## with /tf
ros2 launch stage_ros2 stage.launch.py world:=cave enforce_prefixes:=false one_tf_tree:=true
## with /robot_0/tf
ros2 launch stage_ros2 stage.launch.py world:=cave enforce_prefixes:=true one_tf_tree:=false
demo worlds with different robot configurations and rviz configs with one tf tree
ros2 launch stage_ros2 demo.launch.py world:=cave
ros2 launch stage_ros2 demo.launch.py world:=lines
ros2 launch stage_ros2 demo.launch.py world:=cave_three_robots
ros2 launch stage_ros2 demo.launch.py world:=cave_seven_robots
cave |
lines |
cave_three_robots |
cave_seven_robots |
ros2 launch stage_ros2 f710.launch.py namespace:='/' # for a single vehicle world like cave.world
ros2 launch stage_ros2 f710.launch.py namespace:='robot_0' # for a world like cave_multi.world or cave_three_robots.world
it will start the cave.world
ros2 run stage_ros2 stage_ros2
cd stage_ros2/world
ros2 run stage_ros2 stage_ros2 --ros-args --ros-args \
-p world_file:=lines.world \
-p use_static_transformations:=true \
-p enforce_prefixes:=true \
-p one_tf_tree:=false
ros2 service call /reset_positions std_srvs/srv/Empty
you can use the tmuxinator configurations to start some demos like
tmuxinator start -p ./ws01/src/stage_ros2/tmuxinator/cave_three_robots.yml
tmuxinator start -p ./ws01/src/stage_ros2/tmuxinator/cave_one_robot.yml