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The TIRA Client

This is a python client for Please find the documentation online.

Setup REST Client to Access Non-Public Endpoints

To access non-public endpoints, you will need an authentication via an API key to ensure that you have the correct access credentials. Please generate your API key online at and login your tira client:

tira-cli login --token YOUR-TOKEN-HERE

Download The results of some Submission

You can download runs of published and unblinded submissions via:

from tira.rest_api_client import Client

tira = Client()
output = tira.get_run_output('<task>/<team>/<approach>', '<dataset>')

As an example, you can download all baseline BM25 runs submitted to TIREx via:

from tira.rest_api_client import Client
from tira.tirex import TIREX_DATASETS

tira = Client()

for dataset in TIREX_DATASETS:
    output = tira.get_run_output('ir-benchmarks/tira-ir-starter/BM25 Re-Rank (tira-ir-starter-pyterrier)', dataset)

Overview of public submissions

As an example, you can see all public software submissions submitted to TIREx via:

from tira.rest_api_client import Client

tira = Client()
submissions = tira.all_softwares("ir-benchmarks")

Export datasets

You can export datasets if you are the owner or if the dataset is public. Export a dataset via the cli:

tira-run --export-dataset '<task>/<tira-dataset>' --output-directory tira-dataset

Export a dataset via the python API:

from tira.rest_api_client import Client

tira = Client()
tira.download_dataset('<task>', '<tira-dataset>')

Running Jupyter Notebooks with TIRA

docker build -t tira/submission-base-image:1.0.0 -f Dockerfile .

Testing the model locally can be done using the following command:

tira-run \
  --input-directory ${PWD}/input \
  --output-directory ${PWD}/output \
  --image tira/submission-base-image:1.0.0 \
  --command 'tira-run-notebook --input $inputDataset --output $outputDir /workspace/template-notebook.ipynb'

Afterwards you can push the image to TIRA

docker push tira/submission-base-image:1.0.0

and set the command:

tira-run-notebook --input $inputDataset --output $outputDir /workspace/template-notebook.ipynb

Finally, if the actual processing in notebook is toggled via is_running_as_inference_server() (as seen in the template notebook) and your notebook defines a function named predict in the format

def predict(input_list: List) -> List:

you can start an inference server for your model with:


docker run --rm -it --init \
  -v "$PWD/logs:/workspace/logs" \
  -p $PORT:$PORT \
  tira/submission-base-image:1.0.0 \
  tira-run-inference-server --notebook /workspace/template-notebook.ipynb --port $PORT

Exemplary request for a server running on localhost:8001 are

# POST (JSON list as payload)
curl -X POST -H "application/json" \
  -d "[\"element 1\", \"element 2\", \"element 3\"]" \


# GET (JSON object string(s) passed to the 'payload' parameter)
curl "localhost:8001?payload=\"element+1\"&payload=\"element+2\"&payload=\"element+3\""