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File metadata and controls

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Part VI. Metaprogramming 地四部分 元编程

Chapter 19. Dynamic attributes and properties 第十九章 动态属性和特性

The crucial importance of properties is that their existence makes it perfectly safe and indeed advisable for you to expose public data attributes as part of your class’s public interface[186].

— Alex Martelli Python contributor and book author

Data attributes and methods are collectively known as attributes in Python: a method is just an attribute that is callable. Besides data attributes and methods, we can also create properties, which can be used to replace a public data attribute with accessor methods (i.e. getter/setter), without changing the class interface. This agrees with the Uniform access principle:

All services offered by a module should be available through a uniform notation, which does not betray whether they are implemented through storage or through computation[187].


Besides properties, Python provides a rich API for controlling attribute access and implementing dynamic attributes. The interpreter calls special methods such as `__getattr__` and `__setattr__` to evaluate attribute access using dot notation, eg. obj.attr. A user-defined class implementing `__getattr__` can implement “virtual attributes” by computing values on the fly whenever somebody tries to read a nonexistent attribute like `obj.no_such_attribute`.  


Coding dynamic attributes is the kind of metaprogramming that framework authors do. However, in Python the basic techniques are so straightforward that anyone can put them to work, even for everyday data wrangling tasks. That’s how we’ll start this chapter.  


## Data wrangling with dynamic attributes
In the next few examples we’ll leverage dynamic attributes to work with a JSON data feed published by O’Reilly for the OSCON 2014 conference[188].  


Example 19-1. Sample records from osconfeed.json; some field contents abbreviated.  


    { "Schedule":
      { "conferences": [{"serial": 115 }],
        "events": [
          { "serial": 34505,
            "name": "Why Schools Don´t Use Open Source to Teach Programming",
            "event_type": "40-minute conference session",
            "time_start": "2014-07-23 11:30:00",
            "time_stop": "2014-07-23 12:10:00",
            "venue_serial": 1462,
            "description": "Aside from the fact that high school programming...",
            "website_url": "",
            "speakers": [157509],
            "categories": ["Education"] }
        "speakers": [
          { "serial": 157509,
            "name": "Robert Lefkowitz",
            "photo": null,
            "url": "",
            "position": "CTO",
            "affiliation": "Sharewave",
            "twitter": "sharewaveteam",
            "bio": "Robert ´r0ml´ Lefkowitz is the CTO at Sharewave, a startup..." }
        "venues": [
          { "serial": 1462,
            "name": "F151",
            "category": "Conference Venues" }

Example 19-1 shows 4 out of the 895 records in the JSON feed. As you can see, the entire data set is a single JSON object with the key "Schedule", and its value is another mapping with four keys: "conferences", "events", "speakers" and "venues". Each of those four keys is paired with a list of records. In Example 19-1 each list has one record, but in the full dataset those lists have dozens or hundreds of records—except "conferences" which holds just the single record shown. Every item in those four lists has a "serial" field which is a unique identifier within the list.  


The first script I wrote to deal with the OSCON feed simply downloads the feed, avoiding unnecessary traffic by checking if there is a local copy. This makes sense because OSCON 2014 is history now, so that feed will not be updated.  


There is no metaprogramming in Example 19-2, pretty much everything boils down to this expression: json.load(fp), but that’s enough to let us explore the dataset. The osconfeed.load function will be used in the next several examples.  


*Example 19-2. Downloading osconfeed.json. Doctests are in Example 19-3.*  


    from urllib.request import urlopen
    import warnings
    import os
    import json

    URL = ""
    JSON = "data/osconfeed.json"

    def load():
        if not os.path.exists(JSON):
            msg = "downloading {} to {}".format(URL, JSON)
            warnings.warn(msg)   `1`with urlopen(URL) as remote, open(JSON, "wb") as local:   `2`local.write(

        with open(JSON) as fp:
            return json.load(fp)  

`1Issue a warning if a new download will be made.