Date: 2019-09-27
Name: "mozzarella stick plum pushpin"
See the upgrade documentation here.
- Fixed SCM plugin API memory leak #5301
- Fixed Rundeck Plugin Options type preventing saving node step #5302
Fix s3 execution log plugin not loading
- Fix #5301 fix initProject, and clean old listeners
- Fix issue with plugin select value with multiOption
- memory leak: git scm plugin accessed via API
- Fix #5083 - Fixing the regex expression to consider "." character when perform auto completions
- Fix #5113. Allow unicode characters in project description.
- The project.description from filesystem file etc/ to db not support Unicode description
- Rundeck Plugin Options type prevents saving of node step
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlosrfranco
- carlosrfranco
- chnliyong
- cjmcken
- gschueler
- sjrd218