This repository has the following structure:
├── .github # Pull request and issue templates
├── content # Content for the website
│ ├── banner # Directory with the "slides.yml" file which contains slides for the banner
│ ├── blog-posts # Blog posts
│ ├── community # Raw content with assets for /community/* pages
│ ├── docs # Raw content with assets for /docs/* pages
│ ├── early-adopters # Raw content for the "Early adopters" section on the landing page
│ ├── i18n # Localization files
│ └── roadmap # Raw content with assets for /roadmap/* pages
├── docs # Directory with project-related documents
├── gatsby # Directory with files using the Gatsby API for creating static pages or creating nodes
├── netlify # Sources of lambdas running on the Netlify platform
├── scripts # Scripts used for Continuous Integration. Do not use them locally
├── src # Website's source code
│ ├── common # Various helper functions and types
│ ├── components # Various generic components such as "Button", "Icon", etc.
│ ├── layouts # Custom layouts for pages
│ ├── modals # Custom modals for pages
│ ├── root # Source of the application wrapper
│ ├── sitemetadata # Extractor of metadata for pages
│ ├── types # Types separated by page contexts
│ └── views # Template files for a blog post, documentation page, etc.
├── static # Static content for the website including fonts and images
├── tools # Various tools used in the development process
│ └── content-loader # Tool used to fetch a new documentation version and copy it to the "content/docs" folder
└── config.json # Project's configuration file. For example, it contains languages and site metadata.