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+ "text": "The Biomedical Research Hub (BRH) is a standard-based data ecosystem for securely managing, analyzing and sharing biomedical data to support research communities and collaborations."
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- "href": "/discovery",
- "linkType": "portal",
- "text": "Explore Gen3 Data"
- }
- },
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- "text": "The Gen3 platform consists of open-source software services that support the emergence of healthy data ecosystems by enabling the interoperation and creation of cloud-based data resources, including data commons and analysis workspaces. Gen3 aims to accelerate and democratize the process of scientific discovery by making it easy to manage, analyze, harmonize, and share large and complex datasets in the cloud."
- },
- {
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- "href": "https://gen3.datacommons.io",
- "text": "Learn More"
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"name": "Discovery",
- "tooltip": "Use free-text search and tags to rapidly find relevant studies."
- },
- {
- "icon": "gen3:dictionary",
- "href": "/DataDictionary",
- "name": "Dictionary",
- "tooltip": "The Data Dictionary serves to inform the data model and is updated as new data is ingested."
- },
- {
- "icon": "gen3:exploration",
- "href": "/Explorer",
- "name": "Exploration",
- "tooltip": "The Exploration Page enables discovery of the data at the subject level and features a cohort builder."
- },
- {
- "icon": "gen3:query",
- "href": "/Query",
- "name": "Query",
- "tooltip": "Query the databases using GraphiQL."
- },
- {
- "icon": "gen3:analysis",
- "href": "/resource-browser",
- "name": "Analysis",
- "tooltip": "Learn how to use Jupyter Notebooks to explore and visualize data available by running a tutorial notebook, or use one of these examples as a launching point for your own custom analysis."
+ "tooltip": "Use free-text search and tags to rapidly find relevant studies, discover new datasets across multiple resources, and easily export selected data files to the analysis workspace."
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- "href": "/#hostname#workspace/",
"name": "Workspace",
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"tooltip": "Gen3 workspaces are secure data analysis environments in the cloud that can access data from one or more data resources."
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+ "icon": "gen3:notebook",
+ "tooltip": "Notebooks for basic analysis"
+ },
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"name": "Profile",
- "tooltip": "Create API keys for programmatic data access, and review your authorization privileges to datasets and services.",
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- "root": "flex flex-col flex-nowrap px-1 py-2 pt-4 items-center hover:text-accent opacity-80 hover:opacity-100 pr-10"
- }
+ "tooltip": "Create API keys for programmatic data access, and review your authorization privileges to datasets and services."
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