diff --git a/config/resource_handler/README.md b/config/resource_handler/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a168f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/resource_handler/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Resource handler
+This module handles resource allocations including granular per-process allocations, base allocation modifications, and retry setup. It makes use of the [retry module](../retry) module for retry setup.
+The resource handler requires a JSON file containing allocation information, in the following format:
+ "allocation_group": {
+ "process1": {
+ "cpus": {
+ "min": 1,
+ "fraction": 0.5,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "min": "150 MB",
+ "fraction": 0.23,
+ "max": "1 GB"
+ },
+ "retry_strategy": {
+ "memory": {
+ "strategy": "exponential",
+ "operand": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "process2": {
+ "cpus": {
+ "min": 2,
+ "fraction": 0.5,
+ "max": 2
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "min": "1500 MB",
+ "fraction": 0.23,
+ "max": "10 GB"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "process1": {
+ "cpus": {
+ "min": 1,
+ "fraction": 0.5,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "min": "150 MB",
+ "fraction": 0.23,
+ "max": "1 GB"
+ }
+ },
+ "process2": {
+ "cpus": {
+ "min": 2,
+ "fraction": 0.5,
+ "max": 2
+ },
+ "memory": {
+ "min": "1500 MB",
+ "fraction": 0.23,
+ "max": "10 GB"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+A resource group with the label `default` is required in the JSON. Additionally, groups labeled as F-series and M-series allocations can be provided and will be automatically detected. For example, an F16 node will be recognized and the corresponding group label `f16` will automatically be loaded if defined in the resources JSON. A specific group can also be selected through configuration with the parameter `resource_allocation_profile_tag`.
+## Example
+An example of integrating the handler and setting up allocations:
+methods {
+ ...
+ setup = {
+ ...
+ resource_handler.handle_resources("${projectDir}/config/resources.json")
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/resource_handler/resource_handler.config b/config/resource_handler/resource_handler.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6feb936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/resource_handler/resource_handler.config
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+import nextflow.util.SysHelper
+import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+includeConfig "../retry/retry.config"
+class SystemResources {
+ private Map resource_limits = [
+ 'cpus': [
+ 'type': java.lang.Integer,
+ 'min': 1,
+ 'max': SysHelper.getAvailCpus()
+ ],
+ 'memory': [
+ 'type': nextflow.util.MemoryUnit,
+ 'min': 1.MB,
+ 'max': SysHelper.getAvailMemory()
+ ],
+ 'time': [
+ 'type': nextflow.util.Duration,
+ 'min': 1.s,
+ 'max': 1000.d
+ ]
+ ]
+ private String resource_profile = null
+ SystemResources(Map params) {
+ // Search for config-defined resource limits
+ this.resource_limits.each { resource, resource_info ->
+ ['min', 'max'].each { limit_end ->
+ try {
+ if (params.containsKey("${limit_end}_${resource}" as String)) {
+ this.resource_limits[resource][limit_end] = params["${limit_end}_${resource}" as String].asType(this.resource_limits[resource]['type'])
+ }
+ } catch (all) {
+ // Do nothing, let default value defined above take effect
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.identify_resource_profile()
+ }
+ Map get_limits(String type) {
+ return [
+ ("min_${type}" as String): this.resource_limits[type]['min'],
+ ("max_${type}" as String): this.resource_limits[type]['max']
+ ]
+ }
+ Object check_limits(Object obj, String type) {
+ return SystemResources.check_limits(obj, type, this.resource_limits[type]['min'], this.resource_limits[type]['max'])
+ }
+ static Object check_limits(Object obj, String type, Object min, Object max) {
+ if (obj.compareTo(max) == 1) {
+ return max
+ } else if (obj.compareTo(min) == -1) {
+ return min
+ } else {
+ return obj
+ }
+ }
+ private void identify_resource_profile() {
+ // Identify if available resources match F- or M-series nodes
+ def cpus = this.resource_limits.cpus.max
+ def memory = this.resource_limits.memory.max.toGiga()
+ if (memory >= (cpus * 2 * 0.9 - 1) && (memory <= (cpus * 2))) {
+ this.resource_profile = "f${cpus}"
+ }
+ if (memory >= (cpus * 16 * 0.9 - 1) && (memory <= (cpus * 16))) {
+ this.resource_profile = "m${cpus}"
+ }
+ }
+ Object resolve_resource_allocation(Map allocation, String type) {
+ def min_raw = allocation['min'].asType(this.resource_limits[type]['type'])
+ def max_raw = allocation['max'].asType(this.resource_limits[type]['type'])
+ def min_allocation = this.check_limits(min_raw, type)
+ def max_allocation = this.check_limits(max_raw, type)
+ def requested_allocation = (allocation.fraction * (this.resource_limits[type]['max'])).asType(this.resource_limits[type]['type'])
+ return SystemResources.check_limits(requested_allocation, type, min_allocation, max_allocation)
+ }
+ String get_resource_profile_tag() {
+ return this.resource_profile
+ }
+class PipelineAllocation {
+ private SystemResources system_resources
+ private File resource_json
+ private String allocation_profile
+ private Map processed_resources = [:]
+ private Map retry_configurations = [:]
+ private Map raw_process_resources = [:]
+ PipelineAllocation(Object resource_json, Object params) {
+ this.system_resources = new SystemResources(params)
+ this.resource_json = new File(resource_json)
+ def json_slurper = new JsonSlurper()
+ // TO-DO: Dump original for logging, keeping in class for now
+ this.raw_process_resources = json_slurper.parse(this.resource_json)
+ assert this.raw_process_resources instanceof Map
+ // TO-DO: Validate JSON is in expected format
+ this.select_allocation_profile(params)
+ // Separate the retry strategies from the base allocations
+ this.processed_resources.each { process, allocations ->
+ if (allocations.containsKey("retry_strategy")) {
+ def current_retry_strategy = allocations["retry_strategy"]
+ // Convert memory string to MemoryUnit for proper retry setup
+ if (current_retry_strategy.containsKey("memory")) {
+ if (current_retry_strategy.memory.strategy == "add") {
+ current_retry_strategy.memory.operand = current_retry_strategy.memory.operand as nextflow.util.MemoryUnit
+ }
+ }
+ this.retry_configurations[process] = current_retry_strategy
+ allocations.remove("retry_strategy")
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert string memory units to memory unit
+ this.processed_resources.each { process, allocations ->
+ for (resource_type in ["cpus", "memory", "time"]) {
+ if (allocations.containsKey(resource_type)) {
+ allocations[resource_type] = this.system_resources.resolve_resource_allocation(allocations[resource_type], resource_type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TO-DO: Singularize processes that may be separated with `|`
+ }
+ private void load_resource_profile(String profile_tag) {
+ this.processed_resources = this.raw_process_resources[profile_tag]
+ if (!this.processed_resources) {
+ throw new Exception(" ### ERROR ### Failed to find requested resource profile: `${profile_tag}`")
+ }
+ }
+ private void apply_custom_allocations(Map custom_allocations) {
+ custom_allocations.each { process, custom_allocation ->
+ custom_allocation.each { resource_type, allocation ->
+ this.processed_resources[process][resource_type] = this.system_resources.check_limits(allocation, resource_type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void select_allocation_profile(Map params) {
+ String profile_tag = null
+ // Try for user-given profile
+ if (params.containsKey('resource_allocation_profile_tag') && params.resource_allocation_profile_tag) {
+ profile_tag = params.resource_allocation_profile_tag
+ this.load_resource_profile(profile_tag)
+ return
+ }
+ // Try loading detected tag based on system resources
+ profile_tag = this.system_resources.get_resource_profile_tag()
+ if (profile_tag) {
+ try {
+ this.load_resource_profile(profile_tag)
+ return
+ } catch (all) {
+ throw new Exception(" ### ERROR ### Failed to load requested profile: ${profile_tag}. Please check and provide a valid tag.")
+ }
+ }
+ // Resort to loading `default` profile
+ this.load_resource_profile('default')
+ }
+ // TO-DO: functionality to dump original loaded JSON to file for logging
+ void update_base_allocation(String resource, String process, Object multiplier) {
+ if (this.processed_resources.containsKey(process) && this.processed_resources[process].containsKey(resource)) {
+ this.processed_resources[process][resource] = this.system_resources.check_limits(this.processed_resources[process][resource] * multiplier, resource)
+ } else {
+ System.out.println(" ### WARNING ### No base value found for resource `${resource}` for process `${process}`. Update will be skipped.")
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply base resource updates
+ void apply_base_updates(Map resource_updates) {
+ resource_updates.each { resource, updates ->
+ updates.each { processes, multiplier ->
+ List processes_to_update = (processes instanceof String || processes instanceof GString) ? [processes] : processes
+ if (processes_to_update == []) {
+ processes_to_update = this.processed_resources.keySet() as List
+ }
+ processes_to_update.each { process ->
+ this.update_base_allocation(resource, process, multiplier)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Map get_base_resource_allocations() {
+ return this.processed_resources
+ }
+ Map get_retry_configuration() {
+ return this.retry_configurations
+ }
+ void print_resources() {
+ System.out.println(this.processed_resources)
+ }
+ SystemResources get_system_resources() {
+ return this.system_resources
+ }
+resource_handler {
+ set_retry = { String proc_key, String proc_name, String type ->
+ if (process[proc_key]?[type] && \
+ params.retry_information?[proc_name]?[type] && \
+ params.retry_information?[proc_name]?[type]?.operand && \
+ params.retry_information?[proc_name]?[type]?.strategy) {
+ process[proc_key][type] = { retry.retry_updater(params.base_allocations[task.process.split(':')[-1]][type], \
+ params.retry_information[task.process.split(':')[-1]][type].strategy, \
+ params.retry_information[task.process.split(':')[-1]][type].operand, \
+ task.attempt, \
+ type) }
+ }
+ }
+ set_resource_limit_params = { SystemResources system_resources ->
+ ["cpus", "memory", "time"].each { resource_type ->
+ system_resources.get_limits(resource_type).each { resource_limit_key, resource_limit ->
+ params[resource_limit_key] = resource_limit
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setup_retry = { Map resources_to_allocate, Map retry_configuration ->
+ params.retry_information = [:]
+ for (proc_allocation in resources_to_allocate) {
+ def proc_key = "withName:${proc_allocation.key}" as String
+ def allocation = proc_allocation.value
+ def retry_strategy = retry_configuration.getOrDefault(proc_allocation.key, null)
+ if (retry_strategy) {
+ params.retry_information[proc_allocation.key] = retry_strategy
+ }
+ for (resource_allocation in allocation) {
+ process[proc_key]["${resource_allocation.key}"] = resource_allocation.value
+ if (retry_strategy && retry_strategy.containsKey(resource_allocation.key)) {
+ resource_handler.set_retry(proc_key, proc_allocation.key, 'cpus')
+ resource_handler.set_retry(proc_key, proc_allocation.key, 'memory')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ handle_resources = { Object resource_file, Map customized_allocations=[:], Map current_params=params ->
+ // Load base.config by default for all pipelines
+ includeConfig "${projectDir}/config/base.config"
+ def allocation_handler = new PipelineAllocation(resource_file, current_params)
+ def system_resources = allocation_handler.get_system_resources()
+ // Set params for limits for each resources
+ resource_handler.set_resource_limit_params(system_resources)
+ // Apply custom allocations if given
+ if (customized_allocations) {
+ allocation_handler.apply_custom_allocations(customized_allocations)
+ }
+ // Apply base resource updates if given
+ if (params.containsKey('base_resource_update') && params.base_resource_update) {
+ allocation_handler.apply_base_updates(params.base_resource_update)
+ }
+ // Set base allocations and retry
+ Map resources_to_allocate = allocation_handler.get_base_resource_allocations()
+ Map retry_configuration = allocation_handler.get_retry_configuration()
+ params.base_allocations = resources_to_allocate
+ resource_handler.setup_retry(resources_to_allocate, retry_configuration)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Dockerfile b/tests/Dockerfile
index 98fa51c..d046586 100644
--- a/tests/Dockerfile
+++ b/tests/Dockerfile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ENV NXF_LAUNCHER=/.nextflow/tmp/launcher/nextflow-one_${NEXTFLOW_VERSION}/buildk
RUN sed \
-i \
-e 's/"nextflow.cli.Launcher"/"groovy.ui.GroovyMain"/' \
- -e 's|"-classpath" "|"-classpath" "/bljars/junit-4.13.2.jar:/bljars/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/bljars/groovy-test-3.0.19.jar:/bljars/system-rules-1.19.0.jar:$BL_CLASSPATH:|' \
+ -e "s|\"-classpath\" \"|\"-classpath\" \"$(find /bljars/ -not -name 'groovy-3*' -type f -printf "%p:"):|" \
COPY validator /usr/local/validator
diff --git a/tests/ResourceTests.groovy b/tests/ResourceTests.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b0ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ResourceTests.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import java.nio.file.Path
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
+import groovy.json.JsonOutput
+import groovy.util.ConfigObject
+import nextflow.util.ConfigHelper
+import nextflow.util.MemoryUnit
+import nextflow.util.SysHelper
+import org.junit.Test
+import validator.bl.NextflowConfigTests
+class ResourceTests extends NextflowConfigTests {
+ protected Path get_projectDir() {
+ // Return the path to the "resource_test/" subfolder
+ return Paths.get(
+ getClass().protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path
+ ).getParent().resolve("resource_test")
+ }
+ protected int override_cpus = 10
+ protected MemoryUnit override_memory = 12.GB
+ @Override
+ protected def generate_config_text(configobj) {
+ return """
+ import nextflow.util.SysHelper
+ import nextflow.util.MemoryUnit
+ import static org.mockito.Mockito.*
+ import org.mockito.MockedStatic
+ // Mock out the SysHelper::getAvailCpus() and
+ // SysHelper::getAvailMemory() methods
+ try (MockedStatic dummyhelper = mockStatic(
+ SysHelper.class,
+ dummyhelper
+ .when(SysHelper::getAvailCpus)
+ .thenReturn(${override_cpus});
+ dummyhelper
+ .when(SysHelper::getAvailMemory)
+ .thenReturn(new MemoryUnit(${override_memory.getBytes()}));
+ includeConfig "\${projectDir}/../../config/resource_handler/resource_handler.config"
+ ${ConfigHelper.toCanonicalString(configobj)}
+ resource_handler.handle_resources(params.resource_file)
+ }
+ """
+ }
+ protected Map get_baseline_resource_allocations() {
+ // These are modified from the resource allocation README
+ return [
+ default: [
+ process1: [
+ cpus: [ min: 1, fraction: 0.51, max: 100 ],
+ memory: [ min: "1 MB", fraction: 0.5, max: "100 GB" ]
+ ],
+ process2: [
+ cpus: [ min: 1, fraction: 0.75, max: 100 ],
+ memory: [ min: "1 MB", fraction: 0.25, max: "100 GB" ]
+ ],
+ process3: [
+ cpus: [ min: 1, fraction: 0.75, max: 2 ],
+ memory: [ min: "1 MB", fraction: 0.5, max: "12 MB" ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ custom_profile: [
+ process1: [
+ cpus: [ min: 12, fraction: 0.25, max: 100 ],
+ memory: [ min: "5 GB", fraction: 1.0, max: "100 GB" ]
+ ],
+ process2: [
+ cpus: [ min: 12, fraction: 0.25, max: 20],
+ memory: [ min: "230 MB", fraction: 0.25, max: "250 MB" ]
+ ],
+ process3: [
+ cpus: [ min: 7, fraction: 0.75, max: 1000 ],
+ memory: [ min: "12 GB", fraction: 0.6, max: "120 GB" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ protected String write_resource_json(Map resources) {
+ File tempfile = testFolder.newFile("resources.json")
+ tempfile.write(JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(resources)))
+ return tempfile.toString()
+ }
+ protected def set_common_parameters(Map resources) {
+ File tempfile = testFolder.newFile("resources.json")
+ tempfile.write(JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(resources)))
+ inconfig.params.resource_file = tempfile.toString()
+ expected.params.resource_file = tempfile.toString()
+ // These parameters are scraped from the current system
+ expected.params.min_cpus = 1
+ expected.params.max_cpus = override_cpus
+ expected.params.min_memory = 1.MB
+ expected.params.max_memory = override_memory
+ expected.params.min_time = 1.s
+ expected.params.max_time = 1000.d
+ // Re-implement the logic from the resource handler to predict the values
+ expected.params.base_allocations = [:]
+ def profile = resources.get(
+ inconfig.params.containsKey("resource_allocation_profile_tag")
+ ? inconfig.params.resource_allocation_profile_tag
+ : "default"
+ )
+ profile.each { process_name, process_info ->
+ def allocations = [:]
+ allocations.cpus = Math.min(
+ Math.min(
+ Math.max(
+ (override_cpus * process_info.cpus.fraction).asType(Integer),
+ process_info.cpus.min
+ ),
+ process_info.cpus.max
+ ),
+ override_cpus
+ )
+ allocations.memory = MemoryUnit.of(Math.min(
+ Math.min(
+ Math.max(
+ (override_memory.getBytes() * process_info.memory.fraction).asType(long),
+ MemoryUnit.of(process_info.memory.min).getBytes()
+ ),
+ MemoryUnit.of(process_info.memory.max).getBytes()
+ ),
+ override_memory.getBytes()
+ ))
+ expected.params.base_allocations[process_name] = allocations
+ }
+ expected.params.retry_information = [:]
+ }
+ // A helper method to compare that the values of any common keys between
+ // the two maps are equal.
+ def compare_common_keys(Map left, Map right) {
+ left.keySet().intersect(right.keySet()).each { key ->
+ if (left[key] instanceof Map) {
+ assert right[key] instanceof Map
+ compare_common_keys(left[key], right[key])
+ } else {
+ assert left[key] == right[key]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ void test_defaults() {
+ def resources = get_baseline_resource_allocations()
+ set_common_parameters(resources)
+ // Sanity check - should get 50% of the memory in the default profile
+ assert expected.params.base_allocations.process1.memory == 0.5 * override_memory
+ compare()
+ }
+ @Test
+ void test_custom_profile() {
+ def resources = get_baseline_resource_allocations()
+ inconfig.params.resource_allocation_profile_tag = "custom_profile"
+ expected.params.resource_allocation_profile_tag = "custom_profile"
+ set_common_parameters(resources)
+ // Sanity check - should get 100% of the memory in the custom profile
+ assert expected.params.base_allocations.process1.memory == override_memory
+ compare()
+ }
+ @Test
+ void test_modified_parameters() {
+ def resources = get_baseline_resource_allocations()
+ def meta_expected = new ConfigObject()
+ // Tweak the system on which this is being evaluated
+ override_cpus = 1000
+ override_memory *= 2
+ // Sanity check - process1 should get 50% of the memory
+ meta_expected.process1.memory = 0.5 * override_memory
+ // If we pin the min and max CPUs, that should determine exactly the number we get
+ resources.default.process1.cpus.min = 34
+ resources.default.process1.cpus.max = 34
+ meta_expected.process1.cpus = 34
+ // If the max CPUs are limiting, that determines the CPU limit
+ resources.default.process2.cpus.min = 1
+ resources.default.process2.cpus.max = 72
+ meta_expected.process2.cpus = 72
+ set_common_parameters(resources)
+ compare_common_keys(expected.params.base_allocations, meta_expected)
+ // Sanity-check the compare_common_keys function
+ // Extraneous keys don't cause problems
+ meta_expected.process7 = [:]
+ meta_expected.process2.fakekey = 12
+ compare_common_keys(expected.params.base_allocations, meta_expected)
+ // Mismatched keys _must_ cause problems
+ meta_expected.process2.cpus = 71
+ shouldFail {
+ compare_common_keys(expected.params.base_allocations, meta_expected)
+ }
+ compare()
+ }
diff --git a/tests/config/pom.xml b/tests/config/pom.xml
index 91aba18..5509548 100644
--- a/tests/config/pom.xml
+++ b/tests/config/pom.xml
@@ -15,5 +15,10 @@
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ 5.10.0
diff --git a/tests/resource_test/config/base.config b/tests/resource_test/config/base.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/suite.groovy b/tests/suite.groovy
index bf7244a..f085fc8 100644
--- a/tests/suite.groovy
+++ b/tests/suite.groovy
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ result = JUnitCore.runClasses \
ExampleTests, \
SetEnvTests, \
AlignMethodsTests, \
- BamParserTests
+ BamParserTests, \
+ ResourceTests
String message = "Ran: " + result.getRunCount() + ", Ignored: " + result.getIgnoreCount() + ", Failed: " + result.getFailureCount()
if (result.wasSuccessful()) {