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Amplify Authenticator for Android


Authenticator is a connected UI component in Amplify UI - that is, it is a UI implementation that is built on functionality from the Amplify library. Authenticator uses the Amplify Auth category to implement a UI flow for application sign up, sign in, and reset password.

Running the Sample App

To run the sample application you will need:

Setup your backend

  1. Follow the project setup steps on the Amplify Android documentation if you have not previously set up an AWS profile.
  2. Create an Amplify project using the amplify init command.
  3. Configure your authentication backend using the amplify add auth command. You do not need to follow the subsequent sections starting with Install Amplify Libraries as this is already done in the sample application. Remember to do an amplify push to deploy your backend.

Run the application

  1. Open the root folder in Android Studio to load the project into the IDE.
  2. If you do not have an existing emulator setup, create an Android Virtual Device that will run the app.
  3. Click the run button to build and run the application.

Modify your backend

You can try using different auth configurations to see how Authenticator responds. Some configurations need to be set when the cognito user pool is created, while others can be modified in an existing pool.

Modify an existing user pool

You can modify the existing backend using the amplify update auth CLI command (recommended), or you can use the AWS Cognito Console to modify the user pool settings, followed by running amplify pull to update the local configuration.

Create a new user pool

You can run amplify remove auth followed by amplify add auth to create and start using a new user pool. Note this will delete any existing users you have created, but it will allow changing some configurations such as the username attribute. Remember to do an amplify push to deploy your changes.