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Releases: typed-ember/glint


26 Apr 10:45
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🐛 Bug Fix

  • environment-ember-loose
    • #563 [Bugfix] Drop allowPlainFunctionInvocation flag (@dfreeman)

Committers: 1


26 Apr 09:19
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🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • core, environment-ember-loose, template
    • #561 Bugfixes for the beta.5 bind-invokable refactor (@dfreeman)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 2


14 Apr 13:23
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v1.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

🚀 Enhancement

  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, template

🏠 Internal

Committers: 1


17 Mar 16:27
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v1.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

🚀 Enhancement

  • core
    • #544 Expose TS language service and original document contents in ProjectAnalysis (@cafreeman)
  • environment-ember-template-imports
    • #545 support additionalGlobals in template-imports environment (@hmajoros)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 3


02 Feb 15:09
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v1.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Our third beta release largely focuses on bugfixes and the introduction of initial support for Code Actions in the language server as well as filling out native support for logical operators.

The only other notable behavioral change since beta 2 is that we now enforce that the copy of the typescript package we find meets our minimum version requirement, issuing an error message if not.

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • core, vscode
  • core
    • #500 Ensure adding/removing directives busts any cached typecheck results (@hmajoros)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

Committers: 6


13 Dec 17:52
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v1.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Our second beta release fixes a variety of user-reported bugs from beta.1, as well as a few other issues that have been around since before the beta cycle. We've also added support for telling the VS Code extension where to look for @glint/core in the 1.0 pre-release version.

Note that as of beta.2, we now require TypeScript 4.8+ as a peer dependency, dropping support for 4.7.

More details about these and other changes are available in the migration guide and, for those interested, the PRs linked below.

💥 Breaking Change

  • core, scripts

🚀 Enhancement

  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-glimmerx, scripts, template, type-test
  • vscode
    • #492 Add an option to the Code extension for where to look for @glint/core (@dfreeman)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • core
    • #495 Ensure we handle @glint-nocheck in composite projects correctly (@dfreeman)
    • #483 Fix up a couple ESM oddities in the CLI (@dfreeman)
  • core, vscode
    • #489 Handle --isolatedModules correctly when synthesizing a template backing module (@dfreeman)
    • #479 Make the Code extension publishable (@dfreeman)
  • template
    • #487 Ensure unions of arg types distribute correctly (@dfreeman)
  • environment-ember-loose
    • #484 Ensure link-to can still be invoked with only named args (@dfreeman)

📝 Documentation

  • #478 docs: move registry interface inside registry ambient module (@jamescdavis)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3

Additional thanks to @hmajoros for some particularly gnarly debugging work that went into #495.


28 Nov 15:01
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v1.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This marks the first release in our 1.0 beta period for Glint! We encourage you to try out the beta and report any issues you run into. While we don't anticipate landing any further breaking changes during the beta cycle, be aware that it's still possible we'll do so in response to bugs or other early feedback. We do have a few non-breaking bugfixes and improvements we expect to land before the stable 1.0.0 release.

Most of the changes in Glint 1.0 should appear as bugfixes and improvements to the majority of users migrating from 0.9.x. During the beta, you can install the Glint 1.0 prerelease packages using the beta dist-tag, i.e.:

yarn add --dev @glint/core@beta @glint/template@beta @glint/environment-ember-loose@beta

The main change to be aware of is that @glint/template should now be explicitly added to your project's devDependencies when you upgrade Glint. Note also that support for include and exclude globs has been removed.

More details about these and other changes are available in the migration guide and, for those interested, the PRs linked below.

💥 Breaking Change

Note: while most of these PRs were labeled breaking, in practice they should have very little impact on typical consumers of Glint who aren't using private APIs.

  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, template
    • #470 Validate assignability rules for ComponentLike and friends (@dfreeman)
  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx
    • #467 Use a ./glint-environment-definition entrypoint for env packages (@dfreeman)
  • core, environment-ember-template-imports
    • #465 Drop hbs tag support in ember-template-imports (@dfreeman)
  • core, scripts
    • #464 Drop support for the transform configuration key (@dfreeman)
  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, template, vscode
  • config, core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, scripts, transform, vscode
  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, template, transform
    • #447 Overhaul internal [Invoke] signature representation (@dfreeman)

🚀 Enhancement

  • core, vscode
  • core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports
  • config, core, environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx, template, transform

🐛 Bug Fix

  • environment-ember-loose
  • core
    • #469 honor compilerOptions.incremental in build mode (@hmajoros)
    • #472 Honor lowercase in-scope variables when used as components (@dfreeman)
    • #457 Rename block param identifiers that conflict with JS/TS keywords. (@bwbuchanan)
    • #442 Further autocomplete improvements (@dfreeman)
    • #441 Ensure we don't conflict with declarationMap: true (@dfreeman)
    • #440 Handle out-of-scope files more cleanly in the language server (@dfreeman)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • Other
  • environment-ember-loose, environment-ember-template-imports, environment-glimmerx

Committers: 7


21 Oct 07:49
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🐛 Bug Fix

  • scripts

Committers: 1


20 Oct 19:13
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This Glint release fixes a handful of bugs, as well as improving the friendliness of some common error messages.

It's also the first release that includes a new @glint/scripts package for codemods and other automation to ease migration and adoption of Glint in new packages.


TS 4.8 and render()

Prior to Glint v0.9.6, calls to render() with no explicit context type parameter in Ember rendering tests would implicitly type this as never in TypeScript <= 4.7, and cause an unavoidable type error in TypeScript >= 4.8. The this type in such templates will now correctly be inferred as an empty value in TS 4.8+, meaning that any tests that previously typechecked code like {{}} because this was never will now correctly have type errors.

To fix these errors, you can either provide a correct context type e.g. render<{ foo: string }>(...), or you can opt to retain the previous "anything goes" behavior by writing render<any>(...) and explicitly acknowledging that you're typing this as any in the template.

Incremental Adoption

If you're currently using include and/or exclude to limit the files in your project that Glint typechecks, consider removing those entries and using the new auto-glint-nocheck script instead!

The script automatically adds a {{! @glint-nocheck }} comment at the top of any templates that don't yet typecheck, allowing you to get editor support (hover info, go-to-definition, refactorings, etc) even in templates that aren't yet typesafe.

npx -p @glint/scripts auto-glint-nocheck '{app,tests}/**/*.{ts,hbs,gts}'

Note that even if you run auto-glint-nocheck via npx (which is recommended), you'll still need to update your project to Glint 0.9.6 first, as the script uses your project-local copy of @glint/core and relies on some interfaces that were added in this release.

Detailed Changes

🚀 Enhancement

  • core, transform
  • environment-ember-loose
  • config, core, environment-ember-template-imports, scripts, transform, vscode

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 2


11 Oct 15:37
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🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • core

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3