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Tianshou's Mujoco Benchmark

We benchmarked Tianshou algorithm implementations in 9 out of 13 environments from the MuJoCo Gym task suite[1].

For each supported algorithm and supported mujoco environments, we provide:

  • Default hyperparameters used for benchmark and scripts to reproduce the benchmark;
  • A comparison of performance (or code level details) with other open source implementations or classic papers;
  • Graphs and raw data that can be used for research purposes[2];
  • Log details obtained during training[2];
  • Pretrained agents[2];
  • Some hints on how to tune the algorithm.

Supported algorithms are listed below:



$ python --task Ant-v3

Logs is saved in ./log/ and can be monitored with tensorboard.

$ tensorboard --logdir log

You can also reproduce the benchmark (e.g. SAC in Ant-v3) with the example script we provide under examples/mujoco/:

$ ./ Ant-v3

This will start 10 experiments with different seeds.

Example benchmark

Other graphs can be found under /examples/mujuco/benchmark/

Offpolicy algorithms


  1. In offpolicy algorithms (DDPG, TD3, SAC), the shared hyperparameters are almost the same, and unless otherwise stated, hyperparameters are consistent with those used for benchmark in SpinningUp's implementations (e.g. we use batchsize 256 in DDPG/TD3/SAC while SpinningUp use 100. Minor difference also lies with start-timesteps, data loop method step_per_collect, method to deal with/bootstrap truncated steps because of timelimit and unfinished/collecting episodes (contribute to performance improvement), etc.).
  2. By comparison to both classic literature and open source implementations (e.g., SpinningUp)[1][2], Tianshou's implementations of DDPG, TD3, and SAC are roughly at-parity with or better than the best reported results for these algorithms, so you can definitely use Tianshou's benchmark for research purposes.
  3. We didn't compare offpolicy algorithms to OpenAI baselines benchmark, because for now it seems that they haven't provided benchmark for offpolicy algorithms, but in SpinningUp docs they stated that "SpinningUp implementations of DDPG, TD3, and SAC are roughly at-parity with the best-reported results for these algorithms", so we think lack of comparisons with OpenAI baselines is okay.


Environment Tianshou (1M) SpinningUp (PyTorch) TD3 paper (DDPG) TD3 paper (OurDDPG)
Ant 990.4±4.3 ~840 1005.3 888.8
HalfCheetah 11718.7±465.6 ~11000 3305.6 8577.3
Hopper 2197.0±971.6 ~1800 2020.5 1860.0
Walker2d 1400.6±905.0 ~1950 1843.6 3098.1
Swimmer 144.1±6.5 ~137 N N
Humanoid 177.3±77.6 N N N
Reacher -3.3±0.3 N -6.51 -4.01
InvertedPendulum 1000.0±0.0 N 1000.0 1000.0
InvertedDoublePendulum 8364.3±2778.9 N 9355.5 8370.0

* details[4][5][6]


Environment Tianshou (1M) SpinningUp (Pytorch) TD3 paper
Ant 5116.4±799.9 ~3800 4372.4±1000.3
HalfCheetah 10201.2±772.8 ~9750 9637.0±859.1
Hopper 3472.2±116.8 ~2860 3564.1±114.7
Walker2d 3982.4±274.5 ~4000 4682.8±539.6
Swimmer 104.2±34.2 ~78 N
Humanoid 5189.5±178.5 N N
Reacher -2.7±0.2 N -3.6±0.6
InvertedPendulum 1000.0±0.0 N 1000.0±0.0
InvertedDoublePendulum 9349.2±14.3 N 9337.5±15.0

* details[4][5][6]

Hints for TD3

  1. TD3's learning rate is set to 3e-4 while it is 1e-3 for DDPG/SAC. However, there is NO enough evidence to support our choice of such hyperparameters (we simply choose them because SpinningUp do so) and you can try playing with those hyperparameters to see if you can improve performance. Do tell us if you can!


Environment Tianshou (1M) SpinningUp (Pytorch) SAC paper
Ant 5850.2±475.7 ~3980 ~3720
HalfCheetah 12138.8±1049.3 ~11520 ~10400
Hopper 3542.2±51.5 ~3150 ~3370
Walker2d 5007.0±251.5 ~4250 ~3740
Swimmer 44.4±0.5 ~41.7 N
Humanoid 5488.5±81.2 N ~5200
Reacher -2.6±0.2 N N
InvertedPendulum 1000.0±0.0 N N
InvertedDoublePendulum 9359.5±0.4 N N

* details[4][5]

Hints for SAC

  1. SAC's start-timesteps is set to 10000 by default while it is 25000 is DDPG/TD3. However, there is NO enough evidence to support our choice of such hyperparameters (we simply choose them because SpinningUp do so) and you can try playing with those hyperparameters to see if you can improve performance. Do tell us if you can!
  2. DO NOT share the same network with two critic networks.
  3. The sigma (of the Gaussian policy) should be conditioned on input.
  4. The deterministic evaluation helps a lot :)

Onpolicy Algorithms


  1. In A2C and PPO, unless otherwise stated, most hyperparameters are consistent with those used for benchmark in ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail.
  2. Gernally speaking, by comparison to both classic literature and open source implementations (e.g., OPENAI Baselines)[1][2], Tianshou's implementations of REINFORCE, A2C, PPO are better than the best reported results for these algorithms, so you can definitely use Tianshou's benchmark for research purposes.


Environment Tianshou (10M)
Ant 1108.1±323.1
HalfCheetah 1138.8±104.7
Hopper 416.0±104.7
Walker2d 440.9±148.2
Swimmer 35.6±2.6
Humanoid 464.3±58.4
Reacher -5.5±0.2
InvertedPendulum 1000.0±0.0
InvertedDoublePendulum 7726.2±1287.3
Environment Tianshou (3M) SpinningUp (VPG Pytorch)[7]
Ant 474.9+-133.5 ~5
HalfCheetah 884.0+-41.0 ~600
Hopper 395.8+-64.5* ~800
Walker2d 412.0+-52.4 ~460
Swimmer 35.3+-1.4 ~51
Humanoid 438.2+-47.8 N
Reacher -10.5+-0.7 N
InvertedPendulum 999.2+-2.4 N
InvertedDoublePendulum 1059.7+-307.7 N

* details[4][5]


  1. Following Andrychowicz, Marcin, et al, we downscale last layer of policy network by a factor of 0.01 after orthogonal initialization.
  2. We choose "tanh" function to squash sampled action from range (-inf, inf) to (-1, 1) rather than usually used clipping method (As in StableBaselines3). We did full scale ablation studies and results show that tanh squashing performs a tiny little bit better than clipping overall, and is much better than no action bounding. However, "clip" method is still a very good method, considering its simplicity.
  3. We use global observation normalization and global rew-to-go (value) normalization by default. Both are crucial to good performance of REINFORCE algorithm. Since we minus mean when doing rew-to-go normalization, you can treat global mean of rew-to-go as a naive version of "baseline".
  4. Since we do not have a value estimator, we use global rew-to-go mean to bootstrap truncated steps because of timelimit and unfinished collecting, while most other implementations use 0. We feel this would help because mean is more likely a better estimate than 0 (no ablation study has been done).
  5. We have done full scale ablation study on learning rate and lr decay strategy. We experiment with lr of 3e-4, 5e-4, 1e-3, each have 2 options: no lr decay or linear decay to 0. Experiments show that 3e-4 learning rate will cause slowly learning and make agent step in local optima easily for certain environments like InvertedDoublePendulum, Ant, HalfCheetah, and 1e-3 lr helps a lot. However, after training agents with lr 1e-3 for 5M steps or so, agents in certain environments like InvertedPendulum will become unstable. Conclusion is that we should start with a large learning rate and linearly decay it, but for a small initial learning rate or if you only train agents for limited timesteps, DO NOT decay it.
  6. We didn't tune step-per-collect option and training-num option. Default values are finetuned with PPO algorithm so we assume they are also good for REINFORCE. You can play with them if you want, but remember that buffer-size should always be larger than step-per-collect, and if step-per-collect is too small and training-num too large, episodes will be truncated and bootstrapped very often, which will harm performance. If training-num is too small (e.g., less than 8), speed will go down.
  7. Sigma of action is not fixed (normally seen in other implementation) or conditioned on observation, but is an independent parameter which can be updated by gradient descent. We choose this setting because it works well in PPO, and is recommended by Andrychowicz, Marcin, et al. See Fig. 23.


Environment Tianshou (3M) Spinning Up(Pytorch)
Ant 5236.8+-236.7 ~5
HalfCheetah 2377.3+-1363.7 ~600
Hopper 1608.6+-529.5 ~800
Walker2d 1805.4+-1055.9 ~460
Swimmer 40.2+-1.8 ~51
Humanoid 5316.6+-554.8 N
Reacher -5.2+-0.5 N
InvertedPendulum 1000.0+-0.0 N
InvertedDoublePendulum 9351.3+-12.8 N
Environment Tianshou (1M) PPO paper A2C PPO paper A2C + Trust Region
Ant 3485.4+-433.1 N N
HalfCheetah 1829.9+-1068.3 ~1000 ~930
Hopper 1253.2+-458.0 ~900 ~1220
Walker2d 1091.6+-709.2 ~850 ~700
Swimmer 36.6+-2.1 ~31 ~36
Humanoid 1726.0+-1070.1 N N
Reacher -6.7+-2.3 ~-24 ~-27
InvertedPendulum 1000.0+-0.0 ~1000 ~1000
InvertedDoublePendulum 9257.7+-277.4 ~7100 ~8100

* details[4][5]

Hints for A2C

  1. We choose clip action method in A2C instead of tanh option as used in REINFORCE simply to be consistent with original implementation. tanh may be better or equally well but we didn't have a try.
  2. (Initial) learning rate, lr decay, step-per-collect and training-num affect the performance of A2C to a great extend. These 4 hyperparameters also affect each other and should be tuned together. We have done full scale ablation studies on these 4 hyperparameters (more than 800 agents have been trained). Below are our findings.
  3. step-per-collect / training-num are equal to bootstrap-lenghth, which is the max length of an "episode" used in GAE estimator and 80/16=5 in default settings. When bootstrap-lenghth is small, (maybe) because GAE can look forward at most 5 steps and use bootstrap strategy very often, the critic is less well-trained leading the actor to a not very high score. However, if we increase step-per-collect to increase bootstrap-lenghth (e.g. 256/16=16), actor/critic will be updated less often, resulting in low sample efficiency and slow training process. To conclude, If you don't restrict env timesteps, you can try using larger bootstrap-lenghth and train with more steps to get a better converged score. Train slower, achieve higher.
  4. The learning rate 7e-4 with decay strategy is appropriate for step-per-collect=80 and training-num=16. But if you use a larger step-per-collect(e.g. 256 - 2048), 7e-4 is a little bit small for lr because each update will have more data, less noise and thus smaller deviation in this case. So it is more appropriate to use a higher learning rate (e.g. 1e-3) to boost performance in this setting. If plotting results arise fast in early stages and become unstable later, consider lr decay first before decreasing lr.
  5. max-grad-norm didn't really help in our experiments. We simply keep it for consistency with other open-source implementations (e.g. SB3).
  6. Although original paper of A3C uses RMSprop optimizer, we found that Adam with the same learning rate worked equally well. We use RMSprop anyway. Again, for consistency.
  7. We noticed that the implementation of A2C in SB3 sets gae-lambda to 1 by default for no reason, and our experiments showed better results overall when gae-lambda was set to 0.95.
  8. We found out that step-per-collect=256 and training-num=8 are also good settings. You can have a try.


Environment Tianshou (1M) ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail PPO paper baselines spinningup(pytorch)
Ant 3258.4+-1079.3 N N N ~650
HalfCheetah 5783.9+-1244.0 ~3120 ~1800 ~1700 ~1670
Hopper 2609.3+-700.8 ~2300 ~2330 ~2400 ~1850
Walker2d 3588.5+-756.6 ~4000 ~3460 ~3510 ~1230
Swimmer 66.7+-99.1 N ~108 ~111 ~120
Humanoid 787.1+-193.5 N N N N
Reacher -4.1+-0.3 ~-5 ~-7 ~-6 N
InvertedPendulum 1000.0+-0.0 N ~1000 ~940 N
InvertedDoublePendulum 9231.3+-270.4 N ~8000 ~7350 N
Environment Tianshou (3M) Spinning Up(Pytorch)
Ant 4079.3+-880.2 ~3000
HalfCheetah 7337.4+-1508.2 ~3130
Hopper 3127.7+-413.0 ~2460
Walker2d 4895.6+-704.3 ~2600
Swimmer 81.4+-96.0 ~120
Humanoid 1359.7+-572.7 N
Reacher -3.7+-0.3 N
InvertedPendulum 1000.0+-0.0 N
InvertedDoublePendulum 9231.3+-270.4 N

* details[4][5]

Hints for PPO

  1. Following Andrychowicz, Marcin, et al Sec 3.5, we use "recompute advantage" strategy, which contributes a lot to our SOTA benchmark. However, I personally don't quite agree with their explanation about why "recompute advantage" helps. They stated that it's because old strategy "makes it impossible to compute advantages as the temporal structure is broken", but PPO's update equation is designed to learn from slightly-outdated advantages. I think the only reason "recompute advantage" works is that it update the critic several times rather than just one time per update, which leads to a better value function estimation.
  2. We have done full scale ablation studies of PPO algorithm's hyperparameters. Here are our findings: In mujoco settings, value-clip and norm-adv may help a litte bit in some games (e.g. norm-adv helps stabilize training in InvertedPendulum-v2), but they make no difference to overall performance. So in our benchmark we do not use such tricks. We validate that setting ent-coef to 0.0 rather than 0.01 will increase overall performance in mujoco environments. max-grad-norm still offers no help for PPO algorithm, but we still keep it for consistency.
  3. Andrychowicz, Marcin, et al's work indicates that using gae-lambda 0.9 and changing policy network's width based on which game you play (e.g. use [16, 16] hidden-sizes for actor network in HalfCheetah and [256, 256] for Ant) may help boost performance. Our ablation studies say otherwise: both options may lead to equal or lower performance overall in our experiments. We are not confident about this claim because we didn't change learning rate and other maybe-correlated factors in our experiments. So if you want, you can still have a try.
  4. batch-size 128 and 64 (default) work equally well. Changing training-num alone slightly (maybe in range [8, 128]) won't affect performance. For bound action method, both clip and tanh work quite well.
  5. In OPENAI implementations of PPO, they multiply value loss with a factor of 0.5 for no good reason (see this issue). We do not do so and therefore make our vf-coef 0.25 (half of standard 0.5). However, since value loss is only used to optimize critic network, setting different vf-coef should in theory make no difference if using Adam optimizer.


[1] Supported environments include HalfCheetah-v3, Hopper-v3, Swimmer-v3, Walker2d-v3, Ant-v3, Humanoid-v3, Reacher-v2, InvertedPendulum-v2 and InvertedDoublePendulum-v2. Pusher, Thrower, Striker and HumanoidStandup are not supported because they are not commonly seen in literatures.

[2] Pretrained agents, detailed graphs (single agent, single game) and log details can all be found here.

[3] We used the latest version of all mujoco environments in gym (0.17.3 with mujoco==, but it's not often the case with other benchmarks. Please check for details yourself in the original paper. (Different version's outcomes are usually similar, though)

[4] ~ means the number is approximated from the graph because accurate numbers is not provided in the paper. N means graphs not provided.

[5] Reward metric: The meaning of the table value is the max average return over 10 trails (different seeds) ± a single standard deviation over trails. Each trial is averaged on another 10 test seeds. Only the first 1M steps data will be considered, if not otherwise stated. The shaded region on the graph also represents a single standard deviation. It is the same as TD3 evaluation method.

[6] In TD3 paper, shaded region represents only half of standard deviation.

[7] Comparing Tianshou's REINFORCE algorithm with SpinningUp's VPG is quite unfair because SpinningUp's VPG uses a generative advantage estimator (GAE) which requires a dnn value predictor (critic network), which makes so called "VPG" more like A2C (advantage actor critic) algorithm. Even so, you can see that we are roughly at-parity with each other even if tianshou's REINFORCE do not use a critic or GAE.