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Local cluster example using Minikube

This example deploys the SDDI-CKAN stack on a local minikube cluster. This is especially useful for testing, developing, and for educational purposes.

Note: This example is only tested with a Kubernetes single node cluster on minikube using the Docker deployment method.

👁️‍🗨️ Requirements

  • minikube local k8s cluster
  • kubectl installed and configured for you local cluster
  • helm installed

🚀 Usage

  1. Enable minikube nginx ingress addon, see docs for more.

    minikube addons enable ingress
  2. Add the Helm repos for all dependencies

    helm repo add sddi-ckan
    # Optional: Uncomment, if you want to test cert-manager as certificate issuer
    # helm repo add jetstack
    # Update all repos
    helm repo update
  3. Deploy the chart with the default configuration specified in values-local.yml:

    helm install ckan sddi-ckan/sddi-ckan \
      -n ckan --create-namespace \
      --atomic --wait \
      --values ""

    Tip: In minikube setups with low hardware resources the deployment may timeout, especially at first run, when all images have to be pulled. If you are running into timeouts, add --timeout 10m to the helm install command.

  4. After the chart has been deployed successfully, we need to configure access to the service. The configuration in this example (see [values-minikube.yml] (values-minikube.yml)) uses as fake hostname for the ingress controller. To access the services, we need to find the IP address, that has been assigned to the Ingress controller using kubectl.

    $ kubectl -n ckan get ingress
    NAME   CLASS   HOSTS         ADDRESS        PORTS     AGE
    ckan   nginx   80, 443   85s

    Add the IP -> hostname mapping to /etc/hosts file with your favorite text editor or the code below, based on the output of the last step.

     $ sudo bash -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts && cat /etc/hosts'       localhost
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
  5. After that, SDDI-CKAN are available here form your local host: A system admin user has been created automatically. The credentials are:

    username  admin
    password  changeMe

🛠️ Customization

If you want to change the default configuration (which is highly recommended to change the default password), download a copy of values-minikube.yml. Edit the file locally and install the chart using your local configuration:

helm install ckan sddi-ckan/sddi-ckan \
  -n ckan --create-namespace \
  --atomic --wait \
  --values my-local-values.yml