Table of Contents
This feature was implemented due to many requests. This feature is not used currently by PWNAGE due to the "Low/No Bandwith" goal of our scouting system. Support for this feature will be secondary to our main features and possibly delayed due to not having a working environment for testing and debugging.
Scouting PASS now implements an inteface to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
Data from the web page (form) will be packaged up and sent to your Google Sheets spreadsheet. A new row will be inserted for every robot scouted for a match. The fields in the form that match the headers in the spreadsheet will automatically be populated.
There is an extensive set-up process described in following section. Follow the instructions carefully as it can be tricky in spots.
- Create spreadheet
- Create a new Google Spreadsheet on your Google Drive.
- The "Sheet" needs to be named "Sheet1"
- The first column header should be labeled "Date"
- Create headers for all of your data elements (avoid spaces; not tested with spaces)
- Add script
- While still in the spreadsheet click Extensions -> Apps Script
- Update the project name from "Untitled project" to something meaningful to you
- Clear out the code there (i.e. MyFunction...) and replace it with this:
const sheetName = 'Sheet1'
const scriptProp = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties()
function initialSetup () {
const activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
scriptProp.setProperty('key', activeSpreadsheet.getId())
function doGet () {
function doPost (e) {
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock()
try {
const doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(scriptProp.getProperty('key'))
const sheet = doc.getSheetByName(sheetName)
const headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0]
const nextRow = sheet.getLastRow() + 1
const newRow = {
return header === 'Date' ? new Date() : e.parameter[header]
sheet.getRange(nextRow, 1, 1, newRow.length).setValues([newRow])
return ContentService
.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify({ 'result': 'success', 'row': nextRow }))
catch (e) {
return ContentService
.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify({ 'result': 'error', 'error': e }))
finally {
NOTE: This code has changed on Feb 27, 2023. If you pulled this code before that date Google Sheets probably isn't working for you.
The new version has this change:
OLD LINE: return header === 'Date' ? new Date() : e.parameter[header].join(",")
NEW LINE: return header === 'Date' ? new Date() : e.parameter[header]
- Save the project (Ctrl-S or click the floppy icon)
- Execute initialization
- Next to the Debug menu item select "initialSetup" and click Run.
- Google will pop up a warning screen. Click "advanced" on the lower left side
- You will need to select a Google Account to login as and grant permissions
- Create Trigger
- Click on the "alarm" icon on the left side.
- Click "Add Trigger" in the lower right corner.
- Set the trigger with these parameters:
- Function to run: doPost
- Deployment: Head
- Event Source: From Spreadsheet
- Event Type: On Form Submit
- Click Save
- Deploy
- Click on Deploy at the Top
- Click "New Deployment"
- Click the "Select Type" icon and select "Web App"
- Fill in a description (whatever you want)
- Set "Execute as" to Me
- Set "Who has access" to Anyone
- Click Deploy
- Copy URL
- After deploying, on the next screen, copy the Web App URL and save it. You'll need it later.
- Set up the URL
- In resources/js/googleSheets.js, on line 2, replace <SCRIPT URL> with the URL you just copied from Google Sheets. It needs to stay wrapped in single quotes.
- Enable Google Sheets in Scouting PASS
In your configuraiton file (i.e. 2022/RR_GS_config.js) at the top level add:
"enable_google_sheets": "true",
Best place to add this is just after line 2, like this:
var config_data = `
"enable_google_sheets": "true",
"title": "Scouting PASS 2022",
"page_title": "Rapid React",
(Default configuration) Edit index.html to point to the Google Sheets configuration file (2023/CU_GS_config.js).
- Change line 12 in index.html
- Instead of 2023/CU_config.js point it to 2023/CU_GS_config.js
(Custom configuration) Add gsCol tag to you config file
- In that same configuration file, you need to add a "gsCol" tag for each element in the configuration script. The gsCol (AKA Google Sheets Column) will tell Google Sheets which column to put the data in.
- For example, the first entry in our configuraiton is Scouter Initials, the new entry with the gsCol tag would look like this:
{ "name": "Scouter Initials",
"gsCol": "scouter",
"code": "s",
"type": "scouter",
"size": 5,
"maxSize": 5,
"required": "true"
* The scouter initials will be put in the column with the header "scouter"
* Add that gsCol tag to all your elements to map that element to a header in your Google Sheets spreadsheet
* If you mispell it or omit it, it will not populate in your spreadsheet