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An opinionated starter for Astro on Cloudflare, based on the setup I use for Innerhelm, Evelyn Escobar Art, my personal site, and other projects.

  • Deploys to Cloudflare's global edge network
  • Uses GitHub actions for its deploy pipeline, powering daily builds and PR previews.
  • Uses the @astrojs/cloudflare adapter and Astro's new intelligent static build mode. This allows you to opt-in to SSR on a per-route basis by adding export const prerender = false to a route.
  • Provides other niceties to speed up development, outlined below.

Getting started

Install dependencies:

npm install

Update the project's name in wrangler.toml. Commit this change, but don't push yet:

name = "astroflare" # change this to what you want your Cloudflare project's name to be

Build the site and deploy to Cloudflare. Wrangler will prompt you to create the Pages project as part of this step:

npm run build
npx wrangler pages deploy

Configure the following secrets in your repository (Settings > Secrets and Variables > Actions > New Repository Secret):

  • CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID - Your Cloudflare account ID. You can get this from the Cloudflare URL after logging in (which will be of the form[account-id])
  • CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN - A Cloudflare API token with the ability to modify your Pages project
  • GH_PAT - A GitHub Personal Access Token with read-only access to your repo's contents (only necessary for private repos).

Push your repository to Github! You should see a pipeline run appear in the Actions tab of your repository. Once this completes successfully, your project is ready for development.


Core folder aliases

The folders in src have aliases that make it easy to reference their contents. Instead of needing to import (for example) ../../../utils/foobar.ts to pull a utility function into a route, you can import @utils/foobar.ts, from anywhere in your project.

Aliases are configured for the following directories:

  • assets - Image and other media files
  • content - Your Astro Content Collections
  • components - Reusable components
  • layouts - Astro layouts
  • pages - Astro routes
  • utils - Other utilities. I keep utility functions in this folder, each with their own file.

Daily builds

Your site will automatically be built and deployed each day at 15:00 UTC. This allows you to do scheduled posts, by filtering out posts with a future date from each build.

To remove: Remove the cron trigger in .github/workflows/main.yml.

Commit hash logging

@layouts/Base.astro invokes the utility function logCommitHash (from @utils) to log the current build's commit hash on page load. This hash is provided by the deployment pipeline.

To remove: Delete src/utils/logCommitHash.ts, remove the script tag from src/layouts/Base.astro, and delete PUBLIC_COMMIT_HASH: ${{ ... }} from .github/workflows/main.yml.