it contains two extensions each with its own package type: jrubyJar and jrubyWar
the extension uses the mojos from jruby9-jar-maven-plugin and jruby9-war-maven-plugin
to see the java/jruby command the plugin is using (for example with the verify goal)
mvn verify -Djruby.verbose
to quickly pick another jruby version use
mvn verify -Djruby.version=1.7.20
or to display some help
mvn jruby9-war:help -Ddetail
mvn jruby9-jar:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=generate
it installs all the declared gems and jars from the dependencies section as well the plugin dependencies.
the complete pom for the samples below is in src/it/jrubyJarExample/pom.xml and more details on how it can be executed.
for simplicity the ruby-dsl for maven is used.
extension 'org.torquebox.mojo:jruby9-extensions:0.3.0'
packaging :jrubyJar
extension 'org.torquebox.mojo:mavengem-wagon:0.2.0'
repository :id => :mavengems, :url => 'mavengem:'
properties 'jruby.version' => '1.7.21'
jar 'org.slf4j', 'slf4j-api', '1.7.6'
gem 'leafy-rack', '0.4.0'
gem 'minitest', '5.7.0'
gem 'rspec', '3.3.0'
jar 'org.slf4j', 'slf4j-simple', '1.7.6'
resource :includes => ['test.rb', 'spec/**']
some configuration of the jruby9-war plugin is done via the properties.
extension 'org.torquebox.mojo:jruby9-extensions:0.3.0'
packaging :jrubyWar
extension 'org.torquebox.mojo:mavengem-wagon:0.2.0'
repository :id => :mavengems, :url => 'mavengem:'
properties 'jruby.version' => '1.7.21', 'jruby.war.type' => :jetty
gem 'leafy-complete', '0.4.0'
gem 'sinatra', '1.4.5'
jar 'org.slf4j', 'slf4j-simple', '1.7.6'
resource :includes => [ 'Gemfile*', '', 'app/**' ]