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863 lines (678 loc) · 22.8 KB

File metadata and controls

863 lines (678 loc) · 22.8 KB


FRIDA now supports the ability to configure itself using JavaScript. This allows the user to make use of the convenience of FRIDA's scripting engine (along with it's support for debug symbols and exports) to configure all of the things which were traditionally configured using environment variables.

By default FRIDA mode will look for the file afl.js in the current working directory of the target. Alternatively, a script file can be configured using the environment variable AFL_FRIDA_JS_SCRIPT.

This script can make use of all of the standard frida api functions, but FRIDA mode adds some additional functions to allow you to interact with FRIDA mode itself. These can all be accessed via the global Afl parameter. e.g. Afl.print("HELLO WORLD");,

If you encounter a problem with your script, then you should set the environment variable AFL_DEBUG_CHILD=1 to view any diagnostic information.


Most of the time, users will likely be wanting to call the functions which configure an address (e.g. for the entry point, or the persistent address).

The example below uses the API DebugSymbol.fromName(). Another use API is Module.getExportByName().

/* Use Afl.print instead of console.log */
Afl.print('* AFL FRIDA MODE *');

/* Print some useful diagnostics stuff */
Afl.print(`PID: ${}`);

new ModuleMap().values().forEach(m => {
    Afl.print(`${m.base}-${m.base.add(m.size)} ${}`);

 * Configure entry-point, persistence etc. This will be what most
 * people want to do.
const persistent_addr = DebugSymbol.fromName('main');
Afl.print(`persistent_addr: ${persistent_addr.address}`);

if (persistent_addr.address.equals(ptr(0))) {
    Afl.error('Cannot find symbol main');

const persistent_ret = DebugSymbol.fromName('slow');
Afl.print(`persistent_ret: ${persistent_ret.address}`);

if (persistent_ret.address.equals(ptr(0))) {
    Afl.error('Cannot find symbol slow');


/* Control instrumentation, you may want to do this too */
const mod = Process.findModuleByName("")
Afl.addExcludedRange(mod.base, mod.size);

/* Some useful options to configure logging */

/* Show the address layout. Sometimes helpful */

 * If you are using these options, then things aren't going
 * very well for you.

/* *ALWAYS* call this when you have finished all your configuration */

Stripped Binaries

Lastly, if the binary you attempting to fuzz has no symbol information, and no exports, then the following approach can be used.

const module = Process.getModuleByName('target.exe');
/* Hardcoded offset within the target image */
const address = module.base.add(0xdeadface);

Persisent Hook

A persistent hook can be implemented using a conventional shared object, sample source code for a hook suitable for the prototype of LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput can be found here. This can be configured using code similar to the following.

const path = Afl.module.path;
const dir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
const mod = Module.load(`${dir}/frida_mode/build/`);
const hook = mod.getExportByName('afl_persistent_hook');

Alternatively, the hook can be provided by using FRIDAs built in support for CModule, powered by TinyCC.

const cm = new CModule(`

    #include <string.h>
    #include <gum/gumdefs.h>

    void afl_persistent_hook(GumCpuContext *regs, uint8_t *input_buf,
      uint32_t input_buf_len) {

      memcpy((void *)regs->rdi, input_buf, input_buf_len);
      regs->rsi = input_buf_len;

        memcpy: Module.getExportByName(null, 'memcpy')

Advanced Persistence

Consider the following target code...

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(char *buf, int len) {

  if (len < 1) return;
  buf[len] = 0;

  // we support three input cases
  if (buf[0] == '0')
    printf("Looks like a zero to me!\n");
  else if (buf[0] == '1')
    printf("Pretty sure that is a one!\n");
    printf("Neither one or zero? How quaint!\n");


int run(char *file) {

  int    fd = -1;
  off_t  len;
  char * buf = NULL;
  size_t n_read;
  int    result = -1;

  do {

    dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "Running: %s\n", file);

    fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd < 0) {



    len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    if (len < 0) {

      perror("lseek (SEEK_END)");


    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {

      perror("lseek (SEEK_SET)");


    buf = malloc(len);
    if (buf == NULL) {



    n_read = read(fd, buf, len);
    if (n_read != len) {



    dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "Running:    %s: (%zd bytes)\n", file, n_read);

    LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(buf, len);
    dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "Done:    %s: (%zd bytes)\n", file, n_read);

    result = 0;

  } while (false);

  if (buf != NULL) { free(buf); }

  if (fd != -1) { close(fd); }

  return result;


void slow() {



int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  if (argc != 2) { return 1; }
  return run(argv[1]);


FRIDA mode supports the replacement of any function, with an implementation generated by CModule. This allows for a bespoke harness to be written as follows:

const slow = DebugSymbol.fromName('slow').address;
Afl.print(`slow: ${slow}`);

const LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput = DebugSymbol.fromName('LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput').address;
Afl.print(`LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput: ${LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput}`);

const cm = new CModule(`

    extern unsigned char * __afl_fuzz_ptr;
    extern unsigned int * __afl_fuzz_len;
    extern void LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(char *buf, int len);

    void slow(void) {

      LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(__afl_fuzz_ptr, *__afl_fuzz_len);
        LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput: LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput,
        __afl_fuzz_ptr: Afl.getAflFuzzPtr(),
        __afl_fuzz_len: Afl.getAflFuzzLen()

Interceptor.replace(slow, cm.slow);

Here, we replace the function slow with our own code. This code is then selected as the entry point as well as the persistent loop address.

WARNING There are two key limitations in replacing a function in this way:

  • The function which is to be replaced must not be main this is because this is the point at which FRIDA mode is initialized and at the point the the JS has been run, the start of the main function has already been instrumented and cached.
  • The replacement function must not call itself. e.g. in this example we couldn't replace LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput and call itself.


Consider the following test code...

   american fuzzy lop++ - a trivial program to test the build
   Originally written by Michal Zalewski
   Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
   Copyright 2019-2020 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved.
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

const uint32_t crc32_tab[] = {
	0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f,


	0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d

crc32(const void *buf, size_t size)
	const uint8_t *p = buf;
	uint32_t crc;
 	crc = ~0U;
	while (size--)
		crc = crc32_tab[(crc ^ *p++) & 0xFF] ^ (crc >> 8);
	return crc ^ ~0U;

 * Don't you hate those contrived examples which CRC their data. We can use
 * FRIDA to patch this function out and always return success. Otherwise, we
 * could change it to actually correct the checksum.
int crc32_check (char * buf, int len) {
  if (len < sizeof(uint32_t)) { return 0; }
  uint32_t expected = *(uint32_t *)&buf[len - sizeof(uint32_t)];
  uint32_t calculated = crc32(buf, len - sizeof(uint32_t));
  return expected == calculated;

 * So you've found a really boring bug in an earlier campaign which results in
 * a NULL dereference or something like that. That bug can get in the way,
 * causing the persistent loop to exit whenever it is triggered, and can also
 * cloud your output unnecessarily. Again, we can use FRIDA to patch it out.
void some_boring_bug(char c) {
  switch (c) {
    case 'A'...'Z':
    case 'a'...'z':

void LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(char *buf, int len) {

  if (!crc32_check(buf, len)) return;


  if (buf[0] == '0') {
    printf("Looks like a zero to me!\n");
  else if (buf[0] == '1') {
    printf("Pretty sure that is a one!\n");
  else if (buf[0] == '2') {
    if (buf[1] == '3') {
      if (buf[2] == '4') {
        printf("Oh we, weren't expecting that!");
    printf("Neither one or zero? How quaint!\n");


int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  int    fd = -1;
  off_t  len;
  char * buf = NULL;
  size_t n_read;
  int    result = -1;

  if (argc != 2) { return 1; }

  printf("Running: %s\n", argv[1]);

  fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
  if (fd < 0) { return 1; }

  len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
  if (len < 0) { return 1; }

  if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { return 1; }

  buf = malloc(len);
  if (buf == NULL) { return 1; }

  n_read = read(fd, buf, len);
  if (n_read != len) { return 1; }

  printf("Running:    %s: (%zd bytes)\n", argv[1], n_read);

  LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(buf, len);
  printf("Done:    %s: (%zd bytes)\n", argv[1], n_read);

  return 0;

There are a couple of obstacles with our target application. Unlike when fuzzing source code, though, we can't simply edit it and recompile it. The following script shows how we can use the normal functionality of FRIDA to modify any troublesome behaviour.

Afl.print('* AFL FRIDA MODE *');

const main = DebugSymbol.fromName('main').address;
Afl.print(`main: ${main}`);

const crc32_check = DebugSymbol.fromName('crc32_check').address;
const crc32_replacement = new NativeCallback(
    (buf, len) => {
        Afl.print(`len: ${len}`);
        if (len < 4) {
            return 0;

        return 1;
    ['pointer', 'int']);
Interceptor.replace(crc32_check, crc32_replacement);

const some_boring_bug = DebugSymbol.fromName('some_boring_bug').address
const boring_replacement = new NativeCallback(
    (c) => { },
Interceptor.replace(some_boring_bug, boring_replacement);


Advanced Patching

Consider the following code fragment...

extern void some_boring_bug2(char c);

__asm__ (
      ".text                                 \n"
      "some_boring_bug2:                     \n"
      ".global some_boring_bug2              \n"
      ".type some_boring_bug2, @function     \n"
      "mov %edi, %eax                        \n"
      "cmp $0xb4, %al                        \n"
      "jne ok                                \n"
      "ud2                                   \n"
      "ok:                                   \n"
      "ret                                   \n");

void LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(char *buf, int len) {





Rather than using FRIDAs Interceptor.replace or Interceptor.attach APIs, it is possible to apply much more fine grained modification to the target application by means of using the Stalker APIs.

The following code locates the function of interest and patches out the UD2 instruction signifying a crash.

/* Modify the instructions */
const some_boring_bug2 = DebugSymbol.fromName('some_boring_bug2').address
const pid = Memory.alloc(4);

const cm = new CModule(`
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <gum/gumstalker.h>

    typedef int pid_t;

    #define STDERR_FILENO 2
    #define BORING2_LEN 10

    extern int dprintf(int fd, const char *format, ...);
    extern void some_boring_bug2(char c);
    extern pid_t getpid(void);
    extern pid_t pid;

    gboolean js_stalker_callback(const cs_insn *insn, gboolean begin,
        gboolean excluded, GumStalkerOutput *output)
        pid_t my_pid = getpid();
        GumX86Writer *cw = output->writer.x86;

        if (GUM_ADDRESS(insn->address) < GUM_ADDRESS(some_boring_bug2)) {

            return TRUE;


        if (GUM_ADDRESS(insn->address) >=
            GUM_ADDRESS(some_boring_bug2) + BORING2_LEN) {

            return TRUE;


        if (my_pid == pid) {

            if (begin) {

                dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "\n> 0x%016lX: %s %s\n", insn->address,
                        insn->mnemonic, insn->op_str);

            } else {

                dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "  0x%016lX: %s %s\n", insn->address,
                        insn->mnemonic, insn->op_str);



        if (insn->id == X86_INS_UD2) {

            return FALSE;

        } else {

            return TRUE;

        dprintf: Module.getExportByName(null, 'dprintf'),
        getpid: Module.getExportByName(null, 'getpid'),
        some_boring_bug2: some_boring_bug2,
        pid: pid

Note that you will more likely want to find the patch address by using:

const module = Process.getModuleByName('target.exe');
/* Hardcoded offset within the target image */
const address = module.base.add(0xdeadface);


const address = DebugSymbol.fromName("my_function").address.add(0xdeadface);


const address = Module.getExportByName(null, "my_function").add(0xdeadface);

The function js_stalker_callback should return TRUE if the original instruction should be emitted in the instrumented code, or FALSE otherwise. In the example above, we can see it is replaced with a NOP.

Lastly, note that the same callback will be called when compiling instrumented code both in the child of the forkserver (as it is executed) and also in the parent of the forserver (when prefetching is enabled) so that it can be inherited by the next forked child. It is VERY important that the same instructions be generated in both the parent and the child, or if prefetching is disabled that the same instructions are generated every time the block is compiled. Failure to do so will likely lead to bugs which are incredibly difficult to diagnose. The code above only prints the instructions when running in the parent process (the one provided by when the JS script is executed).


Note that the JavaScript debug symbol api for OSX makes use of the CoreSymbolication APIs and as such the CoreFoundation module must be loaded into the target to make use of it. This can be done by setting:


It should be noted that CoreSymbolication API may take a while to initialize and build its caches. For this reason, it may be nescessary to also increase the value of the -t flag passed to afl-fuzz.


class Afl {

   * Field containing the `Module` object for `` (the FRIDA mode
   * implementation).
  public static module: Module = Process.getModuleByName("");

   * This is equivalent to setting a value in `AFL_FRIDA_EXCLUDE_RANGES`,
   * it takes as arguments a `NativePointer` and a `number`. It can be
   * called multiple times to exclude several ranges.
  public static addExcludedRange(addressess: NativePointer, size: number): void {
    Afl.jsApiAddExcludeRange(addressess, size);

   * This is equivalent to setting a value in `AFL_FRIDA_INST_RANGES`,
   * it takes as arguments a `NativePointer` and a `number`. It can be
   * called multiple times to include several ranges.
  public static addIncludedRange(addressess: NativePointer, size: number): void {
    Afl.jsApiAddIncludeRange(addressess, size);

   * This must always be called at the end of your script. This lets
   * FRIDA mode know that your configuration is finished and that
   * execution has reached the end of your script. Failure to call
   * this will result in a fatal error.
  public static done(): void {

   * This function can be called within your script to cause FRIDA
   * mode to trigger a fatal error. This is useful if for example you
   * discover a problem you weren't expecting and want everything to
   * stop. The user will need to enable `AFL_DEBUG_CHILD=1` to view
   * this error message.
  public static error(msg: string): void {
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(msg);

   * Function used to provide access to `__afl_fuzz_ptr`, which contains the length of
   * fuzzing data when using in-memory test case fuzzing.
  public static getAflFuzzLen(): NativePointer {

    return Afl.jsApiGetSymbol("__afl_fuzz_len");

   * Function used to provide access to `__afl_fuzz_ptr`, which contains the fuzzing
   * data when using in-memory test case fuzzing.
  public static getAflFuzzPtr(): NativePointer {

    return Afl.jsApiGetSymbol("__afl_fuzz_ptr");

   * Print a message to the STDOUT. This should be preferred to
   * FRIDA's `console.log` since FRIDA will queue it's log messages.
   * If `console.log` is used in a callback in particular, then there
   * may no longer be a thread running to service this queue.
  public static print(msg: string): void {
    const STDOUT_FILENO = 2;
    const log = `${msg}\n`;
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(log);
    Afl.jsApiWrite(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, log.length);

  public static setDebugMaps(): void {

   * This has the same effect as setting `AFL_ENTRYPOINT`, but has the
   * convenience of allowing you to use FRIDAs APIs to determine the
   * address you would like to configure, rather than having to grep
   * the output of `readelf` or something similarly ugly. This
   * function should be called with a `NativePointer` as its
   * argument.
  public static setEntryPoint(address: NativePointer): void {

   * Function used to enable in-memory test cases for fuzzing.
  public static setInMemoryFuzzing(): void {

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_INST_DEBUG_FILE`. This function takes a single `string` as
   * an argument.
  public static setInstrumentDebugFile(file: string): void {
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(file);

  public static setInstrumentEnableTracing(): void {

   * See `AFL_INST_LIBS`.
  public static setInstrumentLibraries(): void {

  public static setInstrumentNoOptimize(): void {

  public static setInstrumentTracingUnique(): void {

   * This is equivalent to setting `AFL_FRIDA_PERSISTENT_ADDR`, again a
   * `NativePointer` should be provided as it's argument.
  public static setPersistentAddress(address: NativePointer): void {

   * This is equivalent to setting `AFL_FRIDA_PERSISTENT_CNT`, a
   * `number` should be provided as it's argument.
  public static setPersistentCount(count: number): void {

  public static setPersistentDebug(): void {

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_PERSISTENT_ADDR`. This function takes a NativePointer as an
   * argument. See above for examples of use.
  public static setPersistentHook(address: NativePointer): void {

   * This is equivalent to setting `AFL_FRIDA_PERSISTENT_RET`, again a
   * `NativePointer` should be provided as it's argument.
  public static setPersistentReturn(address: NativePointer): void {

  public static setPrefetchDisable(): void {

   * Set a function to be called for each instruction which is instrumented
   * by AFL FRIDA mode.
  public static setStalkerCallback(callback: NativePointer): void {

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_STATS_FILE`. This function takes a single `string` as
   * an argument.
  public static setStatsFile(file: string): void {
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(file);

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_STATS_INTERVAL`. This function takes a `number` as an
   * argument
  public static setStatsInterval(interval: number): void {

  public static setStatsTransitions(): void {

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_OUTPUT_STDERR`. This function takes a single `string` as
   * an argument.
  public static setStdErr(file: string): void {
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(file);

   * See `AFL_FRIDA_OUTPUT_STDOUT`. This function takes a single `string` as
   * an argument.
  public static setStdOut(file: string): void {
    const buf = Memory.allocUtf8String(file);
