Releases: tommyettinger/anim8-gdx
0.1.2 "Not Too Important"
This release is probably unnecessary for most users, and you're almost certainly fine staying with 0.1.1 if you already use it. I mostly wanted to have this release for some of my older code that still used PaletteReducer's paletteMapping
field as public, since it's hard to work around it being private when code already uses it. This does improve the docs a bit, and adds methods to write a PaletteReducer's paletteMapping to a preload file, which could already be loaded, mostly.
Features are otherwise the same as 0.1.1; nothing's been removed. You can use AnimatedGif, AnimatedPNG, and PNG8 with the same methods.
0.1.1, "Done already?"
This is the first release I remembered to put on GitHub but the second on Maven Central. Breaking changes here since the 0.1.0 release are mostly that no IOException
is thrown by most file-writing code, instead choosing to catch the IOException internally and log with the Exception's message with
. This probably isn't a robust way to handle file IO, but forcing user code to handle very rare exceptions seemed... bad... and most code was probably going to handle an IOException by printing it or logging it. Feature changes are mostly that Knoll's pattern dither is now the default, and the original gradient noise dither can be selected or dither eliminated with setDitherAlgorithm()
. The classes that write animations now share an interface, AnimationWriter.
I'm hoping that I won't need to revisit this to fix any bugs, though that's entirely possible. Hopefully I'm done, already!