Enable this plugin to log the requests of all API.
Import this plugin in your code.
import (
_ "trpc.group/trpc-go/trpc-filter/debuglog"
Configure the trpc-go framework. Replace debuglog
with one of the following items:
- debuglog: Default logging mode.
- simpledebuglog: Do not log the request body.
- pjsondebuglog: Log the request body in formatted JSON.
- jsondebuglog: Log the request body in compressed JSON.
- debuglog
- debuglog
log_type: simple # Default log printing method
err_log_level: error # Error log printing level
nil_log_level: info # Non-error log printing level
server_log_type: prettyjson # Server log printing method, overrides log_type setting
client_log_type: json # Client log printing method, overrides log_type setting
enable_color: true # Enable displaying logs in different colors. Default is false.
include: # Matching rules to include. When configured, exclude option will be ignored.
# Include when both method and retcode match.
- method: /trpc.app.server.service/methodA
retcode: 51
# Include by method name only.
- method: /trpc.app.server.service/methodB
# Include by error code only.
- retcode: 52
exclude: # Matching rules to exclude logs. This configuration is ignored when include option is not empty.
# Exclude when both method and retcode match.
- method: /trpc.app.server.service/methodC
retcode: 53
# Exclude by method name only.
- method: /trpc.app.server.service/methodD
# Exclude by error code only.
- retcode: 54
- Note that when using plugin configuration, the filter option must be set to debuglog, otherwise the plugin configuration will not take effect.
- The options for log_type, server_log_type, and client_log_type are as follows:
- default: Corresponds to debuglog (default)
- simple: Corresponds to simpledebuglog, does not log the request body
- prettyjson: Corresponds to pjsondebuglog, logs the request body in formatted JSON
- json: Corresponds to jsondebuglog, logs the request body in compressed JSON
- The options for err_log_level are as follows:
- error (default)
- debug
- info
- warning
- fatal
- The options for nil_log_level are as follows:
- debug (default)
- info
- warning
- error
- fatal
- If you need to customize the print method for request and response, you can register your own print method.
- Note that when using a custom print method, the filter must be set to debuglog, and it will override the configuration in the plugin.
import (
func main() {
// Custom server log function
debugServerLogFunc := func(ctx context.Context, req, rsp interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(", req:%+v, rsp:%+v, this is server log test", req, rsp)
// Custom client log function
debugClientLogFunc := func(ctx context.Context, req, rsp interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(", req:%+v, rsp:%+v, this is client log test", req, rsp)
// Register the filter
s := trpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterHttp_helloworldService(s, &Http_helloworldServerImpl{})
if err := s.Serve(); err != nil {