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Hessian-Averaged Newton Methods for Stochastic Optimization
If using NVIDIA GPUs, make sure that any relevant CUDA paths are set first
conda env create -f environment.yml
If the environment fails to build from these instructions, I suggest trying the following sequence, as it worked as recently as July 9, 2024 on a machine with one NVIDIA L40S GPU.
conda create -n hessavg python=3.9.16
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]==0.4.24" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html
pip install torch torchvision matplotlib flax==0.6.9 optax==0.1.7 scipy==1.11.4 orbax-checkpoint==0.4.8
pip install scikit-learn
On Mac arm architecture using conda
, jax
and jaxlib
both need to be downgraded to 0.4.23
for this to work.
The code that accompanies the manuscript was developed in 2022-2023 and builds against older versions of flax
, optax
and related repos such as orbax.checkpoint
. The first version of this repo contains the code that was used to generate the experiments used in the manuscript.
In the future, we plan to update the code to work with more modern neural network codes in jax