- Run Explorer:
node conversation-explorer.js conversations.json
- Run Explorer v2:
node conversation-explorer-v2.js conversations.json
- Analyze Data:
node analyze-conversations.js
- Validate Data:
node conversation-validator.js
- Code Style: JavaScript with CommonJS modules
- Formatting: 2-space indentation, semicolons required
- Naming: camelCase for variables/functions, PascalCase for classes
- UI Components: Use blessed/blessed-contrib for terminal interfaces
- Data Handling: Process JSON data efficiently with streaming where possible
- Performance: Use pagination, lazy loading for large datasets (100MB+)
- Error Handling: Use try/catch blocks for file operations and JSON parsing
- Comments: Document complex algorithms and UI component relationships
- State Management: Use consistent patterns for state updates
- Date Handling: Use moment.js for all date manipulation
- Conversations contain: uuid, name, created_at, updated_at, account, chat_messages
- Messages contain: uuid, text, content array, sender, timestamps, attachments