listing_id |
int |
The numeric ID for the listing associated to this transaction. |
[optional] |
user_id |
int |
The numeric ID for the user posting the listing. |
[optional] |
shop_id |
int |
The unique positive non-zero numeric ID for an Etsy Shop. |
[optional] |
title |
string |
The listing's title string. When creating or updating a listing, valid title strings contain only letters, numbers, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, whitespace characters, ™, ©, and ®. (regex: /[^\\\\p{L}\\\\p{Nd}\\\\p{P}\\\\p{Sm}\\\\p{Zs}™©®]/u) You can only use the %, :, & and + characters once each. |
[optional] |
description |
string |
A description string of the product for sale in the listing. |
[optional] |
state |
string |
When updating a listing, this value can be either `active` or `inactive`. Note: Setting a `draft` listing to `active` will also publish the listing on and requires that the listing have an image set. Setting a `sold_out` listing to active will update the quantity to 1 and renew the listing on |
[optional] |
creation_timestamp |
int |
The listing\'s creation time, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
created_timestamp |
int |
The listing\'s creation time, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
ending_timestamp |
int |
The listing\'s expiration time, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
original_creation_timestamp |
int |
The listing\'s creation time, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
last_modified_timestamp |
int |
The time of the last update to the listing, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
updated_timestamp |
int |
The time of the last update to the listing, in epoch seconds. |
[optional] |
state_timestamp |
int |
The date and time of the last state change of this listing. |
[optional] |
quantity |
int |
The positive non-zero number of products available for purchase in the listing. Note: The listing quantity is the sum of available offering quantities. You can request the quantities for individual offerings from the ListingInventory resource using the getListingInventory endpoint. |
[optional] |
shop_section_id |
int |
The numeric ID of a section in a specific Etsy shop. |
[optional] |
featured_rank |
int |
The positive non-zero numeric position in the featured listings of the shop, with rank 1 listings appearing in the left-most position in featured listing on a shop’s home page. |
[optional] |
url |
string |
The full URL to the listing's page on Etsy. |
[optional] |
num_favorers |
int |
The number of users who marked this Listing a favorite. |
[optional] |
non_taxable |
bool |
When true, applicable shop tax rates do not apply to this listing at checkout. |
[optional] |
is_taxable |
bool |
When true, applicable shop tax rates apply to this listing at checkout. |
[optional] |
is_customizable |
bool |
When true, a buyer may contact the seller for a customized order. The default value is true when a shop accepts custom orders. Does not apply to shops that do not accept custom orders. |
[optional] |
is_personalizable |
bool |
When true, this listing is personalizable. The default value is null. |
[optional] |
personalization_is_required |
bool |
When true, this listing requires personalization. The default value is null. Will only change if is_personalizable is 'true'. |
[optional] |
personalization_char_count_max |
int |
This is an integer value representing the maximum length for the personalization message entered by the buyer. Will only change if is_personalizable is 'true'. |
[optional] |
personalization_instructions |
string |
When true, this listing requires personalization. The default value is null. Will only change if is_personalizable is 'true'. |
[optional] |
listing_type |
string |
An enumerated type string that indicates whether the listing is physical or a digital download. |
[optional] |
tags |
string[] |
A comma-separated list of tag strings for the listing. When creating or updating a listing, valid tag strings contain only letters, numbers, whitespace characters, -, ', ™, ©, and ®. (regex: /[^\\\\p{L}\\\\p{Nd}\\\\p{Zs}\\\\-'™©®]/u) Default value is null. |
[optional] |
materials |
string[] |
A list of material strings for materials used in the product. Valid materials strings contain only letters, numbers, and whitespace characters. (regex: /[^\\\\p{L}\\\\p{Nd}\\\\p{Zs}]/u) Default value is null. |
[optional] |
shipping_profile_id |
int |
The numeric ID of the shipping profile associated with the listing. Required when listing type is `physical`. |
[optional] |
return_policy_id |
int |
The numeric ID of the Return Policy. |
[optional] |
processing_min |
int |
The minimum number of days required to process this listing. Default value is null. |
[optional] |
processing_max |
int |
The maximum number of days required to process this listing. Default value is null. |
[optional] |
who_made |
string |
An enumerated string indicating who made the product. Helps buyers locate the listing under the Handmade heading. Requires 'is_supply' and 'when_made'. |
[optional] |
when_made |
string |
An enumerated string for the era in which the maker made the product in this listing. Helps buyers locate the listing under the Vintage heading. Requires 'is_supply' and 'who_made'. |
[optional] |
is_supply |
bool |
When true, tags the listing as a supply product, else indicates that it's a finished product. Helps buyers locate the listing under the Supplies heading. Requires 'who_made' and 'when_made'. |
[optional] |
item_weight |
float |
The numeric weight of the product measured in units set in \'item_weight_unit\'. Default value is null. If set, the value must be greater than 0. |
[optional] |
item_weight_unit |
string |
A string defining the units used to measure the weight of the product. Default value is null. |
[optional] |
item_length |
float |
The numeric length of the product measured in units set in \'item_dimensions_unit\'. Default value is null. If set, the value must be greater than 0. |
[optional] |
item_width |
float |
The numeric width of the product measured in units set in \'item_dimensions_unit\'. Default value is null. If set, the value must be greater than 0. |
[optional] |
item_height |
float |
The numeric length of the product measured in units set in \'item_dimensions_unit\'. Default value is null. If set, the value must be greater than 0. |
[optional] |
item_dimensions_unit |
string |
A string defining the units used to measure the dimensions of the product. Default value is null. |
[optional] |
is_private |
bool |
When true, this is a private listing intended for a specific buyer and hidden from shop view. |
[optional] |
style |
string[] |
An array of style strings for this listing, each of which is free-form text string such as \"Formal\", or \"Steampunk\". When creating or updating a listing, the listing may have up to two styles. Valid style strings contain only letters, numbers, and whitespace characters. (regex: /[^\\\\p{L}\\\\p{Nd}\\\\p{Zs}]/u) Default value is null. |
[optional] |
file_data |
string |
A string describing the files attached to a digital listing. |
[optional] |
has_variations |
bool |
When true, the listing has variations. |
[optional] |
should_auto_renew |
bool |
When true, renews a listing for four months upon expiration. |
[optional] |
language |
string |
The IETF language tag for the default language of the listing. Ex: `de`, `en`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `ja`, `nl`, `pl`, `pt`, `ru`. |
[optional] |
price |
AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsPrice |
The positive non-zero price of the product. (Sold product listings are private) Note: The price is the minimum possible price. The `getListingInventory` method requests exact prices for available offerings. |
[optional] |
taxonomy_id |
int |
The numerical taxonomy ID of the listing. See SellerTaxonomy and BuyerTaxonomy for more information. |
[optional] |
shipping_profile |
AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsShippingProfile |
An array of data representing the shipping profile resource. |
[optional] |
user |
AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsUser |
Represents a single user of the site |
[optional] |
shop |
AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsShop |
A shop created by an Etsy user. |
[optional] |
images |
\Swagger\Client\Model\AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsImagesItems[] |
Represents a list of listing image resources, each of which contains the reference URLs and metadata for an image |
[optional] |
videos |
\Swagger\Client\Model\AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsVideosItems[] |
The single video associated with a listing. |
[optional] |
inventory |
AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsInventory |
An enumerated string that attaches a valid association. Default value is null. |
[optional] |
production_partners |
\Swagger\Client\Model\AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsProductionPartnersItems[] |
Represents a list of production partners for a shop. |
[optional] |
skus |
string[] |
A list of SKU strings for the listing. SKUs will only appear if the requesting user owns the shop and a valid matching OAuth 2 token is provided. When requested without the token it will be an empty array. |
[optional] |
translations |
\Swagger\Client\Model\AllOfShopListingWithAssociationsTranslationsItems[] |
An array of translations for the listing. Default value is an empty array. |
[optional] |
views |
int |
The number of times the listing has been viewed. This value is tabulated once per day and only for active listings, so the value is not real-time. If `0`, the listing has either not been viewed, not yet tabulated, was not active during the last tabulation or there was an error fetching the value. If a value is expected, call `getListing` to confirm the value. |
[optional] |