XXXXXXXX can be replaced by one or more of the following codes
Maximum Vulcans:
Unlimited Vulcans:
Maximum Missiles:
Unlimited Missiles:
Maximum Laser:
Unlimited Laser:
Maximum punch:
Unlimited energy:
8082 bra $7F84 ; Branch Always (bra) - Unconditional jump to the address $7F84. Effectively, this is a forward jump in the program.
78 sei ; Set Interrupt Disable (sei) - Disables all interrupts by setting the Interrupt Disable flag in the status register.
00 brk ; Break (brk) - Forces an interrupt by generating a software interrupt request, similar to a breakpoint.
8F004200 sta $004200 ; Store Accumulator (sta) - Stores the value in the accumulator to the memory location $004200.
A9038F lda #$8F03 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F03.
6600 ror $00 ; Rotate Right (ror) - Rotates the bits of the byte at memory location $00 to the right by one bit.
7EEAEA ror $EAEA,X ; Rotate Right (ror) - Rotates the bits of the byte at memory location $EAEA plus the value of X register to the right.
A9068F lda #$8F06 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F06.
5C007EEA jmp $EA7E00 ; Jump (jmp) - Unconditionally jump to the long address $EA7E00.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
A9038F lda #$8F03 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F03 again.
6A ror A ; Rotate Right Accumulator (ror) - Rotates the bits of the accumulator to the right by one bit.
00 brk ; Break (brk) - Forces an interrupt by generating a software interrupt request.
7EEAEA ror $EAEA,X ; Rotate Right (ror) - Rotates the bits of the byte at memory location $EAEA plus the value of X register to the right.
A919BF lda #$BF19 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $BF19.
60 rts ; Return from Subroutine (rts) - Returns from subroutine to the address stored on the stack.
00 brk ; Break (brk) - Forces an interrupt by generating a software interrupt request.
7EEAEA ror $EAEA,X ; Rotate Right (ror) - Rotates the bits of the byte at memory location $EAEA plus the value of X register to the right.
A9038F lda #$8F03 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F03.
68 pla ; Pull Accumulator (pla) - Pulls (retrieves) a byte from the stack into the accumulator.
00 brk ; Break (brk) - Forces an interrupt by generating a software interrupt request.
7EEAEA ror $EAEA,X ; Rotate Right (ror) - Rotates the bits of the byte at memory location $EAEA plus the value of X register to the right.
A9078F lda #$8F07 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F07.
5E007E lsr $7E00,X ; Logical Shift Right (lsr) - Shifts the bits of the byte at memory location $7E00 plus X register to the right.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
A9038F lda #$8F03 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8F03.
6C007E jmp ($7E00) ; Jump Indirect (jmp) - Jumps to the address contained in memory location $7E00.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
A9B08F lda #$8FB0 ; Load Accumulator with Immediate (lda) - Loads the accumulator with the immediate value $8FB0.
CA dex ; Decrement X Register (dex) - Decreases the value of the X register by one.
147E trb $7E ; Test and Reset Bit (trb) - Tests and resets the bits in the memory location $7E that are set in the accumulator.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
EA nop ; No Operation (nop) - Does nothing, used for timing or alignment.
5C7C8280 jmp $80827C ; Jump Long (jmp) - Jumps unconditionally to the long address $80827C.