Depending on the system, there are lots of different remote update techniques available. We will be using one consistent with our system - since Raspbian is a Debian based Linux distribution, we will use the Debian package infrastructure.
You have been using Debian's system (and Ubuntu's, which is built on Debian) all semester, with the sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get install PACKAGE_NAME
to update your local package database and install a particular package, respectively.
There are two separate things going on here:
- managing the package database (querying source repositories for their package index information)
- downloading and installing those packages
The packages we are referring to are Debian packages. A Debian Package is an archive file with a specific format. The archive contents for a package include:
- metadata about the package contents, versions, etc.
- scripts to be run before installing, after installing, before removing, after removing, etc.
- the actual files (binary executables, libraries, /etc configuration files, etc.)
Debian packages that are manged by the Debian repositories are typically built from source code.
This chapter will focus on creating a debian package for our LAMPI software and automating the update process. First, though, we need to create a package repository to host our packages.
We ae going to create a Debian package repository using reprepro. reprepro
is a tool to create and manage a local repository of Debian packages. We will host our Debian repository on the same EC2 instance as our Django server and route it through NGINX, which is already up and running to serve our Django app. The Debian repository as served by NGINX is a set of directories and files - static content.
Reprepro uses GPG keys for security (e.g., code signing), so we'll start by making keys. GPG uses system entropy to generate secure keys. Unfortunately we won't have enough entropy on our EC2 server -- there's no mouse and keyboard data and not nearly enough disk activity to fill the pool (here is a good introduction to Linux's entropy pool).
So, as a workaround, we're going to use rng-tools to generate entropy. Note that this is a poor workaround and will not produce cryptographically secure keys. In a production system we should generate entropy using a hardware RNG or by generating the keys on a local machine with keyboard and mouse activity and transferring them to our server.
cloud$ sudo apt-get install rng-tools
cloud$ sudo rngd -r /dev/urandom
Now we're going to configure options for how GPG keys are generated.
We need to make our ~/.gnupg directory and limit permissions:
cloud$ mkdir -p ~/.gnupg
cloud$ chmod og-rwx ~/.gnupg
Edit ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf so that it contains the following:
personal-digest-preferences SHA256
cert-digest-algo SHA256
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
Finally, generate the keys:
cloud$ gpg --full-generate-key
It will ask you several questions. Answer:
- Kind of key: (1) RSA and RSA
- Length: 4096
- Expiry: 0 (key does not expire, confirm)
- Enter name and email, NO COMMENT
- Enter a passphrase and confirm. You'll need to enter this passphrase when you submit a new package to the repo.
Now go ahead and list your keys:
cloud$ gpg --list-keys --keyid-format=short
You should get some sort of output like this:
pub rsa4096/3E759EB7 2019-03-25 [SCEA]
uid [ultimate] fname lname <[email protected]>
sub rsa4096/8F78BAB9 2019-03-25 [SEA]
Write down the value for the subkey (after "sub"), specifically the value after the rsa4096/. In the example above, it would be 8F78BAB9. You'll need this in a moment.
Publish the key to so we can access it later on our lamp. Replace {{SUB_KEY}} with the key value you just noted (8F78BAB9, in the example above).
gpg --keyserver --send-key {{SUB_KEY}}
Install reprepro:
cloud$ sudo apt-get install -y reprepro
Create a directory structure for your Debian repo, then ensure your user is the owner of the directory structure:
cloud$ sudo mkdir -p ~/connected-devices/Web/reprepro/ubuntu/{conf,dists,incoming,indices,logs,pool,project,tmp}
cloud$ cd ~/connected-devices/Web/reprepro/ubuntu/
cloud$ sudo chown -R `whoami` .
Now edit ~/connected-devices/Web/reprepro/ubuntu/conf/distributions in your editor of choice. Replace the following values:
- {{FULL_NAME}} - Your full name (e.g., Jane Doe)
- {{REPO_NAME}} - Repo full name (e.g., Jane's Debian Repo)
- {{REPO_SHORT_NAME}} - Single lower case word used to refer to repository (e.g., jane)
- {{SUB_KEY}} - Key you wrote down in earlier (e.g., 8F78BAB9)
Origin: {{FULL_NAME}}
Label: {{REPO_NAME}}
Codename: {{REPO_SHORT_NAME}}
Architectures: armhf armel
Suite: stable
Components: main non-free contrib
Description: Local Debian repository
SignWith: {{SUB_KEY}}
That should be enough to run your package server, although it's not exposed to the internet yet.
Next up: 11.2 Building a Deb Package
© 2015-2022 LeanDog, Inc. and Nick Barendt