Everytime we change our hi
package, there are several things we need to do. We need to increment the version number, create the package, and finally upload it to our package repo. Let's script these so we don't have to run the commands each time. Our package and deployment script will act as living documentation of the process we need to follow each time the package is updated, so future maintainers of your project don't need to start from scratch.
First let's get our auto-versioning set up. We'll use a python module called bump2version to accomplish this. Remote into your EC2 instance and install:
cloud$ sudo pip3 install bump2version
FWIW, the original bumpversion
package has not been maintained, so another team forked it and renamed it. Fortunately, bump2version
can be invoked as bumpversion
or bump2version
Now we'll make a configuration file for bump2version. Create and edit a file called ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/.bumpversion.cfg with the following contents:
current_version = 0.1
commit = False
tag = False
parse = (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)
serialize = {major}.{minor}
search = Version: {current_version}
replace = Version: {new_version}
search = {current_version}
replace = {new_version}
Save and exit your editor. Let's do a dry run and make sure our script is working when we bump the minor part of the version number:
cloud$ cd ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/
cloud$ bumpversion minor --dry-run --verbose
NOTE: if you receive a bumpversion.WorkingDirectoryIsDirtyException
error, because you have uncommitted changes in Git, append the --allow-dirty
command-line option.
You should see the control file getting it's version number changed to 0.2:
Asserting files hi/DEBIAN/control contain the version string:
Found 'Version: 0.1' in hi/DEBIAN/control at line 5: Version: 0.1
Would change file hi/DEBIAN/control:
--- a/hi/DEBIAN/control
+++ b/hi/DEBIAN/control
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
Maintainer: Gary Johnson
Depends: python, python-dev, python-pip
Priority: optional
-Version: 0.1
+Version: 0.2
Description: Hello, Deb!
Section: misc
Now let's write a script to run this, as well as our package and deployment. Create a new file called ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/deploy_new_version.sh with the following contents. Don't forget to replace {{REPO_SHORT_NAME}}:
cd ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/
bumpversion minor
dpkg-deb --build hi
reprepro -b ~/connected-devices/Web/reprepro/ubuntu/ includedeb {{REPO_SHORT_NAME}} hi.deb
Note that these are all commands we've run earlier, just collected in a single script for easy reuse. Save and exit your editor. Mark the script as executable:
cloud$ cd ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/
cloud$ chmod a+x deploy_new_version.sh
Let's change our app before we deploy a new version. Edit ~/connected-devices/Lampi/pkg/hi/opt/hi/hi:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
version = 'Unknown'
version_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '__VERSION__')
with open(version_path, 'r') as version_file:
version = version_file.read()
print('Hello Updated Deb! Version {}'.format(version))
Save, quit, and run our script:
cloud$ ./deploy_new_version.sh
NOTE: as your deployment script becomes more sophisticated (e.g., for the assignment) you might need to use sudo
- most sudo implementations change the $HOME
shell variable to /root
which might result in your GPG keys not being found.
You'll be prompted for your password to upload to your package server. Enter that in, and then run ls on the hi
cloud$ reprepro -b ~/connected-devices/Web/reprepro/ubuntu/ ls hi
You should see a new version:
hi | 0.2 | my_repo | armhf, armel
Finally, log into your lamp, update and install hi
, and run the script. You should see the new output:
lamp$ sudo apt-get update
lamp$ sudo apt-get list --upgradeable
lamp$ sudo apt-get upgrade
lamp$ /opt/hi/hi
Hello, Updated Deb! Version 0.2
Now we have a build process we can reuse every time the code changes with minimal effort.
Next up: 11.5 Assignment
© 2015-2022 LeanDog, Inc. and Nick Barendt