+00', NULL, '', false, 197);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (61, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.682088+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.682645+00', NULL, '', false, 186);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (62, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.686405+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.687028+00', NULL, '', false, 165);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (63, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.690945+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.691546+00', NULL, '', false, 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (64, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.695104+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.695962+00', NULL, '', false, 62);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (65, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.699868+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.700508+00', NULL, '', false, 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (66, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.705085+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.705844+00', NULL, '', false, 175);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (67, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.709797+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.710487+00', NULL, '', false, 42);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (68, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.715125+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.715632+00', NULL, '', false, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (69, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.719193+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.719906+00', NULL, '', false, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (70, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.723791+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.724394+00', NULL, '', false, 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (71, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.728047+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.72854+00', NULL, '', false, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (72, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.732363+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.733091+00', NULL, '', false, 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (73, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.73696+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.737503+00', NULL, '', false, 190);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (74, '2019-02-11 07:57:50.591153+00', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.591962+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 229);
+-- Data for Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (42, 'FACE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (43, 'Progress Report');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (44, 'Partnership Review');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (45, 'Final Partnership Review');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (46, 'Correspondence');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (47, 'Supply/Distribution Plan');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (48, 'Other');
+-- Data for Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (23, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Partner23', 'WT', '', 'Address23', 'email23@nowhere.org', '23', '23', NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, 23.00, 23.00, false, 'City 23', '', '', NULL, '', '"{\"audits\": {\"completed\": 0, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"follow_up_required\": 0, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"assurance_coverage\": \"void\", \"programmatic_visits\": {\"planned\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"completed\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"outstanding_findings\": 0}"', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:56.787757+00', 23.00, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (27, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Partner27', 'XXX', '', 'Address27', 'email27@nowhere.org', '27', '27', NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, 27.00, 27.00, false, 'City 27', '', '', NULL, '', '"{\"audits\": {\"completed\": 0, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"follow_up_required\": 0, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"assurance_coverage\": \"void\", \"programmatic_visits\": {\"planned\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"completed\": {\"q1\": 0, \"q2\": 0, \"q3\": 0, \"q4\": 0, \"total\": 0}, \"minimum_requirements\": null}, \"outstanding_findings\": 0}"', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2020-04-02 17:58:56.7926+00', 27.00, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
+-- Data for Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (171, 'test', 'Test', 'Test', 'test@test.crom', NULL, 228, true, '2019-04-02 05:34:54.882+00', '2019-04-02 05:34:54.882631+00');
+-- Data for Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (74, '2019-02-11 07:57:50.566744+00', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.567302+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 229, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (1, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.806283+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.647398+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 187, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (2, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.826507+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.661603+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (3, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.846735+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.676515+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 228, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (4, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.867697+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.691349+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 153, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (5, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.88733+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.706334+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 54, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (6, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.907553+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.721258+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 44, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (7, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.927789+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.735449+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 46, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (8, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.948204+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.749812+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 36, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (9, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.968278+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.764338+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 28, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (10, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.988887+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.778359+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 35, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (11, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.012127+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.792342+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 178, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (13, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.052017+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.806344+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 83, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (12, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.031828+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.821373+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 118, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (14, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.071765+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.836369+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 183, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (15, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.091752+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.851575+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 189, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (16, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.111727+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.86597+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 184, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (17, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.131871+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.881354+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 202, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (18, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.152087+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.895505+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 158, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (19, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.174105+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.910628+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 148, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (20, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.197667+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.925032+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 154, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (21, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.217888+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.939417+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 56, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (22, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.238083+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.954341+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 52, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (23, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.257793+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.968497+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 61, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (24, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.277536+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.983015+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 48, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (25, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.297664+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.997812+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 181, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (26, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.318048+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.012916+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 43, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (27, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.338638+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.027438+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 199, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (28, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.359004+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.041186+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 47, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (29, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.379091+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.056854+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 31, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (30, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.400039+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.071326+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 149, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (31, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.419727+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.086166+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 161, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (32, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.43965+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.100161+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 30, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (33, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.459418+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.114263+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 14, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (34, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.480004+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.128547+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 29, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (35, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.499807+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.143334+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 20, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (36, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.519364+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.157433+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 32, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (37, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.540269+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.171626+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 34, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (38, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.561277+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.186324+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 126, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (39, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.58065+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.200437+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 180, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (40, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.60636+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.215386+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 10, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (41, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.626254+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.23236+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 157, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (42, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.646118+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.247443+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 41, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (43, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.666333+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.2627+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 60, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (44, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.686424+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.277629+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 11, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (45, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.707822+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.292525+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 192, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (46, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.727531+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.306914+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 57, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (47, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.747395+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.321355+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 59, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (48, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.76759+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.336457+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 53, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (49, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.787386+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.351043+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 121, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (50, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.807057+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.367026+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 55, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (51, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.827558+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.38209+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 25, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (52, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.848115+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.396341+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 26, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (53, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.868606+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.410415+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 38, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (54, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.888683+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.426854+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 152, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (55, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.916654+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.441337+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 172, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (56, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.93639+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.455439+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 150, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (57, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.955641+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.470371+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 39, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (58, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.981912+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.484039+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 45, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (59, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.001755+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.497996+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 102, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (60, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.025542+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.51244+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 197, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (61, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.04561+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.526651+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 186, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (62, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.065454+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.540806+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 165, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (63, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.088869+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.555002+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 37, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (64, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.108491+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.569172+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 62, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (65, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.130662+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.58344+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 33, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (66, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.151275+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.597914+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 175, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (67, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.170839+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.611984+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 42, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (68, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.191935+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.626942+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 22, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (69, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.21184+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.64131+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 21, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (70, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.233022+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.655248+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 24, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (71, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.253479+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.669289+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 23, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (72, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.273591+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.683096+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 27, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (73, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.294539+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.69829+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 190, 0);
+-- Data for Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (2, '2019-11-08 17:08:14.548153+00', '2019-11-08 17:08:14.548153+00', '', 3, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:49:41.72498+00', '2019-10-04 17:54:34.387771+00', '', 1, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (3, '2019-11-13 16:30:49.800088+00', '2019-11-13 16:30:49.800088+00', '', 5, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (4, '2019-11-13 16:30:53.954701+00', '2019-11-13 16:30:53.954701+00', '', 5, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (5, '2019-11-13 16:30:57.899636+00', '2019-11-13 16:30:57.899636+00', '', 5, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (6, '2019-11-13 16:31:01.59418+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:01.59418+00', '', 5, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (7, '2019-11-13 16:31:04.609665+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:04.609665+00', '', 5, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answer VALUES (8, '2019-11-13 16:31:07.882319+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:07.882319+00', '', 5, 6, 3);
+-- Data for Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answerevidence VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:54:09.805834+00', '2019-10-04 17:54:34.436011+00', NULL, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_answerevidence VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:54:09.857156+00', '2019-10-04 17:54:34.452887+00', 'kjkj', 1, 3);
+-- Data for Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment VALUES (2, '2019-10-09 21:28:12.201803+00', '2019-10-09 21:28:12.229025+00', 'UAT/2019PSEA2', NULL, '2019-10-24', 'draft', 228);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:48:33.280451+00', '2019-10-04 17:54:34.415078+00', 'UAT/2019PSEA1', NULL, NULL, 'in_progress', 228);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment VALUES (3, '2019-11-08 17:06:10.985936+00', '2019-11-08 17:08:14.576776+00', 'UAT/2019PSEA3', NULL, NULL, 'in_progress', 228);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment VALUES (4, '2019-11-08 21:18:56.796312+00', '2019-11-08 21:19:07.916232+00', 'UAT/2019PSEA4', NULL, NULL, 'in_progress', 229);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment VALUES (5, '2019-11-13 16:29:35.259213+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:28.759345+00', 'UAT/2019PSEA5', 18, '2019-11-13', 'final', 229);
+-- Data for Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (1, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (2, 2, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (3, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (4, 4, 3778);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (5, 5, 3778);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points VALUES (6, 5, 3199);
+-- Data for Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:49:01.953886+00', '2019-10-04 17:49:01.953886+00', 'assigned', 1, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (2, '2019-11-08 17:06:50.683771+00', '2019-11-08 17:06:50.683771+00', 'assigned', 3, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (3, '2019-11-08 21:19:07.39083+00', '2019-11-08 21:19:07.39083+00', 'assigned', 4, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (4, '2019-11-13 16:30:42.903912+00', '2019-11-13 16:30:42.903912+00', 'assigned', 5, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (6, '2019-11-13 16:31:26.34034+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:26.34034+00', 'submitted', 5, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory VALUES (7, '2019-11-13 16:31:28.772264+00', '2019-11-13 16:31:28.772264+00', 'final', 5, '');
+-- Data for Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessor VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:48:52.914265+00', '2019-10-04 17:48:52.914265+00', 'staff', '', 1, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessor VALUES (2, '2019-10-09 21:28:22.917431+00', '2019-10-09 21:28:22.917431+00', 'staff', '', 2, NULL, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessor VALUES (3, '2019-11-08 17:06:19.963741+00', '2019-11-08 17:06:19.963741+00', 'staff', '', 3, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessor VALUES (4, '2019-11-08 21:19:04.022589+00', '2019-11-08 21:19:04.022589+00', 'staff', '', 4, NULL, 3778);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_assessor VALUES (5, '2019-11-13 16:30:39.255256+00', '2019-11-13 16:30:39.255256+00', 'staff', '', 5, NULL, 3778);
+-- Data for Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.570634+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.570645+00', 'Code of Conduct', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.577354+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.577364+00', 'PSEA Policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.583764+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.583773+00', 'Other (please specify)', true, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.59074+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.590769+00', 'Relevant human resources policies', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.597021+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.59703+00', 'Recruitment procedure (e.g. screening of candidates)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.603334+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.603344+00', 'ToR (e.g. PSEA-related responsibilities)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (7, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.609328+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.609338+00', 'Contracts/partnership agreements', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (8, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.615731+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.615745+00', 'Training Agenda', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (9, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.622317+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.622327+00', 'Attendance sheets', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (10, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.628606+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.628622+00', 'Communication materials', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (11, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.635278+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.635289+00', 'Needs assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (12, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.641373+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.641397+00', 'Risk assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (13, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.64764+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.647659+00', 'M&E framework', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (14, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.654373+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.654388+00', 'Description of reporting mechanism(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (15, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.661357+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.661375+00', 'Whistleblower policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (16, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.668386+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.668402+00', 'List of service providers', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (17, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.675447+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.675464+00', 'Referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (18, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.682807+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.682826+00', 'Name(s) of possible investigator(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (19, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.689942+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.689958+00', 'Dedicated resources for investigation(s) and/or commitment of partner for support', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (20, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.697382+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.697398+00', 'PSEA investigation policy/procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (21, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.704776+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.704822+00', 'Documentation of standard procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (22, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.712355+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.712372+00', 'Annual training plan', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (23, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.719847+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.719864+00', 'Description of referral process for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (24, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.727222+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.72724+00', 'Written process for review of SEA allegations', false, true);
+-- Data for Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.734439+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.734456+00', 'Core Standard 1: Organizational Policy', 'An organizational policy exists and is signed by all personnel (see: PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.1. Policies). (Note that the policy may exist as part of a code of conduct and/or a comprehensive SEA policy.)- Criteria 1: Organizational policy includes:
- a) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- b) a description of behavior expected of personnel on- and off-duty (reflecting the IASC’s Six Core Principles Relating to SEA);
- and c) an explicit statement of zero-tolerance for SEA (i.e. SEA as a ground for disciplinary actions, which may result in termination of employment).
- Criteria 2: The organizational policy on PSEA (e.g. code of conduct) is signed by all personnel, including employees, volunteers, contractors, and others.
- Criteria 3: The organization displays information on PSEA policy and procedure, including the code of conduct and reporting channel details, in its own offices and at project sites.
', true, 1, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.772602+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.772621+00', 'Core Standard 2: Organizational Management and HR Systems', 'The organization’s management and HR systems account for PSEA (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.2. Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization defines roles and responsibilities of personnel with specific PSEA-related responsibilities in their contracts and/or ToR.
- Criteria 2: The organization’s contracts and partnership agreements include a standard clause requiring contractors, suppliers, consultants and sub-partners to commit to a zero-tolerance policy on SEA and to take measures to prevent and respond to SEA.
- Criteria 3: There is a systematic vetting procedure in place for job candidates (e.g. reference checks, police records, Google searches) in accordance with local laws regarding employment, privacy and data protection, including checking for prior involvement in SEA or other safeguarding concerns.
', true, 2, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.805284+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.805305+00', 'Core Standard 3: Mandatory Training', 'The organization holds mandatory trainings for personnel on the organization’s SEA policy and procedures (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.1. Training). (Note this training can be delivered online or in-person.)- Criteria 1: The organization has a plan for training all personnel on PSEA.
- Criteria 2: The training includes
- 1) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- 2) a prohibition of SEA;
- and 3) actions that personnel are required to take (i.e. prompt reporting of allegations and referral of survivors).
- Criteria 3: The organization requires all personnel to participate in its PSEA training and retains an internal record of attendance (i.e. name of trainees, date of training, type of training, training provider).
', true, 3, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.838738+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.838757+00', 'Core Standard 4: Reporting', 'The organization has mechanisms and procedures for personnel, beneficiaries and communities, including children, to report SEA allegations that comply with core standards for reporting (i.e. safety, confidentiality, transparency, accessibility) and ensures that beneficiaries are aware of these (see PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.2. Awareness-raising and Section 5.2. Reporting Mechanisms).- Criteria 1: The organization has communication materials on PSEA and reporting channels available in locally relevant languages and presented in a way that all groups, including children, understand.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a description of how personnel and beneficiaries can report SEA allegations and the organization’s procedures for handling these allegations, including those involving personnel of other entities.
- Criteria 3: The organization limits the number of people with access to reported information and removes identifying information of those involved when sharing information.
', true, 4, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.871607+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.871626+00', 'Core Standard 5: Assistance and Referrals', 'The organization has a system to ensure survivors of SEA, including children, receive immediate professional assistance, referring them to relevant service providers (see PSEA Toolkit Section 6.2. Assistance and Referrals).- Criteria 1: The organization has an updated list of local service providers and/or contact with local GBV coordination mechanisms (i.e. GBV sub-cluster) for all programme sites/areas.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a procedure to guide the referral process, outlining the steps that personnel, particularly those receiving complaints, need to take, including follow-up to referrals.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA.
', true, 5, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.904569+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.90459+00', 'Core Standard 6: Investigations', 'The organization has a process and plan for ensuring investigation into SEA allegations involving its personnel (see PSEA Toolkit Section 7.2. Investigation Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization has a process for reviewing allegations of SEA and deciding on the need for investigation and other next steps (e.g. assistance for adult/child survivors and/or others, need for investigation); this involves a system for recording all SEA allegations involving its personnel and its response measures.
- Criteria 2: The organization has access to an experienced, impartial and trained investigator to conduct an investigation on SEA; this may involve using in-house capacity, hiring an external investigator, or getting a commitment of partner(s) for support.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a system for providing organizational oversight of an investigation (e.g. information-sharing/communications, risk assessments), including disciplinary measures in case of substantiated allegations.
', true, 6, '');
+-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (4, 1, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (5, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (6, 2, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (7, 2, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (8, 2, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (9, 3, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (10, 3, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (11, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (12, 3, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (13, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (14, 4, 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (15, 4, 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (16, 5, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (17, 5, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (18, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (19, 5, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (20, 6, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (21, 6, 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (22, 6, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (23, 6, 20);
+-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (4, 2, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (5, 2, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (6, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (7, 3, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (8, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (9, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (10, 4, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (11, 4, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (12, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (13, 5, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (14, 5, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (15, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (16, 6, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (17, 6, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (18, 6, 3);
+-- Data for Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.544952+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.544964+00', 'Absent', 1, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.557934+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.557945+00', 'Progressing', 2, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:30:17.564203+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:17.564214+00', 'Adeq[[schema]]e', 3, true);
+-- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (1, 'Country Programme 0', '0990/A0/006', '2016-09-17', '2017-09-17', false);
+-- Data for Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (34, 'Report34', '2.1', 92, 95, 91, 91, true, 59, 11, 3, '85', false, '100', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, 'Report30', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, 'Report31', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (32, 'Report32', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (33, 'Report33', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (37, 'Report37', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (38, 'Report38', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (39, 'Report39', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (40, 'Report40', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (41, 'Report41', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (42, 'Report42', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (43, 'Report43', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (44, 'Report44', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (45, 'Report45', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (46, 'Report46', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (47, 'Report47', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (48, 'Report48', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (52, 'Report52', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (53, 'Report53', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (54, 'Report54', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, 'Report55', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, 'Report56', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, 'Report57', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, 'Report58', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, 'Report59', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, 'Report60', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, 'Report61', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, 'Report62', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, 'Report63', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, 'Report64', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, 'Report65', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, 'Report66', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, 'Report67', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, 'Report68', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, 'Report69', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, 'Report70', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, 'Report71', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, 'Report72', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, 'Report73', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, 'Report74', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'Report75', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, 'Report76', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, 'Report77', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'Report78', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'Report79', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'Report21', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, true, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, 'Report80', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, 'Report81', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (82, 'Report82', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (83, 'Report83', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (84, 'Report84', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (85, 'Report85', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, 'Report10', '', 25, 30, 10, 15, true, 22, 2, 6, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, 'Report9', '', 1000, 1400, 200, 300, true, 16, 2, 4, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, 'Report8', '', 100, 56, 10, 3, true, NULL, 5, 3, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (35, 'Report35', '2.1', 100, 0, 85, 0, true, 60, 11, 3, '85', false, '100', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (36, 'Report36', '2.1.1', 356, 0, 0, 0, true, 63, 11, 3, '0', false, '356', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, 'Report22', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, 'Report11', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, 'Report12', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, 'Report14', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, 'Report15', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, 'Report16', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, 'Report20', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, 'Report13', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, 'Report28', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, 'Report29', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+-- Data for Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_lowerresult VALUES (36, 'test', '67-1', 46, '2019-05-31 13:42:17.929452+00', '2019-05-31 13:42:17.991389+00');
+-- Data for Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (2, 'New York');
+-- Data for Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'Result107', '', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 10, 15, 11, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', false, '2016-06-27', '2016-12-31', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'Result43', 'activity 1.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 39, 9, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'Result35', 'activity 2.4', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 8, 31, 9, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'Result40', 'activity 1.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 39, 3, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'Result41', 'activity 1.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 39, 5, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'Result42', 'activity 1.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 39, 7, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'Result39', 'output 1', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'Result116', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 114, 5, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'Result50', 'activity 1.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 49, 3, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'Result51', 'activity 1.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 49, 5, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'Result52', 'activity 1.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 49, 7, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'Result26', 'output 1', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'Result49', 'output 1', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'Result27', 'activity 1.1', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 2, 26, 3, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'Result28', 'activity 1.2', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 4, 26, 5, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'Result55', 'activity 2.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 54, 3, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (77, 'Result77', 'activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 76, 3, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'Result56', 'activity 2.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 54, 5, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'Result78', 'activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 76, 5, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (144, 'Result144', 'Register U5 children', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 119, 3, '', '', 23, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'Result29', 'activity 1.3', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 6, 26, 7, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'Result30', 'activity 1.4', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 8, 26, 9, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'Result31', 'output 2', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'Result32', 'activity 2.1', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 2, 31, 3, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'Result33', 'activity 2.2', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 4, 31, 5, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'Result34', 'activity 2.3', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 6, 31, 7, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'Result79', 'activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 76, 7, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'Result76', 'output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'Result80', 'activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 76, 9, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'Result57', 'activity 2.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 54, 7, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'Result54', 'output 2', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'Result58', 'activity 2.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 54, 9, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (83, 'Result83', 'activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 81, 5, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'Result84', 'activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 81, 7, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'Result81', 'output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'Result70', 'activity 1.4', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 8, 66, 9, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'Result85', 'activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 81, 9, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'Result67', 'activity 1.1', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 2, 66, 3, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'Result68', 'activity 1.2', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 4, 66, 5, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'Result69', 'activity 1.3', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 6, 66, 7, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'Result110', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 109, 3, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'Result66', 'output 1', 2, 11, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'Result111', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 109, 5, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'Result112', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 109, 7, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'Result113', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 109, 9, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'Result115', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 114, 3, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (72, 'Result72', 'activity 2.1', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 2, 71, 3, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (82, 'Result82', 'activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 81, 3, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'Result73', 'activity 2.2', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 4, 71, 5, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'Result74', 'activity 2.3', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 6, 71, 7, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (71, 'Result71', 'output 2', 2, 11, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'Result75', 'activity 2.4', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 8, 71, 9, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'Result92', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'Result87', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'Result88', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 87, 3, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (121, 'Result121', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 125, 3, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'Result89', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 87, 5, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'Result90', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 87, 7, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'Result91', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 87, 9, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'Result97', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'Result93', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 92, 3, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'Result94', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 92, 5, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'Result95', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 92, 7, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (138, 'Result138', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 134, 9, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (140, 'Result140', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 139, 3, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (141, 'Result141', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 139, 5, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (142, 'Result142', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 139, 7, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (139, 'Result139', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (143, 'Result143', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 139, 9, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'Result59', '2', 1, 11, '222', 'Education', false, 0, 1, NULL, 6, '01-02-03', 'Access to Education', 11, '123456789', '0990/A0/006/002/', '111', '---', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'Result64', '2.2.1', 3, 11, '799', 'Education policy', false, 2, 7, 60, 8, '01-02-04', 'Policy', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/002', '--', '--', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'Result63', '2.1.1', 3, 11, '456', 'Access to Education', false, 2, 3, 60, 4, '01-01-01', 'Access to Education', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/001/001', '--', '--', true, '2015-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'Result60', '2.1', 2, 11, '1234', 'Education', false, 1, 2, 59, 9, '01-01-02', 'Access to Education', 11, '111', '0990/A0/006/002', '111', '---', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'Result65', '2.4.1', 3, 11, '896', 'Education in Emergencies', false, 2, 5, 60, 6, '01-03-05', 'School in a box', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/004', '--', '--', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'Result24', '', 1, 10, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 4, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'Result20', '', 1, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 6, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'Result22', '', 3, 2, '', '', false, 2, 3, 21, 4, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'Result19', '', 3, 1, '', '', false, 2, 7, 18, 8, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'Result23', '', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 3, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'Result16', '', 2, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 15, 5, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'Result25', '', 1, 10, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 5, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (132, 'Result132', '', 1, 3, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 28, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'Result18', '', 2, 1, '', '', false, 1, 6, 15, 9, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'Result15', '', 1, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 12, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'Result108', '', 1, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 20, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'Result17', '', 3, 5, '', '', false, 2, 3, 16, 4, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (131, 'Result131', '', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 27, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (133, 'Result133', '', 1, 3, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 29, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'Result21', '', 2, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 20, 5, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'Result119', '', 2, 4, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 4, '', '', 23, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'Result53', 'activity 1.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 49, 9, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'Result96', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 92, 9, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'Result98', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 97, 3, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'Result99', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 97, 5, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'Result100', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 97, 7, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'Result101', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 97, 9, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'Result103', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 102, 3, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'Result104', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 102, 5, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'Result105', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 102, 7, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'Result109', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (122, 'Result122', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 125, 5, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'Result102', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'Result106', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 102, 9, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'Result117', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 114, 7, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (135, 'Result135', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 134, 3, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (136, 'Result136', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 134, 5, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'Result114', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (123, 'Result123', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 125, 7, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (125, 'Result125', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (120, 'Result120', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 24, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (124, 'Result124', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 125, 9, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (127, 'Result127', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 126, 3, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (128, 'Result128', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 126, 5, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (129, 'Result129', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 126, 7, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (126, 'Result126', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (130, 'Result130', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 126, 9, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'Result118', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 114, 9, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (137, 'Result137', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 134, 7, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (134, 'Result134', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+-- Data for Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (1, 'Outcome');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (2, 'Output');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (3, 'Activity');
+-- Data for Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (1, 'WASH', 'WASH', 1, 'WASH', true, '#26f713', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (4, 'Education', 'primary education ', 3, '', true, '#124be8', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (3, 'Nutrition', 'Nutrition', NULL, '', true, '#e81759', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (5, 'Child Protection', 'CP', NULL, '', true, '#e0afe0', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (2, 'Cross Sectoral', 'Cross sectoral interventions', NULL, '', true, '#cf4334', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (6, 'Jason', '12345', 12345, '12345', false, '#012345', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (7, 'HIV and AIDS', 'HIV and AIDS outcome areas', 2, 'hiv', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (8, 'Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adol Health (MNCH)', 'MNCAH', 1, 'MNCAH', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (9, 'Social Inclusion ', 'SP', 7, 'SP', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (10, 'PSFR', 'Private Sector Fundraising', NULL, '', false, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (11, 'DRC Education', 'DRC Education', NULL, 'DRC ED', true, '#1330f0', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (13, 'Drivers', '', NULL, '', false, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+-- Data for Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (3, '12345');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (4, 'staff members');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (5, 'pawpaw');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (6, 'PPP');
+-- Data for Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (1, 2, 17819);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (2, 2, 168);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (3, 2, 184);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (4, 2, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (5, 2, 272);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (6, 2, 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (7, 2, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (8, 2, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (9, 2, 191);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (10, 2, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (11, 2, 356);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (12, 2, 394);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (13, 2, 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (14, 2, 177);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (15, 2, 97);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (16, 2, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (17, 2, 688);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (18, 2, 393);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (19, 2, 392);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (20, 2, 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (21, 2, 3287);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (22, 2, 397);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (23, 2, 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (24, 2, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (25, 2, 190);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (26, 2, 189);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (27, 2, 395);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (28, 2, 546);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (29, 2, 90);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (30, 2, 185);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (31, 2, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (32, 2, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (33, 2, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (34, 2, 186);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (35, 2, 246);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (36, 2, 410);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (37, 2, 2667);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (38, 2, 183);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (39, 2, 1666);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (40, 2, 254);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (41, 2, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (42, 2, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (43, 2, 178);
+-- Data for Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (1, 'default', '2016-11-19 04:55:56.373978+00', 'No fields changed.', 2106);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (2, 'default', '2016-11-19 10:37:50.477322+00', 'No fields changed.', 2106);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (3, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:12:24.073269+00', 'Changed owner and supervisor.', 1575);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (4, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:13:51.932668+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (5, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:14:19.991198+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (6, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:14:45.669634+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 1575);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (7, 'default', '2016-11-30 20:41:35.792338+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (8, 'default', '2016-11-30 20:48:17.241332+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (9, 'default', '2016-12-04 08:05:35.74864+00', 'Added PCA Sector "ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL: sadfsdf: Test".', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (10, 'default', '2016-12-05 10:36:07.784789+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> New york (NYC)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 473);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (11, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:55:31.855789+00', 'Added.', 450);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (12, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:58:41.7518+00', 'Added.', 450);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (13, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:59:44.287529+00', 'Added.', 450);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (14, 'default', '2016-12-06 19:00:07.124951+00', 'Added.', 450);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (15, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:35:02.05131+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (16, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:35:40.329009+00', 'Changed supervisor and main_observations.', 2027);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (17, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:47:57.141235+00', 'Changed from_date and to_date. Added action point "testing".', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (18, 'default', '2016-12-12 15:03:55.120385+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> new york (NYC)".', 2027);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (19, 'default', '2016-12-12 15:04:12.417429+00', 'Changed status.', 2027);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (20, 'default', '2016-12-13 10:58:07.062358+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Kamed El-Laouz 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added trip location " -> Dahr El-Ahmar 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added trip location " -> Baabda 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (21, 'default', '2016-12-15 19:21:24.957754+00', 'Changed status, cancelled_reason and driver. Changed person_responsible for action point "Clean your desk".', 2027);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (22, 'default', '2017-01-25 07:28:32.598069+00', 'Changed unicef_managers. Added supply plan "SupplyPlan object".', 473);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (23, 'default', '2017-01-25 07:29:37.698658+00', 'Added distribution plan "Awesome Partner Org: 0987654-01/PD201602-03-school in a box-new york (Governorate PCode: )-25".', 473);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (24, 'default', '2017-01-25 13:25:53.14829+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Laboué 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 3789);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (25, 'default', '2017-01-25 13:32:05.900376+00', 'Changed to_date, constraints, opportunities and ta_trip_took_place_as_planned. Added action point "Ensure report will be sent to office including new actions taken".', 3789);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (26, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:40:42.144066+00', 'Added supply plan "SupplyPlan object".', 3789);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (27, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:41:05.682237+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 3789);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (28, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:41:36.085888+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 3789);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (29, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:09:28.641579+00', 'Changed owner, supervisor and driver_supervisor.', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (30, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:25:04.864949+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (31, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:25:17.443338+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (32, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:33:56.905329+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 2027);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (33, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:36:12.552375+00', 'Changed status and main_observations.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (34, 'default', '2017-02-02 09:00:26.756555+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 003 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (35, 'default', '2017-02-02 09:00:27.315697+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Deddé 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (36, 'default', '2017-02-02 14:22:31.857809+00', 'Changed status, supervisor and main_observations.', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (37, 'default', '2017-02-02 15:35:23.181824+00', 'Added. Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (38, 'default', '2017-02-02 15:35:44.250561+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (39, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:10:01.92008+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (40, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:10:23.89685+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (41, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:13:10.019419+00', 'No fields changed.', 1575);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (42, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:14:15.637598+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 1575);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (43, 'default', '2017-02-10 21:25:08.630166+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 4264);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (44, 'default', '2017-02-13 16:26:29.219266+00', 'Deleted linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object".', 1576);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (77, 'default', '2017-02-20 07:38:21.729442+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> new york (NYC)".', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (78, 'default', '2017-02-20 07:38:33.759213+00', 'Changed status.', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (79, 'default', '2017-02-20 13:56:43.039948+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object".', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (80, 'default', '2017-02-20 13:56:53.773046+00', 'Changed status.', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (81, 'default', '2017-02-20 15:01:23.329676+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (82, 'default', '2017-02-20 15:01:38.31754+00', 'Changed status.', 3195);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (83, 'default', '2017-02-21 17:36:02.283619+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Bebnine 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (84, 'default', '2017-02-21 17:36:40.959737+00', 'Changed status.', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (85, 'default', '2017-02-22 04:27:43.37632+00', 'Added. Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object".', 622);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (86, 'default', '2017-02-22 05:13:40.637415+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 622);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (87, 'default', '2017-02-22 09:46:05.656091+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor, date_supervisor_approved, approved_by_budget_owner and date_budget_owner_approved.', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (88, 'default', '2017-02-22 09:47:28.046492+00', 'Changed ta_drafted_date.', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (89, 'default', '2017-02-22 09:48:06.420625+00', 'Changed programme_assistant.', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (90, 'default', '2017-02-23 08:02:39.539505+00', 'Added supply plan "SupplyPlan object".', 1136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (91, 'default', '2017-03-02 07:02:08.331748+00', 'Added.', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (92, 'default', '2017-03-02 07:03:01.091613+00', 'Added pca file "[[schema]]/file_attachments/interventions/59/print_eTools_PRIMARY_LOGO.png".', 2702);
+-- Data for Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (1, '8', 8, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.amendmentlog", "pk": 8, "fields": {"created": "2016-10-07T20:23:24.539Z", "modified": "2016-10-07T20:23:24.906Z", "partnership": 53, "type": "No Cost", "amended_at": "2016-10-07", "status": "in_process"}}]', '3: No Cost - 2016-10-07', 75, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (2, '6', 6, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.amendmentlog", "pk": 6, "fields": {"created": "2016-10-07T16:48:28.675Z", "modified": "2016-10-07T16:48:33.962Z", "partnership": 53, "type": "Cost", "amended_at": "2016-10-07", "status": "active"}}]', '1: Cost - 2016-10-07', 75, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (3, '53', 53, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.pca", "pk": 53, "fields": {"partner": 44, "agreement": 48, "partnership_type": "PD", "result_structure": 8, "number": "", "title": "Save lives", "project_type": null, "status": "active", "start_date": "2016-09-21", "end_date": "2016-11-17", "initiation_date": "2016-10-06", "submission_date": "2016-10-06", "review_date": "2016-10-06", "signed_by_unicef_date": null, "signed_by_partner_date": "2016-10-06", "unicef_manager": null, "partner_manager": 71, "partner_focal_point": null, "fr_number": "", "planned_visits": 0, "sectors": null, "current": true, "created_at": "2016-10-06T23:09:35.999Z", "updated_at": "2016-11-19T04:55:55.334Z", "unicef_managers": [2027]}}]', 'Awesome Partner Org: 0987654-01/PD201602-03', 74, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (4, '30', 30, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.partnershipbudget", "pk": 30, "fields": {"created": "2016-10-07T20:22:07.801Z", "modified": "2016-11-17T21:28:14.982Z", "partnership": 53, "partner_contribution": 5, "unicef_cash": 10, "in_kind_amount": 15, "year": "2016", "total": 30, "amendment": null}}]', 'Awesome Partner Org: 0987654-01/PD201602-03: 30', 76, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (5, '7', 7, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.amendmentlog", "pk": 7, "fields": {"created": "2016-10-07T20:22:07.778Z", "modified": "2016-10-07T20:22:08.170Z", "partnership": 53, "type": "Activity", "amended_at": "2016-10-07", "status": "active"}}]', '2: Activity - 2016-10-07', 75, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (6, '18', 18, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.pcasector", "pk": 18, "fields": {"created": "2016-11-17T15:02:12.128Z", "modified": "2016-11-17T15:02:12.399Z", "pca": 54, "sector": 4, "amendment": null}}]', 'ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL: sadfsdf: Education', 79, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_version VALUES (7, '19', 19, 'json', '[{"model": "partners.pcasector", "pk": 19, "fields": {"created": "2016-11-17T15:02:12.129Z", "modified": "2016-11-17T15:02:12.412Z", "pca": 54, "sector": 4, "amendment": null}}]', 'ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL: sadfsdf: Education', 79, 2);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (487, 'POINT 1', 'POINT 2', '2017-12-01', '2017-12-02', true, 'Bus', 824, 585, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (488, 'POINT 2', 'POINT 1', '2017-12-02', '2017-12-04', false, 'Bus', 824, 585, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (490, 'Dhaka', 'Cox''sbazar', '2018-12-17', '2018-12-17', true, 'Plane', 824, 609, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (491, 'Cox''sbazar', 'Dhaka', '2018-12-18', '2018-12-18', false, 'Plane', 824, 609, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (492, 'Dhaka', 'Khulna', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-11', true, 'Plane', 824, 617, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (493, 'Khulna', 'Dhaka', '2019-02-13', '2019-02-13', false, 'Plane', 824, 617, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (496, 'Beirut', 'Beqaa', '2019-04-12', '2019-04-12', false, 'Car', 824, 628, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (497, 'Beqaa', 'Beirut', '2019-04-12', '2019-04-12', false, 'Car', 824, 628, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (494, 'Sittwe', 'Maungdaw', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-10', false, 'Boat', 824, 620, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (495, 'Maungdaw', 'Sittwe', '2019-02-12', '2019-02-12', false, 'Boat', 824, 620, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (498, 'Manila', 'CDO', '2019-04-22', '2019-04-22', true, 'Plane', 824, 630, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (509, 'UNICEF Lebanon office - Sama Beirut Building', 'LOST Center, Bednayel - Street of the Institute - Sahl', '2019-09-12', '2019-09-12', false, 'Car', NULL, 656, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (510, 'LOST Center, Bednayel - Street of the Institute - Sahl', 'LOST Center, Bednayel - Street of the Institute - Sahl', '2019-09-12', '2019-09-12', false, 'Car', NULL, 656, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (499, '633', '3 UN', '2019-05-12', '2019-05-13', true, 'Rail', 816, 637, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (500, '3 UN', '633', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-14', false, '', 803, 637, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (501, 'Aweil Center, NBeG-South Sudan', 'Aweil West, NBeG-South Sudan', '2019-06-24', '2019-06-24', true, 'Car', NULL, 646, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (502, 'Aweil West, NBeG-South Sudan', 'Aweil Center, NBeG-South Sudan', '2019-06-28', '2019-06-28', true, 'Car', NULL, 646, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (503, 'Diffa', 'Goudoumaria', '2019-09-17', '2019-09-17', true, 'Car', NULL, 654, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (504, 'Goudoumaria', 'NGuelibeli', '2019-09-18', '2019-09-19', true, 'Car', NULL, 654, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (505, 'NGuelibeli', 'Foulatari', '2019-09-19', '2019-09-20', true, 'Car', NULL, 654, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (506, 'Foulatari', 'Diffa', '2019-09-20', '2019-09-20', false, 'Car', NULL, 654, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (507, 'Diffa', 'Goudoumaria', '2019-09-23', '2019-09-23', true, 'Car', NULL, 655, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (508, 'Goudoumaria', 'Diffa', '2019-09-26', '2019-09-26', false, 'Car', NULL, 655, 1);
+-- Data for Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Data for Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (590, '2018-06-10 20:17:57.730092+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-06-10', '2018-06-12', 'Support to CPiE Interventions in Adamawa State ( Yole)', '', false, false, '2018/571', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 6763, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (591, '2018-06-13 09:27:22.039665+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-05-11', '2018-05-13', 'Supervision de la restitution régionale du RESEN', '', false, false, '2018/572', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, NULL, 18067, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (589, '2018-05-31 13:46:54.270008+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-05-22', '2018-05-24', 'Child Protection monitoring in Gwoza LGA', '', false, false, '2018/570', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 6763, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (593, '2018-06-13 09:33:02.075435+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-06-14', '2018-06-21', 'Appui prescolaire', '', false, false, '2018/574', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 12699, 9259, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (595, '2018-07-06 10:23:26.360199+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-06-28', '2018-06-28', 'PMV FMWASD, Abuja', 'PMV took place as planned.', false, false, '2018/576', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 20207, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (596, '2018-08-02 08:54:50.761468+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-08-04', '2018-08-07', 'Attend Performance Management and Career Management Workshop', '', false, false, '2018/577', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (597, '2018-08-28 06:19:07.069309+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-08-28', '2018-08-29', 'To observe field programme on disaster risk reduction in Tangail district.', '', false, false, '2018/578', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (598, '2018-09-05 11:36:52.949985+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2018/579', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 12268, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (599, '2018-09-23 12:24:23.952692+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-09-25', '2018-09-26', 'Programme meeting with partners and field visit to Chittagong Hill Tracts', '', false, false, '2018/580', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (600, '2018-10-01 11:08:25.405457+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-10-08', '2018-10-12', 'To attend CMT meeting', '', false, false, '2018/581', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (601, '2018-10-04 06:10:52.488736+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-10-04 06:10:52.563684+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-10-03', '2018-10-03', 'test', '', false, false, '2018/582', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 22826, 123, '2018-10-04 06:10:52.563697+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (603, '2018-10-24 08:06:52.961844+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-10-26', '2018-10-29', 'To attend Programme Retreat.', '', false, false, '2018/584', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (604, '2018-11-08 20:22:44.442254+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-08 20:23:05.210707+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-10-03', '2018-10-03', 'test', '', false, false, '2018/585', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 22826, 1576, '2018-10-04 06:10:52.563697+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (602, '2018-10-04 20:58:53.084974+00', NULL, '2018-10-04 21:07:04.458843+00', '2018-10-04 20:58:53.134126+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2018-10-26', '2018-10-31', 'TESTING NY', '', false, false, '2018/583', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, '2018-10-04 20:58:53.134135+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (606, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.358094+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.417636+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-11-13', '2018-11-13', 'TEst', '', false, false, '2018/588', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 14764, 2702, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.417648+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (607, '2018-12-03 03:52:32.308434+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-12-04', '2018-12-05', 'To visit UNICEF supported programme in field.', '', false, false, '2018/589', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (609, '2018-12-13 12:10:32.110754+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-12-17', '2018-12-18', 'To facilitate session on Staff Association for 50 new staff of Cox''sbazar Field Office.', '', false, false, '2018/591', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (611, '2019-02-07 18:28:38.795297+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-16', 'Capacitacion en CDI', '', false, false, '2019/593', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 8816, 11425, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (612, '2019-02-08 06:23:50.188085+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-01-16', '2019-01-22', '', '', false, false, '2019/594', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 24163, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (610, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.254936+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.587489+00', NULL, '2019-01-09 16:35:09.856323+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', 'Tetsing', '', false, false, '2019/592', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 19323, 14764, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.587499+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (613, '2019-02-09 08:31:44.189091+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-14', 'Zanzibar Planning meeting , observe HBS training for the data collection, progress on e-PRS and TSED.', '', false, false, '2019/595', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL, NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (614, '2019-02-10 03:02:13.673419+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-10', 'Facilitate joint visit with Divisional Commissioner and DC at Moulvibazar', '', false, false, '2019/596', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (616, '2019-02-10 13:21:32.064208+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-12', 'To attend written test at Dhaka', '', false, false, '2019/598', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 8744, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (617, '2019-02-11 04:05:28.054958+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-13', 'Visit field programme.', '', false, false, '2019/599', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (648, '2019-07-12 06:28:28.458948+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-06-24', '2019-07-08', 'Programmatic Visit', '', false, false, '2019/630', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 17370, 29302, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (618, '2019-02-11 08:27:42.670871+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, 'To attend GCM meeting in Nam Kham and Field monitoring trip to Mansi camps and Kut kaing camps', '', false, false, '2019/600', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (620, '2019-02-11 09:10:02.997048+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-12', 'Coordination meeting on WASH Programme in northern Rakhine State', '', false, false, '2019/602', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 16689, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (621, '2019-02-13 07:14:24.771289+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-19', '2019-02-21', 'Testing 123', '', false, false, '2019/603', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1136, 622, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (622, '2019-02-14 03:00:54.102535+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-03-03', '2019-03-07', 'Assess & monitor PPY training and school visit to assess school governance & management practices.', '', false, false, '2019/604', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 176622, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (623, '2019-02-19 13:30:22.668936+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2019/605', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 178393, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (582, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.31379+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.37454+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-10-25', '2017-10-25', 'And', '', false, false, '2017/564', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 4124, 625, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.374549+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (580, '2017-09-15 19:09:41.723906+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2017-08-28', '2017-08-29', 'wat', '', false, false, '2017/562', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (581, '2017-10-23 19:01:56.662391+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-10-23 19:02:16.487622+00', NULL, '2017-10-23 21:01:29.493978+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2017-12-02', '2017-12-04', 'TEST ACTION POOINT', '', false, false, '2017/563', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2017-10-23 19:02:16.48763+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (583, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.210808+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.28797+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-10-31', '2017-10-31', 'test', '', false, false, '2017/565', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 3195, 2702, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.28798+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (585, '2017-11-27 18:13:34.469884+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2017-12-01', '2017-12-04', 'testing', '', false, false, '2017/567', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (584, '2017-11-10 16:36:09.850482+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-10 16:36:19.885267+00', NULL, '2017-11-13 21:58:32.749375+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2017-11-17', '2017-11-24', 'TESTING', '', false, false, '2017/566', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, '2017-11-10 16:36:19.885276+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (586, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.673997+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.736236+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-11-28', '2017-11-30', 'Test', '', false, false, '2017/568', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1576, 4124, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.736245+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (626, '2019-03-26 13:35:25.389864+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-04-07', '2019-04-11', 'Facilitation of HACT training in Sao Tome & Principe', '', true, false, '2019/608', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 8890, 11507, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (624, '2019-03-01 17:36:59.949533+00', '2019-03-01 17:37:10.196226+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'sgdtshgbdfgnfdg', '', 'completed', '2019-03-01', '2019-03-02', 'xcvghgfd', '', false, false, '2019/606', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 23434, 3778, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (628, '2019-04-10 11:51:46.044567+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-04-12', '2019-04-12', 'GWA Visit', '', false, false, '2019/610', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 23129, 189542, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (629, '2019-04-23 12:08:27.740627+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, '2019-04-22', '', '', false, false, '2019/611', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 173914, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (631, '2019-04-29 17:51:54.446416+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-29 17:51:54.474655+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-04-29', '2019-04-29', 'test date', '', false, false, '2019/613', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 8720, 123, '2019-04-29 17:51:54.474662+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (630, '2019-04-26 02:19:07.336922+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-26 02:19:33.660669+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-04-22', '2019-04-22', 'hgdsja;lhdksldkj - test', '', false, false, '2019/612', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 16996, 15, '2019-04-26 02:19:33.660678+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (632, '2019-05-09 19:41:39.669921+00', '2019-05-09 19:41:39.712081+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test', '', 'completed', '2019-01-01', '2019-01-05', 'test', '', false, false, '2019/614', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 123, 19323, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (634, '2019-05-09 20:12:41.021242+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-05-09', '2019-05-11', 'test', '', false, false, '2019/616', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 123, 18313, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (587, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.28333+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.365023+00', NULL, '2018-04-10 18:03:17.228105+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2018-04-10', '2018-04-11', 'test for dashboard', '', false, false, '2018/569', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 19665, 14764, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.365033+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (592, '2018-06-13 09:30:58.740413+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, '2018-06-20', 'Faire un soutien technique aux partenaires régionaux, préfectoraux et communaux de la Protection avant la mi', '', false, false, '2018/573', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11601, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (594, '2018-06-13 10:03:40.813397+00', NULL, '2018-06-13 10:19:06.195718+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2018-04-11', '2018-04-13', 'conduct programmatic visit', '', false, false, '2018/575', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 7457, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (605, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.075116+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.112587+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-11-11', '2019-01-10', 'Apoyo a la Oficina de Mexico para la emergencia por la caravana migrante', '', false, false, '2018/587', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.1126+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (615, '2019-02-10 03:06:07.448631+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-12', 'Visit WASH program and meting with Partners', '', false, false, '2019/597', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (619, '2019-02-11 08:42:52.404986+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-12', '2019-02-13', 'To monitor training', '', false, false, '2019/601', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (627, '2019-03-26 13:36:25.324034+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2019/609', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11507, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (625, '2019-03-01 17:43:56.810258+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-03-01', '2019-03-02', 'asvgsfagsfvgadr', '', false, false, '2019/607', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 23067, 3778, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (641, '2019-05-30 08:04:16.37948+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, '2019-05-30', 'Testing AP', '', false, false, '2019/623', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 10598, 2702, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (633, '2019-05-09 19:42:58.768152+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-09 19:42:58.789823+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test 2', '', 'submitted', '2019-01-15', '2019-01-24', 'test 2', '', false, false, '2019/615', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 123, 19323, '2019-05-09 19:42:58.789832+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (635, '2019-05-13 10:07:21.816335+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-13', 'wwww', '', false, false, '2019/617', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 18313, 2702, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (639, '2019-05-21 06:26:30.380053+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-05-27', '2019-05-31', 'monitoring and supportive supervision to panyikang site to identified gaps and on job coaching to the staff at the site', '', false, false, '2019/621', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 23436, 25789, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (640, '2019-05-22 12:54:49.343313+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-05-27', '2019-05-27', 'field monitoring and supportive supervision to Tonga health facility site to do some coaching on gaps identified case', '', false, false, '2019/622', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, NULL, 25789, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (637, '2019-05-13 19:57:09.771634+00', '2019-05-14 01:51:59.577607+00', NULL, '2019-05-13 19:57:09.796932+00', NULL, '2019-05-13 20:01:21.169866+00', '', '', '', 'csacsa', '', 'completed', '2019-05-12', '2019-05-14', 'casca', '', false, false, '2019/619', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 2, 123, 19323, '2019-05-13 19:57:09.79694+00', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (608, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.487865+00', '2018-12-06 18:58:52.64438+00', NULL, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.544769+00', NULL, '2018-12-06 18:54:59.149213+00', '', '', '', 'A', '', 'completed', '2018-12-27', '2019-01-04', 'TESTING', '', false, false, '2018/590', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.544783+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (645, '2019-07-03 13:13:49.000226+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-07-04', '2019-07-04', 'Supportive supervision and corrective actions of the field staffs', '', false, false, '2019/627', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 15945, 202016, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (642, '2019-06-06 13:29:57.849832+00', '2019-06-06 13:30:32.815862+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test', '', 'completed', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-20', 'test nik', '', false, false, '2019/624', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (644, '2019-06-06 18:52:49.958511+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-13', 'wwww', '', false, false, '2019/626', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 18313, 3892, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (647, '2019-07-08 17:52:09.843902+00', '2019-06-06 13:30:32.815862+00', '2019-07-08 17:52:44.868749+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test', '', 'cancelled', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-20', 'test nik', '', false, false, '2019/629', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 19277, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (649, '2019-07-12 08:02:08.376971+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-07-18', '2019-07-25', 'Programmatic Visit', '', false, false, '2019/631', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 17370, 29302, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (650, '2019-07-20 20:38:47.034962+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', 'vbcvxvxcvxv', '', false, false, '2019/632', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (646, '2019-07-05 00:04:52.735298+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-06-24', '2019-06-28', 'Field Monitoring, supportive supervision and corrective actions', '', false, false, '2019/628', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 28968, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (651, '2019-07-29 08:25:41.978013+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2019/633', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 186477, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (636, '2019-05-13 16:17:40.859409+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-13 16:17:40.878338+00', NULL, '2019-05-13 20:01:08.144286+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-05-01', '2019-05-08', 'Test', '', false, false, '2019/618', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 2, 123, 19294, '2019-05-13 16:17:40.878345+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (652, '2019-07-29 15:12:04.060202+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-04', 'test', '', false, false, '2019/634', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (654, '2019-08-27 10:52:41.362024+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-09-17', '2019-09-20', 'Mission de suivi de l''approche communautaire de protection de L''Enfant (CVPE)', '', false, false, '2019/636', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 11789, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (656, '2019-09-09 07:26:44.421891+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-09-12', '2019-09-12', 'Programmatic visit to NFE partner LOST in Bekaa on implementing the Akelius Language Learning Platform pilot', '', false, false, '2019/638', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 22958, 217246, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (657, '2019-09-11 16:13:52.214955+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-03-04', '2019-03-08', 'test', '', false, false, '2019/639', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 19323, 123, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (658, '2019-09-25 06:27:46.810001+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, '2019-09-26', '', '', false, false, '2019/640', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 178387, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (579, '2017-08-22 20:17:55.965468+00', '2017-08-22 20:19:24.976792+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test', '', 'completed', '2017-08-23', '2017-08-26', 'test', '', false, false, '2017/561', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 3467, 3195, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (661, '2019-11-06 15:26:43.071021+00', NULL, '2019-11-06 15:28:25.288788+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-11-12', '2019-11-18', 'Revue a mi-parcours', '', false, false, '2019/643', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 234455, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (659, '2019-10-07 05:16:56.784362+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'Places Visited / Persons Met
+Polio FO UNICEF Staff
+3rd Party Training Staff, Concerned Field and Partner Staff at relevant Health Facilities.
+Results / Constraints
+Day 1
+Visited Two Induction Training Sessions. Venue was good, required logistics were available, both halls had good seating, heating and lighting arrangements. Expected participants were 25, present were 27 in one and 22 in other where 26 were present.
+Dr. Inam CBV Manager was present to help as Technical Person. Training was conducted by Master Trainers. Both the sessions were well interactive and participatory. Participants from all the four Towns were there. Today was day 2 of 3 days induction training. Overall good quality training was observed. However most of them were new and they will be provided with Logbooks completed by a CHW in whose place they will be working. – It would have better if they were provided completed Registration Books and training should have a session where they are given examples from their own filled books.
+Day 2
+Civil Dispensary Pando Road Maskeen Abad was visited: The importance of UC is well known. UC has 2 UCOs, 10 ASs and 34 CHWs in total. Both UCOs and 7 out of 10 ASs were present at the time of visit, working on their Microplans.
+- UC Microplan was not available and it was communicated by the staff that it was misplaced 3 days back. – It was communicated by staff that it has been happening very often and their books, records and logistics get misplaced due to the fact that CBV staff is not having a secure place to place their stuff in Dispensary. There is no room or space for meetings and working and at the time of visit they were sitting in open working. SMT 1 staff is advised to prepare the MP ASAP or get a copy of it from DPCR if it was submitted there.
+- None of the AS was having AS Books with them at the time of visit. Microplans are prepared on loose papers, which according to them was the requirement of DPCR. It should be noted that as per NEOC instructions AS Book has most of the components required for MP and only a few additional formats are supposed to be used as loose papers. It was decided, sometime back that DSC Generated Still Missed Children and Still PMC could be seen as soft copies, which may supplemented by Missed Children Lists available in AS Books and in CHWs Books for details. A complete set of one AS MP was seen, it comprises of a total of 39 pages, including; Checklist for AS MP documents, Summary of UC MP, Area MP Summary, Area MP Sheet for all CHWs working under the AS which is 4 -5 (not required as it can be seen in more details in CHWs Books), Area Maps for all CHWs (not required as part of CHWs Books), summary of missed children in previous campaign (not required again, as part of AS Book), HRMP Coverage Plan (was decided to be part of UC MP), School Madrassa List (was decided to be part of UC MP), Logistic Plan (not required as is part of AS Books), Training Plan (UC MP) Social Mobilization Plan, AS Supervisory Plan (again, is already part of AS Book) and there is another Guest Children Recording was seen as part of the MP. It should also be noted that, FO has invented a Missed Children Lists which is sued in field since long (was actually part of AS Book, supplemented by DSC Generated Soft copy of Still MCL and Still PMC lists), Zero Dose Children List (are actually part of CHW Books, so not needed as a separate list), List of Mosques, List of UPEC Members with contact Numbers, List of Influencers (is again part of AS Book), List of Healthcare Providers in area, AS MP Self-Assessment Sheets etc. As most of these things are actually duplication of papers and forms available in AS Books, hence AS Books are not used by any of the AS (though I was not able to see any AS Books, they told me that all the books are in a room which was found locked as it was Nutrition Staff’s room and lady left early today due to some personal reasons, locking the door, health facility was visited around 12.00 noon). – NEOC instructions for MP are not followed in the field in Peshawar. It seems that AS Books has no use, these are apparently not used in most of the places in oteh provinces as well. Even Missed children formats which are present in bulk in these books were not seen and instead field staff invented other formats were present in all MP in SMT, this has been reported several times. It is highly recommended that either NEOC instructions for MP preparation, its eval[[schema]]ion and scoring should be implemented properly or AS Book should be discontinued as instead loose peppers formats should be provided to workers to sort out the ambiguity for field workers and to reduce the strenuous un-necessary workload on workers and wastage of resources.
+- It was calculated that 3 copies of 39 papers for MP, 25 Missed Children Listing forms, 25 Zero Dose/AFP Forms, added by 15 to 20 Team Monitoring Checklists (only 5 are provided to each AS per campaign while they are supposed to fill at least one each day for each CHW requiring 20 to 25 per campaign). Similarly there are some other documents which are photocopied by AS herself out of her pocket which is costing each AS from Rs. 500 to 1000 per campaign. – AS and CHWs should be provided with these formats in required numbers or they should be compensated for this by programme.
+- It was communicate by UCOs that Missed Children Lists provided by DSC are complete lists for all UC and it is difficult for them to manage it, while updating it for follow up coverage – DSC is hereby instructed to prepare AS wise lists in different tabs to facilitate their work (Copy of this report is sent separately to DSC Project Manager to start it w.e.f. January 2019 Campaign for all CBV areas).
+- It is found in the field that there are gaps in understanding of MP preparation and its eval[[schema]]ion by monitors which need to be dealt at higher level - MP eval[[schema]]ion method in CBV areas needs to be revisited again, it should be noted that it was very thoroughly discussed amongst all partners, PTLs from FOs were called and current modalities were finalized. It seems that written instructions with tools and training of eval[[schema]]ors is needed on this.
+- FO and DPCR is requested to look in the matter of provision of space which is secure to store CBV Campaign Documents, Records and Logistics for campaign in the health facility of SMT 1.
+- Umbrellas were found to be distributed to all the CBV staff of SMT 1 by Logistician, however there is shortage for some which should be dealt by the concerned staff.
+Still Missed Lists from 2 ASs were sent to DSC for validation. - It was found that Still Missed NA and Refusals from previous campaign were matching 100%. However out of 10 Still PMC in one AS record only 3 were reaming at DSC as these were reported as covered by files staff as per DSC record. – Needs to be further explored as who has sent these reports to DSC and if they were really coavred why record in AS MP is not updated.
+On Day 3 (18th Jan 2019) TSCs of 2 UCs were visited.
+EPI Center Akhunabad
+- Is a 3 room rented building in a small alley, has 2 EPI Technicians providing EPI services, both the technicians were on duty at the time of visit. All the EPI Vaccines were present including OPV, both Daily and Permanent EPI Registers were maintained. Pn average EPOI attendance including TT was calculated to be 10 to 15 / day and 50+ on BCG and Measles days. No other health staff is on this center.
+- Temperature of ILR was within required range and temperature chart was maintained. Staff requested that ILR was falling short of their requirement especially for cooling packs during SIAs. – District administration is requested to please look for provision of a bigger ILR as electric supply timing in areas is good.
+- CBV Staff: UC has 1 UCO, 4 AS and 15 CHWs. 1 each UCPO and TTSP are also appointed for Polio SIAs. UCO and all AS were present. UC and AS MPs were seen. All the AS were having AS Books, these were partially filled. It was communicated that these are filled for their own record however as DPCR and MP Validation Teams from District, Provincial and Federal Level don’t consider these formats valid for MP so this is cannot be presented for MP validation. – There is need to finalize the modality for MP Assessment, whatever is decided should actually to ease the work of field staff and avoid duplication of their efforts to remove all the unnecessary documentation to decrease the workload, so either loose papers or AS book should be used.
+- Similarly Missed Children Lists Formats are also not used for field use. It is also know that MCL during campaign are prepared by CHWs during field work and not by AS. As per field staff it was tried several times to leave it to AS to complete in evening but due to bulk of data it take time and efforts and could not be completed in time to be sent to DSC in the evening. – The current modalities and practices in the field are there since long, this should not be disturbed the recommended modality of AS filling all MCL may not be feasible and practical in Peshawar Context.
+- In all the AS Books checked it was seen that almost all the MCL are still blank, these pages may be remove from AS books and distributed to CHWs for filed use. To me these will be more than enough for at least 3 - 4 campaigns. – FO staff to ask the relevant to get estimation and start using these pages in field from now on and inform PCO when they will need supply for MCL Formats next. ( Dr. Jaohar has already informed that during this campaign they will be using these book pages as MCL and for Zero Dose and AFP Notifying). FO is requested to please see all old supplies for use of these pages for effective used of resources.
+- Form 2B books were seen, that AS were not oriented/ aware of the fact that why book is having four copies (it should be noted that paper used in From 2B is CCP Carbonless Copy Paper making 4 copies of each record). Despite of the fact that they should read the instructions and should be told in the training where it is clearly written where they need to send these copies. Instead of using these copies to: 1 each to DSC, DPCR, UC MP and AS MP, they are sending scan copy to DSC, Handmade one for UC and DPCR MP, leading extra work and spending money from their own pocket. – FO team are requested to guide the CHWs on use of copies in Form 2B, this will save their time, efforts and resources. Training Team to please make sure that “Written Instructions” attached with all the tools are read at training and CBV staff is asked to read them and consult during their work.
+- Very bad binding and use of Poor quality cardboard in title pages of Form 2B was seen leading to tearing off books, with losing record form written pages. AS were in opinion that its Bulk should be shortened, Binding is to be improved, in most of the books pages orientation was not correct, Bleach Card is not provided with all the books – Supplies Section to look in matter relevant to them, as most of the stuff is not of acceptable quality. The final supplies should be approved by programme. Size of the books already shortened for new versions.
+- AS inform that for last few campaigns they are supplied with while chalks only, despite of several reminders. White chalk Door Markings are not visible on most of the doors and walls. – Concerns supplying staff should be advised accordingly please. CTC
+- Staff also informed that Vaccine carries in use are too old and almost all of these need replacement for being in use for more than a year – I suppose a system for ordering new supplies already exists, staff needs proper orientation to put their demands in that that system in time by CTC.
+TSC UC Junaidabad
+Is in a FLCF, very well equipped and posted with a medical officer, Dr. Usman was present, running OPD, who seemed to be a dedicated health practitioner having good leadership. However, it was informed that UC Microplan failed for this campaign. UCO and all the AS were present at the time of visit, UC MP, AS MP and AS Books were available. Most of the observations are same for the use of AS books and MP.
+During my visits Ms. Ada along with two more DPCR staff visited for MP improvement and to take CHWs for a chronic Refusal conversion with help of team.
+- The observation on MP were discussed in my presence which are as under
+1. HRMP population clusters were not marked on UC map
+2. Vaccine requirement for this campaign was not calculated properly as protocol for calculating by using children reached during last campaign was not followed and children covered in street were missed for vaccine demand.
+3. UC Microplan submitted to DPCR was showing AS boundaries for being not colored copy
+4. Some of the documents were not labeled by title/headings
+Most of the things were very trivial mistakes, not having major impact on quality of campaign. It is recommended that UC staff including must be properly oriented on MP during training, UPEC chairman seemed to be very receptive, should be oriented on that fact that when endorsing MP should for all eth components and quality of MP before signing it mechanically. It seems that proper protocol for MP Validation is not communicated to Monitors. It is recommended that all the monitors designated must be using same yardstick for eval[[schema]]ion and scoring for standardization. The method must be relevant and predictive for good quality camping and not only for documentation.
+- It is seen that in CBV areas, instead of using Micro census TP covered during last campaign recorded on From 2B, they are using actual updated micro census population for this campaign which is updated before each campaign and reflect the actual target age population of the area (which seems to a good practice and must accepted). It must also be kept in mind that this needs to be added with some coverages from previous camping for data in Form 2B is available, which are not part of Microcensus. These are: Children Covered in Street, Guest Children Covered, School children, Fixed and PTP coverages and children who were recorded as missed.', '', 'planned', '2019-01-16', '2019-01-18', 'Support Peshawar Pre-Campaign Activities', '', false, false, '2019/641', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, 207468, 7344, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (643, '2019-06-06 13:36:28.134719+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-06-06', '2019-06-13', 'tests', '', false, false, '2019/625', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (638, '2019-05-20 11:17:56.740927+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-20 12:04:04.613502+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'Progress/Achievements of the target
+In all the three (03) nutrition sites visited (OTPs); nutrition services were being provided to the vulnerable children under the age of five years and pregnant and lactating women.
+capacity building on seven staff was done on 7 were males and 2 females [3 nurses-5, Nutrition Assistant-1 Community Nutrition Volunteers.
+Areas capacity building and on job training provided on include; filling of registers, cards and reporting, preparation of sugar water solution, anthropometric measurements, Z-score, oedema identification and grading, admission and discharge criteria, identification of medical complications and referral, malaria screening and reporting and nutrition supplies stock monitoring and control.
+ OTP/TSFP centres
+Three (3) OTP/TSFP sites were visit in akoka, in all the sites, nutrition services were provided to the vulnerable target groups (Children under 5yrs & PLW) are receiver service in the health facility and there is integration of health and nutrition services was observed. Malaria testing for children with SAM was being done
+Both active and passive screening of children and PLW for malnutrition was been conducted although no proper data is being kept at the health facility level.
+MIYCN activities included MtMSGs and health education at the health facilities. In all the sites, information on the activities (MtMSGs) they are not active. However, HLSS should encourage them to pass key message in the community as volunteers to identified case to refer to the site
+4 Constraints:
+Gaps identified
+• Appetite test is not being done during the OTP services provision in all the sites and none of the sites visited had sugar water solution for treatment of SAM children suspected of having hypoglycaemia.
+• follow up visits was not being recorded in majority of the OTP sites and partners like OTP were not recording absentees making it difficult to trace out absentees and defaulters in the programme.
+• There were supervisors recruited by IPs to supervisor OTP services provision, but they did not have organised supportive supervision plan with specific targets to address gaps they may identified during visits to their OPT sites
+6 Equipment: Gaps identified
+Follow the visits to the 3 OTP sites, the following are some of the gaps identified:
+• No ration cards
+• No visit books
+• No CMAM & MIYCN Guideline
+• Amoxicillin is out of stock in all three sites
+• No palate for keeping the supplies
+7 Human resources
+• Shortage of skilled human resources was witnessed in all the 3sites require a lot of training on identification of danger signs in children with SAM
+• Mother to mother support group is not active to identified SAM case in community in all the site', '', 'submitted', '2019-05-10', '2019-05-10', 'monitoring and supportive supervision visit akoka to strengthen capacity building and job aid training to staff at site', '', false, false, '2019/620', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 23436, 25789, '2019-05-20 12:04:04.61351+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (653, '2019-07-29 15:13:45.188596+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-01-15', '2019-01-17', 'test', '', false, false, '2019/635', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 2, 189023, 123, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (655, '2019-08-27 11:57:35.776205+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-09-23', '2019-09-26', 'uivi sortie des enfamnts au centre de Goudoumaria et transfert a Niamey', '', false, false, '2019/637', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, 11789, NULL, NULL, 5);
+-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (434, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, 46, NULL, 3195, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (435, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 13345, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (437, 'Meeting', '2017-10-25', 187, NULL, 625, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (436, 'Meeting', '2017-12-03', NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (438, 'Advocacy', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2702, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (439, 'Programmatic Visit', '2017-11-22', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (440, 'Meeting', '2017-12-02', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (441, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4124, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (442, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, 228, NULL, 14764, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (445, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-05-12', NULL, NULL, 18067, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (446, 'Technical Support', '2018-06-13', NULL, NULL, 11601, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (444, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 6763, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (447, 'Meeting', NULL, 228, NULL, 9259, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (448, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 7457, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (449, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-06-28', NULL, NULL, 20207, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (450, 'Staff Development', NULL, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (451, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (452, 'Technical Support', '2018-08-29', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (453, 'Meeting', '2018-09-25', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (454, 'Technical Support', '2018-09-26', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (455, 'Meeting', '2018-10-08', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (458, 'Meeting', '2018-10-27', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (457, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (456, 'Meeting', '2018-10-03', NULL, NULL, 123, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (459, 'Technical Support', '2018-11-11', NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (460, 'Staff Entitlement', '2018-11-13', NULL, NULL, 2702, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (461, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-04', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (463, 'Meeting', '2018-12-17', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (464, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14764, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (465, 'Staff Development', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 11425, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (466, 'Staff Development', '2019-02-12', NULL, NULL, 11425, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (467, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (462, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-29', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (468, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-12', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (469, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-13', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (470, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-14', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (471, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-02-10', NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (472, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (473, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 8744, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (474, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (475, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (476, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-13', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (477, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-14', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (478, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 16689, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (479, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-19', NULL, NULL, 622, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (480, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 176622, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (481, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-03-01', 228, NULL, 3778, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (483, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 11507, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (482, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-03-01', 229, NULL, 3778, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (484, 'Advocacy', NULL, NULL, NULL, 189542, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (486, 'Advocacy', '2019-04-29', NULL, NULL, 123, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (485, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-05-22', 228, 67, 15, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (487, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-03', 228, 67, 19323, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (488, 'Staff Entitlement', '2019-01-15', 228, 67, 19323, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (489, 'Staff Development', '2019-05-09', NULL, NULL, 18313, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (490, 'Meeting', '2019-05-13', 228, 67, 2702, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (491, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-06', 228, 67, 19294, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (494, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-05-27', 228, 67, 25789, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (495, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-05-27', NULL, NULL, 25789, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (492, 'Meeting', '2019-05-13', 228, 67, 19323, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (496, 'Meeting', '2019-05-30', 228, NULL, 2702, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (497, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-05-30', 228, NULL, 2702, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (493, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-05-10', 228, 67, 25789, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (502, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-01', NULL, NULL, 29302, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (500, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-04', 229, NULL, 202016, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (503, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-18', NULL, NULL, 29302, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (499, 'Meeting', '2019-06-11', NULL, NULL, 123, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (498, 'Meeting', '2019-06-18', NULL, NULL, 19277, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (504, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-01-03', 228, 67, 123, 60);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (505, 'Meeting', '2019-01-02', NULL, NULL, 123, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (501, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-24', NULL, NULL, 28968, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (506, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-01-15', 228, 67, 123, 60);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (507, 'Technical Support', '2019-09-17', NULL, NULL, 11789, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (508, 'Technical Support', '2019-09-23', NULL, NULL, 11789, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (509, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-09-12', NULL, NULL, 217246, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (510, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-03-05', 228, 67, 123, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (511, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-16', NULL, NULL, 7344, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (512, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 22479, NULL);
+-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (381, 442, 4625);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (382, 446, 4549);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (383, 481, 3326);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (384, 482, 316);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (385, 482, 3326);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (386, 487, 4550);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (387, 488, 4625);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (388, 490, 4623);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (389, 500, 4628);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (390, 504, 4551);
+-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (475, 434, 579);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (476, 435, 580);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (477, 436, 581);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (478, 437, 582);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (479, 438, 583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (480, 439, 584);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (481, 440, 585);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (482, 441, 586);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (483, 442, 587);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (485, 444, 589);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (486, 445, 591);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (487, 446, 592);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (488, 447, 593);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (489, 448, 594);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (490, 449, 595);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (491, 450, 596);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (492, 451, 596);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (493, 452, 597);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (494, 453, 599);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (495, 454, 599);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (496, 455, 600);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (497, 456, 601);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (498, 457, 602);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (499, 458, 603);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (500, 456, 604);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (501, 459, 605);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (502, 460, 606);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (503, 461, 607);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (504, 462, 608);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (505, 463, 609);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (506, 464, 610);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (507, 465, 611);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (508, 466, 611);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (509, 467, 613);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (510, 468, 613);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (511, 469, 613);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (512, 470, 613);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (513, 471, 614);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (514, 472, 615);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (515, 473, 616);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (516, 474, 617);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (517, 475, 618);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (518, 476, 618);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (519, 477, 618);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (520, 478, 620);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (521, 479, 621);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (522, 480, 622);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (523, 481, 624);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (524, 482, 625);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (525, 483, 627);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (526, 484, 628);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (527, 485, 630);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (528, 486, 631);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (529, 487, 632);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (530, 488, 633);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (531, 489, 634);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (532, 490, 635);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (533, 491, 636);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (534, 492, 637);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (535, 493, 638);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (536, 494, 639);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (537, 495, 640);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (538, 496, 641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (539, 497, 641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (540, 498, 642);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (541, 499, 643);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (544, 501, 646);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (547, 503, 649);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (548, 504, 650);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (549, 505, 652);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (550, 506, 653);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (551, 507, 654);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (552, 508, 655);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (553, 509, 656);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (554, 510, 657);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (555, 511, 659);
+-- Data for Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (94, 'Other', 'vp.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/594/vp.pdf', 594);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (95, 'Report', 'PMV FMWASD 2018.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/595/PMV_FMWASD_2018.pdf', 595);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (96, 'Cleareance Doc', 'trp report mialy febroary.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/623/trp_report_mialy_febroary.doc', 623);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (98, 'Other', '1-Peshawar Pre Campaign Support 16 -18 Jan 2019.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/659/1-Peshawar_Pre_Campaign_Support_16_-18_Jan_2019.pdf', 659);
+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (4, '', false, 5, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (3, '', false, 4, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (5, '', false, 6, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (6, '', false, 7, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (7, 'this is a test', false, 9, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (9, 'this is a test', false, 9, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (8, 'this is a test', true, 9, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (10, '', false, 10, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (11, '', false, 1, 4);
+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (4, 4, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (3, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (5, 5, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (6, 6, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (7, 7, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (8, 8, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (9, 9, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (10, 10, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (11, 11, 2);
+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (4, 4, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (3, 3, 19323);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (5, 5, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (6, 6, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (7, 7, 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (8, 8, 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (9, 9, 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (10, 10, 17380);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (12, 11, 10934);
+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (11, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-09 21:25:45.278532+00', '2019-10-09 21:25:45.278532+00', 'draft', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (2, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-02 05:37:43.410152+00', '2019-04-07 07:36:49.717395+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'ee', '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-07', NULL, NULL, 18, '', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (8, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-05-30 19:54:15.330032+00', '2019-05-30 19:54:15.330582+00', 'draft', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (5, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-05-16 10:50:36.113721+00', '2019-06-04 20:01:29.998201+00', 'assigned', '', '', '', '2019-05-16', NULL, NULL, '2019-06-04', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (6, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-05-16 11:05:45.710234+00', '2019-05-16 11:07:02.825719+00', 'assigned', '', '', 'test emails', '2019-05-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (1, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-22 17:27:42.547359+00', '2019-07-23 14:39:24.565685+00', 'assigned', '', '', 'test', '2019-07-23', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (7, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-05-16 11:11:00.541048+00', '2019-05-16 11:11:46.504753+00', 'assigned', '', '', 'test gmail', '2019-05-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, '', 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (4, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-02 23:08:09.366206+00', '2019-04-02 23:10:25.870081+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', '', '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-02', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, '', 19323);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (9, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-07-20 19:55:52.415537+00', '2019-07-20 20:12:00.229516+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Testing before Iraq', '2019-07-20', NULL, '2019-07-20', NULL, '2019-07-20', NULL, '2019-07-20', 18, '', 2702);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (10, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-07-20 20:12:18.238232+00', '2019-07-20 20:14:28.377461+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Test2', '2019-07-20', NULL, '2019-07-20', NULL, '2019-07-20', NULL, NULL, 18, '', 2702);
+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (7, 7, 44);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (10, 10, 74);
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+-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (4, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.318162+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.156001+00', '', '', 4, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (5, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.386735+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.225418+00', '', '', 5, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (6, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.44883+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.319921+00', '', '', 6, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (7, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.508798+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.387435+00', '', '', 7, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (8, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.569285+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.453886+00', '', '', 8, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (9, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.640012+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.520723+00', '', '', 9, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (10, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.706803+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.593559+00', '', '', 10, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (11, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.800966+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.658745+00', '', '', 11, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (13, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.983138+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.726027+00', '', '', 12, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (12, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.887626+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.793711+00', '', '', 13, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (14, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.165292+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.854701+00', '', '', 14, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (15, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.266541+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.929761+00', '', '', 15, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (16, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.337204+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.994208+00', '', '', 16, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (17, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.419689+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.062074+00', '', '', 17, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (18, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.519504+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.129935+00', '', '', 18, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (19, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.63447+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.192893+00', '', '', 19, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (20, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.743539+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.275085+00', '', '', 20, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (21, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.82673+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.364782+00', '', '', 21, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (22, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.89391+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.440117+00', '', '', 22, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (23, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.958961+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.502855+00', '', '', 23, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (24, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.022256+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.56762+00', '', '', 24, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (25, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.083983+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.755811+00', '', '', 25, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (26, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.150627+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.822975+00', '', '', 26, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (27, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.209283+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.912095+00', '', '', 27, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (29, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.354886+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.052615+00', '', '', 29, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (30, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.413122+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.121607+00', '', '', 30, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (31, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.476989+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.187331+00', '', '', 31, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (33, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.610651+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.324416+00', 'partners/core_values/s.png', '', 33, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (34, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.672555+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.388965+00', '', '', 34, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (35, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.746464+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.48492+00', '', '', 35, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (36, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.821128+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.549458+00', '', '', 36, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (37, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.891982+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.611709+00', '', '', 37, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (38, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.959993+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.67424+00', '', '', 38, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (39, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.022059+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.735572+00', '', '', 39, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (40, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.091305+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.79862+00', '', '', 40, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (41, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.161265+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.860835+00', '', '', 41, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (42, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.22901+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.941777+00', '', '', 42, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (43, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.300019+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.003606+00', '', '', 43, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (44, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.362233+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.068528+00', '', '', 44, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (45, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.42997+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.130743+00', '', '', 45, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (46, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.495922+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.213797+00', '', '', 46, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (47, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.556314+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.279147+00', '', '', 47, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (48, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.626925+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.342023+00', '', '', 48, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (49, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.699994+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.40309+00', '', '', 49, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (50, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.771182+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.498265+00', '', '', 50, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (51, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.834874+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.560068+00', '', '', 51, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (52, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.896639+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.627705+00', '', '', 52, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (53, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.965241+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.690475+00', '', '', 53, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (54, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.031561+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.900009+00', '', '', 54, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (56, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.200957+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.026886+00', '', '', 56, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (57, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.260331+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.091886+00', '', '', 57, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (58, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.324894+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.157527+00', '', '', 58, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (59, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.395954+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.223805+00', '', '', 59, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (60, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.46506+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.285881+00', '', '', 60, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (61, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.52693+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.350996+00', '', '', 61, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (62, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.626691+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.422915+00', '', '', 62, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (63, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.724073+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.49174+00', '', '', 63, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (64, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.813459+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.554801+00', '', '', 64, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (65, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.884469+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.617222+00', '', '', 65, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (66, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.942828+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.682413+00', '', '', 66, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (1, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.408734+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.409317+00', '2016-03-29', '', false, 187);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (2, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.413261+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.413708+00', NULL, '', false, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (3, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.417097+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.417452+00', '2013-07-10', '', false, 228);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (4, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.420932+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.421383+00', NULL, '', false, 153);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (5, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.424912+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.425383+00', NULL, '', false, 54);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (6, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.428919+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.42926+00', NULL, '', false, 44);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (7, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.432795+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.433304+00', NULL, '', false, 46);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (8, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.436984+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.437426+00', NULL, '', false, 36);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (9, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.441142+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.442224+00', NULL, '', false, 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (10, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.446094+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.446648+00', NULL, '', false, 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (11, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.450451+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.451172+00', NULL, '', false, 178);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (12, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.455207+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.455687+00', NULL, '', false, 83);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (13, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.459414+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.459994+00', NULL, '', false, 118);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (14, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.463817+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.464583+00', NULL, '', false, 183);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (15, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.468404+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.469072+00', NULL, '', false, 189);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (16, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.473074+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.473547+00', NULL, '', false, 184);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (17, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.478203+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.479082+00', NULL, '', false, 202);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (18, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.482869+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.483758+00', NULL, '', false, 158);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (19, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.487801+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.488441+00', NULL, '', false, 148);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (20, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.492486+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.4935+00', NULL, '', false, 154);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (21, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.497219+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.497867+00', NULL, '', false, 56);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (22, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.502+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.502517+00', NULL, '', false, 52);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (23, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.507173+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.50782+00', NULL, '', false, 61);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (24, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.512235+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.512851+00', NULL, '', false, 48);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (25, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.517029+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.517591+00', NULL, '', false, 181);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (26, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.521486+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.522142+00', NULL, '', false, 43);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (27, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.525987+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.526633+00', NULL, '', false, 199);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (28, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.530325+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.530914+00', NULL, '', false, 47);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (29, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.535248+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.535826+00', NULL, '', false, 31);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (30, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.539187+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.539869+00', NULL, '', false, 149);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (31, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.543865+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.544406+00', NULL, '', false, 161);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (32, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.550123+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.550777+00', NULL, 'partners/core_values/WebInspectGenerated_AxDn3D2.txt', false, 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (33, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.554617+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.555307+00', NULL, 'partners/core_values/s.png', false, 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (34, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.559218+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.559789+00', NULL, '', false, 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (35, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.564394+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.565063+00', NULL, '', false, 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (36, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.569138+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.569712+00', NULL, '', false, 32);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (37, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.573911+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.57445+00', NULL, '', false, 34);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (38, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.578791+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.579387+00', NULL, '', false, 126);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (39, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.583009+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.583871+00', NULL, '', false, 180);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (40, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.588169+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.588722+00', NULL, '', false, 10);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (41, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.593022+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.593592+00', NULL, '', false, 157);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (42, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.597101+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.597691+00', NULL, '', false, 41);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (43, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.601707+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.602378+00', NULL, '', false, 60);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (44, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.606156+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.607048+00', NULL, '', false, 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (45, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.611075+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.611558+00', NULL, '', false, 192);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (46, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.615894+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.616446+00', NULL, '', false, 57);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (47, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.620308+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.620893+00', NULL, '', false, 59);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (48, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.624573+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.62524+00', NULL, '', false, 53);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (49, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.629035+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.629585+00', NULL, '', false, 121);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (50, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.633414+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.634086+00', NULL, '', false, 55);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (51, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.638051+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.638572+00', NULL, '', false, 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (52, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.642127+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.642781+00', NULL, '', false, 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (53, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.6467+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.647334+00', NULL, '', false, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (54, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.651217+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.651819+00', NULL, '', false, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (55, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.655621+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.656293+00', NULL, '', false, 172);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (56, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.659796+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.66047+00', '2013-07-25', '', false, 150);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (57, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.664488+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.665166+00', NULL, '', false, 39);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (58, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.66884+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.669452+00', NULL, '', false, 45);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (59, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.673111+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.673808+00', NULL, '', false, 102);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (60, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.677503+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.678179+00', NULL, '', false, 197);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (61, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.682088+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.682645+00', NULL, '', false, 186);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (62, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.686405+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.687028+00', NULL, '', false, 165);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (63, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.690945+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.691546+00', NULL, '', false, 37);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (64, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.695104+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.695962+00', NULL, '', false, 62);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (65, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.699868+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.700508+00', NULL, '', false, 33);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (66, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.705085+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.705844+00', NULL, '', false, 175);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (67, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.709797+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.710487+00', NULL, '', false, 42);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (68, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.715125+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.715632+00', NULL, '', false, 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (69, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.719193+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.719906+00', NULL, '', false, 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (70, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.723791+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.724394+00', NULL, '', false, 24);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (71, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.728047+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.72854+00', NULL, '', false, 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (72, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.732363+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.733091+00', NULL, '', false, 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (73, '2018-08-09 16:23:30.73696+00', '2018-08-09 16:23:30.737503+00', NULL, '', false, 190);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (74, '2019-02-11 07:57:50.591153+00', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.591962+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 229);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq', 105, true);
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq', 206, true);
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq', 2, true);
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq', 27, true);
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq', 5, true);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq', 4723, true);
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 88, true);
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq', 146, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq', 36, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (42, 'FACE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (43, 'Progress Report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (44, 'Partnership Review');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (45, 'Final Partnership Review');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (46, 'Correspondence');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (47, 'Supply/Distribution Plan');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (48, 'Other');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq', 67, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (67, '2019-04-02 05:36:14.839343+00', '2019-04-02 05:40:46.514396+00', 'PD', 'UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567', 'Test', 'signed', '2016-10-28', '2017-04-02', '2016-10-01', NULL, NULL, '', '2016-10-06', '2016-10-04', NULL, 146, 171, 2702, '', 1, false, '{}', false, 2015, '', '');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq', 74, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (51, 67, 2);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq', 48, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (57, 67, 171);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (3, 67, 6);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq', 67, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (58, 67, 2702);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq', 51, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 57, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 3, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (53, '2019-04-02 05:36:15.823546+00', '2019-04-02 05:39:24.288425+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 11.00, 111.00, 0.00, 0.00, 67, 122.00, 'MMK');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 58, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 34, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 40, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 53, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 41, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (229, 'Civil Society Organization', 'NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL', '', '', 'LAVINGTON GREEN J GICHURU RD', 'VICTOR.MOSES@NRC.NO', '0708 958927', '2500217623', NULL, NULL, 'Low', '2018-04-09', 'International', true, 'Micro Assessment', '2018-06-22', false, false, NULL, NULL, false, 'NAIROBI', '240', '00100', NULL, NULL, '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.537013+00', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.551057+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (187, 'Civil Society Organization', 'ACTIONAID MYANMAR', '', '', '1 WIN GA BAR ROAD,', 'THIN.THIN@ACTIONAID.ORG', '95-1 546671', '2500231372', NULL, '', 'Not Required', '2016-03-29', 'National', true, 'Micro Assessment', '2016-03-29', true, true, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.632123+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (228, 'Civil Society Organization', 'AGENCY FOR TECH COORDINATION AND DEV ACTED', '', '', 'AMMAN', '', '00962 6 463 6275', '2500221381', NULL, 'ATC', 'High', '2013-07-10', 'International', true, 'High Risk Assumed', '2017-01-24', false, false, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'AMMAN', '234', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 1, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 1}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2019-04-02 05:34:54.788746+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (2, 'Bilateral / Multilateral', 'Adult Basic Community Org', 'ABCD', '', '2515
-NY10000', 'info@abcd.com', '212445464', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, 'International', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.651712+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (54, 'Civil Society Organization', 'ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL', 'AFDA_n', '', 'XXXXX', 'YYYYYYYY', '081 XXXXXXX', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.695776+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (153, 'Civil Society Organization', 'ASIAN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CENTER', '', '', 'SM TOWER, 24TH FLOOR', 'ADPC@ADPC.NET', '66-2-298-0682-92', '2500000070', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, 'International', true, '', NULL, true, true, 41312.70, 0.00, false, 'PHAYATHAI, BANGKOK', 'Thailand', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.680968+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (44, 'Civil Society Organization', 'Awesome Partner Org', 'APO', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.710789+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (46, 'Civil Society Organization', 'Campaign to reduce DSA', 'CRDSA', '', 'Kinshasa, and everywhere else', 'crdsa@crdsa.com', '+123', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'Academic Institution', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.72543+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (36, 'Civil Society Organization', 'Chiild Protection Society ', 'CPS', '', 'Harare, Zimbabwe', 'admin@cps.co.zw', '+263703941/2', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.740011+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (28, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Child King Organization', 'Dc Org', '', '42 Cross Roads
-Lungi', 'kking@yahoo.com', '00 232 40 923456', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.754201+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (35, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Child Protection Society', 'CPS', '', 'Harare, Zimbabwe', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', '{UNFPA,UNDP}', '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.76844+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (178, 'Civil Society Organization', 'CONSORTIUM DUTCH NGO''S', '', '', '139 D-B, MYINT ZU ROAD,', '', '01-660786 650446', '2500223948', NULL, '', 'Low', NULL, 'International', true, '', '2013-12-18', true, true, 1416163.00, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.782697+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (83, 'Government', 'DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING', '', '', '123, NATMAUK ROAD', '', '95-1-557309', '2500201643', NULL, '', 'High', NULL, NULL, true, 'High Risk Assumed', '2015-01-01', true, true, 17212510.32, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.796436+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (118, 'Government', 'DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND TRAINING', '', '', '', '', '', '2500218425', NULL, '', '', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 1878305.65, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.8108+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (183, 'Government', 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLANNING (CHEB)', '', '', '4/47,NYAPYITAW', '', '067-411385', '2500201657', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 72755.13, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW,MYANAMR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.825959+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (189, 'Government', 'DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR', '', '', '51,NAYPYITAW', '', '067-430089', '2500201315', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, 'Micro Assessment', NULL, true, true, 1629.33, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW,MYANAMR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.841055+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (184, 'Government', 'DEPT OF MYANMAR EDUCATION RESEARCH', '', '', 'MINISTSRY OF EDUCATION', '', '067 430 161', '2500233172', NULL, '', 'High', NULL, NULL, true, 'High Risk Assumed', '2016-03-31', true, true, 10542.25, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYIDAW MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.855856+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (202, 'Government', 'DHP-PLANNING (PLANNING SECTION)', '', '', 'OFF 47 DEPART OF HEALTH PLAN', '', '067-431087', '2500220368', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 32433.09, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.871021+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (158, 'Government', 'DPH (BFHI) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH', '', '', '', '', '', '2500218429', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 17029.29, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.885248+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (148, 'Government', 'DPH (CMSD) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH', '', '', '4/47,NAYPYITAW', '', '', '2500201680', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 24761.27, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.899879+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (154, 'Government', 'DPH (PLANNING) NAYPYITAW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH', '', '', '4/47,NAYPYITAW,', '', '', '2500201713', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, 'Micro Assessment', NULL, true, true, 5015.88, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.915059+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (56, 'Civil Society Organization', 'Education au Bandundu', 'EaB', '', 'Bandundu Ville', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', '{UNDP}', '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.929453+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (52, 'Civil Society Organization', 'Education in DRC', 'Edu DRC', '', 'Boulevard
-Kinshasa', 'Jean@edudrc.org', '0810000000', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'International', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', '{UNDP}', '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.943768+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (61, 'Civil Society Organization', 'ETools Master Fund', 'ETM', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.958604+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (48, 'Civil Society Organization', 'For a Better Education in DRC', 'FAB DRC', '', 'Boulevard du 30 juin
-Kinshasa', 'country.director@fabdrc.org', '08181818181', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'International', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.972968+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (181, 'Government', 'FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT (FERD)', '', '', '26,34,46,NAYPYITAW', '', '067-407346', '2500201716', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, 'Micro Assessment', NULL, true, true, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW,MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.987414+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (199, 'Government', 'GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT', '', '', 'MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS,', '', '067 412 403', '2500230720', NULL, '', 'High', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 1806.00, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYIDAW, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.017203+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (47, 'Government', 'Govt test', 'Govt Test', '', 'dfafa', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.031467+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (30, 'Bi-Lateral Organisation', 'Jason', '12345', '', '1707 Interdimensional Street', 'John.Doe@somewhere.com', '770', NULL, 12345, '12345', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.090045+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (29, 'Government', 'Ministry of eTools 2', 'MoE2', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.118129+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (20, 'Government', 'Ministry of Eucation', 'MoE', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.133055+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (32, 'Government', 'Ministry of Pawpaw', 'UPW', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.147101+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (10, 'UN Agency', 'National Rural Support Programme', 'NRSP', '', '212 High St
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (57, 'Government', 'QA Govt Test', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.296937+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (25, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Save the Chicken', 'StC', '', 'Main St
-Kinshasa', 'stc@stc.org', '+243012345678', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.372064+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (26, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Save the Congo', 'Save', '', 'Main Street
-DRC', 'save@savethecongo.org', '+24381234567', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.386388+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (38, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Shafaq', 'Shafaq', '', 'Gaziantep, Turkey', 'g.sheikhdebs@shafak.org', '00968726374', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.400511+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (152, 'Government', 'SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD', '', '', 'BUILDING 51, MINISTRY OF LABOU', 'YULWINAUNG@GMAIL.COM', '067-430096', '2500221380', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 86844.76, 0.00, false, 'NAYPYITAW, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.414601+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (172, 'Government', 'SUPREME COURT', '', '', '101,PANSODAN ROAD,', '', '95-1-370793', '2500201710', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, 'Micro Assessment', NULL, true, true, 32602.01, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.431254+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (150, 'Civil Society Organization', 'TERRE DES HOMMES ITALY', '', '', '36-A,INYA MYAING ROAD,', 'ADMIN@TDHITALY.ORG.MM', '95-1-527563', '2500201737', NULL, '', 'Medium', '2013-07-25', 'International', true, '', '2010-07-31', true, true, 72520.97, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.445551+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (39, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'Test3', 'Test3', '', 'In the middle of anywhere ', 'Main@test3.org', '223322223', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.459667+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (45, 'Civil Society Organization', 'test partner 1', 'test1', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.474518+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (102, 'Civil Society Organization', 'THEATRICAL & ARTISAN ASSOCIATION KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP DAW WIN WIN MAW', '', '', 'KONE DAW GYI MINGALAR ZAYDI', '', '061-51625', '2500223485', NULL, '', 'Significant', NULL, 'Community Based Organization', true, '', '2010-06-30', true, true, 8651.75, 0.00, false, 'KYAUKPADAUNG, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.488339+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (197, 'Civil Society Organization', 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, CHAUK TOWNSHIP', '', '', '12 PARAMI ROAD, SHWE TWIN KON', '', '09 401 677 458', '2500229609', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, 'Community Based Organization', true, '', NULL, true, true, 18711.34, 0.00, false, 'MAGWE, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.502013+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (186, 'Civil Society Organization', 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, KYAUKPADAUNG TOWNSHIP', '', '', 'B.7 201:022M 234', '', '061 51625', '2500229007', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, 'National', true, '', NULL, true, true, 19701.65, 0.00, false, 'MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.516659+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (165, 'Civil Society Organization', 'THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION, MAWLAMYAING TOWNSHIP', '', '', 'DAI WIN KWIN ROAD', '', '057 21068', '2500229799', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, 'Community Based Organization', true, '', NULL, true, true, 17698.66, 0.00, false, 'MAWLAMYAING, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.530851+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (37, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'UK National Committee', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.54502+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (62, 'Civil Society Organization', 'UNAIR', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL, 'National', false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.559025+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (33, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'United pawpaw workers', 'UPW', '', 'Underneath fruit tree', 'UPW@pawpaw.org', '923190432', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.573406+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (175, 'Government', 'UNIVERSITY OF PUBLIC HEALTH', '', '', 'CORNOR OF BOGYOKE AUNG', '', '01 371 527 37...', '2500230101', NULL, '', 'High', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 2790.00, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.587765+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (42, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'US Fund for UNICEF', 'US Fund', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.602253+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (22, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'World Trust', 'WT', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.616253+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (21, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'World Trust ', 'ET', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.631225+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (24, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'World Trust Org', 'WT', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.645204+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (23, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'World Tust', 'WT', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.659132+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (27, 'Civil Society Organisation', 'XXX NGO', 'XXX', '', 'test', 'xxx@xxx.com', '12345', NULL, NULL, '', 'high', NULL, NULL, false, '', NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, false, '', '', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.673265+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (190, 'Government', 'YANGON CITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE', '', '', '14/42, NAYPYITAW', '', '95-1-376942', '2500201679', NULL, '', 'Not Required', NULL, NULL, true, '', NULL, true, true, 11555.90, 0.00, false, 'YANGON, MYANMAR', 'Myanmar', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 17:54:12.809984+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.687753+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (171, 'test', 'Test', 'Test', 'test@test.crom', NULL, 228, true, '2019-04-02 05:34:54.882+00', '2019-04-02 05:34:54.882631+00');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 46, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (74, '2019-02-11 07:57:50.566744+00', '2019-02-11 07:57:50.567302+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 229, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (1, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.806283+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.647398+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 187, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (2, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.826507+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.661603+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (3, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.846735+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.676515+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 228, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (4, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.867697+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.691349+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 153, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (5, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.88733+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.706334+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 54, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (6, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.907553+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.721258+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 44, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (7, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.927789+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.735449+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 46, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (8, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.948204+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.749812+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 36, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (9, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.968278+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.764338+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 28, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (10, '2018-03-15 17:54:42.988887+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.778359+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 35, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (11, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.012127+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.792342+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 178, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (13, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.052017+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.806344+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 83, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (12, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.031828+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.821373+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 118, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (14, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.071765+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.836369+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 183, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (15, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.091752+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.851575+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 189, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (16, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.111727+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.86597+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 184, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (17, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.131871+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.881354+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 202, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (18, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.152087+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.895505+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 158, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (19, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.174105+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.910628+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 148, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (20, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.197667+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.925032+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 154, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (21, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.217888+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.939417+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 56, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (22, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.238083+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.954341+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 52, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (23, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.257793+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.968497+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 61, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (24, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.277536+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.983015+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 48, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (25, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.297664+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:16.997812+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 181, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (26, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.318048+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.012916+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 43, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (27, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.338638+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.027438+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 199, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (28, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.359004+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.041186+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 47, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (29, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.379091+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.056854+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 31, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (30, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.400039+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.071326+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 149, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (31, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.419727+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.086166+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 161, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (32, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.43965+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.100161+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 30, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (33, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.459418+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.114263+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 14, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (34, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.480004+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.128547+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 29, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (35, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.499807+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.143334+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 20, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (36, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.519364+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.157433+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 32, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (37, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.540269+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.171626+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 34, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (38, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.561277+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.186324+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 126, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (39, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.58065+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.200437+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 180, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (40, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.60636+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.215386+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 10, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (41, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.626254+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.23236+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 157, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (42, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.646118+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.247443+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 41, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (43, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.666333+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.2627+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 60, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (44, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.686424+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.277629+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 11, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (45, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.707822+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.292525+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 192, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (46, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.727531+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.306914+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 57, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (47, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.747395+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.321355+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 59, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (48, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.76759+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.336457+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 53, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (49, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.787386+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.351043+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 121, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (50, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.807057+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.367026+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 55, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (51, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.827558+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.38209+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 25, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (52, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.848115+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.396341+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 26, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (53, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.868606+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.410415+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 38, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (54, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.888683+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.426854+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 152, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (55, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.916654+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.441337+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 172, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (56, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.93639+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.455439+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 150, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (57, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.955641+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.470371+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 39, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (58, '2018-03-15 17:54:43.981912+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.484039+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 45, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (59, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.001755+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.497996+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 102, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (60, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.025542+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.51244+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 197, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (61, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.04561+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.526651+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 186, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (62, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.065454+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.540806+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 165, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (63, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.088869+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.555002+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 37, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (64, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.108491+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.569172+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 62, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (65, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.130662+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.58344+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 33, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (66, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.151275+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.597914+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 175, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (67, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.170839+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.611984+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 42, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (68, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.191935+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.626942+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 22, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (69, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.21184+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.64131+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 21, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (70, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.233022+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.655248+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 24, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (71, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.253479+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.669289+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 23, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (72, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.273591+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.683096+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 27, 0);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (73, '2018-03-15 17:54:44.294539+00', '2018-12-31 13:12:17.69829+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 190, 0);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 229, true);
--- Data for Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 171, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 74, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 8, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 2, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 6, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 5, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 7, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 5, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 24, true);
--- Data for Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 23, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 6, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 18, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 3, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (1, 'Country Programme 0', '0990/A0/006', '2016-09-17', '2017-09-17', false);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 33, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (34, 'Primary Access Rate', '2.1', 92, 95, 91, 91, true, 59, 11, 3, '85', false, '100', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (35, 'Rate of access to Primary in Social Protection Schools', '2.1', 100, 0, 85, 0, true, 60, 11, 3, '85', false, '100', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (36, 'Number of Schools which have received cash transfer', '2.1.1', 356, 0, 0, 0, true, 63, 11, 3, '0', false, '356', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, 'aaaaaa', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 31, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, '# children receiving RUFT/in patienat', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 26, 5, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 49, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (32, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (33, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 54, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (37, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (38, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (39, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 66, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (40, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (41, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (42, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 71, 11, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (43, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (44, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (45, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (46, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (47, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (48, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 81, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (52, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (53, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (54, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 87, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 92, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 97, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 102, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 109, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 114, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, '# children receiving RUTF/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, '# children provided school fees', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 120, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, '# social workers being trained', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'modules on case management', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, '# of case management reports', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 125, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, '# social workers being trained', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'modules on case management', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, '# of case management reports', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 126, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'aaa', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, true, 39, 2, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, '# children receiving RUFT/in patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, '# children receiving winterkits community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (82, '# children receiving ginger in the community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 134, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (83, '# children receiving some patient', 'indicator 1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (84, '# children receiving lego in the community', 'indicator 2', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (85, '# children receiving playstations community', 'indicator 3', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false, 139, NULL, NULL, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, 'Number of pawpaw eaten', '', 25, 30, 10, 15, true, 22, 2, 6, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, '# of eToolers', '', 1000, 1400, 200, 300, true, 16, 2, 4, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, 'test', '', 100, 56, 10, 3, true, NULL, 5, 3, '', false, '', '', true, '2018-03-15 17:54:51.45845+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:51.782461+00');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 1, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 85, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 33, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'QA Govt Test', '', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 10, 15, 11, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', false, '2016-06-27', '2016-12-31', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'Improved Access and Quality in Education', '2', 1, 11, '222', 'Education', false, 0, 1, NULL, 6, '01-02-03', 'Access to Education', 11, '123456789', '0990/A0/006/002/', '111', '---', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'New Policy on Fee Free Education', '2.2.1', 3, 11, '799', 'Education policy', false, 2, 7, 60, 8, '01-02-04', 'Policy', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/002', '--', '--', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'Protection Sociale dans l"Education', '2.1.1', 3, 11, '456', 'Access to Education', false, 2, 3, 60, 4, '01-01-01', 'Access to Education', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/001/001', '--', '--', true, '2015-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'Access to Primary Education', '2.1', 2, 11, '1234', 'Education', false, 1, 2, 59, 9, '01-01-02', 'Access to Education', 11, '111', '0990/A0/006/002', '111', '---', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'Distribution School in a Box', '2.4.1', 3, 11, '896', 'Education in Emergencies', false, 2, 5, 60, 6, '01-03-05', 'School in a box', 11, '--', '0990/A0/006/002/004', '--', '--', true, '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, 1, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'By the end of 2017, annual contributions from', '', 1, 10, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 4, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'Eating fruits every day', '', 1, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 6, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'Eating pawpaw', '', 3, 2, '', '', false, 2, 3, 21, 4, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'Getting some soap', '', 3, 1, '', '', false, 2, 7, 18, 8, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'Glenis Taylor', '', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 3, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'improved etooling', '', 2, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 15, 5, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'PSFR reaches 1Bil', '', 1, 10, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 5, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (132, 'TESTING 4', '', 1, 3, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 28, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'Washing hands for eTools', '', 2, 1, '', '', false, 1, 6, 15, 9, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'eTools rules', '', 1, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 12, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'QA Govt Test1', '', 1, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 20, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'activity1', '', 3, 5, '', '', false, 2, 3, 16, 4, '', '', 1, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (131, 'dOS', '', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 27, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (133, 'TESTING FOR PD', '', 1, 3, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 29, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'Working underneath a fruit tree', '', 2, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 20, 5, '', '', 2, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'education', '', 2, 4, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 4, '', '', 23, '', NULL, '', '', false, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 1.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 49, 9, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'aaaaaaaa', 'activity 1.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 39, 9, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 2.4', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 8, 31, 9, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'aaaa', 'activity 1.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 39, 3, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'aaaaaaaaa', 'activity 1.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 39, 5, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'aaaaaaaaaaaa', 'activity 1.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 39, 7, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'testing etools', 'output 1', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 8, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 114, 5, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'activity 1.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 49, 3, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 1.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 49, 5, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 1.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 49, 7, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'output 1', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'output 1', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 9, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'activity 1.1', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 2, 26, 3, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 1.2', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 4, 26, 5, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'activity 2.1', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 2, 54, 3, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 2.2', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 4, 54, 5, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 76, 5, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (144, '1000', 'Register U5 children', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 119, 3, '', '', 23, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 1.3', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 6, 26, 7, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 1.4', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 8, 26, 9, '', '', 6, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'output 2', 2, 5, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'activity 2.1', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 2, 31, 3, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 2.2', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 4, 31, 5, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 2.3', 3, 5, '', '', false, 1, 6, 31, 7, '', '', 7, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 76, 7, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 76, 9, '', '', 14, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 2.3', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 6, 54, 7, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'output 2', 2, 2, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 2.4', 3, 2, '', '', false, 1, 8, 54, 9, '', '', 10, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 81, 7, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 1.4', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 8, 66, 9, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 81, 9, '', '', 15, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'activity 1.1', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 2, 66, 3, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 1.2', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 4, 66, 5, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 1.3', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 6, 66, 7, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 109, 3, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'output 1', 2, 11, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 12, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 109, 5, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 109, 7, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 109, 9, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 114, 3, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'activity 2.2', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 4, 71, 5, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'activity 2.3', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 6, 71, 7, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'activity 2.4', 3, 11, '', '', false, 1, 8, 71, 9, '', '', 13, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 87, 3, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (121, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 125, 3, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 87, 5, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 87, 7, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 87, 9, '', '', 16, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 92, 3, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 92, 5, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 92, 7, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 92, 9, '', '', 17, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 97, 3, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 97, 5, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 97, 7, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 97, 9, '', '', 18, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 102, 3, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 102, 5, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 102, 7, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 21, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (122, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 125, 5, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 102, 9, '', '', 19, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 114, 7, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (135, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 134, 3, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (136, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 134, 5, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (123, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 125, 7, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (125, '100 Social workers have skills in case management', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (120, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 2, '', '', 24, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (124, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 125, 9, '', '', 25, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (127, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 126, 3, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (128, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 1.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 126, 5, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (129, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 126, 7, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (126, '100 Social workers have skills in case management', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (130, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 126, 9, '', '', 26, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 114, 9, '', '', 22, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (137, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 1.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 134, 7, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (134, 'Community-based management of SAM introduced in 200 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 1', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (138, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 1.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 134, 9, '', '', 30, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (140, 'Organise training of 500 health workers in community nutrition in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.1', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 2, 139, 3, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (141, 'Undertake community outreach activities & referral in 200 villages in 10 districts', 'Activity 2.2', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 4, 139, 5, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (142, 'Provide nutrition equipment & supplies in 50 health centres', 'Activity 2.3', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 6, 139, 7, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (139, 'Community-based management of XYZ introduced in 500 villages In 10 districts', 'Output 2', 2, NULL, '', '', false, 0, 1, NULL, 10, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (143, 'Programme management and technical supervision', 'Activity 2.4', 3, NULL, '', '', false, 1, 8, 139, 9, '', '', 31, '', NULL, '', '', true, '1971-01-01', '1971-01-01', false, NULL, '2018-03-15 17:54:54.104819+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:54.763523+00', NULL, NULL);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 36, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (1, 'Outcome');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (2, 'Output');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_resulttype VALUES (3, 'Activity');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq', 2, true);
--- Data for Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (1, 'WASH', 'WASH', 1, 'WASH', true, '#26f713', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (4, 'Education', 'primary education ', 3, '', true, '#124be8', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (3, 'Nutrition', 'Nutrition', NULL, '', true, '#e81759', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (5, 'Child Protection', 'CP', NULL, '', true, '#e0afe0', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (2, 'Cross Sectoral', 'Cross sectoral interventions', NULL, '', true, '#cf4334', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (6, 'Jason', '12345', 12345, '12345', false, '#012345', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (7, 'HIV and AIDS', 'HIV and AIDS outcome areas', 2, 'hiv', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (8, 'Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adol Health (MNCH)', 'MNCAH', 1, 'MNCAH', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (9, 'Social Inclusion ', 'SP', 7, 'SP', true, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (10, 'PSFR', 'Private Sector Fundraising', NULL, '', false, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (11, 'DRC Education', 'DRC Education', NULL, 'DRC ED', true, '#1330f0', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (13, 'Drivers', '', NULL, '', false, '', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.165934+00', '2018-03-15 17:54:55.480331+00', true);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (3, '12345');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (4, 'staff members');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (5, 'pawpaw');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_unit VALUES (6, 'PPP');
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 176, true);
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 13, true);
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
--- Data for Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (1, 'default', '2016-11-19 04:55:56.373978+00', 'No fields changed.', 2106);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (2, 'default', '2016-11-19 10:37:50.477322+00', 'No fields changed.', 2106);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (3, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:12:24.073269+00', 'Changed owner and supervisor.', 1575);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (4, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:13:51.932668+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (5, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:14:19.991198+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (6, 'default', '2016-11-21 16:14:45.669634+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 1575);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (7, 'default', '2016-11-30 20:41:35.792338+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (8, 'default', '2016-11-30 20:48:17.241332+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (9, 'default', '2016-12-04 08:05:35.74864+00', 'Added PCA Sector "ASSOCIATION FEMME POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGROPASTORAL: sadfsdf: Test".', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (10, 'default', '2016-12-05 10:36:07.784789+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> New york (NYC)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 473);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (11, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:55:31.855789+00', 'Added.', 450);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (12, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:58:41.7518+00', 'Added.', 450);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (13, 'default', '2016-12-06 18:59:44.287529+00', 'Added.', 450);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (14, 'default', '2016-12-06 19:00:07.124951+00', 'Added.', 450);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (15, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:35:02.05131+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 83);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (16, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:35:40.329009+00', 'Changed supervisor and main_observations.', 2027);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (17, 'default', '2016-12-12 14:47:57.141235+00', 'Changed from_date and to_date. Added action point "testing".', 83);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (18, 'default', '2016-12-12 15:03:55.120385+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> new york (NYC)".', 2027);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (19, 'default', '2016-12-12 15:04:12.417429+00', 'Changed status.', 2027);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (20, 'default', '2016-12-13 10:58:07.062358+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Kamed El-Laouz 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added trip location " -> Dahr El-Ahmar 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added trip location " -> Baabda 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (21, 'default', '2016-12-15 19:21:24.957754+00', 'Changed status, cancelled_reason and driver. Changed person_responsible for action point "Clean your desk".', 2027);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (22, 'default', '2017-01-25 07:28:32.598069+00', 'Changed unicef_managers. Added supply plan "SupplyPlan object".', 473);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (23, 'default', '2017-01-25 07:29:37.698658+00', 'Added distribution plan "Awesome Partner Org: 0987654-01/PD201602-03-school in a box-new york (Governorate PCode: )-25".', 473);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (24, 'default', '2017-01-25 13:25:53.14829+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Laboué 001 (Informal Settlement)". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 3789);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (25, 'default', '2017-01-25 13:32:05.900376+00', 'Changed to_date, constraints, opportunities and ta_trip_took_place_as_planned. Added action point "Ensure report will be sent to office including new actions taken".', 3789);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (26, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:40:42.144066+00', 'Added supply plan "SupplyPlan object".', 3789);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (27, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:41:05.682237+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 3789);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (28, 'default', '2017-01-25 15:41:36.085888+00', 'Changed unicef_managers.', 3789);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (29, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:09:28.641579+00', 'Changed owner, supervisor and driver_supervisor.', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (30, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:25:04.864949+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (31, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:25:17.443338+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (32, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:33:56.905329+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 2027);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (33, 'default', '2017-01-26 16:36:12.552375+00', 'Changed status and main_observations.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (34, 'default', '2017-02-02 09:00:26.756555+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 003 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (35, 'default', '2017-02-02 09:00:27.315697+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> Deddé 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (36, 'default', '2017-02-02 14:22:31.857809+00', 'Changed status, supervisor and main_observations.', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (37, 'default', '2017-02-02 15:35:23.181824+00', 'Added. Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (38, 'default', '2017-02-02 15:35:44.250561+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (39, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:10:01.92008+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (40, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:10:23.89685+00', 'Changed status.', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (41, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:13:10.019419+00', 'No fields changed.', 1575);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (42, 'default', '2017-02-07 19:14:15.637598+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 1575);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (43, 'default', '2017-02-10 21:25:08.630166+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added Funding "TripFunds object".', 4264);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (44, 'default', '2017-02-13 16:26:29.219266+00', 'Deleted linked government partner "LinkedGovernmentPartner object".', 1576);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (77, 'default', '2017-02-20 07:38:21.729442+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object". Added trip location " -> new york (NYC)".', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (78, 'default', '2017-02-20 07:38:33.759213+00', 'Changed status.', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (79, 'default', '2017-02-20 13:56:43.039948+00', 'Added. Added linked partner "LinkedPartner object". Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object".', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (80, 'default', '2017-02-20 13:56:53.773046+00', 'Changed status.', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (81, 'default', '2017-02-20 15:01:23.329676+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Ablah 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (82, 'default', '2017-02-20 15:01:38.31754+00', 'Changed status.', 3195);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (83, 'default', '2017-02-21 17:36:02.283619+00', 'Added. Added trip location " -> Bebnine 001 (Informal Settlement)".', 1136);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (84, 'default', '2017-02-21 17:36:40.959737+00', 'Changed status.', 1136);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (85, 'default', '2017-02-22 04:27:43.37632+00', 'Added. Added Travel Itinerary "TravelRoutes object".', 622);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (86, 'default', '2017-02-22 05:13:40.637415+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor and date_supervisor_approved.', 622);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reversion_revision VALUES (87, 'default', '2017-02-22 09:46:05.656091+00', 'Changed approved_by_supervisor, date_supervisor_approved, approved_by_budget_owner and date_budget_owner_approved.', 1136);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (600, '2018-10-01 11:08:25.405457+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-10-08', '2018-10-12', 'To attend CMT meeting', '', false, false, '2018/581', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (604, '2018-11-08 20:22:44.442254+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-08 20:23:05.210707+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-10-03', '2018-10-03', 'test', '', false, false, '2018/585', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 22826, 1576, '2018-10-04 06:10:52.563697+00', NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (602, '2018-10-04 20:58:53.084974+00', NULL, '2018-10-04 21:07:04.458843+00', '2018-10-04 20:58:53.134126+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2018-10-26', '2018-10-31', 'TESTING NY', '', false, false, '2018/583', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, '2018-10-04 20:58:53.134135+00', NULL, 4);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (606, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.358094+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.417636+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-11-13', '2018-11-13', 'TEst', '', false, false, '2018/588', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 14764, 2702, '2018-11-14 10:18:59.417648+00', NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (607, '2018-12-03 03:52:32.308434+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-12-04', '2018-12-05', 'To visit UNICEF supported programme in field.', '', false, false, '2018/589', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (609, '2018-12-13 12:10:32.110754+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2018-12-17', '2018-12-18', 'To facilitate session on Staff Association for 50 new staff of Cox''sbazar Field Office.', '', false, false, '2018/591', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (611, '2019-02-07 18:28:38.795297+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-16', 'Capacitacion en CDI', '', false, false, '2019/593', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 8816, 11425, NULL, NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (612, '2019-02-08 06:23:50.188085+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-01-16', '2019-01-22', '', '', false, false, '2019/594', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 24163, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (610, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.254936+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.587489+00', NULL, '2019-01-09 16:35:09.856323+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', 'Tetsing', '', false, false, '2019/592', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 19323, 14764, '2019-01-09 16:32:20.587499+00', NULL, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (613, '2019-02-09 08:31:44.189091+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-14', 'Zanzibar Planning meeting , observe HBS training for the data collection, progress on e-PRS and TSED.', '', false, false, '2019/595', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL, NULL, 9);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (614, '2019-02-10 03:02:13.673419+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-10', 'Facilitate joint visit with Divisional Commissioner and DC at Moulvibazar', '', false, false, '2019/596', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (616, '2019-02-10 13:21:32.064208+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-12', 'To attend written test at Dhaka', '', false, false, '2019/598', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 8744, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (617, '2019-02-11 04:05:28.054958+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-13', 'Visit field programme.', '', false, false, '2019/599', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 11731, 2054, NULL, NULL, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (608, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.487865+00', '2018-12-06 18:58:52.64438+00', NULL, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.544769+00', NULL, '2018-12-06 18:54:59.149213+00', '', '', '', 'A', '', 'completed', '2018-12-27', '2019-01-04', 'TESTING', '', false, false, '2018/590', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2018-12-06 18:53:51.544783+00', NULL, 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (618, '2019-02-11 08:27:42.670871+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, 'To attend GCM meeting in Nam Kham and Field monitoring trip to Mansi camps and Kut kaing camps', '', false, false, '2019/600', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (620, '2019-02-11 09:10:02.997048+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-10', '2019-02-12', 'Coordination meeting on WASH Programme in northern Rakhine State', '', false, false, '2019/602', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 16689, NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (621, '2019-02-13 07:14:24.771289+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-19', '2019-02-21', 'Testing 123', '', false, false, '2019/603', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1136, 622, NULL, NULL, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (622, '2019-02-14 03:00:54.102535+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-03-03', '2019-03-07', 'Assess & monitor PPY training and school visit to assess school governance & management practices.', '', false, false, '2019/604', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 176622, NULL, NULL, 4);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (623, '2019-02-19 13:30:22.668936+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2019/605', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 178393, NULL, NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (582, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.31379+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.37454+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-10-25', '2017-10-25', 'And', '', false, false, '2017/564', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 4124, 625, '2017-10-24 13:53:06.374549+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (579, '2017-08-22 20:17:55.965468+00', '2017-08-22 20:19:24.976792+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'test', '', 'completed', '2017-08-23', '2017-08-26', 'test', '', false, false, '2017/561', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 3467, 3195, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (580, '2017-09-15 19:09:41.723906+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2017-08-28', '2017-08-29', 'wat', '', false, false, '2017/562', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 2, 13345, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (581, '2017-10-23 19:01:56.662391+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-10-23 19:02:16.487622+00', NULL, '2017-10-23 21:01:29.493978+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2017-12-02', '2017-12-04', 'TEST ACTION POOINT', '', false, false, '2017/563', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2017-10-23 19:02:16.48763+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (583, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.210808+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.28797+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-10-31', '2017-10-31', 'test', '', false, false, '2017/565', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 3195, 2702, '2017-11-01 13:40:00.28798+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (585, '2017-11-27 18:13:34.469884+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2017-12-01', '2017-12-04', 'testing', '', false, false, '2017/567', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (584, '2017-11-10 16:36:09.850482+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-10 16:36:19.885267+00', NULL, '2017-11-13 21:58:32.749375+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2017-11-17', '2017-11-24', 'TESTING', '', false, false, '2017/566', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 1575, 1576, '2017-11-10 16:36:19.885276+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (586, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.673997+00', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.736236+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2017-11-28', '2017-11-30', 'Test', '', false, false, '2017/568', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 1576, 4124, '2017-11-27 19:09:33.736245+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (626, '2019-03-26 13:35:25.389864+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-04-07', '2019-04-11', 'Facilitation of HACT training in Sao Tome & Principe', '', true, false, '2019/608', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, 8890, 11507, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (624, '2019-03-01 17:36:59.949533+00', '2019-03-01 17:37:10.196226+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'sgdtshgbdfgnfdg', '', 'completed', '2019-03-01', '2019-03-02', 'xcvghgfd', '', false, false, '2019/606', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 23434, 3778, NULL, NULL, 7);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (587, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.28333+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.365023+00', NULL, '2018-04-10 18:03:17.228105+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2018-04-10', '2018-04-11', 'test for dashboard', '', false, false, '2018/569', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 132, 2, 19665, 14764, '2018-04-10 18:02:11.365033+00', NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (592, '2018-06-13 09:30:58.740413+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, '2018-06-20', 'Faire un soutien technique aux partenaires régionaux, préfectoraux et communaux de la Protection avant la mi', '', false, false, '2018/573', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11601, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (594, '2018-06-13 10:03:40.813397+00', NULL, '2018-06-13 10:19:06.195718+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2018-04-11', '2018-04-13', 'conduct programmatic visit', '', false, false, '2018/575', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 7457, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (605, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.075116+00', NULL, NULL, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.112587+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2018-11-11', '2019-01-10', 'Apoyo a la Oficina de Mexico para la emergencia por la caravana migrante', '', false, false, '2018/587', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 14764, 1576, '2018-11-08 22:41:34.1126+00', NULL, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (615, '2019-02-10 03:06:07.448631+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-11', '2019-02-12', 'Visit WASH program and meting with Partners', '', false, false, '2019/597', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (619, '2019-02-11 08:42:52.404986+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-02-12', '2019-02-13', 'To monitor training', '', false, false, '2019/601', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL, NULL, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (627, '2019-03-26 13:36:25.324034+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', NULL, NULL, '', '', false, false, '2019/609', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, NULL, NULL, 11507, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (625, '2019-03-01 17:43:56.810258+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-03-01', '2019-03-02', 'asvgsfagsfvgadr', '', false, false, '2019/607', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 132, 2, 23067, 3778, NULL, NULL, 4);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 512, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 661, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 512, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 390, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 556, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 98, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 11, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 12, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 11, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 12, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 96, true);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, true);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 57, true);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 19, true);
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (434, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, 46, NULL, 3195, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (435, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 13345, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (437, 'Meeting', '2017-10-25', 187, NULL, 625, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (436, 'Meeting', '2017-12-03', NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (438, 'Advocacy', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2702, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (439, 'Programmatic Visit', '2017-11-22', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (440, 'Meeting', '2017-12-02', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (441, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4124, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (442, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, 228, NULL, 14764, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (445, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-05-12', NULL, NULL, 18067, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (446, 'Technical Support', '2018-06-13', NULL, NULL, 11601, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (444, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 6763, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (447, 'Meeting', NULL, 228, NULL, 9259, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (448, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 7457, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (449, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-06-28', NULL, NULL, 20207, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (450, 'Staff Development', NULL, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (451, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 23022, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (452, 'Technical Support', '2018-08-29', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (453, 'Meeting', '2018-09-25', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (454, 'Technical Support', '2018-09-26', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (455, 'Meeting', '2018-10-08', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (458, 'Meeting', '2018-10-27', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (457, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (456, 'Meeting', '2018-10-03', NULL, NULL, 123, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (459, 'Technical Support', '2018-11-11', NULL, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (460, 'Staff Entitlement', '2018-11-13', NULL, NULL, 2702, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (461, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-04', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (463, 'Meeting', '2018-12-17', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (464, 'Meeting', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14764, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (465, 'Staff Development', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 11425, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (466, 'Staff Development', '2019-02-12', NULL, NULL, 11425, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (467, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (462, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-29', 228, NULL, 1576, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (468, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-12', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (469, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-13', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (470, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-14', NULL, NULL, 6097, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (471, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-02-10', NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (472, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 11687, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (473, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 8744, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (474, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 2054, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (475, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (476, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-13', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (477, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-14', NULL, NULL, 22478, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (478, 'Meeting', '2019-02-11', NULL, NULL, 16689, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (479, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-19', NULL, NULL, 622, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (480, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 176622, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (481, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-03-01', 228, NULL, 3778, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (483, 'Programmatic Visit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 11507, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (482, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-03-01', 229, NULL, 3778, NULL);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (381, 442, 4625);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (382, 446, 4549);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (383, 481, 3326);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (384, 482, 316);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (385, 482, 3326);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (475, 434, 579);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (476, 435, 580);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (477, 436, 581);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (478, 437, 582);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (479, 438, 583);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (480, 439, 584);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (481, 440, 585);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (482, 441, 586);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (483, 442, 587);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (485, 444, 589);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (486, 445, 591);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (487, 446, 592);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (488, 447, 593);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (489, 448, 594);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (490, 449, 595);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (491, 450, 596);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (492, 451, 596);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (493, 452, 597);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (494, 453, 599);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (495, 454, 599);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (496, 455, 600);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (497, 456, 601);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (498, 457, 602);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (499, 458, 603);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (500, 456, 604);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (501, 459, 605);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (502, 460, 606);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (503, 461, 607);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (504, 462, 608);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (505, 463, 609);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (506, 464, 610);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (507, 465, 611);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (508, 466, 611);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (509, 467, 613);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (510, 468, 613);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (511, 469, 613);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (512, 470, 613);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (513, 471, 614);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (514, 472, 615);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (515, 473, 616);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (516, 474, 617);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (517, 475, 618);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (518, 476, 618);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (519, 477, 618);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (520, 478, 620);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (521, 479, 621);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (522, 480, 622);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (523, 481, 624);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (524, 482, 625);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (525, 483, 627);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, office_id);
--- Data for Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (93, 'Report', 'Andre Moussa Trip Report Goza 23-25 May 2018.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/589/Andre_Moussa_Trip_Report_Goza_23-25_May_2018.docx', 589);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (94, 'Other', 'vp.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/594/vp.pdf', 594);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (95, 'Report', 'PMV FMWASD 2018.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/595/PMV_FMWASD_2018.pdf', 595);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (96, 'Cleareance Doc', 'trp report mialy febroary.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/623/trp_report_mialy_febroary.doc', 623);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (1, '', false, 2, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (3, '', false, 4, 13);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (1, 1, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (3, 3, 2);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, section_id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (1, 1, 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (3, 3, 19323);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (1, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-22 17:27:42.547359+00', '2019-03-22 17:28:30.672974+00', 'draft', '', '', 'test', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, '', 123);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (2, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-02 05:37:43.410152+00', '2019-04-07 07:36:49.717395+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'ee', '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-07', NULL, NULL, 18, '', 2702);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (4, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-02 23:08:09.366206+00', '2019-04-02 23:10:25.870081+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', '', '2019-04-02', NULL, '2019-04-02', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, '', 19323);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (1, 1, 32);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (2, 2, 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (4, 4, 37);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, user_id);
--- Data for Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_notified_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (3, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.223032+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.089461+00', '', '', 3, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (4, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.318162+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.156001+00', '', '', 4, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (5, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.386735+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.225418+00', '', '', 5, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (6, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.44883+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.319921+00', '', '', 6, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (7, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.508798+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.387435+00', '', '', 7, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (8, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.569285+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.453886+00', '', '', 8, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (9, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.640012+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.520723+00', '', '', 9, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (10, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.706803+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.593559+00', '', '', 10, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (11, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.800966+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.658745+00', '', '', 11, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (13, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.983138+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.726027+00', '', '', 12, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (12, '2018-03-29 09:41:17.887626+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.793711+00', '', '', 13, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (14, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.165292+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.854701+00', '', '', 14, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (15, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.266541+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.929761+00', '', '', 15, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (16, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.337204+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:23.994208+00', '', '', 16, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (17, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.419689+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.062074+00', '', '', 17, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (18, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.519504+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.129935+00', '', '', 18, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (19, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.63447+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.192893+00', '', '', 19, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (20, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.743539+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.275085+00', '', '', 20, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (21, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.82673+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.364782+00', '', '', 21, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (22, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.89391+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.440117+00', '', '', 22, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (23, '2018-03-29 09:41:18.958961+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.502855+00', '', '', 23, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (24, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.022256+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.56762+00', '', '', 24, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (25, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.083983+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.755811+00', '', '', 25, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (26, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.150627+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.822975+00', '', '', 26, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (27, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.209283+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:24.912095+00', '', '', 27, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (29, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.354886+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.052615+00', '', '', 29, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (30, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.413122+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.121607+00', '', '', 30, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (31, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.476989+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.187331+00', '', '', 31, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (33, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.610651+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.324416+00', 'partners/core_values/s.png', '', 33, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (34, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.672555+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.388965+00', '', '', 34, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (35, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.746464+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.48492+00', '', '', 35, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (36, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.821128+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.549458+00', '', '', 36, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (37, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.891982+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.611709+00', '', '', 37, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (38, '2018-03-29 09:41:19.959993+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.67424+00', '', '', 38, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (39, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.022059+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.735572+00', '', '', 39, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (40, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.091305+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.79862+00', '', '', 40, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (41, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.161265+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.860835+00', '', '', 41, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (42, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.22901+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:25.941777+00', '', '', 42, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (43, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.300019+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.003606+00', '', '', 43, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (44, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.362233+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.068528+00', '', '', 44, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (45, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.42997+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.130743+00', '', '', 45, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (46, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.495922+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.213797+00', '', '', 46, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (47, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.556314+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.279147+00', '', '', 47, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (48, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.626925+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.342023+00', '', '', 48, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (49, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.699994+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.40309+00', '', '', 49, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (50, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.771182+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.498265+00', '', '', 50, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (51, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.834874+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.560068+00', '', '', 51, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (52, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.896639+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.627705+00', '', '', 52, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (53, '2018-03-29 09:41:20.965241+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.690475+00', '', '', 53, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (54, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.031561+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:26.900009+00', '', '', 54, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (56, '2018-03-29 09:41:21.200957+00', '2018-12-11 01:22:27.026886+00', '', '', 56, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
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--- Data for Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity VALUES (14, '2019-04-02 05:40:46.25282+00', '2019-04-02 05:40:46.253185+00', '67', 'update', '{"id": 67, "end": "2017-04-02", "frs": [], "start": "2016-10-28", "title": "Test", "number": "UAT/PCA2015146/PD201567", "status": "draft", "offices": [2], "metadata": {}, "sections": [6], "agreement": 146, "amendments": [], "attachments": [], "in_amendment": false, "result_links": [], "document_type": "PD", "contingency_pd": false, "flat_locations": [], "planned_visits": [], "review_date_prc": "None", "submission_date": "2016-10-01", "termination_doc": "", "population_focus": "None", "unicef_signatory": 2702, "activation_letter": "", "country_programme": 1, "reporting_periods": [], "travel_activities": [], "signed_pd_document": "", "prc_review_document": "", "submission_date_prc": "None", "unicef_focal_points": [2702], "partner_focal_points": [171], "signed_pd_attachment": [], "prc_review_attachment": [], "reference_number_year": 2015, "signed_by_unicef_date": "2016-10-06", "reporting_requirements": [], "signed_by_partner_date": "2016-10-04", "termination_doc_attachment": [], "activation_letter_attachment": [], "special_reporting_requirements": [], "partner_authorized_officer_signatory": 171}', '{"offices": {"after": [2], "before": []}, "submission_date": {"after": "2016-10-01", "before": "None"}, "unicef_signatory": {"after": 2702, "before": "None"}, "unicef_focal_points": {"after": [2702], "before": []}, "partner_focal_points": {"after": [171], "before": []}, "signed_by_unicef_date": {"after": "2016-10-06", "before": "None"}, "signed_by_partner_date": {"after": "2016-10-04", "before": "None"}, "partner_authorized_officer_signatory": {"after": 171, "before": "None"}}', 2702, 151);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq', 7, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq', 138, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq', 80, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 85, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq', 42, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key UNIQUE (activity_question_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq', 117, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, result_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq', 38, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, section_id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq', 5, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq', 747, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq', 105, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (year);
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq', 206, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, method_id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq', 2, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, section_id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq', 27, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, value);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq', 5, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq', 6, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq', 4723, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 88, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq', 146, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq', 36, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq', 67, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq', 74, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq', 48, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq', 67, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq', 51, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 57, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 58, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 33, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 39, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 53, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 41, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_a61f6e4197569d0_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_a61f6e4197569d0_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq', 45, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 45, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 229, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 171, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 74, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 33, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 85, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 33, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 35, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 176, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 13, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq', 6, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq', 123, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq', 248, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_586ea92c4b5abec3_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq', 115, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_586ea92c4b5abec3_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 495, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_f6bb409b9a59687_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 627, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_f6bb409b9a59687_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 483, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 385, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_43987186332a0687_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 525, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_43987186332a0687_uniq UNIQUE (email);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 96, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 4, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 4, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 85, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 45, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 14, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financialfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financialfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
--- Name: audit_finding audit_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_1d24d491a9c00847_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_1d24d491a9c00847_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office reports_office_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_office_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_6c24f373ab4403b5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_6c24f373ab4403b5_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_uniq UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key UNIQUE (profile_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_a61f6e4197569d0_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_a61f6e4197569d0_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_586ea92c4b5abec3_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_586ea92c4b5abec3_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_f6bb409b9a59687_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_f6bb409b9a59687_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_43987186332a0687_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_43987186332a0687_uniq UNIQUE (email);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_1d24d491a9c00847_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_1d24d491a9c00847_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_6c24f373ab4403b5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_6c24f373ab4403b5_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_uniq UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (activity_question_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (field_office_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (person_responsible_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category USING btree ("order");
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING gist (point);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_name_347b008d094b839e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_347b008d094b839e_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_name_291034affa96d44_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_291034affa96d44_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_6a01c5a6210b012_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_6a01c5a6210b012_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
--- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
--- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_name_15345b22407d8a1b_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_15345b22407d8a1b_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_donor_name_347b008d094b839e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_347b008d094b839e_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_name_291034affa96d44_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_291034affa96d44_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_6a01c5a6210b012_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_6a01c5a6210b012_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
--- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
--- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_name_15345b22407d8a1b_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_7f4ba668579fe8e8_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_15345b22407d8a1b_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_7f4ba668579fe8e8_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_name_70bf85d5e17f5cb0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_70bf85d5e17f5cb0_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_type_111e83d6c65ff8e3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_111e83d6c65ff8e3_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c ON [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_7f4ba668579fe8e8_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_7f4ba668579fe8e8_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_1927075fc1f08ead_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: reports_sector_name_70bf85d5e17f5cb0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_70bf85d5e17f5cb0_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_unit_type_111e83d6c65ff8e3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_111e83d6c65ff8e3_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id FOREIGN KEY (file_type_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].attachments_filetype(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (uploaded_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (field_office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partnerorganization_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (person_responsible_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (result_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne FOREIGN KEY (tpm_partner_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartner(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -16847,14 +19682,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_80b9b8d9_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_i_intervention_id_a29eb115_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -16936,11 +19763,19 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -17303,6 +20138,22 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sp_intervention_id_d9d797f5_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use FOREIGN KEY (profile_id) REFERENCES public.users_userprofile(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_user_id_17095f45_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -17392,11 +20243,11 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -17496,27 +20347,27 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant2.sql b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant2.sql
index 121a9dfdd..a254e76aa 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant2.sql
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant2.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 9.6.12
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.5
+-- Dumped from database version 9.6.3
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.7
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint (
high_priority boolean NOT NULL,
travel_activity_id integer,
category_id integer,
- psea_assessment_id integer
+ psea_assessment_id integer,
+ reference_number character varying(100),
+ monitoring_activity_id integer
@@ -210,43 +212,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].actstream_follow.id;
--- Name: attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachment.id;
-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -260,13 +225,13 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat (
file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
agreement_reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
source character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- pd_ssfa integer
+ pd_ssfa integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone
@@ -289,39 +254,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_filetype (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_filetype.id;
-- Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -330,7 +262,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_audit (
engagement_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
audited_expenditure numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
financial_findings numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL
+ audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ audited_expenditure_local numeric(20,2),
+ financial_findings_local numeric(20,2)
@@ -398,7 +332,8 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement (
agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
po_item_id integer,
shared_ip_with character varying(20)[] NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency_of_report character varying(4)
@@ -481,6 +416,66 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections.id;
-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -511,6 +506,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified.id;
-- Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -909,22 +934,25 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].django_mi
--- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ on_track boolean,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -933,36 +961,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- responsible_person character varying(100),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ is_enabled boolean NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq
@@ -971,41 +996,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq
@@ -1014,47 +1026,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
intervention_id integer,
- intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- delegated boolean NOT NULL
+ partner_id integer,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -1063,41 +1059,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item smallint NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- donor character varying(256),
- donor_code character varying(30),
- CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq
@@ -1106,32 +1090,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding.id;
--- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- expiry date,
- donor_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ information_source character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq
@@ -1140,30 +1122,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist.id;
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ monitor_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ person_responsible_id integer,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_reason text NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ field_office_id integer,
+ report_reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64)
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq
@@ -1172,31 +1177,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs.id;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity.id;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq
@@ -1205,47 +1226,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners (
id integer NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- remap_table_name character varying(254),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerorganization_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq
@@ -1254,31 +1256,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners.id;
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- admin_level smallint,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq
@@ -1287,45 +1286,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections.id;
--- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- latitude double precision,
- longitude double precision,
- p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
- point public.geometry(Point,4326),
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq
@@ -1334,31 +1316,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate (
id integer NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq
@@ -1367,40 +1350,48 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
- id integer NOT NULL,
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan (
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
+ year smallint NOT NULL,
+ prioritization_criteria text NOT NULL,
+ methodology_notes text NOT NULL,
+ target_visits smallint NOT NULL,
+ modalities text NOT NULL,
+ partner_engagement text NOT NULL,
+ other_aspects text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_target_visits_check CHECK ((target_visits >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_year_check CHECK ((year >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq
@@ -1409,17 +1400,26 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig (
+ id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq
@@ -1428,28 +1428,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq
@@ -1458,53 +1463,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_manager_id integer,
- signed_by_id integer,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
- reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
- special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ issue text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq
@@ -1513,17 +1500,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ use_information_source boolean NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(10) NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq
@@ -1532,33 +1531,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024),
- signed_date date,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ value jsonb,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq
@@ -1567,42 +1562,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option.id;
--- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question (
id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
- expected_budget integer,
- notes character varying(255),
- requested_date date NOT NULL,
- planned_date date,
- completed_date date,
- rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- report character varying(1024),
- current boolean NOT NULL,
- approving_officer_id integer,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- requesting_officer_id integer,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ answer_type character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ choices_size smallint,
+ level character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ text text NOT NULL,
+ is_hact boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_custom boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ category_id integer NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_choices_size_check CHECK ((choices_size >= 0))
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq
@@ -1611,32 +1599,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question.id;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- date date,
- assessment character varying(1024),
- archived boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq
@@ -1645,34 +1629,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq
@@ -1681,27 +1659,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
@@ -1710,82 +1690,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ responsible_person character varying(100),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- number character varying(64),
- title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- submission_date date,
- submission_date_prc date,
- review_date_prc date,
- prc_review_document character varying(1024),
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- population_focus character varying(130),
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
- unicef_signatory_id integer,
- signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
- country_programme_id integer,
- contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
- metadata jsonb,
- in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
- reference_number_year integer,
- activation_letter character varying(1024),
- termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
@@ -1794,28 +1728,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
@@ -1824,28 +1771,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ delegated boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
@@ -1854,28 +1820,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item smallint NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ donor character varying(256),
+ donor_code character varying(30),
+ CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
@@ -1884,28 +1863,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ expiry date,
+ donor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
@@ -1914,34 +1897,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- signed_date date,
- amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
- other_description character varying(512)
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
@@ -1950,32 +1929,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
@@ -1984,38 +1962,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
+ remap_table_name character varying(254),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer,
- total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
@@ -2024,34 +2011,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ admin_level smallint,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
@@ -2060,32 +2044,45 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ latitude double precision,
+ longitude double precision,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date NOT NULL,
- end_date date NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
@@ -2094,30 +2091,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comments text,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
+ old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
@@ -2126,92 +2124,59 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- cso_type character varying(50),
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- address text,
- email character varying(255),
- phone_number character varying(64),
- vendor_number character varying(30),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- rating character varying(50),
- type_of_assessment character varying(50),
- last_assessment_date date,
- core_values_assessment_date date,
- vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- city character varying(64),
- country character varying(64),
- postal_code character varying(32),
- shared_with character varying(20)[],
- street_address character varying(500),
- hact_values jsonb,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- reported_cy numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
- basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
- outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
@@ -2220,34 +2185,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
@@ -2256,35 +2215,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(64),
- first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- phone character varying(64),
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_manager_id integer,
+ signed_by_id integer,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
+ special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
@@ -2293,36 +2270,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
@@ -2331,27 +2289,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024),
+ signed_date date,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
@@ -2360,32 +2324,42 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
--- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
+ expected_budget integer,
+ notes character varying(255),
+ requested_date date NOT NULL,
+ planned_date date,
+ completed_date date,
+ rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ report character varying(1024),
+ current boolean NOT NULL,
+ approving_officer_id integer,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ requesting_officer_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
@@ -2394,31 +2368,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
--- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description text,
- answer_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ date date,
+ assessment character varying(1024),
+ archived boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
@@ -2427,63 +2402,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- overall_rating integer,
- assessment_date date,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
@@ -2492,31 +2438,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
@@ -2525,44 +2467,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditor_firm_id integer,
- user_id integer
+ document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64),
+ title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ submission_date date,
+ submission_date_prc date,
+ review_date_prc date,
+ prc_review_document character varying(1024),
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ population_focus character varying(130),
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
+ unicef_signatory_id integer,
+ signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
+ metadata jsonb,
+ in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
+ reference_number_year integer,
+ activation_letter character varying(1024),
+ termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
@@ -2571,17 +2532,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
@@ -2590,31 +2551,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
--- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label text NOT NULL,
- requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
@@ -2623,45 +2581,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- subject text NOT NULL,
- content text NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2670,17 +2611,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
@@ -2689,28 +2641,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2719,31 +2671,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- weight integer NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ signed_date date,
+ amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
+ other_description character varying(512)
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
@@ -2752,59 +2707,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- context_code character varying(50),
- assumptions text,
- total integer,
- indicator_id integer,
- lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
- means_of_verification character varying(255),
- cluster_indicator_id integer,
- cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
- cluster_name character varying(512),
+ attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- response_plan_name character varying(1024),
- section_id integer,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
- baseline jsonb,
- denominator_label character varying(256),
- label text,
- measurement_specifications text,
- numerator_label character varying(256),
- target jsonb NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
@@ -2813,17 +2741,38 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
@@ -2832,28 +2781,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -2862,31 +2817,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- from_date date NOT NULL,
- to_date date NOT NULL,
- invalid boolean NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ start_date date NOT NULL,
+ end_date date NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
@@ -2895,30 +2851,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
@@ -2927,31 +2883,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
@@ -2960,43 +2913,62 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- total integer,
- sector_total integer,
- current integer,
- sector_current integer,
- assumptions text,
- target character varying(255),
- baseline character varying(255),
- ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
- view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- result_id integer,
- sector_id integer,
- unit_id integer,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ cso_type character varying(50),
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ address text,
+ email character varying(255),
+ phone_number character varying(64),
+ vendor_number character varying(30),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ rating character varying(50),
+ type_of_assessment character varying(50),
+ last_assessment_date date,
+ core_values_assessment_date date,
+ vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ city character varying(64),
+ country character varying(64),
+ postal_code character varying(32),
+ shared_with character varying(20)[],
+ street_address character varying(500),
+ hact_values jsonb,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ reported_cy numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
+ basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
+ outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
@@ -3005,37 +2977,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(3072),
- code character varying(50),
- subdomain character varying(255),
- disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
- unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -3044,31 +3013,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(100),
+ first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ phone character varying(64),
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
@@ -3077,30 +3050,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
- start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
@@ -3109,33 +3088,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
@@ -3144,57 +3117,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
--- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name text NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- from_date date,
- to_date date,
- humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(50),
- vision_id character varying(10),
- gic_code character varying(8),
- gic_name character varying(255),
- sic_code character varying(8),
- sic_name character varying(255),
- activity_focus_code character varying(8),
- activity_focus_name character varying(255),
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- ram boolean NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
- parent_id integer,
- result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- sector_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
- humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ comments text,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
@@ -3203,27 +3151,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
--- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description text,
+ answer_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
@@ -3232,68 +3184,44 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ overall_rating integer,
+ assessment_date date,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -3302,27 +3230,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(45) NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
@@ -3331,30 +3249,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
--- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
- date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL,
- user_id integer
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
@@ -3363,69 +3282,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
--- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id text NOT NULL,
- object_id_int integer,
- format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- serialized_data text NOT NULL,
- object_repr text NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- revision_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditor_firm_id integer,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
@@ -3434,28 +3347,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
- airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label text NOT NULL,
+ requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
@@ -3464,96 +3380,64 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- departure_date date NOT NULL,
- arrival_date date NOT NULL,
- overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- dsa_region_id integer,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL,
- _order integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ subject text NOT NULL,
+ content text NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- completed_at timestamp with time zone,
- canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
- submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
- approved_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejection_note text NOT NULL,
- cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
- certification_note text NOT NULL,
- report_note text NOT NULL,
- misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
- status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- additional_note text NOT NULL,
- international_travel boolean,
- ta_required boolean,
- reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
- estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
- is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
- preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
- currency_id integer,
- office_id integer,
- supervisor_id integer,
- traveler_id integer,
- first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
- preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
- section_id integer
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3562,32 +3446,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- date date,
- partner_id integer,
- partnership_id integer,
- primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
- result_id integer
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
@@ -3596,28 +3476,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ weight integer NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
@@ -3626,60 +3509,78 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ context_code character varying(50),
+ assumptions text,
+ total integer,
+ indicator_id integer,
+ lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
+ means_of_verification character varying(255),
+ cluster_indicator_id integer,
+ cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
+ cluster_name character varying(512),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ response_plan_name character varying(1024),
+ section_id integer,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
+ baseline jsonb,
+ denominator_label character varying(256),
+ label text,
+ measurement_specifications text,
+ numerator_label character varying(256),
+ target jsonb NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- file character varying(255),
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
@@ -3688,41 +3589,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
- activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
- additional_information text NOT NULL,
- is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
@@ -3731,28 +3619,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ from_date date NOT NULL,
+ to_date date NOT NULL,
+ invalid boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
@@ -3761,43 +3652,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
id integer NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- reject_comment text NOT NULL,
- approval_comment text NOT NULL,
- visit_information text NOT NULL,
- date_of_assigned date,
- date_of_cancelled date,
- date_of_tpm_accepted date,
- date_of_tpm_rejected date,
- date_of_tpm_reported date,
- date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
- date_of_unicef_approved date,
- tpm_partner_id integer,
- cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
- author_id integer
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
@@ -3806,28 +3684,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
@@ -3836,29 +3717,43 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reject_reason text NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ total integer,
+ sector_total integer,
+ current integer,
+ sector_current integer,
+ assumptions text,
+ target character varying(255),
+ baseline character varying(255),
+ ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
+ view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer,
+ sector_id integer,
+ unit_id integer,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3867,35 +3762,37 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(3072),
+ code character varying(50),
+ subdomain character varying(255),
+ disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
+ unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
+ display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
@@ -3904,33 +3801,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
- file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
@@ -3939,29 +3834,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_office (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq
@@ -3970,31 +3863,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_office.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
+ year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
+ start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
@@ -4003,34 +3895,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
@@ -4039,4229 +3930,5704 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name text NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ from_date date,
+ to_date date,
+ humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(50),
+ vision_id character varying(10),
+ gic_code character varying(8),
+ gic_name character varying(255),
+ sic_code character varying(8),
+ sic_name character varying(255),
+ activity_focus_code character varying(8),
+ activity_focus_name character varying(255),
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ ram boolean NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ parent_id integer,
+ result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ sector_id integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
+ humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
--- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL
--- Name: attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(45) NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
--- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer,
+ profile_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile.id;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
+ date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
--- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id text NOT NULL,
+ object_id_int integer,
+ format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ serialized_data text NOT NULL,
+ object_repr text NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ revision_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
+ airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ departure_date date NOT NULL,
+ arrival_date date NOT NULL,
+ overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ dsa_region_id integer,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL,
+ _order integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: locations_location id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ completed_at timestamp with time zone,
+ canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
+ submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
+ approved_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejection_note text NOT NULL,
+ cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
+ certification_note text NOT NULL,
+ report_note text NOT NULL,
+ misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ additional_note text NOT NULL,
+ international_travel boolean,
+ ta_required boolean,
+ reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
+ estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
+ is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
+ preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
+ currency_id integer,
+ office_id integer,
+ supervisor_id integer,
+ traveler_id integer,
+ first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
+ preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
+ section_id integer
--- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ date date,
+ partner_id integer,
+ partnership_id integer,
+ primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(255),
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
+ activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
+ additional_information text NOT NULL,
+ is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ reject_comment text NOT NULL,
+ approval_comment text NOT NULL,
+ visit_information text NOT NULL,
+ date_of_assigned date,
+ date_of_cancelled date,
+ date_of_tpm_accepted date,
+ date_of_tpm_rejected date,
+ date_of_tpm_reported date,
+ date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
+ date_of_unicef_approved date,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_answer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(1024),
+ hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer,
+ file_type_id integer,
+ uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
+ file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ "group" character varying(64)[],
+ CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: activities_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (39, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (40, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (41, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (42, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (43, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (44, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (86, '2018-12-23', NULL, 74, 6);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (87, '2019-01-15', NULL, 74, 6);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (45, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (3, '2018-01-07', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (46, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (54, '2018-06-25', 108, 67, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (28, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (32, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (31, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (34, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (33, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (35, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (4, '2018-01-07', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (5, '2018-01-08', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (6, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (7, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (8, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (9, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (10, '2018-01-16', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (11, '2018-01-16', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (12, '2018-01-17', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (13, '2018-01-18', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (14, '2018-01-21', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (15, '2018-01-22', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (16, '2018-01-24', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (18, '2018-01-31', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (20, '2018-02-05', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (21, '2018-02-06', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (22, '2018-02-08', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (19, '2018-02-05', 108, 66, 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (23, '2018-01-23', 102, 11, 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (24, '2018-01-24', 102, 11, 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (26, '2018-01-16', 108, 67, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (27, '2018-01-18', 108, 67, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (25, '2018-01-09', 108, 67, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (1, '2018-01-02', 102, 57, 40);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (2, '2018-01-02', 102, 57, 40);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (36, '2018-01-24', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (37, '2018-01-25', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (38, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (47, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (48, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (49, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (51, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (52, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (53, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (50, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (17, '2018-01-31', 108, 66, 13);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (905, 'ALTADAMON FOR REHABILITATION AND PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238342', '', 'Signed Agreement', '/api/v2/attachments/file/905/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', '21 Mar 2019', 905, 'Altadamon_PCA_2019-2020.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2019142', '/api/v2/agreements/142/', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (907, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/907/', 'Inaam Elbasir', '25 Mar 2019', 907, 'CESVI_-_Budget_Amendment.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201755', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 65);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (908, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/908/', 'Inaam Elbasir', '25 Mar 2019', 908, 'CESVI_-_Result_Framework_Amendment.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201755', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 65);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (911, 'ALTADAMON FOR REHABILITATION AND PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238342', 'LIB/PCA2018114/PD201869', 'Progress Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/911/', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '03 Apr 2019', 911, 'Progress_report_2_WGayNll.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018114', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 69);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (912, 'AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237369', '', 'Signed Agreement', '/api/v2/attachments/file/912/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', '04 Apr 2019', 912, 'Almobadr_PCA.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2019141', '/api/v2/agreements/141/', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (914, 'AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237369', 'LIB/PCA2019141/PD201989', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/914/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', '04 Apr 2019', 914, 'Almobadr_Annex_G..pdf', 'LIB/PCA2019141', '/api/v2/interventions/89/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 89);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (913, 'AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237369', 'LIB/PCA2019141/PD201989', 'Signed PD/SSFA', '/api/v2/attachments/file/913/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', '04 Apr 2019', 913, 'Almobadr_Programme_Document.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2019141', '/api/v2/interventions/89/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 89);
--- Data for Name: attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: audit_engagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (5, '2019-03-05 08:15:57.123504+00', '2019-03-10 13:46:16.10112+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-04-15', '2018-07-15', 53500.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 79, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (6, '2019-03-05 08:21:22.271895+00', '2019-03-10 13:47:15.211432+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-03-01', '2018-06-01', 89600.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 73, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (4, '2019-03-05 07:59:59.409701+00', '2019-03-10 13:49:37.549254+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-09-26', '2018-11-26', 36000.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 13, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (3, '2019-03-05 07:48:22.169711+00', '2019-03-10 13:49:59.838556+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-01-26', '2018-03-26', 103753.74, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 23, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (2, '2019-03-04 15:04:51.998942+00', '2019-03-10 13:50:31.996157+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-05-07', '2018-08-07', 363027.90, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 4, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (1, '2019-03-04 14:07:55.748225+00', '2019-03-10 13:51:02.223917+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-03-22', '2018-06-22', 93896.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 1, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_active_pd; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (1, 2, 78);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (2, 1, 67);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (3, 6, 56);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (4, 3, 65);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (5, 5, 69);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (6, 4, 66);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (1, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (2, 2, 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (3, 3, 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (4, 4, 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (5, 5, 64);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (6, 6, 56);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (1, 1, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (2, 2, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (3, 3, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (4, 4, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (5, 5, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (6, 6, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (7, 6, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (8, 4, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (9, 5, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (10, 3, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (11, 2, 152);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (12, 1, 152);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and evaluate data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent evaluation recommendations?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adequately to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and evaluation?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adequate policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adequate, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adequate controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adequate controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adequate safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adequately covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adequate physical security?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, evaluate if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and evaluation process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adequate access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (20, 2, '4c. Budgeting system', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (21, 3, '4d. Payments', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (22, 4, '4e. Policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (23, 5, '4f. Cash and bank', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (24, 6, '4g. Other offices or entities', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (25, 7, '4h. Internal audit', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (26, 0, '5a. Safeguards over assets', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (27, 1, '5b. Warehousing and inventory management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (28, 0, '7a. Procurement', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (29, 1, '7b. Contract Management - To be completed only for the IPs managing contracts as part of programme implementation. Otherwise select N/A for risk assessment', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (30, 2, 'Key Internal Controls Weaknesses', 'primary', 'audit_key_weakness', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (31, 0, 'Overall Risk Assessment', 'primary', 'ma_global_assessment', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (32, 0, 'Implementing partner', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (33, 1, 'Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (34, 2, 'Organizational structure and staffing', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (35, 3, 'Accounting policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (36, 4, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (37, 5, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (38, 6, 'Procurement', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialaudit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specificprocedure; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_spotcheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (1, 0.00, 0.00, '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (6, 0.00, 0.00, '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (4, 0.00, 0.00, '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (5, 0.00, 0.00, '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (3, 0.00, 0.00, '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (2, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: django_comment_flags; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: django_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: django_migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (6, 'activityinfo', '0002_auto_20151004_2246', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.346684+00');
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (10, 'auth', '0002_alter_permission_name_max_length', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.598048+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (11, 'auth', '0003_alter_user_email_max_length', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.655106+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (12, 'auth', '0004_alter_user_username_opts', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.734919+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (13, 'auth', '0005_alter_user_last_login_null', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.788209+00');
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (15, 'auth', '0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages', '2016-12-22 13:50:42.882145+00');
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (17, 'authtoken', '0002_auto_20160226_1747', '2016-12-22 13:50:43.042061+00');
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (352, 'funds', '0001_initial', '2018-03-29 15:44:09.269692+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (353, 'funds', '0002_auto_20180326_1605', '2018-03-29 15:44:09.311786+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_migrations VALUES (354, 'hact', '0001_initial', '2018-03-29 15:44:09.350866+00');
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--- Data for Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (34, 'European Commission / ECHO', '2018-03-15 16:56:57.977233+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.109443+00');
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--- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (14, '2500220006', '0100198698', '2016-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-1ST DCT', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (15, '2500235018', '0100236538', '2016-11-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE-CESVI 2ND PAYMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (16, '2500234748', '0100237451', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (17, '2500234748', '0100237458', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (18, '2500232253', '0100195994', '2016-02-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (19, '2500231352', '0100239274', '2016-12-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (20, '2500233211', '0100180635', '2015-10-26', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'SSFSA WITH NASIM', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (21, '2500231802', '0100240648', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (22, '2500234748', '0100240130', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'DRC - HQ REIMBURSEMENT COST - WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (23, '2500231352', '0100198174', '2016-03-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (24, '2500231802', '0100161990', '2015-06-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (25, '2500231352', '0100226496', '2016-10-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (26, '2500233196', '0100184782', '2015-11-17', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (27, '2500232253', '0100237444', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT WASH LS', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (28, '2500211394', '0100245749', '2017-02-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR NATIONAL®IONAL WORK', '1', 'Veera Mendonca', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (29, '2500231802', '0100207539', '2016-05-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 1ST DCT', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (30, '2500235936', '0100235028', '2016-11-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR LIBYA HOUSE FOR SC & CULT', '1', 'Juliet Chiluwe', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (31, '2500235813', '0100234127', '2016-11-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (32, '2500231382', '0100198451', '2016-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (33, '2500235121', '0100239901', '2016-12-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH IMC SSFA', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (34, '2500233196', '0100214612', '2016-07-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT EDUCATION EKRAA', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (35, '2500231352', '0100239271', '2016-12-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'TND', '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', '-2.3049', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (36, '2500232253', '0100224197', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT WASH LS', '-1.379', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (37, '2500220005', '0100191128', '2015-12-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (38, '2500220005', '0100161968', '2015-06-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (39, '2500233211', '0100238188', '2016-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (40, '2500235018', '0100212958', '2016-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT CESVI CP PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (41, '2500220005', '0100161369', '2015-06-08', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (42, '2500231352', '0100224118', '2016-09-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT WASH STACO WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (43, '2500230439', '0100149137', '2015-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (44, '2500231352', '0100149136', '2015-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (45, '2500233196', '0100239915', '2016-12-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (46, '2500233196', '0100189761', '2015-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DCT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (47, '2500235600', '0100225908', '2016-09-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', '-1.379', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (48, '2500231382', '0100245977', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 3RD PAYMENT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (49, '2500232253', '0100195805', '2016-02-17', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (50, '2500231382', '0100245978', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 4TH PAYMENT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (51, '2500232640', '0100173916', '2015-09-09', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '-.889', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (52, '2500232253', '0100209323', '2016-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (53, '2500235018', '0100240167', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CESVI - THIRD PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (54, '2500234748', '0100208038', '2016-05-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (55, '2500234793', '0100212258', '2016-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT- HANDICAP INT''L - CP-IDPS & HOST COMMUNITY', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (56, '2500232253', '0100162518', '2015-06-16', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (57, '2500234793', '0100237487', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT& 2ND DCT HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (58, '2500220005', '0100215334', '2016-07-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (59, '2500220005', '0100191060', '2015-12-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (60, '2500232640', '0100218267', '2016-08-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1 ST DCT CIR-3RD PARTY MONITORING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (61, '2500231802', '0100238673', '2016-12-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 2ND DCT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (62, '2500232640', '0100240684', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'USD', 'CIR-FINAL DCT-THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (63, '2500220005', '0100144757', '2014-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (64, '2500231352', '0100233918', '2016-11-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (65, '2500220005', '0100160136', '2015-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (66, '2500231382', '0100245951', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (67, '2500232640', '0100240700', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CIR-FINAL DCT-THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (68, '2500231382', '0100163721', '2015-06-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (69, '2500233211', '0100215028', '2016-07-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (70, '2500217970', '0100224221', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (71, '2500220006', '0100198483', '2016-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (72, '2500233211', '0100185454', '2015-11-19', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-OCT-2015-SSFA RIMBURSEMENT', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (73, '2500233211', '0100185455', '2015-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-NOV-2015-SSFA DCT', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (74, '2500231382', '0100148069', '2015-02-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (75, '2500232307', '0100174137', '2015-09-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING-OCEAI', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (76, '2500220006', '0100240141', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'ACTED - HQ REIMBURSEMENT COST - WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (77, '2500232640', '0100238212', '2016-12-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (78, '2500220005', '0100144878', '2014-12-29', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (79, '2500235600', '0100244493', '2017-02-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (80, '2500231382', '0100221173', '2016-08-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.382', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (81, '2500231351', '0100150495', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (82, '2500231802', '0100161154', '2015-06-06', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (83, '2500233196', '0100228132', '2016-10-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EKRAA EDUCATION SECTION', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (84, '2500232253', '0100217280', '2016-07-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT LS PCA', '-1.382', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (85, '2500220006', '0100243970', '2017-01-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (86, '2500234284', '0100204389', '2016-04-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (87, '2500232307', '0100224258', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR IOCEA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (88, '2500232640', '0100185729', '2015-11-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '-.912', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (89, '2500231352', '0100247848', '2017-02-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT STACO EDUCATION', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (90, '2500231350', '0100148062', '2015-02-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (91, '2500233211', '0100248731', '2017-03-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (92, '2500233211', '0100249797', '2017-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (93, '2500234793', '0100252070', '2017-03-24', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT HI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (94, '2500236520', '0100252956', '2017-03-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (95, '2500220005', '0100253049', '2017-03-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', '-1.419', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (205, '2500232253', '0100315345', '2018-04-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0062 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2018/02, 2ND REIMBURSEM', '1', NULL, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831388+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831971+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (97, '2500220005', '0100253432', '2017-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', '-1.419', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (98, '2500231352', '0100254925', '2017-04-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (99, '2500236521', '0100254912', '2017-04-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (100, '2500232640', '0100256494', '2017-04-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (101, '2500233196', '0100257610', '2017-05-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '-1.413', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (102, '2500217970', '0100258088', '2017-05-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST AND ONLY DCT TUFTS NEW SSFA', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (103, '2500235018', '0100261122', '2017-05-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CESVI-EMERGENCY RESPONSE & ECREATIONAL ACT-FINAL', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (104, '2500236298', '0100261516', '2017-05-26', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMB MOLTAQANA SSFA', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (106, '2500236102', '0100262105', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'WYEF-2ND AND FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (107, '2500231802', '0100262101', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'AL-NAHLA-3RD INSTALMENT- REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (108, '2500231352', '0100262095', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'STACO-1ST INSTALLMENT-DCT-JUN-AUG 2017-NEW PCA-CP', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (110, '2500236901', '0100262280', '2017-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST AND ONLY DCT EMDAD WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (111, '2500231382', '0100262289', '2017-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (113, '2500235018', '0100268790', '2017-07-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CESVI HQ COST CP', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (109, '2500231352', '0100262092', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'STACO-FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT 2017', '-1.394', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (112, '2500237096', '0100266899', '2017-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', '-1.395', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (105, '2500220006', '0100261531', '2017-05-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'FINAL PAYMENT TO CP-PSS SERVUCES -BENGHAZI-ACTED', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (114, '2500231802', '0100269800', '2017-07-20', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (115, '2500231802', '0100269805', '2017-07-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (116, '2500232640', '0100269878', '2017-07-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (117, '2500231802', '0100269865', '2017-07-21', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (118, '2500233196', '0100270872', '2017-07-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', '-1.395', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (119, '2500220005', '0100271978', '2017-08-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT BOY SCOUTS OF LIBYA', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (120, '2500233211', '0100271968', '2017-08-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (121, '2500237271', '0100273041', '2017-08-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (154, '2500233196', '0100275264', '2017-08-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '3RD DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '-1.381', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (155, '2500231382', '0100276070', '2017-08-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (156, '2500235600', '0100277085', '2017-09-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', '-1.368', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (157, '2500237369', '0100277323', '2017-09-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ALMOBADR YOUTH', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (206, '2500231802', '0100315342', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831468+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.832048+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (159, '2500231802', '0100281296', '2017-10-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (160, '2500236521', '0100283177', '2017-10-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP FINAL PAYMENT', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (161, '2500231382', '0100283668', '2017-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (162, '2500231352', '0100283599', '2017-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (163, '2500231382', '0100286362', '2017-10-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0017 - PROVISION OF CHILD PROTECTION EMERGENC', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (164, '2500232640', '0100287936', '2017-11-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0019 - THIRD PARTY MONITORING AND SUPPORT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (207, '2500231802', '0100315343', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0065 - CFS - 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831533+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.832106+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (166, '2500231352', '0100291891', '2017-11-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0021 - REHABILITATION OF WASH INFRASTRUCTURES', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (167, '2500231352', '0100294560', '2017-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0022 - REHABILITATION OF WASH IN AFFECTED SCH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (168, '2500231352', '0100297477', '2017-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0022 - REHABILITATION OF WASH IN AFFECTED SCH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (169, '2500232253', '0100297478', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (170, '2500232253', '0100298440', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (171, '2500232253', '0100298710', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (172, '2500233211', '0100299032', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0027 - PROVISION OF EDUCATION AND RECREATION', '-1.385', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (173, '2500231352', '0100299077', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0028 - PROTECTION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (174, '2500231352', '0100299379', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0029 - PROTECTION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (175, '2500220006', '0100300980', '2018-01-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0031 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/18', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (176, '2500236901', '0100301047', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0030 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2017/14 AMENDMENT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (177, '2500231352', '0100301363', '2017-09-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0033 - TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF AFFECTED SCHOO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (178, '2500233196', '0100301347', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0034 - PCA/LIBYA/ED/2016/08 AMENDEMENT 1 EKRA', '-1.3651', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (179, '2500238097', '0100301345', '2018-01-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0036 - CP IN EMERGENCY PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (180, '2500231382', '0100301686', '2017-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0037 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 2ND DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (181, '2500233196', '0100301762', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0034 - PCA/LIBYA/ED/2016/08 AMENDEMENT 1 EKRA', '-1.3651', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (182, '2500235018', '0100303395', '2018-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0038 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16 CP EDU', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (183, '2500235018', '0100304368', '2018-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0039 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16 CP EDU', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (184, '2500232640', '0100304706', '2018-02-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0040 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (185, '2500231352', '0100304868', '2018-02-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0042 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (186, '2500232640', '0100305209', '2018-02-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0041 - CFS-THIRD PARTY MONITORING AND SUPPORT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (187, '2500232253', '0100305991', '2018-02-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0047 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE TAWERGHA BEN', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (188, '2500231352', '0100305752', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0046 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (189, '2500237271', '0100305569', '2017-11-25', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0044 - SSFA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/10', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (190, '2500231352', '0100305676', '2018-02-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0042 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (191, '2500231352', '0100305574', '2018-02-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0045 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2018/01', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (192, '2500237369', '0100305788', '2018-02-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0043 - PCA/LIBYA/YOUTH/2017/11', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (193, '2500231352', '0100305705', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0046 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (194, '2500231352', '0100306056', '2018-03-05', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0048 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (195, '2500236520', '0100306461', '2018-03-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0050 - CHANGE OF FS-1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (196, '2500238223', '0100306500', '2018-03-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0049 - PCA/LIBYA/YOUTH/2018/03 POSITIVE PEACE', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (197, '2500231382', '0100307587', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0055 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 3RD DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-17 00:05:48.64143+00', '2018-03-17 00:05:48.649462+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (199, '2500231382', '0100308369', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0055 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 3RD DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.805452+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.812715+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (202, '2500238136', '0100311326', '2018-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0060 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.676743+00', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.683807+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (203, '2500238136', '0100311443', '2018-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0060 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.676841+00', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.683881+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (208, '2500231802', '0100315809', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382483+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383057+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (209, '2500231802', '0100315516', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382581+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383119+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (210, '2500231802', '0100315527', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0063 - CFS - 1 DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382655+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383203+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (211, '2500233196', '0100316519', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0066 - PROVISION OF FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-05-17 16:09:38.911578+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:38.91245+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (96, '2500232253', '0100253491', '2017-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.878402+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (158, '2500236901', '0100280993', '2017-10-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION- PCA', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.898341+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (165, '2500232253', '0100287886', '2017-11-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0018 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE TO VULNERABL', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.916657+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (198, '2500232253', '0100308207', '2018-03-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0056 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2018/02, 1ST REIMBURSEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.805363+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.935782+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (200, '2500231802', '0100310385', '2018-03-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0058 - 3RD DCT FOR PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NA', '1', NULL, '2018-04-09 17:16:46.748784+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.954037+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (201, '2500231802', '0100310387', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0057 - 2ND REIMBURSMENT FOR PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017', '1', NULL, '2018-04-09 17:16:46.748867+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.974858+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (204, '2500238342', '0100312150', '2018-04-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0061 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', NULL, '2018-04-18 00:14:18.209318+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.993987+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (212, '2500238097', '0100318809', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0067 - CFS CP IN EMERGENCY PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-05-25 00:06:48.656607+00', '2018-05-25 00:06:48.65722+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (213, '2500233211', '0100319641', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0068 - PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-05-31 00:10:44.174708+00', '2018-05-31 00:10:44.175083+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (214, '2500233196', '0100320052', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0066 - PROVISION OF FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-06-01 00:06:53.899715+00', '2018-06-01 00:06:53.900141+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (215, '2500233211', '0100320409', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0068 - PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-06-02 00:06:10.953896+00', '2018-06-02 00:06:10.954493+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (216, '2500232640', '0100320965', '2018-05-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0069 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-07 00:10:15.884187+00', '2018-06-07 00:10:15.884788+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (217, '2500238223', '0100323279', '2018-06-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0072 - POSITIVE PEACE WORKSHOP', '1', 'Suad Nabhan', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.342674+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.343901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (218, '2500220006', '0100323278', '2018-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0070 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/18', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.342876+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344008+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (219, '2500236901', '0100323299', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0073 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2017/14 AMENDEMENT', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.34304+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344095+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (220, '2500232640', '0100323221', '2018-05-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0071 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.343194+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344181+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (221, '2500232640', '0100323439', '2018-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0074 - PCA/LIBYA/ME/2018/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-22 00:10:59.473077+00', '2018-06-22 00:10:59.473578+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (222, '2500232640', '0100325219', '2018-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0074 - PCA/LIBYA/ME/2018/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-07-03 00:08:36.945916+00', '2018-07-03 00:08:36.947721+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (223, '2500238760', '0100330818', '2018-07-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0075 - CHILD PROTECTON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-08-10 00:06:38.024877+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:38.025371+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (224, '2500237369', '0100332511', '2018-08-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0077 - YOUTH', '1', 'Suad Nabhan', '2018-08-17 00:06:30.669425+00', '2018-08-17 00:06:30.670065+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (225, '2500235018', '0100333796', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-08-28 13:46:32.932286+00', '2018-08-28 13:46:32.932802+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (226, '2500232253', '0100335123', '2018-07-09', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0080 - MULTISECTORAL WASH, EDUCATION, AND CP', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-09-04 00:17:32.337319+00', '2018-09-04 00:17:32.337854+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (227, '2500235018', '0100335926', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-09-08 00:06:47.667378+00', '2018-09-08 00:06:47.667736+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (228, '2500231802', '0100336998', '2018-09-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0081 - CHILD PROT. IN EMERG. PCA/LIBYA/CP/201', '1', NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08667+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08885+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (229, '2500238342', '0100337000', '2018-08-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0079 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08681+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.088945+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (230, '2500236298', '0100336999', '2018-08-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0076 - CHILD PROTECTION PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/20', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.086933+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.089024+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (231, '2500238760', '0100336964', '2018-07-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0075 - CHILD PROTECTON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.087055+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08913+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (232, '2500236298', '0100337799', '2018-08-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0082 - CHILD PROTECTION PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/20', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-20 00:06:21.510653+00', '2018-09-20 00:06:21.51098+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (233, '2500235018', '0100339578', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.045998+00', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046737+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (234, '2500231802', '0100339513', '2018-09-19', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'USD', '2580/0083 - CHILD PROT. IN EMERG. PCA/LIBYA/CP/201', '1', NULL, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046176+00', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046842+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (235, '2500231352', '0100345676', '2018-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0085 - EDUCATION / WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.587521+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.588091+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (236, '2500238136', '0100348926', '2018-10-25', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0087 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Hind Omer', '2018-11-10 00:07:54.630203+00', '2018-11-10 00:07:54.630932+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (237, '2500238136', '0100349621', '2018-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0088 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Hind Omer', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.722155+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.722685+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (238, '2500232253', '0100352138', '2018-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0089 - MULTISECTORAL (WASH, EDU, CP)', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.025369+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.025663+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (239, '2500232253', '0100355785', '2018-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0089 - MULTISECTORAL (WASH, EDU, CP)', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-12-07 00:07:33.707442+00', '2018-12-07 00:07:33.708095+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (240, '2500238223', '0100357901', '2018-12-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0093 - YOUTH PROGRAMME', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-12-13 00:08:05.129072+00', '2018-12-13 00:08:05.129575+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (241, '2500231382', '0100358232', '2018-11-04', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0090 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-12-14 00:07:56.742188+00', '2018-12-14 00:07:56.742783+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (242, '2500239733', '0100360380', '2018-12-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0095 - SSFA INSAN FOR CHARITY DEV/VACCINATION', '-1.392', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.690424+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.691048+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (243, '2500235018', '0100360516', '2018-12-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0094 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-12-23 00:07:42.519943+00', '2018-12-23 00:07:42.520573+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (244, '2500231382', '0100360744', '2018-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0097 - CHILD PROTECTION', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2018-12-28 00:08:03.583223+00', '2018-12-28 00:08:03.583591+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (245, '2500232640', '0100361337', '2018-12-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0098 - PLANNING MONITORING AND EVALUATION', '1', 'Narine Aslanyan', '2019-01-18 00:08:17.940718+00', '2019-01-18 00:08:17.941394+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (246, '2500233196', '0100361643', '2018-08-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '2580/0099 - EDUCATION', '-1.392', 'Ibrahim Farah', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.052673+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.053257+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (247, '2500235600', '0100362712', '2018-12-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0101 - CONFLICT-AFFECTED C AND ADO ACCESS QTY', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.014722+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.015195+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (248, '2500238342', '0100362575', '2019-01-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0100 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.014803+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.01527+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (249, '2500238136', '0100362964', '2018-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0102 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-03 00:07:59.126877+00', '2019-02-03 00:07:59.127341+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (250, '2500233986', '0100364177', '2019-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000103 - ACESS TO QTY PROTECTIVE EDU PSS TRIP', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-15 00:39:11.507356+00', '2019-02-15 00:39:11.507696+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (251, '2500232253', '0100364804', '2018-11-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000104 - WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.374786+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.375208+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (252, '2500238342', '0100365576', '2019-02-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000107 - CFS-ALTADAMON PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.551981+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552468+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (253, '2500231802', '0100365568', '2019-02-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000106 - PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552137+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552519+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (254, '2500235018', '0100366506', '2019-02-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000105 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2019-03-03 00:56:17.557972+00', '2019-03-03 00:56:17.558415+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (255, '2500231352', '0100367440', '2019-03-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000108 - CSD - WASH REHABILITATION', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011183+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.01165+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (256, '2500231352', '0100367239', '2019-03-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000108 - CSD - WASH REHABILITATION', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011276+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011701+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (257, '2500236901', '0100368683', '2019-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000109 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-03-19 14:34:03.680272+00', '2019-03-19 14:34:03.680686+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (258, '2500231382', '0100371607', '2019-03-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000110 - PSS FOR VULNERABLE C IN SEBHA BEN AN', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.205616+00', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.206037+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (308, '0100352138-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102218 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081425+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081874+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (270, '0100315516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 209, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.301756+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.302316+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (273, '0100316519-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-08', '0400060091', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20062223 - 5TH DCT EKRAA FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10S', 211, '2018-05-17 16:27:01.999607+00', '2018-05-17 16:27:02.000387+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (267, '0100315342-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 206, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898204+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.328409+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (269, '0100315345-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-04-11', '0400058673', 47850.49, 47850.49, 0.00, '30006341 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 205, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898488+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.349249+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (268, '0100315343-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 53084.00, 53084.00, 0.00, '20060613 - CFS, 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13,', 207, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898341+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:45.939331+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (272, '0100315527-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 56302.14, 56302.14, 0.00, '20060609 - CFS, 1 DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 210, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.301974+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:45.961079+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (203, '0100281296-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2017-10-05', '0400054461', 56302.14, 56302.14, 0.00, '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 159, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-05-25 00:13:10.230821+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (275, '0100319641-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-25', '0400060532', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20065516 - 3RD DCT BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BE', 213, '2018-05-31 00:18:48.091883+00', '2018-05-31 00:18:48.092387+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (284, '0100323439-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400060673', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20069685 - 1ST DCT FOR CIR 2018 PCA M AND E', 221, '2018-06-22 00:18:07.965086+00', '2018-06-22 00:18:07.965549+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (271, '0100315809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 56084.00, 56084.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 208, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.30188+00', '2018-06-01 00:14:01.48147+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (274, '0100318809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-05-23', '0400057386', 48800.00, 48800.00, 0.00, '20065048 - CFS PCA LIBYA RED CRESCENT 1ST DCT', 212, '2018-05-25 00:13:10.205613+00', '2018-06-01 00:14:01.501459+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (277, '0100320409-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-25', '0400060532', 17307.69, 22950.00, 0.00, '20066172 - 3RD DCT BREEZES PROVISION EDU BENGHAZI', 215, '2018-06-02 00:11:48.854498+00', '2018-06-03 00:07:03.234122+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (333, '0100367440-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2019-03-03', '0400062543', 99930.98, 99930.98, 99930.98, '30015332 - STACO Q2 PAYMENT 2 MURZUK SCHOOLS AND J', 255, '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075269+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075747+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (276, '0100320052-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-08', '0400060091', 46003.02, 61000.00, 0.00, '20066170 - 5TH DCT EKRAA FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10S', 214, '2018-06-01 00:14:01.455293+00', '2018-06-03 00:07:03.307208+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (280, '0100323221-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400061048', 10526.29, 10526.29, 0.00, '30007845 - FINAL REIMB. CIR 2017 PCA', 220, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070467+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.07191+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (281, '0100323278-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400057162', 130288.33, 130288.33, 0.00, '20069444 - ACTED 2ND DCT', 218, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.07065+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.072115+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (282, '0100323279-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400058453', 124000.00, 124000.00, 0.00, '20069117 - 2ND DCT IEP PEACEBUILDING METHODOLOGY', 217, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070855+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.072276+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (283, '0100323221-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-06-14', '0400061048', 10526.28, 10526.28, 0.00, '30007846 - CIR FINAL REIM PCA 2017', 220, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.071096+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.072429+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (285, '0100325219-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400060673', 85905.00, 85905.00, 0.00, '20069685 - 1ST DCT FOR CIR 2018 PCA M AND E', 222, '2018-07-03 00:08:37.075828+00', '2018-07-04 00:09:14.057884+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (286, '0100330818-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062231', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077725 - FIRST DCT', 223, '2018-08-10 00:12:15.280967+00', '2018-08-10 00:12:15.281746+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (279, '0100323299-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400054407', 50000.00, 50000.00, 0.00, '30007901 - FINAL REIMBUSRSMENT EMDAD AMENDED PCA', 219, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070242+00', '2018-08-18 00:08:56.560492+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (287, '0100332511-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-08-13', '0400053900', 70350.00, 70350.00, 0.00, '20079342 - THIS THE THIRD PAYMENT FOR ALMOBADR ORG', 224, '2018-08-17 00:06:30.749025+00', '2018-08-28 14:32:49.236159+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (288, '0100333796-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 225, '2018-08-28 14:32:49.210911+00', '2018-09-01 00:18:24.72363+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (291, '0100335123-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-07-09', '0400061636', 132083.00, 132083.00, 0.00, '30009788 - 1ST REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST PART 1 WASH', 226, '2018-09-04 00:34:09.926899+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.720573+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (289, '0100333796-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 225, '2018-08-28 14:32:49.211164+00', '2018-09-01 00:18:24.788497+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (7, '0100226496-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-10-03', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (299, '0100337799-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-16', '0400062233', 42340.00, 42340.00, 0.00, '20086113 - 1ST PAYMENT EDU FUNDING', 232, '2018-09-20 00:11:59.634427+00', '2018-09-20 00:11:59.635332+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (301, '0100339578-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 24736.09, 24736.09, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 233, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.137915+00', '2018-10-11 00:06:50.619481+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (292, '0100335926-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 227, '2018-09-08 00:06:47.735696+00', '2018-09-09 00:06:52.363452+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (293, '0100335926-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 227, '2018-09-08 00:06:47.735888+00', '2018-09-09 00:06:52.393857+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (294, '0100336999-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062233', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077765 - 1ST PAYMENT EDU FUNDING', 230, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314495+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315919+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (295, '0100336999-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062233', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077764 - 1ST PAYMENT CP FUNDING', 230, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314701+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.316181+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (296, '0100336998-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-06', '0400062943', 115730.00, 115730.00, 0.00, '20084412 - 1ST DCT TO ALNAHLA RENT EXCLUDED', 228, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314885+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.31638+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (298, '0100336964-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062231', 66180.00, 66180.00, 0.00, '20077725 - FIRST DCT', 231, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315313+00', '2018-09-26 11:16:49.56685+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (300, '0100337799-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-16', '0400062233', 13500.00, 13500.00, 0.00, '20086111 - 1ST PAYMENT CP FUNDING', 232, '2018-09-20 00:11:59.634724+00', '2018-09-20 00:11:59.635591+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (303, '0100339513-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-19', '0400062943', 36000.00, 36000.00, 0.00, '40020096 - RENT OF TRANSITIONAL CENTER AL NAHLA DI', 234, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.138362+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.755458+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (290, '0100335123-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-07-09', '0400061636', 30000.00, 30000.00, 0.00, '30009790 - 1ST REIMBURSMENT PART 2 CP', 226, '2018-09-04 00:34:09.926631+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.630412+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (302, '0100339578-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 73266.16, 73266.16, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 233, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.13816+00', '2018-10-11 00:06:50.642471+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (304, '0100345676-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-10-24', '0400062543', 24065.00, 24065.00, 0.00, '20095796 - 1ST PAYMENT DCT STACO MURZUK AND TRIPOL', 235, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.670388+00', '2018-10-27 00:07:54.040879+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (307, '0100349621-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-12', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '20100352 - 3RD INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA', 237, '2018-11-14 00:07:44.820641+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.821281+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (305, '0100345676-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-10-24', '0400062543', 75865.98, 75865.98, 0.00, '20095794 - 1ST PAYMENT DCT STACO MURZK AND TRIPOLI', 235, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.670645+00', '2018-10-27 00:07:54.071693+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (309, '0100352138-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102214 - 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081531+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.082053+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (297, '0100337000-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-09-12', '0400059402', 24662.41, 24662.41, 0.00, '20085321 - 2ND INSTALLMENT ALTADAMON AMENDED PD', 229, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315064+00', '2019-02-28 00:43:20.579746+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (306, '0100348926-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-08', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '30011924 - 2ND INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA', 236, '2018-11-10 00:07:54.727255+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.842558+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (310, '0100352138-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102223 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081613+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.082153+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (311, '0100355785-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 20275.50, 20275.50, 0.00, '20102214 - 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985285+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.885749+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (312, '0100355785-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 4862.00, 4862.00, 0.00, '20102218 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985539+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.909024+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (313, '0100355785-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 24860.10, 24860.10, 0.00, '20102223 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985715+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.927477+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (319, '0100360516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-12-17', '0400057421', 87205.00, 87205.00, 0.00, '20110736 - CESVI 3RD DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 243, '2018-12-23 00:14:20.722851+00', '2018-12-23 00:14:20.723505+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (314, '0100357901-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-12-11', '0400058453', 53196.00, 53196.00, 0.00, '20109127 - 3RD DCT TO IEP', 240, '2018-12-13 00:15:24.865739+00', '2018-12-14 00:15:03.273034+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (315, '0100358232-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-22', '0400054536', 128359.00, 128359.00, 0.00, '30012420 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 241, '2018-12-14 00:15:03.244058+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.513282+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (320, '0100360744-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-12-26', '0400065826', 53555.00, 53555.00, 0.00, '20111892 - ESSAFA FIRST PAYMENT EUTF PART', 244, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.908901+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.910187+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (316, '0100360380-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 10775.86, 15000.00, 0.00, '20111526 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.619916+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.72805+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (321, '0100360744-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-12-26', '0400065826', 150950.00, 150950.00, 0.00, '20111890 - ESSAFA 1ST PAYMENT', 244, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.909354+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.910689+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (317, '0100360380-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 1483.23, 2064.65, 0.00, '20111518 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.620184+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.768173+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (318, '0100360380-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 5916.20, 8235.35, 0.00, '20111519 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.620439+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.796838+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (278, '0100320965-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-06-04', '0400049921', 21052.57, 21052.57, 21052.57, '30007444 - FINAL INST. CIR REIMB', 216, '2018-06-07 00:10:15.971587+00', '2019-01-02 00:08:04.851753+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (325, '0100362712-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-01-29', '0400066266', 112554.00, 112554.00, 0.00, '30014429 - DELAYED 2ND 3RD AND 4TH INSTAL REIMB IN', 247, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.09305+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:27.92051+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (322, '0100361337-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170463', 'SM', '', '2019-01-15', '0400060673', 2886.45, 2886.45, 0.00, '30014162 - CIR HQ COSTS REIMBURSEMENT DFID', 245, '2019-01-18 00:15:11.392831+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.173994+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (326, '0100362575-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-24', '0400059402', 99600.00, 99600.00, 0.00, '20113189 - 3RD INSTALLMENT ALTADAMON AMENDED PD', 248, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.09325+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.094079+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (323, '0100361337-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-15', '0400060673', 3126.55, 3126.55, 0.00, '30014157 - CIR HQ COSTS REIMBURSEMENT BMZ', 245, '2019-01-18 00:15:11.393065+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.211563+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (324, '0100361643-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-20', '0400066101', 44612.07, 62100.00, 0.00, '30014239 - EKRAA 6TH FINAL INSTALLMENT', 246, '2019-01-22 00:08:06.153167+00', '2019-01-24 00:08:13.543279+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (328, '0100364177-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-01-31', '0400066346', 321230.00, 321230.00, 0.00, '20113997 - 1ST DCT NRC QUALITY EDU PSS TRIPOLI BEN', 250, '2019-02-15 00:39:11.573702+00', '2019-02-19 00:41:43.377066+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (327, '0100362964-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-31', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '30014490 - 4TH INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA REIMB.', 249, '2019-02-03 00:07:59.185335+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:27.941537+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (330, '0100365576-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2019-02-22', '0400059402', 98937.59, 98937.59, 0.00, '20117035 - CFS PART OF 2ND DCT TO ITALIAN GRANT', 252, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.612673+00', '2019-02-27 00:42:41.790896+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (331, '0100365568-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2019-02-22', '0400054461', 46226.00, 46226.00, 0.00, '30015086 - FINAL PAYMENT AL NAHLA REIM JANZOUR', 253, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.612774+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.613276+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (329, '0100364804-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-02-18', '0400061636', 27139.90, 27139.90, 0.00, '30014918 - FINAL PAYMENT TO LS FOR MULTISECTORAL R', 251, '2019-02-20 00:14:07.668024+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.636118+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (332, '0100366506-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-02-19', '0400057421', 91703.75, 91703.75, 0.00, '20116532 - CESVI 4TH DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 254, '2019-03-03 00:56:17.620873+00', '2019-03-04 00:57:06.671049+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (334, '0100367239-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2019-03-03', '0400062543', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30015332 - STACO Q2 PAYMENT 2 MURZUK SCHOOLS AND J', 256, '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075397+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075879+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (336, '0100371607-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-04-01', '0400065826', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20122526 - ESSFA 2ND DCT BMZ FUNDED', 258, '2019-04-05 00:18:50.273354+00', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.273972+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (197, '0100277085-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-09-08', '0400053854', 9520.42, 13023.93, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:31.386479+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (131, '0100257610-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-05-03', '0400046242', 44479.83, 62850.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 101, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (335, '0100368683-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-03-10', '0400064173', 18100.00, 18100.00, 18100.00, '20118851 - Q1 DCT TO EMDAD', 257, '2019-03-19 14:34:03.753429+00', '2019-04-02 00:18:10.267939+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (337, '0100371607-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-04-01', '0400065826', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20122525 - ESSAFA 2ND DCT EU FUNDED', 258, '2019-04-05 00:18:50.273559+00', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.274124+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (118, '0100237444-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400043470', 126590.42, 177100.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH LS', 27, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (146, '0100269865-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 4301.08, 6000.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (3, '0100224221-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043523', 4492.00, 4492.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA', 70, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (209, '0100286362-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-10-30', '0400051223', 29999.00, 29999.00, 0.00, '30000877 - REIMB 3RD AND LAST INSTALMENT', 163, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (9, '0100183131-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-11', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT', 11, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (10, '0100238673-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-04', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 2ND DCT', 61, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (14, '0100149136-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028392', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (16, '0100239271-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-06', '0400043469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (18, '0100240648-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400040234', 36594.34, 36594.34, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (19, '0100240648-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400040234', 3.66, 3.66, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (22, '0100240684-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046379', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (23, '0100240684-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046379', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (24, '0100215208-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-07-12', '0400041917', 42735.00, 42735.00, 0.00, '1 DCT IMC LIBYA SSFA', 12, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (25, '0100195805-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-02-18', '0400037893', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY- JAN,MARCH2016', 49, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (27, '0100144878-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2014-12-29', '0400026726', 21727.76, 21727.76, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (29, '0100233918-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-05', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (30, '0100233918-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (32, '0100147917-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-16', '0400027878', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 3, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (33, '0100235028-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2016-11-17', '0400045437', 47925.00, 47925.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR LIBYA HOUSE FOR SC & CULT', 30, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (44, '0100236538-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-24', '0400041454', 182645.00, 182645.00, 0.00, 'CESVI 2ND PAYMENT- CP PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (48, '0100198483-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038547', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (49, '0100212958-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-06-22', '0400041454', 81399.00, 81399.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT CESVI CP PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE', 40, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (4, '0100239901-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400041917', 3690.00, 3690.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH IMC SSFA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (39, '0100239915-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2016-12-08', '0400046242', 1282.00, 1282.00, 0.00, '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (40, '0100239915-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400046242', 58968.00, 58968.00, 0.00, '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (2, '0100215028-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-11', '0400041882', 28258.51, 39025.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION BREEZES', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (5, '0100161369-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-06-08', '0400028276', 25000.00, 34025.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 41, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (8, '0100226496-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-10-03', '0400038475', 54055.76, 74651.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (11, '0100150503-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027884', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (12, '0100244493-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-01', '0400043844', 22576.13, 31584.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', 79, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (15, '0100238188-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400041882', 27894.92, 39025.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 39, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (17, '0100224197-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043470', 128426.40, 177100.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WASH LS', 36, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (20, '0100163721-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400031544', 1021.31, 1390.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (26, '0100174137-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-09-10', '0400033507', 18368.85, 25000.00, 0.00, 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', 75, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (28, '0100233918-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400038475', 38400.83, 53722.77, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (31, '0100150507-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400028392', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (34, '0100215334-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-13', '0400041944', 75647.36, 104469.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 58, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (35, '0100161968-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-06-11', '0400031145', 25000.00, 34025.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (36, '0100243970-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2017-01-30', '0400047217', 37204.70, 52049.37, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (37, '0100184782-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-17', '0400035369', 24981.63, 34000.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR OCT 2015', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (38, '0100243970-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-01-30', '0400047217', 6470.07, 9051.63, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (41, '0100161990-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-11', '0400031074', 24246.88, 33000.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (42, '0100198451-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038539', 158265.90, 219040.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (43, '0100198451-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038539', 57803.47, 80000.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (45, '0100191060-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-15', '0400036512', 7183.32, 9776.50, 0.00, 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', 59, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (46, '0100059069-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2013-04-11', '0400011710', 14069.47, 18051.20, 0.00, 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (47, '0100209323-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-05-30', '0400037893', 40323.57, 53711.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', 52, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (50, '0100185729-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-22', '0400033469', 21929.82, 20000.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (51, '0100148069-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-17', '0400027873', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 74, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (248, '0100305569-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-02-28', '0400053215', 26896.00, 26896.00, 0.00, '30004872 - KOUDOURATI SSFA 2ND INST . REIMB BASED', 189, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-30 00:12:40.911692+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (54, '0100248731-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-03-02', '0400048381', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', 91, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (56, '0100245951-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400042935', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (57, '0100245951-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400042935', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (58, '0100173916-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', '', '2015-11-20', '0400033469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (59, '0100173916-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-20', '0400033469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (60, '0100224258-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043533', 16900.00, 16900.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR IOCEA', 87, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (63, '0100198483-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038547', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (65, '0100239274-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-06', '0400043469', 149142.50, 149142.50, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', 19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (66, '0100212258-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-06-17', '0400040587', 120523.00, 120523.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT- HANDICAP INT''L - CP-IDPS & HOST COMMUNITY', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (67, '0100208038-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-05-19', '0400040327', 101738.00, 101738.00, 0.00, 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', 54, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (70, '0100150505-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400027873', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (73, '0100239809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 19364.82, 19364.82, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (74, '0100239809-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (75, '0100239809-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 39390.00, 39390.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (76, '0100237458-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040327', 101737.00, 101737.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', 17, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (79, '0100144757-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2014-12-26', '0400026726', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 63, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (80, '0100180635-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-12', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALLMENT', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (81, '0100180635-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-12', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (82, '0100240700-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400042429', 20485.30, 20485.30, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (83, '0100240700-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400042429', 20713.70, 20713.70, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (84, '0100161154-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-06', '0400031074', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 82, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (85, '0100218267-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-08-03', '0400042429', 21422.00, 21422.00, 0.00, '1 DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITRING', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (89, '0100198695-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038547', 84268.50, 84268.50, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (87, '0100218267-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-08-03', '0400042429', 21422.00, 21422.00, 0.00, '1 DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITRING', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (90, '0100198695-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038547', 97591.50, 97591.50, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (93, '0100224118-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-09-15', '0400043469', 149142.50, 149142.50, 0.00, '1ST DCT WASH STACO WASH', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (94, '0100237487-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040587', 266826.00, 266826.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT& 2ND DCT HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 57, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (95, '0100148062-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-17', '0400027884', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 90, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (96, '0100240141-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400038609', 43677.60, 43677.60, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT - WASH-HUMANITARIAN ASSISTAN', 76, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (98, '0100247848-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-24', '0400048127', 41636.50, 41636.50, 0.00, '1ST DCT STACO EDUCATION', 89, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (122, '0100252956-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-03-30', '0400049257', 24615.00, 24615.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 94, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (53, '0100191128-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-16', '0400036527', 22354.15, 30424.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (55, '0100217280-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-07-27', '0400037893', 38893.56, 53712.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT LS PCA', 84, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (61, '0100162518-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-17', '0400031281', 13666.42, 18600.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (62, '0100237745-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-11-30', '0400041944', 44295.21, 61969.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 9, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (64, '0100185454-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-19', '0400035498', 19103.60, 26000.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT-RIMB', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (68, '0100150505-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027873', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (69, '0100150505-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-06', '0400027873', 30000.00, 40830.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF JBV', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (71, '0100191152-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', '', '2015-12-16', '0400036537', 13250.00, 18033.25, 0.00, 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', 6, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (72, '0100228132-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-10-12', '0400041788', 37020.28, 51125.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EKRAA EDUCATION SECTION', 83, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (77, '0100189761-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-09', '0400035369', 24981.63, 34000.00, 0.00, 'DCT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (88, '0100150508-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400028394', 17634.09, 24000.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (91, '0100214612-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-05', '0400041788', 37020.28, 51125.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION EKRAA', 34, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (97, '0100221173-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-08-24', '0400042935', 47563.97, 65733.40, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- 2ND ESSAFA', 80, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (195, '0100275264-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-08-25', '0400046242', 44532.95, 61500.00, 0.00, '3RD DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 154, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (99, '0100237451-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040327', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (100, '0100245749-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047643', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR LIBYA NATIONAL WORK', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (256, '0100306500-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-03-07', '0400058453', 36450.00, 36450.00, 0.00, '20052324 - IEP PSOTIVE PEACE W 1ST DCT FEB 18', 196, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (104, '0100234127-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400045301', 18070.57, 18070.57, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (105, '0100234127-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400045301', 13709.43, 13709.43, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (106, '0100240658-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2016-12-12', '0400046373', 27520.00, 27520.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (108, '0100185729-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', '', '2015-11-22', '0400033469', 23877.19, 21776.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (111, '0100149137-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028394', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (114, '0100240658-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046373', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (115, '0100238212-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400042429', 24992.00, 24992.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (116, '0100238212-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400042429', 24162.00, 24162.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (13, '0100245978-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-15', '0400047686', 33670.33, 47104.79, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 4RD PAYMENT', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (125, '0100253432-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-04-04', '0400041944', 43670.89, 61969.00, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', 97, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (121, '0100252070-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-03-24', '0400040587', 17431.00, 17431.00, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT HI', 93, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (123, '0100253049-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-03-31', '0400041944', 624.32, 0.00, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', 95, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (143, '0100266899-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-07-03', '0400052138', 43763.44, 61050.00, 0.00, 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', 112, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (92, '0100240130-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400040327', 9343.00, 9343.00, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (120, '0100240130-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-03-16', '0400040327', 4900.30, 4900.30, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (128, '0100254912-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-04-13', '0400049609', 24597.00, 24597.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP', 99, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (126, '0100238212-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-04-13', '0400042429', 9343.00, 9343.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (127, '0100254925-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-04-13', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', 98, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (133, '0100261122-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-24', '0400041454', 71977.00, 71977.00, 0.00, 'CESVI-FINAL DCT-EMERGENCY', 103, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (129, '0100256494-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-04-25', '0400049921', 28529.00, 28529.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', 100, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (130, '0100256494-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-04-25', '0400049921', 48725.00, 48725.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', 100, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (132, '0100258088-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-05-05', '0400050265', 4410.00, 4410.00, 0.00, '1ST AND ONLY DCT TUFTS NEW SSFA', 102, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (134, '0100261516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-26', '0400051021', 31786.00, 31786.00, 0.00, 'REMB MOLTAQANA SSFA', 104, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (6, '0100240167-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400041454', 101222.00, 101222.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (140, '0100262092-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400038475', 55520.17, 78450.00, 0.00, 'STACO-FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT 2017', 109, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (137, '0100262095-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400050266', 83669.00, 83669.00, 0.00, 'STACO-1ST INSTALLMENT-DCT-JUN-AUG 2017-NEW PCA-CP', 108, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (141, '0100262280-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-06-01', '0400051221', 49305.00, 49305.00, 0.00, '1ST AND ONLY DCT EMDAD WASH', 110, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (142, '0100262289-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-06-01', '0400051223', 106072.00, 106072.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (139, '0100262105-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-05-31', '0400046373', 20910.00, 20910.00, 0.00, 'WYEF-2ND AND FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', 106, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (135, '0100261531-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-27', '0400038547', 47338.29, 66889.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 105, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (158, '0100271978-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041944', 42215.79, 58300.00, 0.00, 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT SCOUTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (145, '0100268790-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-14', '0400041454', 1278.57, 1278.57, 0.00, 'CESVI HQ COST CP', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (102, '0100185455-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-19', '0400035498', 19103.60, 26000.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALLMENT-DCT', 73, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (103, '0100150495-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027878', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 81, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (109, '0100198174-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-08', '0400038475', 57803.47, 80000.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (110, '0100198174-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-08', '0400038475', 20368.50, 28190.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (112, '0100160136-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-05-31', '0400030881', 15062.45, 20500.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (113, '0100160136-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-05-31', '0400030881', 20205.73, 27500.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (117, '0100207539-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-05-17', '0400040234', 49204.20, 65540.00, 0.00, 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 1ST DCT', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (119, '0100249797-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-03-10', '0400048668', 31951.39, 44700.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', 92, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (86, '0100245977-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047686', 46985.99, 65733.40, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3RD PAYMENT', 48, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (107, '0100245978-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047686', 13315.52, 18628.41, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3RD PAYMENT', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (156, '0100270872-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-28', '0400041788', 64516.13, 90000.00, 0.00, 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (136, '0100261531-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-27', '0400038547', 12951.50, 18298.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 105, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (149, '0100269805-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (150, '0100269805-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (151, '0100269805-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (154, '0100269800-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (155, '0100269800-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (152, '0100269878-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400049921', 32976.00, 32976.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (153, '0100269878-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400049921', 41523.00, 41523.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (144, '0100268790-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-14', '0400041454', 24956.43, 24956.43, 0.00, 'CESVI HQ COST CP', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (148, '0100269865-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 35842.29, 50000.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (157, '0100270872-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-28', '0400041788', 8781.36, 12250.00, 0.00, 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (160, '0100271968-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041882', 5829.11, 8050.00, 0.00, 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (138, '0100262101-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400040234', 41946.00, 41946.00, 0.00, 'AL-NAHLA-3RD INSTALMENT- REIMBURSEMENT', 107, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (162, '0100273041-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-08-10', '0400053215', 15781.29, 15781.29, 0.00, '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (163, '0100273041-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-08-10', '0400053215', 7214.71, 7214.71, 0.00, '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (159, '0100271978-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041944', 2656.77, 3669.00, 0.00, 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT SCOUTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (124, '0100253491-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-04-04', '0400049370', 94969.00, 94969.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 96, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (196, '0100276070-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-08-30', '0400051223', 59816.00, 59816.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', 155, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (198, '0100277085-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-09-08', '0400053854', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (199, '0100277323-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-09-11', '0400053900', 63050.00, 63050.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT ALMOBADR YOUTH', 157, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (208, '0100283599-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', 162, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (201, '0100280993-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-10-04', '0400054407', 108890.00, 108890.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 158, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (202, '0100280993-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2017-10-04', '0400054407', 40236.00, 40236.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 158, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (204, '0100281296-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-10-05', '0400054461', 9694.86, 9694.86, 0.00, '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 159, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (205, '0100283177-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-10-16', '0400049609', 23856.00, 23856.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP FINAL PAYMENT', 160, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (206, '0100283668-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400054536', 69181.93, 69181.93, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', 161, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (207, '0100283668-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400054536', 69958.07, 69958.07, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', 161, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (210, '0100287886-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-11-08', '0400049370', 176044.00, 176044.00, 0.00, '20032039 - 2ND DCT LS WASH', 165, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (211, '0100287936-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2017-11-13', '0400049921', 74499.00, 74499.00, 0.00, '20034769 - 3RD DCT PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING CIR', 164, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (212, '0100291891-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-11-27', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '20038896 - 1ST DCT REHABILITATION WASH', 166, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (213, '0100294560-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20040737 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 167, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (214, '0100294560-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20040734 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 167, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (215, '0100297477-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 12469.46, 12469.46, 0.00, '20040737 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 168, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (216, '0100297477-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 64240.54, 64240.54, 0.00, '20040734 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 168, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (217, '0100297478-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043626 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 169, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (218, '0100297478-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 169, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (219, '0100298440-5', '5', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044417 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (220, '0100298440-4', '4', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044415 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (221, '0100298440-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (222, '0100298440-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044413 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (223, '0100298440-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044411 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (224, '0100298710-5', '5', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 2358.00, 2358.00, 0.00, '20044417 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (147, '0100269865-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 896.06, 1250.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (161, '0100271968-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041882', 50687.91, 70000.00, 0.00, 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (225, '0100298710-4', '4', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 303.83, 303.83, 0.00, '20044415 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (226, '0100298710-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 51596.91, 51596.91, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (227, '0100298710-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 23691.17, 23691.17, 0.00, '20044413 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (228, '0100298710-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 24446.09, 24446.09, 0.00, '20044411 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (229, '0100299077-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 69029.00, 69029.00, 0.00, '20045059 - 3RD DCT STACO CP FINAL PAYMENT', 173, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (231, '0100299379-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 34217.89, 34217.89, 0.00, '30003657 - 2ND PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', 174, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (232, '0100299379-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 30999.11, 30999.11, 0.00, '30003658 - 2ND PAYMENT STACO CP REIMBURSEMENT', 174, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (233, '0100300980-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-01-19', '0400057162', 136900.67, 136900.67, 0.00, '20046775 - 1ST DCT ACTED REACH', 175, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (234, '0100301047-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-18', '0400054407', 140441.29, 140441.29, 0.00, '20046724 - 2ND DCT EMDAD CHARITY 2018', 176, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (235, '0100301047-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-01-18', '0400054407', 149208.71, 149208.71, 0.00, '20046723 - 2ND DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY 2018', 176, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (238, '0100301347-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057381', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20047183 - PCA EKRAA 4TH INSTAL EDU AMENDEMENT 1', 178, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (255, '0100305574-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-28', '0400058256', 36206.00, 36206.00, 0.00, '30004873 - STACO 1ST INSTAL PCA SCHOOLS MUSRATA', 191, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (240, '0100301686-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-30', '0400054536', 106254.00, 106254.00, 0.00, '20047617 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 180, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (237, '0100301363-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057358', 41636.00, 41636.00, 0.00, '30004047 - PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2ND ISNT', 177, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (241, '0100303395-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-01-31', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20047888 - CESVI PSS CP EDU ON MOVE 1ST DCT JAN 20', 182, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (242, '0100304368-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-02-16', '0400057421', 103754.00, 103754.00, 0.00, '20049818 - CESVI PSS CP EDU ON MOVE 1ST DCT JAN 20', 183, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (243, '0100304706-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 40439.00, 40439.00, 0.00, '20050005 - 4TH DCT PAY CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (244, '0100304706-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 8559.00, 8559.00, 0.00, '20050001 - 4TH DCT PAYMENT CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (245, '0100304706-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 25501.00, 25501.00, 0.00, '20050003 - 4TH DCT PAY CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (247, '0100305209-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-22', '0400049921', 74499.00, 74499.00, 0.00, '20050606 - CHANGE OF FS, 3RD DCT PCA 3RD PARTY MON', 186, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (262, '0100310387-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400054461', 56084.00, 56084.00, 0.00, '30005815 - 2ND REIMBURSMENT FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', 201, '2018-04-09 17:30:55.790948+00', '2018-04-09 17:30:55.798418+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (249, '0100305752-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-01', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004910 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 188, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (251, '0100305676-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-23', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004729 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 190, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (259, '0100308207-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-19', '0400058673', 67333.00, 67333.00, 0.00, '30005339 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 198, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886748+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.894147+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (254, '0100305705-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-01', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004910 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 193, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1, '0100195994-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-02-18', '0400037893', 28379.87, 38625.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (236, '0100301345-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057386', 48800.00, 48800.00, 0.00, '20047202 - PCA LIBYA RED CRESCENT 1ST DCT', 179, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-06-14 00:06:53.030589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (21, '0100163721-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400031544', 28978.69, 39440.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (52, '0100198698-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038609', 38724.71, 53595.00, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-1ST DCT', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (78, '0100225908-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-09-28', '0400043844', 22903.55, 31584.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (101, '0100204389-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-04-25', '0400039822', 50000.00, 66600.00, 0.00, 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', 86, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (230, '0100299032-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400048668', 35595.67, 49300.00, 0.00, '20044997 - 2ND DCT BREEZES EDUCATION 2017', 172, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (239, '0100301762-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057381', 45491.17, 62100.00, 0.00, '20047183 - PCA EKRAA 4TH INSTAL EDU AMENDEMENT 1', 181, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (246, '0100304868-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-23', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004729 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 185, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (250, '0100306056-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400057358', 41636.00, 41636.00, 0.00, '30004970 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 194, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (253, '0100305788-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-02-28', '0400053900', 89600.00, 89600.00, 0.00, '20051392 - AL MOBADR 2ND DCT', 192, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (257, '0100306461-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-08', '0400049257', 4601.10, 4601.10, 0.00, '20052427 - CHANGE OF FS,1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION', 195, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:35.333738+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (252, '0100305991-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400058304', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004964 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSITANCE TAWARGHA RETUR', 187, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:35.393401+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (260, '0100308207-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-19', '0400058673', 6753.51, 6753.51, 0.00, '30005340 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 198, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886876+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.894655+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (258, '0100307587-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-15', '0400054536', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20053517 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 197, '2018-03-18 00:09:57.944438+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.916317+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (264, '0100311326-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-09', '0400059347', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20056918 - 1ST DCT AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS IN S', 202, '2018-04-16 13:11:12.68483+00', '2018-04-16 13:11:12.692776+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (261, '0100308369-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-15', '0400054536', 93896.00, 93896.00, 0.00, '20053517 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 199, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886996+00', '2018-03-24 00:09:42.886988+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (266, '0100312150-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-13', '0400059402', 53500.00, 53500.00, 0.00, '20057694 - PROVISION COMM BASED REINTEGRATION SERV', 204, '2018-04-18 00:25:47.288737+00', '2018-04-27 00:07:11.070496+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (200, '0100277085-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2017-09-18', '0400053854', 41253.07, 56434.19, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:31.504815+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (265, '0100311443-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-09', '0400059347', 26300.00, 26300.00, 0.00, '20056918 - 1ST DCT AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS IN S', 203, '2018-04-16 13:11:12.685151+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.391537+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (263, '0100310385-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-04', '0400054461', 53084.00, 53084.00, 0.00, '20056199 - 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13, AL NA', 200, '2018-04-09 17:30:55.791109+00', '2018-05-25 00:13:10.292861+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (17, '2500233211', '0400048381', '2017-03-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', '2017-03-02', '2017-06-02', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (19, '2500220006', '0400040236', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'X', '2016-05-10', '2016-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (25, '2500233211', '0400035096', '2015-11-10', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM OCT NOV 2015', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-21', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (32, '2500232640', '0400046379', '2016-12-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'XX', '2016-12-09', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (38, '2500232253', '0400040235', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'X', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (138, '2500231352', '0400062543', '2018-08-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR STACO PD (2 MURZUK SCHOOLS REHABLITATION)', '2018-08-14', '2019-03-31', 99930.98, 74, 199861.96, 0.00, 199861.96, '2018-08-28 13:46:29.130926+00', '2019-03-15 13:53:53.719988+00', 99930.98, 0.00, 199861.96, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (126, '2500232253', '0400058304', '2018-03-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'X', '2018-02-27', '2018-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:37.237666+00', 0.00, 0.00, 67333.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (21, '2500220005', '0400028276', '2015-02-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '2015-03-01', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 25000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.091054+00', 0.00, 0.00, 25000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (128, '2500232253', '0400058673', '2018-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA REIMB.', '2018-02-27', '2018-03-31', 121937.00, NULL, 121937.00, 0.00, 121937.00, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.160038+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:18.315805+00', 121937.00, 0.00, 121937.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (8, '2500232144', '0400031240', '2015-06-12', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '2015-05-28', '2015-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 13666.42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.323841+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18600.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (35, '2500233196', '0400035369', '2015-11-17', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'EKRAA SSFA OCT NOV 2015', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-21', 49963.26, NULL, 49963.26, 0.00, 49963.26, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.300201+00', 68000.00, 0.00, 68000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (24, '2500231382', '0400031651', '2015-06-29', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '2015-06-01', '2015-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 30000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.405522+00', 0.00, 0.00, 40830.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (48, '2500231382', '0400032326', '2015-07-27', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT FOR GBV', '2015-07-25', '2015-09-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 22.04, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.483865+00', 0.00, 0.00, 30.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (45, '2500220005', '0400036527', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', '2015-03-31', '2015-12-21', 22354.15, NULL, 22354.15, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.393585+00', 30424.00, 0.00, 30424.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (20, '2500233196', '0400040231', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'EDUCATION- -EKRAA - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/08', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 153528.53, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.861525+00', 0.00, 0.00, 204500.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (22, '2500233211', '0400040232', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'EDUCATION - BREEZES - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/09', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 117192.19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.884609+00', 0.00, 0.00, 156100.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (46, '2500235018', '0400040589', '2016-05-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', '2016-05-24', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 463478.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.990961+00', 0.00, 0.00, 463478.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (118, '2500231352', '0400056168', '2017-12-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', '3TRD PAYMENT TO STACO/WASH PCA', '2017-12-01', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 48701.89, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:20.204746+00', 0.00, 0.00, 48701.89, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (124, '2500235018', '0400057421', '2018-01-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CESVI CP&EDU. PSY SUPPORT REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', '2018-01-25', '2018-12-31', 380665.00, 65, 380665.00, 91703.75, 380665.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.519034+00', 380665.00, 91703.75, 380665.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (122, '2500235018', '0400057397', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CESVI CP&EDU. PSY SUPPORT REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', '2018-01-24', '2018-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:20.347693+00', 0.00, 0.00, 230291.84, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (36, '2500231802', '0400031074', '2015-06-06', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', '2015-06-01', '2015-08-31', 24246.88, NULL, 24246.88, 0.00, 24246.88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.223227+00', 33000.00, 0.00, 33000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (31, '2500220005', '0400036512', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', '2015-12-15', '2015-12-21', 7183.32, NULL, 7183.32, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.352395+00', 9776.50, 0.00, 9776.50, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (27, '2500232307', '0400033507', '2015-09-09', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', '2015-06-16', '2015-07-31', 18368.85, NULL, 18368.85, 0.00, 18368.85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.335731+00', 25000.00, 0.00, 25000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (113, '2500236901', '0400054407', '2017-10-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA EMDAD', '2017-10-03', '2018-02-28', 488776.00, 62, 488776.00, 0.00, 488776.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-08-18 00:08:49.874717+00', 488776.00, 0.00, 488776.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (7, '2500220006', '0400038547', '2016-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '2016-03-07', '2017-02-06', 145247.59, NULL, 145247.59, 0.00, 242230.46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.587755+00', 0.00, 0.00, 242230.46, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (6, '2500234284', '0400039822', '2016-04-25', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', '2016-02-26', '2016-06-30', 50045.05, NULL, 50045.05, 0.00, 50000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.628536+00', 66660.00, 0.00, 66600.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (42, '2500234748', '0400040327', '2016-05-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', '2016-05-12', '2016-12-31', 217718.30, NULL, 217718.30, 0.00, 222619.60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.721641+00', 217718.30, 0.00, 222619.60, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (47, '2500234793', '0400040587', '2016-05-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', '2016-05-24', '2016-12-31', 404780.00, NULL, 404780.00, 0.00, 404780.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.745331+00', 404780.00, 0.00, 404780.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (49, '2500235121', '0400041917', '2016-07-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA IMC LIBYA', '2016-07-12', '2016-12-31', 46425.00, NULL, 46425.00, 0.00, 46425.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.84915+00', 46425.00, 0.00, 46425.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (11, '2500217970', '0400043523', '2016-09-16', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA SIGNED ON 16/09/2016', '2016-09-16', '2016-12-16', 4492.00, NULL, 4492.00, 0.00, 4492.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.969643+00', 4492.00, 0.00, 4492.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (52, '2500232307', '0400043533', '2016-09-16', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA IOCEA SIGNED 31.08.2016', '2016-09-16', '2016-12-16', 50700.00, NULL, 50700.00, 0.00, 16900.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.992133+00', 50700.00, 0.00, 16900.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (5, '2500235813', '0400045301', '2016-11-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', '2016-11-14', '2016-12-31', 63560.00, NULL, 63560.00, 0.00, 31780.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.032929+00', 63560.00, 0.00, 31780.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (41, '2500235936', '0400045437', '2016-11-17', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE 8.11.16', '2016-11-17', '2017-04-17', 95850.00, NULL, 95850.00, 0.00, 47925.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.052468+00', 95850.00, 0.00, 47925.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (148, '2500237369', '0400067548', '2019-04-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ALMOBADER- PCA-LIB/PCA019141/PD201989', '2019-04-02', '2019-07-31', 0.00, 89, 520835.00, 0.00, 520835.00, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.105268+00', '2019-04-04 00:18:03.328401+00', 0.00, 0.00, 520835.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (67, '2500236520', '0400049257', '2017-03-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', '2017-03-30', '2018-03-31', 24615.00, 17, 24615.00, 0.00, 29216.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.192324+00', 24615.00, 0.00, 29216.10, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (68, '2500232253', '0400049370', '2017-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', '2017-04-04', '2017-12-31', 658316.00, 68, 658316.00, 0.00, 373409.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.217637+00', 658316.00, 0.00, 373409.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (78, '2500237271', '0400053215', '2017-08-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', '2017-08-10', '2017-12-31', 49892.00, 57, 49892.00, 0.00, 49892.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.449127+00', 49892.00, 0.00, 49892.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (120, '2500231352', '0400057358', '2018-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', '2018-01-23', '2018-07-31', 41632.50, NULL, 41632.50, 0.00, 83272.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.630395+00', 41632.50, 0.00, 83272.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (127, '2500231352', '0400058256', '2018-02-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'STACO PCA TECH ASSESS 10 SCHOOLS MUSRATA 1ST INST.', '2018-02-28', '2018-03-31', 36206.00, 64, 36206.00, 0.00, 36206.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.72421+00', 36206.00, 0.00, 36206.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (55, '2500233211', '0400034649', '2015-10-26', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFSA WITH NASIM', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (146, '2500235600', '0400066266', '2019-01-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LAYD FINAL PAYMENT PCA LIBYA EDU 2017 02', '2017-10-01', '2018-12-31', 112554.00, NULL, 112554.00, 0.00, 112554.00, '2019-02-01 00:08:12.983577+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:24.828771+00', 112554.00, 0.00, 112554.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (62, '2500220006', '0400038608', '2016-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '2016-03-07', '2017-02-06', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (66, '2500232253', '0400049246', '2017-03-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE IN BENGHAZI', '2017-04-01', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (44, '2500233196', '0400046242', '2016-12-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', '2016-12-07', '2017-05-07', 132502.45, 78, 132502.45, 0.00, 264331.67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.071921+00', 184600.00, 0.00, 369800.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (60, '2300044770', '0400032253', '2015-07-23', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', '2015-07-23', '2015-08-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 44085.23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.458103+00', 0.00, 0.00, 60000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (63, '2500211394', '0400047643', '2017-02-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR NATIONAL®IONAL WORK', '2017-02-12', '2017-05-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 19968.80, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:19.58638+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3511.20, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (140, '2500236901', '0400064173', '2018-10-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR EMDAD CHAIRTY SOCIETY - HEB DIST. 2018 ONLY', '2018-09-20', '2019-09-20', 0.00, 76, 36200.00, 0.00, 36200.00, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.437903+00', '2019-04-02 00:17:42.707958+00', 0.00, 0.00, 36200.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (142, '2500236521', '0400049609', '2017-04-13', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', '2017-04-13', '2017-12-13', 48453.00, NULL, 48453.00, 0.00, 48453.00, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.19546+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.456663+00', 48453.00, 0.00, 48453.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (134, '2500232640', '0400061048', '2018-06-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CIR PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING 2017 FINAL REIM', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', 21052.57, NULL, 21052.57, 0.00, 21052.57, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.716504+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.259123+00', 21052.57, 0.00, 21052.57, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (114, '2500231802', '0400054461', '2017-10-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '2017-10-05', '2018-10-04', 277475.00, 66, 277475.00, 0.00, 489171.14, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.648036+00', 277475.00, 0.00, 489171.14, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (144, '2500231382', '0400065826', '2018-12-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR ESSAFA PD 2018 PART FOR DCT #1', '2018-12-26', '2019-09-30', 204505.00, 85, 602834.00, 204505.00, 602834.00, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.096437+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.600853+00', 204505.00, 204505.00, 602834.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (57, '2500220005', '0400026726', '2014-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '2014-12-13', '2015-03-31', 19950.00, NULL, 19950.00, 0.00, 21727.76, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.252757+00', 19950.00, 0.00, 21727.76, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (115, '2500231382', '0400054536', '2017-10-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', '2017-10-05', '2018-10-31', 467649.00, 67, 467649.00, 0.00, 467649.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.269056+00', 467649.00, 0.00, 467649.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (145, '2500233196', '0400066101', '2019-01-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1 6THINST', '2019-01-20', '2019-02-28', 44612.07, NULL, 44612.07, 0.00, 44612.07, '2019-01-22 00:08:05.845099+00', '2019-01-24 00:08:13.424343+00', 62100.00, 0.00, 62100.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (39, '2500231351', '0400027878', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.079494+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (117, '2500231350', '0400027884', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.129379+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (30, '2500220005', '0400031145', '2015-06-09', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '2015-04-01', '2015-12-31', 11183.69, 13, 11183.69, 0.00, 25000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.244593+00', 15221.00, 0.00, 34025.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (141, '2500231352', '0400064541', '2018-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR STACO PD (PPM)', '2018-10-25', '2019-10-25', 0.00, 77, 127200.00, 0.00, 127200.00, '2018-11-09 00:08:10.945534+00', '2018-11-09 00:08:11.215228+00', 0.00, 0.00, 127200.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (61, '2500220006', '0400038609', '2016-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-ACTED PCA', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-31', 38726.16, NULL, 38726.16, 0.00, 89420.02, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.608358+00', 0.00, 0.00, 123757.31, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (18, '2500231802', '0400040234', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 193508.45, 19, 193508.45, 0.00, 177442.06, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.695973+00', 0.00, 0.00, 236352.82, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (15, '2500235018', '0400041454', '2016-06-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', '2016-06-22', '2016-12-31', 463478.00, NULL, 463478.00, 0.00, 464756.57, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.766563+00', 463478.00, 0.00, 464756.57, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (56, '2500233211', '0400041882', '2016-07-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', '2016-07-11', '2017-01-11', 112670.45, 15, 112670.45, 0.00, 119478.64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.811618+00', 156100.00, 0.00, 165000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (37, '2500220005', '0400041944', '2016-07-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', '2016-07-13', '2017-01-12', 208486.02, 13, 208486.02, 0.00, 213109.34, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.866316+00', 290376.00, 0.00, 294304.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (13, '2500235600', '0400043844', '2016-09-28', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFA LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH SIGNED 31.08.16', '2016-09-28', '2016-12-28', 45446.51, 11, 45446.51, 0.00, 45807.11, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.014331+00', 63168.00, 0.00, 63168.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (64, '2500236102', '0400046373', '2016-12-09', 'SSFA', 'USD', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', '2016-12-09', '2017-03-09', 48430.00, NULL, 48430.00, 0.00, 48800.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.091323+00', 48430.00, 0.00, 48800.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (2, '2500220006', '0400047217', '2017-01-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-31', 43674.77, NULL, 43674.77, 0.00, 43674.77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.11019+00', 61101.00, 0.00, 61101.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (16, '2500231382', '0400047686', '2017-02-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 3RD 4TH PAYMENTS', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-23', 93971.84, NULL, 93971.84, 0.00, 93971.84, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.132304+00', 131466.60, 0.00, 131466.60, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (58, '2500231352', '0400048127', '2017-02-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO EDUCATION TAWARGHA CITY', '2017-02-24', '2017-05-24', 41636.50, 7, 41636.50, 0.00, 41636.50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.151691+00', 41636.50, 0.00, 41636.50, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (65, '2500233211', '0400048668', '2017-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', '2017-03-10', '2018-03-31', 67547.06, 14, 67547.06, 0.00, 67190.85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.168662+00', 94000.00, 0.00, 94000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (71, '2500232640', '0400049921', '2017-04-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', '2017-04-25', '2017-12-31', 300751.00, 6, 321803.57, 0.00, 396303.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-10 00:08:00.971441+00', 300751.00, 0.00, 396303.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (69, '2500231352', '0400049612', '2017-04-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', '2017-04-13', '2017-12-13', 426166.00, 16, 426166.00, 0.00, 600894.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.255826+00', 426166.00, 0.00, 600894.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (73, '2500217970', '0400050265', '2017-05-05', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'NEW SSFA TUFTS', '2017-05-05', '2017-08-05', 4410.00, NULL, 4410.00, 0.00, 4410.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.317282+00', 4410.00, 0.00, 4410.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (72, '2500231352', '0400050266', '2017-05-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', '2017-05-05', '2017-12-31', 217915.00, 7, 217915.00, 0.00, 217915.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.336107+00', 217915.00, 0.00, 217915.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (74, '2500236298', '0400051021', '2017-05-26', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA MOLTAQANA', '2017-05-26', '2017-06-09', 31786.00, 20, 31786.00, 0.00, 31786.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.361163+00', 31786.00, 0.00, 31786.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (76, '2500236901', '0400051221', '2017-06-01', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA EMDAD SIRTE', '2017-06-01', '2017-12-01', 49305.00, 9, 49305.00, 0.00, 49305.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.394232+00', 49305.00, 0.00, 49305.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (53, '2500232640', '0400042429', '2016-08-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CIR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '2016-08-01', '2016-12-31', 133197.00, NULL, 133197.00, 0.00, 142540.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.889729+00', 133197.00, 0.00, 142540.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (149, '2500233211', '0400067621', '2019-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES Q4 TO Q6 REIMB', '2017-11-01', '2018-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 51511.88, 0.00, 51511.88, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.095301+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:30.343673+00', 0.00, 0.00, 71550.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (40, '2500220005', '0400031985', '2015-07-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PEER EDUCATORS PROJECT ON HIV/AIDS', '2015-08-01', '2015-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12490.82, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.4293+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (147, '2500233986', '0400066346', '2019-01-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'NRC ACCESS QTY ADU PSS FOR CONFLICT AFF TRIPLI BEN', '2019-01-06', '2019-12-06', 321230.00, 87, 321230.00, 321230.00, 321230.00, '2019-02-02 00:08:17.021162+00', '2019-02-20 17:14:40.278244+00', 321230.00, 321230.00, 321230.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (43, '2500231382', '0400027873', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 50000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.060433+00', 0.00, 0.00, 50000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (3, '2500231352', '0400028392', '2015-02-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-25', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, 5, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.154355+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (4, '2500230439', '0400028394', '2015-02-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-25', '2015-06-30', 17634.09, NULL, 17634.09, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.179981+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (26, '2500220005', '0400030881', '2015-05-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', '2015-04-01', '2015-12-31', 34927.26, 13, 34927.26, 0.00, 35268.19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.200336+00', 47536.00, 0.00, 48000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (50, '2500231382', '0400031544', '2015-06-24', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '2015-06-24', '2015-08-30', 30000.00, NULL, 30000.00, 0.00, 30000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.290297+00', 40830.00, 0.00, 43390.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (54, '2500232253', '0400037893', '2016-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '2016-01-22', '2016-07-31', 107097.22, NULL, 107097.22, 0.00, 107309.33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.485942+00', 146048.00, 0.00, 146048.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (10, '2500231352', '0400038475', '2016-03-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', '2016-03-01', '2017-02-01', 248819.91, 5, 248819.91, 0.00, 287805.70, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.521215+00', 0.00, 0.00, 398323.09, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (33, '2500231382', '0400038539', '2016-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '2016-02-24', '2017-01-24', 76366.37, NULL, 76366.37, 0.00, 216069.36, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.563747+00', 101720.00, 0.00, 299040.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (28, '2500233196', '0400041788', '2016-07-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', '2016-07-05', '2017-01-05', 146834.94, 3, 146834.94, 0.00, 151539.46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.787562+00', 204500.00, 0.00, 209276.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (51, '2500231382', '0400042935', '2016-08-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '2016-02-24', '2017-01-24', 47563.97, 2, 47563.97, 0.00, 142691.90, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.909631+00', 65733.40, 0.00, 197200.20, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1, '2500231352', '0400043469', '2016-09-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA SCHOOLS IN SABHA WASH', '2016-09-14', '2016-12-14', 596570.00, 5, 596570.00, 0.00, 298285.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.930417+00', 596570.00, 0.00, 298285.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (9, '2500232253', '0400043470', '2016-09-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA LS WASH BENGHAZI', '2016-09-14', '2016-12-14', 255016.82, 8, 255016.82, 0.00, 256852.79, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.949507+00', 354200.00, 0.00, 354200.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (75, '2500231382', '0400051223', '2017-06-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'NEW PCA ESSAFA AL ZAINTAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CP', '2017-06-01', '2018-02-01', 195887.00, NULL, 195887.00, 0.00, 195887.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.41285+00', 195887.00, 0.00, 195887.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (77, '2500237096', '0400052138', '2017-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', '2017-07-03', '2017-10-03', 43763.44, 10, 43763.44, 0.00, 43763.44, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.431607+00', 61050.00, 0.00, 61050.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (121, '2500233196', '0400057381', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1', '2018-01-24', '2018-04-30', 45491.17, 58, 45491.17, 0.00, 45491.17, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:18.287664+00', 62100.00, 0.00, 62100.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (29, '2500232640', '0400033469', '2015-09-09', 'SSFA', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '2015-07-29', '2016-02-20', 45807.01, NULL, 45807.01, 0.00, 46992.13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.31222+00', 41776.00, 0.00, 41776.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (111, '2500235600', '0400053854', '2017-09-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', '2017-09-08', '2018-03-30', 50775.48, NULL, 50775.48, 0.00, 153523.33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-10 00:08:00.993456+00', 68750.00, 0.00, 210019.92, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (119, '2500220006', '0400057162', '2018-01-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA ACTED KEY CHALL/STRATEGIES MIGRANT CHILDREN', '2017-12-29', '2018-06-28', 267189.00, 59, 289405.95, 13100.39, 289405.95, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-02-19 00:41:39.635095+00', 267189.00, 13100.39, 289405.95, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (125, '2500238223', '0400058453', '2018-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'IEP POSITIVE PEACE WORKSHOP PCA FEB 18 TO JAN 19', '2018-02-27', '2018-12-31', 213646.00, 60, 213646.00, 53196.00, 213646.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-02 00:08:04.126193+00', 213646.00, 53196.00, 213646.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (116, '2300059510', '0400011710', '2013-04-11', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', '2013-04-11', '2013-05-15', 14069.42, NULL, 14069.42, 0.00, 14069.47, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.234942+00', 18037.00, 0.00, 18051.20, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (34, '2500232253', '0400031281', '2015-06-15', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '2015-05-28', '2015-06-30', 13666.42, NULL, 13666.42, 0.00, 13666.42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.278735+00', 18600.00, 0.00, 18600.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (136, '2500236298', '0400062233', '2018-08-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR MULTAKANA (CHILD EDUCATION ON THE MOVE)', '2018-08-02', '2019-07-31', 55840.00, 80, 55840.00, 4000.00, 55840.00, '2018-08-10 00:06:31.143201+00', '2019-03-15 13:53:53.702189+00', 55840.00, 4000.00, 55840.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (133, '2500232640', '0400060673', '2018-05-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CIR PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING SUPPORT UNICEF', '2018-05-31', '2018-11-30', 91918.00, 72, 91918.00, 0.00, 91918.00, '2018-06-02 00:06:10.890699+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:05.892894+00', 91918.00, 0.00, 91918.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (112, '2500237369', '0400053900', '2017-09-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA ALMOBADR ORGANIZATION YOUTH', '2017-09-11', '2018-07-24', 223000.00, 56, 223000.00, 0.00, 223000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-12-17 20:28:35.711235+00', 223000.00, 0.00, 223000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (14, '2500233211', '0400035498', '2015-11-19', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-OCT-NOV 2015-SSFA', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-31', 38207.20, NULL, 38207.20, 0.00, 38207.20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.329541+00', 52000.00, 0.00, 52000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (23, '2500220005', '0400036537', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', '2015-03-31', '2015-12-21', 13250.00, NULL, 13250.00, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.417845+00', 18033.25, 0.00, 18033.25, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (130, '2500238342', '0400059402', '2018-04-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN MUNICIPA', '2018-04-11', '2019-04-10', 276700.00, 69, 408937.59, 99600.00, 408937.59, '2018-04-16 12:52:35.380817+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.664881+00', 276700.00, 99600.00, 408937.59, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (131, '2500233196', '0400060091', '2018-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1 5TH INST', '2018-05-08', '2018-08-31', 45018.45, NULL, 45018.45, 0.00, 46003.02, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.261653+00', '2019-01-01 00:07:49.773792+00', 61000.00, 0.00, 61000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (132, '2500233211', '0400060532', '2018-05-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BENGHAZI', '2017-01-30', '2018-07-31', 16937.27, NULL, 16937.27, 0.00, 17307.69, '2018-05-27 00:12:27.67338+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.295547+00', 22950.00, 0.00, 22950.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (143, '2500239733', '0400065752', '2018-12-20', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', '2018-12-02', '2019-01-05', 18175.29, NULL, 18175.29, 18175.29, 18175.29, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.651693+00', '2019-01-01 00:07:49.805768+00', 25300.00, 25300.00, 25300.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (123, '2500238097', '0400057386', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT C DERNA', '2018-01-24', '2018-04-20', 48800.00, 61, 48800.00, 0.00, 133800.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-13 00:08:17.558426+00', 48800.00, 0.00, 133800.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (129, '2500238136', '0400059347', '2018-04-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU/2017/19', '2018-04-09', '2018-12-31', 70400.00, 70, 70400.00, 0.00, 70400.00, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.065895+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:24.46802+00', 70400.00, 0.00, 70400.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (137, '2500238760', '0400062231', '2018-08-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR NOORALHAYAT PD', '2018-04-01', '2019-03-31', 66180.00, 75, 124700.00, 46900.00, 124700.00, '2018-08-10 00:06:31.143338+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.110039+00', 66180.00, 46900.00, 124700.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (139, '2500231802', '0400062943', '2018-09-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ALAHLA PD (TRANSITIONAL CENTRE JANZOUR) -2018 ONLY', '2018-09-06', '2019-09-06', 151730.00, 81, 223970.00, 115730.00, 223970.00, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.558328+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:02.95216+00', 151730.00, 115730.00, 223970.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (135, '2500232253', '0400061636', '2018-07-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', '2018-07-10', '2018-12-31', 239220.50, 73, 239220.50, 0.00, 239220.50, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.034458+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.436954+00', 239220.50, 0.00, 239220.50, false, false, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (234, '0400061048-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 10526.29, 10526.29, '2018-06-14', 'FINAL INST', 134, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.783719+00', '2018-06-16 00:10:27.784636+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (178, '0400027884-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-10', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.616486+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (27, '0400027878-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-10', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 39, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.744296+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (216, '0400059347-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 26300.00, 26300.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 1ST DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155678+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.968665+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (17, '0400031240-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 13666.42, 18600.00, '2015-06-12', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.143471+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (18, '0400047217-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 37204.70, 52049.37, '2017-01-30', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.183308+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (28, '0400033469-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 22497.19, 20000.00, '2015-11-20', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.305101+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (21, '0400040232-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 117192.19, 156100.00, '2016-05-10', 'EDUCATION - BREEZES - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/09', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.35002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (23, '0400040231-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 153528.53, 204500.00, '2016-05-10', 'EDUCATION- -EKRAA - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/08', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.386702+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (30, '0400031145-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 25000.00, 34025.00, '2015-06-09', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 30, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.455327+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (31, '0400031985-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', 12490.82, 17000.00, '2015-08-01', 'PEER EDUCATORS PROJECT ON HIV/AIDS', 40, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.537234+00', 'UNAIDS', 'U99928');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (32, '0400035498-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 19103.60, 26000.00, '2015-11-19', '1ST INSTALLMENT-RIMB', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.559775+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (35, '0400046379-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', 'X', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.584287+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (44, '0400039822-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 50000.00, 66600.00, '2016-04-26', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', 6, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.634817+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (51, '0400033507-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 18368.85, 25000.00, '2015-09-10', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', 27, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.679787+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (36, '0400043533-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 16900.00, 16900.00, '2016-09-16', 'SSFA IOCEA SIGNED 31.08.2016', 52, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.698334+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (120, '0400051223-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 195887.00, 195887.00, '2017-06-01', 'NEW PCA ESSAFA AL ZAINTAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AREAS', 75, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.739053+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (38, '0400027873-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.829107+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (3, '0400026726-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', 21727.76, 21727.76, '2014-12-13', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 57, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.903019+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (45, '0400043523-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 4492.00, 4492.00, '2016-09-16', 'TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA SIGNED ON 16/09/2016', 11, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.98544+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (10, '0400045437-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 47925.00, 47925.00, '2016-11-17', 'SSFA LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE 8.11.16', 41, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.015488+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (4, '0400040236-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-05-10', 'X', 19, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.099421+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (14, '0400041454-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 366544.57, 366544.57, '2016-06-22', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.122989+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (22, '0400048381-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-03-02', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 17, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.162876+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (54, '0400041917-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 46425.00, 46425.00, '2016-07-12', '1 DCT IMC LIBYA SSFA', 49, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.23085+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (168, '0400053900-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', 223000.00, 223000.00, '2017-09-11', 'PCA ALMOBADR ORGANIZATION YOUTH', 112, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.271944+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (59, '0400045301-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 13709.43, 13709.43, '2016-11-14', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.436136+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (64, '0400028392-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-25', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 3, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.69161+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (8, '0400034649-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-12', '2ND INSTALLMENT', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.975408+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (11, '0400041788-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-05', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.994954+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (34, '0400046379-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', 'X', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.029241+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (37, '0400027873-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 30000.00, 30000.00, '2015-06-06', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF JBV', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.081654+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (39, '0400045301-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 18070.57, 18070.57, '2016-11-14', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.110166+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (46, '0400047643-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', 3511.20, 3511.20, '2017-02-13', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR LIBYA NATIONAL WORK', 63, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.127279+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (47, '0400038608-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.145834+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (50, '0400040235-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-06-13', 'X', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.165393+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (57, '0400035096-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-11', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM - NOV 2015', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.204882+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (128, '0400041882-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 53558.84, 76000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.223951+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (19, '0400047217-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 6470.07, 9051.63, '2017-01-30', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.246937+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (132, '0400053215-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 15781.29, 15781.29, '2017-08-10', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.26471+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (33, '0400035498-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 19103.60, 26000.00, '2015-11-19', '2ND INSTALLMENT-DCT', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.33765+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (212, '0400049257-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 4601.10, 4601.10, '2018-03-08', 'CHANGE OF FUNDING SOU-SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.309273+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (7, '0400038475-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 39392.43, 55110.00, '2016-12-07', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.941354+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (235, '0400061048-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 10526.28, 10526.28, '2018-06-14', 'FINAL INST', 134, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.783991+00', '2018-06-16 00:10:27.784909+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (257, '0400049609-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 48453.00, 48453.00, '2017-04-18', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', 142, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.279387+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.279937+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (258, '0400049609-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-04-13', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', 142, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.27951+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.280054+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (63, '0400030881-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 15062.45, 20500.00, '2015-05-31', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.779841+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (177, '0400011710-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', 14069.47, 18051.20, '2013-04-11', 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.857484+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (48, '0400041882-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 59404.71, 80000.00, '2016-07-11', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.881527+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (85, '0400028394-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-25', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.944728+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (86, '0400040587-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 387349.00, 387349.00, '2016-05-24', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.96618+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (93, '0400042429-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 21422.00, 21422.00, '2016-08-01', '1ST INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.034582+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (102, '0400049257-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-03-30', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.143467+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (101, '0400049246-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-04-01', 'EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE IN BENGHAZI', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.183432+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (180, '0400056168-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 48701.89, 48701.89, '2017-12-01', '3TRD PAYMENT TO STACO/WASH PCA', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.295887+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (115, '0400050265-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 4410.00, 4410.00, '2017-05-05', 'NEW SSFA TUFTS', 73, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.415967+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (118, '0400051021-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 31786.00, 31786.00, '2017-05-26', 'SSFA MOLTAQANA', 74, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.458208+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (121, '0400051221-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 49305.00, 49305.00, '2017-06-01', 'SSFA EMDAD SIRTE', 76, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.477572+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (12, '0400041788-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 140876.02, 194276.00, '2016-12-05', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.554309+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (133, '0400053215-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 7214.71, 7214.71, '2017-08-10', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.659744+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (165, '0400053854-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.741369+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (67, '0400048127-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 41636.50, 41636.50, '2017-02-24', 'PCA STACO EDUCATION TAWARGHA CITY', 58, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.764228+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (170, '0400054407-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 189444.71, 189444.71, '2017-10-03', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.785789+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (105, '0400049612-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 349456.00, 349456.00, '2017-04-13', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.826512+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (74, '0400043844-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 45807.11, 63168.00, '2016-09-28', 'SSFA LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH SIGNED 31.08.16', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.864761+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (75, '0400037893-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 108409.89, 146048.00, '2016-02-18', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY- JAN,MARCH2016', 54, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.883334+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (55, '0400031544-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 1021.31, 1390.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.355855+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (217, '0400059347-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 2ND DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155812+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.374388+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (65, '0400030881-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 20205.73, 27500.00, '2015-05-31', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.400316+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (79, '0400040589-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 96933.43, 96933.43, '2016-05-24', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.457828+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (89, '0400033469-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', 24494.94, 21776.00, '2015-11-20', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.478687+00', 'Global - Child Protection', 'T49955');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (90, '0400042429-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 21422.00, 21422.00, '2016-08-01', '1ST INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.498606+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (103, '0400049257-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 24615.00, 24615.00, '2017-03-31', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.525164+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (100, '0400040587-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 17431.00, 17431.00, '2017-03-24', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.545968+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (99, '0400040327-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 4900.30, 4900.30, '2016-03-16', 'PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERGENCY WASH SERVICE', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.564818+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (109, '0400049612-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 174728.00, 174728.00, '2017-04-24', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.602342+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (117, '0400050266-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 30999.11, 30999.11, '2017-05-05', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.622+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (97, '0400048668-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 344.20, 0.00, '2017-03-10', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.644956+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (171, '0400054407-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 108890.00, 108890.00, '2017-10-03', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.66592+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (127, '0400041788-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 10570.82, 15000.00, '2017-07-27', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.447553+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (119, '0400038547-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 13032.00, 13032.00, '2017-05-27', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.514094+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (111, '0400049921-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 100000.00, 100000.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.578333+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (95, '0400042429-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 24162.00, 24162.00, '2016-08-01', '2ND INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.010547+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (113, '0400049921-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170115', 'SM', 32976.00, 32976.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.179973+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (114, '0400049921-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 61492.00, 61492.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.265202+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (94, '0400042429-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 20485.30, 20485.30, '2016-12-09', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.429628+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (193, '0400057397-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 12391.62, 12391.62, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (274, '0400067548-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 343485.00, 343485.00, '2019-04-04', 'ALMOBADER 1ST DCT', 148, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.181368+00', '2019-04-04 00:18:03.18193+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (240, '0400062231-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 36860.00, 36860.00, '2018-09-30', '2ND PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336202+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.763812+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (230, '0400060532-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 17307.69, 22950.00, '2018-05-25', '3RD DCT BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BENGHAZI', 132, '2018-05-27 00:12:27.753005+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.305466+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (220, '0400059402-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 53500.00, 53500.00, '2018-04-11', '1ST DCT-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-16 12:52:35.468422+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.359349+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (227, '0400060091-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 46003.02, 61000.00, '2018-05-08', 'PCA EKRAA 5TH DCT MAY 2018', 131, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.40026+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.420065+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (2, '0400038547-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 84268.61, 84268.61, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.660815+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (9, '0400034649-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-12', '1ST INSTALLMENT', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.69048+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (88, '0400035369-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 24981.63, 34000.00, '2015-11-17', 'EKRAA REMBUR OCT 2015', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.713586+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (98, '0400048668-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 66376.09, 94000.00, '2017-03-10', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.771645+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (81, '0400040234-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 98219.48, 124815.00, '2016-05-10', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.825155+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (26, '0400041944-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 167981.73, 230376.00, '2016-07-13', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.928474+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (209, '0400058453-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 36450.00, 36450.00, '2018-03-07', '1ST INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.10588+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (194, '0400057421-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 177020.16, 177020.16, '2018-01-25', 'CESVI REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', 124, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.164054+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (200, '0400057358-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 41636.00, 41636.00, '2018-01-23', 'PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.234192+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (198, '0400057381-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-24', 'PCA EKRAA 4TH TRANCHE PAY. JAN 2018', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.258898+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (196, '0400057397-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-30', 'HQ COSTS REIMB. CP', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.282442+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (78, '0400047686-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 80656.32, 112838.19, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3,4 PAYMENT', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.935456+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (173, '0400054461-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 9694.86, 9694.86, '2017-10-05', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.957441+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (77, '0400047686-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 13315.52, 18628.41, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3,4 PAYMENT', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.684123+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (83, '0400042935-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 80000.14, 110560.20, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.705334+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1, '0400038547-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 144929.85, 144929.85, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.723835+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (179, '0400049370-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-11-07', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.764424+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (188, '0400057162-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 130288.33, 130288.33, '2018-01-16', '2ND DCT TO ACTED(REACH)', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.801807+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (195, '0400057421-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 203644.84, 203644.84, '2018-01-25', 'CESVI CPPSY SUPPORT', 124, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.820622+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (176, '0400054536-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 69958.07, 69958.07, '2017-10-31', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.837866+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (205, '0400057358-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 41636.00, 41636.00, '2018-02-23', 'CFS-PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.855704+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (214, '0400058673-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 47850.49, 47850.49, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 2ND REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.361121+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.285152+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (219, '0400059347-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 3RD DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155976+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.328668+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (228, '0400057386-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2018-05-23', 'CFS PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSS 1ST INST', 123, '2018-05-25 00:06:48.14256+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.347776+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (174, '0400054536-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 106254.00, 106254.00, '2018-01-30', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.656666+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (187, '0400054407-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 140441.29, 140441.29, '2017-12-22', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.678545+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (181, '0400049612-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 64240.54, 64240.54, '2017-12-04', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.7437+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (221, '0400059402-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 99600.00, 99600.00, '2018-04-17', '3RD DCT-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279236+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.877608+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (226, '0400057381-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-05-08', '.', 121, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.400014+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.901458+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (224, '0400054461-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 165470.14, 165470.14, '2018-04-30', 'CFS - PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-05-02 00:05:42.862726+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.922125+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (229, '0400057386-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 36200.00, 36200.00, '2018-05-24', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT 2ND INST', 123, '2018-05-26 00:09:09.597036+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.036312+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (185, '0400049370-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 23691.17, 23691.17, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.057623+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (218, '0400059347-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 4TH INST. REIMB DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCH', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155895+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.154287+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (126, '0400040234-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 36183.30, 51127.00, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.242854+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (186, '0400049370-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 303.83, 303.83, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.301549+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (203, '0400049921-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', 74499.00, 74499.00, '2018-02-22', '3RD PAY CA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.341002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (184, '0400049370-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 2358.00, 2358.00, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.360891+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (236, '0400054461-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 51491.00, 51491.00, '2018-06-28', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NAHLA GANZOUR AMEN', 114, '2018-06-30 00:08:19.538887+00', '2018-06-30 00:08:19.5393+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (237, '0400061636-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 136945.00, 136945.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.09503+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095702+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (56, '0400031544-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 30859.66, 42000.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.284363+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (42, '0400031281-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 13666.42, 18600.00, '2015-06-16', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 34, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.327146+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (25, '0400036537-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', 13250.00, 18033.25, '2015-12-16', 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.377706+00', 'UNAIDS', 'U99928');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (20, '0400036527-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 22354.15, 30424.00, '2015-12-16', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.398805+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (70, '0400038608-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.52104+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (60, '0400046373-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.593928+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (49, '0400028276-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 25000.00, 25000.00, '2015-03-01', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.800341+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (41, '0400043469-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 298285.00, 298285.00, '2016-09-14', 'PCA SCHOOLS IN SABHA WASH', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.844841+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (72, '0400031651-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 28978.69, 39440.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.030612+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (210, '0400058304-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 67333.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-02', 'X', 126, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.084863+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (206, '0400058256-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 36206.00, 36206.00, '2018-02-28', '1ST INST. REIM STACO 2018 PCA', 127, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.079675+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (191, '0400057386-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2018-01-24', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT 1ST INST', 123, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.315171+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (190, '0400057162-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 136900.67, 136900.67, '2018-01-16', '1ST DCT TO ACTED(REACH)', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.3731+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (122, '0400052138-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 43763.44, 61050.00, '2017-07-03', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.397459+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (82, '0400042935-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 47563.97, 65733.40, '2016-08-24', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- 2ND ESSAFA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.496737+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (76, '0400043470-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 256852.79, 354200.00, '2016-09-14', 'PCA LS WASH BENGHAZI', 9, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.516917+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (104, '0400049370-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 322609.91, 322609.91, '2017-04-04', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.635099+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (13, '0400041454-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 96933.43, 96933.43, '2016-06-22', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.873555+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (16, '0400038539-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 158265.90, 219040.00, '2016-03-18', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.907054+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (71, '0400031651-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 1021.31, 1390.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.966417+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (110, '0400049921-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', 98807.00, 98807.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.998316+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (87, '0400035369-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 24981.63, 34000.00, '2015-11-20', 'EKRAA DCT NOV 2015', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.031068+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (131, '0400041944-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 42283.30, 60000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.053697+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (207, '0400058453-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 124000.00, 124000.00, '2018-03-07', '2ND INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.084532+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (201, '0400057381-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 45491.17, 62100.00, '2018-01-29', 'PCA EKRAA 4TH TRANCHE PAY. JAN 2018', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.133698+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (222, '0400059402-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 123600.00, 123600.00, '2018-04-17', '2ND REIM-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279807+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.160372+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (192, '0400057386-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-24', 'CFS', 123, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.197411+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (91, '0400042429-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 24992.00, 24992.00, '2016-08-01', '2ND INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.369477+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (84, '0400042935-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 15127.79, 20906.60, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.538697+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (189, '0400057162-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 22216.95, 22216.95, '2018-01-16', 'REIMBURSMENT HQ COSTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.558658+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (208, '0400058453-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 53196.00, 53196.00, '2018-03-07', '3RD INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.621636+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (211, '0400053215-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 26896.00, 26896.00, '2018-02-28', 'CFS SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.71934+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (183, '0400049370-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 24446.09, 24446.09, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.781714+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (182, '0400049612-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 12469.46, 12469.46, '2017-12-04', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.961709+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (204, '0400054407-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 50000.00, 50000.00, '2018-02-23', 'REIM. FINAL PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.98859+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (125, '0400040234-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 2186.83, 3090.00, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.076103+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (225, '0400054461-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 50819.00, 50819.00, '2018-04-30', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-05-02 00:05:42.862867+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.132801+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (169, '0400053854-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 41253.07, 56434.20, '2017-09-18', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.216756+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (96, '0400042429-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 20713.70, 20713.70, '2016-12-09', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.282819+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (107, '0400042429-7', 7, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 9343.00, 9343.00, '2017-04-13', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.453378+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (197, '0400057397-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 203644.84, 203644.84, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (199, '0400057397-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 14255.38, 14255.38, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (263, '0400065826-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 53555.00, 53555.00, '2018-12-26', 'PAYMENT 1 - EUTF PART', 144, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.177438+00', '2018-12-28 00:08:02.178309+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (247, '0400062943-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 115730.00, 115730.00, '2018-09-06', '1ST PAYMENT DCT TO ALNAHLA', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812406+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.628476+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (256, '0400061636-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 20275.50, 20275.50, '2018-11-11', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-11-10 00:07:54.869507+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:23.293256+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (259, '0400065752-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 10775.86, 15000.00, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722406+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723027+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (249, '0400062543-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 75865.98, 75865.98, '2018-10-15', 'FIRST PAYMENT DCT - EDU PART', 138, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539482+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.540493+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (265, '0400066101-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 44612.07, 62100.00, '2019-01-22', 'EKRAA 6TH INSTALLMENT', 145, '2019-01-22 00:08:05.959107+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:05.959674+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (69, '0400040235-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-05-10', 'X', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.181486+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (231, '0400060673-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', 85905.00, 85905.00, '2018-05-31', '1ST DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITORING CAPACITY BUILDING', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088717+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.218339+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (116, '0400050266-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', 186915.89, 186915.89, '2017-05-05', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.240055+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (80, '0400040589-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 366544.57, 366544.57, '2016-05-24', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.259685+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (215, '0400058673-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 67333.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 1ST REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.361209+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.565249+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (175, '0400054536-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 69181.93, 69181.93, '2017-10-31', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.00414+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (53, '0400036512-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 7183.32, 9776.50, '2015-12-16', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.055435+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (15, '0400038539-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 57803.47, 80000.00, '2016-03-10', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.124012+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (43, '0400031074-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 24246.88, 33000.00, '2015-06-06', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 36, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.602485+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (58, '0400032326-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 22.04, 30.00, '2015-08-03', 'GBV SUPPORT', 48, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.716766+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (61, '0400046242-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 263049.61, 368006.40, '2016-12-07', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.757956+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (40, '0400035096-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-11', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM - OCT 2015', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.922269+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (172, '0400054461-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 165470.14, 165470.14, '2017-10-05', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.056911+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (112, '0400049921-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 28529.00, 28529.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.33802+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (275, '0400067548-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 177350.00, 177350.00, '2019-06-05', 'ALMOBADER 2ND DCT', 148, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.181482+00', '2019-04-04 00:18:03.182085+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (73, '0400032253-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 44085.23, 60000.00, '2015-07-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.84579+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (68, '0400040327-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 217719.30, 217719.30, '2016-05-12', 'PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERGENCY WASH SERVICE', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.914754+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (52, '0400046373-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2016-12-12', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.186463+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (213, '0400058673-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 6753.51, 6753.51, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 1ST REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.360991+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.431278+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (92, '0400040234-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 36596.15, 51198.00, '2016-11-24', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.745537+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (62, '0400046242-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 1282.06, 1793.60, '2016-12-08', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.947218+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (246, '0400062943-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 36000.00, 36000.00, '2018-09-06', '1ST PAYMENT DP TO ALNAHLA FOR RENT', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812288+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.782214+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (238, '0400061636-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 30000.00, 30000.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.09514+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095833+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (123, '0400041454-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 1278.57, 1278.57, '2017-07-14', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.407002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (129, '0400041882-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 6342.50, 9000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.428924+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (242, '0400062231-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 21660.00, 21660.00, '2018-12-31', '3RD PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.33641+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.840488+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (239, '0400061636-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 52000.00, 52000.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095224+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095943+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (130, '0400041944-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 2768.14, 3928.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.848889+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (223, '0400059402-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 33300.00, 33300.00, '2018-04-17', '4TH REIM-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279916+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.19955+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (250, '0400062543-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 24065.00, 24065.00, '2018-10-15', 'FIRST PAYMENT DCT - WASH PART', 138, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539773+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.540777+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (248, '0400062943-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 72240.00, 72240.00, '2018-12-06', '2ND PAYMENT DCT TO ALNAHLA', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812486+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.85769+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (253, '0400064541-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - EDUCATION CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033462+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.912881+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (243, '0400062233-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 13500.00, 13500.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT CP PART', 136, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336498+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:42.337886+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (244, '0400062233-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 42340.00, 42340.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT EDU PART', 136, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336808+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:42.338071+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (262, '0400060673-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170463', 'SM', 2886.45, 2886.45, '2018-12-23', '3RD INSTAL CIR REIMB PART 2', 133, '2018-12-25 00:07:42.389612+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.390252+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (266, '0400066266-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 112554.00, 112554.00, '2019-01-29', '2ND 3RD AND 4TH INSTAL. LAYD', 146, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.108222+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.10855+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (268, '0400065826-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 125150.00, 125150.00, '2019-06-30', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 3 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.291578+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292977+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (233, '0400060673-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-05-31', '2ND DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITORING CAPACITY BUILDING', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088905+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.462827+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (202, '0400054536-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 222255.00, 222255.00, '2018-10-31', 'AMEND ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-11-01 00:07:28.134034+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (269, '0400065826-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', 18445.00, 18445.00, '2019-03-31', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 2 - EUTF', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.291852+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293221+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (24, '0400038609-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 89933.56, 123757.31, '2016-03-18', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-ACTED PCA', 61, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.213722+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (5, '0400038475-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 77168.29, 107091.38, '2016-03-08', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.23132+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (270, '0400065826-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 131584.00, 131584.00, '2019-03-31', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 2 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292054+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293361+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (260, '0400065752-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC180415', 'SC', 5916.20, 8235.35, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722515+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723148+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (261, '0400065752-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 1483.23, 2064.65, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722597+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723238+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (267, '0400066346-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 321230.00, 321230.00, '2019-01-31', 'NRC 1ST DCT', 147, '2019-02-02 00:08:17.090509+00', '2019-02-02 00:08:17.090897+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (271, '0400065826-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 123150.00, 123150.00, '2019-09-30', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 4 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292237+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293497+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (252, '0400064541-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - WASH CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033319+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.582021+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (241, '0400062231-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 66180.00, 66180.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336317+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.60931+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (251, '0400064173-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 36200.00, 36200.00, '2018-11-01', 'EMDAD - FR AMOUNT FOR PD', 140, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539954+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.647921+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (272, '0400054461-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', 46226.00, 46226.00, '2019-02-22', 'FINAL PAY PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.496428+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.497293+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (232, '0400060673-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 3126.55, 3126.55, '2018-05-31', '3RD INSTAL CIR REIMB PART 1', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088825+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.524893+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (273, '0400059402-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', 98937.59, 98937.59, '2019-02-22', 'CFS 98937.59$ FROM2ND DCT', 130, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.496652+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.497542+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (166, '0400053854-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 9520.42, 13023.93, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.251325+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (6, '0400038475-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 171003.59, 236121.71, '2016-03-08', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.273798+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (245, '0400062543-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 99930.98, 99930.98, '2019-03-07', 'SECOND PAYMENT REIMBURS. - WASH', 138, '2018-08-28 13:46:29.322765+00', '2019-03-15 13:53:53.766383+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (264, '0400065826-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 150950.00, 150950.00, '2018-12-26', 'PAYMENT 1 - BMZ3 PART', 144, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.177633+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.372291+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (124, '0400040234-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 4333.20, 6122.82, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.29464+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (255, '0400064541-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - HEALTH CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033757+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.804661+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (167, '0400053854-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 102749.84, 140561.79, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.311625+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (254, '0400064541-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 34200.00, 34200.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - CP CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033596+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.877112+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (276, '0400067621-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 41074.20, 57052.06, '2019-04-04', 'BREEZES Q4 5 AND 6 REIMB', 149, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153203+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153783+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (277, '0400067621-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 10437.68, 14497.94, '2019-04-04', 'BREEZES Q4 5 AND 6 REIMB', 149, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153326+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153929+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (16, 'SM160114', 'Libya: HumanitarianAppeal during 2016 (Un-earmarked support)', '2017-12-31', 11, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (17, 'SM160274', 'Education in Emergencies and Child Protection SM160274', '2018-03-31', 2, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (1, 'SM150007', 'CERF RR to Libya: Strengthening protection of and psychosocial support', '2015-07-11', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (3, 'SM150579', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children', '2017-10-09', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (11, 'SM149910', 'Thematic Humanitarian contributions 2014-2016 (Cost recovery EXBD 2013/5)', '2018-12-31', 8, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (5, 'SC160349', 'LIBYA - Social inclusion - SC160349 - EUR 3M', '2019-07-31', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (34, 'SM170115', 'CERF UF to Libya: Provision of water, sanitation and essential hygiene', '2017-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (36, 'SM160532', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children in Libya- Phase II', '2018-04-11', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (71, 'SC170366', 'Libya:Improve the Resilience of Vulnerable Children', '2018-07-12', 67, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (2, 'SM150429', 'WaSH and Child Protection Humanitarian Assistance', '2017-01-31', 2, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (15, 'SC110738', 'Libya: Better Quality Education and Inclusion of All Children', '2014-12-29', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (72, 'SC170316', 'LIBYA - CHILD PROTECTION - SC170316 - EUR 11M', '2020-06-08', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (35, 'SM170020', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children in Libya- Phase III', '2019-12-31', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (14, 'SC140026', 'SC140026 / UNAIDS /Regional / Unified Budget', '2016-12-31', 10, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (9, 'SC149905', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 5: Education', '2018-12-31', 7, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (12, 'SM160162', 'CERF UF to Libya: Inclusive community based child protection', '2016-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (6, 'SM160161', 'CERF UF to Libya: Provision of Life Saving Emergency Water, Sanitaion and Hygien', '2016-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (18, 'SC149906', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 6: Child protection', '2018-12-31', 12, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (37, 'SM170114', 'CERF UF to Libya: Community based child protection and psychosocial services', '2017-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (38, 'SM170101', 'Libya: HumanitarianAppeals (Un-Earmarked)', '2017-12-31', 11, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (10, 'SM099906', '2009-2011 THEMATIC HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE (FOR CONTRIBUTIONS 2009-2011)', '2013-06-30', 8, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (8, 'SM160267', 'Libya: Enhancement of national capacity to deliver improved quality of services', '2016-12-31', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (13, 'SM110399', 'LIBYA - HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE', '2014-06-30', 9, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (4, 'NON-GRANT (GC)', '', NULL, 4, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (7, 'Unknown', '', NULL, 6, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (1, '2018-02-15 19:31:14.787763+00', '2018-12-31 04:00:34.17318+00', 2018, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 8, \"min_required\": 33}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 14, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 3}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 17], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 5], [\"Met Requirements\", 1]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 2119471.68], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 1655707.25], [\"Met Requirements\", 55840.0]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Active Partners\", \"value\": 23}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 15}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 14}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 9}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 16937.27, 0.0, 75696.0, 7], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 90509.62, 0.0, 177720.0, 4], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 769796.25, 676208.05, 0.0, 1010717.6, 10], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 480420.14, 1], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 533014.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", 0.0, \"#D8D8D8\", 1], [\"Low\", 1302810.25, \"#2BB0F2\", 4], [\"Medium\", 783654.94, \"#FECC02\", 5], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", 1744553.74, \"#751010\", 13]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", 3350598.79, \"#FECC02\", 22], [\"GOV\", 480420.14, \"#F05656\", 1]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (2, '2019-01-01 04:00:34.48679+00', '2019-04-08 04:01:23.718511+00', 2019, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 2, \"min_required\": 18}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 13, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 3}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 18], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 2], [\"Met Requirements\", 0]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 559520.97], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 204257.75], [\"Met Requirements\", 0.0]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Active Partners\", \"value\": 20}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 12}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 14}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 9}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 96851.07, 0.0, 41839.9, 16], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 91703.75, 0.0, 0.0, 99600.0, 2], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 321230.0, 0.0, 0.0, 112554.0, 2], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", null, \"#D8D8D8\", 0], [\"Low\", 412933.75, \"#2BB0F2\", 5], [\"Medium\", 96851.07, \"#FECC02\", 5], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", 253993.9, \"#751010\", 10]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", 763778.72, \"#FECC02\", 19], [\"GOV\", 0.0, \"#F05656\", 1]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (1, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.018711+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.032224+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AGENCE D''AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 227648.52], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 104653.97], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (2, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.058477+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.070959+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 63050.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 63050.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 73);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (3, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.097672+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.110286+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 283752.33], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 173954.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 144304.25], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 5], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (4, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.136321+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.148568+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ARYAF INSTITUTION CARE AND CHILD\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 63560.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 63560.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (5, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.174538+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.187345+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSEBEL FOUNDATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18933.14], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (6, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.213381+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.225716+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 22996.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 22996.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 40);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (7, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.251674+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.263535+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"BOY SCOUTS OF LIBYA. AL KISHAFAH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 317334.44], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 223366.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 132838.66], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 12], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 8);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (8, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.289763+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.302404+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"BREEZES LIBYA\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 218424.71], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 254816.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 116363.33], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 12], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (9, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.328655+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.34188+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 463478.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 463478.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 382079.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (10, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.368564+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.380949+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CHILDREN VISION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 43763.44], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 43795.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 43763.44], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 5], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 39);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (11, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.407673+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.425131+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 217718.3], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 115980.3], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (34, '2018-12-31 13:08:31.903709+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.904075+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AGENCE D AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500220006\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 267189.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 136900.67], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 267189.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", true], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (12, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.451303+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.46335+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 329300.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 114115.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 242343.9], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 4);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (13, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.488861+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.501439+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"EMDAD CHARITY SOCIETY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 198431.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 49305.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 49305.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 38);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (14, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.527837+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.540709+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ESSAFA CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 601862.32], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 213600.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 259859.84], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (15, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.567654+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.580036+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"FEDERATION HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 404780.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 284257.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (16, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.606457+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.618547+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS LIBYA\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 46425.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 3690.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 9);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (17, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.644463+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.65691+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ITALIAN COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 405256.01], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 321304.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 242106.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 600], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (18, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.683641+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.69578+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 95850.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 95850.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 10);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (19, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.722543+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.734893+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 96221.99], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 163070.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 45446.51], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (20, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.761859+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.774095+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR NATIONAL RECONCILATION CHARITY WORK\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 931700.46], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 294969.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 506466.42], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 9], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (21, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.800324+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.812701+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYA WOMEN S UNION TRIPOLI\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 24615.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 49226.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 24615.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 8], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (22, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.838664+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.852232+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MAHARA FOUNDATION FOR CAPACITY BUILDING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18933.14], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (23, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.878914+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.89174+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MINES ADVISORY GROUP (MAG)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 14069.42], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (24, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.918629+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.930677+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MULTAKANA CENTER\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 31786.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 31786.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 37);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (25, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.956686+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.968514+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"NATIONAL CENTRE OF DISEASE CONTROL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 278108.41], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 234615.41], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (26, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.99466+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.007028+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ORGANIZATION FOR COOPERATION AND EMERGENCY AID INTERNATIONAL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 69068.85], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 33800.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (27, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.032713+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.044852+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 48453.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 24597.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 36);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (28, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.070518+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.082701+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1481011.55], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 509440.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 915852.98], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 10], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 6);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (29, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.109161+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.12144+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TECHNICAL CORPORATION AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 50045.05], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (30, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.147267+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.16034+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CHILD AND WOMEN RIGHTS\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17634.09], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 24);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (31, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.186164+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.198787+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TUFTS UNIVERSITY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 8902.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 4410.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (32, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.22562+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.237593+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"WOMEN AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT FORUM\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 48430.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 48430.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 7);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (33, '2018-12-31 13:08:31.863276+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.882929+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AFAQ FOUNDATION FOR RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500238136\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 26300.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 0.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 55700.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 80);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (52, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.760937+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:32.227673+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"NOOR ALHAYAT CHARITY ASSOCIATION\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500238760\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 66180.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 0.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 66180.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 81);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (36, '2018-12-31 13:08:31.980027+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.93736+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500231802\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 382979.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 267249.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 316982.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Medium\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (37, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.032227+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.952415+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ALTADAMON FOR REHABILITATION AND PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500238342\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 177100.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 50300.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 177100.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 79);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (38, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.100681+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.969762+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500237271\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 26896.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 49892.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 26896.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 40);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (39, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.152655+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.985473+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"BREEZES LIBYA\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500233211\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 52532.94], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 67547.06], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 16937.27], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Medium\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 17);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2083, 'Almarj El Charquia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020201', NULL, '0101000020E610000063F86DCD56E634405A0C90F63F404040', 79, 80, 1, 4, 38, 1859, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.883767+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2084, 'Almarj El Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020202', NULL, '0101000020E6100000D8F1F8B9A1C13440FA4DF724B03B4040', 81, 82, 1, 4, 38, 1859, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.901411+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2087, 'El Uweilia Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020206', NULL, '0101000020E61000006F07A9E49CF03440AEB47004A9464040', 85, 86, 1, 4, 38, 1859, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.96334+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1859, 'Almarj', NULL, NULL, 'LY010202', NULL, '0101000020E6100000578BF54576D5344075907BED2B3E4040', 78, 89, 1, 3, 37, 1843, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.677258+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2120, 'Aqfanta', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020301', NULL, '0101000020E6100000DB5BBE6037943540FAFA898F4F604040', 91, 92, 1, 4, 38, 1860, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:19.677977+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2125, 'Bayada El Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020306', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BA0E19CBF43F35407AEC9AB2D3474040', 95, 96, 1, 4, 38, 1860, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:19.769331+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2122, 'EL Hnia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020303', NULL, '0101000020E61000004325BC4F55853540F53C7786A96B4040', 99, 100, 1, 4, 38, 1860, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:19.715014+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2126, 'jihad', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020307', NULL, '0101000020E6100000A4B76FD92192354084FFCF98495A4040', 101, 102, 1, 4, 38, 1860, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:19.791992+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1942, 'Sebha', NULL, NULL, 'LY031901', NULL, '0101000020E6100000A9DF94D806DD2C40D24C97C87C083B40', 506, 521, 1, 3, 37, 1835, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:28.474073+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2123, 'Qasr Libya', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020304', NULL, '0101000020E610000035E196BF426635404DBD85E7A54E4040', 103, 104, 1, 4, 38, 1860, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:19.732972+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1860, 'Assahel', NULL, NULL, 'LY010203', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F6251B0FB64035407A17EFC7ED474040', 90, 105, 1, 3, 37, 1843, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.69524+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2354, 'EL Bnaya', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020106', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CA9EBBB88DE234406C249716F5214040', 107, 108, 1, 4, 38, 1858, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.479913+00', true);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2352, 'Tacnis E Charquia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020104', NULL, '0101000020E610000024B887EAAD213540160591EC113E4040', 115, 116, 1, 4, 38, 1858, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.438943+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2353, 'Tacnis El Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01020105', NULL, '0101000020E6100000D5F5265FD01E3540DCC5A7CAF73C4040', 117, 118, 1, 4, 38, 1858, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.460088+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1858, 'Jardas Alabeed', NULL, NULL, 'LY010201', NULL, '0101000020E61000003E3D7547A7FC34408C550E23C0264040', 106, 119, 1, 3, 37, 1843, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.659147+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1843, 'Almarj', NULL, NULL, 'LY0102', '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', NULL, 77, 120, 1, 2, 36, 1828, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:09:41.26512+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1994, 'Alabyar El jadida', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030104', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E9CFA384609934404AE74772F9174040', 123, 124, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.268252+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1995, 'Alabyar El kadima', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030105', NULL, '0101000020E61000001EE3DC63E997344036A6D58A36194040', 125, 126, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.285868+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1996, 'Al radmani', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030106', NULL, '0101000020E61000002D004D1E4F973440D7B9A38E8E174040', 127, 128, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.303343+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1954, 'Alumlytaniah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030101', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C2629A8BBFA534401EE86131EA224040', 129, 130, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.212687+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1993, 'Bou meriam', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030102', NULL, '0101000020E6100000135B156C23823440166B352A70124040', 131, 132, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.230453+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1997, 'Ibrahim Abu Ras', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030107', NULL, '0101000020E6100000460F47BE12AC3440674F14596B2E4040', 133, 134, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.320613+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1964, 'Jira', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030103', NULL, '0101000020E61000000E1BB7B41A6E3440779346240A114040', 135, 136, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.248708+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1861, 'Alabyar', NULL, NULL, 'LY010301', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C90221B7319834401582C94B46184040', 122, 137, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.713695+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2180, 'Agrbel', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030401', NULL, '0101000020E610000079CBE9D7D60F3440611094C3270F4040', 139, 140, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.775743+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2181, 'Akharbish', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030402', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F4CB3E66670D344057B989DF14EA3F40', 141, 142, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.793259+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2186, 'Aladrawi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030407', NULL, '0101000020E6100000332A0824610F3440F2EC53E7510F4040', 143, 144, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.886565+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2187, 'Alfkat', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030408', NULL, '0101000020E6100000EC0B458A011234404E3FA3EC2D014040', 145, 146, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.90516+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2182, 'al fuwayhat al gharbiya', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030403', NULL, '0101000020E6100000160C5B069C113440DAA46070CD094040', 147, 148, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.813317+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2183, 'Al Guouarcha', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030404', NULL, '0101000020E61000007ED6F62004143440B120F5F065024040', 149, 150, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.832193+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2184, 'Al Jazeera', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030405', NULL, '0101000020E61000009352C22ADE1834406FCA10035D0B4040', 151, 152, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.849384+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2188, 'Alkwyfiah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030409', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F61F0ACEE02B34401DBAEE37DA194040', 153, 154, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.923822+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2189, 'Alnoakiah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030410', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3DFC5A0132A3440F1C65CA10FEE3F40', 155, 156, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.945342+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2185, 'al salmani al gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030406', NULL, '0101000020E6100000D6A5C4D4961634404779F19BC20E4040', 157, 158, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.867585+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2195, 'Belkhir', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030416', NULL, '0101000020E61000001DD421AF070F34403217B3D47A0F4040', 159, 160, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.066831+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2190, 'Benghazi Al Jadida', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030411', NULL, '0101000020E61000005CB376D66E1F3440A39FEB2E500A4040', 161, 162, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.963769+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2191, 'Benina', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030412', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CADF0247024134407F44349C320B4040', 163, 164, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.983964+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2196, 'Bin Isa', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030417', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F46F61F5471034402298F57EA30F4040', 165, 166, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.091584+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2192, 'Bu Atnai', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030413', NULL, '0101000020E6100000537ADE550F2C3440221F98512C0D4040', 167, 168, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.007567+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2193, 'Bu Dzirah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030414', NULL, '0101000020E6100000581F21A6442234404EF09D76F8154040', 169, 170, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.026482+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2194, 'Bu Fekhra', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030415', NULL, '0101000020E6100000928169B8C8F9334056E1CC4411F23F40', 171, 172, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.044685+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2198, 'Chebbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030419', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E8D4357C0B0F34409645DEE68D0F4040', 173, 174, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.131738+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2199, 'Daoud El bahria', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030420', NULL, '0101000020E61000008C090923F6113440426F8D942D0E4040', 175, 176, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.153134+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2197, 'Daoud Gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030418', NULL, '0101000020E610000048BBD79601133440CD6E93895B0B4040', 177, 178, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.112493+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2203, 'Daoud Kebli', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030424', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3156A54E0143440EDB905C0780C4040', 179, 180, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.235306+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2213, 'Dar Al Arabiyat', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030434', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BE52E175FD3E3440AE390CAD4E244040', 181, 182, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.446373+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2200, 'Deriana', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030421', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E92092CA144F34408EE4E657732C4040', 183, 184, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.1714+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2201, 'El mukhtar', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030422', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BBFE15C1FF0E3440811A0E47570F4040', 185, 186, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.19701+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2202, 'Erajma', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030423', NULL, '0101000020E6100000DB27D41C2058344051D9E4D70F094040', 187, 188, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.216863+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2214, 'Eterba', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030435', NULL, '0101000020E610000055F8597215F33340B5AA7BC9C6DF3F40', 189, 190, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.472583+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2204, 'Garyounes', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030425', NULL, '0101000020E6100000888D65A6B40A3440659611BEF7054040', 191, 192, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.252887+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2205, 'Khalid bin Waleed', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030426', NULL, '0101000020E6100000B20C5748F9193440A25D44C0210C4040', 193, 194, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.271184+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2206, 'Louhichi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030427', NULL, '0101000020E61000009400A908371D3440C33CA99CF6104040', 195, 196, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.289067+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2207, 'Qnfodah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030428', NULL, '0101000020E6100000A40FB4CC22043440EDC2C98CB7034040', 197, 198, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.310641+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2208, 'Sabri Echarqui', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030429', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CB63B87F65153440A67D74232C124040', 199, 200, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.33071+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2209, 'Sharif', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030430', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C24B1B3F541E34400088F2ECF20F4040', 201, 202, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.352639+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2210, 'Sidi Eswiker', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030431', NULL, '0101000020E6100000449B5FEFFE1434409C65F646AD0C4040', 203, 204, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.376511+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2211, 'Sidi Hussein', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030432', NULL, '0101000020E61000000B8F75B5151334403D4D1898150E4040', 205, 206, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.395129+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2212, 'Sidi Khalifa', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030433', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C9C6195DDE34344086946D5853214040', 207, 208, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.420155+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2217, 'Sidi Salem', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030438', NULL, '0101000020E61000009A838402B60F344010A26F2D930F4040', 209, 210, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.552216+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2218, 'Thawra Echaabia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030439', NULL, '0101000020E6100000B300573CF5183440D6D2119ED00F4040', 211, 212, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.576363+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2215, 'Tikah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030436', NULL, '0101000020E61000003EDA47BBD1033440C68FE2326EEE3F40', 213, 214, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.501493+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2021, 'Essouk gdim', NULL, NULL, 'LY01060213', NULL, '0101000020E61000009FC15A9F72BC3540B5D8DC28B2604040', 17, 18, 1, 4, 38, 1876, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.732935+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2216, 'Western El gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030437', NULL, '0101000020E610000049B25C423E1434406D183F7782114040', 215, 216, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.527364+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1864, 'Benghazi', NULL, NULL, 'LY010304', NULL, '0101000020E61000009939802527113440FBA78F58FC0E4040', 138, 217, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.768601+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2278, 'Erakta', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030501', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECD786620A2234407783F99D26473F40', 219, 220, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.045161+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2282, 'Gemienis Echarquia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030505', NULL, '0101000020E610000017DEF6BBB005344049ABA1C03BA93F40', 221, 222, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.105275+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2284, 'Gemienis Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030507', NULL, '0101000020E610000096A8DE85AD013440AA9706B309A83F40', 223, 224, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.148916+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2279, 'Karakura', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030502', NULL, '0101000020E61000004A531CE0490734403081ABBF256C3F40', 225, 226, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.066356+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2281, 'Magrun', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030504', NULL, '0101000020E6100000762570EB6E263440096E9191B3703F40', 227, 228, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.085926+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2283, 'Shatt Elbadine', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030506', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CF6F81197F233440C80531BA4D433F40', 229, 230, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.128667+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1865, 'Gemienis', NULL, NULL, 'LY010305', NULL, '0101000020E610000036D5D25D0B0434403B25F03320A83F40', 218, 231, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.78745+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2487, 'Massus', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030303', NULL, '0101000020E610000053C8F79E910435405AA9746550953F40', 233, 234, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.80133+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2491, 'Omar Mukhtar', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030307', NULL, '0101000020E61000006948E5E104423440A845427573A93F40', 235, 236, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.878594+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2489, 'Suloug Charquia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030305', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BA7B307C44443440CBDB01B7EEAE3F40', 237, 238, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.840881+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2488, 'Suloug Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030304', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3511391612D34402C583C3F8CA03F40', 239, 240, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.821018+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2490, 'Tailmon', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030306', NULL, '0101000020E61000009E54EF85C92C34402C45E464E2963F40', 241, 242, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.85936+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1863, 'Suloug', NULL, NULL, 'LY010303', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F7C018EF19403440F72DFCF2DFAA3F40', 232, 243, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.750285+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2497, 'Alakoriah El markaz', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030201', NULL, '0101000020E61000001A13A9161191344025B1784144444040', 245, 246, 1, 4, 38, 1862, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.974956+00', true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
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+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_office id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (1, '2019-06-17 11:23:51.954954+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.840232+00', 'open', 'Agree with Youth Center and Municipal council on the location and modality of implementation for the Youth Center', '2019-06-30', NULL, 11490, 23564, 11490, 223, NULL, 89, NULL, 201, 73, 2, NULL, false, 65, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/1/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (3, '2019-08-21 13:32:27.613597+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.842771+00', 'open', 'Discuss with partner possibility to integrate different subjects in awareness sessions, to address the needs of the children
+in this school.', '2019-09-15', NULL, 17817, 17817, 17817, 108, NULL, 75, NULL, 201, 81, 1, NULL, false, 69, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/3/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (4, '2019-08-26 08:30:23.783093+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.844682+00', 'open', 'Introduce partner to requirements of reporting + HACT to improve quality of progress/weekly and required reports, and to build capacity of the scouts troop in providing efficiently collected data.', '2019-08-28', NULL, 17817, 17817, 17817, 216, NULL, 100, NULL, 201, 86, 1, NULL, false, 73, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/4/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (5, '2019-08-26 08:44:19.422765+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.84664+00', 'completed', 'provide technical support to Noor Alhayat and supporting them in discussing with school staff to clear out harmful objects from playgrounds and discuss other CP concerns', '2018-11-05', '2019-08-26 08:52:23.671408+00', 17817, 17817, 17817, 216, NULL, 75, NULL, 201, 81, 1, NULL, false, 74, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/5/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (6, '2019-08-26 09:09:59.975751+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.848434+00', 'completed', '1-Provide technical support to Alnahla regarding the appropriate use ECD kits for children under 6 years old.
+2-For school/Alnahla to join efforts and clear WASH facilities from harmful objects that have been observed duirng programmatic visit.
+3-Social workers to be involved more in activities with children to promote pro-active support and sustainability of activities', '2018-11-01', '2019-08-26 09:17:57.244338+00', 17817, 17817, 17817, 108, NULL, 66, NULL, 201, 13, 1, NULL, false, 75, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/6/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (7, '2019-08-26 09:25:12.326175+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.850322+00', 'completed', '1-Provide technical support to Noor alhayat and conduct discussion with school staff about possible ways to keep bathrooms clean (suggestions on involving parents to support in this)
+2- Noor alhayat to support in managing the clearing of playground.', '2018-12-15', '2019-08-26 09:33:01.758592+00', 17817, 17817, 17817, 108, NULL, 75, NULL, 201, 81, 1, NULL, false, 76, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/7/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (8, '2019-08-26 12:27:11.151817+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.852121+00', 'completed', 'explore possibility of establishing a CFS in the clinic where noor alhayat conducted activities and contributed to the UNICEF vaccination campaign 2018', '2018-12-17', '2019-08-26 12:43:08.84788+00', 17817, 17817, 17817, 108, NULL, 75, NULL, 201, 81, 1, NULL, false, 77, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/8/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (9, '2019-08-26 12:39:39.335658+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.854819+00', 'completed', '1-Improve quality of documentation (photo quality) and noor alhayat to have signed approvals from parents to use Photos in reports or a human-interest story
+2-Improve technical expertise in approaching parents/caregivers with constructive information on CP concerns children face. (provide support to noor alhayat to build capacity)', '2019-07-29', '2019-08-26 12:48:28.448938+00', 17817, 17817, 17817, 108, NULL, 75, NULL, 201, 81, 1, NULL, false, 78, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/9/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (10, '2019-09-07 23:33:24.447083+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.856859+00', 'completed', 'Advocacy to vaccinate every child coming for immunization and minimize Missed Opportunity for immunization.
+Advocacy to have temperature log on each refrigerator', '2019-05-01', '2019-09-07 23:37:05.611064+00', 176084, 176084, 176084, 208, NULL, NULL, NULL, 201, 5, 4, NULL, true, 80, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/10/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (11, '2019-09-24 10:45:00.163658+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.858852+00', 'open', 'Visibility items to be installed in the center', '2018-11-29', NULL, 29294, 13654, 29294, NULL, NULL, 80, NULL, 209, 37, 34, NULL, false, 104, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/11/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (12, '2019-09-24 10:48:25.715322+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.860822+00', 'open', 'Coordination for the transfer of laptops from Alnahla to Multaqana', '2018-11-29', NULL, 29294, 29294, 29294, 56, NULL, 80, NULL, 201, 37, 1, NULL, true, 104, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/12/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (13, '2019-09-24 10:56:12.719689+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.862806+00', 'open', 'Changes in the PSS room to be more child friendly', '2018-11-29', NULL, 29294, 29294, 29294, 56, NULL, 17, NULL, 201, 37, 1, NULL, false, 104, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/13/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (14, '2019-10-01 13:55:46.652898+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.864782+00', 'open', 'Education specialist to get in touch with the INTERSOS and review the schedule and curriculum for the non-formal education to allow larger number of classes for the migrant and children in a priority manner', '2019-10-31', NULL, 29294, 1497, 29294, 185, NULL, NULL, NULL, 209, NULL, 2, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/14/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (15, '2019-10-01 13:58:11.145914+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.866766+00', 'open', 'Child protection officer to engage with INTERSOS to review safety and security measure that are installed in the center', '2019-10-15', NULL, 29294, 29294, 29294, 216, NULL, NULL, NULL, 201, NULL, 1, NULL, true, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/15/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (16, '2019-10-01 13:59:42.494782+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.868653+00', 'open', 'Child protection specialist to agree with INTERSOS on what the provision would be to make the access to the children with disabilities easier', '2019-10-20', NULL, 29294, 17635, 29294, 216, NULL, NULL, NULL, 209, NULL, 1, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/16/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (17, '2019-10-01 14:01:04.270695+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.870578+00', 'open', 'Child protection and education specialist to engage with INTERSOS and find ways and strategies to increase the utilization of the center by migrants and refugees
+A dedicated discussion with the Youth team may be of help, to see how the youth volunteers could be of support to mobilize greater number of children', '2019-10-20', NULL, 29294, 17635, 29294, 216, NULL, NULL, NULL, 209, NULL, 1, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/17/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (18, '2019-10-01 14:02:10.019717+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.872603+00', 'open', 'Child protection Specialist to discuss with the management of INTERSOS to ensure that there is a mature center manager is always assigned to be able to address any issues linked to the staff management and safety of the children', '2019-10-20', NULL, 29294, 17635, 29294, 56, NULL, NULL, NULL, 209, NULL, 1, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/18/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (19, '2019-10-01 14:03:17.971033+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.874519+00', 'open', 'Child protection officer to engage with INTERSOS team to be mobilize young artists to create art work within the themes relevant to UNICEF', '2019-10-31', NULL, 29294, 29294, 29294, 36, NULL, NULL, NULL, 201, NULL, 1, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/19/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (20, '2019-10-01 14:04:31.689968+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.876524+00', 'open', 'Child protection officer to organize study tour of other partners to witness specific activities that are organize by INTERSOS team in their center . Before this happens, it will be important to have a discussion at the management level of how an overall capacity building of national partners will be done by INTERSOS in line with the PD signed with UNICEF', '2019-10-31', NULL, 29294, 29294, 29294, 216, NULL, NULL, NULL, 201, NULL, 1, NULL, false, 106, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/20/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (21, '2019-10-09 17:24:53.971261+00', '2020-04-02 17:19:27.878466+00', 'open', 'Continue follow up on construction of the septic tanks to complete imminently', '2019-10-17', NULL, 14488, 8563, 14488, 208, NULL, 5, NULL, 201, 6, 3, 128, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'LIB/2019/21/APD', NULL);
+-- Data for Name: activities_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (39, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (40, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (41, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (42, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (43, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (44, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (86, '2018-12-23', NULL, 74, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (87, '2019-01-15', NULL, 74, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (45, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (3, '2018-01-07', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (46, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (54, '2018-06-25', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (28, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (32, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (31, '2018-01-21', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (34, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (33, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (35, '2018-01-23', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (4, '2018-01-07', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (5, '2018-01-08', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (6, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (7, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (8, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (9, '2018-01-09', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (10, '2018-01-16', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (11, '2018-01-16', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (12, '2018-01-17', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (13, '2018-01-18', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (14, '2018-01-21', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (15, '2018-01-22', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (16, '2018-01-24', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (18, '2018-01-31', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (20, '2018-02-05', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (21, '2018-02-06', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (22, '2018-02-08', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (19, '2018-02-05', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (23, '2018-01-23', 102, 11, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (24, '2018-01-24', 102, 11, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (26, '2018-01-16', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (27, '2018-01-18', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (25, '2018-01-09', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (1, '2018-01-02', 102, 57, 40);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (2, '2018-01-02', 102, 57, 40);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (36, '2018-01-24', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (37, '2018-01-25', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (38, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (47, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (48, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (49, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (51, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (52, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (53, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (50, '2018-01-28', 110, 62, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (17, '2018-01-31', 108, 66, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (55, '2018-06-25', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (56, '2018-06-25', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (65, '2018-07-09', NULL, 69, 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (64, '2018-07-10', 108, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (66, '2018-08-11', 59, 56, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (67, '2018-08-12', 59, 56, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (68, '2018-08-13', 59, 56, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (59, '2018-07-16', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (57, '2018-07-04', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (58, '2018-07-05', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (62, '2018-07-09', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (63, '2018-07-11', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (60, '2018-07-23', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (61, '2018-07-25', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (69, '2018-08-14', 59, 56, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (70, '2018-08-15', 59, 56, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (85, '2018-07-24', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (89, '2018-12-27', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (78, '2018-07-28', 108, 65, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (90, '2019-01-15', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (91, '2019-01-17', 110, 73, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (92, '2019-01-17', 110, 73, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (93, '2019-01-24', NULL, 74, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (94, '2019-02-20', NULL, 70, 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (95, '2019-02-24', NULL, 78, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (79, '2018-10-29', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (77, '2018-10-31', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (80, '2018-11-01', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (97, '2019-02-24', NULL, 78, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (83, '2018-11-06', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (81, '2018-11-04', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (82, '2018-11-05', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (84, '2018-11-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (71, '2018-09-25', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (72, '2018-09-26', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (73, '2018-10-08', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (74, '2018-10-09', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (75, '2018-10-15', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (76, '2018-10-16', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (110, '2019-04-14', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (96, '2019-03-07', 59, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (98, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (99, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (100, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (101, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (102, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (103, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (104, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (105, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (106, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (107, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (108, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (109, '2019-03-07', NULL, 60, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (112, '2019-04-21', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (111, '2019-04-21', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (152, '2019-06-03', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (115, '2019-08-19', NULL, 95, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (116, '2019-08-27', NULL, 95, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (128, '2019-09-22', NULL, 74, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (120, '2019-09-08', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (131, '2019-09-09', 108, 75, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (130, '2019-09-22', NULL, 74, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (129, '2019-09-15', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (132, '2019-09-11', NULL, 85, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (122, '2019-09-10', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (133, '2019-09-12', NULL, 100, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (134, '2019-09-16', NULL, 75, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (123, '2019-09-12', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (124, '2019-09-11', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (125, '2019-09-12', NULL, 93, 85);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (137, '2019-04-15', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (127, '2019-09-15', NULL, 92, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (136, '2019-09-18', NULL, 85, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (138, '2019-04-17', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (139, '2019-04-18', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (140, '2019-04-20', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (141, '2019-04-20', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (142, '2019-04-21', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (143, '2019-04-23', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (144, '2019-04-28', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (145, '2019-05-14', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (146, '2019-05-20', NULL, 77, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (147, '2019-06-16', NULL, 100, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (148, '2019-05-18', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (149, '2019-05-18', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (150, '2019-05-18', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (151, '2019-05-18', NULL, 76, 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (153, '2019-05-02', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (154, '2019-10-20', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (113, '2019-05-19', 208, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (114, '2019-05-20', NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (155, '2019-09-02', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (156, '2019-06-15', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (157, '2019-06-06', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (158, '2019-05-02', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (159, '2019-06-03', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (160, '2019-07-20', NULL, 89, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].activities_activity VALUES (161, '2019-08-31', NULL, 89, 73);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (576, 'EMDAD CHARITY SOCIETY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236901', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201862-1', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/576/', '', 576, '18-01-21-Emdad-WASH-Salim-Elshourfi-School-Sirte-LV.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018113', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F5%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 62, '2018-06-06 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (666, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/666/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 666, 'Al_Nahla_request_for_NCE.PDF', '', '', '', NULL, '2018-10-02 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (57, 'SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231352', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/57/', '', 57, '07._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_FormSHAIK_TAHIR_AZZAWI_CHARITY_ORGANIZATION.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (501, 'ESSAFA CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231382', 'LIB/PCA201702/PD201867-1', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/501/', '', 501, '04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201734', '/api/v2/interventions/67/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 67, '2018-04-20 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (669, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/669/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 669, '', '', '', '', NULL, '2018-10-16 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (694, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/694/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 694, '06.1._Annex_G_Submission_Form-Amendment.pdf', '', '', '', NULL, '2018-12-05 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (618, 'EMDAD CHARITY SOCIETY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236901', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201862-1', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/618/', '', 618, '18-01-28-Emdad-WASH-AS-Al-Etihad-School-Sirte.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018113', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F5%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 62, '2018-06-08 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (810, 'SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231352', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201774-1', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/810/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 810, 'A.01._STACO_Amendment_-_Annex_G._PRC_Submission_I3f9xTx.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201748', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 74, '2018-12-18 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (679, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/679/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 679, 'A.01._Amendment_-_Annex_G._PRC_Submission.pdf', '', '', '', NULL, '2018-11-05 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (33, 'ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237271', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/33/', '', 33, 'SSFA_Quddraty_-_Partner_Declaration.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (34, 'BOY SCOUTS OF LIBYA. AL KISHAFAH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220005', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/34/', '', 34, 'Scouts_Program_Document_nF5ZBCd.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (36, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/36/', '', 36, '06._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_Form_NX54Fmo.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (37, 'CHILDREN VISION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237096', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/37/', '', 37, '04._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_Form.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (38, 'DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234748', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/38/', '', 38, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (42, 'FEDERATION HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234793', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/42/', '', 42, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (43, 'INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMICS AND PEACE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238223', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/43/', '', 43, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (44, 'INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS LIBYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235121', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/44/', '', 44, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (52, 'MINES ADVISORY GROUP (MAG)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2300059510', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/52/', '', 52, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (657, 'SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231352', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201774', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/657/', '', 657, '08._PD201774_-_Ministry_of_Education_Letter.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201748', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 74, '2018-08-15 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (25, '', '', '2300028024', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/25/', '', 25, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (652, 'SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231352', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201774', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/652/', '', 652, '03._PD201774_-_Detailed_Budget.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201748', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 74, '2018-08-15 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (606, 'ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237271', 'LIB/SSFA201719', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/606/', '', 606, '18-01-02-Quddraty-Quddraty-Centre-Sirte-LV.docx', 'LIB/SSFA201790', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F1%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 57, '2018-06-07 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (59, 'THE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CHILD AND WOMEN RIGHTS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230439', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/59/', '', 59, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (63, 'BREEZES LIBYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233211', '', 'Assessment Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/63/', '', 63, 'UNICEF_Libya_Breezes_-_Micro-assessment_report_-_final.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (868, '', '', '', '', '', '/api/v2/attachments/file/868/', 'Mohamed Elmejrab', 868, 'Emdad_-_Signed_Detailed_Budget.pdf', '', '', '', NULL, '2019-02-25 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (60, 'TUFTS UNIVERSITY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500217970', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/60/', '', 60, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (658, 'LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR NATIONAL RECONCILATION CHARITY WORK', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232253', 'LIB/PCA201711/PD201773', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/658/', '', 658, '04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201749', '/api/v2/interventions/73/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 73, '2018-08-28 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (456, 'BREEZES LIBYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233211', 'LIB/PCA201713/PD201705', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/456/', '', 456, 'Detaild_Budget.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201752', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 14, '2018-03-30 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (71, 'LIBYAN RED CRESCENT SOCIETY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238097', 'LIB/PCA2018112/PD201861', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/71/', '', 71, '04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018112', '/api/v2/interventions/61/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 61, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (319, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865', 'Correspondence', '/api/v2/attachments/file/319/', '', 319, '10._Tawergha_local_council_letter_with_translation.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201755', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 65, '2018-03-30 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (556, 'AFAQ FOUNDATION FOR RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238136', 'LIB/PCA2018115/PD201870', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/556/', '', 556, '04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018115', '/api/v2/interventions/70/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 70, '2018-05-25 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (636, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/636/', '', 636, '18-07-22-CESVI-CP-IDP_Camp_Fallah_1_School.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201755', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F10%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 65, '2018-07-26 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (96, 'CHILDREN VISION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237096', 'LIB/SSFA201703/SSFA201701', 'Signed PD/SSFA', '/api/v2/attachments/file/96/', '', 96, '02._Letterhead.pdf', 'LIB/SSFA201738', '/api/v2/interventions/10/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 10, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (700, 'MULTAKANA CENTER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236298', 'LIB/PCA2018122/PD201880', 'Signed PD/SSFA', '/api/v2/attachments/file/700/', '', 700, 'Annex_c_multakana_PD.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018122', '/api/v2/interventions/80/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 80, '2018-12-10 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (15, 'SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231352', '', 'Signed Agreement', '/api/v2/attachments/file/15/', '', 15, 'PCA_Legal_Agreement-STACO_CyhBVKh_3.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201748', '/api/v2/agreements/48/', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (596, 'ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231802', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201866-1', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/596/', '', 596, '18-01-31-Alnahla-CP-Althawra-School-Janzour-LV.docx', 'LIB/PCA201756', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F2%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 66, '2018-06-07 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (28, 'AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237369', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/28/', '', 28, '07._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_Form_AlMob.pdf', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (625, 'EMDAD CHARITY SOCIETY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236901', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201862-1', 'Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/625/', '', 625, '18-01-28-21-Emdad-WASH-AwarenessSession-shuhada_Taqrift_School-Sirte.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2018113', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F5%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', 62, '2018-06-08 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (518, 'ESSAFA CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231382', 'LIB/PCA201702/PD201867-1', 'Partnership Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/518/', '', 518, '06._Annex_I_Joint_Partnership_Review.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201734', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 67, '2018-04-20 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (524, 'ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231802', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201866-1', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/524/', '', 524, '01._MoM.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201756', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 66, '2018-04-20 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (996, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/996/', '', 996, 'Maya_ALshamlia_V2.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F38%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-07-08 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1012, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1012/', '', 1012, '19-08-2019-Free_Fields_Foundation-Child_Protection-Child_Emergency_Mine.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F39%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-08-29 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1023, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1023/', '', 1023, 'Focus_Groups_With_AFAQ_Staff.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F31%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-09-04 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1015, '', '', '', '', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1015/', '', 1015, 'Names_of_CERF_supported_HFs.docx', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F44%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-09-02 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1021, '', '', '', '', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1021/', '', 1021, 'Alsafwa_SSFA_sigend.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F46%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-09-03 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (971, 'FREE FIELDS FOUNDATION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500240179', 'LIB/PCA2019149/PD201995', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/971/', 'Nissrien Issa', 971, 'UNICEF_3F_PCA_agreement_859YsHB.pdf', 'LIB/PCA2019149', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 95, '2019-05-28 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (989, 'BREEZES LIBYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233211', 'LIB/PCA2019147/PD201992', 'PRC Review', '/api/v2/attachments/file/989/', 'Muna Fathi Khalifa Garamalli', 989, 'Programme_Document_Eng_2019_Breezes_revised_IjMKivZ.docx', 'LIB/PCA2019147', '/api/v2/interventions/92/', 'Partnership Management Portal', 92, '2019-06-30 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (992, 'CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235018', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865-1', 'Other', '/api/v2/attachments/file/992/', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', 992, 'cesvi_amendmed_document_june_2019_VMKdcFE.pdf', 'LIB/PCA201755', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', 65, '2019-07-02 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1013, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1013/', '', 1013, 'UNICEF-Benef-_Tripoli.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F39%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-08-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1024, '', '', '', '', 'Overall Report', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1024/', '', 1024, 'Interview_with_the_municipality_education_office.pdf', '', 'https://etools.unicef.org/login/?next=%2Fusers%2Fapi%2Fchangecountry%2F%3Fcountry%3D48%26next%3D%252Ftpm%252Fvisits%252F31%252Fdetails', 'Third Party Monitoring', NULL, '2019-09-04 00:00:00+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (8, '2019-09-22 12:04:12.610237+00', '2019-09-22 12:23:23.098266+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 12, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (9, '2019-09-22 12:29:50.950513+00', '2019-09-22 12:31:57.742339+00', 'cancelled', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-09-22', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'insert duplication', '', 12, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (11, '2019-09-22 12:42:51.277742+00', '2019-09-22 12:43:29.543408+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 5, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (12, '2019-09-22 12:54:44.749039+00', '2019-09-22 12:56:35.770406+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 83, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (10, '2019-09-22 12:34:04.087913+00', '2019-09-22 13:03:05.503431+00', 'cancelled', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-09-22', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'No proper attachment', '', 17, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (13, '2019-09-22 13:10:45.057372+00', '2019-09-22 13:11:23.37883+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 16, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (14, '2019-09-23 09:29:49.338129+00', '2019-09-23 09:30:30.141704+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 6, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (4, '2019-03-05 07:59:59.409701+00', '2019-09-23 11:11:34.149166+00', 'partner_contacted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-09-26', '2018-11-26', 36000.00, '2018-12-30', '2018-12-30', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 13, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (3, '2019-03-05 07:48:22.169711+00', '2019-09-23 11:14:18.604811+00', 'report_submitted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-01-26', '2018-03-26', 103753.74, '2018-12-30', '2018-12-30', '2019-06-27', '2019-07-14', '2019-08-01', '2019-09-16', NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 23, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.71, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (2, '2019-03-04 15:04:51.998942+00', '2019-09-23 11:15:03.015812+00', 'report_submitted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-05-07', '2018-08-07', 363027.90, '2018-12-30', '2018-12-30', '2019-07-16', '2019-07-24', '2019-08-07', '2019-09-02', NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 4, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.71, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (1, '2019-03-04 14:07:55.748225+00', '2019-09-23 11:16:32.135485+00', 'report_submitted', '2018-12-15', 'sc', '2018-03-22', '2018-06-22', 93896.00, '2018-12-30', '2018-12-30', '2019-05-25', '2019-06-16', '2019-08-01', '2019-09-02', NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 1, false, 73, 182, '{}', 0.71, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement VALUES (7, '2019-09-22 11:22:55.450488+00', '2019-10-08 15:17:31.685913+00', 'partner_contacted', '2019-09-10', 'sc', '2019-10-01', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', '', 80, false, 324, NULL, '{}', 0.00, '');
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_active_pd; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (1, 2, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (2, 1, 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (3, 6, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (4, 3, 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (5, 5, 69);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd VALUES (6, 4, 66);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (2, 2, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (3, 3, 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (4, 4, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (5, 5, 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (6, 6, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (7, 7, 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (8, 8, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (9, 9, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (10, 10, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (11, 12, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (12, 13, 57);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (13, 14, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers VALUES (14, 15, 1);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (1, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (2, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (3, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (4, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (5, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (6, 6, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (7, 6, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (8, 4, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (9, 5, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (10, 3, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (11, 2, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (12, 1, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (13, 2, 551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (14, 1, 551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (15, 1, 559);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (16, 2, 560);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (17, 6, 560);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (18, 6, 559);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (19, 4, 560);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (20, 4, 559);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (21, 5, 560);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (43, 6, 692);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (23, 3, 560);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (24, 3, 559);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (25, 5, 559);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (27, 7, 453);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (44, 5, 692);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (30, 8, 625);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (31, 9, 892);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (32, 10, 890);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (33, 11, 889);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (34, 12, 806);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (35, 13, 892);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (36, 14, 889);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (37, 15, 890);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (38, 7, 454);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (40, 7, 452);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (41, 7, 205);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members VALUES (42, 7, 149);
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (22, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'The IP uses Share point Technology, which is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates
+with Microsoft Office. SharePoint is primarily a document management and storage system, which is not an
+accounting system that has proper bookkeeping and generate related reports such as statement of cash, list
+of assets purchased etc…', 'For each Cesvi project approved is given an internal identification code and a page is created on Share point. The management of Share point system it’s directly done by HQ.
+The Share point system allows to have an excel file that is used for local insertion of all project transactions (both financial and cost). Access to the system is only granted to local staff, international staff and HQ staff directly working on the project. The HQ gives access to the system only after approval: the system is password protected. The prime entry that derives from this registration can be integrated with the costs of Italy: project-based expenses that are directly paid by Italy following costs generated for contracts / invoices registered to the Italy office.
+The prime entry SHP allows:
+- check the financial transfers and the bank / cash balances;
+- have the equivalent in the donor currency for expenses not directly made in the budget currency;
+- extract reports broken down by Budget Lines and by reporting period.
+The Prime Entry allows a monthly update and the data is then entered into the general double-entry system of Cesvi in place at HQ to allow annual financial closures as per Italian legislation.
+From the Italian system (called Gamma) it is possible to carry out further systemic project checks to have an updated picture with respect to the credits / debts with the donor, general trend of the spending in the reference currency.
+The double entry account system is present at HQ level and that’s where the official accounting data are finalized. The MS excel systems used in local offices feed into the HQ system.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (4, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were unable to trace the supporting documents to the reported expenses due to not having voucher numbers documented to each expense. The organization trace the expense through the supporting documents description and amount. Having the voucher number not documented can lead to unauthorized payments, duplicates and recorded transactions cannot be identified.', 'All expenses have their documents and delivery.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (2, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'Receipts and disbursements, related to the project are not booked or posted on accounting system nor a
+manual bookkeeping. This might increase the possibility of errors and might reduce the reliability of the
+project financial management.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (5, 'low', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'We have found that the IP does not maintain a separate bank account for UNICEF, neither have project number or donor code to trace the transactions to the bank account, we also found that there is no accounting system to ease the process of reconciling the amounts to the bank statement.', 'There is a separate account number which we sent you.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (6, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The Supporting documents of the selected sample were not stamped “PAID by UNICEF grant” indicating the project title, it is important to use PAID stamps to avoid duplication of payments or allocating the same expenditure to different projects.', 'UNICEF is indicated by posting UNICEF logo with a written indication that the funding is provided by UNICEF in all documents sent to you.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (12, 'high', 'no_proof_of_payment', 'Payment vouchers can be used for a variety of purposes were it covers the control to indicate that an invoice
+has been approved for payment according to the authority matrix. During our inspection of the selected
+sample, we found that ESMH do not use/issue payment vouchers utilized during the process of settling due
+payments to vendors / suppliers.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (13, 'high', 'other', 'We were unable to trace the supporting documents to the reported expenses due to not having voucher
+numbers documented to each expense. The organization trace the expense through the supporting
+documents description and amount. Having the voucher number not documented can lead to unauthorized
+payments incurred/duplicates and recorded transactions cannot be identified.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (14, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The supporting documents for the sample selected did not refer to the related budget line or activity for
+which the expense relates. Therefore we could not trace the expense to its related budget line.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (9, 'high', 'no_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection of the selected sample, We found that there is no supporting documents related to the
+following transaction.
+Description: Incentives for 50 teachers
+Amount: 45,000
+Budget line: 1.4', 'We did not send a sample We sent all the documents for 50 teachers', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (16, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were unable to link the period reported in the FACE Form to the provided supporting documents,
+therefore we could not examine the cutoff dates for which the supporting documents where provided.', 'FACE form period is from 22 Mar. to 22 Jun. 2018, it is written in the request column in the FACE form.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (17, 'high', 'no_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that some transactions had missing
+supporting documents. Details are found in the report.', 'We have a Letter of assignment instead of the contract. Regarding the supporting documents (ID), the ID for
+any person is attached just once in the first transaction when he/she has more than one transaction in the
+project, so you found some documents without ID.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (18, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that the supporting document related to the
+following transactions did not match with the recorded amount shown on the transactions list. Details of the transactions in the report.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (11, 'low', 'lack_of_segregation_of_duties', 'There is no adequate segregation of duties between disbursing the expense and the approval threshold. During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that the following payment was disbursed and approved by the same individual (Finance Manager) as shown below :
+Finance manager: 750: 24 June 2018', 'These procedures are followed by the approval of the Board of Directors and they are authorized to do so in order to speed the completion and this happened because the batch was delayed in reaching us.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (40, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The Supporting documents of the selected sample were not stamped “PAID by UNICEF grant” indicating the project title “Youth Participation and Civic Engagement”, it is important to use PAID stamps to avoid duplication of payments or allocating the same expenditure to different projects', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (41, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Throughout our understanding, we found that the IP subcontracted with four local partners in Libya to carry out the activities of the project. We found that the IP has only prepared one subcontract with one of the local partners. Written contracts help minimize misunderstanding and the occurrence of errors in respect of terms, conditions and right of both.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (61, 'high', 'no_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection, we found that the following transaction occurred with missing attendance sheet and
+selection process of the implementing partner. Voucher ID not known, Description: Organization of Training of trainers on
+SLEiDSE social
+entrepreneurship approach targeting 20
+facilitators in the Municipality of Zintan, and Amount: 10,000.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (23, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were unable to trace the supporting documents to the reported expenses due to no voucher numbers documented to each expense. The organization trace the expense through an excel sheet that include protocollo number, description and amount. Having the voucher number not documented can lead to unauthorized payments incurred and unrecorded transactions cannot be identified.', 'Payment voucher with protocol number and signature for authorization of payment will be implemented immediately and all support documents of expenses from July 2018 will accompanied with that. Action will be completed by end of June 2019.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (20, 'low', 'other', 'We have found that the IP does not maintain a separate bank account for UNICEF, neither have project
+number or donor code to trace the transactions to the bank account, we also found that there is no
+accounting system to ease the process of reconciling the amounts to the bank statement.', 'We will consider this to improve our financial work in the future.', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (24, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'We were unable to link the period reported in the FACE Form to the provided supporting documents, therefore we could not examine the cutoff dates for which the supporting documents where provided.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (25, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'Receipts and disbursement, related to the project are not booked or posted in accounting system nor a manual bookkeeping. This might increase the possibility of errors and might reduce the reliability of the project financial management.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (29, 'high', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'Almobadr organization does not perform bank reconciliation; therefore, we could not perform reconciliation between the bank statement and supporting documents. Moreover, we could not trace the amounts paid through a bank statement as the IP withdraws a lump sum from the bank once needed and spends it accordingly. In addition, we noted that Almobadr Organization uses the same bank account to manage its financial resources and does not have a special or a designated bank account for each project. This might cause UNICEF funds to be comingled with other funds or used for different purposes.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (31, 'high', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'Payment vouchers can be used for a variety of purposes were it covers the control to indicate that an invoice has been approved for payment according to the authority matrix. During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that Almobadr organization do not use/issue payment vouchers utilized during the process of settling due payments to vendors / suppliers, instead they get the approval on the payment request.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (33, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were unable to trace the supporting documents to the reported expenses due to no voucher numbers documented to each expense. The organization trace the expense through the supporting document description and amount. Having the voucher number not documented can lead to unauthorized payments incurred and unrecorded transactions cannot be identified.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (34, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Almobadr organization does not open a cost center based on the project number and budget line nor manually document the budget line on the supporting documents. Therefore, we could not allocate the expense to the approved detailed budget line.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (36, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'We were not able to obtain Almobadr organization Procurement policy to assess whether the supporting documents provided complied with the IP’s procurement procedure and that the supporting documents were reviewed and approved according to Almobadr organization procurement policy.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (37, 'high', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'Almobadr organization does not perform bank reconciliation; therefore, we could not perform reconciliation between the bank statement and supporting documents. Moreover, we could not trace the amounts paid through a bank statement as the IP withdraws a lump sum from the bank once needed and spends it accordingly. In addition, we noted that Almobadr Organization uses the same bank account to manage its financial resources and does not have a special or a designated bank account for each project. This might cause UNICEF funds to be comingled with other funds or used for different purposes.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (39, 'low', 'lack_of_audit_trail', 'We could not reconcile the statement of expenditure and ICE report to the approved detailed budget due to difference in activity numbers and difference between the total UNICEF Contributions in the approved detailed budget and statement of expenditure.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (26, 'high', 'other', 'Payment vouchers can be used for a variety of purposes were it covers the control to indicate that an invoice has been approved for payment according to the authority matrix.
+During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that CESVI do not use or issue payment vouchers to utilize the process of settling due payments to vendors / suppliers.', 'Payment voucher with protocol number and signature for authorization of payment will be implemented immediately and all support documents of expenses from July 2018 will accompanied with that. Action will be completed by end of June 2019.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (32, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection, we have found that the some transactions have missing supporting documents. Details found in the report.', 'Attendance list for Protocol number 22, 23a, 23b and 23c are not in use because they are volunteer and they receive incentive. Timesheet is used only for Payroll staff. The presence of the volunteers has been verified daily by the supervisor. Attendance sheet will be in place anyway from May 2019 for improving accountability.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (27, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The Supporting documents of the selected sample were not stamped “PAID by UNICEF grant” indicating the project title or project code, it is important to use PAID stamps to avoid duplication of payments or allocating the same expenditure to different projects.', 'All documents will be updated with appropriated stamps, as per audit comment. Action will be completed by end of June 2019.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (28, 'low', 'other', 'We found that CESVI used the same bank account to manage its financial resources and did not have a special or a designated bank account for UNICEF until 27 June 2018. This might have caused UNICEF funds to be comingled with other funds or used for different purposes.', 'Dedicated bank account is in force and Cesvi will continue to operate with dedicated bank account.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (38, 'low', 'other', 'Through our testing procedures, we found that the below transaction unit price documented in the approved programme work plan and budget differs than the amounts disbursed as stated below.
+Protocollo Number 2 of description: Payment 6 Laptop (loans for UNICEF) 7831,600 TND. Unit Price Recorded 548 and Unit Price in the approved budget is 450.', 'The unit cost in budget was 450 USD but the market at the moment of the procurement gave 548 USD per unit, and we compensated the higher unit cost buying less units, enough to cover the needs of the project.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (42, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were not able to determine the basis of salary calculation for the below transactions, as the employees contracts, timesheets, salary scale and payroll sheets are missing.
+-There is no voucher number for the Team leader cost with an amount of 4,800
+-There is no voucher number for the Operation officer with an amount of 1,600', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (43, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The normal sequence for purchasing goods usually starts with purchase request, once the IP select the most qualified supplier they issue purchase order to the supplier. The supplier then deliver the service and the IP records the transaction based on service completion. An invoice is sent by the supplier which is cross –checked with the purchase order/ agreement. The payment is then made and transferred to the supplier. During our inspection, we noted that Almobadr organization did not follow the sequence properly.
+-There is no voucher number for the Office internet connection with an amount of 400, where the missing document is Internet invoice.
+-There is no voucher number for the Establish youth centers with an amount of 36,000, where the missing document is Goods Receipt Note.
+-There is no voucher number for the Travel and lodging costs in Tunis for the team leader with an amount of 1,600, where the missing document is Goods Receipt Note.
+-There is no voucher number for the total fees including development with an amount of 4,800, where the missing document is Accommodation, transportation invoice and service of completion “training material and detailed report of workshop”.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (44, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection, we found that the following transactions occurred with missing attendance sheet.
+-There is no voucher number for a three-day training costs for 20 participants budgeted at $20/person/day at 4 municipalities, at an amount of 2,203.
+-There is no voucher number for Printing, overhead projector lease cost, and stationaries at an amount of 1,412.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (45, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Based on our understanding from management, the main activity for the project is to conduct training by trainers assigned from the local partner. The IP disbursed the below trainers’ fees without any supporting evidence that proofs that they conducted the training.
+-There is no voucher number for Civil Action Costs, with an amount of 8,900, and supporting documents Payment request and Payment receipt.
+-There is no voucher number for Project coordinator costs (40% of time) $1,250/m in each municipality including transportation fees and cost of a visit to Tripoli (accommodation and travel costs0029, with an amount of 3,000, and supporting documents Payment request and Payment receipt.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (46, 'low', 'other', 'We have inspected the expenditure of the selected items and agreed that these transactions or actions has been classified under the correct heading and subheading on the financial report except for the following sample.
+-There is no voucher number for Activity 1.4 Printing, overhead projector lease cost, and stationaries, with suggested heading Activity 1.1 Three-day training costs for 20 participants budgeted at $20/person/day at 4 municipalities.', '', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (47, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'There is no accounting system for the organization nor the transactions are recorded manually.', '', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (48, 'high', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'Alnahla Organization does not perform bank reconciliations and statements; therefore, we could not perform reconciliation between bank statement and the transaction list.', '', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (49, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The Supporting document of the selected sample were stamped “PAID from UNICEF grant” but without indicating the project title and code “Transitional Center”, including the stamp title is important to avoid allocating the same expenditure to different projects.', '', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (50, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Through our testing procedures, we found that the transaction related to transitional center rent has no procurement procedure and gap analysis with the market performed to compare the lowest prices offered to rent a center.', '', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (51, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Through our testing procedure, we noted that the transaction related to transitional center rent is missing bank transfer.', '', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (52, 'high', 'other', 'We were unable to link the period reported in the FACE Form to the provided supporting documents,
+therefore we could not examine the cutoff dates for which the supporting documents where provided.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (53, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'Receipts and disbursement, related to the project are not booked or posted in accounting system nor a
+manual bookkeeping. This might increase the possibility of errors and might reduce the reliability of the
+project financial management.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (54, 'high', 'lack_of_bank_reconciliations', 'Altadamon does not perform bank reconciliation; therefore, we could not perform reconciliation between the
+bank statement and supporting documents. In addition, we noted that Altadamon uses the same bank
+account to manage its financial resources and does not have a special or a designated bank account for each
+project. This might cause UNICEF funds to be comingled with other funds or used for different purposes.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (55, 'high', 'no_proof_of_payment', 'The normal sequence for purchasing goods or rendering a service usually starts with purchase request, once
+the IP select the most qualified supplier they issue purchase order to the supplier. The supplier then deliver
+the service and the IP records the transaction based on service completion. An invoice is sent by the supplier
+which is cross – checked with the purchase order/ agreement. The payment is then made and transferred to
+the supplier.
+During our inspection, we noted that Altadamon does not issue/use purchase request, purchase order and
+payment request.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (56, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'Altadamon does not open a cost center based on the project number and budget line nor manually document
+the budget line on the supporting documents. Therefore, we could not allocate the expense to the approved
+detailed budget line.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (57, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We were not able to obtain Altadamon Procurement policy to assess whether the supporting documents
+provided complied with the IP’s procurement procedure and that the supporting documents were reviewed
+and approved according to Altadamon procurement policy.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (58, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The Supporting documents of the selected sample were not stamped “PAID by UNICEF grant” indicating the
+project title and code, it is important to use PAID stamps to avoid duplication of payments or allocating the
+same expenditure to different projects.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (59, 'low', 'no_supporting_documentation', 'For some transactions we did not obtain the sufficient supporting documents as only the payment
+voucher was attached. Details found in the report where all Voucher ID''s, Output Numbers, and Amounts are put.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (60, 'high', 'no_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that the below transaction had missing payment
+voucher. Voucher ID not found, Description: Organization of Training of trainers
+on SLEiDSE social
+entrepreneurship approach
+targeting 20 facilitators in the
+Municipality of Zintan., Output: Output 2: young people,
+especially those associated with
+arms groups, are provided with
+skills and opportunities for
+economic participation, to
+prevent militia involvement and
+as societal tool for reintegration, and Amount: 10,000.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (62, 'high', 'other', 'We found that there is a difference between the reported expenses in the FACE form with the actual amount
+expensed in the supporting documents. Below is the transaction reference:
+Description: Organization of Training of
+trainers on SLEiDSE social
+entrepreneurship approach
+targeting 20 facilitators in
+the Municipality of Zintan, Amount in FACE Form: 10,000 , Amount per Supporting Documents: 7,722 , and Difference 2,278.', '', NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (1, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'Receipts and disbursements, related to the project are not booked or posted on accounting system nor a manual bookkeeping. This might increase the possibility of errors and might reduce the reliability of the project financial management.', 'We have a special file for all receipts but we do not have an electronic accounting system because it is very expensive and we are a small organization.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (3, 'high', 'poor_record_keeping', 'Payment vouchers can be used for a variety of purposes were it covers the control to indicate that an invoice has been approved for payment according to the authority matrix. During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that Ekraa do not use/issue payment vouchers utilized during the process of settling due payments to vendors / suppliers.', 'We have a financial application form in accordance with our financial procedures and it is approved first before payment order.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (10, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'During our inspection of the selected sample, we found that the following transactions had missing supporting documents as shown below :
+The missing document is the contract for all
+Program manager: 1,500
+Finance manager: 750
+Reporting and communication officer: 750
+Program manager: 1,500', 'There is a cooperative model during the work period of the project and not a contract and it is binding on both parties because the contracts need to be certified by a competent specialist office and the contract costs 50 dinars. The office''s approval and the court''s approval costs 100 dinars totally is 150 dinars, and this cost we cannot cover.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (21, 'low', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'We found that there is a difference between the reported expenses in the FACE form with the actual amount expensed in the supporting documents. Moreover, we found that there is no sufficient documentation relating to share cost or cost allocation calculation (If any). Below is the transaction reference:
+The Raising awareness sessions have an amount in FACE form of 1,500 and an amount as per supporting documents 1,535, with a difference of 35.', 'This value is 1500 dinars and was paid an increase on the bill 35 dinars before Ekraa, because the prices change, and if we do not pay the amount the bill will be less than the value specified.', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (30, 'high', 'insufficient_supporting_documentation', 'The normal sequence for purchasing goods usually starts with purchase request, once the IP select the most qualified supplier they issue purchase order to the supplier. The supplier then deliver the service and the IP records the transaction based on service completion. An invoice is sent by the supplier which is cross – checked with the purchase order/ agreement. The payment is then made and transferred to the supplier.
+During our inspection, we found that CESVI did not follow the sequence as described in their procurement procedure for protocollo number 2, 41 and 16.
+Details of the missing documents are in the report.', 'All documents will be completed by June 2019.', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_finding VALUES (35, 'low', 'other', 'We have inspected the expenditure of the selected items and agreed that the selected transaction has been classified under the correct heading and subheading on the FACE form except for the following sample. Protocollo number 9 with Allocated Budget Line A.6.1.3 - Team leader education [TOT. 2.978,25 ] and Suggested Heading: A.6.1.5 - Team leader protection [TOT. 2.861,22 ]', 'Comments is correct, the Team leader education should stay in his budget line. The team leaders (education and protection) salaries have been allocated in the wrong line. Being the salaries similar, the impact of the spent per budget line is minimal.', NULL, 3);
+-- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adequate policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adequate, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adequate controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adequate controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adequate safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adequately covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adequate physical security?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, evaluate if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and evaluation process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and evaluate data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent evaluation recommendations?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adequately to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and evaluation?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adequate access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (20, 2, '4c. Budgeting system', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (21, 3, '4d. Payments', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (22, 4, '4e. Policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (23, 5, '4f. Cash and bank', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (24, 6, '4g. Other offices or entities', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (25, 7, '4h. Internal audit', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (26, 0, '5a. Safeguards over assets', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (27, 1, '5b. Warehousing and inventory management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (28, 0, '7a. Procurement', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (29, 1, '7b. Contract Management - To be completed only for the IPs managing contracts as part of programme implementation. Otherwise select N/A for risk assessment', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (30, 2, 'Key Internal Controls Weaknesses', 'primary', 'audit_key_weakness', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (31, 0, 'Overall Risk Assessment', 'primary', 'ma_global_assessment', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (32, 0, 'Implementing partner', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (33, 1, 'Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (34, 2, 'Organizational structure and staffing', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (35, 3, 'Accounting policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (36, 4, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (37, 5, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (38, 6, 'Procurement', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+-- Data for Name: audit_specialaudit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_specificprocedure; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_spotcheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (15, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (6, 64715.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (5, 22000.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (8, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (9, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (11, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (12, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (10, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (13, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (14, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (4, 36000.00, 0.00, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (3, 25934.00, 0.00, 'Area (1.2) Bank system situation is slightly improved but time to time, the operations with the bank can incur in difficulties. To mitigate the issue, progressively, most of the payments to providers and staff are done from Tunis bank account. In this way, also the flow of money to Libya has been reduced as well the cash payment.
+Area (1.7) Bank system situation is slightly improved but time to time the operations with the bank can incur in difficulties. To mitigate the issue, progressively, most of the payments to providers and staff are done from Tunis bank account. In this way, also the flow of money to Libya has been reduced as well the cash payment.
+Area (1.11) Cesvi adopts the exchange rate weighted on the history of transfer of funds to the local bank of Libya and Tunisia for the accounting of expenses, thus reducing the fluctuations in project costs made in LYD and booked in USD.
+Area (5.8) From Jan 2018, the two positions has been splitted and two different persons are in charge of the positions.
+Area (7.3) A new Procurement Manual has been produced in 2017 and accordingly the procurement above 60.000 euros are approved by HQ.');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (2, 36379.00, 0.00, 'No changes');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (1, 30434.00, 0.00, 'Based on our understanding and discussion with management, we found that there are no prior micro assessments and spot checks issued prior to this report, therefore we were unable to incorporate it in this report.');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_spotcheck VALUES (7, 0.00, 0.00, '');
+-- Data for Name: django_comment_flags; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: django_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (1, '5', '', '', '', 'A meeting with Noor alhayat was conducted to discuss best approaches to address the issue of children having easy access to harmful objects on the playground of previously visited school. UNICEF CP officer provided technical support to Noor alhayat and a conculsiuon was reached to conduct an awareness session with parents of children frequenting the school, to raise awareness of the issues children are facing in school such as display of harmful objects and the importance of children having access to clean water. Noor alhayat conducted the focus group with the support of school staff and the trained social worker from the CP help desk. focus group resulted in two actions taken . 1- parents to ensure their children attend school with protable water containers and for social workers in schools to provide water for children. 2- social workers to conduct a clean-up activity with the support of Noor alhayat memebers, to remove all the harmful objects from playground in school.', '2019-08-26 08:52:11.986932+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (7, '10', '', '', '', 'Contacted the health services authority for the advocacy regarding the vaccination of every child and the enforcement of temperature log', '2019-09-07 23:36:57.067509+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (3, '6', '', '', '', 'a discussion took place with Alnhala focal point to provide technical support on the appropriate use of ECD kits in schools, as it was observed that the Early child development kits have been used for children above 6 years,. Alnhala learned the modalities and purpose of ECD kit and the necessary information to conduct age-appropriate activities with this kit. Alnahla also discussed with school staff to have the harmful objects removed from the WASH facilities so children can use the facilities safely.', '2019-08-26 09:17:33.258327+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (4, '7', '', '', '', 'The issue with unclean WASH facilities is a major issue in most local schools, for this reason UNICEF cp officer conducted a meeting with Noor alhayat to come up with sustainable ways to deal with this issue. Noor alhayat conducted a meeting with School staff , CP help desk and parents of students to propose a solution, As previously done in other schools where Noor alhayat conducted activities. Parents have agreed with Noor alhayat and social workers in schools, to contribute with the amount of 2 LYD per month, and use the sum collected to buy basic cleaning products and have a cleaning lady conduct basic cleaning of the WASH Facility. To support school staff, Noor alhayat helped clear out harmful objects found in the open area where children play and can easily have access to sharp and old rusted objects.', '2019-08-26 09:32:49.728915+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (5, '8', '', '', '', 'Noor alhayat and UNICEF CP officer explored the possibility of having a fixed CFS within the clinic of Ain zara. after careful reviewing of capacity of Noor alhayat and possibility of training staff within the clinic, a decision was reached to have a mobile CFS from Noor alhaya to conduct PSS activities when possible within the recreational area of the clinic, depending on the availability of space and coordination with the Clinic staff.', '2019-08-26 12:43:04.331832+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (6, '9', '', '', '', 'Appropriate forms have been shared with all partners, including Noor alhayat, regaridng the approval of photos to be taken during implementations. Partner Noor alhayat have been advised to communicate with the parents children to ontain signature on form to use the photo in visit reports or human interest story. also a discussion took place with Noor alhayat field coordinators ( Noor alhayat CP staff team and implementers of PSS activities the ground) on the various ways to improve communication with parents and reach out to caregivers during awareness sessions and during PSS activities. the field coordinators benefited from information shared which was discussed during the visit itself, and a follow-up discussion was done with Noor alhayat to ensure recommendations and CP knowledge provided by email have been implemented to ensure minimum quality of CP activities.', '2019-08-26 12:48:16.694632+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (8, '11', '', '', '', 'Greetings colleagues, Kindly share with communication the requirements and details along a WBS for the costs.', '2019-09-24 11:19:24.436766+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 13654);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (9, '11', '', '', '', 'The communication requirements template is available on the Sharepoint under communication folder', '2019-09-24 11:19:59.545843+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 13654);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (11, 'SIDA - Sweden', '2018-03-15 16:56:57.977233+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.109443+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (12, 'Global - Child Protection', '2018-03-15 16:56:57.977233+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.109443+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (34, 'European Commission / ECHO', '2018-03-15 16:56:57.977233+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.109443+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_donor VALUES (67, 'Italy', '2018-03-15 16:56:57.977233+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.109443+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (2, '2500230439', '0100150508', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (3, '2500231351', '0100147917', '2015-02-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (4, '2500231382', '0100150505', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (5, '2500231352', '0100150507', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (6, '2500220005', '0100191152', '2015-12-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (7, '2500231350', '0100150503', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (8, '2500236102', '0100240658', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (9, '2500220005', '0100237745', '2016-11-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (10, '2300059510', '0100059069', '2013-04-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', '.77942', 'Katharina Beatrice Imhof', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (11, '2500233211', '0100183131', '2015-11-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (12, '2500235121', '0100215208', '2016-07-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1 DCT IMC LIBYA SSFA', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (13, '2500220006', '0100198695', '2016-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (14, '2500220006', '0100198698', '2016-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-1ST DCT', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (15, '2500235018', '0100236538', '2016-11-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE-CESVI 2ND PAYMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (16, '2500234748', '0100237451', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (17, '2500234748', '0100237458', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (18, '2500232253', '0100195994', '2016-02-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (19, '2500231352', '0100239274', '2016-12-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (20, '2500233211', '0100180635', '2015-10-26', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'SSFSA WITH NASIM', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (21, '2500231802', '0100240648', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (22, '2500234748', '0100240130', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'DRC - HQ REIMBURSEMENT COST - WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (23, '2500231352', '0100198174', '2016-03-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (24, '2500231802', '0100161990', '2015-06-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (25, '2500231352', '0100226496', '2016-10-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (26, '2500233196', '0100184782', '2015-11-17', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (27, '2500232253', '0100237444', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT WASH LS', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (28, '2500211394', '0100245749', '2017-02-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR NATIONAL®IONAL WORK', '1', 'Veera Mendonca', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (29, '2500231802', '0100207539', '2016-05-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 1ST DCT', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (30, '2500235936', '0100235028', '2016-11-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR LIBYA HOUSE FOR SC & CULT', '1', 'Juliet Chiluwe', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (31, '2500235813', '0100234127', '2016-11-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (32, '2500231382', '0100198451', '2016-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.384', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (33, '2500235121', '0100239901', '2016-12-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT WASH IMC SSFA', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (34, '2500233196', '0100214612', '2016-07-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT EDUCATION EKRAA', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (35, '2500231352', '0100239271', '2016-12-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'TND', '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', '-2.3049', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (36, '2500232253', '0100224197', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT WASH LS', '-1.379', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (37, '2500220005', '0100191128', '2015-12-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (38, '2500220005', '0100161968', '2015-06-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (39, '2500233211', '0100238188', '2016-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (40, '2500235018', '0100212958', '2016-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT CESVI CP PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (41, '2500220005', '0100161369', '2015-06-08', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (42, '2500231352', '0100224118', '2016-09-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT WASH STACO WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (43, '2500230439', '0100149137', '2015-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (44, '2500231352', '0100149136', '2015-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (45, '2500233196', '0100239915', '2016-12-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (46, '2500233196', '0100189761', '2015-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DCT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (47, '2500235600', '0100225908', '2016-09-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', '-1.379', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (48, '2500231382', '0100245977', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 3RD PAYMENT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (49, '2500232253', '0100195805', '2016-02-17', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (50, '2500231382', '0100245978', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 4TH PAYMENT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (51, '2500232640', '0100173916', '2015-09-09', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '-.889', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (52, '2500232253', '0100209323', '2016-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (53, '2500235018', '0100240167', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CESVI - THIRD PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (54, '2500234748', '0100208038', '2016-05-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (55, '2500234793', '0100212258', '2016-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT- HANDICAP INT''L - CP-IDPS & HOST COMMUNITY', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (56, '2500232253', '0100162518', '2015-06-16', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (57, '2500234793', '0100237487', '2016-11-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT& 2ND DCT HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (58, '2500220005', '0100215334', '2016-07-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (59, '2500220005', '0100191060', '2015-12-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (60, '2500232640', '0100218267', '2016-08-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1 ST DCT CIR-3RD PARTY MONITORING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (61, '2500231802', '0100238673', '2016-12-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 2ND DCT', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (62, '2500232640', '0100240684', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'USD', 'CIR-FINAL DCT-THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (63, '2500220005', '0100144757', '2014-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (64, '2500231352', '0100233918', '2016-11-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (65, '2500220005', '0100160136', '2015-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (66, '2500231382', '0100245951', '2017-02-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (67, '2500232640', '0100240700', '2016-12-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CIR-FINAL DCT-THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (68, '2500231382', '0100163721', '2015-06-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (69, '2500233211', '0100215028', '2016-07-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (70, '2500217970', '0100224221', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (71, '2500220006', '0100198483', '2016-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (72, '2500233211', '0100185454', '2015-11-19', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-OCT-2015-SSFA RIMBURSEMENT', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (73, '2500233211', '0100185455', '2015-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-NOV-2015-SSFA DCT', '-1.361', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (74, '2500231382', '0100148069', '2015-02-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (75, '2500232307', '0100174137', '2015-09-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING-OCEAI', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (76, '2500220006', '0100240141', '2016-12-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'ACTED - HQ REIMBURSEMENT COST - WASH', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (77, '2500232640', '0100238212', '2016-12-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (78, '2500220005', '0100144878', '2014-12-29', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (79, '2500235600', '0100244493', '2017-02-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (80, '2500231382', '0100221173', '2016-08-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '-1.382', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (81, '2500231351', '0100150495', '2015-03-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (82, '2500231802', '0100161154', '2015-06-06', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'LYD', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', '-1.361', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (83, '2500233196', '0100228132', '2016-10-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EKRAA EDUCATION SECTION', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (84, '2500232253', '0100217280', '2016-07-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT LS PCA', '-1.382', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (85, '2500220006', '0100243970', '2017-01-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', '-1.399', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (86, '2500234284', '0100204389', '2016-04-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', '-1.332', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (87, '2500232307', '0100224258', '2016-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR IOCEA', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (88, '2500232640', '0100185729', '2015-11-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '-.912', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (89, '2500231352', '0100247848', '2017-02-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT STACO EDUCATION', '1', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (90, '2500231350', '0100148062', '2015-02-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (91, '2500233211', '0100248731', '2017-03-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (92, '2500233211', '0100249797', '2017-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', '-1.399', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (93, '2500234793', '0100252070', '2017-03-24', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT HI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (94, '2500236520', '0100252956', '2017-03-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (95, '2500220005', '0100253049', '2017-03-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', '-1.419', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (205, '2500232253', '0100315345', '2018-04-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0062 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2018/02, 2ND REIMBURSEM', '1', NULL, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831388+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831971+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (97, '2500220005', '0100253432', '2017-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', '-1.419', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (98, '2500231352', '0100254925', '2017-04-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (99, '2500236521', '0100254912', '2017-04-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (100, '2500232640', '0100256494', '2017-04-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (101, '2500233196', '0100257610', '2017-05-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2ND DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '-1.413', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (102, '2500217970', '0100258088', '2017-05-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST AND ONLY DCT TUFTS NEW SSFA', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (103, '2500235018', '0100261122', '2017-05-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CESVI-EMERGENCY RESPONSE & ECREATIONAL ACT-FINAL', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (104, '2500236298', '0100261516', '2017-05-26', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMB MOLTAQANA SSFA', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (106, '2500236102', '0100262105', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'WYEF-2ND AND FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (107, '2500231802', '0100262101', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'AL-NAHLA-3RD INSTALMENT- REIMBURSEMENT', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (108, '2500231352', '0100262095', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'STACO-1ST INSTALLMENT-DCT-JUN-AUG 2017-NEW PCA-CP', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (110, '2500236901', '0100262280', '2017-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST AND ONLY DCT EMDAD WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (111, '2500231382', '0100262289', '2017-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (113, '2500235018', '0100268790', '2017-07-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CESVI HQ COST CP', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (109, '2500231352', '0100262092', '2017-05-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'STACO-FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT 2017', '-1.394', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (112, '2500237096', '0100266899', '2017-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', '-1.395', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (105, '2500220006', '0100261531', '2017-05-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'FINAL PAYMENT TO CP-PSS SERVUCES -BENGHAZI-ACTED', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (114, '2500231802', '0100269800', '2017-07-20', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (115, '2500231802', '0100269805', '2017-07-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (116, '2500232640', '0100269878', '2017-07-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (117, '2500231802', '0100269865', '2017-07-21', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', '-1.395', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (118, '2500233196', '0100270872', '2017-07-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', '-1.395', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (119, '2500220005', '0100271978', '2017-08-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT BOY SCOUTS OF LIBYA', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (120, '2500233211', '0100271968', '2017-08-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', '-1.381', 'Nasser Kaddoura', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (121, '2500237271', '0100273041', '2017-08-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (154, '2500233196', '0100275264', '2017-08-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '3RD DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', '-1.381', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (155, '2500231382', '0100276070', '2017-08-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (156, '2500235600', '0100277085', '2017-09-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', '-1.368', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (157, '2500237369', '0100277323', '2017-09-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ALMOBADR YOUTH', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (206, '2500231802', '0100315342', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831468+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.832048+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (159, '2500231802', '0100281296', '2017-10-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (160, '2500236521', '0100283177', '2017-10-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP FINAL PAYMENT', '1', 'Mostafa Omar', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (161, '2500231382', '0100283668', '2017-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (162, '2500231352', '0100283599', '2017-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2ND DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (163, '2500231382', '0100286362', '2017-10-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0017 - PROVISION OF CHILD PROTECTION EMERGENC', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (164, '2500232640', '0100287936', '2017-11-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0019 - THIRD PARTY MONITORING AND SUPPORT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (207, '2500231802', '0100315343', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0065 - CFS - 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.831533+00', '2018-05-05 00:06:36.832106+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (166, '2500231352', '0100291891', '2017-11-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0021 - REHABILITATION OF WASH INFRASTRUCTURES', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (167, '2500231352', '0100294560', '2017-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0022 - REHABILITATION OF WASH IN AFFECTED SCH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (168, '2500231352', '0100297477', '2017-12-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0022 - REHABILITATION OF WASH IN AFFECTED SCH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (169, '2500232253', '0100297478', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (170, '2500232253', '0100298440', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (171, '2500232253', '0100298710', '2017-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0023 - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE VUNERABLE PEOPLE', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (172, '2500233211', '0100299032', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0027 - PROVISION OF EDUCATION AND RECREATION', '-1.385', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (173, '2500231352', '0100299077', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0028 - PROTECTION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (174, '2500231352', '0100299379', '2017-12-18', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0029 - PROTECTION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (175, '2500220006', '0100300980', '2018-01-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0031 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/18', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (176, '2500236901', '0100301047', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0030 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2017/14 AMENDMENT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (177, '2500231352', '0100301363', '2017-09-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0033 - TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF AFFECTED SCHOO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (178, '2500233196', '0100301347', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0034 - PCA/LIBYA/ED/2016/08 AMENDEMENT 1 EKRA', '-1.3651', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (179, '2500238097', '0100301345', '2018-01-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0036 - CP IN EMERGENCY PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (180, '2500231382', '0100301686', '2017-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0037 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 2ND DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (181, '2500233196', '0100301762', '2018-01-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0034 - PCA/LIBYA/ED/2016/08 AMENDEMENT 1 EKRA', '-1.3651', 'Tsehay Asrat', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (182, '2500235018', '0100303395', '2018-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0038 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16 CP EDU', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (183, '2500235018', '0100304368', '2018-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0039 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16 CP EDU', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (184, '2500232640', '0100304706', '2018-02-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0040 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (185, '2500231352', '0100304868', '2018-02-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0042 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (186, '2500232640', '0100305209', '2018-02-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0041 - CFS-THIRD PARTY MONITORING AND SUPPORT', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (187, '2500232253', '0100305991', '2018-02-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0047 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE TAWERGHA BEN', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (188, '2500231352', '0100305752', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0046 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (189, '2500237271', '0100305569', '2017-11-25', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0044 - SSFA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/10', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (190, '2500231352', '0100305676', '2018-02-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0042 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (191, '2500231352', '0100305574', '2018-02-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0045 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2018/01', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (192, '2500237369', '0100305788', '2018-02-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0043 - PCA/LIBYA/YOUTH/2017/11', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (193, '2500231352', '0100305705', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0046 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (194, '2500231352', '0100306056', '2018-03-05', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0048 - CFS-TECHNICAL ASSESS. OF AFFECTED SCHO', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (195, '2500236520', '0100306461', '2018-03-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0050 - CHANGE OF FS-1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (196, '2500238223', '0100306500', '2018-03-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0049 - PCA/LIBYA/YOUTH/2018/03 POSITIVE PEACE', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.331455+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (197, '2500231382', '0100307587', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0055 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 3RD DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-17 00:05:48.64143+00', '2018-03-17 00:05:48.649462+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (199, '2500231382', '0100308369', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0055 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA 3RD DCT', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.805452+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.812715+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (202, '2500238136', '0100311326', '2018-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0060 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.676743+00', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.683807+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (203, '2500238136', '0100311443', '2018-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0060 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.676841+00', '2018-04-16 12:52:34.683881+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (208, '2500231802', '0100315809', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382483+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383057+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (209, '2500231802', '0100315516', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0064 - CFS - 2ND REIMB FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382581+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383119+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (210, '2500231802', '0100315527', '2018-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0063 - CFS - 1 DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Osman Abufatima', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.382655+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:25.383203+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (211, '2500233196', '0100316519', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0066 - PROVISION OF FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-05-17 16:09:38.911578+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:38.91245+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (96, '2500232253', '0100253491', '2017-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.878402+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (158, '2500236901', '0100280993', '2017-10-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION- PCA', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.898341+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (165, '2500232253', '0100287886', '2017-11-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0018 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE TO VULNERABL', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.216644+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.916657+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (198, '2500232253', '0100308207', '2018-03-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0056 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2018/02, 1ST REIMBURSEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.805363+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.935782+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (200, '2500231802', '0100310385', '2018-03-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0058 - 3RD DCT FOR PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NA', '1', NULL, '2018-04-09 17:16:46.748784+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.954037+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (201, '2500231802', '0100310387', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0057 - 2ND REIMBURSMENT FOR PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017', '1', NULL, '2018-04-09 17:16:46.748867+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.974858+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (204, '2500238342', '0100312150', '2018-04-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0061 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', NULL, '2018-04-18 00:14:18.209318+00', '2018-05-04 00:08:24.993987+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (212, '2500238097', '0100318809', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0067 - CFS CP IN EMERGENCY PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-05-25 00:06:48.656607+00', '2018-05-25 00:06:48.65722+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (213, '2500233211', '0100319641', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0068 - PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-05-31 00:10:44.174708+00', '2018-05-31 00:10:44.175083+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (214, '2500233196', '0100320052', '2018-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0066 - PROVISION OF FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-06-01 00:06:53.899715+00', '2018-06-01 00:06:53.900141+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (215, '2500233211', '0100320409', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0068 - PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25', '-1.326', 'Tsehay Asrat Ayele', '2018-06-02 00:06:10.953896+00', '2018-06-02 00:06:10.954493+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (216, '2500232640', '0100320965', '2018-05-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0069 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-07 00:10:15.884187+00', '2018-06-07 00:10:15.884788+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (217, '2500238223', '0100323279', '2018-06-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0072 - POSITIVE PEACE WORKSHOP', '1', 'Suad Nabhan', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.342674+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.343901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (218, '2500220006', '0100323278', '2018-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0070 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/18', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.342876+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344008+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (219, '2500236901', '0100323299', '2018-03-01', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0073 - PCA/LIBYA/WASH/2017/14 AMENDEMENT', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.34304+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344095+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (220, '2500232640', '0100323221', '2018-05-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0071 - PCA/LIBYA/PME/2017/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.343194+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.344181+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (221, '2500232640', '0100323439', '2018-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0074 - PCA/LIBYA/ME/2018/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-06-22 00:10:59.473077+00', '2018-06-22 00:10:59.473578+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (222, '2500232640', '0100325219', '2018-06-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0074 - PCA/LIBYA/ME/2018/01', '1', 'Aala Rahamtalla', '2018-07-03 00:08:36.945916+00', '2018-07-03 00:08:36.947721+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (223, '2500238760', '0100330818', '2018-07-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0075 - CHILD PROTECTON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-08-10 00:06:38.024877+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:38.025371+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (224, '2500237369', '0100332511', '2018-08-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0077 - YOUTH', '1', 'Suad Nabhan', '2018-08-17 00:06:30.669425+00', '2018-08-17 00:06:30.670065+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (225, '2500235018', '0100333796', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-08-28 13:46:32.932286+00', '2018-08-28 13:46:32.932802+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (226, '2500232253', '0100335123', '2018-07-09', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0080 - MULTISECTORAL WASH, EDUCATION, AND CP', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-09-04 00:17:32.337319+00', '2018-09-04 00:17:32.337854+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (227, '2500235018', '0100335926', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-09-08 00:06:47.667378+00', '2018-09-08 00:06:47.667736+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (228, '2500231802', '0100336998', '2018-09-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0081 - CHILD PROT. IN EMERG. PCA/LIBYA/CP/201', '1', NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08667+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08885+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (229, '2500238342', '0100337000', '2018-08-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0079 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08681+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.088945+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (230, '2500236298', '0100336999', '2018-08-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0076 - CHILD PROTECTION PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/20', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.086933+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.089024+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (231, '2500238760', '0100336964', '2018-07-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0075 - CHILD PROTECTON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.087055+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:19.08913+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (232, '2500236298', '0100337799', '2018-08-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0082 - CHILD PROTECTION PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/20', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-09-20 00:06:21.510653+00', '2018-09-20 00:06:21.51098+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (233, '2500235018', '0100339578', '2018-07-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0078 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.045998+00', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046737+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (234, '2500231802', '0100339513', '2018-09-19', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'USD', '2580/0083 - CHILD PROT. IN EMERG. PCA/LIBYA/CP/201', '1', NULL, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046176+00', '2018-09-28 00:07:05.046842+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (235, '2500231352', '0100345676', '2018-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0085 - EDUCATION / WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.587521+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.588091+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (236, '2500238136', '0100348926', '2018-10-25', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0087 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Hind Omer', '2018-11-10 00:07:54.630203+00', '2018-11-10 00:07:54.630932+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (237, '2500238136', '0100349621', '2018-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0088 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Hind Omer', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.722155+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.722685+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (238, '2500232253', '0100352138', '2018-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0089 - MULTISECTORAL (WASH, EDU, CP)', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.025369+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.025663+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (239, '2500232253', '0100355785', '2018-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0089 - MULTISECTORAL (WASH, EDU, CP)', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2018-12-07 00:07:33.707442+00', '2018-12-07 00:07:33.708095+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (240, '2500238223', '0100357901', '2018-12-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0093 - YOUTH PROGRAMME', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-12-13 00:08:05.129072+00', '2018-12-13 00:08:05.129575+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (241, '2500231382', '0100358232', '2018-11-04', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0090 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/15 ESSAFA', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2018-12-14 00:07:56.742188+00', '2018-12-14 00:07:56.742783+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (242, '2500239733', '0100360380', '2018-12-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/0095 - SSFA INSAN FOR CHARITY DEV/VACCINATION', '-1.392', 'Farah Ogbi', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.690424+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.691048+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (243, '2500235018', '0100360516', '2018-12-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0094 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2018-12-23 00:07:42.519943+00', '2018-12-23 00:07:42.520573+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (244, '2500231382', '0100360744', '2018-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0097 - CHILD PROTECTION', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2018-12-28 00:08:03.583223+00', '2018-12-28 00:08:03.583591+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (245, '2500232640', '0100361337', '2018-12-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0098 - PLANNING MONITORING AND EVALUATION', '1', 'Narine Aslanyan', '2019-01-18 00:08:17.940718+00', '2019-01-18 00:08:17.941394+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (246, '2500233196', '0100361643', '2018-08-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '2580/0099 - EDUCATION', '-1.392', 'Ibrahim Farah', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.052673+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.053257+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (247, '2500235600', '0100362712', '2018-12-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0101 - CONFLICT-AFFECTED C AND ADO ACCESS QTY', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.014722+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.015195+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (248, '2500238342', '0100362575', '2019-01-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/0100 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.014803+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.01527+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (249, '2500238136', '0100362964', '2018-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/0102 - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2017/19', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-03 00:07:59.126877+00', '2019-02-03 00:07:59.127341+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (250, '2500233986', '0100364177', '2019-01-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000103 - ACESS TO QTY PROTECTIVE EDU PSS TRIP', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-02-15 00:39:11.507356+00', '2019-02-15 00:39:11.507696+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (251, '2500232253', '0100364804', '2018-11-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000104 - WASH', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.374786+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.375208+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (252, '2500238342', '0100365576', '2019-02-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000107 - CFS-ALTADAMON PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.551981+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552468+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (253, '2500231802', '0100365568', '2019-02-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000106 - PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552137+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.552519+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (254, '2500235018', '0100366506', '2019-02-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000105 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/16', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2019-03-03 00:56:17.557972+00', '2019-03-03 00:56:17.558415+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (255, '2500231352', '0100367440', '2019-03-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000108 - CSD - WASH REHABILITATION', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011183+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.01165+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (256, '2500231352', '0100367239', '2019-03-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000108 - CSD - WASH REHABILITATION', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011276+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.011701+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (257, '2500236901', '0100368683', '2019-03-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000109 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-03-19 14:34:03.680272+00', '2019-03-19 14:34:03.680686+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (258, '2500231382', '0100371607', '2019-03-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000110 - PSS FOR VULNERABLE C IN SEBHA BEN AN', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.205616+00', '2019-04-05 00:18:50.206037+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (259, '2500233211', '0100372756', '2019-02-26', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'LYD', '2580/000112 - PROVISION OF CATCH-UP CLASSES IN 5 S', '-1.389', 'Hind Omer', '2019-04-12 17:46:01.873431+00', '2019-04-12 17:46:01.873965+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (260, '2500237369', '0100372317', '2019-04-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000111 - YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND CIVIC ENGAGE', '1', 'Suad Nabhan', '2019-04-12 17:46:01.873505+00', '2019-04-12 17:46:01.874072+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (261, '2500231352', '0100373650', '2019-03-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000113 - CHILD SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT', '1', 'Mohammad Saleh Almjadleh', '2019-04-18 00:16:14.8724+00', '2019-04-18 00:16:14.872779+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (262, '2500236298', '0100375691', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000114 - CHILD PROTECTION', '1', 'Inaam Elbasir', '2019-05-02 00:27:26.277298+00', '2019-05-02 00:27:26.27758+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (263, '2500220006', '0100377182', '2018-12-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000116 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/18', '1', 'Khaled Hammad Mohamed Khaled', '2019-05-11 00:12:24.916339+00', '2019-05-11 00:12:24.916745+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (264, '2500236901', '0100377501', '2019-05-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000115 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-05-14 00:13:41.360138+00', '2019-05-14 00:13:41.360784+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (265, '2500240112', '0100379203', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/000117 - PROMOTION OF CP AND THE CONV OF C RI', '-1.398', 'Mostafa Omar', '2019-05-23 00:08:22.65957+00', '2019-05-23 00:08:22.660027+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (266, '2500240059', '0100381084', '2019-05-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000121 - EDUCATION SUPPORT TO THE VUL CHILDRE', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-06-01 00:15:42.479696+00', '2019-06-01 00:15:42.480523+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (267, '2500238136', '0100381013', '2019-05-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000119 - INTEGRATED EDUCATION AND PSY SUPPORT', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-06-01 00:15:42.47986+00', '2019-06-01 00:15:42.480735+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (268, '2500240179', '0100381334', '2019-05-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000123 - EMERGENCY MINE RISK EDUCATION RESPON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2019-06-04 00:15:35.853254+00', '2019-06-04 00:15:35.853746+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (269, '2500238760', '0100382864', '2019-05-30', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000126 - NOOR ELHAYAT LIB/PCA2018117 CHILD PR', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-06-14 00:20:04.880306+00', '2019-06-14 00:20:04.880823+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (270, '2500235018', '0100382867', '2019-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000124 - LIB/PCA201716', '1', 'Inaam Elbasir', '2019-06-14 00:20:04.880386+00', '2019-06-14 00:20:04.880885+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (271, '2500238760', '0100383285', '2019-06-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000127 - NOOR ELHAYAT LIB/PCA2018117 CHILD PR', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-06-16 00:24:04.457591+00', '2019-06-16 00:24:04.457894+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (272, '2500233196', '0100385003', '2019-06-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/000129 - EDUCATION SUPPORT TO CONFLICT-AFFECT', '-1.398', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-06-26 00:28:37.798189+00', '2019-06-26 00:28:37.798882+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (273, '2500231382', '0100385735', '2019-06-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000130 - PSS FOR VULNERABLE C IN SEBHA BEN AN', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-07-05 14:38:07.983597+00', '2019-07-05 14:38:07.98415+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (274, '2500236901', '0100386054', '2019-06-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000128 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-07-05 14:38:07.983684+00', '2019-07-05 14:38:07.984217+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (275, '2500232253', '0100387323', '2019-06-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000132 - EMERGENCY WASH RESPONSE TO IDPS IN C', '1', 'Mohammad Almjadleh', '2019-07-11 00:22:30.665696+00', '2019-07-11 00:22:30.665996+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (276, '2500238342', '0100387910', '2019-06-09', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000133 - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04', '1', 'Turkia Ben Saoud', '2019-07-13 00:16:58.101618+00', '2019-07-13 00:16:58.101974+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (277, '2500233211', '0100388495', '2019-07-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/000136 - PROVISION OF EDUCATION AND RECREATIO', '-1.398', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-07-18 00:20:17.819668+00', '2019-07-18 00:20:17.820435+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (278, '2500237369', '0100390518', '2019-07-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000138 - YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND CIVIC ENGAGE', '1', 'Farah Ogbi', '2019-07-29 00:21:59.683105+00', '2019-07-29 00:21:59.683458+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (279, '2500231352', '0100392137', '2019-07-08', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000135 - PREPOSITIONING OF EMERGENCY SUPP&RER', '1', 'Ziad Naboulsi', '2019-08-08 00:23:05.482737+00', '2019-08-08 00:23:05.483609+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (280, '2500231352', '0100392132', '2019-07-07', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000134 - PREPOSITIONING OF EMERGENCY SUPP&RER', '1', 'Ziad Naboulsi', '2019-08-08 00:23:05.482921+00', '2019-08-08 00:23:05.483698+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (281, '2500236901', '0100396465', '2019-08-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000140 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-09-05 01:23:04.54576+00', '2019-09-05 01:23:04.546124+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (282, '2500236901', '0100396461', '2019-08-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000139 - HEALTH', '1', 'Ahmed Ejaeidi', '2019-09-05 01:23:04.545849+00', '2019-09-05 01:23:04.546167+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (283, '2500235018', '0100396827', '2019-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000141 - LIB/PCA201716', '1', 'Inaam Elbasir', '2019-09-06 01:21:27.790934+00', '2019-09-06 01:21:27.791299+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (284, '2500240179', '0100402106', '2019-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000142 - EMERGENCY MINE RISK EDUCATION RESPON', '1', 'Soraia Abu Monassar', '2019-10-06 00:23:49.270416+00', '2019-10-06 00:23:49.270416+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (285, '2500235018', '0100402105', '2019-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000141 - LIB/PCA201716', '1', 'Inaam Elbasir', '2019-10-06 00:23:49.270487+00', '2019-10-06 00:23:49.270487+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (286, '2500235018', '0100402286', '2019-09-26', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000146 - LIB/PCA201716', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-08 00:35:11.28378+00', '2019-10-08 00:35:11.28378+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (287, '2500238136', '0100402479', '2019-09-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000144 - INTEGRATED EDUCATION AND PSY SUPPORT', '1', 'Atsuko Nishimoto', '2019-10-09 00:35:18.121547+00', '2019-10-09 00:35:18.121547+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (288, '2500235018', '0100404612', '2019-09-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000149 - PROVISION OF MULTI-SECTORIAL SERVICE', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-18 01:45:13.958141+00', '2019-10-18 01:45:13.958141+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (289, '2500233196', '0100405310', '2019-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/000154 - EDUCATION SUPPORT TO CONFLICT-AFFECT', '-1.415', 'Ibrahim Farah', '2019-10-24 07:41:14.984807+00', '2019-10-24 07:41:14.984807+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (290, '2500240112', '0100405167', '2019-10-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'LYD', '2580/000151 - PROMOTION OF CP AND THE CONV OF C RI', '-1.415', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-24 07:41:14.984991+00', '2019-10-24 07:41:14.984991+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (291, '2500240795', '0100405955', '2019-10-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000155 - LIB/PCA2019152/PD2019103', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.594156+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.594156+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (292, '2500240795', '0100405770', '2019-10-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2580/000155 - LIB/PCA2019152/PD2019103', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.594238+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.594238+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (293, '2500236298', '0100406525', '2019-10-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000150 - PROVISION OF PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT AN', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-10-27 00:35:34.143421+00', '2019-10-27 00:35:34.143421+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (294, '2500236298', '0100407767', '2019-10-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', '2580/000156 - PROVISION OF PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT AN', '1', 'Rania Sharshr', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.435654+00', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.435654+00');
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (308, '0100352138-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102218 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081425+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081874+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (270, '0100315516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 209, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.301756+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.302316+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (273, '0100316519-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-08', '0400060091', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20062223 - 5TH DCT EKRAA FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10S', 211, '2018-05-17 16:27:01.999607+00', '2018-05-17 16:27:02.000387+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (267, '0100315342-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 206, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898204+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.328409+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (269, '0100315345-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-04-11', '0400058673', 47850.49, 47850.49, 0.00, '30006341 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 205, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898488+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.349249+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (268, '0100315343-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 53084.00, 53084.00, 0.00, '20060613 - CFS, 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13,', 207, '2018-05-05 00:06:36.898341+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:45.939331+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (272, '0100315527-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 56302.14, 56302.14, 0.00, '20060609 - CFS, 1 DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 210, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.301974+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:45.961079+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (203, '0100281296-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2017-10-05', '0400054461', 56302.14, 56302.14, 0.00, '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 159, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-05-25 00:13:10.230821+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (275, '0100319641-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-25', '0400060532', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20065516 - 3RD DCT BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BE', 213, '2018-05-31 00:18:48.091883+00', '2018-05-31 00:18:48.092387+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (284, '0100323439-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400060673', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20069685 - 1ST DCT FOR CIR 2018 PCA M AND E', 221, '2018-06-22 00:18:07.965086+00', '2018-06-22 00:18:07.965549+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (271, '0100315809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-04-30', '0400054461', 56084.00, 56084.00, 0.00, '30006458 - CFS, 2ND REIMBU FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,1', 208, '2018-05-11 00:18:27.30188+00', '2018-06-01 00:14:01.48147+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (274, '0100318809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-05-23', '0400057386', 48800.00, 48800.00, 0.00, '20065048 - CFS PCA LIBYA RED CRESCENT 1ST DCT', 212, '2018-05-25 00:13:10.205613+00', '2018-06-01 00:14:01.501459+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (277, '0100320409-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-25', '0400060532', 17307.69, 22950.00, 0.00, '20066172 - 3RD DCT BREEZES PROVISION EDU BENGHAZI', 215, '2018-06-02 00:11:48.854498+00', '2018-06-03 00:07:03.234122+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (338, '0100372317-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2019-04-04', '0400067548', 343485.00, 343485.00, 0.00, '20123204 - 1ST DCT AL MOBADER LIB PCA2019141 PD201', 260, '2019-04-12 17:57:32.525569+00', '2019-04-12 17:57:32.52611+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (276, '0100320052-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-05-08', '0400060091', 46003.02, 61000.00, 0.00, '20066170 - 5TH DCT EKRAA FORMAL NON FORMAL EDU 10S', 214, '2018-06-01 00:14:01.455293+00', '2018-06-03 00:07:03.307208+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (280, '0100323221-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400061048', 10526.29, 10526.29, 0.00, '30007845 - FINAL REIMB. CIR 2017 PCA', 220, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070467+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.07191+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (355, '0100383285-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-06-12', '0400062231', 56960.00, 56960.00, 0.00, '20135130 - 3RD INSTALLMENT DCT', 271, '2019-06-16 00:24:04.520598+00', '2019-06-22 00:27:44.805812+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (282, '0100323279-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400058453', 124000.00, 124000.00, 0.00, '20069117 - 2ND DCT IEP PEACEBUILDING METHODOLOGY', 217, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070855+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.072276+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (283, '0100323221-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-06-14', '0400061048', 10526.28, 10526.28, 0.00, '30007846 - CIR FINAL REIM PCA 2017', 220, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.071096+00', '2018-06-21 00:17:50.072429+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (285, '0100325219-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400060673', 85905.00, 85905.00, 0.00, '20069685 - 1ST DCT FOR CIR 2018 PCA M AND E', 222, '2018-07-03 00:08:37.075828+00', '2018-07-04 00:09:14.057884+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (286, '0100330818-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062231', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077725 - FIRST DCT', 223, '2018-08-10 00:12:15.280967+00', '2018-08-10 00:12:15.281746+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (279, '0100323299-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-06-19', '0400054407', 50000.00, 50000.00, 0.00, '30007901 - FINAL REIMBUSRSMENT EMDAD AMENDED PCA', 219, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.070242+00', '2018-08-18 00:08:56.560492+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (287, '0100332511-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-08-13', '0400053900', 70350.00, 70350.00, 0.00, '20079342 - THIS THE THIRD PAYMENT FOR ALMOBADR ORG', 224, '2018-08-17 00:06:30.749025+00', '2018-08-28 14:32:49.236159+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (288, '0100333796-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 225, '2018-08-28 14:32:49.210911+00', '2018-09-01 00:18:24.72363+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (291, '0100335123-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-07-09', '0400061636', 132083.00, 132083.00, 0.00, '30009788 - 1ST REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST PART 1 WASH', 226, '2018-09-04 00:34:09.926899+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.720573+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (289, '0100333796-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 225, '2018-08-28 14:32:49.211164+00', '2018-09-01 00:18:24.788497+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (7, '0100226496-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-10-03', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (299, '0100337799-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-16', '0400062233', 42340.00, 42340.00, 0.00, '20086113 - 1ST PAYMENT EDU FUNDING', 232, '2018-09-20 00:11:59.634427+00', '2018-09-20 00:11:59.635332+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (301, '0100339578-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 24736.09, 24736.09, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 233, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.137915+00', '2018-10-11 00:06:50.619481+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (292, '0100335926-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 227, '2018-09-08 00:06:47.735696+00', '2018-09-09 00:06:52.363452+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (293, '0100335926-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080791 - CESVI 2ND CDT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 227, '2018-09-08 00:06:47.735888+00', '2018-09-09 00:06:52.393857+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (294, '0100336999-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062233', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077765 - 1ST PAYMENT EDU FUNDING', 230, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314495+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315919+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (295, '0100336999-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062233', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20077764 - 1ST PAYMENT CP FUNDING', 230, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314701+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.316181+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (296, '0100336998-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-06', '0400062943', 115730.00, 115730.00, 0.00, '20084412 - 1ST DCT TO ALNAHLA RENT EXCLUDED', 228, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.314885+00', '2018-09-15 00:13:30.31638+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (298, '0100336964-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-08-02', '0400062231', 66180.00, 66180.00, 0.00, '20077725 - FIRST DCT', 231, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315313+00', '2018-09-26 11:16:49.56685+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (300, '0100337799-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-16', '0400062233', 13500.00, 13500.00, 0.00, '20086111 - 1ST PAYMENT CP FUNDING', 232, '2018-09-20 00:11:59.634724+00', '2018-09-20 00:11:59.635591+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (303, '0100339513-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-09-19', '0400062943', 36000.00, 36000.00, 0.00, '40020096 - RENT OF TRANSITIONAL CENTER AL NAHLA DI', 234, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.138362+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.755458+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (290, '0100335123-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-07-09', '0400061636', 30000.00, 30000.00, 0.00, '30009790 - 1ST REIMBURSMENT PART 2 CP', 226, '2018-09-04 00:34:09.926631+00', '2018-10-05 00:07:06.630412+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (302, '0100339578-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-08-20', '0400057421', 73266.16, 73266.16, 0.00, '20080789 - CESVI 2ND DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 233, '2018-09-28 00:07:05.13816+00', '2018-10-11 00:06:50.642471+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (304, '0100345676-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-10-24', '0400062543', 24065.00, 24065.00, 0.00, '20095796 - 1ST PAYMENT DCT STACO MURZUK AND TRIPOL', 235, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.670388+00', '2018-10-27 00:07:54.040879+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (307, '0100349621-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-12', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '20100352 - 3RD INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA', 237, '2018-11-14 00:07:44.820641+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.821281+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (305, '0100345676-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-10-24', '0400062543', 75865.98, 75865.98, 0.00, '20095794 - 1ST PAYMENT DCT STACO MURZK AND TRIPOLI', 235, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.670645+00', '2018-10-27 00:07:54.071693+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (309, '0100352138-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102214 - 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081531+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.082053+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (297, '0100337000-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-09-12', '0400059402', 24662.41, 24662.41, 0.00, '20085321 - 2ND INSTALLMENT ALTADAMON AMENDED PD', 229, '2018-09-15 00:13:30.315064+00', '2019-02-28 00:43:20.579746+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (306, '0100348926-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-08', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '30011924 - 2ND INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA', 236, '2018-11-10 00:07:54.727255+00', '2018-11-14 00:07:44.842558+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (310, '0100352138-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20102223 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 238, '2018-11-24 00:07:24.081613+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:24.082153+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (311, '0100355785-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 20275.50, 20275.50, 0.00, '20102214 - 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985285+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.885749+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (312, '0100355785-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 4862.00, 4862.00, 0.00, '20102218 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985539+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.909024+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (313, '0100355785-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-11-19', '0400061636', 24860.10, 24860.10, 0.00, '20102223 - LS 2ND DCT PAYMENT', 239, '2018-12-07 00:14:25.985715+00', '2018-12-08 00:07:36.927477+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (319, '0100360516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-12-17', '0400057421', 87205.00, 87205.00, 0.00, '20110736 - CESVI 3RD DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 243, '2018-12-23 00:14:20.722851+00', '2018-12-23 00:14:20.723505+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (314, '0100357901-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-12-11', '0400058453', 53196.00, 53196.00, 0.00, '20109127 - 3RD DCT TO IEP', 240, '2018-12-13 00:15:24.865739+00', '2018-12-14 00:15:03.273034+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (315, '0100358232-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-11-22', '0400054536', 128359.00, 128359.00, 0.00, '30012420 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 241, '2018-12-14 00:15:03.244058+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.513282+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (320, '0100360744-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-12-26', '0400065826', 53555.00, 53555.00, 0.00, '20111892 - ESSAFA FIRST PAYMENT EUTF PART', 244, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.908901+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.910187+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (316, '0100360380-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 10775.86, 15000.00, 0.00, '20111526 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.619916+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.72805+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (321, '0100360744-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-12-26', '0400065826', 150950.00, 150950.00, 0.00, '20111890 - ESSAFA 1ST PAYMENT', 244, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.909354+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.910689+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (317, '0100360380-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 1483.23, 2064.65, 0.00, '20111518 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.620184+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.768173+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (318, '0100360380-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC180415', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065752', 5916.20, 8235.35, 0.00, '20111519 - SSFA VACCIN CAMP INSAN FCD DCT', 242, '2018-12-22 00:14:39.620439+00', '2018-12-29 00:07:58.796838+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (325, '0100362712-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-01-29', '0400066266', 112554.00, 112554.00, 0.00, '30014429 - DELAYED 2ND 3RD AND 4TH INSTAL REIMB IN', 247, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.09305+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:27.92051+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (322, '0100361337-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170463', 'SM', '', '2019-01-15', '0400060673', 2886.45, 2886.45, 0.00, '30014162 - CIR HQ COSTS REIMBURSEMENT DFID', 245, '2019-01-18 00:15:11.392831+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.173994+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (326, '0100362575-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-24', '0400059402', 99600.00, 99600.00, 0.00, '20113189 - 3RD INSTALLMENT ALTADAMON AMENDED PD', 248, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.09325+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.094079+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (323, '0100361337-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-15', '0400060673', 3126.55, 3126.55, 0.00, '30014157 - CIR HQ COSTS REIMBURSEMENT BMZ', 245, '2019-01-18 00:15:11.393065+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:06.211563+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (324, '0100361643-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-20', '0400066101', 44612.07, 62100.00, 0.00, '30014239 - EKRAA 6TH FINAL INSTALLMENT', 246, '2019-01-22 00:08:06.153167+00', '2019-01-24 00:08:13.543279+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (384, '0100407767-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-29', '0400062233', 12840.00, 12840.00, 12840.00, '30022423 - REIM4TH PAYMENT MULTAKANA CP PART', 294, '2019-11-03 01:50:03.500264+00', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.500264+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (327, '0100362964-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-01-31', '0400059347', 14700.00, 14700.00, 0.00, '30014490 - 4TH INST. AFAQ PSS SEBRATHA REIMB.', 249, '2019-02-03 00:07:59.185335+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:27.941537+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (330, '0100365576-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2019-02-22', '0400059402', 98937.59, 98937.59, 0.00, '20117035 - CFS PART OF 2ND DCT TO ITALIAN GRANT', 252, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.612673+00', '2019-02-27 00:42:41.790896+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (331, '0100365568-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2019-02-22', '0400054461', 46226.00, 46226.00, 0.00, '30015086 - FINAL PAYMENT AL NAHLA REIM JANZOUR', 253, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.612774+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.613276+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (329, '0100364804-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-02-18', '0400061636', 27139.90, 27139.90, 0.00, '30014918 - FINAL PAYMENT TO LS FOR MULTISECTORAL R', 251, '2019-02-20 00:14:07.668024+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.636118+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (332, '0100366506-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-02-19', '0400057421', 91703.75, 91703.75, 0.00, '20116532 - CESVI 4TH DCT PSS REMEDIAL EDU IDPS TAW', 254, '2019-03-03 00:56:17.620873+00', '2019-03-04 00:57:06.671049+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (334, '0100367239-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2019-03-03', '0400062543', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30015332 - STACO Q2 PAYMENT 2 MURZUK SCHOOLS AND J', 256, '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075397+00', '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075879+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (131, '0100257610-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-05-03', '0400046242', 44479.83, 62850.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 101, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (344, '0100375691-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-04-22', '0400062233', 12840.00, 12840.00, 0.00, '20125662 - MULTAKANA Q2 PAYMENT CP PART', 262, '2019-05-02 00:27:26.350869+00', '2019-05-11 00:24:49.468905+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (333, '0100367440-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2019-03-03', '0400062543', 99930.98, 99930.98, 0.00, '30015332 - STACO Q2 PAYMENT 2 MURZUK SCHOOLS AND J', 255, '2019-03-15 14:05:24.075269+00', '2019-04-09 00:14:39.165806+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (278, '0100320965-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-06-04', '0400049921', 21052.57, 21052.57, 0.00, '30007444 - FINAL INST. CIR REIMB', 216, '2018-06-07 00:10:15.971587+00', '2019-04-21 00:18:28.869706+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (341, '0100373650-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/006', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-04-14', '0400062543', 43212.36, 43212.36, 0.00, '20124543 - 2ND PAYMENT TO STACO MURZUK SCHOOLS ED', 261, '2019-04-18 00:30:03.038139+00', '2019-04-18 00:30:03.038629+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (342, '0100373650-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/001/018', 'SM180455', 'SM', '', '2019-04-14', '0400062543', 56718.64, 56718.64, 0.00, '20124544 - 2ND PAYMENT TO STACO MURZUK SCHOOLS CS', 261, '2019-04-18 00:30:03.038264+00', '2019-04-18 00:30:03.038779+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (339, '0100372756-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-04-09', '0400067621', 10437.68, 14497.94, 0.00, '30016376 - REIMB Q4 TOQ6 NFR LIBPCA201714PD201604', 259, '2019-04-12 17:57:32.525689+00', '2019-04-14 00:14:27.513839+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (335, '0100368683-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-03-10', '0400064173', 18100.00, 18100.00, 0.00, '20118851 - Q1 DCT TO EMDAD', 257, '2019-03-19 14:34:03.753429+00', '2019-05-07 01:15:33.071281+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (340, '0100372756-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-04-09', '0400067621', 41074.20, 57052.06, 0.00, '30016375 - REIMB Q4 TOQ6 NFR LIBPCA201714PD201604', 259, '2019-04-12 17:57:32.525807+00', '2019-04-14 00:14:27.552859+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (336, '0100371607-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-04-01', '0400065826', 131584.00, 131584.00, 0.00, '20122526 - ESSFA 2ND DCT BMZ FUNDED', 258, '2019-04-05 00:18:50.273354+00', '2019-04-14 00:14:27.575358+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (337, '0100371607-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-04-01', '0400065826', 18445.00, 18445.00, 0.00, '20122525 - ESSAFA 2ND DCT EU FUNDED', 258, '2019-04-05 00:18:50.273559+00', '2019-04-14 00:14:27.594207+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (343, '0100375691-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-04-22', '0400062233', 19260.00, 19260.00, 0.00, '20125663 - MULTAKANA Q2 PAYMENT EDU PART', 262, '2019-05-02 00:27:26.350641+00', '2019-05-11 00:24:49.437424+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (357, '0100386054-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/001/006', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-06-19', '0400064173', 18100.00, 18100.00, 0.00, '20136310 - Q1 DCT TO EMDAD', 274, '2019-07-05 14:38:08.047696+00', '2019-07-10 00:20:54.717696+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (351, '0100381334-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/005', 'GE180026', 'GE', '', '2019-05-30', '0400068801', 105270.00, 105270.00, 63.00, '20133156 - 3F 1ST DCT EMER MINE RISK EDUCATION RES', 268, '2019-06-04 00:15:35.924244+00', '2019-06-05 00:16:38.767725+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (347, '0100379203-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'GE180026', 'GE', '', '2019-05-09', '0400068277', 35765.38, 50000.00, 0.00, '20128745 - 1ST INST SCOUTS PCA DCT', 265, '2019-05-23 00:16:40.259474+00', '2019-05-24 00:13:58.459071+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (348, '0100379203-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-05-09', '0400068277', 19670.96, 27500.00, 0.00, '20128761 - 1ST INST SCOUTS PCA DCT', 265, '2019-05-23 00:16:40.259612+00', '2019-05-24 00:13:58.487911+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (345, '0100377182-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-05-07', '0400057162', 17821.21, 17821.21, 0.00, '30017251 - FINAL PAYMENT HQ COSTS', 263, '2019-05-11 00:24:49.405864+00', '2019-05-24 00:13:58.503191+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (363, '0100390518-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2019-07-26', '0400067548', 177350.00, 177350.00, 0.00, '20142813 - ALMOBADR 2ND DCT PCA2019141', 278, '2019-07-29 00:21:59.751162+00', '2019-07-29 00:21:59.751474+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (352, '0100382867-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-06-04', '0400057421', 46473.00, 46473.00, 0.00, '20134669 - 5Q DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT CP', 270, '2019-06-14 00:20:05.05768+00', '2019-06-15 00:18:31.216437+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (349, '0100381013-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-05-29', '0400068740', 46050.00, 46050.00, 0.00, '20132833 - AFAQ 1ST DCT LIB PCA2019146', 267, '2019-06-01 00:15:42.572622+00', '2019-06-16 00:24:04.543163+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (281, '0100323278-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-06-14', '0400057162', 130288.33, 130288.33, 0.00, '20069444 - ACTED 2ND DCT', 218, '2018-06-21 00:17:50.07065+00', '2019-06-15 00:18:31.234139+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (354, '0100382867-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-06-04', '0400057421', 41211.90, 41211.90, 0.00, '20133797 - 5QDCT5Q DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT EDU', 270, '2019-06-14 00:20:05.057917+00', '2019-06-15 00:18:31.245322+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (358, '0100385735-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-06-26', '0400065826', 125150.00, 125150.00, 0.00, '20137492 - ESSAFA 3RD DCT EU FUNDED', 273, '2019-07-05 14:38:08.047806+00', '2019-07-05 14:38:08.048303+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (350, '0100381084-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-05-30', '0400068697', 49179.86, 49179.86, 0.00, '20133065 - AL SAFWA DCT LIB SSFA2019148', 266, '2019-06-01 00:15:42.572848+00', '2019-06-16 00:24:04.55349+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (356, '0100385003-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-06-24', '0400068570', 29625.18, 41416.00, 0.00, '20136975 - EKRAA 1ST DCT PCA2019144', 272, '2019-06-26 00:28:37.913954+00', '2019-07-09 00:22:45.786495+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (346, '0100377501-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-05-06', '0400064173', 18100.00, 18100.00, 0.00, '20127727 - Q1 DCT TO EMDAD', 264, '2019-05-14 00:13:41.494437+00', '2019-07-09 00:22:45.833582+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (362, '0100388495-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-07-15', '0400069389', 101055.08, 141275.00, 0.00, '20140376 - BREEZES LIBPCA2019147', 277, '2019-07-18 00:20:17.916908+00', '2019-07-26 00:25:46.224304+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (364, '0100392137-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-07-15', '0400064541', 14300.00, 14300.00, 14300.00, '30019452 - REIMBURSEMENT STACTO Q2 PPM', 279, '2019-08-08 00:23:05.58111+00', '2019-08-21 00:45:18.212512+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (359, '0100387323-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/001/013', 'SC170746', 'SC', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069470', 29050.00, 29050.00, 0.00, '20139428 - LIBYAN SOCIETY 1DCT PCA2019130 BMZ4', 275, '2019-07-11 00:22:30.722777+00', '2019-07-17 00:18:18.449996+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (360, '0100387323-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/001/013', 'SM190240', 'SM', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069470', 40000.00, 40000.00, 0.00, '20139426 - LIBYAN SOCIETY 1ST DCT PCA2019130', 275, '2019-07-11 00:22:30.722884+00', '2019-07-17 00:18:18.464608+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (353, '0100382864-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-06-12', '0400062231', 32708.00, 32708.00, 0.00, '30018499 - 2ND INSTALLMENT REIMBURSEMENT', 269, '2019-06-14 00:20:05.057822+00', '2019-08-28 01:23:52.701389+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (361, '0100387910-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-07-10', '0400059402', 33300.00, 33300.00, 0.00, '30019382 - 4TH INSTALLMENT REIMBURSEMENT ALTADAMON', 276, '2019-07-13 00:16:58.250231+00', '2019-08-08 00:23:05.61032+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (365, '0100392132-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', '', '2019-07-11', '0400064541', 19300.00, 19300.00, 0.00, '30019449 - REIBURSEMENT STACO Q1 PPM', 280, '2019-08-08 00:23:05.581334+00', '2019-09-04 01:27:43.456586+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (368, '0100396827-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-09-04', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20150258 - Q 6 DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT EDU', 283, '2019-09-06 01:21:27.851775+00', '2019-09-25 00:36:04.657061+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (366, '0100396465-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/001/010', 'SM190240', 'SM', '', '2019-09-03', '0400064173', 73280.00, 73280.00, 0.00, '20149917 - Q3 DCT TO EMDAD', 281, '2019-09-05 01:23:04.601328+00', '2019-09-12 00:16:59.048251+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (367, '0100396461-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/001/010', 'SM190240', 'SM', '', '2019-08-21', '0400064173', 18100.00, 18100.00, 0.00, '20149846 - Q2 DCT TO EMDAD', 282, '2019-09-05 01:23:04.601448+00', '2019-09-13 00:22:40.283212+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (369, '0100396827-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-09-04', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20150268 - 6Q DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT CP', 283, '2019-09-06 01:21:27.851896+00', '2019-09-25 00:36:04.670673+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (372, '0100402286-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-03', '0400057421', 89984.65, 89984.65, 0.00, '30021703 - Q 6 DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT CP', 286, '2019-10-08 00:35:11.34291+00', '2019-10-12 00:49:19.142193+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (370, '0100402106-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/005', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-09-22', '0400068801', 98970.00, 98970.00, 98970.00, '20153329 - 3F 2ND DCT EMER MINE RISK EDUCATION RES', 284, '2019-10-06 00:23:49.338871+00', '2019-10-09 00:35:18.20526+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (371, '0100402105-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-09-04', '0400057421', 81728.09, 81728.09, 0.00, '20150258 - Q 6 DCT COST EXTN COST AMNDMENT EDU', 285, '2019-10-06 00:23:49.338993+00', '2019-10-17 01:35:29.17866+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (328, '0100364177-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-01-31', '0400066346', 321230.00, 321230.00, 48874.00, '20113997 - 1ST DCT NRC QUALITY EDU PSS TRIPOLI BEN', 250, '2019-02-15 00:39:11.573702+00', '2019-10-30 01:37:54.799807+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (376, '0100405167-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-10-16', '0400068277', 49116.61, 69500.00, 0.00, '20159292 - PROMOTION OF CHILD PROTECTION AND THE C', 290, '2019-10-24 07:41:15.054617+00', '2019-10-26 00:53:57.617062+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (377, '0100405310-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-10-21', '0400068570', 60494.70, 85600.00, 0.00, '20159565 - EKRAA 2ND DCT PCA2019144', 289, '2019-10-24 07:41:15.054765+00', '2019-10-26 00:53:57.627341+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (378, '0100405955-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-10-22', '0400071267', 65592.00, 65592.00, 0.00, '20159844 - 1 DCT FOR IRC', 291, '2019-10-25 00:21:21.708715+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.708715+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (379, '0100405770-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM180398', 'SM', '', '2019-10-22', '0400071267', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20159840 - 1ST DCT OF IRC', 292, '2019-10-25 00:21:21.70891+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.70891+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (380, '0100405955-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM180398', 'SM', '', '2019-10-22', '0400071267', 100000.00, 100000.00, 0.00, '20159840 - 1ST DCT OF IRC', 291, '2019-10-25 00:21:21.709123+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.709123+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (381, '0100405770-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2019-10-22', '0400071267', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20159844 - 1 DCT FOR IRC', 292, '2019-10-25 00:21:21.70929+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.70929+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (373, '0100402479-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-09-26', '0400068740', 25900.00, 25900.00, 0.00, '20154293 - AFAQ 2ND DCT LIB PCA2019146', 287, '2019-10-09 00:35:18.184536+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.738931+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (385, '0100407767-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-29', '0400062233', 19260.00, 19260.00, 19260.00, '30022424 - 4TH PAYMENT MULTAKANA EDU PART', 294, '2019-11-03 01:50:03.500368+00', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.500368+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (382, '0100406525-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-16', '0400062233', 12840.00, 12840.00, 12840.00, '30022184 - REIM3RD PAYMENT MULTAKANA CP PART', 293, '2019-10-27 00:35:34.236793+00', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.577619+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (374, '0100404612-1', '1', '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-17', '0400071542', 237557.00, 237557.00, 0.00, '20158318 - LIBPCA2019133PD2019102 BAYTI CENTER CP', 288, '2019-10-18 01:45:14.049248+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.782172+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (375, '0100404612-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-17', '0400071542', 167851.00, 167851.00, 0.00, '20158307 - LIBPCA2019133PD2019102 BAYTI CENTER ED', 288, '2019-10-18 01:45:14.049398+00', '2019-10-25 00:21:21.794476+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (383, '0100406525-2', '2', '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2019-10-16', '0400062233', 19260.00, 19260.00, 19260.00, '30022185 - 3RD PAYMENT MULTAKANA EDU PART', 293, '2019-10-27 00:35:34.238995+00', '2019-11-03 01:50:03.591587+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (197, '0100277085-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-09-08', '0400053854', 9520.42, 13023.93, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2019-11-15 00:24:58.105614+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (118, '0100237444-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400043470', 126590.42, 177100.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH LS', 27, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (146, '0100269865-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 4301.08, 6000.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (3, '0100224221-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043523', 4492.00, 4492.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA', 70, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (209, '0100286362-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-10-30', '0400051223', 29999.00, 29999.00, 0.00, '30000877 - REIMB 3RD AND LAST INSTALMENT', 163, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (9, '0100183131-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-11', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT', 11, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (10, '0100238673-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-04', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 2ND DCT', 61, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (14, '0100149136-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028392', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (16, '0100239271-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-06', '0400043469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (18, '0100240648-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400040234', 36594.34, 36594.34, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (19, '0100240648-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400040234', 3.66, 3.66, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT AL NAHLA CP', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (22, '0100240684-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046379', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (23, '0100240684-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046379', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (24, '0100215208-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-07-12', '0400041917', 42735.00, 42735.00, 0.00, '1 DCT IMC LIBYA SSFA', 12, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (25, '0100195805-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-02-18', '0400037893', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY- JAN,MARCH2016', 49, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (27, '0100144878-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2014-12-29', '0400026726', 21727.76, 21727.76, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (29, '0100233918-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-05', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (30, '0100233918-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (32, '0100147917-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-16', '0400027878', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 3, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (33, '0100235028-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2016-11-17', '0400045437', 47925.00, 47925.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR LIBYA HOUSE FOR SC & CULT', 30, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (44, '0100236538-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-24', '0400041454', 182645.00, 182645.00, 0.00, 'CESVI 2ND PAYMENT- CP PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (48, '0100198483-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038547', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (49, '0100212958-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-06-22', '0400041454', 81399.00, 81399.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT CESVI CP PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE', 40, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (4, '0100239901-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400041917', 3690.00, 3690.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH IMC SSFA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (39, '0100239915-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2016-12-08', '0400046242', 1282.00, 1282.00, 0.00, '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (40, '0100239915-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400046242', 58968.00, 58968.00, 0.00, '1 DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (2, '0100215028-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-11', '0400041882', 28258.51, 39025.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION BREEZES', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (5, '0100161369-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-06-08', '0400028276', 25000.00, 34025.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 41, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (8, '0100226496-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-10-03', '0400038475', 54055.76, 74651.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT STACO CP', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (11, '0100150503-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027884', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (12, '0100244493-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-01', '0400043844', 22576.13, 31584.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', 79, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (15, '0100238188-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400041882', 27894.92, 39025.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 39, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (17, '0100224197-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043470', 128426.40, 177100.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WASH LS', 36, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (20, '0100163721-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400031544', 1021.31, 1390.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (26, '0100174137-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-09-10', '0400033507', 18368.85, 25000.00, 0.00, 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', 75, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (28, '0100233918-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400038475', 38400.83, 53722.77, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (31, '0100150507-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400028392', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (34, '0100215334-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-13', '0400041944', 75647.36, 104469.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 58, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (35, '0100161968-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-06-11', '0400031145', 25000.00, 34025.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (36, '0100243970-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2017-01-30', '0400047217', 37204.70, 52049.37, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (37, '0100184782-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-17', '0400035369', 24981.63, 34000.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR OCT 2015', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (38, '0100243970-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-01-30', '0400047217', 6470.07, 9051.63, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (41, '0100161990-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-11', '0400031074', 24246.88, 33000.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (42, '0100198451-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038539', 158265.90, 219040.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (43, '0100198451-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038539', 57803.47, 80000.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (45, '0100191060-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-15', '0400036512', 7183.32, 9776.50, 0.00, 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', 59, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (46, '0100059069-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2013-04-11', '0400011710', 14069.47, 18051.20, 0.00, 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (47, '0100209323-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-05-30', '0400037893', 40323.57, 53711.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', 52, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (50, '0100185729-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-22', '0400033469', 21929.82, 20000.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (51, '0100148069-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-17', '0400027873', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 74, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (248, '0100305569-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-02-28', '0400053215', 26896.00, 26896.00, 0.00, '30004872 - KOUDOURATI SSFA 2ND INST . REIMB BASED', 189, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-30 00:12:40.911692+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (54, '0100248731-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-03-02', '0400048381', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', 91, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (56, '0100245951-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400042935', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (57, '0100245951-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400042935', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (58, '0100173916-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', '', '2015-11-20', '0400033469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (59, '0100173916-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-20', '0400033469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (60, '0100224258-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-09-16', '0400043533', 16900.00, 16900.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT AND ONLY DCT FOR IOCEA', 87, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (63, '0100198483-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-10', '0400038547', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (65, '0100239274-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-06', '0400043469', 149142.50, 149142.50, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH STACO WASH', 19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (66, '0100212258-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-06-17', '0400040587', 120523.00, 120523.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT- HANDICAP INT''L - CP-IDPS & HOST COMMUNITY', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (67, '0100208038-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-05-19', '0400040327', 101738.00, 101738.00, 0.00, 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', 54, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (70, '0100150505-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400027873', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (73, '0100239809-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 19364.82, 19364.82, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (74, '0100239809-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (75, '0100239809-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-12-07', '0400038475', 39390.00, 39390.00, 0.00, 'PSS SERVICES FOR IDPS IN SEBHA , GHAT - STACO', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (76, '0100237458-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040327', 101737.00, 101737.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', 17, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (79, '0100144757-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', '', '2014-12-26', '0400026726', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 63, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (80, '0100180635-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-12', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALLMENT', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (81, '0100180635-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-12', '0400034649', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (82, '0100240700-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400042429', 20485.30, 20485.30, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (83, '0100240700-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-09', '0400042429', 20713.70, 20713.70, 0.00, 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (84, '0100161154-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-06', '0400031074', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 82, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (85, '0100218267-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-08-03', '0400042429', 21422.00, 21422.00, 0.00, '1 DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITRING', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (89, '0100198695-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038547', 84268.50, 84268.50, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (87, '0100218267-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2016-08-03', '0400042429', 21422.00, 21422.00, 0.00, '1 DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITRING', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (90, '0100198695-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038547', 97591.50, 97591.50, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (93, '0100224118-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-09-15', '0400043469', 149142.50, 149142.50, 0.00, '1ST DCT WASH STACO WASH', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (94, '0100237487-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040587', 266826.00, 266826.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT& 2ND DCT HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 57, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (95, '0100148062-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-17', '0400027884', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 90, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (96, '0100240141-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400038609', 43677.60, 43677.60, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT - WASH-HUMANITARIAN ASSISTAN', 76, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (98, '0100247848-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-24', '0400048127', 41636.50, 41636.50, 0.00, '1ST DCT STACO EDUCATION', 89, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (122, '0100252956-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-03-30', '0400049257', 24615.00, 24615.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 94, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (53, '0100191128-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-16', '0400036527', 22354.15, 30424.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (55, '0100217280-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-07-27', '0400037893', 38893.56, 53712.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT LS PCA', 84, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (61, '0100162518-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-17', '0400031281', 13666.42, 18600.00, 0.00, 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (62, '0100237745-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-11-30', '0400041944', 44295.21, 61969.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EDUCATION BOY SCOUTS', 9, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (64, '0100185454-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-19', '0400035498', 19103.60, 26000.00, 0.00, '1ST INSTALLMENT-RIMB', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (68, '0100150505-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027873', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (69, '0100150505-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-06-06', '0400027873', 30000.00, 40830.00, 0.00, 'BSS FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF JBV', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (71, '0100191152-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', '', '2015-12-16', '0400036537', 13250.00, 18033.25, 0.00, 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', 6, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (72, '0100228132-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-10-12', '0400041788', 37020.28, 51125.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT EKRAA EDUCATION SECTION', 83, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (77, '0100189761-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-12-09', '0400035369', 24981.63, 34000.00, 0.00, 'DCT FOR EKRAA ASSEMBY OCT 2015', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (88, '0100150508-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400028394', 17634.09, 24000.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (91, '0100214612-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-07-05', '0400041788', 37020.28, 51125.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT EDUCATION EKRAA', 34, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (97, '0100221173-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-08-24', '0400042935', 47563.97, 65733.40, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- 2ND ESSAFA', 80, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (195, '0100275264-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-08-25', '0400046242', 44532.95, 61500.00, 0.00, '3RD DCT EKRAA NEW PCA', 154, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (99, '0100237451-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-11-29', '0400040327', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT WASH-DRC', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (100, '0100245749-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047643', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR LIBYA NATIONAL WORK', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (256, '0100306500-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', '', '2018-03-07', '0400058453', 36450.00, 36450.00, 0.00, '20052324 - IEP PSOTIVE PEACE W 1ST DCT FEB 18', 196, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (104, '0100234127-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400045301', 18070.57, 18070.57, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (105, '0100234127-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-11-14', '0400045301', 13709.43, 13709.43, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (106, '0100240658-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2016-12-12', '0400046373', 27520.00, 27520.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (108, '0100185729-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', '', '2015-11-22', '0400033469', 23877.19, 21776.00, 0.00, 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (111, '0100149137-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028394', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (114, '0100240658-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2016-12-09', '0400046373', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (115, '0100238212-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400042429', 24992.00, 24992.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (116, '0100238212-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-12-01', '0400042429', 24162.00, 24162.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (13, '0100245978-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-15', '0400047686', 33670.33, 47104.79, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 4RD PAYMENT', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (125, '0100253432-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-04-04', '0400041944', 43670.89, 61969.00, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', 97, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (121, '0100252070-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-03-24', '0400040587', 17431.00, 17431.00, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT HI', 93, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (123, '0100253049-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-03-31', '0400041944', 624.32, 0.00, 0.00, '3RD INSTALEMENT BOY SCOUTS EDU', 95, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (143, '0100266899-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-07-03', '0400052138', 43763.44, 61050.00, 0.00, 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', 112, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (92, '0100240130-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400040327', 9343.00, 9343.00, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (120, '0100240130-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-03-16', '0400040327', 4900.30, 4900.30, 0.00, 'HQ COST REIMBURSEMENT', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (128, '0100254912-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-04-13', '0400049609', 24597.00, 24597.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP', 99, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (126, '0100238212-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-04-13', '0400042429', 9343.00, 9343.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PARTY MONITORING REIMBURSEMENT', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (127, '0100254925-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-04-13', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', 98, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (133, '0100261122-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-24', '0400041454', 71977.00, 71977.00, 0.00, 'CESVI-FINAL DCT-EMERGENCY', 103, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (129, '0100256494-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-04-25', '0400049921', 28529.00, 28529.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', 100, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (130, '0100256494-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-04-25', '0400049921', 48725.00, 48725.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT PCA 3RD MONITORING CIR II', 100, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (132, '0100258088-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-05-05', '0400050265', 4410.00, 4410.00, 0.00, '1ST AND ONLY DCT TUFTS NEW SSFA', 102, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (134, '0100261516-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-26', '0400051021', 31786.00, 31786.00, 0.00, 'REMB MOLTAQANA SSFA', 104, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (6, '0100240167-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', '', '2016-12-08', '0400041454', 101222.00, 101222.00, 0.00, 'THIRD PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (140, '0100262092-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400038475', 55520.17, 78450.00, 0.00, 'STACO-FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT 2017', 109, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (137, '0100262095-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400050266', 83669.00, 83669.00, 0.00, 'STACO-1ST INSTALLMENT-DCT-JUN-AUG 2017-NEW PCA-CP', 108, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (141, '0100262280-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-06-01', '0400051221', 49305.00, 49305.00, 0.00, '1ST AND ONLY DCT EMDAD WASH', 110, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (142, '0100262289-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-06-01', '0400051223', 106072.00, 106072.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (139, '0100262105-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-05-31', '0400046373', 20910.00, 20910.00, 0.00, 'WYEF-2ND AND FINAL PAYMENT-REIMBURSEMENT', 106, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (135, '0100261531-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-27', '0400038547', 47338.29, 66889.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 105, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (158, '0100271978-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041944', 42215.79, 58300.00, 0.00, 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT SCOUTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (145, '0100268790-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-14', '0400041454', 1278.57, 1278.57, 0.00, 'CESVI HQ COST CP', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (102, '0100185455-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', '', '2015-11-19', '0400035498', 19103.60, 26000.00, 0.00, '2ND INSTALLMENT-DCT', 73, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (103, '0100150495-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-03-11', '0400027878', 18933.14, 25768.00, 0.00, 'PSCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 81, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (109, '0100198174-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-08', '0400038475', 57803.47, 80000.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (110, '0100198174-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-03-08', '0400038475', 20368.50, 28190.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (112, '0100160136-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-05-31', '0400030881', 15062.45, 20500.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (113, '0100160136-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', '', '2015-05-31', '0400030881', 20205.73, 27500.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (117, '0100207539-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-05-17', '0400040234', 49204.20, 65540.00, 0.00, 'CP- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07- 1ST DCT', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (119, '0100249797-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-03-10', '0400048668', 31951.39, 44700.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT BREEZES NEW PCA', 92, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (86, '0100245977-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047686', 46985.99, 65733.40, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3RD PAYMENT', 48, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (107, '0100245978-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-02-13', '0400047686', 13315.52, 18628.41, 0.00, 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3RD PAYMENT', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (156, '0100270872-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-28', '0400041788', 64516.13, 90000.00, 0.00, 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (136, '0100261531-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-27', '0400038547', 12951.50, 18298.00, 0.00, 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 105, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (149, '0100269805-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (150, '0100269805-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (151, '0100269805-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (154, '0100269800-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (155, '0100269800-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-20', '0400040234', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (152, '0100269878-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400049921', 32976.00, 32976.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (153, '0100269878-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400049921', 41523.00, 41523.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT PCA-3RD PARTY MONITORING - CIR', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (144, '0100268790-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-14', '0400041454', 24956.43, 24956.43, 0.00, 'CESVI HQ COST CP', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (148, '0100269865-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 35842.29, 50000.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (157, '0100270872-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-28', '0400041788', 8781.36, 12250.00, 0.00, 'EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (160, '0100271968-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041882', 5829.11, 8050.00, 0.00, 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (138, '0100262101-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-05-31', '0400040234', 41946.00, 41946.00, 0.00, 'AL-NAHLA-3RD INSTALMENT- REIMBURSEMENT', 107, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (162, '0100273041-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-08-10', '0400053215', 15781.29, 15781.29, 0.00, '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (163, '0100273041-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-08-10', '0400053215', 7214.71, 7214.71, 0.00, '1ST DCT KADOURATI EDUCATION SSFA', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (159, '0100271978-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041944', 2656.77, 3669.00, 0.00, 'REMB 4TH Q FINAL PAYMENT SCOUTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (124, '0100253491-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-04-04', '0400049370', 94969.00, 94969.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 96, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (196, '0100276070-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-08-30', '0400051223', 59816.00, 59816.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT ESSAFA NEW PCA CP ZAINTAN', 155, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (198, '0100277085-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-09-08', '0400053854', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (199, '0100277323-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2017-09-11', '0400053900', 63050.00, 63050.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT ALMOBADR YOUTH', 157, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (208, '0100283599-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT STACO WASH SABHA UBARI', 162, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (201, '0100280993-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-10-04', '0400054407', 108890.00, 108890.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 158, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (202, '0100280993-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2017-10-04', '0400054407', 40236.00, 40236.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY ORGANIZATION', 158, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (204, '0100281296-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-10-05', '0400054461', 9694.86, 9694.86, 0.00, '1DCT PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 159, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (205, '0100283177-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-10-16', '0400049609', 23856.00, 23856.00, 0.00, '2ND DCT TOPD_WORK PLAN MOP FINAL PAYMENT', 160, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (206, '0100283668-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400054536', 69181.93, 69181.93, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', 161, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (207, '0100283668-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-10-17', '0400054536', 69958.07, 69958.07, 0.00, '1ST DCT ESSAFA SEBHA,BENGHAZI & TRIPOLI', 161, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (210, '0100287886-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-11-08', '0400049370', 176044.00, 176044.00, 0.00, '20032039 - 2ND DCT LS WASH', 165, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (211, '0100287936-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2017-11-13', '0400049921', 74499.00, 74499.00, 0.00, '20034769 - 3RD DCT PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING CIR', 164, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (212, '0100291891-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-11-27', '0400049612', 174728.00, 174728.00, 0.00, '20038896 - 1ST DCT REHABILITATION WASH', 166, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (213, '0100294560-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20040737 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 167, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (214, '0100294560-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20040734 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 167, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (215, '0100297477-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 12469.46, 12469.46, 0.00, '20040737 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 168, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (216, '0100297477-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-01', '0400049612', 64240.54, 64240.54, 0.00, '20040734 - 3RD DCT STACO WASH FINAL PAYMENT', 168, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (217, '0100297478-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043626 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 169, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (218, '0100297478-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 169, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (219, '0100298440-5', '5', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044417 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (220, '0100298440-4', '4', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044415 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (221, '0100298440-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (222, '0100298440-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044413 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (223, '0100298440-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20044411 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 170, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (224, '0100298710-5', '5', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 2358.00, 2358.00, 0.00, '20044417 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (147, '0100269865-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', '', '2017-07-21', '0400040234', 896.06, 1250.00, 0.00, 'ALNAHLA 4TH INSTALMENT REIMBURSEMENT FINAL PAYMENT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (161, '0100271968-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2017-08-03', '0400041882', 50687.91, 70000.00, 0.00, 'BREEZES-3RD-4TH QTR-SUSTAINABLE DEV.-REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (225, '0100298710-4', '4', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 303.83, 303.83, 0.00, '20044415 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (226, '0100298710-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 51596.91, 51596.91, 0.00, '20043624 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (227, '0100298710-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 23691.17, 23691.17, 0.00, '20044413 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (228, '0100298710-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-12', '0400049370', 24446.09, 24446.09, 0.00, '20044411 - 3RD DCT WASH LS FINAL PAYMENT', 171, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (229, '0100299077-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 69029.00, 69029.00, 0.00, '20045059 - 3RD DCT STACO CP FINAL PAYMENT', 173, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (231, '0100299379-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 34217.89, 34217.89, 0.00, '30003657 - 2ND PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT', 174, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (232, '0100299379-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400050266', 30999.11, 30999.11, 0.00, '30003658 - 2ND PAYMENT STACO CP REIMBURSEMENT', 174, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (233, '0100300980-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-01-19', '0400057162', 136900.67, 136900.67, 0.00, '20046775 - 1ST DCT ACTED REACH', 175, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (234, '0100301047-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-18', '0400054407', 140441.29, 140441.29, 0.00, '20046724 - 2ND DCT EMDAD CHARITY 2018', 176, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (235, '0100301047-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2018-01-18', '0400054407', 149208.71, 149208.71, 0.00, '20046723 - 2ND DCT TO EMDAD CHARITY 2018', 176, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (238, '0100301347-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057381', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20047183 - PCA EKRAA 4TH INSTAL EDU AMENDEMENT 1', 178, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (255, '0100305574-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-28', '0400058256', 36206.00, 36206.00, 0.00, '30004873 - STACO 1ST INSTAL PCA SCHOOLS MUSRATA', 191, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (240, '0100301686-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-30', '0400054536', 106254.00, 106254.00, 0.00, '20047617 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 180, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (237, '0100301363-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057358', 41636.00, 41636.00, 0.00, '30004047 - PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2ND ISNT', 177, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (241, '0100303395-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-01-31', '0400057421', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20047888 - CESVI PSS CP EDU ON MOVE 1ST DCT JAN 20', 182, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (242, '0100304368-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', '', '2018-02-16', '0400057421', 103754.00, 103754.00, 0.00, '20049818 - CESVI PSS CP EDU ON MOVE 1ST DCT JAN 20', 183, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (243, '0100304706-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 40439.00, 40439.00, 0.00, '20050005 - 4TH DCT PAY CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (244, '0100304706-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 8559.00, 8559.00, 0.00, '20050001 - 4TH DCT PAYMENT CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (245, '0100304706-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-02-19', '0400049921', 25501.00, 25501.00, 0.00, '20050003 - 4TH DCT PAY CIR', 184, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (247, '0100305209-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-22', '0400049921', 74499.00, 74499.00, 0.00, '20050606 - CHANGE OF FS, 3RD DCT PCA 3RD PARTY MON', 186, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (262, '0100310387-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400054461', 56084.00, 56084.00, 0.00, '30005815 - 2ND REIMBURSMENT FOR PCA,LIBYA,CP,2017,', 201, '2018-04-09 17:30:55.790948+00', '2018-04-09 17:30:55.798418+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (249, '0100305752-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-01', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004910 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 188, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (251, '0100305676-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-23', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004729 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 190, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (259, '0100308207-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-19', '0400058673', 67333.00, 67333.00, 0.00, '30005339 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 198, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886748+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.894147+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (254, '0100305705-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-01', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004910 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 193, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1, '0100195994-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-02-18', '0400037893', 28379.87, 38625.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (236, '0100301345-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057386', 48800.00, 48800.00, 0.00, '20047202 - PCA LIBYA RED CRESCENT 1ST DCT', 179, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-06-14 00:06:53.030589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (21, '0100163721-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', '', '2015-06-30', '0400031544', 28978.69, 39440.00, 0.00, 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (52, '0100198698-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', '', '2016-03-11', '0400038609', 38724.71, 53595.00, 0.00, 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-1ST DCT', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (78, '0100225908-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-09-28', '0400043844', 22903.55, 31584.00, 0.00, '1ST DCT LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (101, '0100204389-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', '', '2016-04-25', '0400039822', 50000.00, 66600.00, 0.00, 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', 86, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (230, '0100299032-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2017-12-18', '0400048668', 35595.67, 49300.00, 0.00, '20044997 - 2ND DCT BREEZES EDUCATION 2017', 172, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (239, '0100301762-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-01-24', '0400057381', 45491.17, 62100.00, 0.00, '20047183 - PCA EKRAA 4TH INSTAL EDU AMENDEMENT 1', 181, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (246, '0100304868-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-02-23', '0400057358', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004729 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 185, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (250, '0100306056-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400057358', 41636.00, 41636.00, 0.00, '30004970 - CHANGE OF FS, PCA STACO REIMBURSEMENT 2', 194, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (253, '0100305788-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', '', '2018-02-28', '0400053900', 89600.00, 89600.00, 0.00, '20051392 - AL MOBADR 2ND DCT', 192, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:58.520088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (257, '0100306461-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-08', '0400049257', 4601.10, 4601.10, 0.00, '20052427 - CHANGE OF FS,1ST DCT LIBYA WOMEN UNION', 195, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:35.333738+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (252, '0100305991-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-05', '0400058304', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '30004964 - EMERGENCY WASH ASSITANCE TAWARGHA RETUR', 187, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:35.393401+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (260, '0100308207-2', '2', '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', '', '2018-03-19', '0400058673', 6753.51, 6753.51, 0.00, '30005340 - PCA,LIBYA,WASH,2018,02, 1ST REIMBURSEME', 198, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886876+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.894655+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (258, '0100307587-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-15', '0400054536', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20053517 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 197, '2018-03-18 00:09:57.944438+00', '2018-03-22 00:09:02.916317+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (264, '0100311326-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-09', '0400059347', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20056918 - 1ST DCT AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS IN S', 202, '2018-04-16 13:11:12.68483+00', '2018-04-16 13:11:12.692776+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (261, '0100308369-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-03-15', '0400054536', 93896.00, 93896.00, 0.00, '20053517 - ESSAFA PSY SUPPORT IDPS SEBHA BENGHAZI', 199, '2018-03-22 00:09:02.886996+00', '2018-03-24 00:09:42.886988+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (266, '0100312150-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-13', '0400059402', 53500.00, 53500.00, 0.00, '20057694 - PROVISION COMM BASED REINTEGRATION SERV', 204, '2018-04-18 00:25:47.288737+00', '2018-04-27 00:07:11.070496+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (265, '0100311443-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-09', '0400059347', 26300.00, 26300.00, 0.00, '20056918 - 1ST DCT AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS IN S', 203, '2018-04-16 13:11:12.685151+00', '2018-05-11 00:18:27.391537+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (263, '0100310385-1', '1', '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', '', '2018-04-04', '0400054461', 53084.00, 53084.00, 0.00, '20056199 - 3RD DCT FOR PCA LIBYA,CP,2017,13, AL NA', 200, '2018-04-09 17:30:55.791109+00', '2018-05-25 00:13:10.292861+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (200, '0100277085-3', '3', '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', '', '2017-09-18', '0400053854', 41253.07, 56434.19, 0.00, '1ST DCT LAYD EDUCATION 2017', 156, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.441255+00', '2019-11-15 00:24:58.126363+00');
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (17, '2500233211', '0400048381', '2017-03-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', '2017-03-02', '2017-06-02', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (19, '2500220006', '0400040236', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'X', '2016-05-10', '2016-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (32, '2500232640', '0400046379', '2016-12-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'XX', '2016-12-09', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (38, '2500232253', '0400040235', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'X', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (126, '2500232253', '0400058304', '2018-03-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'X', '2018-02-27', '2018-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-16 00:11:37.237666+00', 0.00, 0.00, 67333.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (141, '2500231352', '0400064541', '2018-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR STACO PD (PPM)', '2018-10-25', '2019-10-25', 19300.00, 77, 127200.00, 0.00, 127200.00, '2018-11-09 00:08:10.945534+00', '2019-09-04 01:26:38.588572+00', 19300.00, 0.00, 127200.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (128, '2500232253', '0400058673', '2018-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA REIMB.', '2018-02-27', '2018-03-31', 121937.00, NULL, 121937.00, 0.00, 121937.00, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.160038+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:18.315805+00', 121937.00, 0.00, 121937.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (8, '2500232144', '0400031240', '2015-06-12', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '2015-05-28', '2015-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 13666.42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.323841+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18600.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (35, '2500233196', '0400035369', '2015-11-17', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'EKRAA SSFA OCT NOV 2015', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-21', 49963.26, NULL, 49963.26, 0.00, 49963.26, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.300201+00', 68000.00, 0.00, 68000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (24, '2500231382', '0400031651', '2015-06-29', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '2015-06-01', '2015-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 30000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.405522+00', 0.00, 0.00, 40830.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (48, '2500231382', '0400032326', '2015-07-27', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT FOR GBV', '2015-07-25', '2015-09-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 22.04, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.483865+00', 0.00, 0.00, 30.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (45, '2500220005', '0400036527', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', '2015-03-31', '2015-12-21', 22354.15, NULL, 22354.15, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.393585+00', 30424.00, 0.00, 30424.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (20, '2500233196', '0400040231', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'EDUCATION- -EKRAA - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/08', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 153528.53, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.861525+00', 0.00, 0.00, 204500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (22, '2500233211', '0400040232', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'EDUCATION - BREEZES - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/09', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 117192.19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.884609+00', 0.00, 0.00, 156100.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (46, '2500235018', '0400040589', '2016-05-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', '2016-05-24', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 463478.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.990961+00', 0.00, 0.00, 463478.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (118, '2500231352', '0400056168', '2017-12-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', '3TRD PAYMENT TO STACO/WASH PCA', '2017-12-01', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 48701.89, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:20.204746+00', 0.00, 0.00, 48701.89, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (122, '2500235018', '0400057397', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CESVI CP&EDU. PSY SUPPORT REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', '2018-01-24', '2018-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:20.347693+00', 0.00, 0.00, 230291.84, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (36, '2500231802', '0400031074', '2015-06-06', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', '2015-06-01', '2015-08-31', 24246.88, NULL, 24246.88, 0.00, 24246.88, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.223227+00', 33000.00, 0.00, 33000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (31, '2500220005', '0400036512', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', '2015-12-15', '2015-12-21', 7183.32, NULL, 7183.32, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.352395+00', 9776.50, 0.00, 9776.50, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (27, '2500232307', '0400033507', '2015-09-09', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', '2015-06-16', '2015-07-31', 18368.85, NULL, 18368.85, 0.00, 18368.85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.335731+00', 25000.00, 0.00, 25000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (113, '2500236901', '0400054407', '2017-10-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA EMDAD', '2017-10-03', '2018-02-28', 488776.00, 62, 488776.00, 0.00, 488776.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-08-18 00:08:49.874717+00', 488776.00, 0.00, 488776.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (138, '2500231352', '0400062543', '2018-08-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR STACO PD (2 MURZUK SCHOOLS REHABLITATION)', '2018-08-14', '2019-06-30', 199861.98, 74, 199861.98, 99931.00, 299792.96, '2018-08-28 13:46:29.130926+00', '2019-04-20 00:15:17.497433+00', 199861.98, 99931.00, 299792.96, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (7, '2500220006', '0400038547', '2016-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '2016-03-07', '2017-02-06', 145247.59, NULL, 145247.59, 0.00, 242230.46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.587755+00', 0.00, 0.00, 242230.46, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (6, '2500234284', '0400039822', '2016-04-25', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', '2016-02-26', '2016-06-30', 50045.05, NULL, 50045.05, 0.00, 50000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.628536+00', 66660.00, 0.00, 66600.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (42, '2500234748', '0400040327', '2016-05-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'WASH-DRC-PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERG.WASH SERVI', '2016-05-12', '2016-12-31', 217718.30, NULL, 217718.30, 0.00, 222619.60, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.721641+00', 217718.30, 0.00, 222619.60, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (47, '2500234793', '0400040587', '2016-05-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', '2016-05-24', '2016-12-31', 404780.00, NULL, 404780.00, 0.00, 404780.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.745331+00', 404780.00, 0.00, 404780.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (49, '2500235121', '0400041917', '2016-07-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA IMC LIBYA', '2016-07-12', '2016-12-31', 46425.00, NULL, 46425.00, 0.00, 46425.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.84915+00', 46425.00, 0.00, 46425.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (11, '2500217970', '0400043523', '2016-09-16', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA SIGNED ON 16/09/2016', '2016-09-16', '2016-12-16', 4492.00, NULL, 4492.00, 0.00, 4492.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.969643+00', 4492.00, 0.00, 4492.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (52, '2500232307', '0400043533', '2016-09-16', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA IOCEA SIGNED 31.08.2016', '2016-09-16', '2016-12-16', 50700.00, NULL, 50700.00, 0.00, 16900.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.992133+00', 50700.00, 0.00, 16900.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (5, '2500235813', '0400045301', '2016-11-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', '2016-11-14', '2016-12-31', 63560.00, NULL, 63560.00, 0.00, 31780.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.032929+00', 63560.00, 0.00, 31780.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (41, '2500235936', '0400045437', '2016-11-17', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE 8.11.16', '2016-11-17', '2017-04-17', 95850.00, NULL, 95850.00, 0.00, 47925.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.052468+00', 95850.00, 0.00, 47925.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (67, '2500236520', '0400049257', '2017-03-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', '2017-03-30', '2018-03-31', 24615.00, 17, 24615.00, 0.00, 29216.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.192324+00', 24615.00, 0.00, 29216.10, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (68, '2500232253', '0400049370', '2017-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', '2017-04-04', '2017-12-31', 658316.00, 68, 658316.00, 0.00, 373409.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.217637+00', 658316.00, 0.00, 373409.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (78, '2500237271', '0400053215', '2017-08-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', '2017-08-10', '2017-12-31', 49892.00, 57, 49892.00, 0.00, 49892.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.449127+00', 49892.00, 0.00, 49892.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (120, '2500231352', '0400057358', '2018-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', '2018-01-23', '2018-07-31', 41632.50, NULL, 41632.50, 0.00, 83272.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.630395+00', 41632.50, 0.00, 83272.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (127, '2500231352', '0400058256', '2018-02-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'STACO PCA TECH ASSESS 10 SCHOOLS MUSRATA 1ST INST.', '2018-02-28', '2018-03-31', 36206.00, 64, 36206.00, 0.00, 36206.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.72421+00', 36206.00, 0.00, 36206.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (55, '2500233211', '0400034649', '2015-10-26', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFSA WITH NASIM', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (39, '2500231351', '0400027878', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:40.49181+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (139, '2500231802', '0400062943', '2018-09-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ALAHLA PD (TRANSITIONAL CENTRE JANZOUR) -2018 ONLY', '2018-09-06', '2019-09-06', 151730.00, 81, 223970.00, 0.00, 223970.00, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.558328+00', '2019-09-06 01:20:31.911738+00', 151730.00, 0.00, 223970.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (146, '2500235600', '0400066266', '2019-01-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LAYD FINAL PAYMENT PCA LIBYA EDU 2017 02', '2017-10-01', '2018-12-31', 112554.00, NULL, 112554.00, 0.00, 112554.00, '2019-02-01 00:08:12.983577+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:24.828771+00', 112554.00, 0.00, 112554.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (62, '2500220006', '0400038608', '2016-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', '2016-03-07', '2017-02-06', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (66, '2500232253', '0400049246', '2017-03-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE IN BENGHAZI', '2017-04-01', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 16:56:59.466036+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (44, '2500233196', '0400046242', '2016-12-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', '2016-12-07', '2017-05-07', 132502.45, 78, 132502.45, 0.00, 264331.67, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.071921+00', 184600.00, 0.00, 369800.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (60, '2300044770', '0400032253', '2015-07-23', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES', '2015-07-23', '2015-08-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 44085.23, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.458103+00', 0.00, 0.00, 60000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (142, '2500236521', '0400049609', '2017-04-13', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', '2017-04-13', '2017-12-13', 48453.00, NULL, 48453.00, 0.00, 48453.00, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.19546+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.456663+00', 48453.00, 0.00, 48453.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (134, '2500232640', '0400061048', '2018-06-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CIR PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING 2017 FINAL REIM', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', 21052.57, NULL, 21052.57, 0.00, 21052.57, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.716504+00', '2018-06-21 00:09:35.259123+00', 21052.57, 0.00, 21052.57, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (114, '2500231802', '0400054461', '2017-10-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', '2017-10-05', '2018-10-04', 277475.00, 66, 277475.00, 0.00, 489171.14, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.648036+00', 277475.00, 0.00, 489171.14, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (149, '2500233211', '0400067621', '2019-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES Q4 TO Q6 REIMB', '2017-11-01', '2018-07-31', 51511.88, NULL, 51511.88, 0.00, 51511.88, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.095301+00', '2019-04-14 00:13:57.525193+00', 71550.00, 0.00, 71550.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (57, '2500220005', '0400026726', '2014-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', '2014-12-13', '2015-03-31', 19950.00, NULL, 19950.00, 0.00, 21727.76, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.252757+00', 19950.00, 0.00, 21727.76, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (115, '2500231382', '0400054536', '2017-10-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', '2017-10-05', '2018-10-31', 467649.00, 67, 467649.00, 0.00, 467649.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.269056+00', 467649.00, 0.00, 467649.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (145, '2500233196', '0400066101', '2019-01-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1 6THINST', '2019-01-20', '2019-02-28', 44612.07, NULL, 44612.07, 0.00, 44612.07, '2019-01-22 00:08:05.845099+00', '2019-01-24 00:08:13.424343+00', 62100.00, 0.00, 62100.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (152, '2500240059', '0400068697', '2019-05-28', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'AL SAFWA LIB/SSFA2019148', '2019-05-20', '2019-10-20', 49179.86, 93, 49179.86, 49179.86, 49179.86, '2019-05-30 00:15:01.865438+00', '2019-06-20 00:28:24.119302+00', 49179.86, 49179.86, 49179.86, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (137, '2500238760', '0400062231', '2018-08-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR NOORALHAYAT PD', '2018-04-01', '2019-10-27', 155848.00, 75, 182908.00, 56960.00, 182908.00, '2018-08-10 00:06:31.143338+00', '2019-08-28 01:22:51.915314+00', 155848.00, 56960.00, 182908.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (30, '2500220005', '0400031145', '2015-06-09', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '2015-04-01', '2015-12-31', 11183.69, 13, 11183.69, 0.00, 25000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.244593+00', 15221.00, 0.00, 34025.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (156, '2500232253', '0400069470', '2019-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR LIBYAN SOCIETY PD (WASH RESPONSE TO IDPS/CO', '2019-07-03', '2019-12-31', 69050.00, 101, 118050.00, 0.00, 118050.00, '2019-07-05 14:37:05.255131+00', '2019-11-02 01:45:36.800964+00', 69050.00, 0.00, 118050.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (61, '2500220006', '0400038609', '2016-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-ACTED PCA', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-31', 38726.16, NULL, 38726.16, 0.00, 89420.02, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.608358+00', 0.00, 0.00, 123757.31, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (18, '2500231802', '0400040234', '2016-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', '2016-05-10', '2016-12-31', 193508.45, 19, 193508.45, 0.00, 177442.06, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.695973+00', 0.00, 0.00, 236352.82, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (15, '2500235018', '0400041454', '2016-06-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', '2016-06-22', '2016-12-31', 463478.00, NULL, 463478.00, 0.00, 464756.57, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.766563+00', 463478.00, 0.00, 464756.57, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (56, '2500233211', '0400041882', '2016-07-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', '2016-07-11', '2017-01-11', 112670.45, 15, 112670.45, 0.00, 119478.64, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.811618+00', 156100.00, 0.00, 165000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (37, '2500220005', '0400041944', '2016-07-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', '2016-07-13', '2017-01-12', 208486.02, 13, 208486.02, 0.00, 213109.34, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.866316+00', 290376.00, 0.00, 294304.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (13, '2500235600', '0400043844', '2016-09-28', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFA LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH SIGNED 31.08.16', '2016-09-28', '2016-12-28', 45446.51, 11, 45446.51, 0.00, 45807.11, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.014331+00', 63168.00, 0.00, 63168.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (64, '2500236102', '0400046373', '2016-12-09', 'SSFA', 'USD', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', '2016-12-09', '2017-03-09', 48430.00, NULL, 48430.00, 0.00, 48800.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.091323+00', 48430.00, 0.00, 48800.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (2, '2500220006', '0400047217', '2017-01-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-31', 43674.77, NULL, 43674.77, 0.00, 43674.77, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.11019+00', 61101.00, 0.00, 61101.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (16, '2500231382', '0400047686', '2017-02-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PSS SER GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA 3RD 4TH PAYMENTS', '2016-01-22', '2017-01-23', 93971.84, NULL, 93971.84, 0.00, 93971.84, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.132304+00', 131466.60, 0.00, 131466.60, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (58, '2500231352', '0400048127', '2017-02-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO EDUCATION TAWARGHA CITY', '2017-02-24', '2017-05-24', 41636.50, 7, 41636.50, 0.00, 41636.50, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.151691+00', 41636.50, 0.00, 41636.50, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (65, '2500233211', '0400048668', '2017-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', '2017-03-10', '2018-03-31', 67547.06, 14, 67547.06, 0.00, 67190.85, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.168662+00', 94000.00, 0.00, 94000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (69, '2500231352', '0400049612', '2017-04-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', '2017-04-13', '2017-12-13', 426166.00, 16, 426166.00, 0.00, 600894.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.255826+00', 426166.00, 0.00, 600894.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (71, '2500232640', '0400049921', '2017-04-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', '2017-04-25', '2017-12-31', 300751.00, 6, 300751.00, 0.00, 396303.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-04-21 00:17:49.918269+00', 300751.00, 0.00, 396303.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (73, '2500217970', '0400050265', '2017-05-05', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'NEW SSFA TUFTS', '2017-05-05', '2017-08-05', 4410.00, NULL, 4410.00, 0.00, 4410.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.317282+00', 4410.00, 0.00, 4410.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (72, '2500231352', '0400050266', '2017-05-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', '2017-05-05', '2017-12-31', 217915.00, 7, 217915.00, 0.00, 217915.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.336107+00', 217915.00, 0.00, 217915.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (74, '2500236298', '0400051021', '2017-05-26', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA MOLTAQANA', '2017-05-26', '2017-06-09', 31786.00, 20, 31786.00, 0.00, 31786.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.361163+00', 31786.00, 0.00, 31786.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (76, '2500236901', '0400051221', '2017-06-01', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA EMDAD SIRTE', '2017-06-01', '2017-12-01', 49305.00, 9, 49305.00, 0.00, 49305.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.394232+00', 49305.00, 0.00, 49305.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (53, '2500232640', '0400042429', '2016-08-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CIR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF UNICEF IPS', '2016-08-01', '2016-12-31', 133197.00, NULL, 133197.00, 0.00, 142540.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.889729+00', 133197.00, 0.00, 142540.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (40, '2500220005', '0400031985', '2015-07-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PEER EDUCATORS PROJECT ON HIV/AIDS', '2015-08-01', '2015-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12490.82, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-03-15 19:09:18.4293+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (153, '2500238136', '0400068740', '2019-05-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'AFAQ LIB/PCA2019146', '2019-05-20', '2020-05-20', 71950.00, 94, 118250.00, 25900.00, 118250.00, '2019-05-31 00:14:26.92748+00', '2019-10-27 00:33:58.726468+00', 71950.00, 25900.00, 118250.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (43, '2500231382', '0400027873', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 50000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.060433+00', 0.00, 0.00, 50000.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (148, '2500237369', '0400067548', '2019-04-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ALMOBADER- PCA-LIB/PCA019141/PD201989', '2019-04-02', '2019-07-31', 520835.00, 89, 520835.00, 324750.00, 520835.00, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.105268+00', '2019-08-02 00:26:48.795598+00', 520835.00, 324750.00, 520835.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (119, '2500220006', '0400057162', '2018-01-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA ACTED KEY CHALL/STRATEGIES MIGRANT CHILDREN', '2017-12-29', '2018-06-28', 285010.21, 59, 285010.21, 0.00, 289405.95, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-15 00:17:50.214266+00', 285010.21, 0.00, 289405.95, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (26, '2500220005', '0400030881', '2015-05-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', '2015-04-01', '2015-12-31', 34927.26, 13, 34927.26, 0.00, 35268.19, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.200336+00', 47536.00, 0.00, 48000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (50, '2500231382', '0400031544', '2015-06-24', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', '2015-06-24', '2015-08-30', 30000.00, NULL, 30000.00, 0.00, 30000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.290297+00', 40830.00, 0.00, 43390.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (54, '2500232253', '0400037893', '2016-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR CHARITY WORKS', '2016-01-22', '2016-07-31', 107097.22, NULL, 107097.22, 0.00, 107309.33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.485942+00', 146048.00, 0.00, 146048.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (10, '2500231352', '0400038475', '2016-03-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', '2016-03-01', '2017-02-01', 248819.91, 5, 248819.91, 0.00, 287805.70, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.521215+00', 0.00, 0.00, 398323.09, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (33, '2500231382', '0400038539', '2016-03-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '2016-02-24', '2017-01-24', 76366.37, NULL, 76366.37, 0.00, 216069.36, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.563747+00', 101720.00, 0.00, 299040.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (28, '2500233196', '0400041788', '2016-07-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', '2016-07-05', '2017-01-05', 146834.94, 3, 146834.94, 0.00, 151539.46, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.787562+00', 204500.00, 0.00, 209276.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (51, '2500231382', '0400042935', '2016-08-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', '2016-02-24', '2017-01-24', 47563.97, 2, 47563.97, 0.00, 142691.90, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.909631+00', 65733.40, 0.00, 197200.20, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1, '2500231352', '0400043469', '2016-09-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA SCHOOLS IN SABHA WASH', '2016-09-14', '2016-12-14', 596570.00, 5, 596570.00, 0.00, 298285.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.930417+00', 596570.00, 0.00, 298285.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (9, '2500232253', '0400043470', '2016-09-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA LS WASH BENGHAZI', '2016-09-14', '2016-12-14', 255016.82, 8, 255016.82, 0.00, 256852.79, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.949507+00', 354200.00, 0.00, 354200.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (75, '2500231382', '0400051223', '2017-06-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'NEW PCA ESSAFA AL ZAINTAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CP', '2017-06-01', '2018-02-01', 195887.00, NULL, 195887.00, 0.00, 195887.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.41285+00', 195887.00, 0.00, 195887.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (77, '2500237096', '0400052138', '2017-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', '2017-07-03', '2017-10-03', 43763.44, 10, 43763.44, 0.00, 43763.44, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:37.431607+00', 61050.00, 0.00, 61050.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (121, '2500233196', '0400057381', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1', '2018-01-24', '2018-04-30', 45491.17, 58, 45491.17, 0.00, 45491.17, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:18.287664+00', 62100.00, 0.00, 62100.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (29, '2500232640', '0400033469', '2015-09-09', 'SSFA', 'EUR', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR ( 3RD PARTY MONITRING)', '2015-07-29', '2016-02-20', 45807.01, NULL, 45807.01, 0.00, 46992.13, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-05-03 15:33:36.31222+00', 41776.00, 0.00, 41776.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (111, '2500235600', '0400053854', '2017-09-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', '2017-09-08', '2018-03-30', 50775.48, NULL, 50775.48, 0.00, 153523.33, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-10 00:08:00.993456+00', 68750.00, 0.00, 210019.92, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (116, '2300059510', '0400011710', '2013-04-11', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', '2013-04-11', '2013-05-15', 14069.42, NULL, 14069.42, 0.00, 14069.47, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.234942+00', 18037.00, 0.00, 18051.20, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (34, '2500232253', '0400031281', '2015-06-15', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', '2015-05-28', '2015-06-30', 13666.42, NULL, 13666.42, 0.00, 13666.42, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.278735+00', 18600.00, 0.00, 18600.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (130, '2500238342', '0400059402', '2018-04-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN MUNICIPA', '2018-04-11', '2019-04-10', 310000.00, 69, 310000.00, 0.00, 408937.59, '2018-04-16 12:52:35.380817+00', '2019-08-08 00:21:41.961472+00', 310000.00, 0.00, 408937.59, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (133, '2500232640', '0400060673', '2018-05-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CIR PCA 3RD PARTY MONITORING SUPPORT UNICEF', '2018-05-31', '2018-11-30', 91918.00, 72, 91918.00, 0.00, 91918.00, '2018-06-02 00:06:10.890699+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:05.892894+00', 91918.00, 0.00, 91918.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (112, '2500237369', '0400053900', '2017-09-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA ALMOBADR ORGANIZATION YOUTH', '2017-09-11', '2018-07-24', 223000.00, 56, 223000.00, 0.00, 223000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-12-17 20:28:35.711235+00', 223000.00, 0.00, 223000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (14, '2500233211', '0400035498', '2015-11-19', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'BREEZES DEVELOP-OCT-NOV 2015-SSFA', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-31', 38207.20, NULL, 38207.20, 0.00, 38207.20, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.329541+00', 52000.00, 0.00, 52000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (23, '2500220005', '0400036537', '2015-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', '2015-03-31', '2015-12-21', 13250.00, NULL, 13250.00, 0.00, 68465.10, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2018-10-21 00:07:14.417845+00', 18033.25, 0.00, 18033.25, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (131, '2500233196', '0400060091', '2018-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'PCA EKRAA EDU 2016/08 AMENDMENT 1 5TH INST', '2018-05-08', '2018-08-31', 45018.45, NULL, 45018.45, 0.00, 46003.02, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.261653+00', '2019-01-01 00:07:49.773792+00', 61000.00, 0.00, 61000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (132, '2500233211', '0400060532', '2018-05-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BENGHAZI', '2017-01-30', '2018-07-31', 16937.27, NULL, 16937.27, 0.00, 17307.69, '2018-05-27 00:12:27.67338+00', '2018-12-20 16:43:51.295547+00', 22950.00, 0.00, 22950.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (123, '2500238097', '0400057386', '2018-01-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT C DERNA', '2018-01-24', '2018-04-20', 48800.00, 61, 48800.00, 0.00, 133800.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-01-13 00:08:17.558426+00', 48800.00, 0.00, 133800.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (129, '2500238136', '0400059347', '2018-04-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AFAQ SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU/2017/19', '2018-04-09', '2018-12-31', 70400.00, 70, 70400.00, 0.00, 70400.00, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.065895+00', '2019-02-12 00:15:24.46802+00', 70400.00, 0.00, 70400.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (125, '2500238223', '0400058453', '2018-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'IEP POSITIVE PEACE WORKSHOP PCA FEB 18 TO JAN 19', '2018-02-27', '2018-12-31', 213646.00, 60, 213646.00, 0.00, 213646.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-09-18 00:25:38.606458+00', 213646.00, 0.00, 213646.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (135, '2500232253', '0400061636', '2018-07-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', '2018-07-10', '2018-12-31', 239220.50, 73, 239220.50, 0.00, 239220.50, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.034458+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.436954+00', 239220.50, 0.00, 239220.50, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (158, '2500240795', '0400071267', '2019-10-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'STRENGTHENING GENDER BASED VIOLENCE AND CHILD PROT', '2019-10-02', '2020-09-30', 0.00, 103, 523565.00, 0.00, 689157.00, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.714494+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.336436+00', 0.00, 0.00, 689157.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (117, '2500231350', '0400027884', '2015-02-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-10', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, NULL, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.397942+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (21, '2500220005', '0400028276', '2015-02-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', '2015-03-01', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 25000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.495993+00', 0.00, 0.00, 25000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (3, '2500231352', '0400028392', '2015-02-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-25', '2015-06-30', 18933.14, 5, 18933.14, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.518389+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (157, '2500233211', '0400069389', '2019-06-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'BREEZES LIB/PCA2019147', '2019-06-24', '2020-06-24', 101055.08, 92, 210753.66, 101055.08, 211695.28, '2019-07-05 14:37:05.255235+00', '2019-11-03 01:48:21.984793+00', 141275.00, 141275.00, 295950.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (143, '2500239733', '0400065752', '2018-12-20', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', '2018-12-02', '2019-01-05', 18175.29, NULL, 18175.29, 0.00, 18175.29, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.651693+00', '2019-08-08 00:21:42.022141+00', 25300.00, 0.00, 25300.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (140, '2500236901', '0400064173', '2018-10-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR EMDAD CHAIRTY SOCIETY - HEB DIST. 2018 ONLY', '2018-09-20', '2019-09-20', 109480.00, 76, 109480.00, 73280.00, 163780.00, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.437903+00', '2019-10-03 00:24:37.281334+00', 109480.00, 73280.00, 163780.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (151, '2500233196', '0400068570', '2019-05-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'EKRAA- LIB/PCA2019144', '2019-05-20', '2020-04-30', 90119.88, 90, 214256.12, 60494.70, 214256.12, '2019-05-24 00:13:21.367665+00', '2019-10-28 00:54:01.530431+00', 0.00, 0.00, 214256.12, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (4, '2500230439', '0400028394', '2015-02-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '2015-02-25', '2015-06-30', 17634.09, NULL, 17634.09, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.538378+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (25, '2500233211', '0400035096', '2015-11-10', 'SSFA', 'LYD', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM OCT NOV 2015', '2015-09-08', '2015-12-21', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.560896+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (63, '2500211394', '0400047643', '2017-02-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR NATIONAL®IONAL WORK', '2017-02-12', '2017-05-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 19968.80, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-06-08 00:12:41.587673+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3511.20, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (155, '2500235018', '0400068873', '2019-06-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'LIB/PCA201716 CESVI PSS& REMED EDU FOR CHIL IDP''S', '2018-04-01', '2019-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 87684.90, '2019-06-06 00:12:51.936162+00', '2019-06-12 00:15:24.560906+00', 0.00, 0.00, 87684.90, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (154, '2500240179', '0400068801', '2019-05-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FREE FIELDS FOUNDATIONLIB/PCA2019149', '2019-05-21', '2020-05-20', 105207.00, 95, 361180.00, 105207.00, 361180.00, '2019-06-02 00:17:08.986126+00', '2019-06-06 00:12:52.183005+00', 105207.00, 105207.00, 361180.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (147, '2500233986', '0400066346', '2019-01-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'NRC ACCESS QTY ADU PSS FOR CONFLICT AFF TRIPLI BEN', '2019-01-06', '2019-12-06', 321230.00, 87, 1185854.00, 0.00, 1136980.00, '2019-02-02 00:08:17.021162+00', '2019-10-30 01:36:42.409516+00', 321230.00, 0.00, 1136980.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (144, '2500231382', '0400065826', '2018-12-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR ESSAFA PD 2018 PART FOR DCT #1', '2018-12-26', '2019-09-30', 479684.00, 85, 602834.00, 0.00, 602834.00, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.096437+00', '2019-10-27 00:33:58.490373+00', 479684.00, 0.00, 602834.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (124, '2500235018', '0400057421', '2018-01-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA CESVI CP&EDU. PSY SUPPORT REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', '2018-01-25', '2018-12-31', 640062.64, 65, 652082.63, 81728.09, 652082.63, '2018-03-15 16:56:58.838778+00', '2019-11-12 15:16:55.325917+00', 640062.64, 81728.09, 652082.63, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (150, '2500240112', '0400068277', '2019-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'LYD', 'SCOUTS PCA 2580/A0/03/882/001/002', '2019-04-01', '2019-12-31', 104552.95, 100, 104552.95, 49116.61, 105150.21, '2019-05-11 00:11:40.202325+00', '2019-11-03 01:48:21.96982+00', 147000.00, 69500.00, 147000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (159, '2500235018', '0400071542', '2019-10-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CESVI BAYTI REFLIB/PCA2019133/PD2019102', '2019-10-16', '2020-06-01', 405408.00, NULL, 405408.00, 405408.00, 405408.00, '2019-10-17 01:34:19.135093+00', '2019-11-12 15:16:55.339173+00', 405408.00, 405408.00, 405408.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (136, '2500236298', '0400062233', '2018-08-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR FOR MULTAKANA (CHILD EDUCATION ON THE MOVE)', '2018-08-02', '2019-11-30', 87940.00, 80, 152140.00, 0.00, 152140.00, '2018-08-10 00:06:31.143201+00', '2019-10-31 01:40:12.663411+00', 87940.00, 0.00, 152140.00, false, false, false);
+-- Data for Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (234, '0400061048-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 10526.29, 10526.29, '2018-06-14', 'FINAL INST', 134, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.783719+00', '2018-06-16 00:10:27.784636+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (178, '0400027884-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-10', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 117, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.616486+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (27, '0400027878-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-10', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 39, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.744296+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (216, '0400059347-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 26300.00, 26300.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 1ST DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155678+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.968665+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (17, '0400031240-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 13666.42, 18600.00, '2015-06-12', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 8, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.143471+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (18, '0400047217-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 37204.70, 52049.37, '2017-01-30', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.183308+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (28, '0400033469-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 22497.19, 20000.00, '2015-11-20', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.305101+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (21, '0400040232-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 117192.19, 156100.00, '2016-05-10', 'EDUCATION - BREEZES - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/09', 22, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.35002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (23, '0400040231-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 153528.53, 204500.00, '2016-05-10', 'EDUCATION- -EKRAA - PCA/LIBYA/EDU/2016/08', 20, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.386702+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (30, '0400031145-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 25000.00, 34025.00, '2015-06-09', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 30, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.455327+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (31, '0400031985-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', 12490.82, 17000.00, '2015-08-01', 'PEER EDUCATORS PROJECT ON HIV/AIDS', 40, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.537234+00', 'UNAIDS', 'U99928');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (32, '0400035498-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 19103.60, 26000.00, '2015-11-19', '1ST INSTALLMENT-RIMB', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.559775+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (35, '0400046379-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', 'X', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.584287+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (44, '0400039822-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 50000.00, 66600.00, '2016-04-26', 'PSS PROJECT IN SIRTE, BENINA, DERNA AND AJDABYAH', 6, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.634817+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (51, '0400033507-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 18368.85, 25000.00, '2015-09-10', 'DETENTION CENTERS ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING', 27, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.679787+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (36, '0400043533-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 16900.00, 16900.00, '2016-09-16', 'SSFA IOCEA SIGNED 31.08.2016', 52, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.698334+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (120, '0400051223-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 195887.00, 195887.00, '2017-06-01', 'NEW PCA ESSAFA AL ZAINTAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AREAS', 75, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.739053+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (38, '0400027873-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.829107+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (3, '0400026726-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', 21727.76, 21727.76, '2014-12-13', 'BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDS OF LIBYA', 57, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.903019+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (45, '0400043523-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 4492.00, 4492.00, '2016-09-16', 'TUFTS UNIVERSITY SSFA SIGNED ON 16/09/2016', 11, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.98544+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (10, '0400045437-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 47925.00, 47925.00, '2016-11-17', 'SSFA LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE 8.11.16', 41, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.015488+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (4, '0400040236-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-05-10', 'X', 19, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.099421+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (14, '0400041454-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 366544.57, 366544.57, '2016-06-22', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.122989+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (22, '0400048381-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-03-02', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 17, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.162876+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (54, '0400041917-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 46425.00, 46425.00, '2016-07-12', '1 DCT IMC LIBYA SSFA', 49, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.23085+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (168, '0400053900-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', 223000.00, 223000.00, '2017-09-11', 'PCA ALMOBADR ORGANIZATION YOUTH', 112, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.271944+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (59, '0400045301-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 13709.43, 13709.43, '2016-11-14', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.436136+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (64, '0400028392-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-25', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 3, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.69161+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (8, '0400034649-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-12', '2ND INSTALLMENT', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.975408+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (11, '0400041788-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-05', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.994954+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (34, '0400046379-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', 'X', 32, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.029241+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (37, '0400027873-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 30000.00, 30000.00, '2015-06-06', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN VICTIMS OF JBV', 43, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.081654+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (39, '0400045301-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 18070.57, 18070.57, '2016-11-14', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP AND PSS SERVICES - ARIAF', 5, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.110166+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (46, '0400047643-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', 'SC160349', 'SC', 3511.20, 3511.20, '2017-02-13', 'TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PAR LIBYA NATIONAL WORK', 63, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.127279+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (47, '0400038608-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.145834+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (50, '0400040235-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-06-13', 'X', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.165393+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (57, '0400035096-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-11', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM - NOV 2015', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.204882+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (128, '0400041882-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 53558.84, 76000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.223951+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (19, '0400047217-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 6470.07, 9051.63, '2017-01-30', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWRGHA-ACTED HQ COST', 2, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.246937+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (132, '0400053215-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 15781.29, 15781.29, '2017-08-10', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.26471+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (33, '0400035498-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 19103.60, 26000.00, '2015-11-19', '2ND INSTALLMENT-DCT', 14, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.33765+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (212, '0400049257-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 4601.10, 4601.10, '2018-03-08', 'CHANGE OF FUNDING SOU-SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.309273+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (7, '0400038475-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 39392.43, 55110.00, '2016-12-07', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.941354+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (235, '0400061048-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 10526.28, 10526.28, '2018-06-14', 'FINAL INST', 134, '2018-06-16 00:10:27.783991+00', '2018-06-16 00:10:27.784909+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (257, '0400049609-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 48453.00, 48453.00, '2017-04-18', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', 142, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.279387+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.279937+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (258, '0400049609-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-04-13', 'SSFA TOPD WORK PLAN WITH MOP LIBYA', 142, '2018-11-22 00:07:15.27951+00', '2018-11-22 00:07:15.280054+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (63, '0400030881-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 15062.45, 20500.00, '2015-05-31', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.779841+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (177, '0400011710-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC110738', 'SC', 14069.47, 18051.20, '2013-04-11', 'SSFA WITH MAG FOR CAPACITY BUILDING (MRE)', 116, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.857484+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (48, '0400041882-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 59404.71, 80000.00, '2016-07-11', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.881527+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (85, '0400028394-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 20000.00, 20000.00, '2015-02-25', 'PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT', 4, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.944728+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (86, '0400040587-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 387349.00, 387349.00, '2016-05-24', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.96618+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (93, '0400042429-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 21422.00, 21422.00, '2016-08-01', '1ST INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.034582+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (102, '0400049257-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-03-30', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.143467+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (101, '0400049246-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-04-01', 'EMERGENCY WASH ASSISTANCE IN BENGHAZI', 66, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.183432+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (180, '0400056168-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 48701.89, 48701.89, '2017-12-01', '3TRD PAYMENT TO STACO/WASH PCA', 118, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.295887+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (115, '0400050265-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 4410.00, 4410.00, '2017-05-05', 'NEW SSFA TUFTS', 73, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.415967+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (118, '0400051021-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 31786.00, 31786.00, '2017-05-26', 'SSFA MOLTAQANA', 74, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.458208+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (121, '0400051221-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 49305.00, 49305.00, '2017-06-01', 'SSFA EMDAD SIRTE', 76, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.477572+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (12, '0400041788-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 140876.02, 194276.00, '2016-12-05', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.554309+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (133, '0400053215-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 7214.71, 7214.71, '2017-08-10', 'SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.659744+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (165, '0400053854-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.741369+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (67, '0400048127-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 41636.50, 41636.50, '2017-02-24', 'PCA STACO EDUCATION TAWARGHA CITY', 58, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.764228+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (170, '0400054407-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 189444.71, 189444.71, '2017-10-03', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.785789+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (105, '0400049612-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 349456.00, 349456.00, '2017-04-13', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.826512+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (74, '0400043844-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 45807.11, 63168.00, '2016-09-28', 'SSFA LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH SIGNED 31.08.16', 13, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.864761+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (75, '0400037893-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 108409.89, 146048.00, '2016-02-18', 'PCA- LIBYAN SOCIETY- JAN,MARCH2016', 54, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.883334+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (55, '0400031544-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 1021.31, 1390.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.355855+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (217, '0400059347-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 2ND DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155812+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.374388+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (65, '0400030881-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 20205.73, 27500.00, '2015-05-31', 'COMMUNITY BASE SCYCO SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCOUTS', 26, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.400316+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (79, '0400040589-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 96933.43, 96933.43, '2016-05-24', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.457828+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (89, '0400033469-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', 'SC149906', 'SC', 24494.94, 21776.00, '2015-11-20', 'ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR CIR', 29, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.478687+00', 'Global - Child Protection', 'T49955');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (90, '0400042429-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 21422.00, 21422.00, '2016-08-01', '1ST INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.498606+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (103, '0400049257-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 24615.00, 24615.00, '2017-03-31', 'SSFA LBYA WOMEN UNION SIRTE', 67, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.525164+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (100, '0400040587-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 17431.00, 17431.00, '2017-03-24', 'CP-LIFESAVING ADEQUATE, APPROPRIATE & INCLU. SERVI', 47, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.545968+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (99, '0400040327-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 4900.30, 4900.30, '2016-03-16', 'PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERGENCY WASH SERVICE', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.564818+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (109, '0400049612-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 174728.00, 174728.00, '2017-04-24', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.602342+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (117, '0400050266-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 30999.11, 30999.11, '2017-05-05', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.622+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (97, '0400048668-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 344.20, 0.00, '2017-03-10', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.644956+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (171, '0400054407-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 108890.00, 108890.00, '2017-10-03', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.66592+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (127, '0400041788-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 10570.82, 15000.00, '2017-07-27', 'PCA- EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT', 28, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.447553+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (119, '0400038547-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 13032.00, 13032.00, '2017-05-27', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.514094+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (111, '0400049921-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 100000.00, 100000.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.578333+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (95, '0400042429-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 24162.00, 24162.00, '2016-08-01', '2ND INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.010547+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (113, '0400049921-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170115', 'SM', 32976.00, 32976.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.179973+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (114, '0400049921-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 61492.00, 61492.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.265202+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (94, '0400042429-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160114', 'SM', 20485.30, 20485.30, '2016-12-09', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.429628+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (193, '0400057397-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 12391.62, 12391.62, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (274, '0400067548-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 343485.00, 343485.00, '2019-04-04', 'ALMOBADER 1ST DCT', 148, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.181368+00', '2019-04-04 00:18:03.18193+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (230, '0400060532-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 17307.69, 22950.00, '2018-05-25', '3RD DCT BREEZES PCA LIBYA ED 2016 25 BENGHAZI', 132, '2018-05-27 00:12:27.753005+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.305466+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (220, '0400059402-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 53500.00, 53500.00, '2018-04-11', '1ST DCT-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-16 12:52:35.468422+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.359349+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (227, '0400060091-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 46003.02, 61000.00, '2018-05-08', 'PCA EKRAA 5TH DCT MAY 2018', 131, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.40026+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.420065+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (2, '0400038547-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 84268.61, 84268.61, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.660815+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (9, '0400034649-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-12', '1ST INSTALLMENT', 55, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.69048+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (88, '0400035369-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 24981.63, 34000.00, '2015-11-17', 'EKRAA REMBUR OCT 2015', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.713586+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (98, '0400048668-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 66376.09, 94000.00, '2017-03-10', 'PCA BREEZES FORMAL AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION', 65, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.771645+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (81, '0400040234-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 98219.48, 124815.00, '2016-05-10', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.825155+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (26, '0400041944-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 167981.73, 230376.00, '2016-07-13', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.928474+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (209, '0400058453-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 36450.00, 36450.00, '2018-03-07', '1ST INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.10588+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (194, '0400057421-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 177020.16, 177020.16, '2018-01-25', 'CESVI REMEDIAL EDU IDP&REF', 124, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.164054+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (200, '0400057358-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 41636.00, 41636.00, '2018-01-23', 'PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.234192+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (198, '0400057381-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-24', 'PCA EKRAA 4TH TRANCHE PAY. JAN 2018', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.258898+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (196, '0400057397-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-30', 'HQ COSTS REIMB. CP', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.282442+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (78, '0400047686-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 80656.32, 112838.19, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3,4 PAYMENT', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.935456+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (173, '0400054461-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 9694.86, 9694.86, '2017-10-05', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.957441+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (77, '0400047686-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 13315.52, 18628.41, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS 3,4 PAYMENT', 16, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.684123+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (83, '0400042935-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 80000.14, 110560.20, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.705334+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1, '0400038547-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 144929.85, 144929.85, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 7, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.723835+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (179, '0400049370-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-11-07', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.764424+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (188, '0400057162-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 130288.33, 130288.33, '2018-01-16', '2ND DCT TO ACTED(REACH)', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.801807+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (195, '0400057421-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 203644.84, 203644.84, '2018-01-25', 'CESVI CPPSY SUPPORT', 124, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.820622+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (176, '0400054536-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 69958.07, 69958.07, '2017-10-31', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.837866+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (205, '0400057358-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 41636.00, 41636.00, '2018-02-23', 'CFS-PCA WITH STACO 2ND INSTAL. REIMBURSEMENT', 120, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.855704+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (214, '0400058673-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 47850.49, 47850.49, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 2ND REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.361121+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.285152+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (219, '0400059347-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 3RD DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCHOOLS EDU', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155976+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.328668+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (228, '0400057386-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2018-05-23', 'CFS PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSS 1ST INST', 123, '2018-05-25 00:06:48.14256+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.347776+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (174, '0400054536-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 106254.00, 106254.00, '2018-01-30', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.656666+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (187, '0400054407-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 140441.29, 140441.29, '2017-12-22', 'PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.678545+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (181, '0400049612-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 64240.54, 64240.54, '2017-12-04', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.7437+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (221, '0400059402-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 99600.00, 99600.00, '2018-04-17', '3RD DCT-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279236+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.877608+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (226, '0400057381-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-05-08', '.', 121, '2018-05-11 00:10:18.400014+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.901458+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (224, '0400054461-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 165470.14, 165470.14, '2018-04-30', 'CFS - PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-05-02 00:05:42.862726+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.922125+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (229, '0400057386-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 36200.00, 36200.00, '2018-05-24', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT 2ND INST', 123, '2018-05-26 00:09:09.597036+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.036312+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (185, '0400049370-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 23691.17, 23691.17, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.057623+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (218, '0400059347-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 14700.00, 14700.00, '2018-04-09', 'AFAQ 4TH INST. REIMB DCT SABRATHA RESPONSE PSS SCH', 129, '2018-04-12 00:13:06.155895+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.154287+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (126, '0400040234-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 36183.30, 51127.00, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.242854+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (186, '0400049370-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 303.83, 303.83, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.301549+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (203, '0400049921-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', 74499.00, 74499.00, '2018-02-22', '3RD PAY CA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.341002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (184, '0400049370-6', 6, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 2358.00, 2358.00, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.360891+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (236, '0400054461-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 51491.00, 51491.00, '2018-06-28', 'PCA/LIBYA/CP/2017/13-AL NAHLA GANZOUR AMEN', 114, '2018-06-30 00:08:19.538887+00', '2018-06-30 00:08:19.5393+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (237, '0400061636-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 136945.00, 136945.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.09503+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095702+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (56, '0400031544-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 30859.66, 42000.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 50, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.284363+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (42, '0400031281-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 13666.42, 18600.00, '2015-06-16', 'REIMBURSEMENT OF THE WASH INTERVENTION EXPENSES', 34, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.327146+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (25, '0400036537-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC140026', 'SC', 13250.00, 18033.25, '2015-12-16', 'TANSPORTATION EXPENSES OF 53 SCOUTS LIBYA-ZARZIS', 23, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.377706+00', 'UNAIDS', 'U99928');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (20, '0400036527-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 22354.15, 30424.00, '2015-12-16', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR SCOUTS', 45, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.398805+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (70, '0400038608-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-03-18', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP-PSS SERVICES BENGHZI-ACTED PCA', 62, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.52104+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (60, '0400046373-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-12-09', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.593928+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (49, '0400028276-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 25000.00, 25000.00, '2015-03-01', 'BOY SCOUTS AND GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA: PCA WITH SCOU', 21, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.800341+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (41, '0400043469-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 298285.00, 298285.00, '2016-09-14', 'PCA SCHOOLS IN SABHA WASH', 1, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.844841+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (72, '0400031651-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150007', 'SM', 28978.69, 39440.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.030612+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (210, '0400058304-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 67333.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-02', 'X', 126, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.084863+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (206, '0400058256-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 36206.00, 36206.00, '2018-02-28', '1ST INST. REIM STACO 2018 PCA', 127, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.079675+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (191, '0400057386-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2018-01-24', 'PCA LIBYAN RED CRESCENT CP PSYCH SUPPORT 1ST INST', 123, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.315171+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (190, '0400057162-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 136900.67, 136900.67, '2018-01-16', '1ST DCT TO ACTED(REACH)', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.3731+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (122, '0400052138-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 43763.44, 61050.00, '2017-07-03', 'DCT:SAFE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION - CHILDREN VISION', 77, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.397459+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (82, '0400042935-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 47563.97, 65733.40, '2016-08-24', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- 2ND ESSAFA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.496737+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (76, '0400043470-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 256852.79, 354200.00, '2016-09-14', 'PCA LS WASH BENGHAZI', 9, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.516917+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (104, '0400049370-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM170115', 'SM', 322609.91, 322609.91, '2017-04-04', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.635099+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (13, '0400041454-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 96933.43, 96933.43, '2016-06-22', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.873555+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (16, '0400038539-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 158265.90, 219040.00, '2016-03-18', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.907054+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (71, '0400031651-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 1021.31, 1390.00, '2015-06-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 24, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.966417+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (110, '0400049921-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160532', 'SM', 98807.00, 98807.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.998316+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (87, '0400035369-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 24981.63, 34000.00, '2015-11-20', 'EKRAA DCT NOV 2015', 35, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.031068+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (131, '0400041944-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 42283.30, 60000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.053697+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (207, '0400058453-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 124000.00, 124000.00, '2018-03-07', '2ND INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.084532+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (201, '0400057381-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 45491.17, 62100.00, '2018-01-29', 'PCA EKRAA 4TH TRANCHE PAY. JAN 2018', 121, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.133698+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (222, '0400059402-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 123600.00, 123600.00, '2018-04-17', '2ND REIM-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279807+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.160372+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (192, '0400057386-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-01-24', 'CFS', 123, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.197411+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (91, '0400042429-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 24992.00, 24992.00, '2016-08-01', '2ND INSTL THIRD PARTY MONITORING', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.369477+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (84, '0400042935-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 15127.79, 20906.60, '2017-02-15', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 51, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.538697+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (189, '0400057162-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 22216.95, 22216.95, '2018-01-16', 'REIMBURSMENT HQ COSTS', 119, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.558658+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (208, '0400058453-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', 'SC180012', 'SC', 53196.00, 53196.00, '2018-03-07', '3RD INST. DCT IEP POSITIVE PEACE', 125, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.621636+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (211, '0400053215-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 26896.00, 26896.00, '2018-02-28', 'CFS SSFA KOUDOURATI EDUCATION', 78, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.71934+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (183, '0400049370-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 24446.09, 24446.09, '2017-12-14', 'PCA LIBYAN SOCIETY WASH BENGHAZI', 68, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.781714+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (182, '0400049612-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160114', 'SM', 12469.46, 12469.46, '2017-12-04', 'PCA STACO WASH SABHA AND UBARI', 69, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.961709+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (204, '0400054407-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 50000.00, 50000.00, '2018-02-23', 'REIM. FINAL PCA EMDAD', 113, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.98859+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (125, '0400040234-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170101', 'SM', 2186.83, 3090.00, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.076103+00', 'SIDA - Sweden', 'G41102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (225, '0400054461-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 50819.00, 50819.00, '2018-04-30', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-05-02 00:05:42.862867+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.132801+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (169, '0400053854-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SC170366', 'SC', 41253.07, 56434.20, '2017-09-18', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.216756+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (96, '0400042429-5', 5, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 20713.70, 20713.70, '2016-12-09', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.282819+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (107, '0400042429-7', 7, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 9343.00, 9343.00, '2017-04-13', 'FINAL PAYMENT FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING OF IPS', 53, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.453378+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (197, '0400057397-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 203644.84, 203644.84, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (199, '0400057397-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 14255.38, 14255.38, '2018-01-24', '', 122, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.072466+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (263, '0400065826-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 53555.00, 53555.00, '2018-12-26', 'PAYMENT 1 - EUTF PART', 144, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.177438+00', '2018-12-28 00:08:02.178309+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (247, '0400062943-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 115730.00, 115730.00, '2018-09-06', '1ST PAYMENT DCT TO ALNAHLA', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812406+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.628476+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (256, '0400061636-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 20275.50, 20275.50, '2018-11-11', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-11-10 00:07:54.869507+00', '2018-11-24 00:07:23.293256+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (259, '0400065752-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 10775.86, 15000.00, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722406+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723027+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (249, '0400062543-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 75865.98, 75865.98, '2018-10-15', 'FIRST PAYMENT DCT - EDU PART', 138, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539482+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.540493+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (265, '0400066101-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 44612.07, 62100.00, '2019-01-22', 'EKRAA 6TH INSTALLMENT', 145, '2019-01-22 00:08:05.959107+00', '2019-01-22 00:08:05.959674+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (69, '0400040235-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 0.00, 0.00, '2016-05-10', 'X', 38, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.181486+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (231, '0400060673-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC180415', 'SC', 85905.00, 85905.00, '2018-05-31', '1ST DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITORING CAPACITY BUILDING', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088717+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.218339+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (116, '0400050266-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170114', 'SM', 186915.89, 186915.89, '2017-05-05', 'PCA STACO CP SEBHA AND UBARI', 72, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.240055+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (80, '0400040589-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160162', 'SM', 366544.57, 366544.57, '2016-05-24', 'CP-PSYCHO. EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RECRE. ACTIVITIE', 46, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.259685+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (215, '0400058673-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 67333.00, 67333.00, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 1ST REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.361209+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:52.565249+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (175, '0400054536-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 69181.93, 69181.93, '2017-10-31', 'ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.00414+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (53, '0400036512-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 7183.32, 9776.50, '2015-12-16', 'CLEARANCE TRANSPORT OF 8 CONTAINERS SCHOOL-IN BOX', 31, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.055435+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (15, '0400038539-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 57803.47, 80000.00, '2016-03-10', 'PROVISION PSS SERVICES FOR GBV VICTIMS- ESSAFA PCA', 33, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.124012+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (43, '0400031074-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 24246.88, 33000.00, '2015-06-06', 'BSS FOR CHILDREN AFFECTED BY ARMED CONFLICT', 36, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.602485+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (58, '0400032326-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 22.04, 30.00, '2015-08-03', 'GBV SUPPORT', 48, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.716766+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (61, '0400046242-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 263049.61, 368006.40, '2016-12-07', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.757956+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (40, '0400035096-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', 'SC149905', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2015-11-11', 'REIMBURSEMENT FOR NASSIEM - OCT 2015', 25, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:53.922269+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (172, '0400054461-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 165470.14, 165470.14, '2017-10-05', 'PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.056911+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (112, '0400049921-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM160274', 'SM', 28529.00, 28529.00, '2017-04-25', 'PCA THIRD PARTY MONITORING CIR II', 71, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.33802+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (275, '0400067548-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/005/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 177350.00, 177350.00, '2019-06-05', 'ALMOBADER 2ND DCT', 148, '2019-04-04 00:18:03.181482+00', '2019-04-04 00:18:03.182085+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (73, '0400032253-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM149910', 'SM', 44085.23, 60000.00, '2015-07-30', 'PSS FOR GBV VICTIMS', 60, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.84579+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (68, '0400040327-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM160161', 'SM', 217719.30, 217719.30, '2016-05-12', 'PROVISION OF LIFE SAVING EMERGENCY WASH SERVICE', 42, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:54.914754+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (52, '0400046373-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 48800.00, 48800.00, '2016-12-12', '1ST DCT WOMEN & YOUTH EMPOWERMENT', 64, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.186463+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (213, '0400058673-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM160274', 'SM', 6753.51, 6753.51, '2018-03-14', 'LS WASH ASSISTANCE TAWARGHA PCA 1ST REIMB.', 128, '2018-03-16 00:11:37.360991+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.431278+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (92, '0400040234-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 36596.15, 51198.00, '2016-11-24', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.745537+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (62, '0400046242-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', 'SC149905', 'SC', 1282.06, 1793.60, '2016-12-08', 'PCA EKRAA EDUCATION/NEW PCA FORMAL EDUCATION', 44, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:55.947218+00', 'Global - Education', 'T49954');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (297, '0400069470-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/001/013', 'SC170746', 'SC', 78050.00, 78050.00, '2019-10-01', 'LS - WASH RESPONSE BMZ4 FUND', 156, '2019-07-05 14:37:05.331317+00', '2019-07-05 14:37:05.332059+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (246, '0400062943-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 36000.00, 36000.00, '2018-09-06', '1ST PAYMENT DP TO ALNAHLA FOR RENT', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812288+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.782214+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (238, '0400061636-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 30000.00, 30000.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.09514+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095833+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (123, '0400041454-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 1278.57, 1278.57, '2017-07-14', 'CESVI CP-PSYCHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE RECRE ACTIVITY', 15, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.407002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (129, '0400041882-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 6342.50, 9000.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BREEZERS LIBYA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT', 56, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.428924+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (239, '0400061636-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 52000.00, 52000.00, '2018-07-10', 'LS LIB/PCA201711/PD201873 EMERGENCY RESPONSE DERNA', 135, '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095224+00', '2018-07-12 00:08:55.095943+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (130, '0400041944-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', 'SM150579', 'SM', 2768.14, 3928.00, '2017-08-03', 'PCA- BOY SCOUTS & GIRLS GUIDE OF LIBYA', 37, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:56.848889+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (223, '0400059402-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 33300.00, 33300.00, '2018-04-17', '4TH REIM-PCA/LIBYA/CP/2018/04-ALTADAMON, AL ZINTAN', 130, '2018-04-19 00:17:01.279916+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:57.19955+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (250, '0400062543-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 24065.00, 24065.00, '2018-10-15', 'FIRST PAYMENT DCT - WASH PART', 138, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539773+00', '2018-10-26 00:08:25.540777+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (248, '0400062943-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 72240.00, 72240.00, '2018-12-06', '2ND PAYMENT DCT TO ALNAHLA', 139, '2018-09-09 00:06:50.812486+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.85769+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (253, '0400064541-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - EDUCATION CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033462+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.912881+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (243, '0400062233-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 13500.00, 13500.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT CP PART', 136, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336498+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:42.337886+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (244, '0400062233-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 42340.00, 42340.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT EDU PART', 136, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336808+00', '2018-08-10 00:06:42.338071+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (282, '0400064173-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/001/006', 'SM189910', 'SM', 18100.00, 18100.00, '2019-05-30', 'EMDAD FR FOR PAYMENT 1REPROCESSING', 140, '2019-05-08 01:14:18.28529+00', '2019-07-05 14:37:05.373161+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (285, '0400068570-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 122877.71, 122877.71, '2019-05-22', 'EKRAA 3-4 DCTS BMZ4', 151, '2019-05-24 00:13:27.711734+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.237576+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (288, '0400068740-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', 54750.00, 54750.00, '2019-05-29', 'AFAQ CASH TRANSFER CP', 153, '2019-05-31 00:14:27.010944+00', '2019-05-31 00:14:27.011415+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (289, '0400068740-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 63500.00, 63500.00, '2019-05-29', 'AFAQ CASH TRANSFER EDU', 153, '2019-05-31 00:14:27.011074+00', '2019-05-31 00:14:27.011535+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (320, '0400062233-8', 8, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 19260.00, 19260.00, '2019-10-30', '4TH PAYMENT MULTAKANA EDU PART', 136, '2019-10-31 01:40:12.568516+00', '2019-10-31 01:40:12.568516+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (262, '0400060673-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170463', 'SM', 2886.45, 2886.45, '2018-12-23', '3RD INSTAL CIR REIMB PART 2', 133, '2018-12-25 00:07:42.389612+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.390252+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (266, '0400066266-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 112554.00, 112554.00, '2019-01-29', '2ND 3RD AND 4TH INSTAL. LAYD', 146, '2019-02-01 00:08:13.108222+00', '2019-02-01 00:08:13.10855+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (268, '0400065826-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 125150.00, 125150.00, '2019-06-30', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 3 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.291578+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292977+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (311, '0400066346-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 758750.00, 758750.00, '2019-10-07', 'NRC FR EU MIG 653,750', 147, '2019-10-09 00:34:10.430176+00', '2019-10-09 00:34:10.430176+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (233, '0400060673-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SC160349', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2018-05-31', '2ND DCT CIR 3RD PARTY MONITORING CAPACITY BUILDING', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088905+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.462827+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (202, '0400054536-4', 4, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 222255.00, 222255.00, '2018-10-31', 'AMEND ESSAFA- PSS IN TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, SEBHA', 115, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2018-11-01 00:07:28.134034+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (269, '0400065826-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170316', 'SC', 18445.00, 18445.00, '2019-03-31', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 2 - EUTF', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.291852+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293221+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (278, '0400062543-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/881/001/018', 'SM180455', 'SM', 56718.64, 56718.64, '2019-03-31', 'O 2ND PAYMENT CSDMURZUK SCHOOLS', 138, '2019-04-16 00:13:38.255668+00', '2019-04-16 00:13:38.256278+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (279, '0400062543-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/881/002/006', 'SC170316', 'SC', 43212.36, 43212.36, '2019-03-31', 'STACO 2ND PAYMENT EDU - MURZUK SCHOOLS', 138, '2019-04-16 00:13:38.25586+00', '2019-04-16 00:13:38.256413+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (270, '0400065826-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 131584.00, 131584.00, '2019-03-31', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 2 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292054+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293361+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (260, '0400065752-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', 'SC180415', 'SC', 5916.20, 8235.35, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722515+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723148+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (261, '0400065752-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 1483.23, 2064.65, '2018-12-21', 'DCT SSFA FOR INSAN', 143, '2018-12-22 00:07:38.722597+00', '2018-12-22 00:07:38.723238+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (313, '0400071542-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 237557.00, 237557.00, '2019-10-17', 'Q1 DCT- OCT TO DEC 2019 - CP', 159, '2019-10-17 01:34:19.207099+00', '2019-10-17 01:34:19.207099+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (271, '0400065826-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170746', 'SC', 123150.00, 123150.00, '2019-09-30', 'ESSAFA PAYMENT 4 - BMZ4', 144, '2019-02-20 00:07:20.292237+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.293497+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (252, '0400064541-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - WASH CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033319+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.582021+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (241, '0400062231-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 66180.00, 66180.00, '2018-08-02', '1ST PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336317+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.60931+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (251, '0400064173-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 36200.00, 36200.00, '2018-11-01', 'EMDAD - FR AMOUNT FOR PD', 140, '2018-10-26 00:08:25.539954+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.647921+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (272, '0400054461-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', 46226.00, 46226.00, '2019-02-22', 'FINAL PAY PCA AL NAHLA GANZOUR 2017', 114, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.496428+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.497293+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (232, '0400060673-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 3126.55, 3126.55, '2018-05-31', '3RD INSTAL CIR REIMB PART 1', 133, '2018-06-02 00:06:11.088825+00', '2018-12-25 00:07:42.524893+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (273, '0400059402-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SC170366', 'SC', 98937.59, 98937.59, '2019-02-22', 'CFS 98937.59$ FROM2ND DCT', 130, '2019-02-24 00:15:04.496652+00', '2019-02-24 00:15:04.497542+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (280, '0400062233-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 12840.00, 12840.00, '2019-04-30', '2ND PAYMENT MULTAKANA CP PART', 136, '2019-04-24 00:17:24.299563+00', '2019-04-24 00:17:24.300031+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (281, '0400062233-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 19260.00, 19260.00, '2019-04-30', '2ND PAYMENT MULTAKANA EDU PART', 136, '2019-04-24 00:17:24.299684+00', '2019-04-24 00:17:24.30014+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (245, '0400062543-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', 'SM180455', 'SM', 99930.98, 99930.98, '2019-03-07', 'SECOND PAYMENT REIMBURS. - WASH', 138, '2018-08-28 13:46:29.322765+00', '2019-03-15 13:53:53.766383+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (264, '0400065826-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 150950.00, 150950.00, '2018-12-26', 'PAYMENT 1 - BMZ3 PART', 144, '2018-12-28 00:08:02.177633+00', '2019-02-20 00:07:20.372291+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (255, '0400064541-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 31000.00, 31000.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - HEALTH CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033757+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.804661+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (293, '0400057421-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 41211.90, 41211.90, '2019-06-30', 'COST EXTENTION AMNDMENT EUD', 124, '2019-06-12 00:15:24.619599+00', '2019-06-12 00:15:24.620066+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (254, '0400064541-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM189910', 'SM', 34200.00, 34200.00, '2018-11-30', 'EMERGENCY PPM - CP CONTRIBUTION', 141, '2018-11-09 00:08:11.033596+00', '2019-03-07 16:23:11.877112+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (276, '0400067621-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 41074.20, 57052.06, '2019-04-04', 'BREEZES Q4 5 AND 6 REIMB', 149, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153203+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153783+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (277, '0400067621-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 10437.68, 14497.94, '2019-04-04', 'BREEZES Q4 5 AND 6 REIMB', 149, '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153326+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:30.153929+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (283, '0400068277-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'GE180026', 'GE', 35765.38, 50000.00, '2019-05-09', 'SCOUTS PCA 1ST INSTALMENT', 150, '2019-05-11 00:11:49.004298+00', '2019-05-11 00:11:49.005079+00', 'UNICEF (FOR GR ALLOCATIONS ONLY)', 'U99999');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (284, '0400068277-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 19670.96, 27500.00, '2019-05-09', 'SCOUTS PCA 1ST INSTALMENT', 150, '2019-05-11 00:11:49.004492+00', '2019-05-11 00:11:49.005444+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (290, '0400068801-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/005', 'SC170316', 'SC', 224000.00, 224000.00, '2019-05-30', 'CASH TRANSFER 3F', 154, '2019-06-02 00:17:09.054026+00', '2019-06-02 00:17:09.054562+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (287, '0400068697-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 49179.86, 49179.86, '2019-05-28', 'CASH TRANSFER EU MIG', 152, '2019-05-30 00:15:01.948209+00', '2019-05-30 00:15:01.948608+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (291, '0400068801-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/882/001/005', 'GE180026', 'GE', 137180.00, 137180.00, '2019-05-30', 'CASH TRANSFER 3F', 154, '2019-06-02 00:17:09.054159+00', '2019-06-02 00:17:09.054735+00', 'UNICEF (FOR GR ALLOCATIONS ONLY)', 'U99999');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (298, '0400069470-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/001/013', 'SM190240', 'SM', 40000.00, 40000.00, '2019-07-05', 'LS - WASH RESPONSE CERF FUND', 156, '2019-07-05 14:37:05.33141+00', '2019-07-05 14:37:05.332147+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (306, '0400071267-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 155149.00, 155149.00, '2020-03-01', 'IRC PCA 3RD INSTALMENT DCT', 158, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779252+00', '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779252+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (292, '0400068873-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', 'SC170316', 'SC', 87684.90, 87684.90, '2019-06-04', 'CASH TRANSFER CESVI', 155, '2019-06-06 00:12:52.29032+00', '2019-06-06 00:12:52.290762+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (295, '0400062231-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 27060.00, 27060.00, '2019-10-27', '4TH PAYMENT - NOOR ALHAYAT', 137, '2019-06-14 00:18:33.660474+00', '2019-06-14 00:18:33.660932+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (299, '0400064173-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/881/001/006', 'SM189910', 'SM', 18100.00, 18100.00, '2019-07-30', 'EMDAD FR FOR PAYMENT 2 REPROCESSING', 140, '2019-07-09 00:21:57.511619+00', '2019-07-09 00:21:57.512076+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (240, '0400062231-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 32708.00, 32708.00, '2019-10-27', '2ND PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.336202+00', '2019-06-14 00:18:33.707189+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (304, '0400057421-7', 7, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 5649.35, 5649.35, '2019-09-04', 'HQ COST 7% EDU 47%', 124, '2019-09-06 01:20:31.954518+00', '2019-09-06 01:20:31.954956+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (305, '0400057421-8', 8, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 6370.54, 6370.54, '2019-09-04', 'HQ COST 7% CP 53%', 124, '2019-09-06 01:20:31.954618+00', '2019-09-06 01:20:31.955056+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (307, '0400071267-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 163304.00, 163304.00, '2019-12-31', 'IRC PCA 2ND INSTALMENT DCT', 158, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779353+00', '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779353+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (309, '0400071267-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SC170746', 'SC', 205112.00, 205112.00, '2020-06-01', 'IRC PCA 4TH INSTALMENT DCT', 158, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779496+00', '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779496+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (242, '0400062231-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 56960.00, 56960.00, '2019-10-27', '3RD PAYMENT - NOORALHAYAT', 137, '2018-08-10 00:06:42.33641+00', '2019-06-14 00:18:33.748716+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (302, '0400064173-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/881/001/010', 'SM190240', 'SM', 73280.00, 73280.00, '2019-08-30', 'EMDAD FR FOR PAYMENT Q2 DCT', 140, '2019-08-28 01:22:51.977112+00', '2019-08-28 01:22:51.977543+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (303, '0400064173-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/881/001/010', 'SM190240', 'SM', 18100.00, 18100.00, '2019-08-30', 'EMDAD FR FOR PAYMENT Q2 DCT', 140, '2019-08-28 01:22:51.977245+00', '2019-08-28 01:22:51.97766+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (310, '0400071267-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM180398', 'SM', 100000.00, 100000.00, '2019-10-03', 'IRC PCA 1ST INSTALMENT DCT', 158, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779564+00', '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779564+00', 'USA (State) BPRM', 'G45606');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (315, '0400068277-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/882/001/002', 'SM170020', 'SM', 49713.88, 69500.00, '2019-10-21', 'EMERGENCY', 150, '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431201+00', '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431201+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (316, '0400062233-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 19260.00, 19260.00, '2019-10-23', '3RD PAYMENT MULTAKANA EDU PART', 136, '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431338+00', '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431338+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (314, '0400071542-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 167851.00, 167851.00, '2019-10-17', 'Q1 DCT- OCT TO DEC 2019 - EDU', 159, '2019-10-17 01:34:19.207218+00', '2019-10-17 01:34:19.207218+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (321, '0400062233-7', 7, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 12840.00, 12840.00, '2019-10-30', '4TH PAYMENT MULTAKANA CP PART', 136, '2019-10-31 01:40:12.568622+00', '2019-10-31 01:40:12.568622+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (267, '0400066346-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 321230.00, 321230.00, '2019-01-31', 'NRC 1ST DCT EU MIG', 147, '2019-02-02 00:08:17.090509+00', '2019-10-09 00:34:10.481269+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (24, '0400038609-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 89933.56, 123757.31, '2016-03-18', 'WASH-HUMANITARIAN-ASSISTANCE-TAWARGAHIDP-ACTED PCA', 61, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.111339+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (5, '0400038475-1', 1, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150429', 'SM', 77168.29, 107091.38, '2016-03-08', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.133825+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (294, '0400057421-4', 4, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 46473.10, 46473.10, '2019-06-30', 'COST EXTENTION AMNDMENT CP', 124, '2019-06-12 00:15:24.619723+00', '2019-09-06 01:20:32.045912+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (317, '0400062233-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 12840.00, 12840.00, '2019-10-23', '3RD PAYMENT MULTAKANA CP PART', 136, '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431422+00', '2019-10-24 07:39:54.431422+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (6, '0400038475-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', 'SM150579', 'SM', 171003.59, 236121.71, '2016-03-08', 'COMMUNITY BASED CP & PSS SERVICES - STACO PCA', 10, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.146493+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (318, '0400069389-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 70070.67, 99150.00, '2019-10-23', 'BREEZES 3RD & 4TH DCTS', 157, '2019-10-25 00:20:03.151872+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.151872+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (319, '0400069389-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 39240.28, 55525.00, '2019-10-23', 'BREEZES 2ND DCT', 157, '2019-10-25 00:20:03.152021+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.152021+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (300, '0400057421-5', 5, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170316', 'SC', 81728.09, 81728.09, '2019-08-31', 'COST EXTENTION AMNDMENT EUD 47%', 124, '2019-08-20 00:44:56.980249+00', '2019-10-05 00:21:17.354545+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (301, '0400057421-6', 6, '2580/A0/03/882/001/003', 'SC170316', 'SC', 89984.65, 89984.65, '2019-08-31', 'COST EXTENTION AMNDMENT CP 53%', 124, '2019-08-20 00:44:56.980367+00', '2019-10-05 00:21:17.412385+00', 'European Commission/EC', 'I49905');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (296, '0400069389-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 102384.33, 141275.00, '2019-06-30', 'BREEZES 1ST DCT', 157, '2019-07-05 14:37:05.331187+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.198145+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (286, '0400068570-1', 1, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SM170020', 'SM', 91378.41, 91378.41, '2019-05-22', 'EKRAA 1-2 DCTS BMZ3', 151, '2019-05-24 00:13:27.711858+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.222122+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (308, '0400071267-2', 2, '2580/A0/03/882/001/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 65592.00, 65592.00, '2019-10-03', 'IRC PCA 1ST INSTALMENT DCT', 158, '2019-10-04 00:25:15.779426+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.247722+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (166, '0400053854-2', 2, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 9520.42, 13023.93, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.160136+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (312, '0400066346-3', 3, '2580/A0/03/881/002/007', 'SC170746', 'SC', 57000.00, 57000.00, '2019-10-07', 'NRC FR BMZ4 57000', 147, '2019-10-09 00:34:10.430294+00', '2019-10-25 00:20:03.307374+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (124, '0400040234-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', 'SM160532', 'SM', 4333.20, 6122.82, '2017-07-20', 'CHILD PROTECTION- ALNAHLA - PCA/LIBYA/CP/2016/07', 18, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.171359+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (167, '0400053854-3', 3, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', 'SM170020', 'SM', 102749.84, 140561.79, '2017-09-08', 'PCA LAYD 2017 CONFLICT AFFECTED CHILDREN EDUCATION', 111, '2018-03-15 16:56:59.787668+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:41.185699+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+-- Data for Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (16, 'SM160114', 'Libya: HumanitarianAppeal during 2016 (Un-earmarked support)', '2017-12-31', 11, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (17, 'SM160274', 'Education in Emergencies and Child Protection SM160274', '2018-03-31', 2, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (1, 'SM150007', 'CERF RR to Libya: Strengthening protection of and psychosocial support', '2015-07-11', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (3, 'SM150579', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children', '2017-10-09', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (11, 'SM149910', 'Thematic Humanitarian contributions 2014-2016 (Cost recovery EXBD 2013/5)', '2018-12-31', 8, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (5, 'SC160349', 'LIBYA - Social inclusion - SC160349 - EUR 3M', '2019-07-31', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (34, 'SM170115', 'CERF UF to Libya: Provision of water, sanitation and essential hygiene', '2017-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (36, 'SM160532', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children in Libya- Phase II', '2018-04-11', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (71, 'SC170366', 'Libya:Improve the Resilience of Vulnerable Children', '2018-07-12', 67, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (2, 'SM150429', 'WaSH and Child Protection Humanitarian Assistance', '2017-01-31', 2, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (15, 'SC110738', 'Libya: Better Quality Education and Inclusion of All Children', '2014-12-29', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (72, 'SC170316', 'LIBYA - CHILD PROTECTION - SC170316 - EUR 11M', '2020-06-08', 5, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (35, 'SM170020', 'Libya: Resilience Programming for Children in Libya- Phase III', '2019-12-31', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (14, 'SC140026', 'SC140026 / UNAIDS /Regional / Unified Budget', '2016-12-31', 10, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (9, 'SC149905', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 5: Education', '2018-12-31', 7, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (12, 'SM160162', 'CERF UF to Libya: Inclusive community based child protection', '2016-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (6, 'SM160161', 'CERF UF to Libya: Provision of Life Saving Emergency Water, Sanitaion and Hygien', '2016-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (18, 'SC149906', 'Thematic MTSP 2014-2017 Outcome 6: Child protection', '2018-12-31', 12, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (37, 'SM170114', 'CERF UF to Libya: Community based child protection and psychosocial services', '2017-12-31', 1, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (38, 'SM170101', 'Libya: HumanitarianAppeals (Un-Earmarked)', '2017-12-31', 11, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (10, 'SM099906', '2009-2011 THEMATIC HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE (FOR CONTRIBUTIONS 2009-2011)', '2013-06-30', 8, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (8, 'SM160267', 'Libya: Enhancement of national capacity to deliver improved quality of services', '2016-12-31', 3, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (13, 'SM110399', 'LIBYA - HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE', '2014-06-30', 9, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (4, 'NON-GRANT (GC)', '', NULL, 4, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_grant VALUES (7, 'Unknown', '', NULL, 6, '2018-03-15 16:57:00.1564+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:00.275947+00');
+-- Data for Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (1, '2018-02-15 19:31:14.787763+00', '2018-12-31 04:00:34.17318+00', 2018, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 8, \"min_required\": 33}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"min_required\": 14, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 3}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 17], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 5], [\"Met Requirements\", 1]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 2119471.68], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 1655707.25], [\"Met Requirements\", 55840.0]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Active Partners\", \"value\": 23}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 15}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 14}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 9}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 16937.27, 0.0, 75696.0, 7], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 90509.62, 0.0, 177720.0, 4], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 769796.25, 676208.05, 0.0, 1010717.6, 10], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 480420.14, 1], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 533014.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", 0.0, \"#D8D8D8\", 1], [\"Low\", 1302810.25, \"#2BB0F2\", 4], [\"Medium\", 783654.94, \"#FECC02\", 5], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", 1744553.74, \"#751010\", 13]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", 3350598.79, \"#FECC02\", 22], [\"GOV\", 480420.14, \"#F05656\", 1]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact VALUES (2, '2019-01-01 04:00:34.48679+00', '2019-11-15 04:03:16.279706+00', 2019, '"{\"assurance_activities\": {\"programmatic_visits\": {\"completed\": 43, \"min_required\": 43}, \"spot_checks\": {\"completed\": 0, \"required\": 16, \"follow_up\": 0}, \"scheduled_audit\": 0, \"special_audit\": 0, \"micro_assessment\": 0, \"missing_micro_assessment\": 0}, \"assurance_coverage\": {\"coverage_by_number_of_ips\": [[\"Coverage by number of IPs\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 15], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 6], [\"Met Requirements\", 3]], \"coverage_by_cash_transfer\": [[\"Coverage by Cash Transfer (USD) (Total)\", \"Count\"], [\"Without Assurance\", 2076301.41], [\"Partially Met Requirements\", 1023490.86], [\"Met Requirements\", 214032.95]], \"table\": [{\"label\": \"Partners\", \"value\": 24}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required PV\", \"value\": 14}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required SC\", \"value\": 17}, {\"label\": \"IPs without required assurance\", \"value\": 10}]}, \"financial_findings\": [{\"name\": \"Total Audited Expenditure\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Total Financial Findings\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Refunds\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Additional Supporting Documentation Received\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Justification Provided and Accepted\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Impairment\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": false}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding current year (Requires Follow-up)\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}, {\"name\": \"Outstanding prior year\", \"value\": 0.0, \"highlighted\": true}], \"financial_findings_numbers\": [{\"name\": \"Number of High Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Medium Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Number of Low Priority Findings\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"Audit Opinion\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"qualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"unqualified\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"denial\", \"value\": 0}, {\"name\": \"adverse\", \"value\": 0}]}], \"charts\": {\"cash_transfers_amounts\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\", \"Low\", \"Medium\", \"Significant\", \"High\", \"Number of IPs\"], [\"$0-50,000\", 0.0, 17821.21, 52239.0, 0.0, 126279.86, 9], [\"$50,001-100,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 272507.9, 3], [\"$100,001-350,000\", 0.0, 321230.0, 406529.91, 0.0, 839872.95, 10], [\"$350,001-500,000\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [\">$500,000\", 0.0, 756509.39, 0.0, 0.0, 520835.0, 2]], \"cash_transfers_risk_ratings\": [[\"Risk Rating\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of IPs\"], [\"Not Required\", 0.0, \"#D8D8D8\", 1], [\"Low\", 1095560.6, \"#2BB0F2\", 4], [\"Medium\", 458768.91, \"#FECC02\", 5], [\"Significant\", null, \"#F05656\", 0], [\"High\", 1759495.71, \"#751010\", 14]], \"cash_transfers_partner_type\": [[\"Partner Type\", \"Total Cash Transfers\", {\"role\": \"style\"}, \"Number of Partners\"], [\"CSO\", 3268825.22, \"#FECC02\", 23], [\"GOV\", 45000.0, \"#F05656\", 1]], \"spot_checks_completed\": [[\"Completed by\", \"Count\"], [\"Staff\", 0], [\"Service Providers\", 0]]}}"');
+-- Data for Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (1, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.018711+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.032224+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AGENCE D''AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 227648.52], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 104653.97], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (2, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.058477+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.070959+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 63050.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 63050.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (3, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.097672+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.110286+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 283752.33], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 173954.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 144304.25], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 5], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (4, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.136321+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.148568+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ARYAF INSTITUTION CARE AND CHILD\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 63560.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 63560.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (5, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.174538+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.187345+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSEBEL FOUNDATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18933.14], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (6, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.213381+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.225716+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 22996.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 22996.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 40);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (7, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.251674+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.263535+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"BOY SCOUTS OF LIBYA. AL KISHAFAH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 317334.44], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 223366.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 132838.66], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 12], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (8, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.289763+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.302404+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"BREEZES LIBYA\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 218424.71], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 254816.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 116363.33], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 12], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (9, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.328655+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.34188+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 463478.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 463478.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 382079.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (10, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.368564+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.380949+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CHILDREN VISION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 43763.44], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 43795.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 43763.44], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 5], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (11, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.407673+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.425131+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 217718.3], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 115980.3], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (34, '2018-12-31 13:08:31.903709+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.904075+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"AGENCE D AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500220006\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 267189.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 136900.67], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 267189.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", true], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (12, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.451303+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.46335+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"EKRAA ASSEMBLY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 329300.65], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 114115.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 242343.9], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"No\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (13, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.488861+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.501439+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"EMDAD CHARITY SOCIETY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 198431.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 49305.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 49305.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (14, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.527837+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.540709+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ESSAFA CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 601862.32], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 213600.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 259859.84], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (15, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.567654+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.580036+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"FEDERATION HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 404780.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 284257.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (16, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.606457+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.618547+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS LIBYA\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 46425.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 3690.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (17, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.644463+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.65691+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ITALIAN COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 405256.01], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 321304.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 242106.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 600], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 2], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (18, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.683641+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.69578+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYA HOUSE FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 95850.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 95850.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (19, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.722543+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.734893+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 96221.99], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 163070.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 45446.51], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (20, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.761859+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.774095+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYAN SOCIETY FOR NATIONAL RECONCILATION CHARITY WORK\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 931700.46], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 294969.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 506466.42], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 9], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 4], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (21, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.800324+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.812701+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYA WOMEN S UNION TRIPOLI\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 24615.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 49226.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 24615.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 8], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (22, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.838664+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.852232+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MAHARA FOUNDATION FOR CAPACITY BUILDING\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 18933.14], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (23, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.878914+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.89174+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MINES ADVISORY GROUP (MAG)\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 14069.42], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (24, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.918629+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.930677+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"MULTAKANA CENTER\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 31786.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 31786.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (25, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.956686+00', '2017-12-30 15:41:59.968514+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"NATIONAL CENTRE OF DISEASE CONTROL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Government\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 278108.41], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 234615.41], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (26, '2017-12-30 15:41:59.99466+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.007028+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ORGANIZATION FOR COOPERATION AND EMERGENCY AID INTERNATIONAL\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 69068.85], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 33800.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (27, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.032713+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.044852+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 48453.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 24597.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Yes\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (28, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.070518+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.082701+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"SHAIK TAHIR AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 1481011.55], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 509440.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 915852.98], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Moderate\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 10], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 1], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (29, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.109161+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.12144+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TECHNICAL CORPORATION AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 50045.05], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (30, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.147267+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.16034+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"THE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CHILD AND WOMEN RIGHTS\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 17634.09], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 0.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (31, '2017-12-30 15:42:00.186164+00', '2017-12-30 15:42:00.198787+00', 2017, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TUFTS UNIVERSITY\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared\", \"No\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"TOTAL for current CP cycle\", 8902.0], [\"PLANNED for current year\", 0.0], [\"Current Year (1 Oct - 30 Sep)\", 4410.0], [\"Micro Assessment\", \"Missing\"], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Non-Assessed\"], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Done\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Done\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audits Done\", 0], [\"Flag for Follow up\", 0]]"', 20);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (37, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.032227+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.952415+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ALTADAMON FOR REHABILITATION AND PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500238342\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 177100.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 50300.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 177100.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 3], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (38, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.100681+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:31.969762+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ASSOCIATION KOUDOURATI\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500237271\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 26896.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 49892.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 26896.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 40);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (55, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.92103+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:32.27899+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"TUFTS UNIVERSITY\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500217970\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 0.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 4410.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 0.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Not Required\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (40, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.191199+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:32.002558+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"CESVI COOPERAZIONE E SVILUPPO CESVI\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500235018\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"Micro Assessment\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 103754.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 103753.75], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 288961.25], [\"Risk Rating\", \"Low\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 1], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (46, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.499247+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:32.129676+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500235600\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 50775.48], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 50775.48], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 0.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 1], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].hact_hacthistory VALUES (53, '2018-12-31 13:08:32.81213+00', '2019-02-07 18:16:32.246505+00', 2018, '"[[\"Implementing Partner\", \"ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT\"], [\"Vendor Number\", \"2500236521\"], [\"Partner Type\", \"Civil Society Organization\"], [\"Shared IP\", null], [\"Assessment Type\", \"High Risk Assumed\"], [\"Cash Transfer 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 23856.0], [\"Liquidations 1 OCT - 30 SEP\", 23856.0], [\"Cash Transfers Jan - Dec\", 0.0], [\"Risk Rating\", \"High\"], [\"Expiring Threshold\", false], [\"Approach Threshold\", false], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits M.R\", 1], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Programmatic Visits Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Planned Q4\", 0], [\"Spot Checks M.R\", 0], [\"Follow Up\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q1\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q2\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q3\", 0], [\"Spot Checks Completed Q4\", 0], [\"Audits M.R\", 0], [\"Audit Completed\", 0], [\"Audit Outstanding Findings\", 0]]"', 36);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2078, 'Bzimah jadida', NULL, NULL, 'LY01070101', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECABF2828808364056F643B0AAEA3840', 61, 62, 1, 4, 38, 1877, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.789134+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2079, 'Hawari', NULL, NULL, 'LY01070102', NULL, '0101000020E610000002F03961C22837409AF2617D03533840', 63, 64, 1, 4, 38, 1877, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.807191+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1878, 'Tazirbu', NULL, NULL, 'LY010702', NULL, '0101000020E61000007C83EB75FE0F3540D89F50D810AE3940', 72, 75, 1, 3, 37, 1839, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:27.033841+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2057, 'El Foukaha', NULL, NULL, 'LY03170101', NULL, '0101000020E6100000FDB044A852633040F5F8A70870CE3B40', 423, 424, 1, 4, 38, 1938, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:18.384923+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2305, 'Al shikh', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160605', NULL, '0101000020E610000011B57316BD032A40215E13D6C6144040', 725, 726, 1, 4, 38, 1929, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.549769+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2307, 'Al wasatt/al kawassim', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160607', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECF3ACD172A82940A4CF7C629D144040', 729, 730, 1, 4, 38, 1929, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.586104+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2309, 'Al wihda', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160609', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECF3ACD172A82940A4CF7C629D144040', 731, 732, 1, 4, 38, 1929, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.62451+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2310, 'ghut arrih', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160610', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECF3ACD172A82940A4CF7C629D144040', 733, 734, 1, 4, 38, 1929, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.643465+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2311, 'Insirr', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160611', NULL, '0101000020E6100000EDD1932C60C22940CF250F21AE1C4040', 735, 736, 1, 4, 38, 1929, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.661256+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2382, 'Al kharruba', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140110', NULL, '0101000020E6100000DC4B513C671B2E40267F93533B2D4040', 1177, 1178, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.990245+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2375, 'Al mahjub', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140103', NULL, '0101000020E61000005CD0D456ECF72D40EC3DB60BCD314040', 1181, 1182, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.861041+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2391, 'Al marsa', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140119', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C522ABDC0B442E406DAB23BA67314040', 1183, 1184, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.168984+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2390, 'Al ramila', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140118', NULL, '0101000020E61000005832DA12F2412E40678B03594F314040', 1185, 1186, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.149551+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2388, 'Arrwisat', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140116', NULL, '0101000020E610000097153017F1352E40F45197FE252F4040', 1187, 1188, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.107424+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2392, 'Azzaruk', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140120', NULL, '0101000020E610000049998A2EA8472E40043F505436304040', 1189, 1190, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.189847+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2387, 'Karzazah', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140115', NULL, '0101000020E61000000CCFC27806352E40C474A8A278294040', 1191, 1192, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.088402+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2393, 'Kassr ahmad', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140121', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CE6985DDB0652E40E9426D179A2F4040', 1193, 1194, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.208499+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2378, 'Rass al magil', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140106', NULL, '0101000020E6100000566404A392122E40FD83F8E28B2A4040', 1195, 1196, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.916086+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2384, 'Rass Ammar', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140112', NULL, '0101000020E61000006068C4FBAA2C2E400815AB0661304040', 1197, 1198, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.029773+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2389, 'Rass attuta', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140117', NULL, '0101000020E610000067A930630A362E40FE204E2D5B314040', 1199, 1200, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.126789+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2381, 'Rass fridhigh', NULL, NULL, 'LY02140109', NULL, '0101000020E6100000B4712931CF1A2E404389FBC56C2F4040', 1201, 1202, 1, 4, 38, 1914, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:24.970187+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1843, 'Almarj', NULL, NULL, 'LY0102', '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', NULL, 77, 120, 1, 2, 36, 1828, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:09:41.26512+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1994, 'Alabyar El jadida', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030104', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E9CFA384609934404AE74772F9174040', 123, 124, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.268252+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1995, 'Alabyar El kadima', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030105', NULL, '0101000020E61000001EE3DC63E997344036A6D58A36194040', 125, 126, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.285868+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1996, 'Al radmani', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030106', NULL, '0101000020E61000002D004D1E4F973440D7B9A38E8E174040', 127, 128, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.303343+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1954, 'Alumlytaniah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030101', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C2629A8BBFA534401EE86131EA224040', 129, 130, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.212687+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1993, 'Bou meriam', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030102', NULL, '0101000020E6100000135B156C23823440166B352A70124040', 131, 132, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.230453+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1997, 'Ibrahim Abu Ras', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030107', NULL, '0101000020E6100000460F47BE12AC3440674F14596B2E4040', 133, 134, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.320613+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1964, 'Jira', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030103', NULL, '0101000020E61000000E1BB7B41A6E3440779346240A114040', 135, 136, 1, 4, 38, 1861, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.248708+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1861, 'Alabyar', NULL, NULL, 'LY010301', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C90221B7319834401582C94B46184040', 122, 137, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.713695+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2180, 'Agrbel', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030401', NULL, '0101000020E610000079CBE9D7D60F3440611094C3270F4040', 139, 140, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.775743+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2181, 'Akharbish', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030402', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F4CB3E66670D344057B989DF14EA3F40', 141, 142, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.793259+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2186, 'Aladrawi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030407', NULL, '0101000020E6100000332A0824610F3440F2EC53E7510F4040', 143, 144, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.886565+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2187, 'Alfkat', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030408', NULL, '0101000020E6100000EC0B458A011234404E3FA3EC2D014040', 145, 146, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.90516+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2182, 'al fuwayhat al gharbiya', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030403', NULL, '0101000020E6100000160C5B069C113440DAA46070CD094040', 147, 148, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.813317+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2183, 'Al Guouarcha', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030404', NULL, '0101000020E61000007ED6F62004143440B120F5F065024040', 149, 150, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.832193+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2184, 'Al Jazeera', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030405', NULL, '0101000020E61000009352C22ADE1834406FCA10035D0B4040', 151, 152, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.849384+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2188, 'Alkwyfiah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030409', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F61F0ACEE02B34401DBAEE37DA194040', 153, 154, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.923822+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2189, 'Alnoakiah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030410', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3DFC5A0132A3440F1C65CA10FEE3F40', 155, 156, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.945342+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2185, 'al salmani al gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030406', NULL, '0101000020E6100000D6A5C4D4961634404779F19BC20E4040', 157, 158, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.867585+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2195, 'Belkhir', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030416', NULL, '0101000020E61000001DD421AF070F34403217B3D47A0F4040', 159, 160, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.066831+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2190, 'Benghazi Al Jadida', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030411', NULL, '0101000020E61000005CB376D66E1F3440A39FEB2E500A4040', 161, 162, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.963769+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2191, 'Benina', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030412', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CADF0247024134407F44349C320B4040', 163, 164, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:20.983964+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2196, 'Bin Isa', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030417', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F46F61F5471034402298F57EA30F4040', 165, 166, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.091584+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2192, 'Bu Atnai', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030413', NULL, '0101000020E6100000537ADE550F2C3440221F98512C0D4040', 167, 168, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.007567+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2193, 'Bu Dzirah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030414', NULL, '0101000020E6100000581F21A6442234404EF09D76F8154040', 169, 170, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.026482+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2194, 'Bu Fekhra', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030415', NULL, '0101000020E6100000928169B8C8F9334056E1CC4411F23F40', 171, 172, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.044685+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2198, 'Chebbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030419', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E8D4357C0B0F34409645DEE68D0F4040', 173, 174, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.131738+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2199, 'Daoud El bahria', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030420', NULL, '0101000020E61000008C090923F6113440426F8D942D0E4040', 175, 176, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.153134+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2197, 'Daoud Gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030418', NULL, '0101000020E610000048BBD79601133440CD6E93895B0B4040', 177, 178, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.112493+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2203, 'Daoud Kebli', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030424', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3156A54E0143440EDB905C0780C4040', 179, 180, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.235306+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2213, 'Dar Al Arabiyat', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030434', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BE52E175FD3E3440AE390CAD4E244040', 181, 182, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.446373+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2200, 'Deriana', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030421', NULL, '0101000020E6100000E92092CA144F34408EE4E657732C4040', 183, 184, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.1714+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2201, 'El mukhtar', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030422', NULL, '0101000020E6100000BBFE15C1FF0E3440811A0E47570F4040', 185, 186, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.19701+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2202, 'Erajma', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030423', NULL, '0101000020E6100000DB27D41C2058344051D9E4D70F094040', 187, 188, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.216863+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2214, 'Eterba', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030435', NULL, '0101000020E610000055F8597215F33340B5AA7BC9C6DF3F40', 189, 190, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.472583+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2204, 'Garyounes', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030425', NULL, '0101000020E6100000888D65A6B40A3440659611BEF7054040', 191, 192, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.252887+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2205, 'Khalid bin Waleed', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030426', NULL, '0101000020E6100000B20C5748F9193440A25D44C0210C4040', 193, 194, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.271184+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2206, 'Louhichi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030427', NULL, '0101000020E61000009400A908371D3440C33CA99CF6104040', 195, 196, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.289067+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2207, 'Qnfodah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030428', NULL, '0101000020E6100000A40FB4CC22043440EDC2C98CB7034040', 197, 198, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.310641+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2208, 'Sabri Echarqui', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030429', NULL, '0101000020E6100000CB63B87F65153440A67D74232C124040', 199, 200, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.33071+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2209, 'Sharif', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030430', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C24B1B3F541E34400088F2ECF20F4040', 201, 202, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.352639+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2210, 'Sidi Eswiker', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030431', NULL, '0101000020E6100000449B5FEFFE1434409C65F646AD0C4040', 203, 204, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.376511+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2211, 'Sidi Hussein', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030432', NULL, '0101000020E61000000B8F75B5151334403D4D1898150E4040', 205, 206, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.395129+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2212, 'Sidi Khalifa', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030433', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C9C6195DDE34344086946D5853214040', 207, 208, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.420155+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2217, 'Sidi Salem', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030438', NULL, '0101000020E61000009A838402B60F344010A26F2D930F4040', 209, 210, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.552216+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2218, 'Thawra Echaabia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030439', NULL, '0101000020E6100000B300573CF5183440D6D2119ED00F4040', 211, 212, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.576363+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2215, 'Tikah', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030436', NULL, '0101000020E61000003EDA47BBD1033440C68FE2326EEE3F40', 213, 214, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.501493+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2021, 'Essouk gdim', NULL, NULL, 'LY01060213', NULL, '0101000020E61000009FC15A9F72BC3540B5D8DC28B2604040', 17, 18, 1, 4, 38, 1876, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:17.732935+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2216, 'Western El gharbi', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030437', NULL, '0101000020E610000049B25C423E1434406D183F7782114040', 215, 216, 1, 4, 38, 1864, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:21.527364+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1864, 'Benghazi', NULL, NULL, 'LY010304', NULL, '0101000020E61000009939802527113440FBA78F58FC0E4040', 138, 217, 1, 3, 37, 1836, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:26.768601+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2278, 'Erakta', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030501', NULL, '0101000020E6100000ECD786620A2234407783F99D26473F40', 219, 220, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.045161+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2282, 'Gemienis Echarquia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030505', NULL, '0101000020E610000017DEF6BBB005344049ABA1C03BA93F40', 221, 222, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.105275+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2284, 'Gemienis Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030507', NULL, '0101000020E610000096A8DE85AD013440AA9706B309A83F40', 223, 224, 1, 4, 38, 1865, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:23.148916+00', true);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2488, 'Suloug Gharbia', NULL, NULL, 'LY01030304', NULL, '0101000020E6100000C3511391612D34402C583C3F8CA03F40', 239, 240, 1, 4, 38, 1863, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:26.821018+00', true);
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@@ -8538,7 +9904,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1930, 'Kikkla', NULL, NULL, 'L
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2423, 'Nesmit Al markaz', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160103', NULL, '0101000020E61000004640C18C29A82A404BF897B855643F40', 785, 786, 1, 4, 38, 1924, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.718316+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2422, 'Ras Tabl', NULL, NULL, 'LY02160102', NULL, '0101000020E610000014DF0B056CF72A4068AC127173523F40', 787, 788, 1, 4, 38, 1924, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:16:25.699954+00', true);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1924, 'Nesma
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (1924, 'Nesma
', NULL, NULL, 'LY021601', NULL, '0101000020E6100000F38DCB8D29A82A40D8FA13BD55643F40', 782, 789, 1, 3, 37, 1850, '2018-03-15 16:57:04.649784+00', '2018-07-25 08:11:28.138216+00', true);
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@@ -8914,7 +10280,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].locations_location VALUES (2646, 'Libya', NULL, NULL, 'LY
-- Data for Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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@@ -8926,23 +10292,32 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement VALUES (139, '2019-03-07 09:33:48.1548
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement VALUES (140, '2019-03-10 13:54:45.54163+00', '2019-03-10 13:54:55.220003+00', 'PCA', 'LIB/PCA2019140', '', NULL, '2020-12-31', NULL, NULL, 74, 62, NULL, 'draft', 34, 2019, false);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (95, 133, 59);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (103, 139, 69);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (104, 140, 62);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (98, 135, 60);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (99, 135, 61);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (105, 142, 64);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (114, 148, 70);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (115, 150, 72);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (116, 152, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers VALUES (117, 153, 74);
@@ -9037,7 +10420,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (1, '2018-08-09 16:0
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@@ -9052,15 +10434,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (16, '2018-08-09 16:
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (28, '2018-08-09 16:06:51.2537+00', '2018-08-09 16:06:51.254057+00', '2014-10-30', 'partners/core_values/07._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_FormLIBYAN_SOCIETY_FOR_NATIONAL_RECONCILATION_CHARITY_WORK.pdf', false, 12);
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@@ -9075,7 +10454,24 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (40, '2018-08-09 16:
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (43, '2019-01-23 15:05:47.15848+00', '2019-01-23 15:05:47.159075+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 84);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (43, '2019-01-23 15:05:47.15848+00', '2019-01-23 15:05:47.159075+00', '2018-04-09', '', true, 84);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (20, '2018-08-09 16:06:51.224024+00', '2018-08-09 16:06:51.224516+00', '2014-10-30', 'partners/core_values/07._Annex_E_Partner_Declaration_FormESAFA.pdf', true, 1);
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@@ -9102,28 +10498,31 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (75, 'Other');
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (64, '2018-03-23 16:39:20.213824+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.122225+00', 'HPD', 'LIB/PCA201710/SHPD201864', 'Technical Assessment of 10 conflict-affected schools in Musrata city', 'closed', '2018-02-28', '2018-04-28', '2017-12-18', '2017-12-29', '2018-01-04', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/64/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-02-28', '2018-02-28', '', 48, 10, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/64/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (72, '2018-06-01 08:48:56.613888+00', '2019-01-22 16:39:11.857652+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201712/PD201872', 'Third Party monitoring and support of UNICEF Partnerships and capacity building for Libyan Organizations to take up the Third Party monitoring', 'closed', '2018-05-29', '2018-11-28', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '2018-05-24', '2018-05-29', NULL, 50, 7, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/3/agreements/50/interventions/72/prc/Annex_C_Programme_document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (59, '2018-03-23 10:55:44.713108+00', '2018-09-20 14:08:42.428187+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018109/PD201859', 'Key challenges and coping strategies of refugee and migrant children in Libya', 'ended', '2017-12-29', '2018-06-28', '2017-10-07', '2017-10-07', '2017-10-30', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/16/agreements/109/interventions/59/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form_wV1uP8n.pdf', '2017-12-22', '2017-10-07', '', 109, 57, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/16/agreements/109/interventions/59/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (102, '2019-09-10 17:45:24.043034+00', '2019-10-28 09:37:33.738653+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019133/PD2019102', 'Provision of multi-sectorial services to vulnerable children in Libya – Bayti Centers.', 'signed', '2019-10-01', '2020-09-30', '2019-04-30', '2019-08-05', '2019-09-17', '', '2019-09-25', '2019-09-25', NULL, 133, 59, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (105, '2019-11-06 14:45:24.6474+00', '2019-11-06 14:45:24.658126+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019153/PD2019105', 'Provision of social, education and protection services to vulnerable children and their families in Libya – HuB Centre Sabha.', 'draft', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 153, NULL, NULL, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (67, '2018-04-20 08:43:06.156099+00', '2018-11-01 04:01:53.031058+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201702/PD201867-1', 'Specialized psychological support for IDPs children in Sebha, Benghazi and Tripoli.', 'ended', '2017-10-05', '2018-10-31', '2017-07-01', '2017-07-01', '2017-09-20', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/1/agreements/34/interventions/67/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-10-05', '2017-10-05', '', 34, 1, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/1/agreements/34/interventions/67/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (61, '2018-03-23 14:56:29.988563+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.237846+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018112/PD201861', 'Emergency Response to Derna crisis (Child protection, Education and WASH)', 'ended', '2018-01-18', '2018-07-17', '2017-10-01', '2017-10-02', '2018-01-17', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/74/agreements/112/interventions/61/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-01-18', '2018-01-18', '', 112, 62, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/74/agreements/112/interventions/61/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (60, '2018-03-23 13:17:57.298362+00', '2019-03-05 23:37:09.001359+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018111/PD201860', 'Positive Peace Workshop', 'ended', '2018-03-05', '2019-03-04', '2018-01-31', '2018-01-31', '2018-02-08', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/78/agreements/111/interventions/60/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form_fpJafER.pdf', '2018-02-27', '2018-03-05', '', 111, 61, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/78/agreements/111/interventions/60/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document_DwBkHnF.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (56, '2018-01-18 11:43:23.062599+00', '2018-11-15 04:01:35.259049+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018104/PD201856-2', 'Youth Participation and Civic Engagement', 'ended', '2017-07-26', '2018-11-14', '2017-06-02', '2017-06-02', '2017-06-02', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/73/agreements/104/interventions/56/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-07-26', '2017-07-17', '', 104, 56, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/73/agreements/104/interventions/56/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (91, '2019-04-18 11:09:06.600993+00', '2019-04-18 11:09:06.610672+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019145/PD201991', 'Prepositioning of Emergency Supplies and Rapid Emergency Response', 'draft', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, NULL, NULL, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (94, '2019-05-05 07:42:39.007879+00', '2019-06-23 14:11:27.251299+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019146/PD201994', 'Integrated Education and Psychosocial Support in Sabratha', 'active', '2019-05-20', '2020-05-20', '2019-01-10', '2019-05-15', '2019-05-15', '', '2019-05-20', '2019-05-19', NULL, 146, 65, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (62, '2018-03-23 15:48:40.965537+00', '2018-09-30 14:07:44.480775+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201862-1', 'Rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities in 13 conflict-affected schools in Sirt', 'closed', '2017-10-01', '2018-06-30', '2017-08-07', '2017-08-07', '2017-08-24', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/62/prc/06._Annex_G_Submission_Form_vCYZnXm.pdf', '2017-09-26', '2017-10-01', '', 113, 15, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/62/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document_LzTQH5L.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (73, '2018-07-09 10:04:18.693029+00', '2019-01-09 16:39:10.231649+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201711/PD201773', 'Multisectoral emergency response to IDPs in camps and Derna', 'ended', '2018-07-08', '2019-01-08', '2018-06-29', '2018-06-29', '2018-07-04', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/12/agreements/49/interventions/73/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-07-08', '2018-07-08', NULL, 49, 16, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/12/agreements/49/interventions/73/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (95, '2019-05-27 11:05:44.247757+00', '2019-10-14 08:37:39.17456+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019149/PD201995', 'Emergency Mine Risk Education Response for vulnerable displaced and conflict children and their caregivers in Libya', 'active', '2019-05-21', '2020-05-20', '2019-04-22', '2019-05-09', '2019-05-15', '', '2019-05-21', '2019-05-16', NULL, 149, 71, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (101, '2019-06-16 11:10:40.175484+00', '2019-07-09 10:53:57.180666+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019130/PD2019101', 'Placeholder - to be updated', 'active', '2019-06-01', '2019-12-31', '2019-05-10', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-06-01', '2019-06-01', NULL, 130, 16, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (77, '2018-09-24 07:23:07.860075+00', '2019-10-01 08:57:41.826327+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201877-1', 'Prepositioning of Emergency Supplies stocks and Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)', 'active', '2018-10-25', '2020-04-24', '2018-09-26', '2018-09-27', '2018-10-02', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/77/prc/STACO_-_Annex_G..pdf', '2018-10-25', '2018-10-25', NULL, 48, 10, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/77/prc/STACO_-_Annex_C..pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (93, '2019-05-02 07:46:38.083511+00', '2019-10-21 03:55:48.131991+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA2019148', 'Education Support to the Vulnernable Children in South Libya', 'ended', '2019-05-25', '2019-10-20', '2019-05-20', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-05-20', '2019-05-25', NULL, 148, 70, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, NULL, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (6, '2017-07-12 11:30:32.547177+00', '2018-10-29 10:58:31.947491+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201712/PD201701', 'Third party monitoring and support of UNICEF partnerships with civil society organizations and relative programs in Libya (LIB/PCA201712)', 'ended', '2017-03-03', '2017-12-31', '2017-01-01', '2017-01-01', '2017-07-27', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/3/agreements/50/interventions/6/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-03-03', '2017-03-03', '', 50, 7, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/3/agreements/50/interventions/6/prc/CIR_PME.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (57, '2018-01-31 10:30:10.861972+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.46949+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA201719', 'Education in Emergencies programme for Sirte Response', 'closed', '2017-08-01', '2018-01-31', '2017-07-03', NULL, NULL, '', '2017-07-12', '2017-07-12', '', 90, 52, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/40/agreements/90/interventions/57/prc/SSFA_Quddraty_-_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, NULL, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (81, '2018-10-30 13:28:37.756581+00', '2019-03-25 07:57:12.769075+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201881', 'Transitional center for vulnerable unaccompanied migrant children in Janzour', 'suspended', '2018-09-08', '2019-09-07', '2018-03-29', '2018-04-23', '2018-04-27', '', '2018-09-06', '2018-08-07', NULL, 56, 19, 20024, '', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (104, '2019-10-24 10:12:53.255763+00', '2019-10-27 08:33:00.606775+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019153/PD2019104', 'Provision of multi-sectorial services to vulnerable children in Libya – Bayti Centre', 'signed', '2019-11-01', '2020-10-14', '2019-08-02', '2019-08-08', '2019-09-25', '', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', NULL, 153, 74, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (20, '2017-07-30 20:27:53.066852+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.648568+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA201706/TempRef:20', 'Community and schools based child protection and psychological support project', 'closed', '2016-12-16', '2017-04-15', '2016-11-23', NULL, NULL, '', '2016-12-15', '2016-12-16', '', 42, 6, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/37/agreements/42/interventions/20/prc/1._Letterhead.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, NULL, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (19, '2017-07-30 19:57:46.841722+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.708145+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201606', 'Community based child protection and psychological support project in Janzour', 'ended', '2016-05-06', '2017-05-05', '2016-03-01', '2016-03-01', '2016-05-05', '', '2016-05-06', '2016-05-06', '', 56, 19, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/13/agreements/56/interventions/19/prc/PCA_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (18, '2017-07-30 18:59:48.854391+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.767793+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201605', 'Psychological emergency response and recreational activities for children exposed to violence in Benghazi and Tripoli', 'closed', '2016-04-13', '2017-04-12', '2016-03-01', '2016-03-31', '2016-04-01', '', '2016-04-13', '2016-04-13', '', 55, 18, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/23/agreements/53/interventions/18/prc/Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (17, '2017-07-30 18:18:32.973163+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.842922+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA201705/SSFA201703', 'Community based child protection and psychological support programme in Sirte', 'closed', '2017-03-15', '2017-09-15', '2017-01-09', NULL, NULL, '', '2017-03-15', '2017-03-14', '', 41, 9, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/35/agreements/41/interventions/17/prc/02.Letterhead.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, NULL, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (13, '2017-07-28 12:23:34.456127+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.077668+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201708/PD201713', 'Provision of recreational activities (15 towns) and remedial educational activities (10 towns) for school aged children in Libya', 'draft', '2016-06-13', '2017-06-13', '2016-04-15', '2016-04-15', '2016-05-05', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/8/agreements/44/interventions/None/prc/MoM_and_recomendation_Letter_SCOUTS_rBtNQKl.pdf', '2016-06-13', '2016-06-13', '', 44, 4, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/8/agreements/44/interventions/None/prc/Program_Document_U1rC8XE.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (10, '2017-07-27 16:44:35.51629+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.212887+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA201703/SSFA201701', 'Immediate support to provide safe environment and hygienic conditions in Tripoli IDP camps', 'closed', '2017-06-20', '2017-10-19', '2017-06-14', NULL, NULL, '', '2017-06-20', '2017-06-16', '', 38, 2, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/39/agreements/38/interventions/10/prc/02._Letterhead.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, NULL, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (9, '2017-07-27 16:31:02.140856+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.270577+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA201709/SSFA201702', 'Distribution of Hygiene Kits to most affected families in Sirte', 'closed', '2017-07-29', '2017-10-28', '2017-05-02', NULL, NULL, '', '2017-05-29', '2017-05-10', '', 46, 15, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/46/interventions/9/prc/02._Letterhead.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, NULL, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (7, '2017-07-13 10:46:10.955921+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.386696+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201702', 'Technical Assessment of 23 Conflict-Affected schools in Tawargha City.', 'ended', '2017-02-07', '2017-12-31', '2016-10-14', '2016-10-14', '2017-01-25', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/7/prc/Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-02-07', '2017-01-26', '', 48, 10, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/7/prc/Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
@@ -9133,20 +10532,29 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (5, '2017-07-12 11:15:37.409
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (11, '2017-07-28 11:56:22.136576+00', '2018-10-05 04:01:20.132342+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201704/PD201704-2', 'Conflict-affected children and adolescents are provided with access to quality education in schools or other safe learning environments', 'closed', '2017-04-20', '2018-09-30', '2017-03-28', '2017-03-28', '2017-03-30', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/21/agreements/40/interventions/None/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-03-31', '2017-04-20', '', 40, 8, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/21/agreements/40/interventions/None/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (66, '2018-04-20 08:24:43.321012+00', '2018-10-31 04:01:33.687799+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201866-1', 'Community based child protection and psychosocial support project in Janzour', 'ended', '2017-09-01', '2018-10-30', '2017-07-01', '2017-07-01', '2017-08-17', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/13/agreements/56/interventions/66/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-07-31', '2017-08-31', '', 56, 19, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/13/agreements/56/interventions/66/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (86, '2019-02-28 10:25:52.674925+00', '2019-02-28 10:32:59.974067+00', 'SSFA', 'LIB/SSFA2019138', 'Awareness creation for Measles, Rubella, and Polio vaccination, and vitamin A supplementary activities', 'ended', '2018-12-03', '2019-01-05', '2018-11-25', NULL, NULL, '', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03', NULL, 138, 68, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (81, '2018-10-30 13:28:37.756581+00', '2019-09-08 03:55:22.025907+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201717/PD201881', 'Transitional center for vulnerable unaccompanied migrant children in Janzour', 'ended', '2018-09-08', '2019-09-07', '2018-03-29', '2018-04-23', '2018-04-27', '', '2018-09-06', '2018-08-07', NULL, 56, 19, 20024, '', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (82, '2018-12-05 14:18:54.147597+00', '2019-03-03 15:01:06.418808+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201711/PD201782-1', 'Emergency WASH assistance to vulnerable people in Benghazi and refugee assembly points with focus on children amended PCA', 'ended', '2017-04-01', '2017-12-31', '2017-03-16', '2017-03-16', '2017-03-17', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/12/agreements/49/interventions/82/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-03-23', '2017-03-23', NULL, 49, 16, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/12/agreements/49/interventions/82/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (80, '2018-10-24 14:54:02.766703+00', '2019-03-03 15:02:11.555704+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018122/PD201880', 'Provision of psychosocial support and non-formal education for vulnerable migrant and IDP children', 'active', '2018-07-26', '2019-07-25', '2018-05-24', '2018-05-24', '2018-06-14', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/37/agreements/122/interventions/80/prc/Multakana_MoM.pdf', '2018-07-26', '2018-07-26', NULL, 122, 6, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/37/agreements/122/interventions/80/prc/Annex_c_multakana_PD.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (78, '2018-09-26 12:25:49.324557+00', '2019-01-01 16:40:05.466015+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201707/PD201678-2', 'Provision of Formal and Non-Formal Education in ten schools in Benghazi and its periphery to increase access to formal and non-formal education in conflict-affected areas', 'ended', '2016-12-10', '2018-12-31', '2016-10-03', '2016-10-03', '2016-10-27', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/4/agreements/43/interventions/78/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2016-12-02', '2016-12-02', '', 43, 11, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/4/agreements/43/interventions/78/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2016, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (69, '2018-05-04 09:01:37.398636+00', '2019-04-04 17:50:56.418662+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018114/PD201869', 'Provision community based reintegration services to children/adolescents affected by conflict in Al Zintan Municipal Council Area', 'ended', '2018-04-04', '2019-04-03', '2017-11-01', '2018-03-09', '2018-03-15', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/prc/Annex_G_-_PRC_Submission_Review_and_Approval_form.pdf', '2018-04-04', '2018-04-04', NULL, 114, 64, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/prc/Annex_C-_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (70, '2018-05-24 16:31:18.610552+00', '2019-02-12 15:41:30.141754+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018115/PD201870', 'Integrated education and psychological support response in Sebratha', 'closed', '2017-12-28', '2018-12-27', '2017-10-30', '2017-12-07', '2017-12-07', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/80/agreements/115/interventions/70/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-12-28', '2017-12-28', '', 115, 65, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/80/agreements/115/interventions/70/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (87, '2019-03-04 07:33:13.963343+00', '2019-03-04 07:40:45.515421+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019137/PD201987', 'Access to quality & protective education and PSS for conflict affected children and adolescents in Tripoli and Benghazi', 'active', '2019-01-06', '2019-12-31', '2018-10-12', '2018-11-11', '2018-11-21', '', '2019-01-06', '2019-01-06', NULL, 137, 67, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (74, '2018-07-12 08:33:11.209728+00', '2019-04-01 17:50:56.654152+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201774-1', 'Improving learning environment through rehabilitation 2 schools in Murzuque', 'ended', '2018-08-14', '2019-03-31', '2018-05-20', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-06', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/74/prc/05._PD201774_-_Annex_G._Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-08-14', '2018-08-12', '', 48, 10, 11490, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/74/prc/02._PD201774_-_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (80, '2018-10-24 14:54:02.766703+00', '2019-08-08 03:55:09.750021+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018122/PD201880', 'Provision of psychosocial support and non-formal education for vulnerable migrant and IDP children', 'closed', '2018-07-26', '2019-07-25', '2018-05-24', '2018-05-24', '2018-06-14', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/37/agreements/122/interventions/80/prc/Multakana_MoM.pdf', '2018-07-26', '2018-07-26', NULL, 122, 6, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/37/agreements/122/interventions/80/prc/Annex_c_multakana_PD.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (90, '2019-04-10 14:00:56.819427+00', '2019-06-23 14:15:12.496519+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019144/PD201990', 'Education support to conflict-affected school-age children and youth in Benghazi and its surrounding areas', 'active', '2019-05-20', '2020-04-30', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-23', '2019-04-23', '', '2019-05-20', '2019-05-12', NULL, 144, 11, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (76, '2018-09-12 15:44:23.932842+00', '2019-09-05 14:01:59.821129+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201876-1', 'Distribution of High Energy Biscuits (HEB) among vulnerable group in Detention Centres and Misrata prison in Libya', 'active', '2018-09-20', '2019-12-31', '2018-09-13', '2018-09-13', '2018-09-16', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/76/prc/Annex_G._Alemdad_Signed_4G54U8K.pdf', '2018-09-20', '2018-09-20', NULL, 113, 15, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/76/prc/Annex_C._Programme_Document_evBrUWs.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (83, '2018-12-05 15:02:01.074957+00', '2018-12-05 15:22:05.353838+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018113/PD201883-1', 'Rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities in 13 conflict affected schools in Sirt', 'signed', '2017-10-01', '2018-06-30', '2017-08-17', '2017-08-24', '2017-08-24', '', '2017-08-25', '2017-08-25', NULL, 113, 15, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/83/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (89, '2019-03-18 14:07:15.757626+00', '2019-04-04 09:14:35.268972+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019141/PD201989', 'Youth Participation and Civic Engagement', 'active', '2019-04-02', '2019-07-31', '2019-03-17', '2019-03-17', '2019-03-18', '', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-02', NULL, 141, 56, 8421, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (74, '2018-07-12 08:33:11.209728+00', '2019-04-10 13:38:20.455246+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201774-2', 'Improving learning environment through rehabilitation 2 schools in Murzuque', 'active', '2018-08-14', '2019-12-31', '2018-05-20', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-06', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/74/prc/05._PD201774_-_Annex_G._Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-08-14', '2018-08-12', NULL, 48, 10, 11490, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/74/prc/02._PD201774_-_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (69, '2018-05-04 09:01:37.398636+00', '2019-07-01 03:55:16.973129+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018114/PD201869-1', 'Provision community based reintegration services to children/adolescents affected by conflict in Al Zintan Municipal Council Area', 'ended', '2018-04-04', '2019-06-30', '2017-11-01', '2018-03-09', '2018-03-15', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/prc/Annex_G_-_PRC_Submission_Review_and_Approval_form.pdf', '2018-04-04', '2018-04-04', NULL, 114, 64, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/prc/Annex_C-_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (92, '2019-04-30 12:04:33.530326+00', '2019-07-14 14:11:42.8936+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019147/PD201992', 'Provision of education and recreational activities to children with disabilities and pre-school children in Benghazi and its surrounding areas to increase acces to formal and non-formal education in conflect-affected areas', 'active', '2019-06-24', '2020-06-24', '2019-06-11', '2019-06-11', '2019-06-12', '', '2019-06-24', '2019-06-17', NULL, 147, 17, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (65, '2018-03-28 10:49:00.412787+00', '2019-10-28 08:33:17.286566+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201716/PD201865-2', 'Psychosocial support and remedial education for children of IDPs and Refugees in the Tawargha camps and Tripoli', 'ended', '2018-01-15', '2019-09-30', '2017-10-04', '2017-10-12', '2017-10-12', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/23/agreements/55/interventions/65/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2018-01-15', '2018-01-15', NULL, 55, 18, 20024, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/23/agreements/55/interventions/65/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (75, '2018-08-14 11:02:23.174062+00', '2019-10-17 14:11:10.7601+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2018117/PD201875-4', '“I am a child, and I have rights project” promoting child rights and child protection awareness and PSS inside and outside school settings.', 'active', '2018-06-26', '2019-12-31', '2018-05-24', '2018-05-24', '2018-06-14', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/81/agreements/117/interventions/75/prc/Annex_G._NoorAlhayat_Signed.pdf', '2018-06-26', '2018-06-25', '', 117, 66, 11490, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/81/agreements/117/interventions/75/prc/Annex_C._Noor_Alhayat_Programme_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', true, 2018, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (13, '2017-07-28 12:23:34.456127+00', '2019-10-27 10:22:39.596742+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201708/PD201713', 'Provision of recreational activities (15 towns) and remedial educational activities (10 towns) for school aged children in Libya', 'ended', '2016-06-13', '2017-06-13', '2016-04-15', '2016-04-15', '2016-05-05', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/8/agreements/44/interventions/None/prc/MoM_and_recomendation_Letter_SCOUTS_rBtNQKl.pdf', '2016-06-13', '2016-06-13', NULL, 44, 4, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/8/agreements/44/interventions/None/prc/Program_Document_U1rC8XE.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (103, '2019-09-25 14:52:24.173507+00', '2019-10-27 14:04:51.56709+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019152/PD2019103', 'Strengthening Gender Based Violence and Child Protection Response and mitigation measures for communities and local CSOs in Misurata', 'active', '2019-10-07', '2020-10-07', '2019-04-13', '2019-09-24', '2019-09-25', '', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', NULL, 152, 73, 11490, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (89, '2019-03-18 14:07:15.757626+00', '2019-08-01 16:03:28.664704+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019141/PD201989-1', 'Youth Participation and Civic Engagement', 'active', '2019-04-02', '2019-12-31', '2019-03-17', '2019-03-17', '2019-03-18', '', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-02', NULL, 141, 56, 8421, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (16, '2017-07-30 17:51:05.253309+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.902513+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201710/PD201707', 'Protection and psychological wellbeing of children are improved through the provision of psychological services in Sebha and Ubari', 'ended', '2017-04-07', '2018-01-06', '2017-03-02', '2017-03-02', '2017-04-03', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/16/prc/04._Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-04-07', '2017-04-07', '', 48, 10, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/6/agreements/48/interventions/16/prc/02._Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "draft"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (15, '2017-07-28 13:05:07.907988+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:34.960926+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201714/PD201604', 'Provision of catch-up classes in five schools for out-of-school children in Benghazi and its peripheries.', 'ended', '2016-05-23', '2017-04-30', '2016-03-29', '2016-05-10', '2016-05-12', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/17/agreements/52/interventions/15/prc/Submission_Form.pdf', '2016-05-23', '2016-05-23', '', 52, 17, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/17/agreements/52/interventions/15/prc/Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (14, '2017-07-28 12:39:04.440559+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.019255+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201713/PD201705', 'Provision of education and recreational activities to children with disabilities and pre-school children in Benghazi and its periphery to increase access to formal and non-formal education in conflict-affected areas', 'closed', '2017-01-30', '2018-07-29', '2016-10-26', '2016-12-09', '2017-01-27', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/17/agreements/51/interventions/14/prc/Annex_G_Submission_Form.pdf', '2017-01-27', '2017-01-27', '', 52, 17, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/17/agreements/51/interventions/14/prc/Annex_C_Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (3, '2017-07-12 11:14:45.746748+00', '2018-09-06 15:46:35.558127+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201707/PD201602', 'Provision of catch up classes in ten schools for out of school children in Benghazi and its periphery (PCA/Libya/ED/2016/08)', 'closed', '2016-04-29', '2017-04-28', '2016-03-12', '2016-04-25', '2016-04-27', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/4/agreements/43/interventions/3/prc/Sumission_form_of_PCARC.pdf', '2016-04-29', '2016-04-27', '', 43, 11, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/4/agreements/43/interventions/3/prc/Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{"migrated": true, "old_status": "implemented"}', false, 2017, '', '');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (2, '2017-07-12 09:21:43.41538+00', '2018-10-02 10:35:25.45114+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA201702/PD201601', 'Specialized Psychsocial support for IDP children in Benghazi and Tripoli', 'ended', '2016-02-24', '2017-12-31', '2016-02-21', '2015-11-01', '2016-02-12', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/1/agreements/34/interventions/2/prc/Submission_Form.pdf', '2016-02-24', '2016-02-23', '', 34, 1, 13454, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/1/agreements/34/interventions/2/prc/Program_Document.pdf', 1, false, '{}', false, 2017, '', '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention VALUES (100, '2019-06-12 12:08:54.595535+00', '2019-06-12 12:24:10.025129+00', 'PD', 'LIB/PCA2019150/PD2019100', 'Promotion of Child Protection and the Convention for the rights of the child in Libya', 'active', '2019-04-09', '2019-12-31', '2019-03-21', NULL, NULL, '', '2019-04-09', '2019-04-09', NULL, 150, 72, 20024, '', 34, false, '{}', false, 2019, '', '');
@@ -9247,6 +10655,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (100, 87, 183
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (96, 85, 1864);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (97, 85, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (156, 103, 1840);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (157, 103, 1914);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (158, 104, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (159, 104, 1942);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (145, 100, 2528);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (146, 100, 2149);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (147, 100, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (148, 100, 2377);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (149, 100, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (150, 100, 1837);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (151, 100, 1842);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (152, 100, 2099);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (153, 100, 1846);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (154, 100, 2524);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations VALUES (155, 100, 1951);
@@ -9299,7 +10722,19 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (83, 81, 201);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (87, 85, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (89, 87, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (92, 90, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (91, 89, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (93, 91, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (94, 92, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (95, 93, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (96, 94, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (97, 95, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (103, 101, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (104, 103, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (105, 104, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (106, 102, 209);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (102, 100, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices VALUES (107, 105, 201);
@@ -9352,7 +10787,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (84, 81
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (88, 85, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (90, 87, 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (93, 90, 11);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (92, 89, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (94, 92, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (95, 94, 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (96, 95, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (97, 93, 70);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (103, 101, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (104, 103, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (105, 104, 74);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (106, 102, 75);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points VALUES (102, 100, 72);
@@ -9413,7 +10858,19 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (54, 85, 1);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (57, 87, 2);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (58, 87, 5);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (60, 89, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (62, 94, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (63, 93, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (64, 95, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (70, 92, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (71, 101, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (72, 103, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (73, 104, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (69, 100, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (74, 104, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (75, 102, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections VALUES (76, 102, 2);
@@ -9453,7 +10910,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (83, 75,
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (85, 76, 12212);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (87, 77, 8421);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (115, 103, 17817);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (74, 7, 4890);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (76, 72, 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (79, 61, 10233);
@@ -9466,7 +10923,20 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (91, 81,
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (96, 86, 14583);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (95, 85, 17817);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (97, 87, 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (100, 90, 1551);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (99, 89, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (101, 91, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (102, 92, 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (103, 93, 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (104, 94, 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (113, 101, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (106, 95, 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (107, 75, 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (114, 77, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (116, 104, 200131);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (117, 13, 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (112, 100, 13654);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points VALUES (118, 102, 200131);
@@ -9486,6 +10956,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (12, '2018-11-05 13
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (13, '2018-12-05 14:31:50.589407+00', '2018-12-05 14:31:50.671444+00', '2017-11-03', 1, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/12/12/agreements/49/interventions/82/amendments/None/02.1._Annex_C_Program_Document_Amemdment.pdf', 82, '{budget,dates}', 'null');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (16, '2019-04-10 13:37:34.454606+00', '2019-04-10 13:37:34.539038+00', '2019-03-24', 2, '', 74, '{no_cost}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (17, '2019-04-10 13:40:12.450422+00', '2019-04-10 13:40:12.535132+00', '2019-04-02', 1, '', 69, '{no_cost}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (18, '2019-04-16 12:35:52.534406+00', '2019-04-16 12:35:52.618954+00', '2019-03-20', 1, '', 65, '{budget_lte_20,other}', 'Extension of Duration');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (19, '2019-05-26 10:26:46.733751+00', '2019-05-26 10:26:46.798393+00', '2019-05-26', 1, '', 75, '{other}', 'Annex C - Programme Document');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (20, '2019-05-26 10:39:50.325793+00', '2019-05-26 10:39:50.397804+00', '2019-05-26', 2, '', 75, '{other}', 'PD Amendment');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (21, '2019-06-24 08:28:53.428387+00', '2019-06-24 08:28:53.492211+00', '2019-05-26', 3, '', 75, '{budget_lte_20}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (22, '2019-08-01 16:01:40.543342+00', '2019-08-01 16:01:40.624089+00', '2019-07-29', 1, '', 89, '{no_cost}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (23, '2019-09-05 11:22:44.420773+00', '2019-09-05 11:22:44.489938+00', '2019-07-24', 1, '', 76, '{budget_gt_20}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (24, '2019-10-01 08:57:12.871715+00', '2019-10-01 08:57:12.871715+00', '2019-04-14', 1, '', 77, '{no_cost}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (25, '2019-10-17 14:10:28.697744+00', '2019-10-17 14:10:28.697744+00', '2019-10-16', 4, '', 75, '{no_cost}', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment VALUES (26, '2019-10-28 08:32:43.106166+00', '2019-10-28 08:32:43.106166+00', '2019-06-30', 2, '', 65, '{budget_lte_20,no_cost}', NULL);
@@ -9700,6 +11181,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (135, '[[schema]]/
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (268, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/attachments/None/Annex_F-Templates_for_Direct_Selection.pdf', 69, 75, '2018-05-04 09:39:51.741925+00', '2018-10-10 15:37:21.586032+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (406, '', 74, 75, '2018-12-18 11:54:59.235432+00', '2018-12-18 11:54:59.236268+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (445, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:34:29.738131+00', '2019-05-28 08:34:29.738909+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (267, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/attachments/None/Approved_budget.pdf', 69, 75, '2018-05-04 09:39:51.60303+00', '2018-10-10 15:37:21.655421+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (266, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/attachments/None/Mandatory_Information.pdf', 69, 75, '2018-05-04 09:39:51.422991+00', '2018-10-10 15:37:21.723382+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (265, '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/79/agreements/114/interventions/69/attachments/None/MoM.pdf', 69, 34, '2018-05-04 09:39:51.300209+00', '2018-10-10 15:37:21.788962+00', true);
@@ -9874,6 +11356,49 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (427, '', 65, 75,
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (429, '', 65, 75, '2019-03-25 07:22:36.339122+00', '2019-03-25 07:22:36.339778+00', true);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (430, '', 69, 3, '2019-04-03 10:19:04.877988+00', '2019-04-03 10:19:04.878466+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (431, '', 89, 75, '2019-04-10 13:06:20.019512+00', '2019-04-10 13:06:20.020401+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (432, '', 89, 75, '2019-04-10 13:07:15.765812+00', '2019-04-10 13:07:15.766322+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (433, '', 89, 75, '2019-04-10 13:08:04.101037+00', '2019-04-10 13:08:04.10196+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (434, '', 89, 75, '2019-04-10 13:09:05.37276+00', '2019-04-10 13:09:05.373505+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (435, '', 78, 73, '2019-04-10 13:57:59.90678+00', '2019-04-10 13:57:59.907424+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (436, '', 90, 75, '2019-05-21 13:23:31.644724+00', '2019-05-21 13:23:31.64523+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (437, '', 94, 75, '2019-05-22 08:10:43.386562+00', '2019-05-22 08:10:43.38711+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (438, '', 93, 75, '2019-05-28 08:28:51.267811+00', '2019-05-28 08:28:51.268183+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (439, '', 93, 71, '2019-05-28 08:29:28.700667+00', '2019-05-28 08:29:28.701564+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (440, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:30:47.487256+00', '2019-05-28 08:30:47.487806+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (441, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:31:26.564347+00', '2019-05-28 08:31:26.56497+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (442, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:31:50.13453+00', '2019-05-28 08:31:50.134962+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (443, '', 95, 72, '2019-05-28 08:32:16.48626+00', '2019-05-28 08:32:16.487299+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (466, '', 95, 3, '2019-10-14 08:35:05.015742+00', '2019-10-14 08:35:05.015742+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (446, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:34:46.57503+00', '2019-05-28 08:34:46.575497+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (447, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:35:03.454922+00', '2019-05-28 08:35:03.455476+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (448, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:37:37.70767+00', '2019-05-28 08:37:37.708169+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (449, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:37:58.352727+00', '2019-05-28 08:37:58.353218+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (450, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:38:37.48866+00', '2019-05-28 08:38:37.489033+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (451, '', 100, 75, '2019-06-12 12:12:42.157952+00', '2019-06-12 12:12:42.158476+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (452, '', 65, 75, '2019-07-02 12:56:39.615093+00', '2019-07-02 12:56:39.615786+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (453, '', 65, 75, '2019-07-02 12:56:58.8977+00', '2019-07-02 12:56:58.898163+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (454, '', 65, 75, '2019-07-02 12:57:17.354067+00', '2019-07-02 12:57:17.354562+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (455, '', 65, 75, '2019-07-02 12:57:44.173542+00', '2019-07-02 12:57:44.174062+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (456, '', 101, 71, '2019-07-09 10:53:12.46391+00', '2019-07-09 10:53:12.464686+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (457, '', 101, 75, '2019-07-09 10:53:28.317547+00', '2019-07-09 10:53:28.318135+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (458, '', 101, 75, '2019-07-09 10:53:40.208612+00', '2019-07-09 10:53:40.209359+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (459, '', 103, 75, '2019-10-10 09:11:52.867964+00', '2019-10-10 09:11:52.867964+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (460, '', 103, 75, '2019-10-10 09:13:12.695633+00', '2019-10-10 09:13:12.695633+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (461, '', 103, 75, '2019-10-10 09:14:04.236695+00', '2019-10-10 09:14:04.236695+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (462, '', 103, 75, '2019-10-10 09:14:47.797412+00', '2019-10-10 09:14:47.797412+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (463, '', 103, 75, '2019-10-10 09:16:00.899149+00', '2019-10-10 09:16:00.899149+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (464, '', 95, 75, '2019-10-11 12:34:49.654155+00', '2019-10-11 12:34:49.654155+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (444, '', 95, 75, '2019-05-28 08:32:47.094549+00', '2019-10-11 12:35:29.99141+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (467, '', 95, 71, '2019-10-14 08:37:35.660159+00', '2019-10-14 08:37:35.660159+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (468, '', 65, 75, '2019-10-16 08:40:04.838388+00', '2019-10-16 08:40:04.838388+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (469, '', 75, 75, '2019-10-16 13:39:57.053098+00', '2019-10-16 13:39:57.053098+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (470, '', 75, 75, '2019-10-17 14:11:49.179311+00', '2019-10-17 14:11:49.179311+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (471, '', 104, 75, '2019-10-24 11:12:08.826275+00', '2019-10-24 11:12:08.826275+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (472, '', 104, 75, '2019-10-27 08:31:36.548818+00', '2019-10-27 08:31:36.548818+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (473, '', 102, 75, '2019-10-28 09:37:29.357096+00', '2019-10-28 09:37:29.357096+00', true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (474, '', 85, 75, '2019-10-30 14:17:18.732392+00', '2019-11-05 14:08:32.084754+00', false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment VALUES (475, '', 85, 75, '2019-11-05 14:09:21.981904+00', '2019-11-05 14:09:21.981904+00', true);
@@ -9903,7 +11428,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (83, '2018-04-20 08:24
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (78, '2018-03-23 14:56:30.41499+00', '2018-03-28 10:44:17.250957+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 18600.00, 85000.00, 0.00, 0.00, 61, 103600.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (81, '2018-03-23 16:39:20.588807+00', '2018-03-23 17:33:05.218848+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 7250.00, 36206.00, 0.00, 0.00, 64, 43456.00, 'LYD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (76, '2018-03-23 10:55:45.214286+00', '2018-03-23 17:36:22.042626+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 50196.00, 289405.00, 0.00, 0.00, 59, 339601.00, 'USD');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (82, '2018-03-28 10:49:00.875611+00', '2018-03-28 10:49:00.886176+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 64160.00, 407312.00, 0.00, 0.00, 65, 471472.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (75, '2018-01-31 10:39:55.457084+00', '2018-03-28 12:08:16.615182+00', 67012.10, 517350.20, 0.00, 47900.00, 369800.00, 0.00, 584362.30, 58, 417700.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (85, '2018-04-20 10:13:36.440113+00', '2018-04-20 10:13:36.450112+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 8354.00, 121937.00, 0.00, 0.00, 68, 130291.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (86, '2018-05-04 09:01:37.686019+00', '2018-05-04 09:01:37.690075+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 44200.00, 310000.00, 64000.00, 0.00, 69, 418200.00, 'USD');
@@ -9926,6 +11450,19 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (99, '2018-12-05 15:02
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (103, '2019-03-04 07:33:14.323051+00', '2019-03-04 07:33:14.327534+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 260192.00, 1468725.00, 0.00, 0.00, 87, 1728917.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (101, '2019-01-13 12:53:25.331526+00', '2019-02-18 13:09:03.110405+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 133600.00, 602834.00, 0.00, 0.00, 85, 736434.00, 'USD');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (105, '2019-03-18 14:07:16.037579+00', '2019-04-04 11:13:56.340731+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 96485.00, 520835.00, 0.00, 0.00, 89, 617320.00, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (82, '2018-03-28 10:49:00.875611+00', '2019-04-16 12:39:09.096969+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 64160.00, 501134.39, 0.00, 0.00, 65, 565294.39, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (107, '2019-04-18 11:09:06.879135+00', '2019-04-18 11:09:06.881954+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 91, 0.00, 'LYD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (108, '2019-04-30 12:04:33.846545+00', '2019-06-27 10:07:28.95506+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 42340.00, 295950.00, 10584.00, 0.00, 92, 348874.00, 'LYD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (110, '2019-05-05 07:42:39.374818+00', '2019-05-22 08:11:01.715221+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 24000.00, 118250.00, 60312.00, 0.00, 94, 202562.00, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (109, '2019-05-02 07:46:38.321381+00', '2019-05-26 07:55:08.297902+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 49179.86, 3274.77, 0.00, 93, 52454.63, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (111, '2019-05-27 11:05:44.47834+00', '2019-05-28 12:36:05.158695+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 91120.00, 361180.00, 0.00, 0.00, 95, 452300.00, 'LYD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (106, '2019-04-10 14:00:57.122452+00', '2019-06-23 14:15:12.192843+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 48934.00, 297816.00, 54636.00, 0.00, 90, 401386.00, 'LYD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (117, '2019-06-16 11:10:40.418183+00', '2019-07-09 10:49:54.526264+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 20450.00, 118050.00, 0.00, 0.00, 101, 138500.00, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (116, '2019-06-12 12:08:55.499019+00', '2019-06-12 12:08:55.50267+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 35935.21, 171115.48, 6906.90, 0.00, 100, 213957.59, 'LYD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (119, '2019-09-25 14:52:24.683261+00', '2019-10-16 08:15:00.396029+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 121444.00, 688181.00, 0.00, 0.00, 103, 809625.00, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (120, '2019-10-24 10:12:53.531395+00', '2019-10-24 10:12:53.531395+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 204511.28, 621390.44, 2700.40, 0.00, 104, 828602.12, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (118, '2019-09-10 17:45:24.262089+00', '2019-10-28 09:23:19.485882+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 374320.00, 1740684.00, 9522.00, 0.00, 102, 2124526.00, 'USD');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget VALUES (121, '2019-11-06 14:45:25.25305+00', '2019-11-06 14:45:25.25305+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 105, 0.00, 'LYD');
@@ -9962,6 +11499,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits VALUES (63, 2018, 2, 7
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits VALUES (64, 2019, 1, 77, '2019-03-03 15:05:32.260894+00', '2019-03-03 15:05:32.261325+00', 3, 3, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits VALUES (65, 2019, 2, 87, '2019-03-04 07:33:14.397613+00', '2019-03-04 07:33:14.399481+00', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits VALUES (66, 2019, 0, 89, '2019-04-04 09:08:57.694091+00', '2019-04-04 09:08:57.694649+00', 0, 4, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits VALUES (71, 2019, 1, 100, '2019-06-12 12:08:55.558941+00', '2019-06-12 12:08:55.559458+00', 0, 1, 1);
@@ -9998,6 +11536,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (55, 108, 70, '201
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (56, 110, 73, '2018-08-26 12:31:15.698207+00', '2018-08-26 12:31:15.698845+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (57, 47, 78, '2018-09-26 12:31:10.210113+00', '2018-09-26 12:32:45.071931+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (58, 108, 75, '2018-10-24 09:22:47.859956+00', '2018-10-24 09:22:47.860601+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (60, 220, 102, '2019-10-02 09:30:03.097437+00', '2019-10-02 09:30:03.097437+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink VALUES (62, 216, 103, '2019-10-16 08:13:02.560919+00', '2019-10-16 08:13:02.560919+00');
@@ -10035,55 +11575,66 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (63
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (65, 58, 144);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (66, 58, 142);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (68, 60, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (70, 62, 185);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators VALUES (71, 62, 156);
-- Data for Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (79, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'ALTADAMON FOR REHABILITATION AND PSYCOSOCIAL SUPPORT', '', '', 'MAIN ROAD', 'CENTER.REHABILITATING.FIGHTERS@GMAIL.COM', '924175419', '2500238342', NULL, '', 'High', 'High Risk Assumed', '2018-04-11', '2018-01-15', true, false, false, 0.00, 99600.00, false, 'ZINTAN TOWN ZINTAN MUNICIPALITY', '258', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 3, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 3}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-04-30 00:05:37.768892+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.156743+00', 99600.00, 126800.00, 99600.00, '', false, 0.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (21, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'LIBYAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT', '', '', 'SEBHA OMER ALMUKHTAR STREET', 'ALDALEEL.NEW@GMAIL.COM', '00218 925135940', '2500235600', NULL, '', 'High', 'High Risk Assumed', '2016-09-25', '2016-09-25', true, false, false, 112554.00, 0.00, false, 'SEBHA FEZAN', '258', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "partial", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 1, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 1}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.125622+00', 112554.00, 112554.00, 112554.00, '', false, 0.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (73, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'AL MOBADR ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING', '', '', 'AL NAHDA STREET', 'SAYF.ALHANGARY@GMAIL.COM', '218923411727', '2500237369', NULL, '', 'High', 'High Risk Assumed', '2017-08-28', '2017-07-26', true, false, false, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'AL ZAWIA', '258', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 4, "q3": 4, "q4": 0, "total": 8}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.216999+00', 0.00, 70350.00, 0.00, '', false, 0.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (24, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'THE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CHILD AND WOMEN RIGHTS', '', '', '11821', 'M_19712000@YAHOO.COM', '00218 92 519 9878', '2500230439', NULL, '', 'Not Required', 'Simplified Checklist', '2013-09-20', NULL, true, false, false, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'SURMAN', '258', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.280951+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', false, 0.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (13, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'ALNAHLA ORGANIZATION FOR EDUCATION AWARENESS AND FAMILY AFFAIRS', '', '', 'GANZOUR MARKET PLACE', 'NADIA.ABUSREWIL@GMAIL.COM', '945 466984', '2500231802', NULL, '', 'Medium', 'Micro Assessment', '2017-08-04', '2017-08-31', true, false, false, 46226.00, 0.00, false, 'TRIPOLI', '258', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:02.961049+00', 46226.00, 46226.00, 46226.00, '', false, 115730.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (15, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'MINES ADVISORY GROUP (MAG)', '', '', 'LONDON', '', '44 (0) 161 236 4311', '2300059510', NULL, '', 'Low', '', NULL, NULL, true, true, true, 0.00, 0.00, true, '11821', '453', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.094961+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '', false, 0.00, 0.00);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (34, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'AL-NAYZAK FOR EXTRACURRICULAR REG. # RA22622E', '', '', 'AL-IRSAL STREET', 'INFO@ALNAYZAK.ORG', '298 5885', '2500211394', NULL, '', 'Low', 'Micro Assessment', '2015-11-02', '2015-11-02', true, false, false, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'RAMALLAH', 'Palestine St.of', '', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2018-12-31 13:08:32.011316+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', false, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization VALUES (16, 'Civil Society Organization', 'National', 'AGENCE D AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT', '', '', '33 RUE GODOT DE MAUROY', '', '', '2500220006', NULL, '', 'Low', 'Micro Assessment', '2014-09-16', '2014-10-30', true, false, false, 0.00, 0.00, false, 'PARIS', '147', '75009', NULL, '', '{"audits": {"completed": 0, "minimum_requirements": 0}, "spot_checks": {"completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "follow_up_required": 0}, "assurance_coverage": "void", "programmatic_visits": {"planned": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}, "completed": {"q1": 0, "q2": 0, "q3": 0, "q4": 0, "total": 0}}, "outstanding_findings": 0}', '2018-03-15 16:57:12.304183+00', '2019-04-08 00:14:03.24709+00', 0.00, 117187.94, 0.00, '', false, 0.00, 13100.39);
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@@ -10142,6 +11693,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (66, 'Chairman/Directo
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (67, 'Country Director', 'Thomas', 'White', 'thomas.white@nrc.no', NULL, true, 84, '2019-01-23 15:10:44.538125+00', '2019-01-23 15:10:44.53891+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (68, 'Chairman', 'Mustafa', 'Ben Raba', 'insan.fcd@gmail.com', '00218913228592', true, 83, '2019-02-28 10:22:19.016722+00', '2019-02-28 10:22:29.073598+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (69, 'Community Development Officer', 'Mohamed', 'Lagha', 'mohammadlagha60@gmail.com', '00218914777792', true, 8, '2019-03-07 09:33:19.180519+00', '2019-03-07 09:33:19.180967+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (71, 'Director / Program Manager', 'Rabie', 'Jawashi', 'rjawashi@freefields.org', '+218914352881', true, 87, '2019-05-27 12:29:55.017035+00', '2019-05-27 12:29:55.01763+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (70, 'Director of Al Safwa Charity', 'Yousef', 'Alsagir', 'info@sco.org.ly', '', true, 85, '2019-05-26 07:38:32.347043+00', '2019-05-28 08:24:37.314191+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (72, 'Scouts Leader', 'Mohammed', 'Agha', 'Mohammalaga60@gmail.com', '00218914777792', true, 86, '2019-06-12 11:43:18.473671+00', '2019-06-12 11:43:18.474139+00');
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (74, 'Head of Mission', 'Pietro', 'de Nicolai', 'ibya@intersos.org', '(+216) 51861252', true, 89, '2019-10-24 11:08:23.007011+00', '2019-10-24 11:08:23.007011+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember VALUES (75, 'PM focal Point', 'Rosa Maria', 'Lesti', 'rosamarialesti@cesvioverseas.org', '+216 56239528', true, 23, '2019-10-28 09:18:15.156751+00', '2019-10-28 09:18:15.156751+00');
@@ -10191,6 +11748,14 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (35, '2018-03-15 16:57:
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (37, '2018-03-15 16:57:44.008195+00', '2018-12-31 13:08:32.96164+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 7, 0);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (43, '2019-01-23 15:05:47.137484+00', '2019-01-23 15:05:47.138182+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 84, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (44, '2019-05-02 07:23:57.706056+00', '2019-05-02 07:23:57.707242+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 85, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (45, '2019-05-25 00:07:58.609053+00', '2019-05-25 00:07:58.60953+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 86, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (46, '2019-05-26 12:35:41.767247+00', '2019-05-26 12:35:41.767617+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 87, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (47, '2019-09-25 09:06:15.799032+00', '2019-09-25 09:06:15.799032+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 88, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (48, '2019-10-08 12:55:50.02035+00', '2019-10-08 12:55:50.02035+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 89, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (49, '2019-10-09 14:42:43.418842+00', '2019-10-09 14:42:43.418842+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 90, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (50, '2019-11-07 01:46:31.486991+00', '2019-11-07 01:46:31.486991+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 91, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (51, '2019-11-07 09:50:41.296361+00', '2019-11-07 09:50:41.296361+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 92, 0);
@@ -10245,30 +11810,104 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (43, '2019-01-23 15:05:
-- Data for Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.685922+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.685933+00', 'Code of Conduct', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.69309+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.6931+00', 'PSEA Policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.700316+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.700327+00', 'Other (please specify)', true, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.70725+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.707261+00', 'Relevant human resources policies', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.715463+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.715479+00', 'Recruitment procedure (e.g. screening of candidates)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.722609+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.722619+00', 'ToR (e.g. PSEA-related responsibilities)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (7, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.730276+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.730286+00', 'Contracts/partnership agreements', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (8, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.737381+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.737391+00', 'Training Agenda', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (9, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.744272+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.744282+00', 'Attendance sheets', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (10, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.752254+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.752264+00', 'Communication materials', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (11, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.759367+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.759386+00', 'Needs assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (12, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.766376+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.766387+00', 'Risk assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (13, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.773615+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.773636+00', 'M&E framework', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (14, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.78144+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.781542+00', 'Description of reporting mechanism(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (15, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.78844+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.788448+00', 'Whistleblower policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (16, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.795298+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.795325+00', 'List of service providers', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (17, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.802637+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.802648+00', 'Referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (18, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.810234+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.810242+00', 'Name(s) of possible investigator(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (19, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.817767+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.817779+00', 'Dedicated resources for investigation(s) and/or commitment of partner for support', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (20, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.825178+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.825188+00', 'PSEA investigation policy/procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (21, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.832409+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.832418+00', 'Documentation of standard procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (22, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.840219+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.84023+00', 'Annual training plan', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (23, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.847248+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.847256+00', 'Description of referral process for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (24, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.853869+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.853878+00', 'Written process for review of SEA allegations', false, true);
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.860629+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.86064+00', 'Core Standard 1: Organizational Policy', 'An organizational policy exists and is signed by all personnel (see: PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.1. Policies). (Note that the policy may exist as part of a code of conduct and/or a comprehensive SEA policy.)- Criteria 1: Organizational policy includes:
- a) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- b) a description of behavior expected of personnel on- and off-duty (reflecting the IASC’s Six Core Principles Relating to SEA);
- and c) an explicit statement of zero-tolerance for SEA (i.e. SEA as a ground for disciplinary actions, which may result in termination of employment).
- Criteria 2: The organizational policy on PSEA (e.g. code of conduct) is signed by all personnel, including employees, volunteers, contractors, and others.
- Criteria 3: The organization displays information on PSEA policy and procedure, including the code of conduct and reporting channel details, in its own offices and at project sites.
', true, 1, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.894445+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.894457+00', 'Core Standard 2: Organizational Management and HR Systems', 'The organization’s management and HR systems account for PSEA (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.2. Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization defines roles and responsibilities of personnel with specific PSEA-related responsibilities in their contracts and/or ToR.
- Criteria 2: The organization’s contracts and partnership agreements include a standard clause requiring contractors, suppliers, consultants and sub-partners to commit to a zero-tolerance policy on SEA and to take measures to prevent and respond to SEA.
- Criteria 3: There is a systematic vetting procedure in place for job candidates (e.g. reference checks, police records, Google searches) in accordance with local laws regarding employment, privacy and data protection, including checking for prior involvement in SEA or other safeguarding concerns.
', true, 2, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.927964+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.928048+00', 'Core Standard 3: Mandatory Training', 'The organization holds mandatory trainings for personnel on the organization’s SEA policy and procedures (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.1. Training). (Note this training can be delivered online or in-person.)- Criteria 1: The organization has a plan for training all personnel on PSEA.
- Criteria 2: The training includes
- 1) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- 2) a prohibition of SEA;
- and 3) actions that personnel are required to take (i.e. prompt reporting of allegations and referral of survivors).
- Criteria 3: The organization requires all personnel to participate in its PSEA training and retains an internal record of attendance (i.e. name of trainees, date of training, type of training, training provider).
', true, 3, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.957121+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.957142+00', 'Core Standard 4: Reporting', 'The organization has mechanisms and procedures for personnel, beneficiaries and communities, including children, to report SEA allegations that comply with core standards for reporting (i.e. safety, confidentiality, transparency, accessibility) and ensures that beneficiaries are aware of these (see PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.2. Awareness-raising and Section 5.2. Reporting Mechanisms).- Criteria 1: The organization has communication materials on PSEA and reporting channels available in locally relevant languages and presented in a way that all groups, including children, understand.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a description of how personnel and beneficiaries can report SEA allegations and the organization’s procedures for handling these allegations, including those involving personnel of other entities.
- Criteria 3: The organization limits the number of people with access to reported information and removes identifying information of those involved when sharing information.
', true, 4, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.988486+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.988505+00', 'Core Standard 5: Assistance and Referrals', 'The organization has a system to ensure survivors of SEA, including children, receive immediate professional assistance, referring them to relevant service providers (see PSEA Toolkit Section 6.2. Assistance and Referrals).- Criteria 1: The organization has an updated list of local service providers and/or contact with local GBV coordination mechanisms (i.e. GBV sub-cluster) for all programme sites/areas.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a procedure to guide the referral process, outlining the steps that personnel, particularly those receiving complaints, need to take, including follow-up to referrals.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA.
', true, 5, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:30:00.017946+00', '2019-10-04 17:30:00.017958+00', 'Core Standard 6: Investigations', 'The organization has a process and plan for ensuring investigation into SEA allegations involving its personnel (see PSEA Toolkit Section 7.2. Investigation Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization has a process for reviewing allegations of SEA and deciding on the need for investigation and other next steps (e.g. assistance for adult/child survivors and/or others, need for investigation); this involves a system for recording all SEA allegations involving its personnel and its response measures.
- Criteria 2: The organization has access to an experienced, impartial and trained investigator to conduct an investigation on SEA; this may involve using in-house capacity, hiring an external investigator, or getting a commitment of partner(s) for support.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a system for providing organizational oversight of an investigation (e.g. information-sharing/communications, risk assessments), including disciplinary measures in case of substantiated allegations.
', true, 6, '');
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (4, 1, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (5, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (6, 2, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (7, 2, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (8, 2, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (9, 3, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (10, 3, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (11, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (12, 3, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (13, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (14, 4, 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (15, 4, 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (16, 5, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (17, 5, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (18, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (19, 5, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (20, 6, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (21, 6, 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (22, 6, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (23, 6, 20);
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (4, 2, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (5, 2, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (6, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (7, 3, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (8, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (9, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (10, 4, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (11, 4, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (12, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (13, 5, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (14, 5, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (15, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (16, 6, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (17, 6, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (18, 6, 3);
-- Data for Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.655933+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.655944+00', 'Absent', 1, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.671722+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.671732+00', 'Progressing', 2, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:59.679357+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:59.679367+00', 'Adequate', 3, true);
@@ -10294,158 +11933,172 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (43, '2019-01-23 15:05:
INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (2, 'LIBYA PRIOR CP CYCLE (DM)', '2580/DM/01', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (1, 'LIBYA COUNTRY PROG (2013 - 2018) EXT.', '2580/A0/02', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (34, 'LIBYA CP (2019 - 2020)', '2580/A0/03', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (1, 'LIBYA CP (2013 - 2018) EXT.', '2580/A0/02', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false);
-- Data for Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregation VALUES (1, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.475824+00', '2019-10-03 08:24:57.984435+00', 'Age', false);
-- Data for Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (1, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.4856+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.4856+00', '0-5', true, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (2, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.704435+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.704435+00', '6-12', true, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (3, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.718108+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.718108+00', '13-17', true, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (4, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.73618+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.73618+00', '18-23', true, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (5, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.745212+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.745212+00', '24-59', true, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue VALUES (6, '2019-09-30 10:14:47.756234+00', '2019-09-30 10:14:47.756234+00', '60+', true, 1);
-- Data for Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (107, 'Number of adolescent girls and women benefitting from asset-building interventions', '23-02-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (114, 'Number of school-age children (boys & girls) accessing non-formal education and recreational activities', '52161', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '33,450', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.678826+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683774+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (115, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received essential learning materials and supplies', '52162', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80000', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679082+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683958+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (116, 'Number of teachers trained in conflict-affected areas', '52163', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679379+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684099+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (117, 'Number of children benefited from the establishment of mobile classes and rehabilitated schools in conflict-affected areas', '52164', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,400', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679605+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684234+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (122, 'Number of children aged 0 to 6 years vaccinated against polio', '52169', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1400000', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.68071+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684988+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (123, 'Number of children under 5 years, Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) reached with maternal and child health services', '52170', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100,000', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680879+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685127+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (124, 'Number of people provided with the minimum amount of safe water in line with international standards', '55918', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '35,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681118+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685287+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (125, 'Number of people provided with gender appropriate sanitation facilities', '55920', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '20,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681328+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685404+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (126, 'Number of people reached with hygiene items and information', '55921', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '45,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681577+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.68552+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (127, 'Number of children (boys & girls) provided with improved water and sanitation facilities in their learning environment', '55922', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '10,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681773+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685637+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (128, 'Number of children aged 0-6 received emergency nutrition services (screening or supplementation or referral)', '55923', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '300', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681991+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685824+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (129, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received psychosocial support in the schools or child friendly spaces', '55924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682194+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686037+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (130, ' Number of children (boys and girls) survivors of gender-based violence receiving specialized care ', '55925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682383+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686176+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (131, ' Number of child protection actors and stakeholders trained (males and females) ', '55926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682619+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686311+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (132, ' Number of children (boys and girls) associated with the armed conflict benefiting from specialised child protection services ', '55927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1500', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682798+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686445+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, 'Number of people reached with hygiene items and information', '49185', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, 'Availability of a gender-sensitive National Strategy and related standards for EMIS developed and progressively implemented as of December 2018 (Y/N)', '18748', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (134, 'Number of school-age children (boys & girls) accessing non-formal/formal education and recreational activities', '55961', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '33,450', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.307161+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310623+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (135, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received essential learning materials and supplies', '55962', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80,000', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.308521+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310781+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (136, 'Number of teachers trained in conflict-affected areas', '55963', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.308728+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310953+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (137, 'Number of children benefited from the establishment of mobile classes and rehabilitated schools in conflict-affected areas', '55964', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,400', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.30896+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.31109+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (138, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received psychosocial support in the schools or child friendly spaces', '55983', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.433858+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435442+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (139, 'Number of children (boys and girls) survivors of gender-based violence receiving specialized care', '55984', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434204+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435529+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (140, 'Number of child protection actors and stakeholders trained (males and females)', '55985', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434338+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435595+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (141, 'Number of children (boys and girls) associated with the armed conflict benefiting from specialised child protection services', '55986', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,500', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43444+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435675+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (142, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received psychosocial support in the schools or child friendly spaces', '55987', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434553+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435743+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (143, 'Number of children (boys and girls) survivors of gender-based violence receiving specialized care', '55988', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434668+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43581+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (144, 'Number of child protection actors and stakeholders trained (males and females)', '55989', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434765+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435878+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (145, 'Number of children (boys and girls) associated with the armed conflict benefiting from specialised child protection services', '55990', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,500', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43487+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.436001+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (118, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received psychosocial support in the schools or child friendly spaces', '52165', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '35000', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679777+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684377+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (119, 'Number of children (boys and girls) survivors of gender-based violence receiving specialized care', '52166', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '3000', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680059+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684494+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (120, 'Number of child protection actors and stakeholders trained (males and females)', '52167', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '300', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680277+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684611+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (121, 'Number of children (boys and girls) associated with the armed conflict benefiting from specialised child protection services', '52168', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '500', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680532+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684827+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (133, 'Number of people provided with the minimum amount of safe water in line with international standards', '55957', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,845', 'N/A', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683004+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686587+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, '# of adolescents and youth (at least 50% girls) participating in TVET programs (formal and non-formal settings)', '49198', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 100, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.752094+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, '# of adolescents and youth (at least 50% girls) that are equipped and prepared to start their own social entrepreneurship initiative', '49204', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '120', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.783634+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, '# of Municipalities with established mechanisms and/or documents for guiding and coordinating youth programmes', '49205', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.80116+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (146, 'Number of men and women, girls and boys, who gained access to basic sanitation services in the reporting year only, as a result of UNICEF direct support', '24-02-L3-16', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60,000', '20,000', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-14 00:20:15.617635+00', '2019-02-14 00:20:15.61818+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (147, 'Number of children on the move who receive protective services through UNICEF-supported programs', '23-01-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,000', '0', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-14 00:20:15.617771+00', '2019-02-14 00:20:15.618273+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (148, 'System Strengthening - EMIS - National EMIS provides quality and timely data - score (1-4), see guidance', '22-01-L3-41', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60% increase of data generated through EMIS', 'System partially functioning', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-15 13:51:49.130277+00', '2019-03-15 13:51:49.130736+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (106, 'Service Delivery - Emergency response - UNICEF-targeted children in humanitarian situations accessing formal or non-formal basic education (including pre-primary schools/early childhood learning spaces), see guidance', '22-01-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '33,450', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:39.325474+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (149, 'Number of boys and girls accessing health facilities, as a result of UNICEF direct support in the reporting period', '61777', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '56,000', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722416+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726512+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (150, 'Number of children using nutrition services, as a result of UNICEF''s direct support in the reporting period', '61787', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1000 children <5', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722587+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726624+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (151, 'Percentage of children under 5 receiving vitamin A annually', '61788', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '95%', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72269+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726701+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (152, 'Number of children/adolescents studying primary or lower secondary education through alternative modes of delivery (formal or non formal, e.g. evening school, weekend school, distance learning) with support of UNICEF', '61789', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60,000', '26,639', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722864+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726775+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (153, 'Number of primary or secondary schools rehabilitated with funding managed by UNICEF', '61790', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60 schools', '20 schools', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722971+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726847+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (154, 'Children <1 year receiving measles-containing vaccine at national level (see outcome indicator)', '61791', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '95%', '93%', true, false, 222, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723063+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726921+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (155, 'Number of youth-led social entrepreneurial projects implemented in the target municipalities, with support from UNICEF', '61792', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '56 projects', '0', true, false, 223, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723272+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726993+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (156, 'Number of children and adolescents who were taught in their classes in the past academic year how to prevent and respond to violence', '61794', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '28,000', '0', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723378+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727065+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (157, 'Number of UNICEF-targeted girls and boys recruited and used by armed forces and groups that have been released and reintegrated with their families and provided with adequate care and services', '61795', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '240', '120 children', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723488+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727229+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (158, 'Number of capacity building trainings for the MRM network', '61796', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2 trainings', '1 training', true, false, 219, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723581+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727312+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (159, 'National DHIS provides quality and timely data', '61799', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'System in place and functioning', 'System not in place', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723675+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727386+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (160, 'A Justice for Children Information Management System is established', '61800', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'System in place and functioning', 'System is not in place', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723794+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727471+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (161, 'Evidence generated on budgets and their linkages to child outcomes to improve budget allocations/expenditure for children', '61801', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Data does exist in targeted municipalities', 'Does not exist at present', true, false, 214, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723931+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727541+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (162, '80% of vacant positions and newly approved position as per PBR recruited and in place', '62424', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80%', '86%', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72406+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727611+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (163, 'All newly recruited staff receive orientation from HR/Hiring managers within 2 weeks of joining', '62425', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100% of newly recruited staff', '0', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724252+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727681+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (164, '100% completion of priority group learning activities by all staff', '62426', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100% completion rate', '0', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724354+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72775+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (165, 'Training all partners on the essentials of emergency preparedness and response', '62442', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1 training', '0', true, false, 214, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724463+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72782+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (166, 'Percentage of JCC decisions implemented', '62596', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100%', '0', true, false, 194, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724556+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72789+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (167, 'National campaign to end violence against children designed and rolled out', '62599', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'National awareness campaign rolled out by the end of the year', '0', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724649+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72796+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (168, 'UNICEF''s presence in Sabha is strengthened by at least one national staff', '62625', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '0', true, false, 197, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724742+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728028+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (169, 'Partnership with CSOs, including LRCs, have a emergency contingency clause include in the PCAs', '62626', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '15 partnerships', '3', true, false, 197, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724844+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728149+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (170, 'Staff and partners are trained on the HACT essentials', '62630', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2 trainings', '0', true, false, 210, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724942+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728264+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (171, 'Identifying and utilizing a suitable cash transfer modality to the government counterparts', '62632', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4 transfers', '0', true, false, 210, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725095+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728343+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (172, '5 year multi-sectoral action plan developed and approved by line ministries (MoE, MoSA, MoJ, MoP, etc)', '62635', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Plan developed and approved by 5 Ministries', 'No plan in existence', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725248+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728415+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (1, 'Number of CMT Meetings', '24858', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, 'HACT Implementation SPOT CHECKS', '46100', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '11', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (2, 'ICT functions integrated into the Regional ICT Hub with a third party contract issued to support end-user services', '24859', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'ICT function integrated with the MENARO and a third party contract issued', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (173, 'Existence of specialized justice for children systems, such as capacity building and standards-setting within criminal and civil justice systems', '23-03-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'A system exists', 'No system exists', true, false, 217, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72535+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728488+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (3, 'Number of Bank Reconciliations prepared on time', '24860', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (23, 'HACT implementation Programmatic visits', '46101', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '24', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (4, 'Number of account closures accomplished', '24861', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, 'Number of Children (boys and girls) having received essential learning materials and supplies', '49181', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (5, 'Number of SOPs issued', '24862', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (24, 'Early Warning Early Action', '46102', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (6, 'Percent of all vacant established posts recruited before 31 December 2013', '24863', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100%', '0', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (7, 'Availability of instruments and capacities for data collection and analysis (Y/N)', '18737', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Outdated', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (25, 'Funds utilization-% of Programme budget utilization (RR, ORR, ORE)', '46103', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, 'Number of evidence-based policy advocacy papers on education, child protection, social protection/child friendly budgeting and relevant innovations produced and disseminated', '18738', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Three thematic Policy papers (Social Protection, Education, Child Protection)', 'Nil', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, 'Number of teachers trained in conflict-affected areas', '49182', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, 'Degree to which equity analysis and recommendations have been fed into advocacy and policy discussions', '18739', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Social protection and sectoral frameworks include equity targets', 'Nil', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (26, 'Funds utilization-OR funds not used before grant expiration', '46104', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, 'Number of ECD-related models designed, implemented, monitored and reviewed', '18745', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Two, one family-based and one institutionalized', 'Nil', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, 'Number of policy recommendations implemented for pre-primary teachers'' deployment and capacity building', '18746', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Two, one for deployment and one for capacity building', 'Nil', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (27, 'DCT-Outstanding DCT more than 9 months', '46105', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, 'Number of children benefited from the establishment of mobile classes and rehabilitated of schools in conflict-affected areas', '49183', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '11500', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, 'Donor reports-Donor reports overdue', '46108', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, 'Availability of knowledge related to gaps in CP-related laws and legislations and required amendments (with gender lens, Y/N)', '18755', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Five most significant laws, and policies identified and amended', 'National experts analysis 2007 UNODC, Analysis of draft Child Law 2012 UNICEF project', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, 'Donor reports-Donor reports submitted on time', '46109', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, 'Availability of a National Strategy (taking into account different impacts on girls and boys) for alignment of CP legislation and policy drafted and adopted', '18756', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, 'Partnership management-Time to disburse CERF funds', '46110', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20 days', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (19, 'Number of children supported with specialized Child Protection services (girls and boys)', '45620', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, 'Evaluation-Evaluation coverage', '46111', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, 'child protection actors and stakeholders trained (male and female)', '45621', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '120', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, 'Number of children (boys and girls) survivors of gender-based violence receiving specialized care ', '49188', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3000', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'Number of children under 5 years of age covered with appropriate vaccination', '45622', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '342,000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, 'Number of child protection actors and stakeholders trained (males and females) ', '49189', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '300', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, 'Number of children (boys and girls) associated with the armed conflict benefiting from specialised child protection services ', '49190', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '500', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, 'Number of children (boys and girls) having received psychosocial support in the schools or child friendly spaces', '49192', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, 'The collection of data on violence exploitation and abuse in the country is available on an ad-hoc basis (including one off surveys) ', '06-01-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-03-07 18:19:09.9555+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (111, 'UNICEF-targeted children 6-59 months in humanitarian situations who are vaccinated against measles. ', '21-01-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1200000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-03-07 18:19:10.020228+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, '# of centers with age-appropriate protection services that have been established and/or are functional and accessible to adolescents and youth', '49199', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (174, 'Service Delivery - Children provided with individual (one-per-child) education/early learning materials through UNICEF-supported programmes - see guidance', '22-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120,000', '78,868', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725447+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728615+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (175, 'System Strengthening - Inclusive Ed. - Pre-service and in-service teacher training includes modules on diversity and inclusion issues - score (1-4), see guidance', '22-02-L3-53', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '212', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725554+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728695+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, 'Number of social mobilization campaigns successfully held on protection issues/violence/', '49202', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '8', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, '# of adolescents and youth (at least 50% girls) engaged in youth-led civic engagement initiatives, including research', '49203', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (176, 'UNICEF-targeted population provided with sanitation or hygiene kits or key hygiene items ', '24-02-L3-31', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '135,000', '45,000', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725671+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728768+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, 'Number of children aged 0 to 6 years vaccinated against polio', '49191', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1400000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, 'At least one pilot system on monitoring and reporting violations of child rights is developed and tested', '49200', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.685189+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, 'Inclusive (for girls and boys and the most disadvantaged) education support system tested (Y/N)', '18750', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (177, 'Number of unaccompanied and separated children who have benefitted from a formal UNICEF-supported (best interest assessment (BIA)/ best interest determination (BID) process- ', '23-01-L3-15', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '63', '3', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725764+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728841+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (17, 'Availability of a capacity mapping of child protection institutional actors¿ (Y/N)', '18757', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (178, 'Service Delivery - Skills - Number of children who have participated in skills development programmes for learning, personal empowerment, active citizenship and/or employability through UNICEF-supported programmes', '22-03-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '28,000', '0', true, false, 221, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725856+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728913+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, 'Increase in the % of people (community members and of professionals from NGO, CSO, Municipalities) in the project areas that have knowledge on key protection issues', '49201', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.718027+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, '(NOT VALID after Dec 31 2017) Existence of procedures and services for children in contact with law that are applied and delivered in line with international norms', '06-04-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, 'Availability of a road map, based on a situational analysis that includes an equity and gender analysis, on teachers development (Y/N)', '18749', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (108, 'UNICEF-targeted population in humanitarian situations accessing sufficient quantity of water of appropriate quality for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene', '24-02-L3-29', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (109, 'UNICEF-targeted population in humanitarian situations accessing appropriate hygiene education in schools, temporary learning spaces and other child friendly spaces', '24-02-L3-28', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (110, 'UNICEF - targeted population accessing water and sanitation and hygience facilities separated for female and male', '24-02-L3-26', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, 'Life skills learning opportunities provided in formal and non-formal education settings including technical and vocational education and training (TVET)', '49197', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1400', '0', true, false, 100, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.734962+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, 'UNICEF-targeted children in humanitarian situations benefitting from psychosocial support', '06-06-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '93,450', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.379513+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'UNICEF-targeted children in humanitarian situations accessing non-formal education programmes (including play and early learning for young children) - number and percent', '05-04-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, '"d1. UNICEF-targeted children in humanitarian situations accessing formal or non-formal basic education (including pre-primary schools/early childhood learning spaces) - number & percent, see guidance"', '05-04-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '9100', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, '"UNICEF-targeted population in humanitarian situations accessing sufficient quantity of water of appropriate quality for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene"', '03-05-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'UNICEF-targeted population in humanitarian situations accessing appropriate sanitation facilities and living in environments free of open defecation', '03-05-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, '"UNICEF-targeted population in humanitarian situations accessing appropriate hygiene education in schools, temporary learning spaces and other child friendly spaces"', '03-05-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, 'UNICEF-targeted children 6-59 months in humanitarian situations who are vaccinated against measles.', '01-06-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1200000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (113, 'Number of people provided with the minimum amount of safe water in line with international standards', '53186', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95,000', 'N/A', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-31 00:09:22.591606+00', '2018-03-31 00:09:22.597675+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (179, 'Number of people who participate in social and behavior change communication interventions promoting elimination of VAC through UNICEF programmes', '23-01-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '5,200,358', '0', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725948+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728985+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (18, 'Availability of a National Strategy and standards for gender-sensitive Mine Risk Education (Y/N)', '18758', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'MRE Strategy and standards published; MRE standards practiced', 'No', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.897678+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, 'Service Delivery - Emergency response - UNICEF-targeted children in humanitarian situations accessing non-formal education programmes (including play and early learning for young children) - number and percent - score (1-4), see guidance', '22-01-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '26,639', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-31 00:09:22.570865+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (148, 'Report148', '22-01-L3-41', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60% increase of data generated through EMIS', 'System partially functioning', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-15 13:51:49.130277+00', '2019-03-15 13:51:49.130736+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (106, 'Report106', '22-01-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '33,450', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-05-24 13:20:39.325474+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (149, 'Report149', '61777', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '56,000', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722416+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726512+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (153, 'Report153', '61790', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60 schools', '20 schools', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722971+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726847+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (154, 'Report154', '61791', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '95%', '93%', true, false, 222, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723063+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726921+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (155, 'Report155', '61792', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '56 projects', '0', true, false, 223, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723272+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726993+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (156, 'Report156', '61794', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '28,000', '0', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723378+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727065+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (157, 'Report157', '61795', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '240', '120 children', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723488+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727229+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (158, 'Report158', '61796', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2 trainings', '1 training', true, false, 219, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723581+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727312+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (159, 'Report159', '61799', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'System in place and functioning', 'System not in place', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723675+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727386+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (160, 'Report160', '61800', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'System in place and functioning', 'System is not in place', true, false, 215, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723794+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727471+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (161, 'Report161', '61801', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Data does exist in targeted municipalities', 'Does not exist at present', true, false, 214, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.723931+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727541+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (162, 'Report162', '62424', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80%', '86%', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72406+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727611+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (163, 'Report163', '62425', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100% of newly recruited staff', '0', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724252+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.727681+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (164, 'Report164', '62426', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100% completion rate', '0', true, false, 196, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724354+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72775+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (165, 'Report165', '62442', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1 training', '0', true, false, 214, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724463+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72782+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (166, 'Report166', '62596', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100%', '0', true, false, 194, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724556+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72789+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (167, 'Report167', '62599', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'National awareness campaign rolled out by the end of the year', '0', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724649+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72796+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (169, 'Report169', '62626', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '15 partnerships', '3', true, false, 197, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724844+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728149+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (170, 'Report170', '62630', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2 trainings', '0', true, false, 210, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724942+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728264+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (171, 'Report171', '62632', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4 transfers', '0', true, false, 210, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725095+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728343+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (172, 'Report172', '62635', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Plan developed and approved by 5 Ministries', 'No plan in existence', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725248+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728415+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (1, 'Report1', '24858', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, 'Report22', '46100', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '11', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (2, 'Report2', '24859', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'ICT function integrated with the MENARO and a third party contract issued', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (173, 'Report173', '23-03-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'A system exists', 'No system exists', true, false, 217, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72535+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728488+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (3, 'Report3', '24860', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (23, 'Report23', '46101', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '24', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (4, 'Report4', '24861', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, 'Report55', '49181', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (5, 'Report5', '24862', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '0', true, false, 10, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (24, 'Report24', '46102', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (6, 'Report6', '24863', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100%', '0', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (7, 'Report7', '18737', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Outdated', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (25, 'Report25', '46103', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, 'Report8', '18738', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Three thematic Policy papers (Social Protection, Education, Child Protection)', 'Nil', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, 'Report56', '49182', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, 'Report9', '18739', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Social protection and sectoral frameworks include equity targets', 'Nil', true, false, 44, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (168, 'Report168', '62625', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '0', true, false, 197, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.724742+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728028+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (26, 'Report26', '46104', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, 'Report10', '18745', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Two, one family-based and one institutionalized', 'Nil', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, 'Report11', '18746', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Two, one for deployment and one for capacity building', 'Nil', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (27, 'Report27', '46105', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, 'Report57', '49183', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '11500', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, 'Report28', '46108', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, 'Report15', '18755', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Five most significant laws, and policies identified and amended', 'National experts analysis 2007 UNODC, Analysis of draft Child Law 2012 UNICEF project', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, 'Report29', '46109', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, 'Report16', '18756', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, 'Report30', '46110', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20 days', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (19, 'Report19', '45620', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, 'Report31', '46111', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', '0', true, false, 5, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, 'Report20', '45621', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '120', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, 'Report59', '49188', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3000', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'Report21', '45622', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '342,000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, 'Report60', '49189', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '300', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, 'Report61', '49190', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '500', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, 'Report63', '49192', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', 'na', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, 'Report73', '06-01-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-03-07 18:19:09.9555+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (111, 'Report111', '21-01-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1200000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-03-07 18:19:10.020228+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, 'Report66', '49199', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (174, 'Report174', '22-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120,000', '78,868', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725447+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728615+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (151, 'Report151', '61788', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '95% of target population', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.72269+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.315106+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, 'Report69', '49202', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '8', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, 'Report70', '49203', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (176, 'Report176', '24-02-L3-31', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '135,000', '45,000', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725671+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728768+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, 'Report62', '49191', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1400000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, 'Report67', '49200', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.685189+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, 'Report14', '18750', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (177, 'Report177', '23-01-L3-15', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '63', '3', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725764+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.728841+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (17, 'Report17', '18757', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (181, 'Report181', '66313', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100%', '0', true, false, 207, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335284+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.336629+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (182, 'Report182', '66314', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '50% increase', '0', true, false, 198, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335417+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.336814+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, 'Report68', '49201', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '0', true, false, 106, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.718027+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, 'Report81', '06-04-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, 'Report13', '18749', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (108, 'Report108', '24-02-L3-29', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (109, 'Report109', '24-02-L3-28', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (146, 'Report146', '24-02-L3-16', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60,000', '20,000', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-14 00:20:15.617635+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.29324+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (152, 'Report152', '61789', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60,000', '26,639', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722864+00', '2019-03-27 00:17:54.726775+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (107, 'Report107', '23-02-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (114, 'Report114', '52161', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '33,450', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.678826+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683774+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (115, 'Report115', '52162', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80000', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679082+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683958+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (116, 'Report116', '52163', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679379+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684099+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (117, 'Report117', '52164', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,400', '0', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679605+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684234+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (122, 'Report122', '52169', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1400000', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.68071+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684988+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (123, 'Report123', '52170', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100,000', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680879+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685127+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (124, 'Report124', '55918', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '35,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681118+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685287+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (125, 'Report125', '55920', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '20,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681328+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685404+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (126, 'Report126', '55921', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '45,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681577+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.68552+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (127, 'Report127', '55922', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '10,000', 'n/a', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681773+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685637+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (128, 'Report128', '55923', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '300', 'N/A', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.681991+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.685824+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (129, 'Report129', '55924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682194+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686037+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (130, 'Report130', '55925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682383+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686176+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (131, 'Report131', '55926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682619+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686311+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (132, 'Report132', '55927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1500', 'n/a', true, false, 104, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.682798+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686445+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, 'Report58', '49185', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, 'Report12', '18748', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (134, 'Report134', '55961', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '33,450', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.307161+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310623+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (135, 'Report135', '55962', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80,000', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.308521+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310781+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (136, 'Report136', '55963', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '120', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.308728+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.310953+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (137, 'Report137', '55964', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,400', 'N/A', true, false, 47, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-18 00:16:33.30896+00', '2018-05-18 00:16:33.31109+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (138, 'Report138', '55983', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.433858+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435442+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (139, 'Report139', '55984', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434204+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435529+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (140, 'Report140', '55985', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434338+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435595+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (141, 'Report141', '55986', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,500', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43444+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435675+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (142, 'Report142', '55987', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434553+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435743+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (143, 'Report143', '55988', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '4,000', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434668+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43581+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (144, 'Report144', '55989', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.434765+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.435878+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (145, 'Report145', '55990', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,500', '0', true, false, 108, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-05-20 00:08:46.43487+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.436001+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (118, 'Report118', '52165', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '35000', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.679777+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684377+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (119, 'Report119', '52166', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '3000', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680059+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684494+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (120, 'Report120', '52167', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '300', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680277+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684611+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (121, 'Report121', '52168', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '500', 'n/a', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.680532+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.684827+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (133, 'Report133', '55957', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1,845', 'N/A', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-05-17 16:09:29.683004+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:29.686587+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, 'Report65', '49198', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 100, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.752094+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, 'Report71', '49204', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '120', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.783634+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, 'Report72', '49205', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '0', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.80116+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (180, 'Report180', '22-02-L3-54', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '212', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-23 00:25:25.513183+00', '2019-06-23 00:25:25.513584+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (110, 'Report110', '24-02-L3-26', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, 'Report64', '49197', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1400', '0', true, false, 100, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-01-16 00:08:01.734962+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, 'Report74', '06-06-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '93,450', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:46.379513+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'Report75', '05-04-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, 'Report76', '05-04-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '9100', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, 'Report77', '03-05-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'Report78', '03-05-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'Report79', '03-05-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', 'na', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, 'Report80', '01-06-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1200000', 'na', true, false, 112, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:51.242901+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (113, 'Report113', '53186', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95,000', 'N/A', true, false, 110, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-31 00:09:22.591606+00', '2018-03-31 00:09:22.597675+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (150, 'Report150', '61787', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1000 children <5', '0', true, false, 208, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.722587+00', '2019-04-20 00:15:13.380276+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, 'Report112', '22-01-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '26,639', 'na', true, false, 102, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2018-03-31 00:09:22.570865+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (18, 'Report18', '18758', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'MRE Strategy and standards published; MRE standards practiced', 'No', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:57:50.91617+00', '2019-10-31 01:40:06.551327+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (178, 'Report178', '22-03-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '14,000', '0', true, false, 221, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725856+00', '2019-04-20 00:15:13.425189+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (147, 'Report147', '23-01-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '7,000', '0', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-14 00:20:15.617771+00', '2019-11-12 15:59:13.243869+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (179, 'Report179', '23-01-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '40,000', '0', true, false, 218, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725948+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.306126+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (183, 'Report183', '66315', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '5', '0', true, false, 209, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335523+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.336943+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (184, 'Report184', '66316', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1 in progress', '0', true, false, 210, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335625+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.337105+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (185, 'Report185', '66317', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '93,450', '90,682', true, false, 216, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335712+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.337233+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (186, 'Report186', '66312', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100%', '0', true, false, 195, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-08-15 00:43:21.335822+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.337296+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (175, 'Report175', '22-02-L3-53', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '400', '0', true, false, 220, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-27 00:17:54.725554+00', '2019-08-15 00:43:21.325478+00');
@@ -10458,6 +12111,15 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, 'Service Delivery - Emerge
-- Data for Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_lowerresult VALUES (3, '999', '102-1', 60, '2019-10-02 09:31:09.308666+00', '2019-10-02 09:31:09.308666+00');
+-- Data for Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (201, 'Tripoli');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (209, 'Tunis');
@@ -10476,175 +12138,175 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, 'Service Delivery - Emerge
-- Data for Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'EDUCATION SYSTEMS STRENGHTENING', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 43, 44, 10, 2, 1, 98, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.402518+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'EDU_LIFE SKILLS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/006/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-07', 'Adolescent development # building assets and skills', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 49, 50, 10, 2, 1, 100, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.40775+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS', '27', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 10, 6, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.124319+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (1, 'SPECIAL PURPOSE', '28', '2014-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/777', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 6, 1, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:44.562809+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'CROSS-SECTORAL', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/804', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 8, 5, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.447779+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'STAFF COSTS_NON-SALARIES', '', '2017-01-02', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/013/002', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 81, 82, 10, 2, 1, 114, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.453404+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'STAFF COSTS_SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/013/001', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 79, 80, 10, 2, 1, 114, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.46349+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'EDUCATION', '21', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 14, 3, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-07-24 00:31:43.165403+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/801', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 8, 8, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.471882+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (83, 'MANAGEMENT OUTCOME', '28', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 30, 11, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-08 00:13:57.453825+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (189, 'CHILD PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOV', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-20', 'Protective services for children on the move', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 91, 92, 10, 2, 1, 188, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.307672+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (9, 'GOVERNANCE AND SYSTEMS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.40543+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (187, 'EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOVE', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/014/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 87, 88, 10, 2, 1, 185, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.327609+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (186, 'EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOVE', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 85, 86, 10, 2, 1, 185, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.337542+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (184, 'CHILD PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOVE', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/008/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-20', 'Protective services for children on the move', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 59, 60, 10, 2, 1, 104, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-11-10 00:07:50.668625+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'PROGRAMME EFFECTIVENESS', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 28, 9, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.160779+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'CHILD PROTECTION AND EMERGENCIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-23', 'Child Protection humanitarian AoR/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 67, 68, 10, 2, 1, 108, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.209596+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'CP_ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/009/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '25-03-02', 'Adolescents participating in or leading civic engagement initiatives (including in humanitarian settings)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 63, 64, 10, 2, 1, 106, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.224488+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'GOVERNANCE AND OVERSIGHT', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 13, 14, 11, 2, 1, 94, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.240327+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (210, 'EFFECTIVE PLANNING AND MONITORING OF COUNTRY PROGRAMME RESULTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 12, 13, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.898138+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.770096+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (224, 'STAFF/NON-STAFF COSTS - CHILD PROTECTION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.635907+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.648366+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND STEWARDSHIP', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 8, 11, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.817468+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (225, 'STAFF/NON-STAFF COSTS - EDUCATION, HEALTH, NUTRITION, WASH,YOUTH', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/006', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.669381+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.678056+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (151, 'OFFICE RUNNING COSTS', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/006/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 11, 2, 1, 150, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.262868+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'STAFF COST SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/005/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 11, 2, 1, 117, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.278322+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'STAFF COST SALARIES-NON SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/005/002', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 11, 2, 1, 117, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.283239+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'STAFF RECRUITMENT AND WELLBEING', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/003/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 11, 2, 1, 96, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.293545+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 4, 2, 1, 26, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.550409+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 17, 18, 4, 2, 1, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.581831+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/804/001/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.588161+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-04', 'Birth Registration/Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.600564+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-01-03', 'Services to prevent or respond to gender-based violence in emergencies', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 15, 16, 4, 2, 1, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.606562+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 9, 10, 4, 2, 1, 26, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.619166+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'STAFF CAPACITY BUILDING & LEARNING PLAN', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/005', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.424728+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (6, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.430908+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'STAFF WELL-BEING', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/006', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.437408+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (220, 'ACCESS/QUALITY EDUCATION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.316751+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.5921+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (204, 'NON-STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/003/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 13, 2, 34, 196, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.351985+00', '2018-12-10 00:07:23.404676+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (217, 'CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE INSTITUTIONS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.212888+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.632011+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (199, 'STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/001/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 13, 2, 34, 194, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.1507+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.162561+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (218, 'CHILD PROTECTION - BEHAVIORAL CHANGE', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.245938+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.645411+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (213, 'SUPPORT TO BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY', '21', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 12, 18, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.033428+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:25.571365+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (200, 'NON STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/001/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 13, 2, 34, 194, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.194638+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.206627+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (212, 'PROTECTIVE ENVIROMENT', '23', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 12, 17, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:07:59.998659+00', '2018-12-13 00:08:00.004254+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (201, 'STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/002/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 13, 2, 34, 195, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.233778+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.244955+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (216, 'COMMUNITY BASED CHILD PROTECTION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.17134+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.694917+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (202, 'NON STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/002/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 11, 12, 13, 2, 34, 195, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.274624+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.286579+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (203, 'STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/003/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 15, 16, 13, 2, 34, 196, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.311667+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.322117+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (195, 'FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 13, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.898504+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.796273+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (5, 'GOVERNANCE AND SYSTEMS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 11, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.826728+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (194, 'GOVERNANCE AND SYSTEMS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 7, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.845647+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.840238+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (205, 'DEPUTY REPRESENTATIVE/COORDINATION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/880/001/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '27-01-15', 'CO programme coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 14, 2, 34, 197, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.394783+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.409536+00', NULL, NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (226, 'STAFF/NON-STAFF COSTS _OR, ORE', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 22, 23, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.697415+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.705953+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (227, 'OFFICE RUNNING COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/006', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 24, 25, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.723854+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.732419+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (228, 'SECURITY COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/007', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 26, 27, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.753873+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.76211+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (230, 'STAFF/NON-STAFF COSTS - SOCIAL POLICY', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.809012+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.817573+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (211, 'EVIDENCE-BASED CHILD-FOCUSED PLANNING AND BUDGETING', '21', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 8, 16, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:07:59.95438+00', '2019-04-08 00:13:57.4395+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (193, 'PROGRAMME EFFECTIVENESS', '27', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 16, 14, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.78333+00', '2019-04-08 00:13:57.466907+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (192, 'OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS', '28', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 28, 13, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.747554+00', '2019-04-07 00:09:25.557605+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (198, 'EXTERNAL RELATIONS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 9, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.051447+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.785646+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'HEALTH_EMERGENCY RESPONSE', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/012', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 74, 77, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.849533+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (14, 'HUMAN CAPACITY', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 20, 27, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.857993+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (196, 'HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 14, 19, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.947329+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.867135+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 19, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.875819+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (222, 'IMMUNIZATION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.392237+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.885111+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (208, 'IMPROVED HEALTH, NUTRITION AND WASH SERVICES', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 2, 15, 0, 34, NULL, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.848742+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.890208+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (214, 'IMPROVED PLANNING AND BUDGETING', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.10856+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.895067+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (219, 'MONITORING AND REPORTING VIOLATIONS OF CHILD RIGHTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 9, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.279059+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.900263+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (150, 'OFFICE RUNNING COSTS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 29, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.906136+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (207, 'OPERATIONAL SUPPORT TO PROGRAMME DELIVERY', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 20, 21, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.813586+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.915062+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (2, 'PREMISES AND SECURITY', '', '2014-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/777/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.920478+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'PROGRAMME COORDINATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.930107+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (197, 'PROGRAMME COORDINATION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 5, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.000327+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.938636+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'PROGRAMME COORDINATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 6, 1, 1, 33, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.949223+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'PROGRAMME OPERATIONS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/804/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 5, 1, 1, 29, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.958186+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/013', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 78, 83, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.976925+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 25, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.994215+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (229, 'STAFF/NON-STAFF COSTS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 14, 15, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.781697+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.002965+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (215, 'SUPPORT TO EVIDENCE GENERATION', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.141707+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.007728+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (221, 'TVET AND LIFESKILLS', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.352761+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.013022+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (209, 'UN DELIVERING AS ONE', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.872233+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.018103+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'WASH_HUMANITARIAN SHELTER SUPPORT', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/011', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 70, 73, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.022848+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (223, 'YOUTH INCLUSION AND PEACEBUILDING', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 9, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.423952+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.032025+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (3, 'SECURITY SYSTEMS AND SERVICES', '', '2015-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/777/001/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-06-01', 'HQ advisory support on safety and security', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:44.685274+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'OFFICE RUNNING, TRANSPORT & SECURITY', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 11, 2, 1, 92, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.267826+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'STAFF COST-NON SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/004/002', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 11, 2, 1, 84, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.273321+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (86, 'STAFF COSTS-SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/004/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 11, 2, 1, 84, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.288514+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'STAFF COSTS-NON SALARY RELATED', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/005/002', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 9, 2, 1, 87, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.458714+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'STAFF COSTS-SALARIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/005/001', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 9, 2, 1, 87, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.47257+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-08-06', 'Parenting Programme to promote nurturing care and early stimulation', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 19, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.556908+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-08-05', 'ECD Policy and system strengthening', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 19, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.61303+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'VISIBLITY', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/002/001', '', '005', 'Partnerships', '08-09-10', 'Brand building and visibility', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 9, 2, 1, 79, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.495296+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'CHILD PROTECTION AND EMERGENCIES', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/003', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '06-06-02', 'Prevent and address gender based violence of girls and women in humanitarian action', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 17, 18, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'EDUCATION SYSTEM STRENGTHENING', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/002', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '06-02-01', 'Child Protection systems strengthening', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'LIFE SKILLS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/002', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-04-03', 'Life skills and vocational training', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/004', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'EDUCATION IN EMMERGENCIES', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/003', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'STAFF-NON SALARY RELATED COSTS', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/003', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'STAFF -NON SALARY RELATED COSTS', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/003', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 39, 40, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'HEALTH EMERGENCY RESPONSE', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 35, 36, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/005', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '06-02-01', 'Child Protection systems strengthening', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/002', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 37, 38, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'WASH', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 33, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'STAFF COST NON SALARY RELATED', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/005', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 11, 12, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (71, 'WASH SHELTER SUPPORT', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/001', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (77, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/002', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 29, 30, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'OPERATING COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/804/001/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 5, 2, 1, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.542969+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-02-17', 'System strengthening - curricula and learning materials design (excluding early learning / pre-primary)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 3, 2, 1, 47, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-01-26 00:08:26.323958+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (82, 'STAFF COSTS-NON SALARY RELATED', '', '2014-01-02', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/006', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '06-06-03', 'Psychosocial support and child-friendly spaces', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'HEALTH EMERGENCY RESPONSE', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-03-02', 'IMNCI facilities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 75, 76, 10, 2, 1, 112, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.369788+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (7, 'GOVERNANCE AND OVERSIGHT', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.398224+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'RECRUITMENT', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/004', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.411963+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (8, 'RISK MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 7, 8, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.418424+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (45, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/801/001/001', '', '005', 'Partnerships', '07-01-03', 'Analytical work on vulnerable groups', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 8, 2, 1, 44, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-15', 'System strengthening - early learning / pre-primary standards and governance', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 53, 54, 10, 2, 1, 102, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.235281+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'WASH_HUMANITARIAN SHELTER SUPPORT', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 71, 72, 10, 2, 1, 110, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-01-20 00:08:07.269279+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.562971+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (36, 'ADVOCACY / COMMUNICATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 9, 6, 1, 1, 33, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.597446+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (46, 'PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 5, 6, 8, 2, 1, 44, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.575319+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (48, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-02-18', 'System strengthening - learning assessment systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 3, 2, 1, 47, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.594232+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'CHILD PROTECTION', '23', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 20, 4, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.434037+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (4, 'PROGRAMME SUPPORT', '28', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 28, 2, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.318338+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (190, 'CHILD PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOV', '', '2017-01-02', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/015/002', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '06-08-01', 'Child Protection # general', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 93, 94, 10, 2, 1, 188, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'COUNTRY OFFICE PROGRAMME COORDINATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/001/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-06-13', 'Joint programmes/pooled funding/inter-agency agreements', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 9, 2, 1, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-07 00:10:11.667689+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (62, 'PROGRAMME', '22', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 96, 10, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-12-24 00:06:37.149846+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (183, 'EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOVE', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/005/002', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 45, 46, 10, 2, 1, 98, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (61, 'ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '25-03-02', 'Adolescents participating in or leading civic engagement initiatives (including in humanitarian settings)', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 15, 16, 9, 2, 1, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.204476+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 57, 58, 10, 2, 1, 104, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.219485+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2014-01-01', '2014-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/001/001', '', '008', 'Cross-sectoral integration', '09-02-05', 'CO Programme coordination', '', '', false, false, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (37, 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/002/001', '', '004', 'Policy Dialogue, Advocacy and External Communication', '09-02-06', 'CO Advocacy and communication', '', '', false, false, 7, 8, 6, 2, 1, 36, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/004', '', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 19, 20, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/DM/01/800/888/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 3, 4, 7, 2, 2, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (11, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 13, 14, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (12, 'OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND SECURITY', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/902', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 15, 16, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (13, 'OSC SERVICES MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/903', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 17, 18, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'PRIOR-YEAR COMMITMENTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/DM/01/800/999/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 7, 8, 7, 2, 2, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'HR', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800/888', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 7, 1, 2, 38, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (38, 'PROGRAMME SUPPORT', 'Unknown', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 10, 7, 0, 2, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'CROSS SECTORAL COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOP', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/004/001', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '26-03-01', 'Advocacy and partnership-building for social behaviour change', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 13, 14, 9, 2, 1, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.229983+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'KNOWLEDGE GENERATION', '', '2016-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', '', '703', 'Evaluation', '26-02-02', 'MICS - General', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 9, 2, 1, 56, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.245483+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'MONITORING', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '26-02-08', 'Programme monitoring', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 7, 8, 9, 2, 1, 56, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.257788+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (191, 'LIBYA COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2013 - 2017', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/001/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 2, 12, 0, 2, NULL, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'PRIOR-YEAR COMMITMENTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800/999', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 9, 7, 1, 2, 38, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'EDUCATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 13, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'CHILD PROTECTION', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 25, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (72, 'HEALTH', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 34, 41, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (47, 'BASIC EDUCATION SYSTEMS AND POLICIES', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 8, 13, 3, 1, 1, 18, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.605778+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'BMA_GOVERNANCE AND SYSTEMS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 15, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.614467+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'BMA_STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.623399+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'CHILD PROTECTION AND EMERGENCIES', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/010', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 66, 69, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.636918+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (188, 'CHILD PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOV', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/015', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 90, 95, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.650685+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'CHILD PROTECTION LEGISLATION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.65941+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 8, 13, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.668184+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/008', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 56, 61, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.677397+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'CHILDREN IN EMERGENCIES', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 14, 19, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.686294+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'CP_ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/009', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 62, 65, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.699517+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'CROSS SECTORAL', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 12, 17, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.707699+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (44, 'DATA, RESEARCH AND SYSTEMS FOR EQUITY', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/801/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 8, 1, 1, 43, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.716748+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'ECD AND PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION STANDARDS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 3, 1, 1, 18, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.725185+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (185, 'EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN ON THE MOVE', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/014', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 84, 89, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.733621+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/007', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 52, 55, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.742417+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'EDUCATION SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 42, 47, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.752367+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'EDU_LIFE SKILLS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 48, 51, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.761293+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'EXTERNAL RELATIONS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.775163+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (10, 'FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND STEWARDSHIP', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 12, 19, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.806714+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'PROGRAMME PLANNING AND MONITORING', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 11, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.967347+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'STAFF COSTS', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 27, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.985556+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (226, 'Result226', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 22, 23, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.697415+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.705953+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (184, 'Result184', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/008/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-20', 'Protective services for children on the move', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 59, 60, 10, 2, 1, 104, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-11-10 00:07:50.668625+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'Result53', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 28, 9, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.160779+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'Result109', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/010/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-23', 'Child Protection humanitarian AoR/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 67, 68, 10, 2, 1, 108, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.209596+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'Result107', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/009/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '25-03-02', 'Adolescents participating in or leading civic engagement initiatives (including in humanitarian settings)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 63, 64, 10, 2, 1, 106, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.224488+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'Result95', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 13, 14, 11, 2, 1, 94, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.240327+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (210, 'Result210', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 12, 13, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.898138+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.770096+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (224, 'Result224', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.635907+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.648366+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'Result92', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 8, 11, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.817468+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (225, 'Result225', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/006', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.669381+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.678056+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (151, 'Result151', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/006/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 11, 2, 1, 150, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.262868+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'Result118', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/005/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 11, 2, 1, 117, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.278322+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'Result119', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/005/002', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 11, 2, 1, 117, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.283239+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'Result97', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/003/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 11, 2, 1, 96, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.293545+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'Result28', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 4, 2, 1, 26, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.550409+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'Result52', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/003/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 17, 18, 4, 2, 1, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.581831+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'Result31', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/804/001/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.588161+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'Result24', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-04', 'Birth Registration/Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.600564+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'Result51', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/003/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-01-03', 'Services to prevent or respond to gender-based violence in emergencies', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 15, 16, 4, 2, 1, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.606562+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'Result27', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 9, 10, 4, 2, 1, 26, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.619166+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'Result16', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/005', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.424728+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (6, 'Result6', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.430908+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'Result17', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/006', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.437408+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (220, 'Result220', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.316751+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.5921+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (204, 'Result204', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/003/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 13, 2, 34, 196, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.351985+00', '2018-12-10 00:07:23.404676+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (217, 'Result217', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.212888+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.632011+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (199, 'Result199', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/001/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 13, 2, 34, 194, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.1507+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.162561+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (218, 'Result218', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.245938+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.645411+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (200, 'Result200', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/001/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 13, 2, 34, 194, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.194638+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.206627+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (212, 'Result212', '23', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 12, 17, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:07:59.998659+00', '2018-12-13 00:08:00.004254+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (201, 'Result201', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/002/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 13, 2, 34, 195, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.233778+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.244955+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (216, 'Result216', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.17134+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.694917+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (202, 'Result202', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/002/002', NULL, '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 11, 12, 13, 2, 34, 195, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.274624+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.286579+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (203, 'Result203', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/800/003/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 15, 16, 13, 2, 34, 196, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.311667+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.322117+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (195, 'Result195', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 13, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.898504+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.796273+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (5, 'Result5', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 11, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.826728+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (194, 'Result194', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 7, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.845647+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.840238+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (205, 'Result205', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/880/001/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '27-01-15', 'CO programme coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 14, 2, 34, 197, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.394783+00', '2018-09-15 00:07:15.409536+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (206, 'Result206', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', true, '2580/A0/03/880/002/001', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '27-01-16', 'CO advocacy and communication', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 7, 8, 14, 2, 34, 198, 3, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.442814+00', '2018-12-10 00:07:23.398372+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (227, 'Result227', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/006', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 24, 25, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.723854+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.732419+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (228, 'Result228', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/007', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 26, 27, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.753873+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.76211+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (230, 'Result230', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.809012+00', '2018-12-16 00:07:35.817573+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (211, 'Result211', '21', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 8, 16, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:07:59.95438+00', '2019-11-14 00:19:25.805183+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (192, 'Result192', '26', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 28, 13, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.747554+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:31.914607+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (193, 'Result193', '26', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 16, 14, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.78333+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:31.926752+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (198, 'Result198', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/002', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 9, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.051447+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.785646+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'Result112', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/012', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 74, 77, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.849533+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (14, 'Result14', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 20, 27, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.857993+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (196, 'Result196', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 14, 19, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:14.947329+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.867135+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'Result96', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 19, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.875819+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (222, 'Result222', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 6, 7, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.392237+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.885111+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (208, 'Result208', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 2, 15, 0, 34, NULL, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.848742+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.890208+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (214, 'Result214', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 3, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.10856+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.895067+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (219, 'Result219', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/882/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 9, 17, 1, 34, 212, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.279059+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.900263+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (150, 'Result150', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 29, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.906136+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (207, 'Result207', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/800/004', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 20, 21, 13, 1, 34, 192, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.813586+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.915062+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (2, 'Result2', '', '2014-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/777/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.920478+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'Result33', '27', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 10, 6, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.124319+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'Result54', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.930107+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (197, 'Result197', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 2, 5, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-09-15 00:07:15.000327+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.938636+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'Result34', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 6, 1, 1, 33, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.949223+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'Result30', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/804/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 5, 1, 1, 29, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.958186+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'Result114', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/013', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 78, 83, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.976925+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'Result117', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 25, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.994215+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (229, 'Result229', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 14, 15, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-16 00:07:35.781697+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.002965+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (215, 'Result215', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/883/001', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 16, 1, 34, 211, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.141707+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.007728+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (221, 'Result221', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 4, 5, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.352761+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.013022+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (209, 'Result209', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/880/003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 10, 11, 14, 1, 34, 193, 2, NULL, '2018-12-09 00:07:29.872233+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.018103+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'Result110', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/011', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 70, 73, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.022848+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (223, 'Result223', NULL, '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881/005', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 8, 9, 18, 1, 34, 213, 2, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.423952+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:33.032025+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (3, 'Result3', '', '2015-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/777/001/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-06-01', 'HQ advisory support on safety and security', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:44.685274+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'Result93', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 11, 2, 1, 92, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.267826+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'Result85', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/004/002', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 11, 2, 1, 84, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.273321+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (86, 'Result86', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/881/004/001', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 11, 2, 1, 84, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.288514+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'Result89', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/005/002', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 9, 2, 1, 87, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.458714+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'Result88', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/005/001', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 9, 2, 1, 87, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.47257+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'Result21', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-08-06', 'Parenting Programme to promote nurturing care and early stimulation', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 19, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.556908+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'Result20', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/001/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-08-05', 'ECD Policy and system strengthening', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 19, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.61303+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'Result80', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/002/001', '', '005', 'Partnerships', '08-09-10', 'Brand building and visibility', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 9, 2, 1, 79, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.495296+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'Result69', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/003', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '06-06-02', 'Prevent and address gender based violence of girls and women in humanitarian action', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 17, 18, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'Result64', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'Result68', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/002', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '06-02-01', 'Child Protection systems strengthening', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'Result65', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/002', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-04-03', 'Life skills and vocational training', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'Result74', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/004', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'Result66', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/003', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'Result90', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/003', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'Result91', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/003', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 39, 40, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'Result73', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 35, 36, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'Result76', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/005', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '06-02-01', 'Child Protection systems strengthening', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'Result78', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004/002', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '01-06-03', 'Health # Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 37, 38, 10, 2, 1, 72, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'Result70', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 33, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'Result81', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001/005', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '05-04-06', 'Education - Emergency response', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 11, 12, 10, 2, 1, 63, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (71, 'Result71', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/001', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (77, 'Result77', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/003/002', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '03-05-03', 'Support to shelter in humanitarian action', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 29, 30, 10, 2, 1, 70, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'Result32', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/804/001/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 5, 2, 1, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.542969+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'Result49', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-02-17', 'System strengthening - curricula and learning materials design (excluding early learning / pre-primary)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 3, 2, 1, 47, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-01-26 00:08:26.323958+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (213, 'Result213', '21', '2019-01-01', '2020-12-31', false, '2580/A0/03/881', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 1, 12, 18, 0, 34, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-12-13 00:08:00.033428+00', '2019-11-15 00:23:31.937962+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (82, 'Result82', '', '2014-01-02', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/006', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '06-06-03', 'Psychosocial support and child-friendly spaces', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'Result113', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/012/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-03-02', 'IMNCI facilities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 75, 76, 10, 2, 1, 112, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.369788+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (7, 'Result7', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.398224+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'Result15', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/003/004', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 21, 22, 2, 2, 1, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.411963+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (8, 'Result8', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 7, 8, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.418424+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (45, 'Result45', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/801/001/001', '', '005', 'Partnerships', '07-01-03', 'Analytical work on vulnerable groups', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 8, 2, 1, 44, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'Result103', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/007/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-15', 'System strengthening - early learning / pre-primary standards and governance', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 53, 54, 10, 2, 1, 102, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.235281+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'Result111', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/011/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 71, 72, 10, 2, 1, 110, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-01-20 00:08:07.269279+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'Result25', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/803/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-01', 'Promoting diversion and alternatives to deprivation of liberty', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.562971+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (36, 'Result36', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 9, 6, 1, 1, 33, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.597446+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (46, 'Result46', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/801/001/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 5, 6, 8, 2, 1, 44, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.575319+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (48, 'Result48', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/802/002/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-02-18', 'System strengthening - learning assessment systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 3, 2, 1, 47, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.594232+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (4, 'Result4', '28', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 28, 2, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.318338+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (190, 'Result190', '', '2017-01-02', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/015/002', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '06-08-01', 'Child Protection # general', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 93, 94, 10, 2, 1, 188, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'Result55', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/001/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-06-13', 'Joint programmes/pooled funding/inter-agency agreements', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 9, 2, 1, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-07 00:10:11.667689+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (62, 'Result62', '22', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 96, 10, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-05-29 00:07:51.580494+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (183, 'Result183', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/005/002', '', '009', 'Service Delivery', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 45, 46, 10, 2, 1, 98, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (61, 'Result61', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/004/002', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '25-03-02', 'Adolescents participating in or leading civic engagement initiatives (including in humanitarian settings)', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 15, 16, 9, 2, 1, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.204476+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'Result105', '', '2017-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/008/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 57, 58, 10, 2, 1, 104, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.219485+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'Result35', '', '2014-01-01', '2014-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/001/001', '', '008', 'Cross-sectoral integration', '09-02-05', 'CO Programme coordination', '', '', false, false, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (37, 'Result37', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/880/002/001', '', '004', 'Policy Dialogue, Advocacy and External Communication', '09-02-06', 'CO Advocacy and communication', '', '', false, false, 7, 8, 6, 2, 1, 36, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'Result75', '', '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002/004', '', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 19, 20, 10, 2, 1, 67, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'Result40', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/DM/01/800/888/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 3, 4, 7, 2, 2, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (11, 'Result11', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 13, 14, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (12, 'Result12', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/902', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 15, 16, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'Result22', '23', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 20, 4, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.434037+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (13, 'Result13', '', '2013-01-01', '2014-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/002/903', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', '7921', 'Operations # financial and administration', '', '', false, false, 17, 18, 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'Result42', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/DM/01/800/999/001', '', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', '', '', false, false, 7, 8, 7, 2, 2, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'Result39', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800/888', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 7, 1, 2, 38, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (38, 'Result38', 'Unknown', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 10, 7, 0, 2, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'Result60', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/004/001', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '26-03-01', 'Advocacy and partnership-building for social behaviour change', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 13, 14, 9, 2, 1, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.229983+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'Result58', '', '2016-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/003/003', '', '703', 'Evaluation', '26-02-02', 'MICS - General', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 9, 2, 1, 56, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.245483+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'Result57', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/882/003/002', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '26-02-08', 'Programme monitoring', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 7, 8, 9, 2, 1, 56, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-03 00:06:53.257788+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (191, 'Result191', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/001/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 2, 12, 0, 2, NULL, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'Result41', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/DM/01/800/999', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 9, 7, 1, 2, 38, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'Result63', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 13, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'Result67', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 25, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (72, 'Result72', '', '2013-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 34, 41, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-03-15 16:57:54.175357+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (47, 'Result47', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 8, 13, 3, 1, 1, 18, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.605778+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'Result94', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 15, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.614467+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'Result84', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 11, 1, 1, 83, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.623399+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'Result108', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/010', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 66, 69, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.636918+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'Result99', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/005/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-01', 'Education -Systems', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 43, 44, 10, 2, 1, 98, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.402518+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'Result101', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/006/001', '', '001', 'Capacity Development', '05-05-07', 'Adolescent development # building assets and skills', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 49, 50, 10, 2, 1, 100, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.40775+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (1, 'Result1', '28', '2014-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/777', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 6, 1, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-20 00:08:44.562809+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'Result29', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/804', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 8, 5, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.447779+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'Result116', '', '2017-01-02', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/013/002', '', '014', 'Operating costs # non-staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 81, 82, 10, 2, 1, 114, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.453404+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'Result115', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/013/001', '', '013', 'Operating costs # staff', '08-09-06', 'Other # non-classifiable cross-sectoral activities', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 79, 80, 10, 2, 1, 114, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-11 00:10:10.46349+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'Result18', '21', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 14, 3, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-07-24 00:31:43.165403+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'Result43', '26', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/801', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 8, 8, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-04 00:08:51.471882+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (83, 'Result83', '28', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/881', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 30, 11, 0, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-11-14 00:19:25.816683+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (189, 'Result189', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/015/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-20', 'Protective services for children on the move', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 91, 92, 10, 2, 1, 188, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.307672+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (9, 'Result9', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/800/001/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-03', 'Country office leadership and direction', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 9, 10, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-06-05 00:11:42.40543+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (187, 'Result187', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/014/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 87, 88, 10, 2, 1, 185, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.327609+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (186, 'Result186', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '2580/A0/02/883/014/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 85, 86, 10, 2, 1, 185, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2018-05-17 16:09:30.337542+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (188, 'Result188', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/015', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 90, 95, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.650685+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'Result23', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.65941+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'Result26', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 8, 13, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.668184+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'Result104', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/008', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 56, 61, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.677397+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'Result50', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/803/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 14, 19, 4, 1, 1, 22, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.686294+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'Result106', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/009', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 62, 65, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.699517+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'Result59', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 12, 17, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.707699+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (44, 'Result44', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/801/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 8, 1, 1, 43, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.716748+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'Result19', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/802/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 2, 7, 3, 1, 1, 18, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.725185+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (185, 'Result185', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/014', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 84, 89, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.733621+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'Result102', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/007', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 52, 55, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.742417+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'Result98', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 42, 47, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.752367+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'Result100', '', '2013-01-02', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/883/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 48, 51, 10, 1, 1, 62, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.761293+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'Result79', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.775163+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (10, 'Result10', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/800/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, true, 12, 19, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.806714+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'Result56', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 11, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.967347+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'Result87', '', '2013-01-01', '2018-12-31', false, '2580/A0/02/882/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 27, 9, 1, 1, 53, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:57:53.757579+00', '2019-04-06 00:13:32.985556+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
@@ -10681,6 +12343,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (67, 'Drivers', '', NULL, '', false
+-- Data for Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (1, 201, 112574);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (2, 201, 103934);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (3, 201, 24500);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (4, 201, 103166);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile VALUES (5, 201, 25737);
-- Data for Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -10909,6 +12582,11 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (40, 'Msallata', 'Tarhuna', '201
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (41, 'Tarhuna', 'Misrata', '2018-12-10', '2018-12-10', true, 'Car', 670, 52, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (42, 'Misrata', 'Bani Waleed', '2018-12-11', '2018-12-11', true, 'Car', 670, 52, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (43, 'Bani Waleed', 'Tripoli', '2018-12-11', '2018-12-11', false, 'Car', NULL, 52, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (44, 'Tripoli', 'Zwara', '2019-06-16', '2019-06-16', false, 'Car', 670, 55, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (45, 'Zwara', 'Tripoli', '2019-06-16', '2019-06-16', false, 'Car', 670, 55, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (46, 'Palm City', 'Awlad Ahmed Vaccination center', '2019-04-01', '2019-04-01', false, 'Car', NULL, 70, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (47, 'Palm City', 'Tripoli University Hospital', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-02', false, 'Car', NULL, 71, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (48, 'Tripoli University Hospital', 'Alhani PHC center', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-02', false, 'Car', NULL, 71, 1);
@@ -10956,17 +12634,23 @@ Follow up visit to distribute winter clothes for children, stationary and school
Follow up visit to check the WASH rehabilitation progress Meher November
Coordinate with the detention center management and follow up on humanitarian needs of detainees Inaam\ Ousama Ongoing
A training for IMDAD staff on how to use MUAC Dr Younis TBC', '', 'completed', '2018-11-07', '2018-11-07', 'visit to Zintan DC to assess the humanitarian situation and needs in the detention center including WASH.', '', false, false, '2018/17', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (46, '2018-12-18 12:04:35.041049+00', '2018-12-18 12:07:51.564933+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'A meeting between UNICEF team and Mr Abdulrazaq head of Multaqana and his deputy Mr Ezziddene.
-Where it was agreed on the following:
-• The center will be open every day, 9 am to 8 pm, and 2 extra social workers will be hired for this purpose.
-• UNICEF will amend the PCA to add the maintenance work in the child friendly space.
-• A part of the center will be used as a kindergarten in the morning.
-• 50 vests for field team and center team with UNICEF logo will be delivered to Multaqana
-• 200 school bags will be delivered to Multaqana.
-• A discussion will be held with Education department about adding schools to the list of schools that the activities are taking place in, as it was asked by ministry of education after attending the activities in the 6 schools about the possibility to add more schools in the targeted municipalities.
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (59, '2019-07-31 14:46:13.610944+00', '2019-08-20 08:11:20.347192+00', NULL, '2019-07-31 14:46:13.638042+00', NULL, '2019-08-19 17:03:09.055365+00', '', '', '', 'Details of visit enclosed in uploaded report in attachments & notes tab.', '', 'completed', '2019-07-08', '2019-07-08', 'programmatic visit to monitor and evaluate PSS and awareness activities conducted by Noor alhayat CP partner', '', false, false, '2019/28', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-07-31 14:46:13.638063+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (51, '2018-12-23 10:16:05.983814+00', '2019-02-17 11:35:36.594033+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attachments', '', 'completed', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03', 'Talae Alkhair - Rehabilitation of WASH facilities in Zintan DC (done by Mohammad Husayn & Maher Dhaoudhi)', '', false, false, '2018/20', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 14488, 25224, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (52, '2018-12-23 10:42:59.30459+00', '2019-02-17 11:36:04.739305+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attachments', '', 'completed', '2018-12-07', '2018-12-11', 'vaccination campaign monotring in (Zliten, Mslata, Tarhona, Misrata and Ben Waleed) - (done by Salem Alkoshi)', '', false, false, '2018/21', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 25224, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (102, '2019-11-12 13:23:13.049914+00', '2019-11-12 13:23:13.082037+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'Key findings and meetings summary:
+1. Ganfouda School: This is a school located in Ganfouda area, which was severely destroyed during the war and continues to be an underserved area. The school has about 500 children, 160 teachers and operates on a double shift system for grades 1-9. The school used to be a former field hospital that was then converted into a school to address the education needs in the area. The school has 8 classrooms and UNICEF supported the school with an additional 4 prefabs to decongest the overcrowded classrooms and also supported with WASH facilities. The school still needs more space and the municipal council has agreed to build an additional 6 classrooms to further address the congestion issues. Overall, the prefabs were well received and appreciated by the school, the prefabs are still in use – however, they are not being well maintained due to the usual wear and tear of the classrooms. The school administration would like to have more support in the future and this will be part of the future plans for the education teams.
+2. Tagrefet School: This is a school located in Al Hadayeq area in Benghazi city. The school has 12 classrooms and about 700 children enrolled operating on a double shift basis. The school was initially established to cater for education needs of CWD, however, due to the good reputation of the school and perceived high quality of education – over the years, the school has had more intake of children. To date, there are only 23 CWD enrolled, while integration and inclusive education is good, a broader discussion with MOE on effective inclusion is necessary. UNICEF supported the school with installation of ramps, school paint, provision of 6 ACs and rehabilitation of WASH facilities was done. Overall, the school appreciates the support for UNICEF and would like to continue to receive support in terms of trainings and also whether in the future green spaces can be considered as part of the rehabilitation works.
+3. MOE Focal Point Meeting on CWD: The purpose of the meeting was to discuss with the MOE focal point, Dr. Khaled on the status of CWD in the Eastern region and what are the plans for the MOE in scaling up support and to identify potential areas of support. UNICEF partner (Breezes), has strong coordination and engagement with the MOE focal point in progressing their work, ensuring that the UNICEF programme aligns and responds to the needs of the authorities which is an asset for ownership and sustainability. The MOE focal point requested more support from UNICEF in terms of procuring learning and hearing aides that can further support the integration of children with disabilities into public schools, requests for trainings were also requested and this can be taken into account as UNICEF scales up its work in Benghazi.
-• The playground needs some maintenance, the grass is not covering all the area of the playground, also there’s no electricity nor lighting system installed so children can’t play in the late afternoon, and the playground needs benches so parents can sit and watch the children play.
-UNICEF will amend the agreement to include the maintenance costs.', '', 'completed', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03', 'programmatic visit to check and follow up on the activities in the BAYTI center', '', false, false, '2018/15', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
+Action points:
+1. Discuss with WASH section about the possibility of including green space as part of the rehabilitation package (pending on space and fund availability);
+2. Education section to continue close monitoring of partners and provision of technical support to further enhance quality of programming and enhance inter-sectoral programming;
+3. For child protection to scale up the interventions on PSS as this is one key element requested by authorities for the children in the East.', '', 'completed', '2019-06-19', '2019-06-19', 'To visit schools that have benefited from school rehabilitation and also to meet with MOE CWD deptartment', 'This visit was for Breezes and also for the rehabilitation part the Partners (Contractors) are not part of the list of e-tool partners.', false, false, '2019/71', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 11490, 12687, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (54, '2019-02-17 10:03:44.195746+00', NULL, '2019-08-26 08:58:05.570673+00', '2019-02-17 10:13:24.620894+00', NULL, '2019-08-20 09:32:01.357496+00', '', 'error in uploaded data, will re-upload according the the 1 visit conducted', '', 'report attached in "attachments & notes"', '', 'cancelled', '2018-10-30', '2018-10-30', 'programmatic visit with Alhanla partner', '', false, false, '2019/23', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-02-17 10:13:24.620903+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (61, '2019-08-08 11:00:07.487821+00', NULL, '2019-08-20 08:04:06.779769+00', '2019-08-19 17:01:50.398623+00', NULL, '2019-08-19 17:02:00.271756+00', '', '', '', 'see att', '', 'cancelled', '2019-08-11', '2019-08-12', 'programmatic visit to Essafa', '', false, false, '2019/30', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-08-19 17:01:50.398631+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (56, '2019-07-15 11:35:07.729418+00', '2019-07-15 11:36:50.035193+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attached report', '', 'completed', '2019-06-16', '2019-06-16', 'Almobader Programme Visit', '', false, false, '2019/25', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12687, 23564, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (55, '2019-06-17 11:20:56.997818+00', NULL, '2019-08-05 15:08:37.88558+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'It was a trial', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-06-16', '2019-06-16', 'Almobader Programme Visit', '', false, false, '2019/24', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 20024, 11490, NULL, NULL, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (63, '2019-08-26 08:16:02.952416+00', '2019-08-26 08:31:18.257217+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'report is attached in attachments & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2019-08-04', '2019-08-04', 'Meeting with the scouts of Libya for CP activities and discussion of work modalities of partnership', '', false, false, '2019/32', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (49, '2018-12-18 12:32:45.922562+00', '2018-12-18 12:32:45.95235+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'In the light of the partnership agreement between UNICEF and CESVI, to provide educational and Psychosocial support to migrants and refugees population in the social center funded by UNHCR.
UNICEF team met with CESVI team,
The meeting and discussions revolved around the educational activities in the camps and the social center.
@@ -10996,9 +12680,116 @@ Action points:
Maintenance of Bathrooms Salem Alatrash
Follow up on the life skills classes needs Ahmed Farhat
Follow up on the access to school in Fallah 1 camp Atsuko Nishimoto + Ahmed Farhat', '', 'completed', '2018-11-28', '2018-11-28', 'follow up visit and meeting with CESVI team on the social center and camp activities.', '', false, false, '2018/18', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (51, '2018-12-23 10:16:05.983814+00', '2019-02-17 11:35:36.594033+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attachments', '', 'completed', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03', 'Talae Alkhair - Rehabilitation of WASH facilities in Zintan DC (done by Mohammad Husayn & Maher Dhaoudhi)', '', false, false, '2018/20', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 14488, 25224, NULL, NULL, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (52, '2018-12-23 10:42:59.30459+00', '2019-02-17 11:36:04.739305+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attachments', '', 'completed', '2018-12-07', '2018-12-11', 'vaccination campaign monotring in (Zliten, Mslata, Tarhona, Misrata and Ben Waleed) - (done by Salem Alkoshi)', '', false, false, '2018/21', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 25224, NULL, NULL, 4);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (54, '2019-02-17 10:03:44.195746+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-17 10:13:24.620894+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'report attached in "attachments & notes"', '', 'submitted', '2018-10-30', '2018-10-30', 'programmatic visit with Alhanla partner', '', false, false, '2019/23', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-02-17 10:13:24.620903+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (62, '2019-08-14 11:11:49.62268+00', NULL, '2019-08-20 08:14:01.894215+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-07-30', '2019-07-30', 'monthly programmatic visit to follow up on activities', '', false, false, '2019/31', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (60, '2019-08-05 17:45:39.289859+00', '2019-08-20 08:11:05.467194+00', NULL, '2019-08-05 17:46:27.79497+00', NULL, '2019-08-19 17:02:37.240113+00', '', '', '', 'details of trip can be found in the report attached in the (attachments & notes) tab', '', 'completed', '2019-07-30', '2019-07-30', 'field visit to monitor and evaluate programme activities conducted by local partner Noor alhayat', '', false, false, '2019/29', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-08-05 17:46:27.794978+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (58, '2019-07-31 14:35:40.329793+00', '2019-08-20 08:13:26.632561+00', NULL, '2019-07-31 14:38:54.07144+00', NULL, '2019-08-19 17:03:57.582085+00', '', '', '', 'attached in the attachment & note tab is the report.', '', 'completed', '2019-07-04', '2019-07-04', 'programmatic visit to monitor CP partner Noor alhayat implemented PSS activities in school and urban settings', '', false, false, '2019/27', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, '2019-07-31 14:38:54.071448+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (65, '2019-08-26 09:05:34.067507+00', '2019-08-26 09:10:28.631178+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'attached detailed report in attachment & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2018-10-31', '2018-10-31', 'programmatic visit to monitor and evaluate quality of conducted school based PSS in Janzour municipality', '', false, false, '2019/34', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (67, '2019-08-26 12:21:29.013302+00', '2019-08-26 12:28:06.19647+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'report with details attached in the attachments & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2018-12-12', '2018-12-12', 'Programmatic visit to monitor cross-sectoral activitity of PSS conducted during the 2018 UNICEF Vaccination campaign', '', false, false, '2019/36', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (72, '2019-09-10 14:35:44.072271+00', '2019-09-10 14:50:58.276343+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'See attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-19', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Ganfouda School in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/41', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (95, '2019-10-01 13:49:42.569292+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-03 09:49:01.256452+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'In the light of the agreement between UNICEF and INTERSOS, to establish a community center where disadvantaged children have access to non-formal education, recreational activities, and psycho-social support services through a child friendly space.
+This center was opened officially on April 2019 and was given the name BAYTI (my home).
+On the 26th of September, UNICEF team visited INTERSOS BAYTI center, to attend the completion of the three months’ cycle activities through an art exhibition. The event also included sketches by youth artists, and the opening of the computer lab and library.
+Several staffs from international organizations IMC, IRC, also from the local NGOs SOS and Hope makers attended the event. Moreover, representatives from Souq Jomaa municipality also attended.
+The structure of the event was of two parts, the first part was for children of the age group (6 to 12), where recreational activities and games were conducted, the number of children attended the first half of the event was 241 children (44 non-Libyans) (IDPs 22) (Non-displaced 175).
+The second part was for the age group (13 to 18) 120 children (Non-Libyans 4) and (Libyans 116), the activities included art gallery, music talent show and a visual arts session.
+During the Art gallery, a young artist was identified by UNICEF to provide UNICEF with drawings for the NOT A TARGET campaign.
+A library and a computer lap were opened in the center, where they can accommodate around 10 children per session.
+Visit observations/needs/ next steps
+• Low number of children (particularly migrants and refugees) attended the event and the last cycle, all the non-Libyans who attended were children living close to the center, it was communicated by the migrants that the transportation is very expensive, and it is the main reason they can’t attend the center activities.
+• During the interviews with migrant teenage children, they have highlighted their desire to have more frequent Math classes in addition to the life skills and languages
+• There is an overall imbalance in the non-formal education schedule for the classes – more classes are tailored for the Libyan children and less for the migrants. While, migrant children have higher needs as many of them (if not all) are not attending the regular schools
+• There is an issue of access for the children with disabilities – the structure of the building may not allow the disable children to use all the facilities that are provided in the Bayti center.
+• The outreach component of getting more children attending BAyti center (particularly migrants and refugees) have to be rethought after to ensure that as many children and possible are attending the center. Some suggestions would be to get in touch with Youth colleagues and try to mobilize the Youth volunteers and other NGOs and partners working in the area
+• The supervisor of the center is done by a young manager (bright, ambitions and smart colleague) though he may not have the required level of experience in managing larger teams and ensuring that all the children are safe and there are not issue at the center that may arise. Better planning in terms of the maturity of the supervisors have to be considered
+• The safety of children should be considered at an important priority. the Cetner has to be child friendly in terms of equipment that they are using. For example, the chairs do not have no-glide adhesive tapes, the electricity sockets are exposed in the rooms that are hosting fairly small children. No fire extinguishers were available. NO first aid kit
+• The center attracted a large number of young people with excellent skills in drawing and painting. It might be an idea to organize a specific competition where the children ( especially the adolescents) are requested to draw picture for UNICEF to be used for the social media under the following themes “Child is a Child , no matter what” , “NOT a Target”, “CRC 30 and Child Rights ” and others
+• INTERSOS team succeeded to mobilize many innovative ideas and creative approaches in engagement and working with children. This experience would benefit other partners, particularly national ones who are implementing similar activities.', '', 'submitted', '2019-09-26', '2019-09-26', 'Attend the end of the three months cycle activities art exhibition,The event also will include sketches by young artists', '', false, false, '2019/64', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, '2019-10-03 09:49:01.256462+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (71, '2019-09-07 23:57:29.425232+00', '2019-09-11 10:39:28.601057+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'Tripoli University Hospital Newborn Intensive care unit;
+There are enough number of incubators, but many of them needs maintenance and they are complaining of shortage of nurses and consumables and some lifesaving medications. The consultant neonatologists expressed their willingness to cooperate with UNICEF to improve the quality of services through capacity building of the staff.
+Alhani PHC center;
+The vaccination center is providing immunization services to all the children without discrimination. However, the refrigerators are missing the temperature logs.
+Also, there is a nutrition clinic that offer services mainly to diabetic patients.', '', 'completed', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-02', 'Visiting the Tripoli University Hospital Newborn Intensive Care Unit', '', false, false, '2019/40', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 176084, NULL, NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (46, '2018-12-18 12:04:35.041049+00', '2018-12-18 12:07:51.564933+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'A meeting between UNICEF team and Mr Abdulrazaq head of Multaqana and his deputy Mr Ezziddene.
+Where it was agreed on the following:
+• The center will be open every day, 9 am to 8 pm, and 2 extra social workers will be hired for this purpose.
+• UNICEF will amend the PCA to add the maintenance work in the child friendly space.
+• A part of the center will be used as a kindergarten in the morning.
+• 50 vests for field team and center team with UNICEF logo will be delivered to Multaqana
+• 200 school bags will be delivered to Multaqana.
+• A discussion will be held with Education department about adding schools to the list of schools that the activities are taking place in, as it was asked by ministry of education after attending the activities in the 6 schools about the possibility to add more schools in the targeted municipalities.
+• The playground needs some maintenance, the grass is not covering all the area of the playground, also there’s no electricity nor lighting system installed so children can’t play in the late afternoon, and the playground needs benches so parents can sit and watch the children play.
+UNICEF will amend the agreement to include the maintenance costs.', '', 'completed', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03', 'programmatic visit to check and follow up on the activities in the BAYTI center', '', false, false, '2018/15', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (73, '2019-09-10 14:54:15.53581+00', '2019-09-10 14:54:58.96454+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-19', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Alhlsi School Camp in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/42', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (78, '2019-09-10 15:11:54.471659+00', '2019-09-10 15:12:09.519512+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-22', '2019-01-22', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Installation of 4 prefabricated classrooms in Al Bara Nursery in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/47', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (79, '2019-09-11 09:11:24.76131+00', '2019-09-11 09:12:19.253432+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-20', '2019-01-20', 'Contractor (Awaset Al Madina) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Almahdia school in Sabha', '', false, false, '2019/48', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (66, '2019-08-26 09:22:51.652613+00', '2019-08-26 09:25:36.786104+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'attached detailed report with action points displayed in the attahcement & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2018-12-05', '2018-12-05', 'Programmatic visit to monitor and evaluate quality of conducted community/school based PSS in Ain Zara Municipality', '', false, false, '2019/35', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (64, '2019-08-26 08:41:42.751409+00', '2019-08-26 08:44:57.194572+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'attached detailed report in attachements & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2018-10-29', '2018-10-29', 'programmatic visit to monitor school based PSS activities for children in vulnerable area', '', false, false, '2019/33', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (74, '2019-09-10 14:57:29.523303+00', '2019-09-10 14:58:56.467915+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-19', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Shamsh School in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/43', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (68, '2019-08-26 12:35:28.579213+00', '2019-08-26 12:39:46.275246+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'report with details attached in a document in the attachments & notes tab', '', 'completed', '2019-07-24', '2019-07-24', 'Programmatic visit to monitor Quality of community based PSS activity in Tripoli center by partner.', '', false, false, '2019/37', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 17817, NULL, NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (76, '2019-09-10 15:04:53.625735+00', '2019-09-10 15:09:24+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-22', '2019-01-22', 'Contractor (EAMAR ALBEIDA) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Shuhada Al Equella School in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/45', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (80, '2019-09-11 09:19:27.357536+00', '2019-09-11 09:20:16.730713+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-02-20', '2019-02-20', 'Contractor (Awaset Al Madina) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Al Gardha school in Sabha', '', false, false, '2019/49', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (75, '2019-09-10 15:01:47.724965+00', '2019-09-10 15:02:48.902773+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-19', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Sidi Mansour School in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/44', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (81, '2019-09-11 10:01:08.098318+00', '2019-09-11 10:02:21.887316+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-02-20', '2019-02-20', 'Contractor (Awaset Al Madina) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Aljadid school in Sabha', '', false, false, '2019/50', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (82, '2019-09-11 10:05:01.547442+00', '2019-09-11 10:06:44.791171+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-03-03', '2019-03-05', 'Contractor (Awaset Al Madina) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Aicha Um Almoomineen school in Sabha', '', false, false, '2019/51', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (77, '2019-09-10 15:06:48.514555+00', '2019-09-10 15:07:26.119206+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachment', '', 'completed', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-19', 'Contractor (Engineers Consortium) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Qwarsha School in Benghazi', '', false, false, '2019/46', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (83, '2019-09-11 10:09:35.718257+00', '2019-09-11 10:11:05.771041+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-02-24', '2019-03-01', 'Contractor (Awaset Al Madina) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Dhat Annitakayn school in Sabha', '', false, false, '2019/52', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (85, '2019-09-11 10:58:20.370561+00', '2019-09-11 11:00:17.584703+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-03-20', '2019-03-20', 'Contractor (Nomadia General Construction) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Al Qulaa Assamida school in Misurata', '', false, false, '2019/54', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (84, '2019-09-11 10:54:13.639244+00', '2019-09-11 10:55:12.317301+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-03-20', '2019-03-20', 'Contractor (Nomadia General Construction) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of AlGhiran school in Misurata', '', false, false, '2019/53', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (86, '2019-09-11 11:14:48.679926+00', '2019-09-11 11:18:00.532555+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachment', '', 'completed', '2019-05-02', '2019-05-02', 'Contractor (Bab Alaaj General Construction) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of AlArifi primary school in Janzour', '', false, false, '2019/55', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (87, '2019-09-11 11:22:42.118529+00', '2019-09-11 11:23:04.682831+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-05-02', '2019-05-02', 'Contractor (Bab Alaaj General Construction) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Abi Shayba primary school in Azzawiya', '', false, false, '2019/56', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (88, '2019-09-11 11:24:52.998035+00', '2019-09-11 11:25:06.880119+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-05-02', '2019-05-02', 'Contractor (Bab Alaaj General Construction) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of AlAhd Aljadid primary school in Azzawiya', '', false, false, '2019/57', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (90, '2019-09-11 11:31:32.437652+00', '2019-09-11 11:31:50.107695+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-05-05', '2019-05-05', 'Contractor (United Delta) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Rafea AlAnsari school in Subratha', '', false, false, '2019/59', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (89, '2019-09-11 11:27:45.499388+00', '2019-09-11 11:28:45.657228+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-05-05', '2019-05-05', 'Contractor (United Delta) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Shuhada'' Melitta school in Zuwara', '', false, false, '2019/58', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (91, '2019-09-11 11:50:45.986186+00', '2019-09-11 11:50:58.753842+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachment', '', 'completed', '2019-05-21', '2019-05-21', 'Contractor (United Delta) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Shuhada'' Melitta school in Zuwara', '', false, false, '2019/60', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (92, '2019-09-11 11:53:54.516285+00', '2019-09-11 11:54:08.475552+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'see attachments', '', 'completed', '2019-05-21', '2019-05-21', 'Contractor (United Delta) TPM Visit - Rehabilitation of Rafea AlAnsari school in Subratha', '', false, false, '2019/61', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 12212, 14488, NULL, NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (70, '2019-09-07 23:27:01.423707+00', '2019-10-02 13:43:34.889216+00', NULL, '2019-09-07 23:27:14.33527+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 13:42:36.795493+00', '', '', '', 'The vaccination center has most of the vaccines and they provide immunization services to children from the municipality only.
+There is no temperature log on the refrigerators.
+The OPV VVM is acceptable.
+There were some food, water and some other medicines in the refrigerator.', '', 'completed', '2019-04-01', '2019-04-01', 'Visiting Vaccination in Janzour to assess the immunization services availability and quality', '', false, false, '2019/39', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 12212, 176084, '2019-09-07 23:27:14.335287+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (101, '2019-11-03 12:53:12.940734+00', '2019-11-03 12:53:13.075878+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'Key findings and meetings summary:
+1. Gar Younus Camp is located in Benghazi city and has approximately 218 HH. The age breakdown for children, is 106 children (4-5 years) and 138 school age children (6-14years). Due to the lack of pre-primary opportunities for children in Libya as a whole and especially for the most marginalized, UNICEF’s partner, Breezes Organization was approached by the Gar Younus Camp management to support the establishment of ECE classes for children inside the camp. Breezes Organization has been working with Tawerghan communities since 2017 and building on the success of the organization to register the pre-primary school in Al Helis Camp, through UNICEF support with the Ministry of Education. UNICEF, through its partnership with Breezes would like to continue this with Gar Younus Camp.
+2. Organization for CWD is located in Benghazi city, adjacent to the Tagrefet school in Al Hadayek area. The organization has 16 classrooms, which operates on a double shift system and 230 children on their premises, with a diverse age range (as there are not sufficient places for CWD in the country). In terms of the teaching staff, there are 13 teachers that are covered by the MOE, the rest are recruited by the organization.
+Action points:
+1. The overall living situation in the Gar Younus camp is very poor, families live in makeshift houses, there was no power for three days inside the camp. There is a problem in fumigation, insufficient safe drinking water and waste management. Recommend that WASH team to do an assessment and see how to support on some issues.
+2. There is no CFS for children in the Gar Younus camp, while they are within the city of Benghazi – the location of the camp does not have any from of CFS in the vicinity. Recommend that CP team do an assessment for PSS and explore options of establishing a CFS.
+3. Organization for CWD – Recommend that CSD team includes Breezes for ensuring that school for CWD is supported with health campaigns, lice shampoo treatment and hygiene kits in the future.
+4. For Education team to follow up with Breezes on implementation of the activities in both locations. Priority will be given to ensure that support for supplies and trainings that focus on inclusive education in pre-primary and enhanced trainings for teachers that are working on CWD is sought out.', '', 'completed', '2019-06-18', '2019-06-18', 'Programmatic Visit to Benghazi Partner - Breezes', '', false, false, '2019/70', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 11490, 12687, NULL, NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (57, '2019-07-21 10:02:04.223398+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-07-21 10:04:14.717426+00', NULL, '2019-11-12 15:36:48.076181+00', '', '', '', '• Mission provided a good opportunity to visit the ongoing and completed programmes that were supported by UNICEF.
+• Key messages from various authourities were in praise of the improved security situation in the South and that they hope this stability will enable further on site engagement with the international community.
+• It was also mentioned that the issue of irregular migration continues to be an issue that the South faces and will need more support in addressing in the future.
+• In the meeting with the municipal council, it was shared that the UN should support the unification of the country – however when looking at the South it also needs to factor tribal issues that have impacted the South.
+For full details, please see attached report', '', 'approved', '2019-02-23', '2019-02-26', 'Multi-Sectoral Joint Mission to Sebha', 'Multi-Sectoral Mission, both WASH and Education Participated for UNICEF', false, false, '2019/26', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 201, 11490, 12687, '2019-07-21 10:04:14.717433+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (93, '2019-09-24 10:39:19.981401+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-09-24 11:00:09.298292+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'In the light of the partnership agreement between UNICEF and Multaqana, and to establish a community center where disadvantaged children have access to non-formal education, recreational activities, and psycho-social support services through a child friendly space.
+This center was opened in August 2018 and was given the name BAYTI (my home), but due to the clashes in the months of August and September, the activities in the BAYTI center had to be put on hold.
+The visit by UNICEF team was to re-open the center after the end of clashes and the stability of the security situation in Abusleem area and Tripoli in general.
+UNICEF team met with Multaqana team, a representative from Abusleem municipality and a representative from the education office to discuss the project.
+The Discussions revolved around the children situation in Abusleem municipality and their needs, also BAYTI center and the activities taking place, and the attendants of the meeting had the chance to ask questions and give feedback on innovative ideas to be implemented, and the way to improve existing activities.
+The UNICEF team had a tour in the BAYTI center with Mr Abdulrazaq the head of Multaqana to see the premises, the center consists of one admin office for registration and archiving proposes, also 2 class rooms with smart boards and a computer lab that has the capacity to have 8 children per training session, the center has a big yard with a theatre to have plays and games, also two separate rest rooms for boys and girls.
+There is a PSS room for specialized one on one session with the center psychologist, plus one room for soft skills and art classes.
+Also, UNICEF checked the playground that is open daily for the children to play in, the toys were given by UNICEF to support the playing activities, the playground contains several types of games such as 4 sets of swings for example.
+A meeting was held with the reporting focal point to set and revise the reporting requirements needed like the report templates, and time line for each report, weekly, monthly…etc; furthermore, the referral mechanisms and forms were agreed on, and the human-interest stories. Where by a request for a communication training was asked by BAYTI team on reporting, human-interest pictures mechanism and how to provide a good UNICEF pictures, which UNICEF will follow up on.
+The next programmatic visit is scheduled to be on the 25th of November which will be a joint visit between UNICEF’s child protection and education staff.', '', 'submitted', '2018-11-07', '2018-11-07', 'conduct programmatic visit to follow up on partner activities', '', false, false, '2019/62', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, '2019-09-24 11:00:09.2983+00', NULL, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (100, '2019-10-23 12:11:58.086642+00', '2019-10-23 12:11:58.135791+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '1- The general overview about the child and family protection units in the security directorates and the importance of activating the role of the child and family protection office at the Ministry of Interior. In this regard, the Mr. Mahmoud gave an overview of the beginning of this project since 2013 and the difficulties and challenges that faced the implementation, many of which still exist, the most important of which is the acute shortage of qualified staff that can lead this project and the incompetence of some of them currently.
+The idea is not the number of units established in some areas, but there must be scientific criteria according to the decision taken to establish the unit and not just issue a decision and open an office in the Directorate or the police station without qualified members of the Ministry of Interior and the bodies involved in the work of the units, namely social affairs. And justice.
+2. On the request of the Chairperson of the Committee to give two members of the Committee the opportunity to participate in the online child protection event to be held in Tanzania on 5-7 November, Ms. Rania agreed and requested that the data on participation be transmitted.
+3. On the proposal of Ms. Narine at the previous meeting to hold a workshop with UNICEF partners from state institutions and to present plans of action with them and the participation of the High Committee for Children in the workshop, Ms. Rania stated that it will be considered before the end of the year, because of the workload at the end of the year and Ms. Narine being on leave until mid-November.
+4. Regarding the procurement of technical and office supplies for the Committee, Rania explained that the procedures had been taken in full and pending receipt of the materials as soon as possible.
+5. The Chairperson requested an electronic copy (English and Arabic) of Coram''s VAC plan, which will be discussed later this month, Rania stated that the plan is being translated and will send the English and Arabic versions when ready.
+6 - Regarding the participation of the Ministry of Interior in the next workshop with Coram Foundation, Rania suggested to add Mrs Zainab Muhadab, head of department of child and family protection, and Mr Mahmoud stated that the committee sent a letter to the Undersecretary of the Ministry, who referred it to the Minister of Interior for the nomination of officers and awaiting a response. As for the Ministry of Education, Rania suggested adding the name of Mrs. Fawzia bin Ghashir.
+7. Rania requested the Chairperson of the Committee to communicate with the Department of Relations and International Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice to speed up the signing of the action plan between the Ministry and the UNICEF office.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-20', '2019-10-20', 'meeting with HCC', '', false, false, '2019/69', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 201, 17635, 29294, NULL, NULL, 1);
@@ -11024,19 +12815,67 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (47, 'Advocacy', '2018-11-07',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (48, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-11-28', 23, 65, 29294, 108);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (56, 'Meeting', '2019-02-05', 4, NULL, 11490, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (57, 'Meeting', '2019-02-05', NULL, NULL, 11490, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (50, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-03', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (51, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-07', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (52, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-09', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (53, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-08', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (54, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-10', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (55, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-11', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (58, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-10-30', 13, 66, 17817, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (67, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-26', NULL, NULL, 12687, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (59, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-11-14', 79, 69, 17817, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (60, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-10-28', 81, 75, 17817, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (66, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-16', 73, 89, 23564, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (61, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-11-13', 81, 75, 17817, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (62, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-11-27', 81, 75, 17817, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (63, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-04', 81, 75, 17817, NULL);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (64, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-11', 81, 75, 17817, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (50, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-03', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (51, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-07', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (52, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-09', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (53, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-08', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (54, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-10', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (55, 'Technical Support', '2018-12-11', NULL, NULL, 25224, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (65, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-16', 73, 89, 11490, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (70, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-30', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (72, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-30', 23, 65, 29294, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (71, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-08-11', 1, 2, 17817, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (68, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-04', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (69, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-08', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (79, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-09-04', NULL, NULL, 23641, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (73, 'Meeting', '2019-08-04', 86, 100, 17817, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (74, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-10-29', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (75, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-10-31', 13, 66, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (76, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-05', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (111, 'Meeting', '2019-10-20', 90, NULL, 29294, 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (77, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-12-12', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (78, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-07-24', 81, 75, 17817, 108);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (112, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-18', 17, 92, 12687, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (90, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-20', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (83, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (84, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (106, 'Technical Support', '2019-09-26', NULL, NULL, 29294, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (85, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (91, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-20', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (86, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (88, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (87, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (89, 'Technical Support', '2019-01-22', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (92, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-20', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (81, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-04-02', 5, NULL, 176084, 208);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (93, 'Technical Support', '2019-03-03', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (105, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-09-10', 73, 89, 14583, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (80, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-04-01', 5, NULL, 176084, 208);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (104, 'Programmatic Visit', '2018-11-07', 37, 80, 29294, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (94, 'Technical Support', '2019-02-24', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (113, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-19', 17, NULL, 12687, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (82, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-04-02', 5, NULL, 176084, 208);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (95, 'Technical Support', '2019-03-20', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (108, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-19', 73, 89, 14583, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (96, 'Technical Support', '2019-03-20', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (97, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-02', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (98, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-02', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (99, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-02', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (100, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-05', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (101, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-05', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (102, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-21', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (103, 'Technical Support', '2019-05-21', NULL, NULL, 14488, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (109, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-06-20', 73, 89, 14583, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (110, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-09-03', 73, 89, 14583, NULL);
@@ -11075,6 +12914,62 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (61, 61, 1898);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (62, 62, 1898);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (63, 63, 1897);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (64, 64, 1897);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (65, 65, 1841);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (66, 66, 1841);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (67, 68, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (68, 68, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (69, 69, 1897);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (70, 69, 1970);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (71, 70, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (72, 70, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (73, 71, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (74, 72, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (75, 73, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (76, 73, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (77, 74, 1897);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (78, 74, 1970);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (79, 75, 2344);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (80, 75, 2345);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (81, 75, 2346);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (82, 75, 1906);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (83, 75, 2229);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (84, 76, 1897);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (85, 76, 1970);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (86, 77, 1897);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (87, 77, 1970);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (88, 78, 1832);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (89, 78, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (90, 79, 1925);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (91, 80, 1906);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (92, 81, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (93, 83, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (94, 85, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (95, 86, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (96, 87, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (97, 88, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (98, 89, 1836);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (99, 90, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (100, 91, 1942);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (101, 92, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (102, 93, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (103, 94, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (104, 95, 1840);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (105, 96, 1840);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (106, 97, 1906);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (107, 98, 2232);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (108, 99, 2232);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (109, 100, 1841);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (110, 101, 1919);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (111, 102, 1841);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (112, 103, 1919);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (116, 106, 1895);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (114, 104, 1899);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (115, 105, 1835);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (123, 111, 1906);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (118, 82, 1898);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (120, 108, 1925);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (121, 109, 1942);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (122, 110, 1920);
@@ -11082,16 +12977,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (64, 64, 1897);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (11, 10, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (66, 65, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (67, 66, 56);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (46, 45, 46);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (47, 46, 47);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (48, 47, 48);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (49, 48, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (68, 67, 57);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (51, 50, 51);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (52, 51, 52);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (53, 52, 52);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (54, 53, 52);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (55, 54, 52);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (56, 55, 52);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (69, 68, 58);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (70, 69, 59);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (59, 58, 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (60, 59, 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (61, 60, 54);
@@ -11099,15 +12999,56 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (62, 61, 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (63, 62, 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (64, 63, 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (65, 64, 54);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (71, 70, 60);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (72, 71, 61);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (73, 72, 62);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (74, 73, 63);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (75, 74, 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (76, 75, 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (77, 76, 66);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (78, 77, 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (79, 78, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (84, 83, 72);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (81, 80, 70);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (82, 81, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (83, 82, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (85, 84, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (86, 85, 74);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (87, 86, 75);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (88, 87, 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (89, 88, 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (90, 89, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (91, 90, 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (92, 91, 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (93, 92, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (94, 93, 82);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (95, 94, 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (96, 95, 84);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (97, 96, 85);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (98, 97, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (99, 98, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (100, 99, 88);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (101, 100, 89);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (102, 101, 90);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (103, 102, 91);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (104, 103, 92);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (105, 104, 93);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (112, 111, 100);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (107, 106, 95);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (113, 112, 101);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (114, 113, 102);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (35, 'Other', 'Programmatic report BAYTI 04122018.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/46/Programmatic_report_BAYTI_04122018.docx', 46);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (36, 'Other', 'Zintan Mission.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/48/Zintan_Mission.doc', 48);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (37, 'Report', 'Programmatic report CSC CESVI.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/49/Programmatic_report_CSC_CESVI.docx', 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (61, 'Other', 'Trip Report -Sebha 23-26 Feb 2019.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/57/Trip_Report_-Sebha_23-26_Feb_2019.doc', 57);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (62, 'Other', 'Fieldreport NACA 4th July.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/58/Fieldreport_NACA_4th_July.pdf', 58);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (50, 'Report', 'Alnahla_01_oct (1).pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/54/Alnahla_01_oct_1.pdf', 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (51, 'Report', 'TB_Trip report Zintan 2018.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/54/TB_Trip_report_Zintan_2018.pdf', 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (42, 'Report', 'MR Polio VA Social mobilization Monitoring and other activity report..pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/52/MR_Polio_VA_Social_mobilization_Monitoring_and_other_activity_report._FJ2RpXo.pdf', 52);
@@ -11125,6 +13066,66 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (56, 'Report', 'NACA_02.pdf',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (57, 'Report', 'NACA_01.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/54/NACA_01.pdf', 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (58, 'Report', 'Attadamon_01_Nov.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/54/Attadamon_01_Nov.pdf', 54);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (59, 'Report', 'NACA_04.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/54/NACA_04.pdf', 54);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (63, 'Other', 'Fieldreport NACA 8th July.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/59/Fieldreport_NACA_8th_July.pdf', 59);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (64, 'Other', 'Fieldreport NACA 30th July.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/60/Fieldreport_NACA_30th_July.pdf', 60);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (65, 'Other', 'Fieldreport NACA 4th July.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/61/Fieldreport_NACA_4th_July.pdf', 61);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (66, 'Other', 'Prog.Report SCOUTS 4th august.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/63/Prog.Report_SCOUTS_4th_august.pdf', 63);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (67, 'Other', 'NACA_01.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/64/NACA_01.pdf', 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (68, 'Other', 'Alnahla_01_oct_1.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/65/Alnahla_01_oct_1.pdf', 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (69, 'Other', 'NACA_04.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/66/NACA_04.pdf', 66);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (73, 'Other', '(7) 19-01-2019 - FMR- WASH - Ganfouda School - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/72/7_19-01-2019_-_FMR-_WASH_-_Ganfouda_School_-_Benghazi.pdf', 72);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (71, 'Other', 'NACA_05.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/67/NACA_05.pdf', 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (72, 'Other', 'Fieldreport NACA 24th July.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/68/Fieldreport_NACA_24th_July.pdf', 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (74, 'Other', '(7) 19-01-2019 - FMR- WASH - Ganfouda School - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/72/7_19-01-2019_-_FMR-_WASH_-_Ganfouda_School_-_Benghazi_yi52jAn.pdf', 72);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (78, 'Other', '(9) 19-01-2019- BoQ- WASH -Shamash School- Benghazi.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/74/9_19-01-2019-_BoQ-_WASH_-Shamash_School-_Benghazi.xlsx', 74);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (79, 'Other', '(10) 19-01-2019- FMR-WASH-Sidi Mansour School - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/75/10_19-01-2019-_FMR-WASH-Sidi_Mansour_School_-_Benghazi.pdf', 75);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (90, 'Other', '(16) 20- 02-2019- BoQ- WASH- El mahdia School- Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/79/16_20-_02-2019-_BoQ-_WASH-_El_mahdia_School-_Sabha.xlsx', 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (81, 'Other', '(10) 19-01-2019- BoQ- WASH -Sidi Mansour School - Benghazi.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/75/10_19-01-2019-_BoQ-_WASH_-Sidi_Mansour_School_-_Benghazi.xlsx', 75);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (91, 'Other', '(16) 19-02-2019- BF- WASH- El mahdia school- Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/79/16_19-02-2019-_BF-_WASH-_El_mahdia_school-_Sabha.pdf', 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (92, 'Other', '(17) 20-02-2019- FMR -WASH- Al Gardha School-Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/80/17_20-02-2019-_FMR_-WASH-_Al_Gardha_School-Sabha.pdf', 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (84, 'Other', '(11) 19-01-2019- FMR -WASH- AL Qwarsha School - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/77/11_19-01-2019-_FMR_-WASH-_AL_Qwarsha_School_-_Benghazi.pdf', 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (85, 'Other', '(11) 19-01-2019- BoQ- WASH - Qwarsha School- Benghazi.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/77/11_19-01-2019-_BoQ-_WASH_-_Qwarsha_School-_Benghazi.xlsx', 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (86, 'Other', '(13) 19-01-2019- FMR- WASH - Shuhada Al Equella - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/76/13_19-01-2019-_FMR-_WASH_-_Shuhada_Al_Equella_-_Benghazi.pdf', 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (87, 'Other', '(13) 19-01-2019- BoQ- WASH - Shuhada Al Equella - Benghazi.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/76/13_19-01-2019-_BoQ-_WASH_-_Shuhada_Al_Equella_-_Benghazi.xlsx', 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (88, 'Other', '(12) 22-01-2019-FMR - WASH - Al Bara Nursery - Benghazi.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/78/12_22-01-2019-FMR_-_WASH_-_Al_Bara_Nursery_-_Benghazi.pdf', 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (93, 'Other', '(17) 20-02-2019- BoQ- WASH - El Gardha School - Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/80/17_20-02-2019-_BoQ-_WASH_-_El_Gardha_School_-_Sabha.xlsx', 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (94, 'Other', '(17) 19-02-2019- BF- WASH- Al Gardha School-Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/80/17_19-02-2019-_BF-_WASH-_Al_Gardha_School-Sabha.pdf', 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (95, 'Other', '(18) 20-02-2019-BoQ- WASH- Al Jadid School- Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/81/18_20-02-2019-BoQ-_WASH-_Al_Jadid_School-_Sabha.xlsx', 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (96, 'Other', '(18) 20-02-2019- FMR -WASH- Al Jadid school-Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/81/18_20-02-2019-_FMR_-WASH-_Al_Jadid_school-Sabha.pdf', 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (97, 'Other', '(18) 19-02-2019- BF- WASH-Al JadidaSchool- Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/81/18_19-02-2019-_BF-_WASH-Al_JadidaSchool-_Sabha.pdf', 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (98, 'Other', '(19) 21-02-2019- FMR-WASH- Aicha Um Almoomineen school-Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/82/19_21-02-2019-_FMR-WASH-_Aicha_Um_Almoomineen_school-Sabha.pdf', 82);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (99, 'Other', '(19) 21-02-2019- BoQ- WASH-Aicha Um Al Moumeneen Primary School- Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/82/19_21-02-2019-_BoQ-_WASH-Aicha_Um_Al_Moumeneen_Primary_School-_Sabha.xlsx', 82);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (129, 'Other', 'MoM 20102019.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/100/MoM_20102019.docx', 100);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (100, 'Other', '(19) 05-03-2019- BFR- WASH-Aicha_Um_Almoomineen_School-Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/82/19_05-03-2019-_BFR-_WASH-Aicha_Um_Almoomineen_School-Sabha.pdf', 82);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (101, 'Other', '(20) 21-02-2019-FMR- WASH- Dhat Annitakayn School.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/83/20_21-02-2019-FMR-_WASH-_Dhat_Annitakayn_School.pdf', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (102, 'Other', '(20) 21-02-2019- New BoQ - Dhat Annitakayn -Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/83/20_21-02-2019-_New_BoQ_-_Dhat_Annitakayn_-Sabha.xlsx', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (103, 'Other', '(20) 21-02-2019- BoQ - WASH - Dhat Annitakayn -Sabha.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/83/20_21-02-2019-_BoQ_-_WASH_-_Dhat_Annitakayn_-Sabha.xlsx', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (104, 'Other', '(20) 04-03- 2019- BF- Dhat Annitakayn School- Sabha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/83/20_04-03-_2019-_BF-_Dhat_Annitakayn_School-_Sabha.pdf', 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (105, 'Other', '(30) 20-03-2019-WASH- FMR- Al Ghiran School – Misurata.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/84/30_20-03-2019-WASH-_FMR-_Al_Ghiran_School__Misurata.pdf', 84);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (106, 'Other', '(30) 20-03-2019- BoQ of Al Ghiran School - Misurata.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/84/30_20-03-2019-_BoQ_of_Al_Ghiran_School_-_Misurata.xlsx', 84);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (107, 'Other', '(31) 20-03-2019-FMR-WASH- Al Qualaa Assamida School – Misurata.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/85/31_20-03-2019-FMR-WASH-_Al_Qualaa_Assamida_School__Misurata.pdf', 85);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (108, 'Other', '(31) 20-03-2019-BoQ-WASH- Al Qualaa Assamida School – Misurata.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/85/31_20-03-2019-BoQ-WASH-_Al_Qualaa_Assamida_School__Misurata.xlsx', 85);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (109, 'Other', '(43) 02-05-19- FMR-WASH - Alarifi primary School - Janzour.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/86/43_02-05-19-_FMR-WASH_-_Alarifi_primary_School_-_Janzour.pdf', 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (110, 'Other', '(43) 02-05-19- BoQ-WASH - Alarifi primary School - Janzour.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/86/43_02-05-19-_BoQ-WASH_-_Alarifi_primary_School_-_Janzour.xlsx', 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (111, 'Other', '(44) 02-05-19-FMR-WASH - Abi Shayba primary School - Zawia.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/87/44_02-05-19-FMR-WASH_-_Abi_Shayba_primary_School_-_Zawia.pdf', 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (112, 'Other', '(44) 02-05-19-BoQ-WASH - Abi Shayba primary School - Zawia.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/87/44_02-05-19-BoQ-WASH_-_Abi_Shayba_primary_School_-_Zawia.xlsx', 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (113, 'Other', '(45) 02-05-2019- FMR -WASH -Al Ahd Aljadid School - Zawia.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/88/45_02-05-2019-_FMR_-WASH_-Al_Ahd_Aljadid_School_-_Zawia.pdf', 88);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (114, 'Other', '(45) 02-05-2019 - BoQ- WASH- Al Ahd Aljadid School- Zawia.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/88/45_02-05-2019_-_BoQ-_WASH-_Al_Ahd_Aljadid_School-_Zawia.xlsx', 88);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (115, 'Other', '(46) 05-05-19 -FMR-Shuhada'' maliatat School - Zawara.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/89/46_05-05-19_-FMR-Shuhada_maliatat_School_-_Zawara.xlsx', 89);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (116, 'Other', '(46) 05-05-19 -BoQ-Shuhada'' maliatat School - Zawara.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/89/46_05-05-19_-BoQ-Shuhada_maliatat_School_-_Zawara.pdf', 89);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (117, 'Other', '(47) 05-05-19-FMR- Rafea Al Ansari School - Subratah.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/90/47_05-05-19-FMR-_Rafea_Al_Ansari_School_-_Subratah.pdf', 90);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (118, 'Other', '(47) 05-05-19-BoQ- Rafea Al Ansari School - Subratah.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/90/47_05-05-19-BoQ-_Rafea_Al_Ansari_School_-_Subratah.xlsx', 90);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (119, 'Other', '(55) 21-05-2019 -Delta-Shuhada'' maliatat School - Zawara.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/91/55_21-05-2019_-Delta-Shuhada_maliatat_School_-_Zawara.pdf', 91);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (120, 'Other', '(55) 21-05-19 -Delta-Shuhada'' maliatat School - Zawara.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/91/55_21-05-19_-Delta-Shuhada_maliatat_School_-_Zawara.xlsx', 91);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (121, 'Other', '(56) 21-05-2019 -WASH-Rehabilitation of Rafaa Al Ansari - Subratha.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/92/56_21-05-2019_-WASH-Rehabilitation_of_Rafaa_Al_Ansari_-_Subratha.pdf', 92);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (122, 'Other', '(56) 21-05-19-Beb Elaaj- Rafea Al Ansari School - Subratah.xlsx', 'travels/[[schema]]/92/56_21-05-19-Beb_Elaaj-_Rafea_Al_Ansari_School_-_Subratah.xlsx', 92);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (124, 'Other', 'Programmatic visit Multakana BAYTI.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/93/Programmatic_visit_Multakana_BAYTI.docx', 93);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (125, 'Other', 'Programmatic visit INTERSOS BAYTI.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/95/Programmatic_visit_INTERSOS_BAYTI.docx', 95);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (130, 'Other', 'Trip report- Field Benghazi.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/101/Trip_report-_Field_Benghazi.doc', 101);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (131, 'Other', 'Trip report- Field Benghazi Ganfouda.doc', 'travels/[[schema]]/102/Trip_report-_Field_Benghazi_Ganfouda.doc', 102);
@@ -11152,7 +13153,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (33, 'Talaie Al-Nasr School', fals
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (35, 'Shuhada Taqrift School-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (2, 'Koudourati Center', true, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (91, '', false, 26, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (92, 'See attached in "Related Documents"', false, 27, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (98, 'Visit 1-2 Wasla Zuwarah (Tripoli)', true, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (94, 'A total of 20,000 students in 63 schools in Sabratha benefited from the intervention from January to December 2018. Sample 4-5 schools should be visited with different level of education (primary and preparatory) for key informant interviews/focus group discussion including children, teachers etc following the monitoring and reporting guidance attached. Also education of office of municipality. TPM may spend 3-4 days to cover all required information.', false, 31, 2);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (95, '10 schools in Benghazi were targeted by program activities - the list is found in the Program Document. Out of 10, sample 4-5 schools in addition to municipality education office should be visited. Feedback from children who benefit from non-formal education teachers who have received training, school principals, parents are required. Please see more requirements of the visit in the attached field monitoring guideline.', false, 32, 2);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (23, 'Nour Al Uloom School', true, 3, 2);
@@ -11163,11 +13164,11 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (62, 'IDP camp in Falah 1', true,
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (60, 'CSS Tripoli Gurji Area', true, 10, 2);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (89, '', true, 24, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (97, '', false, 34, 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (98, 'Visit 1-2 Wasla Zuwarah (Tripoli)', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (100, 'Visit 2-1 Step for Peace Benghazi (Benghazi)', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (102, 'Visit 2-3 UXO Awareness Campaign Ghariyan (Ghariyan)', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (104, 'Visit 3-2 Win App Sabratha', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (106, 'Visit 3-5 The Role of Women in Positive Peace Zintan (Zintan)', false, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (110, 'Zintan Hospital', false, 35, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (36, 'Al-Etihad School-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (37, 'Al-Shomouk School-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (38, 'Al-Shomouk School-Awareness Session-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
@@ -11178,6 +13179,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (51, 'Abu Obaida School-Awareness
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (52, 'Iben Khaldun School-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (53, 'Al-Markaziya School-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (50, 'Shuhada Taqrift School- Awareness Session-Sirte', false, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (137, '', true, 57, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (55, '', false, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (56, '', false, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (65, 'ARPSS HQ', false, 12, 1);
@@ -11186,6 +13188,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (57, 'School in Falah 1', false, 1
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (66, 'HQ', false, 13, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (58, 'School in Falah 2', false, 10, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (63, 'IDP camp in Falah 2', false, 10, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (139, '', true, 57, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (61, 'CSS Tripoli - Al Sarraj Area', false, 10, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (67, 'YC1', false, 13, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (68, 'YC2', false, 13, 5);
@@ -11224,19 +13227,63 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (18, 'Althawra School - Janzour',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (20, 'Dat Alsawari School - Janzour', true, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (21, 'Shohadaa Alramla School - Janzour', true, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (22, 'Mobile CFS Activity - Daar Aldheyaa School - Janzour', true, 2, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (152, '', false, 60, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (19, 'Ammar Ben Yaser School - Janzour', true, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (17, 'Alwasat Aljadida School - Janzour', true, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (87, '', false, 23, 3);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (90, '', false, 25, 4);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (93, 'Further info to be requested from section, related documents attached', false, 28, 3);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (96, 'Visit 1-1 Al Hayat Rehabilitation Center Sabha (Sabha)', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (99, 'Visit 1-5 Positive Footprint for Visual Creativity Zliten, Zliten', false, 33, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (101, 'Visit 2-2 Gerass Ghariyan (Ghariyan)', false, 33, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (103, 'Visit 2-4 Youth Forum Zliten (Zliten)', false, 33, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (105, 'Visit 3-4 Youth For The South Sabha (Sabha)', false, 33, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (107, 'Visit 4-4 Mother Benghazi Benghazi (Benghazi)', false, 33, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (108, 'Visit 4-5 Elite Co-working Space Zintan (Zintan)', false, 33, 5);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (109, 'Visit 4-8 Learn and Teach (NIBBI) Tripoli', false, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (112, 'Garaboli Hospital and the main polyclinic in garabolli', false, 36, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (111, 'To visit Tajoura health authorities and Tajoura hospital', false, 36, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (138, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (115, 'Exact locations in Tripoli and surrounding to be confirmed one week in advance (mainly IDP collective centers)', false, 39, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (116, 'Exact locations and time for the MRE sessions to be confirmed a few days prior to the visit. Flexibility with dates within the same week as per TPM availability as activities are held on a daily basis', false, 40, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (128, '', false, 49, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (120, 'visit the health facilities', false, 44, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (130, 'Date depends on the security situation - WASH specialist to follow-up', false, 51, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (129, 'Location is in Tawergha, it was not available in list of locations', false, 50, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (131, 'programmatic visit to monitor activities', false, 52, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (122, 'To visit the Health facilities according to the attached sheet', false, 44, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (132, '', false, 53, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (133, 'Programmatic visit to monitor program implementations', false, 54, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (123, 'To visit the Health facilities according to the attached sheet', false, 43, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (124, 'To visit the Health facilities according to the attached sheet', false, 43, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (125, '', false, 46, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (134, 'programmatic visit to monitor implementations', false, 55, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (127, '', false, 47, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (92, 'See attached in "Related Documents"', true, 27, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (136, '', false, 56, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (96, 'Visit 1-1 Al Hayat Rehabilitation Center Sabha (Sabha)', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (101, 'Visit 2-2 Gerass Ghariyan (Ghariyan)', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (103, 'Visit 2-4 Youth Forum Zliten (Zliten)', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (105, 'Visit 3-4 Youth For The South Sabha (Sabha)', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (108, 'Visit 4-5 Elite Co-working Space Zintan (Zintan)', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (109, 'Visit 4-8 Learn and Teach (NIBBI) Tripoli', true, 33, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (140, 'Exact visit location is (Ben-Ashour)', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (113, 'Confirm distribution of some supplies', true, 38, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (114, 'Confirm distribution of some supplies', true, 38, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (141, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (142, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (143, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (144, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (145, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (146, '', true, 57, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (147, '', true, 58, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (148, 'Tarek Ibn Ziad School visit', true, 59, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (149, 'Abu Dhar Alghifari school visit', true, 59, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (150, 'Al Andalus Kindergarten visit', true, 59, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (151, 'Ahmed Ben Shatwan visit', true, 59, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (153, '', false, 61, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (155, '', true, 63, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (156, '', true, 64, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (154, '', true, 62, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (158, '', true, 66, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (159, '', true, 67, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (160, '', true, 68, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (161, '', true, 69, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity VALUES (157, '', true, 65, 5);
@@ -11349,6 +13396,52 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (106, 106, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (107, 107, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (108, 108, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (109, 109, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (110, 110, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (111, 111, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (112, 112, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (113, 113, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (114, 114, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (115, 115, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (116, 116, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (125, 125, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (128, 128, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (129, 129, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (120, 120, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (130, 130, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (122, 122, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (123, 123, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (124, 124, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (127, 127, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (131, 131, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (132, 132, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (133, 133, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (134, 134, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (137, 137, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (136, 136, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (138, 138, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (139, 139, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (140, 140, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (141, 141, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (142, 142, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (143, 143, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (144, 144, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (145, 145, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (146, 146, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (147, 147, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (148, 148, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (149, 149, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (150, 150, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (151, 151, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (152, 152, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (153, 153, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (154, 154, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (155, 155, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (156, 156, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (157, 157, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (158, 158, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (159, 159, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (160, 160, 201);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices VALUES (161, 161, 201);
@@ -11468,13 +13561,69 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (116, 106, 145
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (117, 107, 14583);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (118, 108, 14583);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (119, 109, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (120, 110, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (121, 111, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (122, 112, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (123, 113, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (124, 114, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (125, 115, 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (126, 116, 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (135, 125, 1497);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (138, 128, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (139, 129, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (130, 120, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (140, 130, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (132, 122, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (133, 123, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (134, 124, 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (137, 127, 1497);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (141, 131, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (142, 132, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (143, 133, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (144, 134, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (147, 137, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (146, 136, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (148, 138, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (149, 139, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (150, 140, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (151, 141, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (152, 142, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (153, 143, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (154, 144, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (155, 145, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (156, 146, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (157, 147, 1139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (158, 148, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (159, 149, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (160, 150, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (161, 151, 14488);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (162, 152, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (163, 152, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (164, 153, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (165, 153, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (166, 154, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (167, 154, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (168, 155, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (169, 155, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (170, 156, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (171, 156, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (172, 157, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (173, 157, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (174, 158, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (175, 158, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (176, 159, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (177, 159, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (178, 160, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (179, 160, 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (180, 161, 23564);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points VALUES (181, 161, 14583);
-- Data for Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (34, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-06 08:01:32.712302+00', '2019-03-07 05:37:04.842805+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Visit to program sites in Benghazi where Ekraa implemented education program', '2019-03-06', NULL, '2019-03-07', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (44, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-08-29 10:20:09.881235+00', '2019-10-09 06:11:31.87012+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Visit and confirm the delivery and the proper use of supplies', '2019-09-02', NULL, '2019-10-09', NULL, '2019-10-09', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 176084);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (5, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-06-05 13:33:51.515511+00', '2018-10-10 14:49:02.591588+00', 'unicef_approved', '', 'Reports Approved', 'January visits Al Emdad', '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-08', '2018-06-07', '2018-10-10', 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (24, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-12-23 08:59:48.22297+00', '2019-04-04 11:50:31.210685+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'HEB Distribution Dec - If no partner distribution in Dec then cancel', '2018-12-23', NULL, '2019-01-10', NULL, '2019-01-10', NULL, '2019-04-04', 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (4, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-06-05 13:18:28.50773+00', '2018-10-31 10:06:47.581223+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'January visits Essafa', '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-07', NULL, '2018-06-07', NULL, '2018-10-31', 8, '', 18616);
@@ -11482,22 +13631,52 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (8, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (14, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-24 11:38:45.709252+00', '2018-07-31 10:53:44.256593+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'August Visits 2018', '2018-07-30', NULL, '2018-07-31', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (2, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-06-05 12:49:03.556131+00', '2018-10-31 10:07:45.301751+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Janurary & February visits Alnahla Janzour', '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-08', NULL, '2018-10-31', 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (1, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-06-05 12:44:12.301661+00', '2018-12-31 08:48:07.609027+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'January monthly visit to Koudorati', '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-07', NULL, '2018-12-31', 8, '', 18616);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (33, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-05 09:34:53.287257+00', '2019-04-01 05:54:20.834791+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Visit to 13 youth projects supported by IEP Programme with UNICEF', '2019-03-05', NULL, '2019-04-01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (13, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-24 11:32:18.29427+00', '2018-11-07 11:53:57.479633+00', 'tpm_report_rejected', '', '', 'August Visits 2018', '2018-07-24', NULL, '2018-07-24', NULL, '2018-10-30', '2018-11-07', NULL, 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (26, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-01-15 08:39:11.738093+00', '2019-01-16 07:20:14.623519+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Visit to oversee hand-over of rehabilitation completion', '2019-01-15', '2019-01-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Visit Data to be updated', 23641);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (31, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-02-17 13:06:39.54527+00', '2019-02-23 12:33:50.579937+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Visit to education program sites of UNICEF and Afaq partnership agreement', '2019-02-17', NULL, '2019-02-18', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (36, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-18 13:34:52.996916+00', '2019-04-21 03:10:17.065482+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Confirm the distribution of', '2019-04-18', '2019-04-21', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'We will reschedule', 176084);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (28, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-01-16 07:31:35.402831+00', '2019-01-19 12:10:52.358156+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'STACO - Visit to Murzuk schools', '2019-01-16', NULL, '2019-01-19', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (25, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-12-23 09:07:13.714231+00', '2019-01-10 11:04:03.88304+00', 'tpm_report_rejected', '', '', 'HEB Distribution Monitoring - January', '2018-12-23', NULL, '2019-01-05', NULL, '2019-01-10', '2019-01-10', NULL, 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (3, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-06-05 13:13:24.00522+00', '2019-03-04 08:50:37.690237+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'January visits for Libyan Assocation for Youth Development (LAYD)', '2018-06-06', NULL, '2018-06-07', NULL, '2018-06-07', NULL, '2019-03-04', 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (32, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-02-18 13:07:43.574539+00', '2019-03-06 08:01:57.00786+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Visit to program sites in Benghazi where Ekraa implemented education program', '2019-02-18', '2019-03-06', '2019-02-18', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Need to update visit info', 1551);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (15, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-24 13:46:59.322393+00', '2019-03-04 09:38:16.035745+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'July Visits 2018', '2018-07-24', NULL, '2018-07-24', NULL, '2018-07-24', NULL, '2019-03-04', 8, '', 18616);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (17, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-31 14:50:30.928769+00', '2019-03-04 09:38:35.846366+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'CESVI July Interview', '2018-07-31', NULL, '2018-07-31', NULL, '2018-07-31', NULL, '2019-03-04', 8, '', 18616);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (35, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-04-11 07:29:39.504079+00', '2019-04-21 03:11:49.070811+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Zintan Hospital IEHK distribution (Check the receipt of 4 IEHK basic units)', '2019-04-11', '2019-04-21', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Will be rescheduled', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (10, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-02 17:51:54.936551+00', '2019-03-04 09:41:17.556497+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'CESVI July Visits', '2018-07-02', NULL, '2018-07-03', NULL, '2018-08-14', NULL, '2019-03-04', 8, '', 18616);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (27, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-01-16 07:25:00.791775+00', '2019-02-18 21:20:40.034263+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Libyan Society Org. - Rehabilitation Completion Handover in Tripoli IDP camps', '2019-01-16', NULL, '2019-01-19', NULL, '2019-02-18', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (33, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-05 09:34:53.287257+00', '2019-09-11 10:27:40.20722+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Visit to 13 youth projects supported by IEP Programme with UNICEF', '2019-03-05', NULL, '2019-04-01', NULL, '2019-04-16', NULL, '2019-09-11', 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (23, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-12-18 07:47:42.320628+00', '2019-01-16 07:30:57.876899+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Visit to Murzuk Schools', '2018-12-18', '2019-01-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Visit Data to be updated', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (22, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-12-18 07:43:57.929138+00', '2019-01-16 07:31:22.825503+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Visit to Murzuk schools', '2018-12-18', '2019-01-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Visit Data to be updated', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (11, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-12 14:16:48.937146+00', '2018-07-24 14:31:35.279421+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Essafa July Visit', '2018-07-12', NULL, '2018-07-13', NULL, '2018-07-16', NULL, '2018-07-24', 8, '', 18616);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (50, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-04 11:04:33.508132+00', '2019-09-08 07:01:25.267935+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Follow-up on UNCIEF Programme in Tawergha', '2019-09-04', NULL, '2019-09-08', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (12, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2018-07-12 14:19:58.980522+00', '2018-07-24 14:31:51.081385+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', '', '2018-07-12', NULL, '2018-07-13', NULL, '2018-07-13', NULL, '2018-07-24', 8, '', 18616);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (53, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-09 09:13:05.648328+00', '2019-10-12 11:59:11.696499+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Essafa center programmatic visit', '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-10-09', NULL, '2019-10-12', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (31, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-02-17 13:06:39.54527+00', '2019-09-04 11:49:20.73005+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Visit to education program sites of UNICEF and Afaq partnership agreement', '2019-02-17', NULL, '2019-02-18', NULL, '2019-09-04', '2019-09-04', NULL, 14, '', 1551);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (49, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-04 10:59:16.472864+00', '2019-10-09 17:27:31.531166+00', 'tpm_report_rejected', '', '', 'Rehabilitation of school in Zintan (Awainiya)', '2019-09-04', NULL, '2019-09-04', NULL, '2019-10-09', '2019-10-09', NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (56, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-09 10:42:06.543278+00', '2019-10-09 06:24:58.623271+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'programmatic field visit to implementing partner', '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-10-09', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (40, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-08-07 10:33:46.026851+00', '2019-08-07 15:40:35.611961+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'CPiE/Mine Risk Education in Tripoli and surrounding', '2019-08-07', NULL, '2019-08-07', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (46, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-03 09:38:36.129372+00', '2019-09-03 10:05:56.550388+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Visit Al Safwa, NGO', '2019-09-03', NULL, '2019-09-03', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (38, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-05-16 13:36:07.71282+00', '2019-08-29 10:35:26.89166+00', 'unicef_approved', '', 'Just we are missing few equipment delivery and proper use reporting', 'Confirm the distribution of some medical supplies', '2019-05-16', NULL, '2019-05-19', NULL, '2019-07-08', '2019-07-08', '2019-08-29', 14, '', 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (34, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-03-06 08:01:32.712302+00', '2019-10-01 11:02:55.724709+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Visit to program sites in Benghazi where Ekraa implemented education program', '2019-03-06', NULL, '2019-03-07', NULL, '2019-10-01', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (43, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-08-20 09:05:08.906032+00', '2019-09-03 16:29:47.275621+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Confirm the delivery of supplies', '2019-09-02', '2019-09-03', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Will discuss it more in person', 176084);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (54, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-09 09:22:57.702397+00', '2019-09-09 11:12:33.744574+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', '', '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-09-09', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (55, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-09 10:05:11.365077+00', '2019-10-12 11:57:42.169062+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', '', '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-10-12', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (51, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-04 11:08:35.424535+00', '2019-09-09 09:13:12.301796+00', 'tpm_accepted', '', '', 'Rehabilitation of two schools in southern region', '2019-09-04', NULL, '2019-09-09', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (39, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-08-07 10:22:13.174639+00', '2019-09-11 12:59:23.679846+00', 'tpm_report_rejected', '', '', 'CPiE/Mine Risk Education', '2019-08-07', NULL, '2019-08-10', NULL, '2019-08-29', '2019-09-11', NULL, 14, '', 10233);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (27, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-01-16 07:25:00.791775+00', '2019-09-10 15:36:41.27896+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Libyan Society Org. - Rehabilitation Completion Handover in Tripoli IDP camps', '2019-01-16', NULL, '2019-01-19', NULL, '2019-02-18', NULL, '2019-09-10', 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (59, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-17 10:03:59.182392+00', '2019-09-30 10:25:05.773439+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'Emdad Charity - WASH Collective Shelters Rehabilitation (under HEB distribution PD)', '2019-09-17', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (52, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-09 08:59:48.87516+00', '2019-10-12 12:00:21.455768+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Noor Alhayat field visit in Ain zara', '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-09-09', NULL, '2019-10-12', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (57, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-17 08:34:26.45713+00', '2019-09-30 07:41:03.50087+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'April/May 2019 Libya Emergency - STACO visits', '2019-09-17', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (58, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-17 10:01:04.337298+00', '2019-09-30 08:22:51.514605+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'June TPM visit - Ghat floods response', '2019-09-17', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, '2019-09-30', 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (47, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-09-03 09:49:57.861274+00', '2019-09-30 13:35:41.798969+00', 'tpm_reported', '', '', 'Breezes NGO visit', '2019-09-03', NULL, '2019-09-03', NULL, '2019-09-30', NULL, NULL, 14, '', 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (61, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 09:38:59.216217+00', '2019-10-16 11:25:58.070967+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'To monitor several TVET training activities in Zintan', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 45, 'wrong TPM focal point', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (60, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 08:32:27.951691+00', '2019-10-16 11:44:14.142283+00', 'cancelled', '', '', 'Monitor three TVET training activities in Zintan', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 45, 'Wrong TPM focal point', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (63, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 09:51:50.372042+00', '2019-10-15 11:17:06.334158+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor the IYD celebration conducted by the implementing partner', '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (64, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 11:22:17.542448+00', '2019-10-15 12:14:28.06036+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To Monitor TVET training activities implemented by the partner', '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (69, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-16 17:59:37.378677+00', '2019-10-16 18:22:55.178471+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor the IYD celebrations', '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (62, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 09:46:17.365018+00', '2019-10-15 13:49:41.036311+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor several TVET training activities conducted by the Implementing partner', '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-15', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (66, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-16 11:36:54.413161+00', '2019-10-16 15:43:25.13768+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor TVET training activities implemented by the partner', '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (67, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-16 15:44:43.911686+00', '2019-10-16 16:34:44.698937+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor TVET activities implemented by the partner', '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (68, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-16 16:37:43.831227+00', '2019-10-16 17:53:55.365279+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To Monitor the TVET activities conducted by the implementing partner', '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', 45, '', 14583);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit VALUES (65, '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00', '2019-10-15 13:30:29.546196+00', '2019-10-16 19:45:25.955686+00', 'unicef_approved', '', '', 'To monitor TVET training activities implemented by the partner', '2019-10-15', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', NULL, '2019-10-16', 45, '', 14583);
@@ -11528,6 +13707,38 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (23, 31, 16)
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (24, 32, 16);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (25, 33, 16);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (26, 34, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (27, 35, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (28, 36, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (29, 38, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (30, 39, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (31, 39, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (32, 40, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (33, 40, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (34, 44, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (35, 43, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (36, 46, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (37, 47, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (38, 49, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (39, 50, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (40, 51, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (41, 52, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (42, 53, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (43, 54, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (44, 55, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (45, 56, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (46, 57, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (47, 58, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (48, 59, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (49, 60, 143);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (56, 66, 145);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (51, 62, 142);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (52, 63, 141);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (53, 64, 141);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (54, 65, 144);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (55, 61, 145);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (57, 67, 145);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (58, 68, 145);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points VALUES (59, 69, 142);
@@ -11539,6 +13750,20 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (2, '2018-11-07 11
- Visit not conducted in person
- Inaccurate data about project implementation', 13);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (3, '2019-01-10 11:04:03.124563+00', 'Incorrect Report for the Visit - Please upload on the correct visit', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (4, '2019-04-18 12:58:57.852642+00', 'Focus group discussion reports at each schools captured the feedback from teachers, parents, and children, which are useful and much appreciated. However these are supplemental documents to be fed into the main report, and they are not sufficient as a field visit report to verity the overall results of the partnership at the end of the program. The report shall also capture other aspects based on different stakeholders’ feedback including municipality education office and Afaq staff - it is also important to know such as how Afaq is engaging/communicating with municipality education office for sustainability of the program results, or to know Afaq animators feel that they are enough trained to support schools and what are the challenges in their perspectives. Analysis shall also include verification of the results against the indicators, and recommendations for future project.
+More specifically, kindly absorb the following changes in the report.
+ Use and mention in the report the different methodology such as desk review, FDGs with children, teachers, and parents, key informant interviews etc
+ Make a summary from FDGs from 5 schools and feed it into the report.
+ On FGD minutes, include information such as the date(s) of conducting focus group mentioned as well as gender/age (only for children) of participants of FDGs in the report to see the balance of participants.
+ Provide comprehensive analysis based on the different layers of stakeholders of the program - the TPM shall visit Afaq staff (program manager, social workers) as well as municipality education office too. FDGs are just one part of data collection for analysis. Follow up visits required.
+ Include analysis on indicators/results reported by Afaq in their progress/final reports. What were success of the program, challenges, lessons learned, and what need to be improved etc.
+ Recommendations for future program', 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (5, '2019-07-08 09:28:13.017425+00', 'To include the oxygen concentrator and amend the sterilization kit point', 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (6, '2019-09-04 11:33:34.605042+00', 'To allow TPM firm to re-upload Report', 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (7, '2019-09-11 12:59:23.047125+00', 'Following Zoom meeting with Mr Fisal on 11 September, the following need to be revised: correction of Acronyms on page 8 of Beneficiaries Feedback, correction/elaboration under the mass media outreach indicator as results reported are not under UNICEF project. Next TPM assigned and accepted to be coordinated with UNICEF prior to the visit as MRE schedules are defined and confirmed one week in advance.', 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment VALUES (8, '2019-10-09 17:27:31.19699+00', 'This work is not related to rehabilitation of 2 schools in Murzuk. It is about rehabilitation of WASH facilities in Zintan Detention centre. Please amend. Best Regards', 49);
@@ -12185,6 +14410,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (841, '2019-01-16 07
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (843, '2019-01-23 15:11:44.841619+00', '2019-01-23 15:11:49.108158+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/NRC_-_PCA_5JeEyVy.pdf', '', 137, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (844, '2019-01-23 15:17:28.051066+00', '2019-01-23 15:17:58.60067+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/NRC_-_PCA_Amendment.pdf', '', 5, 'partners_agreement_amendment', 149, 37, 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (693, '2018-11-26 04:00:11.93882+00', '2019-02-13 15:20:44.762655+00', 'public/files/partners/intervention/partners_intervention_signed_pd/76/Annex_C._Programme_Document_zwpR0IO.pdf', '', 76, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 39, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (947, '2019-05-22 08:10:39.38731+00', '2019-05-22 08:10:43.429998+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Afaq_Budget.pdf', '', 437, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 186083);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (757, '2018-12-10 22:37:04.298193+00', '2019-02-13 15:22:16.66753+00', '[[schema]]/file_attachments/partner_organization/38/agreements/113/interventions/76/attachments/359/Annex_C._Programme_Document.pdf', '', 359, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (847, '2019-02-17 09:44:19.738001+00', '2019-02-17 09:44:31.874549+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/PCA_legal_essafa_signed_2019.pdf', '', 410, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 17817);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (849, '2019-02-17 09:46:13.937611+00', '2019-02-17 09:48:38.817601+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Annex_F._Direct_Selection_Form_-_Essafa.pdf', '', 412, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 17817);
@@ -12247,8 +14473,203 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (908, '2019-03-25 07
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (910, '2019-04-03 10:18:21.405529+00', '2019-04-03 10:18:21.412145+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Progress_report_2_uv2RXoB.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 17817);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (911, '2019-04-03 10:19:01.775846+00', '2019-04-03 10:19:04.907542+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Progress_report_2_WGayNll.pdf', '', 430, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 17817);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (912, '2019-04-04 08:43:36.154988+00', '2019-04-04 08:43:42.270181+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_PCA.pdf', '', 141, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (915, '2019-04-10 13:05:34.427925+00', '2019-04-10 13:06:21.116578+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Mobadr_budget.pdf', '', 431, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (916, '2019-04-10 13:06:34.086448+00', '2019-04-10 13:06:34.094069+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_Annex_G._0s84Slz.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (914, '2019-04-04 09:12:52.647612+00', '2019-04-04 09:12:55.486758+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_Annex_G..pdf', '', 89, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 38, 23641);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (913, '2019-04-04 09:12:37.619789+00', '2019-04-04 09:12:55.529419+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_Programme_Document.pdf', '', 89, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 39, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (923, '2019-04-16 12:35:50.699038+00', '2019-04-16 12:35:52.648627+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/CESVI_-_PD_Amendment_Form_Signed_sdDSU1E.pdf', '', 18, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 40, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (917, '2019-04-10 13:07:01.468793+00', '2019-04-10 13:07:15.799204+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_Annex_G._ty4XFwz.pdf', '', 432, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (924, '2019-04-16 15:45:01.044763+00', '2019-04-16 15:45:01.055016+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Youth_project_Visits_progress.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (918, '2019-04-10 13:07:33.765512+00', '2019-04-10 13:08:04.129156+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_PCA_VLIsuG8.pdf', '', 433, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (925, '2019-04-16 15:46:02.817815+00', '2019-04-16 15:46:02.827439+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Al_Gharian.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (919, '2019-04-10 13:08:13.473039+00', '2019-04-10 13:09:05.400753+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Almobadr_Programme_Document_eKmFxBv.pdf', '', 434, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (926, '2019-04-16 15:46:28.917755+00', '2019-04-16 15:46:28.928924+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Sabha_-_Al_hayah_Center_for_the_Rehabi.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (920, '2019-04-10 13:37:32.264043+00', '2019-04-10 13:37:34.575451+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/STACO_NCE_Docs.pdf', '', 16, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 40, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (927, '2019-04-16 15:47:09.646223+00', '2019-04-16 15:47:09.651497+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Sabha_-_Shabab_sabha_the_youth_of_sabha.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (921, '2019-04-10 13:39:37.261744+00', '2019-04-10 13:40:12.559663+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Amendment_form_Attadamon.pdf', '', 17, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 40, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (928, '2019-04-16 15:47:44.181829+00', '2019-04-16 15:47:44.19108+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Tripoli_-_Nebby.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (922, '2019-04-10 13:57:57.895294+00', '2019-04-10 13:57:59.962618+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Final_Partnership_Review_Eng_2019_Ekraa.pdf', '', 435, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (929, '2019-04-16 15:48:21.942177+00', '2019-04-16 15:48:21.951954+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Zintan_.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (930, '2019-04-16 15:48:52.413791+00', '2019-04-16 15:48:52.423385+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/33/Social_Projects-_Positive_Peace_-_Zliten.pdf', '', 33, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (931, '2019-04-16 15:52:06.679843+00', '2019-04-16 15:52:06.68926+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/VISIT_TO_ALMADINA_SCHOOL_3BFR_Focus_group_report.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (932, '2019-04-16 15:52:35.316736+00', '2019-04-16 15:52:35.326166+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/VISIT_TO_ENNAHDA_SCHOOL_3BFR_Focus_group_report.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (933, '2019-04-16 15:53:01.413844+00', '2019-04-16 15:53:01.422409+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/VISIT_TO_HASSAN_IBN_HAITHEM_SCHOOL_3BFR_Focus_group_report.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (934, '2019-04-16 15:53:33.35376+00', '2019-04-16 15:53:33.363883+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/VISIT_TO_SANA_ELMAHDLY_SCHOOL_3BFR_Focus_group_report.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (935, '2019-04-16 15:54:32.186981+00', '2019-04-16 15:54:32.196167+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/VISIT_TO_SOBRATA_ALJANOUBIYA_SCHOOL_3BFR_Focus_group_report.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (936, '2019-05-07 07:59:33.979515+00', '2019-05-07 07:59:33.986807+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Essafa_Annex_G._Final.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (937, '2019-05-07 08:55:42.377936+00', '2019-05-07 08:55:42.384231+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Essafa_Annex_G._Final_YXuJHC8.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (948, '2019-05-26 08:00:13.5157+00', '2019-05-26 08:00:13.521934+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Alsafwa_SSFA_sigend.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (939, '2019-05-16 13:56:17.742593+00', '2019-05-16 13:56:17.752019+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/38/TPM_supplies_list_anIBo1G.docx', '', 38, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (940, '2019-05-21 12:48:02.42121+00', '2019-05-21 12:48:23.172478+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Ekraa_PCA.PDF', '', 144, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (949, '2019-05-26 08:59:23.262306+00', '2019-05-26 08:59:23.26275+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_report/113/20052019_TPM_Messalitaha_Health.pdf', '', 113, 'activity_report', 261, 19, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (950, '2019-05-26 08:59:56.106904+00', '2019-05-26 08:59:56.107278+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_report/114/Maya_ALshamlia.pdf', '', 114, 'activity_report', 261, 19, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (943, '2019-05-21 13:23:28.984925+00', '2019-05-21 13:23:31.670022+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Ekraa_Budget.pdf', '', 436, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (942, '2019-05-21 13:22:53.732838+00', '2019-05-21 13:23:44.005935+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Ekraa_PRC.pdf', '', 90, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 38, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (941, '2019-05-21 13:17:47.907805+00', '2019-05-21 13:23:44.044641+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Ekraa_PD.PDF', '', 90, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 39, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (945, '2019-05-22 08:03:52.407861+00', '2019-05-22 08:11:01.597007+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Afaq_PRC.pdf', '', 94, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 38, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (944, '2019-05-21 13:35:14.422962+00', '2019-05-21 13:35:20.115279+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Afaq_PCA.PDF', '', 146, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (946, '2019-05-22 08:10:14.89492+00', '2019-05-22 08:11:01.636376+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Afaq_PD.PDF', '', 94, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 39, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (956, '2019-05-27 11:12:44.905095+00', '2019-05-27 11:12:44.911385+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/UNICEF_3F_Siged_Annex_G.PDF', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (951, '2019-05-26 10:24:49.622232+00', '2019-05-26 10:26:46.823938+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Annex_C_-_Programme_Document_ctbInOE.pdf', '', 19, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 40, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (957, '2019-05-27 11:15:52.770075+00', '2019-05-27 11:15:52.777734+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/UNICEF_3F_Signed_PD_-_Annex_C.PDF', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (952, '2019-05-26 10:38:28.339226+00', '2019-05-26 10:39:50.420163+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Programme_Document_Amendment.pdf', '', 20, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 40, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (958, '2019-05-27 13:30:18.515948+00', '2019-05-27 13:30:18.521407+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/UNICEF_3F_Siged_Annex_G_FZrSnz3.PDF', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (953, '2019-05-26 12:42:36.180478+00', '2019-05-26 12:43:12.853527+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/UNICEF_3F_PCA_agreement.pdf', '', 149, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (954, '2019-05-26 12:43:43.235202+00', '2019-05-26 12:43:43.242569+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Annex_E._Partner_Declaration_3F.PDF', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 189196);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (959, '2019-05-28 08:27:35.49327+00', '2019-05-28 08:27:35.501053+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Alsafwa_SSFA_sigend_NlR8waS.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (955, '2019-05-26 12:45:36.738142+00', '2019-05-26 12:45:40.34433+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/UNICEF_3F_PCA_agreement_8xIg8Lu.pdf', '', 149, 'partners_agreement', 72, 34, 189196);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (987, '2019-06-27 10:21:56.035145+00', '2019-06-27 10:21:56.038747+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Breezes_signed-stamped_PD.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (991, '2019-07-02 12:55:30.54133+00', '2019-07-02 12:55:30.547971+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/cesvi_amendmed_document_june_2019.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (989, '2019-06-30 15:13:03.586227+00', '2019-06-30 15:13:08.965223+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Programme_Document_Eng_2019_Breezes_revised_IjMKivZ.docx', '', 92, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 38, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (988, '2019-06-30 15:12:32.786263+00', '2019-06-30 15:13:09.003478+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Breezes_signed-stamped_PD_QlIpJud.pdf', '', 92, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 39, 186083);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (996, '2019-07-08 10:17:36.179307+00', '2019-07-08 10:17:36.186291+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/38/Maya_ALshamlia_V2.pdf', '', 38, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (995, '2019-07-02 12:57:33.773745+00', '2019-07-02 12:57:44.197708+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/results_frame_cesvi.pdf', '', 455, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1005, '2019-08-07 10:52:06.367867+00', '2019-08-07 10:52:06.379233+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/40/3F_List_of_Supplies_-_Breakdown.xlsx', '', 40, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (999, '2019-07-09 10:53:26.619614+00', '2019-07-09 10:53:28.34373+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/ICE_signed.pdf', '', 457, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 42, 186083);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1006, '2019-08-07 10:52:54.04362+00', '2019-08-07 10:52:54.053359+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/40/UNICEF_3F_Signed_PD_-_Annex_C.pdf', '', 40, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1007, '2019-08-07 10:53:55.43217+00', '2019-08-07 10:53:55.439742+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/40/MRE_implementation_Workplan_1507.xlsx', '', 40, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1008, '2019-08-07 10:57:03.664732+00', '2019-08-07 10:57:03.671826+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/39/MRE_implementation_Workplan_1507.xlsx', '', 39, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1011, '2019-08-20 08:28:39.371336+00', '2019-08-20 08:28:39.380124+00', 'public/files/audit/spotcheck/audit_report/1/Elssafa_Centre_for_Mental_Health.pdf', '', 1, 'audit_report', 220, 11, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1012, '2019-08-29 09:40:27.26058+00', '2019-08-29 09:40:27.271009+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/39/19-08-2019-Free_Fields_Foundation-Child_Protection-Child_Emergency_Mine.pdf', '', 39, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1013, '2019-08-29 09:41:42.891796+00', '2019-08-29 09:41:42.89983+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/39/UNICEF-Benef-_Tripoli.pdf', '', 39, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1014, '2019-09-02 09:55:44.023332+00', '2019-09-02 09:55:44.030865+00', 'public/files/audit/spotcheck/audit_report/3/Cesvi_Cooperazione_e_sviluppo_Cesvi___Spot_Check_Final_Report_.pdf', '', 3, 'audit_report', 220, 11, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1023, '2019-09-04 11:46:53.698993+00', '2019-09-04 11:46:53.707954+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/Focus_Groups_With_AFAQ_Staff.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1017, '2019-09-02 14:18:54.361752+00', '2019-09-02 14:18:54.362173+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_attachments/120/TPM_list_for_hospitals_for_Ubari_and_Shatie.docx', '', 120, 'activity_attachments', 261, 5, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1019, '2019-09-02 14:19:35.043407+00', '2019-09-02 14:19:35.043838+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_attachments/122/TPM_list_for_hospitals_for_Ejdabia_and_Alwahat.docx', '', 122, 'activity_attachments', 261, 5, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1025, '2019-09-04 11:49:11.916097+00', '2019-09-04 11:49:11.925441+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_report_attachments/31/Summary_of_AFAQs_Focus_Group__Interviews.pdf', '', 31, 'visit_report_attachments', 96, 33, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1031, '2019-09-09 09:09:49.118513+00', '2019-09-09 09:09:49.118513+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/52/Annex_C_-_Programme_Document.pdf', '', 52, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1032, '2019-09-09 09:20:14.24605+00', '2019-09-09 09:20:14.24605+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/53/Annex_C._Programme_Document_-_ELSSAFA_2019.pdf', '', 53, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1033, '2019-09-09 10:03:20.798285+00', '2019-09-09 10:03:20.798285+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/54/PD_-_Scouts.pdf', '', 54, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1034, '2019-09-09 10:41:08.554313+00', '2019-09-09 10:41:08.554313+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmvisit/visit_attachments/55/PD_nooralhayat_Soft_copy.pdf', '', 55, 'visit_attachments', 96, 18, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1037, '2019-09-22 12:23:09.539302+00', '2019-09-22 12:23:15.301712+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/FACE_89_LS_Request.pdf', '', 8, 'audit_engagement', 220, 9, 17479);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1080, '2019-10-15 13:28:30.043184+00', '2019-10-15 13:28:30.043184+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_report/154/Sebha-June.docx', '', 154, 'activity_report', 261, 19, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1081, '2019-10-16 08:00:41.800121+00', '2019-10-16 08:04:29.705239+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/IRC_Annex_G_signed_with_mebmers_Signed_ARG.pdf', '', 103, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 59, 17817);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1101, '2019-10-24 11:00:58.540823+00', '2019-10-24 11:00:58.540823+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Reference_Doc_5_Annex_G_PRC_Review_1final23091.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 29294);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1098, '2019-10-17 14:10:25.751598+00', '2019-10-17 14:10:28.79175+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/No-cost_extention_NACA_2019_SIGNED_-_Signed_ARG_YhgTp9l.pdf', '', 25, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 62, 17817);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1090, '2019-10-16 17:45:51.448046+00', '2019-10-16 17:45:51.448046+00', 'public/files/tpm/tpmactivity/activity_report/160/Progress_Report-_consultant_17.docx', '', 160, 'activity_report', 261, 19, NULL);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1103, '2019-10-24 11:10:51.643307+00', '2019-10-24 11:10:51.643307+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/INTERSOS_UNICEF_EOI_-_Baity_Sebha_PD_VF6modified_N2k7QBE.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 29294);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1107, '2019-10-27 08:27:30.524415+00', '2019-10-27 08:28:22.093208+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/legal_agreement_Zxah2WQ.pdf', '', 153, 'partners_agreement', 72, 61, 29294);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1105, '2019-10-24 11:15:53.711551+00', '2019-10-24 11:15:53.711551+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Reference_Doc_5_Annex_G_PRC_Review_1final23091_v6qcnN2.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 29294);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1106, '2019-10-24 11:16:05.867362+00', '2019-10-24 11:16:05.867362+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/INTERSOS_UNICEF_EOI_-_Baity_Sebha_PD_VF6modified_xcJ1QQX.pdf', '', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 29294);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1111, '2019-10-28 08:32:41.322869+00', '2019-10-28 08:32:43.194323+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/CESVI_Amendment_2_SYHCI6t.pdf', '', 26, 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed', 152, 62, 23641);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1109, '2019-10-27 08:31:35.4002+00', '2019-10-27 08:31:36.577169+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Budget_Sabha__Baity_002.pdf', '', 472, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 58, 29294);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1115, '2019-10-30 14:17:16.382554+00', '2019-10-30 14:17:18.75398+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Essafa_Annex_E.pdf', '', 474, 'partners_intervention_attachment', 156, 58, 17817);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1108, '2019-10-27 08:31:13.885327+00', '2019-10-27 08:33:00.319574+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/INTERSOS_UNICEF_EOI_-_Baity_Sebha_PD_VF6modified_8L0zczJ.pdf', '', 104, 'partners_intervention_signed_pd', 151, 60, 29294);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment VALUES (1112, '2019-10-28 09:26:44.488159+00', '2019-10-28 09:35:58.627579+00', 'public/files/unknown/tmp/Reference_Doc_5_Annex_G_PRC_final_sep_final_with_PRC_Signatures_17.09.pdf', '', 102, 'partners_intervention_prc_review', 151, 59, 29294);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity VALUES (553, '2019-08-26 12:39:39.599187+00', '2019-08-26 12:39:39.600535+00', '9', 'create', '{"id": 9, "author": 17817, "office": 201, "status": "open", "history": [], "partner": 81, "section": 1, "category": "None", "comments": [], "due_date": "2019-07-29", "location": "None", "cp_output": 108, "engagement": "None", "key_events": [], "assigned_by": 17817, "assigned_to": 17817, "description": "1-Improve quality of documentation (photo quality) and noor alhayat to have signed approvals from parents to use Photos in reports or a human-interest story\n2-Improve technical expertise in approaching parents/caregivers with constructive information on CP concerns children face. (provide support to noor alhayat to build capacity)", "intervention": 75, "tpm_activity": "None", "high_priority": false, "travel_activity": 78, "date_of_completion": "None"}', '{}', 17817, 270);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity VALUES (557, '2019-08-26 12:48:28.486583+00', '2019-08-26 12:48:28.486927+00', '9', 'update', '{"id": 9, "author": 17817, "office": 201, "status": "open", "history": [556, 553], "partner": 81, "section": 1, "category": "None", "comments": [6], "due_date": "2019-07-29", "location": "None", "cp_output": 108, "engagement": "None", "key_events": [], "assigned_by": 17817, "assigned_to": 17817, "description": "1-Improve quality of documentation (photo quality) and noor alhayat to have signed approvals from parents to use Photos in reports or a human-interest story\n2-Improve technical expertise in approaching parents/caregivers with constructive information on CP concerns children face. (provide support to noor alhayat to build capacity)", "intervention": 75, "tpm_activity": "None", "high_priority": false, "travel_activity": 78, "date_of_completion": "None"}', '{}', 17817, 270);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity VALUES (567, '2019-09-24 10:56:13.230134+00', '2019-09-24 10:56:13.230134+00', '13', 'create', '{"id": 13, "author": 29294, "office": 201, "status": "open", "history": [], "partner": 37, "section": 1, "category": "None", "comments": [], "due_date": "2018-11-29", "location": "None", "cp_output": 56, "engagement": "None", "key_events": [], "assigned_by": 29294, "assigned_to": 29294, "description": "Changes in the PSS room to be more child friendly", "intervention": 17, "tpm_activity": "None", "high_priority": false, "travel_activity": 104, "date_of_completion": "None"}', '{}', 29294, 270);
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+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 106, true);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 76, true);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 118, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 26, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 475, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 121, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 71, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq', 62, true);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 71, true);
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 92, true);
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 13, true);
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 75, true);
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 51, true);
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 24, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 23, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 18, true);
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 1, true);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 34, true);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, true);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 186, true);
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 1, true);
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq', 209, true);
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 230, true);
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 33, true);
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 67, true);
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq', 5, true);
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq', 215, true);
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 48, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 102, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 113, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 123, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 114, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 131, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 161, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 181, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 69, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 59, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 8, true);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 1116, true);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 63, true);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 628, true);
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, office_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, section_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, user_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_notified_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_users_notified_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financialfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financialfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_finding audit_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq', 109, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq', 209, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq', 229, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq', 665, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 914, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq', 42, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq', 6, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 6, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq', 6, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq', 12, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key UNIQUE (activity_question_id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_risk_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq', 117, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq', 38, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, result_id);
--- Name: django_comments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, section_id);
--- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq', 608, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq', 67, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq', 258, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq', 337, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq', 149, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq', 277, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq', 72, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq', 2, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq', 55, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq', 76, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (year);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq', 71, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, method_id);
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq', 2646, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, section_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, value);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 108, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq', 143, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq', 5, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq', 35, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq', 43, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq', 75, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq', 100, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq', 89, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq', 91, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 92, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 60, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 99, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 15, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 430, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 105, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 66, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq', 59, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 67, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 84, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 13, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 69, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 43, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 34, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 179, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 1, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 2, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 230, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 33, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 67, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq', 215, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 43, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 54, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key UNIQUE (vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 64, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 64, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 65, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key UNIQUE (email);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 59, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 109, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 119, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 34, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 26, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 914, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 43, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 438, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financialfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financialfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
--- Name: audit_finding audit_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office reports_office_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_office_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key UNIQUE (profile_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key UNIQUE (vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key UNIQUE (email);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (activity_question_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (field_office_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (person_responsible_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category USING btree ("order");
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING gist (point);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_name_762a3244_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_762a3244_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
--- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
--- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_donor_name_762a3244_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_762a3244_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization USING btree (vendor_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
--- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c ON [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization USING btree (vendor_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id FOREIGN KEY (file_type_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].attachments_filetype(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (uploaded_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (field_office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partnerorganization_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (person_responsible_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (result_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne FOREIGN KEY (tpm_partner_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartner(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -17338,14 +21266,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_80b9b8d9_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_i_intervention_id_a29eb115_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -17427,11 +21347,19 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -17794,6 +21722,22 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sp_intervention_id_d9d797f5_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use FOREIGN KEY (profile_id) REFERENCES public.users_userprofile(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_user_id_17095f45_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -17883,11 +21827,11 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -17987,27 +21931,27 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant3.sql b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant3.sql
index ef8e3ffc6..97d675172 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant3.sql
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/multitenant/postgresql/tenant3.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 9.6.12
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.5
+-- Dumped from database version 9.6.3
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.7
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint (
high_priority boolean NOT NULL,
travel_activity_id integer,
category_id integer,
- psea_assessment_id integer
+ psea_assessment_id integer,
+ reference_number character varying(100),
+ monitoring_activity_id integer
@@ -210,43 +212,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].actstream_follow.id;
--- Name: attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachment.id;
-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -260,13 +225,13 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat (
file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
agreement_reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
source character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- pd_ssfa integer
+ pd_ssfa integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone
@@ -289,39 +254,6 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].attachments_filetype (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].attachments_filetype.id;
-- Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -330,7 +262,9 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_audit (
engagement_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
audited_expenditure numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
financial_findings numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL
+ audit_opinion character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ audited_expenditure_local numeric(20,2),
+ financial_findings_local numeric(20,2)
@@ -398,7 +332,8 @@ CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement (
agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
po_item_id integer,
shared_ip_with character varying(20)[] NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ exchange_rate numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency_of_report character varying(4)
@@ -481,6 +416,66 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections.id;
-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -511,6 +506,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members.id;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ engagement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified.id;
-- Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -909,22 +934,25 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].django_mi
--- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ on_track boolean,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -933,36 +961,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- responsible_person character varying(100),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ is_enabled boolean NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq
@@ -971,41 +996,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq
@@ -1014,47 +1026,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- document_date date,
- fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ narrative_finding text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
intervention_id integer,
- intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- delegated boolean NOT NULL
+ partner_id integer,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq
@@ -1063,41 +1059,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding.id;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- line_item smallint NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- due_date date,
- line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- donor character varying(256),
- donor_code character varying(30),
- CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
+ value jsonb,
+ activity_question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ started_checklist_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq
@@ -1106,32 +1090,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding.id;
--- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- expiry date,
- donor_id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ information_source character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoring_activity_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq
@@ -1140,30 +1122,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist.id;
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ monitor_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ person_responsible_id integer,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_reason text NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ field_office_id integer,
+ report_reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64)
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq
@@ -1172,31 +1177,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs.id;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity.id;
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- partner_values jsonb,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq
@@ -1205,47 +1226,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners (
id integer NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- remap_table_name character varying(254),
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerorganization_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq
@@ -1254,31 +1256,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners.id;
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- admin_level smallint,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq
@@ -1287,45 +1286,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections.id;
--- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
- latitude double precision,
- longitude double precision,
- p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
- point public.geometry(Point,4326),
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
- parent_id integer,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ monitoringactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq
@@ -1334,31 +1316,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate (
id integer NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ specific_details text NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ partner_id integer,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq
@@ -1367,40 +1350,48 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
- id integer NOT NULL,
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan (
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
+ year smallint NOT NULL,
+ prioritization_criteria text NOT NULL,
+ methodology_notes text NOT NULL,
+ target_visits smallint NOT NULL,
+ modalities text NOT NULL,
+ partner_engagement text NOT NULL,
+ other_aspects text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_target_visits_check CHECK ((target_visits >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_year_check CHECK ((year >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq
@@ -1409,17 +1400,26 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig (
+ id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq
@@ -1428,28 +1428,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite (
id integer NOT NULL,
- sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq
@@ -1458,53 +1463,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_manager_id integer,
- signed_by_id integer,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
- reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
- special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ issue text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer,
+ location_id integer,
+ location_site_id integer,
+ partner_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq
@@ -1513,17 +1500,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue.id;
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ use_information_source boolean NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(10) NOT NULL
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq
@@ -1532,33 +1531,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024),
- signed_date date,
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ value jsonb,
+ question_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq
@@ -1567,42 +1562,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option.id;
--- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question (
id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
- expected_budget integer,
- notes character varying(255),
- requested_date date NOT NULL,
- planned_date date,
- completed_date date,
- rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- report character varying(1024),
- current boolean NOT NULL,
- approving_officer_id integer,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- requesting_officer_id integer,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ answer_type character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ choices_size smallint,
+ level character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ text text NOT NULL,
+ is_hact boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_custom boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ category_id integer NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_choices_size_check CHECK ((choices_size >= 0))
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq
@@ -1611,32 +1599,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question.id;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- date date,
- assessment character varying(1024),
- archived boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ method_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq
@@ -1645,34 +1629,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
+ question_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq
@@ -1681,27 +1659,29 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_donor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq
@@ -1710,82 +1690,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_donor.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fc_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fc_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ exchange_rate character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ responsible_person character varying(100),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- number character varying(64),
- title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
- start date,
- "end" date,
- submission_date date,
- submission_date_prc date,
- review_date_prc date,
- prc_review_document character varying(1024),
- signed_by_unicef_date date,
- signed_by_partner_date date,
- population_focus character varying(130),
- agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
- unicef_signatory_id integer,
- signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
- country_programme_id integer,
- contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
- metadata jsonb,
- in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
- reference_number_year integer,
- activation_letter character varying(1024),
- termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq
@@ -1794,28 +1728,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ gl_account character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ commitment_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_changed numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_commitment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq
@@ -1824,28 +1771,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ vendor_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fr_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ document_date date,
+ fr_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ document_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ actual_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ intervention_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ actual_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total_amt_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ multi_curr_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ completed_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ delegated boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq
@@ -1854,28 +1820,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ fr_ref_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ line_item smallint NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ grant_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ fund character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ overall_amount_dc numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date,
+ line_item_text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ fund_reservation_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ donor character varying(256),
+ donor_code character varying(30),
+ CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_line_item_a0d89637_check CHECK ((line_item >= 0))
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq
@@ -1884,28 +1863,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].funds_grant (
id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ expiry date,
+ donor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq
@@ -1914,34 +1897,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].funds_grant.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- signed_date date,
- amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
- signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
- other_description character varying(512)
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq
@@ -1950,32 +1929,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
- type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_values jsonb,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq
@@ -1984,38 +1962,47 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ domain character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ api_key character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ table_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ display_name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ name_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ pcode_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ parent_code_col character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7) NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ location_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
+ remap_table_name character varying(254),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer,
- total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
- currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq
@@ -2024,34 +2011,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ admin_level smallint,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_check CHECK ((admin_level >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq
@@ -2060,32 +2044,45 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_location (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL,
+ latitude double precision,
+ longitude double precision,
+ p_code character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ geom public.geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
+ point public.geometry(Point,4326),
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ gateway_id integer NOT NULL,
+ parent_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date NOT NULL,
- end_date date NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT locations_location_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq
@@ -2094,30 +2091,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_location_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_location.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comments text,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ new_location_id integer NOT NULL,
+ old_location_id integer NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq
@@ -2126,92 +2124,59 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ history_type character varying(10) NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- cso_type character varying(50),
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- address text,
- email character varying(255),
- phone_number character varying(64),
- vendor_number character varying(30),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- rating character varying(50),
- type_of_assessment character varying(50),
- last_assessment_date date,
- core_values_assessment_date date,
- vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
- total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- city character varying(64),
- country character varying(64),
- postal_code character varying(32),
- shared_with character varying(20)[],
- street_address character varying(500),
- hact_values jsonb,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
- reported_cy numeric(20,2),
- total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
- basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
- outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
- outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq
@@ -2220,34 +2185,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- year integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ sectionhistory_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq
@@ -2256,35 +2215,53 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(64),
- first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
- phone character varying(64),
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ agreement_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ agreement_number character varying(45) NOT NULL,
+ attached_agreement character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_manager_id integer,
+ signed_by_id integer,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ reference_number_year integer NOT NULL,
+ special_conditions_pca boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq
@@ -2293,36 +2270,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
- scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL,
- spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers.id;
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq
@@ -2331,27 +2289,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreement.id;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024),
+ signed_date date,
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq
@@ -2360,32 +2324,42 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment.id;
--- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ names_of_other_agencies character varying(255),
+ expected_budget integer,
+ notes character varying(255),
+ requested_date date NOT NULL,
+ planned_date date,
+ completed_date date,
+ rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ report character varying(1024),
+ current boolean NOT NULL,
+ approving_officer_id integer,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ requesting_officer_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comments text,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq
@@ -2394,31 +2368,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_assessment.id;
--- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description text,
- answer_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ date date,
+ assessment character varying(1024),
+ archived boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq
@@ -2427,63 +2402,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- overall_rating integer,
- assessment_date date,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- partner_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ fc_ref character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ amount_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ liquidation_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_balance_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_less_than_3_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_3_to_6_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ "amount_more_than_9_Months_usd" numeric(20,2) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq
@@ -2492,31 +2438,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer.id;
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_filetype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq
@@ -2525,44 +2467,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_filetype.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditor_firm_id integer,
- user_id integer
+ document_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ number character varying(64),
+ title character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(32) NOT NULL,
+ start date,
+ "end" date,
+ submission_date date,
+ submission_date_prc date,
+ review_date_prc date,
+ prc_review_document character varying(1024),
+ signed_by_unicef_date date,
+ signed_by_partner_date date,
+ population_focus character varying(130),
+ agreement_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id integer,
+ unicef_signatory_id integer,
+ signed_pd_document character varying(1024),
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ contingency_pd boolean NOT NULL,
+ metadata jsonb,
+ in_amendment boolean NOT NULL,
+ reference_number_year integer,
+ activation_letter character varying(1024),
+ termination_doc character varying(1024)
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
- auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq
@@ -2571,17 +2532,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq
@@ -2590,31 +2551,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention.id;
--- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label text NOT NULL,
- requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq
@@ -2623,45 +2581,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- subject text NOT NULL,
- content text NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
- rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- evidence_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ partnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2670,17 +2611,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq
@@ -2689,28 +2641,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- rating_id integer NOT NULL
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -2719,31 +2671,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- weight integer NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ signed_date date,
+ amendment_number integer NOT NULL,
+ signed_amendment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ types character varying(50)[] NOT NULL,
+ other_description character varying(512)
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq
@@ -2752,59 +2707,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- context_code character varying(50),
- assumptions text,
- total integer,
- indicator_id integer,
- lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
- means_of_verification character varying(255),
- cluster_indicator_id integer,
- cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
- cluster_name character varying(512),
+ attachment character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ type_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- response_plan_name character varying(1024),
- section_id integer,
- is_active boolean NOT NULL,
- is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
- baseline jsonb,
- denominator_label character varying(256),
- label text,
- measurement_specifications text,
- numerator_label character varying(256),
- target jsonb NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq
@@ -2813,17 +2741,38 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ partner_contribution_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ unicef_cash_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ in_kind_amount_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ total numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer,
+ total_local numeric(20,2) NOT NULL,
+ currency character varying(4) NOT NULL
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq
@@ -2832,28 +2781,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -2862,31 +2817,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
- from_date date NOT NULL,
- to_date date NOT NULL,
- invalid boolean NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ start_date date NOT NULL,
+ end_date date NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq
@@ -2895,30 +2851,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ cp_output_id integer NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq
@@ -2927,31 +2883,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink.id;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
- disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
+ interventionresultlink_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq
@@ -2960,43 +2913,62 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- total integer,
- sector_total integer,
- current integer,
- sector_current integer,
- assumptions text,
- target character varying(255),
- baseline character varying(255),
- ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
- view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- result_id integer,
- sector_id integer,
- unit_id integer,
- active boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ cso_type character varying(50),
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ short_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ address text,
+ email character varying(255),
+ phone_number character varying(64),
+ vendor_number character varying(30),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ rating character varying(50),
+ type_of_assessment character varying(50),
+ last_assessment_date date,
+ core_values_assessment_date date,
+ vision_synced boolean NOT NULL,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ deleted_flag boolean NOT NULL,
+ total_ct_cp numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ city character varying(64),
+ country character varying(64),
+ postal_code character varying(32),
+ shared_with character varying(20)[],
+ street_address character varying(500),
+ hact_values jsonb,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ net_ct_cy numeric(20,2),
+ reported_cy numeric(20,2),
+ total_ct_ytd numeric(20,2),
+ basis_for_risk_rating character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ manually_blocked boolean NOT NULL,
+ outstanding_dct_amount_6_to_9_months_usd numeric(20,2),
+ outstanding_dct_amount_more_than_9_months_usd numeric(20,2)
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq
@@ -3005,37 +2977,34 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization.id;
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits (
id integer NOT NULL,
- title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(3072),
- code character varying(50),
- subdomain character varying(255),
- disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
- unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ year integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ programmatic_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq
@@ -3044,31 +3013,35 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits.id;
--- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(100),
+ first_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ last_name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ phone character varying(64),
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq
@@ -3077,30 +3050,36 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember.id;
--- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
- start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q1 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q2 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q3 integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_planned_q4 integer NOT NULL,
+ scheduled_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ special_audit boolean NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL,
+ spot_check_follow_up integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq
@@ -3109,33 +3088,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement.id;
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq
@@ -3144,57 +3117,32 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype.id;
--- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answer (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name text NOT NULL,
- code character varying(50),
- from_date date,
- to_date date,
- humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
- wbs character varying(50),
- vision_id character varying(10),
- gic_code character varying(8),
- gic_name character varying(255),
- sic_code character varying(8),
- sic_name character varying(255),
- activity_focus_code character varying(8),
- activity_focus_name character varying(255),
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- ram boolean NOT NULL,
- lft integer NOT NULL,
- rght integer NOT NULL,
- tree_id integer NOT NULL,
- level integer NOT NULL,
- country_programme_id integer,
- parent_id integer,
- result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- sector_id integer,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
- humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
- CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
+ comments text,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq
@@ -3203,27 +3151,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answer.id;
--- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(150) NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description text,
+ answer_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq
@@ -3232,68 +3184,44 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence.id;
--- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment (
id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256),
- alternate_id integer,
- alternate_name character varying(255),
- dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
- color character varying(7),
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- active boolean NOT NULL
+ reference_number character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ overall_rating integer,
+ assessment_date date,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ partner_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points (
id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
- due_date date NOT NULL,
- intervention_id integer NOT NULL
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq
@@ -3302,27 +3230,17 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(45) NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points.id;
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq
@@ -3331,30 +3249,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessment.id;
--- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory (
id integer NOT NULL,
- manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
- date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- comment text NOT NULL,
- user_id integer
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq
@@ -3363,69 +3282,63 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory.id;
--- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id text NOT NULL,
- object_id_int integer,
- format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- serialized_data text NOT NULL,
- object_repr text NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
- revision_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ assessor_type character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ order_number character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ assessment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditor_firm_id integer,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ assessor_id integer NOT NULL,
+ auditorstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff.id;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq
@@ -3434,28 +3347,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_assessor.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_evidence (
id integer NOT NULL,
- itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
- airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label text NOT NULL,
+ requires_description boolean NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq
@@ -3464,96 +3380,64 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_evidence.id;
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- departure_date date NOT NULL,
- arrival_date date NOT NULL,
- overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
- dsa_region_id integer,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL,
- _order integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ subject text NOT NULL,
+ content text NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_instructions text NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ evidence_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- completed_at timestamp with time zone,
- canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
- submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
- approved_at timestamp with time zone,
- rejection_note text NOT NULL,
- cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
- certification_note text NOT NULL,
- report_note text NOT NULL,
- misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
- status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- start_date date,
- end_date date,
- purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
- additional_note text NOT NULL,
- international_travel boolean,
- ta_required boolean,
- reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
- hidden boolean NOT NULL,
- mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
- estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
- is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
- preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
- approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
- currency_id integer,
- office_id integer,
- supervisor_id integer,
- traveler_id integer,
- first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
- preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
- section_id integer
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences.id;
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3562,32 +3446,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- date date,
- partner_id integer,
- partnership_id integer,
- primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
- result_id integer
+ indicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ rating_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq
@@ -3596,28 +3476,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].psea_rating (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- location_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ weight integer NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq
@@ -3626,60 +3509,78 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].psea_rating.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ context_code character varying(50),
+ assumptions text,
+ total integer,
+ indicator_id integer,
+ lower_result_id integer NOT NULL,
+ means_of_verification character varying(255),
+ cluster_indicator_id integer,
+ cluster_indicator_title character varying(1024),
+ cluster_name character varying(512),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ response_plan_name character varying(1024),
+ section_id integer,
+ is_active boolean NOT NULL,
+ is_high_frequency boolean NOT NULL,
+ baseline jsonb,
+ denominator_label character varying(256),
+ label text,
+ measurement_specifications text,
+ numerator_label character varying(256),
+ target jsonb NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_cluster_indicator_id_check CHECK ((cluster_indicator_id >= 0))
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- file character varying(255),
- travel_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq
@@ -3688,41 +3589,28 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
- activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
- additional_information text NOT NULL,
- is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
- section_id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- office_id integer NOT NULL
+ appliedindicator_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq
@@ -3731,28 +3619,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(30) NOT NULL,
+ from_date date NOT NULL,
+ to_date date NOT NULL,
+ invalid boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq
@@ -3761,43 +3652,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation (
id integer NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
- reject_comment text NOT NULL,
- approval_comment text NOT NULL,
- visit_information text NOT NULL,
- date_of_assigned date,
- date_of_cancelled date,
- date_of_tpm_accepted date,
- date_of_tpm_rejected date,
- date_of_tpm_reported date,
- date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
- date_of_unicef_approved date,
- tpm_partner_id integer,
- cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
- author_id integer
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq
@@ -3806,28 +3684,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue (
id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
- tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ value character varying(15) NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ disaggregation_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq
@@ -3836,29 +3717,43 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue.id;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicator (
id integer NOT NULL,
- rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- reject_reason text NOT NULL,
- tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ total integer,
+ sector_total integer,
+ current integer,
+ sector_current integer,
+ assumptions text,
+ target character varying(255),
+ baseline character varying(255),
+ ram_indicator boolean NOT NULL,
+ view_on_dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer,
+ sector_id integer,
+ unit_id integer,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq
@@ -3867,35 +3762,37 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicator.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint (
id integer NOT NULL,
+ title character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(3072),
+ code character varying(50),
+ subdomain character varying(255),
+ disaggregatable boolean NOT NULL,
+ unit character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_locations character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ calculation_formula_across_periods character varying(10) NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- file character varying(1024),
- hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer,
- file_type_id integer,
- uploaded_by_id integer
+ display_type character varying(10) NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq
@@ -3904,33 +3801,31 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
- file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
- uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL
+ name character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ result_link_id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq
@@ -3939,29 +3834,27 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_office (
id integer NOT NULL,
- object_id integer,
- attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
- content_type_id integer
+ name character varying(254) NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq
@@ -3970,31 +3863,30 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_office_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_office.id;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_quarter (
id integer NOT NULL,
- "order" integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
+ year character varying(4) NOT NULL,
+ start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq
@@ -4003,34 +3895,33 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_quarter.id;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement (
id integer NOT NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
- target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
- data jsonb NOT NULL,
- change jsonb NOT NULL,
- by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
- target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ report_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq
@@ -4039,2583 +3930,3446 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_result (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name text NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(50),
+ from_date date,
+ to_date date,
+ humanitarian_tag boolean NOT NULL,
+ wbs character varying(50),
+ vision_id character varying(10),
+ gic_code character varying(8),
+ gic_name character varying(255),
+ sic_code character varying(8),
+ sic_name character varying(255),
+ activity_focus_code character varying(8),
+ activity_focus_name character varying(255),
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ ram boolean NOT NULL,
+ lft integer NOT NULL,
+ rght integer NOT NULL,
+ tree_id integer NOT NULL,
+ level integer NOT NULL,
+ country_programme_id integer,
+ parent_id integer,
+ result_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ sector_id integer,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ humanitarian_marker_code character varying(255),
+ humanitarian_marker_name character varying(255),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
+ CONSTRAINT reports_result_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))
--- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_result_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_result.id;
--- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_resulttype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(150) NOT NULL
--- Name: attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_resulttype.id;
--- Name: attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_sector (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256),
+ alternate_id integer,
+ alternate_name character varying(255),
+ dashboard boolean NOT NULL,
+ color character varying(7),
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_sector.id;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ description character varying(256) NOT NULL,
+ due_date date NOT NULL,
+ intervention_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement.id;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_unit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(45) NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_unit.id;
--- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer,
+ profile_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile.id;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_revision (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
+ date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ comment text NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_revision.id;
--- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].reversion_version (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id text NOT NULL,
+ object_id_int integer,
+ format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ serialized_data text NOT NULL,
+ object_repr text NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
+ revision_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].reversion_version.id;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ itineraryitem_id integer NOT NULL,
+ airlinecompany_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines.id;
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ origin character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ destination character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ departure_date date NOT NULL,
+ arrival_date date NOT NULL,
+ overnight_travel boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5) NOT NULL,
+ dsa_region_id integer,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL,
+ _order integer NOT NULL
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: locations_location id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem.id;
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travel (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ completed_at timestamp with time zone,
+ canceled_at timestamp with time zone,
+ submitted_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone,
+ approved_at timestamp with time zone,
+ rejection_note text NOT NULL,
+ cancellation_note text NOT NULL,
+ certification_note text NOT NULL,
+ report_note text NOT NULL,
+ misc_expenses text NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ start_date date,
+ end_date date,
+ purpose character varying(500) NOT NULL,
+ additional_note text NOT NULL,
+ international_travel boolean,
+ ta_required boolean,
+ reference_number character varying(12) NOT NULL,
+ hidden boolean NOT NULL,
+ mode_of_travel character varying(5)[],
+ estimated_travel_cost numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
+ is_driver boolean NOT NULL,
+ preserved_expenses_local numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_traveler numeric(20,4),
+ approved_cost_travel_agencies numeric(20,4),
+ currency_id integer,
+ office_id integer,
+ supervisor_id integer,
+ traveler_id integer,
+ first_submission_date timestamp with time zone,
+ preserved_expenses_usd numeric(20,4),
+ section_id integer
--- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travel.id;
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ date date,
+ partner_id integer,
+ partnership_id integer,
+ primary_traveler_id integer NOT NULL,
+ result_id integer
--- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity.id;
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ location_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations.id;
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ travelactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(255),
+ travel_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment.id;
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity (
+ activity_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
+ additional_information text NOT NULL,
+ is_pv boolean NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ section_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ office_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmactivity_id integer NOT NULL,
+ user_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points.id;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ deleted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ status character varying(20) NOT NULL,
+ reject_comment text NOT NULL,
+ approval_comment text NOT NULL,
+ visit_information text NOT NULL,
+ date_of_assigned date,
+ date_of_cancelled date,
+ date_of_tpm_accepted date,
+ date_of_tpm_rejected date,
+ date_of_tpm_reported date,
+ date_of_tpm_report_rejected date,
+ date_of_unicef_approved date,
+ tpm_partner_id integer,
+ cancel_comment text NOT NULL,
+ author_id integer
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit.id;
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmvisit_id integer NOT NULL,
+ tpmpartnerstaffmember_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points.id;
--- Name: psea_answer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ rejected_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ reject_reason text NOT NULL,
+ tpm_visit_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ file character varying(1024),
+ hyperlink character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer,
+ file_type_id integer,
+ uploaded_by_id integer
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment.id;
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_link character varying(200) NOT NULL,
+ file_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
+ file_link character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ filename character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
+ uploaded_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ created character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat.id;
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ object_id integer,
+ attachment_id integer NOT NULL,
+ content_type_id integer
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink.id;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ label character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ code character varying(64) NOT NULL,
+ "group" character varying(64)[],
+ CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_order_check CHECK (("order" >= 0))
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype.id;
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE TABLE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ target_object_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ action character varying(50) NOT NULL,
+ data jsonb NOT NULL,
+ change jsonb NOT NULL,
+ by_user_id integer NOT NULL,
+ target_content_type_id integer NOT NULL
--- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+CREATE SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq
+ CACHE 1;
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER SEQUENCE [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq OWNED BY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity.id;
--- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: activities_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: activities_activity_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: actstream_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: actstream_follow; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: attachments_attachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (3, '2018-03-29 09:22:28.829453+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:51.774371+00', '', '', 3, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (25, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.351278+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.446734+00', '', '', 25, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (435, '2018-08-12 04:00:13.392088+00', '2018-08-13 04:00:06.013144+00', '', '', 435, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (436, '2018-08-29 04:00:04.619093+00', '2018-08-29 04:00:04.619495+00', '', '', 436, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (437, '2018-08-29 04:00:04.673829+00', '2018-08-29 04:00:04.674224+00', '', '', 437, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (438, '2018-09-03 04:00:03.661469+00', '2018-09-04 04:00:04.024744+00', '', '', 438, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (26, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.419722+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.515763+00', '', '', 26, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (27, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.483429+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.60832+00', '', '', 27, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (28, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.554496+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.672591+00', '', '', 28, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (29, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.61844+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.741803+00', '', '', 29, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (30, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.692873+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.813482+00', '', '', 30, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (31, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.755662+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:53.945728+00', '', '', 32, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (32, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.831168+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.010723+00', '', '', 33, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (33, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.903646+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.076642+00', '', '', 34, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (34, '2018-03-29 09:22:30.976359+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.144662+00', '', '', 35, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (35, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.043872+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.209303+00', '', '', 36, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (39, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.313764+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.462035+00', '', '', 40, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (40, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.376389+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.529451+00', '', '', 41, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (41, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.435447+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.585313+00', '', '', 42, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (42, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.49745+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.647526+00', '', '', 43, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (43, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.597217+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.705456+00', '', '', 44, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (44, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.663371+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.773426+00', '', '', 45, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (45, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.727389+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.836307+00', '', '', 46, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (47, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.852211+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:54.959339+00', '', '', 48, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (48, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.917646+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.025875+00', '', '', 49, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (49, '2018-03-29 09:22:31.97988+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.097444+00', '', '', 50, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (50, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.040752+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.196164+00', '', '', 51, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (51, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.118148+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.257465+00', '', '', 52, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (52, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.221972+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.33738+00', '', '', 53, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (53, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.28842+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.416817+00', '', '', 54, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (54, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.372726+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.492147+00', '', '', 55, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (55, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.444952+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.558048+00', '', '', 56, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (56, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.504742+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.622774+00', '', '', 57, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (57, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.564669+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.6873+00', '', '', 58, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (58, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.624147+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.757541+00', '', '', 59, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (59, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.686795+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.821037+00', '', '', 60, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (60, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.748624+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.939398+00', '', '', 61, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (8, '2018-03-29 09:22:29.18086+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:52.143984+00', '', '', 8, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (61, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.813431+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:55.997983+00', '', '', 62, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (62, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.882912+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.061762+00', '', '', 63, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (63, '2018-03-29 09:22:32.945415+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.120328+00', '', '', 64, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (64, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.01592+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.183981+00', '', '', 65, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (65, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.086068+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.249736+00', '', '', 66, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (66, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.153361+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.310317+00', '', '', 67, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (67, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.225824+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.364693+00', '', '', 68, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (68, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.292643+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.424785+00', '', '', 69, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (69, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.355258+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.505135+00', '', '', 70, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (70, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.418069+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.569861+00', '', '', 71, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (71, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.492309+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.629909+00', '', '', 72, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (72, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.555783+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.687232+00', '', '', 73, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (74, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.688769+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.802867+00', '', '', 75, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (75, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.748803+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.867284+00', '', '', 76, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (77, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.885645+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:56.986238+00', '', '', 78, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (78, '2018-03-29 09:22:33.950083+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.044822+00', '', '', 79, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (82, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.208193+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.548878+00', '', '', 83, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (83, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.291916+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.606158+00', '', '', 84, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (84, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.354664+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.674844+00', '', '', 85, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (85, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.417716+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.734855+00', '', '', 86, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (86, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.493963+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.818068+00', '', '', 87, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (87, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.558802+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.895211+00', '', '', 88, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (88, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.657905+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:57.95536+00', '', '', 89, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (89, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.719825+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.015876+00', '', '', 90, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (90, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.80636+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.077712+00', '', '', 91, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (91, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.873332+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.140751+00', '', '', 92, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (92, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.935846+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.198127+00', '', '', 93, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (93, '2018-03-29 09:22:34.998362+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.261883+00', '', '', 94, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (95, '2018-03-29 09:22:35.144872+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.387654+00', '', '', 96, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (100, '2018-03-29 09:22:35.527218+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:58.721045+00', '', '', 101, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (107, '2018-03-29 09:22:35.988065+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.207133+00', '', '', 108, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (109, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.121322+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.344702+00', '', '', 110, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (111, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.238429+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.473605+00', '', '', 112, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (112, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.300069+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.539921+00', '', '', 113, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (114, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.438129+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.740591+00', '', '', 115, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (115, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.502887+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.810486+00', '', '', 116, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (116, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.567155+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.883716+00', '', '', 117, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachment VALUES (117, '2018-03-29 09:22:36.63527+00', '2018-08-10 04:08:59.95166+00', '', '', 118, 'partners_partner_assessment', 275, 35, NULL);
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+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (68, 'ASSOCIATION INTERDIOCÉSAINE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213939', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/68/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 68, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (69, 'ASSOCIATION INTERDIOCESAINE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA - AILS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228048', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/69/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 69, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (77, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA REINSERTION DES FEMMES VICTIMES DE FISTULE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215472', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/77/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 77, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (82, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONO SOCIAL DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230977', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/82/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 82, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (84, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE SERVICE DE SANTE DE ROUROU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223632', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/84/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 84, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (88, 'ASSOCIATION SOEURS DE NOTRE DAME DES APOTRES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237892', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/88/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 88, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (91, 'ASSOICATION CLUB PLANETE JEUNE DE BONGOR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223093', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/91/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 91, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (94, 'BASE APPUI DSB ET HRA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221193', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/94/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 94, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (107, 'CELIAF - MONGO CELIAF - MONGO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225655', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/107/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 107, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (120, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT EN SANTÉ INTERNATIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213966', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/120/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 120, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (148, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Government', '2500220945', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/148/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 148, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (223, 'DIRECTION DE LA PLANIFICATION ET DU DEV. DU DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500214014', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/223/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 223, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (225, 'DIRECTION DE L HYDRAULIQUE', 'Government', '2500214017', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/225/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 225, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (233, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D''ABDI', 'Government', '2500223681', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/233/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 233, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (234, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D ABECHE', 'Government', '2500214024', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/234/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 234, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (235, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DABOUGOUDAM', 'Government', '2500233448', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/235/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 235, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (255, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MOUNDOU', 'Government', '2500234495', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/255/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 255, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (256, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE NGOURI', 'Government', '2500214027', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/256/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 256, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (436, 'UNITE DE GESTION DES PROJETS UGP', 'Government', '2500238874', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/436/', '', '29 Aug 2018', 436, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (328, 'MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE NATIONALE ET DE LA REINSERTION', 'Government', '2500212762', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/328/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 328, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (343, 'ONRTV MOUNDOU RADIO', 'Government', '2500224698', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/343/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 343, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (21, 'AGENCE INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE PANAFRICAINE EAU ET ASSAINISSEMENT POUR L AFRIQUE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223094', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/21/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 21, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (346, 'OPAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212785', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/346/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 346, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (357, 'PROGRAMME NATIONAL DE LUTTE PALUDISME', 'Government', '2500224804', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/357/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 357, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (368, 'RADIO ALRACHAT 89.9 FM', 'Government', '2500224576', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/368/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 368, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (435, 'ECOLE SAINE MENAGE SAIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214062', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/435/', '', '12 Aug 2018', 435, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (440, 'SOUS DIRECTION DE LA VACCINATION SDV', 'Government', '2500239370', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/440/', '', '31 Oct 2018', 440, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (4, 'ACRA TCD ECW EDUCATION CANNOT WAIT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237522', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/4/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 4, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (53, 'ASSOCIATION DES REALISATEURS ET DES PRODUCTEURS TCHADIENS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228871', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/53/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 53, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (59, 'ASSOCIATION EVECHE DE DOBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228104', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/59/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 59, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (61, 'ASSOCIATION FEMININE DEVELOPPEMENT DE DELFI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223886', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/61/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 61, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (14, 'AFFOV', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/14/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 14, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (17, 'AFRICARE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213924', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/17/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 17, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (20, 'AGENCE HUMANITAIRE AFRICAINE AHA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234300', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/20/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 20, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (25, 'ANDAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236169', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/25/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 25, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (35, 'ASSOCIATION ARIADA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232786', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/35/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 35, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (36, 'ASSOCIATION ASSALAMA ASSOCIATION ASSALAMA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225656', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/36/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 36, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (39, 'ASSOCIATION BOUSSO CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232774', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/39/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 39, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (43, 'ASSOCIATION DES CHEFS TRADITIONNELS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234334', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/43/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 43, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (44, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ALLAITANTES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235282', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/44/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 44, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (47, 'ASSOCIATION DES GUIDES DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213937', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/47/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 47, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (57, 'ASSOCIATION DISPENSAIRE NDA CHAGOUA BP 82 NDJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212780', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/57/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 57, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (81, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', 'Government', '2500228415', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/81/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 81, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (89, 'ASSOCIATION TCHADIENNE DES VOLONTAIRES DU PROGRÈS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213945', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/89/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 89, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (121, 'CENTRE D''ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE POUR LA DYNAMIQUE DES ORGANISIONS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215477', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/121/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 121, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (122, 'CENTRE EVANGÉLIQUE POUR L''ENCADREMENT NUTRITIONNEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226593', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/122/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 122, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (258, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE SARH', 'Government', '2500214053', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/258/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 258, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (259, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DIRIBA', 'Government', '2500229233', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/259/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 259, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (264, 'DREN - MC', 'Government', '2500234921', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/264/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 264, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (265, 'DRHCO N DJAMENA', 'Government', '2500227032', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/265/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 265, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (268, 'DSR DU CHARI BAGUIRMI', 'Government', '2500230473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/268/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 268, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (272, 'ENTENTE DES EGLISES ET MISSIONS EVANGELIQUE AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232846', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/272/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 272, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (332, 'MINISTERE DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE BCE', 'Government', '2500218947', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/332/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 332, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (349, 'PAROISSE EVECHE DE LAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233321', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/349/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 349, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (350, 'PEV- CAMPAGNE DE MENINGITE TCHAD MSP', 'Government', '2500221252', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/350/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 350, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (361, 'PROJET APPUI A LA DSIS FOSAP FONDS MONDIAL', 'Government', '2500221661', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/361/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 361, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (363, 'PROJET DE REVITALISATION DES STRUCTURES SANITAIRES DE BASE', 'Government', '2500222713', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/363/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 363, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (366, 'RADIO ABSOUN 97.3 FM', 'Government', '2500224577', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/366/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 366, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (369, 'RADIO BISSAM DE MONDO KANEM', 'Government', '2500224699', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/369/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 369, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (379, 'RADIO FM LIBERTE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232403', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/379/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 379, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (433, 'RTSE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236515', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/433/', '', '02 Jun 2018', 433, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (10, 'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE COMMUNE DE MONGO', 'Government', '2500236584', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/10/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 10, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (12, 'ADRA TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213923', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/12/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 12, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (108, 'CELIALF ANTENNE DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232850', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/108/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 108, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (110, 'CELLULE DE COORDINATION DE PROGRAMME MINISTERE DU PLAN DE L''ECONOMIE ET DE LA COOPERATION', 'Government', '2500213957', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/110/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 110, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (117, 'CENTRE CULTUREL AL-MOUNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213958', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/117/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 117, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (125, 'CENTRE NATIONAL NUTRITION ET TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE', 'Government', '2500218289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/125/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 125, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (129, 'CJERCAB', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234565', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/129/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 129, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (130, 'CNCDJ CONSEIL NATIONAL CONSULTATIF DES JEUNES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224553', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/130/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 130, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (134, 'COMITE ISLAMIQUE DU LOGONE OCCIDENT AL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219700', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/134/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 134, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (228, 'DIRECTION DES ETUDES ET DE PREVISION', 'Government', '2500234840', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/228/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 228, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (2, '', '', '1900706553', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/2/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 2, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (51, 'ASSOCIATION DES MALADES VIVANTS AVEC LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232779', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/51/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 51, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (54, 'ASSOCIATION DES SCOUTS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224593', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/54/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 54, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (58, 'ASSOCIATION DJEDANOUM NASSON (ADN)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221791', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/58/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 58, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (70, 'ASSOCIATION LABEL 109', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237874', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/70/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 70, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (80, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/80/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 80, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (87, 'ASSOCIATION SAUVER LES ENFANTS DE LA RUE-ASER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221314', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/87/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 87, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (98, 'BUREAU INFORMATION EDUCATION ET COMMUNI', 'Government', '2500213950', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/98/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 98, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (100, 'CAMPAGNE MENINGITE TCHAD', 'Government', '2500219702', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/100/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 100, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (102, 'CARITAS AURA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228049', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/102/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 102, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (137, 'COMITE REGIONAL DE CROIX ROUGE DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221408', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/137/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 137, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (139, 'COMITE REGIONALE D''ACTION LOG OCC', 'Government', '2500228884', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/139/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 139, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (140, 'COMMUNE D''ABECHE', 'Government', '2500234066', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/140/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 140, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (241, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BEDJONDO', 'Government', '2500234500', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/241/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 241, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (242, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BERE', 'Government', '2500234502', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/242/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 242, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (246, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE GOZ BEIDA', 'Government', '2500214040', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/246/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 246, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (249, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE KELO', 'Government', '2500214022', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/249/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 249, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (250, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE KOUKOU ANGARANA', 'Government', '2500232378', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/250/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 250, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (220, 'DIOCESE DE PALA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228118', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/220/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 220, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (252, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MAO', 'Government', '2500214047', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/252/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 252, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (257, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE NOKOU', 'Government', '2500214052', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/257/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 257, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (262, 'DOCTORS OF THE WORLD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212755', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/262/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 262, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (273, 'EVECHE DE LAI RADIO EFFATA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233646', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/273/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 273, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (232, 'DIRECTION RNT SOUS DIRECTION RADIO RURALE', 'Government', '2500214020', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/232/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 232, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (274, 'FCACT SABANGALI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234967', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/274/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 274, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (277, 'FM DAR BADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228854', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/277/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 277, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (281, 'FONDATION DIEU BENIT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224985', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/281/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 281, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (284, 'GROUPEMENT ALINGUE-ECLAIRAGE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234557', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/284/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 284, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (287, 'GROUPEMENT DES FILLES MERES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232773', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/287/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 287, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (289, 'GROUPEMENT KHER SABITINE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/289/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 289, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (291, 'GROUP ODYSSEE PROJET MODE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234256', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/291/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 291, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (293, 'HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233978', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/293/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 293, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (319, 'LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA ASSOCIATION CDLS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228126', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/319/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 319, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (326, 'MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500212761', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/326/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 326, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (345, 'ONRTV-SARH', 'Government', '2500215490', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/345/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 345, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (347, 'OPDAS TCHAD', 'Government', '2500235894', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/347/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 347, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (348, 'OXFAM GB', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220423', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/348/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 348, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (11, 'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE MAIRIE D AM TIMAN COMMUNE', 'Government', '2500236590', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/11/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 11, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (218, 'DIOCESE DE GORE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228221', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/218/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 218, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (238, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE ABECHE', 'Government', '2500214028', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/238/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 238, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (240, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BEBEDJIA', 'Government', '2500232862', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/240/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 240, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (247, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE GUEREDA', 'Government', '2500214041', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/247/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 247, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (441, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ANNASSOUR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227536', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/441/', '', '14 Nov 2018', 441, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (231, 'DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA SANTE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ET DE LA LUTTE CONTRE LA MALADIE DGSELM', 'Government', '2500235511', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/231/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 231, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (135, 'COMITE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DU VOLONTARIAT AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233727', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/135/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 135, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (309, 'ISLAMIC RELIEF WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATIO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214090', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/309/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 309, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (229, 'DIRECTION DES PROJETS EDUCATION', 'Government', '2500231997', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/229/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 229, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (318, 'LE MESSAGER DE LA PAIX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/318/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 318, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (323, 'MEDECIN DU MONDE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221714', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/323/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 323, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (325, 'MINISTÈRE CHARGÉ DES DROITS DE L''HOMME', 'Government', '2500212759', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/325/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 325, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (329, 'MINISTERE DE LA DE LA JEUNESSE SPORTS ET LOISIRS', 'Government', '2500212763', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/329/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 329, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (334, 'MINISTERE DU PLAN DEVELOPPEMENT ET DE LA COOPERATION', 'Government', '2500212777', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/334/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 334, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (337, 'MOUSTAGBAL "AVENIR"', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212779', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/337/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 337, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (338, 'OFFICE NATIONALE DE RADIO ET TELEVISION', 'Government', '2500232691', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/338/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 338, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (431, 'ONG CROIX ROUGE FRANCAISE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238161', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/431/', '', '25 Apr 2018', 431, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (341, 'ONRTV ABECHE', 'Government', '2500224578', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/341/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 341, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (342, 'ONRTV ADRE', 'Government', '2500232790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/342/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 342, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (354, 'PROGRAMME CLAC', 'Government', '2500227705', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/354/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 354, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (358, 'PROGRAMME PLAIDOYER-COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500221199', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/358/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 358, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (362, 'PROJET DE DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL', 'Government', '2500228618', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/362/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 362, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (372, 'RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE NGOURKOSSO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215492', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/372/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 372, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (374, 'RADIO EVANGILE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500215495', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/374/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 374, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (378, 'RADIO FM LIBERTE', 'Government', '2500212806', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/378/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 378, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (380, 'RADIO FM LOTIKO DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219691', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/380/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 380, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (385, 'RADIO NDJIMI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220441', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/385/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 385, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (386, 'RADIO NDJIMI DE MAO', 'Government', '2500212809', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/386/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 386, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (387, 'RADIO RURALE', 'Government', '2500225919', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/387/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 387, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (390, 'RADIO SOLEIL DE PALA USE 2300096907', 'Government', '2500215498', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/390/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 390, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (391, 'RADIO SOLEIL KAR UBA', 'Government', '2500215499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/391/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 391, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (393, 'RADIO TOB FM / ACDM', 'Government', '2500224523', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/393/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 393, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (398, 'REPOD RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES POUR LA POUR LA POPULATION ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500236837', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/398/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 398, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (412, 'TCHAD SOS TCHAD SOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225906', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/412/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 412, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (422, 'UNION NERAMADJI DE BEDJONDO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228056', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/422/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 422, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (3, 'ACRA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2300006133', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/3/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 3, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (23, 'AIDE BAMBINI NEL DESERTO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500000912', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/23/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 23, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (96, 'BUREAU D''APPUI SANTE ENVIRONNEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215474', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/96/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 96, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (132, 'COLLATION TCHADIENNE DE LUTTE CONTRE LES TORTURES FAITES AUX ENFANTS ET AUX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232849', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/132/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 132, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (159, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE S ARH/ATEBAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219693', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/159/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 159, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (295, 'HOPITAL DE LA MERE ET DE L ENFANT', 'Government', '2500224825', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/295/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 295, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (302, 'INITIATIVE HUMANITAIRE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228112', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/302/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 302, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (376, 'RADIO FM AL-NADJAH 104.6 MHZ USE 2300096908', 'Government', '2500212805', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/376/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 376, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (377, 'RADIO FM LE REVEIL DE BEBALEM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224575', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/377/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 377, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (383, 'RADIO KADAYE', 'Government', '2500224579', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/383/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 383, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (401, 'RESEAU DES MAISONS DE QUARTIER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229637', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/401/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 401, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (403, 'RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES VIH SIDA', 'Government', '2500237124', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/403/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 403, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (407, 'SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224422', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/407/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 407, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (409, 'SECOURS ISLAMIQUE FRANCE PROJET WASH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212820', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/409/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 409, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (411, 'TCHAD SOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223633', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/411/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 411, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (413, 'TEMOINS DES URGENCES ACTIONS DE DEVELOPPEMENT BP ABECHE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230634', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/413/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 413, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (416, 'TOCKODINE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232211', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/416/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 416, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (417, 'UFEP', 'Government', '2500228103', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/417/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 417, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (418, 'UNION DE GROUPEMENT HADJAR SALLO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232214', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/418/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 418, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (421, 'UNION DES GPMTS FEMININS DE BERE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234517', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/421/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 421, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (423, 'UNITE SURVEILLANCE NUTRITIONNELLE/M SP', 'Government', '2500219689', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/423/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 423, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (426, 'WENAKLABS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234767', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/426/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 426, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (427, 'WORLD VISION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237165', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/427/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 427, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1, '', '', '2300040082', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 1, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (22, 'AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229124', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/22/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 22, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (48, 'ASSOCIATION DES HANDICAPES PHYSIQUES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229515', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/48/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 48, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (97, 'BUREAU D''ETUDE BECADEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220951', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/97/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 97, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (123, 'CENTRE EVANGELIQUE POUR L ENCADREMENT NUTRITIONNEL CEVANUTRI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224655', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/123/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 123, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (175, 'DELEGATION REG DE LEDUCATION NAT', 'Government', '2500232251', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/175/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 175, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (211, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE WADI FIRA', 'Government', '2500221834', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/211/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 211, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (212, 'DELEGATION SANIT. REG. DU MANDOUL', 'Government', '2500213999', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/212/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 212, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (32, 'ASS. LA VOIX DE L''ESPÉRANCE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233778', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/32/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 32, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (41, 'ASSOCIATION COMITE REGIONAL D ACTION DU GUERA', 'Government', '2500236702', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/41/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 41, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (49, 'ASSOCIATION DES JEUNES DE TCHALO-ZOUDOU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234496', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/49/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 49, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (56, 'ASSOCIATION DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA ADERBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225658', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/56/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 56, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (63, 'ASSOCIATION HALT DEATH STALKER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231377', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/63/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 63, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (72, 'ASSOCIATION LIGUE TCHADIENNE DROITS DE LHOMME', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212751', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/72/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 72, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (73, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DES CONSOMMATEURS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215471', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/73/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 73, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (86, 'ASSOCIATION RECAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229793', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/86/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 86, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (92, 'ASSOICATION TCHADIENNE POUR LE BIEN ETRE FAMILIAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213931', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/92/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 92, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (104, 'CEDIAM DIOCESE DE N''DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228125', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/104/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 104, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (118, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT (CSSI) EN SANTE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224943', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/118/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 118, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (124, 'CENTRE NATIONAL DE DEMINAGE', 'Government', '2500214079', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/124/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 124, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (193, 'DÉLÉGATION RÉGIONALE DE SANTÉ - BILTINE', 'Government', '2500213998', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/193/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 193, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (200, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE HADJER LAMIS', 'Government', '2500226900', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/200/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 200, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (201, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE - SILA', 'Government', '2500221009', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/201/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 201, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (204, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DU SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500214000', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/204/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 204, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (27, 'ANTRENVIRO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234228', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/27/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 27, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (205, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REG. DE LA TANDJILE', 'Government', '2500227023', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/205/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 205, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (209, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE DE NDJAMENA', 'Government', '2500224907', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/209/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 209, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (210, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE DU LOGONE ORIENTALE', 'Government', '2500214006', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/210/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 210, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (227, 'DIRECTION DE SANTE DE REPRODUCTION', 'Government', '2500224271', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/227/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 227, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (237, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D AM DAM OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500214026', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/237/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 237, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (251, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE LAI', 'Government', '2500232882', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/251/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 251, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (432, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE N DJAMENA SUD', 'Government', '2500238341', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/432/', '', '18 May 2018', 432, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (304, 'INSTITUT NATIONAL DE STATISTIQUES DES ETUDES ECONOMIQUES ET DEMOGRAPHIQUES', 'Government', '2500214083', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/304/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 304, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (331, 'MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE ET DROITS H', 'Government', '2500212764', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/331/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 331, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (352, 'PREMIERE URGENCE - AMI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212787', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/352/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 352, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (355, 'PROGRAMME DE MASTER HYDROSIG', 'Government', '2500236512', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/355/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 355, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (370, 'RADIO BRAKOSS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212801', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/370/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 370, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (381, 'RADIO GAYA TCHOLWA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228870', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/381/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 381, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (438, 'DIRECTION DE L ORGANISATION DES SERVICES DE SANTE ET DES MECANISMES DE FINANCEMENT DOSSMF', 'Government', '2500239012', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/438/', '', '03 Sep 2018', 438, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (16, 'AFPAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229794', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/16/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 16, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (30, 'ARNUT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224727', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/30/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 30, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (219, 'DIOCESE DE N DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214010', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/219/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 219, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (222, 'DIRECT DE L ENFANCE COORD PROG VOLET', 'Government', '2500237554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/222/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 222, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (243, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BILTINE', 'Government', '2500214034', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/243/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 243, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (245, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BONGOR', 'Government', '2500232861', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/245/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 245, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (261, 'DIVISION DE L HYGIENE ET DE L ASSAINISSE', 'Government', '2500214056', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/261/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 261, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (263, 'DPSP NORD GAROUA', 'Government', '2500218598', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/263/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 263, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (278, 'FMDN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234757', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/278/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 278, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (285, 'GROUPEMENT AL NADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232213', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/285/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 285, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (290, 'GROUPEMENT NADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232848', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/290/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 290, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (301, 'INITIATIVE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214082', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/301/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 301, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (303, 'INSP. DPT. DE L''ENSGT FONTAL. ET DE L''ALPHABETISATION NYA PENDE', 'Government', '2500230680', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/303/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 303, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (310, 'JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214100', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/310/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 310, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (314, 'JOURNAL NDJAMENA AL DJADIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219687', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/314/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 314, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (322, 'MAISON DES MEDIAS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231570', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/322/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 322, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (333, 'MINISTERE DE LA SECURITE PUBLIQUE ET DE L IMMIGRATION', 'Government', '2500212773', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/333/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 333, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (339, 'ONG CONCERN WORLDWIDE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215479', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/339/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 339, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (344, 'ONRTV MOUSSORO', 'Government', '2500224580', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/344/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 344, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (365, 'PROTECTION D ENFANTS AU MINISTERE DE LA DE LA DEFENSE', 'Government', '2500237862', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/365/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 365, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (131, 'CNEAH', 'Government', '2500226725', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/131/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 131, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (371, 'RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE DE MONGO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215493', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/371/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 371, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (388, 'RADIO RURALE DE GOUNOU-GAYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212812', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/388/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 388, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (395, 'RADIO ZAHSOO DE LERE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224923', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/395/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 395, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (399, 'RESEAU DES JOURNALISTES AMIS DES ENFANTS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231559', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/399/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 399, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (415, 'THE MENTOR INITIATIVE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225653', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/415/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 415, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (419, 'UNION DES ASSO FEMINENS ARABAPHONE (UAFA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234968', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/419/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 419, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (384, 'RADIO KADAYE FM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234736', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/384/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 384, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (18, 'AGENCE DE COOPÉRATION ET DE RECHERC HE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219688', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/18/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 18, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (103, 'CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213955', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/103/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 103, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (127, 'CHORA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219704', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/127/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 127, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (141, 'COMMUNE DE BENOYE', 'Government', '2500228895', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/141/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 141, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (213, 'DELEGATION SANIT REG DU M KEBBI OUEST', 'Government', '2500226068', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/213/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 213, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (9, 'ACTION D''AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPEMENT (ACTED)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500222842', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/9/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 9, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (19, 'AGENCE DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE ADES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228587', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/19/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 19, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (13, 'AFASALES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224381', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/13/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 13, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (24, 'ALLIANCE FOR INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL ACTION ALIMA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228510', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/24/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 24, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (28, 'A.P.S.C.O.F.I.S', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226636', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/28/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 28, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (29, 'APSELPA AGAT CHAWAYE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227539', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/29/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 29, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (34, 'ASSOCIATION AIDE SOCIALE ET DVLPT INT.', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234497', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/34/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 34, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (408, 'SECADEV', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212819', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/408/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 408, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (425, 'UOFK', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225889', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/425/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 425, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (45, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ANNASSOUR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227536', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/45/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 45, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (6, 'ACTED TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221883', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/6/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 6, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (7, 'ACTIF CLUB PLANETE JEUNES ACPJ', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226341', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/7/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 7, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (8, 'ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM FRANCE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213920', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/8/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 8, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (15, 'AFJ DOUMTENE THEATRE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228271', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/15/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 15, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (31, 'ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500213930', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/31/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 31, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (33, 'ASSOCIATION AEHPA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230253', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/33/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 33, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (37, 'ASSOCIATION ASSO COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213985', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/37/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 37, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (38, 'ASSOCIATION ATANMIA DU OUADDAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221668', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/38/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 38, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (42, 'ASSOCIATION DE COOPÉRATION ET DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215470', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/42/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 42, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (46, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT INTEGRE (AFDI)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223261', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/46/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 46, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (52, 'ASSOCIATION DES ORGANISATIONS PAYSANNES DE LA KABBIA AOPK', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223478', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/52/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 52, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (55, 'ASSOCIATION DES VOLONTAIRES POUR LA LUTTE CONTRE LA MALNUTRITION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232845', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/55/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 55, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (60, 'ASSOCIATION FÉMININE DES MOSSO DU LAC WEY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226407', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/60/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 60, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (62, 'ASSOCIATION FONDATION ROTARY INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212817', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/62/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 62, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (151, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLA MIQUES DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219698', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/151/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 151, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (152, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES DOBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223053', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/152/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 152, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (169, 'CROIX ROUGE REGIONALE DU OUADDAI TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213992', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/169/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 169, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (206, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REG DU BATHA', 'Government', '2500227966', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/206/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 206, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (317, 'LEAD TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/317/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 317, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (402, 'RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES SUR LA NUTRITION', 'Government', '2500233567', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/402/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 402, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (75, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DES LIBERT FONDAMENTALES AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213943', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/75/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 75, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (76, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA RECUPERATION ET L ENCADREMENT DES ENFANTS EN DETRESSE ARED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213917', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/76/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 76, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (78, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''ASSAINISSEMENT TOTAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225602', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/78/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 78, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (83, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT REGION DU BATHA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232531', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/83/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 83, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (85, 'ASSOCIATION RADIO FM DOUMCHI DAGANA MASSAKORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229055', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/85/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 85, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (93, 'BAMBINI NEL DESERTO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/93/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 93, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (95, 'BELACD CARITAS DE LAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228222', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/95/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 95, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (101, 'CARE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213954', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/101/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 101, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (106, 'CELIAF CELLULE DE BOL LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232212', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/106/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 106, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (109, 'CELLUL APP A LA MAIENANCE DES OUVRAGES HYDRAULIQUES', 'Government', '2500231287', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/109/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 109, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (111, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON DES ASSOCIATIONS FÉMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213964', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/111/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 111, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (114, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D''INFORMATION DES FEMMES CELIAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228141', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/114/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 114, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (115, 'CELLULE DES LIAISONS ET D''INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FÉMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215476', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/115/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 115, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (116, 'CELLULE PLAIDOYER ET COMMUNICATION MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500220939', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/116/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 116, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (119, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT EN SANTE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214091', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/119/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 119, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (126, 'CENTRE YALNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213965', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/126/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 126, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (128, 'CHRISTIAN OUTREACH RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500000156', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/128/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 128, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (133, 'COMITÉ DU DVPT DE WALIA NGOUMNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213975', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/133/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 133, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (136, 'COMITE REGIONAL D''ACTION (CRA) REGION DU OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500232659', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/136/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 136, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (138, 'COMITÉ RÉGIONAL DU MOYEN CHARI COMITÉ RÉGIONAL DU MOYEN CHARI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225975', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/138/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 138, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (143, 'COMPANIE HADRE DOUNIA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227181', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/143/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 143, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (50, 'ASSOCIATION DES JEUNES VOLONTAIRES POUR HIGIENE ET ASSAINISSEMENT DE LA V. KELO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234494', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/50/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 50, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (67, 'ASSOCIATION INITIATIVE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229339', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/67/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 67, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (71, 'ASSOCIATION LA VOIX DU OUADDAI COMP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/71/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 71, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (74, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DES LIBERTÉS FONDAMENTALES AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215469', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/74/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 74, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (79, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''ASSAINISSEMENT TOTALE PILOTE PAR LA COMMU. AU SALAMAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221641', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/79/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 79, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (99, 'CADRE DE CONCERTATION LUTTE CONTRE LE TRAVAIL DES ENFANTS BOUVIERS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500222378', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/99/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 99, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (208, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONAL DU KANEM', 'Government', '2500214001', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/208/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 208, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (214, 'DELE.REG. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONALE SALAM', 'Government', '2500226210', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/214/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 214, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (215, 'DELGATION REGIONALE ACTION SOCIALE DU BATHA', 'Government', '2500231121', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/215/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 215, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (248, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE HARAZE', 'Government', '2500214043', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/248/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 248, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (253, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MASSAKORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232847', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/253/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 253, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (254, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MONGO', 'Government', '2500234501', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/254/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 254, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (260, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE NDJAMENA EST', 'Government', '2500237401', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/260/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 260, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (267, 'DRSP EXTREME NORD MAROUA', 'Government', '2500218596', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/267/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 267, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (269, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DE LA LOGONE OCCIDENTALE', 'Government', '2500223368', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/269/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 269, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (275, 'FÉDÉRATION DU SCOUTISME TCHADIEN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213938', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/275/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 275, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (276, 'FENAPET', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214069', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/276/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 276, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (279, 'FOIE ET JOIE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225723', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/279/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 279, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (280, 'FONDATION ACRA - CCS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226920', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/280/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 280, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (270, 'ECOLE SAINE MENAGE SAIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214062', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/270/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 270, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (66, 'ASSOCIATION HUMANISTE D''ENTRAIDE ET D''ENTRAIDE SOCIALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234518', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/66/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 66, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (202, 'DELEGATION REG SANIT DU BARH EL GHAZAL', 'Government', '2500214004', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/202/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 202, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (203, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DU MAYO K EST', 'Government', '2500225289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/203/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 203, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (207, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGI DU OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500214007', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/207/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 207, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (216, 'DEL. REG. HYDRAULIQUE ZONE SUD', 'Government', '2500228429', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/216/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 216, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (221, 'DIRECT DE LA NUTRI AND DE LA TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE', 'Government', '2500213970', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/221/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 221, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (226, 'DIRECTION DES AFFAIRES POLITIQUES ET DE L ETAT CIVIL', 'Government', '2500214018', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/226/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 226, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (230, 'DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA POLICE NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500237547', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/230/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 230, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (236, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D ADRE', 'Government', '2500214025', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/236/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 236, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (239, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE ATI', 'Government', '2500214030', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/239/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 239, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (244, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BOL', 'Government', '2500214035', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/244/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 244, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (288, 'GROUPEMENT GCSS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234540', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/288/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 288, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (321, 'MAIRIE DE N''DJAMENA COMITE TECHNIQUE DE LUTTE CONTRE LES INO', 'Government', '2500212753', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/321/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 321, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (324, 'MERLIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223298', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/324/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 324, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (327, 'MINISTÈRE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE LA SOLIDARITÉ ET DE LA FAMI', 'Government', '2500212766', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/327/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 327, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (335, 'MINISTERE HAUT CONSEIL DE LA COMMUNICATION HCC AIDE PRESSE', 'Government', '2500235258', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/335/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 335, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (336, 'MOISALA - DISTRICT SANITAIRE', 'Government', '2500231839', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/336/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 336, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (340, 'ONG DJABAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228452', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/340/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 340, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (351, 'PEV CAMPAGNE DE VACCINATION CONTRE LA ROUGEOLE AU TCHAD', 'Government', '2500219703', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/351/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 351, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (353, 'PROG. NAT. DE LUTTE ANTI PALUDIQUE', 'Government', '2500212792', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/353/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 353, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (356, 'PROGRAMME EAUX ASSAINISSEMENT UNICEF ABECHE', 'Government', '2500221657', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/356/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 356, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (359, 'PROGRAMME SANTE NUTRITION C C', 'Government', '2500212797', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/359/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 359, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (360, 'PROG SECTORIEL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA PSLS IST', 'Government', '2500230798', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/360/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 360, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (367, 'RADIO ALBICHARI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225860', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/367/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 367, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (373, 'RADIO EFFATA LAI - EVECHE DE LAI', 'Government', '2500215494', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/373/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 373, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (375, 'RADIO FM 93.7 AL BAYANE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215497', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/375/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 375, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (382, 'RADIO HARMONIE FM 106.3 MHZ', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212807', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/382/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 382, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (389, 'RADIO SOLEI KAR UBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232402', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/389/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 389, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (392, 'RADIO TERRE NOUVELLE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212813', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/392/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 392, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (394, 'RADIO TOB FM DE KOUMRA ACDM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233645', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/394/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 394, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (396, 'REAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/396/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 396, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (397, 'REFUGEE EDUCATION TRUST RET', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/397/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 397, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (400, 'RESEAU DES JOURNALISTES TCHADIENS EN NUTRITION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237900', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/400/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 400, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (405, 'RESEAU ISLAMIQUE POUR POPULATION "FOSAP"', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234970', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/405/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 405, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (404, 'RESEAU NATIONAL TCHADIEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DES PERSONNES VIVANT AVEC LE VIH RNTAP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/404/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 404, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (142, 'COMMUNE DE MOUNDOU', 'Government', '2500228840', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/142/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 142, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (286, 'GROUPEMENT DARASSALAM GROUPEMENT DARASSALAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224402', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/286/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 286, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (292, 'GUY BELKEMNGAR DJIKOLOUM', 'Government', '2500224597', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/292/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 292, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (294, 'HAUT CONSEIL DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500224365', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/294/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 294, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (320, 'LUTTE CONTRE LES MALADIES DIARRHEIQUES ET IRA', 'Government', '2500212752', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/320/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 320, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (330, 'MINISTERE DE LA FEMME DE L ACTION SOCIALE ET DE LA SOLIDARITE NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500212758', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/330/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 330, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (414, 'TERRE VERTE CELIAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212828', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/414/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 414, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (112, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D''INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FEMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500218272', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/112/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 112, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (113, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FEMININES COORDINATION NATIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233143', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/113/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 113, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (144, 'CONFESSION RELIGIEUSE CATHOLIQUE/DI OCESE DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219697', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/144/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 144, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (145, 'CONFESSION RELIGIEUSE CATHOLIQUE DU LOGONE OCCIDENTAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219701', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/145/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 145, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (146, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL CONSULTATIF DES JEUNES', 'Government', '2500213981', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/146/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 146, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (147, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Government', '2500213982', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/147/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 147, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (149, 'CONSEIL REGIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA CRLS - LOGONE OCCIDENTAL', 'Government', '2500225448', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/149/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 149, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (217, 'D.G ACTION SANITAIRE REGIONALE', 'Government', '2500223367', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/217/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 217, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (364, 'PROJET TRANSFORMATION PACIFIQUE DES CONFLICTS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236867', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/364/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 364, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (437, 'MAISON DE CULTURE ALHADJ AHMAT PECOS', 'Government', '2500238592', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/437/', '', '29 Aug 2018', 437, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (406, 'RESEAU - UNION DES FEMMES POUR LA PAIX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232394', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/406/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 406, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (410, 'SECOURS ISLAMIQUE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224893', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/410/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 410, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (429, 'SOCIAL CHANGE FACTORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234927', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/429/', '', '01 Apr 2018', 429, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (420, 'UNION DES GPMT FEMININS DE MOISALA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228063', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/420/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 420, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (424, 'UNIVERSITE POPULAIRE (UP)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223336', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/424/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 424, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (428, 'ZOUK LAZO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225905', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/428/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 428, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (26, 'ANDIMA GROUPEMENT ANDIMA DES FEMMES DE BOL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226932', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/26/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 26, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (434, 'ASRADD ALLIANCE SAHELIENNE DE RECHERS APPLIQUEES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238464', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/434/', '', '10 Jun 2018', 434, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (40, 'ASSOCIATION CAIDEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/40/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 40, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (64, 'ASSOCIATION HANANA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234735', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/64/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 64, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (90, 'ASSOCIATION UNION DES LEADERS JEUNES D''AM-TIMAN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227189', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/90/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 90, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (150, 'CONSEIL SUPÉRIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215480', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/150/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 150, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (161, 'COORDINATION PRINCIPALE PROGRAMME EDUCATION', 'Government', '2500213988', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/161/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 161, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (224, 'DIRECTION DE LA VACCINATION ET DE LA SURVEILLANCE EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE DVSE', 'Government', '2500212790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/224/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 224, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (271, 'EGLISE EVANGELIQUE DU TCHAD EET BOL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223198', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/271/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 271, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (282, 'FONDS DE SOUTIEN AUX ACTIVITES DES RETOURNES', 'Government', '2500228102', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/282/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 282, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (430, 'MPS APPUI A LA SANTE DES NOMADES', 'Government', '2500238240', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/430/', '', '12 Apr 2018', 430, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (154, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR ISLAMIQUE ABECHE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232785', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/154/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 154, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (155, 'CONSORTIUM ABKOUTA', 'Government', '2500228382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/155/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 155, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (156, 'COOPERATIVE ET GROUPEMENT C R A SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500236701', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/156/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 156, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (157, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE M OUNDOU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219699', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/157/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 157, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (158, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE N DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219696', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/158/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 158, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (160, 'COORDINATION PREVENTION DE LA TRANSMISSI MERE ET ENFANT', 'Government', '2500213987', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/160/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 160, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (162, 'COORDINATION PROGRAMME PLAIDOYER PROMOTION DES DROITS', 'Government', '2500213989', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/162/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 162, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (163, 'COORDINATION RÉGIONALE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE VIH/SIDA', 'Government', '2500224016', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/163/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 163, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (164, 'COTHELOR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228055', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/164/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 164, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (165, 'CRCR HADJER LAMIS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/165/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 165, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (166, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221169', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/166/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 166, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (167, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD ADRE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213991', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/167/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 167, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (168, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD/MANDOUL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228085', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/168/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 168, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (170, 'CSJEFOD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219686', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/170/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 170, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (171, 'DELEGATION DE LACTION SOCIALE DU MANDOU', 'Government', '2500235430', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/171/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 171, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (172, 'DELEGATION DEPART DE L EDUCATION NATION', 'Government', '2500213995', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/172/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 172, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (173, 'DELEGATION PREFECTORALE SANITAIRE DU GUERA', 'Government', '2500213996', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/173/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 173, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (174, 'DELEGATION REG DE L ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500222557', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/174/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 174, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (176, 'DELEGATION REG DE L EDUCATION NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500226208', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/176/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 176, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (177, 'DELEGATION REG. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500221739', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/177/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 177, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (178, 'DELEGATION REG.E L''ACTION SOCIALE OUADDA', 'Government', '2500213993', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/178/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 178, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (179, 'DELEGATION REGI. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500223451', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/179/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 179, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (180, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE ACTION SOCIAL DU LAC', 'Government', '2500226137', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/180/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 180, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (181, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500228145', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/181/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 181, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (183, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500229979', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/183/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 183, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (182, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500229126', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/182/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 182, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (184, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L ACTION SOCIALE DE LA TANDJILE', 'Government', '2500234944', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/184/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 184, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (185, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE SILA', 'Government', '2500222184', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/185/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 185, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (186, 'DÉLÉGATION RÉGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE SILA', 'Government', '2500215481', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/186/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 186, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (187, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500226207', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/187/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 187, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (188, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA CULTURE DE LA JEUNESSE ET DES SPORTS DE KOUMRA', 'Government', '2500232429', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/188/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 188, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (189, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA SANTE OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500213997', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/189/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 189, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (190, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA SANTE WADI FIRA', 'Government', '2500214003', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/190/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 190, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (192, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''HYDRAULIQUE MOYEN CHARI', 'Government', '2500227839', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/192/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 192, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (194, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE EDUCATION NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500226539', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/194/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 194, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (153, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223457', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/153/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 153, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (191, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ENSEIGNEMENT FONDAMENTALE ET DE L''ALPHABETISATION', 'Government', '2500230607', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/191/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 191, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (195, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE SANITAIRE DU LAC', 'Government', '2500214005', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/195/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 195, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (196, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE DU MOYEN CHARI', 'Government', '2500222990', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/196/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 196, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (197, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE ENNEDI', 'Government', '2500214002', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/197/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 197, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (198, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE ENNEDI EST', 'Government', '2500228140', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/198/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 198, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (199, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE GUERA', 'Government', '2500221849', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/199/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 199, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (283, 'GENERARION ABCD ANYBODYCANDREAM OFFICE NOTARIALE ME DJOMIA GERMAIN 621 NDJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236830', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/283/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 283, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (296, 'HOPITAL DE MAINGARA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228119', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/296/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 296, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (297, 'HOPITAL REGIONAL D''ABECHE', 'Government', '2500228458', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/297/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 297, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (298, 'IBCR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233086', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/298/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 298, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (299, 'IBCR', 'Government', '2500226117', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/299/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 299, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (300, 'IDO TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233032', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/300/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 300, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (305, 'INTEMÓN OXFAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214084', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/305/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 305, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (306, 'INTERNATIONAL AID SERVICES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214085', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/306/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 306, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (307, 'INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214088', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/307/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 307, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (308, 'INTERSOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500218808', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/308/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 308, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (311, 'JOURNAL COCORICO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229712', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/311/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 311, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (312, 'JOURNAL LE COURRIER DES JEUNES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224534', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/312/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 312, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (313, 'JOURNAL L''OBSERVATEUR', 'Government', '2500214099', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/313/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 313, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (315, 'JRS UNICEF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213951', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/315/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 315, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (316, 'LA FUTURE PORTE DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214101', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/316/', '', '29 Mar 2018', 316, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL);
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--- Data for Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_active_pd; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and evaluate data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent evaluation recommendations?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adequately to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and evaluation?', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adequate policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adequate, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adequate controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adequate controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adequate safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adequately covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adequate physical security?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, evaluate if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and evaluation process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adequate access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (20, 2, '4c. Budgeting system', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (21, 3, '4d. Payments', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (22, 4, '4e. Policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (23, 5, '4f. Cash and bank', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (24, 6, '4g. Other offices or entities', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (25, 7, '4h. Internal audit', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (26, 0, '5a. Safeguards over assets', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (27, 1, '5b. Warehousing and inventory management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 15);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (28, 0, '7a. Procurement', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (29, 1, '7b. Contract Management - To be completed only for the IPs managing contracts as part of programme implementation. Otherwise select N/A for risk assessment', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 17);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (30, 2, 'Key Internal Controls Weaknesses', 'primary', 'audit_key_weakness', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (31, 0, 'Overall Risk Assessment', 'primary', 'ma_global_assessment', NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (32, 0, 'Implementing partner', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (33, 1, 'Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (34, 2, 'Organizational structure and staffing', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (35, 3, 'Accounting policies and procedures', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (36, 4, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (37, 5, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (38, 6, 'Procurement', 'default', 'ma_subject_areas', 2);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialaudit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_specificprocedure; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: audit_spotcheck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: django_comment_flags; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: django_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: django_migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Data for Name: funds_donor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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--- Data for Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (2, '2500213955', '0100223527', '2016-09-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SNDE TRANCHE PCA CRS/POT', '-588.513', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (402, '2500213970', '0100005787', '2012-03-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC PRISE EN CHARGE EQUIPES DISTRIBUTION PPDZ SAH', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:23.877708+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (917, '2500213970', '0100005788', '2012-03-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PERDIEM DISTRIBUTION DE PLUMPY DOZZ 2', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:23.899349+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (5, '2500213995', '0100110978', '2014-05-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT COLLECTES DONNÉES DREN OUADDAI', '-474.54', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (6, '2500228112', '0100134794', '2014-11-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PREMIERE TRANCHE PCA201423HDPROTIHDL', '-520.105', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (7, '2500223336', '0100026963', '2012-08-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1E TRANCHE SSFA/03/WASH-NDJ/UP', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (8, '2500212820', '0100000132', '2012-01-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA SIF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (9, '2500223367', '0100032761', '2012-09-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 13 AGENTS DE SANTÉ DE LA DSRK PECIME', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (305, '2500221252', '0100006810', '2012-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT TRAITEMENT DONNÉES ENQUÊTE CAP - PEV', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:23.965066+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (11, '2500212819', '0100204798', '2016-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE SECADEV', '-581.677', 'Jean-Paul KIMBULU KANDOLO', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1208, '2500213985', '0100323442', '2018-04-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0499 - PROTECTION DE ENFANT', '-556.273', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-06-22 00:03:49.158111+00', '2018-06-22 00:03:49.15877+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (14, '2500221790', '0100049778', '2012-12-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC-FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA RNTAP+', '1', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (15, '2500230977', '0100177677', '2015-10-07', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT PCA ADERBA', '-584.632', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (16, '2500212820', '0100169356', '2015-08-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA DU SIF', '-600.363', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (18, '2500227539', '0100222505', '2016-09-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITÉ PROTECTION DES ENFANTS DANS LE LAC', '-588.513', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (255, '2500221252', '0100007651', '2012-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FINANCEMENT COUTS REVUE EXTERNE PEV 2', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.008038+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (20, '2500214088', '0100296919', '2017-11-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0242 - 881 CSD SANTE', '-553.504', 'Marie Therese Baranyikwa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (21, '2500221657', '0100010067', '2012-05-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR RENFOCEMENT DES CAPACITES INSTITUTIONNEL', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (162, '2500213992', '0100009129', '2012-04-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CROIX ROUGE / ABECHE', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.064323+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (24, '2500222557', '0100041748', '2012-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMPLEMENT 2E TRANCHE DRASSO GPT ET EAE', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (25, '2500226117', '0100134709', '2014-11-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PREMIERE TRANCHE PCA201424CHDPROTIBCR', '-520.105', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (27, '2500223367', '0100031666', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS DE 18 RCS & 4 AIDES CNT', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (28, '2500214088', '0100135520', '2014-11-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUC ENFANTS RETOURNÉS RCA SUD/PCA14/IRC', '-520.105', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (29, '2500223367', '0100031663', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'SUPERVISION DE L''EQUIPE CADRE REGIONALE', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (30, '2500214314', '0100009614', '2012-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC- PAIEMENT TROISIÈME TRANCHE PCA ASTBEF', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (31, '2500214090', '0100013836', '2012-05-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR PAIEMENT 3E TRANCHE PCA2011/06/WASH/IRW', '1', 'Hector Calderon', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (347, '2500221661', '0100010071', '2012-05-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC VALIDATION PLANS REGIONAUX DE DVLP SANITAIRES', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.133629+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (33, '2500214085', '0100300248', '2017-12-06', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0291 - 884 WASH', '-553.504', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (34, '2500229124', '0100137645', '2014-11-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCH/PCA13 ACTED/2014/WASH', '-526.662', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (35, '2500214010', '0100213169', '2016-06-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMNT ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE UFCCT/ UNICEF', '-581.987', 'Maria Fernandez', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (962, '2500221193', '0100011830', '2012-05-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.19295+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (38, '2500223261', '0100074048', '2013-07-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE AFDI', '-476.332', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (39, '2500221739', '0100055616', '2013-03-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PERDIEM DRENS CLUSTER EDUCATION 12.03.2013, ABÉCHÉ', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (40, '2500221739', '0100048579', '2012-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE DREN OUADDAI', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (41, '2500221739', '0100048576', '2012-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE DREN OUADDAI', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (42, '2500237892', '0100295135', '2017-11-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0232 - 882 CSD NUTRITION', '-553.504', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (43, '2500213985', '0100210876', '2016-06-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA COOPI - PCIMA- HLAMIS', '-588.355', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (44, '2500214088', '0100121286', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'COUTS OPERATIONNELS PCA 2014/CHD/PRO/LA IRC', '-490.398', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (45, '2500224593', '0100105431', '2014-04-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE/SCOUTS/VIH/SIDA', '-476.817', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (46, '2500224655', '0100075452', '2013-08-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT FORMATION DES FORMATEURS DE CEVANUTRI', '-494.592', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1169, '2500233978', '0100305075', '2018-02-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0349 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-527.848', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (48, '2500223298', '0100113644', '2014-06-11', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT MERLIN', '-482.712', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (49, '2500221193', '0100147572', '2015-02-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FACE PAYMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE/PCA 2014/10/ONG BASE', '-578.752', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1096, '2500221883', '0100012260', '2012-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.210508+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (51, '2500226920', '0100080552', '2013-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PCA/2013/CHD/NO 09/ACRA (ENFANTS BOUVIERS)', '-495.248', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (173, '2500214001', '0100020207', '2012-07-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT ENQUETE CAP SUR AME AU KANEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.443357+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (53, '2500222713', '0100039033', '2012-11-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'VERSEMENT DES SALAIRES PARAMEDICAUX 3 MOIS DSR /HL', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (850, '2500223367', '0100030119', '2012-09-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISSION D''ORIENTATION POUR PROJET REVITALISATION', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.71074+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (55, '2500214014', '0100014480', '2012-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISSION CONCRACTUALISATION DES PARAMÉDICAUX SAHEL', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (56, '2500222557', '0100018472', '2012-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PROJET D''APPUI PSYCHOSOCIAL', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (57, '2500228112', '0100175955', '2015-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ER DECAISSEMENT PROMOTION HYGIENE ET PFE IDRISS', '-583.28', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1209, '2500228510', '0100323930', '2018-06-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0497 - WASH', '-556.273', NULL, '2018-06-24 00:02:08.392652+00', '2018-06-24 00:02:08.393633+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (13, '2500218272', '0100179895', '2015-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2E TRANCHE PCA CELIAF NDJAMENA/COMM', '-584.632', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (22, '2500212801', '0100060106', '2013-04-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO BRAKOSS', '1', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1, '2500214007', '0100064944', '2013-05-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME PR LE 2ND TRIMESTRE', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (857, '2300006133', '0100030376', '2012-09-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CAMPAGNE DE SENSIBILISATION PAR ACRA (ACCORD)', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.742646+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1132, '2500221883', '0100032503', '2012-09-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/06/CHD/NUT/ACTED/ALIMA/2012', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.849661+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (59, '2500234300', '0100202245', '2016-04-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE AVEC AHA', '-579.467', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (60, '2500214014', '0100019995', '2012-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FFINANCEMENT ACHEMINEMENT DE 100 PARAMEDICAUX', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (61, '2500230634', '0100219826', '2016-08-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE PCA ATURAD CONSTRUCTION SDC AU GUERA', '-587.301', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (62, '2500232394', '0100184875', '2015-11-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN 2E TRANCHE APE UNION FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '-598.446', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (63, '2500223632', '0100072358', '2013-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC PR FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA ASSAR TISSI', '-503.119', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1019, '2500223886', '0100035418', '2012-10-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.033581+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (65, '2500209398', '0100004027', '2012-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT POUR FINANCEMENT ATELIER BILAN CHOLERA-CHAD 11', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (66, '2500213985', '0100266555', '2017-06-29', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT 7% DU PCA AVEC COOPI', '-556.084', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (67, '2500233727', '0100196130', '2016-02-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA CDVT', '-578.241', 'Jean-Mathieu LAROCHE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1150, '2500223367', '0100036570', '2012-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT SUPERVISION DANS DSR BARH EL GAZAL', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.125231+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (678, '2500214088', '0100099168', '2014-02-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CHD001/IRC- UNICEF 2014', '-483.245', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.042048+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (836, '2500227181', '0100121322', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'CAMPAGNE DE PREVENTION DE DETOURNEMENT DES INTRANT', '-490.398', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.432266+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (76, '2500221714', '0100016576', '2012-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC 1ÈRE TRANCHE EXTENSION PCA AVRIL-MARS 2012', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (312, '2500230977', '0100163177', '2015-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ADESOL/WASH', '-602.182', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.862123+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (464, '2500228056', '0100171711', '2015-08-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE PROJET COMM ET MOBSOC POLIO BEDJON', '-600.363', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:27.043888+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (79, '2500225499', '0100058354', '2013-04-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE AFFOV', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (80, '2500213970', '0100015661', '2012-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FORMATION DE 60 PARAMEDICAUX - N''DJAMENA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (82, '2500212751', '0100206937', '2016-05-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RAPPORT ALTERNATIF OSC DU TCHAD AU TITRE DE CADBE', '-578.598', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (83, '2500223198', '0100025796', '2012-08-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EET DE BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (635, '2500232779', '0100173333', '2015-09-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE - AMVS KYABÉ', '-583.28', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:27.465919+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (85, '2500224893', '0100049191', '2012-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUVRE APE/UNICEF/SID NDJAMENA', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (86, '2500230634', '0100206836', '2016-05-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN PCA AVEC ATURAD CONSTRUCTION SDC DANS LE GUERA', '-578.598', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (87, '2500214101', '0100068400', '2013-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WASH/FPT (TISSI)', '.00199', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (88, '2500226407', '0100080777', '2013-09-24', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DES ACTIVITÉS POLIO PAR FEMME MOSSO', '-495.248', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (89, '2500213923', '0100278315', '2017-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1E T SENSIB HYG,PROMO ACTIVITES ASSAIN & COUT OPÉR', '-545.676', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (90, '2500218596', '0100291882', '2017-11-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0690/0213 - 908: NUTRITION', '-564.653', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (91, '2500234970', '0100212961', '2016-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC POUR ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC CSAI/ UNICEF', '-581.987', 'Maria Fernandez', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (92, '2500215473', '0100009404', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1039, '2500228056', '0100203002', '2016-04-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC ASSOCIATION NEREMADJI DE BEDIONDO - ACT ACPV', '-579.467', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.126008+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1094, '2500232382', '0100214093', '2016-06-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ER TRANCHEPCA ASSOCIATION L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', '-593.143', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.947921+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (95, '2500213965', '0100023430', '2012-07-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CENTREYALNA PREVENTION VIH/SIDA', '1', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (96, '2500225975', '0100065949', '2013-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CR DU MOYEN - CHARI.', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (97, '2500228587', '0100154484', '2015-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT SOLDE PCA ADES', '-605.182', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (804, '2500232779', '0100215140', '2016-07-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ASSOCIATION MALADES VIVANT AVEC SI', '-593.143', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.989668+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (99, '2500222713', '0100037590', '2012-10-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DE SALAIRE AUX DEUX PARAMEDICAUX', '1', 'Ahmat Outman Issa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (101, '2500214014', '0100014794', '2012-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FORMATION DE 60 PARAMEDICAUX - N''DJAMENA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (103, '2500213955', '0100188926', '2015-12-07', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMB APPUI SYSTEME PROTECTION SOCIALE DES OEV', '-620.056', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (104, '2500221193', '0100061786', '2013-05-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 3EME TRANCHE ONG BASE', '1', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (486, '2500223261', '0100216928', '2016-07-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 001/2016/PROG WASH/AFDI, 1ERE TRAN', '-591.005', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.10903+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1170, '2500228112', '0100305998', '2018-01-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0355 - PROTECTION ENFANT', '-534.864', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (177, '2500234967', '0100228726', '2016-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN. 2EME TRANCHE SENSIBILISA@T CONTRE MARIAGE ENF', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.691754+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (109, '2500214062', '0100081951', '2013-10-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA12/2012/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '-483.44', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (111, '2500223632', '0100034128', '2012-10-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE L''APE ASSAR', '1', 'Domaya Diongoto', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (112, '2500212828', '0100041799', '2012-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1E TRANCHE APE/UNICEF/TERRE VERTE SAR', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (113, '2500220423', '0100005142', '2012-03-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT FONDS CHOLERA OGB/UNICEF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1187, '2500233143', '0100311213', '2018-02-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0404 - CSD', '-531.225', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-04-12 00:05:37.229327+00', '2018-04-12 00:05:37.236524+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (114, '2500237874', '0100293737', '2017-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0216 - EDUCATION', '-564.653', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (74, '2500229637', '0100159496', '2015-05-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMENT APE/ REMOJ/COM/2015', '-593.036', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (69, '2500215474', '0100073174', '2013-07-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº004/PRO/POLIO/BASE/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (70, '2500219704', '0100073512', '2013-07-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº006/PRO/POLIO/CHORA/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (72, '2500213991', '0100073516', '2013-07-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL APE Nº007/PRO/POLIO/CRT/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (102, '2500228063', '0100100872', '2014-03-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº19/PRO/POLIO/CROIX-ROUGE - MANDO', '-479.431', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (71, '2500225658', '0100114425', '2014-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº28/PRO/POLIO/ADERBA', '-482.357', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (107, '2500229515', '0100121339', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº29/ASSOCIATION D''ENTR', '-490.398', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (982, '2500221790', '0100228834', '2016-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DU PCA#019/2016/PROG-VIH/RNTAP+', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.826722+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (625, '2500212813', '0100230275', '2016-10-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE REALISATION EMISSIONS RADIOGRAPHIP', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.150863+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (116, '2500223367', '0100031688', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITÉS BENEVOLES BITKINE ET MELFI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (117, '2500213995', '0100097241', '2014-01-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC FINANCEMENT REQUETE DRENO-DJABAL-CSAI', '-475.262', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (658, '2500212828', '0100230410', '2016-10-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA ASSOCIATION TERRE VER', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.168207+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (944, '2500234565', '0100231119', '2016-10-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SURVEILLANCE COMMUNAUTAIRE PFA', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.804477+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1210, '2500228112', '0100324076', '2018-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0453 - WASH', '-542.966', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-06-27 00:03:31.533218+00', '2018-06-27 00:03:31.533605+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (121, '2500213995', '0100095986', '2013-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT REQUETE RECENCEMENT DJABAL ET CSAI', '-482.889', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1163, '2500234968', '0100232912', '2016-11-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ASSOCIATION UAFAT', '-600.528', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:31.071971+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (123, '2500213931', '0100096131', '2013-12-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI MOB SOC IST/VIH SIDA ET PTME DANS LES CIOJ', '-482.889', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (124, '2500221169', '0100094201', '2013-12-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA CRT 2013', '-482.889', 'Paola Valenti', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (125, '2500213954', '0100099522', '2014-02-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT PCA NO1/13/PROT-WASH/CARE', '-483.245', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (126, '2500221009', '0100038882', '2012-11-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PRISE EN CHARGE PERSONNEL CNT-CNA OCT-DÉC 12 DSRS', '1', 'Issaka Saleh', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (127, '2500233143', '0100253019', '2017-03-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI ORGANISATION BI-ANNUELLE NATIONALE DE SANTE', '-614.825', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (128, '2500214085', '0100095012', '2013-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 1ERE TRCH IAS PCA/8/2012/CHD/WASH/IAS AMEND', '-482.889', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (129, '2500224593', '0100043876', '2012-11-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ER TRANCH A L''ASSOCIATION SCOUTS TCHAD', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (472, '2500212819', '0100242264', '2016-12-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUCATION URGENCES LAC', '-617.895', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:32.217189+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (131, '2500213923', '0100146159', '2015-01-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 3E TRANCHPCA 2014/06/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '-557.787', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (824, '2500214088', '0100259586', '2017-05-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA SANTE-NUT/VIH PROFIL POPULATION LAC', '-604.346', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:32.918562+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (720, '2500227181', '0100261834', '2017-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SSFA HADRE DOUNIA', '-604.346', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:33.148286+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (135, '2500213931', '0100048239', '2012-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC-ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE/ASTBEF/VIH/WASH', '1', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (136, '2500227536', '0100287734', '2017-10-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0190 - 880 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-564.653', 'Maria Fernández Ruiz de Larrinaga', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (286, '2500228112', '0100285249', '2017-10-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT COUT DIRECT/SUPPORT DIRECT AU PROGRAMM', '-556.084', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:34.219535+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (139, '2500215479', '0100000172', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT MONTANT DÉPENSE POUR ACTIVITÉS WASH', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (140, '2500213939', '0100070490', '2013-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT FORA NATIONAL N''DJAM LEADER CHRETIEN', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (141, '2500224016', '0100059211', '2013-04-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APPUI À LA PRÉVENTION CHOLÉRA, INONDATIONS À TISSI', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1196, '2500213920', '0100316404', '2018-04-18', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0441 - WASH', '-542.966', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.967366+00', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.974937+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (143, '2500214083', '0100056241', '2013-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'ATELIER DE LANCEMENT DE LA BASE DONNEES TCHAD INFO', '1', 'Nanalngar Moyengar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (144, '2500232394', '0100184451', '2015-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN 2E TRANCHE APE UNION FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '-598.446', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (145, '2500233032', '0100177781', '2015-10-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 09/2015/PROG/WASH/IDO', '-584.632', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1197, '2500212780', '0100316593', '2018-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0437 - CSD', '-542.966', 'Aissata Moussa Abba', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.967476+00', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.975034+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (147, '2500232403', '0100263427', '2017-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE FIN 10/SSFA/2017/CHD/RADIO FM LIBERTE', '-586.095', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (148, '2500214034', '0100059195', '2013-04-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT PROJET DE RECRUTEMENT DES AS PR TISSI', '1', 'Issaka Saleh', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1198, '2500214085', '0100319606', '2018-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0465 - WASH', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.09481+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095828+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (150, '2500219703', '0100012204', '2012-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FNANCEMENTCOUTS OPS MOB SOC JLV MAI - JUIN 12', '1', 'Marcel Ouattara', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (151, '2500213931', '0100057283', '2013-03-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC ASTBEF', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (152, '2500212828', '0100002550', '2012-03-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'RESSOURCES POUR ACTIVITES PROMOTION D''HYGIENE', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (153, '2500212820', '0100005078', '2012-03-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'FC POUR REMBOURSEMENT COUTS ACTIVITES CHOLERA SIF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (154, '2500219704', '0100196798', '2016-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC POUR PCA CHORA', '-578.241', 'Lilian Kastner Brill', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1199, '2500213985', '0100319837', '2017-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0474 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANCE', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095954+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1200, '2500236515', '0100319755', '2018-05-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0464 - SPPME', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.09516+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.096071+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1171, '2500228112', '0100305943', '2018-01-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0355 - PROTECTION ENFANT', '-534.864', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1201, '2500213985', '0100320034', '2017-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0474 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANCE', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-06-01 00:02:30.730443+00', '2018-06-01 00:02:30.730975+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1202, '2500213943', '0100320523', '2018-05-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0479 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-06-03 00:02:48.422102+00', '2018-06-03 00:02:48.422746+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1203, '2500238464', '0100320831', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0481 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2018', '-564.604', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-06-06 00:03:20.525687+00', '2018-06-06 00:03:20.526193+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (163, '2500228452', '0100109949', '2014-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ÈRE TRCHE SSFA/2014/001/CHD/DJABAL-ANJE ABKHOUTA', '-474.54', 'Aime Birimwiragi Namululi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (165, '2500219704', '0100054561', '2013-03-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA CHORA AMENDER', '1', 'Guy Yogo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (166, '2500222557', '0100032884', '2012-09-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMPLEMENT 2È TRANCHE POUR DRAS OUADDAI', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (167, '2500229637', '0100261704', '2017-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE 07/SSFA/2017/CHD MAI À DEC 2017 RMQJ', '-604.346', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (168, '2500221169', '0100094000', '2013-12-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CFS GRANT SM 130125 REMBOURSEMENT 3E T. PCA/CRT/12', '1', 'Paola Valenti', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (169, '2500223457', '0100028781', '2012-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI/BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (157, '2500227189', '0100084799', '2013-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT SUIVANT PROTOCOLE A PETITE ECHELLE AV', '-483.44', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (137, '2500215493', '0100133005', '2014-10-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'MOB SOC A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - AVENANT RC MONGO', '-516.258', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (170, '2500232214', '0100163244', '2015-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE TOKODINE/COMMUNICATION', '-602.182', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (164, '2500228141', '0100101058', '2014-03-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº25/PRO/POLIO/CELIAF - MOYEN CHAR', '-479.431', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (159, '2500221408', '0100114607', '2014-06-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº27/PRO/POLIO/CRT/LAC', '-482.357', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1204, '2500212819', '0100320897', '2018-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0480 - WASH', '-564.604', NULL, '2018-06-07 00:03:30.737581+00', '2018-06-07 00:03:30.738111+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (172, '2500224655', '0100153069', '2015-04-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ND TRANCHE SSA/CEVANUTRI', '-605.182', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1205, '2500228510', '0100322343', '2018-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0491 - 882 CSD NUTRITION', '-564.604', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.514675+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.51571+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (174, '2500229339', '0100207269', '2016-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT SNDE TRANCHE PCA/CN/BG/IDRISS/024/16', '-578.598', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (175, '2500214017', '0100000290', '2012-01-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'AVANCE POUR ORGANISATION ATELIER PLANICATION PGT', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1206, '2500213985', '0100322381', '2018-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0489 - 886 PROTECTION 2018', '-564.604', NULL, '2018-06-14 00:02:36.514894+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.515808+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1207, '2500213923', '0100322395', '2018-05-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0493 - WASH', '-564.604', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.515058+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.51594+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (120, '2500220951', '0100034698', '2012-10-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE APE BECADEL', '1', 'Desire Mohindo Muhangi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-06-17 00:02:43.207547+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (12, '2500213954', '0100075406', '2013-08-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT SOLDE PROJET IRIBA 2012', '-494.592', 'Desire Mohindo Muhangi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-06-17 00:02:43.239183+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1211, '2500213955', '0100324448', '2018-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0511 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-556.273', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-06-28 00:02:17.017137+00', '2018-06-28 00:02:17.017556+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1212, '2500233086', '0100325636', '2018-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0530 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-566.555', 'Aissata Sidibe', '2018-07-05 00:01:47.968721+00', '2018-07-05 00:01:47.969364+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1213, '2500234927', '0100326168', '2018-06-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0534 - 887 - 880 COMMUNICATION 2018', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:49.421677+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:49.42274+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (183, '2500213953', '0100000153', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEMENT TRANCHE PROJET DDR CARE 2011', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (184, '2500213923', '0100000157', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA ADRA', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (185, '2500212819', '0100258376', '2017-05-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVENANT 002/2017- SECADEV-WASH', '-604.346', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1214, '2500215479', '0100326434', '2018-06-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0535 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-11 00:03:44.091023+00', '2018-07-11 00:03:44.091744+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (187, '2500224893', '0100124679', '2014-09-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'PREVENTION CHOLERA AU 1ER-8E ARRONDISSMT NDJ SID', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (188, '2500223093', '0100048302', '2012-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR SSFA INONDATION/ACPJ (BONGOR)', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (189, '2500223094', '0100126935', '2014-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMT ATELIER VULGARISATION COMPACT WASH', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (190, '2500214085', '0100300938', '2018-01-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0312 - WASH', '-549.01', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1215, '2500212820', '0100327035', '2018-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0540 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-14 00:02:29.044085+00', '2018-07-14 00:02:29.045586+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1216, '2500214085', '0100328386', '2018-07-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0541 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-22 00:11:29.728559+00', '2018-07-22 00:11:29.732955+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (193, '2500213955', '0100001262', '2012-02-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET OEV MOUNDOU', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (194, '2500222557', '0100026735', '2012-08-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 2ÉME TRANCHE APPUI PSYCHONUT DRASO', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (195, '2500221408', '0100009399', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CRT ABECHE', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (197, '2500228048', '0100102536', '2014-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ AILS/COORDINATION', '-479.431', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (198, '2500219704', '0100009402', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1217, '2500228112', '0100329139', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0552 - WASH', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-07-27 00:01:38.357835+00', '2018-07-27 00:01:38.358563+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (200, '2500218808', '0100144754', '2014-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI PSYCHOSOCIAL DES ENFANTS', '-529.211', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (201, '2500213939', '0100088148', '2013-11-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX ACTIVITÉS DE DÉPISTAGE VOLONTAIRE CHEZ L', '-476.332', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (202, '2500225499', '0100058269', '2013-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE AFFOV', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (203, '2500228112', '0100152270', '2015-03-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCHPCA 2014/CHD/WASH/IHDL', '-618.886', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (204, '2500222378', '0100016834', '2012-06-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC- CELEBRATION JOURNÉE ENFANT AFRICAIN', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1218, '2500225653', '0100329518', '2018-06-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0555 - 881 CSD SANTE 2018', '-566.555', 'Marie-claire Mutanda', '2018-07-28 00:01:48.207331+00', '2018-07-28 00:01:48.20905+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (206, '2500219696', '0100015159', '2012-06-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET NDJAM EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (207, '2500219700', '0100015158', '2012-06-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CASI MOUNDOU EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (208, '2500214017', '0100014204', '2012-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'EXTENSION SMALL SALE FUNDING AGREEMNT', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (209, '2500228112', '0100212468', '2016-06-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FR : 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA/2015/CHD/PROT/IHDL', '-581.987', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1219, '2500228587', '0100329967', '2018-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0550 - CSD SANTE', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-08-01 00:02:03.634225+00', '2018-08-01 00:02:03.634705+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (210, '2500213923', '0100104525', '2014-04-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1E TRANCH WASH-ADRA/14', '-476.817', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1220, '2500212780', '0100330235', '2018-07-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0556 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2018', '-566.555', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-08-02 00:01:57.235496+00', '2018-08-02 00:01:57.235965+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (213, '2500223367', '0100031659', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APPUYER LES ACTIVITÉS DES CNT DE BOL ET DE BAGA S', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (214, '2500230253', '0100191770', '2015-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI SCOLAIRE &PSYCHOSOCIAL AUX OEV PAR A.E.H.P.A', '-597.084', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (215, '2500212766', '0100004355', '2012-03-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FINANCEMENT COLLECTE DE DONNÉES DANS REGIONS1', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1221, '2500213923', '0100330708', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0562 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-08-10 00:01:42.607925+00', '2018-08-10 00:01:42.608732+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (218, '2500223367', '0100031653', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 20 INFIRMIERS EN PRISE EN CHARGE PCIM', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (219, '2500223053', '0100024766', '2012-08-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI DOBA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1222, '2500228112', '0100331487', '2018-07-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0563 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-08-12 00:01:54.357394+00', '2018-08-12 00:01:54.358115+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1223, '2500237165', '0100332077', '2018-07-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0570 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.769572+00', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.770106+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1224, '2500215479', '0100332072', '2018-07-02', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0569 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.769714+00', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.770164+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (224, '2500228125', '0100102538', '2014-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDIAM NDJAMENA', '-479.431', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (226, '2500222557', '0100040375', '2012-11-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR FINANCEMENT PROJET ECL/DRASO', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1225, '2500221790', '0100332445', '2018-07-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0572 - CSD VIH SIDA', '-560.455', NULL, '2018-08-17 00:01:44.454716+00', '2018-08-17 00:01:44.455376+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (228, '2500228510', '0100261190', '2017-05-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '4E T PCA,SUIVI ET DEVELOPPEMENT DE L''ENFANT', '-604.346', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (222, '2500214034', '0100064753', '2013-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME POUR LE 2ND TRIMESTR', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (225, '2500214025', '0100064756', '2013-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME PR LE 2ND TRIMESTRE', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (211, '2500219696', '0100099648', '2014-02-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº24/PR/POLIO/EEMET-TCHAD/2013.', '-483.245', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1226, '2500214062', '0100332518', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0565 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-18 00:02:29.450457+00', '2018-08-18 00:02:29.450908+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (230, '2500214085', '0100242115', '2016-12-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA003/2016/PROG/WASH/IAS', '-617.895', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (231, '2500221408', '0100035086', '2012-10-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/CRT/EPH/CRO/P/2012', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (232, '2500222713', '0100036710', '2012-10-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 20 PARAMEDICAUX DANS DSR DE SILA', '1', 'Ngardouel Sylvain Djimrangar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (233, '2500213964', '0100066934', '2013-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CELIAF ABÉCHÉ', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1227, '2500228112', '0100334029', '2018-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0589 - PROTECTION', '-574.142', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.920348+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.921761+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (236, '2500215474', '0100066939', '2013-06-06', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE BASE', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (237, '2500212766', '0100018827', '2012-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FRAIS D''INTERPRETARIAT ATELIER PSS - JUIN', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_agreement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_answer id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_answerevidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_assessor id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+-- Name: psea_evidence id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: psea_rating id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_indicator id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_office id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_quarter id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_result id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_resulttype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_sector id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_unit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reversion_revision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: reversion_version id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travel id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Data for Name: action_points_actionpoint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (5, '2019-10-19 09:04:46.770866+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.560551+00', 'open', '1) Appuyer la finalisation des documents de la PNV, du Guide et les outils de gestion', '2019-12-31', NULL, 9333, 9333, 9333, 35, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 439, 7, NULL, true, 48, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/5/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (6, '2019-10-19 09:24:28.210737+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.562831+00', 'open', '2) Appuyer la validation de la PNV, du Guide et les outils de gestion par le CCIA', '2019-11-22', NULL, 9333, 11566, 9333, 29, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 439, 7, NULL, true, 49, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/6/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (7, '2019-10-19 22:29:50.9462+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.565064+00', 'completed', '1)- Restituer les conclusions de la réunion à l’équipe immunisation UNICEF', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-23 09:39:00.862221+00', 9333, 9333, 9333, 28, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 439, 7, NULL, true, 51, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/7/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (8, '2019-10-19 22:32:54.116079+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.566904+00', 'completed', '2)- Partager avec la SDV les trois priorités retenues pour le T[[schema]]', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-23 10:40:44.15755+00', 9333, 9333, 9333, 28, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 439, 7, NULL, false, 51, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/8/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (9, '2019-10-19 22:35:46.974589+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.568692+00', 'open', '3)- Appuyer la mise en œuvre des priorités retenues', '2020-12-31', NULL, 9333, 9333, 9333, 28, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 439, 7, NULL, false, 51, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/9/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (10, '2019-10-24 15:38:03.4237+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.570582+00', 'open', '2.Assurer le suivi des activités restantes auprès de la DPAS Mandoul Angele /Motoyam/Francoise Novembre 2019', '2019-12-31', NULL, 13372, 20384, 13372, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 311, 10, NULL, true, 8, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/10/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (11, '2019-10-25 15:11:20.924652+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.572482+00', 'open', 'Appuyer les délégations du Batha et Salamat à mettre en place et le renforcement des capacités des mécanismes communautaires de protection aux fins de pallier l’insuffisance des ressources humaines dans les', '2020-01-01', NULL, 22244, 9109, 22244, 51, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 420, 10, NULL, true, 13, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/11/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (12, '2019-10-28 14:09:52.316755+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.574386+00', 'completed', 'Formation etools module assurance qualite', '2019-10-20', '2019-11-12 15:37:48.996572+00', 14616, 14616, 14616, NULL, NULL, NULL, 87, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/12/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (13, '2019-10-28 14:17:52.865193+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.576329+00', 'open', 'Participation a la formation etools module assurance qualite', '2019-10-20', NULL, 14616, 14616, 14616, NULL, NULL, NULL, 87, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/13/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (14, '2019-10-28 16:13:56.084368+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.578095+00', 'open', 'Mettre a la disposition des centres de sante des UNA des fiches de suivi individuel', '2019-11-30', NULL, 173681, 173681, 173681, 55, NULL, NULL, NULL, 390, 42, 7, NULL, false, 82, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/14/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (15, '2019-10-28 16:16:22.403428+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.579861+00', 'open', 'aider la delegation sanitaire provinciale du Salamat a elaborer le formulaire d''audit des deces dans les UNT', '2019-11-30', NULL, 173681, 173681, 173681, 55, NULL, NULL, NULL, 390, 42, 7, NULL, false, 82, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/15/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (16, '2019-10-29 10:53:52.444707+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.581588+00', 'open', '1. Convenir d’augmenter le nombre des équipes mobiles à 5 pour répondre efficacement à la stratégie bouclier dans le temps
+2. Amender le PCA afin de révision le budget pour louer le véhicule pour 30 jours
+1. Acheminer les intrants sur Pala immédiatement', '2019-10-31', NULL, 9032, 9032, 9032, 38, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 450, 8, NULL, true, 70, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/16/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (17, '2019-10-30 10:21:03.693564+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.583371+00', 'open', '1. Renforcer les activités de supervision formative des prestataires et des ASC et celles d’encadrement des deux (02) mobilisateurs communautaires au profit des activités communautaires', '2019-10-31', NULL, 12132, 11859, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 22, 391, 187, 3, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/17/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (18, '2019-10-30 10:25:29.550795+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.58511+00', 'completed', '2. Concevoir et mettre à la disposition des ASC un outil d’analyse et de présentation mensuelle des données communautaires (performances/indicateurs clés et leurs écarts) aux réunions des plateformes communautaires pour la résolution des problèmes constatés.', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-30 10:26:52.226204+00', 12132, 12132, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 12, 387, 187, 11, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/18/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (19, '2019-10-30 10:28:28.967413+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.587004+00', 'open', '3. Documenter l’approche du CFC/RTM ainsi que les leçons apprises avec une meilleure participation des autres sections de l’UNICEF', '2019-12-31', NULL, 12132, 11647, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 12, 387, 187, 7, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/19/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (20, '2019-10-30 10:30:03.037536+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.588794+00', 'open', 'Accélérer la mise en place d’une UNA dans les centres de santé de Bénoye et Krim-Krim pour la prise en charge des enfants malnutris dépistés par les ASC dans leur communauté', '2019-11-29', NULL, 12132, 12528, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 22, 391, 187, 3, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/20/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (21, '2019-10-30 10:31:59.814884+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.590597+00', 'open', 'Renforcer l’offre de services de qualité en appuyer la DSP/LOC, les 2 districts et les 2 centres de santé à adopter un système efficace d’approvisionnement en vaccins, cartes de vaccination, médicaments essentiels et en registre d’enregistrement des naissances ainsi que l’organisation des services', '2019-11-29', NULL, 12132, 11859, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 22, 391, 187, 3, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/21/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (22, '2019-10-30 10:33:28.000617+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.592334+00', 'open', 'Accélérer la mise à disposition des réfrigérateurs, du matériel médical et des motos de supervision', '2019-11-29', NULL, 12132, 11647, 12132, 29, NULL, NULL, 12, 387, 187, 7, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/22/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (23, '2019-11-04 07:17:25.193552+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.594089+00', 'open', '1. Faire participer le point focal PRU des Bureaux de zone de Moundou et de Bol à l’atelier de formation des formateurs', '2019-11-19', NULL, 14700, 13846, 14700, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, NULL, 3, NULL, false, 79, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/23/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (24, '2019-11-04 07:18:41.043223+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.595802+00', 'open', '2. Assister à la désignation des lanceurs de SMS dans les localités identifiées compte tenu de difficultés logistiques du CPA', '2019-11-30', NULL, 14700, 14362, 14700, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, NULL, 2, NULL, false, 79, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/24/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (25, '2019-11-04 07:19:45.939626+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.597531+00', 'open', '3. Former les lanceurs de SMS à l’utilisation du protocole d’envoi des messages et de la promotion et de recrutement de U-reporters', '2019-11-30', NULL, 14700, 14362, 14700, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, NULL, 2, NULL, false, 79, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/25/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (26, '2019-11-04 07:20:37.790156+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.599248+00', 'open', '4. Former les Points focaux SAP du CPA à l’utilisation de la plateforme technique du SAP', '2019-11-30', NULL, 14700, 14362, 14700, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, NULL, 2, NULL, false, 79, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/26/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (27, '2019-11-05 07:53:44.274766+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.600989+00', 'completed', 'Assurer le suivi de la finalisation avec l''equipe restreinte de tous les documents relatifs a l ''evaluation du Programme', '2019-10-31', '2019-11-05 08:13:40.794958+00', 13031, 13031, 13031, 35, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, NULL, 7, NULL, false, 38, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/27/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (28, '2019-11-05 08:04:00.125325+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.602747+00', 'open', 'Traitement et paiement de la requête de financement de la campagne CPS 2019', '2019-11-15', NULL, 21654, 15628, 21654, 35, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 174, 12, NULL, true, 19, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/28/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (29, '2019-11-05 08:10:02.412986+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.604474+00', 'open', 'Appuyer la DSP du Guera à faire un point sur la distribution et la gestion des intrants CPS 2019 dans tous les districts sanitaires', '2019-11-30', NULL, 21654, 10707, 21654, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 390, NULL, 7, NULL, true, 19, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/29/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (30, '2019-11-05 14:41:32.706034+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.606192+00', 'open', 'appuyer le partenaire pour finaliser et envoyer le rapport de liquidation', '2019-10-30', NULL, 13512, 13512, 13512, 37, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, 447, 8, NULL, true, 85, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/30/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (31, '2019-11-05 14:46:17.102512+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.607934+00', 'open', 'suivi pour la livraison des intrants aux partenaires APDI et CRT', '2019-11-15', NULL, 13512, 9032, 13512, 37, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 447, 8, NULL, false, 85, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/31/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (32, '2019-11-05 14:58:46.420001+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.609747+00', 'open', 'reformuler les besoins dans ce projet en fonction des realites de terrain', '2019-11-30', NULL, 13512, 14044, 13512, 37, NULL, NULL, NULL, 387, 418, 9, NULL, true, 84, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/32/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (33, '2019-11-07 15:10:56.424581+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.611643+00', 'open', 'Organiser dans un bref delai une restitution sur l''atelier aux collegues de Bureau de Moundou', '2019-11-28', NULL, 11068, 11068, 11068, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, NULL, 12, NULL, false, 67, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/33/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (34, '2019-11-08 12:30:50.236969+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.613397+00', 'open', 'Assurer le coaching des gestionnaires de DS de Mandoul lors de mission de supervision sur le HACT en vue d''ameliorer la qualite des pieces justificatives', '2019-12-31', NULL, 13031, 13031, 13031, 46, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, 41, 7, NULL, false, 111, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/34/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (35, '2019-11-08 12:34:12.655988+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.61514+00', 'open', 'Assurer le suivi de prelevement des enfants nes des meres seropositives pour le diagnostic precoce rencontres a l''hopital et dans les 2 autres CS visites', '2019-11-30', NULL, 13031, 13031, 13031, 46, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, 41, 7, NULL, false, 111, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/35/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (36, '2019-11-08 13:09:40.066402+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.616962+00', 'open', 'Appuyer la Maison de Culture Ahmat Pecos d’Abeche à renforcer la planification et le reporting des interventions communautaires via les pairs éducateurs', '2019-11-30', NULL, 20819, 9329, 20819, 47, NULL, NULL, NULL, 388, NULL, 7, NULL, true, 107, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/36/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (37, '2019-11-08 13:11:36.216284+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.618764+00', 'open', 'Appuyer le DS d’Abougoudam à intégrer dans la prochaine requête, l’appui aux interventions des relais communautaires et la formation de l’Union des organisations de femmes d’Abougoudam', '2019-12-30', NULL, 20819, 9329, 20819, 47, NULL, NULL, NULL, 388, 437, 7, NULL, false, 107, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/37/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (38, '2019-11-08 13:12:41.007559+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.620573+00', 'open', 'Appuyer le DS d’Abougoudam à acquérir un tricycle en vue de faciliter les déplacements des équipes vers les villages environnant en stratégie avancée', '2019-12-30', NULL, 20819, 9329, 20819, 45, NULL, NULL, NULL, 388, 437, 7, NULL, false, 107, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/38/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (39, '2019-11-12 08:38:13.883985+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.622576+00', 'completed', 'Mission de supervision de distribution de kits scolaires', '2019-10-24', '2019-11-12 14:49:39.144639+00', 14616, 14616, 14616, 12, NULL, NULL, 55, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/39/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (40, '2019-11-12 09:06:57.851511+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.624619+00', 'completed', 'mission de supervision de distribution de kits scolaires', '2019-10-24', '2019-11-12 14:35:20.019347+00', 14616, 14616, 14616, 12, NULL, NULL, 55, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/40/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (41, '2019-11-12 15:28:31.682852+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.626642+00', 'open', 'Mobiliser les APE pour qu’elles mobilisent les communautes à soutenir la scolarisation des enfants', '2019-10-24', NULL, 14616, 14616, 14616, 12, NULL, NULL, 55, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/41/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (42, '2019-11-12 15:34:08.085197+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.628621+00', 'open', 'Mission de supervision de distribution de kits scolaires', '2019-11-24', NULL, 14616, 14616, 14616, 12, NULL, NULL, 55, 390, NULL, 9, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/42/APD', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint VALUES (43, '2019-11-13 10:16:43.534573+00', '2020-04-02 16:57:17.630598+00', 'open', 'Elaborer deux projets distincts de formation en PCIMA des agents de santé qualifiés et des agents de santé communautaires.
+Programmer le suivi/évaluation trimestrielle de la mise en œuvre et de la performance du programme PCIMA dans les centres de santé.', '2020-02-03', NULL, 22479, 12528, 22479, 55, NULL, NULL, NULL, 391, 237, 7, NULL, false, 95, NULL, NULL, 'CHD/2019/43/APD', NULL);
+-- Data for Name: activities_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (341, 'ONRTV ABECHE', 'Government', '2500224578', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/341/', '', 341, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (131, 'CNEAH', 'Government', '2500226725', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/131/', '', 131, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (396, 'REAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/396/', '', 396, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (65, 'ASSOCIATION HELP TCHAD POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233810', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/65/', '', 65, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (68, 'ASSOCIATION INTERDIOCÉSAINE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213939', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/68/', '', 68, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (69, 'ASSOCIATION INTERDIOCESAINE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA - AILS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228048', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/69/', '', 69, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (77, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA REINSERTION DES FEMMES VICTIMES DE FISTULE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215472', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/77/', '', 77, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (82, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONO SOCIAL DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230977', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/82/', '', 82, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (84, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE SERVICE DE SANTE DE ROUROU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223632', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/84/', '', 84, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (88, 'ASSOCIATION SOEURS DE NOTRE DAME DES APOTRES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237892', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/88/', '', 88, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (91, 'ASSOICATION CLUB PLANETE JEUNE DE BONGOR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223093', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/91/', '', 91, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (94, 'BASE APPUI DSB ET HRA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221193', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/94/', '', 94, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (107, 'CELIAF - MONGO CELIAF - MONGO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225655', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/107/', '', 107, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (120, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT EN SANTÉ INTERNATIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213966', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/120/', '', 120, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (148, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Government', '2500220945', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/148/', '', 148, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (223, 'DIRECTION DE LA PLANIFICATION ET DU DEV. DU DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500214014', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/223/', '', 223, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (225, 'DIRECTION DE L HYDRAULIQUE', 'Government', '2500214017', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/225/', '', 225, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (233, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D''ABDI', 'Government', '2500223681', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/233/', '', 233, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (234, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D ABECHE', 'Government', '2500214024', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/234/', '', 234, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (235, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DABOUGOUDAM', 'Government', '2500233448', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/235/', '', 235, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (255, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MOUNDOU', 'Government', '2500234495', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/255/', '', 255, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (256, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE NGOURI', 'Government', '2500214027', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/256/', '', 256, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (436, 'UNITE DE GESTION DES PROJETS UGP', 'Government', '2500238874', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/436/', '', 436, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-08-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (328, 'MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE NATIONALE ET DE LA REINSERTION', 'Government', '2500212762', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/328/', '', 328, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (343, 'ONRTV MOUNDOU RADIO', 'Government', '2500224698', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/343/', '', 343, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (21, 'AGENCE INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE PANAFRICAINE EAU ET ASSAINISSEMENT POUR L AFRIQUE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223094', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/21/', '', 21, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (346, 'OPAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212785', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/346/', '', 346, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (357, 'PROGRAMME NATIONAL DE LUTTE PALUDISME', 'Government', '2500224804', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/357/', '', 357, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (368, 'RADIO ALRACHAT 89.9 FM', 'Government', '2500224576', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/368/', '', 368, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (435, 'ECOLE SAINE MENAGE SAIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214062', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/435/', '', 435, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-08-12 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (440, 'SOUS DIRECTION DE LA VACCINATION SDV', 'Government', '2500239370', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/440/', '', 440, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-10-31 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (4, 'ACRA TCD ECW EDUCATION CANNOT WAIT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237522', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/4/', '', 4, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (53, 'ASSOCIATION DES REALISATEURS ET DES PRODUCTEURS TCHADIENS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228871', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/53/', '', 53, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (59, 'ASSOCIATION EVECHE DE DOBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228104', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/59/', '', 59, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (61, 'ASSOCIATION FEMININE DEVELOPPEMENT DE DELFI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223886', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/61/', '', 61, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (14, 'AFFOV', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/14/', '', 14, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (17, 'AFRICARE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213924', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/17/', '', 17, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (20, 'AGENCE HUMANITAIRE AFRICAINE AHA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234300', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/20/', '', 20, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (25, 'ANDAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236169', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/25/', '', 25, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (35, 'ASSOCIATION ARIADA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232786', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/35/', '', 35, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (36, 'ASSOCIATION ASSALAMA ASSOCIATION ASSALAMA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225656', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/36/', '', 36, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (39, 'ASSOCIATION BOUSSO CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232774', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/39/', '', 39, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (43, 'ASSOCIATION DES CHEFS TRADITIONNELS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234334', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/43/', '', 43, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (44, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ALLAITANTES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235282', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/44/', '', 44, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (47, 'ASSOCIATION DES GUIDES DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213937', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/47/', '', 47, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (57, 'ASSOCIATION DISPENSAIRE NDA CHAGOUA BP 82 NDJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212780', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/57/', '', 57, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (81, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', 'Government', '2500228415', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/81/', '', 81, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (89, 'ASSOCIATION TCHADIENNE DES VOLONTAIRES DU PROGRÈS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213945', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/89/', '', 89, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (121, 'CENTRE D''ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE POUR LA DYNAMIQUE DES ORGANISIONS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215477', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/121/', '', 121, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (122, 'CENTRE EVANGÉLIQUE POUR L''ENCADREMENT NUTRITIONNEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226593', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/122/', '', 122, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (258, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE SARH', 'Government', '2500214053', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/258/', '', 258, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (259, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DIRIBA', 'Government', '2500229233', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/259/', '', 259, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (264, 'DREN - MC', 'Government', '2500234921', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/264/', '', 264, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (265, 'DRHCO N DJAMENA', 'Government', '2500227032', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/265/', '', 265, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (266, 'DRHRU NO', 'Government', '2500226901', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/266/', '', 266, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (268, 'DSR DU CHARI BAGUIRMI', 'Government', '2500230473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/268/', '', 268, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (272, 'ENTENTE DES EGLISES ET MISSIONS EVANGELIQUE AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232846', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/272/', '', 272, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (332, 'MINISTERE DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE BCE', 'Government', '2500218947', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/332/', '', 332, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (349, 'PAROISSE EVECHE DE LAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233321', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/349/', '', 349, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (350, 'PEV- CAMPAGNE DE MENINGITE TCHAD MSP', 'Government', '2500221252', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/350/', '', 350, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (361, 'PROJET APPUI A LA DSIS FOSAP FONDS MONDIAL', 'Government', '2500221661', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/361/', '', 361, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (363, 'PROJET DE REVITALISATION DES STRUCTURES SANITAIRES DE BASE', 'Government', '2500222713', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/363/', '', 363, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (366, 'RADIO ABSOUN 97.3 FM', 'Government', '2500224577', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/366/', '', 366, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (369, 'RADIO BISSAM DE MONDO KANEM', 'Government', '2500224699', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/369/', '', 369, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (379, 'RADIO FM LIBERTE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232403', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/379/', '', 379, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (433, 'RTSE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236515', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/433/', '', 433, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-06-02 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (439, 'RADIO KADAYE FM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234736', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/439/', '', 439, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-10-25 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (10, 'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE COMMUNE DE MONGO', 'Government', '2500236584', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/10/', '', 10, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (5, 'ACRA TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213919', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/5/', '', 5, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (12, 'ADRA TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213923', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/12/', '', 12, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (105, 'CELIAF ANTENNE MONGO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232204', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/105/', '', 105, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (108, 'CELIALF ANTENNE DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232850', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/108/', '', 108, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (110, 'CELLULE DE COORDINATION DE PROGRAMME MINISTERE DU PLAN DE L''ECONOMIE ET DE LA COOPERATION', 'Government', '2500213957', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/110/', '', 110, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (117, 'CENTRE CULTUREL AL-MOUNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213958', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/117/', '', 117, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (125, 'CENTRE NATIONAL NUTRITION ET TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE', 'Government', '2500218289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/125/', '', 125, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (129, 'CJERCAB', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234565', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/129/', '', 129, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (130, 'CNCDJ CONSEIL NATIONAL CONSULTATIF DES JEUNES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224553', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/130/', '', 130, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (134, 'COMITE ISLAMIQUE DU LOGONE OCCIDENT AL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219700', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/134/', '', 134, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (228, 'DIRECTION DES ETUDES ET DE PREVISION', 'Government', '2500234840', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/228/', '', 228, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (2, '', '', '1900706553', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/2/', '', 2, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (51, 'ASSOCIATION DES MALADES VIVANTS AVEC LE SIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232779', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/51/', '', 51, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (54, 'ASSOCIATION DES SCOUTS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224593', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/54/', '', 54, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (58, 'ASSOCIATION DJEDANOUM NASSON (ADN)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221791', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/58/', '', 58, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (70, 'ASSOCIATION LABEL 109', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237874', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/70/', '', 70, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (80, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/80/', '', 80, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (87, 'ASSOCIATION SAUVER LES ENFANTS DE LA RUE-ASER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221314', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/87/', '', 87, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (98, 'BUREAU INFORMATION EDUCATION ET COMMUNI', 'Government', '2500213950', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/98/', '', 98, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (100, 'CAMPAGNE MENINGITE TCHAD', 'Government', '2500219702', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/100/', '', 100, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (102, 'CARITAS AURA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228049', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/102/', '', 102, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (137, 'COMITE REGIONAL DE CROIX ROUGE DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221408', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/137/', '', 137, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (139, 'COMITE REGIONALE D''ACTION LOG OCC', 'Government', '2500228884', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/139/', '', 139, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (140, 'COMMUNE D''ABECHE', 'Government', '2500234066', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/140/', '', 140, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (241, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BEDJONDO', 'Government', '2500234500', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/241/', '', 241, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (242, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BERE', 'Government', '2500234502', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/242/', '', 242, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (246, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE GOZ BEIDA', 'Government', '2500214040', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/246/', '', 246, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (249, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE KELO', 'Government', '2500214022', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/249/', '', 249, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (250, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE KOUKOU ANGARANA', 'Government', '2500232378', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/250/', '', 250, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (220, 'DIOCESE DE PALA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228118', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/220/', '', 220, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (252, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MAO', 'Government', '2500214047', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/252/', '', 252, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (257, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE NOKOU', 'Government', '2500214052', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/257/', '', 257, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (262, 'DOCTORS OF THE WORLD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212755', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/262/', '', 262, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (273, 'EVECHE DE LAI RADIO EFFATA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233646', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/273/', '', 273, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (232, 'DIRECTION RNT SOUS DIRECTION RADIO RURALE', 'Government', '2500214020', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/232/', '', 232, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (274, 'FCACT SABANGALI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234967', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/274/', '', 274, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (277, 'FM DAR BADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228854', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/277/', '', 277, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (281, 'FONDATION DIEU BENIT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224985', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/281/', '', 281, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (284, 'GROUPEMENT ALINGUE-ECLAIRAGE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234557', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/284/', '', 284, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (287, 'GROUPEMENT DES FILLES MERES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232773', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/287/', '', 287, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (289, 'GROUPEMENT KHER SABITINE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/289/', '', 289, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (291, 'GROUP ODYSSEE PROJET MODE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234256', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/291/', '', 291, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (293, 'HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233978', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/293/', '', 293, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (319, 'LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA ASSOCIATION CDLS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228126', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/319/', '', 319, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (326, 'MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500212761', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/326/', '', 326, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (345, 'ONRTV-SARH', 'Government', '2500215490', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/345/', '', 345, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (347, 'OPDAS TCHAD', 'Government', '2500235894', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/347/', '', 347, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (348, 'OXFAM GB', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220423', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/348/', '', 348, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (11, 'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE MAIRIE D AM TIMAN COMMUNE', 'Government', '2500236590', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/11/', '', 11, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (218, 'DIOCESE DE GORE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228221', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/218/', '', 218, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (238, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE ABECHE', 'Government', '2500214028', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/238/', '', 238, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (240, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BEBEDJIA', 'Government', '2500232862', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/240/', '', 240, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (247, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE GUEREDA', 'Government', '2500214041', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/247/', '', 247, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (441, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ANNASSOUR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227536', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/441/', '', 441, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-11-14 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (231, 'DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA SANTE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ET DE LA LUTTE CONTRE LA MALADIE DGSELM', 'Government', '2500235511', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/231/', '', 231, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (135, 'COMITE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DU VOLONTARIAT AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233727', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/135/', '', 135, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (309, 'ISLAMIC RELIEF WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATIO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214090', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/309/', '', 309, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (229, 'DIRECTION DES PROJETS EDUCATION', 'Government', '2500231997', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/229/', '', 229, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (318, 'LE MESSAGER DE LA PAIX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/318/', '', 318, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (323, 'MEDECIN DU MONDE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221714', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/323/', '', 323, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (325, 'MINISTÈRE CHARGÉ DES DROITS DE L''HOMME', 'Government', '2500212759', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/325/', '', 325, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (329, 'MINISTERE DE LA DE LA JEUNESSE SPORTS ET LOISIRS', 'Government', '2500212763', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/329/', '', 329, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (334, 'MINISTERE DU PLAN DEVELOPPEMENT ET DE LA COOPERATION', 'Government', '2500212777', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/334/', '', 334, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (337, 'MOUSTAGBAL "AVENIR"', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212779', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/337/', '', 337, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (338, 'OFFICE NATIONALE DE RADIO ET TELEVISION', 'Government', '2500232691', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/338/', '', 338, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (431, 'ONG CROIX ROUGE FRANCAISE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238161', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/431/', '', 431, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-04-25 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (342, 'ONRTV ADRE', 'Government', '2500232790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/342/', '', 342, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (354, 'PROGRAMME CLAC', 'Government', '2500227705', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/354/', '', 354, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (358, 'PROGRAMME PLAIDOYER-COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500221199', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/358/', '', 358, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (362, 'PROJET DE DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL', 'Government', '2500228618', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/362/', '', 362, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (372, 'RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE NGOURKOSSO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215492', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/372/', '', 372, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (374, 'RADIO EVANGILE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500215495', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/374/', '', 374, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (378, 'RADIO FM LIBERTE', 'Government', '2500212806', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/378/', '', 378, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (380, 'RADIO FM LOTIKO DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219691', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/380/', '', 380, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (385, 'RADIO NDJIMI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220441', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/385/', '', 385, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (386, 'RADIO NDJIMI DE MAO', 'Government', '2500212809', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/386/', '', 386, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (387, 'RADIO RURALE', 'Government', '2500225919', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/387/', '', 387, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (390, 'RADIO SOLEIL DE PALA USE 2300096907', 'Government', '2500215498', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/390/', '', 390, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (391, 'RADIO SOLEIL KAR UBA', 'Government', '2500215499', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/391/', '', 391, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (393, 'RADIO TOB FM / ACDM', 'Government', '2500224523', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/393/', '', 393, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (398, 'REPOD RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES POUR LA POUR LA POPULATION ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Government', '2500236837', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/398/', '', 398, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (412, 'TCHAD SOS TCHAD SOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225906', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/412/', '', 412, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (422, 'UNION NERAMADJI DE BEDJONDO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228056', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/422/', '', 422, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (3, 'ACRA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2300006133', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/3/', '', 3, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (23, 'AIDE BAMBINI NEL DESERTO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500000912', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/23/', '', 23, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (96, 'BUREAU D''APPUI SANTE ENVIRONNEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215474', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/96/', '', 96, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (132, 'COLLATION TCHADIENNE DE LUTTE CONTRE LES TORTURES FAITES AUX ENFANTS ET AUX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232849', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/132/', '', 132, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (104, 'CEDIAM DIOCESE DE N''DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228125', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/104/', '', 104, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (159, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE S ARH/ATEBAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219693', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/159/', '', 159, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (295, 'HOPITAL DE LA MERE ET DE L ENFANT', 'Government', '2500224825', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/295/', '', 295, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (302, 'INITIATIVE HUMANITAIRE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228112', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/302/', '', 302, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (376, 'RADIO FM AL-NADJAH 104.6 MHZ USE 2300096908', 'Government', '2500212805', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/376/', '', 376, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (377, 'RADIO FM LE REVEIL DE BEBALEM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224575', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/377/', '', 377, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (383, 'RADIO KADAYE', 'Government', '2500224579', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/383/', '', 383, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (401, 'RESEAU DES MAISONS DE QUARTIER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229637', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/401/', '', 401, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (403, 'RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES VIH SIDA', 'Government', '2500237124', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/403/', '', 403, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (407, 'SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224422', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/407/', '', 407, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (409, 'SECOURS ISLAMIQUE FRANCE PROJET WASH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212820', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/409/', '', 409, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (411, 'TCHAD SOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223633', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/411/', '', 411, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (413, 'TEMOINS DES URGENCES ACTIONS DE DEVELOPPEMENT BP ABECHE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230634', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/413/', '', 413, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (416, 'TOCKODINE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232211', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/416/', '', 416, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (417, 'UFEP', 'Government', '2500228103', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/417/', '', 417, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (418, 'UNION DE GROUPEMENT HADJAR SALLO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232214', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/418/', '', 418, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (421, 'UNION DES GPMTS FEMININS DE BERE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234517', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/421/', '', 421, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (423, 'UNITE SURVEILLANCE NUTRITIONNELLE/M SP', 'Government', '2500219689', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/423/', '', 423, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (426, 'WENAKLABS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234767', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/426/', '', 426, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (427, 'WORLD VISION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237165', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/427/', '', 427, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (1, '', '', '2300040082', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/1/', '', 1, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (22, 'AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229124', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/22/', '', 22, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (48, 'ASSOCIATION DES HANDICAPES PHYSIQUES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229515', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/48/', '', 48, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (97, 'BUREAU D''ETUDE BECADEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500220951', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/97/', '', 97, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (123, 'CENTRE EVANGELIQUE POUR L ENCADREMENT NUTRITIONNEL CEVANUTRI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224655', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/123/', '', 123, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (175, 'DELEGATION REG DE LEDUCATION NAT', 'Government', '2500232251', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/175/', '', 175, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (211, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE WADI FIRA', 'Government', '2500221834', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/211/', '', 211, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (212, 'DELEGATION SANIT. REG. DU MANDOUL', 'Government', '2500213999', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/212/', '', 212, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (32, 'ASS. LA VOIX DE L''ESPÉRANCE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233778', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/32/', '', 32, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (41, 'ASSOCIATION COMITE REGIONAL D ACTION DU GUERA', 'Government', '2500236702', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/41/', '', 41, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (49, 'ASSOCIATION DES JEUNES DE TCHALO-ZOUDOU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234496', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/49/', '', 49, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (56, 'ASSOCIATION DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA ADERBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225658', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/56/', '', 56, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (63, 'ASSOCIATION HALT DEATH STALKER', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231377', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/63/', '', 63, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (72, 'ASSOCIATION LIGUE TCHADIENNE DROITS DE LHOMME', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212751', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/72/', '', 72, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (73, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DES CONSOMMATEURS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215471', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/73/', '', 73, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (86, 'ASSOCIATION RECAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229793', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/86/', '', 86, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (92, 'ASSOICATION TCHADIENNE POUR LE BIEN ETRE FAMILIAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213931', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/92/', '', 92, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (118, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT (CSSI) EN SANTE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224943', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/118/', '', 118, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (124, 'CENTRE NATIONAL DE DEMINAGE', 'Government', '2500214079', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/124/', '', 124, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (193, 'DÉLÉGATION RÉGIONALE DE SANTÉ - BILTINE', 'Government', '2500213998', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/193/', '', 193, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (200, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE HADJER LAMIS', 'Government', '2500226900', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/200/', '', 200, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (201, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE - SILA', 'Government', '2500221009', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/201/', '', 201, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (204, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DU SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500214000', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/204/', '', 204, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (27, 'ANTRENVIRO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234228', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/27/', '', 27, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (205, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REG. DE LA TANDJILE', 'Government', '2500227023', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/205/', '', 205, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (209, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE DE NDJAMENA', 'Government', '2500224907', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/209/', '', 209, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (210, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONALE DU LOGONE ORIENTALE', 'Government', '2500214006', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/210/', '', 210, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (227, 'DIRECTION DE SANTE DE REPRODUCTION', 'Government', '2500224271', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/227/', '', 227, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (237, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D AM DAM OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500214026', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/237/', '', 237, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (251, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE LAI', 'Government', '2500232882', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/251/', '', 251, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (432, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE N DJAMENA SUD', 'Government', '2500238341', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/432/', '', 432, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-05-18 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (304, 'INSTITUT NATIONAL DE STATISTIQUES DES ETUDES ECONOMIQUES ET DEMOGRAPHIQUES', 'Government', '2500214083', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/304/', '', 304, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (331, 'MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE ET DROITS H', 'Government', '2500212764', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/331/', '', 331, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (352, 'PREMIERE URGENCE - AMI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212787', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/352/', '', 352, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (355, 'PROGRAMME DE MASTER HYDROSIG', 'Government', '2500236512', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/355/', '', 355, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (370, 'RADIO BRAKOSS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212801', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/370/', '', 370, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (381, 'RADIO GAYA TCHOLWA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228870', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/381/', '', 381, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (438, 'DIRECTION DE L ORGANISATION DES SERVICES DE SANTE ET DES MECANISMES DE FINANCEMENT DOSSMF', 'Government', '2500239012', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/438/', '', 438, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-09-03 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (16, 'AFPAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229794', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/16/', '', 16, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (30, 'ARNUT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224727', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/30/', '', 30, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (219, 'DIOCESE DE N DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214010', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/219/', '', 219, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (222, 'DIRECT DE L ENFANCE COORD PROG VOLET', 'Government', '2500237554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/222/', '', 222, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (243, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BILTINE', 'Government', '2500214034', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/243/', '', 243, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (245, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BONGOR', 'Government', '2500232861', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/245/', '', 245, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (261, 'DIVISION DE L HYGIENE ET DE L ASSAINISSE', 'Government', '2500214056', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/261/', '', 261, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (263, 'DPSP NORD GAROUA', 'Government', '2500218598', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/263/', '', 263, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (278, 'FMDN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234757', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/278/', '', 278, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (285, 'GROUPEMENT AL NADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232213', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/285/', '', 285, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (290, 'GROUPEMENT NADJA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232848', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/290/', '', 290, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (301, 'INITIATIVE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214082', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/301/', '', 301, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (303, 'INSP. DPT. DE L''ENSGT FONTAL. ET DE L''ALPHABETISATION NYA PENDE', 'Government', '2500230680', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/303/', '', 303, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (310, 'JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214100', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/310/', '', 310, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (314, 'JOURNAL NDJAMENA AL DJADIDA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219687', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/314/', '', 314, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (322, 'MAISON DES MEDIAS DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231570', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/322/', '', 322, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (333, 'MINISTERE DE LA SECURITE PUBLIQUE ET DE L IMMIGRATION', 'Government', '2500212773', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/333/', '', 333, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (339, 'ONG CONCERN WORLDWIDE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215479', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/339/', '', 339, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (344, 'ONRTV MOUSSORO', 'Government', '2500224580', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/344/', '', 344, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (365, 'PROTECTION D ENFANTS AU MINISTERE DE LA DE LA DEFENSE', 'Government', '2500237862', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/365/', '', 365, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (371, 'RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE DE MONGO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215493', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/371/', '', 371, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (388, 'RADIO RURALE DE GOUNOU-GAYA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212812', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/388/', '', 388, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (395, 'RADIO ZAHSOO DE LERE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224923', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/395/', '', 395, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (399, 'RESEAU DES JOURNALISTES AMIS DES ENFANTS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500231559', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/399/', '', 399, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (415, 'THE MENTOR INITIATIVE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225653', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/415/', '', 415, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (419, 'UNION DES ASSO FEMINENS ARABAPHONE (UAFA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234968', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/419/', '', 419, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (384, 'RADIO KADAYE FM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234736', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/384/', '', 384, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (18, 'AGENCE DE COOPÉRATION ET DE RECHERC HE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219688', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/18/', '', 18, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (103, 'CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213955', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/103/', '', 103, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (127, 'CHORA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219704', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/127/', '', 127, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (141, 'COMMUNE DE BENOYE', 'Government', '2500228895', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/141/', '', 141, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (213, 'DELEGATION SANIT REG DU M KEBBI OUEST', 'Government', '2500226068', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/213/', '', 213, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (9, 'ACTION D''AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECHNIQUE ET AU DEVELOPEMENT (ACTED)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500222842', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/9/', '', 9, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (19, 'AGENCE DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE ADES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228587', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/19/', '', 19, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (13, 'AFASALES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224381', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/13/', '', 13, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (24, 'ALLIANCE FOR INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL ACTION ALIMA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228510', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/24/', '', 24, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (28, 'A.P.S.C.O.F.I.S', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226636', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/28/', '', 28, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (29, 'APSELPA AGAT CHAWAYE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227539', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/29/', '', 29, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (34, 'ASSOCIATION AIDE SOCIALE ET DVLPT INT.', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234497', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/34/', '', 34, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (408, 'SECADEV', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212819', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/408/', '', 408, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (425, 'UOFK', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225889', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/425/', '', 425, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (45, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES ANNASSOUR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227536', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/45/', '', 45, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (6, 'ACTED TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221883', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/6/', '', 6, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (7, 'ACTIF CLUB PLANETE JEUNES ACPJ', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226341', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/7/', '', 7, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (8, 'ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM FRANCE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213920', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/8/', '', 8, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (15, 'AFJ DOUMTENE THEATRE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228271', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/15/', '', 15, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (31, 'ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500213930', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/31/', '', 31, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (33, 'ASSOCIATION AEHPA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500230253', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/33/', '', 33, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (37, 'ASSOCIATION ASSO COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213985', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/37/', '', 37, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (38, 'ASSOCIATION ATANMIA DU OUADDAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221668', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/38/', '', 38, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (42, 'ASSOCIATION DE COOPÉRATION ET DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215470', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/42/', '', 42, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (46, 'ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT INTEGRE (AFDI)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223261', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/46/', '', 46, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (52, 'ASSOCIATION DES ORGANISATIONS PAYSANNES DE LA KABBIA AOPK', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223478', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/52/', '', 52, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (55, 'ASSOCIATION DES VOLONTAIRES POUR LA LUTTE CONTRE LA MALNUTRITION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232845', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/55/', '', 55, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (60, 'ASSOCIATION FÉMININE DES MOSSO DU LAC WEY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226407', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/60/', '', 60, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (62, 'ASSOCIATION FONDATION ROTARY INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212817', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/62/', '', 62, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (151, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLA MIQUES DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219698', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/151/', '', 151, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (152, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES DOBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223053', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/152/', '', 152, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (169, 'CROIX ROUGE REGIONALE DU OUADDAI TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213992', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/169/', '', 169, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (206, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REG DU BATHA', 'Government', '2500227966', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/206/', '', 206, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (317, 'LEAD TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/317/', '', 317, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (402, 'RESEAU DES PARLEMENTAIRES SUR LA NUTRITION', 'Government', '2500233567', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/402/', '', 402, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (75, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DES LIBERT FONDAMENTALES AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213943', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/75/', '', 75, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (76, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA RECUPERATION ET L ENCADREMENT DES ENFANTS EN DETRESSE ARED', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213917', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/76/', '', 76, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (78, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''ASSAINISSEMENT TOTAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225602', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/78/', '', 78, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (83, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT REGION DU BATHA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232531', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/83/', '', 83, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (85, 'ASSOCIATION RADIO FM DOUMCHI DAGANA MASSAKORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229055', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/85/', '', 85, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (93, 'BAMBINI NEL DESERTO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/93/', '', 93, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (95, 'BELACD CARITAS DE LAI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228222', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/95/', '', 95, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (101, 'CARE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213954', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/101/', '', 101, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (106, 'CELIAF CELLULE DE BOL LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232212', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/106/', '', 106, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (109, 'CELLUL APP A LA MAIENANCE DES OUVRAGES HYDRAULIQUES', 'Government', '2500231287', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/109/', '', 109, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (111, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON DES ASSOCIATIONS FÉMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213964', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/111/', '', 111, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (114, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D''INFORMATION DES FEMMES CELIAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228141', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/114/', '', 114, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (115, 'CELLULE DES LIAISONS ET D''INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FÉMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215476', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/115/', '', 115, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (116, 'CELLULE PLAIDOYER ET COMMUNICATION MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500220939', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/116/', '', 116, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (119, 'CENTRE DE SUPPORT EN SANTE INTERNATIONAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214091', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/119/', '', 119, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (126, 'CENTRE YALNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213965', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/126/', '', 126, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (128, 'CHRISTIAN OUTREACH RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500000156', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/128/', '', 128, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (133, 'COMITÉ DU DVPT DE WALIA NGOUMNA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213975', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/133/', '', 133, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (136, 'COMITE REGIONAL D''ACTION (CRA) REGION DU OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500232659', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/136/', '', 136, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (138, 'COMITÉ RÉGIONAL DU MOYEN CHARI COMITÉ RÉGIONAL DU MOYEN CHARI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225975', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/138/', '', 138, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (143, 'COMPANIE HADRE DOUNIA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227181', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/143/', '', 143, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (50, 'ASSOCIATION DES JEUNES VOLONTAIRES POUR HIGIENE ET ASSAINISSEMENT DE LA V. KELO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234494', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/50/', '', 50, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (67, 'ASSOCIATION INITIATIVE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229339', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/67/', '', 67, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (71, 'ASSOCIATION LA VOIX DU OUADDAI COMP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224554', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/71/', '', 71, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (74, 'ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DES LIBERTÉS FONDAMENTALES AU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215469', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/74/', '', 74, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (79, 'ASSOCIATION POUR L''ASSAINISSEMENT TOTALE PILOTE PAR LA COMMU. AU SALAMAT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221641', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/79/', '', 79, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (99, 'CADRE DE CONCERTATION LUTTE CONTRE LE TRAVAIL DES ENFANTS BOUVIERS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500222378', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/99/', '', 99, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (208, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGIONAL DU KANEM', 'Government', '2500214001', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/208/', '', 208, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (214, 'DELE.REG. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONALE SALAM', 'Government', '2500226210', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/214/', '', 214, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (215, 'DELGATION REGIONALE ACTION SOCIALE DU BATHA', 'Government', '2500231121', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/215/', '', 215, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (248, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE HARAZE', 'Government', '2500214043', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/248/', '', 248, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (253, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MASSAKORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232847', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/253/', '', 253, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (254, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE MONGO', 'Government', '2500234501', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/254/', '', 254, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (260, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE NDJAMENA EST', 'Government', '2500237401', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/260/', '', 260, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (267, 'DRSP EXTREME NORD MAROUA', 'Government', '2500218596', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/267/', '', 267, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (269, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DE LA LOGONE OCCIDENTALE', 'Government', '2500223368', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/269/', '', 269, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (275, 'FÉDÉRATION DU SCOUTISME TCHADIEN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213938', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/275/', '', 275, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (276, 'FENAPET', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214069', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/276/', '', 276, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (279, 'FOIE ET JOIE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225723', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/279/', '', 279, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (280, 'FONDATION ACRA - CCS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226920', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/280/', '', 280, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (270, 'ECOLE SAINE MENAGE SAIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214062', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/270/', '', 270, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (66, 'ASSOCIATION HUMANISTE D''ENTRAIDE ET D''ENTRAIDE SOCIALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234518', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/66/', '', 66, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (202, 'DELEGATION REG SANIT DU BARH EL GHAZAL', 'Government', '2500214004', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/202/', '', 202, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (203, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE DU MAYO K EST', 'Government', '2500225289', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/203/', '', 203, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (207, 'DELEGATION SANITAIRE REGI DU OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500214007', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/207/', '', 207, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (216, 'DEL. REG. HYDRAULIQUE ZONE SUD', 'Government', '2500228429', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/216/', '', 216, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (221, 'DIRECT DE LA NUTRI AND DE LA TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE', 'Government', '2500213970', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/221/', '', 221, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (226, 'DIRECTION DES AFFAIRES POLITIQUES ET DE L ETAT CIVIL', 'Government', '2500214018', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/226/', '', 226, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (230, 'DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA POLICE NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500237547', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/230/', '', 230, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (236, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE D ADRE', 'Government', '2500214025', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/236/', '', 236, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (239, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE ATI', 'Government', '2500214030', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/239/', '', 239, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (244, 'DISTRICT SANITAIRE DE BOL', 'Government', '2500214035', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/244/', '', 244, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (288, 'GROUPEMENT GCSS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234540', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/288/', '', 288, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (321, 'MAIRIE DE N''DJAMENA COMITE TECHNIQUE DE LUTTE CONTRE LES INO', 'Government', '2500212753', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/321/', '', 321, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (324, 'MERLIN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223298', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/324/', '', 324, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (327, 'MINISTÈRE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE LA SOLIDARITÉ ET DE LA FAMI', 'Government', '2500212766', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/327/', '', 327, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (335, 'MINISTERE HAUT CONSEIL DE LA COMMUNICATION HCC AIDE PRESSE', 'Government', '2500235258', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/335/', '', 335, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (336, 'MOISALA - DISTRICT SANITAIRE', 'Government', '2500231839', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/336/', '', 336, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (340, 'ONG DJABAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228452', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/340/', '', 340, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (351, 'PEV CAMPAGNE DE VACCINATION CONTRE LA ROUGEOLE AU TCHAD', 'Government', '2500219703', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/351/', '', 351, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (353, 'PROG. NAT. DE LUTTE ANTI PALUDIQUE', 'Government', '2500212792', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/353/', '', 353, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (356, 'PROGRAMME EAUX ASSAINISSEMENT UNICEF ABECHE', 'Government', '2500221657', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/356/', '', 356, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (359, 'PROGRAMME SANTE NUTRITION C C', 'Government', '2500212797', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/359/', '', 359, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (360, 'PROG SECTORIEL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA PSLS IST', 'Government', '2500230798', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/360/', '', 360, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (367, 'RADIO ALBICHARI', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225860', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/367/', '', 367, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (373, 'RADIO EFFATA LAI - EVECHE DE LAI', 'Government', '2500215494', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/373/', '', 373, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (375, 'RADIO FM 93.7 AL BAYANE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215497', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/375/', '', 375, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (382, 'RADIO HARMONIE FM 106.3 MHZ', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212807', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/382/', '', 382, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (389, 'RADIO SOLEI KAR UBA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232402', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/389/', '', 389, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (392, 'RADIO TERRE NOUVELLE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212813', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/392/', '', 392, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (394, 'RADIO TOB FM DE KOUMRA ACDM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233645', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/394/', '', 394, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (397, 'REFUGEE EDUCATION TRUST RET', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237473', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/397/', '', 397, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (400, 'RESEAU DES JOURNALISTES TCHADIENS EN NUTRITION', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500237900', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/400/', '', 400, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (405, 'RESEAU ISLAMIQUE POUR POPULATION "FOSAP"', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234970', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/405/', '', 405, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (404, 'RESEAU NATIONAL TCHADIEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DES PERSONNES VIVANT AVEC LE VIH RNTAP', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/404/', '', 404, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (142, 'COMMUNE DE MOUNDOU', 'Government', '2500228840', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/142/', '', 142, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (286, 'GROUPEMENT DARASSALAM GROUPEMENT DARASSALAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224402', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/286/', '', 286, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (292, 'GUY BELKEMNGAR DJIKOLOUM', 'Government', '2500224597', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/292/', '', 292, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (294, 'HAUT CONSEIL DE LA COMMUNICATION', 'Government', '2500224365', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/294/', '', 294, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (320, 'LUTTE CONTRE LES MALADIES DIARRHEIQUES ET IRA', 'Government', '2500212752', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/320/', '', 320, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (330, 'MINISTERE DE LA FEMME DE L ACTION SOCIALE ET DE LA SOLIDARITE NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500212758', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/330/', '', 330, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (414, 'TERRE VERTE CELIAF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500212828', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/414/', '', 414, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (112, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D''INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FEMININES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500218272', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/112/', '', 112, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (113, 'CELLULE DE LIAISON ET D INFORMATION DES ASSOCIATIONS FEMININES COORDINATION NATIONALE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233143', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/113/', '', 113, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (144, 'CONFESSION RELIGIEUSE CATHOLIQUE/DI OCESE DE SARH', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219697', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/144/', '', 144, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (145, 'CONFESSION RELIGIEUSE CATHOLIQUE DU LOGONE OCCIDENTAL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219701', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/145/', '', 145, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (146, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL CONSULTATIF DES JEUNES', 'Government', '2500213981', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/146/', '', 146, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (147, 'CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA', 'Government', '2500213982', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/147/', '', 147, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (149, 'CONSEIL REGIONAL DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA CRLS - LOGONE OCCIDENTAL', 'Government', '2500225448', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/149/', '', 149, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (217, 'D.G ACTION SANITAIRE REGIONALE', 'Government', '2500223367', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/217/', '', 217, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (364, 'PROJET TRANSFORMATION PACIFIQUE DES CONFLICTS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236867', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/364/', '', 364, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (437, 'MAISON DE CULTURE ALHADJ AHMAT PECOS', 'Government', '2500238592', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/437/', '', 437, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-08-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (406, 'RESEAU - UNION DES FEMMES POUR LA PAIX', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232394', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/406/', '', 406, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (410, 'SECOURS ISLAMIQUE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224893', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/410/', '', 410, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (429, 'SOCIAL CHANGE FACTORY', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234927', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/429/', '', 429, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-04-01 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (420, 'UNION DES GPMT FEMININS DE MOISALA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228063', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/420/', '', 420, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (424, 'UNIVERSITE POPULAIRE (UP)', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223336', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/424/', '', 424, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (428, 'ZOUK LAZO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500225905', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/428/', '', 428, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (26, 'ANDIMA GROUPEMENT ANDIMA DES FEMMES DE BOL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500226932', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/26/', '', 26, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (434, 'ASRADD ALLIANCE SAHELIENNE DE RECHERS APPLIQUEES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500238464', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/434/', '', 434, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-06-10 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (40, 'ASSOCIATION CAIDEL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/40/', '', 40, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (64, 'ASSOCIATION HANANA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500234735', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/64/', '', 64, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (90, 'ASSOCIATION UNION DES LEADERS JEUNES D''AM-TIMAN', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500227189', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/90/', '', 90, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (150, 'CONSEIL SUPÉRIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500215480', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/150/', '', 150, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (161, 'COORDINATION PRINCIPALE PROGRAMME EDUCATION', 'Government', '2500213988', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/161/', '', 161, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (224, 'DIRECTION DE LA VACCINATION ET DE LA SURVEILLANCE EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE DVSE', 'Government', '2500212790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/224/', '', 224, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (271, 'EGLISE EVANGELIQUE DU TCHAD EET BOL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223198', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/271/', '', 271, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (282, 'FONDS DE SOUTIEN AUX ACTIVITES DES RETOURNES', 'Government', '2500228102', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/282/', '', 282, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (430, 'MPS APPUI A LA SANTE DES NOMADES', 'Government', '2500238240', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/430/', '', 430, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-04-12 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (154, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR ISLAMIQUE ABECHE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500232785', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/154/', '', 154, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (155, 'CONSORTIUM ABKOUTA', 'Government', '2500228382', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/155/', '', 155, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (156, 'COOPERATIVE ET GROUPEMENT C R A SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500236701', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/156/', '', 156, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (157, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE M OUNDOU', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219699', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/157/', '', 157, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (158, 'COORDINATION LOCALE DE L''EEMET DE N DJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219696', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/158/', '', 158, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (160, 'COORDINATION PREVENTION DE LA TRANSMISSI MERE ET ENFANT', 'Government', '2500213987', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/160/', '', 160, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (162, 'COORDINATION PROGRAMME PLAIDOYER PROMOTION DES DROITS', 'Government', '2500213989', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/162/', '', 162, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (163, 'COORDINATION RÉGIONALE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE VIH/SIDA', 'Government', '2500224016', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/163/', '', 163, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (164, 'COTHELOR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228055', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/164/', '', 164, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (165, 'CRCR HADJER LAMIS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500235790', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/165/', '', 165, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (166, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500221169', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/166/', '', 166, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (167, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD ADRE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213991', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/167/', '', 167, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (168, 'CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD/MANDOUL', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228085', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/168/', '', 168, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (170, 'CSJEFOD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500219686', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/170/', '', 170, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (171, 'DELEGATION DE LACTION SOCIALE DU MANDOU', 'Government', '2500235430', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/171/', '', 171, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (172, 'DELEGATION DEPART DE L EDUCATION NATION', 'Government', '2500213995', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/172/', '', 172, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (173, 'DELEGATION PREFECTORALE SANITAIRE DU GUERA', 'Government', '2500213996', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/173/', '', 173, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (174, 'DELEGATION REG DE L ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500222557', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/174/', '', 174, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (176, 'DELEGATION REG DE L EDUCATION NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500226208', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/176/', '', 176, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (177, 'DELEGATION REG. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500221739', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/177/', '', 177, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (178, 'DELEGATION REG.E L''ACTION SOCIALE OUADDA', 'Government', '2500213993', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/178/', '', 178, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (179, 'DELEGATION REGI. DE L''EDUCATION NATIONAL', 'Government', '2500223451', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/179/', '', 179, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (180, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE ACTION SOCIAL DU LAC', 'Government', '2500226137', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/180/', '', 180, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (181, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500228145', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/181/', '', 181, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (183, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500229979', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/183/', '', 183, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (182, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE', 'Government', '2500229126', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/182/', '', 182, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (184, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L ACTION SOCIALE DE LA TANDJILE', 'Government', '2500234944', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/184/', '', 184, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (185, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE SILA', 'Government', '2500222184', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/185/', '', 185, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (186, 'DÉLÉGATION RÉGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE DE SILA', 'Government', '2500215481', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/186/', '', 186, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (187, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ACTION SOCIALE SALAMAT', 'Government', '2500226207', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/187/', '', 187, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (188, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA CULTURE DE LA JEUNESSE ET DES SPORTS DE KOUMRA', 'Government', '2500232429', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/188/', '', 188, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (189, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA SANTE OUADDAI', 'Government', '2500213997', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/189/', '', 189, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (190, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE LA SANTE WADI FIRA', 'Government', '2500214003', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/190/', '', 190, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (192, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''HYDRAULIQUE MOYEN CHARI', 'Government', '2500227839', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/192/', '', 192, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (194, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE EDUCATION NATIONALE', 'Government', '2500226539', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/194/', '', 194, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (153, 'CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DES AFFAIRES ISLAMIQUES DU LAC', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500223457', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/153/', '', 153, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (191, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE DE L''ENSEIGNEMENT FONDAMENTALE ET DE L''ALPHABETISATION', 'Government', '2500230607', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/191/', '', 191, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (195, 'DELEGATION REGIONALE SANITAIRE DU LAC', 'Government', '2500214005', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/195/', '', 195, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (196, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE DU MOYEN CHARI', 'Government', '2500222990', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/196/', '', 196, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (197, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE ENNEDI', 'Government', '2500214002', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/197/', '', 197, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (198, 'DELEGATION REG. SANITAIRE ENNEDI EST', 'Government', '2500228140', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/198/', '', 198, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (199, 'DELEGATION REG SANITAIRE GUERA', 'Government', '2500221849', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/199/', '', 199, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (283, 'GENERARION ABCD ANYBODYCANDREAM OFFICE NOTARIALE ME DJOMIA GERMAIN 621 NDJAMENA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500236830', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/283/', '', 283, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (296, 'HOPITAL DE MAINGARA', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500228119', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/296/', '', 296, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (297, 'HOPITAL REGIONAL D''ABECHE', 'Government', '2500228458', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/297/', '', 297, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (298, 'IBCR', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233086', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/298/', '', 298, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (299, 'IBCR', 'Government', '2500226117', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/299/', '', 299, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (300, 'IDO TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500233032', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/300/', '', 300, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (305, 'INTEMÓN OXFAM', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214084', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/305/', '', 305, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (306, 'INTERNATIONAL AID SERVICES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214085', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/306/', '', 306, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (307, 'INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214088', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/307/', '', 307, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (308, 'INTERSOS', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500218808', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/308/', '', 308, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (311, 'JOURNAL COCORICO', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500229712', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/311/', '', 311, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (312, 'JOURNAL LE COURRIER DES JEUNES', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500224534', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/312/', '', 312, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (313, 'JOURNAL L''OBSERVATEUR', 'Government', '2500214099', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/313/', '', 313, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (315, 'JRS UNICEF', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500213951', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/315/', '', 315, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat VALUES (316, 'LA FUTURE PORTE DU TCHAD', 'Civil Society Organization', '2500214101', '', 'Core Values Assessment', '/api/v2/attachments/file/316/', '', 316, '', '', '', 'Partnership Management Portal', NULL, '2018-03-29 00:00:00+00');
+-- Data for Name: audit_audit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_active_pd; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_offices; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_sections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_staff_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_engagement_users_notified; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_financialfinding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_finding; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_microassessment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_risk; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskblueprint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (36, 1, 2, true, '4.9 Are actual expenditures compared to the budget with reasonable frequency? Are explanations required for significant variations from the budget?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (38, 3, 1, false, '4.11 Are IP budgets approved formally at an appropriate level?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (39, 0, 2, true, '4.12 Do invoice processing procedures provide for:
- Copies of purchase orders and receiving reports to be obtained directly from issuing departments?
- Comparison of invoice quantities, prices and terms with those indicated on the purchase order and with records of goods/services actually received?
- Checking the accuracy of calculations?
', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (40, 1, 2, true, '4.13 Are payments authorized at an appropriate level? Does the IP have a table of payment approval thresholds?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (41, 2, 2, true, '4.14 Are all invoices stamped ‘PAID’, approved, and marked with the project code and account code?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (42, 3, 2, true, '4.15 Do controls exist for preparation and approval of payroll expenditures? Are payroll changes properly authorized?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (43, 4, 2, true, '4.16 Do controls exist to ensure that direct staff salary costs reflects the actual amount of staff time spent on a project?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (44, 5, 2, true, '4.17 Do controls exist for expense categories that do not originate from invoice payments, such as DSAs, travel, and internal cost allocations?', '', 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (45, 0, 1, false, '4.18 Does the IP have a stated basis of accounting (i.e. cash or accrual) and does it allow for compliance with the agency''s requirement?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (46, 1, 1, false, '4.19 Does the IP have an adequate policies and procedures manual and is it distributed to relevant staff?', '', 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (47, 0, 2, true, '4.20 Does the IP require dual signatories / authorization for bank transactions? Are new signatories approved at an appropriate level and timely updates made when signatories depart?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (48, 1, 2, true, '4.21 Does the IP maintain an adequate, up‑to‑date cashbook, recording receipts and payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (49, 2, 1, false, '4.22 If the partner is participating in micro-finance advances, do controls exist for the collection, timely deposit and recording of receipts at each collection location?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (50, 3, 2, true, '4.23 Are bank balances and cash ledger reconciled monthly and properly approved? Are explanations provided for significant, unusual and aged reconciling items?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (51, 4, 2, true, '4.24 Is substantial expenditure paid in cash? If so, does the IP have adequate controls over cash payments?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (52, 5, 1, false, '4.25 Does the IP carry out a regular petty cash reconciliation?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (53, 6, 1, false, '4.26 Are cash and cheques maintained in a secure location with restricted access? Are bank accounts protected with appropriate remote access controls? ', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (54, 7, 1, false, '4.27 Are there adequate controls over submission of electronic payment files that ensure no unauthorized amendments once payments are approved and files are transmitted over secure/encrypted networks?', '', 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (55, 0, 2, true, '4.28 Does the IP have a process to ensure expenditures of subsidiary offices/ external entities are in compliance with the work plan and/or contractual agreement?', '', 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (56, 0, 1, false, '4.29 Is the internal auditor sufficiently independent to make critical assessments? To whom does the internal auditor report?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (57, 1, 1, false, '4.30 Does the IP have stated qualifications and experience requirements for internal audit department staff?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (58, 2, 1, false, '4.31 Are the activities financed by the agencies included in the internal audit department’s work programme?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (59, 3, 1, false, '4.32 Does the IP act on the internal auditor''s recommendations?', '', 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (60, 0, 1, false, '5.1 Is there a system of adequate safeguards to protect assets from fraud, waste and abuse?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (61, 1, 1, false, '5.2 Are subsidiary records of fixed assets and inventory kept up to date and reconciled with control accounts?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (62, 2, 1, false, '5.3 Are there periodic physical verification and/or count of fixed assets and inventory? If so, please describe?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (63, 3, 1, false, '5.4 Are fixed assets and inventory adequately covered by insurance policies?', '', 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (64, 0, 2, true, '5.5 Do warehouse facilities have adequate physical security?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (65, 1, 1, false, '5.6 Is inventory stored so that it is identifiable, protected from damage, and countable?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (66, 2, 2, true, '5.7 Does the IP have an inventory management system that enables monitoring of supply distribution?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (67, 3, 1, false, '5.8 Is responsibility for receiving and issuing inventory segregated from that for updating the inventory records?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (73, 4, 1, false, '6.5 Have any significant recommendations made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (74, 5, 2, true, '6.6 Is the financial management system computerized?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (75, 6, 1, false, '6.7 Can the computerized financial management system produce the necessary financial reports?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (76, 7, 1, false, '6.8 Does the IP have appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the financial data? E.g. password access controls; regular data back-up.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (77, 0, 1, false, '7.1 Does the IP have written procurement policies and procedures?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (78, 1, 1, false, '7.2 Are exceptions to procurement procedures approved by management and documented ? ', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (82, 5, 1, false, '7.6 Is the IP’s procurement unit resourced with qualified staff who are trained and certified and considered experts in procurement and conversant with UN / World Bank / European Union procurement requirements in addition to the a IP''s procuredment rules and regulations?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (84, 7, 2, true, '7.8 Does the IP require written or system authorizations for purchases? If so, evaluate if the authorization thresholds are appropriate?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (85, 8, 1, false, '7.9 Do the procurement procedures and templates of contracts integrate references to ethical procurement principles and exclusion and ineligibility criteria?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (89, 12, 1, false, '7.13 Does the IP keep track of past performance of suppliers? E.g. database of trusted suppliers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (90, 13, 2, true, '7.14 Does the IP follow a well-defined process to ensure a secure and transparent bid and evaluation process? If so, describe the process.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (91, 14, 2, true, '7.15 When a formal invitation to bid has been issued, does the IP award the contract on a pre-defined basis set out in the solicitation documentation taking into account technical responsiveness and price?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (99, 2, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (100, 3, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (101, 4, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Segregation of duties', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (102, 5, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Budgeting', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (17, 5, 2, true, '2.6 Does the IP carry out and document regular monitoring activities such as review meetings, on-site project visits, etc.', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (18, 6, 1, false, '2.7 Does the IP systematically collect, monitor and evaluate data on the achievement of project results?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (19, 7, 1, false, '2.8 Is it evident that the IP followed up on independent evaluation recommendations?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (20, 0, 2, true, '3.1 Are the IP’s recruitment, employment and personnel practices clearly defined and followed, and do they embrace transparency and competition?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (22, 2, 2, true, '3.3 Is the organizational structure of the finance and programme management departments, and competency of staff, appropriate for the complexity of the IP and the scale of activities? Identify the key staff, including job titles, responsibilities, educational backgrounds and professional experience.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (23, 3, 2, true, '3.4 Is the IP’s accounting/finance function staffed adequately to ensure sufficient controls are in place to manage agency funds?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (24, 4, 1, false, '3.5 Does the IP have training policies for accounting/finance/ programme management staff? Are necessary training activities undertaken?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (25, 5, 1, false, '3.6 Does the IP perform background verification/checks on all new accounting/finance and management positions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (26, 6, 1, false, '3.7 Has there been significant turnover in key finance positions the past five years? If so, has the rate improved or worsened and appears to be a problem? ', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (27, 7, 1, false, '3.8 Does the IP have a documented internal control framework? Is this framework distributed and made available to staff and updated periodically? If so, please describe.', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (28, 0, 2, true, '4.1 Does the IP have an accounting system that allows for proper recording of financial transactions from United Nations agencies, including allocation of expenditures in accordance with the respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds? ', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (29, 1, 2, true, '4.2 Does the IP have an appropriate cost allocation methodology that ensures accurate cost allocations to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (30, 2, 2, true, '4.3 Are all accounting and supporting documents retained in an organized system that allows authorized users easy access?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (31, 3, 1, false, '4.4 Are the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers reconciled at least monthly? Are explanations provided for significant reconciling items?', '', 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (32, 0, 2, true, '4.5 Are the following functional responsibilities performed by different units or individuals: (a) authorization to execute a transaction; (b) recording of the transaction; and (c) custody of assets involved in the transaction?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (35, 0, 2, true, '4.8 Are budgets prepared for all activities in sufficient detail to provide a meaningful tool for monitoring subsequent performance?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (97, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (103, 6, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Payments', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (104, 7, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Cash and bank', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (105, 8, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures: Other offices and entities', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (115, 0, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and Inventory', '', 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (116, 0, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (117, 0, 1, false, 'Procurement', '', 38);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (1, 0, 2, true, '1.1 Is the IP legally registered? If so, is it in compliance with registration requirements? Please note the legal status and date of registration of the entity.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (2, 1, 2, true, '1.2 If the IP received United Nations resources in the past, were significant issues reported in managing the resources, including from previous assurance activities.', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (3, 2, 2, true, '1.3 Does the IP have statutory reporting requirements? If so, are they in compliance with such requirements in the prior three fiscal years?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (4, 3, 1, false, '1.4 Does the governing body meet on a regular basis and perform oversight functions?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (5, 4, 2, true, '1.5 If any other offices/ external entities participate in implementation, does the IP have policies and process to ensure appropriate oversight and monitoring of implementation?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (6, 5, 2, true, '1.6 Does the IP show basic financial stability in-country (core resources; funding trend).', 'Provide the amount of total assets, total liabilities, income and expenditure for the current and prior three fiscal years.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (7, 6, 1, false, '1.7 Can the IP easily receive funds? Have there been any major problems in the past in the receipt of funds, particularly where the funds flow from government ministries?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (8, 7, 1, false, '1.8 Does the IP have any pending legal actions against it or outstanding material/significant disputes with vendors/contractors?', 'If so, provide details and actions taken by the IP to resolve the legal action.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (9, 8, 1, false, '1.9 Does the IP have an anti-fraud and corruption policy?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (10, 9, 1, false, '1.10 Has the IP advised employees, beneficiaries and other recipients to whom they should report if they suspect fraud, waste or misuse of agency resources or property? If so, does the IP have a policy against retaliation relating to such reporting?', '', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (11, 10, 1, false, '1.11 Does the IP have any key financial or operational risks that are not covered by this questionnaire? If so, please describe.', 'Examples: foreign exchange risk; cash receipts.', 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (12, 0, 1, false, '2.1 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed written policies, procedures and other tools (e.g. project development checklist, work planning templates, work planning schedule) to develop programmes and plans?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (13, 1, 2, true, '2.2 Do work plans specify expected results and the activities to be carried out to achieve results, with a time frame and budget for the activities?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (14, 2, 1, false, '2.3 Does the IP identify the potential risks for programme delivery and mechanisms to mitigate them?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (15, 3, 1, false, '2.4 Does the IP have and use sufficiently detailed policies, procedures, guidelines and other tools (checklists, templates) for monitoring and evaluation?', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (16, 4, 1, false, '2.5 Does the IP have M&E frameworks for its programmes, with indicators, baselines, and targets to monitor achievement of programme results? ', '', 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (21, 1, 1, false, '3.2 Does the IP have clearly defined job descriptions?', '', 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (34, 2, 2, true, '4.7 Are bank reconciliations prepared by individuals other than those who make or approve payments?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (33, 1, 2, true, '4.6 Are the functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated?', '', 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (37, 2, 1, false, '4.10 Is prior approval sought for budget amendments in a timely way?', '', 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (98, 1, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (68, 4, 1, false, '5.9 Are regular physical counts of inventory carried out?', '', 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (69, 0, 1, false, '6.1 Does the IP have established financial reporting procedures that specify what reports are to be prepared, the source system for key reports, the frequency of preparation, what they are to contain and how they are to be used?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (70, 1, 1, false, '6.2 Does the IP prepare overall financial statements?one', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (71, 2, 2, true, '6.3 Are the IP’s overall financial statements audited regularly by an independent auditor in accordance with appropriate national or international auditing standards? If so, please describe the auditor.', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (72, 3, 2, true, '6.4 Were there any major issues related to ineligible expenditure involving donor funds reported in the audit reports of the IP over the past five years?', '', 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (79, 2, 1, false, '7.3 Does the IP have a computerized procurement system with adequate access controls and segration of duties between entering purchase orders, approval and receipting of goods? Provide a description of the procurement system.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (80, 3, 1, false, '7.4 Are procurement reports generated and reviewed regularly? Describe reports generated, frequency and review & approvers.', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (81, 4, 1, false, '7.5 Does the IP have a structured procuremet unit with defined reporting lines that foster efficiency and accountability?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (83, 6, 1, false, '7.7 Have any significant recommendations related to procurement made by auditors in the prior five audit reports and/or management letters over the past five years and have not yet been implemented?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (86, 9, 2, true, '7.10 oneDoes the IP obtain sufficient approvals before signing a contract?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (87, 10, 1, false, '7.11 Does the IP have and apply formal guidelines and procedures to assist in identifying, monitoring and dealing with potential conflicts of interest with potential suppliers/procurement agents? If so, how does the IP proceed in cases of conflict of interest?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (88, 11, 2, true, '7.12 Does the IP follow a well-defined process for sourcing suppliers? Do formal procurement methods include wide broadcasting of procurement opportunities?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (92, 15, 1, false, '7.16 If the IP is managing major contracts, does the IP have a policy on contracts management / administration?', '', 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (93, 0, 1, false, '7.17 Are there personnel specifically designated to manage contracts or monitor contract expirations?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (94, 1, 1, false, '7.18 Are there staff designated to monitor expiration of performance securities, warranties, liquidated damages and other risk management instruments?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (95, 2, 1, false, '7.19 Does the IP have a policy on post-facto actions on contracts?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (96, 3, 1, false, '7.20 How frequent do post-facto contract actions occur?', '', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (106, 9, 1, false, 'Fixed Assets and inventory', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (107, 10, 1, false, 'Financial Reporting and Monitoring', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (108, 11, 1, false, 'Procurement and Contract Administration', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (109, 12, 1, false, 'Other internal control weaknesses', '', 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (110, 0, 1, false, 'Overall Risk Assessment', '', 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (111, 0, 1, false, 'Implementing partner', '', 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (112, 0, 1, false, 'Programme Management', '', 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (113, 0, 1, false, 'Organizational structure and staffing', '', 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint VALUES (114, 0, 1, false, 'Accounting policies and procedures', '', 35);
+-- Data for Name: audit_riskcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (1, 0, 'Micro Assesment Questionarie', 'primary', 'ma_questionnaire', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (2, 1, 'Tested Subject Areas', 'primary', 'ma_subject_areas', NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (11, 0, '1. Implementing Partner', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (12, 1, '2. Programme Management', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (13, 2, '3. Organizational Structure and Staffing', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (14, 3, '4. Accounting Policies and Procedures', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (15, 4, '5. Fixed Assets and Inventory', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (16, 5, '6. Financial Reporting and Monitoring', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (17, 6, '7. Procurement and Contract Administration', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (18, 0, '4a. General', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].audit_riskcategory VALUES (19, 1, '4b. Segregation of duties', 'default', 'ma_questionnaire', 14);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (6, '7', '', '', '', 'Restitution aussi aux autres membres de l''equipe immunisation en individuel mais pas dans une reunion formelle.', '2019-10-23 09:38:46.05043+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 9333);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (7, '8', '', '', '', 'Les trois priorites retenues sont partagees avec la Sous direction de la vaccination.', '2019-10-23 10:40:32.477629+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 9333);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (8, '9', '', '', '', 'J''ai contribue a fournier des elements de reponses aux demandes de clarifications de RSS2, CCEOP, soumission campagne contre la rougeole et introduction VAR2', '2019-10-23 10:46:25.675227+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 9333);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (9, '18', '', '', '', 'L''outil d’analyse et de présentation mensuelle des données communautaires (performances/indicateurs clés et leurs écarts) aux réunions des plateformes communautaires pour la résolution des problèmes constatés a ete concu et remis a l dsp/loc POUR MISE EN PLACE', '2019-10-30 10:26:46.016516+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 12132);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].django_comments VALUES (10, '27', '', '', '', 'Tous les documents ont ete revus et envoyes au coordonateur du programme pour consolidation', '2019-11-05 08:12:44.512622+00', NULL, true, false, 270, 1, 13031);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (962, '2500221193', '0100011830', '2012-05-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.19295+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (38, '2500223261', '0100074048', '2013-07-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE AFDI', '-476.332', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (39, '2500221739', '0100055616', '2013-03-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PERDIEM DRENS CLUSTER EDUCATION 12.03.2013, ABÉCHÉ', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (40, '2500221739', '0100048579', '2012-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE DREN OUADDAI', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (41, '2500221739', '0100048576', '2012-12-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE DREN OUADDAI', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (42, '2500237892', '0100295135', '2017-11-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0232 - 882 CSD NUTRITION', '-553.504', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (43, '2500213985', '0100210876', '2016-06-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA COOPI - PCIMA- HLAMIS', '-588.355', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (44, '2500214088', '0100121286', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'COUTS OPERATIONNELS PCA 2014/CHD/PRO/LA IRC', '-490.398', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (45, '2500224593', '0100105431', '2014-04-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE/SCOUTS/VIH/SIDA', '-476.817', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (46, '2500224655', '0100075452', '2013-08-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT FORMATION DES FORMATEURS DE CEVANUTRI', '-494.592', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1169, '2500233978', '0100305075', '2018-02-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0349 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-527.848', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (48, '2500223298', '0100113644', '2014-06-11', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT MERLIN', '-482.712', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (49, '2500221193', '0100147572', '2015-02-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FACE PAYMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE/PCA 2014/10/ONG BASE', '-578.752', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1096, '2500221883', '0100012260', '2012-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.210508+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (51, '2500226920', '0100080552', '2013-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PCA/2013/CHD/NO 09/ACRA (ENFANTS BOUVIERS)', '-495.248', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (173, '2500214001', '0100020207', '2012-07-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT ENQUETE CAP SUR AME AU KANEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.443357+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (53, '2500222713', '0100039033', '2012-11-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'VERSEMENT DES SALAIRES PARAMEDICAUX 3 MOIS DSR /HL', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (850, '2500223367', '0100030119', '2012-09-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISSION D''ORIENTATION POUR PROJET REVITALISATION', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.71074+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (55, '2500214014', '0100014480', '2012-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISSION CONCRACTUALISATION DES PARAMÉDICAUX SAHEL', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (56, '2500222557', '0100018472', '2012-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PROJET D''APPUI PSYCHOSOCIAL', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (57, '2500228112', '0100175955', '2015-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ER DECAISSEMENT PROMOTION HYGIENE ET PFE IDRISS', '-583.28', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1209, '2500228510', '0100323930', '2018-06-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0497 - WASH', '-556.273', NULL, '2018-06-24 00:02:08.392652+00', '2018-06-24 00:02:08.393633+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (13, '2500218272', '0100179895', '2015-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2E TRANCHE PCA CELIAF NDJAMENA/COMM', '-584.632', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (22, '2500212801', '0100060106', '2013-04-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO BRAKOSS', '1', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1, '2500214007', '0100064944', '2013-05-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME PR LE 2ND TRIMESTRE', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (857, '2300006133', '0100030376', '2012-09-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'CAMPAGNE DE SENSIBILISATION PAR ACRA (ACCORD)', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.742646+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1132, '2500221883', '0100032503', '2012-09-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/06/CHD/NUT/ACTED/ALIMA/2012', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.849661+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (59, '2500234300', '0100202245', '2016-04-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE AVEC AHA', '-579.467', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (60, '2500214014', '0100019995', '2012-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FFINANCEMENT ACHEMINEMENT DE 100 PARAMEDICAUX', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (61, '2500230634', '0100219826', '2016-08-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE PCA ATURAD CONSTRUCTION SDC AU GUERA', '-587.301', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (62, '2500232394', '0100184875', '2015-11-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN 2E TRANCHE APE UNION FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '-598.446', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (63, '2500223632', '0100072358', '2013-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC PR FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA ASSAR TISSI', '-503.119', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1019, '2500223886', '0100035418', '2012-10-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.033581+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (65, '2500209398', '0100004027', '2012-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT POUR FINANCEMENT ATELIER BILAN CHOLERA-CHAD 11', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (66, '2500213985', '0100266555', '2017-06-29', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT 7% DU PCA AVEC COOPI', '-556.084', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (67, '2500233727', '0100196130', '2016-02-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA CDVT', '-578.241', 'Jean-Mathieu LAROCHE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1150, '2500223367', '0100036570', '2012-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT SUPERVISION DANS DSR BARH EL GAZAL', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.125231+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (678, '2500214088', '0100099168', '2014-02-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CHD001/IRC- UNICEF 2014', '-483.245', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.042048+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (836, '2500227181', '0100121322', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'CAMPAGNE DE PREVENTION DE DETOURNEMENT DES INTRANT', '-490.398', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.432266+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (76, '2500221714', '0100016576', '2012-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC 1ÈRE TRANCHE EXTENSION PCA AVRIL-MARS 2012', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (312, '2500230977', '0100163177', '2015-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ADESOL/WASH', '-602.182', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:26.862123+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (464, '2500228056', '0100171711', '2015-08-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE PROJET COMM ET MOBSOC POLIO BEDJON', '-600.363', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:27.043888+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (79, '2500225499', '0100058354', '2013-04-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE AFFOV', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (80, '2500213970', '0100015661', '2012-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FORMATION DE 60 PARAMEDICAUX - N''DJAMENA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (82, '2500212751', '0100206937', '2016-05-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RAPPORT ALTERNATIF OSC DU TCHAD AU TITRE DE CADBE', '-578.598', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (83, '2500223198', '0100025796', '2012-08-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EET DE BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (635, '2500232779', '0100173333', '2015-09-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE - AMVS KYABÉ', '-583.28', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:27.465919+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (85, '2500224893', '0100049191', '2012-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUVRE APE/UNICEF/SID NDJAMENA', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (86, '2500230634', '0100206836', '2016-05-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN PCA AVEC ATURAD CONSTRUCTION SDC DANS LE GUERA', '-578.598', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (87, '2500214101', '0100068400', '2013-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WASH/FPT (TISSI)', '.00199', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (88, '2500226407', '0100080777', '2013-09-24', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DES ACTIVITÉS POLIO PAR FEMME MOSSO', '-495.248', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (89, '2500213923', '0100278315', '2017-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1E T SENSIB HYG,PROMO ACTIVITES ASSAIN & COUT OPÉR', '-545.676', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (90, '2500218596', '0100291882', '2017-11-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0690/0213 - 908: NUTRITION', '-564.653', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (91, '2500234970', '0100212961', '2016-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC POUR ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC CSAI/ UNICEF', '-581.987', 'Maria Fernandez', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (92, '2500215473', '0100009404', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1039, '2500228056', '0100203002', '2016-04-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC ASSOCIATION NEREMADJI DE BEDIONDO - ACT ACPV', '-579.467', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.126008+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1094, '2500232382', '0100214093', '2016-06-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ER TRANCHEPCA ASSOCIATION L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE', '-593.143', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.947921+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (95, '2500213965', '0100023430', '2012-07-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CENTREYALNA PREVENTION VIH/SIDA', '1', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (96, '2500225975', '0100065949', '2013-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CR DU MOYEN - CHARI.', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (97, '2500228587', '0100154484', '2015-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT SOLDE PCA ADES', '-605.182', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (804, '2500232779', '0100215140', '2016-07-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ASSOCIATION MALADES VIVANT AVEC SI', '-593.143', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:28.989668+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (99, '2500222713', '0100037590', '2012-10-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DE SALAIRE AUX DEUX PARAMEDICAUX', '1', 'Ahmat Outman Issa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (101, '2500214014', '0100014794', '2012-05-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FORMATION DE 60 PARAMEDICAUX - N''DJAMENA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (103, '2500213955', '0100188926', '2015-12-07', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMB APPUI SYSTEME PROTECTION SOCIALE DES OEV', '-620.056', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (104, '2500221193', '0100061786', '2013-05-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 3EME TRANCHE ONG BASE', '1', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (486, '2500223261', '0100216928', '2016-07-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 001/2016/PROG WASH/AFDI, 1ERE TRAN', '-591.005', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.10903+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1170, '2500228112', '0100305998', '2018-01-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0355 - PROTECTION ENFANT', '-534.864', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (177, '2500234967', '0100228726', '2016-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN. 2EME TRANCHE SENSIBILISA@T CONTRE MARIAGE ENF', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.691754+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (109, '2500214062', '0100081951', '2013-10-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA12/2012/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '-483.44', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (111, '2500223632', '0100034128', '2012-10-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE L''APE ASSAR', '1', 'Domaya Diongoto', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (112, '2500212828', '0100041799', '2012-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1E TRANCHE APE/UNICEF/TERRE VERTE SAR', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (113, '2500220423', '0100005142', '2012-03-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT FONDS CHOLERA OGB/UNICEF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1187, '2500233143', '0100311213', '2018-02-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0404 - CSD', '-531.225', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-04-12 00:05:37.229327+00', '2018-04-12 00:05:37.236524+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (114, '2500237874', '0100293737', '2017-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0216 - EDUCATION', '-564.653', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (74, '2500229637', '0100159496', '2015-05-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMENT APE/ REMOJ/COM/2015', '-593.036', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (69, '2500215474', '0100073174', '2013-07-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº004/PRO/POLIO/BASE/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (70, '2500219704', '0100073512', '2013-07-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº006/PRO/POLIO/CHORA/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (72, '2500213991', '0100073516', '2013-07-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL APE Nº007/PRO/POLIO/CRT/2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (102, '2500228063', '0100100872', '2014-03-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº19/PRO/POLIO/CROIX-ROUGE - MANDO', '-479.431', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (71, '2500225658', '0100114425', '2014-06-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº28/PRO/POLIO/ADERBA', '-482.357', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (107, '2500229515', '0100121339', '2014-08-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº29/ASSOCIATION D''ENTR', '-490.398', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (982, '2500221790', '0100228834', '2016-10-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DU PCA#019/2016/PROG-VIH/RNTAP+', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:29.826722+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (625, '2500212813', '0100230275', '2016-10-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE REALISATION EMISSIONS RADIOGRAPHIP', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.150863+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (116, '2500223367', '0100031688', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITÉS BENEVOLES BITKINE ET MELFI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (117, '2500213995', '0100097241', '2014-01-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC FINANCEMENT REQUETE DRENO-DJABAL-CSAI', '-475.262', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (658, '2500212828', '0100230410', '2016-10-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA ASSOCIATION TERRE VER', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.168207+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (944, '2500234565', '0100231119', '2016-10-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SURVEILLANCE COMMUNAUTAIRE PFA', '-594.595', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:30.804477+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1210, '2500228112', '0100324076', '2018-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0453 - WASH', '-542.966', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-06-27 00:03:31.533218+00', '2018-06-27 00:03:31.533605+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (121, '2500213995', '0100095986', '2013-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT REQUETE RECENCEMENT DJABAL ET CSAI', '-482.889', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1163, '2500234968', '0100232912', '2016-11-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ASSOCIATION UAFAT', '-600.528', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:31.071971+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (123, '2500213931', '0100096131', '2013-12-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI MOB SOC IST/VIH SIDA ET PTME DANS LES CIOJ', '-482.889', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (124, '2500221169', '0100094201', '2013-12-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA CRT 2013', '-482.889', 'Paola Valenti', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (125, '2500213954', '0100099522', '2014-02-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT PCA NO1/13/PROT-WASH/CARE', '-483.245', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (126, '2500221009', '0100038882', '2012-11-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PRISE EN CHARGE PERSONNEL CNT-CNA OCT-DÉC 12 DSRS', '1', 'Issaka Saleh', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (127, '2500233143', '0100253019', '2017-03-31', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI ORGANISATION BI-ANNUELLE NATIONALE DE SANTE', '-614.825', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (128, '2500214085', '0100095012', '2013-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 1ERE TRCH IAS PCA/8/2012/CHD/WASH/IAS AMEND', '-482.889', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (129, '2500224593', '0100043876', '2012-11-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ER TRANCH A L''ASSOCIATION SCOUTS TCHAD', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (472, '2500212819', '0100242264', '2016-12-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUCATION URGENCES LAC', '-617.895', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:32.217189+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (131, '2500213923', '0100146159', '2015-01-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 3E TRANCHPCA 2014/06/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '-557.787', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (824, '2500214088', '0100259586', '2017-05-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA SANTE-NUT/VIH PROFIL POPULATION LAC', '-604.346', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:32.918562+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (720, '2500227181', '0100261834', '2017-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SSFA HADRE DOUNIA', '-604.346', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:33.148286+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (135, '2500213931', '0100048239', '2012-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC-ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE/ASTBEF/VIH/WASH', '1', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (136, '2500227536', '0100287734', '2017-10-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0190 - 880 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-564.653', 'Maria Fernández Ruiz de Larrinaga', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (286, '2500228112', '0100285249', '2017-10-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT COUT DIRECT/SUPPORT DIRECT AU PROGRAMM', '-556.084', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:34.219535+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (139, '2500215479', '0100000172', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT MONTANT DÉPENSE POUR ACTIVITÉS WASH', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (140, '2500213939', '0100070490', '2013-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT FORA NATIONAL N''DJAM LEADER CHRETIEN', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (141, '2500224016', '0100059211', '2013-04-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APPUI À LA PRÉVENTION CHOLÉRA, INONDATIONS À TISSI', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1196, '2500213920', '0100316404', '2018-04-18', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0441 - WASH', '-542.966', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.967366+00', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.974937+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (143, '2500214083', '0100056241', '2013-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'ATELIER DE LANCEMENT DE LA BASE DONNEES TCHAD INFO', '1', 'Nanalngar Moyengar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (144, '2500232394', '0100184451', '2015-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN 2E TRANCHE APE UNION FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '-598.446', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (145, '2500233032', '0100177781', '2015-10-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 09/2015/PROG/WASH/IDO', '-584.632', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1197, '2500212780', '0100316593', '2018-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0437 - CSD', '-542.966', 'Aissata Moussa Abba', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.967476+00', '2018-05-16 14:38:49.975034+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (147, '2500232403', '0100263427', '2017-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE FIN 10/SSFA/2017/CHD/RADIO FM LIBERTE', '-586.095', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (148, '2500214034', '0100059195', '2013-04-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT PROJET DE RECRUTEMENT DES AS PR TISSI', '1', 'Issaka Saleh', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1198, '2500214085', '0100319606', '2018-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0465 - WASH', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.09481+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095828+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (150, '2500219703', '0100012204', '2012-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FNANCEMENTCOUTS OPS MOB SOC JLV MAI - JUIN 12', '1', 'Marcel Ouattara', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (151, '2500213931', '0100057283', '2013-03-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC ASTBEF', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (152, '2500212828', '0100002550', '2012-03-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'RESSOURCES POUR ACTIVITES PROMOTION D''HYGIENE', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (153, '2500212820', '0100005078', '2012-03-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'FC POUR REMBOURSEMENT COUTS ACTIVITES CHOLERA SIF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (154, '2500219704', '0100196798', '2016-02-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC POUR PCA CHORA', '-578.241', 'Lilian Kastner Brill', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1199, '2500213985', '0100319837', '2017-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0474 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANCE', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.095954+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1200, '2500236515', '0100319755', '2018-05-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0464 - SPPME', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-05-31 00:03:33.09516+00', '2018-05-31 00:03:33.096071+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1171, '2500228112', '0100305943', '2018-01-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0355 - PROTECTION ENFANT', '-534.864', 'Kanziga Rutayisire', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1201, '2500213985', '0100320034', '2017-12-13', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0474 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANCE', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-06-01 00:02:30.730443+00', '2018-06-01 00:02:30.730975+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1202, '2500213943', '0100320523', '2018-05-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0479 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-542.966', NULL, '2018-06-03 00:02:48.422102+00', '2018-06-03 00:02:48.422746+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1203, '2500238464', '0100320831', '2018-05-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0481 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2018', '-564.604', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-06-06 00:03:20.525687+00', '2018-06-06 00:03:20.526193+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (163, '2500228452', '0100109949', '2014-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ÈRE TRCHE SSFA/2014/001/CHD/DJABAL-ANJE ABKHOUTA', '-474.54', 'Aime Birimwiragi Namululi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (165, '2500219704', '0100054561', '2013-03-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA CHORA AMENDER', '1', 'Guy Yogo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (166, '2500222557', '0100032884', '2012-09-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMPLEMENT 2È TRANCHE POUR DRAS OUADDAI', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (167, '2500229637', '0100261704', '2017-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE 07/SSFA/2017/CHD MAI À DEC 2017 RMQJ', '-604.346', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (168, '2500221169', '0100094000', '2013-12-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'CFS GRANT SM 130125 REMBOURSEMENT 3E T. PCA/CRT/12', '1', 'Paola Valenti', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (169, '2500223457', '0100028781', '2012-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI/BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (157, '2500227189', '0100084799', '2013-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT SUIVANT PROTOCOLE A PETITE ECHELLE AV', '-483.44', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (137, '2500215493', '0100133005', '2014-10-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'MOB SOC A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - AVENANT RC MONGO', '-516.258', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (170, '2500232214', '0100163244', '2015-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE TOKODINE/COMMUNICATION', '-602.182', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (164, '2500228141', '0100101058', '2014-03-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº25/PRO/POLIO/CELIAF - MOYEN CHAR', '-479.431', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (159, '2500221408', '0100114607', '2014-06-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº27/PRO/POLIO/CRT/LAC', '-482.357', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1204, '2500212819', '0100320897', '2018-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0480 - WASH', '-564.604', NULL, '2018-06-07 00:03:30.737581+00', '2018-06-07 00:03:30.738111+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (172, '2500224655', '0100153069', '2015-04-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ND TRANCHE SSA/CEVANUTRI', '-605.182', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1205, '2500228510', '0100322343', '2018-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0491 - 882 CSD NUTRITION', '-564.604', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.514675+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.51571+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (174, '2500229339', '0100207269', '2016-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT SNDE TRANCHE PCA/CN/BG/IDRISS/024/16', '-578.598', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (175, '2500214017', '0100000290', '2012-01-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'AVANCE POUR ORGANISATION ATELIER PLANICATION PGT', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1206, '2500213985', '0100322381', '2018-06-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0489 - 886 PROTECTION 2018', '-564.604', NULL, '2018-06-14 00:02:36.514894+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.515808+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1207, '2500213923', '0100322395', '2018-05-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0493 - WASH', '-564.604', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.515058+00', '2018-06-14 00:02:36.51594+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (120, '2500220951', '0100034698', '2012-10-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE APE BECADEL', '1', 'Desire Mohindo Muhangi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-06-17 00:02:43.207547+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (12, '2500213954', '0100075406', '2013-08-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT SOLDE PROJET IRIBA 2012', '-494.592', 'Desire Mohindo Muhangi', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-06-17 00:02:43.239183+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1211, '2500213955', '0100324448', '2018-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0511 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-556.273', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-06-28 00:02:17.017137+00', '2018-06-28 00:02:17.017556+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1380, '2500237473', '0100408819', '2019-10-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001183 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-590.42', NULL, '2019-11-08 17:13:58.029804+00', '2019-11-08 17:13:58.029804+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1213, '2500234927', '0100326168', '2018-06-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0534 - 887 - 880 COMMUNICATION 2018', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:49.421677+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:49.42274+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (183, '2500213953', '0100000153', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEMENT TRANCHE PROJET DDR CARE 2011', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (184, '2500213923', '0100000157', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA ADRA', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (185, '2500212819', '0100258376', '2017-05-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVENANT 002/2017- SECADEV-WASH', '-604.346', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1214, '2500215479', '0100326434', '2018-06-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0535 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-11 00:03:44.091023+00', '2018-07-11 00:03:44.091744+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (187, '2500224893', '0100124679', '2014-09-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'PREVENTION CHOLERA AU 1ER-8E ARRONDISSMT NDJ SID', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (188, '2500223093', '0100048302', '2012-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR SSFA INONDATION/ACPJ (BONGOR)', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (189, '2500223094', '0100126935', '2014-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMT ATELIER VULGARISATION COMPACT WASH', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (190, '2500214085', '0100300938', '2018-01-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0312 - WASH', '-549.01', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1215, '2500212820', '0100327035', '2018-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0540 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-14 00:02:29.044085+00', '2018-07-14 00:02:29.045586+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1216, '2500214085', '0100328386', '2018-07-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0541 - 884 WASH 2018', '-566.555', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-07-22 00:11:29.728559+00', '2018-07-22 00:11:29.732955+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (193, '2500213955', '0100001262', '2012-02-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET OEV MOUNDOU', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (194, '2500222557', '0100026735', '2012-08-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 2ÉME TRANCHE APPUI PSYCHONUT DRASO', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (195, '2500221408', '0100009399', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CRT ABECHE', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (197, '2500228048', '0100102536', '2014-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ AILS/COORDINATION', '-479.431', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (198, '2500219704', '0100009402', '2012-04-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1217, '2500228112', '0100329139', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0552 - WASH', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-07-27 00:01:38.357835+00', '2018-07-27 00:01:38.358563+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (200, '2500218808', '0100144754', '2014-12-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI PSYCHOSOCIAL DES ENFANTS', '-529.211', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (201, '2500213939', '0100088148', '2013-11-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX ACTIVITÉS DE DÉPISTAGE VOLONTAIRE CHEZ L', '-476.332', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (202, '2500225499', '0100058269', '2013-04-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE AFFOV', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (203, '2500228112', '0100152270', '2015-03-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCHPCA 2014/CHD/WASH/IHDL', '-618.886', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (204, '2500222378', '0100016834', '2012-06-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC- CELEBRATION JOURNÉE ENFANT AFRICAIN', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1218, '2500225653', '0100329518', '2018-06-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0555 - 881 CSD SANTE 2018', '-566.555', 'Marie-claire Mutanda', '2018-07-28 00:01:48.207331+00', '2018-07-28 00:01:48.20905+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (206, '2500219696', '0100015159', '2012-06-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET NDJAM EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (207, '2500219700', '0100015158', '2012-06-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CASI MOUNDOU EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (208, '2500214017', '0100014204', '2012-05-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'EXTENSION SMALL SALE FUNDING AGREEMNT', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (209, '2500228112', '0100212468', '2016-06-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FR : 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA/2015/CHD/PROT/IHDL', '-581.987', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1219, '2500228587', '0100329967', '2018-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0550 - CSD SANTE', '-566.555', NULL, '2018-08-01 00:02:03.634225+00', '2018-08-01 00:02:03.634705+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (210, '2500213923', '0100104525', '2014-04-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1E TRANCH WASH-ADRA/14', '-476.817', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1220, '2500212780', '0100330235', '2018-07-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0556 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2018', '-566.555', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-08-02 00:01:57.235496+00', '2018-08-02 00:01:57.235965+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (213, '2500223367', '0100031659', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APPUYER LES ACTIVITÉS DES CNT DE BOL ET DE BAGA S', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (214, '2500230253', '0100191770', '2015-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI SCOLAIRE &PSYCHOSOCIAL AUX OEV PAR A.E.H.P.A', '-597.084', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (215, '2500212766', '0100004355', '2012-03-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FINANCEMENT COLLECTE DE DONNÉES DANS REGIONS1', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1221, '2500213923', '0100330708', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0562 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-08-10 00:01:42.607925+00', '2018-08-10 00:01:42.608732+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (218, '2500223367', '0100031653', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 20 INFIRMIERS EN PRISE EN CHARGE PCIM', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (219, '2500223053', '0100024766', '2012-08-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI DOBA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1222, '2500228112', '0100331487', '2018-07-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0563 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-08-12 00:01:54.357394+00', '2018-08-12 00:01:54.358115+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1223, '2500237165', '0100332077', '2018-07-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0570 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.769572+00', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.770106+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1224, '2500215479', '0100332072', '2018-07-02', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0569 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.769714+00', '2018-08-16 00:01:54.770164+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (224, '2500228125', '0100102538', '2014-03-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDIAM NDJAMENA', '-479.431', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (226, '2500222557', '0100040375', '2012-11-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR FINANCEMENT PROJET ECL/DRASO', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1225, '2500221790', '0100332445', '2018-07-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0572 - CSD VIH SIDA', '-560.455', NULL, '2018-08-17 00:01:44.454716+00', '2018-08-17 00:01:44.455376+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (228, '2500228510', '0100261190', '2017-05-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '4E T PCA,SUIVI ET DEVELOPPEMENT DE L''ENFANT', '-604.346', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (222, '2500214034', '0100064753', '2013-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME POUR LE 2ND TRIMESTR', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (225, '2500214025', '0100064756', '2013-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DES REQUÊTES PTME PR LE 2ND TRIMESTRE', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (211, '2500219696', '0100099648', '2014-02-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº24/PR/POLIO/EEMET-TCHAD/2013.', '-483.245', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1226, '2500214062', '0100332518', '2018-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0565 - WASH', '-560.455', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-18 00:02:29.450457+00', '2018-08-18 00:02:29.450908+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (230, '2500214085', '0100242115', '2016-12-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA003/2016/PROG/WASH/IAS', '-617.895', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (231, '2500221408', '0100035086', '2012-10-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/CRT/EPH/CRO/P/2012', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (232, '2500222713', '0100036710', '2012-10-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 20 PARAMEDICAUX DANS DSR DE SILA', '1', 'Ngardouel Sylvain Djimrangar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (233, '2500213964', '0100066934', '2013-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CELIAF ABÉCHÉ', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1227, '2500228112', '0100334029', '2018-06-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0589 - PROTECTION', '-574.142', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.920348+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.921761+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (236, '2500215474', '0100066939', '2013-06-06', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE BASE', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (237, '2500212766', '0100018827', '2012-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FRAIS D''INTERPRETARIAT ATELIER PSS - JUIN', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1228, '2500238161', '0100333233', '2018-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0583 - WASH', '-574.142', 'Fabienne Bertrand', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.920528+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:40.921866+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (239, '2500222557', '0100021776', '2012-07-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE DRASO APPUI AUX GROUPEMENTS', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (240, '2500218593', '0100220573', '2016-08-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI MOBILISATION SOCIALE JLV AOUT 2016 ADAMAOUA', '-587.301', 'Kananda Kipanya', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -6751,7 +7505,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1267, '2500234927', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (369, '2500212819', '0100131538', '2014-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SECADEV', '-516.258', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (370, '2500213951', '0100004084', '2012-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC - FINANCEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA DDR JRS', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (392, '2500221169', '0100148480', '2015-02-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN.PCA Nº22/2014 WASH-EDUCATION/CRT DERN.TRANCCHE', '-578.752', '--- Rakotoniaina', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-06-07 00:03:30.771356+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1268, '2500233143', '0100352700', '2018-10-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0725 - 885 EDUCATION 2018', '-577.173', 'Aissata Sidibe', '2018-11-25 00:02:03.196152+00', '2018-11-25 00:02:03.196761+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1381, '2500234968', '0100410268', '2019-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001204 - 880/004 COMMUNICATION 2019', '-590.42', NULL, '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979789+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979789+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (375, '2500221661', '0100010634', '2012-05-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT VALIDATION PLANS REGIONAUX DE DEVELOPP', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (377, '2500213939', '0100087264', '2013-11-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE AILS PRISE EN CHARGE OEV', '-476.332', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1269, '2500237165', '0100353451', '2018-10-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0736 - CSD', '-577.173', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2018-11-29 00:02:07.807833+00', '2018-11-29 00:02:07.808471+00');
@@ -6781,7 +7535,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (364, '2500226341', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (401, '2500228104', '0100103547', '2014-03-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/DOBA', '-479.431', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1275, '2500214085', '0100356444', '2018-08-02', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0754 - WASH', '-576.564', NULL, '2018-12-09 00:02:05.550763+00', '2018-12-09 00:02:05.552151+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (403, '2500222557', '0100046948', '2012-12-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'COMPLÉMENT DU FC D''APPUI AUX GRPEMENTS-DRASO', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1276, '2500238161', '0100357811', '2018-11-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0768 - 884 WASH 2018', '-576.564', 'Aissata Sidibe', '2018-12-13 00:02:17.223909+00', '2018-12-13 00:02:17.22697+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1382, '2500213923', '0100410446', '2019-10-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001202 - 884 WASH 2019', '-590.42', NULL, '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979882+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979882+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1277, '2500234968', '0100359198', '2018-12-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0777 - COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-576.564', NULL, '2018-12-16 00:02:12.992872+00', '2018-12-16 00:02:12.993708+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1278, '2500238464', '0100359245', '2018-12-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0785 - CSD NUTRITION', '-576.564', NULL, '2018-12-16 00:02:12.993038+00', '2018-12-16 00:02:12.993898+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (408, '2500228112', '0100152944', '2015-04-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2È TRANCHE PCA/IHDL/WASH', '-605.182', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -6879,8 +7633,11 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1288, '2500234927', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (496, '2500214088', '0100135595', '2014-11-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUC ENFANTS RETOURNÉS RCA SUD/PCA14/IRC', '-520.105', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1309, '2500212820', '0100371533', '2019-02-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000899 - WASH', '-584.371', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-04-05 00:05:52.52887+00', '2019-04-05 00:05:52.529581+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (498, '2500229712', '0100124862', '2014-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PRODUCTION JOURNAL DES JEUNES', '-498.107', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1310, '2500228510', '0100372856', '2019-04-05', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000915 - 883 WASH 2019', '-584.371', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.390921+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391686+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (500, '2500225656', '0100066537', '2013-06-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE ASSALAMA', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (501, '2500213943', '0100095133', '2013-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA/2013/13/CHD/PROT/APLFT', '-482.889', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1311, '2500212787', '0100372663', '2019-02-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000862 - CSD NUTRITION', '-576.665', NULL, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391083+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.39175+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1312, '2500225653', '0100372514', '2019-03-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000912 - CSD', '-584.371', 'Jean Luc Mungu Akonkwa Kagayo', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391157+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391808+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (504, '2500221790', '0100089811', '2013-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RNTAP+/RENFORC/CAPACITÉS RNTAP/APPUI COORD/SUIVI/E', '-489.344', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (505, '2500214062', '0100070496', '2013-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 2E TRANCHE DU PCA AVEC ESMS', '-503.119', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (506, '2500213988', '0100003627', '2012-03-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC FRAIS DE DEPLACEMENT ET PAUSE CAFE', '1', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -6890,39 +7647,55 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1175, '2500212828', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (510, '2500213943', '0100015456', '2012-06-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIMEMENT DE LA PREMIERE ET 2EM TRANCHE', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (511, '2500213920', '0100162850', '2015-06-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ACF/PROJET MEDICO-NUT/ZAFAI', '-602.182', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (512, '2500224382', '0100124889', '2014-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT PREVENTION CHOLERA EN TANDJILE/CAIDEL', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1313, '2500238161', '0100372523', '2019-01-21', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000911 - WASH', '-584.371', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391224+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391879+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (514, '2500214090', '0100034328', '2012-10-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'LIQUIDATION DCT IRW', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (515, '2500228112', '0100303333', '2018-01-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/0335 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-527.848', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (516, '2500223261', '0100071960', '2013-07-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 1ER TRANCHE A AFDI', '-503.119', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (517, '2500223093', '0100071961', '2013-07-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 2EM TRANCHE ACPJ', '-503.119', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1314, '2500215479', '0100372396', '2019-01-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000902 - WASH', '-584.371', NULL, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391291+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.391925+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (519, '2500223478', '0100124881', '2014-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT PREVENTION CHOLERA A KABIA/MOT-ILLI/AOPK', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1315, '2500214062', '0100373751', '2019-04-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000920 - WASH', '-582.038', NULL, '2019-04-19 00:05:31.833706+00', '2019-04-19 00:05:31.834071+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (522, '2500223093', '0100124884', '2014-09-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT PREVENTION CHOLERA A BONGOR/ACPJ', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1319, '2500224554', '0100376220', '2019-02-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000941 - 881 CSD SANTE POLIO 2019', '-588.197', 'Marie Therese Baranyikwa', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.21875+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.219405+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1317, '2500213943', '0100375216', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000931 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-582.038', NULL, '2019-04-28 00:05:29.412263+00', '2019-04-28 00:05:29.412705+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (524, '2500212787', '0100000170', '2012-01-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT 3ÈRE TRANCHE PCA UNICEF/PU', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1318, '2500233143', '0100376100', '2019-03-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000937 - EDUCATION', '-588.197', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2019-05-04 00:23:09.133904+00', '2019-05-04 00:23:09.134388+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1316, '2500234927', '0100374226', '2019-02-21', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000922 - COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-04-20 00:05:12.524597+00', '2019-05-04 00:23:09.170632+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (527, '2500214062', '0100299413', '2017-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0256 - PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE DU PCA ESMS- WAS', '-553.504', 'Brigitte Pedro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1320, '2500214085', '0100376757', '2019-05-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000944 - 883 WASH 2019', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-09 00:19:05.371189+00', '2019-05-09 00:19:05.371823+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (529, '2500223261', '0100041227', '2012-11-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DEUXIÈME TRANCHE PCA 2012-13-WASH-AFDI', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (531, '2500224893', '0100115794', '2014-06-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT ACTIVITES CINE-CLUB RETOURNES RCA/ZAFAYE', '-482.357', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (532, '2500213923', '0100175726', '2015-09-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 5ÈME TRANCHE PCA ADRA', '-583.28', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (535, '2500223478', '0100041760', '2012-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', '1E TRANCHE APE/UNICEF/AOPK MAYO BENEYE ET MAY', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1321, '2500213951', '0100376759', '2019-03-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000943 - EDUCATION', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-09 00:19:05.371278+00', '2019-05-09 00:19:05.371879+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (537, '2500221668', '0100010127', '2012-05-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE ATPC OUADDAI', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (538, '2500219692', '0100018601', '2012-06-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/DIOCESE PALA EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (539, '2500221193', '0100050198', '2012-12-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032501-1', '1', 'Ahmat Outman Issa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (540, '2500221193', '0100050199', '2012-12-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032501-2', '1', 'Ahmat Outman Issa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1322, '2500237473', '0100376651', '2019-03-03', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000942 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-09 00:19:05.37142+00', '2019-05-09 00:19:05.37192+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (542, '2500218289', '0100042416', '2012-11-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT POUR COMPLEMENT ENQUETE SMART / SUD', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (543, '2500221314', '0100191769', '2015-12-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI SCOLAIRE &PSYCHOSOCIAL AUX OEV PAR A.S.E.R', '-597.084', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (545, '2500223367', '0100031645', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 40 VOLONTAIRE ET AGENTS COMMUNAUTAIRE', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (546, '2500212766', '0100061811', '2013-05-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT PROJET APPUI DEVELOPPEMENT MORAYE', '1', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (547, '2500225602', '0100209958', '2016-06-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FIN 4EME TRANCHE PCA 05/WASH/ATPCS-2015', '-588.355', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (549, '2500223367', '0100031641', '2012-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISE EN PLACE DE PCIMA DANS 10 NOUVEAUX CNA DU LAC', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1323, '2500225653', '0100377374', '2019-05-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000953 - CSD SANTE', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.188347+00', '2019-05-12 00:04:11.188901+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (551, '2500224593', '0100300285', '2017-12-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0281 - 883 CSD VIH SIDA', '-553.504', 'Jean Bosco Hulute', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (552, '2500213970', '0100015632', '2012-06-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'MISSION CONCRACTUALISATION DES PARAMÉDICAUX SAHEL', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1324, '2500237473', '0100377338', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000950 - EDUCATION', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.18844+00', '2019-05-12 00:04:11.188976+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1325, '2500237522', '0100377547', '2019-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000949 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-15 00:04:07.817674+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:07.818136+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (555, '2500221169', '0100067797', '2013-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PREMIERE TRANCHE PCA/2013 CROIX ROUGE DU TCHAD', '1', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (556, '2500214024', '0100039353', '2012-11-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA REVUE ANNUELLE SASDE-EST 2012', '1', 'Issaka Saleh', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (558, '2500224422', '0100041755', '2012-11-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PCA AVEC SFCG', '1', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1326, '2500213920', '0100377870', '2019-03-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000955 - WASH ET EDUCATION', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-16 00:04:56.904374+00', '2019-05-16 00:04:56.904916+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (560, '2500230634', '0100137215', '2014-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUC EIE -APE-ATURAD/SUD', '-526.662', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (561, '2500224271', '0100040267', '2012-11-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT ACTIVITES DE DEPOUILLEMENT DES DONNEES', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (562, '2500223094', '0100218365', '2016-08-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PROJET MPR DANS LE MOYEN CHARI ET DANS LE BATHA', '-590.952', 'Marie Therese Baranyikwa', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (563, '2500222713', '0100036704', '2012-10-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'ATELIERS D''ORIENTATIONS REVIT. MOUNDOU ET DOBA', '1', 'Ngardouel Sylvain Djimrangar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (564, '2500222713', '0100036707', '2012-10-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 46 PARAMEDICAUX DRS GUERA ET DU BATHA', '1', 'Ngardouel Sylvain Djimrangar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (565, '2500218272', '0100004196', '2012-03-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DU SOLDE 50% DE LA DEUXIEME TRANCHE CELIA', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1327, '2500240134', '0100378652', '2019-05-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000965 - WASH', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-19 00:06:18.368765+00', '2019-05-19 00:06:18.369295+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1328, '2500213943', '0100378805', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000964 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.223509+00', '2019-05-22 00:03:07.224032+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (568, '2500218272', '0100211752', '2016-06-15', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DSA ET TRANSPORT PART MISSION CELIAF', '-581.987', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (569, '2500222713', '0100036708', '2012-10-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION DE 34 PARAMEDICAUX DSR KANEM ET BAREL /G', '1', 'Ngardouel Sylvain Djimrangar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (544, '2500212801', '0100050056', '2012-12-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO BRAKOSS', '1', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -6932,80 +7705,132 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1195, '2500213985', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (533, '2500228112', '0100134727', '2014-11-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1ER TRANCH PCA Nº /IHDL/2014', '-520.105', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (534, '2500212785', '0100144429', '2014-12-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PCA N° 15/OPAD/PROMOTE CFS & TRAIN PTAS', '-529.211', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (249, '2500213954', '0100005922', '2012-03-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC -PREMIERE TRANCHE PCANº2012/PCA/01/PROT/CARE/12', '1', 'Muhangi Désiré Mohindo', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1329, '2500237522', '0100378946', '2019-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000949 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.223613+00', '2019-05-22 00:03:07.224097+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (572, '2500222557', '0100104097', '2014-04-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DISTIBUTION KITS SCOLAIRES OEV RÉGION DU OUADDAI', '-476.817', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (573, '2500218727', '0100220575', '2016-08-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'APPUI MOBILISATION SOCIALE JLV AOUT 2016 GTC PEV', '-587.301', 'Kananda Kipanya', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1330, '2500238161', '0100379219', '2019-05-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000969 - 884 WASH 2019', '-588.197', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-05-23 00:03:38.944302+00', '2019-05-23 00:03:38.944722+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1331, '2500237900', '0100380321', '2019-05-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000983 - CSD NUTRITION', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-29 00:03:11.088199+00', '2019-05-29 00:03:11.088738+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1332, '2500233143', '0100380789', '2019-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000992 - EDUCATION', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-05-31 00:04:28.36651+00', '2019-05-31 00:04:28.367059+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (576, '2500222713', '0100039056', '2012-11-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'VERSEMENT SALAIRES PARAMEDICAUX 3 MOIS DSR /WADI F', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (577, '2500232214', '0100185282', '2015-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FR PROMO DES PRATIQUES FAMILIALES ESSENT UHS MANGA', '-598.446', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (578, '2500222713', '0100039051', '2012-11-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'VERSEMENT SALAIRES PARAMEDICAUX 3 MOIS DSR /SALMT', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (580, '2500228112', '0100198037', '2016-03-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC PCA/2015/CHAD/PROT/IHDL', '-598.501', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1333, '2500228854', '0100381029', '2019-04-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000989 - CSD SANTE', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-06-01 00:04:27.355742+00', '2019-06-01 00:04:27.356301+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (582, '2500221657', '0100065192', '2013-05-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'INSTALLATION DE LA BASE DE L''UNICEF À TISSI SUITE', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (583, '2500214062', '0100209879', '2016-06-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA 06 WASH/ESMS', '-588.355', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (584, '2500221641', '0100020624', '2012-07-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENT 2E TRANCHE APE UNICEF/OPAD', '1', 'Dramon Madi Abdoulaye', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1334, '2500215493', '0100381028', '2019-03-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000987 - CSD SANTE', '-588.197', NULL, '2019-06-01 00:04:27.355851+00', '2019-06-01 00:04:27.356363+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1335, '2500237874', '0100381482', '2019-05-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000998 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-589.73', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2019-06-05 00:04:25.902483+00', '2019-06-05 00:04:25.903242+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (587, '2500213985', '0100286822', '2017-08-28', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0167 - 886 PROTECTION', '-564.653', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1336, '2500218808', '0100381771', '2019-05-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001002 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-07 00:05:43.4616+00', '2019-06-07 00:05:43.462401+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (589, '2500221790', '0100084568', '2013-10-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RECYCLAGE CPS/FORMATION MEDIATEURS SANTÉ', '-483.44', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1337, '2500233727', '0100381818', '2019-05-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001006 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-07 00:05:43.461746+00', '2019-06-07 00:05:43.462506+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (591, '2500219704', '0100192064', '2015-12-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT FINANCEMENT DEPENSES POUR TISSI', '-597.084', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1338, '2500237522', '0100382570', '2019-05-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001013 - EDUCATION', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.431893+00', '2019-06-13 00:05:36.43258+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (595, '2500218272', '0100031269', '2012-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DE LA TROISIEME TRANCHE', '1', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1339, '2500213951', '0100382569', '2019-04-05', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001012 - EDUCATION', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.432067+00', '2019-06-13 00:05:36.432647+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (597, '2500233978', '0100293902', '2017-10-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0157 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-556.084', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1340, '2500240242', '0100383115', '2019-06-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001016 - WASH', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-15 00:08:24.163097+00', '2019-06-15 00:08:24.163614+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (599, '2500226920', '0100172872', '2015-09-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA UNICEF-ACCRA', '-583.28', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (600, '2500221193', '0100131859', '2014-10-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA BASE 2014', '-516.258', 'Mehoundo Faton', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (601, '2500214079', '0100057973', '2013-04-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'ORGANISATION JOURNEE INTERNATIONALE SENSIBILISATI', '1', 'Motoyam Nanitom', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (602, '2500225905', '0100067706', '2013-06-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE ZOUKLAZOC', '1', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1341, '2500233143', '0100383382', '2019-04-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/000997 - COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-06-16 00:05:51.205483+00', '2019-06-16 00:05:51.205933+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (604, '2500223478', '0100124577', '2014-09-03', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT PREVENTION CHOLERA A KABIA/MOT-ILLI/AOPK', '-498.107', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1342, '2500213920', '0100386121', '2019-05-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001022 - WASH', '-589.73', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.539626+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.540354+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (606, '2500232402', '0100171336', '2015-08-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT CAMPAGNE DE CONSULTATION ADOLESCENTS', '-600.363', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1343, '2500237473', '0100386112', '2019-06-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001024 - EDUCATION', '-589.73', NULL, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.539726+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.540419+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1344, '2500214062', '0100386578', '2019-06-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001029 - WASH', '-577.242', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.539796+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.540466+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (609, '2500213931', '0100116445', '2014-07-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA 2013/15/ASTBEF/VIH', '-482.712', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (610, '2500213931', '0100116444', '2014-07-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME T PCA 2013/15/ASTBEF/VIH (FM)', '-482.712', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (611, '2500224593', '0100136077', '2014-11-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE SCOUTS POUR LES URGENCES RETOURNÉS', '-520.105', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1345, '2500238464', '0100386380', '2019-06-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001028 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2019', '-577.242', NULL, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.539863+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.54051+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (613, '2500219695', '0100018756', '2012-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI PALA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1346, '2500213951', '0100387540', '2019-06-24', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001034 - EDUCATION', '-577.242', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2019-07-12 00:08:37.611008+00', '2019-07-12 00:08:37.611665+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (615, '2500225602', '0100100322', '2014-02-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT DERNIERE TRANCHE A ATPCS AMTIMAN', '-483.245', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (616, '2500225723', '0100075019', '2013-08-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PCA POUR PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT A TRAVERS DES EAE', '-494.592', 'Claude NGABU', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (617, '2500213988', '0100001590', '2012-02-22', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOUSEMENT DES AGIOS COMPTE COORDINATION SECT.', '1', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (618, '2500219694', '0100018759', '2012-06-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET PALA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1347, '2500213943', '0100388221', '2019-04-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001037 - PROTECTION', '-577.242', 'Ingabire A Bakuramutsa', '2019-07-17 00:07:39.933388+00', '2019-07-17 00:07:39.933768+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (621, '2500221314', '0100133293', '2014-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE DE 50 OEV', '-516.258', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (622, '2500214088', '0100178419', '2015-10-12', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'REMB 2E TRANCHE AMEND PCA 2014/N 14/CHD/PRO/SN IRC', '-584.632', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (623, '2500222713', '0100043211', '2012-11-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DEPLOIEMENT PARA. À MONGO DSR DE GUERRA ET BATHA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (624, '2500236830', '0100295091', '2017-11-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0230 - COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE', '-553.504', 'Cindy Thai Thien Nghia', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1353, '2500223261', '0100393365', '2019-07-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001072 - WASH', '-588.672', NULL, '2019-08-16 00:17:53.510602+00', '2019-08-16 00:17:53.511025+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (740, '2500219686', '0100135470', '2014-11-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT T1 APE CSJEFOD', '-520.105', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (592, '2500232394', '0100166450', '2015-07-15', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE UNION DES FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '-593.519', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (579, '2500214007', '0100067095', '2013-06-07', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'REVITALISATION DE LA ZR N-F DE TISSI-DS GOZ-BÉÏDA', '1', 'Saleh Issaka', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (593, '2500225655', '0100073531', '2013-07-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE Nº11/PRO/POLIO/CELIAF /2013', '-503.119', 'Gianluca Flamigni', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1349, '2500234968', '0100389005', '2019-06-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001045 - INCLUSION SOCIALE', '-577.242', 'Ange Rodrigue Christophe Aye-Ake', '2019-07-20 00:07:22.899579+00', '2019-07-20 00:07:22.90026+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1355, '2500225653', '0100393767', '2019-05-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001077 - CSD', '-586.252', 'Celestin Traore', '2019-08-18 00:16:01.399229+00', '2019-08-18 00:16:01.399666+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1350, '2500237165', '0100390235', '2019-07-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001051 - CSD NUTRITION', '-577.242', NULL, '2019-07-27 00:07:40.833772+00', '2019-07-27 00:07:40.834103+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (627, '2500230253', '0100133294', '2014-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE DE 47 OEV', '-516.258', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1351, '2500227536', '0100390763', '2019-06-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001054 - INCLUSION', '-577.242', 'Christophe Jules O Verhellen', '2019-07-31 00:06:30.831834+00', '2019-07-31 00:06:30.832503+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (629, '2500215473', '0100056609', '2013-03-20', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT DE LA DERNIERE TRANCHE APE BAMBINI', '1', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (630, '2500212820', '0100264474', '2017-06-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA SIF', '-586.095', 'Celestin Traore', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1352, '2500237473', '0100392583', '2019-07-31', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001067 - EDUCATION', '-588.672', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2019-08-10 00:06:11.014599+00', '2019-08-10 00:06:11.014926+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1348, '2500212820', '0100388663', '2019-02-06', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001038 - WASH', '-588.672', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-07-19 00:07:20.448357+00', '2019-08-10 00:06:11.041832+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (633, '2500230977', '0100173663', '2015-09-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ENTRE ADERBA/UNICEF', '-583.28', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1354, '2500227539', '0100393296', '2019-06-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001075 - PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '-588.672', 'Ingabire A Bakuramutsa', '2019-08-16 00:17:53.510691+00', '2019-08-16 00:17:53.511073+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1356, '2500221790', '0100395005', '2019-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001080 - CSD', '-586.252', 'Thomas Munyuzangabo', '2019-08-25 00:15:14.889325+00', '2019-08-25 00:15:14.889765+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (636, '2500225602', '0100184795', '2015-11-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 2NDE TRANCHE 05/CHD/PROG/WASH/ATPCS', '-598.446', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (637, '2500229124', '0100116784', '2014-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 1RE TRANCH PCA 13 ACTED-WASH/14', '-482.712', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (638, '2500214062', '0100090393', '2013-11-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA12/2012/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '-489.344', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (639, '2500232531', '0100170852', '2015-08-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ADRB-BATHA', '-600.363', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1357, '2500213937', '0100395589', '2019-06-10', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001081 - INCLUSION SOCIALE', '-586.252', 'Christophe Jules O Verhellen', '2019-08-30 00:28:02.418188+00', '2019-08-30 00:28:02.418631+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (641, '2500221790', '0100126373', '2014-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT ACCES FEMMES ENCEINTES SERVICE PTME', '-498.107', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (642, '2500224554', '0100201263', '2016-04-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC FINANCEMENT PAIEMENT 2EME ET 3EME TRANCHE ASVDO', '-579.467', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (643, '2500224473', '0100044814', '2012-11-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR PARTICIPATION REAT A ATELIER EAA DAKAR', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1358, '2500228510', '0100396031', '2019-06-07', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001055 - WASH', '-577.242', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-09-01 00:19:15.840497+00', '2019-09-01 00:19:15.841027+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1359, '2500221790', '0100396074', '2019-04-19', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/000973 - CSD', '-588.197', 'Marie Therese Baranyikwa', '2019-09-01 00:19:15.840578+00', '2019-09-01 00:19:15.841084+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1360, '2500214062', '0100397540', '2019-08-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001104 - 884 WASH 2019', '-592.768', NULL, '2019-09-11 00:06:40.986817+00', '2019-09-11 00:06:40.986817+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1361, '2500215479', '0100397350', '2019-01-28', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001103 - 884 WASH 2019', '-592.768', NULL, '2019-09-11 00:06:40.986915+00', '2019-09-11 00:06:40.986915+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (649, '2500228112', '0100190349', '2015-12-11', 'HACT:Direct Payment', 'XAF', 'DSA PARTENAIRE IHDL _ ISSSA DOUBRAIGNE', '-620.056', 'Bakary Sogoba', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1362, '2500214085', '0100397685', '2019-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001107 - 884 WASH 2019', '-592.768', NULL, '2019-09-12 00:06:49.225106+00', '2019-09-12 00:06:49.225106+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (651, '2500221641', '0100020617', '2012-07-06', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENT 2E TRANCHE APE UNICEF/OPAD', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (653, '2500226920', '0100131536', '2014-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE ACRA', '-516.258', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1363, '2500237522', '0100398193', '2019-09-06', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001108 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-592.768', NULL, '2019-09-14 00:05:31.058573+00', '2019-09-14 00:05:31.058573+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (656, '2500221790', '0100127441', '2014-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FACE 2È TRIMESTRE PCA/RNTAP/VIH (REVISÉ)', '-498.107', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1364, '2500214088', '0100401032', '2019-09-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001127 - CSD', '-596.867', 'Celestin Traore', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620413+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620413+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1365, '2500240664', '0100400921', '2019-09-18', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001122 - 884 WASH 2019', '-596.867', NULL, '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620562+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620562+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (659, '2500223367', '0100032786', '2012-09-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION 50 RELAIS COM. DSRK/PROGRAMME LMD IRA', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1366, '2500240733', '0100400967', '2019-09-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001126 - 887/001 COMMUNICATION 2019', '-596.867', NULL, '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620744+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620744+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (661, '2500223367', '0100032788', '2012-09-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FORMATION 13 AGENTS DE LA DS RIG RIG/PROGRAMME LMD', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (662, '2500223451', '0100110964', '2014-05-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT COLLECTES DONNÉES DREN SILA', '-474.54', 'Beatrice Wakimunu-Lelias', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1367, '2500212787', '0100400802', '2019-09-10', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001121 - 882 CSD NUTRITION 2019', '-596.867', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620895+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.620895+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (664, '2500212787', '0100020761', '2012-07-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FR POUR MISE EN OEUVRE PCA WASH UNICEF/PU- EST', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (665, '2500213920', '0100191620', '2015-12-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'CONST LATRINES REDUCTION PROPAGATION DU CHOLERA', '-597.084', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (666, '2500222407', '0100017853', '2012-06-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT POUR RENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL NDA', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1368, '2500212820', '0100400976', '2019-08-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001125 - 884 WASH 2019', '-596.867', 'Ousseini Mai Maigana', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.621042+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:01.621042+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1369, '2500237522', '0100402516', '2019-09-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001134 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-09 00:12:32.987917+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:32.987917+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (669, '2500224893', '0100098767', '2014-02-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT SSA SID PROMOTION HYGIENE CAMP ZAAFAYE', '-483.245', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (670, '2500214062', '0100026218', '2012-08-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1E TRANCHE PCA2012/12/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1370, '2500237473', '0100402517', '2019-09-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001135 - 885 EDUCATION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-09 00:12:32.988007+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:32.988007+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (672, '2500228118', '0100102596', '2014-03-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/PALA', '-479.431', 'Gueim MORGAYE', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (673, '2500212820', '0100098880', '2014-02-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 70% PCA SIF', '-483.245', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (674, '2500225602', '0100168744', '2015-08-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE/PCA 05/ATPCS/WASH', '-600.363', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (675, '2500229794', '0100125242', '2014-09-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT FONDS SELON PROTOC ACC AVEC AFPAT', '-498.107', 'Charles Tayo Jiofack', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (676, '2500201346', '0100001330', '2012-02-17', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'DCT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA OGB', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (677, '2500223261', '0100059239', '2013-04-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'APPUI AUX REFUGIES ET DEPLACES A TISSI', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1371, '2500237165', '0100403193', '2019-09-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001141 - CSD NUTRITION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-11 00:16:40.441908+00', '2019-10-11 00:16:40.441908+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (679, '2500225499', '0100083922', '2013-10-14', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE AFFOV', '-482.889', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1372, '2500235282', '0100403319', '2019-09-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001142 - 880/004 COMMUNICATION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-12 00:16:06.089198+00', '2019-10-12 00:16:06.089198+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (681, '2500223261', '0100026852', '2012-08-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 1E TRANCHE PCA2012/13/CHD/WASH/AFDI', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (682, '2500228510', '0100107754', '2014-04-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ONG ALIMA/2014', '-476.817', 'Paola Valenti', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (652, '2500232382', '0100164847', '2015-07-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE APE/APR/COMMUNICATION', '-586.671', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (655, '2500212820', '0100149836', '2015-03-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PCA SIF/URGCE/RETOURNES CENTRAF/POP HÔTES (1ERE T)', '-584.319', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (683, '2500221668', '0100047860', '2012-12-12', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 3È & DERNIÈRE TRANCHE SSFA ATANMIA-WASH12', '1', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1373, '2500233143', '0100403543', '2019-09-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001143 - 880/004 COMMUNICATION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-13 00:17:00.414292+00', '2019-10-13 00:17:00.414292+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1374, '2500238464', '0100404197', '2019-09-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001148 - CSD', '-599.595', 'Mamadou Ndiaye', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.024651+00', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.024651+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1375, '2500227539', '0100404198', '2019-09-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001149 - PROTECTION', '-599.595', 'Ingabire A Bakuramutsa', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.024828+00', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.024828+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (689, '2500234228', '0100197450', '2016-03-02', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'ENQUETE EAU-HYGIENE DANS LES ECOLES PAR ATRENVIRO', '-598.501', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1376, '2500213955', '0100406487', '2019-10-04', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'XAF', '0810/001157 - 886 PROTECTION 2019', '-599.595', NULL, '2019-10-27 00:16:59.808794+00', '2019-10-27 00:16:59.808794+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (691, '2500224893', '0100156106', '2015-04-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'PROMOTION ASSAINISSEMENT/HYGIENE SITUATION URGENCE', '-605.182', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1377, '2500218808', '0100407412', '2019-10-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001163 - PROTECTION', '-599.595', 'Motoyam Nanitom', '2019-11-01 00:35:45.541188+00', '2019-11-01 00:35:45.541188+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1378, '2500227536', '0100407553', '2019-10-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001162 - COMMUNICATION 2019', '-599.595', 'Christophe Jules O Verhellen', '2019-11-01 00:35:45.541267+00', '2019-11-01 00:35:45.541267+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (694, '2500213950', '0100027107', '2012-08-23', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FIN. ATELIER DE VALIDATION STRAT. C4D EN RÉPONSE À', '1', 'Achta Abderaman Aboubakar', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1379, '2500237900', '0100407713', '2019-10-01', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001165 - CSD', '-599.595', 'Jean-Michel Goman', '2019-11-02 00:34:21.164952+00', '2019-11-02 00:34:21.164952+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1212, '2500233086', '0100325636', '2018-07-03', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0530 - 886/004 PROTECTION 2018', '-566.555', 'Aissata Ba Sidibe', '2018-07-05 00:01:47.968721+00', '2019-11-07 00:32:26.116402+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (697, '2500213937', '0100106084', '2014-04-16', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE/GUIDES/VIH/SIDA', '-476.817', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (698, '2500224422', '0100196303', '2016-02-22', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FC POUR PCA SEARCHFOR COMMON GROUND', '-578.241', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (699, '2500221790', '0100089810', '2013-11-19', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RNTAP+/RECYCLAGE CPS/FORMATION MÉDIATEURS DE SANTÉ', '-489.344', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -7015,6 +7840,9 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (703, '2500224402', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (704, '2500214314', '0100009329', '2012-04-26', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC- PAIEMENT TROISIÈME TRANCHE PCA ASTBEF', '1', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (705, '2500221790', '0100092694', '2013-12-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RNTAP/SENSIB IMPORTCE PTME EN MILIEU CONFES/COMMU', '-482.889', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (706, '2500221790', '0100092696', '2013-12-04', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'RNTAP/SUIVI MEDICAL OEV/SUIVI NUTRITIONNEL', '-482.889', 'Therese Nduwimana', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1268, '2500233143', '0100352700', '2018-10-29', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0725 - 885 EDUCATION 2018', '-577.173', 'Aissata Ba Sidibe', '2018-11-25 00:02:03.196152+00', '2019-11-07 00:32:26.144151+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1276, '2500238161', '0100357811', '2018-11-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0768 - 884 WASH 2018', '-576.564', 'Aissata Ba Sidibe', '2018-12-13 00:02:17.223909+00', '2019-11-07 00:32:26.158409+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1383, '2500237874', '0100410302', '2019-10-30', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/001205 - EDUCATION', '-590.42', 'Jean-Mathieu Laroche', '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979951+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:40.979951+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (710, '2500218289', '0100037999', '2012-10-25', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'EVALUATION RAPIDE DE L''ETAT NUTRIONNEL DES ENFANTS', '1', 'Roger Sodjinou', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (711, '2500222713', '0100042752', '2012-11-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT FORMATION 30 PARA. DU SUD / 2 LOGONES', '1', 'Djimasde Mbairebe', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (712, '2500213951', '0100045716', '2012-12-05', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC POUR DERNIERE TRANCHE(70%) PROJET/JRS EDUCATION', '1', 'Sarhane Mahamat Khamis', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -7303,7 +8131,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1159, '2500214085', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1164, '2500214085', '0100211606', '2016-06-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA WASH/IAS 3', '-588.355', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1165, '2500214085', '0100211605', '2016-06-14', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA WASH/IAS 2', '-588.355', 'Moustapha Harouna', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1166, '2500213920', '0100023360', '2012-07-27', 'HACT:Reimbursement', 'USD', 'RÈGLEMENT IMPAYÉS UNICEF PCA2010/CHD/11/WASH/ACF', '1', 'Lillian Okwirry', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (77, '2500223681', '0100034883', '2012-10-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PROJET DE STRATÉGIES AVANCÉES LES 11 CS DU DS ABDI', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.931307+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (158, '2500227181', '0100084798', '2013-10-21', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PROJET MOB SOC PRÉVENTION PALUDISME', '-483.44', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1051, '2500224534', '0100094549', '2013-12-11', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 3È TRANCHE AU JOURNAL LE COURRIER', '-482.889', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (889, '2500227536', '0100099823', '2014-02-20', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE/ANNASSOUR-AMTIMAN', '-483.245', 'Lalaina Andriamasinoro', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.539589+00');
@@ -7354,6 +8181,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (54, '2500215480', '01
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (119, '2500218289', '0100032975', '2012-09-27', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'REALISATION ENQUETE SMART AU SUD DU TCHAD', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.873064+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (1193, '2500214062', '0100312956', '2018-04-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'XAF', '0810/0420 - WASH', '-531.225', 'Brigitte PEDRO', '2018-04-24 12:22:05.732252+00', '2018-04-24 12:22:05.738619+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (118, '2500223336', '0100034697', '2012-10-08', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FC - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA UP', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.913676+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (77, '2500223681', '0100034883', '2012-10-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PROJET DE STRATÉGIES AVANCÉES LES 11 CS DU DS ABDI', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.931307+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (73, '2500223681', '0100034886', '2012-10-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'PROJET DE SUPERVISION FORMATIVE DS LE DS ABDI', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:24.949953+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (78, '2500218289', '0100040332', '2012-11-09', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'BUDGET DISTRIBUTION PPDOZ 4 REGIONS 15-30 NOV 12', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.236231+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader VALUES (110, '2500213943', '0100048052', '2012-12-13', 'HACT:DCT', 'USD', 'FINANCMT GROUPEMENTS FÉMININS DANS LE SILA/APLFT', '1', NULL, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.327774+00', '2018-05-04 00:02:25.54987+00');
@@ -7762,6 +8590,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1725, '0100333577-1', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1702, '0100329967-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-07-23', '0400061933', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20075413 - FINANCEMENT PCA N023 ADES DG AFP 2018', 1219, '2018-08-01 00:02:03.853209+00', '2018-08-28 14:21:17.833767+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1771, '0100350188-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170787', 'SC', '', '2018-11-13', '0400064656', 21416.34, 12360933.00, 0.00, '20100619 - PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA COMM ANNASOUR', 1261, '2018-11-16 00:14:55.315526+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.316262+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1728, '0100334514-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM180106', 'SM', '', '2018-08-27', '0400062675', 68878.08, 39545800.00, 0.00, '20081829 - PAIEMENT RELIQUAT 2NDE TRANCHE PCA IHDL', 1235, '2018-08-31 00:33:37.059601+00', '2018-08-31 00:33:37.060375+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1747, '0100339094-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-24', '0400063378', 6207.05, 3492500.00, 0.00, '20087795 - PAIEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES', 1245, '2018-09-26 11:12:59.350248+00', '2019-09-22 00:09:09.466553+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1730, '0100335248-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-03', '0400062846', 12405.21, 6980000.00, 0.00, '20083154 - FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA IAS', 1237, '2018-09-06 00:36:00.974791+00', '2018-09-06 00:36:00.975716+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1766, '0100349238-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'SM180167', 'SM', '', '2018-11-08', '0400064576', 1829.04, 1055672.00, 0.00, '30011929 - COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1256, '2018-11-14 00:02:12.89556+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.342486+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (818, '0100295729-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-11-01', '0400056451', 87193.64, 49234149.00, 0.00, '20042333 - PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CONCERN', 1072, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-09-07 00:01:56.597851+00');
@@ -7781,7 +8610,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1745, '0100338086-3', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1739, '0100337132-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-13', '0400063102', 91.94, 51730.00, 0.00, '30010301 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1242, '2018-09-15 00:02:04.024076+00', '2018-09-21 00:01:42.642885+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1746, '0100339094-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-24', '0400063378', 27929.49, 15715000.00, 0.00, '20087794 - PAIEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES', 1245, '2018-09-26 11:12:59.349886+00', '2018-09-27 00:01:41.279151+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1723, '0100333388-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-08-22', '0400061933', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20080940 - FINANCEMENT PCA N 023 ADES DG AFP 2018', 1230, '2018-08-28 14:21:17.7964+00', '2019-03-29 00:05:41.628292+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1747, '0100339094-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-24', '0400063378', 6207.05, 3492500.00, 339.00, '20087795 - PAIEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES', 1245, '2018-09-26 11:12:59.350248+00', '2019-03-02 00:16:04.000535+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1965, '0100400802-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', 'SM190180', 'SM', '', '2019-09-26', '0400071179', 30924.01, 18457522.00, 0.00, '30021486 - RENF PREV PATHOL COURANTES ET PRISE EN', 1367, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.000867+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.000867+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1848, '0100370626-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-27', '0400067456', 22495.16, 12972171.00, 0.00, '20121982 - 1ERE TRANCHE APPUI A LA PREVENTION DE L', 1305, '2019-03-30 00:34:22.637725+00', '2019-03-30 00:34:22.638533+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1749, '0100340816-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-10-02', '0400063590', 11392.25, 6392500.00, 0.00, '20089742 - PROMOTION ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL EXCLUSIF', 1247, '2018-10-05 00:12:43.410873+00', '2018-10-05 00:12:43.411771+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1629, '0100305075-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/008', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-02-26', '0400058165', 48658.03, 25684048.00, 0.00, '20051006 - 2E T EDUC RISQ DE MINES REG EEI ET MARQ', 1169, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-10-06 00:02:09.394206+00');
@@ -7790,6 +8619,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1751, '0100341605-2', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (390, '0100264474-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'SM160440', 'SM', '', '2017-06-14', '0400051627', 24680.76, 14465269.00, 0.00, 'FINANCEMENT 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA SIF', 630, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-10-13 00:02:22.177319+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1365, '0100261768-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-05-29', '0400050967', 3923.25, 2371000.00, 0.00, '1ERE T RENF CAP DES JEUNES SUR TECH DE PLAIDOY 30%', 468, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-10-19 00:02:00.690102+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1753, '0100345395-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2018-10-22', '0400064106', 17417.32, 9887500.00, 0.00, '20094812 - SUP FORM ELAB DES REQUETES ET REUNION D', 1250, '2018-10-25 00:02:15.92834+00', '2018-10-27 00:02:11.320206+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1877, '0100377338-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/003/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-09', '0400068296', 3152.98, 1854576.00, 0.00, '20128703 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PLAIDOYE', 1324, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.446749+00', '2019-05-12 00:04:11.447487+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1966, '0100400976-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-09-27', '0400061516', 203938.22, 121723991.00, 0.00, '20154513 - 3E TRANCHE 12 PCA 2018 WASH SIF', 1368, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001118+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001118+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1738, '0100336739-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-11', '0400063031', 2574.88, 1448799.00, 0.00, '30010238 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1238, '2018-09-13 00:02:05.867369+00', '2018-11-06 16:46:46.457827+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1752, '0100344012-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-10-16', '0400063161', 16769.95, 9520000.00, 0.00, '20093382 - SPOTS SUR ACT NUT PFE A LA SEMAINE MOD', 1249, '2018-10-19 00:02:00.598694+00', '2018-11-06 16:46:46.504814+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1759, '0100348220-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-11-06', '0400058431', 11480.52, 6626249.00, 0.00, '30011837 - REMBOURSEMENT 7 POUR CENT FRAIS ADMINIS', 1253, '2018-11-08 00:02:12.177147+00', '2018-11-09 00:02:36.380146+00');
@@ -7803,9 +8634,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1729, '0100335313-2', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1731, '0100335313-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-09-03', '0400062859', 1777.25, 1000000.00, 0.00, '30009910 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1236, '2018-09-06 00:36:00.974951+00', '2018-11-14 00:02:12.93814+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1757, '0100347672-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-02', '0400064418', 39253.39, 22655996.00, 0.00, '30011764 - REMBOURSEMENT COUTS SUPPORT PROGRAMME', 1251, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.413423+00', '2018-11-14 00:02:12.966781+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1754, '0100348066-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 215097.25, 124148323.00, 0.00, '20098332 - CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTR', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.41272+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.362394+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1755, '0100348066-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 17126.08, 9884712.00, 0.00, '20098326 - RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES DES CUMMUNAU', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.413021+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.380143+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1756, '0100348066-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 78139.48, 45100000.00, 0.00, '20098328 - RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES CIBL', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.413259+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.397221+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1758, '0100348066-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 29755.03, 17173799.00, 0.00, '20098327 - DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES O', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.41368+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.429183+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1727, '0100334334-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'SM180108', 'SM', '', '2018-08-27', '0400062695', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20081932 - AMELIORATION ACCES AUX INTRANTS NUTRION', 1234, '2018-08-30 00:34:30.816834+00', '2018-11-16 00:14:55.447538+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1773, '0100350539-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-11-12', '0400064638', 7420.65, 4283000.00, 0.00, '20100387 - PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET DE LA', 1263, '2018-11-17 00:13:59.960994+00', '2018-11-17 00:13:59.962542+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1774, '0100350587-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/883/002/002', 'SC160332', 'SC', '', '2018-11-14', '0400064738', 28781.67, 16612000.00, 0.00, '20101391 - FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE PCA ONG RNTAP', 1262, '2018-11-17 00:13:59.961359+00', '2018-11-17 00:13:59.962705+00');
@@ -7850,34 +8679,31 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1807, '0100359245-1', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1813, '0100360724-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 27707.24, 15975000.00, 0.00, '20111589 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.450864+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.452663+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1814, '0100360724-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/002/004', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 24973.62, 14398890.00, 0.00, '20111592 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.451229+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.452881+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1815, '0100360724-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 31828.09, 18350930.00, 0.00, '20111590 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.451426+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.453034+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1816, '0100360724-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 4159.31, 2398110.00, 0.00, '20111591 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.451648+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.453276+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1986, '0100403543-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-11', '0400066809', 583.73, 350000.00, 0.00, '20157345 - 3E TRANCHE 18 PCA 2018 COMM CELIAF', 1373, '2019-10-13 00:17:00.787823+00', '2019-10-13 00:17:00.787823+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1817, '0100360724-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/003/006', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 5607.91, 3233320.00, 0.00, '20111593 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.451831+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.453429+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1808, '0100360649-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20111590 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1279, '2018-12-26 00:02:06.195678+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.537389+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1809, '0100360649-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/003/006', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20111593 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1279, '2018-12-26 00:02:06.195938+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.570039+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1810, '0100360649-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20111589 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1279, '2018-12-26 00:02:06.19613+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.607793+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1811, '0100360649-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/002/004', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20111592 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1279, '2018-12-26 00:02:06.196294+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.624145+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1812, '0100360649-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20111591 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1279, '2018-12-26 00:02:06.19645+00', '2018-12-28 00:15:03.645089+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1841, '0100368578-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067181', 1612.72, 930000.00, 0.00, '20119912 - 2E T PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET', 1299, '2019-03-19 14:27:34.398411+00', '2019-03-19 14:27:34.400324+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1926, '0100382569-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-06-11', '0400068974', 14796.74, 8726080.00, 0.00, '30018413 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1339, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.72208+00', '2019-07-01 00:23:29.269224+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1951, '0100395005-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/883/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-23', '0400070479', 30111.20, 17652750.00, 0.00, '20148182 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP', 1356, '2019-08-25 00:15:15.824735+00', '2019-08-25 00:15:15.825336+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1818, '0100361365-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-01-14', '0400066019', 145821.90, 83744494.00, 0.00, '20112414 - 1ERE TRANCHE DU 17 PCA 2018 WASH ACF AP', 1281, '2019-01-18 00:15:12.538989+00', '2019-01-19 00:15:07.4678+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1820, '0100361526-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-01-17', '0400065909', 229.22, 131000.00, 0.00, '20112656 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE RENFORCEMNT EN', 1282, '2019-01-19 00:15:07.429207+00', '2019-01-20 00:02:03.931637+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1976, '0100402516-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 912.01, 546836.00, 0.00, '20156274 - RENF CAP DES COMM POUR LA MISE EN PLACE', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255311+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255311+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1821, '0100361526-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-01-17', '0400065909', 8399.08, 4800000.00, 0.00, '20112654 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE RENFORCEMNT EN', 1282, '2019-01-19 00:15:07.42941+00', '2019-01-20 00:02:04.002454+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1852, '0100371210-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067171', 46569.65, 26855090.00, 268550.90, '20119828 - APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRAS', 1307, '2019-04-03 00:05:30.768298+00', '2019-04-03 00:05:30.768798+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1828, '0100366869-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-05', '0400066945', 8139.34, 4693675.00, 0.00, '30015381 - APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE', 1288, '2019-03-07 17:18:26.974471+00', '2019-04-18 00:05:18.115764+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1823, '0100363292-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-02-05', '0400066422', 26783.65, 15388386.00, 0.00, '30014574 - COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT 7 POURCENT', 1284, '2019-02-07 00:15:33.622916+00', '2019-02-09 00:22:28.082761+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1826, '0100364786-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-02-18', '0400066639', 8342.27, 4793000.00, 0.00, '20116207 - PREMIERE TRANCHE SSFA DE LABEL 109', 1287, '2019-02-20 00:13:52.639387+00', '2019-02-20 16:28:32.341449+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1828, '0100366869-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-05', '0400066945', 8139.34, 4693675.00, 46936.75, '30015381 - APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE', 1288, '2019-03-07 17:18:26.974471+00', '2019-03-07 17:18:26.975091+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1824, '0100363553-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-02-05', '0400066433', 115.13, 66150.00, 0.00, '30014593 - REMBOURSEMENT COUT OPERATION 7 POUR CEN', 1285, '2019-02-09 00:22:28.05462+00', '2019-03-07 17:18:27.008709+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1827, '0100366714-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-01', '0400066882', 65932.90, 38021196.00, 0.00, '20117883 - FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC ADRA', 1289, '2019-03-07 17:18:26.974311+00', '2019-03-07 18:04:42.507723+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1912, '0100380789-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-29', '0400068748', 4798.61, 2822530.00, 0.00, '20132858 - FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION', 1332, '2019-05-31 00:31:46.034477+00', '2019-05-31 00:31:46.035258+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1830, '0100367333-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067004', 11271.71, 6500000.00, 0.00, '20118578 - CFS 1ERE TRANCHE RENFORCEMNT ENGAGEMENT', 1295, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799406+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801026+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1825, '0100364725-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-02-18', '0400066633', 8216.95, 4721000.00, 0.00, '20116169 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU PCA ESMS', 1286, '2019-02-20 00:13:52.639219+00', '2019-02-20 16:28:32.31676+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1831, '0100367302-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/004/006', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067027', 6093.44, 3513875.00, 0.00, '30015448 - 2EME TRANCHE APPUI EDUCATION ET A LA PR', 1296, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799515+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801116+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1832, '0100367649-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067059', 13137.99, 7576219.00, 75762.19, '30015495 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1293, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799619+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801266+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1833, '0100367302-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067027', 1356.07, 782000.00, 0.00, '30015446 - 2EME TRANCHE APPUI EDUCATION ET A LA PR', 1296, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799727+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801393+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1834, '0100367650-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067058', 2627.18, 1515000.00, 15150.00, '30015496 - PLANIFICATION SUIVI EVALUATION ET COMMU', 1294, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799807+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801511+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1835, '0100367302-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067027', 8374.23, 4829125.00, 0.00, '30015447 - 2EME TRANCHE APPUI EDUCATION ET A LA PR', 1296, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799887+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801603+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1836, '0100367218-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-06', '0400066990', 26647.16, 15366484.00, 0.00, '30015415 - REMBOURSEMENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT', 1290, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799963+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.80171+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1837, '0100367816-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-12', '0400063590', 8237.02, 4750000.00, 0.00, '20119167 - 2E T MOB PARTIC DES FEMMES ET FILLES PR', 1298, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.800039+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801791+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1838, '0100367684-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067008', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20118593 - FINANCEMENT 9 PCA 2018 PRO CRS', 1297, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.800115+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801878+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1839, '0100367649-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/004/006', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067059', 17912.10, 10329281.00, 103292.81, '30015494 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1293, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.800279+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.801953+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1840, '0100367348-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-07', '0400067011', 36936.33, 21299886.00, 0.00, '20118610 - APPUI PREVENTION ET TRAITEMENT DE LAMAL', 1291, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.800388+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.802027+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1822, '0100361526-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/887/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-01-17', '0400065909', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20112655 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE RENFORCEMNT EN', 1282, '2019-01-19 00:15:07.429577+00', '2019-03-15 14:21:37.835729+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1843, '0100368578-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067181', 7574.59, 4368000.00, 0.00, '20119914 - 2E T PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET', 1299, '2019-03-19 14:27:34.398902+00', '2019-03-19 14:27:34.400769+00');
@@ -7887,13 +8713,163 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1842, '0100368858-1', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1847, '0100370099-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-25', '0400067388', 16571.70, 9556320.00, 0.00, '20121412 - CFS FINANCEMENT PCA N 023 ADES DG AFP 2', 1304, '2019-03-28 00:33:45.3402+00', '2019-03-29 00:05:41.708119+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1849, '0100370626-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'SM180557', 'SM', '', '2019-03-27', '0400067456', 37424.02, 21581124.00, 0.00, '20121980 - 1ERE TRANCHE APPUI A LA PREVENTION DE L', 1305, '2019-03-30 00:34:22.637869+00', '2019-03-30 00:34:22.638686+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1850, '0100370626-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', '', '2019-03-27', '0400067456', 18365.15, 10590538.00, 0.00, '20121983 - 1ERE TRANCHE APPUI A LA PREVENTION DE L', 1305, '2019-03-30 00:34:22.637977+00', '2019-03-30 00:34:22.638779+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1851, '0100370866-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-28', '0400067461', 39655.61, 22868000.00, 228680.00, '20122027 - RENF SYST PROTEC EN FAV DES ENFTS AFFEC', 1306, '2019-03-31 00:32:38.881936+00', '2019-03-31 00:32:38.882402+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1846, '0100370042-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-25', '0400067389', 13912.69, 8022960.00, 0.00, '20121425 - CFS 1ERE TRANCHE 2 PCA 2018 NUTRITION W', 1303, '2019-03-27 00:05:56.677958+00', '2019-03-31 00:32:38.928725+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1845, '0100368579-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067171', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20119828 - APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRAS', 1301, '2019-03-19 14:27:34.399468+00', '2019-04-03 00:05:30.797658+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1769, '0100349858-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/003/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-11-12', '0400064630', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20100264 - CERTIFICATION DE LA SOUS PREFECTURE DE', 1260, '2018-11-15 00:14:18.415282+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:30.052996+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1853, '0100371605-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-03', '0400067581', 1623.41, 948673.00, 0.00, '30016206 - 7POUR CEN DU COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT A', 1308, '2019-04-05 00:05:52.982118+00', '2019-04-07 00:03:31.666224+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1854, '0100371533-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-04-03', '0400061516', 263656.68, 154073315.00, 0.00, '20122896 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC SIF', 1309, '2019-04-05 00:05:52.982498+00', '2019-04-07 00:03:31.6899+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1958, '0100397540-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-09', '0400067661', 11002.91, 6522170.00, 0.00, '20150940 - 2E TRAN AMELIO ACCES EAU ASSAINIS ET HY', 1360, '2019-09-11 00:06:41.240726+00', '2019-09-13 00:05:45.462144+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1857, '0100372523-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/003/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-04-09', '0400058431', 9409.30, 5498523.00, 0.00, '30016365 - REMBOURSEMENT 7 POUR CENT PCA CRF', 1313, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.632935+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.634097+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1859, '0100372514-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-09', '0400063875', 97720.24, 57104872.00, 0.00, '20123862 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC MENTO', 1312, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.633186+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.634281+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1852, '0100371210-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'SM180301', 'SM', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067171', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20119828 - APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRAS', 1307, '2019-04-03 00:05:30.768298+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.658993+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1834, '0100367650-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067058', 2627.18, 1515000.00, 0.00, '30015496 - PLANIFICATION SUIVI EVALUATION ET COMMU', 1294, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799807+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.675567+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1851, '0100370866-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-28', '0400067461', 39655.61, 22868000.00, 0.00, '20122027 - RENF SYST PROTEC EN FAV DES ENFTS AFFEC', 1306, '2019-03-31 00:32:38.881936+00', '2019-04-12 17:44:17.69118+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1832, '0100367649-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067059', 13137.99, 7576219.00, 0.00, '30015495 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1293, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.799619+00', '2019-04-14 00:04:28.093979+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1839, '0100367649-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/004/006', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-11', '0400067059', 17912.10, 10329281.00, 0.00, '30015494 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1293, '2019-03-15 14:21:37.800279+00', '2019-04-14 00:04:28.116305+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1855, '0100372856-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-10', '0400067011', 2526.82, 1476600.00, 0.00, '30016414 - 3E T PCA 11 2018 WASH ALIMA ET 7POURCEN', 1310, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.632645+00', '2019-04-14 00:04:28.13855+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (84, '0100105431-2', '2', '0810/A0/04/802/001/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2014-09-15', '0400019939', 912.30, 435000.00, 0.00, 'ATELIER DE FORMATION', 45, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1858, '0100372396-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-04', '0400067615', 141668.79, 82787132.00, 0.00, '30016247 - REMBOURSEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA N049', 1314, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.633083+00', '2019-04-14 00:04:28.156677+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1860, '0100373751-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'SC181135', 'SC', '', '2019-04-15', '0400067661', 29207.71, 17000000.00, 0.00, '20124779 - AMELIORATION ACCES EAU, ASSAINISSEMENT', 1315, '2019-04-19 00:05:32.090131+00', '2019-04-20 00:05:13.003986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1861, '0100373751-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC181135', 'SC', '', '2019-04-15', '0400067661', 4132.82, 2405460.00, 0.00, '20124781 - AMELIORATION ACCES EAU, ASSAINISSEMENT', 1315, '2019-04-19 00:05:32.090278+00', '2019-04-20 00:05:13.033868+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1862, '0100373751-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC181135', 'SC', '', '2019-04-15', '0400067661', 4295.25, 2500000.00, 0.00, '20124780 - AMELIORATION ACCES EAU, ASSAINISSEMENT', 1315, '2019-04-19 00:05:32.090457+00', '2019-04-20 00:05:13.04854+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1755, '0100348066-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20098326 - RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES DES CUMMUNAU', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.413021+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:56.784781+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1913, '0100380789-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-29', '0400068748', 4022.86, 2366236.00, 0.00, '20132859 - FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION', 1332, '2019-05-31 00:31:46.034626+00', '2019-05-31 00:31:46.035417+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1879, '0100377338-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-05-09', '0400068296', 187817.37, 110473615.00, 0.00, '20128702 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PLAIDOYE', 1324, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.446995+00', '2019-05-12 00:04:11.447792+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1865, '0100376100-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-02', '0400068105', 41703.71, 24530000.00, 0.00, '20127254 - SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1318, '2019-05-04 02:26:52.768902+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.491152+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1867, '0100376100-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-02', '0400068105', 41208.98, 24239000.00, 0.00, '20127265 - SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1318, '2019-05-04 02:26:52.769141+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.519389+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1868, '0100376100-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-02', '0400068105', 2418.41, 1422500.00, 0.00, '20127251 - SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1318, '2019-05-04 02:26:52.769222+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.532227+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1869, '0100376100-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-02', '0400068105', 8203.03, 4825000.00, 0.00, '20127259 - SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1318, '2019-05-04 02:26:52.769304+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.546276+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1870, '0100376220-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', '', '2019-05-03', '0400068145', 5062.93, 2978000.00, 0.00, '20127545 - APPUI ACT COMM ET MOB SOC SUR VACC ENTR', 1319, '2019-05-05 00:23:20.4529+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.576014+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1866, '0100376100-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/001/006', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-02', '0400068105', 1287.83, 757500.00, 0.00, '20127268 - SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1318, '2019-05-04 02:26:52.769055+00', '2019-05-05 00:23:20.506019+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1875, '0100376757-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'SM190180', 'SM', '', '2019-05-07', '0400067456', 193540.60, 113840000.00, 0.00, '20128189 - 2E T APPUI PREVENTION MALNUTRIT AIGUE W', 1320, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340409+00', '2019-05-09 01:55:53.341461+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1871, '0100376759-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-07', '0400068212', 8633.43, 5078155.00, 0.00, '20128103 - APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA', 1321, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340021+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.532691+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1872, '0100376651-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-06', '0400068169', 18642.58, 10965512.00, 0.00, '30017207 - 7POURCENT DU 2E TRANCHE DES COUTS SUPPO', 1322, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340161+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.560863+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1873, '0100376759-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-07', '0400068212', 35213.09, 20712233.00, 0.00, '20128100 - APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA', 1321, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340246+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.591497+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1874, '0100376759-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-07', '0400068212', 8033.88, 4725502.00, 0.00, '20128101 - APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA', 1321, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340326+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.606121+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1876, '0100376759-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-07', '0400068212', 3971.96, 2336295.00, 0.00, '20128102 - APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA', 1321, '2019-05-09 01:55:53.340503+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:53.622652+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1880, '0100377338-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-05-09', '0400068296', 88233.23, 51898523.00, 0.00, '20128701 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PLAIDOYE', 1324, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.447081+00', '2019-05-12 00:04:11.447878+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1881, '0100377547-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128474 - RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES DES', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266189+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.267778+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1882, '0100377547-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128472 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITES DE', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266334+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.267934+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1883, '0100377547-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128477 - CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTR', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266434+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.26803+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1884, '0100377547-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128476 - RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES CIBL', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266531+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.268121+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1885, '0100377547-8', '8', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128483 - CONSTR ET EQUIP DES INFRAST SCOL SITUA', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266723+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.268221+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1886, '0100377547-7', '7', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128481 - FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE DES ENSE', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.266906+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.268308+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1887, '0100377547-9', '9', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128484 - ACQUISITION ET DISTRIB DES FOURNITURES', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.267006+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.268395+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1888, '0100377547-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128475 - DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES O', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.267168+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.26848+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1889, '0100377547-6', '6', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20128479 - COMPLEMENT CONST ET EQUIP DES INFRACT S', 1325, '2019-05-15 00:04:08.267266+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.268605+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1878, '0100377374-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-05-10', '0400063875', 4871.68, 2865510.00, 0.00, '30017396 - COUT SUPPORT DE PROGRAMME', 1323, '2019-05-12 00:04:11.446888+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.292013+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1863, '0100374226-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-16', '0400067851', 8036.16, 4677348.00, 0.00, '30016610 - APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE', 1316, '2019-04-20 00:05:12.977406+00', '2019-05-15 00:04:08.31019+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1890, '0100377870-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-05-13', '0400068339', 34417.18, 20244081.00, 0.00, '20129305 - APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS', 1326, '2019-05-16 00:24:08.321619+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:59.189304+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1891, '0100377870-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-05-13', '0400068339', 85005.53, 50000000.00, 0.00, '20129304 - APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS', 1326, '2019-05-16 00:24:08.321811+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:59.2118+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1892, '0100377870-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-05-13', '0400068339', 260110.05, 152995953.00, 0.00, '20129303 - APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS', 1326, '2019-05-16 00:24:08.321915+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:59.226421+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1864, '0100375216-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-04-25', '0400068011', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20126376 - RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVE', 1317, '2019-04-28 00:05:29.674385+00', '2019-05-19 00:26:54.06465+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1939, '0100388221-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-07-15', '0400068469', 39681.80, 22906000.00, 0.00, '20140320 - RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION ENFANTS', 1347, '2019-07-17 00:07:40.174235+00', '2019-07-17 00:07:40.17466+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1893, '0100378652-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', '', '2019-05-17', '0400068450', 26940.57, 15846364.00, 0.00, '20130544 - MISE EN OEUVRE ATPC ATPE DANS 2 CANTONS', 1327, '2019-05-19 00:26:54.035753+00', '2019-05-22 00:03:07.535569+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1914, '0100380789-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/003/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', '', '2019-05-29', '0400068748', 3606.33, 2121234.00, 0.00, '20132860 - FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION', 1332, '2019-05-31 00:31:46.034736+00', '2019-05-31 00:31:46.035506+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1918, '0100381818-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 2218.15, 1308110.00, 0.00, '20133948 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.881524+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.69968+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1894, '0100378946-8', '8', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 26440.23, 15552062.00, 0.00, '20128483 - CONSTR ET EQUIP DES INFRAST SCOL SITUA', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.509593+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:28.681944+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1895, '0100378946-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 1604.08, 943517.00, 0.00, '20128472 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITES DE', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.509735+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:28.857531+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1896, '0100378946-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 189263.00, 111323929.00, 0.00, '20128477 - CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTR', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.509829+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:28.917403+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1897, '0100378946-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 19652.12, 11559319.00, 0.00, '20128476 - RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES CIBL', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.509919+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:28.967604+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1898, '0100378946-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 78525.05, 46188197.00, 0.00, '20128475 - DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES O', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.510011+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:28.986063+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1899, '0100378946-7', '7', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 165.44, 97314.00, 0.00, '20128481 - FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE DES ENSE', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.5101+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:29.003939+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1901, '0100378946-6', '6', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 143646.34, 84492344.00, 0.00, '20128479 - COMPLEMENT CONST ET EQUIP DES INFRACT S', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.510277+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:29.021625+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1902, '0100378946-9', '9', '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 1138.26, 669520.00, 0.00, '20128484 - ACQUISITION ET DISTRIB DES FOURNITURES', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.510418+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:29.04698+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1903, '0100378946-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2019-05-08', '0400068250', 20750.77, 12205543.00, 0.00, '20128474 - RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES DES', 1329, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.510608+00', '2019-05-24 00:04:29.071227+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1904, '0100379219-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 4479.79, 2634999.00, 0.00, '20131125 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.382811+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:25.933391+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1911, '0100380321-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/001/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-27', '0400068682', 49451.97, 29087500.00, 0.00, '20132417 - APPUI AU RENFORCEMENT DES CONNAISSANCES', 1331, '2019-05-29 00:16:56.306455+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:25.959895+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1905, '0100379219-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/003/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 413.90, 243453.00, 0.00, '20131113 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.38301+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:25.97468+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1919, '0100381818-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/003/006', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 4217.83, 2487380.00, 0.00, '20133954 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.881671+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.716686+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1920, '0100381818-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 6956.17, 4102260.00, 0.00, '20133951 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.881766+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.727169+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1820, '0100361526-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-01-17', '0400065909', 41.64, 23800.00, 0.00, '20112656 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE RENFORCEMNT EN', 1282, '2019-01-19 00:15:07.429207+00', '2019-06-29 00:17:26.00285+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1931, '0100386112-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-06-28', '0400069370', 49997.12, 29484800.00, 0.00, '20137848 - ORGANISATION MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PA', 1343, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.804243+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.805316+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1906, '0100379219-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 35058.75, 20621450.00, 0.00, '20131116 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.383116+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:25.994897+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1907, '0100379219-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 6526.14, 3838656.00, 0.00, '20131112 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.383211+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:26.009005+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1908, '0100379219-7', '7', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 30745.70, 18084529.00, 0.00, '20131129 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.383318+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:26.023045+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1909, '0100379219-6', '6', '0810/A0/05/880/004/004', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 7947.96, 4674968.00, 0.00, '20131127 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.383414+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:26.036459+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1910, '0100379219-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-05-21', '0400058431', 148364.70, 87267674.00, 0.00, '20131122 - 4E T RENF RESILIENCE DES COMMUNAUTES AB', 1330, '2019-05-23 00:03:39.383521+00', '2019-05-30 00:04:26.056825+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1915, '0100381028-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', '', '2019-05-28', '0400068700', 8092.53, 4760000.00, 0.00, '20132535 - APPUI ACTIVITES CONTINUE COMMUNICATION', 1334, '2019-06-01 00:04:27.804897+00', '2019-06-02 00:05:26.810242+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1916, '0100381029-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', '', '2019-05-28', '0400068702', 8092.53, 4760000.00, 0.00, '20132543 - APPUI ACTIVITE CONTINUE DE COMMUNICATIO', 1333, '2019-06-01 00:04:27.805223+00', '2019-06-02 00:05:26.827182+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1924, '0100381771-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM190166', 'SM', '', '2019-06-03', '0400068859', 132127.75, 77919696.00, 0.00, '20133540 - FINANCEMENT PCA URGENCE PRO INTERSOS', 1336, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.882263+00', '2019-06-07 00:26:41.883441+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1922, '0100381818-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 13404.44, 7905000.00, 0.00, '20133950 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.882064+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.746405+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1923, '0100381818-6', '6', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 1848.30, 1090000.00, 0.00, '20133947 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.882166+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.757691+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1929, '0100383115-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', '', '2019-06-13', '0400069044', 23754.68, 14008850.00, 0.00, '20135286 - MISE EN OEUVRE DE ATPC ET ATPE', 1340, '2019-06-15 00:08:24.417764+00', '2019-06-16 00:05:51.545154+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1930, '0100383382-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-06-03', '0400066809', 18277.86, 10779000.00, 0.00, '20135246 - FINANACEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC C', 1341, '2019-06-16 00:05:51.511178+00', '2019-06-20 00:10:27.914208+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1925, '0100382570-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-06-11', '0400068977', 46155.89, 27219514.00, 0.00, '30018416 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1338, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.721914+00', '2019-06-26 00:09:11.08088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1928, '0100382570-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-06-11', '0400068977', 2210.91, 1303839.00, 0.00, '30018415 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1338, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.722332+00', '2019-06-26 00:09:11.096931+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1927, '0100382569-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-06-11', '0400068974', 30568.90, 18027398.00, 0.00, '30018414 - COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1339, '2019-06-13 00:05:36.722227+00', '2019-07-01 00:23:29.28596+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1932, '0100386380-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-07-02', '0400067214', 117862.18, 68035000.00, 0.00, '20138358 - 2E TRAN PCA N 04 2019 NUT ASRADD PREVEN', 1345, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.804396+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.805507+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1934, '0100386578-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', '', '2019-07-03', '0400069407', 14444.55, 8338000.00, 0.00, '20138621 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 1 PCA WASH AVEC ESMS', 1344, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.804666+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.805676+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1900, '0100378805-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-05-17', '0400068469', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20130539 - RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVE', 1328, '2019-05-22 00:03:07.51019+00', '2019-07-05 15:01:02.829121+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1936, '0100387540-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069588', 6770.42, 3908168.00, 0.00, '20139465 - PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA EDUCATION', 1346, '2019-07-12 00:08:38.067946+00', '2019-07-13 00:05:13.539684+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1937, '0100387540-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069588', 15168.69, 8756006.00, 0.00, '20139459 - PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA EDUCATION', 1346, '2019-07-12 00:08:38.068113+00', '2019-07-13 00:05:13.552435+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1938, '0100387540-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069588', 140686.17, 81209967.00, 0.00, '20139454 - PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA EDUCATION', 1346, '2019-07-12 00:08:38.068283+00', '2019-07-13 00:05:13.563793+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1933, '0100386121-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SM180557', 'SM', '', '2019-06-28', '0400069369', 87692.56, 51714931.00, 0.00, '20137826 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 1 PCA WASH ET ACF', 1342, '2019-07-05 15:01:02.804564+00', '2019-07-17 00:07:40.202592+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1952, '0100395005-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/883/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-23', '0400070479', 5723.65, 3355500.00, 0.00, '20148184 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP', 1356, '2019-08-25 00:15:15.824949+00', '2019-08-25 00:15:15.825544+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1942, '0100390235-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/003/001', 'SM190128', 'SM', '', '2019-07-24', '0400069899', 82588.93, 47673798.00, 0.00, '20142255 - APPUI INSTITUTIONNEL PARTENAIRES', 1350, '2019-07-27 00:07:41.171058+00', '2019-07-27 00:07:41.171778+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1943, '0100390235-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM190128', 'SM', '', '2019-07-24', '0400069899', 665.23, 383996.00, 0.00, '20142257 - APPUI INSTITUTIONNEL PARTENAIRES', 1350, '2019-07-27 00:07:41.171198+00', '2019-07-27 00:07:41.171923+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1944, '0100390235-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/882/003/005', 'SM190128', 'SM', '', '2019-07-24', '0400069899', 5425.80, 3132000.00, 0.00, '20142258 - APPUI INSTITUTIONNEL PARTENAIRES', 1350, '2019-07-27 00:07:41.17129+00', '2019-07-27 00:07:41.172002+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1945, '0100390763-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-07-26', '0400065910', 6735.36, 3887933.00, 0.00, '20142873 - PAIEMMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC ANNA', 1351, '2019-07-31 00:06:31.142523+00', '2019-08-08 00:06:33.431759+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1946, '0100392583-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-08-08', '0400070239', 16758.96, 9865533.00, 0.00, '30020173 - REMBOURSEMENT 7POUR CENT ONG RET', 1352, '2019-08-10 00:06:11.277499+00', '2019-08-10 00:06:11.277971+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1947, '0100392583-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-08-08', '0400070239', 2203.76, 1297294.00, 0.00, '30020171 - REMBOURSEMENT 7POUR CENT ONG RET', 1352, '2019-08-10 00:06:11.277628+00', '2019-08-10 00:06:11.278078+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1827, '0100366714-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-01', '0400066882', 53212.40, 30685726.00, 0.00, '20117883 - FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC ADRA', 1289, '2019-03-07 17:18:26.974311+00', '2019-10-05 00:08:02.978442+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1941, '0100389005-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-07-18', '0400065931', 13044.79, 7530000.00, 0.00, '20141163 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA UAFAT', 1349, '2019-07-20 00:07:23.304655+00', '2019-08-19 00:18:12.253882+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1948, '0100393365-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'SM190180', 'SM', '', '2019-08-08', '0400070223', 70768.31, 41659321.00, 0.00, '20145398 - PCA 15 2019 1ERE TRANCHE AFDI', 1353, '2019-08-16 00:17:53.735736+00', '2019-08-19 00:18:12.267047+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1841, '0100368578-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067181', 1612.72, 930000.00, 4800.00, '20119912 - 2E T PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET', 1299, '2019-03-19 14:27:34.398411+00', '2019-08-22 00:18:16.928407+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1940, '0100388663-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-07-15', '0400061516', 15638.99, 9027483.00, 0.00, '30019460 - REMBOURSEMENT 7 POUR CENT SIF', 1348, '2019-07-19 00:07:21.093875+00', '2019-08-22 00:18:16.947439+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1950, '0100393767-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-15', '0400070026', 77434.77, 45396289.00, 0.00, '20146514 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU PCA AVEC MENTOR I', 1355, '2019-08-18 00:16:02.344691+00', '2019-08-22 00:18:16.957709+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1953, '0100395589-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-26', '0400065909', 7249.44, 4250000.00, 0.00, '20148423 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 2 PCA GUIDE DU TCHAD', 1357, '2019-08-30 00:28:02.646854+00', '2019-08-31 00:27:56.040891+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1954, '0100395589-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-26', '0400065909', 9485.68, 5561000.00, 0.00, '20148742 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 2 PCA GUIDE DU TCHAD', 1357, '2019-08-30 00:28:02.647076+00', '2019-08-31 00:27:56.066879+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1956, '0100396031-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-07-29', '0400069988', 2582.96, 1490992.00, 0.00, '30019838 - REMBOURSMENT 7POUR CENT COUTS ADMINIST', 1358, '2019-09-01 00:19:16.089623+00', '2019-09-01 00:19:16.090205+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1955, '0100396074-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/002/009', 'SC190053', 'SC', '', '2019-05-22', '0400070590', 3060.20, 1800000.00, 0.00, '30020664 - REMBOURSEMENT PERDIEM PERSONNES RESSOUR', 1359, '2019-09-01 00:19:16.089476+00', '2019-09-05 00:26:54.347601+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1856, '0100372663-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-03-15', '0400067693', 46569.65, 26855090.00, 0.00, '20123989 - APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRAS', 1311, '2019-04-12 17:44:17.632802+00', '2019-09-08 00:05:53.42577+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1758, '0100348066-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', '', '2018-11-05', '0400064459', 29755.03, 17173799.00, 0.00, '20098327 - DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES O', 1252, '2018-11-06 16:46:46.41368+00', '2019-09-22 00:09:09.480013+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1967, '0100400976-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-09-27', '0400061516', 65976.72, 39379329.00, 0.00, '20154512 - 3E TRANCHE 12 PCA 2018 WASH SIF', 1368, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001298+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001298+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1917, '0100381482-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-06-03', '0400066639', 15673.27, 9243000.00, 0.00, '20133501 - 2E TRANCHE 01 SSFA 2019 EDUC LABEL109', 1335, '2019-06-05 00:30:51.505881+00', '2019-06-08 00:04:21.982928+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1921, '0100381818-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2019-06-05', '0400065408', 169.57, 100000.00, 0.00, '20133952 - 2E TRANCHE APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUT', 1337, '2019-06-07 00:26:41.881855+00', '2019-06-09 00:04:10.772614+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1935, '0100387540-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-07-09', '0400069588', 54970.66, 31731376.00, 0.00, '20139462 - PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA EDUCATION', 1346, '2019-07-12 00:08:38.067713+00', '2019-07-13 00:05:13.503561+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1959, '0100397685-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'SM180557', 'SM', '', '2019-09-10', '0400068467', 35877.23, 21266874.00, 0.00, '20151148 - 2E T APPUI PREVENTION MALNUTRIT AIGUE W', 1362, '2019-09-12 00:06:49.637818+00', '2019-09-13 00:05:45.498473+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1960, '0100397685-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', 'SC189906', 'SC', '', '2019-09-10', '0400068467', 17897.32, 10608959.00, 0.00, '20151149 - 2E T APPUI PREVENTION MALNUTRIT AIGUE W', 1362, '2019-09-12 00:06:49.638105+00', '2019-09-13 00:05:45.515966+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1957, '0100397350-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-06', '0400070746', 18578.24, 11012585.00, 0.00, '30020905 - 7 POURCENT COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PR', 1361, '2019-09-11 00:06:41.240534+00', '2019-09-13 00:05:45.530139+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1961, '0100398193-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-09-12', '0400070857', 921.30, 546118.00, 0.00, '30021038 - 7 POURCENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PRO', 1363, '2019-09-14 00:05:31.331331+00', '2019-09-18 00:09:57.682899+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1962, '0100398193-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-09-12', '0400070857', 570.66, 338270.00, 0.00, '30021042 - 7 POURCENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PRO', 1363, '2019-09-14 00:05:31.331493+00', '2019-09-18 00:09:57.702519+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1963, '0100398193-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-09-12', '0400070857', 9204.25, 5455987.00, 0.00, '30021041 - 7 POURCENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PRO', 1363, '2019-09-14 00:05:31.331587+00', '2019-09-18 00:09:57.715715+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1964, '0100398193-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-09-12', '0400070857', 1529.65, 906728.00, 0.00, '30021039 - 7 POURCENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PRO', 1363, '2019-09-14 00:05:31.331678+00', '2019-09-18 00:09:57.725488+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1968, '0100400921-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-26', '0400071091', 27390.26, 16348340.00, 0.00, '20154485 - REP WASH A L EPIDEMIE CHOLERA ET MISE E', 1365, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001483+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001483+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1970, '0100400976-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-09-27', '0400061516', 18561.49, 11078740.00, 0.00, '20154511 - 3E TRANCHE 12 PCA 2018 WASH SIF', 1368, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001878+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001878+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1971, '0100400976-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SC180404', 'SC', '', '2019-09-27', '0400061516', 69398.23, 41421515.00, 0.00, '20154514 - 3E TRANCHE 12 PCA 2018 WASH SIF', 1368, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002066+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002066+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1972, '0100400921-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-26', '0400071091', 19862.65, 11855360.00, 0.00, '20154391 - REP WASH A L EPIDEMIE CHOLERA ET MISE E', 1365, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002223+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002223+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1973, '0100400967-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-27', '0400071189', 30358.52, 18120000.00, 0.00, '20154522 - ATELIER ELAB DES PLANS ACT DES RADIOS C', 1366, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002381+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002381+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1974, '0100400921-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/880/004/007', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-26', '0400071091', 49656.62, 29638400.00, 0.00, '20154392 - REP WASH A L EPIDEMIE CHOLERA ET MISE E', 1365, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002536+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002536+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1975, '0100400802-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/002', 'SM180336', 'SM', '', '2019-09-26', '0400071179', 38121.45, 22753435.00, 0.00, '30021485 - RENF PREV PATHOL COURANTES ET PRISE EN', 1367, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002764+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.002764+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1949, '0100393296-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-08-14', '0400069939', 9032.19, 5317000.00, 0.00, '20146071 - RENFORCEMENT DU SYSTEME DE PROTECTION E', 1354, '2019-08-16 00:17:53.735849+00', '2019-10-01 14:43:02.045903+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1969, '0100401032-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/881/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-09-28', '0400071199', 51332.31, 30638563.00, 0.00, '30021514 - REMBOURSEMENT IRC', 1364, '2019-10-01 14:43:02.001638+00', '2019-10-04 00:09:46.201903+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1977, '0100402517-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071344', 9158.43, 5491348.00, 0.00, '20156292 - 6E T ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACT PLAIDOYE', 1370, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.25547+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.25547+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1978, '0100402516-7', '7', '0810/A0/05/885/004/005', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 17.40, 10435.00, 0.00, '20156281 - ACQUISITION ET DISTRIBUTION DES MANUELS', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255556+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255556+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1979, '0100402516-6', '6', '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 402.13, 241114.00, 0.00, '20156279 - FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOG DES ENSEIGNA', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255636+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255636+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1980, '0100402516-5', '5', '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 24638.73, 14773262.00, 0.00, '20156275 - CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRA SC', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255714+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255714+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1981, '0100402516-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 1044.19, 626089.00, 0.00, '20156272 - DEVELOP PARTEN AVEC LES ORG POUR FACILI', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255884+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255884+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1982, '0100402516-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 267.17, 160192.00, 0.00, '20156266 - ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACT PLAIDOYER DE', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255981+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.255981+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1983, '0100402516-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-10-07', '0400071342', 591.33, 354556.00, 0.00, '20156271 - RENF CAP COMM POUR PROMOUVOIR L EDUC D', 1369, '2019-10-09 00:12:33.256068+00', '2019-10-09 00:12:33.256068+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1985, '0100403319-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-10', '0400071422', 16155.91, 9687000.00, 0.00, '20157121 - 1ERE TRANCHE 13 SSFA 2019 COM AFA', 1372, '2019-10-12 00:16:06.396765+00', '2019-10-12 00:16:06.396765+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1984, '0100403193-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', 'SC160629', 'SC', '', '2019-10-09', '0400071402', 99672.81, 59763319.00, 0.00, '20156934 - PRISE EN CHARGE NUT DES ENFTS 06 A 59 M', 1371, '2019-10-11 00:16:40.684624+00', '2019-10-12 00:16:06.46367+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1987, '0100403543-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-11', '0400066809', 26637.98, 15972000.00, 0.00, '20157343 - 3E TRANCHE 18 PCA 2018 COMM CELIAF', 1373, '2019-10-13 00:17:00.788017+00', '2019-10-13 00:17:00.788017+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1992, '0100404197-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180557', 'SM', '', '2019-10-14', '0400071491', 39531.68, 23703000.00, 0.00, '20157714 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 PCA ASRADD UNICEF', 1374, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287973+00', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287973+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1993, '0100404197-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM190227', 'SM', '', '2019-10-14', '0400071491', 40580.73, 24332000.00, 0.00, '20157712 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 PCA ASRADD UNICEF', 1374, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.288047+00', '2019-10-17 00:30:49.288047+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1988, '0100404198-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'SC180476', 'SC', '', '2019-10-15', '0400071521', 51189.55, 30693000.00, 0.00, '20158061 - FINANCEMENT PROJET PROTECTION ENFANTS M', 1375, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287586+00', '2019-10-18 00:33:51.736252+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1989, '0100404198-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-15', '0400071521', 9101.14, 5457000.00, 0.00, '20158052 - FINANCEMENT PROJET PROTECTION ENFANTS M', 1375, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287739+00', '2019-10-18 00:33:51.749393+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1990, '0100404198-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SC180476', 'SC', '', '2019-10-15', '0400071521', 14100.45, 8454557.00, 0.00, '20158059 - FINANCEMENT PROJET PROTECTION ENFANTS M', 1375, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287817+00', '2019-10-18 00:33:51.761693+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1991, '0100404198-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-15', '0400071521', 3878.36, 2325443.00, 0.00, '20158060 - FINANCEMENT PROJET PROTECTION ENFANTS M', 1375, '2019-10-17 00:30:49.287894+00', '2019-10-18 00:33:51.771687+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1816, '0100360724-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-12-20', '0400065408', 2351.18, 1355610.00, 0.00, '20111591 - APPUI MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE POUR L', 1280, '2018-12-28 00:15:03.451648+00', '2019-10-24 07:29:20.986629+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1995, '0100407412-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-30', '0400071898', 87000.00, 52164765.00, 0.00, '20161758 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA 05 INTERSO', 1377, '2019-11-01 00:35:50.822337+00', '2019-11-01 00:35:50.822337+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1996, '0100407412-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM190166', 'SM', '', '2019-10-30', '0400071898', 70249.51, 42121256.00, 0.00, '20161768 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA 05 INTERSO', 1377, '2019-11-01 00:35:50.82247+00', '2019-11-01 00:35:50.82247+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (2000, '0100410268-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-11-13', '0400065931', 11170.01, 6595000.00, 0.00, '20164890 - ORG MISSION SUIVI COORD ET 2 ENQUETES C', 1381, '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241345+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241345+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1997, '0100407553-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-30', '0400065910', 16112.43, 9660933.00, 0.00, '20161749 - 3E T 19 PCA 2018 COMMUNICATION ANNASSOU', 1378, '2019-11-01 00:35:50.822553+00', '2019-11-03 00:35:31.186976+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1999, '0100408819-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', '', '2019-11-06', '0400068169', 3495.71, 2063936.00, 0.00, '30022688 - 7 POURCENT DU COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DU', 1380, '2019-11-08 17:13:58.271319+00', '2019-11-08 17:13:58.271319+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1994, '0100406487-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-10-25', '0400071814', 12829.01, 7692211.00, 0.00, '30022309 - 7POURCENT DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DU', 1376, '2019-10-27 00:17:00.041096+00', '2019-11-14 00:08:06.31534+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1998, '0100407713-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/014', 'SC181084', 'SC', '', '2019-10-31', '0400071926', 29820.13, 17880000.00, 0.00, '20162037 - PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC RESEA', 1379, '2019-11-02 00:34:21.651283+00', '2019-11-03 00:35:31.27776+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (2001, '0100410446-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-11-13', '0400066882', 3638.09, 2148001.00, 21480.01, '30022860 - 7 POURCENT COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT', 1382, '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241502+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241502+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (2002, '0100410302-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2019-11-13', '0400066639', 1183.48, 698750.00, 0.00, '20164892 - PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU SSFA AVEC LABEL', 1383, '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241594+00', '2019-11-15 00:10:41.241594+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (85, '0100105431-3', '3', '0810/A0/04/802/001/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2014-09-15', '0400019939', 5253.59, 2505000.00, 0.00, 'ANIMATIONS DANS LES SITES', 45, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (86, '0100105431-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/802/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2014-09-15', '0400019939', 2705.44, 1290000.00, 0.00, 'CAMPAGNES DE MASSE', 45, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1, '0100048052-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/808/002/003', 'SC069904', 'SC', '', '2012-12-13', '0400009031', 8778.00, 8778.00, 0.00, 'FINANCMT GROUPEMENTS FÉMININS DANS LE SILA/APLFT', 110, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -8253,6 +9229,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (364, '0100102957-12', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (365, '0100102957-13', '13', '0810/A0/04/802/003/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-04-30', '0400019412', 458.87, 220000.00, 0.00, 'SIGNER CONTRAT AVEC LES CPS', 735, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (366, '0100102957-14', '14', '0810/A0/04/802/002/003', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-04-30', '0400019412', 2169.24, 1040000.00, 0.00, 'APPUI MEDICAL, JURIDIQUE, SCOLAIRE/OEV', 735, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (367, '0100102957-15', '15', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-04-30', '0400019412', 504.76, 242000.00, 0.00, 'MOTIVATION DU PERSONNEL/CDLS', 735, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (593, '0100127441-18', '18', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400023942', 618.98, 308320.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRE GARDIEN', 656, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (368, '0100102957-16', '16', '0810/A0/04/802/003/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-04-30', '0400019412', 271.16, 130000.00, 0.00, 'SUIVI/EVALUATION DES ACTIVITÉS DES CDLS', 735, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (369, '0100102957-17', '17', '0810/A0/04/802/003/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-04-30', '0400019412', 62.58, 30000.00, 0.00, 'FRAIS GENERAUX/CLDS', 735, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (371, '0100125242-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/806/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2014-09-08', '0400023724', 20065.97, 9995000.00, 0.00, 'DECAISSEMENT FONDS SELON PROTOC ACC AVEC AFPAT', 675, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -8476,7 +9453,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (589, '0100127441-12', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (590, '0100127441-11', '11', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400023942', 5324.16, 2652000.00, 0.00, 'LOYER BUREAUX REGIONAUX RNTAP+', 656, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (591, '0100127441-10', '10', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400023942', 2810.64, 1400000.00, 0.00, 'LOYER SIEGE RNTAP+', 656, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (592, '0100127441-19', '19', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400023942', 3374.74, 1680984.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRE CHARGE DE PROGRAMME', 656, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (593, '0100127441-18', '18', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400023942', 618.98, 308320.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRE GARDIEN', 656, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (600, '0100127515-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/806/004/003', 'SC100588', 'SC', '', '2014-09-23', '0400024132', 5495.81, 2737500.00, 0.00, 'REMBOURSEMENT DES FONDS PREFINANCE PAR LA CRT LAC', 323, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (601, '0100149124-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/886/007/002', 'SM130487', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028388', 6469.40, 3744178.00, 0.00, 'APPUI AUX OPS DU PROJET CONSORTIUM', 987, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (602, '0100149124-2', '2', '0810/A0/04/886/007/002', 'SM130229', 'SM', '', '2015-02-25', '0400028388', 8963.38, 5187572.00, 0.00, 'APPUI AUX OPS DU PROJET CONSORTIUM', 987, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -8584,7 +9560,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (717, '0100064952-1', '1
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (718, '0100064952-2', '2', '0810/A0/04/808/002/001', 'SC110702', 'SC', '', '2013-05-23', '1000004784', 1754.00, 1754.00, 0.00, 'FRMATION DU PERSONNEL EN PRESCRIPTION & SUIVI ARV', 384, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (719, '0100064952-3', '3', '0810/A0/04/808/002/001', 'SC110702', 'SC', '', '2013-05-23', '1000004784', 490.00, 490.00, 0.00, 'CMITÉ DIRECTEUR PTME DU DS ADRÉ', 384, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (720, '0100035418-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/004/001', 'SM120066', 'SM', '', '2012-10-11', '0400007184', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', 1019, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (863, '0100126373-12', '12', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ENTRTIEN MBYLETTES', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (723, '0100050200-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/003/007', 'SM120085', 'SM', '', '2012-12-30', '0400009486', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032503', 768, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (730, '0100001292-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/805/001/010', 'GS110111', 'GS', '', '2012-02-20', '0400000406', 186002.47, 186002.47, 0.00, 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PROJET DDR JRS 2011', 903, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (731, '0100044814-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/803/001/002', 'SM120089', 'SM', '', '2012-11-30', '0400008542', 4000.00, 4000.00, 0.00, 'FONDS POUR PARTICIPATION REAT A ATELIER EAA DAKAR', 643, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -8629,7 +9604,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (766, '0100032786-1', '1
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (767, '0100064944-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/808/002/001', 'SC110702', 'SC', '', '2013-05-23', '1000004784', 2820.00, 2820.00, 0.00, 'FORMATION DES AGENTS EN PTME-DS ABDI', 1, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (769, '0100064944-3', '3', '0810/A0/04/808/002/001', 'SC110702', 'SC', '', '2013-05-23', '1000004784', 1720.00, 1720.00, 0.00, 'FRMATION EN MÉTHODES MODERNES DE PF', 1, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (770, '0100064944-2', '2', '0810/A0/04/808/002/001', 'SC110702', 'SC', '', '2013-05-23', '1000004784', 1420.00, 1420.00, 0.00, 'FORMATION DE 22 PRÉSIDENTES DES FEMMES EN PTME-ABD', 1, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (866, '0100126373-11', '11', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'LOUER BUREAUX REGIONAUX', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (771, '0100074906-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/003/001', 'SM130262', 'SM', '', '2013-08-07', '0400014536', 102105.49, 102105.49, 0.00, 'CHANGEMENT SOURCE FINANCEMENT SM 130125 - SM130262', 389, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (772, '0100027474-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/002/001', 'SI110076', 'SI', '', '2012-08-27', '1000002944', 2065.00, 2065.00, 0.00, 'ATELIER PLANIFICATION ACTIVITÉS PALU LOG OCCIDENT', 559, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (773, '0100029542-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/807/002/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2012-09-07', '1000003036', 27030.32, 27030.32, 0.00, 'ATELIER SUR LA GAR À MAO PR BARH EL GAZAL, LAC, KA', 993, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -8719,6 +9693,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (855, '0100042303-3', '3
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (856, '0100031645-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/003/001', 'SM120060', 'SM', '', '2012-09-20', '1000003142', 2599.51, 2599.51, 0.00, 'FORMATION DE 40 VOLONTAIRE ET AGENTS COMMUNAUTAIRE', 545, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (858, '0100020207-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/801/004/001', 'SM120139', 'SM', '', '2012-07-04', '1000002541', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'FINANCEMENT ENQUETE CAP SUR AME AU KANEM', 173, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (860, '0100160242-1', '1', '0810/A0/04/884/004/002', 'SC110667', 'SC', '', '2015-06-01', '0400030903', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'PCA N 16/SFCG/2014/P -P & E', 700, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (863, '0100126373-12', '12', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'ENTRTIEN MBYLETTES', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (866, '0100126373-11', '11', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'LOUER BUREAUX REGIONAUX', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (867, '0100126373-16', '16', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRE GESTIONNAIRE/COMPTABLE', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (870, '0100126373-15', '15', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRE SECRETAIRE/CAISSIERE', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (871, '0100126373-18', '18', '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', '', '2014-09-18', '0400023942', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 'SALAIRES GARDIEN', 641, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:05.814617+00');
@@ -9535,7 +10511,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1659, '0100310564-1', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1652, '0100309786-4', '4', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM170523', 'SM', '', '2018-03-29', '0400059092', 95160.39, 50897869.00, 0.00, '20055546 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WVI', 1182, '2018-03-31 00:04:27.698503+00', '2018-04-09 17:26:07.920656+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1654, '0100309786-3', '3', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM160368', 'SM', '', '2018-03-29', '0400059092', 15000.00, 8022960.00, 0.00, '20055545 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WVI', 1182, '2018-03-31 00:04:27.698776+00', '2018-04-09 17:26:07.962339+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1655, '0100309786-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SC170787', 'SC', '', '2018-03-29', '0400059092', 10000.00, 5348640.00, 0.00, '20055543 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WVI', 1182, '2018-03-31 00:04:27.698877+00', '2018-04-09 17:26:07.981705+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1497, '0100300351-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-27', '0400057018', 11062.56, 6123172.00, 0.00, '20046043 - APPUI URGENCE AMELIORATION CONDITIONS A', 764, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-04-12 00:05:37.537932+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1662, '0100311638-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM170419', 'SM', '', '2018-04-12', '0400059437', 64713.55, 34377457.00, 0.00, '20057432 - 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC COOPI URGENCES P', 1188, '2018-04-16 12:47:16.552638+00', '2018-04-16 12:47:16.559765+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1663, '0100311638-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM170419', 'SM', '', '2018-04-12', '0400059437', 64112.30, 34058057.00, 0.00, '20057428 - 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC COOPI URGENCES P', 1188, '2018-04-16 12:47:16.55279+00', '2018-04-16 12:47:16.560405+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1661, '0100311213-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'SM170126', 'SM', '', '2018-04-10', '0400059361', 31064.05, 16502000.00, 0.00, '20057107 - 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CELIAF', 1187, '2018-04-12 00:05:37.464461+00', '2018-04-16 12:47:16.624916+00');
@@ -9549,6 +10524,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1668, '0100312956-1', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1671, '0100314172-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM160421', 'SM', '', '2018-04-26', '0400059125', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20060123 - CONSUL IBCR PR EVAL PRISE EN CHARG PSYC', 1194, '2018-04-30 00:01:43.285153+00', '2018-07-08 00:12:01.135427+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1487, '0100293004-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-11-20', '0400056133', 5553.85, 3136000.00, 0.00, '20040025 - PROMO DES DROITS DES ENFANTS ET ADO DES', 382, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-12-31 00:02:09.478524+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1660, '0100310596-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/887/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-04-05', '0400059250', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20056391 - REFORCEMENT DE LA FONCTION EVALUATION D', 1185, '2018-04-09 17:26:07.847772+00', '2018-10-17 00:02:35.616959+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1497, '0100300351-2', '2', '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-27', '0400057018', 4336.40, 2400216.00, 0.00, '20046043 - APPUI URGENCE AMELIORATION CONDITIONS A', 764, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2019-09-19 00:09:12.656194+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1579, '0100300285-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/883/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2017-12-20', '0400056989', 3230.33, 1788000.00, 0.00, '20045902 - FINANCEMENT PROJET PROMOTION DES DROITS', 551, '2018-03-15 16:10:05.706966+00', '2018-11-28 00:02:03.611853+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1667, '0100312782-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/884/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', '', '2018-04-19', '0400058431', 199512.74, 105986156.00, 0.00, '20058670 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE 3 PCA18 WASH C', 1191, '2018-04-24 12:22:05.963483+00', '2019-01-01 00:02:13.054734+00');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem VALUES (1653, '0100309786-1', '1', '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', '', '2018-03-29', '0400059092', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '20055542 - FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WVI', 1182, '2018-03-31 00:04:27.698669+00', '2019-04-03 00:05:30.866602+00');
@@ -9565,23 +10541,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (40, '2500215472', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (912, '2500213920', '0400060128', '2018-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMOURSEMENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT PROGRAMME 7%', '2017-10-01', '2018-01-31', 11169.74, NULL, 11169.74, 0.00, 11169.74, '2018-05-17 16:21:55.670817+00', '2018-05-21 00:04:16.512916+00', 6064788.00, 0.00, 6064788.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1012, '2500237165', '0400067581', '2019-04-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7% DU COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT AU PROGRAMME', '2019-04-03', '2019-06-30', 1623.41, NULL, 1623.41, 0.00, 1623.41, '2019-04-05 00:05:05.127966+00', '2019-04-07 00:03:16.745664+00', 948673.00, 0.00, 948673.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (641, '2500212828', '0400000802', '2012-03-03', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'RESSOURCES POUR ACTIVITES PROMOTION D''HYGIENE', '2011-07-01', '2012-02-29', 5354.11, NULL, 5354.11, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.033693+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5345.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (997, '2500213985', '0400067059', '2019-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-03-11', '2019-06-11', 30640.64, NULL, 30640.64, 0.00, 31050.09, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639083+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.317493+00', 17905500.00, 0.00, 17905500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (903, '2500236515', '0400059250', '2018-04-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REFORCEMENT DE LA FONCTION EVALUATION DU TCHAD', '2018-04-05', '2018-07-05', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 15713.68, '2018-04-09 17:11:47.912475+00', '2018-11-29 00:01:58.907026+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8347500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (67, '2500213923', '0400001149', '2012-03-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR 3E TRANCHE PCA ADRA/UNICEF WASH', '2011-11-11', '2012-01-31', 59641.74, NULL, 59641.74, 0.00, 3000000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.13242+00', 0.00, 0.00, 61000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (971, '2500228587', '0400064751', '2018-11-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIORATION ACCES AUX INTRANTS NUTRIONNELS', '2018-11-15', '2018-12-31', 39611.00, NULL, 39611.00, 39611.00, 39611.00, '2018-11-17 00:02:07.559415+00', '2018-11-22 00:01:56.411698+00', 22862398.00, 22862398.00, 22862398.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (972, '2500233143', '0400064814', '2018-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI CONSOL PAIX PROJET TRANSFRONTALIER', '2018-11-19', '2019-02-28', 98768.48, NULL, 98768.49, 98768.48, 98768.48, '2018-11-21 00:01:57.401884+00', '2018-11-30 00:01:52.552094+00', 57006500.00, 57006500.00, 57006500.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (962, '2500237522', '0400064539', '2018-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR CRISE CENTRAFR', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 705986.71, NULL, 705986.72, 705986.71, 705986.71, '2018-11-09 00:02:24.968326+00', '2018-11-14 00:01:58.98779+00', 407476469.00, 407476469.00, 407476469.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (964, '2500214085', '0400064635', '2018-11-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2018-08-24', '2018-11-24', 54095.12, NULL, 54095.12, 0.00, 54095.12, '2018-11-14 00:01:58.829345+00', '2018-11-24 00:01:57.109738+00', 31222240.00, 0.00, 31222240.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (653, '2500212828', '0400055914', '2017-11-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PROMOTION HYGIENE & SUIVI POUR LE MAINTIEN FDAL', '2017-11-24', '2018-04-30', 21685.00, NULL, 21685.00, 0.00, 21685.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-18 00:02:16.704283+00', 12244500.00, 0.00, 12244500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (892, '2500237892', '0400058255', '2018-02-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MISE EN OEUVRE INTERVENTIONS DE NUT AUX PERS AFFEC', '2018-02-28', '2018-03-31', 11784.12, NULL, 11784.12, 0.00, 11940.75, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-11 00:01:41.617237+00', 6302900.00, 0.00, 6302900.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (46, '2500221193', '0400009485', '2012-12-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032501-2', '2012-09-01', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (976, '2500234968', '0400065056', '2018-11-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE DU 20/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/UAFAT', '2018-11-29', '2018-12-31', 32299.97, NULL, 32299.97, 32299.97, 32265.89, '2018-12-01 00:01:58.556269+00', '2018-12-20 00:01:53.599106+00', 18623000.00, 18623000.00, 18623000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1005, '2500224593', '0400067181', '2019-03-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', '2E T PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET DE LA PARTI', '2019-03-15', '2019-06-30', 9187.31, NULL, 9187.31, 9187.31, 9187.31, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485407+00', '2019-03-22 00:04:00.404958+00', 5298000.00, 5298000.00, 5298000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1028, '2500213943', '0400068469', '2019-05-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVEUR DES ENFA', '2019-05-17', '2019-08-17', 78624.54, NULL, 78624.54, 39681.80, 38942.74, '2019-05-19 00:05:23.846727+00', '2019-07-19 00:04:52.281621+00', 45812000.00, 22906000.00, 22906000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1054, '2500214088', '0400071199', '2019-09-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT FONDS ENGAGÉS IRC', '2019-09-28', '2019-09-30', 51332.31, NULL, 51332.31, 0.00, 51332.31, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.507954+00', '2019-10-04 00:07:41.946727+00', 30638563.00, 0.00, 30638563.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (963, '2500237165', '0400064576', '2018-11-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME (7%)', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 1829.04, NULL, 1829.04, 0.00, 1829.04, '2018-11-10 00:01:59.807233+00', '2018-11-16 00:02:10.91879+00', 1055672.00, 0.00, 1055672.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (544, '2500221790', '0400002846', '2012-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP+', '2012-05-28', '2013-05-28', 59570.77, NULL, 59570.77, 0.00, 64384.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.511428+00', 0.00, 0.00, 95464.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (38, '2500229637', '0400030772', '2015-05-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMENT APE/ REMOJ/COM/2015', '2015-04-16', '2015-08-01', 16440.82, NULL, 16440.82, 0.00, 16440.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.216156+00', 9750000.00, 0.00, 9750000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (6, '2500232213', '0400031327', '2015-06-17', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE GROUPEMENT AL-NADJA/LAC', '2015-06-17', '2015-07-31', 49237.61, NULL, 49237.61, 0.00, 49237.61, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.345544+00', 29650000.00, 0.00, 29650000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (41, '2500212819', '0400031358', '2015-06-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2È TRANCHE PCA 17/2014/SECADEV/PBEA', '2015-05-01', '2015-07-31', 20566.52, NULL, 20566.52, 0.00, 20566.52, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.366194+00', 12384791.00, 0.00, 12384791.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (19, '2500212828', '0400031955', '2015-07-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA11/2014/PROG/WASH/CELIAF', '2015-07-09', '2015-12-31', 17369.45, NULL, 17369.45, 0.00, 17572.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.629791+00', 10309097.00, 0.00, 10309097.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (969, '2500227536', '0400064656', '2018-11-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA 17 COMMUNICATION ANNASSOUR', '2018-11-01', '2018-11-30', 21416.34, NULL, 21416.34, 0.00, 21416.34, '2018-11-15 00:02:03.222817+00', '2019-06-22 00:06:33.079019+00', 12360933.00, 0.00, 12360933.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (21, '2500212820', '0400032632', '2015-08-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA DU SIF', '2015-08-07', '2015-08-15', 136445.81, NULL, 136445.81, 0.00, 136445.81, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.852005+00', 81917014.00, 0.00, 81917014.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (37, '2500234518', '0400039523', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR AHEAS MISE EN OEUVRE ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 4418.26, NULL, 4418.26, 0.00, 4435.11, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.854335+00', 2570000.00, 0.00, 2570000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (9, '2500228587', '0400040314', '2016-05-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC ADES POUR CONSTRUCTION SDC DANS OUADD', '2016-04-10', '2016-12-31', 62569.09, NULL, 62569.09, 0.00, 62569.09, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.61425+00', 36202350.00, 0.00, 36202350.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9595,6 +10569,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (23, '2500212819', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (30, '2500214088', '0400050567', '2017-05-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA SANTE-NUT/VIH PROFIL POPULATION LAC', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 165900.55, NULL, 165900.55, 0.00, 165900.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.488451+00', 100261332.00, 0.00, 100261332.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (34, '2500227536', '0400052361', '2017-07-11', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SSFA ANNASSOUR', '2017-07-11', '2017-10-11', 9114.08, NULL, 9114.08, 0.00, 9114.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.248429+00', 5253000.00, 0.00, 5253000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (27, '2500214088', '0400053649', '2017-08-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E T CONTR DES SOINS MEDICO-NUT AIGUE DANS DS LIWA', '2017-08-29', '2017-08-31', 129562.63, NULL, 129562.63, 0.00, 129562.63, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.497147+00', 72017257.00, 0.00, 72017257.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1025, '2500237473', '0400068296', '2019-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE CENTR', '2019-05-10', '2019-08-10', 279203.59, NULL, 279203.59, 84238.50, 279203.59, '2019-05-12 00:03:23.02666+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.518508+00', 164226714.00, 49548829.00, 164226714.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (29, '2500226341', '0400014360', '2013-07-30', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº15/PRO/POLIO/ACPJ/2013', '2013-07-30', '2013-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7403.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (49, '2500221883', '0400009486', '2012-12-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032503', '2012-09-01', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 89999.20, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (913, '2500228112', '0400060391', '2018-05-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC IHDL 2NDE TRANCHE AVENANT 01', '2018-05-21', '2018-08-31', 32860.66, NULL, 32860.66, 0.00, 33666.01, '2018-05-24 13:16:55.311633+00', '2018-10-17 00:02:27.201011+00', 18279500.00, 0.00, 18279500.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9603,14 +10578,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (881, '2500213931', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (26, '2500228452', '0400020758', '2014-05-16', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APE NºSSFA/2014/001/CHD/DJABAL-ANJE ABKHOUTA', '2014-05-01', '2014-10-31', 19557.14, NULL, 19557.14, 0.00, 19808.66, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.796516+00', 9400000.00, 0.00, 9400000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (898, '2500237165', '0400059092', '2018-03-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WVI', '2018-03-29', '2018-06-29', 136086.27, NULL, 136086.27, 0.00, 135160.39, '2018-03-31 00:04:24.685479+00', '2019-04-03 00:04:52.125357+00', 72292429.00, 0.00, 72292429.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (48, '2500221193', '0400009487', '2012-12-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032501-2', '2012-09-01', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 9000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:12.222368+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (998, '2500221790', '0400067095', '2019-03-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP+', '2019-02-25', '2019-03-31', 50463.44, NULL, 50463.44, 50463.44, 50463.44, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639244+00', '2019-03-20 16:42:44.3184+00', 29100500.00, 29100500.00, 29100500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (961, '2500237522', '0400064418', '2018-11-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR COUTS SUPPORT ADMINISTRATIF PCA AVEC ACCRA TCD', '2017-12-15', '2018-12-31', 39253.39, NULL, 39253.39, 0.00, 39253.39, '2018-11-06 16:46:32.841698+00', '2018-11-14 00:01:58.970333+00', 22655996.00, 0.00, 22655996.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (960, '2500213951', '0400064459', '2018-11-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 340117.84, NULL, 340117.84, 340117.84, 340117.84, '2018-11-06 16:46:32.84077+00', '2018-11-17 00:02:07.643417+00', 196306834.00, 196306834.00, 196306834.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (974, '2500237165', '0400064956', '2018-11-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR TRANCHE SEPTEMBRE - NOVEMB PCA WORLD VISION', '2018-11-26', '2018-11-30', 157480.65, NULL, 157480.65, 0.00, 157480.65, '2018-11-28 00:01:55.848025+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.086295+00', 90893578.00, 0.00, 90893578.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (79, '2500221790', '0400016048', '2013-10-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA 1ERE TRANCHE RNTAP+', '2013-10-01', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 138924.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.332915+00', 0.00, 0.00, 70611864.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (55, '2500213943', '0400016187', '2013-10-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA/2013/13/CHD/PROT/APLFT', '2013-10-25', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.509355+00', 0.00, 0.00, 101196062.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (45, '2500221790', '0400016710', '2013-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RNTAP/SENSIB IMPORTCE PTME EN MILIEU CONFES/COMMU', '2013-11-19', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 35911.34, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.691932+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17199100.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (958, '2500225653', '0400063875', '2018-10-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE PAC MENTHOR INITIATIVE', '2018-10-11', '2018-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 104694.68, 0.00, 109031.53, '2018-10-13 00:02:13.626548+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.696749+00', 0.00, 0.00, 61180535.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (18, '2500221883', '0400003074', '2012-05-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '2012-04-15', '2012-10-15', 29237.88, NULL, 29237.88, 0.00, 29250.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.576134+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29250.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1013, '2500215479', '0400067615', '2019-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA N049 CWW', '2019-04-04', '2019-07-04', 141668.79, NULL, 141668.79, 0.00, 141668.79, '2019-04-06 00:03:51.476233+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.341417+00', 82787132.00, 0.00, 82787132.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (51, '2500223261', '0400032319', '2015-07-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR TO CORRECT JV1700038484 AND JV 1700038483', '2015-07-27', '2015-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 50094.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:20.419344+00', 0.00, 0.00, 50094.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (81, '2500228587', '0400052067', '2017-06-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD REVISÉ PROJET CONSTRUCTION 21 SDC OUADD', '2017-06-29', '2017-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 23289.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:28.319551+00', 0.00, 0.00, 13650000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (95, '2500232403', '0400044499', '2016-10-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FNCT SSFA ENCAD CLUB JEUNES REPORTERS FM LIBERTE', '2016-10-21', '2017-01-21', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9624,7 +10597,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (66, '2500232850', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (62, '2500233086', '0400033986', '2015-09-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA/2014/CHD/PROT/IBCR', '2015-09-30', '2015-12-31', 64120.00, NULL, 64120.00, 0.00, 64120.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.544355+00', 64120.00, 0.00, 64120.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (73, '2500219704', '0400036679', '2015-12-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA UNICEF- CHORA', '2015-12-01', '2016-01-31', 10700.06, NULL, 10700.06, 0.00, 13588.20, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.176536+00', 6388835.00, 0.00, 6388835.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (50, '2500234499', '0400039532', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR AKA AMDAM - ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3240.63, NULL, 3240.63, 0.00, 3252.99, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.093296+00', 1885000.00, 0.00, 1885000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (53, '2500223093', '0400039537', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR CLUB ACTIF PLANETE JEUNES - ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 4527.14, NULL, 4527.14, 0.00, 4544.41, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.117309+00', 2633333.00, 0.00, 2633333.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (60, '2500232773', '0400041669', '2016-06-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE GPMT DES FILLES -MERES DE DANAMADJI', '2016-04-01', '2016-11-30', 11137.81, NULL, 11137.81, 0.00, 11310.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.395333+00', 6582500.00, 0.00, 6582500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (54, '2500213943', '0400043261', '2016-09-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT SNDE TRANCHE PCA/APLFT ( ADECIV BATHA)', '2016-09-01', '2016-12-26', 200213.55, NULL, 200213.55, 0.00, 200213.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.902814+00', 117828278.00, 0.00, 117828278.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (69, '2500234540', '0400044363', '2016-10-18', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN MISE OEUVRE ACPV- GROUPMENT COMM SOLID MOUNDOU', '2016-07-01', '2016-12-31', 3593.48, NULL, 3593.48, 0.00, 3593.48, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.548206+00', 2136667.00, 0.00, 2136667.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9634,31 +10606,28 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (74, '2500212820', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (87, '2500228587', '0400055399', '2017-11-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACCORD REVISÉ PROJET CONSTRUCTION 21 SDC OUADD', '2017-11-09', '2018-02-09', 24174.14, NULL, 24174.14, 0.00, 24174.14, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.787472+00', 13650000.00, 0.00, 13650000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (109, '2500214085', '0400057001', '2017-12-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'SUPPORT DIRECT AU PROGRAMME', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 17828.06, NULL, 17828.06, 0.00, 17828.06, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:30.37269+00', 9867900.00, 0.00, 9867900.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (100, '2500228871', '0400021533', '2014-06-12', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN DEUX COURTS METRAGES SUR LES FILLES BONNES ET', '2014-06-12', '2014-08-30', 7075.67, NULL, 7075.67, 0.00, 7075.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.022782+00', 3413000.00, 0.00, 3413000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (53, '2500223093', '0400039537', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR CLUB ACTIF PLANETE JEUNES - ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 4527.14, NULL, 4527.14, 0.00, 4544.41, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.559501+00', 2633333.00, 0.00, 2633333.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (966, '2500214062', '0400064630', '2018-11-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'CERTIFICATION DE LA SOUS PREFECTURE DE MANDELIA FD', '2018-11-12', '2019-02-12', 3465.17, NULL, 3465.17, 0.00, 3465.17, '2018-11-14 00:01:58.829568+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.722077+00', 2000000.00, 0.00, 2000000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1005, '2500224593', '0400067181', '2019-03-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', '2E T PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET DE LA PARTI', '2019-03-15', '2019-06-30', 9187.31, NULL, 10019.68, 0.00, 9187.31, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485407+00', '2019-08-22 00:17:16.441383+00', 5298000.00, 0.00, 5298000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (212, '2500219692', '0400004374', '2012-06-23', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/DIOCESE PALA EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-23', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 9592.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.712679+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9592.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (937, '2500237165', '0400062418', '2018-08-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA WVI', '2018-06-15', '2018-09-15', 26267.08, NULL, 26267.08, 0.00, 26908.56, '2018-08-16 00:01:48.225525+00', '2019-01-01 00:02:04.379063+00', 15081035.00, 0.00, 15081035.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (915, '2500236515', '0400060489', '2018-05-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT FONCTION EVALUATION AU TCHAD', '2018-05-24', '2018-08-24', 14232.01, NULL, 14232.01, 0.00, 14232.01, '2018-05-26 00:03:15.828817+00', '2018-10-20 00:01:56.110759+00', 7727500.00, 0.00, 7727500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (785, '2500214062', '0400003131', '2012-05-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR FINANCEMENT VIDÉO PARTICIPATIVE', '2012-05-17', '2012-08-30', 2396.03, NULL, 2396.03, 0.00, 2400.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.602478+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2400.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (112, '2500212828', '0400026332', '2014-12-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCH/PCA TERRE VERTE/2014/WASH', '2014-12-05', '2015-03-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:18.92117+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20618195.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (968, '2500228510', '0400064667', '2018-11-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA PREVENTION MALNUTRITION AIGUE SEVERE', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12256.85, '2018-11-15 00:02:03.222131+00', '2018-11-28 00:01:56.291701+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7074320.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (969, '2500227536', '0400064656', '2018-11-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA 17 COMMUNICATION ANNASSOUR', '2018-11-01', '2018-11-30', 21416.34, NULL, 21416.34, 21416.34, 21416.34, '2018-11-15 00:02:03.222817+00', '2018-11-18 00:02:01.161391+00', 12360933.00, 12360933.00, 12360933.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (75, '2500214085', '0400003279', '2012-05-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PCA Nº 2012/08/CHD/WASH/IAS', '2012-06-01', '2013-12-31', 634512.51, NULL, 634512.51, 0.00, 694000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.624291+00', 0.00, 0.00, 708876.80, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (932, '2500228112', '0400061987', '2018-07-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REALISATION D''UN FORAGE AU CENTRE DE FORMATION BOL', '2018-07-25', '2018-10-25', 4412.63, NULL, 4412.63, 0.00, 4412.63, '2018-07-27 00:01:29.696167+00', '2018-08-03 00:01:37.632091+00', 2500000.00, 0.00, 2500000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (103, '2500214088', '0400048263', '2017-02-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA SANTE-NUT/VIH PROFIL POPULATION LAC', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 167143.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:27.055134+00', 0.00, 0.00, 102763772.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (113, '2500228510', '0400054884', '2017-10-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUTONOMISATION DU FONCTIONNEMENT UNT HME', '2017-10-19', '2018-01-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 72489.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:28.962749+00', 0.00, 0.00, 40310233.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (906, '2500213985', '0400059437', '2018-04-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC COOPI', '2018-02-12', '2018-05-31', 193352.67, NULL, 193352.67, 0.00, 319596.24, '2018-04-16 12:47:16.454668+00', '2019-02-07 00:02:03.012428+00', 102713772.00, 0.00, 169777514.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (138, '2500213953', '0400014325', '2013-07-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA CARE', '2013-07-29', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (978, '2500237473', '0400065134', '2018-12-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 10499.93, NULL, 10499.93, 0.00, 10499.93, '2018-12-05 00:02:01.516996+00', '2018-12-08 00:01:59.612508+00', 6053880.00, 0.00, 6053880.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (220, '2500234767', '0400052689', '2017-07-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR WNAKLABS', '2017-06-21', '2017-12-31', 8744.29, NULL, 8744.29, 0.00, 8397.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.345446+00', 4840000.00, 0.00, 4840000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (602, '2500213923', '0400003303', '2012-05-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PCA Nº 2012/18/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '2012-11-01', '2012-04-30', 82496.00, NULL, 82496.00, 0.00, 175989.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.643551+00', 0.00, 0.00, 88000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (106, '2500224655', '0400033272', '2015-09-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CEVANUTRI- UNICEF', '2015-08-01', '2016-01-31', 18202.90, NULL, 18202.90, 0.00, 39418.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.083887+00', 10617390.00, 0.00, 10617390.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (89, '2500233032', '0400034151', '2015-10-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 09/2015/PROG/WASH/IDO', '2015-10-07', '2016-05-15', 58420.60, NULL, 58420.60, 0.00, 58420.60, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.568456+00', 34154550.00, 0.00, 34154550.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (83, '2500218272', '0400034528', '2015-10-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2E TRANCHE PCA CELIAF NDJAMENA/COMM', '2015-05-01', '2015-12-31', 37139.56, NULL, 37139.56, 0.00, 39319.25, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.670364+00', 21712975.00, 0.00, 22987294.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (86, '2500232394', '0400035309', '2015-11-16', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN 2E TRANCHE APE UNION FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '2015-07-03', '2016-12-31', 17544.44, NULL, 17544.44, 0.00, 17544.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.787218+00', 10499400.00, 0.00, 10499400.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (111, '2500234300', '0400039391', '2016-04-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE AVEC AHA', '2016-03-01', '2016-06-30', 49645.64, NULL, 49645.64, 0.00, 49645.64, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.830273+00', 28768012.00, 0.00, 28768012.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (118, '2500234494', '0400039585', '2016-04-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACTIVITES ACPV PAR ASSOCIATION JEUNES ASSAIN H', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 4189.04, NULL, 4189.04, 0.00, 4189.04, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.161527+00', 2436667.00, 0.00, 2436667.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (117, '2500234496', '0400039586', '2016-04-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACTIVITES ACPV PAR ASSOCIATION JEUNES TCHALO Z', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3636.04, NULL, 3636.04, 0.00, 3636.04, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.182449+00', 2115000.00, 0.00, 2115000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (116, '2500233810', '0400041451', '2016-06-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA N#14/2016/PROG/WASH/HELP PROJET', '2016-06-27', '2016-09-27', 11200.25, NULL, 11200.25, 0.00, 11200.25, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.170303+00', 6518400.00, 0.00, 6518400.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (119, '2500234970', '0400041455', '2016-06-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC CSAI/ UNICEF', '2016-06-01', '2016-12-31', 21552.15, NULL, 21552.15, 0.00, 21793.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.207297+00', 12683750.00, 0.00, 12683750.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (115, '2500231570', '0400041519', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE MAISON DES MEDIAS DU TCHAD', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 17078.38, NULL, 17078.38, 0.00, 17431.66, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.274733+00', 10145000.00, 0.00, 10145000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (96, '2500225658', '0400042422', '2016-08-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA002/2016/PROG WASH/ADE', '2016-08-01', '2016-10-31', 81013.35, NULL, 81013.35, 0.00, 81013.35, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.751596+00', 47875000.00, 0.00, 47875000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (101, '2500221790', '0400044090', '2016-10-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DU PCA#019/2016/PROG-VIH/RNTAP+', '2016-10-07', '2017-01-07', 19282.45, NULL, 19282.45, 0.00, 19604.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.195157+00', 11465250.00, 0.00, 11465250.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9671,15 +10640,19 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (120, '2500213937', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (345, '2500231570', '0400055970', '2017-11-27', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'ORGANISATION 3 VISITES MEDIAS AVEC LES DECIDEURS', '2017-11-27', '2018-02-27', 650.40, NULL, 650.40, 0.00, 637.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.897567+00', 360000.00, 0.00, 360000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (890, '2500228112', '0400058231', '2018-02-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSMENT PCA IHDL', '2018-02-28', '2018-03-31', 129274.73, NULL, 129274.73, 0.00, 130993.01, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:30.640212+00', 69144400.00, 0.00, 69144400.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (149, '2500000912', '0400004599', '2012-07-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA/BAMBINI 2012', '2012-07-02', '2012-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 28324.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1026, '2500213920', '0400068339', '2019-05-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS AU LAC', '2019-05-13', '2019-08-13', 379532.77, NULL, 379532.77, 379532.77, 379532.77, '2019-05-15 00:03:25.341397+00', '2019-05-22 00:02:56.981792+00', 223240034.00, 223240034.00, 223240034.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (111, '2500234300', '0400039391', '2016-04-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE AVEC AHA', '2016-03-01', '2016-06-30', 49645.64, NULL, 49645.64, 0.00, 49645.64, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.534656+00', 28768012.00, 0.00, 28768012.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (119, '2500234970', '0400041455', '2016-06-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC CSAI/ UNICEF', '2016-06-01', '2016-12-31', 21552.15, NULL, 21552.15, 0.00, 21793.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.603919+00', 12683750.00, 0.00, 12683750.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (220, '2500234767', '0400052689', '2017-07-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR WNAKLABS', '2017-06-21', '2017-12-31', 8744.29, NULL, 8744.29, 0.00, 8397.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.756628+00', 4840000.00, 0.00, 4840000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (906, '2500213985', '0400059437', '2018-04-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC COOPI', '2018-02-12', '2018-05-31', 193352.67, NULL, 193352.67, 0.00, 319596.24, '2018-04-16 12:47:16.454668+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.819402+00', 102713772.00, 0.00, 169777514.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (343, '2500215480', '0400003501', '2012-05-29', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI NDJAMENA EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-01', '2012-12-31', 15739.37, NULL, 15739.37, 0.00, 9419.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.662741+00', 0.00, 0.00, 15819.08, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (999, '2500213985', '0400067058', '2019-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PLANIFICATION SUIVI EVALUATION ET COMMUNICATION', '2019-03-11', '2019-06-11', 0.00, NULL, 2592.53, 0.00, 2627.18, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639334+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.890124+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1515000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (146, '2500224727', '0400018442', '2014-02-12', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT ARNUT', '2014-02-12', '2014-02-28', 8811.27, NULL, 8811.27, 0.00, 8811.27, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.143102+00', 4258000.00, 0.00, 4258000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1010, '2500214085', '0400067456', '2019-03-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE APPUI A LA PREVENTION DE LA MALNUTRIT', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 78284.33, NULL, 78284.33, 78284.33, 78284.33, '2019-03-29 00:04:55.61577+00', '2019-03-31 00:04:52.126776+00', 45143833.00, 45143833.00, 45143833.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1031, '2500215493', '0400068700', '2019-05-28', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUI ACTIVITES CONTINUE COMMUNICATION ET MOBILISA', '2019-05-28', '2019-08-25', 8071.49, NULL, 8071.49, 8071.49, 8092.53, '2019-05-30 00:03:38.367499+00', '2019-09-11 00:05:33.051118+00', 4760000.00, 4760000.00, 4760000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (788, '2500226117', '0400018450', '2014-02-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '3 ET 4 TRANCHE PCA/2013/04/CHD/PROT/IBCR', '2014-02-12', '2014-12-31', 50211.55, NULL, 50211.55, 0.00, 50211.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.184184+00', 24264479.00, 0.00, 24264479.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (575, '2500214088', '0400018518', '2014-02-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CHD001/IRC- UNICEF 2014', '2014-02-10', '2014-05-10', 302067.24, NULL, 302067.24, 0.00, 0.21, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.204388+00', 144820400.00, 0.00, 219511960.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (946, '2500214085', '0400062846', '2018-09-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE PCA IAS', '2018-09-03', '2018-12-03', 12405.21, NULL, 12405.21, 0.00, 12405.21, '2018-09-06 00:05:22.79694+00', '2018-12-21 00:01:54.044+00', 6980000.00, 0.00, 6980000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (942, '2500228587', '0400062695', '2018-08-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIORATION ACCES AUX INTRANTS NUTRIONNELS', '2018-06-06', '2018-09-06', 39820.11, NULL, 39820.11, 0.00, 39820.11, '2018-08-28 13:22:20.09551+00', '2018-11-17 00:02:07.608401+00', 22862398.00, 0.00, 22862398.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (145, '2500225860', '0400020798', '2014-05-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE POLIO À TRAVERS LA RADIO', '2014-05-19', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12664.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:16.752096+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (975, '2500237473', '0400064958', '2018-11-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR CRISE CENTRAFR', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 276585.02, NULL, 276585.02, 0.00, 276293.18, '2018-11-28 00:01:55.84871+00', '2019-06-12 00:03:30.400023+00', 159468964.00, 0.00, 159468964.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (895, '2500237900', '0400058799', '2018-03-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE APE RJTN', '2018-01-01', '2018-03-20', 5272.37, NULL, 5272.37, 0.00, 5272.37, '2018-03-21 00:04:25.927345+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.049878+00', 2820000.00, 0.00, 2820000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (947, '2500214062', '0400062948', '2018-09-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINACEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2018-09-07', '2018-12-07', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-09-09 00:01:39.903596+00', '2018-09-09 00:01:39.904599+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (927, '2500233086', '0400061464', '2018-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'CONSUL IBCR PR EVAL PRISE EN CHARG PSYCHO AU LAC', '2018-07-03', '2018-07-31', 62868.47, NULL, 62868.47, 0.00, 60250.88, '2018-07-05 00:01:35.998048+00', '2018-12-16 00:02:05.307111+00', 34135440.00, 0.00, 34135440.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9690,7 +10663,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (186, '2500220423', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (543, '2500219696', '0400018641', '2014-02-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº24/PR/POLIO/EEMET-TCHAD/2013.', '2014-02-19', '2014-12-31', 12643.07, NULL, 12643.07, 0.00, 12643.07, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.344808+00', 6109700.00, 0.00, 6109700.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (935, '2500228112', '0400062338', '2018-08-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC IHDL 3NDE TRANCHE AVENANT 01', '2018-08-09', '2018-09-30', 42822.35, NULL, 42822.35, 0.00, 42822.35, '2018-08-12 00:01:44.576382+00', '2019-03-07 16:43:13.283307+00', 24000000.00, 0.00, 24000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (934, '2500213923', '0400062217', '2018-08-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMOURSEMENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT PROGRAMME 7%', '2018-09-01', '2018-12-31', 2366.93, NULL, 2366.93, 0.00, 2366.93, '2018-08-10 00:01:35.394907+00', '2018-08-19 00:01:38.763607+00', 1326559.00, 0.00, 1326559.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (975, '2500237473', '0400064958', '2018-11-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR CRISE CENTRAFR', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 276585.02, NULL, 276585.02, 276585.02, 276293.18, '2018-11-28 00:01:55.84871+00', '2018-12-06 00:02:01.826042+00', 159468964.00, 159468964.00, 159468964.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (11, '2500219700', '0400003670', '2012-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CASI MOUNDOU EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-04', '2012-12-31', 7982.27, NULL, 7982.27, 0.00, 7982.27, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.700592+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7982.27, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (156, '2500231570', '0400030771', '2015-05-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCER ENGAGEMENT MEDIAS NATIONAUX AU TCHAD', '2015-05-26', '2015-05-31', 9958.78, NULL, 9958.78, 0.00, 10112.37, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.187259+00', 5997000.00, 0.00, 5997000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (150, '2500232212', '0400031315', '2015-06-16', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE/CELIAF/BOL', '2015-05-15', '2015-06-30', 49237.61, NULL, 49237.61, 0.00, 49237.61, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.32539+00', 29650000.00, 0.00, 29650000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9702,17 +10674,18 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (141, '2500228587', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (158, '2500228112', '0400044250', '2016-10-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE PCA IHDL', '2016-10-13', '2017-01-13', 57795.17, NULL, 57795.17, 0.00, 58759.18, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.344985+00', 34364721.00, 0.00, 34364721.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (151, '2500228510', '0400048329', '2017-03-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E T PCA/025/16/PRO SN/ALIMA/ALERTE-SANTE', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 113972.90, NULL, 113972.90, 0.00, 113972.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.91105+00', 70502950.00, 0.00, 70502950.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (126, '2500232403', '0400051445', '2017-06-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE FIN 10/SSFA/2017/CHD/RADIO FM LIBERTE', '2017-06-08', '2017-12-31', 25840.52, NULL, 25840.52, 0.00, 25840.52, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.885111+00', 15145000.00, 0.00, 15145000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (123, '2500213985', '0400051761', '2017-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR FINANCEMENT 2ND TRIMESTRE 2017- COOPI', '2017-06-19', '2017-06-30', 135633.26, NULL, 135633.26, 0.00, 145127.59, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.975018+00', 79493975.00, 0.00, 85058553.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1048, '2500221790', '0400070479', '2019-08-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP', '2019-08-23', '2019-08-24', 35834.85, NULL, 35834.85, 35834.85, 35834.85, '2019-08-25 00:14:09.487589+00', '2019-08-29 00:27:59.782813+00', 21008250.00, 21008250.00, 21008250.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (160, '2500234968', '0400052129', '2017-07-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR UAFAT', '2017-05-17', '2017-11-30', 24048.80, NULL, 24048.80, 0.00, 31078.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.140297+00', 13367500.00, 0.00, 17912450.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (173, '2500233143', '0400053209', '2017-08-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI À LA PROMOTION DES DROITS DE ENFTS CHARI B.', '2017-08-10', '2017-12-31', 65425.60, NULL, 65425.60, 0.00, 65100.34, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.357238+00', 36309000.00, 0.00, 36309000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (148, '2500228510', '0400053336', '2017-08-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMB PRISE EN CHARGE MEDICO-NUT ENFTS MOINS 5 ANS', '2017-06-01', '2017-08-31', 391048.10, NULL, 391048.10, 0.00, 391048.10, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.440491+00', 217363693.00, 0.00, 217363693.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (12, '2500219696', '0400003676', '2012-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET NDJAM EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-01', '2012-12-31', 8418.35, NULL, 8418.35, 0.00, 8133.16, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.725403+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8540.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (768, '2500219693', '0400003683', '2012-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET SARH EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-01', '2012-12-31', 8151.77, NULL, 8151.77, 0.00, 8151.77, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.763227+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8151.77, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (108, '2500221169', '0400057002', '2017-12-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'IMPROVING ROUTINE EPI IN LAKE CHAD BASIN', '2017-12-27', '2018-03-27', 448616.84, NULL, 448616.84, 0.00, 433509.06, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-12-31 00:02:00.625728+00', 239949000.00, 0.00, 239949000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (273, '2500236867', '0400051302', '2017-06-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SSFA PTPC', '2017-06-05', '2017-09-05', 29850.96, NULL, 29850.96, 0.00, 29850.96, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-27 00:02:01.60396+00', 17495500.00, 0.00, 17495500.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1006, '2500212787', '0400067171', '2019-03-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRASTRUCTURES', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 46569.65, 0.00, 46569.65, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485524+00', '2019-03-20 16:42:44.672315+00', 0.00, 0.00, 26855090.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (973, '2500233143', '0400064887', '2018-11-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', '2018-11-01', '2018-11-30', 40143.08, NULL, 40143.08, 40143.08, 40143.08, '2018-11-24 00:01:56.857085+00', '2018-11-28 00:01:56.388205+00', 23169500.00, 23169500.00, 23169500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1038, '2500213920', '0400069369', '2019-06-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WASH- ACF', '2019-06-28', '2019-12-31', 89589.69, NULL, 89589.69, 89589.69, 87692.56, '2019-07-01 00:22:32.343775+00', '2019-07-19 00:04:52.310658+00', 51714931.00, 51714931.00, 51714931.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (995, '2500234927', '0400066945', '2019-03-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE 7%', '2019-03-05', '2019-06-05', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 8139.34, '2019-03-07 16:43:13.224797+00', '2019-04-18 00:04:27.284677+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4693675.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (952, '2500237900', '0400063161', '2018-09-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRODUCT ET DISSEMINATION DES OUTILS COMMUNICATION', '2018-09-17', '2018-10-31', 21266.11, NULL, 21266.11, 0.00, 21691.34, '2018-09-19 00:02:12.603023+00', '2019-09-22 00:08:06.261226+00', 12205000.00, 0.00, 12205000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (143, '2500219704', '0400014283', '2013-07-25', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº006/PRO/POLIO/CHORA/2013', '2013-07-25', '2013-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3025.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:13.680628+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1522000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (954, '2500234927', '0400063378', '2018-09-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES JEUNES', '2018-03-01', '2018-11-30', 46134.67, NULL, 46134.67, 0.00, 46443.99, '2018-09-26 11:12:49.96224+00', '2019-09-22 00:08:06.277422+00', 26132500.00, 0.00, 26132500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (184, '2500213939', '0400016089', '2013-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS DE L''AILS ET APPUI À LA', '2013-10-01', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 16520.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.461933+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7986684.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (987, '2500214088', '0400066060', '2019-01-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT DE SUPPORT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 24048.64, NULL, 24048.64, 0.00, 24048.64, '2019-01-18 00:02:00.49426+00', '2019-02-01 00:02:05.509855+00', 13743580.00, 0.00, 13743580.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (500, '2500227539', '0400018647', '2014-02-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº05/PRO/POLIO/APSELPA/2013', '2014-02-19', '2014-12-31', 13120.67, NULL, 13120.67, 0.00, 13120.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.365903+00', 6340500.00, 0.00, 6340500.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9723,14 +10696,13 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (796, '2500228055', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (795, '2500228056', '0400018756', '2014-02-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT APE Nº22/PRO/POLIO/UNION NEREMADJI - BEDJ', '2014-02-25', '2014-12-31', 9249.97, NULL, 9249.97, 0.00, 9249.97, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.4781+00', 4470000.00, 0.00, 4470000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (196, '2500221252', '0400030493', '2015-05-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE JLV DU 29 AU 31 MAI 2015', '2015-05-15', '2015-08-17', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 98216.63, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:19.495274+00', 0.00, 0.00, 58246000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (193, '2500214062', '0400056710', '2017-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE DU PCA ESMS- WASH', '2017-12-13', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 58503.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:29.77124+00', 0.00, 0.00, 32382101.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (897, '2500213985', '0400059040', '2018-03-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC COOPI - APPUI EDUCATION DES ENFTS', '2018-02-12', '2018-08-12', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 258826.09, '2018-03-29 00:04:02.64965+00', '2018-04-05 10:06:02.114521+00', 0.00, 0.00, 138436758.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1037, '2500240242', '0400069044', '2019-06-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MISE EN OEUVRE DE L''ATPC ET ATPE', '2019-06-13', '2019-09-13', 23754.68, NULL, 23754.68, 23754.68, 23754.68, '2019-06-15 00:06:05.741717+00', '2019-06-20 00:08:40.378197+00', 14008850.00, 14008850.00, 14008850.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (206, '2500215474', '0400013149', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE BASE', '2013-06-06', '2013-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (214, '1900001710', '0400000051', '2012-01-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA POUR PROJET PRÉVENTION/LUTTE CONTRE LE CHOLÉRA', '2011-11-01', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 388850.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1009, '2500228587', '0400067388', '2019-03-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'CFS PCA N#023/ADES/DG/AFP/2018', '2019-03-25', '2019-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 16571.70, '2019-03-27 00:05:10.439029+00', '2019-03-29 00:04:55.710089+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9556320.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (900, '2500212819', '0400059094', '2018-03-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC SECADEV 1ERE TRANCHE', '2018-04-01', '2018-05-31', 199595.85, NULL, 199595.85, 0.00, 198237.88, '2018-03-31 00:04:24.685712+00', '2018-08-30 00:05:23.333741+00', 106030305.00, 0.00, 106030305.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (940, '2500228112', '0400062675', '2018-08-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT RELIQUAT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA IHDL', '2018-08-27', '2018-08-30', 68878.08, NULL, 68878.08, 0.00, 68878.08, '2018-08-28 13:22:20.0951+00', '2018-10-11 00:01:41.693044+00', 39545800.00, 0.00, 39545800.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (171, '2500228271', '0400019553', '2014-03-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE/FETAAR', '2014-03-26', '2014-05-26', 4067.32, NULL, 4067.32, 0.00, 4067.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.169707+00', 1950000.00, 0.00, 1950000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (974, '2500237165', '0400064956', '2018-11-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR TRANCHE SEPTEMBRE - NOVEMB PCA WORLD VISION', '2018-11-26', '2018-11-30', 157480.65, NULL, 157480.65, 157480.65, 157480.65, '2018-11-28 00:01:55.848025+00', '2018-12-02 00:01:54.031308+00', 90893578.00, 90893578.00, 90893578.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (182, '2500224943', '0400020675', '2014-05-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA 2014/ CSSI', '2014-04-07', '2014-07-09', 123021.05, NULL, 123021.05, 0.00, 217689.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:18.056336+00', 58378410.00, 0.00, 58378410.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (176, '2500213920', '0400024995', '2014-10-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA ACF 2014', '2014-10-28', '2014-12-28', 60646.89, NULL, 60646.89, 0.00, 63921.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:19.658755+00', 32095000.00, 0.00, 33000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (169, '2500225658', '0400031951', '2015-07-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 04/2015/PROG/WASH/ADERBA', '2015-06-29', '2015-12-31', 27942.91, NULL, 27942.91, 0.00, 28269.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.607959+00', 16584650.00, 0.00, 16584650.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9752,21 +10724,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (269, '2500228112', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (989, '2500228510', '0400066433', '2019-02-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR REMBOURSMENT 7% COUTS ADMINISTRATIFS ALIMA', '2018-06-01', '2019-01-31', 115.13, NULL, 115.13, 0.00, 115.13, '2019-02-07 15:42:14.077194+00', '2019-03-07 16:43:13.346444+00', 66150.00, 0.00, 66150.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (894, '2500213951', '0400058647', '2018-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', '2018-01-01', '2018-03-22', 341794.53, NULL, 341794.53, 0.00, 341794.53, '2018-03-16 00:05:05.497952+00', '2018-12-31 00:02:00.645559+00', 182813587.00, 0.00, 182813587.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (210, '2500219694', '0400004372', '2012-06-23', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET PALA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-06-23', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 8758.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.674429+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8758.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (212, '2500219692', '0400004374', '2012-06-23', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/DIOCESE PALA EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-23', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 9592.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.712679+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9592.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (223, '2300006135', '0400004875', '2012-07-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1RE TRANCHE PCA AVEC PREMIERE URGENCE', '2012-07-12', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 201641.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.802837+00', 0.00, 0.00, 201641.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (225, '2500221408', '0400007145', '2012-10-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/CRT/EPH/CRO/P/2012', '2012-10-10', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 137000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:39.17413+00', 0.00, 0.00, 137000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1036, '2500237522', '0400068977', '2019-06-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-06-11', '2019-09-11', 48366.80, NULL, 48366.80, 0.00, 48366.80, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.348129+00', '2019-06-26 00:07:47.807051+00', 28523353.00, 0.00, 28523353.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (211, '2500214085', '0400000801', '2012-03-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT 3EM TRANCHE PCA IAS PROMOTION HYGIENE', '2011-04-27', '2012-03-31', 39066.90, NULL, 39066.90, 0.00, 383000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.013168+00', 0.00, 0.00, 39000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (232, '2500213985', '0400050831', '2017-05-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE DU PCA COOPI', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 82466.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:27.844078+00', 0.00, 0.00, 49838193.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (959, '2500212780', '0400064106', '2018-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '4E T SUP FORM,ELAB DES REQUETES, REUNION DE COORD', '2018-10-22', '2018-12-31', 17417.32, NULL, 17417.32, 0.00, 17417.32, '2018-10-24 00:02:03.531099+00', '2019-03-02 00:15:29.312909+00', 9887500.00, 0.00, 9887500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (242, '2500221193', '0400009484', '2012-12-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC POUR TRANSFERT DE CHARGE DU FC 100032501-1', '2012-09-01', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 91815.72, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1002, '2500213955', '0400067008', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 9 PCA 2018 PRO CRS', '2019-03-07', '2019-06-07', 72313.86, NULL, 72313.86, 0.00, 72313.86, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639703+00', '2019-10-26 00:15:20.712547+00', 41700874.00, 0.00, 41700874.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (235, '2500228063', '0400018800', '2014-02-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT APE Nº21/PRO/POLIO/UGROFEM - MOISSALA', '2014-02-26', '2014-12-31', 10905.44, NULL, 10905.44, 0.00, 10905.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.546101+00', 5270000.00, 0.00, 5270000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (745, '2500228141', '0400018973', '2014-03-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº25/PRO/POLIO/CELIAF - MOYEN CHAR', '2014-03-05', '2014-12-31', 14006.19, NULL, 14006.19, 0.00, 14006.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.685952+00', 6715000.00, 0.00, 6715000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (904, '2500232213', '0400059239', '2018-04-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'INTERV NUT AUX PERS AFFECTEES PAR LES CRISES', '2018-04-05', '2018-04-30', 30960.52, NULL, 30960.52, 0.00, 30960.52, '2018-04-09 17:11:47.912636+00', '2018-12-12 00:02:08.090599+00', 16447000.00, 0.00, 16447000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (132, '2500233727', '0400056992', '2017-12-27', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REPONSE EDUCATIVE D''URGENCE (ZAFAYA)', '2017-12-27', '2018-03-27', 20811.05, NULL, 20811.05, 0.00, 20811.05, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.387106+00', 11519000.00, 0.00, 11519000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1063, '2500218808', '0400071898', '2019-10-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 05/ PCA/PRO/INTERSOS 2019', '2019-05-10', '2020-01-09', 157249.51, NULL, 157249.51, 157249.51, 157249.51, '2019-10-31 00:31:28.793275+00', '2019-11-02 00:32:53.682997+00', 94286021.00, 94286021.00, 94286021.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (769, '2500219699', '0400003685', '2012-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EEMET MOUNDOU EN FAVEUR DE PTME', '2012-06-01', '2012-12-31', 8536.96, NULL, 8536.96, 0.00, 8367.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.786569+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8653.62, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (229, '2500221169', '0400007550', '2012-10-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA - CRT/UNICEF', '2012-10-25', '2012-10-31', 136216.85, NULL, 136216.85, 0.00, 136398.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.235739+00', 0.00, 0.00, 136076.67, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (217, '2500224422', '0400031652', '2015-06-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA N°16/SFCG/2014/PRO-PEACE BUILDING & EDUCATION', '2014-08-20', '2015-08-31', 81166.09, NULL, 81166.09, 0.00, 79075.42, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.565607+00', 47617793.00, 0.00, 47617793.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (228, '2500214062', '0400037861', '2016-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR FINANCMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2016-06-01', '2016-12-31', 101785.03, NULL, 101785.03, 0.00, 155332.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.405138+00', 59296350.00, 0.00, 89819585.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (222, '2500212819', '0400039907', '2016-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE SECADEV', '2016-04-01', '2016-05-31', 45995.08, NULL, 45995.08, 0.00, 45995.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.440892+00', 26754280.00, 0.00, 26754280.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (201, '2500232779', '0400041670', '2016-06-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE ASSOCIATION MALADES VIVANT AVEC SIDA KYABÉ', '2016-04-01', '2016-11-30', 11137.81, NULL, 11137.81, 0.00, 11310.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.415+00', 6582500.00, 0.00, 6582500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (202, '2500228063', '0400041671', '2016-06-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE UNION DES GPMTS FEMININS DE MOISSALA', '2016-04-01', '2016-11-30', 11137.81, NULL, 11137.81, 0.00, 11310.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.453642+00', 6582500.00, 0.00, 6582500.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9782,29 +10754,29 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (207, '2500237874', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (980, '2500214085', '0400065354', '2018-12-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 5054.88, NULL, 5054.88, 0.00, 5054.88, '2018-12-09 00:01:56.825515+00', '2018-12-14 00:02:12.712263+00', 2914461.00, 0.00, 2914461.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (896, '2500234927', '0400058940', '2018-03-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA SCF', '2018-03-23', '2018-06-23', 74214.33, NULL, 74214.33, 0.00, 76505.43, '2018-03-25 00:04:35.066078+00', '2018-12-30 00:01:58.142073+00', 40920000.00, 0.00, 40920000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (253, '2500219698', '0400003668', '2012-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CASI SARH EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-06-04', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (254, '2500229637', '0400041522', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RESEAUX MAISONS DE QUARTIERS ET JEUNES', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (256, '2500234334', '0400041520', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE ASSOCIATION CHEFS TRADITIONNELS DU TCHAD', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (259, '2500215493', '0400041527', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIOTERRE NOUVELLE', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (266, '2500225723', '0400014551', '2013-08-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA POUR PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT A TRAVERS DES EAE', '2013-08-09', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1010.93, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (228, '2500214062', '0400037861', '2016-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR FINANCMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2016-06-01', '2016-12-31', 101785.03, NULL, 101785.03, 0.00, 155332.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.52291+00', 59296350.00, 0.00, 89819585.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (254, '2500229637', '0400041522', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RESEAUX MAISONS DE QUARTIERS ET JEUNES', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.615624+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1035, '2500213951', '0400068974', '2019-06-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-06-11', '2019-09-11', 45365.64, NULL, 45365.64, 0.00, 45365.64, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.348003+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:32.411464+00', 26753478.00, 0.00, 26753478.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (271, '2500225602', '0400018790', '2014-02-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT DERNIERE TRANCHE A ATPCS AMTIMAN', '2014-02-26', '2014-05-30', 48622.12, NULL, 48622.12, 0.00, 48622.12, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.498828+00', 23496398.00, 0.00, 23496398.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (273, '2500236867', '0400051302', '2017-06-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SSFA PTPC', '2017-06-05', '2017-09-05', 29850.96, NULL, 29850.96, 0.00, 29850.96, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-27 00:02:01.60396+00', 17495500.00, 0.00, 17495500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (967, '2500228510', '0400064628', '2018-11-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'SENSIBILISATION ET MISE A DISPOSITION KITS WASH', '2018-11-12', '2019-02-12', 1637.29, NULL, 1637.29, 0.00, 1637.29, '2018-11-14 00:01:58.829647+00', '2019-02-07 00:02:03.090618+00', 945000.00, 0.00, 945000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (867, '2500215493', '0400020414', '2014-05-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE POLIO À TRAVERS LA RADIO', '2014-05-05', '2014-12-31', 12664.90, NULL, 12664.90, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.732662+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (979, '2500213923', '0400065191', '2018-12-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE CHOLERA', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 81628.23, NULL, 81628.23, 0.00, 81628.23, '2018-12-06 00:02:01.728628+00', '2019-02-07 00:02:03.140511+00', 47063896.00, 0.00, 47063896.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (267, '2500221415', '0400014550', '2013-08-09', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SSFA PROTECTION DE L''ENFANCE A TRAVERS DES EAE', '2013-08-01', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1010.93, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:13.807122+00', 0.00, 0.00, 500000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (576, '2500213945', '0400019025', '2014-03-07', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT SSA APPROCHE ATPC/ ATVP-MELFI', '2014-03-07', '2014-06-12', 20746.68, NULL, 20746.68, 0.00, 20746.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.897576+00', 9946600.00, 0.00, 19893200.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (553, '2500228119', '0400019119', '2014-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/SARH', '2014-03-11', '2014-12-31', 9772.61, NULL, 9772.61, 0.00, 9772.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.070112+00', 4685299.00, 0.00, 4824000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (32, '2500228049', '0400019178', '2014-03-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/GUERA', '2014-03-13', '2014-12-31', 1042.44, NULL, 1042.44, 0.00, 1042.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.119009+00', 499773.00, 0.00, 530000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (167, '2500228222', '0400019412', '2014-03-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/LAI', '2014-03-21', '2014-12-31', 8171.54, NULL, 8171.54, 0.00, 8171.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.306788+00', 3917692.00, 0.00, 4144000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (170, '2500228221', '0400019415', '2014-03-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/GORÉ', '2014-03-21', '2014-12-31', 8760.95, NULL, 8760.95, 0.00, 8760.94, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.436748+00', 4200267.00, 0.00, 4225046.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (730, '2500215473', '0400001709', '2012-03-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR SMALL SCALE FUNDING AGREE BAMBINI NEL DESSERTO', '2012-04-01', '2012-04-20', 19340.98, NULL, 19340.98, 0.00, 19466.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.268162+00', 0.00, 0.00, 19466.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (274, '2500231569', '0400030697', '2015-05-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE RESEAU JOURNALISTES/RJAE', '2015-05-12', '2016-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 10093.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:19.538691+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5986000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (250, '2500233321', '0400041529', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO EFFATA', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3742.35, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:24.499736+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2178000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (919, '2500212819', '0400060744', '2018-06-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA REPONSE POUR L''ACCES A L''EAU POTABLE', '2018-06-04', '2018-09-04', 49537.87, NULL, 49537.87, 0.00, 49537.87, '2018-06-06 00:03:09.628474+00', '2018-09-16 00:01:42.05353+00', 27969281.00, 0.00, 27969281.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (283, '2500221193', '0400012225', '2013-05-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 3EME TRANCHE ONG BASE', '2013-05-02', '2013-08-02', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 110112.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (321, '2500219704', '0400011764', '2013-04-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR HYGIENE ET ASSAINISSEMENT AVEC CHORA', '2013-04-01', '2013-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 42525.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (323, '2500213953', '0400000154', '2012-02-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT POUR PCA PROTECTION UNICEF/CARE', '2011-01-30', '2012-02-28', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1000, '2500213985', '0400067045', '2019-03-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-03-08', '2019-06-07', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639416+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:32.640763+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (3, '2500213923', '0400054056', '2017-09-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'SENSIB HYGIENNE,PROMO ACTIVITES ASSAIN & COUT OPÉR', '2017-09-18', '2018-03-31', 31971.20, NULL, 31971.20, 0.00, 32074.07, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-04 00:01:33.420952+00', 17502050.00, 0.00, 17502050.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1011, '2500227539', '0400067461', '2019-03-28', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENF SYST PROTEC EN FAV DES ENFTS AFFEC PAR CRISE', '2019-03-28', '2019-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 39655.61, 0.00, 39655.61, '2019-03-30 00:05:51.58231+00', '2019-03-30 00:05:52.069999+00', 0.00, 0.00, 22868000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (260, '2500220423', '0400011234', '2013-03-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA 2010/CHD/WASH/OGB', '2013-03-22', '2013-02-28', 24260.95, NULL, 24260.95, 0.00, 24885.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.315112+00', 0.00, 0.00, 24895.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (595, '2500228104', '0400019420', '2014-03-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/DOBA', '2014-03-24', '2014-12-31', 9559.75, NULL, 9559.75, 0.00, 9446.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.634291+00', 4536485.00, 0.00, 12036328.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (738, '2500228048', '0400019465', '2014-03-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ AILS/COORDINATION', '2014-03-24', '2014-12-31', 15783.65, NULL, 15783.65, 0.00, 15783.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.818047+00', 7567172.00, 0.00, 7800000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9814,19 +10786,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (276, '2500212820', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (265, '2500223261', '0400037135', '2016-01-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR PCA ONG AFDI', '2016-01-27', '2016-05-31', 103514.80, NULL, 103514.80, 0.00, 100459.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.320849+00', 60740000.00, 0.00, 60740000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (257, '2500233086', '0400039878', '2016-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR SNDE TRANCHE PCA/2014/N...CHD/PROT/IBCR', '2016-04-15', '2016-04-30', 85921.00, NULL, 85921.00, 0.00, 85921.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.418961+00', 49978269.00, 0.00, 49978269.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (251, '2500230634', '0400040305', '2016-05-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC ATURAD CONSTRUCTION SDC DANS LE GUERA', '2016-04-10', '2016-12-31', 96860.04, NULL, 96860.04, 0.00, 97686.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.593143+00', 56521090.00, 0.00, 56521090.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (258, '2500215493', '0400041526', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE DE MONGO', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 4222.17, NULL, 4222.17, 0.00, 4270.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.328558+00', 2484800.00, 0.00, 2485600.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (280, '2500212820', '0400042359', '2016-07-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA 0015/2016/PROGWASH/SIF 1ERE TRANCHE', '2016-07-31', '2016-10-31', 153519.45, NULL, 153519.45, 0.00, 153505.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.708802+00', 90722625.00, 0.00, 90722625.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (261, '2500224893', '0400042608', '2016-08-09', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT REQUETE EHA SITE GAOUI', '2016-08-15', '2016-11-15', 33843.70, NULL, 33843.70, 0.00, 33843.70, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.796685+00', 20000000.00, 0.00, 20000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (279, '2500232850', '0400044346', '2016-10-17', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITÉS ACPV - CELIAF - SARH', '2016-10-01', '2016-12-31', 3347.05, NULL, 3347.05, 0.00, 3380.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.525348+00', 2010000.00, 0.00, 2010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (92, '2500228587', '0400056697', '2017-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ASSISTANCE MEDICALE ET NUTRITIONNELLE AUX REFUGIES', '2017-12-13', '2018-03-13', 52116.99, NULL, 52116.99, 0.00, 52116.99, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:30.1855+00', 28846960.00, 0.00, 28846960.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (326, '2500221714', '0400003972', '2012-06-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC 1ÈRE TRANCHE EXTENSION PCA AVRIL-MARS 2012', '2012-06-12', '2012-07-03', 27563.96, NULL, 27563.96, 0.00, 27564.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.829152+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27564.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (986, '2500213920', '0400066019', '2019-01-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE DU 17/PCA/2018/WASH/ACF APPUI AUX URG', '2019-01-14', '2019-06-30', 146536.86, NULL, 146536.86, 146536.86, 145821.90, '2019-01-16 00:02:00.037658+00', '2019-01-23 00:02:08.243981+00', 83744494.00, 83744494.00, 83744494.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (976, '2500234968', '0400065056', '2018-11-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE DU 20/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/UAFAT', '2018-11-29', '2018-12-31', 32299.97, NULL, 32299.97, 0.00, 32265.89, '2018-12-01 00:01:58.556269+00', '2019-07-18 00:05:44.445636+00', 18623000.00, 0.00, 18623000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (982, '2500238464', '0400065603', '2018-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITES MOBILISATION SOCIALE AU NIVEAU COMMUNAUT', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 47181.23, NULL, 47181.23, 0.00, 47181.23, '2018-12-15 00:02:11.589517+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:51.590407+00', 27203000.00, 0.00, 27203000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (924, '2500228510', '0400061135', '2018-06-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA PREVENTION MALNUTRITION AIGUE SEVERE', '2018-06-20', '2018-09-20', 12717.35, NULL, 12717.35, 0.00, 12717.35, '2018-06-22 00:03:22.703978+00', '2018-11-15 00:02:03.307984+00', 7074320.00, 0.00, 7074320.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (170, '2500228221', '0400019415', '2014-03-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/GORÉ', '2014-03-21', '2014-12-31', 8760.95, NULL, 8760.95, 0.00, 8760.94, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.289219+00', 4200267.00, 0.00, 4225046.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (258, '2500215493', '0400041526', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE DE MONGO', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 4222.17, NULL, 4222.17, 0.00, 4270.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.626938+00', 2484800.00, 0.00, 2485600.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (250, '2500233321', '0400041529', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO EFFATA', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3742.35, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.650765+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2178000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (930, '2500214085', '0400061701', '2018-07-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE 13/PCA/2018/WASH/IAS', '2018-07-12', '2018-10-12', 783488.87, NULL, 783488.87, 0.00, 787270.43, '2018-07-14 00:02:20.380065+00', '2019-03-19 14:20:23.568224+00', 446032000.00, 0.00, 446032000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (270, '2500226636', '0400019701', '2014-04-01', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DECAISEMENT 2E TRANCHE APE/APSCOFIS', '2014-04-01', '2014-07-01', 8073.54, NULL, 8073.54, 0.00, 8073.54, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.338362+00', 3849600.00, 0.00, 3849600.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (298, '2500223632', '0400014091', '2013-07-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR FINANCEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA ASSAR TISSI', '2013-07-18', '2013-10-18', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 40220.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:13.55034+00', 0.00, 0.00, 40220.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1001, '2500213937', '0400067004', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', '2019-03-07', '2019-03-31', 11373.75, NULL, 11373.75, 11373.75, 11271.71, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.63958+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:33.426958+00', 6500000.00, 6500000.00, 6500000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1047, '2500237473', '0400070239', '2019-08-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSMENT 7% ONG RET', '2019-06-21', '2019-09-15', 18962.72, NULL, 18962.72, 0.00, 18962.73, '2019-08-10 00:05:10.738237+00', '2019-08-10 00:05:11.407331+00', 11162827.00, 0.00, 11162827.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (516, '2500213923', '0400019761', '2014-04-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1E TRANCH WASH-ADRA/14', '2014-04-03', '2014-07-08', 377848.16, NULL, 377848.16, 0.00, 377848.16, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.503436+00', 180164428.00, 0.00, 180164428.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (519, '2500215470', '0400019766', '2014-04-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBURSMT PREFINANCMT ACTIVITES/ACORD', '2014-04-03', '2014-04-03', 4783.39, NULL, 4783.39, 0.00, 4783.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.575848+00', 2280800.00, 0.00, 2280800.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (588, '2500224593', '0400019939', '2014-04-10', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE APE/SCOUTS/VIH/SIDA', '2014-04-10', '2014-09-15', 9135.83, NULL, 9135.83, 0.00, 9185.91, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.592578+00', 4380000.00, 0.00, 4380000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9843,7 +10817,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (310, '2500232531', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (300, '2500228056', '0400033049', '2015-08-25', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE PROJET COMM ET MOBSOC POLIO BEDJON', '2015-07-01', '2015-09-30', 4888.71, NULL, 4888.71, 0.00, 4888.71, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.972226+00', 2935000.00, 0.00, 2935000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (296, '2500229515', '0400039524', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR AEHPT FARCHA MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3068.71, NULL, 3068.71, 0.00, 3080.42, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.876193+00', 1785000.00, 0.00, 1785000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (297, '2500234497', '0400039527', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASDI POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITÉS ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3627.44, NULL, 3627.44, 0.00, 3641.28, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.948363+00', 2110000.00, 0.00, 2110000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (286, '2500232774', '0400039528', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASSOCIATION BOUSSO CONTRE SIDA POUR LES ACT ACP', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3180.46, NULL, 3180.46, 0.00, 3192.59, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.965389+00', 1850000.00, 0.00, 1850000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (962, '2500237522', '0400064539', '2018-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR CRISE CENTRAFR', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 705986.71, NULL, 705986.71, 0.00, 705986.71, '2018-11-09 00:02:24.968326+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:31.871+00', 407476469.00, 0.00, 407476469.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (285, '2500232850', '0400039529', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR CELIA SARH LA MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITÉS ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3500.22, NULL, 3500.22, 0.00, 3513.57, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.987163+00', 2036000.00, 0.00, 2036000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (312, '2500228056', '0400039530', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASSOCIATION NEREMADJI DE BEDIONDO - ACT ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3699.65, NULL, 3699.65, 0.00, 3713.76, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.037669+00', 2152000.00, 0.00, 2152000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (315, '2500232204', '0400039531', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR CELIF MONGO - ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 4588.46, NULL, 4588.46, 0.00, 4605.96, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.0622+00', 2669000.00, 0.00, 2669000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9860,24 +10834,19 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (134, '2500221790', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (359, '2500213954', '0400018609', '2014-02-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT PCA NO1/13/PROT-WASH/CARE', '2014-02-18', '2014-05-30', 40623.29, NULL, 40623.29, 0.00, 40623.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.294849+00', 19631000.00, 0.00, 19631000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (656, '2500213920', '0400005286', '2012-07-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'RÈGLEMENT IMPAYÉS UNICEF PCA2010/CHD/11/WASH/ACF', '2012-07-13', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 11200.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.99402+00', 0.00, 0.00, 11200.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (902, '2500213985', '0400059178', '2018-04-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC COOPI - APPUI EDUCATION DES ENFTS', '2018-01-30', '2018-08-12', 120501.00, NULL, 120501.00, 0.00, 260599.10, '2018-04-05 10:06:01.577817+00', '2018-10-27 00:02:01.728495+00', 64013143.00, 0.00, 138436758.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1013, '2500215479', '0400067615', '2019-04-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA N049 CWW', '2019-04-04', '2019-07-04', 0.00, NULL, 141668.79, 0.00, 141668.79, '2019-04-06 00:03:51.476233+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:52.462708+00', 0.00, 0.00, 82787132.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (952, '2500237900', '0400063161', '2018-09-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRODUCT ET DISSEMINATION DES OUTILS COMMUNICATION', '2018-09-17', '2018-10-31', 21266.11, NULL, 21541.87, 16494.19, 21691.34, '2018-09-19 00:02:12.603023+00', '2018-11-06 16:46:33.070879+00', 12205000.00, 9520000.00, 12205000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (992, '2500214062', '0400066633', '2019-02-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2018-05-01', '2019-01-31', 8216.95, NULL, 8216.95, 0.00, 8216.95, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.239089+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.124095+00', 4721000.00, 0.00, 4721000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (918, '2500213943', '0400060676', '2018-05-31', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PRODUCTION RAPPORTSPERIODIQUES,CONVENT', '2018-05-31', '2018-08-30', 11685.18, NULL, 11685.18, 0.00, 12150.85, '2018-06-02 00:02:29.363639+00', '2019-01-01 00:02:04.315032+00', 6597500.00, 0.00, 6597500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (965, '2500224593', '0400064638', '2018-11-12', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROJET DE PROMOTION DES DROITS ET DE LA PARTICIPAT', '2018-11-12', '2019-02-12', 14013.13, NULL, 14013.13, 0.00, 14013.13, '2018-11-14 00:01:58.829485+00', '2019-03-19 14:20:23.608137+00', 8088000.00, 0.00, 8088000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (381, '2500228510', '0400020322', '2014-04-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ONG ALIMA/2014', '2014-04-30', '2014-07-30', 45645.86, NULL, 45645.86, 0.00, 46139.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.679133+00', 21764721.00, 0.00, 22000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (793, '2500212813', '0400020407', '2014-05-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE POLIO À TRAVERS LA RADIO', '2014-05-05', '2014-12-31', 19492.56, NULL, 19492.56, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.698993+00', 9250000.00, 0.00, 9252000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (324, '2500220423', '0400023857', '2014-09-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITÉ CHOLERA/CORRECTION LIQUIDATION', '2014-09-11', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 200.76, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:18.036515+00', 0.00, 0.00, 100000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (867, '2500215493', '0400020414', '2014-05-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE POLIO À TRAVERS LA RADIO', '2014-05-05', '2014-12-31', 12664.90, NULL, 12664.90, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.732662+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (410, '2500224893', '0400020495', '2014-05-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 1E TRANCH PCA SID/CHD/2014/WASH', '2014-05-07', '2014-08-12', 36832.40, NULL, 36832.40, 0.00, 18416.20, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.756105+00', 17478450.00, 0.00, 17570450.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (331, '2500214088', '0400025770', '2014-11-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCH/PCA IRC/2014/WASH', '2014-11-21', '2015-03-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 22125.20, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:18.855543+00', 0.00, 0.00, 11652500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (403, '2500212785', '0400004211', '2012-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'SSFA AVEC OPAD PR L''APPUI AUX AME/APE', '2012-07-01', '2012-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (992, '2500214062', '0400066633', '2019-02-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2018-05-01', '2019-01-31', 8216.95, NULL, 8216.95, 8216.95, 8216.95, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.239089+00', '2019-02-23 00:04:19.012746+00', 4721000.00, 4721000.00, 4721000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1010, '2500214085', '0400067456', '2019-03-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE APPUI A LA PREVENTION DE LA MALNUTRIT', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 271824.93, NULL, 271824.93, 193540.60, 275695.30, '2019-03-29 00:04:55.61577+00', '2019-11-08 17:11:54.208745+00', 158983833.00, 113840000.00, 158983833.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1003, '2500213985', '0400067027', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2EME TRANCHE APPUI A L''EDUCATION ET A LA PROTECTIO', '2019-03-07', '2019-06-07', 15823.74, NULL, 15823.74, 0.00, 15823.75, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639783+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:33.47522+00', 9125000.00, 0.00, 9125000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (983, '2500227536', '0400065910', '2019-01-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '19/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/ANNASSOUR', '2019-01-03', '2019-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 23185.38, 0.00, 23592.25, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.451908+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.784274+00', 0.00, 0.00, 13548866.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (907, '2500221790', '0400059539', '2018-04-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENF CAP EN FAV FEMMES ENCEINTE & PERS VIVANTS HIV', '2018-04-16', '2018-06-30', 30518.14, NULL, 30518.14, 0.00, 30518.14, '2018-04-18 00:06:06.009462+00', '2018-08-18 00:02:17.216053+00', 16212000.00, 0.00, 16212000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (358, '2500212780', '0400057404', '2018-01-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI PREVENTION PRISE EN CHARGE MALNUTRITION', '2017-12-20', '2018-03-20', 45481.87, NULL, 45481.87, 0.00, 45481.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-02 00:01:50.591171+00', 24970000.00, 0.00, 24970000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (990, '2500238161', '0400066565', '2019-02-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2018-04-01', '2019-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 8078.77, 0.00, 8216.95, '2019-02-15 00:11:32.573754+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.823349+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4721000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (991, '2500237874', '0400066639', '2019-02-18', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR GLOBAL DU SSFA EDUCATION LABEL 109', '2019-02-11', '2019-12-31', 8342.27, NULL, 25355.01, 8342.27, 25645.99, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.238942+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.839054+00', 4793000.00, 4793000.00, 14734750.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (385, '2500213965', '0400005299', '2012-07-27', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CENTREYALNA PREVENTION VIH/SIDA', '2012-07-27', '2012-12-31', 6405.33, NULL, 6405.33, 0.00, 6575.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.013503+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6600.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (340, '2500231377', '0400028762', '2015-03-11', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT SSA 001/HDS/15 APPUI PIQURES SCORPIONS/BE', '2015-03-11', '2015-05-30', 15775.12, NULL, 15775.12, 0.00, 16708.34, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.716416+00', 9763000.00, 0.00, 9763000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (356, '2500224893', '0400029963', '2015-04-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROMOTION ASSAINISSEMENT/HYGIENE SITUATION URGENCE', '2015-04-21', '2015-07-21', 17233.36, NULL, 17233.36, 0.00, 16887.48, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.034931+00', 10220000.00, 0.00, 10220000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9898,21 +10867,22 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (933, '2500225653', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (364, '2500213939', '0400016417', '2013-11-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE OEVS', '2013-11-05', '2013-11-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.648188+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6605300.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (905, '2500233143', '0400059361', '2018-04-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC CELIAF DU LAC', '2018-01-30', '2018-07-31', 31064.05, NULL, 31064.05, 0.00, 31064.05, '2018-04-12 00:05:37.509422+00', '2018-11-21 00:01:57.539613+00', 16502000.00, 0.00, 16502000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (338, '2500223261', '0400020816', '2014-05-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT PCANO8 AFDI/CHD/2014/WASH', '2014-05-19', '2014-07-25', 144738.21, NULL, 144738.21, 0.00, 75416.24, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.820883+00', 71576046.00, 0.00, 71576046.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (380, '2500221641', '0400022187', '2014-07-07', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE ATPCS', '2014-07-07', '2014-10-10', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 41.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:17.306037+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1032, '2500228854', '0400068702', '2019-05-28', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUI ACTIVITE CONTINUE DE COMMUNICATION', '2019-05-28', '2019-08-25', 8071.49, NULL, 8071.49, 8071.49, 8092.53, '2019-05-30 00:03:38.36762+00', '2019-09-11 00:05:33.081371+00', 4760000.00, 4760000.00, 4760000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1034, '2500218808', '0400068859', '2019-06-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA D''URGENCE 05 PCA PRO INTERSOS', '2019-06-03', '2019-09-03', 132127.75, NULL, 132127.75, 95611.90, 132127.75, '2019-06-05 00:03:35.134019+00', '2019-09-22 00:08:06.300718+00', 77919696.00, 56385204.00, 77919696.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1007, '2500238464', '0400067214', '2019-03-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA N 04/2019/NUTRITION/ASRADD', '2019-03-18', '2019-03-31', 239353.86, NULL, 239353.86, 11901.42, 239471.79, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485614+00', '2019-10-13 00:15:40.791876+00', 138095000.00, 6870000.00, 138095000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (504, '2500226117', '0400020820', '2014-05-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DE LA 2EME TRANCHE PCA IBCR', '2014-05-19', '2014-05-30', 42288.70, NULL, 42288.70, 0.00, 42985.31, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.868669+00', 20398249.00, 0.00, 20398249.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (909, '2500213985', '0400059885', '2018-04-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA AVEC COOPI EDUCATION', '2018-04-30', '2018-07-30', 140098.10, NULL, 140098.10, 0.00, 140098.10, '2018-05-02 00:01:38.434856+00', '2018-12-16 00:02:05.283645+00', 74423615.00, 0.00, 74423615.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (914, '2500214085', '0400060495', '2018-05-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE', '2018-05-24', '2018-08-24', 32163.77, NULL, 32163.77, 0.00, 32163.77, '2018-05-26 00:03:15.828705+00', '2018-09-06 00:05:27.66783+00', 17463833.00, 0.00, 17463833.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (921, '2500213985', '0400060880', '2018-06-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE POUR LA REPONSES URGENCE PROTECTION', '2018-06-08', '2018-09-08', 126056.83, NULL, 126056.83, 0.00, 118604.44, '2018-06-10 00:04:09.783062+00', '2019-02-07 00:02:03.039585+00', 66964543.00, 0.00, 66964543.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (674, '2500223093', '0400005346', '2012-07-31', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR SSFA CHOLÉRA/ACPJ (BONGOR)', '2012-07-15', '2012-12-31', 18746.41, NULL, 18746.41, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.033048+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20577.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1001, '2500213937', '0400067004', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', '2019-03-07', '2019-03-31', 11373.75, NULL, 11373.75, 0.00, 11271.71, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.63958+00', '2019-08-09 00:05:26.672683+00', 6500000.00, 0.00, 6500000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (414, '2500213991', '0400014209', '2013-07-23', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE/Nº007/PRO/POLIO/CRT/2013', '2013-07-23', '2013-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3025.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (427, '2500213943', '0400002171', '2012-04-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR - PROGRAMME COOPERATION AGREEMNT - APLFT', '2012-05-02', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (446, '2500221790', '0400009465', '2012-12-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC-FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA RNTAP+', '2012-12-27', '2013-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 23515.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (950, '2500228112', '0400063104', '2018-09-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE PCA 001/2017/PROG/PROTECTION/IHDL', '2018-09-13', '2018-09-20', 35591.39, NULL, 35591.39, 0.00, 35591.39, '2018-09-15 00:01:57.072454+00', '2019-03-07 16:43:13.30281+00', 20026100.00, 0.00, 20026100.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (981, '2500233727', '0400065408', '2018-12-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA CVDT (EDUCATION/COMMUNICATION)', '2018-03-06', '2019-05-31', 94276.18, NULL, 123816.92, 94276.18, 124216.91, '2018-12-12 00:02:07.776938+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.74325+00', 54356250.00, 54356250.00, 71619000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (397, '2500215479', '0400053996', '2017-09-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REPONSE URG CHOLERA À KOUKOU-ANGARANA', '2017-09-14', '2017-12-31', 129272.69, NULL, 129272.69, 0.00, 258545.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-17 16:21:55.754049+00', 70541006.00, 0.00, 141082012.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (970, '2500221790', '0400064738', '2018-11-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR FINANCEMENT DE LA 4ÈME TRANCHE DU PCA RNTAP', '2017-12-15', '2018-12-14', 32246.84, NULL, 32246.84, 0.00, 32246.83, '2018-11-17 00:02:07.558636+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:32.728027+00', 18612000.00, 0.00, 18612000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (392, '2500224893', '0400009266', '2012-12-18', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUV APE/UNICEF/SID NDJAMENA', '2012-12-20', '2013-03-20', 19040.28, NULL, 19040.28, 0.00, 19050.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.834136+00', 0.00, 0.00, 19050.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (370, '2500213923', '0400027525', '2015-01-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 3E TRANCHPCA 2014/06/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '2015-01-27', '2015-03-30', 312376.71, NULL, 312376.71, 0.00, 324117.71, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.480535+00', 180788646.00, 0.00, 180788646.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1017, '2500213943', '0400068011', '2019-04-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVEUR DES ENFA', '2019-04-25', '2019-07-25', 38942.74, NULL, 38942.74, 0.00, 39354.82, '2019-04-27 00:05:11.934777+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:23.903561+00', 22906000.00, 0.00, 22906000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (374, '2500232403', '0400032063', '2015-07-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FORMATION/PRODUCTION MAGAZINES JRC/RADIO FM LIBERT', '2015-07-15', '2015-12-31', 5728.54, NULL, 5728.54, 0.00, 5728.54, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.698883+00', 3400000.00, 0.00, 3400000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (376, '2500232402', '0400032064', '2015-07-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE RADIO KAR UBA- SOLEIL/COMMUNICATIO', '2015-04-16', '2015-12-31', 5155.69, NULL, 5155.69, 0.00, 5155.69, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.72728+00', 3060000.00, 0.00, 3060000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (375, '2500232394', '0400032065', '2015-07-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE UNION DES FEMMES POUR LA PAIX/COM', '2015-07-03', '2016-12-31', 17690.08, NULL, 17690.08, 0.00, 17690.08, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.756976+00', 10499400.00, 0.00, 10499400.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9928,7 +10898,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (394, '2500214085', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (402, '2500218272', '0400041206', '2016-06-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DSA ET TRANSPORT PART MISSION CELIAF', '2015-07-23', '2016-12-31', 1845.95, NULL, 1845.95, 0.00, 1845.95, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.012475+00', 1074319.00, 0.00, 1074319.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (367, '2500212828', '0400041299', '2016-06-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA N#11/CHD/PROG/WASH/ATV/2016', '2016-06-20', '2016-09-20', 133668.53, NULL, 133668.53, 0.00, 133698.79, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.062896+00', 77810955.00, 0.00, 77810955.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (368, '2500233143', '0400041659', '2016-06-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE CELIAF - N''DJAMENA', '2016-04-01', '2016-11-30', 24378.61, NULL, 24378.61, 0.00, 24845.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.376214+00', 14460000.00, 0.00, 14460000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (28, '2500237165', '0400052738', '2017-07-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DVPT MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIV RENFORCEMENT CONNAISSANC', '2017-05-15', '2017-08-15', 34218.14, NULL, 34218.14, 0.00, 34218.14, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.339133+00', 19722000.00, 0.00, 19722000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (400, '2500228510', '0400055205', '2017-11-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUTONOMISATION DU FONCTIONNEMENT UNT HME', '2017-10-19', '2018-01-18', 71389.39, NULL, 71389.39, 0.00, 71389.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.721086+00', 40310233.00, 0.00, 40310233.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (417, '2500228048', '0400019466', '2014-03-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA/ AILS/COORD(COMPLEMEN', '2014-03-24', '2014-12-31', 13232.60, NULL, 13232.60, 0.00, 13232.60, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.017292+00', 6344120.00, 0.00, 6344120.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (293, '2500223261', '0400005879', '2012-08-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENTS PCA2012/13/CHD/WASH/AFDI', '2012-08-01', '2013-01-31', 37301.80, NULL, 37301.80, 0.00, 84000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.164162+00', 0.00, 0.00, 44000.00, true, false, false);
@@ -9936,22 +10905,23 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (925, '2500213985', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (864, '2500219686', '0400055672', '2017-11-17', 'SSFA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE SSFA AVEC CSJEFOD', '2017-11-17', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-11-06 16:46:32.925289+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5425129.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (939, '2500221790', '0400062426', '2018-08-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PROJET AMELIORATION ACCES AUX SOINS RNTAP +', '2018-08-14', '2018-11-14', 24579.29, NULL, 24579.29, 0.00, 25179.54, '2018-08-16 00:01:48.226186+00', '2018-11-28 00:01:56.139598+00', 14112000.00, 0.00, 14112000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (379, '2500234300', '0400049998', '2017-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RÉPONSES ÉDUCATIVES D’URGENCE /PCA AHA', '2017-04-01', '2017-06-30', 35323.47, NULL, 35323.47, 0.00, 44065.79, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-01-10 00:02:01.146395+00', 21347600.00, 0.00, 27238296.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (370, '2500213923', '0400027525', '2015-01-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 3E TRANCHPCA 2014/06/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '2015-01-27', '2015-03-30', 312376.71, NULL, 312376.71, 0.00, 324117.71, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.470385+00', 180788646.00, 0.00, 180788646.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (28, '2500237165', '0400052738', '2017-07-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DVPT MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIV RENFORCEMENT CONNAISSANC', '2017-05-15', '2017-08-15', 34218.14, NULL, 34218.14, 0.00, 34218.14, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.769984+00', 19722000.00, 0.00, 19722000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1060, '2500238464', '0400071491', '2019-10-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU PCA AVEC ASRADD', '2019-03-01', '2020-02-29', 80112.41, NULL, 80112.41, 80112.41, 80112.41, '2019-10-16 00:15:08.28184+00', '2019-10-20 00:31:09.66754+00', 48035000.00, 48035000.00, 48035000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (953, '2500219686', '0400063252', '2018-09-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA PREVENTION VIH SIDA ET DEPISTAGE', '2018-09-19', '2018-12-19', 33718.43, NULL, 33718.43, 0.00, 33718.43, '2018-09-21 00:01:34.158449+00', '2019-03-02 00:15:29.258559+00', 18972250.00, 0.00, 18972250.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (994, '2500213923', '0400066882', '2019-03-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC ADRA', '2018-12-31', '2019-03-31', 65932.90, NULL, 65932.90, 65932.90, 65932.90, '2019-03-03 00:17:00.739688+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:32.793927+00', 38021196.00, 38021196.00, 38021196.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (996, '2500213985', '0400066990', '2019-03-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT', '2019-03-06', '2019-06-06', 26647.16, NULL, 26647.16, 0.00, 26647.16, '2019-03-07 18:04:16.048378+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:32.809023+00', 15366484.00, 0.00, 15366484.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (444, '2500221790', '0400016712', '2013-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RNTAP+/SOUTIEN PSYCHO-S DES PVVIH/APPUI PSYCHOLOGI', '2013-11-19', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 35911.34, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.73315+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17573000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1004, '2500228510', '0400067011', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI PREVENTION ET TRAITEMENT DE LA MALNUTRITION', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 36936.33, NULL, 36936.33, 36936.33, 36936.33, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639862+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:33.459263+00', 21299886.00, 21299886.00, 21299886.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (422, '2500214088', '0400020672', '2014-05-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA 2014/ CSSI', '2014-04-07', '2014-07-09', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 217689.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:16.677435+00', 0.00, 0.00, 58378410.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1021, '2500237473', '0400068169', '2019-05-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7% DU 2E TRANCHE DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT', '2019-05-06', '2019-06-30', 22138.29, NULL, 22138.29, 0.00, 22151.50, '2019-05-08 00:22:03.977594+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:57.535834+00', 13029448.00, 0.00, 13029448.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (428, '2500237165', '0400053213', '2017-08-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7% COUTS SUP INDIRECT DES ACTIV EDUCATIVES DE WVT', '2017-08-10', '2017-08-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 2475.24, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:28.66043+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1380540.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (938, '2500215479', '0400062416', '2018-08-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT 7% COUTS INDIRECTS PROGRAMME', '2018-08-14', '2018-10-30', 8810.47, NULL, 8810.47, 0.00, 8810.47, '2018-08-16 00:01:48.225779+00', '2018-08-19 00:01:38.832593+00', 4937870.00, 0.00, 4937870.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1007, '2500238464', '0400067214', '2019-03-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE T PCA N 04/2019/NUTRITION/ASRADD', '2019-03-18', '2019-03-31', 121491.68, NULL, 121491.68, 121491.68, 121491.68, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485614+00', '2019-03-22 00:04:00.425905+00', 70060000.00, 70060000.00, 70060000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (473, '2500213964', '0400013131', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CELIAF ABÉCHÉ', '2013-06-06', '2013-09-03', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (476, '2500213953', '0400000060', '2012-01-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PRISE EN CHARGE TRANSITOIRE DES EAFGAS PROJET CARE', '2010-01-20', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (482, '2500201346', '0400000069', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA OGB', '2011-11-01', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:08.563656+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (484, '2500215472', '0400000564', '2012-02-23', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION FINANCEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE AFVF', '2012-02-23', '2012-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:08.890822+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4666.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (977, '2500237165', '0400065147', '2018-12-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC WORLD VISION', '2018-10-01', '2018-10-31', 23505.59, NULL, 23505.59, 0.00, 23505.59, '2018-12-05 00:02:01.5167+00', '2019-03-20 16:42:44.2952+00', 13552475.00, 0.00, 13552475.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1002, '2500213955', '0400067008', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 9 PCA 2018 PRO CRS', '2019-03-07', '2019-06-07', 72313.86, NULL, 72313.86, 72313.86, 72313.86, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639703+00', '2019-03-22 00:04:00.386075+00', 41700874.00, 41700874.00, 41700874.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1049, '2500221790', '0400070590', '2019-08-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT PERDIEM PERSONNES RESSOURCES C4D', '2019-08-29', '2019-08-31', 3036.60, NULL, 3036.60, 0.00, 3070.35, '2019-08-31 00:26:49.763824+00', '2019-10-30 00:29:44.713+00', 1800000.00, 0.00, 1800000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1008, '2500237165', '0400067389', '2019-03-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'CFS 1ERE TRANCHE 2/PCA/2018/NUTRITION/WORLDVISION', '2019-03-25', '2019-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 13912.69, '2019-03-27 00:05:10.438888+00', '2019-03-31 00:04:52.106331+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8022960.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1020, '2500224554', '0400068145', '2019-05-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUI ACT COMM ET MOB SOC SUR VACC ENTRE LES CAMP', '2019-05-03', '2019-12-01', 5062.93, NULL, 5062.93, 5062.93, 5062.93, '2019-05-05 00:22:25.834114+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.118991+00', 2978000.00, 2978000.00, 2978000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (172, '2500223336', '0400005907', '2012-08-22', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENTS N°SSFA/03/WASH-NDJ/UP', '2012-08-20', '2012-10-20', 5742.99, NULL, 5742.99, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.207769+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (420, '2500221193', '0400027919', '2015-02-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FACE PAYMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE/PCA 2014/10/ONG BASE', '2015-02-11', '2015-05-31', 107458.64, NULL, 107458.64, 0.00, 114910.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.586828+00', 66504650.00, 0.00, 62197650.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (433, '2500232402', '0400032969', '2015-08-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT ACCORD RADIO KAR UBA MOUNDOU ET UNICEF', '2015-08-21', '2015-11-21', 8461.55, NULL, 8461.55, 0.00, 8461.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.927429+00', 5080000.00, 0.00, 5080000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -9966,26 +10936,26 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (425, '2500225602', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (445, '2500234736', '0400045535', '2016-11-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT ACPV RADIO KADAYE DE BOL', '2016-04-15', '2016-12-31', 1688.92, NULL, 1688.92, 0.00, 1688.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.271361+00', 1019000.00, 0.00, 1019000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (408, '2500236867', '0400052139', '2017-07-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR PROJET TRANSFORMATION PACIFIQUE DES CONFLITS', '2017-04-25', '2017-10-31', 15416.55, NULL, 15416.55, 0.00, 15103.38, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.162409+00', 8705000.00, 0.00, 8705000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (423, '2500214085', '0400053533', '2017-08-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA IAS', '2017-08-24', '2017-11-24', 13048.04, NULL, 13048.04, 0.00, 12809.23, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.469101+00', 7120000.00, 0.00, 7120000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (984, '2500213937', '0400065909', '2019-01-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', '2019-01-03', '2019-12-31', 8628.31, NULL, 42209.71, 8628.31, 54226.68, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.452119+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.762265+00', 4931000.00, 4931000.00, 31142000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (447, '2500228112', '0400054170', '2017-09-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI À LA CRÉATION D’UN ENVIRONNEMENT PROTECTEUR', '2017-09-21', '2017-12-21', 248683.29, NULL, 248683.29, 0.00, 253426.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-20 00:01:40.308896+00', 138288800.00, 0.00, 138288800.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (472, '2500221169', '0400006419', '2012-09-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT ACCORD A PETITE ECHELLE CRT', '2012-09-12', '2012-12-05', 15302.28, NULL, 15302.28, 0.00, 15330.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.944913+00', 0.00, 0.00, 15330.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (985, '2500234968', '0400065931', '2019-01-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '20/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/UAFAT', '2019-01-07', '2019-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 24972.15, 0.00, 25410.37, '2019-01-09 00:02:01.540774+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.800364+00', 0.00, 0.00, 14593000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (993, '2500233143', '0400066809', '2019-02-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR T 2 ET 3 PCA - CELIAF, COORDINATION NATIONALE', '2018-11-01', '2019-08-30', 0.00, NULL, 46376.36, 0.00, 47169.58, '2019-03-02 00:15:29.158934+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.854286+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27101000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (503, '2500224402', '0400020823', '2014-05-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APE POUR LA SENSIBILISATION DE WASH DARASALAM', '2014-06-01', '2014-11-30', 16967.72, NULL, 16967.72, 0.00, 17269.36, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.8947+00', 8184500.00, 0.00, 8195000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (129, '2500220441', '0400020890', '2014-05-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE À TRAVERS LES RADIOS, N''DJIMI', '2014-05-21', '2014-12-30', 12459.65, NULL, 12459.65, 0.00, 12664.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.916425+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (620, '2500214088', '0400021029', '2014-05-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2EME VERSEMENT PCA AVEC IRC POUR RETOURNÉS RCA', '2014-05-26', '2014-08-26', 106043.63, NULL, 106043.63, 0.00, 65853.25, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.938706+00', 51150886.00, 0.00, 52373697.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (995, '2500234927', '0400066945', '2019-03-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE 7%', '2019-03-05', '2019-06-05', 0.00, NULL, 8032.01, 0.00, 8139.34, '2019-03-07 16:43:13.224797+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.871853+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4693675.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (971, '2500228587', '0400064751', '2018-11-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIORATION ACCES AUX INTRANTS NUTRIONNELS', '2018-11-15', '2018-12-31', 39611.00, NULL, 39611.00, 0.00, 39611.00, '2018-11-17 00:02:07.559415+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:12.073975+00', 22862398.00, 0.00, 22862398.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1004, '2500228510', '0400067011', '2019-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI PREVENTION ET TRAITEMENT DE LA MALNUTRITION', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 39463.15, NULL, 39463.15, 0.00, 39496.91, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639862+00', '2019-07-22 00:05:34.263722+00', 22776486.00, 0.00, 22776486.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (460, '2500224422', '0400030936', '2015-06-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA N°16/SFCG/2014/PRO-PEACE BUILDING & EDUCATION', '2014-08-21', '2015-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 79075.42, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:19.718883+00', 0.00, 0.00, 47617793.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (917, '2500213985', '0400060629', '2018-05-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA PROTECTION DES ENFANTS AFFECTES LAC', '2018-05-30', '2018-08-30', 8669.97, NULL, 8669.97, 0.00, 8669.97, '2018-06-01 00:02:24.30618+00', '2018-06-02 00:02:29.620284+00', 4707500.00, 0.00, 4707500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (481, '2500230977', '0400033419', '2015-09-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ERE TRANCHE PCA ENTRE ADERBA/UNICEF', '2012-01-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3833.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:21.207483+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2236010.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (485, '2500221169', '0400036087', '2015-12-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITE CONSTRUCTION SDC &SFC/PCA N 22/CRT', '2015-12-07', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 3185.81, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:21.851747+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1975381.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (465, '2500213917', '0400037658', '2016-02-11', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ARED 2EME TRANCHE', '2016-02-11', '2016-05-11', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 14536.85, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:22.405451+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8725000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (469, '2500214090', '0400049975', '2017-04-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT CONTROLE EPIDEMIE HEPATITE E, SALAMAT', '2017-04-26', '2017-04-26', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 144542.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:27.633749+00', 0.00, 0.00, 89346000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1059, '2500237165', '0400071402', '2019-10-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE NUT DES ENFTS 06 A 59 MOIS', '2019-10-09', '2019-12-31', 99672.81, NULL, 99672.81, 99672.81, 99672.81, '2019-10-11 00:15:21.121246+00', '2019-10-15 00:15:19.674339+00', 59763319.00, 59763319.00, 59763319.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (495, '2500221790', '0400051795', '2017-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PROJET AMELIORATION ACCES AUX SOINS/UTILISATION', '2017-06-19', '2017-09-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (510, '2500221169', '0400017340', '2013-12-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'CFS GRANT SM 130125 REMBOURSEMENT 3E T. PCA/CRT/12', '2013-12-10', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (512, '2500223261', '0400038828', '2016-03-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC AFDI 2', '2016-03-01', '2016-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (219, '2500214062', '0400057948', '2018-02-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE T VULGARISAT@ APPRO ASSAINI PAR ATPC À MANDAL', '2018-02-19', '2018-05-31', 37597.59, NULL, 37597.59, 0.00, 33808.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-14 00:01:56.742453+00', 19845813.00, 0.00, 17845813.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (497, '2500213957', '0400004960', '2012-07-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REVUE CONJOINTE SEMESTRIELLE ET REMBOURSEMENT', '2012-07-16', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:10.45445+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5200.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1052, '2500240664', '0400071091', '2019-09-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '18/PCA/2019/WASH/ASD', '2019-09-23', '2020-01-31', 96909.53, NULL, 96909.63, 96909.53, 96909.63, '2019-09-25 00:10:29.68795+00', '2019-10-03 00:08:22.917067+00', 57842100.00, 57842100.00, 57842160.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (944, '2500228112', '0400062567', '2018-08-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APPUI AUX ENFANTS AFFECTES CRISE RCA', '2018-08-20', '2018-08-21', 49400.67, NULL, 49400.67, 0.00, 49400.67, '2018-08-28 13:22:20.10213+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:21.820835+00', 28363000.00, 0.00, 28363000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (478, '2500213923', '0400031123', '2015-06-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT TRIMESTRE 4 PCA 2014/ADRA/WASH', '2015-06-09', '2015-08-30', 431878.89, NULL, 431878.89, 0.00, 431879.22, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.276617+00', 260069694.00, 0.00, 260069894.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (448, '2500214062', '0400032334', '2015-07-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA Nº06/CHD/PROG/WASH/ESME/2015', '2015-07-27', '2015-12-31', 55128.40, NULL, 55128.40, 0.00, 55128.40, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.801739+00', 32719750.00, 0.00, 32719750.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10019,11 +10989,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (538, '2500219704', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (551, '2500221193', '0400002844', '2012-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 2EME TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE', '2012-05-01', '2013-04-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 122849.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (554, '2500214090', '0400050587', '2017-05-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT CONTROLE EPIDEMIE HEPATITE E, SALAMAT', '2017-05-16', '2017-08-16', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (561, '2500213951', '0400008541', '2012-11-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR PARTICIPATION REAT A ATELIER EAA DAKAR', '2012-11-30', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (997, '2500213985', '0400067059', '2019-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-03-11', '2019-06-11', 0.00, NULL, 30640.64, 0.00, 31050.09, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639083+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.906427+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17905500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (249, '2500221193', '0400021867', '2014-06-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT PRÉFINANCEMENT ACTIVITÉS BASE 2014', '2014-06-24', '2014-09-24', 58011.17, NULL, 58011.17, 0.00, 58069.02, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.227427+00', 28002687.00, 0.00, 28010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (309, '2500223336', '0400007345', '2012-10-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA UP', '2012-10-17', '2013-01-18', 12227.30, NULL, 12227.30, 0.00, 12230.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.180272+00', 0.00, 0.00, 12230.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (493, '2500223261', '0400014011', '2013-07-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 1ER TRANCHE A AFDI', '2013-07-16', '2013-10-16', 48122.87, NULL, 48122.87, 0.00, 48122.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:15.605706+00', 24211532.00, 0.00, 50400218.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (152, '2500227181', '0400052127', '2017-07-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR COMPAGNIE HADRE DOUNIA', '2017-07-03', '2017-12-31', 12724.63, NULL, 12724.63, 0.00, 24932.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.28681+00', 7185000.00, 0.00, 14370000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1011, '2500227539', '0400067461', '2019-03-28', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENF SYST PROTEC EN FAV DES ENFTS AFFEC PAR CRISE', '2019-03-28', '2019-06-30', 39132.67, NULL, 39655.61, 0.00, 39655.61, '2019-03-30 00:05:51.58231+00', '2019-08-08 00:05:28.858246+00', 22868000.00, 0.00, 22868000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (999, '2500213985', '0400067058', '2019-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PLANIFICATION SUIVI EVALUATION ET COMMUNICATION', '2019-03-11', '2019-06-11', 2592.53, NULL, 2592.53, 0.00, 2627.18, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639334+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.16713+00', 1515000.00, 0.00, 1515000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1006, '2500212787', '0400067171', '2019-03-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRASTRUCTURES', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 46569.65, '2019-03-19 14:20:23.485524+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.184966+00', 0.00, 0.00, 26855090.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (511, '2500232382', '0400031750', '2015-07-01', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE APE/APR/COMMUNICATION', '2015-05-28', '2015-12-31', 57206.41, NULL, 57206.41, 0.00, 57774.80, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.586798+00', 33894800.00, 0.00, 33894800.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (489, '2500229339', '0400034375', '2015-10-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCANº10*2015/PROG/WASH/IDRISS', '2015-10-15', '2016-06-30', 84850.29, NULL, 84850.29, 0.00, 85768.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.628294+00', 50143150.00, 0.00, 50143150.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (507, '2500225602', '0400035370', '2015-11-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 2NDE TRANCHE 05/CHD/PROG/WASH/ATPCS', '2015-09-01', '2015-11-30', 78637.42, NULL, 78637.42, 0.00, 78637.42, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.835953+00', 47060250.00, 0.00, 47060250.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10031,7 +11002,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (506, '2500232204', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (513, '2500233032', '0400038481', '2016-03-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA N*09/2015/PROG/WASH/IDO', '2016-03-08', '2016-06-08', 57066.82, NULL, 57066.82, 0.00, 57066.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.625726+00', 34154550.00, 0.00, 34154550.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (522, '2500232848', '0400039806', '2016-04-25', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR MISE EN OEUVRE ACT ACPV -ASSOCIAT NADJA MASSENY', '2016-04-07', '2016-09-30', 3524.29, NULL, 3524.29, 0.00, 3524.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.293442+00', 2050000.00, 0.00, 2050000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (523, '2500232213', '0400040336', '2016-05-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA AL-NADJA', '2016-05-12', '2016-08-12', 50397.69, NULL, 50397.69, 0.00, 50397.69, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.660543+00', 29160000.00, 0.00, 29160000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (525, '2500232403', '0400041531', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO FM LIBERTÉ', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 2096.64, NULL, 2096.64, 0.00, 4348.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.347383+00', 1265000.00, 0.00, 2531000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (517, '2500232204', '0400043441', '2016-09-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ACTIVITES ACPV CELIAF', '2016-09-14', '2016-12-14', 4108.66, NULL, 4108.66, 0.00, 4108.66, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.985173+00', 2418000.00, 0.00, 2418000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (492, '2500213923', '0400044167', '2016-10-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DU PCA ADRA', '2016-08-01', '2016-11-30', 74778.77, NULL, 74778.77, 0.00, 76026.07, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.293207+00', 44463084.00, 0.00, 44463084.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (498, '2500214062', '0400044862', '2016-11-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FIN. PCA#6/CHD/PROG/WASH/ESME/2016', '2016-11-02', '2017-02-02', 35916.02, NULL, 35916.02, 0.00, 36084.50, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.891097+00', 21669750.00, 0.00, 21669750.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10044,21 +11014,23 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (532, '2500228126', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (346, '2500219704', '0400007437', '2012-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PROGRAMME SANTE COMMUNAUTAIRE/SANTE/WASH/PROTECTIO', '2012-04-01', '2013-03-31', 20047.99, NULL, 20047.99, 0.00, 20000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.202287+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (936, '2500214062', '0400062395', '2018-08-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE MISE EN OEUVRE ATPC', '2018-08-13', '2018-11-13', 6959.84, NULL, 6959.84, 0.00, 7129.81, '2018-08-15 00:02:05.262384+00', '2018-11-28 00:01:56.102836+00', 3995938.00, 0.00, 3995938.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (533, '2500224985', '0400011326', '2013-03-27', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT DE LA DERNIERE TRANCHE APE FDB', '2013-03-27', '2013-04-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7632.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:12.540848+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7632.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (956, '2500235282', '0400063590', '2018-10-02', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROMOTION DE VL''ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL EXCLUSIF', '2018-10-02', '2019-01-02', 19629.27, NULL, 19629.27, 8237.02, 19857.36, '2018-10-05 00:01:44.349784+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.670683+00', 11142500.00, 4750000.00, 11142500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (548, '2500221790', '0400016713', '2013-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RNTAP+/RECYCLAGE CPS/FORMATION MÉDIATEURS DE SANTÉ', '2013-11-19', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 29475.17, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.752918+00', 0.00, 0.00, 14423500.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (539, '2500213966', '0400018648', '2014-02-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE /CSSI', '2014-02-20', '2014-04-20', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 18210.22, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:15.643978+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8800000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (518, '2500228063', '0400018934', '2014-03-04', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº19/PRO/POLIO/CROIX-ROUGE - MANDO', '2014-03-04', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12635.81, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:15.82689+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6058000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (539, '2500213966', '0400018648', '2014-02-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE /CSSI', '2014-02-20', '2014-04-20', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 18210.22, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.262295+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8800000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (525, '2500232403', '0400041531', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIO FM LIBERTÉ', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 2096.64, NULL, 2096.64, 0.00, 4348.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.681888+00', 1265000.00, 0.00, 2531000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (344, '2500223261', '0400007439', '2012-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA 2012/13/CHD/WASH/AFDI WASH IN NUT. DS LES CNA', '2012-08-09', '2013-02-09', 39427.80, NULL, 39427.80, 0.00, 39345.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.218641+00', 0.00, 0.00, 39345.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (10, '2500221193', '0400021871', '2014-06-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE DANS LE WADI FIRA 2014', '2014-06-24', '2014-09-24', 138239.83, NULL, 138239.83, 0.00, 138341.57, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.27683+00', 66730026.00, 0.00, 66730026.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (531, '2500229339', '0400033873', '2015-09-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR DECAISSEMENT 1ERE T MIS EN OEUVRE PCA IDRISS', '2012-01-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:21.441617+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29440300.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (578, '2500213985', '0400051367', '2017-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA PROTECTION DES ENFANTS DANS 4 ILES LAC', '2017-06-06', '2017-09-06', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (598, '2500223261', '0400038820', '2016-03-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC AFDI 2', '2016-03-07', '2016-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (591, '2500212785', '0400012283', '2013-05-03', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION POUR SSFA A HADJER HADID/ABDI', '2013-05-03', '2013-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:12.742829+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1016, '2500234927', '0400067851', '2019-04-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE 7%', '2019-04-16', '2019-07-16', 7952.01, NULL, 7952.01, 0.00, 8036.16, '2019-04-18 00:04:27.131501+00', '2019-05-15 00:03:25.421422+00', 4677348.00, 0.00, 4677348.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (956, '2500235282', '0400063590', '2018-10-02', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROMOTION DE VL''ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL EXCLUSIF', '2018-10-02', '2019-01-02', 19629.27, NULL, 19629.27, 0.00, 19857.36, '2018-10-05 00:01:44.349784+00', '2019-08-31 00:26:49.824874+00', 11142500.00, 0.00, 11142500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1015, '2500212787', '0400067693', '2019-04-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRASTRUCTURES', '2019-04-09', '2019-07-09', 46139.75, NULL, 46139.75, 0.00, 47059.15, '2019-04-12 17:41:31.988447+00', '2019-09-08 00:04:42.484806+00', 26855090.00, 0.00, 27500000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (577, '2500224382', '0400012927', '2013-05-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 2E TRANCHE DE CAIDEL', '2013-05-30', '2013-07-31', 8919.36, NULL, 8919.36, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.758779+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9150.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (889, '2500233143', '0400058455', '2018-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE APPUI À LA SCOLARISATION DES ENFANTS', '2018-03-07', '2018-03-22', 100615.89, NULL, 100615.89, 0.00, 100615.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.476495+00', 53815820.00, 0.00, 53815820.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (559, '2500221169', '0400028220', '2015-02-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FIN.PCA Nº22/2014 WASH-EDUCATION/CRT DERN.TRANCCHE', '2015-02-03', '2015-07-31', 155613.74, NULL, 155613.74, 0.00, 166404.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.616706+00', 96307169.00, 0.00, 96307169.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (562, '2500228112', '0400029193', '2015-03-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCHPCA 2014/CHD/WASH/IHDL', '2015-03-26', '2015-04-30', 62262.34, NULL, 62262.34, 0.00, 60883.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.832255+00', 37680050.00, 0.00, 37680050.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (563, '2500228112', '0400029194', '2015-03-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCHPCA 2014/CHD/WASH/IHDL', '2015-03-26', '2015-04-30', 133704.48, NULL, 133704.48, 0.00, 130743.85, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.872403+00', 80915540.00, 0.00, 82754040.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (558, '2500232211', '0400032068', '2015-07-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ASSOCIATION TOCKODINE/MELFI/COMMUN', '2015-07-15', '2015-12-31', 5391.57, NULL, 5391.57, 0.00, 5391.57, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.778463+00', 3200000.00, 0.00, 3200000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (550, '2500228112', '0400033681', '2015-09-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA/2015/CHAD/PROT/IHDL', '2015-08-31', '2016-09-30', 114353.31, NULL, 114353.31, 0.00, 114353.31, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.484261+00', 66700000.00, 0.00, 66700021.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (530, '2500233645', '0400036111', '2015-12-07', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACTIVITE 6.2.1,CAMPAGNE FIN MARIAGE DES ENFANTS', '2015-12-07', '2015-12-31', 3741.60, NULL, 3741.60, 0.00, 3741.60, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.966195+00', 2320000.00, 0.00, 2320000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10075,15 +11047,24 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (587, '2500213939', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (794, '2500224893', '0400021932', '2014-06-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT ACTIVITES CINE-CLUB RETOURNES RCA/ZAFAYE', '2014-06-26', '2014-07-28', 1682.16, NULL, 1682.16, 0.00, 1683.40, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.299846+00', 812000.00, 0.00, 812000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (281, '2500228510', '0400021938', '2014-06-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2ÈME VERSEMENT PCA ALIMA 2014', '2014-06-26', '2014-09-26', 30984.87, NULL, 30984.87, 0.00, 31926.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.325411+00', 14956768.00, 0.00, 15400000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (247, '2500219704', '0400022033', '2014-07-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINACEMENT 1ST TRANHE PCA CHORA CONSORTIUM TISSI', '2014-07-01', '2014-10-20', 27999.82, NULL, 27999.82, 0.00, 29209.96, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.351804+00', 14100000.00, 0.00, 14100000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1018, '2500233143', '0400068023', '2019-04-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', '2018-10-01', '2019-05-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.377183+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.454562+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (569, '2500223261', '0400032037', '2015-07-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REGUL. DCT AFDI 1ERE TRANCHE PCA/2013', '2015-07-14', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1363.63, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:20.235164+00', 0.00, 0.00, 100000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (596, '2500232213', '0400045435', '2016-11-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA ASSOCIAT. ALNADJA', '2016-08-19', '2016-11-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12084.30, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:26.209294+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7291000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (616, '2500213951', '0400056761', '2017-12-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', '2017-12-14', '2018-03-14', 45088.66, NULL, 45088.66, 0.00, 45088.66, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:41.967216+00', 24956756.00, 0.00, 24956756.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (594, '2500229339', '0400056709', '2017-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2NDE TRANCHE PCA IDRISS', '2017-12-13', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 27972.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:29.752149+00', 0.00, 0.00, 15482850.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (617, '2500233646', '0400044543', '2016-10-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR ENCADREMENT DU CLUB DE REPORTERS DE JEUNES', '2016-10-24', '2017-01-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1050, '2500215479', '0400070746', '2019-09-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7% COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-09-06', '2019-12-31', 18578.24, NULL, 18578.24, 0.00, 18578.24, '2019-09-08 00:04:42.422116+00', '2019-09-13 00:04:39.951422+00', 11012585.00, 0.00, 11012585.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (618, '2500212813', '0400044542', '2016-10-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ENCADREMENT CLUB JEUNES REPORTERS', '2016-10-24', '2017-01-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (630, '2500214314', '0400002466', '2012-04-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC- PAIEMENT TROISIÈME TRANCHE PCA ASTBEF', '2011-07-25', '2012-07-26', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 27108.84, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:09.382373+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27108.84, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1023, '2500237522', '0400068250', '2019-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '4E T APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR CRISE RCA', '2019-05-08', '2019-12-01', 481185.29, NULL, 481185.29, 125925.11, 481185.29, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.346854+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:26.683254+00', 283031745.00, 74068782.00, 283031745.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (994, '2500213923', '0400066882', '2019-03-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 3EME TRANCHE PCA AVEC ADRA', '2018-12-31', '2019-03-31', 65932.90, NULL, 69657.77, 0.00, 69657.77, '2019-03-03 00:17:00.739688+00', '2019-11-14 00:06:36.555035+00', 38021196.00, 0.00, 40169197.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1019, '2500233143', '0400068105', '2019-05-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', '2018-08-01', '2019-05-30', 94821.97, NULL, 94821.97, 33691.93, 94821.97, '2019-05-04 00:22:15.950962+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:56.298529+00', 55774000.00, 19817500.00, 55774000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1024, '2500237473', '0400068275', '2019-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE CENTR', '2019-05-09', '2019-08-09', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-11 00:03:19.837937+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.626236+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (570, '2500213923', '0400056562', '2017-12-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE ACCES DURABLE EAU', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 97545.27, NULL, 97545.27, 0.00, 97545.27, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-06 00:02:39.284907+00', 53991696.00, 0.00, 53991696.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (973, '2500233143', '0400064887', '2018-11-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', '2018-11-01', '2018-11-30', 40143.08, NULL, 40143.08, 0.00, 40143.08, '2018-11-24 00:01:56.857085+00', '2019-05-31 00:03:41.649885+00', 23169500.00, 0.00, 23169500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (278, '2500221314', '0400002187', '2012-04-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR - SMALL SCALE FUNDING - ASER', '2012-05-02', '2012-12-31', 8075.75, NULL, 8075.75, 0.00, 8078.99, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.312394+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8078.99, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (361, '2500228112', '0400057018', '2017-12-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI D''URGENCE AMELIORATION CONDITIONS ACCES EAU', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 136422.68, NULL, 136422.68, 0.00, 136422.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-09-19 00:07:37.177581+00', 75510500.00, 0.00, 75510500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1042, '2500237165', '0400069899', '2019-07-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PREVENTION ET PRISE EN CHARGE MALNUTRITION AIGUE', '2019-07-24', '2019-10-24', 88679.95, NULL, 88679.96, 0.00, 88679.95, '2019-07-26 00:10:45.588039+00', '2019-09-19 00:07:37.200854+00', 51189794.00, 0.00, 51189794.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1061, '2500227539', '0400071521', '2019-10-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA/2019/PRO/APSELPA', '2019-09-17', '2020-01-16', 78269.50, NULL, 78269.50, 78269.50, 78269.50, '2019-10-17 00:29:27.904648+00', '2019-10-20 00:31:09.684296+00', 46930000.00, 46930000.00, 46930000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (165, '2500219704', '0400007656', '2012-10-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT COMPL PCA CHORA AMENDE', '2012-10-31', '2013-03-31', 88468.11, NULL, 88468.11, 0.00, 87844.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.254438+00', 0.00, 0.00, 88260.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (603, '2500219704', '0400007836', '2012-11-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMPLÉMENT 3È TRANCHE DU PCA 12-04/PRO/CHORA', '2012-10-01', '2012-12-31', 1253.80, NULL, 1253.80, 0.00, 1270.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.273647+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1270.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (335, '2500224289', '0400007946', '2012-11-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA "ACTION COMMUNAUTAIRE AU LOG OCCID & N''DJAMEN"', '2012-11-13', '2013-05-31', 36693.57, NULL, 36693.57, 0.00, 135000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.307915+00', 0.00, 0.00, 135000.00, true, false, false);
@@ -10101,14 +11082,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (605, '2500221169', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (579, '2500213985', '0400051368', '2017-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APPUI A LA PROTECTION ENFANTS LAC', '2017-06-06', '2017-09-06', 103424.19, NULL, 103424.19, 0.00, 103424.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.858058+00', 60616400.00, 0.00, 60616400.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (565, '2500213937', '0400052140', '2017-07-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASSOCIATION DES GUIDES DU TCHAD', '2017-05-25', '2017-12-31', 16525.99, NULL, 16525.99, 0.00, 15920.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.18118+00', 9176000.00, 0.00, 9176000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (629, '2500213985', '0400055286', '2017-11-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES PREVENTION RISQ', '2017-08-10', '2017-11-10', 7514.61, NULL, 7514.61, 0.00, 7514.61, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.763039+00', 4243148.00, 0.00, 4243148.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (941, '2500237522', '0400062597', '2018-08-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 17/PCA/2017/EDU/ACRA', '2018-08-23', '2018-11-23', 615941.00, NULL, 615941.00, 0.00, 615941.00, '2018-08-28 13:22:20.095333+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.07703+00', 353637597.00, 0.00, 353637597.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (766, '2500213931', '0400022055', '2014-07-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA 2013/15/ASTBEF/VIH', '2013-12-02', '2014-12-31', 19971.85, NULL, 19971.85, 0.00, 26055.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.379353+00', 9948120.00, 0.00, 12577504.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (622, '2500221408', '0400033352', '2015-09-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE - CROIX ROUGE LAC', '2015-07-01', '2015-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:20.979842+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3042000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (275, '2500214088', '0400053651', '2017-08-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E T CONTR DES SOINS MEDICO-NUT AIGUE DANS DS LIWA', '2017-08-29', '2017-08-31', 50741.39, NULL, 50741.39, 0.00, 50741.39, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-09-15 00:01:57.165173+00', 28204552.00, 0.00, 28204552.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (771, '2500229124', '0400022114', '2014-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 1RE TRANCH PCA 13 ACTED-WASH/14', '2014-07-03', '2014-10-01', 146424.29, NULL, 146424.29, 0.00, 146424.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.404856+00', 70680761.00, 0.00, 70680761.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (668, '2500233645', '0400041528', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIOTOB FM', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (941, '2500237522', '0400062597', '2018-08-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 17/PCA/2017/EDU/ACRA', '2018-08-23', '2018-11-23', 615941.00, NULL, 615941.00, 180321.33, 615941.00, '2018-08-28 13:22:20.095333+00', '2018-11-14 00:01:58.928616+00', 353637597.00, 103530049.00, 353637597.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1033, '2500233143', '0400068748', '2019-05-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX', '2019-03-01', '2019-05-30', 12427.80, NULL, 12427.80, 12427.80, 12427.81, '2019-05-31 00:03:40.974144+00', '2019-06-01 00:03:32.143567+00', 7310000.00, 7310000.00, 7310000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (669, '2300006133', '0400015226', '2013-09-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT PCA AVEC ACRA ( ENFTS BOUVIERS)', '2013-09-13', '2014-07-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 376607.15, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:13.989039+00', 0.00, 0.00, 186513937.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (665, '2500215480', '0400016245', '2013-10-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR- FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI MISSION DE PLAIDOYER LEAD', '2013-10-29', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 9376.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.590759+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4533000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (668, '2500233645', '0400041528', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE RADIOTOB FM', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.637802+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1051, '2500237522', '0400070857', '2019-09-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7 % COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', '2019-09-12', '2019-12-31', 12225.86, NULL, 12225.86, 0.00, 12225.87, '2019-09-14 00:04:26.507235+00', '2019-09-18 00:08:46.781105+00', 7247103.00, 0.00, 7247103.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1030, '2500237900', '0400068682', '2019-05-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AU RENFORCEMENT DES CONNAISSANCES DES POPULA', '2019-03-11', '2019-06-11', 49451.97, NULL, 49451.97, 0.00, 49451.97, '2019-05-29 00:03:00.253752+00', '2019-10-13 00:15:40.809364+00', 29087500.00, 0.00, 29087500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (688, '2500221790', '0400016714', '2013-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RNTAP+/RENFORC/CAPACITÉS RNTAP/APPUI COORD/SUIVI/E', '2013-11-19', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 26252.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.776506+00', 0.00, 0.00, 12846474.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (660, '2500214085', '0400017933', '2014-01-20', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 2ME TRCH IAS PCA/8/2012/CHD/WASH/IAS AMEND', '2014-01-20', '2014-04-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 45688.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:15.30678+00', 0.00, 0.00, 21714046.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (676, '2500221883', '0400020541', '2014-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT PCA ACTED/CHD/2014/WASH', '2014-05-09', '2014-07-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 448526.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:16.657635+00', 0.00, 0.00, 212843846.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10125,7 +11109,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (615, '2500232846', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (624, '2500221314', '0400036689', '2015-12-18', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUI SCOLAIRE &PSYCHOSOCIAL AUX OEV', '2015-12-01', '2016-03-31', 10022.04, NULL, 10022.04, 0.00, 10022.04, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.223786+00', 5984000.00, 0.00, 5984000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (607, '2500234256', '0400038685', '2016-03-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR SSFA ODYSSEE', '2016-03-15', '2016-06-15', 46602.41, NULL, 46602.41, 0.00, 46021.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.673156+00', 27004560.00, 0.00, 27004560.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (609, '2500224554', '0400039170', '2016-04-01', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FC FINANCEMENT PAIEMENT 2EME ET 3EME TRANCHE ASVDO', '2016-04-01', '2016-06-30', 3451.45, NULL, 3451.45, 0.00, 3451.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.811166+00', 2000000.00, 0.00, 2000000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (645, '2500234968', '0400041365', '2016-06-20', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ASSOCIATION UAFAT', '2016-06-27', '2016-09-27', 18109.25, NULL, 18109.25, 0.00, 18390.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.145233+00', 10703000.00, 0.00, 10703000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (636, '2500234735', '0400041475', '2016-06-23', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC ASSOCIATION HANANA', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 3178.77, NULL, 3178.77, 0.00, 3178.77, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.236348+00', 1850000.00, 0.00, 1850000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (644, '2500234334', '0400043711', '2016-09-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR FINANCEMENT ACCORD PETITE ECHELLE AVEC ACTT', '2016-08-22', '2016-11-22', 16283.08, NULL, 16283.08, 0.00, 16181.46, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.078095+00', 9523000.00, 0.00, 9523000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (634, '2500223261', '0400046235', '2016-12-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR PCA WASH/AFDI : PROMO ASSAINISSEMENT ET HY', '2016-03-10', '2017-03-31', 66147.47, NULL, 66147.47, 0.00, 66147.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.424631+00', 40872188.00, 0.00, 40872188.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10138,16 +11121,15 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (85, '2500213954', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (362, '2500226920', '0400022278', '2014-07-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA NO 08/CHDA/2013 AVEC ACRA (ENFANTS BOUVIERS)', '2014-07-10', '2014-09-10', 183983.28, NULL, 183983.28, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.575033+00', 88810939.00, 0.00, 88810939.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (168, '2500214085', '0400022565', '2014-07-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBURSMT PREFINANCMT ACTIVITES TISSI/IAS', '2014-07-23', '2014-07-23', 45004.16, NULL, 45004.16, 0.00, 45004.16, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.594044+00', 21724046.00, 0.00, 21724046.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (715, '2500222378', '0400004391', '2012-06-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR - CELEBRATION JOURNÉE ENFANT AFRICAIN', '2012-06-25', '2012-07-30', 4232.59, NULL, 4232.59, 0.00, 4233.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.91285+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4435.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (304, '2500224422', '0400008061', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AVEC SFCG', '2012-10-01', '2013-03-31', 85518.50, NULL, 85518.50, 0.00, 280000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.355746+00', 0.00, 0.00, 290000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (708, '2500221193', '0400020490', '2014-05-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BASE DANS LE WADI-FIRA', '2014-06-24', '2014-09-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 140620.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (714, '2500212820', '0400028418', '2015-02-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AVANCE 1ER TRANCHE PCA 01/PRO/WASH/SIF/2015', '2015-02-26', '2015-05-29', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (716, '2500234518', '0400044278', '2016-10-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN. MISE EN OEUVRE APPROCHE COMM PROMOTION (ACPV)', '2016-10-14', '2017-01-14', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (954, '2500234927', '0400063378', '2018-09-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES JEUNES', '2018-03-01', '2018-11-30', 46134.67, NULL, 46194.92, 0.00, 46443.99, '2018-09-26 11:12:49.96224+00', '2019-03-07 16:43:13.326299+00', 26132500.00, 0.00, 26132500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1053, '2500212787', '0400071179', '2019-09-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RENF PREV PATHOL COURANTES & PRISE EN CHARG MALNU', '2019-09-26', '2019-12-31', 69045.46, NULL, 69045.46, 0.00, 69045.46, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.507812+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:46.006483+00', 41210957.00, 0.00, 41210957.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (721, '2500213931', '0400011309', '2013-03-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC ASTBEF', '2013-04-15', '2014-12-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 50000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:12.520509+00', 0.00, 0.00, 50000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (692, '2500214085', '0400017205', '2013-12-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT DERNIERE TRANCHE A IAS', '2013-12-06', '2014-03-06', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:15.008002+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27601700.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (4, '2500237473', '0400057043', '2018-01-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIO EQUITE ET QUALITE DE L''EDUC ENFANTS REFUGIE', '2018-01-04', '2018-04-04', 157527.19, NULL, 157527.19, 0.00, 157527.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-09-15 00:01:57.277022+00', 86484003.00, 0.00, 86484003.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (687, '2500212828', '0400021661', '2014-06-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 1RE TRANCH PCA CELIAF-WASH/14/', '2014-06-17', '2014-09-17', 64163.08, NULL, 64163.08, 0.00, 44021.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:18.350613+00', 30972291.00, 0.00, 30972291.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (299, '2500224382', '0400008068', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUV APE/UNICEF/CAIDEL TANDJILÉ', '2012-11-01', '2012-12-31', 8861.59, NULL, 8861.59, 0.00, 17161.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.417147+00', 0.00, 0.00, 17161.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (645, '2500234968', '0400041365', '2016-06-20', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA ASSOCIATION UAFAT', '2016-06-27', '2016-09-27', 18109.25, NULL, 18109.25, 0.00, 18390.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.582682+00', 10703000.00, 0.00, 10703000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (702, '2500224655', '0400029365', '2015-04-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2ND TRANCHE SSA/CEVANUTRI', '2015-04-03', '2015-03-31', 5576.83, NULL, 5576.83, 0.00, 5576.83, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.894861+00', 3375000.00, 0.00, 3375000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (691, '2500228587', '0400029616', '2015-04-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT SOLDE PCA ADES', '2015-03-16', '2015-05-31', 65490.70, NULL, 65490.70, 0.00, 68061.50, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.976213+00', 39437322.00, 0.00, 41189599.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (699, '2500214084', '0400030231', '2015-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSEMENT 2È TRANCHE PCA 19/2014/WASH/OXFAM INT', '2015-05-08', '2015-05-15', 61704.32, NULL, 61704.32, 0.00, 61704.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.056807+00', 36592881.00, 0.00, 36592881.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10155,7 +11137,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (649, '2500214085', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (680, '2500225602', '0400032508', '2015-08-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE/PCA 05/ATPCS/WASH', '2015-08-03', '2016-07-04', 78386.33, NULL, 78386.33, 0.00, 78386.33, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.826725+00', 47060250.00, 0.00, 47060250.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (686, '2500234228', '0400038314', '2016-03-02', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'ENQUETE EAU-HYGIENE DANS LES ECOLES PAR ATRENVIRO', '2016-03-02', '2016-06-30', 14239.74, NULL, 14239.74, 0.00, 14239.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.540177+00', 8522500.00, 0.00, 8522500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (684, '2500233978', '0400038319', '2016-03-02', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', '2016-03-02', '2016-06-02', 49223.45, NULL, 49223.45, 0.00, 49223.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.56134+00', 29460284.00, 0.00, 29460284.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (671, '2500231570', '0400039653', '2016-04-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR TOUTES LES 3 TRANCHES FIN MAISON DES MEDIAS', '2016-03-17', '2016-12-31', 6189.00, NULL, 6189.00, 0.00, 6190.21, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.207378+00', 3600000.00, 0.00, 3600700.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (663, '2500229637', '0400039855', '2016-04-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR RESEAU DES MAISONS DE QUARTIERS', '2016-04-15', '2016-12-31', 13902.05, NULL, 13902.05, 0.00, 13902.05, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.394718+00', 8086500.00, 0.00, 8086500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (670, '2500214085', '0400041176', '2016-06-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA WASH/IAS 2', '2016-03-10', '2016-06-30', 6873.01, NULL, 6873.01, 0.00, 6798.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.952397+00', 4000000.00, 0.00, 4000000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (685, '2500234767', '0400041523', '2016-06-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR APE ASSOCIATION WENAKLABS', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 10835.46, NULL, 10835.46, 0.00, 11180.66, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.298797+00', 6507000.00, 0.00, 6507000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10167,7 +11148,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (662, '2500224422', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (718, '2500218272', '0400031449', '2015-06-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CELIAF NDJAMENA/COMM', '2015-06-22', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 36057.16, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:19.938337+00', 0.00, 0.00, 21712975.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (693, '2500227181', '0400022940', '2014-08-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'CAMPAGNE DE PREVENTION DE DETOURNEMENT DES INTRANT', '2014-08-08', '2014-09-30', 12788.42, NULL, 12788.42, 0.00, 12989.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.717529+00', 6370000.00, 0.00, 6370000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (706, '2500213985', '0400054330', '2017-09-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI A LA PROTECTION DES ENFTS AFFECTES AU LAC', '2017-09-29', '2017-12-29', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 216755.73, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:28.91424+00', 0.00, 0.00, 118278400.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (742, '2500223886', '0400007184', '2012-10-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', '2012-10-11', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:11.065949+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7770.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (238, '2500212828', '0400008069', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUV APE/UNICEF/TERRE VERTE SAR', '2012-11-01', '2012-12-31', 7820.59, NULL, 7820.59, 0.00, 16621.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.439532+00', 0.00, 0.00, 16621.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (920, '2500238464', '0400060748', '2018-06-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PCA N 04/2018/NUTRITION/ASRADD', '2018-06-04', '2018-07-31', 38714.57, NULL, 38714.57, 0.00, 38714.57, '2018-06-06 00:03:09.628621+00', '2018-11-24 00:01:57.022343+00', 21858400.00, 0.00, 21858400.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (926, '2500213955', '0400061301', '2018-06-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MISE EN PLACE SYST COMMUNAUTAIRE DE PROTEC ENFANT', '2018-06-26', '2018-06-30', 122579.84, NULL, 122579.84, 0.00, 122579.84, '2018-06-28 00:02:10.486411+00', '2019-03-15 13:52:32.69378+00', 68187854.00, 0.00, 68187854.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10182,11 +11162,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (690, '2500224655', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (713, '2500232845', '0400043972', '2016-10-04', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-10-04', '2017-01-04', 3539.43, NULL, 3539.43, 0.00, 3539.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.128196+00', 2070000.00, 0.00, 2070000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (712, '2500232774', '0400043974', '2016-10-04', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-10-04', '2017-01-04', 2923.88, NULL, 2923.88, 0.00, 2923.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.150283+00', 1710000.00, 0.00, 1710000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (696, '2500219686', '0400044849', '2016-11-02', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUI TECHNIQ LOGISTIQUE/APPROVISINNEMENT/MATERIEL', '2016-11-02', '2017-02-02', 4289.56, NULL, 4289.56, 0.00, 4289.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.844144+00', 2576000.00, 0.00, 2576000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (703, '2500229637', '0400044907', '2016-11-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR RESEAU DES MAISONS DE QUARTIERS 2NDE TRANCHE', '2016-07-01', '2016-12-31', 12090.93, NULL, 12090.93, 0.00, 12222.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.935756+00', 7295000.00, 0.00, 7340000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (698, '2500234499', '0400045053', '2016-11-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN. MISE EN OEUVRE DE L''ACPV', '2016-11-08', '2017-02-08', 2743.04, NULL, 2743.04, 0.00, 2755.91, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.1305+00', 1655000.00, 0.00, 1655000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (707, '2500223094', '0400046576', '2016-12-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES DES COMMUNAUTES', '2016-12-15', '2017-03-15', 84829.88, NULL, 84829.88, 0.00, 84829.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.59637+00', 52415957.00, 0.00, 52415957.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (701, '2500213920', '0400046727', '2016-12-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT ACTIVITES PCA ACF SUR CHOLERA', '2016-12-30', '2017-03-31', 45750.87, NULL, 45750.87, 0.00, 45847.24, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.748903+00', 28128780.00, 0.00, 28328780.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (709, '2500214090', '0400049617', '2017-04-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT CONTROLE EPIDEMIE HEPATITE E, SALAMAT', '2017-04-13', '2017-07-13', 147839.15, NULL, 147839.15, 0.00, 144542.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.232347+00', 89346000.00, 0.00, 89346000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (671, '2500231570', '0400039653', '2016-04-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR TOUTES LES 3 TRANCHES FIN MAISON DES MEDIAS', '2016-03-17', '2016-12-31', 6189.00, NULL, 6189.00, 0.00, 6190.21, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.570138+00', 3600000.00, 0.00, 3600700.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (703, '2500229637', '0400044907', '2016-11-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR RESEAU DES MAISONS DE QUARTIERS 2NDE TRANCHE', '2016-07-01', '2016-12-31', 12090.93, NULL, 12090.93, 0.00, 12222.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.707039+00', 7295000.00, 0.00, 7340000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (724, '2500224593', '0400056133', '2017-11-30', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROMO DES DROITS DES ENFANTS ET ADO DES REFUGIEES', '2017-11-30', '2018-01-31', 5665.72, NULL, 5665.72, 0.00, 5553.85, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.946383+00', 3136000.00, 0.00, 3136000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (740, '2500228112', '0400057819', '2018-02-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT PCA AVEC IHDL/DN/18', '2018-02-13', '2018-03-31', 65496.51, NULL, 65496.51, 0.00, 65496.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:30.553002+00', 34572200.00, 0.00, 34572200.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (767, '2500233646', '0400044498', '2016-10-21', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR ENCADREMENT DU CLUB DE REPORTERS DE JEUNES', '2016-10-21', '2017-01-21', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10195,7 +11176,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (804, '2500212820', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (733, '2500212751', '0400049902', '2017-04-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE PARTICIPATION À 29ÈME SESSION - LE', '2017-04-18', '2017-07-25', 3850.38, NULL, 3850.38, 0.00, 3850.38, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-28 00:01:36.61925+00', 2380025.00, 0.00, 2380025.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (722, '2500215479', '0400000074', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT MONTANT DÉPENSE POUR ACTIVITÉS WASH', '2011-04-15', '2012-12-31', 40012.20, NULL, 40012.20, 0.00, 204300.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.814788+00', 0.00, 0.00, 24425.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (725, '2500213951', '0400008580', '2012-12-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA JRS', '2012-12-03', '2012-12-31', 143.88, NULL, 143.88, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.641868+00', 0.00, 0.00, 143.90, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (948, '2500237473', '0400062961', '2018-09-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA RET', '2018-09-07', '2018-12-07', 278406.55, NULL, 278406.55, 24462.29, 278406.55, '2018-09-09 00:01:39.903814+00', '2018-12-12 00:02:08.142813+00', 156650178.00, 13764124.00, 156650178.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (948, '2500237473', '0400062961', '2018-09-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA RET', '2018-09-07', '2018-12-07', 278406.55, NULL, 278406.55, 0.00, 278406.55, '2018-09-09 00:01:39.903814+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:12.036565+00', 156650178.00, 0.00, 156650178.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (735, '2500224593', '0400056989', '2017-12-27', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SSFA ASSOCIATION SCOUTS DU TCHAD', '2017-12-27', '2018-03-27', 3966.55, NULL, 3966.55, 0.00, 3966.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-12-21 00:01:53.970153+00', 2195500.00, 0.00, 2195500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (14, '2500213931', '0400002884', '2012-05-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR- PAIEMENT 3È TRANCHE PCA 11/045/ASTBEF/VIH', '2012-05-10', '2012-07-26', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 27040.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.395573+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27100.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (799, '2500223261', '0400016785', '2013-11-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMT 1ER TRANCHE A AFDI', '2013-11-22', '2014-01-01', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 51497.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.834938+00', 0.00, 0.00, 25200109.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10204,7 +11185,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (291, '2500214069', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (789, '2500214085', '0400023758', '2014-09-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1ER TRANCH PCA Nº /IAS/2014', '2014-09-09', '2014-12-30', 529439.56, NULL, 529439.56, 0.00, 398167.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.227569+00', 263717550.00, 0.00, 263717550.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (139, '2500214084', '0400023761', '2014-09-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 1ER TRANCH PCA Nº /OXFAM INTERMON/2014', '2014-09-09', '2014-12-30', 233633.93, NULL, 233633.93, 0.00, 233633.93, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.25128+00', 116374695.00, 0.00, 116374695.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (728, '2500237165', '0400056359', '2017-12-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AMELIORATION CONDITION WASH DANS 3 UNA', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 116973.25, NULL, 116973.25, 0.00, 116973.25, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-09-15 00:01:57.228543+00', 64745160.00, 0.00, 64745160.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (732, '2500215479', '0400056451', '2017-12-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WORLD CONCERN', '2017-12-08', '2018-01-31', 97114.19, NULL, 97114.19, 0.00, 97114.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-09-07 00:01:50.404225+00', 53753090.00, 0.00, 53753091.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (951, '2500237165', '0400063102', '2018-09-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME 7%', '2018-09-13', '2018-12-13', 91.94, NULL, 91.94, 0.00, 91.94, '2018-09-15 00:01:57.072699+00', '2018-09-21 00:01:34.247638+00', 51730.00, 0.00, 51730.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (888, '2500233978', '0400058165', '2018-02-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E T EDUC RISQ DE MINES,REG EEI ET MARQ ZONES DANG', '2018-02-26', '2018-05-31', 63694.00, NULL, 63694.00, 0.00, 63694.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-10 00:01:35.965582+00', 33620752.00, 0.00, 33620752.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (757, '2500214062', '0400035362', '2015-11-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2NDE TRANCHE PCA ESMS- UNICEF 006/2015', '2015-09-01', '2015-11-30', 21408.99, NULL, 21408.99, 0.00, 21408.99, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.811527+00', 12812125.00, 0.00, 12812125.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10229,10 +11209,10 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (255, '2500225658', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (64, '2500213955', '0400000397', '2012-02-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET OEV MOUNDOU', '2012-02-16', '2012-01-31', 39429.20, NULL, 39429.20, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.850077+00', 0.00, 0.00, 39470.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (779, '2500224655', '0400048471', '2017-03-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE DU PCA CEVANUTRI', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 40853.54, NULL, 40853.54, 0.00, 40853.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-12-22 00:01:57.719583+00', 25271751.00, 0.00, 25271751.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (813, '2500234497', '0400039526', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASDI POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITÉS ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (908, '2500214062', '0400059557', '2018-04-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA ESMS', '2018-04-17', '2018-07-17', 117214.94, NULL, 117214.94, 27889.36, 124635.51, '2018-04-19 00:06:17.326362+00', '2019-02-20 16:28:14.143123+00', 66269500.00, 16080000.00, 66209500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (908, '2500214062', '0400059557', '2018-04-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA ESMS', '2018-04-17', '2018-07-17', 117214.94, NULL, 117214.94, 0.00, 124635.51, '2018-04-19 00:06:17.326362+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:12.006373+00', 66269500.00, 0.00, 66209500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (834, '2500221790', '0400016711', '2013-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RNTAP/SUIVI MEDICAL OEV/SUIVI NUTRITIONNEL', '2013-11-19', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 10461.97, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:14.714889+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5119500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (822, '2500213920', '0400031390', '2015-06-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE ACF/PROJET MEDICO-NUT/ZAFAI', '2015-06-18', '2015-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 20329.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:19.867705+00', 0.00, 0.00, 12242204.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (840, '2500214090', '0400003419', '2012-05-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENT 3E TRANCHE PCA2011/06/WASH/IRW', '2012-05-25', '2012-05-30', 73470.93, NULL, 73470.93, 0.00, 180000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:12.482013+00', 0.00, 0.00, 78400.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1055, '2500240733', '0400071189', '2019-09-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ATELIER ELAB DES PLANS ACT DES RADIOS COMMU', '2019-09-27', '2020-01-31', 30358.52, NULL, 30358.52, 30358.52, 30358.52, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.508046+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:46.016259+00', 18120000.00, 18120000.00, 18120000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (811, '2500229712', '0400028962', '2015-03-18', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT SSA/COCORICO/ESPRESSION&PARTICIPATION ADO', '2015-03-18', '2015-08-31', 6502.01, NULL, 6502.01, 0.00, 6502.01, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.740369+00', 4024000.00, 0.00, 4024000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (809, '2500218808', '0400030605', '2015-05-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMENT APE/INTERSOS/PROTECTION OEV/MIANGAMA', '2015-04-01', '2015-07-30', 52164.94, NULL, 52164.94, 0.00, 52164.94, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.087284+00', 30935687.00, 0.00, 30935687.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (801, '2500212813', '0400030699', '2015-05-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE RADIO TERRE NOUVELLE', '2015-04-16', '2016-01-31', 5159.89, NULL, 5159.89, 0.00, 5159.89, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:21.121293+00', 3060000.00, 0.00, 3060000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10252,20 +11232,18 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (772, '2500212820', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (782, '2500234967', '0400046597', '2016-12-15', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SEMINAIRE SUR LA LUTTE CONTRE LE MARIAGE DES ENFAN', '2016-12-15', '2017-03-15', 1456.56, NULL, 1456.56, 0.00, 1456.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.621255+00', 900000.00, 0.00, 900000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (821, '2500214085', '0400057013', '2017-12-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA IAS', '2017-12-28', '2017-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12863.50, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:30.008319+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7120000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (853, '2500213951', '0400008481', '2012-11-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA JRS', '2012-11-29', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (861, '2500223261', '0400013154', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE AFDI', '2013-06-06', '2013-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (862, '2500225906', '0400013153', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE TCHAD - SOS', '2013-06-06', '2013-09-06', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 16:10:06.795671+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (333, '2500226920', '0400024802', '2014-10-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE ACRA', '2014-10-21', '2015-10-31', 251629.18, NULL, 251629.18, 0.00, 256704.98, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.525828+00', 132523529.00, 0.00, 132526000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (856, '2300006133', '0400006438', '2012-09-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'CAMPAGNE DE SENSIBILISATION PAR ACRA (ACCORD)', '2012-09-01', '2012-10-31', 10438.07, NULL, 10438.07, 0.00, 10500.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.038009+00', 0.00, 0.00, 10500.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (855, '2500213951', '0400008484', '2012-11-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR - DECAISSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA JRS', '2012-11-29', '2012-12-31', 24164.72, NULL, 24164.72, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.574839+00', 0.00, 0.00, 24166.46, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (928, '2500212820', '0400061516', '2018-07-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', '2018-07-04', '2018-12-31', 224620.46, NULL, 600155.39, 0.00, 886920.22, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.135204+00', '2019-04-07 00:03:16.719953+00', 128964040.00, 0.00, 502489084.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (949, '2500213923', '0400063031', '2018-09-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME 7%', '2018-09-11', '2018-12-11', 2510.16, NULL, 2510.16, 0.00, 2574.88, '2018-09-13 00:01:58.980383+00', '2018-11-29 00:01:59.438824+00', 1448799.00, 0.00, 1448799.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (945, '2500214085', '0400062859', '2018-09-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME 7%', '2018-09-03', '2018-12-03', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 6099.10, '2018-09-06 00:05:22.796752+00', '2018-11-14 00:01:58.949801+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3431762.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (882, '2500221169', '0400014536', '2013-08-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'CHANGEMENT SOURCE FINANCEMENT SM 130125 - SM130262', '2013-08-07', '2013-10-26', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 100105.49, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:13.766125+00', 0.00, 0.00, 102105.49, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (334, '2500212819', '0400024804', '2014-10-21', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE SECADEV', '2014-10-21', '2015-07-31', 72322.56, NULL, 72322.56, 0.00, 96854.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.54237+00', 37615327.00, 0.00, 50002000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (861, '2500223261', '0400013154', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE AFDI', '2013-06-06', '2013-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.204152+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (234, '2500000156', '0400024849', '2014-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE CORD /PBE & A', '2014-10-22', '2015-07-31', 109362.41, NULL, 109362.41, 0.00, 373362.22, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.567662+00', 56459220.00, 0.00, 56461220.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (756, '2500221314', '0400025062', '2014-10-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE DE 50 OEV', '2014-10-30', '2014-12-31', 3987.38, NULL, 3987.38, 0.00, 4067.73, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.600633+00', 2100000.00, 0.00, 2100000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (876, '2500213931', '0400022057', '2014-07-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME T PCA 2013/15/ASTBEF/VIH (FM)', '2013-12-02', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 21446.45, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:17.21407+00', 0.00, 0.00, 10352458.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (846, '2500219704', '0400022281', '2014-07-10', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUYER ET COORDONNER LA REALISATION DES ETUDES', '2014-07-10', '2014-11-10', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 414.33, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:17.406141+00', 0.00, 0.00, 200000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (841, '2500237900', '0400057385', '2018-01-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REALISATION SPOTS RADIO ET TELEVISION SUR L''ALIMEN', '2018-01-01', '2018-02-28', 14475.15, NULL, 14475.15, 0.00, 14475.15, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.000964+00', 7947000.00, 0.00, 7947000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (812, '2500237522', '0400056998', '2017-12-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIO EQUITE ET QUALITE DE L''EDUC ENFANTS REFUGIE', '2017-12-27', '2018-03-27', 132879.87, NULL, 132879.87, 0.00, 132879.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.412778+00', 73549537.00, 0.00, 73549537.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (823, '2500213931', '0400008987', '2012-12-12', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FC- PAIEMENT ACCORD À PETITE ECHELLE/ASTBEF/VIH', '2012-12-12', '2013-02-28', 20096.96, NULL, 20096.96, 0.00, 20099.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.737278+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20100.00, true, false, false);
@@ -10285,21 +11263,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (631, '2500227554', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (875, '2500224593', '0400055057', '2017-10-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PROJET PROMOTION DES DROITS ET DE LA PARTICIPATION', '2017-10-24', '2018-01-24', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 6178.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:29.055756+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3436000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (5, '2500212801', '0400009462', '2012-12-27', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO BRAKOSS', '2012-12-27', '2013-04-30', 3642.94, NULL, 3642.94, 0.00, 4700.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.021444+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3644.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (874, '2500213920', '0400055050', '2017-10-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE PREVENTION,REPONSE CHOLERA, SALAMAT', '2017-10-24', '2018-01-24', 186930.93, NULL, 186930.93, 0.00, 373861.86, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-06-30 00:02:46.074873+00', 103949299.00, 0.00, 207898598.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (520, '2500201346', '0400000415', '2012-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA OGB', '2011-11-01', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 388900.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:08.849576+00', 0.00, 0.00, 190537.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (94, '2500236830', '0400050967', '2017-05-25', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENF CAP DES JEUNES SUR LES TECH DE PLAIDOYER', '2017-05-25', '2017-12-31', 20252.69, NULL, 20252.69, 0.00, 19641.07, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-19 00:01:48.226614+00', 11870000.00, 0.00, 11870000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (63, '2500213955', '0400000396', '2012-02-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET OEV KELO', '2012-02-16', '2012-01-31', 35976.88, NULL, 35976.88, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.833317+00', 0.00, 0.00, 34675.80, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (755, '2500230253', '0400025063', '2014-10-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PRISE EN CHARGE DE 47 OEV', '2014-10-30', '2014-12-31', 14343.17, NULL, 14343.17, 0.00, 14632.22, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.624981+00', 7554000.00, 0.00, 7554000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (891, '2500238161', '0400058431', '2018-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF,RENF CAP COMM DANS LE HADJER L', '2018-03-07', '2018-12-11', 521921.33, NULL, 578157.85, 174114.66, 606535.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:00.442437+00', 291550974.00, 100388246.00, 324413966.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1, '2500213954', '0400018366', '2014-02-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'EXTENSION AVEC COUT PCA Nº01/2013/CHD-/PROT/CARE', '2014-02-10', '2014-08-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 178813.57, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:15.419837+00', 0.00, 0.00, 86410763.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (474, '2500214100', '0400000066', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEMENT TRANCHE PROJET DDR JRS 2011', '2011-01-02', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 195500.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:37.825115+00', 0.00, 0.00, 195950.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1039, '2500237473', '0400069370', '2019-06-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ORGANISATION MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PALIDOYER COM', '2019-06-28', '2019-09-28', 51078.75, NULL, 51078.75, 0.00, 49997.12, '2019-07-01 00:22:32.343901+00', '2019-10-10 00:11:25.878413+00', 29484800.00, 0.00, 29484800.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (720, '2500214090', '0400000071', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT COMPLEMENT 2ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA IRW', '2011-09-01', '2012-02-28', 77475.22, NULL, 77475.22, 0.00, 395775.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:37.848913+00', 0.00, 0.00, 79156.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (885, '2500223261', '0400024499', '2014-10-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 2E TRANCH PCA Nº8/AFDI/2014', '2014-10-10', '2015-01-10', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 69321.97, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:18.200469+00', 0.00, 0.00, 35788023.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (646, '2500221169', '0400025127', '2014-11-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINCMT PCA Nº22/2014 WASH-EDUCATION/CRT', '2014-11-03', '2015-07-31', 182863.33, NULL, 182863.33, 0.00, 217394.02, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.642794+00', 96307169.00, 0.00, 113067717.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (246, '2500213954', '0400000405', '2012-02-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PROJET DDR CARE 2011', '2012-02-16', '2012-03-31', 204482.75, NULL, 204482.75, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.880019+00', 0.00, 0.00, 193781.51, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (747, '2500224727', '0400009034', '2012-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ACTION POUR REHABILITATION NUTRITIONNELLE DE MAO', '2012-12-13', '2013-03-13', 8430.23, NULL, 8430.23, 0.00, 16862.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.777878+00', 0.00, 0.00, 16862.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (407, '2500212820', '0400051627', '2017-06-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT 7% DU PCA AVEC SIF', '2016-10-19', '2017-06-30', 50833.72, NULL, 50833.72, 0.00, 50840.55, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-13 00:02:13.699988+00', 29793390.00, 0.00, 29797390.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (815, '2500212801', '0400011871', '2013-04-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO BRAKOSS', '2013-04-19', '2013-07-15', 3975.20, NULL, 3975.20, 0.00, 3902.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.450602+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (899, '2500212819', '0400059095', '2018-03-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC SECADEV SNDE TRANCHE', '2018-06-01', '2018-06-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-31 00:04:24.685605+00', '2018-10-05 00:01:45.811305+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (520, '2500201346', '0400000415', '2012-02-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA OGB', '2011-11-01', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 388900.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.835952+00', 0.00, 0.00, 190537.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (747, '2500224727', '0400009034', '2012-12-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'ACTION POUR REHABILITATION NUTRITIONNELLE DE MAO', '2012-12-13', '2013-03-13', 8430.23, NULL, 8430.23, 0.00, 16862.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.157742+00', 0.00, 0.00, 16862.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (846, '2500219704', '0400022281', '2014-07-10', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'APPUYER ET COORDONNER LA REALISATION DES ETUDES', '2014-07-10', '2014-11-10', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 414.33, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.387502+00', 0.00, 0.00, 200000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (886, '2500232779', '0400033354', '2015-09-05', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE - AMVS KYABÉ', '2015-07-01', '2015-09-30', 4971.88, NULL, 4971.88, 0.00, 4971.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.21834+00', 2900000.00, 0.00, 2900000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (863, '2500233778', '0400036774', '2015-12-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT REALISATION MAGAZINE,MICROP RADIO ET V', '2015-12-22', '2016-01-31', 15115.13, NULL, 15115.13, 0.00, 15115.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.261253+00', 9025000.00, 0.00, 9025000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (849, '2500234557', '0400039767', '2016-04-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR SSFA GROUP ASSO FEMMES ALINGUE POUR ACT ACPV', '2016-04-07', '2016-09-30', 4022.85, NULL, 4022.85, 0.00, 4022.85, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.273381+00', 2340000.00, 0.00, 2340000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10310,40 +11288,38 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (868, '2500232403', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (857, '2500213923', '0400048625', '2017-03-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT AVENANT PCA DE ADRA, APPROV EN EAU', '2017-03-01', '2017-05-31', 316900.88, NULL, 316900.88, 0.00, 314970.05, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.050454+00', 194838584.00, 0.00, 194838584.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (386, '2500224923', '0400009300', '2012-12-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO ZAHSOO DE LÉRÉ', '2012-12-19', '2013-12-31', 2415.43, NULL, 2415.43, 0.00, 2417.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.854294+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2417.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (387, '2500215493', '0400009301', '2012-12-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO COMM. DE MONGO', '2012-12-19', '2013-12-31', 3860.72, NULL, 3860.72, 0.00, 3865.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.875837+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3865.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (104, '2500233978', '0400055128', '2017-10-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'EDUCATION AUX RISQUES DES MINES, RESTES EXPLOSIFS', '2017-10-31', '2018-01-31', 59237.41, NULL, 59237.41, 0.00, 58962.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.368104+00', 32788145.00, 0.00, 32788145.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (957, '2500238464', '0400063568', '2018-10-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITES MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE AU NIVEAU', '2018-08-24', '2018-11-24', 80825.55, NULL, 80825.55, 0.00, 80825.55, '2018-10-05 00:01:44.349996+00', '2018-12-23 00:01:59.509493+00', 45353400.00, 0.00, 45353400.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (887, '2500214085', '0400057220', '2018-01-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'AMELIORATION ACCES EAU POTABLE, ASSAINISSEMENT', '2018-01-18', '2018-04-18', 44027.13, NULL, 44027.13, 0.00, 44027.13, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-06-02 00:02:29.543749+00', 24171333.00, 0.00, 24171333.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (245, '2500213951', '0400000406', '2012-02-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PROJET DDR JRS 2011', '2012-02-16', '2012-03-31', 198734.57, NULL, 198734.57, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.907999+00', 0.00, 0.00, 186002.47, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (816, '2500000912', '0400003589', '2012-05-31', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'EXTENSION SMALL SALE FUNDING AGREEMNT', '2012-05-31', '2012-06-30', 15633.23, NULL, 15633.23, 0.00, 16680.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.683696+00', 0.00, 0.00, 33360.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (157, '2500213951', '0400004208', '2012-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AVEC JRS PR EDUCATION DANS LES SITES IDPS SILA', '2012-09-01', '2012-12-31', 79919.43, NULL, 79919.43, 0.00, 80000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.847516+00', 0.00, 0.00, 80000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (401, '2500212785', '0400004215', '2012-06-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PROJET D''APPUI AUX APE/AME A L''EST DU TCHAD', '2012-06-19', '2012-09-30', 20253.94, NULL, 20253.94, 0.00, 19800.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.891592+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20374.33, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (264, '2500000912', '0400004619', '2012-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA/BAMBINI 2012', '2012-07-03', '2012-09-30', 25456.55, NULL, 25456.55, 0.00, 26000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.953941+00', 0.00, 0.00, 26491.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (102, '2500223457', '0400006196', '2012-09-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI/BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-09-04', '2012-12-31', 6099.68, NULL, 6099.68, 0.00, 6099.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.257309+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6099.68, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (683, '2500224381', '0400008070', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUV APE/UNICEF/AFASALESAMTIMAN', '2012-11-01', '2012-12-31', 8568.98, NULL, 8568.98, 0.00, 18000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.464255+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (571, '2500224402', '0400008071', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FONDS POUR MISE EN OEUV APE/UNICEF/DARASALAAMTIMAN', '2012-12-01', '2013-05-30', 9094.26, NULL, 9094.26, 0.00, 18145.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.486438+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18145.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (382, '2500212813', '0400009304', '2012-12-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO TERRE NOUVELLE', '2012-12-19', '2013-04-30', 3375.66, NULL, 3375.66, 0.00, 3377.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.917988+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3377.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (383, '2500215499', '0400009305', '2012-12-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 1° TRANCHE À LA RADIO KAR UBA SOLEIL', '2012-12-19', '2013-04-30', 3256.86, NULL, 3256.86, 0.00, 3260.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.935006+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3260.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (421, '2500224943', '0400009411', '2012-12-21', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR APE ONG CSSI', '2012-12-21', '2013-01-31', 14878.91, NULL, 14878.91, 0.00, 15000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.959922+00', 0.00, 0.00, 15000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (666, '2500221883', '0400003165', '2012-05-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '2012-05-15', '2012-10-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 29249.60, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:09.837209+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29249.60, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (365, '2500237874', '0400057978', '2018-02-20', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'ACQUIS ET DIST DES KITS EDUC AUX ELEVES ET ENSEIG', '2018-02-20', '2018-05-31', 3670.56, NULL, 3670.56, 0.00, 3670.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-06-08 00:03:11.100487+00', 1937500.00, 0.00, 1937500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (955, '2500221790', '0400063589', '2018-10-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '0810/662 - 883 CSD HIV 2018', '2018-10-01', '2018-10-01', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-10-05 00:01:44.349544+00', '2019-02-09 00:03:02.313986+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (25, '2500224893', '0400025272', '2014-11-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA Nº7/SID/2014', '2014-11-06', '2015-01-07', 11201.87, NULL, 11201.87, 0.00, 11201.87, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.667844+00', 5826150.00, 0.00, 5826150.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (613, '2500228112', '0400036357', '2015-12-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DSA PARTENAIRE IHDL _ ISSSA DOUBRAIGNE', '2015-01-01', '2015-12-31', 1074.80, NULL, 1074.80, 0.00, 1074.80, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.477217+00', 666436.00, 0.00, 666436.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (440, '2500221714', '0400002774', '2012-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR PAIEMENT 1ÈR TRANCHE PCA MDM - REDUCTº MORTALIT', '2009-01-01', '2012-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.294865+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29390.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (568, '2500222407', '0400004221', '2012-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT POUR RENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL NDA', '2012-06-19', '2012-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 16500.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.656396+00', 0.00, 0.00, 16500.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (817, '2500233143', '0400055918', '2017-11-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI À LA SCOLARISATION DES ENFANTS', '2017-11-24', '2018-03-22', 147875.93, NULL, 147875.93, 0.00, 144956.14, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-19 00:01:38.487883+00', 81849920.00, 0.00, 81849920.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (566, '2500234767', '0400052268', '2017-07-06', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR FINANCEMENT ACTIVITÉS WENAKLABS', '2017-07-06', '2017-12-31', 13881.92, NULL, 13881.92, 0.00, 13881.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-08-28 13:22:20.32286+00', 8001000.00, 0.00, 8001000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (307, '2500223094', '0400042500', '2016-08-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PROJET MPR DANS LE MOYEN CHARI ET DANS LE BATHA', '2016-08-04', '2016-11-30', 121723.52, NULL, 121723.52, 0.00, 121723.61, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.774558+00', 71932756.00, 0.00, 71932813.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (877, '2500231570', '0400051005', '2017-05-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENF MEDIA AUX DROITS DE L''ENFT & EXPRES DE JEUNES', '2017-05-26', '2017-12-31', 24275.21, NULL, 24275.21, 0.00, 22561.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.700584+00', 13635000.00, 0.00, 13635000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (496, '2500229637', '0400051065', '2017-05-29', 'SSFA', 'XAF', '07/SSFA/2017/CHD MAI À DEC 2017 RMQJ', '2017-05-29', '2017-12-31', 20617.33, NULL, 20617.33, 0.00, 20617.33, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:28.719854+00', 12460000.00, 0.00, 12460000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (243, '2500234334', '0400053803', '2017-09-06', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT MOBILISATION LEADERS TRADATIONNELS/JEU', '2017-09-06', '2017-12-06', 21633.72, NULL, 21633.72, 0.00, 21633.72, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:29.571099+00', 11805000.00, 0.00, 11805000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (361, '2500228112', '0400057018', '2017-12-28', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI D''URGENCE AMELIORATION CONDITIONS ACCES EAU', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 136422.68, NULL, 136422.68, 0.00, 136422.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:55.474432+00', 75510500.00, 0.00, 75510500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1056, '2500237522', '0400071342', '2019-10-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '5E TRANCHE APPUI COMM AFFECT PAR LA CRISE CENTRAFR', '2019-10-07', '2019-12-31', 27872.95, NULL, 27872.96, 27872.95, 27872.95, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.234241+00', '2019-10-10 00:11:25.895023+00', 16712484.00, 16712484.00, 16712484.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (666, '2500221883', '0400003165', '2012-05-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '2012-05-15', '2012-10-15', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 29249.60, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.001869+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29249.60, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (816, '2500000912', '0400003589', '2012-05-31', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'EXTENSION SMALL SALE FUNDING AGREEMNT', '2012-05-31', '2012-06-30', 15633.23, NULL, 15633.23, 0.00, 16680.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.045742+00', 0.00, 0.00, 33360.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (568, '2500222407', '0400004221', '2012-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT POUR RENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL NDA', '2012-06-19', '2012-09-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 16500.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.05963+00', 0.00, 0.00, 16500.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (264, '2500000912', '0400004619', '2012-07-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA/BAMBINI 2012', '2012-07-03', '2012-09-30', 25456.55, NULL, 25456.55, 0.00, 26000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.076352+00', 0.00, 0.00, 26491.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (307, '2500223094', '0400042500', '2016-08-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PROJET MPR DANS LE MOYEN CHARI ET DANS LE BATHA', '2016-08-04', '2016-11-30', 121723.52, NULL, 121723.52, 0.00, 121723.61, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.694213+00', 71932756.00, 0.00, 71932813.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (566, '2500234767', '0400052268', '2017-07-06', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR FINANCEMENT ACTIVITÉS WENAKLABS', '2017-07-06', '2017-12-31', 13881.92, NULL, 13881.92, 0.00, 13881.92, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.745148+00', 8001000.00, 0.00, 8001000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (104, '2500233978', '0400055128', '2017-10-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'EDUCATION AUX RISQUES DES MINES, RESTES EXPLOSIFS', '2017-10-31', '2018-01-31', 59237.41, NULL, 59237.41, 0.00, 58962.58, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.781724+00', 32788145.00, 0.00, 32788145.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (597, '2500232212', '0400045436', '2016-11-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA CELIAF BOL', '2016-08-19', '2016-11-19', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 10907.52, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-03-15 19:03:26.228689+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6581000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (216, '2500213923', '0400000054', '2012-01-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA POUR PRÉVENTION ET LUTTE CONTRE LE CHOLÉRA', '2011-11-01', '2012-03-31', 87037.03, NULL, 87037.03, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.718734+00', 0.00, 0.00, 92000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (215, '2500212820', '0400000055', '2012-01-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA POUR PRÉVENTION ET LUTTE CONTRE LE CHOLÉRA', '2011-08-12', '2012-02-12', 59792.72, NULL, 59792.72, 0.00, 124000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.741495+00', 0.00, 0.00, 62050.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (719, '2500212787', '0400000073', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT 3ÈRE TRANCHE PCA UNICEF/PU', '2011-06-06', '2012-02-28', 70706.47, NULL, 70706.47, 0.00, 361200.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.778672+00', 0.00, 0.00, 72221.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (759, '2500218808', '0400004212', '2012-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AVEC INTERSOS PR EDUCATION DS LES ZONES DE SIL', '2012-08-01', '2012-12-31', 60047.63, NULL, 60047.63, 0.00, 60000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.870945+00', 0.00, 0.00, 60000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (124, '2500223094', '0400005537', '2012-08-07', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR POUR MISE EN OEUVRE SSFA/UNICEF-EAA/NPRI', '2012-08-01', '2012-09-05', 18301.35, NULL, 18301.35, 0.00, 18350.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.05764+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18350.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (635, '2500223198', '0400005697', '2012-08-14', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/EET DE BOL EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-08-14', '2012-12-31', 5483.31, NULL, 5483.31, 0.00, 5488.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.101345+00', 0.00, 0.00, 5989.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (191, '2500214062', '0400005754', '2012-08-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR MISE EN OEUVRE PCA2012/12/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '2012-08-03', '2013-12-31', 142434.27, NULL, 142434.27, 0.00, 235000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.123978+00', 0.00, 0.00, 143436.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (336, '2500221408', '0400002483', '2012-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CRT ABECHE', '2012-04-01', '2013-01-31', 186914.76, NULL, 186914.76, 0.00, 187387.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:12.064147+00', 0.00, 0.00, 187388.00, true, false, false);
@@ -10355,7 +11331,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (872, '2500224985', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (582, '2500219704', '0400010718', '2013-03-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA CHORA AMENDER', '2013-03-04', '2013-03-05', 22358.61, NULL, 22358.61, 0.00, 25000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.113678+00', 0.00, 0.00, 25000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (471, '2500219696', '0400010812', '2013-03-06', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'REMBURSEMT PREFINANCESMT EEMET', '2013-03-06', '2013-03-10', 10182.93, NULL, 10182.93, 0.00, 10340.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.132416+00', 0.00, 0.00, 10340.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (378, '2500214088', '0400056471', '2017-12-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ASSISTANCE MEDICALE ET NUTRITIONNELLE AUX REFUGIES', '2017-10-01', '2017-12-31', 103827.84, NULL, 103827.84, 0.00, 103827.84, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-12-22 00:01:57.757296+00', 57469126.00, 0.00, 57469126.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (98, '2500224289', '0400010837', '2013-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION FONDS POUR PCA AVEC LEAD', '2013-03-07', '2013-05-31', 74214.40, NULL, 74214.40, 0.00, 125000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.174132+00', 0.00, 0.00, 90000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (642, '2500223298', '0400011042', '2013-03-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 2ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC MERLIN', '2013-03-16', '2013-10-30', 95842.66, NULL, 95842.66, 0.00, 234573.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.19604+00', 0.00, 0.00, 97195.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (871, '2500234496', '0400044742', '2016-10-28', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE ACPV', '2016-10-28', '2017-01-28', 3231.98, NULL, 3231.98, 0.00, 3279.54, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.797608+00', 1950000.00, 0.00, 1950000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (678, '2500233810', '0400045614', '2016-11-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FIN. PCA#14/2016/PROG/WASH/HELP', '2016-09-08', '2016-12-08', 78721.54, NULL, 78721.54, 0.00, 78721.54, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:27.328064+00', 47496250.00, 0.00, 47496250.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10370,12 +11345,13 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (744, '2500226117', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (664, '2500219695', '0400004373', '2012-06-23', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI PALA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-06-23', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 9339.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.691803+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9339.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (209, '2500215493', '0400025016', '2014-10-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MOB SOC A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - AVENANT RC MONGO', '2014-10-29', '2014-12-30', 4922.08, NULL, 4922.08, 0.00, 4958.76, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:19.680345+00', 2560000.00, 0.00, 2560000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (72, '2500213939', '0400004423', '2012-06-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT PCA AVEC AILS', '2012-06-25', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 92000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.762647+00', 0.00, 0.00, 92000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (860, '2500228112', '0400025293', '2014-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PREMIERE TRANCHE PCA201423HDPROTIHDL', '2014-11-07', '2014-12-31', 153638.46, NULL, 153638.46, 0.00, 155575.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.762839+00', 80915540.00, 0.00, 80915600.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (778, '2500214091', '0400025613', '2014-11-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE PCA CSSI 1', '2014-11-18', '2014-12-31', 55310.40, NULL, 55310.40, 0.00, 55310.40, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.038941+00', 29129884.00, 0.00, 29129884.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (369, '2500225658', '0400027527', '2015-01-27', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SSA/ADERBA/2014/2015/WASH/DS LIWA/BAGASSOLA', '2015-01-27', '2015-07-27', 42802.27, NULL, 42802.27, 0.00, 45148.95, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.548364+00', 25183500.00, 0.00, 25183500.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (873, '2500219704', '0400028388', '2015-02-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FIN.PCA12/2014/PRO/URG/CHORA/AMEND/01 DERN TRANCHE', '2015-01-01', '2015-04-20', 15285.74, NULL, 15285.74, 0.00, 15432.78, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:20.653275+00', 8931750.00, 0.00, 8931750.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (463, '2500221791', '0400005962', '2012-08-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'COMPLEMENT FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC ADN', '2012-08-24', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 325.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:38.969514+00', 0.00, 0.00, 325.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (479, '2500230977', '0400033414', '2015-09-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ENTRE ADERBA/UNICEF', '2012-01-01', '2016-12-31', 26331.01, NULL, 26331.01, 0.00, 28433.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:22.349553+00', 15358350.00, 0.00, 15358350.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (98, '2500224289', '0400010837', '2013-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION FONDS POUR PCA AVEC LEAD', '2013-03-07', '2013-05-31', 74214.40, NULL, 74214.40, 0.00, 125000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.16834+00', 0.00, 0.00, 90000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (860, '2500228112', '0400025293', '2014-11-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PREMIERE TRANCHE PCA201423HDPROTIHDL', '2014-11-07', '2014-12-31', 153638.46, NULL, 153638.46, 0.00, 155575.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.412236+00', 80915540.00, 0.00, 80915600.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (873, '2500219704', '0400028388', '2015-02-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FIN.PCA12/2014/PRO/URG/CHORA/AMEND/01 DERN TRANCHE', '2015-01-01', '2015-04-20', 15285.74, NULL, 15285.74, 0.00, 15432.78, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.487078+00', 8931750.00, 0.00, 8931750.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (534, '2500221169', '0400036274', '2015-12-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'ACTIVITE CONSTRUCTION SDC &SFC/PCA N 22/CRT', '2015-12-10', '2015-12-31', 30199.49, NULL, 30199.49, 0.00, 30199.49, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.069128+00', 18725375.00, 0.00, 18725375.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (619, '2500219704', '0400036682', '2015-12-18', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA UNICEF- CHORA1', '2015-12-01', '2016-01-31', 3350.44, NULL, 3350.44, 0.00, 3350.44, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.203006+00', 2000494.00, 0.00, 2000494.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (878, '2500224422', '0400038032', '2016-02-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR POUR PCA SEARCHFOR COMMON GROUND', '2015-12-01', '2016-02-29', 60638.95, NULL, 60638.95, 0.00, 62763.57, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.496216+00', 36292472.00, 0.00, 36292472.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10384,7 +11360,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (648, '2500221169', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (295, '2500232403', '0400039525', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR RADIO FM LIBERTÉ MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITES ACPV', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 2604.54, NULL, 2604.54, 0.00, 2614.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:23.897002+00', 1515000.00, 0.00, 1515000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (443, '2500221169', '0400040132', '2016-05-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR CRT CONSTRUCTION 40 LTS ET 36 LATRINES BAGASSOL', '2015-11-25', '2016-05-31', 13870.01, NULL, 13870.01, 0.00, 13870.01, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.484186+00', 8025160.00, 0.00, 8025160.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (88, '2500213985', '0400041035', '2016-06-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA COOPI - PCIMA- HLAMIS', '2016-04-29', '2017-04-28', 142023.34, NULL, 142023.34, 0.00, 140486.17, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:24.881202+00', 82655739.00, 0.00, 82655739.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (114, '2500234967', '0400041453', '2016-06-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SENSIBILISA@T CONTRE MARIAGES DES ENFTS DS ÉGLISES', '2016-06-22', '2016-12-31', 11396.87, NULL, 11396.87, 0.00, 13008.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.189116+00', 6671000.00, 0.00, 7571000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (197, '2500232382', '0400041773', '2016-07-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA ASSOCIATION POUR L''AUTOPROMOTION RURALE 2', '2016-04-01', '2016-12-31', 17289.08, NULL, 17289.08, 0.00, 17331.40, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:25.573642+00', 10280000.00, 0.00, 10280000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (762, '2500233978', '0400043701', '2016-09-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEM APPUI A L''EDUCATION AUX RISQUES DES MINES', '2016-09-22', '2016-12-22', 218909.35, NULL, 218909.35, 0.00, 218909.35, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.056751+00', 128831000.00, 0.00, 128831000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (454, '2500233645', '0400044666', '2016-10-26', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FIN. APE RADIO TOB FM DE KOUMRA', '2016-10-26', '2017-01-26', 1776.00, NULL, 1776.00, 0.00, 1776.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-05-03 15:32:26.734389+00', 1056000.00, 0.00, 1056000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10395,29 +11370,27 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (604, '2500234968', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (487, '2500220423', '0400000562', '2012-02-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA OGB', '2011-11-01', '2012-01-31', 189012.87, NULL, 189012.87, 0.00, 388900.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.931098+00', 0.00, 0.00, 190000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (658, '2500219686', '0400025408', '2014-11-11', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT T1 APE CSJEFOD', '2014-11-10', '2014-12-25', 13014.44, NULL, 13014.44, 0.00, 13178.51, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:22.786548+00', 6854210.00, 0.00, 6854210.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (727, '2500214090', '0400007000', '2012-10-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT DES DEPENSES POUR ACTIVITES WASH', '2011-09-01', '2012-02-28', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 395775.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:39.138222+00', 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (552, '2500223886', '0400007139', '2012-10-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'ACCORD A PETITE ECHELLE PROMOTION PFE PAR AFEDD', '2012-10-10', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-07-03 00:02:39.155958+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (581, '2500000912', '0400005928', '2012-08-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 3EME TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '2012-08-23', '2012-11-23', 33442.88, NULL, 33442.88, 0.00, 33525.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.235325+00', 0.00, 0.00, 33525.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (462, '2500219704', '0400006382', '2012-09-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA 2012/04 DE PROMOTION SANTÉ COMMUNAUTAIRE-CHORA', '2012-05-10', '2013-03-31', 34871.68, NULL, 34871.68, 0.00, 34870.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.279497+00', 0.00, 0.00, 34930.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (77, '2500212828', '0400011304', '2013-03-26', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 2È TRANCHE APE TERRE VERTE/CELIAF', '2012-11-01', '2013-04-30', 7902.48, NULL, 7902.48, 0.00, 15842.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.335436+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7921.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (230, '2500215472', '0400000582', '2012-02-24', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION FINANCEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE AFVF', '2012-02-24', '2012-12-31', 3463.66, NULL, 3463.66, 0.00, 8232.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.950113+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8645.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (859, '2500213951', '0400000725', '2012-02-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET JRS', '2012-02-29', '2012-05-31', 53616.59, NULL, 53616.59, 0.00, 56000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.972056+00', 0.00, 0.00, 56000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (68, '2500214062', '0400000764', '2012-03-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT 2EM TRANCHE PCA CHOLÉRA ESMS', '2011-11-01', '2012-02-29', 32103.69, NULL, 32103.69, 0.00, 62778.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:11.990357+00', 0.00, 0.00, 32100.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (829, '2500220423', '0400001032', '2012-03-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOUSEMENT FONDS CHOLERA OGB/UNICEF', '2011-11-11', '2012-01-31', 163238.50, NULL, 163238.50, 0.00, 398000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.055791+00', 0.00, 0.00, 81674.86, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (351, '2500213955', '0400001123', '2012-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR - PCA CRS OEV MOUDOU ET KELO', '2012-03-01', '2012-09-30', 113270.62, NULL, 113270.62, 0.00, 115269.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.084703+00', 0.00, 0.00, 115269.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (353, '2500213954', '0400001124', '2012-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR PCA CARE DDR', '2012-02-01', '2012-09-30', 172691.43, NULL, 172691.43, 0.00, 176229.46, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.10902+00', 0.00, 0.00, 177000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (322, '2500214082', '0400001150', '2012-03-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DCT POUR MISE EN OEUVRE APE-WASH', '2011-04-15', '2012-12-31', 8582.08, NULL, 8582.08, 0.00, 18000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.151771+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (181, '2500218272', '0400001186', '2012-03-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT 2EME ET DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA CELIAF', '2010-06-01', '2012-09-30', 48594.11, NULL, 48594.11, 0.00, 49094.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.171499+00', 0.00, 0.00, 49094.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (833, '2500212820', '0400001403', '2012-03-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR REMBOURSEMENT COUTS ACTIVITES CHOLERA SIF', '2011-11-01', '2012-05-15', 49112.89, NULL, 49112.89, 0.00, 150000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.197828+00', 0.00, 0.00, 24800.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (832, '2500220423', '0400001423', '2012-03-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT FONDS CHOLERA OGB/UNICEF', '2011-11-11', '2012-01-31', 56146.83, NULL, 56146.83, 0.00, 398000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.220264+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (424, '2500213951', '0400002179', '2012-04-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR - PROGRAMME COOPERATION AGREEMENT - JRS', '2012-05-02', '2012-12-31', 51327.34, NULL, 51327.34, 0.00, 160000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.295284+00', 0.00, 0.00, 51260.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (806, '2500215473', '0400002484', '2012-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA BAMBINI', '2012-04-15', '2012-10-15', 27108.65, NULL, 27108.65, 0.00, 27180.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.332982+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27180.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (7, '2500219704', '0400002485', '2012-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CHORA', '2012-03-01', '2013-02-28', 14559.52, NULL, 14559.52, 0.00, 14560.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.354551+00', 0.00, 0.00, 14560.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (39, '2500221641', '0400002615', '2012-05-02', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SSFA POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE DE L''ATPC SALAMAT', '2012-05-02', '2012-11-02', 13275.02, NULL, 13275.02, 0.00, 13762.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.375431+00', 0.00, 0.00, 14093.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (185, '2500220951', '0400002665', '2012-05-03', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SMALL SCALE FUNDING AGREEMNT BECADEL', '2012-01-03', '2012-12-31', 19804.57, NULL, 19804.57, 0.00, 17869.82, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.397802+00', 0.00, 0.00, 19579.79, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (353, '2500213954', '0400001124', '2012-03-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR PCA CARE DDR', '2012-02-01', '2012-09-30', 172691.43, NULL, 172691.43, 0.00, 176229.46, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.873828+00', 0.00, 0.00, 177000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (7, '2500219704', '0400002485', '2012-04-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA CHORA', '2012-03-01', '2013-02-28', 14559.52, NULL, 14559.52, 0.00, 14560.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.930355+00', 0.00, 0.00, 14560.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (552, '2500223886', '0400007139', '2012-10-10', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'ACCORD A PETITE ECHELLE PROMOTION PFE PAR AFEDD', '2012-10-10', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.105849+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (114, '2500234967', '0400041453', '2016-06-22', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'SENSIBILISA@T CONTRE MARIAGES DES ENFTS DS ÉGLISES', '2016-06-22', '2016-12-31', 11396.87, NULL, 11396.87, 0.00, 13008.88, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.59262+00', 6671000.00, 0.00, 7571000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (429, '2500221668', '0400002673', '2012-05-03', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'MISE EN OEUVRE DE L''ATPC DANS LE OUADDAI', '2012-05-07', '2012-11-07', 9661.24, NULL, 9661.24, 0.00, 10011.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.420401+00', 0.00, 0.00, 12500.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (22, '2500215473', '0400002687', '2012-05-03', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'COMPLEMENT FR 400001709 BAMBINI', '2012-05-03', '2012-05-31', 309.08, NULL, 309.08, 0.00, 310.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.438649+00', 0.00, 0.00, 310.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (848, '2500221714', '0400002777', '2012-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR PAIEMENT 3È TRANCHE PCA MDM - REDUCTº MORTALIT', '2009-01-01', '2012-03-31', 77441.88, NULL, 77441.88, 0.00, 77442.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.456423+00', 0.00, 0.00, 77482.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (555, '2500221193', '0400002843', '2012-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE', '2012-05-01', '2013-04-30', 127108.15, NULL, 127108.15, 0.00, 127172.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:12.486673+00', 0.00, 0.00, 138622.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (125, '2500223053', '0400005539', '2012-08-07', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR-FINANCEMENT APE/CSAI DOBA EN FAVEUR DE LA PTME', '2012-08-07', '2012-12-31', 8367.32, NULL, 8367.32, 0.00, 8367.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.080683+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8376.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (461, '2500223478', '0400006386', '2012-09-11', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR POUR MISE EN OEUVRE SSFA/04/WASH-NDJ/A2012', '2012-08-20', '2013-02-20', 9550.06, NULL, 9550.06, 0.00, 19100.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:13.309784+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9550.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (541, '2500223886', '0400007215', '2012-10-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', '2012-10-12', '2012-11-30', 3884.80, NULL, 3884.80, 0.00, 8000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:14.15083+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3880.80, true, false, false);
@@ -10433,14 +11406,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (418, '2500212813', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (107, '2500223478', '0400012047', '2013-04-25', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT 2È TRANCHE APE AOPK', '2013-04-25', '2013-05-31', 9923.60, NULL, 9923.60, 0.00, 9986.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.469843+00', 0.00, 0.00, 10050.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (761, '2500225653', '0400012057', '2013-04-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DE LA PREMIERE AVANCE MENTOR INITIATIVE', '2013-04-26', '2013-05-01', 53869.30, NULL, 53869.30, 0.00, 52800.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.489165+00', 0.00, 0.00, 52800.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (42, '2500221641', '0400012235', '2013-05-02', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'SMALL SCALE FUNDING AGREEMENT ATPCS', '2013-05-02', '2013-07-31', 18376.70, NULL, 18376.70, 0.00, 18420.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.515642+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18420.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (441, '2500225723', '0400012312', '2013-05-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA 2013/02/CHD/EDUC/FOI', '2013-03-27', '2013-12-31', 69202.62, NULL, 69202.62, 0.00, 63563.49, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.530775+00', 0.00, 0.00, 70700.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (332, '2500223632', '0400012577', '2013-05-15', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DU PCA ASSAR POUR TISSI', '2013-05-15', '2013-12-31', 69060.96, NULL, 69060.96, 0.00, 108876.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.547415+00', 0.00, 0.00, 109160.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (869, '2500225860', '0400012729', '2013-05-21', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2ÈRE TRANCHE À LA RADIO ALBICHARI', '2013-05-21', '2013-06-30', 2474.30, NULL, 2474.30, 0.00, 2485.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.568564+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2485.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (734, '2500215492', '0400012759', '2013-05-22', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO COMM. BENOYE', '2013-05-22', '2013-06-30', 3013.06, NULL, 3013.06, 0.00, 3025.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.606016+00', 0.00, 0.00, 3025.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (204, '2500215499', '0400012760', '2013-05-22', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISSEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO SOLEIL KAR UBA', '2013-05-22', '2013-06-30', 2913.29, NULL, 2913.29, 0.00, 2925.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.626062+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2925.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (675, '2500228085', '0400018952', '2014-03-04', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT APE Nº19/PRO/POLIO/CROIX-ROUGE - MANDO', '2014-03-04', '2014-12-31', 12635.81, NULL, 12635.81, 0.00, 12635.81, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:18.577593+00', 6058000.00, 0.00, 6058000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (529, '2500228118', '0400019117', '2014-03-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDLS/PALA', '2014-03-11', '2014-12-31', 7042.80, NULL, 7042.80, 0.00, 7081.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.045664+00', 3376547.00, 0.00, 3777900.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (221, '2500228125', '0400019156', '2014-03-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDIAM NDJAMENA', '2014-03-12', '2014-12-31', 12424.71, NULL, 12424.71, 0.00, 12443.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:19.097294+00', 5956791.00, 0.00, 6016891.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (241, '2500228870', '0400021508', '2014-06-11', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE A TRAVERS LES RADIOS -GAYA TC', '2014-06-11', '2014-10-30', 12459.65, NULL, 12459.65, 0.00, 12459.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:20.983852+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (99, '2500228854', '0400021534', '2014-06-12', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - DAR BA', '2014-06-12', '2014-10-30', 12459.65, NULL, 12459.65, 0.00, 12459.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.04443+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (651, '2500225860', '0400021565', '2014-06-13', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - AL BIC', '2014-06-13', '2014-10-30', 12459.65, NULL, 12459.65, 0.00, 12459.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.090012+00', 6010000.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10454,7 +11425,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (316, '2500221408', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (317, '2500225658', '0400012891', '2013-05-29', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE ADERBA .', '2013-05-29', '2013-12-31', 7127.00, NULL, 7127.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.713812+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7300.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (174, '2500215476', '0400012906', '2013-05-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CELIAF MANDOUL', '2013-05-29', '2013-08-30', 10065.21, NULL, 10065.21, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.730956+00', 0.00, 0.00, 10200.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (818, '2500224381', '0400012931', '2013-05-30', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'DECAISSEMENT 2E TRANCHE DE AFASALES', '2013-05-30', '2013-10-31', 8624.85, NULL, 8624.85, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.780063+00', 0.00, 0.00, 9000.00, true, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (272, '2500225975', '0400012940', '2013-05-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CR DU MOYEN - CHARI.', '2013-05-30', '2013-08-30', 20492.17, NULL, 20492.17, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.798834+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20517.00, true, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (441, '2500225723', '0400012312', '2013-05-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA 2013/02/CHD/EDUC/FOI', '2013-03-27', '2013-12-31', 69202.62, NULL, 69202.62, 0.00, 63563.49, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.181147+00', 0.00, 0.00, 70700.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (221, '2500228125', '0400019156', '2014-03-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PROJET CDIAM NDJAMENA', '2014-03-12', '2014-12-31', 12424.71, NULL, 12424.71, 0.00, 12443.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.276313+00', 5956791.00, 0.00, 6016891.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (82, '2500225889', '0400013037', '2013-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE UOFK', '2013-06-04', '2013-09-03', 4865.55, NULL, 4865.55, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.819823+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (105, '2500225656', '0400013060', '2013-06-04', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE ASSALAMA', '2013-06-04', '2013-08-03', 7205.05, NULL, 7205.05, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.841816+00', 0.00, 0.00, 8000.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (470, '2500215493', '0400013132', '2013-06-06', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'DÉCAISEMENT 2° TRANCHE À LA RADIO COMM DE MONGO', '2013-06-06', '2013-06-30', 2683.26, NULL, 2683.26, 0.00, 2690.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:15.891813+00', 0.00, 0.00, 2690.00, true, false, false);
@@ -10491,10 +11463,9 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (803, '2500000156', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (672, '2500213920', '0400031551', '2015-06-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT 2ÈT APE ACF/PROJET MEDICO-NUT/ZAFAI', '2015-06-18', '2015-12-31', 20626.47, NULL, 20626.47, 0.00, 20329.74, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.2195+00', 12242204.00, 0.00, 12242204.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (90, '2500219704', '0400034157', '2015-10-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT PCA ONG CHORA', '2015-10-07', '2016-01-07', 5786.27, NULL, 5786.27, 0.00, 18827.80, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.250003+00', 0.00, 0.00, 11152444.00, true, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (777, '2500214101', '0400015303', '2013-09-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DEUXIÈME & DERNIÈRE TRANCHE PCA Nº07/13/WASH/FPT', '2013-06-01', '2013-12-31', 39567.20, NULL, 39567.20, 0.00, 39567.20, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.222952+00', 19595579.00, 0.00, 19595579.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (431, '2500212785', '0400015348', '2013-09-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RESERVATION FONDS POUR PCA EDUC NO 10/OPAD', '2013-08-01', '2014-01-31', 70139.54, NULL, 70139.54, 0.00, 74710.04, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.249051+00', 34390020.00, 0.00, 37000000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (431, '2500212785', '0400015348', '2013-09-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'RESERVATION FONDS POUR PCA EDUC NO 10/OPAD', '2013-08-01', '2014-01-31', 70139.54, NULL, 70139.54, 0.00, 74710.04, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.239507+00', 34390020.00, 0.00, 37000000.00, false, true, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (814, '2500226932', '0400015371', '2013-09-19', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FINANCMT ACTIVITE PHA A BOL ASS ANDIMA', '2013-09-19', '2013-12-18', 20104.32, NULL, 20104.32, 0.00, 20104.32, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.269901+00', 9956625.00, 0.00, 9956625.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (233, '2500213991', '0400015422', '2013-09-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº007/PRO/POLIO/CRT/2013', '2013-09-23', '2013-10-30', 3073.21, NULL, 3073.21, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.293953+00', 1522000.00, 0.00, 1522000.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (231, '2500226920', '0400015424', '2013-09-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA/2013/CHD/NO 09/ACRA (ENFANTS BOUVIERS)', '2013-09-01', '2014-07-31', 280541.65, NULL, 280541.65, 0.00, 376607.15, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.315882+00', 136123973.00, 0.00, 264809913.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (884, '2500226407', '0400015450', '2013-09-24', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT DES ACTIVITÉS POLIO PAR FEMME MOSSO', '2013-09-24', '2013-10-30', 6305.93, NULL, 6305.93, 0.00, 6305.93, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.339496+00', 3123000.00, 0.00, 3123000.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (464, '2500214062', '0400015641', '2013-10-02', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA12/2012/CHD/WASH/ESMS', '2013-10-02', '2014-01-05', 40383.81, NULL, 40383.81, 0.00, 41370.18, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.356587+00', 20000000.00, 0.00, 40000100.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (780, '2500219704', '0400015710', '2013-10-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT APE Nº006/PRO/POLIO/CHORA/2013', '2013-10-04', '2013-10-31', 3148.27, NULL, 3148.27, 0.00, 3148.27, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:17.384654+00', 1522000.00, 0.00, 1522000.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10535,7 +11506,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (16, '2500224893', '0
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (488, '2500228587', '0400022605', '2014-07-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ADES - UNICEF URGENCE TISSI', '2014-07-24', '2014-08-30', 75452.56, NULL, 75452.56, 0.00, 75452.56, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.631882+00', 36421857.00, 0.00, 36421857.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (866, '2500226117', '0400022628', '2014-07-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA2013/04/CHD/PROT/IBCR', '2014-01-01', '2014-08-31', 37769.67, NULL, 37769.67, 0.00, 37769.67, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.655782+00', 18231873.00, 0.00, 18231873.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (842, '2500229339', '0400022714', '2014-07-30', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT SSA IDRISS/CHD/2014/WASH', '2014-07-30', '2014-10-30', 19925.75, NULL, 19925.75, 0.00, 19925.75, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.674882+00', 9618400.00, 0.00, 9618400.00, false, false, false);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (320, '2500214088', '0400022856', '2014-08-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUTS OPERATIONNELS PCA 2014/CHD/PRO/LA IRC', '2014-08-05', '2014-11-05', 108943.60, NULL, 108943.60, 0.00, 110982.77, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.696597+00', 53425727.00, 0.00, 54425727.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (430, '2500229515', '0400022952', '2014-08-08', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRAL DE L''APE Nº29/ASSOCIATION HANDIC', '2014-08-08', '2015-12-31', 17233.91, NULL, 17233.91, 0.00, 18791.62, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.735336+00', 9215375.00, 0.00, 9335375.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (432, '2500212785', '0400022954', '2014-08-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA N° 15/OPAD/PROMOTE CFS & TRAIN PTAS', '2014-08-15', '2015-02-15', 89954.10, NULL, 89954.10, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.75586+00', 45567770.00, 0.00, 45577770.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (589, '2500224893', '0400023023', '2014-08-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCH/PCA SID/2014/WASH', '2014-08-12', '2014-11-10', 17820.68, NULL, 17820.68, 0.00, 17820.68, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:21.775413+00', 8739225.00, 0.00, 8739225.00, false, false, false);
@@ -10570,6 +11540,63 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (122, '2500218808', '
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (327, '2500212820', '0400029114', '2015-03-24', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT ONG SIF DERNIERE TRANCHE', '2015-03-24', '2015-04-05', 10473.07, NULL, 10473.07, 0.00, 10473.07, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.170954+00', 6481635.00, 0.00, 6481635.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (58, '2500225658', '0400034560', '2015-10-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBOURSEMENT COÛT DIRECT DU PROJET/ADERBA', '2015-10-22', '2015-12-31', 3824.65, NULL, 3824.65, 0.00, 3824.65, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.328456+00', 2236010.00, 0.00, 2236010.00, false, false, false);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (825, '2500213955', '0400036108', '2015-12-07', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'REMB APPUI SYSTEME PROTECTION SOCIALE DES OEV', '2015-12-07', '2015-12-31', 17863.19, NULL, 17863.19, 0.00, 17863.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2018-10-21 00:02:23.399474+00', 11076181.00, 0.00, 11076181.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (474, '2500214100', '0400000066', '2012-01-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT DEUXIEMENT TRANCHE PROJET DDR JRS 2011', '2011-01-02', '2012-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 195500.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.805628+00', 0.00, 0.00, 195950.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (859, '2500213951', '0400000725', '2012-02-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'RESERVATION TROISIEME TRANCHE PROJET JRS', '2012-02-29', '2012-05-31', 53616.59, NULL, 53616.59, 0.00, 56000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.846901+00', 0.00, 0.00, 56000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (833, '2500212820', '0400001403', '2012-03-22', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR REMBOURSEMENT COUTS ACTIVITES CHOLERA SIF', '2011-11-01', '2012-05-15', 49112.89, NULL, 49112.89, 0.00, 150000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.883819+00', 0.00, 0.00, 24800.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (427, '2500213943', '0400002171', '2012-04-19', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR - PROGRAMME COOPERATION AGREEMNT - APLFT', '2012-05-02', '2012-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.903478+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (630, '2500214314', '0400002466', '2012-04-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FC- PAIEMENT TROISIÈME TRANCHE PCA ASTBEF', '2011-07-25', '2012-07-26', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 27108.84, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.914393+00', 0.00, 0.00, 27108.84, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (440, '2500221714', '0400002774', '2012-05-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR PAIEMENT 1ÈR TRANCHE PCA MDM - REDUCTº MORTALIT', '2009-01-01', '2012-03-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.944231+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29390.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (555, '2500221193', '0400002843', '2012-05-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG BASE', '2012-05-01', '2013-04-30', 127108.15, NULL, 127108.15, 0.00, 127172.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.963281+00', 0.00, 0.00, 138622.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (18, '2500221883', '0400003074', '2012-05-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FINANCEMENT DE LA 1ERE TRANCHE PCA ONG ALIMA', '2012-04-15', '2012-10-15', 29237.88, NULL, 29237.88, 0.00, 29250.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:34.981951+00', 0.00, 0.00, 29250.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (602, '2500213923', '0400003303', '2012-05-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PCA Nº 2012/18/CHD/WASH/ADRA', '2012-11-01', '2012-04-30', 82496.00, NULL, 82496.00, 0.00, 175989.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.011787+00', 0.00, 0.00, 88000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (840, '2500214090', '0400003419', '2012-05-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'FR POUR PAIEMENT 3E TRANCHE PCA2011/06/WASH/IRW', '2012-05-25', '2012-05-30', 73470.93, NULL, 73470.93, 0.00, 180000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.024768+00', 0.00, 0.00, 78400.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (124, '2500223094', '0400005537', '2012-08-07', 'SSFA', 'USD', 'FR POUR MISE EN OEUVRE SSFA/UNICEF-EAA/NPRI', '2012-08-01', '2012-09-05', 18301.35, NULL, 18301.35, 0.00, 18350.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.092342+00', 0.00, 0.00, 18350.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (225, '2500221408', '0400007145', '2012-10-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', '2EME TRANCHE PCA/CRT/EPH/CRO/P/2012', '2012-10-10', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 137000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.116897+00', 0.00, 0.00, 137000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (742, '2500223886', '0400007184', '2012-10-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'APE PROMOTION PFE ASSOCIATION AFEDD DE MAO/KANEM', '2012-10-11', '2012-12-30', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 7762.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.130761+00', 0.00, 0.00, 7770.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (304, '2500224422', '0400008061', '2012-11-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PCA AVEC SFCG', '2012-10-01', '2013-03-31', 85518.50, NULL, 85518.50, 0.00, 280000.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.142437+00', 0.00, 0.00, 290000.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (272, '2500225975', '0400012940', '2013-05-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'USD', 'PAIEMENT INTEGRALE APE CR DU MOYEN - CHARI.', '2013-05-30', '2013-08-30', 20492.17, NULL, 20492.17, 0.00, 0.00, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.193158+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20517.00, true, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (266, '2500225723', '0400014551', '2013-08-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA POUR PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT A TRAVERS DES EAE', '2013-08-09', '2013-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 1010.93, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.215535+00', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (231, '2500226920', '0400015424', '2013-09-23', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA/2013/CHD/NO 09/ACRA (ENFANTS BOUVIERS)', '2013-09-01', '2014-07-31', 280541.65, NULL, 280541.65, 0.00, 376607.15, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.249014+00', 136123973.00, 0.00, 264809913.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (422, '2500214088', '0400020672', '2014-05-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'VERSEMENT 1ÈRE TRANCHE PCA 2014/ CSSI', '2014-04-07', '2014-07-09', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 217689.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.306228+00', 0.00, 0.00, 58378410.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (145, '2500225860', '0400020798', '2014-05-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE POLIO À TRAVERS LA RADIO', '2014-05-19', '2014-12-31', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 12664.90, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.317603+00', 0.00, 0.00, 6010000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (687, '2500212828', '0400021661', '2014-06-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 1RE TRANCH PCA CELIAF-WASH/14/', '2014-06-17', '2014-09-17', 64163.08, NULL, 64163.08, 0.00, 44021.53, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.363266+00', 30972291.00, 0.00, 30972291.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (380, '2500221641', '0400022187', '2014-07-07', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT PREMIERE TRANCHE ATPCS', '2014-07-07', '2014-10-10', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 41.43, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.374231+00', 0.00, 0.00, 20000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (320, '2500214088', '0400022856', '2014-08-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'COUTS OPERATIONNELS PCA 2014/CHD/PRO/LA IRC', '2014-08-05', '2014-11-05', 108943.60, NULL, 108943.60, 0.00, 110982.77, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.400353+00', 53425727.00, 0.00, 54425727.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (563, '2500228112', '0400029194', '2015-03-26', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'DECSIMT 2E TRANCHPCA 2014/CHD/WASH/IHDL', '2015-03-26', '2015-04-30', 133704.48, NULL, 133704.48, 0.00, 130743.85, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.497858+00', 80915540.00, 0.00, 82754040.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (19, '2500212828', '0400031955', '2015-07-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA11/2014/PROG/WASH/CELIAF', '2015-07-09', '2015-12-31', 17369.45, NULL, 17369.45, 0.00, 17572.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.509755+00', 10309097.00, 0.00, 10309097.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (286, '2500232774', '0400039528', '2016-04-14', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR ASSOCIATION BOUSSO CONTRE SIDA POUR LES ACT ACP', '2016-04-04', '2016-06-30', 3180.46, NULL, 3180.46, 0.00, 3192.59, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.546767+00', 1850000.00, 0.00, 1850000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (123, '2500213985', '0400051761', '2017-06-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR FINANCEMENT 2ND TRIMESTRE 2017- COOPI', '2017-06-19', '2017-06-30', 135633.26, NULL, 135633.26, 0.00, 145127.59, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.719307+00', 79493975.00, 0.00, 85058553.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (152, '2500227181', '0400052127', '2017-07-03', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR COMPAGNIE HADRE DOUNIA', '2017-07-03', '2017-12-31', 12724.63, NULL, 12724.63, 0.00, 24932.29, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.734107+00', 7185000.00, 0.00, 14370000.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (732, '2500215479', '0400056451', '2017-12-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WORLD CONCERN', '2017-12-08', '2018-01-31', 97114.19, NULL, 97114.19, 0.00, 97114.19, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.796763+00', 53753090.00, 0.00, 53753091.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (897, '2500213985', '0400059040', '2018-03-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA AVEC COOPI - APPUI EDUCATION DES ENFTS', '2018-02-12', '2018-08-12', 0.00, NULL, 0.00, 0.00, 258826.09, '2018-03-29 00:04:02.64965+00', '2019-06-08 00:03:35.808833+00', 0.00, 0.00, 138436758.00, false, true, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (928, '2500212820', '0400061516', '2018-07-04', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', '2018-07-04', '2018-12-31', 861550.44, NULL, 861550.44, 357874.66, 892531.90, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.135204+00', '2019-11-07 00:30:50.13715+00', 505668413.00, 213603575.00, 505668413.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1043, '2500227539', '0400069939', '2019-07-25', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'RENFORCEMENT DU SYSTEME DE PROTECTION EN FAVEUR', '2019-07-25', '2019-10-25', 9751.78, NULL, 9751.78, 0.00, 9903.99, '2019-07-27 00:06:06.512394+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.578+00', 5717000.00, 0.00, 5717000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (990, '2500238161', '0400066565', '2019-02-13', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', '2018-04-01', '2019-01-31', 0.00, NULL, 7996.00, 0.00, 8216.95, '2019-02-15 00:11:32.573754+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:57.523345+00', 0.00, 0.00, 4721000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1062, '2500213955', '0400071814', '2019-10-25', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '7% DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DU PROGRAMME', '2019-10-25', '2019-12-31', 13028.37, NULL, 13028.37, 0.00, 12829.01, '2019-10-27 00:15:38.953369+00', '2019-11-14 00:06:36.1562+00', 7692211.00, 0.00, 7692211.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1041, '2500213951', '0400069588', '2019-07-09', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA ACEC JRS', '2019-07-09', '2019-08-15', 217595.94, NULL, 217595.94, 0.00, 217595.94, '2019-07-11 00:06:27.839057+00', '2019-11-15 00:08:43.236675+00', 125605517.00, 0.00, 125605517.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (998, '2500221790', '0400067095', '2019-03-12', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR 1ERE TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP+', '2019-02-25', '2019-03-31', 50463.44, NULL, 50463.44, 0.00, 50463.44, '2019-03-15 13:52:32.639244+00', '2019-10-05 00:06:15.575197+00', 29100500.00, 0.00, 29100500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1022, '2500213951', '0400068212', '2019-05-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', '2019-05-07', '2019-08-07', 55852.35, NULL, 55852.35, 0.00, 55852.35, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.027294+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.567585+00', 32852185.00, 0.00, 32852185.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (986, '2500213920', '0400066019', '2019-01-14', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '1ERE TRANCHE DU 17/PCA/2018/WASH/ACF APPUI AUX URG', '2019-01-14', '2019-06-30', 146536.86, NULL, 146536.86, 0.00, 145821.90, '2019-01-16 00:02:00.037658+00', '2019-08-29 00:27:59.772335+00', 83744494.00, 0.00, 83744494.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (891, '2500238161', '0400058431', '2018-03-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF,RENF CAP COMM DANS LE HADJER L', '2018-03-07', '2018-12-11', 764867.57, NULL, 768142.20, 257894.52, 817172.47, '2018-03-15 16:10:06.407235+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.092501+00', 434415226.00, 151409431.00, 437076136.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (972, '2500233143', '0400064814', '2018-11-19', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI CONSOL PAIX PROJET TRANSFRONTALIER', '2018-11-19', '2019-02-28', 98768.48, NULL, 98768.48, 0.00, 98768.48, '2018-11-21 00:01:57.401884+00', '2019-09-06 00:26:06.96566+00', 57006500.00, 0.00, 57006500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1044, '2500228510', '0400069988', '2019-07-29', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'REMBBOURSMENT 7% ONG ALIMA', '2019-07-29', '2019-12-31', 2543.26, NULL, 2543.26, 0.00, 2678.24, '2019-07-31 00:05:24.030862+00', '2019-10-19 00:30:50.892027+00', 1490992.00, 0.00, 1545992.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1014, '2500214062', '0400067661', '2019-04-08', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', '2019-04-08', '2019-12-31', 48563.13, NULL, 72508.77, 10927.34, 73216.00, '2019-04-12 17:41:31.98834+00', '2019-10-19 00:30:50.830788+00', 28427630.00, 6522170.00, 42785305.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1057, '2500237473', '0400071344', '2019-10-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '6E T ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACT PLAIDOYER DE COMM', '2019-10-07', '2019-12-31', 9158.43, NULL, 9158.43, 9158.43, 9158.43, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.23444+00', '2019-10-10 00:11:25.907957+00', 5491348.00, 5491348.00, 5491348.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (993, '2500233143', '0400066809', '2019-02-27', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR T 2 ET 3 PCA - CELIAF, COORDINATION NATIONALE', '2018-11-01', '2019-08-30', 45499.57, NULL, 45499.57, 27221.71, 47169.58, '2019-03-02 00:15:29.158934+00', '2019-10-16 00:15:08.367613+00', 27101000.00, 16322000.00, 27101000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (958, '2500225653', '0400063875', '2018-10-11', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '2E TRANCHE PAC MENTHOR INITIATIVE', '2018-10-11', '2018-12-31', 102591.92, NULL, 104641.57, 0.00, 109031.53, '2018-10-13 00:02:13.626548+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.534912+00', 59970382.00, 0.00, 61180535.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (960, '2500213951', '0400064459', '2018-11-05', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', '2018-10-01', '2018-12-31', 340117.84, NULL, 356859.67, 0.00, 340117.84, '2018-11-06 16:46:32.84077+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.555106+00', 196306834.00, 0.00, 196306834.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (981, '2500233727', '0400065408', '2018-12-10', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA CVDT (EDUCATION/COMMUNICATION)', '2018-03-06', '2019-05-31', 123090.64, NULL, 125313.63, 28814.46, 124216.91, '2018-12-12 00:02:07.776938+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.568437+00', 71349000.00, 16992750.00, 71619000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (984, '2500213937', '0400065909', '2019-01-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', '2019-01-03', '2019-12-31', 25363.43, NULL, 43332.34, 16735.12, 54558.39, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.452119+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.579274+00', 14742000.00, 9811000.00, 31831000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1027, '2500240134', '0400068450', '2019-05-16', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 2019_PCA_09_WASH_APDI', '2019-05-16', '2019-08-16', 26940.57, NULL, 87324.70, 26940.57, 87552.92, '2019-05-18 00:04:14.988776+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.620805+00', 15846364.00, 15846364.00, 51498364.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1040, '2500214062', '0400069407', '2019-07-01', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FR PCA ECOLE SAINE MÉNAGE SAIN', '2019-07-01', '2019-09-30', 14444.55, NULL, 89936.57, 14444.55, 91660.00, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.327401+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.640253+00', 8338000.00, 8338000.00, 52910000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1045, '2500225653', '0400070026', '2019-07-30', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC MENTHOR', '2019-06-21', '2019-08-31', 77434.77, NULL, 78635.24, 77434.77, 79871.30, '2019-08-01 00:05:49.895313+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.652494+00', 45396289.00, 45396289.00, 46105068.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1046, '2500223261', '0400070223', '2019-08-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PCA:15/2019 1ERE ET 2EME TRANCHE AFDI', '2019-08-07', '2019-11-07', 71060.43, NULL, 138985.26, 71060.43, 138894.83, '2019-08-09 00:05:26.573663+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.664936+00', 41659321.00, 41659321.00, 81763500.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1058, '2500235282', '0400071422', '2019-10-10', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT 13/SSFA/2019/COM/AFA', '2019-10-10', '2019-12-31', 16155.91, NULL, 26470.60, 16155.91, 26312.76, '2019-10-11 00:15:21.121059+00', '2019-11-03 00:33:54.689639+00', 9687000.00, 9687000.00, 15777000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1029, '2500214085', '0400068467', '2019-05-17', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'FINANCEMENT PCA 03-2019 ET PCA 11-2019 IAS', '2019-05-17', '2019-08-17', 53405.25, NULL, 89995.19, 53405.25, 126474.21, '2019-05-19 00:05:23.846838+00', '2019-11-14 00:06:36.144724+00', 31875833.00, 31875833.00, 74391752.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (983, '2500227536', '0400065910', '2019-01-03', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '19/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/ANNASSOUR', '2019-01-03', '2019-12-31', 22967.39, NULL, 23098.17, 16362.81, 23592.25, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.451908+00', '2019-11-06 00:28:42.172879+00', 13548866.00, 9660933.00, 13548866.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (1064, '2500237900', '0400071926', '2019-10-31', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', 'PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA RESEAU JOURNALISTE TC', '2019-05-07', '2019-12-31', 30283.53, NULL, 30283.53, 30283.53, 29820.13, '2019-11-01 00:33:46.96802+00', '2019-11-06 00:28:42.21854+00', 17880000.00, 17880000.00, 17880000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (985, '2500234968', '0400065931', '2019-01-07', 'Programme Document Against PCA', 'XAF', '20/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/UAFAT', '2019-01-07', '2019-06-30', 12844.31, NULL, 13837.45, 798.29, 25410.37, '2019-01-09 00:02:01.540774+00', '2019-11-15 00:08:38.413218+00', 7530000.00, 468000.00, 14593000.00, false, false, false);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader VALUES (991, '2500237874', '0400066639', '2019-02-18', 'SSFA', 'XAF', 'FR GLOBAL DU SSFA EDUCATION LABEL 109', '2019-02-11', '2019-12-31', 24015.54, NULL, 24015.54, 386.62, 25645.99, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.238942+00', '2019-11-15 00:08:43.152461+00', 14036000.00, 228000.00, 14734750.00, false, false, false);
@@ -11175,7 +12202,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1404, '0400061516-2',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1405, '0400058940-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 27161.30, 14527600.00, '2018-07-05', '2E TRANCHE 9/PCA/2017/COM/SCF', 896, '2018-07-07 00:01:40.152732+00', '2018-07-07 00:01:40.153415+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1406, '0400058940-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 13797.71, 7379900.00, '2018-07-05', '2E TRANCHE 9/PCA/2017/COM/SCF', 896, '2018-07-07 00:01:40.152942+00', '2018-07-07 00:01:40.153537+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1407, '0400061569-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 44658.26, 25301363.00, '2018-07-06', '2E TRANCHE REPONSE URG CHOLERA À KOUKOU-ANGARANA', 929, '2018-07-08 00:01:42.457406+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.458048+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1403, '0400061516-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', 63894.94, 36200000.00, '2018-07-04', '3E TRANCHE 12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', 928, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.642175+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.585689+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1675, '0400071342-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', 912.01, 546836.00, '2019-10-07', 'RENF CAP DES COMM POUR LA MISE EN PLACE AGRS', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479013+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479013+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1402, '0400061516-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SC180404', 'SC', 214849.38, 121723991.00, '2018-07-04', '3E TRANCHE 12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', 928, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.642012+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.697005+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1401, '0400061516-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SC180404', 'SC', 73111.20, 41421515.00, '2018-07-04', '4E TRANCHE 12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', 928, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.641751+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:42.79719+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1410, '0400061933-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 24601.32, 13938000.00, '2018-07-23', 'FINANCEMENT PCA N#023/ADES/DG/AFP/2018', 931, '2018-07-25 00:09:40.773731+00', '2018-07-25 00:09:40.774677+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
@@ -11260,7 +12287,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1030, '0400055672-6',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1446, '0400063252-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/883/001/003', 'SC160332', 'SC', 4041.02, 2273750.00, '2018-09-19', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA PREVENTION VIH SIDA ET DEPISTAGE', 953, '2018-09-21 00:01:34.578038+00', '2018-09-21 00:01:34.579311+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1447, '0400063378-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 27929.49, 15715000.00, '2018-09-24', 'PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES JEUNES', 954, '2018-09-26 11:12:50.544522+00', '2018-09-26 11:12:50.545418+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1448, '0400063378-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 6207.05, 3492500.00, '2018-09-24', 'PAIEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC VOIX DES JEUNES', 954, '2018-09-26 11:12:50.54475+00', '2018-09-26 11:12:50.545641+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1521, '0400065909-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 9877.36, 5672500.00, '2019-01-03', '2E TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.894936+00', '2019-02-13 00:03:57.28946+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1649, '0400069899-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/003/001', 'SM190128', 'SM', 82588.93, 47673798.00, '2019-07-24', 'APPUI INSTITUTIONNEL PARTENAIRES', 1042, '2019-07-26 00:10:45.994775+00', '2019-07-26 00:10:45.998016+00', 'USAID/Food for Peace', 'G45617');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1450, '0400063590-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 11392.25, 6392500.00, '2018-10-02', 'PROMOTION DE VL''ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL EXCLUSIF', 956, '2018-10-05 00:01:45.505978+00', '2018-10-05 00:01:45.50722+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1451, '0400063568-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180201', 'SM', 62196.55, 34900166.00, '2018-10-01', 'ACTIVITES MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE AU NIVEAU', 957, '2018-10-05 00:01:45.506175+00', '2018-10-05 00:01:45.507372+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1452, '0400063568-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180259', 'SM', 18629.00, 10453234.00, '2018-10-01', 'ACTIVITES MOBILISATION COMMUNAUTAIRE AU NIVEAU', 957, '2018-10-05 00:01:45.506359+00', '2018-10-05 00:01:45.507534+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
@@ -11365,7 +12392,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1531, '0400066565-1',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1519, '0400065910-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 6769.95, 3887933.00, '2019-01-03', '2E TRANCHE 19/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/ANNASSOUR', 983, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.894576+00', '2019-01-05 00:01:56.897722+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1532, '0400066639-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 25645.99, 14734750.00, '2019-02-18', 'FR GLOBAL DU SSFA EDUCATION LABEL 109', 991, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.511579+00', '2019-02-20 00:02:19.512216+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1533, '0400066633-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 8216.95, 4721000.00, '2019-02-18', 'FR 4ÈME TRANCHE PCA ESMS', 992, '2019-02-20 00:02:19.511724+00', '2019-02-20 00:02:19.512425+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1522, '0400065909-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 7206.25, 4138500.00, '2019-01-03', '2E TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.895176+00', '2019-01-05 00:01:56.89866+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1650, '0400069899-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/882/003/005', 'SM190128', 'SM', 5425.80, 3132000.00, '2019-07-24', 'FORMATION ET APPUI AUX PRESTATAIRES ET INTERVENANT', 1042, '2019-07-26 00:10:45.996894+00', '2019-07-26 00:10:46.000582+00', 'USAID/Food for Peace', 'G45617');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1523, '0400065909-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 8434.72, 4844000.00, '2019-01-03', '1ERE TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.89533+00', '2019-01-05 00:01:56.898812+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1524, '0400065909-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/887/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 11469.75, 6587000.00, '2019-01-03', '1ERE TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.895463+00', '2019-01-05 00:01:56.898947+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1525, '0400065931-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 12298.60, 7063000.00, '2019-01-07', '3E TRANCHE 20/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/UAFAT', 985, '2019-01-09 00:02:01.923468+00', '2019-01-09 00:02:01.924424+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
@@ -11434,6 +12461,22 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1560, '0400067456-1',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1561, '0400067461-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 39655.61, 22868000.00, '2019-03-28', 'RENF SYST PROTEC EN FAV DES ENFTS AFFEC PAR CRISE', 1011, '2019-03-30 00:05:51.883725+00', '2019-03-30 00:05:51.884182+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1562, '0400067581-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 1623.41, 948673.00, '2019-04-03', '7% DU COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT AU PROGRAMME', 1012, '2019-04-05 00:05:05.385644+00', '2019-04-05 00:05:05.386119+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1563, '0400067615-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 141668.79, 82787132.00, '2019-04-04', 'REMBOURSEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA N049 CWW', 1013, '2019-04-06 00:03:52.008432+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:52.009188+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1564, '0400067661-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 3336.92, 1950000.00, '2019-04-08', '4ÈME TRANCHE 08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', 1014, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.404975+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.40596+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1565, '0400067693-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 47059.14, 27500000.00, '2019-04-09', 'APPUI POUR LA REHABILITATION DES INFRASTRUCTURES', 1015, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.405091+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.406088+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1566, '0400067661-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 21490.06, 12558170.00, '2019-04-08', '3ÈME TRANCHE 08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', 1014, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.40524+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.406249+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1567, '0400067661-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC181135', 'SC', 4885.54, 2854965.00, '2019-04-08', 'COMPLEMENT DE 1ÈRE TRANCHE 08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', 1014, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.405338+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.406338+00', 'Korean Committee for UNICEF', 'C56701');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1568, '0400067011-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 2560.59, 1476600.00, '2019-04-10', '3E T PCA 11 2018 WASH ALIMA ET 7POURCENT COUT SUPO', 1004, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.405425+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.406418+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1569, '0400067661-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SC181135', 'SC', 11161.01, 6522170.00, '2019-04-08', '2ÈME TRANCHE 08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', 1014, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.405514+00', '2019-04-12 17:41:32.406496+00', 'Korean Committee for UNICEF', 'C56701');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1571, '0400058431-11', 11, '0810/A0/05/880/004/004', 'SC170715', 'SC', 8000.00, 4674968.00, '2019-04-12', 'COMPLEMENT 4E TRANCHE 3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF', 891, '2019-04-14 00:03:48.54792+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.548694+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1572, '0400058431-12', 12, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SC170715', 'SC', 30947.00, 18084529.00, '2019-04-12', 'COMPLEMENT 4E TRANCHE 3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF', 891, '2019-04-14 00:03:48.548049+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.548833+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1573, '0400058431-10', 10, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'SC170715', 'SC', 4509.12, 2634999.00, '2019-04-12', 'COMPLEMENT 4E TRANCHE 3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF', 891, '2019-04-14 00:03:48.54814+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.54892+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1574, '0400058431-9', 9, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', 149336.08, 87267674.00, '2019-04-12', 'COMPLEMENT 4E TRANCHE 3/PCA/18/WASH/CRF', 891, '2019-04-14 00:03:48.548223+00', '2019-04-14 00:03:48.549002+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1570, '0400067661-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'SC181135', 'SC', 32342.47, 18900000.00, '2019-04-08', '1ÈRE TRANCHE 08/PCA/2019/WASH/ESMS', 1014, '2019-04-12 17:41:32.405603+00', '2019-04-17 00:03:57.524979+00', 'Korean Committee for UNICEF', 'C56701');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1575, '0400067851-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/887/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 8036.16, 4677348.00, '2019-04-16', 'APPUI TECHNIQUE DU SIEGE 7%', 1016, '2019-04-18 00:04:27.513004+00', '2019-04-18 00:04:27.51374+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1576, '0400068011-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 39354.82, 22906000.00, '2019-04-25', 'RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVEUR DES ENFA', 1017, '2019-04-27 00:05:12.427984+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:12.428794+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1587, '0400068145-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', 5062.93, 2978000.00, '2019-05-03', 'APPUI ACT COMM ET MOB SOC SUR VACC ENTRE LES CAMP', 1020, '2019-05-05 00:22:26.093556+00', '2019-05-05 00:22:26.094037+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1578, '0400068023-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170753', 'SC', 441.29, 0.00, '2019-04-26', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1018, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.65422+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.513666+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1577, '0400068023-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170753', 'SC', 86.81, 0.00, '2019-04-26', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1018, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.654101+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.528782+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1291, '0400022952-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/881/002/002', 'SC140620', 'SC', 198.29, 120000.00, '2015-06-30', 'CO APE N 29/ASSOCIATION HANDIC', 430, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:01.200404+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1285, '0400015641-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/803/002/005', 'SM130374', 'SM', 40795.70, 20000100.00, '2013-11-07', 'DECAISSMT 3E TRANCH PCA12/2012/CHD/WASH/ESMS', 464, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:01.518538+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1283, '0400013592-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/806/004/003', 'SM130059', 'SM', 3781.00, 1900000.00, '2013-07-03', 'COMPLEMT FINANCMT FORA NATIONAL A N''DJAMENA CSAI', 540, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:01.655465+00', 'Japan', 'G23101');
@@ -11454,6 +12497,34 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1289, '0400019412-11',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1251, '0400019412-13', 13, '0810/A0/04/802/003/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 458.87, 220000.00, '2014-03-21', 'SIGNER CONTRAT AVEC LES CPS', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.176353+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1257, '0400019412-15', 15, '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 504.76, 242000.00, '2014-03-21', 'MOTIVATION DU PERSONNEL/CDLS', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.377052+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1254, '0400019412-16', 16, '0810/A0/04/802/003/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 271.16, 130000.00, '2014-03-21', 'SUIVI/EVALUATION DES ACTIVITÉS DES CDLS', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.532847+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1581, '0400068023-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170753', 'SC', 436.07, 0.00, '2019-04-26', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1018, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.654487+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.544311+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1579, '0400068023-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/885/001/006', 'SC170753', 'SC', 13.63, 0.00, '2019-04-26', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1018, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.654325+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.57367+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1582, '0400068105-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170753', 'SC', 8203.03, 4825000.00, '2019-05-02', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1019, '2019-05-04 00:22:16.454967+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.45579+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1583, '0400068105-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170753', 'SC', 41208.98, 24239000.00, '2019-05-02', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1019, '2019-05-04 00:22:16.455093+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.455923+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1584, '0400068105-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/885/001/006', 'SC170753', 'SC', 1287.83, 757500.00, '2019-05-02', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1019, '2019-05-04 00:22:16.45518+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.456029+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1585, '0400068105-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170753', 'SC', 41703.71, 24530000.00, '2019-05-02', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1019, '2019-05-04 00:22:16.455271+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.456101+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1586, '0400068105-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', 2418.41, 1422500.00, '2019-05-02', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1019, '2019-05-04 00:22:16.455354+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.45617+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1580, '0400068023-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', 25.60, 0.00, '2019-04-26', 'FR SECONDE TRANCHE PCA AVEC CELIAF', 1018, '2019-04-28 00:04:38.654407+00', '2019-05-04 00:22:16.482426+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1588, '0400068169-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', 18642.58, 10965512.00, '2019-05-06', '7% DU 2E TRANCHE DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT', 1021, '2019-05-08 00:22:04.23314+00', '2019-05-08 00:22:04.233668+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1589, '0400068212-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', 8033.88, 4725502.00, '2019-05-07', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', 1022, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.358561+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.359508+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1590, '0400068212-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', 3971.96, 2336295.00, '2019-05-07', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', 1022, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.358702+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.359643+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1591, '0400068212-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', 35213.09, 20712233.00, '2019-05-07', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', 1022, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.358805+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.359738+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1592, '0400068212-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', 8633.43, 5078155.00, '2019-05-07', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES EFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE SOUDA', 1022, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.358957+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.359814+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1593, '0400067456-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', 'SM190180', 'SM', 197410.98, 113840000.00, '2019-05-07', '2E T APPUI PREVENTION MALNUTRIT AIGUE WASH IN NUT', 1010, '2019-05-09 00:18:22.35905+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:22.359889+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1594, '0400068250-6', 6, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', 143646.34, 84492344.00, '2019-05-08', 'COMPLEMENT CONST ET EQUIP DES INFRACT SCOL', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.691322+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.69274+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1595, '0400068250-7', 7, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', 165.44, 97314.00, '2019-05-08', 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE DES ENSEIGNANTS MC', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.691514+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.692873+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1596, '0400068250-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', 1604.08, 943517.00, '2019-05-08', 'ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITES DE PLAIDOYER', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.69161+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.692959+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1597, '0400068250-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', 20750.77, 12205543.00, '2019-05-08', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES DES PARENTS ET', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.691699+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.693039+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1598, '0400068250-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', 19652.12, 11559319.00, '2019-05-08', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES CIBLES', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.69184+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.693118+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1599, '0400068250-9', 9, '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', 1138.26, 669520.00, '2019-05-08', 'ACQUISITION ET DISTRIB DES FOURNITURES MANUEL SCOL', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.691932+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.693267+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1600, '0400068250-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', 189263.00, 111323929.00, '2019-05-08', 'CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTRUCTURES SCO', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.692015+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.693351+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1601, '0400068250-8', 8, '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', 26440.23, 15552062.00, '2019-05-08', 'CONSTR ET EQUIP DES INFRAST SCOL SITUA URGENCE', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.692097+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.69343+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1602, '0400068250-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', 78525.05, 46188197.00, '2019-05-08', 'DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES ORGANISATION', 1023, '2019-05-10 00:19:07.692251+00', '2019-05-10 00:19:07.693666+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1613, '0400068339-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 34417.18, 20244081.00, '2019-05-13', 'APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS AU LAC', 1026, '2019-05-15 00:03:25.660352+00', '2019-05-15 00:03:25.661165+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1605, '0400068275-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC160666', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES DES COMMUNAUTES CIBLEES AGR', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126718+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.453051+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1606, '0400068275-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTRUCTURES', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126808+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.472343+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1603, '0400068275-6', 6, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126459+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.490467+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1604, '0400068275-7', 7, '0810/A0/05/885/004/005', 'SC170198', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'ACQUISITION ET DISTRIBUTION DES FOURNITURES', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126623+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.505348+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1312, '0400016070-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/806/002/012', 'SC110538', 'SC', 7456.98, 3605000.00, '2013-11-08', 'FINANCEMENT PROJET MOB SOC PRÉVENTION PALUDISME', 318, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.314948+00', 'GAVI The Vaccine Alliance', 'I49928');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1336, '0400058455-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SM170151', 'SM', 62406.19, 33378825.00, '2018-03-07', '2E T DEV DE PARTENARIATS DES DROITS EDUC DES ENFTS', 889, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.459938+00', 'USA USAID', 'G45602');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1307, '0400048263-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM160403', 'SM', 30714.82, 19000000.00, '2017-05-15', '1ERE T PCA SANTE-NUT/VIH PROFIL POPULATION LAC', 103, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.484173+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
@@ -11470,6 +12541,30 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (283, '0400057043-7', 7
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (492, '0400019415-8', 8, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 107.63, 51600.00, '2014-03-21', 'PROJETER 432 FILMS AU PROFIT DES JEUNES', 170, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:09.094776+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (461, '0400019119-10', 10, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 35.46, 17000.00, '2014-04-30', 'PROJETER 432 FILMS AU PROFIT DES JEUNES', 553, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:09.48328+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (200, '0400023942-21', 21, '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 301.14, 150000.00, '2014-09-16', 'FONCTIONNEMENT INSTANCE DIRIGANTE', 673, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.688664+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1610, '0400068296-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/003/001', 'SC160666', 'SC', 3152.98, 1854576.00, '2019-05-10', 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE', 1025, '2019-05-12 00:03:23.359575+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.360295+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1611, '0400068296-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 187817.37, 110473615.00, '2019-05-10', 'CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPEMENT DES INFRASTRUCTURES', 1025, '2019-05-12 00:03:23.359723+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.360491+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1612, '0400068296-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 88233.23, 51898523.00, '2019-05-10', 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES AFFECTEES PAR LA CRISE CENTR', 1025, '2019-05-12 00:03:23.359824+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.360583+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1609, '0400068275-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PLAIDOYER', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.127078+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.388024+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1608, '0400068275-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'RENFORCEMENT DE CAPACITES DES COMMUNAUTES', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126998+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.41831+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1607, '0400068275-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC160666', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-05-09', 'DEVELOPPEMENT DE PARTENARIAT AVEC LES ORGANISATION', 1024, '2019-05-11 00:03:20.126916+00', '2019-05-12 00:03:23.437378+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1614, '0400068339-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/001/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 85005.53, 50000000.00, '2019-05-13', 'APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS AU LAC', 1026, '2019-05-15 00:03:25.660508+00', '2019-05-15 00:03:25.661335+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1615, '0400068339-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 260110.05, 152995953.00, '2019-05-13', 'APPUI REPONSE URGENCES REFUGIES ET IDPS AU LAC', 1026, '2019-05-15 00:03:25.660657+00', '2019-05-15 00:03:25.661422+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1616, '0400068450-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 16930.13, 9958250.00, '2019-05-16', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA APDI', 1027, '2019-05-18 00:04:15.285287+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:15.286072+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1617, '0400068450-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 26940.57, 15846364.00, '2019-05-16', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA APDI', 1027, '2019-05-18 00:04:15.285446+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:15.286266+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1618, '0400068450-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 31936.15, 18784750.00, '2019-05-16', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA APDI', 1027, '2019-05-18 00:04:15.285562+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:15.286372+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1619, '0400068450-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 11746.06, 6909000.00, '2019-05-16', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA APDI', 1027, '2019-05-18 00:04:15.285669+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:15.286508+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1620, '0400068467-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 4129.07, 2428708.00, '2019-05-17', 'FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE', 1029, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.104861+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105921+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1621, '0400068467-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', 'SC189906', 'SC', 23408.87, 13769028.00, '2019-05-17', 'COMPLEMENT FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE', 1029, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105024+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.10606+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1622, '0400068467-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', 'SM180557', 'SM', 35553.54, 20912488.00, '2019-05-17', 'FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE', 1029, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105124+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.106151+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1623, '0400068467-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'SM180557', 'SM', 36156.04, 21266874.00, '2019-05-17', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE', 1029, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105213+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.106238+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1624, '0400068467-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', 'SC189906', 'SC', 27226.68, 16014654.00, '2019-05-17', 'COMPLEMENT FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE', 1029, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105379+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.106378+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1625, '0400068469-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 38942.74, 22906000.00, '2019-05-17', 'RENFORCEMENT SYSTEME PROTECTION EN FAVEUR DES ENFA', 1028, '2019-05-19 00:05:24.105476+00', '2019-05-19 00:05:24.106464+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1626, '0400068682-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/001/001', 'SC170715', 'SC', 49451.97, 29087500.00, '2019-05-27', 'APPUI AU RENFORCEMENT DES CONNAISSANCES DES POPULA', 1030, '2019-05-29 00:03:00.491286+00', '2019-05-29 00:03:00.491904+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1627, '0400068702-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', 8092.53, 4760000.00, '2019-05-28', 'APPUI ACTIVITE CONTINUE DE COMMUNICATION', 1032, '2019-05-30 00:03:38.692617+00', '2019-05-30 00:03:38.69377+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1628, '0400068700-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/001/005', 'SC180891', 'SC', 8092.53, 4760000.00, '2019-05-28', 'APPUI ACTIVITES CONTINUE COMMUNICATION ET MOBILISA', 1031, '2019-05-30 00:03:38.692888+00', '2019-05-30 00:03:38.693992+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1629, '0400068748-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170753', 'SC', 4022.86, 2366236.00, '2019-05-29', 'FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX', 1033, '2019-05-31 00:03:41.883563+00', '2019-05-31 00:03:41.884361+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1630, '0400068748-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/003/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', 3606.33, 2121234.00, '2019-05-29', 'FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX', 1033, '2019-05-31 00:03:41.883776+00', '2019-05-31 00:03:41.884568+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1631, '0400068748-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170753', 'SC', 4798.61, 2822530.00, '2019-05-29', 'FINANCEMENT MECANISME DE CONSOLIDATION DE LA PAIX', 1033, '2019-05-31 00:03:41.883884+00', '2019-05-31 00:03:41.884659+00', 'UNDP - MDTF', 'U99967');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (65, '0400019420-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 791.58, 377099.00, '2014-03-26', 'ORGANISER DEPISTAGE MOBILE DANS 105 PAROISSES', 595, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:59.420097+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (651, '0400048471-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM160403', 'SM', 14678.45, 9080000.00, '2017-03-06', 'MISE EN OEUVRE PAQUET INTEGRE A HAUT IMPACT AU NIV', 779, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:02.195667+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1346, '0400058647-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', 4902.83, 2622347.00, '2018-03-14', 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITES COMMUNAUTES CIBLEES', 894, '2018-03-16 00:05:05.696343+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:04.104663+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
@@ -11487,6 +12582,32 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (21, '0400019114-6', 6,
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (552, '0400023942-10', 10, '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 3011.40, 1500000.00, '2014-09-16', 'LOYER SIEGE RNTAP+', 673, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:09.499741+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (812, '0400019412-12', 12, '0810/A0/04/802/002/003', 'SC130377', 'SC', 460.96, 221000.00, '2014-03-21', 'PRISE EN CHARGE NUTRITIONNEL', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:09.982419+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1150, '0400019117-13', 13, '0810/A0/04/802/002/003', 'SC130377', 'SC', 1251.48, 600000.00, '2014-03-11', 'APPUI MEDICAL, JURIDIQUE, SCOLAIRE/OEV', 529, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.159496+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1632, '0400068859-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM190166', 'SM', 132127.75, 77919696.00, '2019-06-03', 'FR PCA D''URGENCE 05 PCA PRO INTERSOS', 1034, '2019-06-05 00:03:35.437821+00', '2019-06-05 00:03:35.438268+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1633, '0400068977-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', 2210.91, 1303839.00, '2019-06-11', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1036, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.608663+00', '2019-06-13 00:04:47.609618+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1634, '0400068974-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC160666', 'SC', 14796.74, 8726080.00, '2019-06-11', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1035, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.608827+00', '2019-06-13 00:04:47.609764+00', 'Norway', 'G32401');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1635, '0400068974-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 30568.90, 18027398.00, '2019-06-11', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1035, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.608966+00', '2019-06-13 00:04:47.609875+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1636, '0400068977-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 46155.89, 27219514.00, '2019-06-11', 'COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1036, '2019-06-13 00:04:47.609055+00', '2019-06-13 00:04:47.609969+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1637, '0400069044-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 23754.68, 14008850.00, '2019-06-13', 'MISE EN OEUVRE DE L''ATPC ET ATPE', 1037, '2019-06-15 00:06:06.006385+00', '2019-06-15 00:06:06.006914+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1638, '0400069370-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 49997.12, 29484800.00, '2019-06-28', 'ORGANISATION MISE EN OEUVRE ACTIVITE PALIDOYER COM', 1039, '2019-07-01 00:22:32.622555+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:32.623219+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1639, '0400069369-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'SM180557', 'SM', 87692.56, 51714931.00, '2019-06-28', 'PAIEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA WASH- ACF', 1038, '2019-07-01 00:22:32.622766+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:32.623378+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1640, '0400067214-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 117980.11, 68035000.00, '2019-07-02', '2E TRAN PCA N 04/2019/NUT/ASRADD PREVENSION MALNUT', 1007, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.791907+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792841+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1641, '0400069407-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 30585.09, 17655000.00, '2019-07-01', 'FINANCEMENT 2EME TRANCHE', 1040, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792045+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792994+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1642, '0400069407-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 22255.83, 12847000.00, '2019-07-01', 'FINANCEMENT 3EME TRANCHE', 1040, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792198+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.79308+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1643, '0400069407-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 14444.55, 8338000.00, '2019-07-01', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE', 1040, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792305+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.793198+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1644, '0400069407-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'SC189906', 'SC', 24374.53, 14070000.00, '2019-07-01', 'FINANCEMENT 4EME TRANCHE', 1040, '2019-07-05 15:00:06.792392+00', '2019-07-05 15:00:06.793281+00', 'Global - Water Sanitation & Hygiene', 'T49952');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1645, '0400069588-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', 140686.17, 81209967.00, '2019-07-09', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA ACEC JRS', 1041, '2019-07-11 00:06:28.271172+00', '2019-07-11 00:06:28.272497+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1646, '0400069588-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', 15168.69, 8756006.00, '2019-07-09', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA ACEC JRS', 1041, '2019-07-11 00:06:28.271396+00', '2019-07-11 00:06:28.272737+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1647, '0400069588-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 54970.66, 31731376.00, '2019-07-09', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA ACEC JRS', 1041, '2019-07-11 00:06:28.271566+00', '2019-07-11 00:06:28.272929+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1648, '0400069588-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', 6770.42, 3908168.00, '2019-07-09', 'PAIEMENT DERNIERE TRANCHE PCA ACEC JRS', 1041, '2019-07-11 00:06:28.271736+00', '2019-07-11 00:06:28.273165+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1662, '0400070590-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/002/009', 'SC190053', 'SC', 3070.35, 1800000.00, '2019-08-29', 'REMBOURSEMENT PERDIEM PERSONNES RESSOURCES C4D', 1049, '2019-08-31 00:26:50.037473+00', '2019-08-31 00:26:50.037914+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1663, '0400070746-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 18578.24, 11012585.00, '2019-09-06', '7% COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1050, '2019-09-08 00:04:42.72602+00', '2019-09-08 00:04:42.72602+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1651, '0400069899-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM190128', 'SM', 665.23, 383996.00, '2019-07-24', 'ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE AUX STRUCTURES', 1042, '2019-07-26 00:10:45.99728+00', '2019-07-26 00:10:46.000748+00', 'USAID/Food for Peace', 'G45617');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1656, '0400070223-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'SM190180', 'SM', 68126.53, 40104179.00, '2019-08-07', 'PCA:15/2019 1ERE ET 2EME TRANCHE AFDI', 1046, '2019-08-09 00:05:26.985484+00', '2019-08-09 00:05:26.986379+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1657, '0400070239-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 2203.76, 1297294.00, '2019-08-08', 'REMBOURSMENT 7% ONG RET', 1047, '2019-08-10 00:05:11.142103+00', '2019-08-10 00:05:11.143073+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1658, '0400070239-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 16758.96, 9865533.00, '2019-08-08', 'REMBOURSMENT 7% ONG RET', 1047, '2019-08-10 00:05:11.142332+00', '2019-08-10 00:05:11.143316+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1655, '0400070223-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', 'SM190180', 'SM', 70768.31, 41659321.00, '2019-08-07', 'PCA:15/2019 1ERE TRANCHE AFDI', 1046, '2019-08-09 00:05:26.985209+00', '2019-08-10 00:05:11.171213+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1659, '0400070026-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/881/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 0.00, 0.00, '2019-08-15', 'FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC MENTHOR', 1045, '2019-08-17 00:12:08.796746+00', '2019-08-17 00:12:08.797442+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1654, '0400070026-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/002/012', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 79847.46, 46105068.00, '2019-07-30', 'FINANCEMENT 3ÈME TRANCHE PCA AVEC MENTHOR', 1045, '2019-08-01 00:05:50.33442+00', '2019-08-17 00:12:08.833614+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (124, '0400020060-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/802/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 1389.42, 662500.00, '2014-09-15', 'ATELIER DE FORMATION', 140, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:59.768071+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (79, '0400056995-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SM170151', 'SM', 47187.13, 26118263.00, '2017-12-27', 'RENF CAP DES COMMU ET DES ORGANES GESTION SCOLAIRE', 136, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.019683+00', 'USA USAID', 'G45602');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (233, '0400000376-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/803/002/005', 'SM110356', 'SM', 31390.88, 31390.88, '2012-02-20', 'FONDS POUR ACTIVITES WASH CHOLERA', 240, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:04.168208+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
@@ -11503,6 +12624,32 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (76, '0400056995-5', 5,
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (232, '0400019415-6', 6, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 533.37, 255718.00, '2014-03-21', 'REALISER 19 JOURNÉE D''INFORMATION/RESP RELIGIEUX', 170, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:08.543341+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (253, '0400019117-7', 7, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 292.02, 140000.00, '2014-03-11', 'ORGANISER ACTIVITES CREATIVES COMMUNAUTAIRES OEV', 529, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:08.776613+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (197, '0400023942-22', 22, '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 903.42, 450000.00, '2014-09-16', 'COMMUNICATION STRATEGIQUE DU PROGRAMME', 673, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:12.568577+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1660, '0400070479-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/883/004/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 5723.65, 3355500.00, '2019-08-23', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP', 1048, '2019-08-25 00:14:10.553663+00', '2019-08-25 00:14:10.55422+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1652, '0400069939-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 9903.99, 5717000.00, '2019-07-25', 'RENFORCEMENT DU SYSTEME DE PROTECTION EN FAVEUR', 1043, '2019-07-27 00:06:06.899238+00', '2019-07-27 00:06:06.899762+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1661, '0400070479-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/883/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 30111.20, 17652750.00, '2019-08-23', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE PCA AVEC RNTAP', 1048, '2019-08-25 00:14:10.553774+00', '2019-08-25 00:14:10.554342+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1522, '0400065909-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 7821.16, 4500000.00, '2019-01-03', '2E TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.895176+00', '2019-08-29 00:27:59.981871+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1521, '0400065909-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 10434.50, 6000000.00, '2019-01-03', '2E TRANCHE 21/PCA/2018/COMMUNICATION/AGT', 984, '2019-01-05 00:01:56.894936+00', '2019-08-29 00:27:59.999302+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1653, '0400069988-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 2676.39, 1545992.00, '2019-07-29', 'REMBBOURSMENT 7% ONG ALIMA', 1044, '2019-07-31 00:05:24.529915+00', '2019-08-31 00:26:50.077901+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1664, '0400070857-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 9204.25, 5455987.00, '2019-09-12', '7 % COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1051, '2019-09-14 00:04:27.03357+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:27.03357+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1665, '0400070857-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', 921.30, 546118.00, '2019-09-12', '7 % COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1051, '2019-09-14 00:04:27.033802+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:27.033802+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1666, '0400070857-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', 570.66, 338270.00, '2019-09-12', '7 % COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1051, '2019-09-14 00:04:27.034056+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:27.034056+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1667, '0400070857-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', 'SC170198', 'SC', 1529.65, 906728.00, '2019-09-12', '7 % COUT SUPPORT INDIRECT DE PROGRAMME', 1051, '2019-09-14 00:04:27.034238+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:27.034238+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1671, '0400071179-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/004/002', 'SM180336', 'SM', 38121.45, 22753435.00, '2019-09-26', 'RENF PREV PATHOL COURANTES & PRISE EN CHARG MALNU', 1053, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.80611+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.80611+00', 'USA (USAID) OFDA', 'G45605');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1672, '0400071179-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', 'SM190180', 'SM', 30924.01, 18457522.00, '2019-09-26', 'RENF PREV PATHOL COURANTES & PRISE EN CHARG MALNU', 1053, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806238+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806238+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1673, '0400071189-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/887/001/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 30358.52, 18120000.00, '2019-09-27', 'ATELIER ELAB DES PLANS ACT DES RADIOS COMMU', 1055, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806328+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806328+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1674, '0400071199-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/881/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 51332.31, 30638563.00, '2019-09-28', 'REMBOURSEMENT FONDS ENGAGÉS IRC', 1054, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806412+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.806412+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1668, '0400071091-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 19862.65, 11855360.00, '2019-09-23', 'PCA 18/PCA/2019/WASH/ASD', 1052, '2019-09-25 00:10:29.922983+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.842518+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1669, '0400071091-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/880/004/007', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 49656.62, 29638400.00, '2019-09-23', 'PCA 18/PCA/2019/WASH/ASD', 1052, '2019-09-25 00:10:29.923125+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.856514+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1670, '0400071091-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 27390.35, 16348400.00, '2019-09-23', 'PCA 18/PCA/2019/WASH/ASD', 1052, '2019-09-25 00:10:29.923217+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.867817+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1403, '0400061516-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/884/002/001', 'SC180404', 'SC', 69258.47, 39379329.00, '2018-07-04', '3E TRANCHE 12/PCA/2018/WASH/SIF', 928, '2018-07-06 00:02:39.642175+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.879661+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1676, '0400071342-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 267.17, 160192.00, '2019-10-07', 'ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACT PLAIDOYER DE COMM ET MOB', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479189+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479189+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1677, '0400071342-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/002', 'SC170198', 'SC', 591.33, 354556.00, '2019-10-07', 'RENF CAP COMM POUR PROMOUVOIR L''EDUC DES ENFANTS', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479288+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479288+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1678, '0400071342-5', 5, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 24638.73, 14773262.00, '2019-10-07', 'CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENT DES INFRA SCOLAIRES', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479372+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479372+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1679, '0400071342-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/001/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', 1044.19, 626089.00, '2019-10-07', 'DEVELOP PARTEN AVEC LES ORG POUR FACILIER DES DEBA', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479457+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479457+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1680, '0400071342-7', 7, '0810/A0/05/885/004/005', 'SC170198', 'SC', 17.40, 10435.00, '2019-10-07', 'ACQUISITION ET DISTRIBUTION DES MANUELS SCOLAIRES', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479545+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479545+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1681, '0400071344-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 9158.43, 5491348.00, '2019-10-07', '6E T ORG ET MISE EN OEUVRE ACT PLAIDOYER DE COMM', 1057, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479615+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479615+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1682, '0400071342-6', 6, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', 'SC170198', 'SC', 402.13, 241114.00, '2019-10-07', 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOG DES ENSEIGNANTS', 1056, '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479718+00', '2019-10-09 00:11:10.479718+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1683, '0400071422-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 10156.86, 6090000.00, '2019-10-10', '2E TRANCHE 13/SSFA/2019/COM/AFA', 1058, '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387171+00', '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387171+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (379, '0400019119-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 208.58, 100000.00, '2014-04-30', 'ORGANISER DEPISTAGE MOBILE DANS 105 PAROISSES', 553, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:59.544813+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (386, '0400003279-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/803/001/003', 'SC110675', 'SC', 265200.00, 265200.00, '2013-12-31', 'FONDS POUR ACTIVITES WASH', 75, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.123821+00', 'Italian National Committee', 'C22201');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (370, '0400008481-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/805/001/006', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 0.00, 0.00, '2012-11-29', 'FR - DECAISSSEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE PCA JRS', 853, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:00.187482+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
@@ -11519,7 +12666,21 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (274, '0400057043-5', 5
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (465, '0400019412-8', 8, '0810/A0/04/802/002/002', 'SC130377', 'SC', 834.32, 400000.00, '2014-03-21', 'FORMATION 424 LEADERS RELIGIEUX SUR IMPORTANCE PTM', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:09.182247+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (291, '0400019420-13', 13, '0810/A0/04/802/002/003', 'SC130377', 'SC', 709.46, 337980.00, '2014-03-26', 'PRISE EN CHARGE NUTRITIONNEL', 595, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.118639+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (349, '0400019420-17', 17, '0810/A0/04/802/002/006', 'SC130377', 'SC', 740.55, 352767.00, '2014-03-26', 'SUIVI/EVALUATION DES ACTIVITÉS DES CDLS', 595, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:10.56488+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1684, '0400071422-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 16155.91, 9687000.00, '2019-10-10', '1ERE TRANCHE 13/SSFA/2019/COM/AFA', 1058, '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387356+00', '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387356+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1685, '0400071402-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', 'SC160629', 'SC', 99672.81, 59763319.00, '2019-10-09', 'PRISE EN CHARGE NUT DES ENFTS 06 A 59 MOIS', 1059, '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387469+00', '2019-10-11 00:15:21.387469+00', 'WFP - Italy', 'U99930');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1686, '0400071491-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM190227', 'SM', 40580.73, 24332000.00, '2019-10-14', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU PCA AVEC ASRADD', 1060, '2019-10-16 00:15:08.578666+00', '2019-10-16 00:15:08.578666+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1687, '0400071491-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', 'SM180557', 'SM', 39531.68, 23703000.00, '2019-10-14', 'PAIEMENT TRANCHE 3 DU PCA AVEC ASRADD', 1060, '2019-10-16 00:15:08.578787+00', '2019-10-16 00:15:08.578787+00', 'The United Kingdom', 'G45301');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (483, '0400055672-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/883/002/003', 'SC160332', 'SC', 0.00, 0.00, '2017-11-17', '1ERE TRANCHE SSFA AVEC CSJEFOD', 864, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-10-14 00:01:56.444413+00', 'Chad', 'G08101');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1688, '0400071521-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 3878.36, 2325443.00, '2019-10-15', 'FR PCA/2019/PRO/APSELPA', 1061, '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167074+00', '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167074+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1689, '0400071521-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 9101.14, 5457000.00, '2019-10-15', 'FR PCA/2019/PRO/APSELPA', 1061, '2019-10-17 00:29:28.16719+00', '2019-10-17 00:29:28.16719+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1690, '0400071521-4', 4, '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', 'SC180476', 'SC', 51189.55, 30693000.00, '2019-10-15', 'FR PCA/2019/PRO/APSELPA', 1061, '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167271+00', '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167271+00', 'French Committee for UNICEF', 'C14701');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1691, '0400071521-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SC180476', 'SC', 14100.45, 8454557.00, '2019-10-15', 'FR PCA/2019/PRO/APSELPA', 1061, '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167347+00', '2019-10-17 00:29:28.167347+00', 'French Committee for UNICEF', 'C14701');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1692, '0400071814-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 12829.01, 7692211.00, '2019-10-25', '7% DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT DU PROGRAMME', 1062, '2019-10-27 00:15:39.233421+00', '2019-10-27 00:15:39.233421+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1693, '0400071898-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 87000.00, 52164765.00, '2019-10-30', 'FR 05/ PCA/PRO/INTERSOS 2019', 1063, '2019-10-31 00:31:31.704816+00', '2019-10-31 00:31:31.704816+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1694, '0400071898-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', 'SM190166', 'SM', 70249.51, 42121256.00, '2019-10-30', 'FR 05/ PCA/PRO/INTERSOS 2019', 1063, '2019-10-31 00:31:31.704961+00', '2019-10-31 00:31:31.704961+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1695, '0400071926-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/882/002/014', 'SC181084', 'SC', 29820.13, 17880000.00, '2019-10-31', 'PAIEMENT SECONDE TRANCHE PCA RESEAU JOURNALISTE TC', 1064, '2019-11-01 00:33:52.753502+00', '2019-11-01 00:33:52.753502+00', 'Germany', 'G52501');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1696, '0400068169-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/885/001/001', 'SC170198', 'SC', 3508.92, 2063936.00, '2019-11-06', '7% DU 5E TRANCHE DES COUTS SUPPORT INDIRECT', 1021, '2019-11-08 17:11:54.419999+00', '2019-11-08 17:11:54.419999+00', 'Canada', 'G07201');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1697, '0400066882-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 3724.87, 2148001.00, '2019-11-13', '7 % COUT DE SUPPORT INDIRECT', 994, '2019-11-14 00:06:36.394395+00', '2019-11-14 00:06:36.394395+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (564, '0400000582-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/805/002/007', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 413.00, 413.00, '2013-10-23', 'REGLEMENT DEPASSEMENT', 230, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:59.528655+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (622, '0400002665-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/805/001/005', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 3647.00, 3647.00, '2012-05-03', 'SMALL SCALE FUNDING AGREEMNT BECADEL', 185, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:59.955339+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (473, '0400019412-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/802/002/001', 'SC130377', 'SC', 312.87, 150000.00, '2014-03-21', 'ORGANISER DEPISTAGE MOBILE DANS 105 PAROISSES', 167, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:03.36467+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
@@ -11652,6 +12813,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1268, '0400043711-2',
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1351, '0400058799-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/882/001/001', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 5272.37, 2820000.00, '2018-03-19', 'FINANCEMENT DEUXIEME TRANCHE APE RJTN', 895, '2018-03-21 00:04:26.10923+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:02.138668+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1322, '0400008987-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/803/002/005', 'SM120089', 'SM', 10050.00, 10050.00, '2012-12-13', 'CONTRIBUTION 50% WASH AU PAIEMENT APE ASTBEF', 823, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:02.429272+00', 'Republic of Korea', 'G56701');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1020, '0400044394-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/881/003/009', 'SM160403', 'SM', 7223.40, 4295000.00, '2016-10-19', 'FINANCEMENT 1ERE TRANCHE PCA/CSNDA/2016', 56, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:03.190648+00', 'European Commission / ECHO', 'I49912');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (960, '0400054056-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 15134.48, 8258525.00, '2017-09-18', '1ER T SENSIB HYG,PROMO ACTIVITES ASSAIN & COUT OPÉ', 3, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.309446+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (321, '0400022033-2', 2, '0810/A0/04/808/002/006', 'SM149910', 'SM', 14501.40, 7000000.00, '2014-11-13', 'FINANCEMENT 2E TRANCHE PCA CHORA CONSORTIUM TISSI', 247, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:03.90207+00', 'Global - Thematic Humanitarian Resp', 'T49906');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (774, '0400056697-2', 2, '0810/A0/05/881/004/002', 'SM170449', 'SM', 10563.54, 5846960.00, '2017-12-13', 'ASSISTANCE MEDICALE ET NUTRITIONNELLE AUX REFUGIES', 92, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:04.928037+00', 'Italy', 'G22201');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1347, '0400058647-3', 3, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SM170151', 'SM', 253003.33, 135322375.00, '2018-03-14', 'CONSTRUCTION ET EQUIPEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURES SCOLAI', 894, '2018-03-16 00:05:05.696481+00', '2018-06-05 00:05:06.012878+00', 'USA USAID', 'G45602');
@@ -11694,7 +12856,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (950, '0400046549-1', 1
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (952, '0400021534-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/806/002/012', 'SC110602', 'SC', 12459.65, 6010000.00, '2014-06-12', 'MOBILISATION SOCIALE A TRAVERS LES RADIOS - DAR BA', 99, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.218369+00', 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation', 'N45682');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (1372, '0400059539-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/883/002/003', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 30518.14, 16212000.00, '2018-04-16', 'RENF CAP EN FAV FEMMES ENCEINTE & PERS VIVANTS HIV', 907, '2018-04-18 00:06:06.223099+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.239097+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (957, '0400048065-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', 'SM160077', 'SM', 9535.23, 5862500.00, '2017-02-23', 'PROMO ALLAITEMENT MAT EXCL & LUTTE CONTRE MARIAGE', 97, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.256285+00', 'Japan', 'G23101');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (960, '0400054056-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', 'NON-GRANT', 'GC', 15134.48, 8258525.00, '2017-09-18', '1ER T SENSIB HYG,PROMO ACTIVITES ASSAIN & COUT OPÉ', 3, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.309446+00', 'N/A', 'N/A');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (962, '0400036689-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/885/002/005', 'SC130377', 'SC', 10022.04, 5984000.00, '2015-12-18', 'APPUI SCOLAIRE &PSYCHOSOCIAL AUX OEV', 624, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.327931+00', 'FOSAP', 'N08102');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (965, '0400022281-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/808/004/002', 'GS130135', 'GS', 414.33, 200000.00, '2014-07-10', 'APPUYER ET COORDONNER LA REALISATION DES ETUDES', 846, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.354306+00', 'UNICEF (FOR GR ALLOCATIONS ONLY)', 'U99999');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (968, '0400039527-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/881/003/010', 'SC140165', 'SC', 3641.28, 2110000.00, '2016-04-14', 'FR ASDI POUR LA MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIVITÉS ACPV', 297, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:03:44.377205+00', 'GAVI The Vaccine Alliance', 'I49928');
@@ -11903,6 +13064,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (704, '0400024499-1', 1
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (843, '0400033353-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/881/003/010', 'SC150119', 'SC', 12992.04, 7578000.00, '2015-09-05', 'FINANCEMENT APE - CROIX ROUGE OUADDAI', 623, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:09.146563+00', 'United States Fund for UNICEF', 'C45601');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (871, '0400026480-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/803/002/005', 'SM140264', 'SM', 15444.44, 8095000.00, '2014-12-09', 'DECSIMT SSA/ADESOLA/2014/WASH DISTRICT DE BOL', 652, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:09.455498+00', 'Switzerland', 'G57501');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (911, '0400038319-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/885/004/007', 'SM150610', 'SM', 49223.45, 29460284.00, '2016-03-02', 'FINANCEMENT SSFA HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL', 684, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:12.429324+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (214, '0400034991-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/883/001/003', 'SC130798', 'SC', 17226.44, 10309097.00, '2015-11-05', 'FR PCA/11/2014/PRO/WASH/CELIAF 6ÈME TRANCHE', 449, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:31.473223+00', 'Switzerland', 'G57501');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (921, '0400052067-1', 1, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', 'SC130197', 'SC', 23289.74, 13650000.00, '2017-06-29', 'FR ACCORD REVISÉ PROJET CONSTRUCTION 21 SDC OUADD', 81, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:14.125376+00', 'Global Partnership for Education', 'I49927');
INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (983, '0400017480-1', 1, '0810/A0/04/803/001/003', 'SM130374', 'SM', 405448.06, 195786410.00, '2013-12-13', 'PAIEMT 1ERE TRCH IAS PCA/8/2012/CHD/WASH/IAS AMEND', 313, '2018-03-15 16:10:07.188292+00', '2018-06-05 00:04:14.145112+00', 'UNOCHA', 'U99901');
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@@ -11944,7 +13106,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (203, '0400056356-1', 1
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@@ -12151,7 +13312,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem VALUES (493, '0400023942-7', 7
-- Data for Name: hact_aggregatehact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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@@ -12475,7 +13636,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (16, '2018-08-09 15:
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (23, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.617271+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.61769+00', NULL, '', false, 161);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (24, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.621992+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.622436+00', '2016-09-20', '', false, 296);
@@ -12483,6 +13644,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (25, '2018-08-09 15:
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@@ -12500,8 +13662,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (43, '2018-08-09 15:
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@@ -12733,7 +13895,6 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (275, '2018-08-09 15
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@@ -12749,7 +13910,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (291, '2018-08-09 15
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (279, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.653479+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.653936+00', NULL, '', true, 277);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (296, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.717543+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.717927+00', NULL, '', false, 196);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (297, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.721009+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.721462+00', NULL, '', false, 208);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (298, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.724806+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.725225+00', '2017-11-29', '', false, 274);
@@ -12762,7 +13923,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (304, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (305, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.751654+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.7522+00', NULL, '', false, 318);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (306, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.755488+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.755876+00', NULL, '', false, 5);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (307, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.760136+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.760602+00', '2015-12-30', '', false, 6);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (308, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.764176+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.764703+00', '2014-05-28', '', false, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (471, '2019-09-14 00:04:44.74223+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:44.74223+00', NULL, '', false, 447);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (309, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.768249+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.768703+00', '2018-01-10', '', false, 8);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (453, '2019-04-05 00:05:52.045932+00', '2019-04-05 00:05:52.046458+00', '2019-04-02', '', false, 104);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (311, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.775555+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.776016+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 9);
@@ -12771,7 +13932,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (313, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (314, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.786675+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.787099+00', NULL, '', false, 193);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (315, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.790529+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.791023+00', NULL, '', false, 11);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (316, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.794165+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.794557+00', NULL, '', false, 142);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (317, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.7979+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.79838+00', '2014-03-04', '', false, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (465, '2019-06-20 00:08:18.780665+00', '2019-06-20 00:08:18.780979+00', '2019-05-20', '', false, 445);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (318, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.801797+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.802153+00', NULL, '', false, 13);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (319, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.805148+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.805608+00', '2013-07-10', '', false, 203);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (320, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.809004+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.809501+00', NULL, '', false, 273);
@@ -12779,7 +13940,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (321, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (322, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.816916+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.817319+00', NULL, '', false, 75);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (323, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.820799+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.821257+00', NULL, '', false, 71);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (324, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.830914+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.831279+00', '2016-04-19', '', false, 323);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (325, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.834752+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.835157+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 166);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (48, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.717854+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.718187+00', '2014-04-08', '', true, 28);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (326, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.838528+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.838912+00', '2013-07-19', '', false, 195);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (327, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.842108+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.842523+00', NULL, '', false, 34);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (328, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.845989+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.846402+00', NULL, '', false, 72);
@@ -12805,7 +13966,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (348, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (349, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.927619+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.92803+00', NULL, '', false, 20);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (350, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.931827+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.932276+00', '2013-07-10', '', false, 79);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (351, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.935399+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.935779+00', NULL, '', false, 407);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (352, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.938943+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.939443+00', '2018-03-19', '', false, 153);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (472, '2019-10-01 14:41:36.157299+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:36.157299+00', '2019-09-10', '', false, 448);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (353, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.942835+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.943218+00', '2013-10-07', '', false, 380);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (354, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.946694+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.947069+00', NULL, '', false, 160);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (355, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.950382+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.950843+00', NULL, '', false, 147);
@@ -12828,7 +13989,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (371, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (372, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.01489+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.015276+00', NULL, '', false, 201);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (373, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.018995+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.01939+00', NULL, '', false, 192);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (374, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.022642+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.023048+00', NULL, '', false, 82);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (375, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.026502+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.026877+00', '2016-05-09', '', false, 109);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (462, '2019-05-25 00:03:19.74094+00', '2019-05-25 00:03:19.741308+00', '2019-03-26', '', false, 277);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (376, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.030054+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.030435+00', '2017-07-24', '', false, 21);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (377, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.034023+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.034465+00', NULL, '', false, 22);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (378, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.037611+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.038015+00', NULL, '', false, 23);
@@ -12844,6 +14005,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (387, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (451, '2019-04-04 00:04:57.624916+00', '2019-04-04 00:04:57.625375+00', NULL, '', false, 443);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (437, '2018-08-28 14:21:04.142518+00', '2018-08-28 14:21:04.14296+00', NULL, '', false, 437);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (342, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.897716+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.898072+00', '2014-03-04', '', true, 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (479, '2019-11-01 00:33:36.511499+00', '2019-11-01 00:33:36.511499+00', '2018-08-28', '', false, 95);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (390, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.083919+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.08426+00', NULL, '', false, 85);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (391, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.087801+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.088204+00', NULL, '', false, 253);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (392, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.091495+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.09197+00', '2015-08-31', '', false, 103);
@@ -12883,11 +14045,8 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (428, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (429, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.228888+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.229281+00', NULL, '', false, 132);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (430, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.232866+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.233412+00', NULL, '', false, 190);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (431, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.236739+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.237103+00', NULL, '', false, 249);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (432, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.240196+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.240735+00', '2016-06-16', '', false, 402);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (433, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.244023+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.244432+00', '2018-01-23', '', false, 415);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (434, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.247648+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.248117+00', NULL, '', false, 240);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (272, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.624819+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.625174+00', '2013-07-10', '', true, 95);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (435, '2018-08-12 00:02:04.953421+00', '2018-08-12 00:02:04.954055+00', '2017-08-01', '', false, 95);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (438, '2018-09-03 00:04:50.10158+00', '2018-09-03 00:04:50.102146+00', NULL, '', false, 438);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (388, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.075809+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.076352+00', '2013-01-01', '', true, 390);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (439, '2018-10-25 00:02:33.381494+00', '2018-10-25 00:02:33.38804+00', '2016-04-17', '', false, 390);
@@ -12895,8 +14054,7 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (440, '2018-10-30 14
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (46, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.709882+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.710342+00', '2013-11-25', '', true, 258);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (441, '2018-11-14 00:02:12.390594+00', '2018-11-14 00:02:12.391014+00', '2018-10-15', '', false, 258);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (443, '2019-01-12 00:02:19.952355+00', '2019-01-12 00:02:19.952844+00', NULL, '', false, 441);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (421, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.199908+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.200274+00', '2018-04-23', '', true, 237);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (444, '2019-01-20 00:02:00.821969+00', '2019-01-20 00:02:00.822474+00', '2018-04-09', '', false, 237);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (432, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.240196+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.240735+00', '2016-06-16', '', true, 402);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (389, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.079779+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.080196+00', NULL, '', true, 152);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (445, '2019-02-10 00:04:51.596537+00', '2019-02-10 00:04:51.597072+00', '2018-12-31', '', false, 152);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (446, '2019-03-15 13:43:06.15702+00', '2019-03-15 13:43:06.157455+00', NULL, '', false, 442);
@@ -12911,6 +14069,36 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (415, '2018-08-09 15
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (454, '2019-04-05 00:05:55.489594+00', '2019-04-05 00:05:55.489982+00', '2019-04-02', '', false, 223);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (29, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.641768+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.642168+00', '2016-04-07', '', true, 261);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (455, '2019-04-07 00:03:34.067378+00', '2019-04-07 00:03:34.067963+00', '2017-12-31', '', false, 261);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (456, '2019-04-20 00:04:39.025155+00', '2019-04-20 00:04:39.025666+00', '2019-04-18', '', false, 153);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (459, '2019-05-18 00:04:30.502129+00', '2019-05-18 00:04:30.502461+00', '2019-05-16', '', false, 369);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (460, '2019-05-24 00:03:59.328383+00', '2019-05-24 00:03:59.328873+00', '2019-04-24', '', false, 444);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (375, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.026502+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.026877+00', '2016-05-09', '', true, 109);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (461, '2019-05-24 00:03:59.670807+00', '2019-05-24 00:03:59.671142+00', '2019-03-18', '', false, 109);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (20, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.604622+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.605091+00', '2016-01-06', '', true, 370);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (463, '2019-05-31 00:03:58.275013+00', '2019-05-31 00:03:58.275495+00', '2019-05-29', '', false, 370);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (457, '2019-04-28 00:04:42.540908+00', '2019-04-28 00:04:42.54139+00', '2019-04-25', '', true, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (464, '2019-06-14 00:04:08.796942+00', '2019-06-14 00:04:08.797247+00', '2019-06-11', '', false, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (325, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.834752+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.835157+00', '2018-04-09', '', true, 166);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (466, '2019-07-01 00:22:22.554097+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:22.554417+00', '2019-06-28', '', false, 166);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (467, '2019-07-10 00:07:35.046978+00', '2019-07-10 00:07:35.048543+00', '2019-06-26', '', false, 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (47, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.713571+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.713941+00', '2013-07-10', '', true, 182);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (469, '2019-08-08 00:05:46.902339+00', '2019-08-08 00:05:46.902716+00', '2019-07-08', '', false, 182);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (470, '2019-09-07 00:04:48.922991+00', '2019-09-07 00:04:48.922991+00', '2019-08-28', '', false, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (473, '2019-10-01 14:41:37.734409+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:37.734409+00', NULL, '', false, 449);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (474, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.558797+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.558797+00', '2019-08-26', '', false, 450);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (475, '2019-10-08 00:10:59.91699+00', '2019-10-08 00:10:59.91699+00', NULL, '', false, 451);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (421, '2018-08-09 15:50:44.199908+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:44.200274+00', '2018-04-23', '', true, 237);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (444, '2019-01-20 00:02:00.821969+00', '2019-01-20 00:02:00.822474+00', '2018-04-09', '', true, 237);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (476, '2019-10-10 00:11:07.106873+00', '2019-10-10 00:11:07.106873+00', '2019-10-08', '', false, 237);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (477, '2019-10-16 00:14:59.337733+00', '2019-10-16 00:14:59.337733+00', '2017-07-06', '', false, 402);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (76, '2018-08-09 15:50:42.833536+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:42.834018+00', '2017-02-21', '', true, 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (458, '2019-05-09 00:18:13.57008+00', '2019-05-09 00:18:13.570389+00', '2017-12-31', '', true, 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (478, '2019-10-24 07:27:52.521147+00', '2019-10-24 07:27:52.521147+00', '2017-01-08', '', false, 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (272, '2018-08-09 15:50:43.624819+00', '2018-08-09 15:50:43.625174+00', '2013-07-10', '', true, 95);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (435, '2018-08-12 00:02:04.953421+00', '2018-08-12 00:02:04.954055+00', '2017-08-01', '', true, 95);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (480, '2019-11-12 15:01:58.227619+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:58.227619+00', NULL, '', false, 452);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (481, '2019-11-12 15:01:58.569069+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:58.569069+00', NULL, '', false, 453);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment VALUES (482, '2019-11-12 15:02:08.41911+00', '2019-11-12 15:02:08.41911+00', NULL, '', false, 454);
@@ -13014,448 +14202,459 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_filetype VALUES (7, 'Other');
-- Data for Name: partners_partnerorganization; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
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@@ -13478,6 +14677,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (439, '2019-01-12 00:02
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (441, '2019-03-15 13:43:06.118672+00', '2019-03-15 13:43:06.118995+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 442, 0);
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+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (443, '2019-05-24 00:03:59.276721+00', '2019-05-24 00:03:59.277073+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 444, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (444, '2019-06-20 00:08:18.748713+00', '2019-06-20 00:08:18.74903+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 445, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (445, '2019-07-17 00:06:24.521303+00', '2019-07-17 00:06:24.522266+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 446, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (446, '2019-09-14 00:04:44.707676+00', '2019-09-14 00:04:44.707676+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 447, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (447, '2019-10-01 14:41:36.131095+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:36.131095+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 448, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (448, '2019-10-01 14:41:37.712526+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:37.712526+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 449, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (449, '2019-10-01 14:41:45.535799+00', '2019-10-01 14:41:45.535799+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 450, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (450, '2019-10-08 00:10:59.891196+00', '2019-10-08 00:10:59.891196+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 451, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (451, '2019-11-12 15:01:58.173143+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:58.173143+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 452, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (452, '2019-11-12 15:01:58.545032+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:58.545032+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 453, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (453, '2019-11-12 15:02:08.39672+00', '2019-11-12 15:02:08.39672+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 454, 0);
INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (1, '2018-03-15 16:10:52.883243+00', '2018-12-31 13:05:18.422094+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 154, 0);
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INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (4, '2018-03-15 16:10:52.955144+00', '2018-12-31 13:05:18.452286+00', 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
@@ -13970,30 +15180,104 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement VALUES (428, '2018-03-15 16:11
-- Data for Name: psea_evidence; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.316042+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.316059+00', 'Code of Conduct', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.322038+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.322056+00', 'PSEA Policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.32925+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.32926+00', 'Other (please specify)', true, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.336255+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.336272+00', 'Relevant human resources policies', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.343485+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.343494+00', 'Recruitment procedure (e.g. screening of candidates)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.35024+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.35025+00', 'ToR (e.g. PSEA-related responsibilities)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (7, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.365266+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.365277+00', 'Contracts/partnership agreements', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (8, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.372557+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.372567+00', 'Training Agenda', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (9, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.380189+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.3802+00', 'Attendance sheets', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (10, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.387287+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.387298+00', 'Communication materials', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (11, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.394334+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.394345+00', 'Needs assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (12, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.40133+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.40134+00', 'Risk assessments', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (13, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.408148+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.408159+00', 'M&E framework', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (14, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.415072+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.415145+00', 'Description of reporting mechanism(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (15, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.422296+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.422307+00', 'Whistleblower policy', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (16, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.429276+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.429286+00', 'List of service providers', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (17, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.436968+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.436978+00', 'Referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (18, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.443553+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.443563+00', 'Name(s) of possible investigator(s)', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (19, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.450323+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.450333+00', 'Dedicated resources for investigation(s) and/or commitment of partner for support', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (20, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.458285+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.458294+00', 'PSEA investigation policy/procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (21, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.465939+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.46595+00', 'Documentation of standard procedure', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (22, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.473411+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.473422+00', 'Annual training plan', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (23, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.480249+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.480259+00', 'Description of referral process for survivors of GBV/SEA', false, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_evidence VALUES (24, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.489278+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.489288+00', 'Written process for review of SEA allegations', false, true);
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.496215+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.496226+00', 'Core Standard 1: Organizational Policy', 'An organizational policy exists and is signed by all personnel (see: PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.1. Policies). (Note that the policy may exist as part of a code of conduct and/or a comprehensive SEA policy.)- Criteria 1: Organizational policy includes:
- a) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- b) a description of behavior expected of personnel on- and off-duty (reflecting the IASC’s Six Core Principles Relating to SEA);
- and c) an explicit statement of zero-tolerance for SEA (i.e. SEA as a ground for disciplinary actions, which may result in termination of employment).
- Criteria 2: The organizational policy on PSEA (e.g. code of conduct) is signed by all personnel, including employees, volunteers, contractors, and others.
- Criteria 3: The organization displays information on PSEA policy and procedure, including the code of conduct and reporting channel details, in its own offices and at project sites.
', true, 1, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.531436+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.531457+00', 'Core Standard 2: Organizational Management and HR Systems', 'The organization’s management and HR systems account for PSEA (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.2.2. Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization defines roles and responsibilities of personnel with specific PSEA-related responsibilities in their contracts and/or ToR.
- Criteria 2: The organization’s contracts and partnership agreements include a standard clause requiring contractors, suppliers, consultants and sub-partners to commit to a zero-tolerance policy on SEA and to take measures to prevent and respond to SEA.
- Criteria 3: There is a systematic vetting procedure in place for job candidates (e.g. reference checks, police records, Google searches) in accordance with local laws regarding employment, privacy and data protection, including checking for prior involvement in SEA or other safeguarding concerns.
', true, 2, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.566536+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.566547+00', 'Core Standard 3: Mandatory Training', 'The organization holds mandatory trainings for personnel on the organization’s SEA policy and procedures (see : PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.1. Training). (Note this training can be delivered online or in-person.)- Criteria 1: The organization has a plan for training all personnel on PSEA.
- Criteria 2: The training includes
- 1) a definition of SEA (that is aligned with the UN''s definition);
- 2) a prohibition of SEA;
- and 3) actions that personnel are required to take (i.e. prompt reporting of allegations and referral of survivors).
- Criteria 3: The organization requires all personnel to participate in its PSEA training and retains an internal record of attendance (i.e. name of trainees, date of training, type of training, training provider).
', true, 3, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (4, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.596428+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.596445+00', 'Core Standard 4: Reporting', 'The organization has mechanisms and procedures for personnel, beneficiaries and communities, including children, to report SEA allegations that comply with core standards for reporting (i.e. safety, confidentiality, transparency, accessibility) and ensures that beneficiaries are aware of these (see PSEA Toolkit Section 4.3.2. Awareness-raising and Section 5.2. Reporting Mechanisms).- Criteria 1: The organization has communication materials on PSEA and reporting channels available in locally relevant languages and presented in a way that all groups, including children, understand.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a description of how personnel and beneficiaries can report SEA allegations and the organization’s procedures for handling these allegations, including those involving personnel of other entities.
- Criteria 3: The organization limits the number of people with access to reported information and removes identifying information of those involved when sharing information.
', true, 4, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (5, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.625365+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.625378+00', 'Core Standard 5: Assistance and Referrals', 'The organization has a system to ensure survivors of SEA, including children, receive immediate professional assistance, referring them to relevant service providers (see PSEA Toolkit Section 6.2. Assistance and Referrals).- Criteria 1: The organization has an updated list of local service providers and/or contact with local GBV coordination mechanisms (i.e. GBV sub-cluster) for all programme sites/areas.
- Criteria 2: The organization has a procedure to guide the referral process, outlining the steps that personnel, particularly those receiving complaints, need to take, including follow-up to referrals.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a referral form for survivors of GBV/SEA.
', true, 5, '');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator VALUES (6, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.655016+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.655027+00', 'Core Standard 6: Investigations', 'The organization has a process and plan for ensuring investigation into SEA allegations involving its personnel (see PSEA Toolkit Section 7.2. Investigation Procedures).- Criteria 1: The organization has a process for reviewing allegations of SEA and deciding on the need for investigation and other next steps (e.g. assistance for adult/child survivors and/or others, need for investigation); this involves a system for recording all SEA allegations involving its personnel and its response measures.
- Criteria 2: The organization has access to an experienced, impartial and trained investigator to conduct an investigation on SEA; this may involve using in-house capacity, hiring an external investigator, or getting a commitment of partner(s) for support.
- Criteria 3: The organization has a system for providing organizational oversight of an investigation (e.g. information-sharing/communications, risk assessments), including disciplinary measures in case of substantiated allegations.
', true, 6, '');
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_evidences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (4, 1, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (5, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (6, 2, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (7, 2, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (8, 2, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (9, 3, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (10, 3, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (11, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (12, 3, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (13, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (14, 4, 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (15, 4, 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (16, 5, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (17, 5, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (18, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (19, 5, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (20, 6, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (21, 6, 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (22, 6, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences VALUES (23, 6, 20);
-- Data for Name: psea_indicator_ratings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (1, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (2, 1, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (3, 1, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (4, 2, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (5, 2, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (6, 2, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (7, 3, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (8, 3, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (9, 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (10, 4, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (11, 4, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (12, 4, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (13, 5, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (14, 5, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (15, 5, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (16, 6, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (17, 6, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings VALUES (18, 6, 3);
-- Data for Name: psea_rating; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (1, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.291366+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.291379+00', 'Absent', 1, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (2, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.303223+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.303233+00', 'Progressing', 2, true);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].psea_rating VALUES (3, '2019-10-04 17:29:43.309781+00', '2019-10-04 17:29:43.30979+00', 'Adequate', 3, true);
@@ -14037,188 +15321,228 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme VALUES (73, 'CHAD COUNTRY PROGRA
-- Data for Name: reports_indicator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (107, 'Communication platforms or networks supported by UNICEF meet quality standards for children and adolescent engagement and participation across development priorities', '26-03-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20', '8', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-10 00:01:24.623883+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (175, 'Country has a budgeted plan to improve dietary diversity ', '21-04-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500067+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.50574+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (170, 'Number of institutions:(a) schools with separate sanitation facilities for girls and boys through UNICEF-supported programmes', '24-02-L3-36', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '74', '37', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499572+00', '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500868+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (164, '2.7 Data management: Social protection data management system developed (management information systems, social and beneficiary registries, M and E systems)', '25-02-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923472+00', '2019-02-01 00:01:56.925682+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (171, 'Country had no stock-out of DTP/Penta, Polio (OPV and IPV) and Tetanus Toxoid vaccines at district level ', '21-02-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.49967+00', '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500939+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (39, 'Nombre d''acteurs clés formés sur la préparation et la mise en œuvre des budgets de programmes sensibles aux droits de l''enfant ', '47884', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '35', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.890119+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (158, 'Percentage of districts that are implementing at least 3 high impact adolescent prevention interventions', '21-07-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '25', '12', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.983275+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (149, 'Service Delivery - Number of primary classrooms built or rehabilitated with funding managed by UNICEF', '22-01-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '531', '273', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:46.017246+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (165, '1.2 National government measurement of child poverty using monetary measures', '25-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923712+00', '2019-02-01 00:01:56.925841+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (180, 'Service Delivery - Children provided with individual (one-per-child) education/early learning materials through UNICEF-supported programmes - see guidance', '22-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '910794', '110248', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765482+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:26.766619+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (167, '4.2 Local governments (incl. municipalities) with development plans that include specific activities that address child priorities', '24-04-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '9', '5', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.924158+00', '2019-02-01 00:01:56.926211+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (168, '1.4 Policies and programmes are influenced by analysis and advocacy to reduce child poverty', '25-01-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.924348+00', '2019-02-01 00:01:56.926354+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (166, '2.4 Coordination: Coordination mechanisms for social protection systems established countrywide ', '25-02-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923881+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.799064+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (153, 'Mothers and caregivers with knowledge of at least 5 of the UNICEF essential family practices ', '21-01-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', 'ND', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.857353+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (160, 'Municipalities that implement local protocols for the protection of children from violence, abuse and neglect ', '23-01-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '200', '118', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.874189+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (174, 'Number of people living in communities certified free of open defecation in the reporting year only as a result of UNICEF direct support', '24-02-L3-35', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '506600', '365467', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499975+00', '2019-03-24 00:03:28.501164+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (181, 'Country has an inter-operable information management system supports and tracks case management, incident monitoring, and programme monitoring (all, including humanitarian)', '23-01-L3-28', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765773+00', '2019-04-04 00:05:26.767124+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (169, 'Country has a budgeted plan to eliminate water and fluids to support increase in exclusive breastfeeding ', '21-04-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499386+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.273691+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (177, 'Country has an interoperable service delivery with Health ', '23-03-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500327+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.527077+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (176, 'Number of girls and boys provided with individual education/early learning materials through UNICEF-supported programmes (humanitarian)', '22-02-L3-68', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '910794', '110248', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500176+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.545518+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (173, 'Number of women and children in humanitarian situations who received Gender-Based Violence (GBV) response services through UNICEF-supported programmes ', '23-01-L3-34', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '999', '24', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499881+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.561591+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (178, 'Effective vaccine management (EVM) composite country score', '21-02-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-28 00:04:53.594232+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.594972+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (179, 'Number of out-of-school girls and boys who participated in early learning, primary or secondary education through UNICEF- supported programmes (humanitarian)', '22-01-L3-63', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '18000', '22777', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-28 00:04:53.594501+00', '2019-03-28 00:04:53.59509+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (172, 'Number of countries with Effective vaccine management (EVM) composite country score', '21-02-L3-17', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499786+00', '2019-03-24 00:03:28.501007+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (182, 'Service Delivery - Out of school children in the reporting year who participated in early learning, primary or secondary education through UNICEF supported programmes', '22-01-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '18000', '22777', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765954+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:43.043846+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (4, 'Nombre de depistages actifs mensuels organises en situation d', '47769', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '17', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (5, '% de districts sanitaires qui disposent d''un systeme d''alerte precauce', '47768', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '0', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (6, '% de centres de sante qui disposent d''une cellule de soutien a l''allaitement maternel', '47760', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '7', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (17, 'Country implementing a costed national action plan or strategy to end child marriage.', '23-02-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-04-03 00:04:43.125666+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (109, 'Budgeting for C4D Strategies meets quality standards', '26-03-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.724373+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (7, '% d''enfant VIH sous ARV', '47794', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (18, '(NOT VALID after Dec 31 2017) Existence of a national social and behaviour change communication strategy on IYCF', '04-01-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (19, 'percentage of UNICEF-targeted unaccompanied and separated girls and boys registered with family tracing and reunification services and family-based care or appropriate alternative services', '23-01-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, 'Health facilities that provide paediatric ART', '21-06-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1250', '799', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.833649+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (47, 'Costed implementation plan for maternal, newborn and child health care available', '21-03-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.254213+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (133, 'Number of people reached through mobile phone initiatives (U-Report, surveys, polls, etc.)', '26-06-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80000', '71000', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.946526+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (159, 'Percentage of health and nutrition workers trained to provide IYCF counselling services as per national standards', '21-04-L3-18', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '58', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.999834+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (151, '4.2 Local governments (incl. municipalities) with development plans that include specific activities that address child priorities', '24-04-L2-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '5', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.695517+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (123, '2.4 Coordination: Coordination mechanisms for social protection systems established countrywide', '25-02-L2-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (163, 'Communication and community engagement platforms/ mechanisms supported by UNICEF meet quality standards across development priorities', '26-03-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '15', '10', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-04-16 12:47:05.520404+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.747322+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'Existence d''un module valide pour la formation en nutrition pour les ecoles publics de sante', '47866', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, '% de Delegations Sanitaires Regionales qui tiennent au moins une reunion de Coordination Trimestrielle integrant la nutrition', '47867', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '85', '82', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (23, 'Nombre d''enquete nutritionnelle SMART valide et publie', '47865', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '1', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (24, '% des structures de prise en charge qui n''ont pas connus de rupture (Stock=0) en ATPE pendant 2 semaines', '47868', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '87', '65', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, 'Nombre de jeunes qui utilisent la/les plateformes de discussions et de plaidoyer de facon reguliere', '47917', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', '5463', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (35, 'Plan National de Contingence régulièrement mis à jour et intégrant les engagements du CCC', '47733', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (36, 'Nombre d''acteurs cles qui connaissent les droits d''enfants y compris le droit a la participation', '47730', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3000', '231', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (37, 'Nombre d''acteurs cles qui maitrisent les techniques de plaidoyers sur les questions de droit de l''enfant', '47731', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1500', '1112', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (38, 'National HIV Strategic plan/guidance for care and treatment that are aligned to Global targets and the most recent WHO recommendations for care and treatment of children , adolescents and pregnant/breast feeding women', '21-06-L3-08', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (45, 'Task-shifting or -sharing for non-physician health care providers to provide ART implemented', '21-06-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '85', '77', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (46, 'UNICEF-targeted children and pregnant/breast feeding women living with HIV in humanitarian situation who continue to receive ART', '21-06-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (48, 'Months with stockout of DTP containing vaccine at the national level (Target: 0 month)', '21-02-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '1', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (43, 'Nombre d''acteurs clés formés sur les stratégies opérationnelles de transferts sociaux ', '47882', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '140', '90', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, 'Health workers trained on birth registration', '23-01-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'Existence d''un mecanisme de coodination couvrant la protection de l''enfance, la violance sexiste et la coordination anti-mine', '47844', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '5', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, 'Pourcentage de femmes et enfants ciblés par l''UNICEF victimes de violence sexiste dans des situations humanitaires benefiants des services ', '47845', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, 'Existence of procedures and services for children in contact with law that are applied and delivered in line with international norms', '23-03-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, 'Percentage of districts that have a free and universal birth registration service within the civil registration (in accordance with national legal requirements)', '23-03-L3-08', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '89', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, '% de comités de gestion des points d''eau mis en place et formés par rapport au nombre de forages réalisés ', '47796', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '57', '47', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.252166+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, 'Nombre de villages déclenchés par l''approche ATPC', '47798', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '956', '556', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.352701+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, '(NOT VALID after Dec 31 2017) Existence of cluster coordination mechanism for WASH', '03-05-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.378129+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, '% de population ayant accès à l''eau potable dans les communautés', '47795', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '55', '53', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, '% de population ayant accès et qui utilise les latrines et le lave-mains selon le standard', '47797', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '29', '27', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, 'Nombre de villages certifiés FeDAL', '47799', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '300', 'ND', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, 'Document Compact WASH adopté', '47804', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, 'Designated BEmONC facilities that are operational on a 24/7 basis', '21-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', '40', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.768722+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, 'Existence of national household survey based data on HIV disaggregated by age and sex collected within the preceding 5 years', '21-06-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '10', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.814437+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (88, 'UNICEF-targeted children 6 months to 15 years in humanitarian situations who are vaccinated against measles', '21-01-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '79.2', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (132, 'Existence of a functional sector or cluster coordination for nutrition', '21-05-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.293308+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (94, '% de plans régionaux/communaux de développement des régions ciblées intègrent les questions de WASH', '47805', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '56', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (99, 'Percentage of UNICEF-targeted girls and boys in humanitarian situations provided with psychosocial support, including access to child friendly spaces with intersectoral programming interventions', '23-01-L3-18', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '177', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (100, '% d''hopitaux qui mettent en place l''initiative hopitaux amis des bebes', '47871', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '2', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (101, '% des structures sanitaires disposant au moins d''un personnel forme sur la prise en charge de la MAS', '47870', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '65', '54', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (103, '% des enfants de 6-59 mois ayant recu un supplement de vitamine A au cours des 6 derniers mois', '47872', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '92', '87', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (104, 'Existence d''un profil national de vulnérabilité ', '47875', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (106, 'Children under 5 years missing polio vaccination due to refusal (Target: <1%)', '21-02-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '2.7', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (124, '2.7 Data management: Social protection data management system developed (management information systems, social and beneficiary registries, M and E systems)', '25-02-L2-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (117, '% de pharmacie regionale d''Approvisionnement (PRA) sans rupture de stock de SRO de plus d''un mois', '47750', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', 'ND', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (118, 'Nombre de mois sans rupture de stock de vaccin rougeole au niveau national et des depots sub-nationaux.', '47751', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (119, '% des commodites essentielles (sur les 13) adaptes et enregistre au pays qui disposent de guides d''utilisation au niveau (i) des centres de sante et (ii) communautaire', '47752', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '54', '38', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (121, '% de menages dans les zones endemiques de paludisme affectes par des situations d''urgence sanitaire/humanitaire qui recoivent 2 moustiquaires impregnes d''insecticide', '47756', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '77', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (122, '% des meres qui peuvent citer au moins 2 actions essentielles de nutrition', '47759', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', '56', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (114, 'Existence d''un rapport des revues annuelles et semestrielles du programme au plus 2 semaines après leur tenue ', '47729', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, 'Nombre d''évaluations réalisées (éducation, réponse aux urgenc4, mariage d''enfants, Etat des lieux) ', '47877', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, '% personnel de personnel UNICEF formés sur HACT la Gestion Axée sur les résultats (GAR)', '47727', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '70', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (110, 'Nombre de Plan d''approvisionnement disponible le 31/03 de chaque année', '47725', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '5', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (111, 'Nombre de plan de travail disponible au 31 janvier de chaque année', '47724', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '4', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (125, 'Nombre de personne atteinte a travers les initiatives mobiles(U-Report, enquete, sondage,etc..)', '52095', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', '21000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (126, 'Nombre de personnes atteintes par les medias sociaux de l''UNICEF', '52096', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90000', '71000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (127, 'Nombre d''enfants jeunes et adolescents qui connaissent les techniques de plaidoyers pour la participation des jeunes dans la processus de decision', '52099', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4000', '2962', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (128, 'Nombre d''enfants jeunes et adolescents qui ont une connaissance de leurs droits notamment a la participation', '52098', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '600000', '500000', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (130, 'Number of children aged 6-59 months with SAM who are admitted for treatment', '21-05-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6870', '5685', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (131, 'Number of people reached through offline events, campaigns, C4D', '26-06-L3-15', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '800000', '650000', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (93, '% des adolescents testés VIH sont sous traitement', '47787', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20', 'ND', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (102, '% des enfants, jeunes et adolescents qui maitrisent les techniques de plaidoyer pour la participation des jeunes dans les processus de prise de décision', '47873', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (105, 'Existence d''un registre commun de suivi des populations vulnérables', '47878', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (120, 'Disponibilite de plan budgetise pour la sante maternelle, infantile et neonatale (survie de l''enfant).', '47753', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (134, 'Nombre de filles et garcons (3-17 ans) affectes par les crises humanitaires couverts par les enseigants formes en appui psychosociale et les competences de vie courantes(Protection, hygiene, nutrition, sante de la reproduction, citoyennete et consolidation de la paix)', '51933', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '125277', '86400', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (96, 'Nombre de nouveaux partenaires formés et recyclés sur l''approche ATPC', '47807', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '22', '15', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.307062+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (95, 'Nombre de PME formées sur le montage des dossiers d''appel d''offres, passation de marché, gestion des entreprises et la technique des forages à moindre cout', '47806', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80', '80', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (115, '% des partenaires de mise en œuvre du PC formés sur HACT et sur la GAR', '47728', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '50', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.791496+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (89, 'Number of adolescent girls and boys who completed a skills development program ', '25-03-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20000', '2900', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.891307+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (135, 'Nombre de filles et garcons descolarises affectes par les criess humanitaires ayant recu une education prescolaire ou un enseignement primaire ou secondaire dans le cadre des programmes soutenus par UNICEF', '51932', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '38877', '22777', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (136, 'Existence d''un curiculum des ecoles coraniques renovees valide techniquement', '51931', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (129, 'Existence of supply to provide two annual doses of vitamin A supplements to all children aged 6-59 months available', '21-04-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.321512+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (137, 'Existence d''une Plateforme de suivi citoyen de la presence effective des enseignants', '51930', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (138, 'Nombre de filles et garcons (3-17 ans) affectes par les crises humanitaires qui recoivent des materiels scolaires', '51934', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '176000', '107469', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (139, 'Nombre de plan de contingence operationnels', '52077', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3', '1', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (141, 'Nombre des APE-AME qui benefcient d''un appui pour la prise en charge de paiement de subside des Maitres communautaires dans le cadre de programmes soutenus par UNICEF', '51924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '298', '181', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (142, 'Nombre de Comite de Gestion scolaire (APE-AME-COGES) dont la capacite a ete augmente dans le cadre de programmes soutenu par UNICEF', '51925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '67', '16', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (143, 'Nombre de filles et de garcons aynat recus des ressources pedagogiques individuelles (materiels et/ou manuels scolaires) pour le pre-scolaire, primaire, secondaire, technique et professionnel dans le cadre de programmes soutenus par UNICEF', '51926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '910794', '110248', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (144, 'Nombre d''enseignants et responsables d''encadrement ayant recus une formation dans le cadre de programmes soutenus par UNICEF', '51927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2361', '1111', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (145, 'Des analyses sur le développement humain et la coopération au développement sont disponibles et disséminés ', '52216', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (146, 'Existence d''une Politique Nationale sur l''eveil et developpement du jeune enfant valide techniquement', '51928', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (147, 'Existence d''une etude sur les barrieres socio-culturelles et economiques sur la scolarisation des refugies et retournes, surtout les filles', '51929', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (148, 'Disponibilite de stock de contingence au niveau national', '52065', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'oui', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (150, 'Comprehensive behaviour change communication strategy for adolescent girls and boys and youth including those from key populations available', '21-07-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (155, 'Communities that have participated in a public declaration of support for the abandonment of FGM/C', '23-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90', '86', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (156, 'Percentage of justice professionals that have been certified in and dealing with: (a) child offenders; and (b) child victims', '23-03-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '21', '21', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (1, '% d''individus favorables au PVVIH (index stigma)', '47788', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '48', '52', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (2, '% d''adolescentes et adolescents qui connaissent leur statut sérologique VIH n', '47786', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '23', '18', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (3, '% d''enfants qui reçoivent prise en charge pédiatrique (ART) ', '47785', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '17', '12', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, 'Documents nationaux fondés sur des données probantes et de qualité existent ', '47790', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '4', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, 'Taux de promptitude des rapports des délégations', '47791', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '65', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, '% de femmes sous ART en situation humanitaire', '47792', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, '% d''enfants de mere VIH teste en situation humanitaire', '47793', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, 'Pourcentage d''enfants, jeunes et adolescents qui connaissent leurs droits, notamment la participation ', '47862', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (25, '% d''agents communautaires formes sur les actions essentielles de nutrition', '47869', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '0', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (26, 'Nombre de salles de classe contruites et/ou rehabilitees repondant aux normes standards', '47918', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '40', '1600', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (27, 'Pourcentage des élèves ayant reçu les intrants scolaires dans la zone d''intervention', '47919', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, 'Nombre de menages et leaders d''opinion/religieux ayant beneficier d''un renforcement de capacites pour promouvoir l''education', '47916', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', 'ND', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, ' % d''écoles d''intervention ayant un comité de gestion/APE-AME qui soit forme et realise des activites en faveur de l''education dans la zone d''intervention', '47914', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '38', '36', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (140, '1.4 Policies and programmes are influenced by analysis and advocacy to reduce child poverty', '25-01-L2-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (161, 'Number of children on the move who receive protective services through UNICEF-supported programs', '23-01-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '500', '0', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-08-11 00:01:33.514458+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (154, '1.2 National government measurement of child poverty using monetary measures', '25-01-L2-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (152, 'Country has a functioning, national, multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder coordination mechanism tasked with overseeing national plans or strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children and adolescents, with child and adolescent participation. ', '23-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.821214+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, '% des APE-AME ayant developpe des AGR pour alleger les charges communautaires en matiere d''education', '47915', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3', '0', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (32, 'Taux de réalisation du plan d''action de mise en ¿uvre des recommandations de la revue Genre du Programme de coopération ', '47734', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (33, '% personnel UNICEF et partenaires formées sur la programmation basée sur le genre ', '47735', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (34, 'Taux de mise en ¿uvre des engagements du PC dans le Plan d''Action National pour le Renforcement des Capacités pour la Réduction de Risques au Catastrophe, Préparation et Réponse aux Urgences 2015-2020', '47732', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (157, 'Existence of a national civil registration and vital statistics strategy(ies) which reflects recent international standards and principles for CRVS systems and are in line with the human rights conventions and protocols ratified by the State ¿', '23-03-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.838724+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (40, 'Evaluation de la réponse du Programme de Coopération aux situations humanitaires réalisée et vulgarisée ', '47885', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (41, 'Rapport de Situation intégrant risques et catastrophes humanitaires disponible ', '47886', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (42, 'Existence d''un mécanisme fonctionnel de coordination et de suivi des interventions en protection sociale - transferts sociaux', '47880', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (44, 'Nombre de plans de développement régional, local et communaux élaborés prenant en compte les droits de l''enfant ', '47883', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '4', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (49, 'Pourcentage d''enseignants dans les zones d''urgence ayant des capacités accrues dans l''identification, le référencement et en appui psychosocial ', '47929', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '0', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (50, '% leaders communautaires et autorités locales ciblées ayant des connaissances accrues en cohésion sociale, éducation à la paix et mesures de protection communautaires pour la réduction des risques dans la zone d''intervention', '47928', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (51, 'Pourcentage des apprenants ayant recu une formation sur les notions de base de vie courante (Protection, Hygiène, Nutrition, Santé de la reproduction, citoyenneté et consolidation de la paix', '47921', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (52, 'Pourcentage des enseignants ayant recu une formation pedagogique dans les zones ciblees', '47920', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (53, 'Nombre de cadres ayant beneficié d''un renforcement de capacites en planification', '47927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '5', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (54, 'Existence de normes de qualite nationales pour l''education validees techniquement', '47926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, 'Existence de structures harmonisees et formees pour le SIGE dans les differents Ministeres en charge de l''education ', '47925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, 'Existence d''un document de politique sectorielle soutenable intégrant la réponse humanitaire techniquement validé', '47924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, 'Existence d''une base de données désagrégée actualisées sur la vulnérabilité et l''exclusion sociale', '47874', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, 'System Strengthening - Skills - National education/training policies and plans support the mainstreaming of skills development within the national system - score (1-4), see guidance', '22-03-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '2', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, '1.1 National government measurement of child poverty using multidimensional measures', '25-01-L2-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, '% des menages connaissant au moins 2 pratiques familiales essentielles en faveur de la sante de la mere et de l''enfant.', '47749', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', 'ND', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, '% des enfants de moins de cinq ans non vaccines contre la polio en raison de refus des parents', '47748', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2.5', '3', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, 'Existence de Politique Nationale et de plans d''action sur les questions de mariage d''enfant, d''excision, d''enregistrement des naissances et de Justice pour enfant ; ', '47841', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, 'Existence des capacités pour développer la législation permettant aux enfants de participer aux procédures civiles et administratives qui les affectent', '47842', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, 'Existence des mécanismes communautaires de Protection contre le mariage d''enfant', '47843', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '96', '70', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, 'Pourcentage d''enfants séparés et non accompagnés ciblés par l''UNICEF recevant des services de soins alternatifs adéquats', '47846', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', 'AD', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (82, '% des dépenses du budget national allouées aux services de l''enregistrement des naissances, la lutte contre le mariage d''enfant et l''excision et la protection des enfants en conflit avec la loi ', '47838', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0.6', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (83, 'Existence d''offre des services d''enregistrement des naissances gratuits et universels dans', '47835', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (84, '% des populations ciblées sont bien informées des risques sur le mariage et l''excision et de la façon d''en signaler les cas', '47834', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '15', 'ND', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (85, 'Existence d''un programme de diversion fonctionnelle dans le cadre de la justice pour enfant ; ', '47837', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (86, 'Existence de services d''application de la loi dans les zones ciblées appliquant un', '47836', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (87, '% d''enfants en situations humanitaires ayant accès au service d''éducation de base formelle, y compris le préscolaire', '47830', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', '57', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (90, '% d''adolescents ayant une connaissance correcte sur les modes de transmission', '47789', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '22', '22', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (91, '% de femmes enceintes séropositives au VIH ayant reçu des antirétroviraux pour réduire le risque de transmission de la mère à l''enfant', '47783', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '46', '39', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (92, '% de femmes enceintes qui connaissent leur statut sérologique à VIH', '47782', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '57', '25', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (108, 'Capacity development strategy under implementation to strengthen and institutionalize C4D skills of government, implementing partners staff at national level and subnational level meets quality standards', '26-03-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (113, 'Nombre de personnes qui suivent UNICEF T[[schema]] sur les plates-formes numériques, médias sociaux et les initiatives de téléphonie mobile', '47726', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100000', '50000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (116, 'Number of people reached through digital assets of UNICEF (unique website visitors, social media supporters and subscribers, mobile initiatives)', '08-09-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000000', '50000', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'Nombre d''enfants associes aux groupes armes beneficiant de la prise en charge et reunifications', '47847', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '150', '23', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-16 00:05:03.237826+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (98, '% des écoles et centres de santé / CNA dans les zones d''intervention disposent des latrines, lave-mains, comité et club d''hygiènes', '47801', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '30', '27', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.279764+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (97, 'Nombre de nouveaux points d''eau potable réalisés dans les communautés (y compris écoles et centres de santé)', '47800', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '980', '941', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.329215+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, 'Disponibilité des outils de plaidoyer pour l''adoption du document PSNA', '47802', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, 'Disponibilité des outils de plaidoyer pour l''adoption du document PSNA', '47803', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, '% des ménages / personnes affectés par des urgences qui ont accès en permanence à l⿿eau potable et à l⿿assainissement de base selon les standards SPHERE', '47808', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '59', '55', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (162, 'Number of communities certified free of open defecation in the reporting year only as a result of UNICEF direct support', '24-02-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '492', '192', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-17 00:01:12.718778+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.928677+00');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'People in humanitarian situations who access safe drinking water as per agreed sector/cluster coordination standards and norms', '24-02-L3-22', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '75', '55', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.96569+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (175, 'Report175', '21-04-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500067+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.821879+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (4, 'Report4', '47769', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '17', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.86949+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (187, 'Report187', '52272', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '90', 'ND', true, false, 24, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925505+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.673684+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (179, 'Report179', '22-01-L3-63', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2.5', '2', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-28 00:04:53.594501+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.683135+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (160, 'Report160', '23-01-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '200', '118', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-07 18:03:48.874189+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (165, 'Report165', '25-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923712+00', '2019-06-29 00:15:59.850179+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (109, 'Report109', '26-03-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.724373+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (193, 'Report193', '64872', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '65000', '36473', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-23 00:07:02.653461+00', '2019-06-23 00:07:02.654112+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (195, 'Report195', '24-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-23 00:07:02.653637+00', '2019-06-23 00:07:02.654261+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (164, 'Report164', '25-02-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923472+00', '2019-02-01 00:01:56.925682+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (203, 'Report203', '21-06-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1050', '799', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-29 00:16:01.975195+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.975866+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (7, 'Report7', '47794', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.160463+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (205, 'Report205', '66085', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-01 00:22:06.256702+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.257517+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (206, 'Report206', '66086', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-01 00:22:06.256846+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.257713+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (207, 'Report207', '66087', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '5', '6', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-01 00:22:06.256949+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.257816+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (181, 'Report181', '23-01-L3-28', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765773+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.479788+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (17, 'Report17', '23-02-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'yes', 'No', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.494072+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (176, 'Report176', '22-02-L3-68', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2', '2', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500176+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.635487+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (208, 'Report208', '64874', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60', '50', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698319+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700181+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (209, 'Report209', '64875', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '95', '95', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698541+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700274+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (210, 'Report210', '64876', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '70', '37', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698635+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700349+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (211, 'Report211', '64878', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '3', '3', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698721+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700443+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (212, 'Report212', '66132', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698805+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700518+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (213, 'Report213', '66134', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '90', '87', true, false, 25, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698888+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700581+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (214, 'Report214', '66135', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60', '44', true, false, 25, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.698972+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700643+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (215, 'Report215', '66136', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', '95', true, false, 25, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699148+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700705+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (216, 'Report216', '23-03-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699249+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700766+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (217, 'Report217', '23-01-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', '100', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699356+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.70088+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (218, 'Report218', '23-01-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '20000', '00000', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699442+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.700949+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (219, 'Report219', '23-03-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '200', '00000', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699526+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.701094+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (220, 'Report220', '25-01-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699609+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.701171+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (221, 'Report221', '23-01-L3-31', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '10', '21', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699691+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.701243+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (222, 'Report222', '23-01-L3-15', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', '00000', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-07-05 14:59:54.699773+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.701314+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (194, 'Report194', '25-02-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-06-23 00:07:02.653552+00', '2019-06-23 00:07:02.654188+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (204, 'Report204', '66057', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '494000', '1248382', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-07-01 00:22:06.256474+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.257417+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (81, 'Report81', '23-03-L3-08', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '89', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (161, 'Report161', '23-01-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '500', '0', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-08-11 00:01:33.514458+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (19, 'Report19', '23-01-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.626495+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (18, 'Report18', '04-01-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (47, 'Report47', '21-03-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.254213+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (38, 'Report38', '21-06-L3-08', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.831603+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (133, 'Report133', '26-06-L3-13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80000', '71000', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.225904+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (151, 'Report151', '24-04-L2-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '5', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.695517+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (123, 'Report123', '25-02-L2-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (9, 'Report9', '47796', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '55', '47', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.144698+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (65, 'Report65', '21-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '40', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.174585+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (163, 'Report163', '26-03-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '15', '10', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-04-16 12:47:05.520404+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.747322+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (23, 'Report23', '47865', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '1', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (24, 'Report24', '47868', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '87', '65', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (29, 'Report29', '47917', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10000', '5463', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (35, 'Report35', '47733', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (159, 'Report159', '21-04-L3-18', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80', '58', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.910164+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (67, 'Report67', '21-06-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '10', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.814437+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (45, 'Report45', '21-06-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '85', '77', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (46, 'Report46', '21-06-L3-12', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (43, 'Report43', '47882', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '140', '90', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (21, 'Report21', '47866', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.520436+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (71, 'Report71', '03-05-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.378129+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (8, 'Report8', '47795', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '55', '53', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (10, 'Report10', '47797', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '29', '27', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (16, 'Report16', '47799', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '300', 'ND', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (60, 'Report60', '47804', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (15, 'Report15', '47798', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '214', '556', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.321079+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (80, 'Report80', '23-03-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.539676+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (48, 'Report48', '21-02-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '0', '0', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.202908+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (36, 'Report36', '47730', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3000', '231', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.219575+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (37, 'Report37', '47731', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1500', '1112', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.234686+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (66, 'Report66', '21-06-L3-06', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1250', '799', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.833649+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (22, 'Report22', '47867', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '85', '82', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (59, 'Report59', '23-01-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', '0', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (75, 'Report75', '47844', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '5', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (76, 'Report76', '47845', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (88, 'Report88', '21-01-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', '79.2', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (132, 'Report132', '21-05-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.293308+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (99, 'Report99', '23-01-L3-18', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '177', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (100, 'Report100', '47871', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '2', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (101, 'Report101', '47870', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '65', '54', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (103, 'Report103', '47872', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '92', '87', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (104, 'Report104', '47875', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (106, 'Report106', '21-02-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '2.7', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (124, 'Report124', '25-02-L2-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (117, 'Report117', '47750', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '95', 'ND', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.503206+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (118, 'Report118', '47751', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', 'ND', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.564909+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (121, 'Report121', '47756', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '77', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (122, 'Report122', '47759', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', '56', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (112, 'Report112', '47727', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '70', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (110, 'Report110', '47725', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '5', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (111, 'Report111', '47724', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '4', true, false, 19, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (126, 'Report126', '52096', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '90000', '71000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (94, 'Report94', '47805', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '56', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (114, 'Report114', '47729', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.225683+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (136, 'Report136', '51931', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-05 00:03:28.698916+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (93, 'Report93', '47787', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '20', 'ND', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (102, 'Report102', '47873', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (105, 'Report105', '47878', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (120, 'Report120', '47753', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (134, 'Report134', '51933', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '125277', '86400', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (95, 'Report95', '47806', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '80', '80', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (115, 'Report115', '47728', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '50', true, false, 17, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.791496+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (127, 'Report127', '52099', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4000', '2962', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.248757+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (129, 'Report129', '21-04-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.321512+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (128, 'Report128', '52098', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '600000', '500000', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.269718+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (96, 'Report96', '47807', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '15', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.287796+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (89, 'Report89', '25-03-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '500', '2900', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.376075+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (125, 'Report125', '52095', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '35000', '21000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (119, 'Report119', '47752', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '54', '38', true, false, 29, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.176086+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (130, 'Report130', '21-05-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '360400', '266793', true, false, 59, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.583746+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (58, 'Report58', '47877', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '1', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.213071+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (131, 'Report131', '26-06-L3-15', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '450000', '650000', true, false, 23, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.238778+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (135, 'Report135', '51932', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '38877', '22777', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (146, 'Report146', '51928', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.204469+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (138, 'Report138', '51934', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '176000', '107469', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (147, 'Report147', '51929', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-05 00:03:28.756282+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (142, 'Report142', '51925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '67', '16', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (137, 'Report137', '51930', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Non', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-05 00:03:28.871949+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (144, 'Report144', '51927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1250', '1111', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.237972+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (139, 'Report139', '52077', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', '1', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.250022+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (148, 'Report148', '52065', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'oui', true, false, 34, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (152, 'Report152', '23-01-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-20 00:05:34.893042+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (1, 'Report1', '47788', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '48', '52', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (2, 'Report2', '47786', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '23', '18', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (3, 'Report3', '47785', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '17', '12', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (11, 'Report11', '47790', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '4', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (12, 'Report12', '47791', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '65', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (13, 'Report13', '47792', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (14, 'Report14', '47793', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '100', true, false, 43, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (20, 'Report20', '47862', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (25, 'Report25', '47869', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '0', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (26, 'Report26', '47918', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '40', '1600', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (27, 'Report27', '47919', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '50', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (28, 'Report28', '47916', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', 'ND', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (30, 'Report30', '47914', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '38', '36', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (140, 'Report140', '25-01-L2-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (154, 'Report154', '25-01-L2-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (31, 'Report31', '47915', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '3', '0', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (32, 'Report32', '47734', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (33, 'Report33', '47735', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (34, 'Report34', '47732', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '0', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (150, 'Report150', '21-07-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.810018+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (141, 'Report141', '51924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '117', '181', true, false, 20, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.261822+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (155, 'Report155', '23-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '86', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.467371+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (157, 'Report157', '23-03-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Yes', 'Yes', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.530521+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (143, 'Report143', '51926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '910794', '110248', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (145, 'Report145', '52216', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (156, 'Report156', '23-03-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '21', '21', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (40, 'Report40', '47885', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (41, 'Report41', '47886', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 15, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (42, 'Report42', '47880', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (44, 'Report44', '47883', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '6', '4', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (49, 'Report49', '47929', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '0', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (50, 'Report50', '47928', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', 'ND', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (51, 'Report51', '47921', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (52, 'Report52', '47920', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', 'ND', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (53, 'Report53', '47927', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '5', '5', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (54, 'Report54', '47926', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (55, 'Report55', '47925', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (56, 'Report56', '47924', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 33, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (57, 'Report57', '47874', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (64, 'Report64', '22-03-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '4', '2', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (68, 'Report68', '25-01-L2-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (69, 'Report69', '47749', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2', 'ND', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (70, 'Report70', '47748', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '2.5', '3', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (72, 'Report72', '47841', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (73, 'Report73', '47842', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (74, 'Report74', '47843', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '96', '70', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (77, 'Report77', '47846', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100', 'AD', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (82, 'Report82', '47838', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1', '0.6', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (83, 'Report83', '47835', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (84, 'Report84', '47834', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '15', 'ND', true, false, 48, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (85, 'Report85', '47837', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 49, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (86, 'Report86', '47836', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (201, 'Report201', '64886', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '4', true, false, 42, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-29 00:16:01.974892+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.975638+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (202, 'Report202', '66071', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '46', '39', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-29 00:16:01.975091+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.975784+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (153, 'Report153', '21-01-L3-05', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '7', '2', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-07-01 00:22:06.187103+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (185, 'Report185', '52270', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '0.10', true, false, 25, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925335+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.555637+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (196, 'Report196', '64846', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '5', '1', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-28 00:09:02.279941+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280881+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (197, 'Report197', '64847', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '146200', '85221', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280117+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280979+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (180, 'Report180', '22-02-L3-01', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '727724', '110248', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765482+00', '2019-04-27 00:05:01.729844+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (39, 'Report39', '47884', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '70', '35', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.890119+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (158, 'Report158', '21-07-L3-11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '25', '12', true, false, 46, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:45.983275+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (149, 'Report149', '22-01-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '531', '273', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-05-24 13:16:46.017246+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (184, 'Report184', '52269', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '0', 'ND', true, false, 25, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925243+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.57373+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (173, 'Report173', '23-01-L3-34', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', '24', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499881+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.616218+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (188, 'Report188', '52273', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', 'ND', true, false, 24, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925603+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.645468+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (186, 'Report186', '52271', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '100', 'ND', true, false, 24, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925422+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.654506+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (198, 'Report198', '64848', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '2', '2', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280219+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.281121+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (169, 'Report169', '21-04-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 58, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499386+00', '2019-03-27 00:05:01.273691+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (199, 'Report199', '64849', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '55000', '18000', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280315+00', '2019-06-28 00:09:02.281198+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (107, 'Report107', '26-03-L3-07', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '8', true, false, 36, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:46.75454+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (172, 'Report172', '21-02-L3-17', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499786+00', '2019-03-24 00:03:28.501007+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (182, 'Report182', '22-01-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '18000', '22777', true, false, 12, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-04-04 00:05:26.765954+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:43.043846+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (192, 'Report192', '64871', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-23 00:07:02.653306+00', '2019-06-23 00:07:02.654013+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (174, 'Report174', '24-02-L3-35', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '571367', '365467', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499975+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:48.694963+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (200, 'Report200', '24-02-L3-37', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '128', '37', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-28 00:09:02.280408+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:48.706015+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (189, 'Report189', '64563', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '12', '12', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.9258+00', '2019-05-24 00:03:31.927043+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (170, 'Report170', '24-02-L3-36', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '60', '65', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.499572+00', '2019-06-23 00:07:02.612694+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (97, 'Report97', '47800', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '161', '941', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.302521+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (178, 'Report178', '21-02-L3-14', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80', '62', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-28 00:04:53.594232+00', '2019-06-15 00:05:28.467674+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (177, 'Report177', '23-03-L3-09', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 50, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.500327+00', '2019-06-15 00:05:28.4861+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (190, 'Report190', '21-02-L3-19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-15 00:05:28.508541+00', '2019-06-15 00:05:28.509001+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (171, 'Report171', '21-02-L3-20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'No', 'No', true, false, 28, NULL, NULL, false, '2019-03-24 00:03:28.49967+00', '2019-04-26 00:04:37.757417+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (183, 'Report183', '52268', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '80', 'ND', true, false, 26, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-05-24 00:03:31.925116+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:54.663863+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (5, 'Report5', '47768', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '12', '0', true, false, 54, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (6, 'Report6', '47760', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '10', '7', true, false, 57, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (191, 'Report191', '22-03-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '125277', '86400', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-06-19 00:06:44.145335+00', '2019-06-19 00:06:44.145897+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (168, 'Report168', '25-01-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 13, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.924348+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.696839+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (166, 'Report166', '25-02-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'Yes', 'No', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.923881+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.782615+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (167, 'Report167', '24-04-L3-02', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '5', true, false, 14, NULL, NULL, true, '2019-02-01 00:01:56.924158+00', '2019-06-29 00:16:01.797881+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (87, 'Report87', '47830', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '60', '57', true, false, 30, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (90, 'Report90', '47789', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '22', '22', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (91, 'Report91', '47783', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '46', '39', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (92, 'Report92', '47782', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '57', '25', true, false, 45, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (108, 'Report108', '26-03-L3-04', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Oui', true, false, 31, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (113, 'Report113', '47726', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '100000', '50000', true, false, 18, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (116, 'Report116', '08-09-L3-03', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '1000000', '50000', true, false, 22, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (98, 'Report98', '47801', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '30', '27', true, false, 40, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-17 00:01:12.279764+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (61, 'Report61', '47802', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (62, 'Report62', '47803', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', 'Oui', 'Non', true, false, 39, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (78, 'Report78', '47847', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '150', '23', true, false, 52, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-16 00:05:03.237826+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (63, 'Report63', '47808', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '59', '55', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, false, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:09.283986+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (162, 'Report162', '24-02-L3-10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '104', '192', true, false, 41, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-17 00:01:12.718778+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.389525+00');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'Report79', '24-02-L3-22', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '', '165620', '286309', true, false, 38, NULL, NULL, true, '2018-03-15 16:11:08.916146+00', '2019-06-07 00:04:47.44223+00');
@@ -14233,6 +15557,17 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'People in humanitarian sit
+-- Data for Name: reports_office; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (388, 'Abeche');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (389, 'Bol');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (390, 'Mongo');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (391, 'Moundou');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_office VALUES (387, 'N''Djamena');
-- Data for Name: reports_quarter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -14249,176 +15584,176 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_indicator VALUES (79, 'People in humanitarian sit
-- Data for Name: reports_result; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'FORMATION & ENGAGEMENT MEDIAS/THEATRE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '26-03-02', 'Capacity and skills development for social behaviour change', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 57, 58, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.199744+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (121, 'SALARIES AND OTHER STAFF COSTS URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 39, 40, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.21167+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (150, 'SUPERVISION, SUIVI ET MISE EN OEUVRE DE LA POLITIQUE SECTORIELLE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-02-26', 'Education sector planning including coordinating role, SDG 4, etc.', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 39, 40, 9, 2, 73, 33, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.916716+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.45065+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (126, 'FINALISER LE PLAN NATIONAL DE CONTINGENC', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/004', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.602724+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (131, 'ACQUISITION ET DISTRIBUTION DES MATERIELS SCOLAIRES, KITS RECREATIFS ET DIGNITÉ', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-04', 'Provision or procurement of multiple-levels (or alternativepathways of education) learning materials', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 33, 34, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.456279+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'GENDER MAINSTREAMING', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/009', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '25-04-05', 'Gender programming - multisectoral', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 25, 26, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.620938+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (132, 'INFRASTRUCTURE SCOLAIRES D''URGENCE ET VISIBILTÉ', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-01-05', 'Provision of (formal and non-formal) multiple-levels or alternative pathways of education (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 35, 36, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.473623+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (120, 'PREPARATION ET REPONSE AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 37, 38, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.639171+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (154, 'LUTTES CONTRE LES PRATIQUES NEFASTES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '23-01-02', 'Services to prevent or respond to violence, exploitation and abuse', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 3, 4, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.107969+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.483938+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (122, 'CLUSTER (EVALUATION, COORDINATION, SUIVI ET MISE EN OEUVRE)', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.491384+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (148, 'MISSION EXTERNE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/005/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '21-05-99', 'Technical assistance - Treatment of severe acute malnutrition', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 2, 2, 73, 53, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.815939+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.508656+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (146, 'PLAIDOYER, FORMATION ET ECHANGE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/002', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 23, 24, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.721762+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.53045+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (161, 'DIALOGUE SOCIAL AVEC LA COMMUNAUTE ET PLAIDOYER AUPRES DESLEADERS', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/006', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '26-03-04', 'Community engagement, participation and accountability', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 19, 20, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.457821+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.536492+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (163, 'PROGRAMME ALIMENTAIRE AVEC WFP', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/005', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-01-11', 'Other activities for equitable access to quality education e.g. school feeding, school grants', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 21, 22, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.559424+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.542731+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (153, 'RAPPORTS PERIODIQUES CONVENT, TRAITES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention and response services forviolence against children', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.059354+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.55467+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (151, 'RENFORCEMENT COMPÉTENCES PSGSE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/003/006', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-03-03', 'Provision of skills development for multiple age groups (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 41, 42, 9, 2, 73, 33, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.967036+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.566212+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (129, 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PEDAGOGIQUE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-02-04', 'Provision or procurement of multiple-levels (or alternativepathways of education) learning materials', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 31, 32, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.572498+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (162, 'SALARIES & OTHERS STAFF COSTS', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/005/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 8, 2, 73, 37, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.513016+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.588987+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (152, 'SYSTEME D''ETAT CIVIL', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-06', 'Justice, birth registration/CRVS, and alternative care - surveys (e.g. KAP, VACS), data analysis/research/evaluation evidence generation, synthesis, and use', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.015764+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.594622+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (133, 'VULGARISATION DE L`APPROCHE ATPC', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-02-04', 'Sanitation and hygiene - eliminating open defecation in rural communities', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 33, 34, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.04553+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.600295+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'PRODUIT 5.4: REPONSES URGENCE EDUCATION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 37, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.946501+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (36, 'PRODUIT 7.1: DDE SRVCE ENGAGNT JEUNES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 25, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.034306+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (13, 'PRODUIT 7.2: OFFRE DE SERVICES S/E', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 9, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.041298+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (14, 'PRODUIT 7.3: ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORABLE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 17, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.052736+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'PRODUIT 7.4 : REPONSES URGENCES SPPME', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.063852+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'PRODUIT 7.5: APPUI TECHNIQUE SPPME', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 23, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.074942+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (6, 'EFFET 6: PROTECTION DE L''ENFANT', '23', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 44, 6, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-19 00:01:52.161765+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'APPUI AU MONIROING REPORTING MECANISME', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/007', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-12', 'MRM - Child protection monitoring and reporting of grave violations in armed conflict (Security Council Resolutions 1612, 1882, 1888 and 1960)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 39, 40, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.423949+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (167, 'DEV LEGISLATION, POLITIQUES, STRAT, PLAN', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/001', NULL, '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.715787+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.730248+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'ASSIS AUX VICTIMES DE VIOLENCES SEXISTES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-03', 'Services to prevent or respond to gender-based violence in emergencies', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 35, 36, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.59068+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (62, 'ASSISTANCE AUX EAFGA', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-10', 'Children associated with armed forces and armed groups - prevention and response', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 29, 30, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.596922+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (125, 'FOURNITURES DE SERVICES ENA ET ES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-08', 'Family reunification in emergencies - prevention and response', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 41, 42, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.614711+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'MINE ACTION', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/008', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-11', 'Landmines and explosive weapons - prevention and assistance', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.633061+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'PRISE EN CHARGE PSYCHOSOCIALE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-04', 'Psycho-social support in emergencies', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 37, 38, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (165, 'MOBILISATION COM. ET PLAIDOYER', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/001/002', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '21-07-13', 'Social protection measures in support of HIV-AIDS prevention', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 15, 16, 3, 2, 73, 45, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.654957+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.67246+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (3, 'EFFET 3: SURVIE & DEV. ENFANT - VIH/SIDA', '21', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 22, 3, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (4, 'PROGRAMME EFFECTIVENESS OUTCOME', '27', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 62, 4, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-08 00:03:42.539761+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (169, 'SALAIRES ET AUTRES COUTS STAFFS', NULL, '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/008', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-03-99', 'Technical assistance - Cross - sectoral communication for development', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 59, 60, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.785362+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.205884+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (168, 'COORDINATION SYST PROTECTION', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/004', NULL, '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-04', 'Psycho-social support in emergencies', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 17, 18, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.752559+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.43866+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (160, 'JUSTICE POUR ENFANTS', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/002/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-03-07', 'Justice, birth registration/CRVS, and alternative care - planning, co-ordination and programme monitoring', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 21, 22, 6, 2, 73, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.41252+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.478914+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (170, 'MECANISME DE COORDINATION S&E', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/004/003', NULL, '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-06-04', 'HIV and AIDS monitoring and bottleneck analysis', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 3, 2, 73, 42, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.817443+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.496467+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (166, 'MECANISMES COMMUNAUTAIRES', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/002/003', NULL, '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 23, 24, 6, 2, 73, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.680764+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.50279+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'RENFORCEMENT DES MECANISMES DE COORDINAT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-23', 'Child Protection humanitarian AoR/humanitarian sector coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 33, 34, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.578274+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'PLAIDOYERS & PARTENARIAT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 44, 61, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.637924+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (45, 'PRODUIT 3.1: DEMANDE SERVICES VIH/SIDA', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 17, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.789205+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (46, 'PRODUIT 3.2: OFFRE DE SERVICES VIH/SIDA', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 19, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.799766+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (47, 'PRODUIT 3.3: DEMANDE SERVICES VIH/SIDA2', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 21, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.806344+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'PRODUIT 3.4 : REPONSES URGENCES VIH/SIDA', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 11, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.825044+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (44, 'PRODUIT 3.5: APPUI TECHNIQUE VIH/SIDA', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 13, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.839225+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'ACCOMPAGNER 2 CRAS DANS LE DÉVELOPPEMENT', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/005', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.57717+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (61, 'METTRE EN PLACE UN STOCK DE CONTINGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/006', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.627283+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (71, 'C4D & SOLIAL MOBILIZATION IN EMERGENCIES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/005/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '21-07-04', 'HIV - Emergency preparedness and response including Post exposure prophylaxis and risk informed conflict sensitive HIV programming', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 7, 8, 3, 2, 73, 43, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (72, 'APPUI TECH ET OFFRE DE SERVICES ART', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/005/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-07-04', 'HIV - Emergency preparedness and response including Post exposure prophylaxis and risk informed conflict sensitive HIV programming', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 9, 10, 3, 2, 73, 43, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'PROGRAMME COORDINATION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 15, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.081547+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'GUESTHOUSE ABECHE', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/800/002/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 10, 2, 73, 25, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-01-21 00:01:50.258426+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'RENFORCEMENT GESTION FINANCES PUBLIQUES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/006', '', '301', 'Public partnerships', '25-01-07', 'PF4C: Budget transparency, accountability and participation', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.583288+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'LÉLABORATION RAPPORTS NATIONAUX SUR ODD', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/003', '', '703', 'Evaluation', '26-02-01', 'Situation Analysis or Update on women and children', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'APPUI AU PISE 2017 & MICS6', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-02-06', 'Analysis of data', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'PREPARATION AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/004/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 19, 20, 7, 2, 73, 15, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'RÉALISATION DES ACTIVITÉS D''ASSURANCE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '27-01-14', 'RO planning and quality assurance', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'APPUI ELABORATION PDR ET PDC', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-04-02', 'Urban/local policy, planning and budgeting', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'RENFORCEMENT DE LA FONCTION ÉVALUATION', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-05-01', 'Building evaluation capacity in UNICEF and the UN system', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (147, 'MISSION EXTERNE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/005/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '21-05-99', 'Technical assistance - Treatment of severe acute malnutrition', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 2, 2, 73, 53, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.766108+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.514436+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'MOUNDOU', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/008', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 27, 28, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'GUESTHOUSE ABECHE', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/006/005', '', '016', 'Not classifiable', '27-01-06', 'HQ and RO technical support to multiple Goal Areas', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 4, 2, 73, 21, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-10 00:01:49.800207+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'SALARIES AND OTHER STAFF COSTS BDZ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/010', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '30-02-07', 'Business - Staff', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'BOL/MAO', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 29, 30, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'ABECHE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'COORDINATION DE TERRAIN', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/004', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '27-01-15', 'CO programme coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 33, 34, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'COORDINATION DES CLUSTERS', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/003', '', '501', 'United Nations working together', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 35, 36, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'GUESTHOUSE MONGO', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/006/006', '', '016', 'Not classifiable', '27-01-06', 'HQ and RO technical support to multiple Goal Areas', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 4, 2, 73, 21, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-10 00:01:49.820246+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (86, 'APPUI GESTION EFFICACE DU PROGRAMME', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/007', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 47, 48, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'PLAIDOYER PUBLIC DECIDEURS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/004', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 49, 50, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'VISITES MEDIAS, NATCOMS, DECIDEURS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/002', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 53, 54, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'CAMPAGNES SENSIB & OUTILS COMM/PLAIDOYER', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 55, 56, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'E & PISE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/006', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '26-03-06', 'Research, monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management for C4D', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 45, 46, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.194794+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (124, 'MONGO', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/007', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 41, 42, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (130, 'FORMATION DES CADRES DES MINISTERE TECHN', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/007', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '27-01-10', 'RO technical support to countries on Supply/Logistics', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (136, 'APPUI AUX AVS CONTRE EL ROUGEOLE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/009', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-09', 'Measles and rubella supplementary immunization activities', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.191853+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.213567+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (137, 'APPUI PEV DE ROUTINE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-05', 'Immunization operations', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 5, 6, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.243719+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.261959+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (138, 'ADAPTATION DES INDICATEURS,INTERV. PALU.', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-16', 'HSS - Management Information Systems', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 7, 8, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.291981+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.315623+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'SURVEILANCE NUTRITIONNELLE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'PLAN DE CONTINGENCE AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-02', 'Capacity building for nutrition preparedness and response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'REPONSES AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-02', 'Capacity building for nutrition preparedness and response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 13, 14, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'IHAB ET MICRONUTRIMENTS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/012', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-02', 'Diet diversity in early childhood (children under 5), includes complementary feeding and MNPs', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 53, 54, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'SUPPLEMENTATION MICRONUTRIMENTS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/013', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-03', 'Vitamin A supplementation in early childhood (children under 5)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 51, 52, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (123, 'GUESTHOUSE MONGO', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/800/002/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 7, 8, 10, 2, 73, 25, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-01-21 00:01:50.266926+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'PARTENARIATS ENGAGEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '26-03-04', 'Community engagement, participation and accountability', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 51, 52, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-18 00:01:52.816506+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'ACHAT ET DISTRIBUTION INTRANTS NUT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/010', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 49, 50, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'AMELIORATION GESTION STOCKAGE INTRANTS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/011', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 47, 48, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'VITAMINE A ET SMAM', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/014', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-03', 'Vitamin A supplementation in early childhood (children under 5)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 45, 46, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'PROMOTION SEL IODE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/015', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '21-04-06', 'Salt iodization and other large-scale food fortification', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 43, 44, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (139, 'APPUI A LA GESTION DES DONNEES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-16', 'HSS - Management Information Systems', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.342858+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.361048+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'MISSIONS SUIVI ET SUPERVISION NUT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 33, 34, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'FORMATION / RECYCLAGE PCIMAS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/007', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 37, 38, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'DEPISTAGE MALNUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 39, 40, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'ASSIATNCE TECHNIQUE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 41, 42, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (83, 'FINANCEMENT DE LA NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 31, 32, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (82, 'APPUI INSTITUTIONNEL AUX PARTENAIRES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 29, 30, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'MECANISMES DE COORDINATION DE LA NUT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/006', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-04-07', 'National multisectoral strategies and plans to prevent stunting (excludes intervention-specific strategies)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 27, 28, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'PREVENTION, RIPOSTE AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 7, 8, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'REALISATION DES OUVRAGES WASH EN URGENCE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-01-09', 'Water supply in emergencies - improving water supply services communities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'PREPARATION AUX URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-01-03', 'WASH - risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (77, 'ASSAINISSEMENT ET PROMOTION A L`HYGIENE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 13, 14, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'SUIVI ET EVALUATION ACTIVITES URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/005', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-02-11', 'WASH humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 15, 16, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (144, 'RENFORCEMENT DU CADRE INSTITUTIONNEL WAS', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 19, 20, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.62743+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.645141+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (145, 'ENQUETES, ETUDES ET DOCUMENTATION', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/003', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 21, 22, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.673577+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.690737+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (158, 'REALISATION DES OUVRAGES D`ASSAINISSEMEN', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-07', 'Sanitation - improving services in rural communities (except household water treatment and storage; moving up the ladder and strengthening sustainability)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 8, 2, 73, 40, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.311544+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.330632+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (134, 'APPUI TECHNIQUE AUX PARTENAIRES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/002', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 35, 36, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.092911+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.11249+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (135, 'RENFORCEMENT CAPACITÉS COMMUNAUTAIRES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-01-04', 'Water supply - sustainability checks', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 37, 38, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.139651+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.159536+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (159, 'SUIVI ET EVALUATION DU PROGRAMME REGULIE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 29, 30, 8, 2, 73, 40, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.358881+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.382153+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'GOVERNANCE AND SYSTEMS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 11, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.625406+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (8, 'EFFET 4: WASH', '24', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 40, 8, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-02-28 00:13:18.329012+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (128, 'PRÉVENTION ET GESTION DES RISQUES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-01-08', 'System strengthening - risk informed programming, includingclimate, resilience, disaster, conflict, and emergency preparedness', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 29, 30, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (7, 'EFFET 7: INCLUSION SOCIALE', '26', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 26, 7, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-03-15 13:49:07.207259+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 3, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.631705+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'PREMISES AND SECURITY', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/777/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 3, 1, 1, 73, 1, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.66307+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'PRODUIT 2.2: OFFRE SERVICES NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 36, 55, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.726011+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'PRODUIT 3.3: ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORABLE VIH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.81256+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'MISE EN PLACE STOCKS DE CONTINGENCE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-03-14', 'HSS - Risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 21, 22, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'SALARIES & OTHER STAFF COST', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/007/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '30-02-07', 'Business - Staff', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 2, 2, 73, 55, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'ENQUETES, ETUDES ET RECHERCHES', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 15, 16, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (1, 'SPECIAL PURPOSE', '30', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/777', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 4, 1, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (10, 'MANAGEMENT OUTCOME', '28', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 12, 10, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (127, 'COMPÉTENCES DE VIE COURANTE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-01-08', 'System strengthening - risk informed programming, includingclimate, resilience, disaster, conflict, and emergency preparedness', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 27, 28, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.431273+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (155, 'PREVENTION DES ABUS,VIOLENCES, EXPLOITAT', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-02-07', 'Services related to FGM/C', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 5, 6, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.155265+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.17268+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (141, 'FORMATION ET SUIVI PÉDAGOGIQUE', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-02-10', 'Provision of multiple-levels (or alternative pathways of education) teacher training', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.446762+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.486448+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (143, 'COMPÉTENCES DE VIE COURANTE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/004', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-03-07', 'System strengthening - life skills (for personal empowerment, active citizenship, etc.)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.581434+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.44471+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (142, 'ACQUISITION ET DISTRIBUTION DES MATERIELS SCOLAIRES, KITS RECREATIFS ET DIGNITÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-04', 'Provision or procurement of multiple-levels (or alternativepathways of education) learning materials', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.5186+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.462393+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (140, 'INFRASTRUCTURES SCOLAIRES ET VISIBILITÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-01-05', 'Provision of (formal and non-formal) multiple-levels or alternative pathways of education (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 7, 8, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.395335+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.467787+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (157, 'MISSIONS DES STAFFS À L''EXTERIEUR', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/005/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '22-02-99', 'Technical assistance - Learning outcomes', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 9, 2, 73, 11, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.259651+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.520218+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (156, 'PROMOTION ENREGISTREMENT DES NAISSANCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-03-04', 'Birth Registration/Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 7, 8, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.201779+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.548838+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (149, 'APPUI AUX COMMUNAUTES POUR L''IDENTIFICATION, CONTRACTUALISATION ET LE PAIEMENT MC', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-20', 'System strengthening - teacher development, management, andsupport', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 17, 18, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.865308+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.560187+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'CROSS SECTORAL', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 21, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.596225+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'EXTERNAL RELATIONS', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 13, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.607467+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'ELABOR ET MISE EN OEUVRE PLAN URGENCES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-18', 'Public health emergencies, including disease outbreaks', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 23, 24, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND STEWARDSHIP', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 4, 9, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.614094+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'PM, HACT & GAR', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 11, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.65145+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'PRODUIT 1.1. DEMANDE SERVICES DE SANTÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 17, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.670603+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'PRODUIT 1.2. OFFRE DE SERVICES DE SANTÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 13, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.676784+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'PRODUIT 1.3. ENVIRONN FAVORABLE SANTÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 15, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.688634+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'PRODUIT 1.6. APPUI TECNIQUE CSD', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 19, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.713036+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'PRODUIT 4.1: DEMANDE SERVICES WASH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 32, 39, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.847719+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'PRODUIT 4.2. OFFRE DE SERVICES WASH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 31, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.86337+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'PRODUIT 4.3. ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORALE WASH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 25, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.875808+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'PRODUIT 5.1: DEMANDE SERVICES EDUCATION', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 23, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.910272+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'PRODUIT 5.3: ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORABLE EDU', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 38, 43, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.935147+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'APPUI FORMATION AUX URGENCES ET CRISES H', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-03-14', 'HSS - Risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 25, 26, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (164, 'APPUI AUX AVS MENINGITE, TMN ET AUTRES', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/010', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-08', 'Meningitis supplementary immunization activities', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 11, 12, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.605448+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.624292+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (5, 'EFFET 1: SURVIE & DEV. ENFANT - SANTE', '22', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 30, 5, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-02-20 16:27:40.937487+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'PRODUIT 1.4. RÉPONSES AUX URGENCES SANTÉ', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 27, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.695122+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (9, 'EFFET 5: EDUCATION', '26', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 44, 9, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-01-06 00:01:51.229283+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (2, 'EFFET 2: SURVIE & DEV.ENFANT - NUTRITION', '21', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 56, 2, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-10-25 00:01:58.957371+00', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'PRODUIT 1.5. APPUI TECNIQUE - SANTE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 28, 29, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.70645+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'PRODUIT 2.1: DEMANDE SERVICES NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 25, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.719445+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'PRODUIT 2.3: ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORABLE NUT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 35, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.738305+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'PRODUIT 2.4: REPONSE URGENCE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 8, 17, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.749459+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'PRODUIT 2.5: APPUI TECHNIQUE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.761202+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'PRODUIT 2.6: RÉPONSES URGENCES NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 23, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.772187+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'PRODUIT 2.7: APPUI TECHNIQUE NUTRITION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/007', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.77841+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (38, 'PRODUIT 4.4. RÉPONSES AUX URGENCES WASH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 17, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.886935+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (37, 'PRODUIT 4.5. APPUI TECHNIQUE WASH', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.89909+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (12, 'PRODUIT 5.2: OFFRE DE SERVICES EDUCATION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 15, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.921985+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (11, 'PRODUIT 5.5: APPUI TECHNIQUE EDUCATION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.967924+00', '0', 'NONE');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (48, 'PRODUIT 6.1: DEMANDE DE SERVICES PROTECT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 9, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.978384+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'PRODUIT 6.2: OFFRE SERVICES PROTECTION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 25, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.989717+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'PRODUIT 6.3: ENVIRONNEMENT FAVORABLE PRO', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 19, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.001493+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'PRODUIT 6.4: REPONSES URGENCES PROTECT', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 28, 43, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.012515+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'PRODUIT 6.5: APPUI TECHNIQUE PROTECTION', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 27, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.025815+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'URGENCE, GENRE & BUREAU DE ZONE', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 43, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.087709+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (80, 'Result80', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-02', 'Capacity building for nutrition preparedness and response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (8, 'Result8', '24', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 40, 8, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-10-16 00:14:38.244233+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (153, 'Result153', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention and response services forviolence against children', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.059354+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.55467+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (152, 'Result152', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '23-03-06', 'Justice, birth registration/CRVS, and alternative care - surveys (e.g. KAP, VACS), data analysis/research/evaluation evidence generation, synthesis, and use', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.015764+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.594622+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (133, 'Result133', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/003', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-02-04', 'Sanitation and hygiene - eliminating open defecation in rural communities', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 33, 34, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.04553+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.600295+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (30, 'Result30', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 37, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.946501+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (36, 'Result36', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 25, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.034306+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (13, 'Result13', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 9, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.041298+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (14, 'Result14', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 17, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.052736+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (15, 'Result15', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.063852+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (16, 'Result16', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 23, 7, 1, 73, 7, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.074942+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (161, 'Result161', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/006', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '21-08-03', 'ECD advocacy and communication including campaigns', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 19, 20, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.457821+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.83169+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (6, 'Result6', '23', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 44, 6, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-19 00:01:52.161765+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (73, 'Result73', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/007', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-12', 'MRM - Child protection monitoring and reporting of grave violations in armed conflict (Security Council Resolutions 1612, 1882, 1888 and 1960)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 39, 40, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.423949+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (167, 'Result167', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/001', NULL, '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.715787+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.730248+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (69, 'Result69', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-03', 'Services to prevent or respond to gender-based violence in emergencies', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 35, 36, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.59068+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (62, 'Result62', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-10', 'Children associated with armed forces and armed groups - prevention and response', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 29, 30, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.596922+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (125, 'Result125', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-08', 'Family reunification in emergencies - prevention and response', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 41, 42, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.614711+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (67, 'Result67', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/008', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-01-11', 'Landmines and explosive weapons - prevention and assistance', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.633061+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (70, 'Result70', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-04', 'Psycho-social support in emergencies', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 37, 38, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (165, 'Result165', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/001/002', '', '201', 'Advocacy and public engagement', '21-07-13', 'Social protection measures in support of HIV-AIDS prevention', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 15, 16, 3, 2, 73, 45, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.654957+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.67246+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (3, 'Result3', '21', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 22, 3, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (169, 'Result169', NULL, '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/008', NULL, '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-03-99', 'Technical assistance - Cross - sectoral communication for development', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 59, 60, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.785362+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.205884+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (4, 'Result4', '26', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 62, 4, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-11-14 00:06:25.490416+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (168, 'Result168', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/003/004', NULL, '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-04', 'Psycho-social support in emergencies', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 17, 18, 6, 2, 73, 49, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.752559+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.43866+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (160, 'Result160', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/002/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-03-07', 'Justice, birth registration/CRVS, and alternative care - planning, co-ordination and programme monitoring', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 21, 22, 6, 2, 73, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.41252+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.478914+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (170, 'Result170', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/004/003', NULL, '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-06-04', 'HIV and AIDS monitoring and bottleneck analysis', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 3, 2, 73, 42, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.817443+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.496467+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (166, 'Result166', NULL, '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/002/003', NULL, '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '23-01-05', 'Social welfare workforce systems strengthening (accreditation, staffing and supervision)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 23, 24, 6, 2, 73, 50, 3, NULL, '2018-07-08 00:01:33.680764+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.50279+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (68, 'Result68', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/004/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-01-23', 'Child Protection humanitarian AoR/humanitarian sector coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 33, 34, 6, 2, 73, 52, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.578274+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (129, 'Result129', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-02-10', 'Provision of multiple-levels (or alternative pathways of education) teacher training', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 31, 32, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.836503+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (23, 'Result23', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 44, 61, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.637924+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (45, 'Result45', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 17, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.789205+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (46, 'Result46', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 19, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.799766+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (47, 'Result47', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 21, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.806344+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (43, 'Result43', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 11, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.825044+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (44, 'Result44', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 13, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.839225+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (151, 'Result151', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/003/006', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-03-11', 'Education sector planning including coordinating role, SDG 4, etc.', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 41, 42, 9, 2, 73, 33, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.967036+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.857681+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (150, 'Result150', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '22-01-15', 'Education sector planning including coordinating role, SDG 4, etc.', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 39, 40, 9, 2, 73, 33, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.916716+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.862294+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (115, 'Result115', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/005', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.57717+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (26, 'Result26', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 11, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.625406+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (61, 'Result61', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/006', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.627283+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (71, 'Result71', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/005/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '21-07-04', 'HIV - Emergency preparedness and response including Post exposure prophylaxis and risk informed conflict sensitive HIV programming', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 7, 8, 3, 2, 73, 43, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (72, 'Result72', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/883/005/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-07-04', 'HIV - Emergency preparedness and response including Post exposure prophylaxis and risk informed conflict sensitive HIV programming', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 9, 10, 3, 2, 73, 43, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (19, 'Result19', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 15, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.081547+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (100, 'Result100', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/800/002/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 10, 2, 73, 25, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-01-21 00:01:50.258426+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (101, 'Result101', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/006', '', '301', 'Public partnerships', '25-01-07', 'PF4C: Budget transparency, accountability and participation', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 15, 16, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.583288+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (105, 'Result105', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/003', '', '703', 'Evaluation', '26-02-01', 'Situation Analysis or Update on women and children', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 3, 4, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (106, 'Result106', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-02-06', 'Analysis of data', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 5, 6, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (66, 'Result66', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/004/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 19, 20, 7, 2, 73, 15, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (99, 'Result99', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '27-01-14', 'RO planning and quality assurance', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (98, 'Result98', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/003/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-04-02', 'Urban/local policy, planning and budgeting', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 7, 2, 73, 14, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (107, 'Result107', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/887/002/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-05-01', 'Building evaluation capacity in UNICEF and the UN system', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 7, 2, 73, 13, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (147, 'Result147', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/005/003', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '21-05-99', 'Technical assistance - Treatment of severe acute malnutrition', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 2, 2, 73, 53, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.766108+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.514436+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (114, 'Result114', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/008', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 27, 28, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (103, 'Result103', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/006/005', '', '016', 'Not classifiable', '27-01-06', 'HQ and RO technical support to multiple Goal Areas', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 17, 18, 4, 2, 73, 21, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-10 00:01:49.800207+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (79, 'Result79', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/010', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '30-02-07', 'Business - Staff', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 23, 24, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (116, 'Result116', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 29, 30, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (117, 'Result117', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 31, 32, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (118, 'Result118', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/004', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '27-01-15', 'CO programme coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 33, 34, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (119, 'Result119', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/003', '', '501', 'United Nations working together', '26-01-03', 'Humanitarian planning and review activities (HRP, RRP, UNICEF HAC)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 35, 36, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (104, 'Result104', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/006/006', '', '016', 'Not classifiable', '27-01-06', 'HQ and RO technical support to multiple Goal Areas', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 4, 2, 73, 21, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-10 00:01:49.820246+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (86, 'Result86', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/007', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 47, 48, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (87, 'Result87', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/004', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 49, 50, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (89, 'Result89', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/002', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 53, 54, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (90, 'Result90', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/003', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '26-06-04', 'Leading advocate', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 55, 56, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (85, 'Result85', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/006', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '26-03-06', 'Research, monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management for C4D', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 45, 46, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.194794+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (124, 'Result124', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/007', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-02-09', 'Field monitoring', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 41, 42, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (130, 'Result130', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/007', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '27-01-10', 'RO technical support to countries on Supply/Logistics', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (136, 'Result136', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/009', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-09', 'Measles and rubella supplementary immunization activities', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 3, 4, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.191853+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.213567+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (137, 'Result137', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-05', 'Immunization operations', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 5, 6, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.243719+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.261959+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (138, 'Result138', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-16', 'HSS - Management Information Systems', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 7, 8, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.291981+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.315623+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (63, 'Result63', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (111, 'Result111', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-02', 'Capacity building for nutrition preparedness and response', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 13, 14, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (97, 'Result97', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/012', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-02', 'Diet diversity in early childhood (children under 5), includes complementary feeding and MNPs', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 53, 54, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (96, 'Result96', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/013', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-03', 'Vitamin A supplementation in early childhood (children under 5)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 51, 52, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (123, 'Result123', '', '2017-02-17', '2017-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/800/002/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '28-07-04', 'Management and Operations support at CO', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 7, 8, 10, 2, 73, 25, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-01-21 00:01:50.266926+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (88, 'Result88', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/005', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '26-03-04', 'Community engagement, participation and accountability', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 51, 52, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-18 00:01:52.816506+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (95, 'Result95', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/010', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 49, 50, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (94, 'Result94', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/011', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 47, 48, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (93, 'Result93', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/014', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-03', 'Vitamin A supplementation in early childhood (children under 5)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 45, 46, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (92, 'Result92', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/015', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '21-04-06', 'Salt iodization and other large-scale food fortification', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 43, 44, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (139, 'Result139', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-16', 'HSS - Management Information Systems', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.342858+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.361048+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (84, 'Result84', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 33, 34, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (60, 'Result60', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/007', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 37, 38, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (64, 'Result64', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/008', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 39, 40, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (65, 'Result65', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/002/009', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-05-01', 'Care for children with severe acute malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 41, 42, 2, 2, 73, 59, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (83, 'Result83', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 31, 32, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (82, 'Result82', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-04-99', 'Technical assistance - Prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 29, 30, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (81, 'Result81', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/003/006', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-04-07', 'National multisectoral strategies and plans to prevent stunting (excludes intervention-specific strategies)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 27, 28, 2, 2, 73, 58, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (158, 'Result158', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/002/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-08', 'Sanitation and hygiene - institutions (schools, health carefacilities, ECD centres) including menstrual hygiene management', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 27, 28, 8, 2, 73, 40, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.311544+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.848519+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (74, 'Result74', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 7, 8, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (75, 'Result75', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-01-09', 'Water supply in emergencies - improving water supply services communities', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 9, 10, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (76, 'Result76', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '24-01-03', 'WASH - risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 11, 12, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (77, 'Result77', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/004', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-02-09', 'Sanitation and hygiene - improving services in emergency communities', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 13, 14, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (78, 'Result78', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/004/005', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-02-11', 'WASH humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 15, 16, 8, 2, 73, 38, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (144, 'Result144', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 19, 20, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.62743+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.645141+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (145, 'Result145', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/003', '', '701', 'Data and analysis', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 21, 22, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.673577+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.690737+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (134, 'Result134', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/002', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 35, 36, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.092911+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.11249+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (159, 'Result159', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/002/003', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 29, 30, 8, 2, 73, 40, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.358881+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.382153+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (128, 'Result128', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-01-08', 'System strengthening - risk informed programming, includingclimate, resilience, disaster, conflict, and emergency preparedness', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 29, 30, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (7, 'Result7', '26', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/887', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 26, 7, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-10-11 00:14:47.687547+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (24, 'Result24', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 3, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.631705+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (27, 'Result27', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/777/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 3, 1, 1, 73, 1, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.66307+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (59, 'Result59', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 36, 55, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.726011+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (42, 'Result42', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/883/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 3, 1, 73, 3, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.81256+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (127, 'Result127', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-03-03', 'Provision of skills development for multiple age groups (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 27, 28, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.827249+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (108, 'Result108', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-03-14', 'HSS - Risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 21, 22, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (102, 'Result102', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/007/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '30-02-07', 'Business - Staff', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 19, 20, 2, 2, 73, 55, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (112, 'Result112', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/004/001', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-04-08', 'Data, research, evaluation, evidence generation, synthesis,and use for prevention of stunting and other forms of malnutrition', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 15, 16, 2, 2, 73, 54, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (135, 'Result135', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/001/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '24-02-04', 'Sanitation and hygiene - eliminating open defecation in rural communities', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 37, 38, 8, 2, 73, 41, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.139651+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.852692+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (1, 'Result1', '30', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/777', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 4, 1, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (10, 'Result10', '28', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 12, 10, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (155, 'Result155', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/003', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '23-02-07', 'Services related to FGM/C', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 5, 6, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.155265+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.17268+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (141, 'Result141', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/003', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-02-10', 'Provision of multiple-levels (or alternative pathways of education) teacher training', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 9, 10, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.446762+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:55.486448+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (143, 'Result143', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/004', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-03-07', 'System strengthening - life skills (for personal empowerment, active citizenship, etc.)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 13, 14, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.581434+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.44471+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (142, 'Result142', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-04', 'Provision or procurement of multiple-levels (or alternativepathways of education) learning materials', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 11, 12, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.5186+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.462393+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (18, 'Result18', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 12, 13, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-05-03 00:21:53.708975+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (157, 'Result157', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/005/004', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 9, 2, 73, 11, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.259651+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.844143+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (140, 'Result140', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/002/001', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-01-05', 'Provision of (formal and non-formal) multiple-levels or alternative pathways of education (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 7, 8, 9, 2, 73, 12, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.395335+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.467787+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (156, 'Result156', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/002', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '23-03-04', 'Birth Registration/Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 7, 8, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.201779+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.548838+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (149, 'Result149', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-20', 'System strengthening - teacher development, management, andsupport', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 17, 18, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.865308+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.560187+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (21, 'Result21', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 21, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.596225+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (109, 'Result109', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/002', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '21-03-18', 'Public health emergencies, including disease outbreaks', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 23, 24, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (25, 'Result25', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/800/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 4, 9, 10, 1, 73, 10, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.614094+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (17, 'Result17', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 11, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.65145+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (31, 'Result31', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 17, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.670603+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (28, 'Result28', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 13, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.676784+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (29, 'Result29', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 14, 15, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.688634+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (32, 'Result32', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 19, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.713036+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (41, 'Result41', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 32, 39, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.847719+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (40, 'Result40', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 31, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.86337+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (39, 'Result39', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 25, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.875808+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (20, 'Result20', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 16, 23, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.910272+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (33, 'Result33', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 38, 43, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.935147+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (110, 'Result110', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/004/001', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '21-03-14', 'HSS - Risk informed programming including climate resilience disaster and conflict', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 25, 26, 5, 2, 73, 34, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-03-15 16:11:12.436833+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (164, 'Result164', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/881/002/010', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '21-02-08', 'Meningitis supplementary immunization activities', '5', '5 Quality', false, false, 11, 12, 5, 2, 73, 28, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.605448+00', '2018-04-01 00:04:56.624292+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (48, 'Result48', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 9, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:53.365366+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (91, 'Result91', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/004/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '26-03-02', 'Capacity and skills development for social behaviour change', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 57, 58, 4, 2, 73, 23, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.199744+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (121, 'Result121', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 39, 40, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-16 00:01:59.21167+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (126, 'Result126', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/003/004', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 7, 8, 4, 2, 73, 17, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.602724+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (131, 'Result131', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/005', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-04', 'Provision or procurement of multiple-levels (or alternativepathways of education) learning materials', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 33, 34, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.456279+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (113, 'Result113', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/009', '', '106', 'Planning and Monitoring', '25-04-05', 'Gender programming - multisectoral', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 25, 26, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.620938+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (132, 'Result132', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/004', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-01-05', 'Provision of (formal and non-formal) multiple-levels or alternative pathways of education (including in temporary learning spaces)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 35, 36, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.473623+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (120, 'Result120', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/880/005/002', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '26-06-08', 'Emergency preparedness (cross-sectoral)', '2', '2 Supply', false, false, 37, 38, 4, 2, 73, 22, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-07-08 00:01:33.639171+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (154, 'Result154', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/886/001/001', '', '102', 'Social/behavioural change communication and community engagement', '23-01-02', 'Services to prevent or respond to violence, exploitation and abuse', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 3, 4, 6, 2, 73, 48, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.107969+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.483938+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (122, 'Result122', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/004/006', '', '104', 'Service delivery (including delivery of essential services)', '22-02-24', 'Education humanitarian cluster/humanitarian sector coordination', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 25, 26, 9, 2, 73, 30, 3, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.491384+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (148, 'Result148', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/882/005/002', '', '801', 'Operating costs - non-staff', '21-05-99', 'Technical assistance - Treatment of severe acute malnutrition', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 5, 6, 2, 2, 73, 53, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.815939+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.508656+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (146, 'Result146', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/003/002', '', '103', 'Policy Engagement', '24-01-01', 'WASH - Enabling environment (policies/strategies, coordination, regulation, financing, planning-monitoring-review, sector capacity development and professionalization)', '1', '1 Enabling Environment', false, false, 23, 24, 8, 2, 73, 39, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:55.721762+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.53045+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (163, 'Result163', '', '2017-01-02', '2018-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/885/001/005', '', '101', 'Institutional Strengthening of National Systems', '22-01-11', 'Other activities for equitable access to quality education e.g. school feeding, school grants', '3', '3 Demand', false, false, 21, 22, 9, 2, 73, 20, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.559424+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.542731+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (162, 'Result162', '', '2017-01-02', '2021-12-31', true, '0810/A0/05/884/005/001', '', '802', 'Operating costs - staff', '26-07-01', 'Operations support to programme delivery', '6', '6 Management/Operations', false, false, 3, 4, 8, 2, 73, 37, 3, NULL, '2018-04-01 00:04:56.513016+00', '2018-11-17 00:01:58.588987+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (34, 'Result34', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 27, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.695122+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (5, 'Result5', '21', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 30, 5, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-11-12 15:01:47.761986+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (2, 'Result2', '21', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 56, 2, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-08-29 00:27:34.481197+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (35, 'Result35', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/881/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 28, 29, 5, 1, 73, 5, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.70645+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (57, 'Result57', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/001', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 24, 25, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.719445+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (58, 'Result58', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 35, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.738305+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (54, 'Result54', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 8, 17, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.749459+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (53, 'Result53', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 7, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.761202+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (56, 'Result56', '', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/006', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 23, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.772187+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (55, 'Result55', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/882/007', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 18, 21, 2, 1, 73, 2, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.77841+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (38, 'Result38', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 17, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.886935+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (37, 'Result37', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/884/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 8, 1, 73, 8, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.89909+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (12, 'Result12', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 6, 15, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.921985+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (11, 'Result11', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 2, 5, 9, 1, 73, 9, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:41.967924+00', '0', 'NONE');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (9, 'Result9', '26', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/885', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 1, 44, 9, 0, 73, NULL, 1, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-11-06 00:28:15.969835+00', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (49, 'Result49', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/003', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 10, 19, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.001493+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (52, 'Result52', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/004', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 28, 43, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.012515+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (51, 'Result51', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 26, 27, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.025815+00', '1', 'MARGINAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (22, 'Result22', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/880/005', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 22, 43, 4, 1, 73, 4, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-04-06 00:03:42.087709+00', '3', 'PRINCIPAL');
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_result VALUES (50, 'Result50', '', '2017-01-01', '2021-12-31', false, '0810/A0/05/886/002', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', false, false, 20, 25, 6, 1, 73, 6, 2, NULL, '2018-03-15 16:11:11.815503+00', '2019-07-05 14:59:53.378537+00', '2', 'SIGNIFICANT');
@@ -14461,6 +15796,12 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (14, 'Ressources Humaines', NULL, N
+-- Data for Name: reports_usertenantprofile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-- Data for Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -14483,42 +15824,1486 @@ INSERT INTO [[schema]].reports_sector VALUES (14, 'Ressources Humaines', NULL, N
-- Data for Name: t2f_itineraryitem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (8, 'N''Djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Car', 217, 7, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (9, 'Moundou', 'Krim-Krim', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Car', 217, 7, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (10, 'Krim-Krim', 'Moundou', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Car', 217, 7, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (14, 'Moundou', 'Kelo', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-01', false, 'Car', NULL, 8, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (11, 'Moundou', 'Benoye', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, 'Car', 217, 7, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (12, 'Benoye', 'Moundou', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, 'Car', 217, 7, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (13, 'Moundou', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-19', '2019-10-19', false, 'Car', NULL, 7, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (15, 'Kelo', 'Doba', '2019-10-02', '2019-10-02', false, 'Car', NULL, 8, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (16, 'Doba', 'Koumra', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-03', false, 'Car', NULL, 8, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (17, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-10-05', '2019-10-05', false, 'Car', NULL, 8, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (18, 'N''Djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', 217, 9, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (19, 'Ndjamena', 'Mongo', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-03', false, 'Car', 218, 10, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (176, 'Bol', 'Mao', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-27', false, '', 218, 122, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (30, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-03', false, 'Plane', NULL, 18, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (31, 'Ndjamena', 'Mongo', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-04', false, 'Car', NULL, 18, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (32, 'Mongo', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-06', '2019-10-06', false, 'Car', NULL, 18, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (33, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', NULL, 18, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (20, 'BOL', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-09', true, 'Plane', 215, 11, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (21, 'NDJAMENA', 'LUZAKA', '2019-10-12', '2019-10-13', true, 'Plane', NULL, 11, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (22, 'LUZAKA', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-19', '2019-10-20', true, 'Plane', NULL, 11, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (23, 'NDJAMENA', 'BOL', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Plane', 215, 11, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (95, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 68, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (24, 'Ndjamena', 'Mongo', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-03', false, 'Car', 218, 13, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (83, 'Bol', 'Mao', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-09', false, 'Bus', 218, 60, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (96, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 68, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (84, 'Mao', 'Bol', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Bus', 218, 60, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (34, 'N''Djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 28, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (35, 'Mara', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', NULL, 28, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (45, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-04', false, 'Car', 218, 35, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (46, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-05', '2019-10-05', false, 'Car', NULL, 35, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (47, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-04', false, 'Car', 218, 36, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (36, 'N''Djamena', 'Bongor', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-09', false, 'Car', 218, 29, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (37, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-25', '2019-11-25', false, 'Car', 218, 30, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (48, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-05', '2019-10-05', false, 'Car', NULL, 36, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (193, 'Bol', 'Massakory', '2019-10-30', '2019-10-30', false, 'Car', 218, 135, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (194, 'Massakory', 'Bol', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-02', false, 'Car', 218, 135, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (195, 'Bol', 'Massakory', '2019-10-30', '2019-10-30', false, 'Car', 218, 136, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (196, 'Massakory', 'Bol', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-02', false, 'Car', 218, 136, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (49, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-04', false, 'Car', 218, 37, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (29, 'N''djamena', 'Abéché', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', 218, 14, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (50, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-05', '2019-10-05', false, 'Car', NULL, 37, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (38, 'Mongo', 'Baro', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-01', false, 'Car', 218, 31, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (39, 'Baro', 'Mongo', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 31, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (87, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 62, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (76, 'Moundou', 'Gore', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, '', NULL, 48, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (58, 'N''Djamena', 'Abeche', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', 218, 41, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (80, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', NULL, 52, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (40, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-13', false, 'Car', NULL, 32, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (41, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, '', NULL, 32, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (42, 'N''Djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-10', true, 'Bus', 218, 33, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (191, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-31', false, 'Plane', 217, 133, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (59, 'Abeche', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, 'Plane', 218, 41, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (192, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-04', false, 'Plane', 217, 133, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (60, 'Bol', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', 215, 42, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (61, 'N''djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 215, 42, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (62, 'Mara', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 42, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (63, 'N''djamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, 'Car', 218, 42, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (64, 'Bol', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', 215, 43, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (65, 'N''djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 215, 43, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (66, 'Mara', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 43, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (67, 'N''djamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, 'Car', 218, 43, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (68, 'Bol', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Plane', 215, 44, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (69, 'N''djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 215, 44, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (70, 'Mara', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 44, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (71, 'N''djamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, 'Car', 218, 44, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (72, 'N''Djamena', 'Abeche', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', 218, 45, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (73, 'Abeche', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, 'Plane', 218, 45, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (77, 'Gore', 'Moundou', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, '', NULL, 48, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (78, 'N''Djamena', 'Douguia', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-05', false, 'Car', 218, 50, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (79, 'N''Djamena', 'Bujumbura', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-20', false, '', NULL, 51, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (81, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', NULL, 52, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (82, 'N''Djamena', 'Mao', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-24', false, 'Plane', 218, 58, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (52, 'Moundou', 'Bongor', '2019-10-06', '2019-10-06', false, '', NULL, 39, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (53, 'Bongor', 'Lai', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, '', NULL, 39, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (54, 'Lai', 'Doba', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, '', NULL, 39, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (55, 'Doba', 'Moundou', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, '', NULL, 39, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (74, 'NDJAMENA', 'MARA', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 46, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (75, 'MARA', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 218, 46, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (85, 'Bol', 'Mao', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-09', false, 'Bus', 218, 61, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (86, 'Mao', 'Bol', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Bus', 218, 61, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (88, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 62, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (89, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 63, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (90, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 63, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (91, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 64, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (92, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 64, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (93, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 65, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (94, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', false, 'Car', 218, 65, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (135, 'Mongo', 'Bokoro', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-27', false, 'Car', 218, 92, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (97, 'MONGO', 'N''DJAMENA', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Car', 215, 67, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (98, 'N''DJAMENA', 'MONGO', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', true, 'Car', 218, 67, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (99, 'Mongo', 'ndjamena', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Car', 215, 73, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (100, 'ndjamena', 'Mongo', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Car', 218, 73, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (112, 'Bol', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, '', 215, 81, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (113, 'Ndjamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, '', 218, 81, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (109, 'Ndjamena', 'Districts Youe, Lere', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-14', false, 'Car', 218, 79, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (101, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', NULL, 75, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (102, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Plane', NULL, 75, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (136, 'Abeche', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', 215, 70, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (110, 'N''Djamena', 'Koundoul', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Car', 218, 80, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (103, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 76, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (104, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, 'Plane', 218, 76, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (105, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 77, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (106, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-11', false, 'Plane', 218, 77, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (111, 'Koundoul', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Car', 218, 80, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (137, 'Ndjamena', 'Abeche', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, '', 218, 70, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (148, 'Moundou', 'Baibokoum', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-22', false, 'Car', 218, 98, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (149, 'Baibokoum', 'Gore', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 98, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (150, 'Gore', 'Moundou', '2019-10-26', '2019-10-26', false, 'Car', 218, 98, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (162, 'Bol', 'Baga Sola', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', false, 'Car', 218, 105, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (163, 'Baga Sola', 'Bol', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 105, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (164, 'Bol', 'Baga Sola', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', false, 'Car', 218, 106, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (165, 'Baga Sola', 'Bol', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 106, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (107, 'Bol', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, '', 215, 78, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (108, 'Ndjamena', 'Bol', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, '', 218, 78, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (166, 'Bol', 'Baga Sola', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', false, 'Car', 218, 107, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (151, 'Bol', 'Ngouri', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-22', false, 'Car', 218, 101, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (152, 'Ngouri', 'Kalimba', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', false, 'Car', 218, 101, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (153, 'Kalimba', 'Iri', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 101, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (154, 'Iri', 'Bol', '2019-10-25', '2019-10-25', false, 'Car', 218, 101, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (155, 'Bol', 'Ngouri', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-22', false, 'Car', 218, 102, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (156, 'Ngouri', 'Kalimba', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-23', false, 'Car', 218, 102, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (157, 'Kalimba', 'Iri', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 102, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (158, 'Iri', 'Bol', '2019-10-25', '2019-10-25', false, 'Car', 218, 102, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (167, 'Baga Sola', 'Bol', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', 218, 107, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (177, 'Bol', 'Mao', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-27', false, '', 218, 123, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (138, 'Moundou', 'Doba', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Car', 218, 93, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (139, 'Doba', 'Gore', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-15', false, 'Car', 218, 93, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (140, 'Gore', 'Moundou', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-18', false, 'Car', 218, 93, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (126, 'N''Djamena', 'Nairobi', '2019-10-26', '2019-10-31', true, 'Plane', 218, 87, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (178, 'Moundou', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Plane', 215, 124, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (179, 'N''Djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-31', false, 'Plane', 215, 124, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (159, 'Moundou', 'Goré', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Car', 218, 103, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (160, 'Goré', 'Bessao', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-27', false, 'Car', 218, 103, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (161, 'Bessao', 'Moundou', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-02', false, 'Car', 218, 103, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (141, 'Moundou', 'Gore', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Car', 218, 94, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (142, 'Gore', 'Moundou', '2019-10-25', '2019-10-25', false, 'Car', 218, 94, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (143, 'Moundou', 'Gore', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Car', 218, 95, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (144, 'Moundou', 'Benoye', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-15', false, 'Car', NULL, 96, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (127, 'NDJAMENA', 'MOUNDOU', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Plane', 217, 88, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (128, 'MOUNDOU', 'DOBA', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Car', 218, 88, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (129, 'DOBA', 'MOUNDOU', '2019-10-20', '2019-10-20', false, 'Car', 217, 88, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (130, 'MOUNDOU', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Plane', NULL, 88, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (131, 'NDJAMENA', 'BOL', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Plane', 218, 88, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (132, 'BOL', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-30', '2019-10-30', false, '', 218, 88, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (145, 'Benoye', 'Moundou', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-15', false, 'Car', NULL, 96, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (133, 'N''DJAMENA', 'BAKARA', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Bus', 218, 89, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (134, 'N''Djamena', 'Gore', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', false, 'Plane', 218, 90, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (146, 'Moundou', 'Krim-Krim', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Car', NULL, 96, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (147, 'Krim-Krim', 'Moundou', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-16', false, 'Car', NULL, 96, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (168, 'Moundou', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Plane', 215, 115, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (169, 'N''Djamena', 'Mandelia', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Car', 218, 115, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (170, 'Mandelia', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-14', false, 'Car', 215, 115, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (171, 'N''Djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-15', false, 'Plane', 218, 115, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (172, 'Mongo', 'Baro', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-01', false, 'Car', 218, 116, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (173, 'Baro', 'Mongo', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 116, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (43, 'Mongo', 'Baro', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-01', false, 'Car', 218, 34, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (44, 'Baro', 'Mongo', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 34, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (180, 'N''djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Car', 217, 126, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (181, 'Moundou', 'N''djamena', '2019-11-03', '2019-11-03', false, 'Car', 217, 126, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (174, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Plane', 215, 117, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (175, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-31', false, 'Plane', NULL, 117, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (185, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Car', NULL, 129, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (186, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', NULL, 129, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (189, 'Moundou', 'N''djamena', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Plane', NULL, 131, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (190, 'N''djamena', 'Moundou', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-31', false, 'Plane', NULL, 131, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (187, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Car', NULL, 130, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (188, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-10-24', '2019-10-24', false, 'Car', NULL, 130, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (25, 'Mongo', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-06', '2019-10-06', false, 'Car', 215, 12, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (26, 'N''Djamena', 'Mara', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-07', false, 'Car', 218, 12, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (27, 'Mara', 'N''Djamena', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', false, 'Car', 215, 12, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (28, 'N''Djamena', 'Ati', '2019-10-12', '2019-10-12', false, 'Car', 218, 12, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (182, 'Ati', 'Mongo', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-15', false, 'Car', NULL, 12, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (183, 'Mongo', 'Am-Timan', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Car', 218, 12, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (184, 'Am-Timan', 'Mongo', '2019-10-19', '2019-10-19', false, 'Car', NULL, 12, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (201, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-01', true, 'Car', 215, 138, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (202, 'N''Djamena', 'Kinshasa', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-03', true, 'Plane', NULL, 138, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (203, 'Kinshasa', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-10', '2019-11-11', true, 'Plane', 215, 138, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (204, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-13', '2019-11-13', false, '', 218, 138, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (205, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-01', true, 'Car', 215, 139, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (206, 'N''Djamena', 'Kinshasa', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-03', true, 'Plane', NULL, 139, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (207, 'Kinshasa', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-10', '2019-11-11', true, 'Plane', 215, 139, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (208, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-13', '2019-11-13', false, '', 218, 139, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (197, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-01', true, 'Car', 215, 137, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (198, 'N''Djamena', 'Kinshasa', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-03', true, 'Plane', NULL, 137, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (209, 'Bol', 'Bagasola', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-04', true, 'Car', 218, 140, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (210, 'Bagasola', 'Bol', '2019-11-06', '2019-11-06', true, 'Car', 218, 140, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (199, 'Kinshasa', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-10', '2019-11-11', true, 'Plane', 215, 137, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (200, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-13', '2019-11-13', false, '', 218, 137, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (211, 'Bol', 'Ndjamena', '2019-11-06', '2019-11-06', true, '', 215, 140, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (212, 'Ndjamena', 'BOL', '2019-11-08', '2019-11-08', false, '', NULL, 140, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (250, 'N''Djamena', 'Abeche', '2019-11-18', '2019-11-22', false, 'Car', NULL, 154, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (251, 'Abeche', 'Goz-beida', '2019-11-23', '2019-11-28', false, 'Car', NULL, 154, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (229, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-17', false, 'Car', 218, 150, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (252, 'Goz-beida', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-28', '2019-11-29', false, 'Car', NULL, 154, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (260, 'N''Djamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-25', '2019-11-25', false, 'Plane', NULL, 159, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (213, 'NDJAMENA', 'MOUNDOU', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Plane', 217, 141, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (214, 'MOUNDOU', 'DOBA', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-17', false, 'Car', 218, 141, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (215, 'DOBA', 'MOUNDOU', '2019-10-20', '2019-10-20', false, 'Car', 217, 141, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (216, 'MOUNDOU', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-21', false, 'Plane', NULL, 141, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (217, 'NDJAMENA', 'BOL', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Plane', 218, 141, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (218, 'BOL', 'NDJAMENA', '2019-10-30', '2019-10-30', false, '', 218, 141, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (225, 'Moundou', 'Doba', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', false, 'Car', 218, 149, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (226, 'Doba', 'Bebedja', '2019-10-30', '2019-10-30', false, 'Car', 218, 149, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (227, 'Bebedja', 'Bodo', '2019-10-31', '2019-10-31', false, 'Car', 218, 149, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (228, 'Bodo', 'Moundou', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-01', false, 'Car', 218, 149, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (254, 'Ndjamena', 'Bol', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', false, 'Plane', 218, 155, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (230, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', false, 'Plane', 217, 150, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (261, 'Bol', 'Baga Sola', '2019-11-25', '2019-11-25', true, 'Car', 218, 159, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (262, 'Baga Sola', 'Bol', '2019-11-26', '2019-11-26', true, 'Car', 218, 159, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (263, 'Bol', 'N''Djamena', '2019-11-27', '2019-11-27', false, 'Plane', NULL, 159, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (258, 'mongo', 'N''djamena', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-17', false, 'Car', 215, 157, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (234, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-11-19', '2019-11-19', true, 'Car', 218, 152, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (235, 'Koumra', 'Moissala', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', false, 'Car', 218, 152, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (236, 'Moissala', 'Koumra', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', true, 'Car', 218, 152, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (237, 'Koumra', 'Bedjondo', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', false, 'Car', 218, 152, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (238, 'Bedjondo', 'Koumra', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', true, 'Car', 218, 152, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (239, 'Koumra', 'Bouna', '2019-11-22', '2019-11-22', false, 'Car', 218, 152, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (240, 'Bouna', 'Koumra', '2019-11-22', '2019-11-22', true, 'Car', 218, 152, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (241, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-11-23', '2019-11-23', false, '', NULL, 152, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (242, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-11-19', '2019-11-19', true, 'Car', 218, 153, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (243, 'Koumra', 'Moissala', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', false, 'Car', 218, 153, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (244, 'Moissala', 'Koumra', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', true, 'Car', 218, 153, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (245, 'Koumra', 'Bedjondo', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', false, 'Car', 218, 153, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (246, 'Bedjondo', 'Koumra', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', true, 'Car', 218, 153, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (247, 'Koumra', 'Bouna', '2019-11-22', '2019-11-22', false, 'Car', 218, 153, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (248, 'Bouna', 'Koumra', '2019-11-22', '2019-11-22', true, 'Car', 218, 153, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (249, 'Koumra', 'Moundou', '2019-11-23', '2019-11-23', false, '', NULL, 153, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (259, 'N''djamena', 'Mongo', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', false, '', 215, 157, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (231, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', false, 'Plane', 218, 151, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (232, 'Moundou', 'Gore', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-21', false, 'Car', NULL, 151, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (233, 'Gore', 'Moundou', '2019-11-27', '2019-11-27', false, 'Car', NULL, 151, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (253, 'Bol', 'Ndjamena', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-17', false, 'Car', 215, 155, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (219, 'Ndjamena', 'Moundou', '2019-11-12', '2019-11-12', false, 'Car', 218, 143, 0);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (220, 'Moundou', 'Koumra', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-14', false, 'Car', 218, 143, 1);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (221, 'Koumra', 'Moissala', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-15', false, 'Car', 218, 143, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (222, 'Moissala', 'Bedjondo', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-17', false, '', 218, 143, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (223, 'Bedjondo', 'Moundou', '2019-11-18', '2019-11-18', false, '', 218, 143, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem VALUES (224, 'Moundou', 'Ndjamena', '2019-11-20', '2019-11-20', false, '', 218, 143, 5);
-- Data for Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (2, 20, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (3, 21, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (4, 22, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (5, 23, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (6, 29, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (7, 58, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (8, 59, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (9, 82, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (23, 174, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (24, 175, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (25, 189, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (26, 190, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (27, 198, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (28, 199, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (29, 231, 104);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (30, 260, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (18, 126, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (19, 127, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (20, 130, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (21, 131, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (22, 134, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines VALUES (31, 263, 116);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travel; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (6, '2019-09-30 14:27:52.324951+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-09-30 14:27:52.345157+00', NULL, '2019-10-01 07:53:59.193277+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-23', '2019-11-02', 'R&R + AL', '', true, false, '2019/6', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 177097, '2019-09-30 14:27:52.345171+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (101, '2019-10-18 12:17:32.640679+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-18 12:17:32.707821+00', NULL, '2019-10-21 08:31:50.651934+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-25', 'Supervision conjointe de activites PCIMA', '', false, false, '2019/128', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 12378, '2019-10-18 12:17:32.707838+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (51, '2019-10-04 22:10:36.432172+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-04 22:10:36.469077+00', NULL, '2019-10-06 07:17:38.659396+00', '', '', '', 'Introduction
+L’édition 2019 de la Réunion des Gestionnaires du Programme Elargi de Vaccination (PEV) a été organisée à Bujumbura au Burundi, du 15 au 17 octobre 2019 à l’Hôtel Club Lac Tanganyika. La réunion a regroupé des délégations des 10 pays d’Afrique Centrale à savoir Angola, Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, Sao Tome et Principe et T[[schema]], les cadres de l’UNICEF et de l’OMS des bureaux pays, des bureaux régionaux et des sièges, les représentants de GAVI, CDC, AMP, Croix Rouge Américaine, ….
+La méthodologie utilisée cette année pour l’organisation de la réunion est nouvelle. Il n’y a pas d’élaboration d’agenda au préalable. Ce sont les participants eux-mêmes qui ont conçu l’agenda et non les organisateurs. Au total, cinquante (50) thèmes proposés par les participants ont fait l’objet des « fora ouverts ». Celui qui a proposé le thème en était le « porteur ».
+Les participants ont unanimement apprécié positivement la méthodologie utilisée pour l’organisation de cette session de la réunion des gestionnaires du Programme Elargi de vaccination (PEV).
+Déroulement de la mission
+Du 15 au 17 octobre, au total, cinq temps forts ont marqué le déroulement de la mission à savoir l’ouverture de l’atelier, les mises à jour, les fora, la visite des centres de santé et la clôture.
+1) Ouverture de la réunion annuelle
+La cérémonie d’ouverture de l’atelier a été présidée par l’Assistante du Ministre burundais de la santé et de la lutte contre le sida. Il y a eu durant cette cérémonie la présentation des délégations par pays, le discours du représentant de l’UNICEF au nom des partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) et enfin le discours d’ouverture de la réunion.
+Dans son discours, le Représentant de l’UNICEF au Burundi a rappelé en substance la place importante du PEV dans le système de santé et la prévention des maladies. Il a relevé la bonne performance du PEV de Burundi. Il a invité les participants à contribuer pleinement aux travaux de la réunion et a réitéré la disponibilité des agences du système des Nations Unies et l’ensemble des partenaires de la vaccination à accompagner tous les pays de l’Afrique centrale dans leurs efforts pour le bien-être de l’enfant.
+Dans le discours d’ouverture de la représentante du ministre, après avoir salué l’ensemble des participants et leur avoir souhaité la bienvenue à Bujumbura en terre burundaise, elle a situé la place primordiale qu’occupe le PEV dans le système de santé. Elle a ensuite énuméré les principaux facteurs déterminants qui ont permis au Burundi d’avoir de bonne performance en matière de vaccination des enfants et des femmes. Ces facteurs sont entre autres : (i) l’engagement de la Première Dame du Burundi, (ii) la décentralisation et la déconcentration de l’administration territoriale ayant servi de socle au système de santé national, (iii) l’implication effective et sans condition des chefs traditionnels et (iv) une meilleure éducation de base de la population. En terminant son discours, elle a demandé aux participants d’être assidus et a remercié les partenaires techniques et financiers pour leurs appuis.
+2) Mises à jour sur les principaux thèmes
+Le Point Focal OMS de l’Equipe interpays, basé à Libreville au Gabon, a planté le décor en rappelant que le certificat de décès de la variole a été signé par l’OMS le 07 décembre 1979 et que la décision d’éradiquer la poliomyélite à virus sauvage a été prise en mai 1988. Il a aussi rappelé que durant les années 1970, la rougeole emportait beaucoup d’enfants, y compris au Burundi, mais avec la création du programme élargi de vaccination en 1974 beaucoup de progrès ont été réalisés vers l’élimination de la rougeole. Malheureusement, il y a des résurgences des épidémies au cours des dernières années même dans les pays ayant éliminé la rougeole. Cette situation doit nous interpeller.
+Ensuite, les mises à jour ont été faites sous forme des communications orales par différents orateurs.
+• Situation de la rougeole
+L’OMS/AFRO a fait une mise à jour sur la situation de la rougeole caractérisée par une diminution drastique de la morbidité et de la mortalité au cours des deux dernières décennies. Cependant, on note une stagnation des couvertures vaccinales contre la rougeole dans les pays. On note une faible qualité de campagnes de vaccination conduites dans les pays. Seuls quatre pays sur les 10 de la sous-région d’Afrique Centrale ont introduit la deuxième dose de VAR. Il y a une résurgence des foyers épidémiques au cours des deux dernières années en RDC, Madagascar, Cameroun, T[[schema]], …
+Seuls deux pays de l’Afrique centrale sont sur la voie de la certification de l’élimination de la rougeole. Il s’agit du Burundi et de Sao Tome et Principe.
+La Croix Rouge Américaine a présenté une approche de planification pour plus d’efficacité et efficience dans la lutte contre la rougeole. Il s’agit d’une planification à cinq étapes : (i) identification des services insuffisamment utilisés, (ii) entretien avec la communauté pour identifier les raisons de non ou faible utilisation des services, (iii) leadership du ministère de la santé, (iv) implication à toutes les étapes des PTF et (v) suivi coordonné de la mise en œuvre.
+• Stratégie 5.0 de GAVI
+GAVI a présenté sa stratégie dite 5.0 qui couvre la période de 2021-2025. Elle comprend essentiellement quatre axes : (i) introduction des nouveaux vaccins, (ii) renforcement du Système de Santé (RSS), (iii) pérennité/cofinancement et (iv) partenariat avec les firmes pour réduire les coûts des vaccins.
+• Technical Country Assistance (TCA)
+GAVI a rappelé que la TCA 2020 doit être soumise au plus tard le 30 novembre 2019 et de même que la mise à jour des milestones 2019 par les pays sur le portail GAVI.
+• Demandes d’appui GAVI pour 2020
+Les guides et modules d’apprentissage sont disponibles en ligne. Il y a de nouveaux appuis annoncés. Il s’agit notamment de l’appui aux laboratoires des pays pour le diagnostic de la fièvre jaune.
+• Joint Report Framework (JRF)
+L’OMS a informé qu’il y a une plateforme eJRF en développement pour 2020 et les données seront renseignées en ligne. Les pays sont encouragés à participer au développement de cet outil.
+• Mise en place de DHIS2
+Les pays n’ayant pas encore introduit le DHIS2 sont encouragés à le faire car cette plateforme permet une gestion intégrée des données du système de santé. Certains pays comme le Burundi utilisent le DHIS2 avec la saisie primaire au niveau des centres de santé.
+L’Epi-Info est maintenant obsolète. Le paquet de remplacement doit être intégré dans le DHIS2 avec l’appui technique d’OSLO.
+3) Fora ouverts
+Dans les fora ouverts tout le monde est participant, il n’y a pas de différence. Il y a cinq principes qui sont édictés pour la conduite d’un « forum ouvert ». Il s’agit de : (i) Ce qui se passe est la seule chose qui pouvait se passer, (ii) Quiconque se présente est la bonne personne, (iii) La loi des deux pieds, (iv) Ça commence quand ça commence et (v) Quand c’est fini c’est fini.
+Au total cinquante fora ouverts ont été réalisés durant les trois jours de réunion. Les thèmes de ces fora sont variés. Ils ont couvert l’ensemble des composantes opérationnelles et d’appui du PEV. La délégation du T[[schema]] a proposé trois de ces cinquante thèmes, à savoir : (i) Meilleures données pour prise des décisions, (ii) Comment réussir les applications aux soutiens de GAVI dans les délais, (iii) Le PEV, plateforme pour les interventions de survie de l’enfant.
+Le participant qui a proposé le thème pour le forum en devenait du coup le « porteur », il animait le forum et en faisait une synthèse qu’il partage avec le secrétariat de la réunion. A chacune des cinq séries, dix fora se sont déroulés simultanément en suivant les cinq principes cités ci-haut.
+Dans les fora les discussions sont libres, conviviales, approfondies et sans complexes. Les cinq séries de fora ont duré chacune en moyenne 1h30 minutes.
+4) Visite des centres de santé
+Les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes et ont visité chacun un centre de santé soit à Bujumbura urbain ou rural. Les visites ont duré entre 3-4 heures y compris le temps de déplacement. Durant la visite, il y a eu des observations faites dans les centres, les discussions avec les équipes des centres sur l’organisation des services, le fonctionnement, les activités de vaccination et autres, la consultation des outils et supports utilisés, ….
+En plenière, chaque participant est autorisé à dire une ou deux choses qui l’ont marqué positivement ou négativement durant la visite. Globalement tout le monde était émerveillé par l’organisation des services, la propreté des centres, l’afflux des mères aux séances de vaccination, la discipline, le niveau de maitrise et le leadership des infirmiers responsables des centres de santé, l’engagement communautaire, …
+5) Clôture de la réunion annuelle
+La cérémonie de clôture a été présidée par le Ministre de la santé et de Lutte contre le Sida. Une synthèse des travaux a été faite au ministre et chaque pays a présenté ses trois priorités pour le reste de 2019 et 2020 de même que les partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF). Une motion de remerciement a été lue par un participant.
+Pour le T[[schema]], les trois priorités retenues sont : (i) Accélérer le décaissement pour la mise en œuvre du RSS2/CCEOP, (ii) Introduire la deuxième dose de VAR dans la routine et (iii) Mettre en place le DHIS2.
+Dans son discours de clôture le ministre a salué les conclusions auxquelles sont parvenus les participants et les a exhortés à traduire en actes concrets dans leurs pays respectifs les priorités/engagements retenus. Il a saisi l’occasion pour remercier les PTF et inviter les participants à un cocktail à l’Hôtel Kiri Garden avant de déclarer close la réunion annuelle des gestionnaires du PEV, édition 2019.
+6) Réunion interne de l’UNICEF
+En dehors de ces cinq temps forts de la réunion, il y a eu le 18 octobre de 09h à 14h une réunion interne de l’UNICEF regroupant les chargés de PEV des 10 pays autour du conseiller régional de la vaccination assisté de deux de ses collaborateurs, à savoir le chargé de la rougeole et l’assistante. Durant cette rencontre, quatre points ont été débattus : (i) KRC#1, (ii) Processus GAVI, (iii) Financements et (iv) Génération de la demande.
+Des discussions, il ressort que les efforts sont faits mais le niveau escompté pour l’objectif de la vaccination (KRC#1) n’est pas atteint et les efforts doivent être redoublés. Il est relevé aussi que les moyens humains et financiers mobilisés ne sont pas en adéquation avec nos ambitions. L’UNICEF contribue aux processus mais n’est pas responsable premier des résultats. Il a été mentionné que des retards sont constatés dans les recrutements dans le cadre de TCA alors que le temps est en train de passer. Les fonds de TCA 2019 sont pour la période de Juin 2019-Juin 2020. Les fonds de TCA sont des fonds catalytiques, ils doivent être utilisés de préférence pour les staffs au niveau décentralisé et liés à des activités/produits spécifiques. Actuellement dans WCARO 61 postes sont financés par la TCA. Pour les planifications des campagnes les staffs de l’UNICEF doivent veiller à ce que les coûts des activités de communication ne soient pas systématiquement imputés à l’UNICEF mais qu’ils fassent partie du budget de la campagne. Pour les processus GAVI, il faut se familiariser avec les quatre axes de la stratégie 5.0. La TCA 2020 doit être soumise par les pays concernés au plus tard le 30 novembre 2019. De même les milestones doivent être renseignés sur le portail GAVI au plus tard le 30 novembre 2019. Pour la génération de la demande, nous devons changer de paradigme et ne pas rester avec par exemple les enquêtes CAP qui ne renseignent que sur les comportements, attitudes et pratiques mais n’aident pas à comprendre les raisons/motivations de non vaccination des enfants. Il faut aussi utiliser les innovations programmatiques et technologiques pour améliorer la communication en faveur de la vaccination.
+Un tour de table a été fait par les pays pour présenter soit la situation du PEV, les difficultés, les priorités ou soit présenter les facteurs de succès. Pour les facteurs de succès du programme, le Burundi a énuméré entre autres : (i) engagement et leadership des autorités sanitaires, (ii) crédibilité des directeurs du PEV, (iii) appuis conséquents des partenaires : les vaccins traditionnels sont achetés à 100% par l’UNICEF, …. (iv) engagement communautaire : 1 agent de santé communautaire (ASC) par sous colline. Le pays compte en tout 12 mille ASC bénévoles et engagés élus par les communautés elles-mêmes, (v) couverture en ECDF de près de 100%, (vi) disponibilité permanente de vaccins à tous les niveaux.
+Principaux produits obtenus
+1) Cinquante thèmes ont été traités sous forme de fora ouverts assortis des échanges d’expériences durant les trois jours de la réunion ;
+2) Chaque pays a identifié trois priorités pour 2019 et 2020 ;
+3) Des orientations ont été reçues pour la planification opérationnelle 2020 pour chaque pays et
+4) Des orientations et directives sont reçues du bureau régional pour un meilleur appui au pays.
+Contraintes/problèmes majeurs
+Le format d’organisation de la réunion utilisé cette année ne permet pas à chaque participant de prendre part à plusieurs fora dans une même série/vague.
+Facteurs aggravants de la situation observes
+Rien à signaler
+Actions prises
+Utilisation de la « Loi des deux pieds » qui permet d’aller d’un forum à un autre au cours d’une même série.
+Actions à court terme pour les facteurs aggravants
+Rien à signaler.
+Principales leçons apprises
+1)- La nouvelle méthode pour la conduite de réunion dite « forum ouvert » permet une pleine et décomplexée participation de chaque membre de la délégation des pays représentés à des discussions sur des sujets qui lui sont prioritaires ;
+2)- Les thèmes de discussions sont identifiés par les participants eux-mêmes selon les difficultés qui sont les leurs dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes et/ou contextuelles et
+3)- Les partages d’expériences de pays par petits groupes et au moyen de visite des centres de santé avec la possibilité d’approfondir les échanges et d’observer ont été plus bénéfiques et enrichissants pour les participants.
+3. Recommandations - Responsable - Echéance
+Restituer les conclusions de la réunion à l’équipe immunisation UNICEF - Sylvain - 21 octobre 2019
+Partager avec la SDV les trois priorités retenues pour le T[[schema]] - Sylvain - 21 octobre 2019
+Appuyer la mise en œuvre des priorités retenues - Sylvain - Continue', '', 'approved', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-20', 'Participation a la reunion annuelle des Directeurs du PEV a Bujumbura', '', true, false, '2019/65', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11566, 9333, '2019-10-04 22:10:36.469084+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (16, '2019-10-02 08:27:44.346275+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 08:27:56.97255+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 09:49:52.161062+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-12', 'Follow up of implementation of the recommendations of internal control mission with IHDL & spot check of Mentor Initiati', '', false, false, '2019/16', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 08:27:56.972558+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (26, '2019-10-02 10:12:14.116392+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:12:14.145147+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 07:27:53.684518+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-08', '2019-11-15', 'Formation des partenaires de Mongo en HACT, gestion financiere et comptabilite de base', '', false, false, '2019/26', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 10:12:14.145161+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (20, '2019-10-02 09:01:05.008627+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 09:01:05.022704+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 09:50:35.103402+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', 'Field visit with High level DFID representative in Ngoura/Bokoro (Hadjer Lamis)', '', false, false, '2019/20', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 11647, '2019-10-02 09:01:05.022716+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (9, '2019-10-01 08:47:50.899225+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-01 08:53:08.654572+00', NULL, '2019-10-01 09:16:00.207307+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-14', 'Monitoring visit', '', false, false, '2019/9', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11347, 21269, '2019-10-01 08:53:08.654586+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (140, '2019-10-31 12:26:25.200195+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-31 12:26:25.484898+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-08', 'Participer à la mission de visite RRM ECHO à Bagasola et ACF', '', false, false, '2019/187', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11347, 11514, '2019-10-31 12:26:25.484907+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (144, '2019-11-06 15:17:46.061065+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-06 15:17:46.085092+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-11', '2019-11-15', 'appui a la formation ANJE', '', false, false, '2019/197', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 13371, '2019-11-06 15:17:46.085102+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (13, '2019-10-02 07:22:39.187373+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 07:23:09+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 07:50:35+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-13', 'Technical assistance to LQAS Survey in Guera Province', '', false, false, '2019/13', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11672, 60199, '2019-10-02 07:23:09+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (23, '2019-10-02 10:01:24.075968+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:01:24.092682+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 07:29:12.62558+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-12', '2019-10-19', 'Formation des partenaires de zone sud en HACT, gestion financiere et comptabilite de base.', '', false, false, '2019/23', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 10:01:24.092689+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (11, '2019-10-02 01:59:00.33662+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 02:00:03.875475+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 07:36:28.83056+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-21', 'Participation a la conference internationale des Ministres CRVS a Luzka', '', true, false, '2019/11', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 25198, '2019-10-02 02:00:03.875484+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (24, '2019-10-02 10:06:40.808532+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:06:40.832191+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 07:26:21.463474+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-25', 'Formation des partenaires de NDjamena en HACT, gestion financiere et comptabilite de base a Douguia', '', false, false, '2019/24', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 10:06:40.8322+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (70, '2019-10-08 10:22:31.4371+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 10:22:31.462941+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-17', 'Formation e Tools a Ndjamena (Module gestion Financiere)', '', false, false, '2019/93', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 9329, '2019-10-08 10:22:31.46295+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (12, '2019-10-02 07:07:45.514591+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 07:25:57.023659+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-06', '2019-10-19', 'Participer à la retraite du Programme Protection de l''Enfant à N''Djamena.', '', false, false, '2019/12', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 390, 10707, 22244, '2019-10-02 07:25:57.023669+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (15, '2019-10-02 08:22:53.638519+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 08:25:40.81366+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-19', 'Renforcement de capacities des partenaires en HACT, Comptabilite de base et gestion financiere', '', false, false, '2019/15', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11647, 7798, '2019-10-02 08:25:40.813669+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (21, '2019-10-02 09:02:45.126705+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 09:02:45.15091+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 10:26:42.259003+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-09', '2019-11-15', 'Capacity building of partners on HACT, accounting and financial management', '', false, false, '2019/21', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 7798, '2019-10-02 09:02:45.15092+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (25, '2019-10-02 10:09:42.579708+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:09:42.602711+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 07:28:32.438632+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-08', 'Formation des partenaires de Bol en HACT, gestion financiere et comtpabilite de base a Dandi', '', false, false, '2019/25', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 10:09:42.602719+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (17, '2019-10-02 08:37:53.93237+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 08:37:53.948535+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 10:09:14.065235+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-25', 'Capacity building of partners on HACT, accounting and financial management', '', false, false, '2019/17', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 7798, '2019-10-02 08:37:53.948543+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (27, '2019-10-02 10:17:11.81366+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:17:11+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 07:25:21+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-20', 'Formation des partenaires d''Abeche en HACT, gestion financiere et comptabilite de base a Biltine', '', false, false, '2019/27', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-10-02 10:17:11+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (35, '2019-10-02 15:04:25.298492+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 15:05:18.135257+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 15:07:19.516593+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-05', 'Participer à la réunion de coordination humanitaire ; Contacter les hautes autorités; travailler avec ACF ;', '', false, false, '2019/35', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 11514, '2019-10-02 15:05:18.135266+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (10, '2019-10-01 16:53:26.258389+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-01 16:53:45+00', NULL, '2019-10-01 18:07:39+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-11', 'Field mission to support the coverage survey using LQAS method', '', false, false, '2019/10', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 11672, '2019-10-01 16:53:45+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (32, '2019-10-02 12:11:22.333989+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 12:11:22.38807+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 12:18:09.312701+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-18', 'Formation des partenaires en HACT a Koumra (Mandoul)', '', false, false, '2019/32', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-10-02 12:11:22.388082+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (31, '2019-10-02 11:47:13.47217+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 11:59:34.933687+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-07', 'Supervision CPS du Guera/Baro du 3-5 octobre 2019', '', false, false, '2019/31', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 390, 10707, 12552, '2019-10-02 11:59:34.933699+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (73, '2019-10-08 14:01:57.971029+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 14:08:48.975668+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 15:13:03.131761+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-16', 'participation a la formation E-tool', '', false, false, '2019/96', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 14616, '2019-10-08 14:08:48.975688+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (30, '2019-10-02 11:43:08.782227+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-11-25', '2019-11-30', 'Appui aux Activités de Vaccination Supplementaire, tour de novembre 2019', '', false, false, '2019/30', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11436, 23059, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (33, '2019-10-02 12:52:01.080816+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 12:52:01.113084+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-10', 'Retraite équipe protection de l''enfant à Mara', '', false, false, '2019/33', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 9109, 20384, '2019-10-02 12:52:01.113098+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (36, '2019-10-02 15:06:42.041385+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 15:07:29.015982+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 15:08:39.769088+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-05', 'Participer à la réunion de coordination humanitaire ; Contacter les hautes autorités; travailler avec ACF ;', '', false, false, '2019/36', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 24425, '2019-10-02 15:05:18.135266+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (37, '2019-10-02 15:08:19.773379+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 15:08:55.398111+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 15:09:54.284779+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-05', 'Participer à la réunion de coordination humanitaire ; Contacter les hautes autorités; travailler avec ACF ;', '', false, false, '2019/39', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 21076, '2019-10-02 15:05:18.135266+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (19, '2019-10-02 08:57:11.568179+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 08:57:11.586165+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 10:10:33.134123+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-08', 'Capacity building of partners on HACT, accounting and financial management.', '', false, false, '2019/19', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 7798, '2019-10-02 08:57:11.586178+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (120, '2019-10-22 21:57:26.484076+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 22:02:13.762321+00', NULL, '2019-10-23 07:39:01.058985+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-08', '2019-11-15', 'Formation des partenaires du Guera en HACT, Gestion Financière et Comptabilité de base à Mongo', '', false, false, '2019/157', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 4606, '2019-10-02 10:12:14.145161+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (29, '2019-10-02 11:23:18.355378+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 11:32:58+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 11:35:24.972197+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-12', 'Appuyer le nouveau gestionnaire à liquider les avances allouées pour les activités eTME avec reversement.', '', false, false, '2019/29', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11436, 23059, '2019-10-02 11:32:58+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (34, '2019-10-02 13:52:57.425899+00', NULL, '2019-10-22 10:38:38.726637+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-07', 'Supervision CPS Guera 3eme tour', '', false, false, '2019/34', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 390, 10707, 12552, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (72, '2019-10-08 11:28:43.323325+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 11:33:25.148628+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-17', '', '', false, false, '2019/95', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11647, 11436, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (114, '2019-10-22 09:23:30.841833+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 09:23:42.8134+00', NULL, '2019-10-22 11:14:02.746266+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-27', '2019-11-26', 'R&R', '', true, false, '2019/149', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 7750, '2019-10-22 09:23:42.813411+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (49, '2019-10-04 11:17:59.162402+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-04 11:17:59.178477+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 15:30:35.635137+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-25', 'Participer a la formation de renforcement de capacite en HACT, gestion financiere et comptabilite de base.', '', false, false, '2019/63', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 15628, 24429, '2019-10-04 11:17:59.178486+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (146, '2019-11-07 12:47:02.094741+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-07 12:50:27.030777+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-21', 'Participer a la Revue Monitorage eTME', '', false, false, '2019/199', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 11436, 9329, '2019-11-07 12:50:27.030787+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (22, '2019-10-02 09:10:26.413626+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 09:10:26.439731+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 10:25:29.636768+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-23', 'Capacity building of partners on HACT, accounting and financial management', '', false, false, '2019/22', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 7798, '2019-10-02 09:10:26.439858+00', NULL, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (52, '2019-10-07 08:11:33.236332+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 08:12:20.88691+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 08:35:02.116764+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-14', 'Moundou-Ndjamena-Mara-Ndjamena-Moundou', '', false, false, '2019/66', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13372, '2019-10-07 08:12:20.886926+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (44, '2019-10-03 10:57:10.094725+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-03 10:57:29.930027+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 11:03:07.194602+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-11', 'Retraite protection', '', false, false, '2019/52', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 15253, '2019-10-03 10:57:29.930036+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (54, '2019-10-07 10:41:40.082485+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 10:41:40.108348+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-03', '2019-11-06', 'Participer a la Reunion de Monitorage eTME des DS de l''Est', '', false, false, '2019/67', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 9329, '2019-10-07 10:41:40.108357+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (43, '2019-10-03 10:56:00.132244+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-03 10:58:00.800259+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 11:03:31.548024+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-11', 'Retraite protection', '', false, false, '2019/47', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 24195, '2019-10-03 10:58:00.800268+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (42, '2019-10-03 10:55:01.937492+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 11:07:48.464067+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'Les missionaires n''ont pas acces à l''internet, nous avons juste utilisé le compte du SM pour les dupliquer dans le systeme. Madjitoloum ne fait pas partie de la mission.', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-11', 'Retraite protection', '', false, false, '2019/46', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 12553, NULL, NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (142, '2019-11-04 08:42:43.868361+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-11-05', '2019-11-10', 'visite programmatique dans la DSP de SILA', '', false, false, '2019/195', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 25042, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (45, '2019-10-03 11:49:20.382869+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 11:50:00.419746+00', '2019-10-03 09:22:46.04361+00', NULL, NULL, '', 'erreur', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-18', 'Mission d''Appui C4D Abeche et Abougoudam', '', false, false, '2019/57', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11436, 5076, '2019-10-03 09:22:46.043633+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (68, '2019-10-08 09:33:38.188669+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 16:01:05.899952+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 16:01:52.614977+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Participation a la reunion inter cluster a bagasola', '', false, false, '2019/89', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 8725, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957675+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (65, '2019-10-07 16:00:55.73183+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 16:01:05.899952+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 16:01:52.614977+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Participation a la reunion inter cluster a bagasola', '', false, false, '2019/84', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 12680, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957675+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (60, '2019-10-07 15:32:04.184059+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 15:33:39.348436+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 15:42:23.115483+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-16', 'Mission d’appui Logistique a Mao pour le déchargement de 5000 cartons de RUFT et la livraison des intrants nutritionnels', '', false, false, '2019/73', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 12553, '2019-10-07 15:33:39.348445+00', NULL, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (137, '2019-10-30 10:01:08.692907+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-30 10:01:08.772174+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-13', 'Conge R&R', '', true, false, '2019/176', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 12319, '2019-10-30 10:01:08.772192+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (46, '2019-10-03 13:32:13.496426+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-03 13:42:12.293236+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-10', 'Participer a la retraite de l''equipe protection de l''enfant', '', false, false, '2019/60', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 9109, 5068, '2019-10-03 13:42:12.293245+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (47, '2019-10-03 15:30:40.82543+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-19', 'VP Programmatique dans l''Ennedi Ouest', '', false, false, '2019/61', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 9329, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (56, '2019-10-07 10:50:53.572712+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 10:38:16.187216+00', '2019-10-07 10:50:53.595811+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 10:53:00.751938+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-15', 'Mission de suivi de constructionmdes latrines et Visite programmatique avec IAS', '', false, false, '2019/69', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 388, 9329, 8140, '2019-10-07 10:50:53.595826+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (62, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.905104+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957666+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 15:59:35.773505+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Participation a la reunion inter cluster a bagasola', '', false, false, '2019/77', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 11514, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957675+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (58, '2019-10-07 14:24:44.986945+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 14:25:20.424285+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-24', 'Visite programmatique et suivi des activtes ATPC et WASH in Nut au Kanem', '', false, false, '2019/71', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11399, 9148, '2019-10-07 14:25:20.424293+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (59, '2019-10-07 14:30:07.862044+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 14:30:07.877045+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-11', '2019-11-15', 'Visite programmatique et suiv des activtes ATPC et WASH in Nut', '', false, false, '2019/72', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 11399, 9148, '2019-10-07 14:30:07.877054+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (61, '2019-10-07 15:32:50.253912+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 15:34:06.124494+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 15:44:42.718929+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-09', '2019-10-16', 'Mission d’appui Logistique a Mao pour le déchargement de 5000 cartons de RUFT et la livraison des intrants nutritionnels', '', false, false, '2019/74', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 10791, '2019-10-07 15:34:06.124503+00', NULL, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (63, '2019-10-07 15:58:36.587754+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 15:58:47.792999+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 16:00:31.054699+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Participation a la reunion inter cluster a bagasola', '', false, false, '2019/78', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 24425, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957675+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (71, '2019-10-08 10:44:06.409907+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 10:44:06.433208+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-16', 'Suivi et controle des travaux de construction des latrines et verification programmatique avec AFDI', '', false, false, '2019/94', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 8140, '2019-10-08 10:44:06.433216+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (66, '2019-10-08 07:54:43.600392+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 09:47:48.660136+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-12', '2019-10-16', 'Mission de suivi et controle de construction des blocs des latrines et Verification programmatique avec AFDI a Biltine', '', false, false, '2019/87', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 8140, NULL, NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (41, '2019-10-03 09:06:48.773172+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-03 09:22:46.04361+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 11:24:09.189242+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-18', 'Mission d''Appui C4D Abeche et Abougoudam', '', false, false, '2019/45', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11436, 20819, '2019-10-03 09:22:46.043633+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (28, '2019-10-02 10:44:57.382116+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-02 10:56:36.376461+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 11:34:14.280391+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-08', 'Participer à la retraite de la section Protection de l''Enfant: Intervention sur la gestion du stress et le Bien-etre', '', false, false, '2019/28', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11436, 5069, '2019-10-02 10:56:36.37647+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (69, '2019-10-08 09:38:28.022156+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 09:39:17.185238+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-12', '2019-10-16', 'Mission de suivi et controle de construction des blocs des latrines et Verification programmatique avec AFDI a Biltine', '', false, false, '2019/92', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 8725, '2019-10-08 09:39:17.18525+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (64, '2019-10-07 15:59:20.459324+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 15:59:27.950383+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 16:01:00.088371+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Participation a la reunion inter cluster a bagasola', '', false, false, '2019/81', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 25198, '2019-10-07 15:57:55.957675+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (67, '2019-10-08 09:30:46.507632+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 09:36:26.1384+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 09:47:43.550054+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-16', 'Participation a la formation e-tools: Module d''Assurance', '', false, false, '2019/88', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 10706, '2019-10-08 09:36:26.13841+00', NULL, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (74, '2019-10-08 15:19:07.248999+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 10:44:06.433208+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-10-11', '2019-10-16', 'Suivi et controle des travaux de construction des latrines et verification programmatique avec AFDI', '', false, false, '2019/97', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 8725, '2019-10-08 10:44:06.433216+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (84, '2019-10-10 07:41:52.307954+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-10 07:41:52.336474+00', NULL, '2019-10-10 08:21:55.714091+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-25', 'Formation des partenaires de N''Djamena en HACT, Gestion Financiere et Comptabilise de base', '', false, false, '2019/111', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 177097, 4606, '2019-10-10 07:41:52.336484+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (97, '2019-10-15 07:28:44.887565+00', NULL, '2019-10-15 07:34:39.546584+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-24', '2019-11-04', 'Mission conjointe de suivi des indicateurs de résultats du projet ECW dans les 10 provinces affectées par les crises', '', false, false, '2019/124', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 5052, 14363, NULL, NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (107, '2019-10-21 13:14:10.480579+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-21 13:14:29.141079+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-24', 'Organisation de la reunion de sous cluster', '', false, false, '2019/140', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 12680, '2019-10-21 09:33:15.067319+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (105, '2019-10-21 09:33:15.024243+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-21 09:33:15.067311+00', NULL, '2019-10-21 20:23:16.022507+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-24', 'Organisation de la reunion de sous cluster', '', false, false, '2019/136', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 24425, '2019-10-21 09:33:15.067319+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (152, '2019-11-08 14:55:27.543737+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-11-19', '2019-11-23', 'Mission de suivi dans le cadre du Projet PRSSMI/PEV dans 4 districts sanitaires de la Province du Mandoul', 'Grant : SC180628; WBS : 0810/A0/05/881/002/005', false, false, '2019/205', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 391, 9984, 11859, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (78, '2019-10-08 16:29:58.906387+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 16:29:58.952392+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-16', 'Participer a la formation etools sur le module gestion financiere', '', false, false, '2019/103', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11347, 21331, '2019-10-08 16:29:58.952402+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (77, '2019-10-08 16:17:48.706186+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-08 16:18:10.79992+00', NULL, '2019-10-09 08:54:07.013915+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-11', 'Deposer le mobile 63 pour la reparation', '', false, false, '2019/100', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 12680, '2019-10-08 16:15:44.074682+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (100, '2019-10-18 07:34:56.812022+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-18 07:34:56.834372+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-26', 'mission conjointe d''evaluation a Chokoyane', '', false, false, '2019/127', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 25042, '2019-10-18 07:34:56.834389+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (76, '2019-10-08 16:15:43.832353+00', NULL, '2019-10-09 09:01:30.737442+00', '2019-10-08 16:15:44.074673+00', '2019-10-09 08:57:36.11636+00', NULL, 'trip ceer juste pour faire la duplication pour le chauffeur. Akaye ne va pas en mission', '', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-11', 'Deposer le mobile 63 pour la reparation', '', false, false, '2019/99', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 5057, '2019-10-08 16:15:44.074682+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (92, '2019-10-11 07:00:15.570086+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-11 07:07:36.363967+00', NULL, '2019-10-11 07:10:15.567544+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-27', 'Mission de suivi de distribution de kits scolaires dans 36 écoles de Bokor', '', false, false, '2019/119', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 14616, '2019-10-11 07:07:36.363976+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (81, '2019-10-09 08:05:08.353585+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-09 08:06:02.792443+00', NULL, '2019-10-09 11:16:10.556019+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-16', 'Participer a la formation etools sur le module gestion financiere', '', false, false, '2019/106', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11347, 11514, '2019-10-08 16:29:58.952402+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (57, '2019-10-07 10:53:56.629182+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 10:53:56.652963+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-24', 'Visite programmatique auprès de JRS dans le Wadi Fira et l''Ennedi Est', '', false, false, '2019/70', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 25005, '2019-10-07 10:53:56.652972+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (80, '2019-10-09 07:47:56.851891+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-09 07:47:56+00', NULL, '2019-10-16 08:01:35.826408+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-18', '2019-10-21', 'Appuyer a la mise en oeuvre des activites sur le terrain', '', false, false, '2019/105', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11399, 14239, '2019-10-09 07:47:56+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (8, '2019-10-01 08:07:40.921357+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-01 08:13:00.885102+00', NULL, '2019-10-01 09:09:50.553725+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-05', 'Visites programmatiques des Delegations de l''Action sociale de Lai, Koumra et Doba', '', false, false, '2019/8', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13372, '2019-10-01 08:13:00.88511+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (14, '2019-10-02 07:25:47.321221+00', '2019-10-18 09:17:52.183993+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 07:47:39.623751+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 08:09:37.235108+00', '', '', '', 'RAPPORT DE MISSIONS
+ Noms et titre du voyageur : NDEMIGN YEDENOU - N’DJAMENA - SANTE / PEV 11 octobre 2019
+Personnes rencontrées
+- Marcellin Mambo Kalubinda Chief Field Office, Abéché ;
+- Antoine Mbaitagodem, Responsable Sous dépôt ;
+- Djerata Daidoum, Maintenancier ;
+- Nguéhou Maturin, Directeur Général SIMTECH3D
+- Simo Cédric, Ingénieur électricité
+- Djimté Allato, Ingénieur génie civil SIMTECH3D
+ La gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement et plus particulièrement de celle des vaccins et de la chaine de froid est l’une des fonctions essentielles du Programme de Vaccination. La disponibilité des vaccins en qualité et en quantité, constitue l’épine dorsale du programme.
+ Les différentes évaluations de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans les différentes structures PEV du pays et les supervisions réalisées dans le cadre des activités de vaccination ont relevé l’existence d’énormes difficultés liées au fonctionnement des chambres froides pour le stockage des vaccins.
+ Face à cette situation, l’utilisation de source d’énergie solaire pour l’alimentation des chambres froides constitue une opportunité pour régler définitivement ce problème puis sécuriser et garantir la qualité du stockage des vaccins
+ Pour ce faire, en mai 2017, la Direction du PEV a bénéficié de l’appui technique de ses partenaires (OMS et Unicef) à travers le financement RSS de Gavi. Ainsi, une étude de faisabilité a été menée par l’OMS au dépôt Sub-national d’Abéché visant à l’utilisation des générateurs solaires comme source d’énergie des chambres froides
+Produit 2.2. Les structures socio-sanitaires et communautaires ont des capacités humaines, matérielles et en produits de santé accrues pour offrir des soins de qualité, complets et intégrés à haut impact de santé/VIH aux femmes, aux enfants et aux adolescents y compris en situation humanitaire.
+Activité 2.2.4. Renforcer la logistique du PEV et la revitalisation de la chaine de froid centrale, régionale, y compris la dotation des centres de santé et districts sanitaires en réfrigérateurs solaires
+Temps fort du déroulement de la mission :
+- Rencontre, Échange, discussion avec l’équipe du PEV et les responsables de l’entreprise SIMTECH3D
+- État de lieux de l’emplacement de réception des modules solaires.
+- Les données du CCEOP-ODP sont collectées et envoyées à l’Unicef. Concernant les CS confectionnels des autres délégations, les informations ont été envoyés aux Délégué, le feedback sera fait le plus rapidement possible.
+- Tous les équipements pour la solarisation du dépôt sub-national ont été inventoriés : les modules solaires, les régulateurs de charge, les convertisseurs, les câbles de toutes les sections (6, 10 16, 25, 50 mm²), les coffrets de protection DC et AC ainsi que tous les supports de fixation des modules et accessoires de fixation.
+- Contraintes/problèmes majeurs
+Le directeur de l’hôpital a émis des réserves quant à l’utilisation total du site dédies à l’exécution des travaux. L’espace devant recevoir les installations des modules solaires a eu des modifications. Le mur de clôture a été dévié pour permettre dans le futur de construire chez le Directeur de l’hôpital des bâtiments supplémentaires.
+- Actions prises
+Intégration des mouvements de stock des délégations vers les districts dans le SMT du sous dépôt
+Proposition d’une note de rétrocession du site au PEV pour la solarisation du dépôt.
+Partage du formulaire de collecte des données pour l’ODP (Centres de santé confessionnel et militaire).
+- Principales leçons apprises
+Cette visite a nous permis de :
+ * Faire la situation de l’ensemble du matériel reste dans les entrepôts de la délégation sanitaire du Ouaddaï.
+ * Lever les obstacles sur l’occupation du terrain acquis pour l’installation des modules solaires.
+ * Permettre à SIMTECH3D de s’installer provisoirement à Abéché en attendant le démarrage des travaux.
+- Recommandations
+Faire une demande aux services Eaux et Forêts pour l’abattage des arbustes qui sont dans le périmètre d’installation des modules solaires
+Envoyer une note d’explication à l’Unicef par suite des modifications apportées à la délimitation du site de réception des modules solaires
+Collecter les données du plan opérationnel de déploiement par rapport aux CS confectionnels dépendant de la zone de responsabilité du sous dépôt
+Tenir des réunions hebdomadaires afin de suivre l’évolution des travaux.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-04', '2019-10-07', 'Travaux de pose et mise en service du système photovoltaique au PEV Abéché et suivi de collecte de données du CCEOP-ODP', '', false, false, '2019/14', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11647, 23640, '2019-10-02 07:47:39.623762+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (83, '2019-10-09 13:58:21.71179+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-09 13:59:18.526866+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-24', 'Visite programmatique auprès de JRS dans le Wadi Fira et l''Ennedi Est', '', false, false, '2019/110', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 8714, '2019-10-07 10:53:56.652972+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (94, '2019-10-14 11:49:55.351221+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-14 11:55:53.986665+00', NULL, '2019-10-14 16:34:29.34152+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-25', 'suivi programmatique des actvites wash du partenaire APDI', '', false, false, '2019/121', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13512, '2019-10-14 11:55:53.986676+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (87, '2019-10-10 09:02:39.49396+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-10 09:03:05.635095+00', NULL, '2019-10-14 14:13:06.629919+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-26', '2019-10-31', 'Renforcer les capacités des logisticiens de l’UNICEF et du personnel national de santé et de vaccination', '', false, false, '2019/114', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11566, 8519, '2019-10-10 09:03:05.635104+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (18, '2019-10-02 08:41:41.20518+00', '2019-11-05 07:21:09.898558+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 08:46:35.078391+00', NULL, '2019-10-02 09:00:32.166586+00', '', '', '', 'Rapport de mission d''appui au 3e Tour de la CPS', '', 'completed', '2019-10-03', '2019-10-07', 'Appui au 3e tour de la CPS à Mongo', '', false, false, '2019/18', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 21654, '2019-10-02 08:46:35.078405+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (104, '2019-10-18 13:40:01.762695+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-18 13:40:31.49471+00', NULL, '2019-10-18 13:42:49.002982+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-02', '2019-11-13', 'Atelier de formation sur la nouvelle version de la Gestion Efficace des Vaccins ‘’EVM 2.0 ‘’', '', false, false, '2019/135', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11566, 8519, '2019-10-18 13:40:31.49472+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (145, '2019-11-06 16:15:48.893561+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-06 16:15:48.912238+00', NULL, '2019-11-06 16:31:39.144948+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-11', '2019-11-17', 'Évaluation urgence Chokoyane', '', false, false, '2019/198', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 388, 9329, 25166, '2019-11-06 16:15:48.912265+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (95, '2019-10-14 12:01:10.428113+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-14 12:07:10.190544+00', NULL, '2019-10-14 16:33:09.006547+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-28', 'participation a la reunion sous cluster wash', '', false, false, '2019/122', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13512, '2019-10-14 12:07:10.190553+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (93, '2019-10-14 11:36:01.757443+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-14 11:41:15.390196+00', NULL, '2019-10-14 16:34:07.306117+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-18', 'mission exploratoire pour la phase préparatoire de l’initiative WASH education Nutrition securite alimentaire', '', false, false, '2019/120', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13512, '2019-10-14 11:41:15.390205+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (89, '2019-10-10 19:12:57.380606+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-10 19:13:29.778241+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-10', '2019-10-10', 'Atelier d''elaboration du programme pluriannuel d''appui à la resilience du secteur educatif', '', false, false, '2019/116', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 5070, 19279, '2019-10-10 19:13:29.778256+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (90, '2019-10-10 19:26:58.502417+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-10 19:27:13.46485+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-14', 'Renforcement des capacites du Groupe de Travail Education de Gore', '', false, false, '2019/117', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 5070, 19279, '2019-10-10 19:27:13.46486+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (82, '2019-10-09 13:00:45.949758+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-09 13:01:56.484367+00', NULL, '2019-10-15 08:42:28.117692+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-24', '2019-11-04', 'Verification programmatique CPPCT-U et Suivi des indicateurs ECW', '', false, false, '2019/109', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 5052, 14363, '2019-10-09 13:01:56.484378+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (96, '2019-10-14 16:45:14.15477+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-14 16:45:14.22107+00', NULL, '2019-10-14 16:53:25.840426+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-15', '2019-10-16', 'Mission de supervision avec le Chef CSD dans le cadre de CFC a Benoye et Krim-Krim', '', false, false, '2019/123', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 11347, 9984, '2019-10-14 16:45:14.221089+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (150, '2019-11-08 09:40:49.42474+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-08 09:42:44.406628+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-21', 'Revue de la section', '', false, false, '2019/203', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-11-08 09:42:44.406638+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (124, '2019-10-23 09:21:41.720565+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-23 09:22:06.214377+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:19:32.589077+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-31', 'Participer a l''atelier de la revue des PCA Nutrition', '', false, false, '2019/162', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 12528, '2019-10-23 09:22:06.214387+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (50, '2019-10-04 22:01:36.029022+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-04 22:02:30.995174+00', NULL, '2019-10-06 07:18:46.580284+00', '', '', '', 'La politique nationale de la Vaccination 2020-2030, le guide national de vaccination et les outils de gestion sont validés techniquement et les drafts de ces documents disponibles.
+Les prochaines étapes des activités pour la finalisation du document sont :
+ • Finalisation de la Politique, du Guide, et les outils de collecte des données, du 7 au 31 Octobre 2019;
+ • Validation des documents par le comité technique d’appui au PEV, le 05 Novembre 2019;
+ • Adoption par le CCIA sera organisé pour la validation le 15 Novembre 2019;
+ • Reproduction du support dans la période de 30 novembre 2019 et
+ • Diffusion du Guide et du PNV le 02 décembre 2019.
+L’atelier a été ouvert par le représentant du MSP, le DSRV accompagné par les représentants de l’Unicef et de l’OMS dans l’après-midi du 1er Octobre 2019. Aussitôt les groupes de travaux ont été mise en place pour faire la revue des différentes sections du document de la politique et du Guide. Bien qu’un retard soit connu pour le démarrage de l’atelier, les activités se sont bien déroulées avec une participation active des participants présents. La revue des travaux de groupes des différents sur le PNV, le guide et les outils a été faite par l’équipe de rédaction.
+Le document de la Politique est passé de 19 à 30 Pages. La production était à 100%.
+L’intégration de la production du guide était à 95%,
+Pour ce qui concerne les outils de gestion, il reste le registre de pointage journalier qui sera rediscuté avec l’équipe de la DSIS pour une position sur la notion ZA et ZB.
+Une équipe dirigée par le PEV avec l’appui de l’OMS et de l’UNCEF est mise sur pied pour la finalisation
+Les participants n’étaient pas tous arrivés à Douguia le matin du 1er octobre comme planifié. Ainsi toute la matinée du 1er octobre n’a pas été mise à profit. Les activités de l’atelier ont effectivement démarré à 15h00 le 1er jour.
+Le perdiem des conducteurs et les frais de carburant n’ont pas été payés à l’issue de l’atelier car l’un des signataires de chèque au ministère de la santé publique était en déplacement
+La présence des participants n’a pas été constante durant l’atelier, certains participants passent la nuit à N’Djaména, il y a eu des activités à N’Djaména (installation de la nouvelle équipe de la SDV, réception des véhicules CPA par les délégués, …). Cette situation a perturbé le bon déroulement de l’atelier.
+Cependant afin d’atteindre les résultats assignés malgré cette situation, les staffs UNICEF ont assuré le lead de la quasi-totalité des différents groupes de travail et la facilitation des discussions en collaboration avec ceux de de l’OMS
+Le principe présentiel de l’atelier n’a pas été observé par certains participants.
+Les principals recommandations etaient:
+1) Appuyer la finalisation les documents de la PNV, du Guide et les outils de gestion - Equipe ad hoc mise en place (MSP/UNICEF/OMS) - 31 Octobre 2019
+2) Appuyer la validation de la PNV, du Guide et les outils de gestion par le CCIA - UNICEF/OMS - 15 Novembre 2019
+3) Reproduire les documents (PNV, Guide et outils de gestion) validés- SDV - 30 Novembre 2019
+4) Mettre les documents reproduits à la disposition des DSP, DS et CS - SDV/DSRV- 02 Décembre 2019
+5) Organiser une rencontre entre l’équipe communication de l’UNICEF et la nouvelle équipe communication de la SDV (PEV) - UNICEF (Communication Stratégique) - 10 octobre 2019', '', 'approved', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-05', 'Participation a l''atelier de validation technique de la politique nationale de la vaccination', '', false, false, '2019/64', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11566, 9333, '2019-10-04 22:02:30.995181+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (102, '2019-10-18 12:19:06.27759+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-18 12:20:14.532112+00', NULL, '2019-10-21 08:01:38.596908+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-25', 'Supervision conjointe de activites PCIMA', '', false, false, '2019/129', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 8718, '2019-10-18 12:17:32.707838+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (160, '2019-11-13 11:24:09.696166+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-12 17:15:58.366411+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-28', 'Monitoring of recommendation of IHDL (site visits) & spot check of Mentor Initiative', '', false, false, '2019/216', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 3701, 12059, '2019-11-12 17:15:58.366478+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (106, '2019-10-21 09:37:55.62515+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-21 09:38:09.173439+00', NULL, '2019-10-21 20:22:15.981176+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-23', '2019-10-24', 'Organisation de la reunion de sous cluster', '', false, false, '2019/137', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 389, 11514, 10791, '2019-10-21 09:33:15.067319+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (116, '2019-10-22 10:28:07.89474+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 10:29:10.629434+00', NULL, '2019-10-22 10:29:41.178057+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-01', '2019-10-07', 'Supervision CPS du Guera/Baro du 3-5 octobre 2019', '', false, false, '2019/151', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 9327, '2019-10-02 11:59:34.933699+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (122, '2019-10-23 06:56:49.76217+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-23 06:56:59.720283+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-27', 'Suivi post-declenchement des activites ATPC au Kanem', '', false, false, '2019/159', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 24425, '2019-10-23 06:56:59.720304+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (159, '2019-11-13 08:17:27.730574+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-13 08:17:27.850105+00', NULL, '2019-11-13 08:22:49.484475+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-25', '2019-11-27', 'Field mission with the donor (ECHO) in the Lake province', '', false, false, '2019/215', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 28663, 210807, '2019-11-13 08:17:27.850113+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (123, '2019-10-23 07:00:24.482571+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-23 07:03:03.111752+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-27', 'Suivi post-declenchement des activites ATPC au Kanem', '', false, false, '2019/160', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 10791, '2019-10-23 06:56:59.720304+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (119, '2019-10-22 21:50:28.813351+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 21:56:12.625294+00', NULL, '2019-10-23 07:44:49.066979+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-08', 'Formation des partenaires de Bol en HACT, Gestion Financière et Comptabilité de base à Dandi', '', false, false, '2019/156', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 4606, '2019-10-02 10:09:42.602719+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (121, '2019-10-22 22:03:01.75382+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 22:04:06.685798+00', NULL, '2019-10-23 07:45:04.412763+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-23', 'Formation des partenaires d''Abéché en HACT, Gestion Financière et Comptabilité de base à Biltine', '', false, false, '2019/158', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 4606, '2019-10-02 10:17:11.839473+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (55, '2019-10-07 10:48:45.913193+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-07 10:48:45.939661+00', NULL, '2019-10-07 10:52:32.64577+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-03', '2019-11-09', 'travailler avec les agents de l''UNT', '', false, false, '2019/68', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 388, 9329, 25042, '2019-10-07 10:48:45.93967+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (99, '2019-10-18 07:19:01.415925+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-18 07:19:01.455498+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-28', '2019-11-01', 'Évaluation Urgence Chokoyane', '', false, false, '2019/126', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 25166, '2019-10-18 07:19:01.455507+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (79, '2019-10-09 07:35:27.255643+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-09 07:35:56+00', NULL, '2019-10-11 09:02:17.82544+00', '', '', '', 'A. Résultats :
+• L’état de lieu des intrants envoyés à ASD pour la réponse à l’épidémie est connu.
+• Des besoins WASH sont élaborés par la DSR, ASD et partagée avec la Section ;
+• Les intrants mis à leur disposition de ASD par les DS de Youé, Fianga et Binder sont bien utilisés.
+• Le mécanisme existant pour la préparation et réponses au choléra et les capacités locales de réponses sont connus
+a.1 : Journée Mondiale du Lavage des Mains. La mission a coïncidé avec la célébration de la JMLM et le Chef de BZ de Moundou qui devrait initialement prendre part à ladite cérémonie était empêché donc nous l’avons représenté. Trois temps forts ont marqué cette cérémonie : (i) Meeting le matin. Mots du Maire de la ville, Directeur Général Adjoint du Ministère de la Santé Publique et le Préfet du Département. Jeux concours des élèves. Demonstration du lavage des mains par les autorités (Préfet, DSP MKE, Secrétaire General Adjoint du MSP, etc.). Plan de répartition des Dispositifs lavage des mains dans les CS et les écoles est fait par le comité d’organisation. (ii) La réunion de plaidoyer a eu lieu dans la salle de réunion du DS de Fianga à la présence du Préfet, le Maire et les chefs de quartiers. (iii) Le match de football a opposé l’équipe A à l’équipe B. Après 45 minutes de jeu, l’équipe de veteran a remporté le match et a été baptisée équipe MAINS PROPRES.
+ a.2 : Epidémie du choléra. La situation du choléra est sous contrôle dans le MKE. Pas de cas à Youé depuis le 1er septembre 2019. Le PCA ne couvre pas les 2 régions du MK et le vibrion commence à gagner du terrain dans la province du MKO. 9 ZR sont en épidémie dans 5 DS dans la DSP du MKO (Guelo, Guegou, Lamé, Lagon et Léré). Jusqu’à la semaine 42, les 2 provinces ont enregistré : 87 cas de gastro entérite. 82 cas de choléra confirmés. 3 décès soit un taux de létalité de 6.7%
+B. Contraintes. (i) Accès difficile dans les villages à cause de la saison des pluies prolongée cette année. (ii) Retard dans l’acheminement des intrants pour le partenaire de mise en œuvre. (iii) Le volet WASH dans les UTC pause problème (pas de lit cholérique. Pas des latrines dans les UTC pour gérer de manière sécurisée les sels des malades. Pas de hangars de for.
+C. Leçons apprises. Il n’y a pas des cas notifiés dans les DS où interviennent les équipes mobiles de ASD (Youé, Fianga et Binder depuis un peu plus de 2 semaines). Bonne coordination de la réponse entre les équipes de la DSP et ASD.', '', 'approved', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-20', 'Appui a la reponse a l''epidemie de cholera dans les 2 provinces du Mayo kebbi', '', false, false, '2019/104', false, '{}', 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11399, 9032, '2019-10-09 07:35:56+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (129, '2019-10-25 15:30:19.468212+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-24', 'Assurer une mission de supervision et de VP de la DSP du Mandoul pour les activites PTME', '', false, false, '2019/167', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 391, 9984, 13031, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (127, '2019-10-24 15:02:54.613925+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-24 15:03:31.63086+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-27', '2019-10-29', 'Suivi post formation sur la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigue', '', false, false, '2019/165', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 12352, 22317, '2019-10-24 15:03:31.630868+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (158, '2019-11-12 17:15:58.318085+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-12 17:15:58.366411+00', NULL, '2019-11-13 13:31:08.626346+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-28', 'Monitoring of recommendation of IHDL (site visits) & spot check of Mentor Initiative', '', false, false, '2019/214', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 3701, 14006, '2019-11-12 17:15:58.366478+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (154, '2019-11-12 08:50:17.490068+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-12 08:50:17.563414+00', NULL, '2019-11-13 12:12:33.857318+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-18', '2019-11-29', 'Supervision de la collecte des donnees de l''enquete MICS6', '', false, false, '2019/207', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11607, 24025, '2019-11-12 08:50:17.56343+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (131, '2019-10-25 15:45:38.60949+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-26 13:59:13.037959+00', NULL, '2019-10-28 08:49:44.233986+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-31', 'Participer a l''atelier de la revue des PCA de l''Unite Nutrition', '', false, false, '2019/169', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 21654, 13031, '2019-10-26 13:59:13.037968+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (135, '2019-10-29 07:59:59.275064+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-29 07:59:59.314083+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-30', '2019-11-02', 'Appui a l''installation des membres du comite provincial de protection de L''Enfant (CPPE)', '', false, false, '2019/172', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 24195, '2019-10-29 07:59:59.314094+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (133, '2019-10-28 11:51:00.137344+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-28 11:51:24.844344+00', NULL, '2019-10-28 11:53:56.08876+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-31', '2019-11-04', 'Se rendre a Moundou pour contribuer a l''elabotation du PCA ATP et WASH IN School du 31 oct au 4 nov 2019 avec ACF', '', false, false, '2019/170', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 13750, 9032, '2019-10-28 11:51:24.844355+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (136, '2019-10-29 08:00:44.588862+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-29 08:01:57.836408+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-30', '2019-11-02', 'Appui a l''installation des membres du comite provincial de protection de L''Enfant (CPPE)', '', false, false, '2019/173', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 9330, '2019-10-29 07:59:59.314094+00', NULL, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (125, '2019-10-24 11:47:53.099206+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-24 11:49:38.577417+00', NULL, '2019-10-24 12:01:44.972885+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-04', '2019-11-17', 'Formation des prestataires de service de sante et sages femmes en CIP et techniques d''accueil', '', false, false, '2019/163', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 28663, 5056, '2019-10-24 11:49:38.577431+00', NULL, 2);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (91, '2019-10-11 06:32:26.062839+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-11 06:33:00.591726+00', NULL, '2019-10-11 06:57:17.778733+00', '', '', '', 'CANEVAS DE RAPPORT AUTRES TYPES DE MISSIONS
+A. Informations générales
+1. Date de Soumission du Rapport au superviseur : 25/10/2019
+2. Identification Bureau Section/Unité Date et Signature
+2.1 Noms et titre du voyageur : DJEKONBE GREGOIRE
+2.2 Noms et titre du superviseur : Dr Bambe Lamtouin, OIC Chef de bureau
+3. Commentaires Superviseur :
+4.Type de mission
+0 Formation
+0Livraison des intrants
+0 Evaluation
+1Autres à spécifier :
+ Avec TA 1
+Numéro de la TA :1852751
+Sur le lieu de résidence /duty station(ne nécessitant pas de TA) : 0
+Date de Début : 13/10/2019 Date de fin : 19/10/2019
+Lieux : (si multiples, indiquer les lieux additionnels sur chaque ligne) Partenaire Nom et titre du point focal du Partenaire
+Aboudeia District sanitaire d’Aboudeia Dr Adoum Garba, Medecin chef du district Sanitaire d’Aboudeia
+Amtiman Delegation Sanitaire du Salamat Dr Idriss El Hadji Ahmed, Delegue Sanitaire Provincial du Salamat
+5. Noms/Titre/membres de l’équipe de mission y compris les partenaires
+ Dr Djekonbe Gregoire, nutrition officer
+Abdel kader Gosdoum, Driver
+Dr Adoum Garba, MCD d’Aboudeia
+Dr Hamat Hassan Boulmaye, Consultant nutrition
+Nathaniel Mbainarem, PO protection
+Yamtemadji Kameldy, Driver
+6. Personnes rencontrées [si la liste est longue, la mettre en annexe]
+B. Description de la mission
+1. Nom(s) partenaires d’Exécution faisant l’objet de la visite : Délégation sanitaire provinciale du Salamat
+2. Référence de la mission avec le PMA-PPA
+Extrant 2 Les structures sanitaires des régions d''interventions ont des capacités humaines et matérielles accrues leur permettant d''offrir des services préventifs et curatifs nutritionnels de qualité aux femmes, adolescentes et enfants de < de 5 ans
+Activité 2.2.11.e) Fournir l''appui technique (supervision formative, élaboration des requêtes, réunions de coordination/validation des données/PDD etc.) aux structures de prise en charge nutritionnelle
+2.2.1.f) Renforcer la gestion (stockage et rapportage) des intrants nutritionnels
+2.2.11.d) Apporter l''assistance technique pour l''organisation des activités de dépistage de la malnutrition dans les structures sanitaires et milieux communautaires
+Introduction (Faire une description succincte du contexte et cadre dans lequel la mission s’est effectuée)
+La mission est effectuée du 13 au 19 octobre dans la province du Salamat. Il s’agit de contribuer a l’organisation de la réunion de coordination et d’appuyer l’organisation des missions conjointes dans les DS Aboudeia et Amtiman. Une mission conjointe de supervision est réalisée dans le district Aboudeia. Les structures atteintes sont les ZR de Aboudeia Urbain, Agrab et Darasna. Une autre mission conduite dans le district sanitaire de Amtiman a touché les ZR de Amtiman nord et Amtiman sud. La réunion de coordination tenue le 18 octobre a mis un terme à la mission.
+Temps fort du déroulement de la mission : (Faire une description succincte et analytique du travail fait durant la mission soit par activité réalisée soit par jour d’activité)
+Au cours de la mission, nous avons suivi les activités nutritionnelles, les activités de dépistage actif et réalisé le suivi post distribution des intrants nutritionnels pour terminer par l’analyse et la validation des données de 9 derniers mois.
+Suivi de la mise en œuvre des activités nutritionnelles
+Centre de sante de Aboudeia Urbain : concernant les bénéficiaires, on dénombre 84 fiches de suivi individuel dans le registre UNA, il y a 63 enfants. Trois postes font la prise en charge de la malnutrition au compte du centre de sante de Aboudeia Urbain : Doin, Breguit et Aboudeia. Pas de réunion d’analyse et de validation des données issues de 3 centres de prise en charge. Les mouvements de prêts et de remboursement d’intrants entre le centre de sante d’Aboudeia et l’UNT ne sont pas notifies.
+Centre de sante de Agrab :
+18 enfants au programme et 18 fiches de suivi individuel. Manque de complétude du registre UNA pour les enfants sortis du programme
+Centre de sante de Darasna : Triangulation des données
+ Données du rapport mensuel Données transmises Cohérence des données
+Total admissions 25 23 Non
+Sortis guéris 24 24 oui
+Décès 1 1 oui
+Total déchargés 34 34 oui
+Problèmes relevés
+- Taux de guérison faible : 70%
+- Un enfant MAS décède dans le centre de sante : fiche de référence non établie
+- Mauvais suivi des enfants au programme : évolution de poids en dent de scie et aucune action corrective
+- Les indicateurs de performance (gain de poids et durée de séjour) ne sont pas calculés
+Amtiman nord
+Constats :
+- 78 enfants au programme. Deux jours d’activité hebdomadaire les mardis et jeudis.
+- La case dépistage actif de la fiche de suivi individuel n’est pas renseignée pour les enfants référencés par les relais
+- La sensibilisation est menée avant chaque activité (voir photo d’une séance)
+- Les activités de dépistage actif sont réalisées
+- Il manque de fiche de suivi individuel
+Amtiman sud
+Les taux de non réponses sont élevées :
+Non réponses Juillet Aout Septembre
+Pourcentage 21,1% 32,02% 27%
+- Nombre de cas de poids stationnaire
+- Données de dépistage actif disponibles
+Activités de dépistage actif de la malnutrition aigue
+Les structures visitées ont réalisé les activités de dépistage actif. Les outils utilises par les relais ne sont pas ceux confectionnes par le DS. Les centres de sante n’ayant pas les moyens de multiplier les différentes fiches de collecte de données.
+Structures Dépistage actif Données disponibles Données non disponibles
+Aboudeia Urbain Réalisé x
+Agrab Réalisé x
+Darasna Réalisé x
+Amtiman nord Réalisé x
+Amtiman sud réalisé x
+Suivi post distribution
+Le suivi post distribution est realise dans 5 structures sanitaires et les informations suivantes sont recueillies
+Points d’action
+- Appuyer le centre de sante dans l’organisation des réunions d’analyse de validation des donnees issues des 3 postes de prise en charge y compris la gestion des intrants( Consultant nutrition)
+- Faire des decharges pour matérialiser les mouvements de prêts et remboursement d’intrants et le signaler au Point Focal nutrition( RCS)
+Reunion d’analyse et de validation des donnees nutritionnelles
+Suivi des recommandations de la precedente reunion de coordination
+No Recommendations Responsable Niveau de réalisation
+1 Fournir du carburant aux deux autres DS distants ( Aboudeia et Haraze) pour leur permettre d’assister à chaque fois aux réunions de coordination en attendant le paiement de requête formulée. DSP Non realisee: la DSP ne disposant pas les moyens pour mettre en oeuvre cette recommandaiton
+2 Procéder à l’audit de tout cas de décès survenu à l’UNT et aux soins intensifs dans les hôpitaux des districts Directeur hop/Surveillant En cours: un guide est en cours deliberation, il sera valide par la DSP et mis a la disposition du comite d’audit
+3 Investiguer les cas de décès survenus à l’UNA de Siheb ECD Realise: ces deces sont survenus dans la communaute et concernent les refus de reference
+4 Lister tous les consommables et autres matériels de l’UNA/UNT manqués afin de les adresser à l’Unicef pour les solutionner dans la mesure du possible ECD/Surveillant realisee
+5 Présenter les activités réalisées par l’ONG IAS en partenariat avec la DSP du Salamat à la réunion prochaine Superviseur IAS Non realisee
+Présentation des données de l’enquête SMART 2019
+De 15,9% en 2018 dans la province du Salamat, la prévalence de la MAG a grimpe a 21,1% selon les résultats préliminaires de l’enquête SMART 2019
+Presentation ppt des donnees de janvier à septembre 2019
+ 11,309 enfants MAS traites de janvier a septembre soit une couverture de 96,4% par rapport aux cas attendus
+ Les plus forts taux d’admissions sont enregistrés dans le district d’Amtiman
+ 11,8% de deces sont enregistres dans l’UNT de Haraze
+ 4 centres de sante dans le district d’Aboudeia et 5 dans le DS Amtiman ont des taux de guerison <75%
+ 2 centres dont un dans le DS Aboudeia et l’autre dans le DS Amtiman ont des taux d’abandon >15%
+Goulots d’etranglement, points de discussion et points d’action
+- Le manque de traitement systématique est une cause majeure de la longue durée de séjour au programme
+- Le formulaire d’audit élaboré sera mis a la disposition des comites d’audit des 3 UNT. Une restitution des cas audits sera présente au cours de la réunion de coordination
+- Pratiques familiales néfastes de certaines mères pour maintenir les enfants au programme : intensifier les sensibilisations et VAD pour lutter contre ces pratiques
+- L’application du recouvrement de couts (consultation, hospitalisation, examens et médicaments) aux enfants malnutris par les UNT : lever cette mesure pour les hospitalisations et les consultations
+- La faiblesse du système de référence et contre référence : référer tous les enfants MAS avec complications et notifier dans le rapport PCIMAS
+Principaux produits obtenus (Faire une présentation des réalisations majeures comme conséquences directes et immédiates de votre travail fait pendant la mission et en lien avec les résultats attendus préalables définis y compris les conséquences effectives mais non prévues)
+- La mission conjointe est menée dans les centres de sante Aboudeia urbain, Agrab, Darasna, Amtiman nord et Amtiman sud
+- Le suivi post distribution est réalisé dans 5 structures
+- Un appui est apporté dans l’organisation de la réunion de coordination : analyse et validation des données nutritionnelles, du plan de distribution des intrants et la formulation des recommandations pour l’amélioration de la prise en charge
+- Appui au partenaire DSP Salamat pour l’élaboration de la requête T4
+- La vérification de l’effectivité de la présence physique du personnel d’appui paye sur fond UNICEF est réalisé pour 15 staffs
+- Visite programmatique chez le partenaire ANNASSOUR base a Amtiman
+Contraintes/problèmes majeurs (Faire le résumé des difficultés majeures rencontrées ayant entravé l’atteinte des objectifs de la mission)
+La panne de véhicule 57 intervenue le 4 -ème jour de la mission a rendu difficile la mission prévue dans les centres de santé de Mirer et Ideter
+Actions prises (Au regard des difficultés majeures signalées ci-dessus, dire quelles sont les actions concrètes et immédiates prises pour remédier à une partie ou la totalité de ces difficultés)
+- Renforcer les capacités des relais dans la prise des mesures anthropométriques
+- Sensibiliser la population sur la participation aux efforts des soins PCIMAS et faire des VAD
+- Faire le monitorage des activités PCIMAS dans tous les centres de sante
+- Le RCS d’amtiman sud a pris la résolution de réaliser les séances de sensibilisation et les visites a domicile pour solutionner les non réponses
+Principales leçons apprises (Formuler les principaux enseignements positifs ou négatifs tirés de la mission au plus 3 leçons
+L’absence de supervision conjointe et le manque de suivi de proximité des centres de sante inaccessibles expliquent en partie les insuffisances liées a la prise en charge constatées lors de la réunion de coordination
+Grace a la réunion de coordination, la direction de l’hôpital d’Amtiman a décidé de lever la mesure des frais d’hospitalisation et de consultation appliques aux enfants MAS hospitalises
+3. Recommandations Responsable Echéance
+Mettre a la disposition des UNA des fiches de suivi individuel PO nutrition/consultant nutrition Novembre 2019
+Aider la DSP à élaborer le formulaire d’audit des deces dans les UNT PO nutrition/consultant nutrition Novembre 2019
+NB : Joindre les termes de références ou autres documents qui justifient la mission
+Termes de Reference mission de supervision conjointe et d’appui a l’organisation de la reunion de coordination
+Titre Nutrition officer
+Section/unité CSD/Nutrition
+Bureau d’affectation Mongo
+Destination finale Amtiman
+Date de début : 13/10/2019
+ Date de fin :19/10/2019
+1. Contexte et justification (Maximum ½ page)
+(Préciser : cadre de la mission, partenaire à visiter, montant financement UNICEF si vérification programmatique ou ponctuelle).
+La province du Salamat a l’instar des autres provinces de la zone sahélienne, bénéficie de l’appui de l’UNICEF dans le cadre du programme de coopération 2017-2021 entre le gouvernement t[[schema]]ien et les agences des Nations Unies. Cet appui institutionnel va de l’approvisionnement en intrants nutritionnels, au renforcement des capacités des agents en passant par l’appui a la coordination et le suivi de la mise en œuvre des activités nutritionnelles.
+Pendant cette période, la province du Salamat fait face aux inondations dues aux fortes pluies diluviennes et au débordement des eaux du Barh Azoum qui ont rendu inaccessible la quasi-totalité des structures sanitaires. Cette situation rend probable la survenue des maladies hydriques avec une répercussion certaine sur l’état nutritionnel du couple mère enfant.
+Deux mois durant, les réunions de coordination ne sont pas tenues et les supervisions conjointes non réalisées.
+Pour donner suite aux échanges avec la DSP Salamat, une réunion de coordination est planifiée pour faire l’état de lieu de la prise en charge nutritionnelle, analyser les indicateurs, valider le plan de distribution et planifier les activités du trimestre 4. Il s’agira aussi de faire le point avec la DSP Salamat sur l’organisation de la formation des agents de sante sur la PCIMAS a Haraze.
+ La mission qui sera menée par le PO nutrition et le consultant nutrition aura également a son actif, l’organisation d’une supervision conjointe dans les districts sanitaires d’Aboudeia, d’Amtiman et l’UNT d’Amtiman, le suivi des activités de dépistage actif lancées depuis juillet 2019, le suivi post distribution ainsi que l’organisation des réunions avec les équipes cadres des districts. L’équipe de la mission vérifiera en outre la présence effective du personnel de sante dont le salaire est couvert par le financement de payé l’UNICEF et s’assurer de sa répartition.
+2. Type
+Vérification programmatique : 0 Vérification ponctuelle : 0
+End user monitoring 0 Plaidoyer: 0
+Formation: 0 Visite Contrôle Livraison des intrants: 0
+Autres à spécifier :
+Mission d’appui à l’organisation de la réunion de coordination et la supervision conjointe dans la province du Salamat
+3. Objectifs
+L’objectif global est de fournir un appui à l’organisation de la réunion de coordination nutrition santé et le suivi de la mise en œuvre des activités nutritionnelles a travers une supervision formative des agents de santé.
+Plus spécifiquement, il s’agira de :
+- Faire une analyse de la situation sanitaire et nutritionnelle du couple mère enfant ;
+- Appuyer la planification des activités pour le trimestre 4 ;
+- Faire le suivi, l’analyse et la validation des données nutritionnelles ;
+- Vérifier la présence du personnel de sante dont le payement de salaire est couvert par le financement de de l’UNICEF ;
+- Faire le suivi post distribution des intrants nutritionnels ;
+- Faire le suivi des activités de dépistage actif ;
+- Faire le point avec la DSP sur la planification de la formation PCIMAS a Haraze ;
+- Elaborer les recommandations pour renforcer la coordination et améliorer la qualité de la mise en œuvre des des activités nutritionnelles
+4. Résultats attendus
+- Une bonne analyse contextuelle de la province après le retrait des eaux est faite ;
+- Une description claire de la situation sanitaire du couple mère enfant est connue ;
+- Un suivi des activités nutritionnelles est réalisé ;
+- Le suivi post distribution est fait avec une cohérence de la quantité distribuée et reçue ;
+- Les activités de dépistage sont réalisées et les données disponibles et partagées ;
+- Un appui est apporté pour la planification des activités nutritionnelles du trimestre 4 ;
+- Une vérification de la présence effective du personnel de sante dont le salaire est couvert par le financement de l’UNICEF est réalisée.
+- Des recommandations pour le renforcement de la coordination et l’amélioration de la qualité des activités nutritionnelles sont formulées et un plan de suivi est disponible
+Le ou les voyageurs ont-ils des rapports non soumis Oui : 0 Non : 1
+Le ou les voyageurs ont-ils des TA non certifiées Oui : 0 Non : 1
+Si oui, quelle est la raison :
+Avez-vous une Medical Clearance valide? Oui : 1 Non : 0 NA : 0
+Avez-vous des certificats de sécurité valides ? Oui : 1 Non : 0 NA : 0
+Avez-vous une Security Clearance ? Oui : 1 Non : 0 NA : 0
+Approbation de la mission
+Grant : SM190227
+WBS : 0810/A0/05/882/002/009
+Itinéraire : (le plus direct et le plus économique)
+De / From: Mongo
+A/ To: Aboudeia
+ 13/10/2019 Véhicule UNICEF Supervision Aboudeia Urbain, Darasna, Agrab, réunion avec ECD Aboudeia
+De / From: Aboudeia
+A/ To: Amtiman
+ 16/10/2019 Véhicule UNICEF Supervision Mirer, Ideter
+De / From:Amtiman
+A/ To: Amtiman
+ 17/10/2019 Véhicule UNICEF Supervision UNT Amtiman, Amtiman nord et sud
+De / From: Amtiman
+A/ To: Amtiman
+ 18/10/2019 Véhicule UNICEF Réunion avec ECD Amtiman et
+Réunion de coordination sante/nutrition
+De / From: Amtiman
+A/ To: Mongo
+ 19/10/2019 Véhicule UNICEF Retour a Mongo
+Visa du superviseur
+Mission approuvée Oui : 1 Non : 0
+DARASNA : Rapport mensuel nutrition
+Centre de sante de Darasna : Rapport mensuel du mois de septembre 2019
+Sensibilisation au cours d’une seance UNA au centre de sante Amtiman nord
+Centre de sante de Amtiman nord : Bordereau de livraison sur le registre de stock
+AMT nord : fiche de synthese des donnees de depistage actif de la malnutrition aigue', '', 'approved', '2019-10-13', '2019-10-19', 'Reunion de coordination nutrition sante et supervision conjointe dans le Salamat', '', false, false, '2019/118', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 173681, '2019-10-11 06:33:00.591736+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (39, '2019-10-02 16:59:55.052126+00', '2019-11-05 07:54:48.761473+00', NULL, '2019-10-03 08:33:12.696803+00', '2019-10-02 17:11:00.463636+00', '2019-10-03 09:13:59.471182+00', 'Séparer la mission de Meeting au visites programmatiques', '', '', 'Il s''est tenu du 6 au 10 octobre 2019 un atelier de planification de l''evaluation du programme national d''Eradication du Ver de Guinee. l''atelier a regroupe l''ensemble des acteurs impliques dans la mise en oeuvre de ce programme. A la fin de cet atelier les principaux résultats suivants ont été atteints :
+- Une compréhension commune des différentes phases par les différents acteurs a été obtenue ;
+- Un calendrier et un budget du processus ont été proposés et validés ;
+- Les outils du processus ont été passés en revu et validés ;
+- Les TDR de processus de la revue internes et externes ont été validés.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-06', '2019-10-14', 'Participer a l''atelier d''evaluation du PNE du Ver de Guinee et assurer la VP des DSP de Tandjile et du LOR', 'Le travail de groupe restreint sur les differents documents elabores vont se poursuivre.', false, false, '2019/43', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13031, '2019-10-02 17:00:13.765679+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (138, '2019-10-30 11:25:02.885594+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-30 11:26:12.946195+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-13', 'Conge R&R', '', true, false, '2019/177', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 21076, '2019-10-30 10:01:08.772192+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (139, '2019-10-30 11:41:57.058415+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-30 11:43:57.905219+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-13', 'Conge R&R', '', true, false, '2019/182', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 11514, 8718, '2019-10-30 10:01:08.772192+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (88, '2019-10-10 13:50:23.815758+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-10 13:50:41.816763+00', NULL, '2019-10-10 14:32:07.032578+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-30', 'Identification des participants à la formation sur les urgences et du lancement du Système d’Alerte Precoce (SAP)', '', false, false, '2019/115', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11347, 14700, '2019-10-10 13:50:41.816774+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (134, '2019-10-29 07:22:51.670062+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-29 07:24:47.115422+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-10-07', '2019-10-11', 'Visite programmatique du PCA avec Secours Islamiques France', '', false, false, '2019/171', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 391, 13512, 5064, '2019-10-29 07:24:47.115433+00', NULL, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (147, '2019-11-07 12:51:12.172033+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-07 12:51:36.84484+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-21', 'Participer a la Revue Monitorage eTME', '', false, false, '2019/200', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 11436, 12023, '2019-11-07 12:50:27.030787+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (128, '2019-10-25 11:17:55.999304+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-25 11:17:56.024647+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-01', '2019-11-02', 'Evaluation urgence chokoyane', '', false, false, '2019/166', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 25166, '2019-10-25 11:17:56.024657+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (143, '2019-11-04 16:52:00.461973+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-04 16:54:26.618499+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-12', '2019-11-20', 'Installation de refrigérateurs a Krim-Krim et Benoye, puis collecter les données pour la mise à jour l''ODP - DSP Mandoul', '', false, false, '2019/196', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 387, 8519, 23640, '2019-11-04 16:54:26.618509+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (48, '2019-10-04 10:25:31.173573+00', '2019-11-08 07:37:55.399369+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 10:25:31.197788+00', NULL, '2019-10-04 11:48:35.576179+00', '', '', '', 'La visite visait à discuter avec les partenaires chargés de la mise en œuvre des projets au nom de la section de l''éducation et de la section de la protection de l''enfance. C’était l’occasion de vérifier les données communiquées mensuellement par le partenaire.
+Temps fort du déroulement de la mission : (Faire une description succincte et analytique du travail fait durant la mission soit par activité réalisée soit par jour d’activité)
+- La première visite a eu lieu dans l''espace ami d’enfants (EAE) qui accueille les enfants de Doholo village. L’espace compte au total 500 enfants, dont 223 filles inscrites, mais le jour de la visite, seuls 162 enfants, dont 75 filles, étaient présents.
+- Deux animateurs d''Intersos et trois volontaires de la communauté, dont l''un joue le rôle de point focal dans la communauté, sont présents sur le site.
+- Les enfants fréquentant l’EAE sont répartis en 4 groupes d’âge ; 0-5, 6-10, 11-13 et 14-17 (ce dernier groupe se rend à la salle l''après-midi).
+- La visite de l’EAE de Kobiteye : l’EAE compte 502 enfants dont 222 filles mais le jour de la visite, il a été dénombré 219 enfants dont 112 filles.
+Activités du projet :
+- Le projet vise à réhabiliter la structure qui sert d''abri au groupe des 0 à 5 ans, la cuisine, construire un bloc de latrines séparées pour les enfants et les animateurs et une clôture.
+- Le projet a identifié un service traiteur qui fournit des repas aux enfants 3 fois par semaine.
+- Le projet vise à délivrer 400 actes de naissance, dont 85 ont déjà été délivrés.
+- Le partenaire soutient actuellement 52 familles d''accueil par le biais de formations sur la protection de l''enfance et le développement d''activités génératrices de revenus. Les familles d’accueil doivent former 5 groupes qui développeront des propositions pour l’AGR et bénéficieront d’un financement de 500 000 FCFA.
+- Les activités de recherche de la famille et la réunification commencera une fois que le HCR aura achevé la collecte de données biologiques d''avoir des informations plus précises sur les enfants séparés et non accompagnés
+- Intersos intervient sur 6 sites au total ; 2 communautés hôtes (Kobiteye et Danamadja), 2 camps de réfugiés (Gondjé et Amboko) et 2 villages (Doholo et Bédankoussang).
+Ecole primaire de Kobiteye
+- Des échanges ont été faits avec le directeur de l’école et le Président de l’Association des parents d’élèves. Les inscriptions ne se font pas normalement mais les enfants du Site de Kobiteye sont déjà à l’école ; Selon le Directeur, certains parents de Sandana et Danmongo ont préféré envoyer leurs enfants à l’école de Kobiteye pour des raisons de bonne qualité de l’enseignement ;
+- L’école n’est pas prête à accueillir les élèves : certains travaux notamment le défrichage des alentours ne sont pas encore faits.
+Principaux produits obtenus (Faire une présentation des réalisations majeures comme conséquences directes et immédiates de votre travail fait pendant la mission et en lien avec les résultats attendus préalables définis y compris les conséquences effectives mais non prévues)
+Un rappel à la propreté de l’école et au suivi des mobiliers et interpellation a été fait à l’endroit de l’APE pour les travaux de défrichage de l’école pour la sécurité des enfants.
+Contraintes/problèmes majeurs (Faire le résumé des difficultés majeures rencontrées ayant entravé l’atteinte des objectifs de la mission)
+- Bien que l''école ait officiellement commencé, la majorité des enfants ne viennent pas encore à l''école car ils aident leurs parents aux travaux champêtres notamment les enfants de la communauté hôte.
+- Certains enseignants ne sont pas encore affectés ce qui fait que les élèves de différents niveaux ne sont pas dans leurs classes respectives.
+Actions prises (Au regard des difficultés majeures signalées ci-dessus, dire quelles sont les actions concrètes et immédiates prises pour remédier à une partie ou la totalité de ces difficultés)
+- Le Président de l’Associations des parents d’élèves a promis de trouver un individu pour faire les travaux nécessaires dès que possible.
+Principales leçons apprises (Formuler les principaux enseignements positifs ou négatifs tirés de la mission
+- Il n''y a pas de modèle de durabilité pour les EAE. Lorsqu''un projet cesse d''être financé, aucun système n''est mis en place pour permettre aux communautés de prendre en charge et de poursuivre leurs activités.
+- Les parents ne priorisent toujours pas l’éducation de leurs enfants.
+3. Recommandations Responsable Echéance
+Identifier un mécanisme de durabilité pour la consolidation des acquis a la fin du projet. Section Protection de l’Enfant Continue
+Poursuivre la sensibilisation pour encourager les parents à donner la priorité à l’école pour leurs enfants pendant l’année scolaire (aux côtés des travaux champêtres.) Section Education Continue
+Planifier la distribution des fournitures scolaires prédisposés à AIRD à Goré PO Education - IPEP Octobre 2019
+Faire le suivi des activités du projet PE (réhabilitation des hangars, …) PO Protection de l’enfant Octobre 2019
+NB : Joindre les termes de références ou autres documents qui justifient la mission', '', 'completed', '2019-10-08', '2019-10-08', 'Visite d''une EAE a Doholo et d''une ecole a Danamadja/Gore avec Staff (Urgences Ndjamena)', '', false, false, '2019/62', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-10-04 10:25:31.197797+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (149, '2019-11-07 13:53:05.115603+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-07 13:54:11.282611+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:13:05.946789+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-28', '2019-11-01', 'Mission de suivi des activites PRSSMI/PEV dans la Province du Logone Oriental', '', false, false, '2019/202', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 11859, '2019-11-07 13:54:11.282663+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (98, '2019-10-15 09:08:29.997445+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-15 09:08:30.092491+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:19:14.231729+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-22', '2019-10-26', 'Verification programmatique (Suivi de distribution des fournitures scolaires) et organisation de la reunion de Sous clus', '', false, false, '2019/125', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-10-15 09:08:30.092506+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (161, '2019-11-13 11:28:09.368303+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-13 11:28:09.403768+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-23', '2019-12-02', 'Formation des agents sur la PCIMAS', '', false, false, '2019/217', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 25166, '2019-11-13 11:28:09.403777+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (151, '2019-11-08 09:56:51.396+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-08 09:56:51.465882+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-21', '2019-11-27', 'Spotcheck et Suivi des recommandantions des partenaires The Mentor Initiative et IHDL', '', false, false, '2019/204', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-11-08 09:56:51.465892+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (126, '2019-10-24 12:06:06.482235+00', '2019-11-08 13:13:07.398048+00', NULL, '2019-10-24 12:42:46.387791+00', NULL, '2019-10-24 15:50:55.485213+00', '', '', '', '4. Progrès vers l’atteinte des résultats
+Cette mission d’Appui C4D et de suivi des recommandations issues de la Vérification Programmatique au niveau des DS des Provinces du Ouaddaï et du Wadi Fira en juin 2019 dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des activités PTME/é-TME a permis d’avoir les résultats suivants :
+ Quelques axes d’appui aux interventions communautaires sont définis à la suite de la rencontre d’échanges avec l’équipe cadre du DS d’Abougoudam et les relais communautaires ;
+ Des propositions favorisant l’engagement des organisations de femmes pour la promotion de la santé maternelle et infantile, de la PTME (Prévention de la transmission du VIH de la Mère à l’enfant) sont faites en soutien aux interventions communautaires dans le DS d’Abougoudam ;
+ Des stratégies sont proposées avec la contribution des jeunes et adolescents ainsi que des responsables de la Maison de Culture Ahmat Pacos d’Abéché en appui aux interventions de communication et l’élaboration de la carte de vulnérabilité en milieu jeune ;
+ Une histoire d’intérêt humain et un social média package sont produits valorisant les interventions communautaires et PTME à Abeche et Abougoudam ;
+ Des contraintes/difficultés et les forces dans la mise en œuvre des interventions communautaires et C4D sont identifiés.
+Lundi 14 octobre 2019 – Abeche, Maison de la Culture Ahmat Pecos
+Rencontre avec les pairs éducateurs de la Maison de Culture Ahmat Pecos d’Abeche. Sur 30 pairs éducateurs, 12 ont pris part à cette rencontre parmi lesquels 5 jeunes filles. Echanges sur le travail des pairs éducateurs, les difficultés rencontrées et les recommandations pour améliorer.
+1. Difficultés
+- Difficultés des pairs éducateurs à maîtriser leurs cibles. Tenue des séances dans les carrefours, les écoles, les lycées, au marché. Pas de programme spécifique de mise en oeuvre.
+- Mauvaise appréhension du travail des paires éducateurs par la population ;
+- Rupture et Cherté de préservatifs paquet de 4 à 250 fcfa ; (Voir le BZ d’Abeche)
+- Besoins de dépliants pour distribuer aux jeunes après les séances de causeries éducatives ;
+2. Recommandations
+- Fournir des badges pour la reconnaissance du travail des pairs éducateurs ;
+- Fournir la fiche de rapportage pour améliorer le suivi des interventions de causeries éducatives ;
+- Renforcer les interventions auprès des PS mineurs pour améliorer leurs niveaux de connaissance (identifier des pairs éducateurs dans cette communauté pour faire ce travail de communication)
+- Améliorer les séances de causeries en élaborant des plannings des pairs éducateurs (Séances mensuelles avec 12 – 15 personnes avec 5 séances sur les 5 thèmes principaux qui donnent des connaissances nécessaires pour le plan de prévention)
+- Fournir la Loi 019 ;
+- Renforcer le suivi des PVV et leur traitement (Ex de Meram, une dame séropositive : l’inviter à faire dépister son enfant de 3 ans et la suivre pour renforcer ses capacités pour négocier des rapports sexuels protégés).
+Mardi 15 octobre 2019 – Abougoudam
+Rencontre avec le Point Focal PTME du DS d’Abougoudam. Briefing sur l’agenda de la mission. Adaptation de l’agenda avec le programme du Centre de Santé et des acteurs à rencontrer. Dans le cadre de la pTME et de la PECP, 4 femmes séropositives sont suivies régulièrement au DS d’Abougoudam. 2 d’entre elles ont eu des enfants et ces deniers ont été dépistés à l’appareil Gen’Xpert.
+Mercredi 16 octobre 2019 – Abougoudam
+Interview avec une femmes séropositive sur le suivi de son traitement et la pratique de la PTME. Elle est suivie par le Centre de Santé depuis 8 ans et a eu deux enfants séronégatifs. Dans un contexte où les questions de santé sexuelles sont taboues et de discrimination à l’égard des personnes séropositives, elle fait office de figure de proue pour son courage et sa détermination.
+Echange avec la Sagefemme sur les questions de consultations prénatales. Le Centre de Santé reçoit en moyenne 100 femmes par mois pour la CPN et entre 30-40 femmes pour les accouchements. Plus d’une vingtaine de femmes viennent pour la planification familiale par mois.
+Rencontre avec les relais communautaires. Le DS d’Abougoudam dispose de 8 relais communautaires dont 3 femmes qui couvrent 29 villages. En collaboration avec le Centre de Santé, les chefs de villages et le COGES (Comité de gestion), ces relais communautaires organisent des séances de dialogues communautaires. Ils rencontrent des difficultés à couvrir les 29 villages dont certains un peu éloignés d’Abougoudam.
+Rencontre avec les l’Union des groupements des femmes d’Abougoudam. Plus d’une trentaine de femmes ont répondu à cette rencontre d’échanges sur leurs activités quotidiennes en appui à la PTME, la CPN, la vaccination, la lutte contre le mariage des enfants, la malnutrition. Elles profitent des rencontres ordinaires de femmes ou des cérémonies de baptêmes pour partager les connaissances et aider les femmes à changer de comportement. Toutefois, la plupart n’ont pas reçus de formation sur ces thématiques.
+Jeudi 17 octobre 2019 – Abeche, Maison de la culture Ahmat Pecos
+Production de contenus : interviews avec deux jeunes dames séropositives, dont l’une habitante une maison close et l’autre servante dans un maquis sur le suivi de leur traitement et leur vie sexuelle. Interview aussi avec un adolescent de 17 ans, homosexuel, exploité dans une maison close. Ces interviews révèlent un faible niveau de connaissance de ces jeunes et adolescents présents dans le circuit des professionnels de sexe et leur faible capacité à négocier des relations sexuelles protégés.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-28', '2019-11-03', 'Mission d''Appui C4D et de planification', 'RAS', false, false, '2019/164', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 5069, 20819, '2019-10-24 12:42:46.387801+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (153, '2019-11-08 14:55:42.084352+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-08 14:55:42.214282+00', NULL, '2019-11-08 15:22:13.22064+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-19', '2019-11-23', 'Mission de suivi dans le cadre du Projet PRSSMI/PEV dans 4 districts sanitaires de la Province du Mandoul', 'Grant : SC180628; WBS : 0810/A0/05/881/002/005', false, false, '2019/206', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 11859, '2019-11-08 14:55:42.214292+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (155, '2019-11-12 10:20:27.558835+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-12 10:20:27.595428+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-20', 'Participer a la revue approfondie a Ndjamena', '', false, false, '2019/208', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 389, 24425, 21331, '2019-11-12 10:20:27.595442+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (157, '2019-11-12 15:56:21.900409+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-12 16:06:27.927329+00', NULL, '2019-11-12 16:19:20.761541+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-11-17', '2019-11-20', 'Participation a la revue approfondie', '', false, false, '2019/213', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 390, 10707, 14616, '2019-11-12 16:06:27.927338+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (7, '2019-09-30 16:46:46.696059+00', '2019-10-30 10:45:57.450664+00', NULL, '2019-09-30 16:46:46.790467+00', NULL, '2019-10-01 16:30:10.16805+00', '', '', '', 'La mission a realise:
+ Bénoye : 6 séances de travail réalisées dont 1 avec les autorités communales, 3 avec les membres des communautés et 2 autres avec l’ECDS de Bénoye.
+ Krim-Krim : 7 séances de travail réalisées dont 1 avec les autorités administratives, 1 avec les autorités communales, 2 avec les membres des communautés, 1 avec les agents de sante communautaires et 2 autres avec l’ECDS de Laokassy.
+ Mise à jour la base des données communautaires : L’appui a été donne aux acteurs locaux pour 11 communautés de Krim-Krim. Le Mobilisateur, le PF du DS et le RPEV sont chargés de réaliser dans les 6 communautés restantes. Le masque de saisie des données a été corrigé et mis à la disposition du mobilisateur pour utilisation. La PF de la DSP/LOC est mandatée d’appuyer l’équipe de Bénoye pour la correction et validation des données de Bénoye Urbain avant la fin du mois d’octobre 2019.
+En termes d''offre de services, les problemes se resument a i) la rupture en vaccins et la défaillance su système d’approvisionnement sont récurrents et handicapent l’atteinte des résultats; ii) la non prise en charge des enfants dépistés malnutris dans les centres de santé de Bénoye et Krim-Krim ; iii) l’absence d’une SFDE ou ATS/Accoucheuse au centre de santé de Bénoye Urbain ; non-respect de calendrier vaccinal dans l’administration des vaccins et remplissage de carte de vaccination par les agents vaccinateurs ; iv) les centres de santé de Bénoye et Krim-Krim ne disposent pas de réfrigérateurs ; v) a la rupture de registre d’acte de naissance ; vi) l''absence de motos pour renforcer les activités en stratégie avancée et la supervision des ASC ;
+Concernant la demande , les problemes se rapportent i) a la faible demande de services de CPN et d’accouchement assistés et non présentation des nouveau-nés au centre de santé pour une prise en charge postpartum par la majorité des femmes enceintes ; ii) aux plateformes communautaires insuffisamment opérationnelles ; iii) au fait que les pratiques familiales essentielles à promouvoir ne sont pas harmonises et systématiquement promues par les ASC, les responsables administratifs et coutumiers et les agents de santé
+S''agissant de l''environnement favorable les problèmes concernent i) l''insuffisance de communication entre les acteurs locaux (Délégation, District, Centre de Sante- Mobilisateur – ASC) et les communautés ; ii) l''insuffisance de supervision régulière et de qualité entrainant la démotivation et relâchement de certains ASC ; iii) la faiblesse articulation « Plateformes Communautaires – CDA » pour une meilleure appropriation par les structures décentralisées de gouvernance locale ; iv) la faible capacité d’organisation des services de certains agents de santé au niveau des centres de santé et du district au niveau de Bénoye.
+Pour la qualité , on note l''interruption d’utilisation des services (CPN, Vaccination des enfants de 0 à 11 mois) ; ii) la non maitrise du calendrier vaccinal par certains agents vaccinateurs et iii) la rupture d’approvisionnement en intrants, médicaments, cartes de vaccination et de registres d’actes de naissance', '', 'completed', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-19', 'Suivi des activités de CFC/RTM et des indicateurs CSD dans le BZ/Moundou', '', false, false, '2019/7', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 177097, 12132, '2019-09-30 16:46:46.790477+00', NULL, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (117, '2019-10-22 16:36:26.629432+00', '2019-11-08 08:58:07.953231+00', NULL, '2019-10-22 16:36:26.699799+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:20:01.339488+00', '', '', '', 'La formation consiste à maîtriser les procédures à suivre pas à pas pour enregistrer les projets en ligne.
+1. Les étapes clés à maîtriser
+1.1 : Login et inscription (Propriétaires des projets)
+1.2 Créer et soumettre un projet
+1.3 Trouver un projet
+1.4 Modifier un projet (non encore soumis) : Coordinateurs de cluster
+1.5 Approuver ou rejeter un projet
+1.6 Générer des rapports
+Après cette étape, l’attention des coordinateurs de clusters a été attiré pour l’étape suivante dans les onglets Cluster et approval status :
+2. Le remplissage du module projet
+2.1 Informations de base
+2.2 Plan de réponse (projets à ventiler sur plusieurs critères à totaliser à 100% ; Thématique transversale (la question du Cas ; du marqueur genre, …)
+2.3 Emplacements (bien spécifier les régions, les départements, les sous-préfectures, …)
+2.4 Cluster/sector (s’aligner toujours derrière la stratégie), veuillez au remplissage du caseloads, de la désagrégation et des activites (à définir par priorite a implémenter sur le terrain)
+2.5 Budgets
+2.6 Revue
+A ce niveau, il y a 3 choix à faire :
+• Soumettre le projet
+• Ajouter à la revue ou
+• Retirer le projet pour éditer/rejeter le projet ou approuver le projet en tant que cluster lead
+Soumettre si possible autant de commentaires pour soutenir le projet.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-28', '2019-10-31', 'Prendre part a la formation sur la soumission des projets a OPS 2020 par OCHA', '', false, false, '2019/154', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 12059, '2019-10-22 16:36:26.699809+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (141, '2019-11-04 07:26:23.21675+00', NULL, '2019-11-04 10:33:40.782758+00', '2019-10-10 13:50:41.816763+00', NULL, '2019-10-10 14:32:07.032578+00', '', 'Duplicate error', '', '', '', 'cancelled', '2019-10-17', '2019-10-30', 'Identification des participants à la formation sur les urgences et du lancement du Système d’Alerte Precoce (SAP)', '', false, false, '2019/188', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 387, 11347, 14362, '2019-10-10 13:50:41.816774+00', NULL, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (148, '2019-11-07 12:52:08.633296+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-07 12:52:19.420767+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-21', 'Participer a la Revue Monitorage eTME', '', false, false, '2019/201', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 11436, 24207, '2019-11-07 12:50:27.030787+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (115, '2019-10-22 10:13:35.681071+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-10-22 10:14:19.473169+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:18:27.555466+00', '', '', '', '', '', 'approved', '2019-10-24', '2019-11-15', 'Supervision activités MobSoc Riposte cVDPV2 de Mandelia', '', false, false, '2019/150', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 14045, '2019-10-22 10:14:19.473179+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (75, '2019-10-08 15:55:05.491652+00', '2019-11-07 14:25:09.159245+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 15:55:20.42226+00', NULL, '2019-10-08 16:27:33.976923+00', '', '', '', 'Organiser dans un bref delai une restitution sur l''atelier aux collegues de bureau de Moundou.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-14', '2019-10-17', 'Participer à 2eme Formation E-Tools: Module d''Assurance Financière', '', false, false, '2019/98', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 11068, '2019-10-08 15:55:20.42227+00', NULL, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (164, '2019-11-13 16:16:59.245754+00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'planned', '2019-11-14', '2019-11-25', 'Participer a la Mission d''Etude sur la Sante Communautaire au Niger', '', false, false, '2019/220', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 10933, 9329, NULL, NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (162, '2019-11-13 15:20:29.799236+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-13 15:22:04.444315+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-15', '2019-11-20', 'Participer à la revue de la section éducation', '', false, false, '2019/218', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 25005, '2019-11-13 15:22:04.444335+00', NULL, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (130, '2019-10-25 15:30:20.177459+00', '2019-11-08 12:34:22.212599+00', NULL, '2019-10-25 15:30:37.348398+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:20:42.324277+00', '', '', '', 'Il s''agi d''un rapport de Verification Programmatique de la DSP du Mandoul sur un FACE d''un montant de 16 771 000 FCFA pour le financement des activites des microplans de districts sanitaires du Mandoul. Toutes les activites ont ete realisees par la delegation sanitaire et les DS. Les principaux resultats sont les suivants: amelioration de la qualite des donnees a travers la validation mensuelles des donnees, le renforcement des capacites des agents a travers les missions de supervisions, et 107 agents de sante ont ete formes sur les outils de gestions des donnees et la technique de prelevement des enfants sur papiers buvards. Par ailleurs nous avions aussi constates que le plateau technique des CS visites au cours de cette mission est faible(insuffissance des boites d''accouchements, tensiometre, pese enfant, materiel de reanimation du nouveau ne..). il ya necessite de renforcer le plateau technique des CS du DS de Koumra. Aussi Les activités des agents de santé communautaires se sont poursuivies dans l’ensemble de DS. La mise en œuvre de cette activité dans les différents DS a permis d’atteindre les résultats suivants :
+- 2 529 femmes enceintes ont sensibilisées et référées à la CPN
+- 5970 jeunes et adolescents ont sensibilises sur la prévention du VIH
+- 359 leaders communautaires ont été sensibilisés et ont mené des activités de promotions en faveur de la PTME', '', 'completed', '2019-10-21', '2019-10-24', 'Assurer une mission de supervision et de VP de la DSP du Mandoul pour les activites PTME', 'la mission s''est bien deroule. par ailleurs au cours de cette mission nous avions aussi pris part au funeraile de notre collegue chauffeur Djaingue decede', false, false, '2019/168', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 13031, '2019-10-25 15:30:37.348408+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (103, '2019-10-18 13:09:37.834154+00', '2019-11-13 10:17:07.884301+00', NULL, '2019-10-18 13:09:53.781053+00', NULL, '2019-11-07 14:18:53.755163+00', '', '', '', 'Deux pools de formations de 5 jours chacun, sur la prise en charge intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe en ambulatoire sans complication médicale ont été organisées à l’intention des agents de santé des districts sanitaires de Goré et Bessao. Au totale, 34 agents dont 20 agents de santé (3 femmes et 17 hommes) et 14 ASC ont bénéficié la formation.
+Ces formations concernent 8 centres de santé (Timbiri et Peuleuh dans le DS de Goré, Dodang II, Laoukoueamassi, Gadjibian, Bendjimoudou, Manang, et Bekor II dans le DS de Bessao, identifiés pour abriter les UNA.
+- la première partie organisée dans le district sanitaire de Goré, regroupant 11 participants dont 3 femmes, constitués de 9 professionnels de santé, venus des centres de santé, DS de Goré et du partenaire Mentor et 2 agents de santé communautaire (ASC) ont été formés du 22 au 26 octobre 2019.
+Cette section de formation a connu la participation de 7 participants au pré-test et 11 participants au post-test. Au pré-test les notes avaient varié de 3/20 à 16,5/20 soit une moyenne de 7/20. Au post test, les notes ont varié de 6/20 à 18,5/20. La note moyenne était de 12/20. Ceci note une progression de 5 points du niveau de connaissance moyenne des participants sur la PCIMA.
+- Un deuxième pool de formation organisé dans le DS de Bessao regroupant 23 participants composés de 14 professionnels de santé (10 IDE, 2 ATS, 1 technicien supérieur en soins infirmier 1 technicien de laboratoire) et 9 ASC venus des centres de santé, du district et de l’ONG MEMTOR, ont été formés du 28 octobre au 1er novembre 2019.
+Pour cette deuxième section de formation, 22 participants ont pris part au pré-test et 23 participants au post-test. Au pré-test les notes avaient varié de 0/20 à 17/20 soit une moyenne de 5/20. Au post test, les notes ont varié de 3,5/20 à 17,5/20. La note moyenne était de 11,5/20. Ceci note une progression de 6,5 points du niveau de connaissance des participants sur la PCIMA.
+Les deux sections de formation ont eu la participation de deux MCD de Goré, Bessao et ont été un succès.
+A cet effet, un lot de matériels anthropométriques ( 8 cartons de toises (16 unités), 8 balances électroniques, MUAC), les outils de gestion UNA (15 registres de UNA, 15 registres de stock, 500 fiches de suivi UNA, 500 fiches de ration et tables de rapport P/T, ainsi que des intrants nécessaires (450 ATPE, Albendazole…) pour le lancement des activités dans ces nouvelles UNA , ont été sortis du magasin de l’Unicef et remis au partenaire Mentor Initiative en vue de remettre aux centres de santé concernés pour l’ouverture des nouvelles UNA.', '', 'completed', '2019-10-21', '2019-11-02', 'Mission de visite programmation et formation des agents de santé sur le paquet PCIMAS', '', false, false, '2019/134', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, 0.0000, 0.0000, 145, 391, 9984, 22479, '2019-10-18 13:09:53.781063+00', NULL, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travel VALUES (163, '2019-11-13 15:53:22.093498+00', NULL, NULL, '2019-11-13 15:53:22.12237+00', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', 'submitted', '2019-11-18', '2019-11-20', 'Suivi des activites de PCA avec l''ONG PUI', '', false, false, '2019/219', false, NULL, 0.0000, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 145, 388, 9329, 13371, '2019-11-13 15:53:22.122385+00', NULL, 7);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (8, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-03', 311, NULL, 13372, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (9, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-07', NULL, NULL, 21269, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (10, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-03', 435, NULL, 11672, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (6, 'Staff Entitlement', '2019-10-23', NULL, NULL, 177097, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (7, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-14', 187, NULL, 12132, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (11, 'Meeting', '2019-10-14', 60, NULL, 25198, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (41, 'Meeting', '2019-10-07', NULL, NULL, 13031, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (14, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-03', 435, NULL, 60199, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (47, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 24429, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (112, 'Meeting', '2019-10-29', 435, NULL, 13031, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (52, 'Meeting', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 13372, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (15, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-04', 49, NULL, 23640, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (16, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-15', NULL, NULL, 7798, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (17, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (18, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 7798, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (46, 'Advocacy', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 12059, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (19, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-05', NULL, NULL, 21654, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (21, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-10', 438, NULL, 11647, 59);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (22, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-12', NULL, NULL, 7798, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (23, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-19', NULL, NULL, 7798, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (20, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-05', NULL, NULL, 7798, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (24, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-14', NULL, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (25, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (104, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-27', 130, NULL, 24425, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (38, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-07', NULL, NULL, 13031, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (39, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-11', 266, NULL, 13031, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (29, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-07', NULL, NULL, 5069, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (40, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-14', 48, NULL, 13031, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (48, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-01', NULL, NULL, 9333, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (30, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-09', 206, NULL, 23059, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (31, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-25', 112, NULL, 23059, 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (49, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-05', NULL, NULL, 9333, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (32, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-01', 174, NULL, 12552, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (33, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-15', 398, NULL, 12059, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (34, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 20384, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (50, 'Meeting', '2019-10-13', NULL, NULL, 9333, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (51, 'Meeting', '2019-10-20', NULL, NULL, 9333, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (53, 'Meeting', '2019-11-04', NULL, NULL, 9329, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (27, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-12', 315, NULL, 14006, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (36, 'Meeting', '2019-10-04', 130, NULL, 11514, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (54, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-04', 47, NULL, 25042, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (42, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-15', NULL, NULL, 20819, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (43, 'Meeting', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 12553, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (55, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-11', 182, NULL, 8140, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (37, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-09', 206, NULL, 23059, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (57, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-21', 130, NULL, 9148, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (58, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-11', 7, NULL, 9148, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (44, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-07', NULL, NULL, 5068, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (45, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-15', 44, NULL, 9329, 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (59, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-10', 43, NULL, 12553, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (60, 'Meeting', '2019-10-08', NULL, NULL, 11514, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (62, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-14', NULL, NULL, 10706, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (61, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-11', 182, NULL, 8140, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (64, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-12', 182, NULL, 8140, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (71, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-18', 95, NULL, 14239, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (63, 'Meeting', '2019-10-15', NULL, NULL, 9329, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (69, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-15', NULL, NULL, 11514, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (73, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 4606, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (66, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-14', NULL, NULL, 14616, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (67, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-15', NULL, NULL, 11068, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (82, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-13', 42, NULL, 173681, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (68, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-11', NULL, NULL, 5057, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (56, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-15', 53, NULL, 25005, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (93, 'Advocacy', '2019-10-22', 49, NULL, 25042, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (70, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-15', 450, NULL, 9032, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (83, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-21', NULL, NULL, 14616, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (72, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-24', 125, NULL, 14363, 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (84, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-15', 418, NULL, 13512, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (78, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-26', 439, NULL, 8519, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (121, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-11', 206, NULL, 13371, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (80, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-10', 125, NULL, 19279, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (81, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-14', 125, NULL, 19279, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (88, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-25', 125, NULL, 14363, 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (85, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', 447, NULL, 13512, 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (86, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-29', 418, NULL, 13512, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (87, 'Meeting', '2019-10-15', 187, NULL, 9984, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (89, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', 51, NULL, 12059, 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (90, 'Meeting', '2019-10-25', 51, NULL, 12059, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (94, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 12378, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (95, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', 48, NULL, 22479, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (96, 'Meeting', '2019-11-04', NULL, NULL, 8519, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (97, 'Meeting', '2019-10-23', NULL, NULL, 24425, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (98, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-05', NULL, NULL, 4606, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (99, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-12', NULL, NULL, 4606, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (100, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-19', NULL, NULL, 4606, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (26, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-05', 246, NULL, 14006, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (28, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-19', 180, NULL, 14006, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (105, 'Meeting', '2019-10-30', NULL, NULL, 12528, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (101, 'Staff Entitlement', '2019-10-27', NULL, NULL, 7750, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (102, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-25', 60, NULL, 14045, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (35, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-02', 174, NULL, 12552, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (103, 'Staff Development', '2019-10-28', NULL, NULL, 12059, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (106, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-04', 81, NULL, 5056, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (107, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-30', NULL, NULL, 20819, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (108, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-28', 206, NULL, 22317, 59);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (113, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-01', 130, NULL, 9032, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (91, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-28', 49, NULL, 25166, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (92, 'Advocacy', '2019-10-22', NULL, NULL, 25166, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (114, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-08', 104, NULL, 10127, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (115, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-30', NULL, NULL, 24195, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (13, 'Meeting', '2019-10-06', 425, NULL, 22244, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (110, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', 41, NULL, 13031, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (111, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-10-22', 41, NULL, 13031, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (117, 'Meeting', '2019-11-04', 130, NULL, 11514, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (116, 'Staff Entitlement', '2019-11-03', NULL, NULL, 12319, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (134, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-20', 5, NULL, 24025, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (118, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-05', 158, NULL, 25042, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (122, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-11', 49, NULL, 25166, 54);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (79, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-17', NULL, NULL, 14700, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (123, 'Meeting', '2019-11-15', 176, NULL, 9329, 58);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (109, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-09', 49, NULL, 25166, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (124, 'Meeting', '2019-11-15', 176, NULL, 9329, 58);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (125, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-28', 48, NULL, 11859, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (126, 'Technical Support', '2019-10-28', 48, NULL, 11859, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (130, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-19', 41, NULL, 11859, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (127, 'Meeting', '2019-11-17', 51, NULL, 12059, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (140, 'Advocacy', '2019-11-25', 130, NULL, 210807, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (141, 'Advocacy', '2019-11-26', NULL, NULL, 210807, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (131, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-19', 41, NULL, 11859, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (135, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-15', NULL, NULL, 21331, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (132, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-19', 41, NULL, 11859, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (133, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-19', 41, NULL, 11859, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (119, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-13', 187, NULL, 23640, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (120, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-15', 41, NULL, 23640, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (128, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-25', 237, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (129, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-27', 298, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (142, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-23', 44, NULL, 25166, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (143, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-23', 44, NULL, 25166, 53);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (136, 'Meeting', '2019-11-17', NULL, NULL, 14616, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (137, 'Meeting', '2019-11-17', NULL, NULL, 14616, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (138, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-22', 298, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (139, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-25', 237, NULL, 14006, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (144, 'Meeting', '2019-11-15', 414, NULL, 25005, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (145, 'Meeting', '2019-11-15', 418, NULL, 25005, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (146, 'Programmatic Visit', '2019-11-18', 80, NULL, 13371, NULL);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity VALUES (147, 'Technical Support', '2019-11-18', 430, NULL, 9329, NULL);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (8, 10, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (30, 42, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (10, 13, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (11, 14, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (5, 7, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (6, 7, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (7, 7, 43);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (12, 15, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (13, 16, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (14, 18, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (15, 19, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (16, 22, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (17, 23, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (18, 20, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (19, 24, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (20, 25, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (21, 26, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (22, 27, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (23, 28, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (24, 29, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (25, 30, 5);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (26, 31, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (27, 32, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (28, 35, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (29, 36, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (31, 45, 40);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (32, 52, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (33, 53, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (34, 54, 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (35, 55, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (36, 56, 84);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (37, 57, 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (38, 60, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (39, 61, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (40, 62, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (41, 63, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (42, 64, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (46, 71, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (44, 66, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (45, 67, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (47, 72, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (48, 73, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (58, 82, 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (59, 82, 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (60, 84, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (61, 85, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (62, 86, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (63, 88, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (55, 79, 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (56, 79, 62);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (57, 81, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (64, 88, 69);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (65, 88, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (66, 88, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (67, 72, 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (68, 72, 69);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (69, 72, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (70, 72, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (71, 89, 69);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (72, 90, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (73, 91, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (74, 93, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (75, 95, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (76, 98, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (77, 99, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (78, 100, 86);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (79, 102, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (80, 104, 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (81, 105, 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (82, 106, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (83, 106, 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (84, 107, 4);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (92, 123, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (86, 110, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (87, 111, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (88, 118, 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (89, 119, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (90, 120, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (91, 109, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (93, 124, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (94, 125, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (95, 126, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (96, 127, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (97, 130, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (98, 130, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (99, 131, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (100, 131, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (101, 132, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (102, 132, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (103, 133, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (104, 133, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (105, 134, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (106, 134, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (107, 136, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (108, 137, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (109, 138, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (110, 139, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (111, 140, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (112, 141, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (113, 142, 40);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (114, 144, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (115, 145, 3);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations VALUES (116, 146, 82);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (8, 8, 8);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (9, 9, 9);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (10, 10, 10);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (11, 11, 11);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (51, 46, 48);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (6, 6, 6);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (7, 7, 7);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (13, 13, 12);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (14, 14, 13);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (15, 15, 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (16, 16, 15);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (17, 17, 16);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (18, 18, 17);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (19, 19, 18);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (20, 20, 19);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (21, 21, 20);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (22, 22, 21);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (23, 23, 22);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (24, 24, 23);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (25, 25, 24);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (26, 26, 25);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (27, 27, 26);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (28, 28, 27);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (29, 29, 28);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (30, 30, 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (31, 31, 30);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (32, 32, 31);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (33, 33, 32);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (34, 34, 33);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (35, 35, 34);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (36, 36, 35);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (37, 36, 36);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (38, 36, 37);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (57, 52, 52);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (40, 38, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (41, 39, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (42, 40, 39);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (44, 42, 41);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (45, 43, 42);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (46, 43, 43);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (47, 43, 44);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (48, 42, 45);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (49, 44, 46);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (50, 45, 47);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (52, 47, 49);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (53, 48, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (54, 49, 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (55, 50, 51);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (56, 51, 51);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (58, 53, 54);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (59, 54, 55);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (60, 55, 56);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (61, 56, 57);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (62, 57, 58);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (63, 58, 59);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (64, 59, 60);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (65, 59, 61);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (66, 60, 62);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (67, 60, 63);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (68, 60, 64);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (69, 60, 65);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (70, 61, 66);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (71, 60, 68);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (72, 62, 67);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (73, 61, 69);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (74, 63, 70);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (75, 64, 71);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (83, 70, 79);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (77, 66, 73);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (78, 64, 74);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (79, 67, 75);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (80, 68, 76);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (81, 68, 77);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (82, 69, 78);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (84, 71, 80);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (85, 69, 81);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (86, 72, 82);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (87, 56, 83);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (88, 73, 84);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (97, 82, 91);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (98, 83, 92);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (99, 84, 93);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (100, 85, 94);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (93, 78, 87);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (94, 79, 88);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (95, 80, 89);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (96, 81, 90);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (101, 86, 95);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (102, 87, 96);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (103, 88, 97);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (104, 89, 98);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (105, 90, 98);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (106, 91, 99);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (107, 92, 99);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (108, 93, 100);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (109, 94, 101);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (110, 94, 102);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (111, 95, 103);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (112, 96, 104);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (113, 97, 105);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (114, 97, 106);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (115, 97, 107);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (122, 101, 114);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (123, 102, 115);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (124, 32, 116);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (130, 104, 122);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (131, 104, 123);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (132, 105, 124);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (125, 103, 117);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (133, 106, 125);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (127, 26, 119);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (128, 27, 120);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (129, 28, 121);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (134, 107, 126);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (135, 108, 127);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (136, 109, 128);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (137, 110, 129);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (138, 111, 130);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (139, 112, 131);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (140, 113, 133);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (141, 114, 134);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (142, 115, 135);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (143, 115, 136);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (144, 116, 137);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (145, 116, 138);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (146, 116, 139);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (147, 117, 140);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (148, 79, 141);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (149, 118, 142);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (150, 119, 143);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (151, 120, 143);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (152, 121, 144);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (153, 122, 145);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (154, 123, 146);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (155, 124, 146);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (156, 123, 147);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (157, 124, 147);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (158, 123, 148);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (159, 124, 148);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (160, 125, 149);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (161, 126, 149);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (162, 127, 150);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (163, 128, 151);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (164, 129, 151);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (165, 130, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (166, 131, 152);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (167, 132, 153);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (168, 133, 153);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (169, 134, 154);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (170, 135, 155);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (177, 140, 159);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (178, 141, 159);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (173, 136, 157);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (174, 137, 157);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (175, 138, 158);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (176, 139, 158);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (179, 138, 160);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (180, 139, 160);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (181, 142, 161);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (182, 143, 161);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (183, 144, 162);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (184, 145, 162);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (185, 146, 163);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels VALUES (186, 147, 164);
-- Data for Name: t2f_travelattachment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (2, 'Other', 'Your security clearance request is GRANTED.msg', 'travels/[[schema]]/14/Your_security_clearance_request_is_GRANTED.msg', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (3, 'Other', 'ATT_UN.zip', 'travels/[[schema]]/14/ATT_UN.zip', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (4, 'Other', 'TDR_mission - Abéché.docx', 'travels/[[schema]]/14/TDR_mission_-_Abéché.docx', 14);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (14, 'Other', 'Rapport atelier PNV-Douguia 101019-signe.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/50/Rapport_atelier_PNV-Douguia_101019-signe.pdf', 50);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (16, 'Other', 'Rapport reunion Annuelle des Directeurs du PEV-15 au 17 octobre 2019- Bujumbura. signe.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/51/Rapport_reunion_Annuelle_des_Directeurs_du_PEV-15_au_17_octobre_2019-_Bujumbura._signe.pdf', 51);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (17, 'Other', 'Rapport reunion Annuelle des Directeurs du PEV-15 au 17 octobre 2019- Bujumbura. signe.pdf', 'travels/[[schema]]/51/Rapport_reunion_Annuelle_des_Directeurs_du_PEV-15_au_17_octobre_2019-_Bujumbura._signe_qJ9U9aO.pdf', 51);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (8, 'Other', 'Security clearance request is GRANTED_Nguissara.msg', 'travels/[[schema]]/29/Security_clearance_request_is_GRANTED_Nguissara.msg', 29);
+INSERT INTO [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment VALUES (9, 'Other', 'Security clearance request is GRANTED_Nguissara.msg', 'travels/[[schema]]/29/Security_clearance_request_is_GRANTED_Nguissara_VWhtzc2.msg', 29);
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+-- Name: actstream_follow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 441, true);
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_offices_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_risk_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq', 117, true);
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq', 38, true);
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: django_comments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq', 13, true);
+-- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq', 604, true);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverall_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventio_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_member_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq', 1383, true);
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq', 2002, true);
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq', 1064, true);
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq', 1697, true);
+-- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq', 2, true);
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq', 125, true);
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq', 95, true);
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq', 482, true);
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq', 7, true);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 454, true);
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 453, true);
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 24, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 23, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 18, true);
+-- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 73, true);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 222, true);
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_office_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_office_id_seq', 391, true);
+-- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 170, true);
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 3, true);
+-- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 14, true);
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq', 31, true);
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 263, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 164, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 147, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 116, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 186, true);
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 46, true);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 441, true);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 57, true);
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 79, true);
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_office_id_2f1d3560_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, office_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_section_engagement_id_section_id_3373e89a_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, section_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_users_n_engagement_id_user_id_e40756d1_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, user_id);
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_users_notified_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_users_notified_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financialfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financialfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_finding audit_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Data for Name: unicef_attachments_filetype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (34, 0, 'attached_agreement', 'Signed Agreement', 'partners_agreement');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (37, 0, 'agreement_signed_amendment', 'Agreement Amendment', 'partners_agreement_amendment');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (36, 0, 'assessment_report', 'Assessment Report', 'partners_assessment_report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (40, 0, 'intervention_amendment_signed', 'PD/SSFA Amendment', 'partners_intervention_amendment_signed');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (42, 0, 'intervention_attachment', 'Intervention Attachment', 'partners_intervention_attachment');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (38, 0, 'intervention_prc_review', 'PRC Review', 'partners_intervention_prc_review');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (39, 0, 'intervention_signed_pd', 'Signed PD/SSFA', 'partners_intervention_signed_pd');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (35, 0, 'core_values_assessment', 'Core Values Assessment', 'partners_partner_assessment');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (43, 0, 'activation_letter', 'PD Activation Letter', 'partners_intervention_activation_letter');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (44, 0, 'termination_doc', 'PD Termination Document', 'partners_intervention_termination_doc');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (45, 17, 'internal_prc_review', 'Internal PRC Review', 'partners_intervention_amendment_internal_prc_review');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (1, 0, 'programme_document', 'FACE', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (2, 1, 'supply_manual_list', 'Progress report', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (3, 2, 'unicef_trip_report_action_point_report', 'Partnership review', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (4, 3, 'partner_report', 'Final Partnership Review', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (5, 4, 'previous_trip_reports', 'Correspondence', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (6, 5, 'training_materials', 'Supply/Distribution Plan', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (7, 6, 'tors', 'Workplan', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (8, 4, 'ice_form', 'ICE', 'audit_engagement');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (9, 3, 'face_form', 'FACE form', 'audit_engagement');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (10, 5, 'other', 'Other', 'audit_engagement');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (11, 0, 'report', 'Report', 'audit_report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (14, 1, 'other', 'Other', 'audit_report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (17, 2, 'workplan', 'Workplan', 'audit_engagement');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (18, 7, 'other', 'Other', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (19, 0, 'report', 'Report', 'tpm_report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (22, 9, 'signed_pd/ssfa', 'Signed PD/SSFA', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (23, 10, 'prc_submission', 'PRC Submission', 'tpm');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (24, 11, 'other', 'Other', 'tpm_report');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (25, 12, 'terms_of_reference', 'Terms of Reference', 'tpm_partner');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (26, 13, 'training_material', 'Training Material', 'tpm_partner');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (27, 14, 'contract', 'Contract', 'tpm_partner');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (28, 15, 'questionnaires', 'Questionnaires', 'tpm_partner');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (29, 16, 'other', 'Other', 'tpm_partner');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (30, 1, 'picture_dataset', 'Picture Dataset', 'tpm_report_attachments');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (31, 2, 'questionnaire', 'Questionnaire', 'tpm_report_attachments');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (32, 3, 'other', 'Other', 'tpm_report_attachments');
-INSERT INTO [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype VALUES (33, 0, 'overall_report', 'Overall Report', 'tpm_report_attachments');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Data for Name: unicef_snapshot_activity; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].action_points_actionpoint_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].activities_activity_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_action_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
--- Name: actstream_follow_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].actstream_follow_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachment_id_seq', 438, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 441, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activ_activity_question_id_key UNIQUE (activity_question_id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].attachments_filetype_id_seq', 42, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfi_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members1_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_financialfinding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_in_c6dc7863_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_finding_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_finding_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_pa_086ef6ae_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_re_e7354c33_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, result_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_risk_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_se_a086a488_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, section_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskblueprint_id_seq', 117, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_plannin_monitoringactivity_id_us_cedbcf40_uniq UNIQUE (monitoringactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_riskcategory_id_seq', 38, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].audit_specificprocedure_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_number_key UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comment_flags_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_comments_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].django_migrations_id_seq', 561, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_donor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_donor_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader_id_seq', 1309, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_yearplan field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem_id_seq', 1854, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_yearplan
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_planning_yearplan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (year);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader_id_seq', 1013, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_method_id_9ccc661e_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, method_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem_id_seq', 1563, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_section_id_fd04b3a8_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, section_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].funds_grant_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_setting_question_id_value_3b661631_uniq UNIQUE (question_id, value);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_aggregatehact_id_seq', 2, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_category_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].hact_hacthistory_id_seq', 125, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_cartodbtable_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_gatewaytype_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_logissue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_location_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_method field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_location_id_seq', 95, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_method_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_option_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_agreement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_agreementamendment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
--- Name: partners_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment_id_seq', 455, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_filetype_id_seq', 7, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_offices_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_sections_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
+ ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionamendment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionattachment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionbudget_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerorganization_id_seq', 443, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_plannedengagement_id_seq', 442, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
--- Name: psea_answer_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answer_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_answerevidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_assessor_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_evidence_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_evidence_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: psea_rating_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].psea_rating_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_countryprogramme_id_seq', 73, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregation_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicator_id_seq', 182, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_lowerresult_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_quarter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_quarter_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_result_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_result_id_seq', 170, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_resulttype_id_seq', 3, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_sector_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_sector_id_seq', 14, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reports_unit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reports_unit_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_revision_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].reversion_version_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].snapshot_activity_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_iteneraryitem_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travel_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travel_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key UNIQUE (vendor_number);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key UNIQUE (email);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].t2f_travelattachment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment_id_seq', 441, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype_id_seq', 45, true);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-SELECT pg_catalog.setval('[[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity_id_seq', 1, false);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_activity_id_f8cd5b9e_uniq UNIQUE (activity_id, location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: actstream_action actstream_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_63ca7c27_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, content_type_id, object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_name_83f82570_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_detailedfindinginfo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
+ ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_engagement_id_9fe6cffc_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, intervention_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_active_pd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officer_engagement_id_7dbed7f5_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_engagement_id_fa85c846_uniq UNIQUE (engagement_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_staff_members1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financialfinding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financialfinding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
--- Name: audit_finding audit_finding_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_finding_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyinternalcontrol_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_specialaudit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialaudit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specialauditrecommendation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_specificprocedure_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_specificprocedure_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotcheck_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_office reports_office_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotcheck_pkey PRIMARY KEY (engagement_ptr_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_office
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_office_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_537f77a7_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, comment_id, flag);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_migrations
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_donor funds_donor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_donor
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_donor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_uniq UNIQUE (fc_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_fund_commitment_id_013ea496_uniq UNIQUE (fund_commitment_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundscommitmentitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_key UNIQUE (fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationheader_vendor_code_50244998_uniq UNIQUE (vendor_code, fr_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantprofile_profile_id_key UNIQUE (profile_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_fund_reservation_id_1abda768_uniq UNIQUE (fund_reservation_id, line_item);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_fundsreservationitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: funds_grant funds_grant_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_grant
- ADD CONSTRAINT funds_grant_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_aggregatehact hact_aggregatehact_year_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_aggregatehact
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_aggregatehact_year_key UNIQUE (year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_partner_id_4fe148dc_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory hact_hacthistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].hact_hacthistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT hact_hacthistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable locations_cartodbtable_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_cartodbtable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_admin_level_key UNIQUE (admin_level);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype locations_gatewaytype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_gatewaytype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_name_fc4d5026_uniq UNIQUE (name, gateway_id, p_code);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
--- Name: locations_location locations_location_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_location
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory locations_locationremaphistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT locations_locationremaphistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_4b778c91_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistor_sectionhistory_id_sectio_74d7be56_uniq UNIQUE (sectionhistory_id, section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_from_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory management_sectionhistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT management_sectionhistory_to_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_number);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_office_agreement_id_f93f7ee1_uniq UNIQUE (agreement_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_authorized_officers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreement partners_agreement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment partners_agreementamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_agreementamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_assessment partners_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_corevaluesassessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
--- Name: partners_directcashtransfer partners_directcashtransfer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_directcashtransfer
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_directcashtransfer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: partners_filetype partners_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locati_intervention_id_b0bfcf1a_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_flat_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_uniq UNIQUE (number);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_intervention_id_f0e3f18c_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_foc_intervention_id_eccad0fd_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention partners_intervention_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_intervention_id_d0e206bf_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, section_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections partners_intervention_sections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_sections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_foca_intervention_id_75084ddb_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment partners_interventionamendment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionamendment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_monitoring_activity_id_cc56cf8e ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment partners_interventionattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_intervention_id_4b2f53ff_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget partners_interventionbudget_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionbudget_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisit_intervention_id_98c06ad5_uniq UNIQUE (intervention_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionre_interventionresultlink_id_7e12c2bb_uniq UNIQUE (interventionresultlink_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionreportingperiod_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink partners_interventionresultlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_name_70cf01b1_uniq UNIQUE (name, vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_key UNIQUE (vendor_number);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_partner_id_eeb06e4d_uniq UNIQUE (partner_id, year);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerplannedvisits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_email_key UNIQUE (email);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_partnerstaffmember_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_partner_id_key UNIQUE (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_plannedengagement partners_plannedengagement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_plannedengagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_plannedengagement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype partners_workspacefiletype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_workspacefiletype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_assessment_id_indicator_id_61b229da_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer psea_answer_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answer
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence psea_answerevidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_answerevidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_answerevidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_po_assessment_id_user_id_1e0f0ce2_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment psea_assessment_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessment_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessmentstatushistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_assessment_id_2b2a4617_uniq UNIQUE (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_fi_assessor_id_auditorstaff_c34b4b5a_uniq UNIQUE (assessor_id, auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor psea_assessor_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_assessor
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_assessor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_evidence psea_evidence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_evidence
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_evidence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_evidence_id_d7518b1e_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_engagement_id_0611124d ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences psea_indicator_evidences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_evidences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_offices_office_id_546ae09e ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator psea_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_engagement_id_e21eccb1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_rating_id_48b889c2_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_sections_section_id_03d30795 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings psea_indicator_ratings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_indicator_ratings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: psea_rating psea_rating_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].psea_rating
- ADD CONSTRAINT psea_rating_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disa_appliedindicator_id_81ad568c_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_engagement_id_32d85871 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_users_notified_user_id_b249b03c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_indicator_id_8556cd81_uniq UNIQUE (indicator_id, lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_loca_appliedindicator_id_224962ba_uniq UNIQUE (appliedindicator_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator reports_appliedindicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_appliedindicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_countryprogramme_wbs_key UNIQUE (wbs);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation reports_disaggregation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregation
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_disaggregationvalue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_name_3791d838_uniq UNIQUE (name, result_id, sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator reports_indicator_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicator
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicator_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_code_key UNIQUE (code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_indicatorblueprint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_lowerresult
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_lowerresult_result_link_id_1e72f118_uniq UNIQUE (result_link_id, code);
+CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_quarter reports_quarter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_quarter
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_quarter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement reports_reportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_reportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_result reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_result
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_result_wbs_ce8feefd_uniq UNIQUE (wbs, country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_activity_question_id_0b0015dc ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (activity_question_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype reports_resulttype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_resulttype
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_resulttype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_author_id_0ab0ed52 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_name_key UNIQUE (name);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_0047ac65 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_sector reports_sector_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_sector
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sector_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_60422760 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_specialreportingrequirement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_cp_output_id_86d1609b ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_622718ca ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reports_unit reports_unit_type_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_unit
- ADD CONSTRAINT reports_unit_type_key UNIQUE (type);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_8340ee1a ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_revision
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_intervention_id_c42feb00 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: reversion_version reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reversion_version
- ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_method_id_4ad53a63 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: snapshot_activity snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_5a71e452 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_iteneraryitem_id_3f5ee941_uniq UNIQUE (itineraryitem_id, airlinecompany_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_8cda2800 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem_airlines t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_monitoring_activity_id_f2fb1a54 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (monitoring_activity_id);
--- Name: t2f_itineraryitem t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_iteneraryitem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_5e2b7bd3 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_9a014f3f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_reference_number_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_reference_number_key UNIQUE (reference_number);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_partner_id_a58543e8 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_question_id_197829ee ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_locations_travelactivity_id_e38ac8be_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_1c248532 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity t2f_travelactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_data_coll_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding USING btree (started_checklist_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_plannin_number_0ff490af_like ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelactivity_travels_travelactivity_id_303b6c7a_uniq UNIQUE (travelactivity_id, travel_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__cp_output_id_b103adb0 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment t2f_travelattachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travelattachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__field_office_id_8262e61f ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (field_office_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_d05d6a02 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_tpmactivity_id_4e0ba531_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__intervention_id_e94156a4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactivity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (activity_ptr_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_id_29818917 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_point_tpmactivity_id_7d224d1c_uniq UNIQUE (tpmactivity_id, user_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__location_site_id_d8d558fb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_0021d5cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit tpm_tpmvisit_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_17e556fa ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9d54a666 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points_tpmvisit_id_e336a640_uniq UNIQUE (tpmvisit_id, tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_9f85de74 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__monitoringactivity_id_bed3cc06 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (monitoringactivity_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__partnerorganization_id_372f9148 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners USING btree (partnerorganization_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__person_responsible_id_78095256 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (person_responsible_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__result_id_a4dd22f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_name_409ac092_uniq UNIQUE (name, code);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__section_id_e9c134f2 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_attachments_filetype_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT unicef_snapshot_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning__user_id_8e1bf82e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_02c1725c ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_to_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_partner_id_b90726cd ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate_question_id_8fe58309 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings__question_id_fa8bd45e ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_category_order_1bec9ad6 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category USING btree ("order");
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (author_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_parent_id_068e81cb ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_5f532748; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_5f532748 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (travel_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_locationsite_point_id ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite USING gist (point);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_730f6511 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_author_id_18882eaf ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_a38a7228 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (assigned_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_cp_output_id_96837022 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cb794678; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cb794678 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_id_7e76754c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_location_site_id_2a0fef66 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (location_site_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_logissue_partner_id_b4e46a37 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_e274a5da ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_option_question_id_4a4c670c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_ea71e3b4 ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (tpm_activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_category_id_73bfe0b4 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question USING btree (category_id);
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX action_points_actionpoint_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed ON [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint USING btree (psea_assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_method_id_955b3f19 ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (method_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_methods_question_id_214c0c5c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods USING btree (question_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX field_monitoring_settings_question_sections_section_id_b6bd4e4c ON [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: activities_activity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_donor_name_762a3244_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].activities_activity USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_762a3244_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX activities_activity_locations_f8a3193a ON [[schema]].activities_activity_locations USING btree (activity_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_142874d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_142874d9 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_4c9184f3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_4c9184f3 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (public);
+CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_53a09d9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_53a09d9a ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_9063443c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_9063443c ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_action_object_object_id_6433bdf7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (action_object_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_actor_object_id_72ef0cfa_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_b512ddf1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_b512ddf1 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_c4f7c191; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_c4f7c191 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (actor_object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_d7e6d55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_d7e6d55b ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree ("timestamp");
+CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_target_object_id_e080d801_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
--- Name: actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_action_verb_83f768b7_like ON [[schema]].actstream_action USING btree (verb varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_3bebb2f8; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_3bebb2f8 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (started);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
--- Name: actstream_follow_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_af31437c ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
--- Name: actstream_follow_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
--- Name: actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX actstream_follow_object_id_d790e00d_like ON [[schema]].actstream_follow USING btree (object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_detailedfindinginfo_9c4e166c ON [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo USING btree (micro_assesment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_135bd84a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_135bd84a ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (po_item_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_active_pd_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_authorized_officers_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_d80896d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_d80896d1 ON [[schema]].audit_engagement USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_7d43d41c ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_engagement_staff_members1_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
--- Name: audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_financialfinding_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_financialfinding USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: audit_finding_b9577549; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_finding_b9577549 ON [[schema]].audit_finding USING btree (spot_check_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_keyinternalcontrol_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_2c682e13; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_2c682e13 ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (blueprint_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
--- Name: audit_risk_cd7ada3b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_risk_cd7ada3b ON [[schema]].audit_risk USING btree (engagement_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskblueprint_b583a629 ON [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint USING btree (category_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_6be37982 ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_riskcategory_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].audit_riskcategory USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specialauditrecommendation_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX audit_specificprocedure_8b75ec30 ON [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure USING btree (audit_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_327a6c43; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_327a6c43 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_69b97d17; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_69b97d17 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (comment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comment_flags_flag_8b141fcb_like ON [[schema]].django_comment_flags USING btree (flag varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: django_comments_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (content_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_9365d6e7 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (site_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: django_comments_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX django_comments_submit_date_514ed2d9_uniq ON [[schema]].django_comments USING btree (submit_date);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_donor_name_762a3244_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_donor_name_762a3244_like ON [[schema]].funds_donor USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentheader_fc_number_f5605368_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader USING btree (fc_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundscommitmentitem_eef07b1e ON [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem USING btree (fund_commitment_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationheader_fr_number_d9937013_like ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader USING btree (fr_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_fundsreservationitem_fd84179f ON [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem USING btree (fund_reservation_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_029df19e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_029df19e ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (donor_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
--- Name: funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX funds_grant_name_800f6fb1_like ON [[schema]].funds_grant USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX hact_hacthistory_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].hact_hacthistory USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization USING btree (vendor_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: index_locations_on_name_trigram; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_name_trigram ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_61737a71; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_61737a71 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (location_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_cartodbtable_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_cartodbtable_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_cartodbtable USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_gatewaytype_name_2c9c8fe6_like ON [[schema]].locations_gatewaytype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_location_1e9cd8d4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_1e9cd8d4 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (gateway_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: locations_location_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_656442a0 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: locations_location_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_6be37982 ON [[schema]].locations_location USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
--- Name: locations_location_geom_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_geom_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (geom);
+CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: locations_location_point_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_location_point_id ON [[schema]].locations_location USING gist (point);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_16c1098e ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (old_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: locations_locationremaphistory_75232422; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX locations_locationremaphistory_75232422 ON [[schema]].locations_locationremaphistory USING btree (new_location_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_14da1398 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory__sectionhistory_id_1c5970f0 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (sectionhistory_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_from_sections_section_id_63218348 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_from_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
--- Name: management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX management_sectionhistory_to_sections_section_id_78674036 ON [[schema]].management_sectionhistory_to_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_7dad813f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_7dad813f ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (partner_manager_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_9f081af4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_9f081af4 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (signed_by_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_agreement_number_05f1f99e_like ON [[schema]].partners_agreement USING btree (agreement_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreement_authorized_officers_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
--- Name: partners_agreementamendment_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_agreementamendment_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_agreementamendment USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_cd7afc21; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_cd7afc21 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (approving_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
--- Name: partners_assessment_d268de14; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_assessment_d268de14 ON [[schema]].partners_assessment USING btree (requesting_officer_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_corevaluesassessment_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_corevaluesassessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_filetype_name_c4d67350_like ON [[schema]].partners_filetype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_410cd312; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_410cd312 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (agreement_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_73c984ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_73c984ba ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_ed43f3d6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_ed43f3d6 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (unicef_signatory_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_flat_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_flat_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_number_780b39ca_like ON [[schema]].partners_intervention USING btree (number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices USING btree (office_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_017e2566 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (partnerstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_partner_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_sections_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_sections USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
--- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionamendment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionattachment_94757cae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionattachment_94757cae ON [[schema]].partners_interventionattachment USING btree (type_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionbudget_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionbudget USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionplannedvisits_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionplannedvisits USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reports_usertenantprofile_office_id_4bcf150c ON [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionreportingperiod_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionreportingperiod USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_24ec8d02 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink USING btree (cp_output_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_70bff951 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (interventionresultlink_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
--- Name: partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerorganization_vendor_number_8dce2f98_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization USING btree (vendor_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerplannedvisits_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerplannedvisits USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_partnerstaffmember_email_8d2411ec_like ON [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX partners_workspacefiletype_name_0247fb9d_like ON [[schema]].partners_workspacefiletype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_assessment_id_6aa9c055 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_indicator_id_ecea3283 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answer_rating_id_8ef569c6 ON [[schema]].psea_answer USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_answer_id_6b338695 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (answer_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
--- Name: psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_answerevidence_evidence_id_aed22674 ON [[schema]].psea_answerevidence USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_assessment_id_a84d89b6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_focal_points_user_id_9f076320 ON [[schema]].psea_assessment_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_partner_id_9dbaf33e ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (partner_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessment_reference_number_eab738fa_like ON [[schema]].psea_assessment USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessmentstatushistory_assessment_id_3e2f1fc6 ON [[schema]].psea_assessmentstatushistory USING btree (assessment_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_id_790026af ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (auditor_firm_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_assessor_id_22a90dde ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (assessor_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff_auditorstaffmember_id_0b02b70a ON [[schema]].psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff USING btree (auditorstaffmember_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
--- Name: psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_assessor_user_id_0248e8cb ON [[schema]].psea_assessor USING btree (user_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_evidence_id_70cd172f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (evidence_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_evidences_indicator_id_c507443f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_evidences USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_order_f539854c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_order_f539854c ON [[schema]].psea_indicator USING btree ("order");
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_indicator_id_4ff28562 ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
--- Name: psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX psea_indicator_ratings_rating_id_66cd912f ON [[schema]].psea_indicator_ratings USING btree (rating_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_730f6511 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (section_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_8723fc8a ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (lower_result_id);
+CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_a82bd466 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator USING btree (indicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_disaggregation USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_1f2e43cd ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (appliedindicator_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
--- Name: reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_appliedindicator_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].reports_appliedindicator_locations USING btree (location_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
--- Name: reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_countryprogramme_wbs_c254e3fe_like ON [[schema]].reports_countryprogramme USING btree (wbs varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregation_name_bfc1feb5_like ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregation USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
--- Name: reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_disaggregationvalue_972fbe52 ON [[schema]].reports_disaggregationvalue USING btree (disaggregation_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_57f06544 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (result_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
--- Name: reports_indicator_e8175980; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicator_e8175980 ON [[schema]].reports_indicator USING btree (unit_id);
+CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
--- Name: reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_indicatorblueprint_code_29fadc42_like ON [[schema]].reports_indicatorblueprint USING btree (code varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
--- Name: reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_lowerresult_bde4fd4e ON [[schema]].reports_lowerresult USING btree (result_link_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_reportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_reportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_031ba7c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_031ba7c4 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (country_programme_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (sector_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
--- Name: reports_result_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_656442a0 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (tree_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_result_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_6be37982 ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (parent_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
--- Name: reports_result_fc36e3fa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_result_fc36e3fa ON [[schema]].reports_result USING btree (result_type_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
--- Name: reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_resulttype_name_c9902d85_like ON [[schema]].reports_resulttype USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
--- Name: reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_sector_name_444a5e3c_like ON [[schema]].reports_sector USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
--- Name: reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_specialreportingrequirement_123a1ce7 ON [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement USING btree (intervention_id);
+CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
--- Name: reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reports_unit_type_52bb6a6d_like ON [[schema]].reports_unit USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_388da6fe_like ON [[schema]].reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
+ ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON [[schema]].reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX snapshot_activity_target_object_id_3a9faef0_like ON [[schema]].snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_a365bfb2 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem USING btree (dsa_region_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_monitoring_activity__cc56cf8e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_b8cd2e2b ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (itineraryitem_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_office_id_8247345a_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_iteneraryitem_airlines_fec5ad70 ON [[schema]].t2f_itineraryitem_airlines USING btree (airlinecompany_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2c7d5721; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2c7d5721 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (currency_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_2e3bcc0e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_5b1d2adf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_5b1d2adf ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_e2fa5388; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_e2fa5388 ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (created);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_eae0a89e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_eae0a89e ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (supervisor_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travel_reference_number_42d9bee3_like ON [[schema]].t2f_travel USING btree (reference_number varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_4e98b6eb ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_57f06544; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_57f06544 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (result_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_7e0b0e70 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (primary_traveler_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_cd976882; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_cd976882 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity USING btree (partnership_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_locations_e274a5da ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_locations USING btree (location_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
+ ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelactivity_travels_931b52cf ON [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity_travels USING btree (travelactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
+ ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: t2f_travelattachment_46413c35; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX t2f_travelattachment_46413c35 ON [[schema]].t2f_travelattachment USING btree (travel_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
+ ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_730f6511 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity USING btree (section_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_offices_cc247b05 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices USING btree (office_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_6ddb34c5 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (tpmactivity_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points_e8701ad4 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points USING btree (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_4f331e2f ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (author_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_b350ef8d ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit USING btree (tpm_partner_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_09c31592 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmvisit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points1_18420715 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points USING btree (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment_10443b87 ON [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisitreportrejectcomment USING btree (tpm_visit_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_engagement_id_0611124d_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_offices audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4095e96b ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (uploaded_by_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_off_office_id_546ae09e_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachment_4cc23034 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment USING btree (file_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_engagement_id_e21eccb1_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_sections audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentflat_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentflat USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_sec_section_id_03d30795_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_07ba63f5 ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_engagement_id_32d85871_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_users_notified audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_attachmentlink_417f1b1c ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachmentlink USING btree (content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_users_notified
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_use_user_id_b249b03c_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_attachments_filetype_70a17ffa ON [[schema]].unicef_attachments_filetype USING btree ("order");
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1cd2a6ae ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_1ef87b2e ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (by_user_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_e4f9dcc7 ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_content_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX unicef_snapshot_activity_target_object_id_0b5e771f_like ON [[schema]].unicef_snapshot_activity USING btree (target_object_id varchar_pattern_ops);
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_agreement_authorized_officers D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_agreement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D15e05615b6a65add8b09843bc7c0bc1" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink_ram_indicators
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D29183ec8762f668cefd3b157f3df814" FOREIGN KEY (interventionresultlink_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_partner_focal_points D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D49030e13108e81ef56369acd87f4420" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D82fb6f801c2dbc1a882337e5dafab6d" FOREIGN KEY (partnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT "D8c098335a5d7c94956e9f6d80fbc74d" FOREIGN KEY (action_object_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_detailedfindinginfo a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_detailedfindinginfo
- ADD CONSTRAINT a2e59fbbbca4df12e18a82ca9b1a2437 FOREIGN KEY (micro_assesment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_microassessment(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT act_tpm_activity_id_f070575a_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpm_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_p_partner_id_f681df85_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_poi_intervention_id_55242b43_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
+ ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_ac_category_id_b36e1bb5_fk_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES public.categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_engagement_id_33b5b13f_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_act_location_id_ee07cdb0_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_cp_output_id_206572a6_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
+ ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_psea_assessment_id_008f62ed_fk_psea_asse FOREIGN KEY (psea_assessment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].psea_assessment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_0b0015dc_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_action_travel_activity_id_67662b24_fk_t2f_trave FOREIGN KEY (travel_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].t2f_travelactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_activity_question_id_d9cb104e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (activity_question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpo_section_id_26cf0900_fk_reports_sector_id FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_author_id_0ab0ed52_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_by_id_bc6026e5_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_0047ac65_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoi_assigned_to_id_ef25393b_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_60422760_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_author_id_62635fb4_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_cp_output_id_86d1609b_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: action_points_actionpoint action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].action_points_actionpoint
- ADD CONSTRAINT action_points_actionpoint_office_id_8247345a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_622718ca_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activiti_partner_id_b1e71c7f_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_8340ee1a_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activ_activity_id_33d34fdc_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_intervention_id_c42feb00_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity_locations activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity_locations
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activi_location_id_1678688a_fk_locations_location_id FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_method_id_4ad53a63_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_cp_output_id_a915d1d3_fk_reports_result_id FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__5a71e452_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: activities_activity activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].activities_activity
- ADD CONSTRAINT activities_activity_intervention_id_7ba52d0e_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__8cda2800_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actst_target_content_type_id_187fa164_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (target_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_monitoring_activity__f2fb1a54_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoring_activity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_action actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_action
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstr_actor_content_type_id_d5e5ec2a_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_5e2b7bd3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_fo_content_type_id_ba287eb9_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_9a014f3f_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: actstream_follow actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].actstream_follow
- ADD CONSTRAINT actstream_follow_user_id_e9d4e1ff_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_partner_id_a58543e8_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention
- ADD CONSTRAINT adeb7d74fe49f7effa312e47f7981645 FOREIGN KEY (partner_authorized_officer_signatory_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_question_id_197829ee_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachmentflat atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_finding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachmentflat
- ADD CONSTRAINT atta_attachment_id_f44b472a_fk_unicef_attachments_attachment_id FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].unicef_attachments_attachment(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_finding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_1c248532_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments__content_type_id_35dd9d5d_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_dat_started_checklist_id_9f6f3f7d_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (started_checklist_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_at_file_type_id_9b87232b_fk_attachments_filetype_id FOREIGN KEY (file_type_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].attachments_filetype(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_cp_output_id_b103adb0_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: attachments_attachment attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].attachments_attachment
- ADD CONSTRAINT attachments_attachment_uploaded_by_id_17a1c093_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (uploaded_by_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_field_office_id_8262e61f_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (field_office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_finding aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_finding
- ADD CONSTRAINT aud_spot_check_id_0a087ac9_fk_audit_spotcheck_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (spot_check_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_spotcheck(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_d05d6a02_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit__agreement_id_3307176a_fk_purchase_order_purchaseorder_id FOREIGN KEY (agreement_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_intervention_id_e94156a4_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_audit audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_audit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id_44be495b_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_id_29818917_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specificprocedure audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specificprocedure
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_a94bf354_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_location_site_id_d8d558fb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialauditrecommendation audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialauditrecommendation
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_audit_id_d0ae73b3_fk_audit_specialaudit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_specialaudit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_0021d5cb_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_en_partner_id_95e4e987_fk_partners_partnerorganization_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_17e556fa_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_authorized_officers audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_authorized_officers
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_190b3caf_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9d54a666_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement__engagement_id_210a7284_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_9f85de74_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_engagement_id_94574f33_fk_audit_eng FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_monitoringactivity_i_bed3cc06_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (monitoringactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_active_pd audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_active_pd
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_act_intervention_id_ad65e1a3_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partner_id_b90726cd_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_engagement_po_item_id_5da58b83_fk_purchase_ FOREIGN KEY (po_item_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_purchaseorderitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_partnerorganization__372f9148_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partnerorganization_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_financialfinding audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_financialfinding
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_financ_audit_id_6abd6721_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_person_responsible_i_78095256_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (person_responsible_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_keyinternalcontrol audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_keyinternalcontrol
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_keyint_audit_id_e6cf0950_fk_audit_audit_engagement_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (audit_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_audit(engagement_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_question_id_8fe58309_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_microassessment audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_microassessment
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_microas_engagement_ptr_id_718a21a3_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_result_id_a4dd22f2_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (result_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_blueprint_id_53f54744_fk_audit_riskblueprint_id FOREIGN KEY (blueprint_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_section_id_e9c134f2_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_risk audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_risk
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_risk_engagement_id_9545049c_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_tpm_partner_id_1ec7ebbd_fk_tpmpartne FOREIGN KEY (tpm_partner_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartner(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskblueprint audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskblueprint
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskbluepri_category_id_65dbb4ca_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_pla_user_id_8e1bf82e_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_riskcategory audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_riskcategory
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_riskcategory_parent_id_1e70c312_fk_audit_riskcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_riskcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_author_id_18882eaf_fk_auth_user FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_specialaudit audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_specialaudit
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_special_engagement_ptr_id_d8f1bf74_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_category_id_73bfe0b4_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_spotcheck audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_spotcheck
- ADD CONSTRAINT audit_spotche_engagement_ptr_id_7aad2e02_fk_audit_engagement_id FOREIGN KEY (engagement_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].audit_engagement(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_cp_output_id_96837022_fk_reports_r FOREIGN KEY (cp_output_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_result(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comme_content_type_id_c4afe962_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES public.django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_id_7e76754c_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_comment_id_d8054933_fk_django_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].django_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_location_site_id_2a0fef66_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (location_site_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comment_flags django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comment_flags
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comment_flags_user_id_f3f81f0a_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_method_id_955b3f19_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (method_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_method(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_locationsite field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_site_id_9dcf666e_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES public.django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_locationsite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_parent_id_068e81cb_fk_locations FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].locations_location(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: django_comments django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_logissue field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].django_comments
- ADD CONSTRAINT django_comments_user_id_a0a440a1_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_logissue
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_partner_id_b4e46a37_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_partnerorganization(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundsreservationitem eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_methods field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT eddbdb3aee5d08e0b909e4a102354502 FOREIGN KEY (fund_reservation_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundsreservationheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_methods
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_214c0c5c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_option field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmvisit_tpm_partner_focal_points
- ADD CONSTRAINT f086100a656c365c800dd0014a3a34f1 FOREIGN KEY (tpmpartnerstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.tpmpartners_tpmpartnerstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_option
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_4a4c670c_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: audit_engagement_staff_members f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].audit_engagement_staff_members
- ADD CONSTRAINT f2bd17555d7d671f284e1ba6c988713a FOREIGN KEY (auditorstaffmember_id) REFERENCES public.purchase_order_auditorstaffmember(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_question_id_fa8bd45e_fk_field_mon FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: funds_fundscommitmentitem f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: field_monitoring_settings_question_sections field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentitem
- ADD CONSTRAINT f_fund_commitment_id_efde5c22_fk_funds_fundscommitmentheader_id FOREIGN KEY (fund_commitment_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].funds_fundscommitmentheader(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].field_monitoring_settings_question_sections
+ ADD CONSTRAINT field_monitoring_set_section_id_b6bd4e4c_fk_reports_s FOREIGN KEY (section_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_sector(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -19678,14 +23854,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionamendment
ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_80b9b8d9_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_i_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: partners_intervention_unicef_focal_points partners_i_intervention_id_a29eb115_fk_partners_intervention_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -19767,11 +23935,19 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_interventionresultlink
--- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT partners_intervention_off_office_id_9db4b723_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_intervention_id_9e1a86b1_fk_partners_ FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: partners_intervention_offices partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].partners_intervention_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT partners_interventio_office_id_9db4b723_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -20134,6 +24310,22 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_specialreportingrequirement
ADD CONSTRAINT reports_sp_intervention_id_d9d797f5_fk_partners_intervention_id FOREIGN KEY (intervention_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].partners_intervention(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_office_id_4bcf150c_fk_reports_o FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+-- Name: reports_usertenantprofile reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].reports_usertenantprofile
+ ADD CONSTRAINT reports_usertenantpr_profile_id_78b81e97_fk_users_use FOREIGN KEY (profile_id) REFERENCES public.users_userprofile(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
-- Name: reversion_revision reversion_revision_user_id_17095f45_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
@@ -20223,11 +24415,11 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
--- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: t2f_travel t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].t2f_travel
- ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT t2f_travel_office_id_5dacac5a_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
@@ -20327,27 +24519,27 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_unicef_focal_points
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm__tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmactivity_activity_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactiv_activity_ptr_id_3ca6cc19_fk_activities_activity_id FOREIGN KEY (activity_ptr_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].activities_activity(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offi_tpmactivity_id_760ccefe_fk_tpm_tpmac FOREIGN KEY (tpmactivity_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity(activity_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
--- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
+-- Name: tpm_tpmactivity_offices tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: [[schema]]; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY [[schema]].tpm_tpmactivity_offices
- ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_users_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES public.users_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
+ ADD CONSTRAINT tpm_tpmactivity_offices_office_id_b388619e_fk_reports_office_id FOREIGN KEY (office_id) REFERENCES [[schema]].reports_office(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/admin.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/admin.py
index 06a2eda5c..b101b85e5 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/admin.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/admin.py
@@ -136,4 +136,4 @@ class UnicefAttachmentsAttachmentflatAdmin(TenantModelAdmin):
class UnicefAttachmentsAttachmentlinkAdmin(TenantModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('object_id', 'attachment', 'content_type')
+ list_display = ('object_id', 'attachment',)
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_intervention.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_intervention.py
index 744e75f48..206688b20 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_intervention.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_intervention.py
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
PartnersInterventionresultlink, PartnersInterventionSections,
- PartnersPartnerstaffmember, ReportsResult, ReportsSector,
- UsersOffice,)
+ PartnersPartnerstaffmember, ReportsOffice, ReportsResult,
+ ReportsSector,)
from .utils import create_alias
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
).contribute_to_class(PartnersIntervention, 'partner_focal_points')
).contribute_to_class(PartnersIntervention, 'offices')
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_partnerorganization.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_partnerorganization.py
index 10c140208..6bf3cb46e 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_partnerorganization.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/partners_partnerorganization.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
PartnersPartnerorganization.current_core_value_assessment = property(
lambda self:
- self.core_values_assessments.filter(archived=False).first())
+ self.PartnersCorevaluesassessment_partner.filter(archived=False).first())
aliases = (
# CoreValuesAssessment.partner
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/tpm_activity.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/tpm_activity.py
index b5b7991b1..bdf9f29a8 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/tpm_activity.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/enrichment/tpm_activity.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
from django.db import models
from etools_datamart.apps.sources.etools.models import (ActivitiesActivity, ActivitiesActivityLocations, AuthUser,
- LocationsLocation, TpmTpmactivity, TpmTpmactivityOffices,
- TpmTpmactivityUnicefFocalPoints, UsersOffice,)
+ LocationsLocation, ReportsOffice, TpmTpmactivity,
+ TpmTpmactivityOffices, TpmTpmactivityUnicefFocalPoints,)
from .utils import set_primary_key
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
).contribute_to_class(TpmTpmactivity, 'unicef_focal_points')
).contribute_to_class(TpmTpmactivity, 'offices')
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/models/tenant.py b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/models/tenant.py
index 0ab58f79c..a192e8dee 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/models/tenant.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/apps/sources/etools/models/tenant.py
@@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ class ActionPointsActionpoint(models.TenantModel):
engagement = models.ForeignKey('AuditEngagement', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_engagement', blank=True, null=True)
intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
location = models.ForeignKey('LocationsLocation', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_location', blank=True, null=True)
- office = models.ForeignKey('UsersOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_office', blank=True, null=True)
+ office = models.ForeignKey('ReportsOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_office', blank=True, null=True)
partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_partner', blank=True, null=True)
section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_section', blank=True, null=True)
tpm_activity = models.ForeignKey('TpmTpmactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_tpm_activity', blank=True, null=True)
high_priority = models.BooleanField()
travel_activity = models.ForeignKey('T2FTravelactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_travel_activity', blank=True, null=True)
category = models.ForeignKey('CategoriesCategory', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_category', blank=True, null=True)
+ psea_assessment = models.ForeignKey('PseaAssessment', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_psea_assessment', blank=True, null=True)
+ reference_number = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
+ monitoring_activity = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ActionPointsActionpoint_monitoring_activity', blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -88,22 +91,6 @@ class Meta:
unique_together = (('content_type', 'object_id', 'user'),)
-# class AttachmentsAttachment(models.TenantModel):
-# created = models.DateTimeField()
-# modified = models.DateTimeField()
-# file = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True)
-# hyperlink = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-# object_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
-# code = models.CharField(max_length=64)
-# content_type = models.ForeignKey('DjangoContentType', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AttachmentsAttachment_content_type', blank=True, null=True)
-# file_type = models.ForeignKey('AttachmentsFiletype', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AttachmentsAttachment_file_type', blank=True, null=True)
-# uploaded_by = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AttachmentsAttachment_uploaded_by', blank=True, null=True)
-# class Meta:
-# managed = False
-# db_table = 'attachments_attachment'
class AttachmentsAttachmentflat(models.TenantModel):
partner = models.CharField(max_length=255)
partner_type = models.CharField(max_length=150)
@@ -112,36 +99,26 @@ class AttachmentsAttachmentflat(models.TenantModel):
file_type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
file_link = models.CharField(max_length=1024)
uploaded_by = models.CharField(max_length=255)
- created = models.CharField(max_length=50)
attachment = models.ForeignKey('UnicefAttachmentsAttachment', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AttachmentsAttachmentflat_attachment')
filename = models.CharField(max_length=1024)
agreement_reference_number = models.CharField(max_length=100)
object_link = models.CharField(max_length=200)
source = models.CharField(max_length=150)
pd_ssfa = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
+ created = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'attachments_attachmentflat'
-class AttachmentsFiletype(models.TenantModel):
- order = models.IntegerField()
- name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
- code = models.CharField(max_length=64)
- label = models.CharField(max_length=64)
- class Meta:
- managed = False
- db_table = 'attachments_filetype'
- unique_together = (('code', 'name'),)
class AuditAudit(models.TenantModel):
engagement_ptr = models.OneToOneField('AuditEngagement', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditAudit_engagement_ptr')
audited_expenditure = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
financial_findings = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
audit_opinion = models.CharField(max_length=20)
+ audited_expenditure_local = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
+ financial_findings_local = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -187,6 +164,7 @@ class AuditEngagement(models.TenantModel):
po_item = models.ForeignKey('PurchaseOrderPurchaseorderitem', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagement_po_item', blank=True, null=True)
shared_ip_with = models.TextField() # This field type is a guess.
exchange_rate = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
+ currency_of_report = models.CharField(max_length=4, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -213,6 +191,26 @@ class Meta:
unique_together = (('engagement', 'partnerstaffmember'),)
+class AuditEngagementOffices(models.TenantModel):
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(AuditEngagement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementOffices_engagement')
+ office = models.ForeignKey('ReportsOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementOffices_office')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'audit_engagement_offices'
+ unique_together = (('engagement', 'office'),)
+class AuditEngagementSections(models.TenantModel):
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(AuditEngagement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementSections_engagement')
+ section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementSections_section')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'audit_engagement_sections'
+ unique_together = (('engagement', 'section'),)
class AuditEngagementStaffMembers(models.TenantModel):
engagement = models.ForeignKey(AuditEngagement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementStaffMembers_engagement')
auditorstaffmember = models.ForeignKey('PurchaseOrderAuditorstaffmember', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementStaffMembers_auditorstaffmember')
@@ -223,6 +221,16 @@ class Meta:
unique_together = (('auditorstaffmember', 'engagement'),)
+class AuditEngagementUsersNotified(models.TenantModel):
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(AuditEngagement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementUsersNotified_engagement')
+ user = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='AuditEngagementUsersNotified_user')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'audit_engagement_users_notified'
+ unique_together = (('engagement', 'user'),)
class AuditFinancialfinding(models.TenantModel):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
local_amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
@@ -374,6 +382,279 @@ class Meta:
db_table = 'django_comments'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityoverallfinding(models.TenantModel):
+ narrative_finding = models.TextField()
+ on_track = models.NullBooleanField()
+ cp_output = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityoverallfinding_cp_output', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityoverallfinding_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
+ monitoring_activity = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityoverallfinding_monitoring_activity')
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityoverallfinding_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_activityoverallfinding'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion(models.TenantModel):
+ specific_details = models.TextField()
+ is_enabled = models.BooleanField()
+ cp_output = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion_cp_output', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
+ monitoring_activity = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion_monitoring_activity')
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ question = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion_question')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestion'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestionoverallfinding(models.TenantModel):
+ value = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
+ activity_question = models.OneToOneField(FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestionoverallfinding_activity_question')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_activityquestionoverallfinding'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionChecklistoverallfinding(models.TenantModel):
+ narrative_finding = models.TextField()
+ cp_output = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionChecklistoverallfinding_cp_output', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionChecklistoverallfinding_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionChecklistoverallfinding_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ started_checklist = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionChecklistoverallfinding_started_checklist')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_checklistoverallfinding'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionFinding(models.TenantModel):
+ value = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
+ activity_question = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringDataCollectionActivityquestion, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionFinding_activity_question')
+ started_checklist = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionFinding_started_checklist')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_finding'
+class FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist(models.TenantModel):
+ information_source = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ author = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist_author')
+ method = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringSettingsMethod', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist_method')
+ monitoring_activity = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringDataCollectionStartedchecklist_monitoring_activity')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_data_collection_startedchecklist'
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ deleted_at = models.DateTimeField()
+ monitor_type = models.CharField(max_length=10)
+ start_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
+ end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
+ status = models.CharField(max_length=20)
+ location = models.ForeignKey('LocationsLocation', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity_location', blank=True, null=True)
+ location_site = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringSettingsLocationsite', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity_location_site', blank=True, null=True)
+ person_responsible = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity_person_responsible', blank=True, null=True)
+ tpm_partner = models.ForeignKey('TpmpartnersTpmpartner', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity_tpm_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ cancel_reason = models.TextField()
+ reject_reason = models.TextField()
+ field_office = models.ForeignKey('ReportsOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity_field_office', blank=True, null=True)
+ report_reject_reason = models.TextField()
+ number = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=64, blank=True, null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity'
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityCpOutputs(models.TenantModel):
+ monitoringactivity = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityCpOutputs_monitoringactivity')
+ result = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityCpOutputs_result')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_cp_outputs'
+ unique_together = (('monitoringactivity', 'result'),)
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityInterventions(models.TenantModel):
+ monitoringactivity = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityInterventions_monitoringactivity')
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityInterventions_intervention')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_interventions'
+ unique_together = (('intervention', 'monitoringactivity'),)
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityPartners(models.TenantModel):
+ monitoringactivity = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityPartners_monitoringactivity')
+ partnerorganization = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityPartners_partnerorganization')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_partners'
+ unique_together = (('monitoringactivity', 'partnerorganization'),)
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivitySections(models.TenantModel):
+ monitoringactivity = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivitySections_monitoringactivity')
+ section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivitySections_section')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_sections'
+ unique_together = (('monitoringactivity', 'section'),)
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityTeamMembers(models.TenantModel):
+ monitoringactivity = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityTeamMembers_monitoringactivity')
+ user = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningMonitoringactivityTeamMembers_user')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_monitoringactivity_team_members'
+ unique_together = (('monitoringactivity', 'user'),)
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningQuestiontemplate(models.TenantModel):
+ is_active = models.BooleanField()
+ specific_details = models.TextField()
+ cp_output = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningQuestiontemplate_cp_output', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningQuestiontemplate_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningQuestiontemplate_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ question = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringPlanningQuestiontemplate_question')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_questiontemplate'
+class FieldMonitoringPlanningYearplan(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ year = models.SmallIntegerField(primary_key=True)
+ prioritization_criteria = models.TextField()
+ methodology_notes = models.TextField()
+ target_visits = models.SmallIntegerField()
+ modalities = models.TextField()
+ partner_engagement = models.TextField()
+ other_aspects = models.TextField()
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_planning_yearplan'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsCategory(models.TenantModel):
+ order = models.IntegerField()
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_category'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsGlobalconfig(models.TenantModel):
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_globalconfig'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsLocationsite(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=254)
+ p_code = models.CharField(max_length=32)
+ point = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
+ is_active = models.BooleanField()
+ parent = models.ForeignKey('LocationsLocation', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLocationsite_parent')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_locationsite'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ issue = models.TextField()
+ status = models.CharField(max_length=10)
+ author = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue_author')
+ cp_output = models.ForeignKey('ReportsResult', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue_cp_output', blank=True, null=True)
+ location = models.ForeignKey('LocationsLocation', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue_location', blank=True, null=True)
+ location_site = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringSettingsLocationsite, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue_location_site', blank=True, null=True)
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsLogissue_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_logissue'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsMethod(models.TenantModel):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ use_information_source = models.BooleanField()
+ short_name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_method'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsOption(models.TenantModel):
+ label = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+ value = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
+ question = models.ForeignKey('FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsOption_question')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_option'
+ unique_together = (('question', 'value'),)
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion(models.TenantModel):
+ answer_type = models.CharField(max_length=15)
+ choices_size = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
+ level = models.CharField(max_length=15)
+ text = models.TextField()
+ is_hact = models.BooleanField()
+ is_custom = models.BooleanField()
+ is_active = models.BooleanField()
+ category = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringSettingsCategory, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion_category')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_question'
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionMethods(models.TenantModel):
+ question = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionMethods_question')
+ method = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringSettingsMethod, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionMethods_method')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_question_methods'
+ unique_together = (('method', 'question'),)
+class FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionSections(models.TenantModel):
+ question = models.ForeignKey(FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestion, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionSections_question')
+ section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FieldMonitoringSettingsQuestionSections_section')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'field_monitoring_settings_question_sections'
+ unique_together = (('question', 'section'),)
class FundsDonor(models.TenantModel):
name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=45)
created = models.DateTimeField()
@@ -434,7 +715,7 @@ class FundsFundsreservationheader(models.TenantModel):
start_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
actual_amt = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
- intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='frs', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey('PartnersIntervention', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='FundsFundsreservationheader_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
intervention_amt = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
outstanding_amt = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
total_amt = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
@@ -582,6 +863,36 @@ class Meta:
db_table = 'locations_locationremaphistory'
+class ManagementSectionhistory(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ history_type = models.CharField(max_length=10)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'management_sectionhistory'
+class ManagementSectionhistoryFromSections(models.TenantModel):
+ sectionhistory = models.ForeignKey(ManagementSectionhistory, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ManagementSectionhistoryFromSections_sectionhistory')
+ section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ManagementSectionhistoryFromSections_section')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'management_sectionhistory_from_sections'
+ unique_together = (('section', 'sectionhistory'),)
+class ManagementSectionhistoryToSections(models.TenantModel):
+ sectionhistory = models.ForeignKey(ManagementSectionhistory, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ManagementSectionhistoryToSections_sectionhistory')
+ section = models.ForeignKey('ReportsSector', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ManagementSectionhistoryToSections_section')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'management_sectionhistory_to_sections'
+ unique_together = (('section', 'sectionhistory'),)
class PartnersAgreement(models.TenantModel):
created = models.DateTimeField()
modified = models.DateTimeField()
@@ -592,7 +903,7 @@ class PartnersAgreement(models.TenantModel):
attached_agreement = models.CharField(max_length=1024)
signed_by_unicef_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
signed_by_partner_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
- partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='agreements')
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersAgreement_partner')
partner_manager = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerstaffmember', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersAgreement_partner_manager', blank=True, null=True)
signed_by = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersAgreement_signed_by', blank=True, null=True)
status = models.CharField(max_length=32)
@@ -658,7 +969,7 @@ class PartnersCorevaluesassessment(models.TenantModel):
date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
assessment = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True)
archived = models.BooleanField()
- partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='core_values_assessments')
+ partner = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerorganization', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersCorevaluesassessment_partner')
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -704,11 +1015,11 @@ class PartnersIntervention(models.TenantModel):
signed_by_unicef_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
signed_by_partner_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
population_focus = models.CharField(max_length=130, blank=True, null=True)
- agreement = models.ForeignKey(PartnersAgreement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='interventions')
+ agreement = models.ForeignKey(PartnersAgreement, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersIntervention_agreement')
partner_authorized_officer_signatory = models.ForeignKey('PartnersPartnerstaffmember', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersIntervention_partner_authorized_officer_signatory', blank=True, null=True)
unicef_signatory = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersIntervention_unicef_signatory', blank=True, null=True)
signed_pd_document = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True)
- country_programme = models.ForeignKey('ReportsCountryprogramme', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='interventions', blank=True, null=True)
+ country_programme = models.ForeignKey('ReportsCountryprogramme', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersIntervention_country_programme', blank=True, null=True)
contingency_pd = models.BooleanField()
metadata = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
in_amendment = models.BooleanField()
@@ -733,7 +1044,7 @@ class Meta:
class PartnersInterventionOffices(models.TenantModel):
intervention = models.ForeignKey(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionOffices_intervention')
- office = models.ForeignKey('UsersOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionOffices_office')
+ office = models.ForeignKey('ReportsOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionOffices_office')
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -788,7 +1099,7 @@ class Meta:
class PartnersInterventionattachment(models.TenantModel):
attachment = models.CharField(max_length=1024)
- intervention = models.ForeignKey(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='attachments')
+ intervention = models.ForeignKey(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionattachment_intervention')
type = models.ForeignKey(PartnersFiletype, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionattachment_type')
created = models.DateTimeField()
modified = models.DateTimeField()
@@ -809,7 +1120,7 @@ class PartnersInterventionbudget(models.TenantModel):
unicef_cash_local = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
in_kind_amount_local = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
total = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
- intervention = models.OneToOneField(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='planned_budget', blank=True, null=True)
+ intervention = models.OneToOneField(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PartnersInterventionbudget_intervention', blank=True, null=True)
total_local = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=2)
currency = models.CharField(max_length=4)
@@ -929,7 +1240,7 @@ class Meta:
class PartnersPartnerstaffmember(models.TenantModel):
- title = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True)
+ title = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
email = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=128)
@@ -969,6 +1280,150 @@ class Meta:
db_table = 'partners_workspacefiletype'
+class PseaAnswer(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ comments = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
+ assessment = models.ForeignKey('PseaAssessment', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAnswer_assessment')
+ indicator = models.ForeignKey('PseaIndicator', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAnswer_indicator')
+ rating = models.ForeignKey('PseaRating', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAnswer_rating')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_answer'
+ unique_together = (('assessment', 'indicator'),)
+class PseaAnswerevidence(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
+ answer = models.ForeignKey(PseaAnswer, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAnswerevidence_answer')
+ evidence = models.ForeignKey('PseaEvidence', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAnswerevidence_evidence')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_answerevidence'
+class PseaAssessment(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ reference_number = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=100)
+ overall_rating = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
+ assessment_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
+ status = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ partner = models.ForeignKey(PartnersPartnerorganization, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessment_partner')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_assessment'
+class PseaAssessmentFocalPoints(models.TenantModel):
+ assessment = models.ForeignKey(PseaAssessment, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessmentFocalPoints_assessment')
+ user = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessmentFocalPoints_user')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_assessment_focal_points'
+ unique_together = (('assessment', 'user'),)
+class PseaAssessmentstatushistory(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ status = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ assessment = models.ForeignKey(PseaAssessment, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessmentstatushistory_assessment')
+ comment = models.TextField()
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_assessmentstatushistory'
+class PseaAssessor(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ assessor_type = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ order_number = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ assessment = models.OneToOneField(PseaAssessment, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessor_assessment')
+ auditor_firm = models.ForeignKey('PurchaseOrderAuditorfirm', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessor_auditor_firm', blank=True, null=True)
+ user = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessor_user', blank=True, null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_assessor'
+class PseaAssessorAuditorFirmStaff(models.TenantModel):
+ assessor = models.ForeignKey(PseaAssessor, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessorAuditorFirmStaff_assessor')
+ auditorstaffmember = models.ForeignKey('PurchaseOrderAuditorstaffmember', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaAssessorAuditorFirmStaff_auditorstaffmember')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_assessor_auditor_firm_staff'
+ unique_together = (('assessor', 'auditorstaffmember'),)
+class PseaEvidence(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ label = models.TextField()
+ requires_description = models.BooleanField()
+ active = models.BooleanField()
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_evidence'
+class PseaIndicator(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ subject = models.TextField()
+ content = models.TextField()
+ active = models.BooleanField()
+ order = models.IntegerField()
+ rating_instructions = models.TextField()
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_indicator'
+class PseaIndicatorEvidences(models.TenantModel):
+ indicator = models.ForeignKey(PseaIndicator, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaIndicatorEvidences_indicator')
+ evidence = models.ForeignKey(PseaEvidence, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaIndicatorEvidences_evidence')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_indicator_evidences'
+ unique_together = (('evidence', 'indicator'),)
+class PseaIndicatorRatings(models.TenantModel):
+ indicator = models.ForeignKey(PseaIndicator, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaIndicatorRatings_indicator')
+ rating = models.ForeignKey('PseaRating', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='PseaIndicatorRatings_rating')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_indicator_ratings'
+ unique_together = (('indicator', 'rating'),)
+class PseaRating(models.TenantModel):
+ created = models.DateTimeField()
+ modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ label = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+ weight = models.IntegerField()
+ active = models.BooleanField()
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'psea_rating'
class ReportsAppliedindicator(models.TenantModel):
context_code = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True)
assumptions = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
@@ -1109,6 +1564,14 @@ class Meta:
unique_together = (('code', 'result_link'),)
+class ReportsOffice(models.TenantModel):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=254)
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'reports_office'
class ReportsQuarter(models.TenantModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
year = models.CharField(max_length=4)
@@ -1178,7 +1641,7 @@ class Meta:
class ReportsSector(models.TenantModel):
- name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=45)
+ name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=128)
description = models.CharField(max_length=256, blank=True, null=True)
alternate_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
alternate_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
@@ -1186,6 +1649,7 @@ class ReportsSector(models.TenantModel):
color = models.CharField(max_length=7, blank=True, null=True)
created = models.DateTimeField()
modified = models.DateTimeField()
+ active = models.BooleanField()
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -1212,6 +1676,15 @@ class Meta:
db_table = 'reports_unit'
+class ReportsUsertenantprofile(models.TenantModel):
+ office = models.ForeignKey(ReportsOffice, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ReportsUsertenantprofile_office', blank=True, null=True)
+ profile = models.OneToOneField('UsersUserprofile', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='ReportsUsertenantprofile_profile')
+ class Meta:
+ managed = False
+ db_table = 'reports_usertenantprofile'
class SnapshotActivity(models.TenantModel):
created = models.DateTimeField()
modified = models.DateTimeField()
@@ -1281,7 +1754,7 @@ class T2FTravel(models.TenantModel):
approved_cost_traveler = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=4, blank=True, null=True)
approved_cost_travel_agencies = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=4, blank=True, null=True)
currency = models.ForeignKey('PublicsCurrency', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravel_currency', blank=True, null=True)
- office = models.ForeignKey('UsersOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravel_office', blank=True, null=True)
+ office = models.ForeignKey(ReportsOffice, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravel_office', blank=True, null=True)
supervisor = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravel_supervisor', blank=True, null=True)
traveler = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravel_traveler', blank=True, null=True)
first_submission_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
@@ -1296,8 +1769,8 @@ class Meta:
class T2FTravelactivity(models.TenantModel):
travel_type = models.CharField(max_length=64)
date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
- partner = models.ForeignKey(PartnersPartnerorganization, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='+', blank=True, null=True)
- partnership = models.ForeignKey(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='travel_activities', blank=True, null=True)
+ partner = models.ForeignKey(PartnersPartnerorganization, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravelactivity_partner', blank=True, null=True)
+ partnership = models.ForeignKey(PartnersIntervention, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravelactivity_partnership', blank=True, null=True)
primary_traveler = models.ForeignKey('AuthUser', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravelactivity_primary_traveler')
result = models.ForeignKey(ReportsResult, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravelactivity_result', blank=True, null=True)
@@ -1330,7 +1803,7 @@ class T2FTravelattachment(models.TenantModel):
type = models.CharField(max_length=64)
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
file = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
- travel = models.ForeignKey(T2FTravel, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='attachments')
+ travel = models.ForeignKey(T2FTravel, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='T2FTravelattachment_travel')
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -1351,7 +1824,7 @@ class Meta:
class TpmTpmactivityOffices(models.TenantModel):
tpmactivity = models.ForeignKey(TpmTpmactivity, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='TpmTpmactivityOffices_tpmactivity')
- office = models.ForeignKey('UsersOffice', models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='TpmTpmactivityOffices_office')
+ office = models.ForeignKey(ReportsOffice, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='TpmTpmactivityOffices_office')
class Meta:
managed = False
@@ -1458,6 +1931,7 @@ class UnicefAttachmentsFiletype(models.TenantModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
label = models.CharField(max_length=64)
code = models.CharField(max_length=64)
+ group = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # This field type is a guess.
class Meta:
managed = False
diff --git a/src/etools_datamart/config/settings.py b/src/etools_datamart/config/settings.py
index 6f8574c5c..daa5e358c 100644
--- a/src/etools_datamart/config/settings.py
+++ b/src/etools_datamart/config/settings.py
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
SENTRY_DSN=(str, ''),
STATIC_ROOT=(str, '/tmp/static'),
STATIC_URL=(str, '/dm-static/'),
@@ -400,14 +401,16 @@
# django-secure
diff --git a/tests/.coveragerc b/tests/.coveragerc
index 4c9d66713..b999dc23f 100644
--- a/tests/.coveragerc
+++ b/tests/.coveragerc
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ fail_under = 70
ignore_errors = True
-directory = ~build/coverage
+directory = build/coverage
index 1c509f5be..48082f72f 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
index 573541ac9..f599e28b8 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
index 1d500964f..573541ac9 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
index a2ecc456e..d00491fd7 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
index b7ecf5c07..573541ac9 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
index 5bc6609e3..d136d6a71 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/tests/etools/enrichments/test_partners_intervention.py b/tests/etools/enrichments/test_partners_intervention.py
index 48523cc80..78e41f5f9 100644
--- a/tests/etools/enrichments/test_partners_intervention.py
+++ b/tests/etools/enrichments/test_partners_intervention.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def test_intervention_location():
def test_intervention_frs():
i = PartnersIntervention.objects.first()
- assert i.frs.all().count() >= 0
+ assert i.FundsFundsreservationheader_intervention.all().count() >= 0
def test_intervention_sections():
diff --git a/tests/urf/.coveragerc b/tests/urf/.coveragerc
index 5c19bd8e6..0413d8382 100644
--- a/tests/urf/.coveragerc
+++ b/tests/urf/.coveragerc
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ fail_under = 98
ignore_errors = True
-directory = ~build/coverage
+directory = build/coverage