This will set up a new multi-master Kubernetes cluster that has
- 3 masters, each master has 2 CPUs and 2 GBs RAM
- 3 workers, each worker has 2 CPUs and 2 GBs RAM
- 1 load balancers, each load balancer has 1 CPU and 1 GB RAM
Before you want to try this on your local, here are requirements
- Your computer must have at least 13 CPUs, 13 GBs RAM
- A public key in .ssh/ in your home directory
- Directly download Virtualbox and install, or use homebrew
brew install --cask virtualbox
- Vagrant
brew install --cask vagrant
- (Optional) Vagrant Manager
brew install --cask vagrant-manager
cd setup-load-balancer-for-kube-apiservers
vagrant up
ansible-playbook -i playbook/load_balancer_inventory.yml playbook/load_balancer_playbook.yml
Let's ssh into the load balancer VM, and check haproxy service status
ssh [email protected]
systemctl status haproxy
ansible-playbook -i playbook/cluster_inventory.yml playbook/cluster_playbook.yml
Let's ssh into the first master VM, and verify the cluster
ssh [email protected]
kubectl get nodes
Download kubeconfig to your local
mkdir ~/.kube-local
scp [email protected]:/home/ci/.kube/config ~/.kube-local/config
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube-local/config && kubectl get nodes
kubectl apply -f
kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
kubectl get pods -l app=nginx