There are several places to customize and build up jsonapi to your needs.
Model input handler can be customized globaly by changing class of trikoder.jsonapi.model_tools_factory
that must extend \Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Services\ModelInput\ModelToolsFactory
Any controller can also define getCreateInputHandler
and getUpdateInputHandler
for respective actions that should return ModelInputHandlerInterface
Model validator can be customized globaly by changing class of trikoder.jsonapi.model_tools_factory
that must extend \Trikoder\JsonApiBundle\Services\ModelInput\ModelToolsFactory
Any controller can also define getCreateValidator
and getUpdateValidator
for respective actions that should return ModelValidatorInterface
Use case where you need to append schema class map in one controller or modify it with another schema. Override method, call parent method, and update the result before returning, eg.:
public function getSchemaClassMapProvider()
// replace one property
$mapService = parent::getSchemaClassMapProvider();
$mapService->add(User::class, CustomerSchema::class);
return $mapService;
To see available JSON API VALIDATORS open this document