- reversed hori, vert; added Align to hori, vert, stack api
- projectWithAspect added
- computeRangeTick added
- exposed legenedChart, freezeAxes & freezeTicks
- renamed anchor ==> anchoring
- added anchoring, achorTo, numStacks & alignCharts to LegendOptions
- added asChartTree, vertCO, horiCO, stackCO
- added beside, besiseChart
- added Align
- renamed Anchor ==> TextAnchor
- switch to harpie
- numhask upper bound bumped to 0.12
- switch to doctest-parallel
0.6 is a major refactor.
- refactored Chart from a sum type to a named Style, ChartData pair.
- in Chart (..) + chartStyle - style
- introduced ChartData
- integrated the various *Style types to a single type.
- introduced partial data lenses: *Data'
- added chart patterns: *Chart
- blankChart1
- introduced the ScaleP type
- added scaleP to Style
- added the scaleP function
- maybeProjectWith + projectChartDataWith
- scaleStyle - overText + scaleChartData
- scaleRatio
- integrated styles
- colourChart + colourStyle
- Style (..)
- defaultStyle
- scaleStyle
- default*Style
- gpalette -gpalette1
- added safeBox', safeStyleBox'
Factored State out of Hud
- ChartHud lenses removed: canvasBox', canvasStyleBox', hudBox', hudStyleBox'
- Introduced HudChartSection type and hudChartBox' which replaces ChartHud lenses.
- removed runHud
- removed hud effect functionality: closes, fromEffect, applyChartAspect, getHudBox
- new hud manipulation tools: appendHud, makeHuds, projectChartTreeWith, addHud, finalCanvas
Chart.Hud API
- axis + axisHud - title + titleHud - legend + legendHud
- removed placeText
- added flipPlace
- TitleOptions - Title
- TickStyle + Tick
- axisHud + titleHud
- legend - legendFrame
- new tick lenses: + formatN', numTicks', tickExtend'
- In LegendOptions: + scaleChartBy - overallScale + legendSize - size
- In AxisOptions: + adjustments - adjust + axisBar - bar
refactored Priority to a named pair
- added forgetHud
- CssPreferColorScheme + PreferColorScheme
- CssShapeRendering + ShapeRendering
- defaultCssFontFamilies
Integrated chart styles to a single Style type
changed defaults
- defaultXAxisOptions + defaultYAxisOptions - defaultAxisOptions
- defaultGlyphTick + defaultGlyphTickStyleX + defaultGlyphTickStyleY
- defaultTicks + defaultXTicks + defaultYTicks
- defaultTick - defaultTickStyle
- added barTextCharts
- added textShiftVert to BarOptions
- palette - palette1
- paletteO - palette1a
- surfaceLegendChart
- surfaceAxisOptions
- surfaceLegendAxisOptions
- gridReferenceChart
- addSurfaceLegend
- singletonGuard + isSingleton
- test suite removed
- Bumped markup-parse lower bound to >=0.1
- Renamed LegendOptions.content to LegendOptions.legendCharts
- markup* functions now return Markup
- renderStyle added as a MarkupOptions component
- Library split into markup-parse and chart-svg.
- test removed
- Changes due to numhask-0.11 upgrade
- remove broken surface legend
- Markup type introduced, representing an abstract markup DSL that could be described as simplified but non-compliant XML
- Chart.Svg replaced by Chart.Markup & Chart.Markup.Parser
- ChartSvg replaced by ChartOptions
- functionality includes both printing and parsing.
- the rendering pipeline is now ChartOptions => Markup => ByteString
- lucid removed as a dependency.
- tree-diff introduced in the test routines.
- flatparse replaces attoparsec
- string-interpolate replaces neat-interpolation
- Chart type rewritten
- Chart data is no longer a separate element
- charts are monomorphic (underlying data is Double)
- Aligned with prefer-color-scheme usage
- oklab usage as per emerging CSS standards
- chart-reanimate is a separate library
- formatn is a seprate library
- introduced a ChartTree type as a tree of named charts to facilitate downstream usage of classes.
- Changed api for palette
- Changed api for reanimate hooks.
- Rationalised default options.
- Reanimate support. See app/reanimate-example.hs
- Data.Path added: support for Path style charts.
- Chart.Examples expanded
- Improvements to documentation.
- web-rep support removed.
- basic charts