This example shows a simple configuration of multiple database connections. Every connections has own URL, username or password. The source code contains simple method which returns a connection to database by the name of a database from the configuration file. The method uses query to fetching configuration values from the configuration file.
database "first" {
url "jdbc:mysql://";
username "testuser";
password "testuser";
database "second" {
url "jdbc:mysql://";
username "testuser";
database "third" {
url "jdbc:mysql://";
import com.github.twoleds.configuration.Configuration;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class Test {
public static Connection getConnection(Configuration conf, String dbname) throws SQLException {
return DriverManager.getConnection(
conf.getString("database:" + dbname + "/url"), // for example: database:first/url
conf.getString("database:" + dbname + "/username", ""),
conf.getString("database:" + dbname + "/password", "")
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// load the configuration from a file
Configuration conf = Configuration.parse(new File("/path/to/configuration/file.conf"));
// returns a connection to the first database
Connection first = getConnection(conf, "first");
// returns a connection to the second database
Connection second = getConnection(conf, "second");
// returns a connection to the third database
Connection thrid = getConnection(conf, "thrid");