diff --git a/init.rb b/init.rb
index 02c257095..87883b622 100644
--- a/init.rb
+++ b/init.rb
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
-ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
- ##
- # Include the Geocoder module and set attribute names.
- #
- def self.geocoded_by(method_name = :location, options = {})
- class_inheritable_reader :geocoder_options
- write_inheritable_attribute :geocoder_options, {
- :method_name => method_name,
- :latitude => options[:latitude] || :latitude,
- :longitude => options[:longitude] || :longitude
- }
- include Geocoder
- end
+require 'geocoder'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/geocoder.rb b/lib/geocoder.rb
index 36d388189..3b08b42c4 100644
--- a/lib/geocoder.rb
+++ b/lib/geocoder.rb
@@ -53,25 +53,25 @@ def find_near(location, radius = 20, options = {})
def find_near_options(latitude, longitude, radius = 20, options = {})
- # Set defaults/clean up arguments.
+ # set defaults/clean up arguments
options[:order] ||= 'distance ASC'
radius = radius.to_i
- # Constrain search to a (radius x radius) square.
+ # constrain search to a (radius x radius) square
factor = (Math::cos(latitude * Math::PI / 180.0) * 69.0).abs
lon_lo = longitude - (radius / factor);
lon_hi = longitude + (radius / factor);
lat_lo = latitude - (radius / 69.0);
lat_hi = latitude + (radius / 69.0);
- # Build limit clause.
+ # build limit clause
limit = nil
if options[:limit] or options[:offset]
options[:offset] ||= 0
limit = "#{options[:offset]},#{options[:limit]}"
- # Generate hash.
+ # generate hash
lat_attr = geocoder_options[:latitude]
lon_attr = geocoder_options[:longitude]
@@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ def fetch_coordinates!
def self.fetch_coordinates(query)
return nil unless doc = self.search(query)
- # Make sure search found a result.
+ # make sure search found a result
e = doc.elements['kml/Response/Status/code']
return nil unless (e and e.text == "200")
- # Isolate the relevant part of the result.
+ # isolate the relevant part of the result
place = doc.elements['kml/Response/Placemark']
- # If there are multiple results, blindly use the first.
+ # if there are multiple results, blindly use the first
coords = place.elements['Point/coordinates'].text
coords.split(',')[0...2].reverse.map{ |i| i.to_f }
@@ -175,9 +175,11 @@ def self.fetch_coordinates(query)
# +units+ :: :mi for miles (default), :km for kilometers
def self.distance_between(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, options = {})
# set default options
options[:units] ||= :mi
- # define available units
+ # define conversion factors
units = { :mi => 3956, :km => 6371 }
# convert degrees to radians
@@ -185,10 +187,11 @@ def self.distance_between(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, options = {})
lon1 = to_radians(lon1)
lat2 = to_radians(lat2)
lon2 = to_radians(lon2)
# compute distances
dlat = (lat1 - lat2).abs
dlon = (lon1 - lon2).abs
a = (Math.sin(dlat / 2))**2 + Math.cos(lat1) *
(Math.sin(dlon / 2))**2 * Math.cos(lat2)
c = 2 * Math.atan2( Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a))
@@ -230,3 +233,22 @@ def self.search(query)
+# Add geocoded_by method to ActiveRecord::Base so Geocoder is accessible.
+ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
+ ##
+ # Set attribute names and include the Geocoder module.
+ #
+ def self.geocoded_by(method_name = :location, options = {})
+ class_inheritable_reader :geocoder_options
+ write_inheritable_attribute :geocoder_options, {
+ :method_name => method_name,
+ :latitude => options[:latitude] || :latitude,
+ :longitude => options[:longitude] || :longitude
+ }
+ include Geocoder
+ end