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Tydi-lang (2nd edition) syntax



Comments in Tydi is similar to the C-style line comments.

//This is a comment in Tydi-lang
/*this is a block


Integer: a signed 128-bit integer.

0 //normal integer 0
0x01234567894abcdef // hex integer
0x01234567894ABCDEF // hex integer is case insensitive
0o01234567 // octal integer
0b01010101 // binary integer
0b0000_0001 // you can use "_" as a separator anywhere except at the beginning of the integer.


Float: a signed 64-bit floating number.



String must start and end with a ", and is allowed to have printable ascii characters and \t, \n, \\.

"123" // this is a string
"this is \t another \n string"

Boolean literal

false // notice that "true" and "false" are case sensitive


Each character of an Identifier can be an English character (a-z, A-Z), a digit(0-9), or an underscore (_). Digit cannot be the first character.

Valid identifiers:


Invalid identifier:


Some specific identifiers are not allowed since they are used as keywords, they are: impl, streamlet, int, string, bool, float, instance, in, out

Basic types

Tydi-lang has 5 basic data types:

keyword memory representation example
int signed 128-bit integer 0,1,10,-999
float 64-bit floating point number 0.0,1.0
string a collection of characters "1234"
bool boolean value true, false
logic types a logic type Bit(8), Null, Group{...}

And two extended types:

extended types memory representation example
array a collection of any basic types [0,1,2,3,4] [0, "123", true, Null]
clockdomain a slash + a string(or identifier) /"clock0" /clock_variable

Notice that the array itself doesn't have a specific type, its element has a definite basic type.

Alias (aka Variable)

Alias means binding an expression / a logical type / a value / a template instance to an identifier (aka variable). For example:

a = 1 + 2;   //a is an identifier and 1 + 2 is an expression
bit_8 = Bit(8);  //bind bit_8 to logic type "Bit(8)"

You can also specify the type of an alias:

a : int = 1 + 2;

The : int is also called type indicator. For most cases, type indicator is optional and can be one of the basic data types. Notice that the type indicator cannot be a logic types because syntax like t: LogicTypes means declaring a logic type.

In Tydi-lang, due to the absence of a defined execution order, the values of all variables need to be determinable at compile time. Consequently, code that doesn't adhere to this requirement will lead to compile-time errors.

i = i + 1; // the evaluation of i is dependent on i, causing infinite evaluation
i : int; // no value is given.


a = [1, 2.0, 3, True, Bit(1)] //Declare an array

The type of an array is always an array and only its elements have specific types. For above example, a[0] is an int, a[1] is a float, etc.

Expression, operator, and Term

An expression is a combination of terms and operators. For example: expression 1+2 has 2 terms(1 and 2) and 1 operator(+). Terms include values of basic types and variables. The precedence of Tydi-lang operators basically follows the C++ operator precedence:

Precedence Operator Description Associativity Allowed types Result type Example
0 - UnaryMinus Right to left int/float int/float -1
0 ! UnaryNot Right to left bool bool !a
2 . OP_AccessInner Left to right
2 -> OP_AccessProperty Left to right stream->d
5 * OP_Multiply Left to right int/float * int/float int if both are int, otherwise float 1*2
5 / OP_Divide Left to right int/float / int/float int if both are int, otherwise float 2/1
5 % OP_Mod Left to right int % int int 7%2
6 + OP_Add Left to right int/float + int/float or string + string or array + ANY or ANY | array int if inputs are int float if inputs contain float array if inputs contain array 1+2
6 - OP_Minus Left to right int/float - int/float int if both are int, otherwise float 2-1
7 << OP_LeftShift Left to right int << int int 0b01<<5
7 >> OP_RightShift Left to right int >> int int 0b10000>>2
9 > OP_Greater Left to right int > int or float > float bool 0.1 > 0.2
9 < OP_Less Left to right save as above save as above 0.1 < 0.2
9 >= OP_GreaterEq Left to right save as above save as above 0.1 >= 0.2
9 <= OP_LessEq Left to right save as above save as above 0.1 <= 0.2
10 == OP_LogicalEq Left to right inputs must be same type bool a == b
10 != OP_LogicalNotEq Left to right save as above save as above a != b
11 & OP_BitAnd Left to right int int 0b0101 & 0b1010
12 ^ OP_BitXor Left to right int int 0b0101 ^ 0b1010
13 | OP_BitOr Left to right int int 0b0101 | 0b1010
14 && OP_LogicalAnd Left to right bool && bool bool a && b
15 || OP_LogicalOr Left to right bool || bool bool a || b


Scope is a code region that contains lanauges elements such as variables, logical types, streamlets and implementations. There are two ways of declaring a scope:

  • A Tydi source file inherently acts as a scope.
  • Any code section enclosed within a set of braces ({...}) forms a distinct scope.


//start of Scope 1
package pack1;

i = 8;
m = 8;
streamlet bypass <logic_type: type> {  //start of Scope 2
    in_port: logic_type in;
    out_port: logic_type out;
    m = i + 1;
    i = 10;
}  //end of Scope 2

impl i_bypass <logic_type: type> of bypass<logic_type> {  //start of Scope 3
    in_port => out_port;
}  //end of Scope 3

bypass_bit8 = i_bypass<pack0.bit8_stream>;
bypass_bit16 = i_bypass<pack0.bit16_stream>;
//end of Scope 1

In the given example, Scope 2, nested within Scope 1, is its "child scope". Child scopes can access elements from their parent scope, so the i in m = i + 1 in Scope 2 refers to i = 8 in Scope 1. Different variables with the same names can be declared independently in Scope 1 and Scope 2, as they are distinct scopes.

When resolving variables, the search begins in the scope where the request is made. If the variable is not found there, the search moves to the parent scopes. In the first example, i is resolved within its own scope. In the second example, i is resolved using the declaration in the parent scope.

i = 8;
m = 10;
Union test {
    m = [i]* + 1;
    [i]* = 10;
[i]* = 8;
m = 10;
Union test {
    m = [i]* + 1;



bit_8 = Bit(8);

Notice: because Bit(8) has no specific meanings to indicate its functionality, we can declare char=Bit(8) and red=Bit(8) but char and red have different meanings. Thus here Bit(8) will be declared as an anonymous variable and bit_8 is an alias of that anonymous variable. With this mechanism, char and red will be resolved to two different anonymous variables.

Logical Group (Union)


#document#      //this is optional
Group {ID} [<{TEMPLATE_ARGS}>]* {    //template args are optional
    //Group elements, such as 
    bit_8: Bit(8);          //(1) logical types
    for i in [1,2,3]        //(2) control block
        assert(i - 4 < 0);
        data: Bit(i);
    m = n;                  //(3) declaring variables



Group any_bit <n: int> {    
    bit_n: Bit(n);
    m = n;
    for i in [1,2,3]
        assert(i - 4 < 0);
        data: Bit(i);

Evaluation result for any_bit<9>:

    - "bit_n": Bit(9)
    - "data": Array( Bit(1), Bit(2), Bit(3) )
    - "n": 9    //declared by template arg
    - "m": 9





char_string_stream = Stream(char_8, d=1); //both dimension=1 and d=1(the abbr version) are ok

Available options:

option abbr candidate default value
dimension d int 1
user_type u non-stream logical types Null
throughput t float 1.0
synchronicity s string("Sync","Flatten","Desync","FlatDesync") "Sync"
complexity c int(1~7) 1
direction r string("Forward","Reverse") "Forward"
keep x bool false


In Tydi-lang, streamlet describes the port of a component. Similar to the "entity" concept in VHDL.


#document#      //this is optional
"streamlet" {ID}  [ < {TEMPLATE_ARGS} [,{TEMPLATE_ARGS}]* > ]?  {ATTRIBUTE}* {
    //in the streamlet scope, you can define logical types, variables as mentioned before.
    //in addition, you can also define a port
    #document#  //optional
    {ID} ":" {LogicalType} {PortDirection} {PortTimeDomain}? {ATTRIBUTE}*
    //PortDirection can only be in or out
    //PortTimeDomain should be "/" + a string literal or a string variable


streamlet bypass <logic_type: type> {
    in_port: logic_type in \time_domain_var;
    out_port: logic_type out \"100MHz" ;

To define a port array:

streamlet bypass <logic_type: type> {
    in_port: logic_type in \time_domain_var;
    for i in [0,1] {
        out_port: logic_type out \"100MHz" ; //use subscription to access an element: out_port[0]


Implementation describes the internal layout (connections, sub components, etc) of a streamlet.


#document#      //this is optional
"impl" {ID}  [ < {TEMPLATE_ARGS} [,{TEMPLATE_ARGS}]* > ]? "of" {ID} [ < {Exp} [, {Exp}]* > ]?  {ATTRIBUTE}* {
    //The first ID is the name of the implementation, the second ID is the derived streamlet ID.

    //in the implementation scope, you can define variables as mentioned before.
    //in addition, you can also define an instance:
    #document#  //optional
    "instance" {ID} ( {Exp} ) {ATTRIBUTE}*
    //Exp should be an implementation name, indicating using another implementation here.

    #document#  //optional
    {Exp} ~ "=>" {Exp} {NetName}? ATTRIBUTE* //attribute: NoTypeCheck
    //the two Exps should be port name or instance_name.port_name.
    //NetName is optional


streamlet bypass <logic_type: type> {
    in_port: logic_type in;
    out_port: logic_type out;

impl i_bypass <logic_type: type> of bypass<logic_type> {
    in_port => out_port;


Template can be applied on Group, Union, streamlet and implementation. Template arguements can be basic values: int(x:int), float(x:float), bool(x:bool), string(x:string), clockdomain(x:clock), logical types(x:type) and streamlet(x:streamlet)

Attribute (under implementation)

Attribute is used to set some special properties of a componet, port, connection.

impl i_bypass <logic_type: type> of bypass<logic_type> @NoTemplateExpansion {   //Do not do template expansion
    in_port => out_port;

current plan for implementation: @NoTemplateExpansion @NoStrictTypeChecking