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Aligned Narrative Documents 📚

A collection of scripts to create a Document-aligned corpus of German Narrative Texts from four different sources of Simple Language Texts and three different sources of Standard Language Texts. Each sample in the corpus is a pair consisting of a Text in its Standard Language Version (Original) and it's Simple Language Version. The texts can be obtained from PDF, TXT, and HTML-files. Additionally, the original version is truncated to match the extent of the simplified version.

Getting started 🚀

pip install -r -q requirements.txt

Configure the input 🗂️

each of the scripts uses the same json-format to load data, the following table describes the json-attributes:

Parameter Type Explaination Example
simple_path str Local File Path to the simplified document. Should be preferred over simple_url as input source. <...>/simple.pdf
simple_start_page int PDF-pagenumber of the first PDF-page of the simple version that is processed 6
simple_first_page_number_for_removal int This parameter helps to remove the in-text page numbers from the actual text. This is page number written on the page of first PDF-page of the simple version. 6
simple_start_of_text_marker str Text snippet, from which the simple text starts. Nathan schreibt
simple_end_of_text_marker str Text snippet, up to which the simple text goes. Bis bald.
simple_url str URL to the simplified document. https://www.<...>/simple.pdf
original_url str URL to the original document. https://www.<...>/original.txt
original_start_of_text_marker str Text snippet, from which the original text starts. Nathanael an Lothar
original_end_of_text_marker str Last text snippet of the aligned original document. Lebe wohl etc. etc.
title str Title or identifier for the text. Can be left blank if the text's source gave it a title. mytext
simple_text_in_boxes str Text snippet, that should be deleted. Mehr Informationen

The sub-datasets 🧩

Our dataset contains one full-text source (MILS) and three fragment-text source (EB, KV, PV). Two scripts and four configuration json-files are needed to create these sub-datasets. They are merged in a final step.

MILS Corpus 🚧

uses the described json-format, stored in the file: ../../data/mils_data.json (texts from,maerchenleichtesprache100.html)

cd src/preprocessing

if you make any changes to the parser, use the corresponding unit-tests:

cd src/preprocessing

EB, PV, KV Corpus 🚧

uses the described json-format, stored in the files:
../../data/eb_data.json (texts from,
../../data/pv_data.json(texts from,
and ../../data/kv_data.json(texts from

cd src/preprocessing

if you make any changes to the parser, use the corresponding unit-tests:

cd src/preprocessing

Complete Corpus 📚 🗺️

Merge all previous sub-dataset in a complete corpus, and separates them in train, validate and test data. All previous scripts had to be run successfully to create the corpus. This scripts results in six files:
/val-source.txt (Validation dataset, Original Texts) /val-target.txt (Validation dataset, Simple Texts)
/train-source.txt (Train dataset, Original Texts) /train-target.txt (Train dataset, Simple Texts)
/test-source.txt (Test dataset, Original Texts) /test-target.txt (Test dataset, Simple Texts)

cd src/preprocessing

to better download it: tar -cvf gnats.tar.gz gnats

License & Acknowledments

CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The texts are partially under other licenses. We used texts from Gutenberg-DE and from the NDR Märchen in Leichter Sprache project. We would like to thank NDR very much for giving us the opportunity to make this data publicly available for the first time.

CC BY 4.0


Please have a look out our CITATION file or use the followong bibtex:

title = {{Exploring Automatic Text Simplification of German Narrative Documents}},
author = {Schomacker, Thorben and Dönicke, Tillmann and Tropmann-Frick, Marina},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2023)},
language = {eng},
month = sep,
year = {2023},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
address = {Ingolstadt, Germany}