A React web application which provides the front-end user interface for the online discovery of archival collections, objects, and agents at the Rockefeller Archive Center.
DIMES is part of Project Electron, an initiative to build sustainable, open and user-centered infrastructure for the archival management of digital records at the Rockefeller Archive Center.
Install git and clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/RockefellerArchiveCenter/dimes.git
Install dependencies and run the development server:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Updated images are built each time a commit is pushed to base. To deploy in vSphere, first update the image by pulling the most recent version:
$ docker -H {vsphere host}:{vsphere port} --tlsverify pull rockarch/dimes:development
Get the ID of the running container
$ docker -H {vsphere host}:{vsphere port} --tlsverify container ls
Then stop the running container:
$ docker -H {vsphere host}:{vsphere port} --tlsverify stop {container ID}
Finally, start the updated container:
$ docker -H {vsphere host}:{vsphere port} --tlsverify run -d -p 3001:80 rockarch/dimes:development
DIMES will then be available at the vSphere host, port 3001.
This code is released under an MIT License.