ArtifactLocation describes a location for a single or multiple artifacts. It is used as single artifact in the context of inputs/outputs (e.g. outputs.artifacts.artname). It is also used to describe the location of multiple artifacts such as the archive location of a single workflow step, which the executor will use as a default location to store its files.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
archive_logs | bool | ArchiveLogs indicates if the container logs should be archived | [optional] |
artifactory | V1alpha1ArtifactoryArtifact | [optional] | |
gcs | V1alpha1GCSArtifact | [optional] | |
git | V1alpha1GitArtifact | [optional] | |
hdfs | V1alpha1HDFSArtifact | [optional] | |
http | V1alpha1HTTPArtifact | [optional] | |
oss | V1alpha1OSSArtifact | [optional] | |
raw | V1alpha1RawArtifact | [optional] | |
s3 | V1alpha1S3Artifact | [optional] |