All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.1 (2024-03-27)
- add a progress bar (49800f6)
- add favicon (dbf9ec1)
- add manual routing to all buttons (7800fd8)
- add poppins as global font (b57882a)
- added remaining api services (6ac3b24)
- api: implement annotate news (c567874)
- api: implement predict news (224af15)
- api: implement submit news (5498238)
- api: integrate fetchAllAnnotationOptions (64ae531)
- create Ai opinion component (525f242)
- create content form component (c9d491e)
- create feed title component (1168551)
- create floating scroll buttons (8ea4091)
- create home page (3b0e59b)
- create login page (b201882)
- create navbar and feed layout (141d1af)
- create predict annotate select component (0d7d219)
- create reusable action button component (395201c)
- create reusable input component (5fb10e9)
- create special css circle (c63c71c)
- create title form component (e085bcb)
- create Url form component (660db4b)
- disable predict (8244ba8)
- implement annotation and logout (415e6ec)
- implement axios skeleton (d0cd56a)
- implement login api integration (027dac3)
- implement login page in next (e3967dc)
- implement screens (873e21f)
- integrate news submission and annotation option fetching (46d73e2)
- react router implemented (d611463)
- redesign action button (b45a733)
- redesign input (2bfe1bf)
- title and content state has been implemented (bbafd8e)
- update favicon (c6390a9)