Look for other implementations probably before using this. This is what I created and is usable for my own use.
I would hazard to guess that it is probably unlikely that you do not already have the following modules, but on the off chance this is a new environment you may need to include the following setuptools and requests module.
pip install -r requests.txt
If using Windows the windows does depend on a a development environment support I work with the gnuwin32.sourceforge.net variety. One would expect the MSYS2 distribution would work fine as well.
- make
- rm
I expect you will want build essentials
apt-get install build-essential
The "Package" or wheel can be made using "make"
make clean
make install
please examine the requirements.txt
The tests directory has a number a few tests. The testing modules uses dotenv from python-dotenv. There are a number of way to manage secrets in advance. One needs to choose something that works for you. For testing in this case I choose to stick with dotenv and pull items from the ".env" file. I am just as likely however, to use "keyring", "hvac", or "pykeepass"