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Releases: trendmicro-frontend/tonic-ui

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

18 May 07:25
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@tonic-ui/[email protected]

15 May 06:01
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@tonic-ui/[email protected]

15 May 06:05
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What's Changed

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

29 Apr 13:57
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What's Changed

  • feat: enhance focus control for Drawer, Modal, and Tooltip components by @cheton in #748


This release introduces several new props to control the focus behavior in the Drawer, Modal, and Tooltip components. These changes are designed to address an issue identified in #345, where the focus is restored to the initially focused element upon closing the drawer or modal, causing an unexpected display of the tooltip.


Name Type Default Description
returnFocusOnClose boolean true If true, the focus will be restored to the element that was focused on when the drawer was initially opened.
⚠️ This only works if ensureFocus is set to true.


Name Type Default Description
returnFocusOnClose boolean true If true, the focus will be restored to the element that was focused on when the modal was initially opened.
⚠️ This only works if ensureFocus is set to true.


Name Type Default Description
closeOnPointerDown boolean true If true, the tooltip will close while the pointer is pressed down.
openOnFocus boolean true If true, the tooltip will open upon receiving focus.

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

28 Apr 13:22
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What's Changed

  • feat: add useCSSVariables option to the theme config by @cheton in #732
  • feat: add sx prop to provide a superset of CSS that maps values directly from the theme by @cheton in #747

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

28 Apr 13:23
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What's Changed

  • feat: add useCSSVariables option to the theme config by @cheton in #732
  • feat: add sx prop to provide a superset of CSS that maps values directly from the theme by @cheton in #747


Superset of CSS

The sx prop supports CSS syntax including child and pseudo-selectors, media queries, raw CSS values, and more. Here are a few examples of how you can implement these CSS features:

  • Using pseudo-selectors:

        ':hover': {
          backgroundColor: 'gray:10',
  • Using media queries:

        '@media print': {
          width: 300,
  • Using nested selectors:

        '& .child-selector': {
          backgroundColor: 'white:secondary',

Read more on the sx prop page.

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

28 Apr 00:43
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What's Changed

  • feat: adjust the background color for OptionGroup and Option components by @cheton in #743
  • feat: add .12 and .08 overlays to the color style for highlighted and selected background color by @cheton in #738
  • fix: fix a regression issue with border color display in table components by @cheton in #741

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

20 Apr 01:33
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What's Changed

  • feat(react): update the table component colors to align with the design guidelines by @cheton in #737
    • Added role attributes to table components
      Component role attribute
      Table table
      TableHeader rowgroup
      TableHeaderRow row
      TableHeaderCell columngroup
      TableBody rowgroup
      TableRow row
      TableCell cell
    • Corrected the border color for the table in light mode
    • Corrected the background color for selected menu items in light mode

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]

@tonic-ui/[email protected]

11 Apr 13:11
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@tonic-ui/[email protected]

11 Apr 13:14
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What's Changed

  • feat: add support for CSS variables by @cheton in #731


Tonic UI now has a default behavior of internally converting theme tokens defined in the theme to CSS variables.

For example, consider a theme object that looks like this:

const theme = {
  colors: {
    'gray:10': '#fafafa',
    'gray:20': '#f7f7f7',

When this theme is passed to TonicProvider, Tonic UI will generate CSS variables automatically, as shown below:

:root {
  --tonic-colors-gray-10: #fafafa;
  --tonic-colors-gray-20: #f7f7f7;

These CSS variables can then be used to style components, providing a consistent look and feel throughout the application.

Full Changelog:[email protected]...@tonic-ui/[email protected]