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Singularity interface

Singularity API


export interface Singularity 


This API requires Source-File 4 to use. The RAM cost of all these functions is multiplied by 16/4/1 based on Source-File 4 levels.


Method Description
applyToCompany(companyName, field) Apply for a job at a company.
checkFactionInvitations() List all current faction invitations.
commitCrime(crime) Commit a crime.
connect(hostname) Connect to a server.
createProgram(program, focus) Create a program.
donateToFaction(faction, amount) Donate to a faction.
getAugmentationCost(augName) Get the price and reputation of an augmentation.
getAugmentationPrereq(augName) Get the pre-requisite of an augmentation.
getAugmentationPrice(augName) Get price of an augmentation.
getAugmentationRepReq(augName) Get reputation requirement of an augmentation.
getAugmentationsFromFaction(faction) Get a list of augmentation available from a faction.
getAugmentationStats(name) Get the stats of an augmentation.
getCharacterInformation() Returns an object with various information about your character.
getCompanyFavor(companyName) Get company favor.
getCompanyFavorGain(companyName) Get company favor gain.
getCompanyRep(companyName) Get company reputation.
getCrimeChance(crime) Get chance to successfully commit a crime.
getCrimeStats(crime) Get stats related to a crime.
getCurrentServer() Get the current server.
getFactionFavor(faction) Get faction favor.
getFactionFavorGain(faction) Get faction favor gain.
getFactionRep(faction) Get faction reputation.
getOwnedAugmentations(purchased) Get a list of owned augmentation.
getStats() Returns an object with the Player’s stats.
getUpgradeHomeCoresCost() Get the price of upgrading home cores.
getUpgradeHomeRamCost() Get the price of upgrading home RAM.
goToLocation(locationName) Go to a location.
gymWorkout(gymName, stat, focus) Workout at the gym.
hospitalize() Hospitalize the player.
installAugmentations(cbScript) Install your purchased augmentations.
installBackdoor() Run the backdoor command in the terminal.
isBusy() Check if the player is busy.
isFocused() Check if the player is focused.
joinFaction(faction) Join a faction.
manualHack() Run the hack command in the terminal.
purchaseAugmentation(faction, augmentation) Purchase an augmentation
purchaseProgram(programName) Purchase a program from the dark web.
purchaseTor() Purchase the TOR router.
setFocus(focus) Set the players focus.
softReset(cbScript) Soft reset the game.
stopAction() Stop the current action.
travelToCity(city) Travel to another city.
universityCourse(universityName, courseName, focus) Take university class.
upgradeHomeCores() Upgrade home computer cores.
upgradeHomeRam() Upgrade home computer RAM.
workForCompany(companyName, focus) Work for a company.
workForFaction(faction, workType, focus) Work for a faction.