In 2013 at the ScipPy conference, I got a preview copy of Modeling Complexity by Maksim Tsvetovat, Alexander Kouznetsov and wanted to try out some of the algorithms presented there. I started with their forest fire model and coded up version in Python with a GUI using Enthought's Traits/TraitsUI. You can see the end result in
. That model and code ended up as the basis for a class I developed and subsequently taught for several years for Enthought on object-oriented programming. You'll see pieces of it if you take their Python Foundations class. I never got around to coding up any of the other examples in the book.
As of 2022, I still haven't updated the code to run in Python 3.
As a long-time Enthoughter, I'm most comfortable working with EDM, although I think the commands are pretty similar for conda
- Clone the repo, using your preferred method.
- Create a Python 2 environment.
$ edm envs create --version '2.7' complexity
- Start a shell in the new environment.
edm shell -e complexity
- Install the dependencies
edm install numpy scipy traitsui chaco pyqt5
- Launch the app
$ python