Repository for the web server code and client-side code. The web server is written in Haskell. The HTML and CSS is rendered server-side. The Javascript is static.
Make it easy to take turns playing music in a room of friends.
These steps assume you have GHC, Cabal, and Node installed!
- The web server runs on https. Use mkcert to generate a cert and key... Place these two files in a directory at the root of the project... name this directory tls preferably.
mkcert -install mkcert localhost
- Install npm packages then compile/bundle client-side code. This project uses Webpack for this. Compilation of Typescript happens via webpack. This step creates an output directory called dist-client.
npm install npm run build
- Run webserver. Notice the args p,c, and k are referencing files created from step 1 and 2. The cabal v2-run command will install+build if necessary.
cabal v2-run . -- -p dist-static -c tls/localhost+1.pem -k tls/localhost+1-key.pem