- [FEATURE] ARM-117: Referral/Client Registration
- [FEATURE] ARM-570, ARM-647: Reporting DB/Jasper Reports
- [FEATURE] ARM-371: ANZIO Reports
- [FEATURE] ARM-410: Configurable, dynamic completion forms for statuses
- [FEATURE] ARM-446: Ability to edit recommendations
- [FEATURE] ARM-456: Service Variations
- [FEATURE] Misc enhancements to Access Management
- [FEATURE] Role/Permissions based restrictions on payorPrice update
- [FEATURE] ARM-507: Bulk changing statuses
- [FEATURE] ARM-509: Service Mapper tool for Altum/Program services
- [FEATURE] ARM-551: Added referral contacts collection to referral
- [FEATURE] ARM-621: Ability to make ad-hoc recommendations
- [FEATURE] ARM-629: Label printing module added to production
- [BUGFIX] ARM-643: Recommendation status defaults to "Approved" on recommend from button
- [BUGFIX] ARM-609: New notes should appear at top of notebook
- [BUGFIX] ARM-608: When I write a note it is duplicated 5 times
- [BUGFIX] ARM-603: Note emails should not have PHI in subject line
- [BUGFIX] ARM-654: Swapping groups when editing user should replace group/roles
- [INTERNAL] ARM-413: Imported services/supplies
- [INTERNAL] ARM-504: Configured environment variables for application
- [INTERNAL] ARM-544, ARM-614: Performance tweaks
- [INTERNAL] ARM-440: Transfer SNAP notes into CMS