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-# Companion
-Companion is an open source server application which **takes away the complexity
-of authentication and the cost of downloading files from remote sources**, such
-as Instagram, Google Drive, and others. Companion is a server-to-server
-orchestrator that streams files from a source to a destination, and files are
-never stored in Companion. Companion can run either as a standalone
-(self-hosted) application, [Transloadit-hosted](#hosted), or plugged in as an
-Express middleware into an existing application. The Uppy client requests remote
-files from Companion, which it will download and simultaneously upload to your
-[Tus server](/docs/tus), [AWS bucket](/docs/aws-s3), or any server that supports
-[PUT, POST or Multipart uploads](/docs/xhr-upload).
-This means a user uploading a 5GB video from Google Drive from their phone isn’t
-eating into their data plans and you don’t have to worry about implementing
-## When should I use it?
-If you want to let users download files from [Box][], [Dropbox][], [Facebook][],
-[Google Drive][googledrive], [Google Photos][googlephotos], [Google Drive
-Picker][googledrivepicker], [Google Photos Picker][googlephotospicker],
-[Instagram][], [OneDrive][], [Unsplash][], [Import from URL][url], or [Zoom][] —
-you need Companion.
-Companion supports the same [uploaders](/docs/guides/choosing-uploader) as Uppy:
-[Tus](/docs/tus), [AWS S3](/docs/aws-s3), and [regular multipart](/docs/tus).
-But instead of manually setting a plugin, Uppy sends along a header with the
-uploader and Companion will use the same on the server. This means if you are
-using [Tus](/docs/tus) for your local uploads, you can send your remote uploads
-to the same Tus server (and likewise for your AWS S3 bucket).
-Companion only deals with _remote_ files, _local_ files are still uploaded from
-the client with your upload plugin.
-## Hosted
-Using [Transloadit][] services comes with a hosted version of Companion so you
-don’t have to worry about hosting your own server. Whether you are on a free or
-paid Transloadit [plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/), you can use
-Companion. It’s not possible to rent a Companion server without a Transloadit
-[**Sign-up for a (free) plan**](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-Choosing Transloadit for your file services also comes with credentials for all
-remote providers. This means you don’t have to waste time going through the
-approval process of every app. You can still add your own credentials in the
-Transloadit admin page if you want.
-Downloading and uploading files through Companion doesn’t count towards your
-[monthly quota](https://transloadit.com/docs/faq/1gb-worth/), it’s a way for
-files to arrive at Transloadit servers, much like Uppy.
-To do so each provider plugin must be configured with Transloadit’s Companion
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';
-uppy.use(Dropbox, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';
-uppy.use(Dropbox, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-## Installation & use
-Companion is installed from npm. Depending on how you want to run Companion, the
-install process is slightly different. Companion can be integrated as middleware
-into your [Express](https://expressjs.com/) app or as a standalone server. Most
-people probably want to run it as a standalone server, while the middleware
-could be used to further customise Companion or integrate it into your own HTTP
-server code.
-Since v2, you need to be running `node.js >= v10.20.1` to use Companion. More
-information in the
-[migrating to 2.0](/docs/guides/migration-guides/#migrate-from-uppy-1x-to-2x)
-Windows is not a supported platform right now. It may work, and we’re happy to
-accept improvements in this area, but we can’t provide support.
-### Standalone mode
-You can use the standalone version if you want to run Companion as it’s own
-Node.js process. It’s a configured Express server with sessions, logging, and
-security best practices. First you’ll typically want to install it globally:
-npm install -g @uppy/companion
-Standalone Companion will always serve HTTP (not HTTPS) and expects a reverse
-proxy with SSL termination in front of it when running in production. See
-[`COMPANION_PROTOCOL`](#server) for more information.
-Companion ships with an executable file (`bin/companion`) which is the
-standalone server. Unlike the middleware version, options are set via
-environment variables.
-Checkout [options](#options) for the available options in JS and environment
-variable formats.
-You need at least these three to get started:
-export COMPANION_SECRET="shh!Issa Secret!"
-Then run:
-You can also pass in the path to your JSON config file, like so:
-companion --config /path/to/companion.json
-You may also want to run Companion in a process manager like
-[PM2](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/) to make sure it gets restarted on upon
-crashing as well as allowing scaling to many instances.
-### Express middleware mode
-First install it into your Node.js project with your favorite package manager:
-npm install @uppy/companion
-To plug Companion into an existing server, call its `.app` method, passing in an
-[options](#options) object as a parameter. This returns a server instance that
-you can mount on a route in your Express app. Note: do **not** use the `cors`
-module in your project, because Companion already includes it. Use the
-`corsOrigins` Companion option to customise CORS behavior.
-import express from 'express';
-import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
-import session from 'express-session';
-import companion from '@uppy/companion';
-const app = express();
-// Companion requires body-parser and express-session middleware.
-// You can add it like this if you use those throughout your app.
-// If you are using something else in your app, you can add these
-// middlewares in the same subpath as Companion instead.
-app.use(session({ secret: 'some secrety secret' }));
-const companionOptions = {
- providerOptions: {
- drive: {
- },
- },
- server: {
- host: 'localhost:3020',
- protocol: 'http',
- // Default installations normally don't need a path.
- // However if you specify a `path`, you MUST specify
- // the same path in `app.use()` below,
- // e.g. app.use('/companion', companionApp)
- // path: '/companion',
- },
- filePath: '/path/to/folder/',
-const { app: companionApp } = companion.app(companionOptions);
-Companion uses WebSockets to communicate progress, errors, and successes to the
-client. This is what Uppy listens to to update it’s internal state and UI.
-Add the Companion WebSocket server using the `companion.socket` function:
-const server = app.listen(PORT);
-If WebSockets fail for some reason Uppy and Companion will fallback to HTTP
-### Running many instances
-We recommend running at least two instances in production, so that if the
-Node.js event loop gets blocked by one or more requests (due to a bug or spike
-in traffic), it doesn’t also block or slow down all other requests as well (as
-Node.js is single threaded).
-As an example for scale, one enterprise customer of Transloadit, who self-hosts
-Companion to power an education service that is used by many universities
-globally, deploys 7 Companion instances. Their earlier solution ran on 35
-instances. In our general experience Companion will saturate network interface
-cards before other resources on commodity virtual servers (`c5d.2xlarge` for
-Your mileage may vary, so we recommend to add observability. You can let
-Prometheus crawl the `/metrics` endpoint and graph that with Grafana for
-#### Using unique endpoints
-One option is to run many instances with each instance having its own unique
-endpoint. This could be on separate ports, (sub)domain names, or IPs. With this
-setup, you can either:
-1. Implement your own logic that will direct each upload to a specific Companion
- endpoint by setting the `companionUrl` option
-2. Setting the Companion option `COMPANION_SELF_ENDPOINT`. This option will
- cause Companion to respond with a `i-am` HTTP header containing the value
- from `COMPANION_SELF_ENDPOINT`. When Uppy’s sees this header, it will pin all
- requests for the upload to this endpoint.
-In either case, you would then also typically configure a single Companion
-instance (one endpoint) to handle all OAuth authentication requests, so that you
-only need to specify a single OAuth callback URL. See also `oauthDomain` and
-#### Using a load balancer
-The other option is to set up a load balancer in front of many Companion
-instances. Then Uppy will only see a single endpoint and send all requests to
-the associated load balancer, which will then distribute them between Companion
-instances. The companion instances coordinate their messages and events over
-Redis so that any instance can serve the client’s requests. Note that sticky
-sessions are **not** needed with this setup. Here are the requirements for this
-- The instances need to be connected to the same Redis server.
-- You need to set `COMPANION_SECRET` to the same value on both servers.
-- if you use the `companionKeysParams` feature (Transloadit), you also need
- `COMPANION_PREAUTH_SECRET` to be the same on each instance.
-- All other configuration needs to be the same, except if you’re running many
- instances on the same machine, then `COMPANION_PORT` should be different for
- each instance.
-## API
-### Options
-The headings display the JS and environment variable options (`option`
-`ENV_OPTION`). When integrating Companion into your own server, you pass the
-options to `companion.app()`. If you are using the standalone version, you
-configure Companion using environment variables. Some options only exist as
-environment variables or only as a JS option.
- Default configuration
-const options = {
- server: {
- protocol: 'http',
- path: '',
- },
- providerOptions: {},
- s3: {
- endpoint: 'https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com',
- conditions: [],
- useAccelerateEndpoint: false,
- getKey: ({ filename }) => `${crypto.randomUUID()}-${filename}`,
- expires: 800, // seconds
- },
- allowLocalUrls: false,
- logClientVersion: true,
- periodicPingUrls: [],
- streamingUpload: true,
- clientSocketConnectTimeout: 60000,
- metrics: true,
-#### `filePath` `COMPANION_DATADIR`
-Full path to the directory to which provider files will be downloaded
-A secret string which Companion uses to generate authorization tokens. You
-should generate a long random string for this. For example:
-const crypto = require('node:crypto');
-const secret = crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex');
-Omitting the `secret` in the standalone version will generate a secret for you,
-using the above `crypto` string. But when integrating with Express you must
-provide it yourself. This is an essential security measure.
-Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension,
-which has only the secret, nothing else.
-If you are using the [Transloadit](/docs/transloadit) `companionKeysParams`
-feature (Transloadit-hosted Companion using your own custom OAuth credentials),
-set this variable to a strong randomly generated secret. See also
-`COMPANION_SECRET` (but do not use the same secret!)
-Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension,
-which has only the secret, nothing else.
-#### `uploadUrls` `COMPANION_UPLOAD_URLS`
-An allowlist (array) of strings (exact URLs) or regular expressions. Companion
-will only accept uploads to these URLs. This ensures that your Companion
-instance is only allowed to upload to your trusted servers and prevents
-[SSRF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-side_request_forgery) attacks.
-The port on which to start the standalone server, defaults to 3020. This is a
-standalone-only option.
-Allows you to customize the domain of the cookies created for Express sessions.
-This is a standalone-only option.
-Setting this to `true` disables the welcome message shown at `/`. This is a
-standalone-only option.
-#### `redisUrl` `COMPANION_REDIS_URL`
-URL to running Redis server. This can be used to scale Companion horizontally
-using many instances. See [How to scale Companion](#how-to-scale-companion).
-Set a custom prefix for redis keys created by
-[connect-redis](https://github.com/tj/connect-redis). Defaults to
-`companion-session:`. Sessions are used for storing authentication state and for
-allowing thumbnails to be loaded by the browser via Companion and for OAuth2.
-#### `redisOptions` `COMPANION_REDIS_OPTIONS`
-An object of
-[options supported by the `ioredis` client](https://github.com/redis/ioredis).
-See also
-Use a scope for the companion events at the Redis server. Setting this option
-will prefix all events with the name provided and a colon. See also
-#### `server`
-Configuration options for the underlying server.
-| Key / Environment variable | Value | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `protocol` `COMPANION_PROTOCOL` | `http` or `https` | Used to build a URL to reference the Companion instance itself, which is used for headers and cookies. Companion itself always runs as a HTTP server, so locally you should use `http`. You must to set this to `https` once you enabled SSL/HTTPS for your domain in production by running a reverse https-proxy in front of Companion, or with a built-in HTTPS feature of your hosting service. |
-| `host` `COMPANION_DOMAIN` | `String` | Your server’s publicly facing hostname (for example `example.com`). |
-| `oauthDomain` `COMPANION_OAUTH_DOMAIN` | `String` | If you have several instances of Companion with different (and perhaps dynamic) subdomains, you can set a single fixed subdomain and server (such as `sub1.example.com`) to handle your OAuth authentication for you. This would then redirect back to the correct instance with the required credentials on completion. This way you only need to configure a single callback URL for OAuth providers. |
-| `path` `COMPANION_PATH` | `String` | The server path to where the Companion app is sitting. For instance, if Companion is at `example.com/companion`, then the path would be `/companion`). |
-| `implicitPath` `COMPANION_IMPLICIT_PATH` | `String` | If the URL’s path in your reverse proxy is different from your Companion path in your express app, then you need to set this path as `implicitPath`. For instance, if your Companion URL is `example.com/mypath/companion`. Where the path `/mypath` is defined in your NGINX server, while `/companion` is set in your express app. Then you need to set the option `implicitPath` to `/mypath`, and set the `path` option to `/companion`. |
-| `validHosts` `COMPANION_DOMAINS` | `Array` | If you are setting an `oauthDomain`, you need to set a list of valid hosts, so the oauth handler can validate the host of the Uppy instance requesting the authentication. This is essentially a list of valid domains running your Companion instances. The list may also contain regex patterns. e.g `['sub2.example.com', 'sub3.example.com', '(\\w+).example.com']` |
-#### `sendSelfEndpoint` `COMPANION_SELF_ENDPOINT`
-This is essentially the same as the `server.host + server.path` attributes. The
-major reason for this attribute is that, when set, it adds the value as the
-`i-am` header of every request response.
-#### `providerOptions`
-Object to enable providers with their keys and secrets. For example:
- "drive": {
- "key": "***",
- "secret": "***"
- }
-When using the standalone version you use the corresponding environment
-variables or point to a secret file (such as `COMPANION_GOOGLE_SECRET_FILE`).
-Secret files need an absolute path to a file with any extension which only has
-the secret, nothing else.
-| Service | Key | Environment variables |
-| ------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| OneDrive | `onedrive` | `COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_KEY`, `COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_SECRET`, `COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_SECRET_FILE`, `COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_DOMAIN_VALIDATION` (Settings this variable to `true` enables a route that can be used to validate your app with OneDrive) |
-#### `s3`
-Companion comes with signature endpoints for AWS S3. These can be used by the
-Uppy client to sign requests to upload files directly to S3, without exposing
-secret S3 keys in the browser. Companion also supports uploading files from
-providers like Dropbox and Instagram directly into S3.
-##### `s3.key` `COMPANION_AWS_KEY`
-The S3 access key ID.
-The S3 secret access key.
-Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension,
-which has only the secret, nothing else.
-##### `s3.endpoint` `COMPANION_AWS_ENDPOINT`
-Optional URL to a custom S3 (compatible) service. Otherwise uses the default
-from the AWS SDK.
-##### `s3.bucket` `COMPANION_AWS_BUCKET`
-The name of the bucket to store uploaded files in.
-A `string` or function that returns the name of the bucket as a `string` and
-takes one argument which is an object with the following properties:
-- `filename`, the original name of the uploaded file;
-- `metadata` provided by the user for the file (will only be provided during the
- initial calls for each uploaded files, otherwise it will be `undefined`).
-- `req`, Express.js `Request` object. Do not use any Companion internals from
- the req object, as these might change in any minor version of Companion.
-#### `s3.forcePathStyle` `COMPANION_AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE`
-This adds support for setting the S3 client’s `forcePathStyle` option. That is
-necessary to use Uppy/Companion alongside localstack in development
-environments. **Default**: `false`.
-##### `s3.region` `COMPANION_AWS_REGION`
-The datacenter region where the target bucket is located.
-An optional prefix for all uploaded keys. This is a standalone-only option. The
-same can be achieved by the `getKey` option when using the express middleware.
-##### `s3.awsClientOptions`
-You can supply any
-[S3 option supported by the AWS SDK](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#constructor-property)
-in the `providerOptions.s3.awsClientOptions` object, _except for_ the below:
-- `accessKeyId`. Instead, use the `providerOptions.s3.key` property. This is to
- make configuration names consistent between different Companion features.
-- `secretAccessKey`. Instead, use the `providerOptions.s3.secret` property. This
- is to make configuration names consistent between different Companion
- features.
-Be aware that some options may cause wrong behaviour if they conflict with
-Companion’s assumptions. If you find that a particular option does not work as
-expected, please
-[open an issue on the Uppy repository](https://github.com/transloadit/uppy/issues/new)
-so we can document it here.
-##### `s3.getKey({ filename, metadata, req })`
-Get the key name for a file. The key is the file path to which the file will be
-uploaded in your bucket. This option should be a function receiving three
-- `filename`, the original name of the uploaded file;
-- `metadata`, user-provided metadata for the file.
-- `req`, Express.js `Request` object. Do not use any Companion internals from
- the req object, as these might change in any minor version of Companion.
-This function should return a string `key`. The `req` parameter can be used to
-upload to a user-specific folder in your bucket, for example:
- uppy.app({
- providerOptions: {
- s3: {
- getKey: ({ req, filename, metadata }) => `${req.user.id}/${filename}`,
- /* auth options */
- },
- },
- }),
-The default implementation returns the `filename`, so all files will be uploaded
-to the root of the bucket as their original file name.
- uppy.app({
- providerOptions: {
- s3: {
- getKey: ({ filename, metadata }) => filename,
- },
- },
- }),
-When signing on the client, this function will only be called for multipart
-Enable S3
-[Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/transfer-acceleration.html).
-This is a standalone-only option.
-Set `X-Amz-Expires` query parameter in the presigned urls (in seconds, default:
-300\). This is a standalone-only option.
-Set a
-[Canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl)
-for uploaded objects. This is a standalone-only option.
-#### `customProviders`
-This option enables you to add custom providers along with the already supported
-providers. See [adding custom providers](#how-to-add-custom-providers) for more
-#### `logClientVersion`
-A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to log its version upon startup.
-#### `metrics` `COMPANION_HIDE_METRICS`
-A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to provide an endpoint `/metrics` with
-Prometheus metrics (by default metrics are enabled.)
-#### `streamingUpload` `COMPANION_STREAMING_UPLOAD`
-A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to enable streaming uploads. If
-enabled, it will lead to _faster uploads_ because companion will start uploading
-at the same time as downloading using `stream.pipe`. If `false`, files will be
-fully downloaded first, then uploaded. Defaults to `true`.
-#### `maxFileSize` `COMPANION_MAX_FILE_SIZE`
-If this value is set, companion will limit the maximum file size to process. If
-unset, it will process files without any size limit (this is the default).
-#### `periodicPingUrls` `COMPANION_PERIODIC_PING_URLS`
-If this value is set, companion will periodically send POST requests to the
-specified URLs. Useful for keeping track of companion instances as a keep-alive.
-#### `periodicPingInterval` `COMPANION_PERIODIC_PING_INTERVAL`
-Interval for periodic ping requests (in ms).
-A `JSON.stringify`-able JavaScript Object that will be sent as part of the JSON
-body in the period ping requests.
-#### `allowLocalUrls` `COMPANION_ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS`
-A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to allow requesting local URLs
-(non-internet IPs).
-Only enable this in development. **Enabling it in production is a security
-#### `corsOrigins` (required)
-Allowed CORS Origins. Passed as the `origin` option in
-Note this is used for both CORS’ `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header, and for
-for `postMessage` calls in the context of OAuth.
-Setting it to `true` treats any origin as a trusted one, making it easier to
-impersonate your brand. Setting it to `false` disables cross-origin support, use
-this if you’re serving Companion and Uppy from the same domain name.
-Stand-alone alternative to the `corsOrigins` option. A comma-separated string of
-origins, or `'true'` (which will be interpreted as the boolean value `true`), or
-`'false'` (which will be interpreted as the boolean value `false`).
-`COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS_REGEX` will be ignored if this option is used.
-In most cases, you should not be using a regex, and instead provide the list of
-accepted origins to `COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS`. If you have to use this option,
-have in mind that this regex will be used to parse unfiltered user input, so
-make sure you’re validating the entirety of the string.
-Stand-alone alternative to the `corsOrigins` option. Like
-`COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS`, but allows a single regex instead.
-#### `chunkSize` `COMPANION_CHUNK_SIZE`
-Controls how big the uploaded chunks are for AWS S3 Multipart and Tus. Smaller
-values lead to more overhead, but larger values lead to slower retries in case
-of bad network connections. Passed to tus-js-client
-as well as
-[AWS S3 Multipart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html)
-#### `enableUrlEndpoint` `COMPANION_ENABLE_URL_ENDPOINT`
-Set this to `true` to enable the [URL functionalily](https://uppy.io/docs/url/).
-Default: `false`.
-#### `enableGooglePickerEndpoint` `COMPANION_ENABLE_GOOGLE_PICKER_ENDPOINT`
-Set this to `true` to enable the Google Picker (Photos / Drive) functionality.
-Default: `false`.
-### Events
-The object returned by `companion.app()` also has a property `companionEmitter`
-which is an `EventEmitter` that emits the following events:
-- `upload-start` - When an upload starts, this event is emitted with an object
- containing the property `token`, which is a unique ID for the upload.
-- **token** - The event name is the token from `upload-start`. The event has an
- object with the following properties:
- - `action` - One of the following strings:
- - `success` - When the upload succeeds.
- - `error` - When the upload fails with an error.
- - `payload` - the error or success payload.
-Example code for using the `EventEmitter` to handle a finished file upload:
-const companionApp = companion.app(options);
-const { companionEmitter: emitter } = companionApp;
-emitter.on('upload-start', ({ token }) => {
- console.log('Upload started', token);
- function onUploadEvent({ action, payload }) {
- if (action === 'success') {
- emitter.off(token, onUploadEvent); // avoid listener leak
- console.log('Upload finished', token, payload.url);
- } else if (action === 'error') {
- emitter.off(token, onUploadEvent); // avoid listener leak
- console.error('Upload failed', payload);
- }
- }
- emitter.on(token, onUploadEvent);
-## Frequently asked questions
-### Do you have a live example?
-An example server is running at .
-### How does the Authentication and Token mechanism work?
-This section describes how Authentication works between Companion and Providers.
-While this behaviour is the same for all Providers (Dropbox, Instagram, Google
-Drive, etc.), we are going to be referring to Dropbox in place of any Provider
-throughout this section.
-The following steps describe the actions that take place when a user
-Authenticates and Uploads from Dropbox through Companion:
-- The visitor to a website with Uppy clicks `Connect to Dropbox`.
-- Uppy sends a request to Companion, which in turn sends an OAuth request to
- Dropbox (Requires that OAuth credentials from Dropbox have been added to
- Companion).
-- Dropbox asks the visitor to log in, and whether the Website should be allowed
- to access your files
-- If the visitor agrees, Companion will receive a token from Dropbox, with which
- we can temporarily download files.
-- Companion encrypts the token with a secret key and sends the encrypted token
- to Uppy (client)
-- Every time the visitor clicks on a folder in Uppy, it asks Companion for the
- new list of files, with this question, the token (still encrypted by
- Companion) is sent along.
-- Companion decrypts the token, requests the list of files from Dropbox and
- sends it to Uppy.
-- When a file is selected for upload, Companion receives the token again
- according to this procedure, decrypts it again, and thereby downloads the file
- from Dropbox.
-- As the bytes arrive, Companion uploads the bytes to the final destination
- (depending on the configuration: Apache, a Tus server, S3 bucket, etc).
-- Companion reports progress to Uppy, as if it were a local upload.
-- Completed!
-### How to use provider redirect URIs?
-When generating your provider API keys on their corresponding developer
-platforms (e.g
-[Google Developer Console](https://console.developers.google.com/)), you’d need
-to provide a `redirect URI` for the OAuth authorization process. In general the
-redirect URI for each provider takes the format:
-For example, if your Companion server is hosted on
-`https://my.companion.server.com`, then the redirect URI you would supply for
-your OneDrive provider would be:
-Please see
-[Supported Providers](https://uppy.io/docs/companion/#Supported-providers) for a
-list of all Providers and their corresponding names.
-### How to use Companion with Kubernetes?
-We have a detailed
-on running Companion in Kubernetes.
-### How to add custom providers?
-As of now, Companion supports the
-[providers listed here](https://uppy.io/docs/companion/#Supported-providers) out
-of the box, but you may also choose to add your own custom providers. You can do
-this by passing the `customProviders` option when calling the Uppy `app` method.
-The custom provider is expected to support Oauth 1 or 2 for
-import providerModule from './path/to/provider/module';
-const options = {
- customProviders: {
- myprovidername: {
- config: {
- authorize_url: 'https://mywebsite.com/authorize',
- access_url: 'https://mywebsite.com/token',
- oauth: 2,
- key: '***',
- secret: '***',
- scope: ['read', 'write'],
- },
- module: providerModule,
- },
- },
-The `customProviders` option should be an object containing each custom
-provider. Each custom provider would, in turn, be an object with two keys,
-`config` and `module`. The `config` option would contain Oauth API settings,
-while the `module` would point to the provider module.
-To work well with Companion, the **module** must be a class with the following
-methods. Note that the methods must be `async`, return a `Promise` or reject
-with an `Error`):
-1. `async list ({ token, directory, query })` - Returns a object containing a
- list of user files (such as a list of all the files in a particular
- directory). See [example returned list data structure](#list-data). `token` -
- authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along with your
- request
- - `directory` - the id/name of the directory from which data is to be
- retrieved. This may be ignored if it doesn’t apply to your provider
- - `query` - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case
- some data you need in there).
-2. `async download ({ token, id, query })` - Downloads a particular file from
- the provider. Returns an object with a single property `{ stream }` - a
- [`stream.Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable),
- which will be read from and uploaded to the destination. To prevent memory
- leaks, make sure you release your stream if you reject this method with an
- error.
- - `token` - authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along
- with your request.
- - `id` - ID of the file being downloaded.
- - `query` - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case
- some data you need in there).
-3. `async size ({ token, id, query })` - Returns the byte size of the file that
- needs to be downloaded as a `Number`. If the size of the object is not known,
- `null` may be returned.
- - `token` - authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along
- with your request.
- - `id` - ID of the file being downloaded.
- - `query` - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case
- some data you need in there).
-The class must also have:
-- A unique `static authProvider` string property - a lowercased value which
- indicates name of the [`grant`](https://github.com/simov/grant) OAuth2
- provider to use (e.g `google` for Google). If your provider doesn’t use
- OAuth2, you can omit this property.
-- A `static` property `static version = 2`, which is the current version of the
- Companion Provider API.
-See also
-[example code with a custom provider](https://github.com/transloadit/uppy/blob/main/examples/custom-provider/server).
-#### list data
- // username or email of the user whose provider account is being accessed
- "username": "johndoe",
- // list of files and folders in the directory. An item is considered a folder
- // if it mainly exists as a collection to contain sub-items
- "items": [
- {
- // boolean value of whether or NOT it's a folder
- "isFolder": false,
- // icon image URL
- "icon": "https://random-api.url.com/fileicon.jpg",
- // name of the item
- "name": "myfile.jpg",
- // the mime type of the item. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
- "mimeType": "image/jpg",
- // the id (in string) of the item
- "id": "uniqueitemid",
- // thumbnail image URL. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
- "thumbnail": "https://random-api.url.com/filethumbnail.jpg",
- // for folders this is typically the value that will be passed as "directory" in the list(...) method.
- // For files, this is the value that will be passed as id in the download(...) method.
- "requestPath": "file-or-folder-requestpath",
- // datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) of when this item was last modified
- "modifiedDate": "2020-06-29T19:59:58Z",
- // the size in bytes of the item. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
- "size": 278940,
- "custom": {
- // an object that may contain some more custom fields that you may need to send to the client. Only add this object if you have a need for it.
- "customData1": "the value",
- "customData2": "the value"
- }
- // more items here
- }
- ],
- // if the "items" list is paginated, this is the request path needed to fetch the next page.
- "nextPagePath": "directory-name?cursor=cursor-to-next-page"
-### How to run Companion locally?
-1. To set up Companion for local development, please clone the Uppy repo and
- install, like so:
- ```bash
- git clone https://github.com/transloadit/uppy
- cd uppy
- yarn install
- ```
-2. Configure your environment variables by copying the `env.example.sh` file to
- `env.sh` and edit it to its correct values.
- ```bash
- cp .env.example .env
- $EDITOR .env
- ```
-3. To start the server, run:
- ```bash
- yarn run start:companion
- ```
-This would get the Companion instance running on `http://localhost:3020`. It
-uses [`node --watch`](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#--watch) so it will
-automatically restart when files are changed.
-[box]: /docs/box
-[dropbox]: /docs/dropbox
-[facebook]: /docs/facebook
-[googledrive]: /docs/google-drive
-[googlephotos]: /docs/google-photos
-[googledrivepicker]: /docs/google-drive-picker
-[googlephotospicker]: /docs/google-photos-picker
-[instagram]: /docs/instagram
-[onedrive]: /docs/onedrive
-[unsplash]: /docs/unsplash
-[url]: /docs/url
-[zoom]: /docs/zoom
-[transloadit]: https://transloadit.com
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/box.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/box.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e1407afd..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/box.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-slug: /box
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Box
-The `@uppy/box` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Box](https://www.box.com/en-nl/home) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Box](https://www.box.com/en-nl/home) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Box plugin to work.
-Companion handles authentication with Box, downloads the files, and uploads them
-to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if they
-are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/box
-yarn add @uppy/box
- {`
- import { Uppy, Box } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Box, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Box requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Box from '@uppy/box';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Box, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Box from '@uppy/box';
-uppy.use(Box, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Box from '@uppy/box';
-uppy.use(Box, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-You can create a Box App on the
-[Box Developers site](https://app.box.com/developers/console).
-Things to note:
-- Choose `Custom App` and select the `User Authentication (OAuth 2.0)` app type.
-- You must enable full write access, or you will get
- [403 when downloading files](https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360049195613-403-error-while-file-download-API-Call)
-You’ll be redirected to the app page. This page lists the client ID (app key)
-and client secret (app secret), which you should use to configure Companion.
-The app page has a `"Redirect URIs"` field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-You can only use the integration with your own account initially. Make sure to
-apply for production status on the app page before you publish your app, or your
-users will not be able to sign in!
-Configure the Box key and secret. With the standalone Companion server, specify
-environment variables:
-export COMPANION_BOX_KEY="Box API key"
-export COMPANION_BOX_SECRET="Box API secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- box: {
- key: 'Box API key',
- secret: 'Box API secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/companion-options.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/companion-options.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index a1cc4e0af0..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/companion-options.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-slug: /companion-options
-# Common Companion options
-These are the options common to all Uppy plugins that use Companion.
-## `id`
-A unique identifier for this plugin (`string`, default is a unique ID for each
-## `title`
-Title / name shown in the UI, such as Dashboard tabs (`string`, default is the
-name of the plugin).
-## `target`
-DOM element, CSS selector, or plugin to place the drag and drop area into
-(`string`, `Element`, `Function`, or `UIPlugin`, default:
-## `companionUrl`
-URL to a [Companion](/docs/companion) instance (`string`, default: `null`).
-## `companionHeaders`
-Custom headers that should be sent along to [Companion](/docs/companion) on
-every request (`Object`, default: `{}`).
-## `companionAllowedHosts`
-The valid and authorised URL(s) from which OAuth responses should be accepted
-(`string` or `RegExp` or `Array`, default: `companionUrl`).
-This value can be a `string`, a `RegExp` pattern, or an `Array` of both. This is
-useful when you have your [Companion](/docs/companion) running on several hosts.
-Otherwise, the default value should do fine.
-## `companionCookiesRule`
-This option correlates to the
-[RequestCredentials value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/credentials)
-(`string`, default: `'same-origin'`).
-This tells the plugin whether to send cookies to [Companion](/docs/companion).
-## `locale`
-An object with `strings` property containing additional i18n strings. The key is
-the i18n key and the value is the English string.
- strings: {
- someKey: 'Some English string',
- },
-## `storage`
-A custom storage to be used for the plugin’s persistent data. Type `AsyncStore`,
-default is `LocalStorage`.
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/dropbox.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/dropbox.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a8efc207..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/dropbox.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-slug: /dropbox
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Dropbox
-The `@uppy/dropbox` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Dropbox plugin to
-work. Companion handles authentication with Dropbox, downloads the files, and
-uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially
-helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/dropbox
-yarn add @uppy/dropbox
- {`
- import { Uppy, Dropbox } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Dropbox, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Dropbox requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Dropbox, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';
-uppy.use(Dropbox, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';
-uppy.use(Dropbox, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-You can create a Dropbox App on the
-[Dropbox Developers site](https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create).
-Things to note:
-- Choose the “Dropbox API”, not the business variant.
-- Typically you’ll want “Full Dropbox” access, unless you are absolutely certain
- that you need the other one.
-You’ll be redirected to the app page. This page lists the app key and app
-secret, which you should use to configure Companion as shown above.
-The app page has a “Redirect URIs” field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-You can only use the integration with your own account initially. Make sure to
-apply for production status on the app page before you publish your app, or your
-users will not be able to sign in!
-Configure the Dropbox key and secret. With the standalone Companion server,
-specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_DROPBOX_KEY="Dropbox API key"
-export COMPANION_DROPBOX_SECRET="Dropbox API secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- dropbox: {
- key: 'Dropbox API key',
- secret: 'Dropbox API secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/facebook.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/facebook.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f248a49a..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/facebook.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-slug: /facebook
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Facebook
-The `@uppy/facebook` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Facebook plugin to
-work. Companion handles authentication with Facebook, downloads the files, and
-uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially
-helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/facebook
-yarn add @uppy/facebook
- {`
- import { Uppy, Facebook } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Facebook, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Facebook requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Facebook from '@uppy/facebook';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Facebook, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Facebook from '@uppy/facebook';
-uppy.use(Facebook, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Facebook from '@uppy/facebook';
-uppy.use(Facebook, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-You can create a Facebook App on the
-[Facebook Developers site](https://developers.facebook.com/apps).
-The app page has a “Redirect URIs” field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-You can only use the integration with your own account initially. Make sure to
-apply for production status on the app page before you publish your app, or your
-users will not be able to sign in!
-You need to set up OAuth in your Facebook app for Companion to be able to
-connect to users’ Facebook accounts. You have to enable “Advanced Access” for
-the `user_photos` permission. A precondition of that is “Business Verification”
-which involves setting up a Meta Business Account and submitting documents to
-prove business ownership.
-Configure the Facebook key and secret. With the standalone Companion server,
-specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_FACEBOOK_KEY="Facebook API key"
-export COMPANION_FACEBOOK_SECRET="Facebook API secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- facebook: {
- key: 'Facebook API key',
- secret: 'Facebook API secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive-picker.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive-picker.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4adf4300..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive-picker.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-slug: /google-drive-picker
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Google Drive Picker
-The `@uppy/google-drive` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com) account using the new
-[Picker API](https://developers.google.com/drive/picker). The benefit of using
-this API over the traditional Google Drive API (which the
-[Google Drive plugin](./google-drive.mdx) uses) is that the Picker API requires
-less verification from Google. Drawbacks of the Picker API include less control
-and inability to select folders. See also
-[Google Photos Picker](./google-photos-picker.mdx).
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Google Drive Picker
-plugin to work. Companion downloads the files from Google Drive, and uploads
-them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if
-they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/google-drive-picker
-yarn add @uppy/google-drive-picker
- {`
- import { Uppy, GoogleDrivePicker } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(GoogleDrivePicker, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Google Drive Picker requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Initial setup
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Google Developer Console](https://console.developers.google.com/).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-- On the project’s dashboard, enable the
- [Google Picker API](https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/picker.googleapis.com)
- (for Google Drive).
-- Create an API key.
-- Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID of type Web application with the correct
- Authorized JavaScript origins.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import GoogleDrivePicker from '@uppy/google-drive-picker';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(GoogleDrivePicker, {
- companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com',
- clientId: 'From Google Developer Console',
- apiKey: 'From Google Developer Console',
- appId: 'From Google Developer Console',
- });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GoogleDrivePicker from '@uppy/google-drive-picker';
-uppy.use(GoogleDrivePicker, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- clientId: 'From Google Developer Console',
- apiKey: 'From Google Developer Console',
- appId: 'From Google Developer Console',
-### Use in Companion
-Companion is used to download/upload the picked files. Companion supports this
-plugin out-of-the-box, however it must be enabled in Companion with the
-`enableGooglePickerEndpoint` / `COMPANION_ENABLE_GOOGLE_PICKER_ENDPOINT` option.
-For this plugin, all credentials are public (non-secret) and provided in the
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
-#### `clientId`
-The client ID from the [Initial setup](#initial-setup) (`string`).
-#### `apiKey`
-The API key from the [Initial setup](#initial-setup) (`string`).
-#### `appId`
-The App ID is the project ID which can be found in the URL in the Google
-Developer Console (`string`).
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3d587bb4..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-drive.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-slug: /google-drive
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Google Drive
-The `@uppy/google-drive` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Google Drive plugin
-to work. Companion handles authentication with Google Drive, downloads the
-files, and uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth,
-especially helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/google-drive
-yarn add @uppy/google-drive
- {`
- import { Uppy, GoogleDrive } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(GoogleDrive, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Google Drive requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import GoogleDrive from '@uppy/google-drive';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(GoogleDrive, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GoogleDrive from '@uppy/google-drive';
-uppy.use(GoogleDrive, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GoogleDrive from '@uppy/google-drive';
-uppy.use(GoogleDrive, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Google Developer Console](https://console.developers.google.com/).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-- On the project’s dashboard,
- [enable the Google Drive API](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/enable-drive-api).
-- [Set up OAuth authorization](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/about-auth).
- - Under scopes, add the `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly` Drive
- API scope.
- - Due to this being a sensitive scope, your app must complete Google’s OAuth
- app verification before being granted access. See
- [OAuth App Verification Help Center](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/13463073)
- for more information.
-The app page has a `"Redirect URIs"` field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-Google will give you an OAuth client ID and client secret.
-Configure the Google key and secret in Companion. With the standalone Companion
-server, specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_GOOGLE_KEY="Google OAuth client ID"
-export COMPANION_GOOGLE_SECRET="Google OAuth client secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- drive: {
- key: 'Google OAuth client ID',
- secret: 'Google OAuth client secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos-picker.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos-picker.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 195710dba9..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos-picker.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-slug: /google-photos-picker
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Google Photos Picker
-The `@uppy/google-photos` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Google Photos](https://photos.google.com) account using the new
-[Picker API](https://developers.google.com/photos/picker). The benefit of using
-this API over the traditional Google Photos API (which the
-[Google Photos plugin](./google-photos.mdx) uses) is that the Picker API
-requires less verification from Google. Drawbacks of the Picker API include less
-control and inability to select shared albums. See also
-[Google Drive Picker](./google-drive-picker.mdx).
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Google Photos](https://photos.google.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Google Photos Picker
-plugin to work. Companion downloads the files from Google Photos, and uploads
-them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if
-they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/google-photos-picker
-yarn add @uppy/google-photos-picker
- {`
- import { Uppy, GooglePhotosPicker } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(GooglePhotosPicker, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Google Photos Picker requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Initial setup
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Google Developer Console](https://console.developers.google.com/).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-- On the project’s dashboard, enable the
- [Google Photos Picker API](https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/photospicker.googleapis.com).
-- Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID of type Web application with the correct
- Authorized JavaScript origins.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import GooglePhotosPicker from '@uppy/google-photos-picker';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(GooglePhotosPicker, {
- companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com',
- clientId: 'From Google Developer Console',
- });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GooglePhotosPicker from '@uppy/google-photos-picker';
-uppy.use(GooglePhotosPicker, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- clientId: 'From Google Developer Console',
-### Use in Companion
-Companion is used to download/upload the picked files. Companion supports this
-plugin out-of-the-box, however it must be enabled in Companion with the
-`enableGooglePickerEndpoint` / `COMPANION_ENABLE_GOOGLE_PICKER_ENDPOINT` option.
-For this plugin, all credentials are public (non-secret) and provided in the
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
-#### `clientId`
-The client ID from the [Initial setup](#initial-setup) (`string`).
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6fb39d8e..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/google-photos.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-slug: /google-photos
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Google Photos
-The `@uppy/google-photos` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Google Photos](https://photos.google.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Google Photos](https://photos.google.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Google Photos plugin
-to work. Companion handles authentication with Google Photos, downloads the
-photos/videos, and uploads them to the destination. This saves the user
-bandwidth, especially helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/google-photos
-yarn add @uppy/google-photos
- {`
- import { Uppy, GooglePhotos } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(GooglePhotos, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Google Photos requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import GooglePhotos from '@uppy/google-photos';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(GooglePhotos, {
- target: Dashboard,
- companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com',
- });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GooglePhotos from '@uppy/google-photos';
-uppy.use(GooglePhotos, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import GooglePhotos from '@uppy/google-photos';
-uppy.use(GooglePhotos, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Google Developer Console](https://console.developers.google.com/).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-- On the project’s dashboard,
- [enable the Google Photos API](https://developers.google.com/photos).
-- [Set up OAuth authorization](https://developers.google.com/photos/library/guides/authorization).
-The app page has a `"Redirect URIs"` field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-Google will give you an OAuth client ID and client secret.
-Configure the Google key and secret in Companion. With the standalone Companion
-server, specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_GOOGLE_KEY="Google OAuth client ID"
-export COMPANION_GOOGLE_SECRET="Google OAuth client secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- googlephotos: {
- key: 'Google OAuth client ID',
- secret: 'Google OAuth client secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/instagram.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/instagram.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2521555ef4..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/instagram.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-slug: /instagram
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Instagram
-The `@uppy/instagram` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Instagram](https://instagram.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Instagram](https://instagram.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Instagram plugin to
-work. Companion handles authentication with Instagram, downloads the files, and
-uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially
-helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/instagram
-yarn add @uppy/instagram
- {`
- import { Uppy, Instagram } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Instagram, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Instagram requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Instagram from '@uppy/instagram';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Instagram, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Instagram from '@uppy/instagram';
-uppy.use(Instagram, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Instagram from '@uppy/instagram';
-uppy.use(Instagram, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Instagram Platform from Meta](https://developers.facebook.com/products/instagram/).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-The app page has a `"Redirect URIs"` field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-Meta will give you an OAuth client ID and client secret.
-Configure the Instagram key and secret in Companion. With the standalone
-Companion server, specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_INSTAGRAM_KEY="Instagram OAuth client ID"
-export COMPANION_INSTAGRAM_SECRET="Instagram OAuth client secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- instagram: {
- key: 'Instagram OAuth client ID',
- secret: 'Instagram OAuth client secret',
- },
- },
-### Development
-Among Uppy-supported providers, Instagram is the only provider at the time of
-writing that requires https even in dev mode. So, to test your integration in
-development, you need to use some reverse proxy. The easiest way to do it is to
-use [https://redirectmeto.com](https://redirectmeto.com).
-In your `.env`, set:
-page, in the “Valid OAuth Redirect URIs” field, add
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/onedrive.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/onedrive.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 97084b7419..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/onedrive.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-slug: /onedrive
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# OneDrive
-The `@uppy/onedrive` plugin lets users import files from their
-[OneDrive](https://onedrive.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[OneDrive](https://onedrive.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the OneDrive plugin to
-work. Companion handles authentication with OneDrive, downloads the files, and
-uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially
-helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/onedrive
-yarn add @uppy/onedrive
- {`
- import { Uppy, OneDrive } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(OneDrive, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using OneDrive requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import OneDrive from '@uppy/onedrive';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(OneDrive, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import OneDrive from '@uppy/onedrive';
-uppy.use(OneDrive, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import OneDrive from '@uppy/onedrive';
-uppy.use(OneDrive, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-To sign up for API keys, go to the
-[Azure Platform from Microsoft](https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade).
-Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.
-The app page has a `"Redirect URIs"` field. Here, add:
-If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
-Go to the “Manifest” tab, and find the `"signInAudience"` key. Change it to
-`"signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount"`, and click “Save”.
-Go to the “Overview” tab. Copy the `Application (client) ID` field - this will
-be your Oauth client ID.
-Go to the “Certificates & secrets” tab, and click “+ New client secret”. Copy
-the `Value` field - this will be your OAuth client secret.
-Configure the OneDrive key and secret in Companion. With the standalone
-Companion server, specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_KEY="OneDrive Application ID"
-export COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_SECRET="OneDrive OAuth client secret value"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- onedrive: {
- key: 'OneDrive Application ID',
- secret: 'OneDrive OAuth client secret value',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/unsplash.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/unsplash.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3771f41772..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/unsplash.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-slug: /unsplash
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Unsplash
-The `@uppy/unsplash` plugin lets users import files from their
-[Unsplash](https://unsplash.com) account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files from their
-[Unsplash](https://unsplash.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Unsplash plugin to
-work. Companion handles authentication with Unsplash, downloads the files, and
-uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially
-helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/unsplash
-yarn add @uppy/unsplash
- {`
- import { Uppy, Unsplash } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Unsplash, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Unsplash requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Unsplash from '@uppy/unsplash';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Unsplash, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Unsplash from '@uppy/unsplash';
-uppy.use(Unsplash, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Unsplash from '@uppy/unsplash';
-uppy.use(Unsplash, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-You can create a Unsplash App on the
-[Unsplash Developers site](https://unsplash.com/developers). You’ll be
-redirected to the app page, this page lists the app key and app secret.
-Configure the Unsplash key and secret. With the standalone Companion server,
-specify environment variables:
-export COMPANION_UNSPLASH_KEY="Unsplash API key"
-export COMPANION_UNSPLASH_SECRET="Unsplash API secret"
-When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- providerOptions: {
- unsplash: {
- key: 'Unsplash API key',
- secret: 'Unsplash API secret',
- },
- },
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/url.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/url.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index de342af754..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/url.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-slug: /url
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Import from URL
-The `@uppy/url` plugin allows users to import files from the internet. Paste any
-URL and it will be added!
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import files any URL.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the URL plugin to work.
-This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if they are on a mobile
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-Companion has
-[Server Side Request Forgery](https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/Server_Side_Request_Forgery)
-(SSRF) protections built-in so you don’t have to worry about the security
-implications of arbitrary URLs.
-npm install @uppy/url
-yarn add @uppy/url
- {`
- import { Uppy, Url } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Url, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using `@uppy/url` only requires setup in Uppy.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Url from '@uppy/url';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/url/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Url, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Url from '@uppy/url';
-uppy.use(Url, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Url from '@uppy/url';
-uppy.use(Url, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-Companion supports this plugin out-of-the-box, however it must be enabled in
-Companion with the `enableUrlEndpoint` / `COMPANION_ENABLE_URL_ENDPOINT` option.
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/zoom.mdx b/docs/sources/companion-plugins/zoom.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bac89dc52..0000000000
--- a/docs/sources/companion-plugins/zoom.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-slug: /zoom
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Zoom
-The `@uppy/zoom` plugin lets users import cloud video recordings from their
-[Zoom](https://zoom.com) account. Note that
-[only licensed](https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0063923)
-Zoom accounts can store their recordings in the cloud, so this functionality
-will only be available to users with a paid Zoom account.
-[Try out the live example](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-When you want to let users import cloud video recordings from their
-[Zoom](https://zoom.com) account.
-A [Companion](/docs/companion) instance is required for the Zoom plugin to work.
-Companion handles authentication with Zoom, downloads the files, and uploads
-them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if
-they are on a mobile connection.
-You can self-host Companion or get a hosted version with any
-[Transloadit plan](https://transloadit.com/pricing/).
-npm install @uppy/zoom
-yarn add @uppy/zoom
- {`
- import { Uppy, Zoom } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Zoom, {
- // Options
- })
- `}
-## Use
-Using Zoom requires setup in both Uppy and Companion.
-### Use in Uppy
-```js {10-13} showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import Zoom from '@uppy/zoom';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy()
- .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#dashboard' })
- .use(Zoom, { companionUrl: 'https://your-companion.com' });
-### Use with Transloadit
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Zoom from '@uppy/zoom';
-uppy.use(Zoom, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
-You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between
-everyone using Transloadit.
-To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted
-Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. [Create a Template
-Credential][template-credentials] on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion
-OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want
-to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:
-import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
-import Zoom from '@uppy/zoom';
-uppy.use(Zoom, {
- companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
- companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
- companionKeysParams: {
- credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',
- },
-### Use in Companion
-To sign up for API keys, go through the following steps:
-1. Sign up on [Zoom Marketplace](https://marketplace.zoom.us)
-2. Go to [https://marketplace.zoom.us](https://marketplace.zoom.us). There will
- be a dropdown in the header called “Develop”. From that dropdown, select
- “Build app”.
-3. In the “Basic Information” tab, Zoom shows your new “Client ID” and “Client
- Secret” - copy them.
- With the standalone Companion server, specify environment variables:
- ```shell
- export COMPANION_ZOOM_KEY="Zoom API key"
- export COMPANION_ZOOM_SECRET="Zoom API secret"
- ```
- When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:
- ```js
- companion.app({
- providerOptions: {
- zoom: {
- key: 'Zoom API key',
- secret: 'Zoom API secret',
- },
- },
- });
- ```
-4. In the “Basic Information” tab, set “OAuth Redirect URL” input field to:
- ```
- https://$YOUR_COMPANION_HOST_NAME/zoom/redirect
- ```
- If you are using Transloadit hosted Companion:
- ```
- https://api2.transloadit.com/companion/zoom/redirect
- ```
-5. In the “Scopes” tab, add “cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings” and
- “user:read:user” scopes. If Zoom asks for further permissions when you
- interact with your Zoom integration - add those too.
-## API
-### Options
-#### [Common Companion options...](./companion-options.mdx)
- https://transloadit.com/docs/#how-to-create-template-credentials
diff --git a/docs/user-interfaces/dashboard.mdx b/docs/user-interfaces/dashboard.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d6d4fbd2..0000000000
--- a/docs/user-interfaces/dashboard.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-sidebar_position: 1
-slug: /dashboard
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
-import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-import UppyCdnExample from '/src/components/UppyCdnExample';
-# Dashboard
-The all you need Dashboard — powerful, responsive, and pluggable. Kickstart your
-uploading experience and gradually add more functionality. Add files from
-[remote sources](/docs/companion), [edit images](/docs/image-editor),
-[generate thumbnails](/docs/thumbnail-generator), and more.
-Checkout [integrations](#integrations) for the full list of plugins you can
-[Try out the live example with all plugins](/examples) or take it for a spin in
-## When should I use this?
-There could be many reasons why you may want to use the Dashboard, but some
-could be:
-- when you need a battle tested plug-and-play uploading UI to save time.
-- when your users need to add files from [remote sources](/docs/companion), such
- [Google Drive](/docs/google-drive), [Dropbox](/docs/dropbox), and others.
-- when you need to collect [meta data](#metafields) from your users per file.
-- when your users want to take a picture with their [webcam](/docs/webcam) or
- [capture their screen](/docs/screen-capture).
-## Install
-npm install @uppy/core @uppy/dashboard
-yarn add @uppy/core @uppy/dashboard
- {`
- import { Uppy, Dashboard } from "{{UPPY_JS_URL}}"
- const uppy = new Uppy()
- uppy.use(Dashboard, { target: '#uppy', inline: true })
- `}
-## Use
-```js showLineNumbers
-import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
-import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
-import '@uppy/core/dist/style.min.css';
-import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.min.css';
-new Uppy().use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: '#uppy-dashboard' });
-The `@uppy/dashboard` plugin includes CSS for the Dashboard itself, and the
-various plugins used by the Dashboard, such as
-([`@uppy/status-bar`](/docs/status-bar) and [`@uppy/informer`](/docs/informer)).
-If you also use the `@uppy/status-bar` or `@uppy/informer` plugin directly, you
-should not include their CSS files, but instead only use the one from the
-`@uppy/dashboard` plugin.
-Styles for Provider plugins, like Google Drive and Instagram, are also bundled
-with Dashboard styles. Styles for other plugins, such as `@uppy/url` and
-`@uppy/webcam`, are not included. If you are using those, please see their docs
-and make sure to include styles for them as well.
-## API
-### Options
-#### `id`
-A unique identifier for this plugin (`string`, default: `'Dashboard'`).
-Plugins that are added by the Dashboard get unique IDs based on this ID, like
-`'Dashboard:StatusBar'` and `'Dashboard:Informer'`.
-#### `target`
-Where to render the Dashboard (`string` or `Element`, default: `'body'`).
-You can pass an element, class, or id as a string. Dashboard is rendered into
-`body`, because it’s hidden by default and only opened as a modal when `trigger`
-is clicked.
-#### `inline`
-Render the Dashboard as a modal or inline (`boolean`, default: `false`).
-When `false`, Dashboard is opened by clicking on [`trigger`](#trigger). If
-`inline: true`, Dashboard will be rendered into [`target`](#target) and fit
-right in.
-#### `trigger`
-A CSS selector for a button that will trigger opening the Dashboard modal
-(`string`, default: `null`).
-Several buttons or links can be used, as long as they are selected using the
-same selector (`.select-file-button`, for example).
-#### `width`
-Width of the Dashboard in pixels (`number`, default: `750`). Used when
-`inline: true`.
-#### `height`
-Height of the Dashboard in pixels (`number`, default: `550`). Used when
-`inline: true`.
-#### `waitForThumbnailsBeforeUpload`
-Whether to wait for all thumbnails from `@uppy/thumbnail-generator` to be ready
-before starting the upload (`boolean`, default `false`).
-If set to `true`, Thumbnail Generator will envoke Uppy’s internal processing
-stage, displaying “Generating thumbnails...” message, and wait for
-`thumbnail:all-generated` event, before proceeding to the uploading stage.
-This is useful because Thumbnail Generator also adds EXIF data to images, and if
-we wait until it’s done processing, this data will be available on the server
-after the upload.
-#### `showLinkToFileUploadResult`
-Turn the file icon and thumbnail in the Dashboard into a link to the uploaded
-file (`boolean`, default: `false`).
-Please make sure to return the `url` key (or the one set via
-`responseUrlFieldName`) from your server.
-#### `showProgressDetails`
-Show or hide progress details in the status bar (`boolean`, default: `false`).
-By default, progress in Status Bar is shown as a percentage. If you would like
-to also display remaining upload size and time, set this to `true`.
-`showProgressDetails: false`: Uploading: 45%
-`showProgressDetails: true`: Uploading: 45%・43 MB of 101 MB・8s left
-#### `hideUploadButton`
-Show or hide the upload button (`boolean`, default: `false`).
-Use this if you are providing a custom upload button somewhere, and are using
-the `uppy.upload()` API.
-#### `hideRetryButton`
-Hide the retry button in the status bar and on each individual file (`boolean`,
-default: `false`).
-Use this if you are providing a custom retry button somewhere and if you are
-using the `uppy.retryAll()` or `uppy.retryUpload(fileID)` API.
-#### `hidePauseResumeButton`
-Hide the pause/resume button (for resumable uploads, via [tus](http://tus.io),
-for example) in the status bar and on each individual file (`boolean`, default:
-Use this if you are providing custom cancel or pause/resume buttons somewhere,
-and using the `uppy.pauseResume(fileID)` or `uppy.removeFile(fileID)` API.
-#### `hideCancelButton`
-Hide the cancel button in status bar and on each individual file (`boolean`,
-default: `false`).
-Use this if you are providing a custom retry button somewhere, and using the
-`uppy.cancelAll()` API.
-#### `hideProgressAfterFinish`
-Hide the status bar after the upload has finished (`boolean`, default: `false`).
-#### `doneButtonHandler`
-This option is passed to the status bar and will render a “Done” button in place
-of pause/resume/cancel buttons, once the upload/encoding is done. The behaviour
-of this “Done” button is defined by this handler function, for instance to close
-the file picker modals or clear the upload state.
-This is what the Dashboard sets by default:
-const doneButtonHandler = () => {
- this.uppy.cancelAll();
- this.requestCloseModal();
-Set to `null` to disable the “Done” button.
-#### `showSelectedFiles`
-Show the list of added files with a preview and file information (`boolean`,
-default: `true`).
-In case you are showing selected files in your own app’s UI and want the Uppy
-Dashboard to only be a picker, the list can be hidden with this option.
-See also [`disableStatusBar`](#disablestatusbar) option, which can hide the
-progress and upload button.
-#### `showRemoveButtonAfterComplete`
-Show the remove button on every file after a successful upload (`boolean`,
-default: `false`).
-Enabling this option only shows the remove `X` button in the Dashboard UI, but
-to actually send a request you should listen to
-[`file-removed`](https://uppy.io/docs/uppy/#file-removed) event and add your
-logic there.
-uppy.on('file-removed', (file, reason) => {
- if (reason === 'removed-by-user') {
- sendDeleteRequestForFile(file);
- }
-For an implementation example, please see
-#### `singleFileFullScreen`
-When only one file is selected, its preview and meta information will be
-centered and enlarged (`boolean`, default: `true`).
-Often times Uppy used for photo / profile image uploads, or maybe a single
-document. Then it makes sense to occupy the whole space of the available
-Dashboard UI, giving the stage to this one file. This feature is automatically
-disabled when Dashboard is small in height, since there’s not enough room.
-#### `note`
-A string of text to be placed in the Dashboard UI (`string`, default: `null`).
-This could for instance be used to explain any [`restrictions`](#restrictions)
-that are put in place. For example:
-`'Images and video only, 2–3 files, up to 1 MB'`.
-#### `metaFields`
-Create text or custom input fields for the user to fill in (`Array