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207 lines (158 loc) · 6.01 KB


File metadata and controls

207 lines (158 loc) · 6.01 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning starting with version 0.2.0.

[Unreleased] - master


This version is not yet released and is under active development.

This is a major version change. Make sure to take a look at the migrations guide in the documentation for advice on how to update existing projects.


  • --debug and --verbose flags to scripts (,, to set the log level
  • support for story cycles when using checkpoints
  • added a new machine learning policy SklearnPolicy that uses an sklearn classifier to predict actions (logistic regression by default)
  • warn if action emits events when using a model that it did never emit in any of the stories the model was trained on
  • support for event pushing and endpoints to retrieve the tracker state from the server
  • Timestamp to every event


  • rewrite of the whole FB connector: replaced pymessenger library with fbmessenger
  • story file utterance format changed from * _intent_greet[name=Rasa] to * intent_greet{"name": "Rasa"} (old format is still supported but deprecated)
  • persist action names in domain during model persistence
  • improved travis build speed by not using miniconda
  • don't fail with an exception but with a helpful error message if an utterance template contains a variable that can not be filled



  • proper evaluation of stories with checkpoints
  • proper visualisation of stories with checkpoints
  • fixed float slot min max value handling
  • fixed non integer feature decoding, e.g. used for memoization policy
  • properly log to specified file when starting Rasa Core server

[0.7.9] - 2017-11-29


  • visualisation using Networkx version 2.x
  • add output about line of failing intent when parsing story files

[0.7.8] - 2017-11-27


  • Pypi readme rendering

[0.7.7] - 2017-11-24


  • log bot utterances to tracker


  • documentation improvements in README
  • renamed interpreter argument to rasa core server

[0.7.6] - 2017-11-15


  • moodbot example train command in docs

[0.7.5] - 2017-11-14


  • "sender_id" (and "DEFAULT_SENDER_ID") keyword consistency issue #56


  • improved moodbot example - more nlu examples as well as better fitting of dialogue model

[0.7.4] - 2017-11-09


  • added method to tracker to retrieve the latest entities #68

[0.7.3] - 2017-10-31


  • parameter to specify font size when rendering story visualization


  • fixed documentation of story visualization

[0.7.2] - 2017-10-30


  • added facebook bot example
  • added support for conditional checkpoints. a checkpoint can be restricted to only allow one to use it if certain slots are set. see docs for details
  • utterance templates in domain yaml support buttons and images
  • validate domain yaml and raise exception on invalid file
  • run script to load models and handle messages from an input channel


  • small dropout in standard keras model to decrease reliance on exact intents
  • a LOT of documentation improvements


  • fixed http error if action listen is not confirmed. #42

[0.7.1] - 2017-10-06


  • issues with restart events. They created wrong a messed up history leading to wrong predictions

[0.7.0] - 2017-10-04


  • support for Rasa Core usage as a server with remote action execution


  • switched to max code line length 80
  • removed action id - use instead. if an action implementation overrides the name, it should include the action_ prefix (as it is not automatically added anymore)
  • renamed rasa_dm.util to rasa_dm.utils
  • renamed the whole package to rasa_core (so rasa_dm is gone!)
  • renamed Reminder attribute id to name
  • a lot of documentation improvements. docs are now at
  • use hashing when writing memorized turns into persistence - requires retraining of all models that are trained with a version prior to this
  • changed agent.handle_message(...) interface for easier usage

[0.6.0] - 2017-08-27


  • support for multiple policies (e.g. one memoization and a Keras policy at the same time)
  • loading domains from yaml files instead of defining them with python code
  • added an api layer (called Agent) for you to use for 95% of the things you want to do (training, persistence, loading models)
  • support for reminders


  • large refactoring of code base

[0.5.0] - 2017-06-18


  • ScoringPolicy added to policy implementations (less strict than standard default policy)
  • RasaNLUInterpreter to run a nlu instance within dm (instead of using the http interface)
  • more tests


  • UserUtterance now holds the complete parse data from nlu (e.g. to access attributes other than entities or intent)
  • Turn has a reference to a UserUtterance instead of directly storing intent & entities (allows access to other data)
  • Simplified interface of output channels
  • order of actions in the DefaultPolicy in possible_actions (ActionListen now always has index 0)


  • RedisTrackerStore checks if tracker is stored before accessing it (otherwise a None access exception is thrown)
  • RegexInterpreter checks if the regex actually matches the message instead of assuming it always does
  • str implementation for all events
  • Controller can be started without an input channel (e.g. messages need to be fed into the queue manually)

[0.2.0] - 2017-05-18

First released version.