- click note then select the note (774f7c5)
- css on windows (4e6f22c)
- delete tags when delete note (c945ccb)
- delete the tag while deleting a note who is the only one that owns the this tag (f3e7ee9)
- el-overlay z-index (7e7b62d)
- getDomQueryPath filter #text (5aa1dd1)
- getDomQueryPath hasAttribute (d35add2)
- minifeat remove some permissions (12a1b41)
- not create tag if searchtags has this one (020dae4)
- note list css (0ea20b6)
- note note not update (3c6a028)
- notebook empty (c189c2e)
- open page by noteId should jump to the note (14d0751)
- popup is hided in small screen (0950940)
- scoll to center when create the note (e54ee80)
- scrollbar of page disappers (3f5dc31)
- search-filter ignore case (485e157)
- spelling error (d84f5e3)
- storage write not working (bf5827b)
- ui color and opacity (ce48b8a)
- 1.2.0 (3fd60d1)
- delete button put into more opers (c16c3eb)
- demo-dbs (2583f55)
- expand notebook: listing notes by tags (90595d7)
- export notes to json (318a036)
- footer (3e47823)
- footer (ce2e2a7)
- highlight color (48c074a)
- highlight text when selected in a demo page (d4e03fd)
- import notes (74857b1)
- main.ts & main.css (0e98068)
- note-list search (668b406)
- open link brings the note-id so can jump to note also (8f12f19)
- parse dom queryPath (d04a6f4)
- parser folder (89a0440)
- renderer folder (2e5dd50)
- tagbook open autofocus tag searcher (1ff0484)
- types (15eeca7)
- update storage data when switching page or updating url (af77b2b)
- utils (7c63c9d)
- click note then select the note (774f7c5)
- css on windows (4e6f22c)
- delete tags when delete note (c945ccb)
- delete the tag while deleting a note who is the only one that owns the this tag (f3e7ee9)
- getDomQueryPath filter #text (5aa1dd1)
- getDomQueryPath hasAttribute (d35add2)
- minifeat remove some permissions (12a1b41)
- not create tag if searchtags has this one (020dae4)
- note list css (0ea20b6)
- note note not update (3c6a028)
- notebook empty (c189c2e)
- open page by noteId should jump to the note (14d0751)
- scoll to center when create the note (e54ee80)
- scrollbar of page disappers (3f5dc31)
- search-filter ignore case (485e157)
- spelling error (d84f5e3)
- storage write not working (bf5827b)
- ui color and opacity (ce48b8a)
- 1.2.0 (3fd60d1)
- delete button put into more opers (c16c3eb)
- demo-dbs (2583f55)
- expand notebook: listing notes by tags (90595d7)
- export notes to json (318a036)
- footer (3e47823)
- footer (ce2e2a7)
- highlight color (48c074a)
- highlight text when selected in a demo page (d4e03fd)
- import notes (74857b1)
- main.ts & main.css (0e98068)
- note-list search (668b406)
- open link brings the note-id so can jump to note also (8f12f19)
- parse dom queryPath (d04a6f4)
- parser folder (89a0440)
- renderer folder (2e5dd50)
- tagbook open autofocus tag searcher (1ff0484)
- types (15eeca7)
- update storage data when switching page or updating url (af77b2b)
- utils (7c63c9d)
- click note then select the note (774f7c5)
- delete tags when delete note (c945ccb)
- delete the tag while deleting a note who is the only one that owns the this tag (f3e7ee9)
- getDomQueryPath filter #text (5aa1dd1)
- getDomQueryPath hasAttribute (d35add2)
- minifeat remove some permissions (12a1b41)
- not create tag if searchtags has this one (020dae4)
- note list css (0ea20b6)
- note note not update (3c6a028)
- notebook empty (c189c2e)
- open page by noteId should jump to the note (14d0751)
- scoll to center when create the note (e54ee80)
- search-filter ignore case (485e157)
- spelling error (d84f5e3)
- ui color and opacity (ce48b8a)
- 1.2.0 (3fd60d1)
- delete button put into more opers (c16c3eb)
- demo-dbs (2583f55)
- expand notebook: listing notes by tags (90595d7)
- export notes to json (318a036)
- footer (3e47823)
- footer (ce2e2a7)
- highlight color (48c074a)
- highlight text when selected in a demo page (d4e03fd)
- main.ts & main.css (0e98068)
- note-list search (668b406)
- open link brings the note-id so can jump to note also (8f12f19)
- parse dom queryPath (d04a6f4)
- parser folder (89a0440)
- renderer folder (2e5dd50)
- tagbook open autofocus tag searcher (1ff0484)
- types (15eeca7)
- update storage data when switching page or updating url (af77b2b)
- utils (7c63c9d)
- click note then select the note (774f7c5)
- delete tags when delete note (c945ccb)
- delete the tag while deleting a note who is the only one that owns the this tag (f3e7ee9)
- getDomQueryPath filter #text (5aa1dd1)
- getDomQueryPath hasAttribute (d35add2)
- minifeat remove some permissions (12a1b41)
- not create tag if searchtags has this one (020dae4)
- note note not update (3c6a028)
- notebook empty (c189c2e)
- open page by noteId should jump to the note (14d0751)
- scoll to center when create the note (e54ee80)
- search-filter ignore case (485e157)
- spelling error (d84f5e3)
- ui color and opacity (ce48b8a)
- delete button put into more opers (c16c3eb)
- demo-dbs (2583f55)
- export notes to json (318a036)
- footer (ce2e2a7)
- highlight color (48c074a)
- highlight text when selected in a demo page (d4e03fd)
- main.ts & main.css (0e98068)
- note-list search (668b406)
- open link brings the note-id so can jump to note also (8f12f19)
- parse dom queryPath (d04a6f4)
- parser folder (89a0440)
- renderer folder (2e5dd50)
- tagbook open autofocus tag searcher (1ff0484)
- types (15eeca7)
- update storage data when switching page or updating url (af77b2b)
- utils (7c63c9d)