diff --git a/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/PHX.cs b/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/PHX.cs
index 9ab80c9..a541ee0 100644
--- a/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/PHX.cs
+++ b/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/PHX.cs
@@ -1,319 +1,390 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace UCNLPhysics
- public struct TSProfilePoint
- {
- public double Z;
- public double T;
- public double S;
- }
- public static class PHX
- {
- public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_DENSITY_KGM3 = 998.02; // Fresh water density at 20°C
- public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS = 1500.0; // Default speed of sound in water
- public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS_MIN = 1300.0; // Min value for speed of sound
- public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS_MAX = 1600.0; // Max value for speed of sound
- public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SALINITY_PSU = 0.0; // Default water salinity, PSU
- public static readonly double PHX_GRAVITY_ACC_MPS2 = 9.80665; // ISO 80000-3:2006
- public static readonly double PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR = 1013.25; // Average at sea level
- #region Obsolete
- [Obsolete]
- public static double PHX_WaterDensity_Calc(double t, double p, double s)
- {
- return Water_density_calc(t, p, s);
- }
- ///
- /// The UNESCO equation: Chen and Millero (1977)
- ///
- /// temperature, Celsius degree
- /// pressure, mBar
- /// salinity, PSU
- /// Speed of sound in m/s
- [Obsolete]
- public static double PHX_SpeedOfSound_Calc(double t, double p, double s)
- {
- return Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t, p, s);
- }
- ///
- /// calculates gravity at sea level vs latitude
- /// WGS84 ellipsoid gravity formula
- ///
- /// latitude, signed from -90 to 90
- /// Gravity acceleration at sea level, m/s^2
- [Obsolete]
- public static double PHX_GravityConstant_Calc(double latitude)
- {
- return Gravity_constant_wgs84_calc(latitude);
- }
- ///
- /// Calculates distance from the water surface where pressure is p0 to the point, where pressure is p
- /// To take into account compression of the water column the better way to use water density
- /// estimated for the point with Pm = (P-P0)/2
- ///
- /// pressure, mBar
- /// pressure at water surface, mBar
- /// water density, kg/m^3
- /// gravity acceleration at sea level, m/s^2
- /// depth (distance from water surface)
- [Obsolete]
- public static double PHX_DepthByPressure_Calc(double p, double p0, double rho, double g)
- {
- return Depth_by_pressure_calc(p, p0, rho, g);
- }
- #endregion
- // Interpolates a value with given x coordinate by two given points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
- public static double Linterp(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x)
- {
- return y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
- }
- /// calculates in situ density of water
- /// millero et al 1980, deep-sea res.,27a,255-264
- /// jpots ninth report 1978,tenth report 1980
- public static double Water_density_calc(double t, double p, double s)
- {
- p = p / 1000.0;
- double sr = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(s));
- double sig = (((4.8314E-4 * s) +
- ((-1.6546E-6 * t + 1.0227E-4) * t - 5.72466E-3) * sr +
- (((5.3875E-9 * t - 8.2467E-7) * t + 7.6438E-5) * t - 4.0899E-3) * t + 0.824493) * s) +
- ((((6.536332E-9 * t - 1.120083E-6) * t + 1.001685E-4) * t - 9.095290E-3) * t + 6.793952E-2) * t - 0.157406;
- double b = ((9.1697E-10 * t + 2.0816E-8) * t - 9.9348E-7) * s + (5.2787E-8 * t - 6.12293E-6) * t + 8.50935E-5;
- double k0 = (((((-5.3009E-4 * t + 1.6483E-2) * t + 7.944E-2) * sr) +
- ((-6.1670E-5 * t + 1.09987E-2) * t - 0.603459) * t + 54.6746) * s) +
- (((-5.155288E-5 * t + 1.360477E-2) * t - 2.327105) * t + 148.4206) * t + 19652.21;
- double a = (1.91075E-4 * sr + (-1.6078E-6 * t - 1.0981E-5) * t + 2.2838E-3) * s +
- ((-5.77905E-7 * t + 1.16092E-4) * t + 1.43713E-3) * t + 3.239908;
- double k = (b * p + a) * p + k0;
- return 1000.0 + (k * sig + 1000.0 * p) / (k - p);
- }
- /// The UNESCO equation: Chen and Millero (1977)
- public static double Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(double t, double p, double s)
- {
- p = p / 1000.0;
- double sr = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(s));
- double d = 1.727E-3 - 7.9836E-6 * p;
- double b_1 = 7.3637E-5 + 1.7945E-7 * t;
- double b_0 = -1.922E-2 - 4.42E-5 * t;
- double b = b_0 + b_1 * p;
- double a_3 = (-3.389E-13 * t + 6.649E-12) * t + 1.100E-10;
- double a_2 = ((7.988E-12 * t - 1.6002E-10) * t + 9.1041E-9) * t - 3.9064E-7;
- double a_1 = (((-2.0122E-10 * t + 1.0507E-8) * t - 6.4885E-8) * t - 1.2580E-5) * t + 9.4742E-5;
- double a_0 = (((-3.21E-8 * t + 2.006E-6) * t + 7.164E-5) * t - 1.262E-2) * t + 1.389;
- double a = ((a_3 * p + a_2) * p + a_1) * p + a_0;
- double c_3 = (-2.3643E-12 * t + 3.8504E-10) * t - 9.7729E-9;
- double c_2 = (((1.0405E-12 * t - 2.5335E-10) * t + 2.5974E-8) * t - 1.7107E-6) * t + 3.1260E-5;
- double c_1 = (((-6.1185E-10 * t + 1.3621E-7) * t - 8.1788E-6) * t + 6.8982E-4) * t + 0.153563;
- double c_0 = ((((3.1464E-9 * t - 1.47800E-6) * t + 3.3420E-4) * t - 5.80852E-2) * t + 5.03711) * t + 1402.388;
- double c = ((c_3 * p + c_2) * p + c_1) * p + c_0;
- return c + (a + b * sr + d * s) * s;
- }
- /// Calculates gravity at sea level vs latitude
- /// WGS84 ellipsoid gravity formula
- public static double Gravity_constant_wgs84_calc(double phi)
- {
- double phi_sq = Math.Sin(phi * Math.PI / 180.0);
- phi_sq *= phi_sq;
- return (9.7803253359 * ((1.0 + 0.00193185265241 * phi_sq) / Math.Sqrt(1.0 - 0.00669437999013 * phi_sq)));
- }
- /// calculates distance from the water surface where pressure is p0 to the point, where pressure is p
- public static double Depth_by_pressure_calc(double p, double p0, double rho, double g)
- {
- return 100.0 * (p - p0) / (rho * g);
- }
- // Calculates pressure of a water column with given height (distance between
- // the water surface and the given point) assuming constant water density
- // h - depth, m
- // p0 - atmospheric pressure, mBar
- // rho - water density, kg/m^3
- // g - gravity acceleration, m/s^2
- public static double Pressure_by_depth_calc(double h, double p0, double rho, double g)
- {
- return h * rho * g / 100.0 + p0;
- }
- // Calculates depth (as a distance between the water surface and a point with
- // the given pressure) by the specified TS-profile
- // pm - pressure measured at the point, mBar
- // p0 - atmospheric pressure, mBar
- // g - gravity acceleration, m/s^2
- // tsProfile - vertical Temperature-Salinity profile at the given point
- // as an array of (f64, f64, f64)
- // z - vertical coordinate, m (positive, 0 - water surface)
- // t - temperature, °C
- // s - salinity, PSU
- // Np - number of pressure intervals for integration
- public static double Depth_by_pressure_ts_profile(double pm, double p0, double g, int n_p, TSProfilePoint[] ts_profile)
- {
- if (n_p <= 0)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified number of time intervals Nt should be greater than zero");
- }
- if (ts_profile.Length < 2)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tsProfile has to contain at least two points");
- }
- double t1 = ts_profile[0].T;
- double s1 = ts_profile[0].S;
- double rho0 = Water_density_calc(t1, p0, s1);
- double p1 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[0].Z, p0, rho0, g);
- double pe = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[ts_profile.Length - 1].Z, p0, rho0, g);
- if ((pm < p1) || (pm > pe))
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified pressure is beyond the specified TS-profile");
- }
- int p_idx = 1;
- double t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
- double s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
- double p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[p_idx].Z, p0, rho0, g);
- double dp = (pm - p0) / n_p;
- double h = 0.0, rho, t, p = p0, s;
- while (p < pm)
- {
- p += dp;
- if (p > p2)
- {
- p1 = p2;
- t1 = t2;
- s1 = s2;
- p_idx += 1;
- t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
- s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
- p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[p_idx].Z, p0, rho0, g);
- }
- t = Linterp(p1, t1, p2, t2, p);
- s = Linterp(p1, s1, p2, s2, p);
- rho = Water_density_calc(t, p, s);
- h += 1.0 / rho;
- }
- return h * 100.0 * dp / g;
- }
- // Calculates the path, which sound traveled in vertical direction
- // between the water surface and the deepest point during
- // a given time of flight considering given temperature and salinity profile
- // tof - time of flight, sec
- // Nt - number of time intervals for integration
- // tsProfile - vertical Temperature-Salinity profile at the given point
- // as an array of TSPoint
- // z - vertical coordinate, m (positive, 0 - water surface)
- // t - temperature, °C
- // s - salinity, PSU
- public static double Vertical_sound_path_ts_profile(double tof, double g, int n_t, TSProfilePoint[] ts_profile)
- {
- if (ts_profile.Length < 2)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tsProfile has to contain at least two points");
- }
- if (n_t <= 0)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified number of time intervals Nt should be greater than zero");
- }
- double z1 = ts_profile[0].Z;
- double t1 = ts_profile[0].T;
- double s1 = ts_profile[0].S;
- double rho0 = Water_density_calc(t1, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, s1);
- double p1 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z1, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, rho0, g);
- double v = Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t1, p1, s1);
- if (v * tof > ts_profile[ts_profile.Length - 1].Z)
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified time of flight is beyond the specified TS-profile");
- }
- int p_idx = 1;
- double z2 = ts_profile[p_idx].Z;
- double t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
- double s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
- double p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z2, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, rho0, g);
- double dt = tof / n_t;
- double h = 0.0;
- double t;
- double p;
- double s;
- double tt = 0.0;
- while (tt < tof)
- {
- tt += dt;
- h = h + dt * v;
- if (h > z2)
- {
- p1 = p2;
- t1 = t2;
- s1 = s2;
- z1 = z2;
- p_idx = p_idx + 1;
- z2 = ts_profile[p_idx].Z;
- t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
- s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
- p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z2, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR + p1, rho0, g);
- }
- t = Linterp(z1, t1, z2, t2, h);
- p = Linterp(z1, p1, z2, p2, h);
- s = Linterp(z1, s1, z2, s2, h);
- v = Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t, p, s);
- }
- return h;
- }
- // Calculated the freezing temperature of seawater (in °C) with specified pressure and salinity.
- // According to:
- // Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater.
- // Unesco technical papers in marine science vol. 44, 1983, pp. 30
- // https://darchive.mblwhoilibrary.org/bitstream/handle/1912/2470/059832eb.pdf
- // p - pressure, mBar
- // s - PSU
- public static double Water_fpoint_calc(double p, double s)
- {
- return (-0.0575 + 1.710523E-3 * Math.Sqrt(s) - 2.154996E-4 * s) * s - 7.53E-6 * p;
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace UCNLPhysics
+ public struct TSProfilePoint
+ {
+ public double Z;
+ public double T;
+ public double S;
+ public TSProfilePoint(double z, double t, double s)
+ {
+ Z = z;
+ T = t;
+ S = s;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class PHX
+ {
+ public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_DENSITY_KGM3 = 998.02; // Fresh water density at 20°C
+ public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS = 1500.0; // Default speed of sound in water
+ public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS_MIN = 1300.0; // Min value for speed of sound
+ public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SOUND_SPEED_MPS_MAX = 1600.0; // Max value for speed of sound
+ public static readonly double PHX_FWTR_SALINITY_PSU = 0.0; // Default water salinity, PSU
+ public static readonly double PHX_SALINITY_PSU_MIN = 0.0;
+ public static readonly double PHX_SALINITY_PSU_MAX = 44.0;
+ public static readonly double PHX_GRAVITY_ACC_MPS2 = 9.80665; // ISO 80000-3:2006
+ public static readonly double PHX_GRAVITY_ACC_MPS2_MIN = 9.7639;
+ public static readonly double PHX_GRAVITY_ACC_MPS2_MAX = 9.8337;
+ public static readonly double PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR = 1013.25; // Average at sea level
+ #region Obsolete
+ [Obsolete]
+ public static double PHX_WaterDensity_Calc(double t, double p, double s)
+ {
+ return Water_density_calc(t, p, s);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The UNESCO equation: Chen and Millero (1977)
+ ///
+ /// temperature, Celsius degree
+ /// pressure, mBar
+ /// salinity, PSU
+ /// Speed of sound in m/s
+ [Obsolete]
+ public static double PHX_SpeedOfSound_Calc(double t, double p, double s)
+ {
+ return Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t, p, s);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// calculates gravity at sea level vs latitude
+ /// WGS84 ellipsoid gravity formula
+ ///
+ /// latitude, signed from -90 to 90
+ /// Gravity acceleration at sea level, m/s^2
+ [Obsolete]
+ public static double PHX_GravityConstant_Calc(double latitude)
+ {
+ return Gravity_constant_wgs84_calc(latitude);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates distance from the water surface where pressure is p0 to the point, where pressure is p
+ /// To take into account compression of the water column the better way to use water density
+ /// estimated for the point with Pm = (P-P0)/2
+ ///
+ /// pressure, mBar
+ /// pressure at water surface, mBar
+ /// water density, kg/m^3
+ /// gravity acceleration at sea level, m/s^2
+ /// depth (distance from water surface)
+ [Obsolete]
+ public static double PHX_DepthByPressure_Calc(double p, double p0, double rho, double g)
+ {
+ return Depth_by_pressure_calc(p, p0, rho, g);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ // Interpolates a value with given x coordinate by two given points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
+ public static double Linterp(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x)
+ {
+ return y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
+ }
+ /// calculates in situ density of water
+ /// millero et al 1980, deep-sea res.,27a,255-264
+ /// jpots ninth report 1978,tenth report 1980
+ public static double Water_density_calc(double t, double p, double s)
+ {
+ p = p / 1000.0;
+ double sr = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(s));
+ double sig = (((4.8314E-4 * s) +
+ ((-1.6546E-6 * t + 1.0227E-4) * t - 5.72466E-3) * sr +
+ (((5.3875E-9 * t - 8.2467E-7) * t + 7.6438E-5) * t - 4.0899E-3) * t + 0.824493) * s) +
+ ((((6.536332E-9 * t - 1.120083E-6) * t + 1.001685E-4) * t - 9.095290E-3) * t + 6.793952E-2) * t - 0.157406;
+ double b = ((9.1697E-10 * t + 2.0816E-8) * t - 9.9348E-7) * s + (5.2787E-8 * t - 6.12293E-6) * t + 8.50935E-5;
+ double k0 = (((((-5.3009E-4 * t + 1.6483E-2) * t + 7.944E-2) * sr) +
+ ((-6.1670E-5 * t + 1.09987E-2) * t - 0.603459) * t + 54.6746) * s) +
+ (((-5.155288E-5 * t + 1.360477E-2) * t - 2.327105) * t + 148.4206) * t + 19652.21;
+ double a = (1.91075E-4 * sr + (-1.6078E-6 * t - 1.0981E-5) * t + 2.2838E-3) * s +
+ ((-5.77905E-7 * t + 1.16092E-4) * t + 1.43713E-3) * t + 3.239908;
+ double k = (b * p + a) * p + k0;
+ return 1000.0 + (k * sig + 1000.0 * p) / (k - p);
+ }
+ /// The UNESCO equation: Chen and Millero (1977)
+ public static double Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(double t, double p, double s)
+ {
+ var t2 = t * t;
+ var t3 = t2 * t;
+ var t4 = t3 * t;
+ p = p / 1000.0;
+ var p2 = p * p;
+ var p3 = p2 * p;
+ var Cw = (1402.388 + 5.03830 * t + -5.81090E-2 * t2 + 3.3432E-4 * t3 + -1.47797E-6 * t4 + 3.1419E-9 * t4 * t) +
+ (0.153563 + 6.8999E-4 * t + -8.1829E-6 * t2 + 1.3632E-7 * t3 + -6.1260E-10 * t4) * p +
+ (3.1260E-5 + -1.7111E-6 * t + 2.5986E-8 * t2 + -2.5353E-10 * t3 + 1.0415E-12 * t4) * p2 +
+ (-9.7729E-9 + 3.8513E-10 * t + -2.3654E-12 * t2) * p3;
+ var A = (1.389 + -1.262E-2 * t + 7.166E-5 * t2 + 2.008E-6 * t3 + -3.21E-8 * t4) +
+ (9.4742E-5 + -1.2583E-5 * t + -6.4928E-8 * t2 + 1.0515E-8 * t3 + -2.0142E-10 * t4) * p +
+ (-3.9064E-7 + 9.1061E-9 * t + -1.6009E-10 * t2 + 7.994E-12 * t3) * p2 +
+ (1.100E-10 + 6.651E-12 * t + -3.391E-13 * t2) * p3;
+ var B = -1.922E-2 + -4.42E-5 * t + (7.3637E-5 + 1.7950E-7 * t) * p;
+ var D = 1.727E-3 + -7.9836E-6 * p;
+ return Cw + A * s + B * Math.Sqrt(s * s * s) + D * s * s;
+ }
+ /// Calculates gravity at sea level vs latitude
+ /// WGS84 ellipsoid gravity formula
+ /// phi in degrees
+ public static double Gravity_constant_wgs84_calc(double phi)
+ {
+ double phi_sq = Math.Sin(phi * Math.PI / 180.0);
+ phi_sq *= phi_sq;
+ return (9.7803253359 * ((1.0 + 0.00193185265241 * phi_sq) / Math.Sqrt(1.0 - 0.00669437999013 * phi_sq)));
+ }
+ /// calculates distance from the water surface where pressure is p0 to the point, where pressure is p
+ public static double Depth_by_pressure_calc(double p, double p0, double rho, double g)
+ {
+ return 100.0 * (p - p0) / (rho * g);
+ }
+ // Calculates pressure of a water column with given height (distance between
+ // the water surface and the given point) assuming constant water density
+ // h - depth, m
+ // p0 - atmospheric pressure, mBar
+ // rho - water density, kg/m^3
+ // g - gravity acceleration, m/s^2
+ public static double Pressure_by_depth_calc(double h, double p0, double rho, double g)
+ {
+ return h * rho * g / 100.0 + p0;
+ }
+ // Calculates depth (as a distance between the water surface and a point with
+ // the given pressure) by the specified TS-profile
+ // pm - pressure measured at the point, mBar
+ // p0 - atmospheric pressure, mBar
+ // g - gravity acceleration, m/s^2
+ // tsProfile - vertical Temperature-Salinity profile at the given point
+ // as an array of (f64, f64, f64)
+ // z - vertical coordinate, m (positive, 0 - water surface)
+ // t - temperature, °C
+ // s - salinity, PSU
+ // Np - number of pressure intervals for integration
+ public static double Depth_by_pressure_ts_profile(double pm, double p0, double g, int n_p, TSProfilePoint[] ts_profile)
+ {
+ if (n_p <= 0)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified number of time intervals Nt should be greater than zero");
+ }
+ if (ts_profile.Length < 2)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tsProfile has to contain at least two points");
+ }
+ double t1 = ts_profile[0].T;
+ double s1 = ts_profile[0].S;
+ double rho0 = Water_density_calc(t1, p0, s1);
+ double p1 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[0].Z, p0, rho0, g);
+ double pe = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[ts_profile.Length - 1].Z, p0, rho0, g);
+ if ((pm < p1) || (pm > pe))
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified pressure is beyond the specified TS-profile");
+ }
+ int p_idx = 1;
+ double t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
+ double s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
+ double p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[p_idx].Z, p0, rho0, g);
+ double dp = (pm - p0) / n_p;
+ double h = 0.0, rho, t, p = p0, s;
+ while (p < pm)
+ {
+ p += dp;
+ if (p > p2)
+ {
+ p1 = p2;
+ t1 = t2;
+ s1 = s2;
+ p_idx += 1;
+ t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
+ s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
+ p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(ts_profile[p_idx].Z, p0, rho0, g);
+ }
+ t = Linterp(p1, t1, p2, t2, p);
+ s = Linterp(p1, s1, p2, s2, p);
+ rho = Water_density_calc(t, p, s);
+ h += 1.0 / rho;
+ }
+ return h * 100.0 * dp / g;
+ }
+ // Calculates the path, which sound traveled in vertical direction
+ // between the water surface and the deepest point during
+ // a given time of flight considering given temperature and salinity profile
+ // tof - time of flight, sec
+ // Nt - number of time intervals for integration
+ // tsProfile - vertical Temperature-Salinity profile at the given point
+ // as an array of TSPoint
+ // z - vertical coordinate, m (positive, 0 - water surface)
+ // t - temperature, °C
+ // s - salinity, PSU
+ public static double Vertical_sound_path_ts_profile(double tof, double g, int n_t, TSProfilePoint[] ts_profile)
+ {
+ if (ts_profile.Length < 2)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tsProfile has to contain at least two points");
+ }
+ if (n_t <= 0)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified number of time intervals Nt should be greater than zero");
+ }
+ double z1 = ts_profile[0].Z;
+ double t1 = ts_profile[0].T;
+ double s1 = ts_profile[0].S;
+ double rho0 = Water_density_calc(t1, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, s1);
+ double p1 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z1, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, rho0, g);
+ double v = Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t1, p1, s1);
+ if (v * tof > ts_profile[ts_profile.Length - 1].Z)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified time of flight is beyond the specified TS-profile");
+ }
+ int p_idx = 1;
+ double z2 = ts_profile[p_idx].Z;
+ double t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
+ double s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
+ double p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z2, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR, rho0, g);
+ double dt = tof / n_t;
+ double h = 0.0;
+ double t;
+ double p;
+ double s;
+ double tt = 0.0;
+ while (tt < tof)
+ {
+ tt += dt;
+ h = h + dt * v;
+ if (h > z2)
+ {
+ p1 = p2;
+ t1 = t2;
+ s1 = s2;
+ z1 = z2;
+ p_idx = p_idx + 1;
+ z2 = ts_profile[p_idx].Z;
+ t2 = ts_profile[p_idx].T;
+ s2 = ts_profile[p_idx].S;
+ p2 = Pressure_by_depth_calc(z2, PHX_ATM_PRESSURE_MBAR + p1, rho0, g);
+ }
+ t = Linterp(z1, t1, z2, t2, h);
+ p = Linterp(z1, p1, z2, p2, h);
+ s = Linterp(z1, s1, z2, s2, h);
+ v = Speed_of_sound_UNESCO_calc(t, p, s);
+ }
+ return h;
+ }
+ // Calculated the freezing temperature of seawater (in °C) with specified pressure and salinity.
+ // According to:
+ // Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater.
+ // Unesco technical papers in marine science vol. 44, 1983, pp. 30
+ // https://darchive.mblwhoilibrary.org/bitstream/handle/1912/2470/059832eb.pdf
+ // p - pressure, mBar
+ // s - PSU
+ public static double Water_fpoint_calc(double p, double s)
+ {
+ return (-0.0575 + 1.710523E-3 * Math.Sqrt(s) - 2.154996E-4 * s) * s - 7.53E-6 * p;
+ }
+ // calculation of absorption according to:
+ // Francois & Garrison, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 72, No. 6, December 1982
+ // f frequency (kHz)
+ // T Temperature (degC)
+ // S Salinity (ppt)
+ // D Depth (m)
+ // pH Acidity
+ public static double Alpha_e_FrancoisGarrison_calc(double f, double t, double s, double h, double pH)
+ {
+ // For f = 1..500 kHz:
+ // -2 < T < 22 °C
+ // 30 < S < 35 PSU
+ // 0 < D < 3.5 km
+ // For f > 500 kHz:
+ // 0 < T < 30 °C
+ // 0 < S < 40 PSU
+ // 0 < D < 10 km
+ // Total absorption = Boric Acid Contrib. + Magnesium Sulphate Contrib. + Pure Water Contrib.
+ // Measured ambient temp
+ double t_kel = 273.15 + t;
+ double fsq = f * f;
+ // Calculate speed of sound (according to Francois & Garrison, JASA 72 (6) p1886)
+ double c = 1412 + 3.21 * t + 1.19 * s + 0.0167 * h;
+ // Boric acid contribution
+ double A1 = (8.86 / c) * Math.Pow(10, 0.78 * pH - 5.0);
+ double P1 = 1;
+ double f1 = 2.8 * Math.Sqrt(s / 35) * Math.Pow(10, 4.0 - 1245 / t_kel);
+ double Boric = (A1 * P1 * f1 * fsq) / (fsq + f1 * f1);
+ // MgSO4 contribution
+ double A2 = 21.44 * (s / c) * (1 + 0.025 * t);
+ double P2 = 1 - 1.37E-4 * h + 6.2E-9 * h * h;
+ double f2 = (8.17 * Math.Pow(10, 8 - 1990 / t_kel)) / (1 + 0.0018 * (s - 35));
+ double MgSO4 = (A2 * P2 * f2 * fsq) / (fsq + f2 * f2);
+ // Pure water contribution
+ double A3;
+ if (t <= 20)
+ {
+ A3 = 4.937E-4 - 2.59E-5 * t + 9.11E-7 * t * t - 1.5E-8 * t * t * t;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ A3 = 3.964E-4 - 1.146E-5 * t + 1.45E-7 * t * t - 6.5E-10 * t * t * t;
+ }
+ double P3 = 1 - 3.83E-5 * h + 4.9E-10 * h * h;
+ double H2O = A3 * P3 * fsq;
+ // Total absorption
+ return Boric + MgSO4 + H2O;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/UCNLPhysics.csproj b/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/UCNLPhysics.csproj
index 6d61c1a..12b98d4 100644
--- a/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/UCNLPhysics.csproj
+++ b/CSharp/UCNLPhysics/UCNLPhysics.csproj
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- v4.5
+ v4.8