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::: {.blurb} [TIDYMODELS]{.tagline}
The tidymodels framework is a collection of packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles.
Install tidymodels with:
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:::: {.band .second} :::: {.bandContent} ::: {.blurb} [LEARN TIDYMODELS]{.tagline}
Whether you are just starting out today or have years of experience with modeling, tidymodels offers a consistent, flexible framework for your work.
{.bookCover fig-alt="Parsnip set your engine, illustrated by Allison Horst"}
::: {.blurb}
What do you need to know to start using tidymodels? Learn what you need in 5 articles, starting with how to create a model and ending with a beginning-to-end modeling case study.
After you are comfortable with the basics, you can learn how to go farther with tidymodels in your modeling and machine learning projects.
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::: {.blurb} [STAY UP TO DATE]{.tagline}
Hear about the latest tidymodels news at the tidyverse blog. ::: :::: ::::