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Bee Cycles - Testing details

Table of Contents

  1. User Stories Testing
  2. Manual Testing
  3. Code Validation
  4. Bugs Discovered
  5. Further Testing

User Stories Testing

The following section goes through the user stories identified in the UX section of to check that the site meets those needs.

As a Shopper:

  1. I want to view list of products.
    • Some of the products are visible on home page, but once user clicks on All Products, all products are returned.
  2. I want to view product details so that I can identify price, description, product rating and product image.
    • By clicking on product image, user is being redirected to product details where all details are shown.
    • User can also choose size and quantity of selected product.
  3. I want to easily view total of my purchases at any time.
    • Once user adds product to cart, pop up message appears letting the user know of the action taken, showing mini summary of cart.
    • Also total amount of cart is shown contstantly under cart icon.
  4. I want to sort the list of available products by best rated, price and categorically.
    • Once products are shown, user also have an option to filter by Category and also sort by name and rating, both High-Low and Low-High.
  5. I want to search for a product by name or description.
    • Search bar is located in middle of the navbar, always visible.
    • Searched word will show up once search button is clicked, or enter pressed, also the number of search results is shown clearly beside searched word.
  6. I want to view items in my bag to be puchased.
    • As products are added to cart, mini cart summary is shown in success message.
    • Also by clicking on cart icon, full cart view is visible then.
  7. I want to adjust the quantity of individual items in my bag.
    • Quantity can easily be adjusted while being in cart page by clicking + or - and then clicking on update link.
    • Updated quantity will shown as it is expected.
  8. I want to easily enter my payment information.
    • Short form is placed in checkout page, very few details taken from user, and also there is an option to save these details for the future, so the payment can proceed much faster.
  9. I want to feel my personal and payment information is safe and secure.
    • Stripe is being used to ensure all payment information is safe and secure.
  10. I want to view an order confirmation after checkout.
    • Once payment is succesfull, order summary page is shown to user.
  11. I want to recieve an email confirmation after checking out.
    • While checking order summary above, user will recieve an email also for future reference if necessary.

As a Site User:

  1. I want to easily register/log in/ log out.
    • User icon is contstantly shown in the navigation bar, so the user have no difficulties to find it.
  2. I want to easily recover my password in case I forget it.
    • On click of Forgot Password? on Sign In page, user can input their email address, email will be sent then to them with a link to reset password.
  3. I want to recieve and email confirmation after registering.
    • Once user inputs their email address and password, email will be sent to given email asking user to confirm their email.
  4. I want to have a personalized user profile.
    • User can update their information by clicking on user icon.
    • Order history is shown also in case they require that information.

As a Shop Owner:

  1. I want to add/edit/delete a product.
    • Only when Admin, or in this case owner is logged, Product Managment option appears by clicking on user icon.
    • Owner can add products with only name, description and price being required fields.
    • Once product is added, owner is redirected to that product page.
    • Edit option appears then also on every product.
    • Once edit is done, owner/admin is redirected to edited product.
    • Delete option appears on every product.
    • There is no confirmation when delete is clicked, so owner/admin should be aware of it.

Manual Testing

Below is a detailed account of all the manual testing that has been done to confirm all areas of the site work as expected.

Testing undertaken on desktop

All steps on desktop were repeated in browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge and on two different desktop screen sizes.

Elements on every page
  1. Navbar
    • Clicked each link in the navbar to confirm that it leads to the correct page.
    • Confirm that when logged out the options "Register" and "Login" are visible and that "My Profile" and "Logout" are not.
    • Log into the site, confirm that options "Account" and "Log out" are visible and that "Register" and "Log in" are not.
    • Log in as admin, confirm that user icons changed to ninja icon and "Product Managment" link was added.
    • Added something to cart and confirmed correct ammount is showing under cart icon, also cart icon and amount is bolded once there is item in cart.
    • Removed item from cart to confirm that cart icon and amount is back to normal.
    • Clicked on Bee logo and Bee Cycles logo name to confirm page is brought page to home page.
    • Searched any word to confirm search bar is showing correct results.
  2. Footer
    • Clicked on location, to make sure it connects with google maps and actual shop location.
    • Clicked on email address provided to confirm default mail service will start up with correct subject and email address.
    • Clicked on Bee logo and Bee Cycles logo name to confirm page is brought page to home page.
    • Clicked on social links to confirm it opens correct user social accounts.
  1. Home Carousel
    • Waited couple of seconds to confirm images will change, after that clicked on slider icons, they work as expected.
  2. Categories
    • Hover over categories to confirm zoom in effect is shown.
    • Clicked on each category and confirmed that correct category and products are shown.
  3. New Arrivals and Deals
    • On page reload confirmed that New Arrivals are shown, New Arrivals button is active, and Deals section is hidden.
    • By clicking on Deals button confirmed that Deals products are shown, New Arrivals are hidden and Deals button has an active state.
  1. Category links
    • Click on each category, confirm that correct category is shown.
  2. Sort
    • Sorted by Name and Rating, confirm that both High-Low and Low-High are displaying correctly.
  3. Product count
    • Confirmed that correct product count is shown.
  4. Product details
    • Click each product to confirm product details page is shown.
    • Clicked on size selector and confirmed that correct size is selected.
    • Clicked on quantity, confirm everything works as expected.
    • Clicked on Keep Shopping button, confirm that redirects to products page.
    • Clicked on Add to Cart button, item was added to cart, no issues here.
    • When product was added, success message appeared with mini cart summary as expected.
    • Clicked to Secure Checkout in the pop up message, was succesfully redirected to cart page.
  1. Cart summary
    • Confirm that correct product details(image, description, size, quantity and price) are shown.
    • Confirm that quantity selector works as expected.
    • Delete link removes item from cart as expected.
    • Cart total is shown correctly.
  2. Keep Shopping
    • By clicking on Keep Shopping button I was redirected to products page, as expected.
  3. Secure Checkout
    • By clicking on Secure Checkout button, I was redirected to checkout page, as expected.
  1. Order summary
    • Confirm that correct product details(image, description, size, quantity and price) are shown.
  2. Details form
    • Confirm that form validation is working as expected.
    • Confirmed that "Save this delivery information to my profile" selector works as it should.
  3. Payment
    • Confirm that stripe card validation is working.
  4. Adjust Cart
    • On click on this button, I was redirected to cart page, as expected.
  5. Complete Order
    • Confirm that on click of the button, payment is submitted.
    • Loading spinner appeared as expected.
Order Summary
  1. Order information
    • Confirm that order information is shown as expected.
    • Confirm that user cart session is deleted.
    • Confirmed that email was sent to customer with order summary included.
  2. Checkout our deals button
    • By clicking on the button, I was redirected to products with category deals, no issues here.
  • Confirm that the register form is displayed as expected.
  • Fill in the form with a username already in the database, confirm that the user is informed that they must use a unique username.
  • Fill in the email input with a non-email address, confirm the user is shown an error asking the to use an email address.
  • Fill in the form with two different passwords, confirm the error is caught again and the user is informed of their mistake.
  • Fill in the registration for correctly, confirm that the email is sent to user to confirm email address. Once user confirms email address, message success notification appears notifying user that email is confirmed now and page redirects to Sign In page.
  • Attempt to log in with a username not in the database, confirm the relevant error message is shown.
  • Attempt to log in with a correct username but wrong password, confirm the relevant error message is shown.
  • Log in with a correct username and password, confirm that the user is logged in and that they are redirected home page.
  • Try to return to the login page url when already logged in, confirm that the user is redirected to the home page.
  • Click the "Logout" link in the navigation bar. By clicking on Sign Out, confirm that the user is logged out.
  • Confirm that clicking on Cancel user is redirected to home page.
My Profile
  • Confirm that profile page is displayed correctly.
  • Confirm that order history is shown as it should.
  • Confirm that users information is prepopulated if already filled in.
  • Clicked on Update Information button and confirmed that profile has been updated if so.
  • Message success also appears to notify user of the action taken.
Message notifations
  • Added item to cart and confirmed that mini summary is shown in message success.
  • Deleted item to confirm the message succes appears notifying user of action taken.
  • Edited item to confirm Alert message, works as expected.
  • Searched with no text inside search bar, confirmed Error message.

Testing undertaken on tablet and phone devices

All steps below were repeated to test mobile and tablet specific elements on my Samsung phone and Ipad, using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari. Responsive design was also tested in the Chrome Developer Tools device simulators on all options and orientations.

Elements on every page
  1. Navbar
    • Open the website on mobile, confirm that the navbar is collapsed into a burger icon
    • Click the burger icon, confirm that the navbar list appears as expected.
    • Add something to the cart, confirm that the user shopping cart icon appears as bold and price displays correctly.
  2. Footer
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page, confirm that the footer contents is displayed as expected with the bootstrap grid.
    • No content squashed or squeezed or disproportionate in size.
    • Confirm that all links and buttons in footer are easy to click with a finger on the smallest screen sizes.
  • Confirm that dropdown button with categories appeares and works as expected no matter which category is selected.
  • Confirm that the product list is displayed one on top of each other on mobile, and 3 to a row on tablet.
  • Confirm that all clicks and swipes operate as expected on touch screen.
All pages
  • Navigate to all pages on the site, check that the layout is as expected for the screen size.
  • Check that all buttons, menus, forms and other elements are the correct proportions and easily clickable with a finger.

Code Validation

  • Added prefixes to CSS for different browsers.
  • Couple of errors showed on base.css.
  • Errors appeared because I wanted to override default ul styling as shown on image.
  • Also couple of warnings were shown but all of them were due to prefix vendors.
  • Formatted base.css.

Home Page

  • Had a few errors due to li item being direct child of nav element.
  • Fixed that by wrapping li elements in one ul element and added custom css styling.

Products Page

  • Had a two warnings regarding script type.
  • Fixed that by removing script type from code.

Product Details Page

  • Only one warning regarding script type.
  • Fixed that by removing script type from code.

Cart Page

  • One warning regarding script type.
  • Fixed that by removing script type from code.

Checkout Page

  • No errors there.
  • No errors on checkout-success page.

Add/Edit Page

  • No errors here.

Profile Page

  • No errors.

Sign Up/Login Page

  • No errors.
  • Formatted all HTML files for better indentation.
  • Couple of warnings for undefined variable ("$"), it was reffering to JQuery selector and it can be ignored.
  • Used flake8 to validate python files. Had multiple errors:
    • E501 line too long (92 > 79 characters) Reformatted my code as much as I could, still couple of them left.
    • DJ01 Avoid using null=True on string-based fields such CharField Left this as it is, consider it as warning.
    • F401 module imported but unused Deleted all not used imports.
    • W293 blank line contains whitespace Deleted all left out whitespace.
    • W292 no newline at end of file Added new line where it was necessary.
  • After Flake8, I've decided to double check my .py files in PEP8.
  • Everything seemed fine, apart from couple of warnings for E501 line too long (92 > 79 characters), but as mentioned above, code was reformatted as best I could.

Bugs Discovered

Solved bugs

  1. Scripts not loading
    • All scripts are in {% block postloadjs %}, and I've tried to keep same standard on every page, but scripts were not loading at first when using this block. The issue was fairly simple, I've had to move this block in base.html just before closing body tag, and that fixed this issue.
  2. Country field not showing correctly
    • Country field in checkout page was not displaying correctly, after inspecting item, I've realized that some padding needs to be added to that specific field.
  3. Value error
    • This error appeared while trying to get product images displayed on each card.
    • Fixed that by adding .url. "{{ product.image.url }}" that worked for me in this case.
  4. Categories images not same
    • Could not get category images on home page to be same size with custom styling.
    • To fix had I had to resize them to be same size using windows default tool.
  5. Home carousel overflowing
    • Carousel was overflowing because it was wrapped in row and container, once these classes were removed, there were no issues anymore.
  6. Register
    • By clicking on register link I was getting inconsistency, sometimes it would work and sometimes dont.
    • After checking whole code, I've found a typo, curly bracket was missing at the end of the register link.
  7. Product size
    • On checkout success page, when order summary is displayed, beside product price, product size should be displayed.
    • Fixed this by adding item.product_size instead of item.product.size.
  8. Register/Logout links were not focused correctly and Login/Logout message notifications were not showing on home page
    • After checking inspector, I've found that message is generated.
  • After checking script in base.html, could not find and issue, cause code for calling toast message was there.
  • I've double checked index.html and found out that postloadjs block from base.html was overwritten with code from index.html.
    • Once $(".toast").toast("show"); was added to index.html, everything worked as expected.
  1. Could not send email with order confirmation
    • payment_intent.succeeded on webhook was failing on deployed site, so I've test it out in my local workspace, it was failing as well.
    • Double checked code, to find any potential typo, could not see it until I've spoke with Chris Zielinski from CI, we checked together and on terminal we located possible issue.
    • Once total was replaced with order_total everything workes as it should, email was sent to terminal, and to temp email when tested deployed site.

Further testing:

  • Asked fellow students, friends and family to look at the site on their devices and report any issues they found.