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File metadata and controls

1017 lines (834 loc) · 40.7 KB


This document describes the design of git-meta. First, we provide motivation by describing the term mono-repo, explaining what makes mono-repos an attractive strategy for source code management, and why they are not found in most organizations. We also explore some open source projects that are in this space. In short, the first section should explain why git-meta is needed.

Next, we present the architecture for implementing a mono-repo using Git submodules. We describe the overall repository structure, commits, forking, refs, client-side representation, and a recommended server-side configuration.

Then, we discuss how our current design evolved from a seemingly simple goal of making submodules easier to use into the current architecture. Seeing how our strategy developed from a naive approach is illustrative, and helps to understand some of the less-intuitive design choices.

Next, we provide an analysis of the performance of a mono-repo. We show how the performance of a mono-repo can remain mostly constant as it grows, ages, and supports more developers.

Finally, we provide an overview of the actual software provided by this project: generally server-side hooks and maintenance utilities, and the git-meta plugin itself.


What is a mono-repo?

A mono-repo is a repository containing all of the source for an organization. It presents source in a single, hierarchical directory structure. A mono-repo supports standard operations such as atomic commits and merges across the code it contains.

Critically, in order to host all source for an organization, the performance of a mono-repo must not degrade as it grows in terms of:

  • history (number of commits)
  • amount of code (number of files and bytes)
  • number of developers

What are the advantages of a mono-repo?

The alternative to a mono-repo is for an organization to decompose its source into multiple repositories. In comparison to a multi-repo strategy, a mono-repo provides the following advantages:

  • Atomic changes can be made across the organization's code.
  • The history of an organization's source is described in a mono-repo. With multiple repositories, it is impossible to present a unified history.
  • Because all source is described in one history, archaeological operations such as bisect are easily supported.
  • Source in the organization is easy to find.
  • The use of a mono-repo encourages an organization to standardize on tools, e.g.: build and test. When an organization has unrelated repositories that integrate at the binary level, its teams are more likely to adopt divergent build and test tools.
  • The use of a mono-repo makes it easier to validate cross-organization builds and tests.

To summarize, the use of a single (mono) repository encourages collaboration across an organization. The use of multiple, unrelated, team-oriented repositories encourages the use of divergent tooling and silos.

Why doesn't everyone have a mono-repo?

Most organizations do not have a mono-repo because existing DVCS systems (e.g., Git and Mercurial) suffer performance degradation as the size of the repository and the number of users increase. Over time, basic operations such as git status, git fetch, etc. become slow enough that developers, given the opportunity, will begin splitting code into multiple repositories.

We discuss the architecture of git-meta in more detail in the next section, but essentially it provides a way to use standard Git operations across many repositories. Before starting on git-meta, we did investigate several existing products that take a similar approach:

All of these tools overlap with the problems git-meta is trying to solve, but none of them are sufficient:

  • most don't provide a way to reference the state of all repositories (Gitslave, Android Repo, Myrepos)
  • some require a custom server (Android Repo)
  • many are strongly focused on supporting a specific software platform (Android Repo, gclient)
  • doesn't fully solve the scaling issue (Git subtrees)
  • prohibitively difficult to use (Git submodules)
  • lack scalable collaboration (e.g., pull request) strategies

Git submodules come the closest: they do provide the technical ability to solve the problem, but are very difficult to use and lack some of the desired features. With git-meta, we build on top of Git submodules to provide the desired functionality by leveraging only existing Git commands.

Git-meta Architecture

In this section we lay out the architecture for git-meta. First, we discuss the basic structure of a mono-repo, defining the two types of repositories: meta and sub. Then, we describe what a commit looks like in a mono-repo. Next, we describe the client-side rendering of a mono-repo, i.e., what a cloned mono-repo looks like. Finally, we explain how refs (e.g., branches and tags) work in a mono-repo.

Repository Structure

Git-meta creates a logical mono-repo out of multiple sub-repositories (a.k.a. sub-repos) by tying them together in a meta-repository (a.k.a. meta-repo) with Git submodules. Recall that a Git submodule consists of the following:

  1. a path at which to root the submodule in the referencing (meta) repository
  2. the url of the referenced (sub) repository
  3. the id of the "current" commit in the referenced (sub) repository

Thus, a meta-repo presents the entire source structure in a rooted directory tree, and the state of the meta-repo unambiguously describes the complete state of all sub-repos, i.e., the mono-repo:

|                                                                        |
|  '-----------------------`                                             |
|  | meta-repo  |          |                                             |
|  | *master    | foo/bar--|---------> [a1] |
|  | [m1]       | foo/baz--|---------> [b1] |
|  |            |     zam--|---------> [c1]     |
|  |            |          |                                             |
|  `-----------------------,                                             |
|                                                                        |

This meta-repo, for instance, has the master branch checked out on commit m1. It references three sub-repos, rooted at: foo/bar, foo/baz, and zam. The sub-repo rooted at foo/bar lives in the url "http://foo-bar.git", and is currently on commit a1. In future diagrams we'll use a more compact representation:

| meta-repo  |              |
| *master    | foo/bar [a1] |
| [m1]       | foo/baz [b1] |
|            |     zam [c1] |
|            |              |

Note that git-meta allows users to put arbitrary files in the meta-repo (e.g., global configuration data), but for simplicity we ignore them in the rest of this document.


Commits in sub-repos do not directly affect the state of the mono-repo. Updating the mono-repo usually requires at least two commits: (1) a commit in one or more sub-repos and (2) a commit in the meta-repo. Say, for example, that we make changes to the foo/bar and foo/baz repositories, updating their HEADs to point to a2 and b2, respectively.

Our mono-repo has not yet been affected, and if you were to make a clone of the meta-repo in this condition, you would see the same state diagrammed previously. To update the mono-repo, a commit must be made in the meta-repo, changing the mono-repo to look like, e.g.:

| meta-repo  |                  |
| *master    | foo/bar [a2->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | foo/baz [b2->b1] |
|            |     zam [c1]     |
|            |                  |

Client-side Representation

A mono-repo consists of a meta-repo and some number of sub-repos. To clone a mono-repo, one creates a clone of the meta-repo with git clone. In a cloned, checked-out mono-repo, a given sub-repo is either open or closed. An open sub-repo has been cloned and checked out, having a working tree rooted at its configured path under the meta-repo. For a closed sub-repo, its configured path exists but is empty, and the remote that backs it has generally not been cloned.

All sub-repos are closed in a freshly-cloned mono-repo. A developer will open sub-repos as needed. In a properly configured (i.e., decomposed) mono-repo, most developers will need to clone only a tiny subset of the total history and code contained in the mono-repo.

| meta-repo  |        |
| *master    | a [a1] |
| [m1]       | b [b1] |
|            |        |

Say that a user clones the repo above, where both a and b have trees with a single file,, in their commits a1 and b1, respectively.

$ git clone http://meta-repo
$ cd meta-repo
$ ls a
$ ls b

Now we open b:

$ git meta open b
$ ls a
$ ls b

Server-side Representation

On the server, we allow for any number of copies of the meta-repo, but only one copy of each sub-repo. The sub-repos contain commits and synthetic-meta-refs, but other names in them are generally insignificant. Essentially, they are provided to shard commits; the strategy would work (though, perhaps, slowly) if all sub-repos shared the same server-side repository.

  • Server-side forks; many other potential strategies, as described in the design and evolution section, preclude forks.
  • Implementors must provide some way for developers to ensure the existence of sub-repos on the server before referencing them with add-submodule.
  • While a server-side repo does need to exist to back a sub-repo, the state of that repo is insignificant; it contains only (idempotent) meta-refs. Thus independent users can affect the lifecycle of the same sub-repo without affecting each other (until they try to merge).

Creating and pushing a new sub-repo:

$ your-tool create-submodule my/sub/repo
Run 'git meta add-submodule my/sub/repo'
$ git meta add-submodule my/sub/repo
Created new sub-repo my/sub/repo.  It is currently empty.  Please
stage changes and/or make a commit before finishing with 'git meta commit';
you will not be able to use 'git meta commit' until you do so.
$ git touch my/sub/repo/
$ git meta add .
$ git meta commit -m 'added my/sub/repo'
$ git meta push


This section describes how refs are managed in a mono-repo. First, we briefly explain our high-level branching and tagging strategy. Then, we define synthetic-meta-refs and discuss how they fit into git-meta workflows. Finally, we present two variations on synthetic-meta-refs to help illustrate how the concept evolved; one of these variations, mega-refs, may prove necessary for old versions of Git.

Branches and Tags

In git-meta, branches and tags are applied only to meta-repos. Because each commit in a meta-repo unambiguously describes the state of all sub-repos, it is unnecessary to apply branches and tags to sub-repos. Furthermore, as described in the "Design and Evolution" section below, schemes relying on sub-repo branches proved to be impractical.

Therefore, ref names in git-meta always refer to refs in the meta-repo. Branches and tags in sub-repos are ignored by git-meta -- by server-side checks and by the client-side git-meta plugin. You may choose to create branches or tags in sub-repos (for example, to mirror significant branches and tags in a meta-repo), but they will not affect git-meta. The git-meta plugin does not push branches or tags in sub-repos when, e.g. the git meta push command is used.


In this section we describe synthetic-meta-refs. First, we provide a definition for the term. Then, we describe the role of synthetic-meta-refs in the architecture of a mono-repo. Next, we describe how synthetic-meta-refs are used when pushing a ref to a mono-repo. Finally, we explain the implications of this strategy on client-side checkouts.


A synthetic-meta-ref is a ref in a sub-repo whose name includes the commit ID of the commit to which it points, such as: refs/meta/929e8afc03fef8d64249ad189341a4e8889561d7. The term is derived from the fact that such a ref is:

  1. synthetic -- generated by a tool
  2. meta -- identifying a commit in a sub-repo that is (directly or indirectly) referenced by a commit in the meta-repo
  3. ref -- just a ref, not a branch or tag

Architectural Role

A mono-repo has two invariants with respect to synthetic-meta-refs:

  1. Every synthetic-meta-ref must point to the commit identified by its name.
  2. Every commit in a sub-repo that is identified by a commit in any meta-repo must be reachable by a synthetic-meta-ref.

Some mono-repos in valid states:

'-------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo         |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1] |  | refs/meta/a1 [a1] |
`-------------------,  `-------------------,

The 'master' branch in the meta-repo indicates commit 'a1' for repo 'a' and a
valid synthetic-meta-ref exists.
'-------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo         |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1] |  | refs/meta/a1 [a1] |
| - - - - -+- - - - |  | refs/meta/ab [ab] |
|  release | a [ab] |  `-------------------,

The meta-repo has another branch, 'release', indicating commit 'ab' in 'a',
which also has a valid synthetic-meta-ref.
'-----------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo             |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1]     |  | refs/meta/a2 [a2] |
| - - - - -+- - - - - - |  `-------------------,
|  release | a [a2->a1] |

Same as above except that 'release' points to a commit, 'a2', derived from
'a1'.  Since 'a1' is reachable from 'a2', we do not need a synthetic-meta-ref
for 'a1'.

A few mono-repos in invalid states:

'-------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo         |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1] |  | refs/meta/a1 [a2] |
`-------------------,  `-------------------,

The synthetic-meta-ref for 'a1' does not point to 'a1'.
'-------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo         |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1] |  | refs/meta/ab [ab] |
`-------------------,  `-------------------,

No synthetic-meta-ref for commit 'a1'.
'-----------------------`  '-------------------`
| meta-repo             |  |         a         |
| - - - - - - - - - - - |  | - - - - - - - - - |
|  master  | a [a1]     |  | refs/meta/a1 [a1] |
| - - - - -+- - - - - - |  `-------------------,
|  release | a [a2->a1] |

Missing synthetic-meta-ref for 'a2', which is not reachable from 'a1'.

Note that we provide tools (described in more detail below) to enforce these invariants.

The first invariant provides for sanity: we know what a synthetic-meta-ref is pointing to from its name, and for the ability to use synthetic-meta-refs as push targets. Because a synthetic-meta-ref (if it exists) must point to the commit identified in its name, we are always guaranteed to be able to push one (though the push may prove unnecessary if the ref already exists).

The second invariant protects necessary (because they are referenced from meta-repos) sub-repo commits from garbage collection. Note that it does imply some bookkeeping, for which we provide additional tools:

  • to remove redundant synthetic-meta-refs (i.e., if a descendant of the commit referenced by the synthetic-meta-ref also has a synthetic-meta-ref) to minimize the number of refs
  • to remove unneeded synthetic refs, i.e., those identifying commits no longer identified by any meta-repo commits

Pushing meta-repo refs

Before pushing one or more commits to a meta-repo ref, clients of git-meta are required to have already pushed a synthetic-meta-ref for each commit in each sub-repo referenced by these meta-repo commits. Clients may make reasonable guesses about which synthetic-meta-refs need to be created based on which meta-repo commits they are pushing -- should these assumptions prove wrong the push will be rejected.

We provide the git meta push command to facilitate the creation of synthetic-meta-refs. Given the following local and remote repos:

| meta-repo  |                    |
| *master    | a *master [a2->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | b *master [b2->b1] |

'---------------------`  '--------------`  '--------------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a            |  | b            |
| master     | a [a1] |  | refs/meta/a1 |  | refs/meta/b1 |
| [m1]       | b [b1] |  |  [a1]        |  |  [b1]        |
`---------------------,  `--------------,  `--------------,

Where we have new commits, a2 and b2 in repos a and b, respectively, and a new meta-repo commit, m2 that references them. Note that a1 and b1 have appropriate synthetic-meta-refs

After invoking git meta push, the remote repos would look like:

'---------------------`  '--------------`  '--------------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a            |  | b            |
| master     | a [a2] |  | refs/meta/a1 |  | refs/meta/b1 |
| [m2]       | b [b2] |  |  [a1]        |  |  [b1]        |
`---------------------,  | refs/meta/a2 |  | refs/meta/b2 |
                         |  [a2]        |  |  [b2]        |
                         `--------------,  `--------------,

Note that git meta push created meta-refs in the sub-repos for the new commits before it updated the meta-repo. If the process had been interrupted, for example, after pushing refs/meta/a2 but before pushing refs/meta/b2, the mono-repo would still be in a valid state. If no meta-repo commit ever referenced a2, the synthetic-meta-ref refs/meta/a2 would eventually be cleand up.

Client-side access to sub-repo commits

Since synthetic-meta-refs are not branches or tags, they are not fetched automatically when a sub-repo is cloned or fetched. This behavior is by design: fetching every commit that is in-flight in an organization may be prohibitive. However, we must fetch the commits as they are needed. We rely on the relatively recent facility provided by Git to directly fetch a commit by its sha1. Our git-meta plugin performs this fetch as needed, for example, when:

  • opening a sub-repo
  • checking out a new branch
  • merging a branch
  • performing a rebase


We evaluated two possible variants on synthetic-meta-refs:

A synthetic-meta-ref for every commit

As it is not possible to directly fetch a commit by its sha1 in older versions of Git, our first proposal for synthetic-meta-refs had the invariant that every commit in a sub-repo that is directly referenced by a commit in any meta-repo fork have a synthetic-meta-ref associated with it.

This invariant would have been expensive to satisfy on the client. We don't generally know which commits have meta-refs associated with them, and even if we did, there might be cases where we would genuinely need to create large numbers of them: such as when importing an existing repository.

Some of the cost might have been reduced by generating the refs in server-side hooks, but we have otherwise been able to restrict our server-side hooks to read-only operations.


Another strategy would be to maintain a mega-ref in each sub-repo. The mega-ref is a ref through which all the commits in a sub-repo identified by all commits in all meta-repos can be reached. Whenever a synthetic-meta-ref is pushed to a sub-repo, the mega-ref is rewritten to have the commit identified by the new synthetic-meta-ref if it does not already contain that commit in its history. The downside of this approach is that the mega-ref references all commits, probably many more than what is needed at any given time.

Design and Evolution

In this section we show how the architecture of git-meta evolved, in order to better explain our current design. First, we provide an overview of the original, "naive" architecture that seemed to make sense, but was actually unworkable. The, we describe a series of problems that arise from this architecture, leading through several intermediate solutions. Next, we describe our first working architecture and its failings. Finally, we highlight some key points that inform our current solution.


One of the principles behind git-meta is to diverge as little as possible from "normal" Git. We wanted to use vanilla Git commands where possible, and we wanted to preserve the basic decentralized model of Git. We believed we could achieve our goals mostly by making submodules work "better", e.g., by providing submodule-aware merge and rebase operations.

With branching, for example, we expected to synchronize branches among the meta-repo and its open sub-repos such that (when using our tools) they would always be on the same checked-out branch:

| meta-repo  |                |
| *master    | a *master [a1] |
| [m1]       | b *master [b1] |

Similarly, a git meta push would be like a submodule-aware push operation. We would first push the ref with that name from open sub-repos, then from the meta-repo:

| meta-repo  |                    |
| *master    | a *master [a2->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | b *master [b2->b1] |

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a      |  | b      |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,
$ cd meta-repo
$ cd a
$ git push origin master
$ cd ../b
$ git push origin master
$ cd ..
$ git push origin master

When landing pull-requests or doing other server-side validations, we would check that for a given meta-repo branch, we had corresponding valid sub-repo branches of the same name.

| meta-repo  |                    |
| master     | a *master [a2->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | b *master [b2->b1] |

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a      |  | b      |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,
$ cd meta-repo
$ git push origin master
error: master ref in sub-repo a does not point to commit a2
error: master ref in sub-repo b does not point to commit b2

Sub-repo forking would follow meta-repo forking. We created the term orchard to describe a meta-repo and its associated collection of sub-repo forks. When a user "forked" an orchard, it would create a new, peer orchard, modeling the peer-to-peer aspects of normal Git repositories. A project named "foo" might have an orchard configured as:

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| foo/meta-repo       |  | foo/a  |  | foo/b  |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

If Jill were to fork foo, the result would be:

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| jill/meta-repo      |  | jill/a |  | jill/b |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

Unfortunately, while this model was intuitive, it created several intractable problems:

Race conditions on collaboration branches

Git does not provide for atomic cross-repository operations. So, as described above, our plan had been to implement push such that we updated affected sub-repo branches first, then the meta-repo branch. Furthermore, we would provide server-side validation to reject attempts to update a meta-repo branch to a commit contradicting the state of the corresponding sub-repo branch.

Unfortunately, this strategy suffers from a potential race condition that could put a branch in the meta-repo into a state such that it could no longer be updated. For example, lets say Bob and Jill both have unrelated changes to repos a and b:

Bob's local                       Jill's local
'-------------------------`       '-------------------------`
| meta-repo  |            |       | meta-repo  |            |
| master     | a [a2->a1] |       | master     | a [a3->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | b [b2->b1] |       | [m3->m1]   | b [b3->b1] |
`-------------------------,       `-------------------------,

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a      |  | b      |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

If Bob pushes first, the result will be the state described in the previous diagram. If Jill pushes after Bob, her sub-repo pushes (neither of which are fast-forwardable) will fail, and her meta-repo push will be rejected (though her client should not attempt it anyway). This is the expected scenario. But what if they go at the same time? Say that Bob's push to a and Jill's push to b succeed, while Bob's push to b, and Jill's push to a fail:

Bob's local                       Jill's local
'-------------------------`       '-------------------------`
| meta-repo  |            |       | meta-repo  |            |
| master     | a [a2->a1] |       | master     | a [a3->a1] |
| [m2->m1]   | b [b2->b1] |       | [m3->m1]   | b [b3->b1] |
`-------------------------,       `-------------------------,

'---------------------`  '----------`  '----------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a        |  | b        |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master   |  | master   |
| [m2->m1]   | b [b2] |  | [a2->a1] |  | [b3->b1] |
`---------------------,  `----------,  `----------,

Now, the remote meta-repo is technically in a valid state: users can clone it and checkout, and all is good. However, neither Bob, nor Jill, nor anyone else will be able to push a new change without addressing the situation by hand; most likely, they will need an expert to rectify the situation.

We explored some options to address this, such as pushing branches in order, but they all fell short. In fact, this situation does not require a race: if a user simply aborts the overall push after some sub-repo branches have been updated but before the meta-repo has been, a similar state will be achieved.

Force Pushing

Force-pushing in sub-modules can easily cause meta-repo commits to become invalid by making it impossible to fetch the sub-repo commits they reference, and eventually allowing them to be garbage collected. While we expect "important" branches to be protected against force-pushing, it's a very common and useful practice in general, even on branches used for collaboration.

'---------------------`  '----------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a        |
| master     | a [a2] |  | master   |
| [m1]       |        |  | [a2->a1] |
`---------------------,  `----------,
git push -f a-origin a1:master
'---------------------`  '----------`
| meta-repo  |        |  | a        |
| master     | a [a2] |  | master   |
| [m1]       |        |  | [a1]     |
`---------------------,  `----------,

Fork Frenzy

Generating a new repository for each sub-repo when a forked orchard is created could be expensive if the number of sub-repos is large. Furthermore, what happens when new sub-repos are added? Take the earlier example:

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| foo/meta-repo       |  | foo/a  |  | foo/b  |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| jill/meta-repo      |  | jill/a |  | jill/b |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

Now, if a new repository, c, is added we have:

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------` '--------`
| foo/meta-repo       |  | foo/a  |  | foo/b  | | foo/c  |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master | | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   | | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------, `--------,

'---------------------`  '--------`  '--------`
| jill/meta-repo      |  | jill/a |  | jill/b |
| master     | a [a1] |  | master |  | master |
| [m1]       | b [b2] |  | [a1]   |  | [b1]   |
`---------------------,  `--------,  `--------,

We could have an automated task that would detect the creation of new repositories and auto-fork them, but when? To allow for collaboration, we would most likely need to perform the auto-fork whenever a new repository is created, likely a very expensive operation for a potentially speculative operation. The existence of these forks could be confusing, at best, if the new repositories are abandoned. At the very least, we have created a new concept -- a set of related orchards -- that undermines our peer-to-peer model.

Remote Frenzy

As is normal in Git, different forks are handled locally through remotes. Bob, for example, might have an origin for the "main" meta-repo and one for Jill's fork. The following diagram indicates that Bob has added Jill's fork under the origin named "jill", and has pointed his checked-out master branch at the same commit as her master branch: j2.

| meta-repo   |
| - - - - - - |
| origin      |
|   master    |
|    [m1]     |
| jill        |
|   master    |
|    [j2->m1] |
| - - - - - - |
| *master     |
|   [j2]      |

If Bob attempts to open the submodule a in the normal manner, he will get an error such as:

$ cd meta
$ git submodule update --init a
fatal: reference is not a tree: j2
Unable to checkout 'j2' in submodule path

This error happens because the default behavior of submodule update --init is to fetch refs from the url with which that submodule was created: there can be only one such origin. As will be seen later, working effectively with submodules requires much tooling support, so we can easily add our own open operation that will configure submodules with all known origins (and fetch them all), e.g.:

$ git meta open a
| meta-repo   | a            |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - -|
| origin      | origin       |
|   master    |  master      |
|    [m1]     |   [a1]       |
| jill        | jill         |
|   master    |  master      |
|    [j2->m1] |   [ja2->a1]  |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - -  |
| *master     | *master      |
|   [j2]      |   [ja2]      |

We would also need to add our own versions of commands for, e.g., adding, removing, and fetching remotes that would add, remove, and fetch the same remotes in open sub-repos. Unfortunately, besides being complex, this solution has serious drawbacks:

  • Users may reasonably desire to manipulate remotes using straight Git, bypassing our tools, invalidating our invariants, and creating difficult to diagnose and repair situations.
  • Developers will naturally add remotes for the forks of other developers that they collaborate with. The requirement to fetch every remote in every sub-repo (even if done in parallel) could cause performance problems.
  • Even using our tools as designed, developers may easily create invalid, difficult-to-recover-from situations. For example, if a developer makes a local branch from a remote branch, then removes the remote from which that branch came, they may not be able to find the needed commits when opening sub-repos:
| meta-repo   |
| - - - - - - |
| origin      |
|   master    |
|    [m1]     |
| jill        |
|   master    |
|    [j2->m1] |
| - - - - - - |
| *master     |
|   [j2]      |
$ git meta remote rm jill
| meta-repo   |
| - - - - - - |
| origin      |
|   master    |
|    [m1]     |
| - - - - - - |
| *master     |
|   [j2]      |

Now even git meta open will be unable to initialize the submodule a because Bob's master branch references a commit in it that cannot be found; we no longer have any knowledge that Jill's fork exists.

A Workable Solution: namespaces and relative submodule URLs

Our first workable solution had the following characteristics:

  1. Each submodule would have a relative URL. When opening a sub-repo, Git resolves this against the URL of the remote named origin to derive an absolute URL. For example, given an origin url of and a relative submodule URL ./a/b/c, git would derive the absolute url for a/b/c to be:
  2. Because forking is impractical with this scheme, we would use Git namespaces to create partition reference names.
  3. Sub-repo creation and deletion would be done through separate scripts that manipulated the local clone and communicated to the back-end in a hosting-solution-specific protocol.

This design has one several drawbacks:

  1. The only major Git hosting solution that allows repositories to have / characters in their names (and hence, URLs), is Gitolite. Solving this problem for use with other hosting solutions (e.g., Gitlab or Github) is non-obvious.
  2. As mentioned above, true forking is not possible. Using Git namespaces instead poses problems:
    • Forks are common and widely understood; Git namespaces are not.
    • Hosting solutions provide for customizations and administration in forks, we would need to synthesize similar functionality around namespaces.
    • Our collaboration strategy was simplistic: users could push only to their own namespaces. To exchange code, Jill would pull changes from Bob's branch, and vice-versa. This approach works for collaborations between pairs of users, but becomes more clunky as the number of collaborators increases. We did not provide spaces for adhoc or org-structure-based groups where shard branches could be created. Such spaces and their branches are necessary for larger collaborations and release processes. Solving this problem would have likely required a hand-rolled solution.
  3. The use of hosting-solution-specific interfaces to create sub-repos is sub-optimal.


  1. It is not generally possible to synchronize or validate updates to a ref with the same name across many repositories. Therefore, we treat ref names in only meta-repos as significant; git-meta does not push branches or tags in sub-repos.
  2. We use symbolic-meta-refs as push-targets in sub-repos; as the contents of a symbolic-meta-ref are immutable (a given symbolic-meta-ref can point to only one commit), we are always guaranteed to be able to update them when needed.
  3. Using our server-side repo strategy allows us to use forking and to implement submodule creation and deletion with normal Git operations.



At a minimum, users working in a mono-repo must download the meta-repo and all sub-repos containing code that they require to work.

There is a commit in the meta-repo for every change made in the organization, so the number of commits in the history of the meta-repo may be very large. However, the information contained in each commit is relatively small, generally indicating only changes to submodule pointers (shallow cloning could be used to further improve performance). Furthermore, the on-disk (checked out) rendering of the meta-repo is also small, being only a file indicating the state of each sub-repo, and growing only as sub-repos are added. Therefore, the cost of cloning and checking out a meta-repo will be relatively cheap, and scale slowly with the addition of new code -- especially compared with the cost of doing the same operations in a single (physical) repository.

Most other operations such as checkout, commit, merge, status, etc. increase in cost with the number of files in open repositories on disk. Therefore, the performance of a mono-repo will generally be determined by how many files developers need to have on disk to do their work; this number can be minimized through several strategies:

  • decomposing large large sub-repos into multiple sub-repos as they become overly large
  • minimizing dependencies -- if an organization's software is a giant interdependent ball, its developers may need most of its code on disk to work
  • eliminate the need to open dependent sub-repos -- typically, a developer needs to open sub-repos that the need to (a) change, or (b) are build dependencies of sub-repos they need to change. While outside the scope of git-meta, we are developing a proposal to address this case and will link to it here when ready.


We initially experimented with an omega repo technique, storing all meta-repo and sub-repos in the same server-side repository. This strategy had the benefit of not needing a proprietary tool to ensure the existence of a server-side repository for created submodules; the mono-repo contained everything and functioned in a true DVCS sense.

We were concerned from the beginning about the effect of putting large numbers of refs (i.e., one or more synthetic-meta-refs per sub-repo) and objects into a single (back end) repository would have on the performance of client-server interactions, particularly fetching (including cloning) and pushing.

Testing on an extremely large repository (~260k commits and 26k sub-repos) was encouraging. Git seemed mostly up to the task of handling the omega repo.

Unfortunately, our hosting solution (Gitlab) was not up to the task, its performance degraded in many ways when we fed it with large omega repos. Furthermore, this technique prevented users from being able to use normal code browsing techniques from Gitlab. Because of these issues, we adopted the technique described above -- each submodule has a single server-side repo -- that has most of the benefits of the omega repo approach, avoids the worrying performance and UX concerns, but has the cost of needing users to ensure the existence of upstream repositories for submodules as they create them.


We provide three types of tools:

  1. the git-meta plugin to simplify client-side operations such as cross-repository merges
  2. push validation tools to preserve mono-repo invariants
  3. maintenance scripts, e.g. to minimize the number of meta-refs

The git-meta plugin

Push validation
